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Supports M Mcdonald 810303 Request to Advance NRC Scheduled Completion Date of Facility.Schedule Advance Would Reduce Potential Increases in Electric Rates from Use of Other Fuels
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/1981
From: Foss E
To: Hendrie J
NUDOCS 8104150524
Download: ML17209A948 (2)


Prof. Edwar 6706 N.

Margate, Mr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Chairman F ~.> < ~es Nuclear Regulatory Commission Q~

1717 H Street, Ng W, Washington, D. C 20555

Dear Nr. Hendrie,

Chairman'IQ This is to support the March 3, 1981 l request of Florida Power and Light Company, Board Chairman, Mr. Marshall Mc.Donald, to advance the NRC's scheduled completion date of PPEcL's St. Lucie g2.plant, of December, 1983. This requested action and resultant earlier "on-line" operation, would greatly reduce the potential of additional increases in electric rates from unneeded fuel oil and interest.=. on an idle facility.

My ~resent basis for this supporting request, is as a consumer of both electric power..and petroleum products; but, also, a past 40 years of per-sonal and business associations with Northeast utilities and staffs.

'These include the New England Power System, the three major State of Maine electric utilities, and for the past 30 years, the N.Y.S. Electric Utilities. These associations were a part of my former activities as a graduate of, and later Instructor of Agr. Engineering at The University of N. H.; Extension Agricultural Engineer: at the University of Maine, Dept.

and Professor at Cornell Universities'.Y.S, College of Agriculture, of Agricultural Engineering.

have been ~directl involved in both the ~safet of workers in both in-dustry as well as Agriculture, and also the many advantages in theto appli-cation of moderate cost electric power, light, heat and controls Agri-culture and the Home. From 1975-80, I initiated and taught a 2 credit, upper level undergraduate course on 'Safety and Accident Prevention', and have been a Consultant in this and related fields for many years.

In Maine, as Ext. Agr. Eng., I became involved with the motors projected use by in new re-farmers of 3 phase line extensions> use was for larger frigerated storages (apples) and for the off-season operation of small on-farm mills to produce wooden apple boxes from White Pine. I also chair-ed a State Labor-Saving Caravan to encourage the application of electricity for improved ventilation of dairy barns, poultry houses, and potato stor-ages, lighting, mechanical equipment, etc'.

I fully believe the the advent of 'Electricity Rationing', by the Maine Service Co. in Pall and Winter cf1907,was a result of reduced;,

Pub-'ic hydro-generating capacity on the Aroostock River, ( a severe drouth which also led to the Presidential Declared "Maine Pire. Disasterf). They Commer- had to reduce day-time service, and chose to implement it with pleas for hours on - one hour off";

cial customers to work nights; otherwise: "Twopotatoes in including all farmers who stored and graded (which were all 'of%arm'). I was deluged with phone calls, but

'Track-side'torages no! manufacturer at that time sold a small to moderate size 'stand-by',

~without'he engine'et,every farmer had several idle tractors. Shortly thereafter, several companies started and have continuedalternate manufacture.

Maine PSC, of coursei required earliest installation of power, which I followed - 10,000 KW from 4 Nordberg Marine Diesels a compared to present equipment.

'relic'oday, In New york State, in 1960, Extension I was asked to take on, as a part-time act-ity, activities of a State Safety Specialist. Shortly afterward, the Kennedy Cuban Missle= Crisis led to the Defense Department funding.

each state Coop. Extension Service for a "Nuclear Safety".

y6'0 Slo.4>5o 5/1- g g

-e The Dean, followingj eqc8nveepation relative . the on-going Safety,,

asked j.f' pwoul'djij3;akegtpis on! I, thus, attended a "Crash" I

Activities, Course at Oak Ridge., Thi.'"s relations&p placed me with the N.Y.S Civil Defense Division, and~'so kthe N'.Y)S.)-USDA Emergency Board, 'tied in with i

State staff <<of FmHA".(SCSvwAS'C~S" ea'nd-Regional (Govt)staff 's. There was, of .

course, much C. D. ~Prepar'e'dness ef~fo'rtst however, there was interest in a I4H Nuclear Energy Project, so wi,th~qa lot of help from our Vet.

Biology Dept!iStaff<gaOAH Youth Project was develoyed with Colleges'adiation various levels of irridid4ed'~'seeds, appropriate literature, etc For a relatively few years, it was .active.


About $ years:ago, when more con-cern about reactor safety came along, with help from Rochester Gas Ec Elec-tric, State Kaalth, State Civil Defense, farm organizations< milk companies, etc. a 'test'xercise was set up to provide the rapid movement of informa-tion from RG8cE's, Nuclear Station to milk plants so that incoming milk from cows on pasture, down-wind, could be routed to cheese plants, so that in the aging process, the rapidly decaying Iodine particles would, in a relatively short time not be daqgzeus.. (Ihope my memory is not tm far off). ~

Also, during the 70's, I became increasingly disturbed by " ~oz our I

'Radical" Cornell Staff - pro Environment, who were  :.~gaimg to 'warp'he

. thinking and, thus publication of our $ 6 county Extension Service "Monthly News" papers or magazines, To provide a truthful" background on the pro-posed. improved 765KV Electric Grid system for NYS, I researched, wrote, illustrated, and secured a great deal of help from the Utilities, for an Agr. Engineering Bulletin No. 417 "Projected Electric Power Transmission Lines for N.Y.ST for the Continuing Need for More Electric Power",

The first 100+ mile link of this system was completed about 3 years ago, to bring low-cost"Quebec-Hydro Electric Power from Nassina, N.Y. to Marcy

'(outside of Utica) for use, mostly, by Con, Ed., N.Y,C.- for the 7 month Air Conditioning Load., I- wrote this last item as an "American Society of Agricultural Engineers" "Paper" which was delivered in 1979, also using selected slides from the NYS Power Pool Office. The meeting was held at the University of Manitoba; a great deal of help was secured from the j N.Y.S. Power Authority.

Sorry for the overly long letter, but I thought dence to, not only ~m it might help lend cre-interest, but also, my continuing desire to assist both consumers and utilities in securing and wisely using moderate cost electric power.

1 Sincerely, Edward N. Foss e

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