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Proposed Tech Spec Changes 1.1-3.2.3.,for Quad-Cities Facility
Person / Time
Site: Dresden, Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/01/1979
Shared Package
ML17174A103 List:
NUDOCS 7911060368
Download: ML17174A108 (6)




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The safety limits established to preserve the fuel . The limiting safety system settings appiy to trip cladding integrity apply to* those variallles which settings of the instruments and devices which are.

monitor the fuel thermal behavior. provided to prevent the fuel cladding integrity safety limits from peing exceeded.

Objective: Ohjecth*e:

The objective of the safety limits is to establish The objective of the limiting safety system settings limits below which the integrity of the fuel cladding is to define the level of the process variables at whi<:h is preserved. automatic protective action is initiated to prevent the fuel cladding integrity safety limits from being exceeded.

  • SPECIFICATIONS A. . Reactor Pressure > 800 psia and Core Flow A. Neutron Flux Trip Settings

> 10% of Rated The existence of a minimum critical power The limiting safety system trip settings shall be ratio ( MCPR) less than 1.06 shall constitute as specified below: .

violation of the fuel cladding integrity safety I. APRM Flux Scram Trip .Setting (Run.



B. Core Thermal Power Limit (neactor Pressure When the reactor mode switch is in the*

s 800 psig) Run position. the APRM flux scram setting shall be as shown in Figure When the reactor pressure is s 800 psig or

.2.1-1 and shall be:

  • core flow rs less .than 10% of rated, the core thermal power shall not exceed 25% of rated Ss (0.58WD + 62) (LTPF/TPF) '

thermal power.

with a maximum setpoint of 120% for .

core flow equal to 98 x 10' lb/hr and C. Power Transient greater.

I. The neutron flux shall not exceed the where:

scram setting established in Specifica-tion 2.1.A for longer than 1.5 seconds S = setting in percent of rated as indicated by the process computer. power

2. When the process computer is out of Wo . = percent of drive flow r~

service, this safety iimit shall be as- quircd to produce a rated core flow of c* sumed to be exceeded if the neutron flux exceeds the scram Sl!tting estab-lished by Specilication 2.1.A and a 98 million I b/ hr.

TPF = LTPr unkss thl* rnmhination of power and peak LHG R is a hove the:

coritrpl rod scram does not occur.

1.1I2. 1- t


l D. Reactor Water Level (Shutdown Condition) curve in Figure 2.1-2, at which point the actual peaking factor value shall be Whenever the reactor is in 1he shutdown condi-used.

tion with irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel, the water level shall not be less than that corre-L TPF = 3. 06 ( 7 x 7 fuel assemblies) sponding to 12 inches ahove the top of the

3. 03 ( 8 x 8 fuel assemhlies) active fuel when it is seated in the core.
2. APRM Flux Scram Trip Setting (Re-fueling or Stariup and Hot Standby Mode)

When the reactor mode switch is in. the Refuel or Startup Hot Standby posi-tion, the APRM scram shall be set at less than or equal to

  • 15% of rated neutron flux.
  • IRM Flux Scram Trip Setting The IRM flux scram setting shall be set at less than or- equal to . 120/ 125 of full scale.
4. When the reactor mode switch is in the startup or run position, the -reactor sh*a11 not be . operated in the natural circula-tion flow mode.

B. APRM Rod Block Setting The APRM rod block setting shall be as shown in Figure 2.1-1 and shall be: *

' SS (0.58Wn + 50) (LTPF/TPF)

The definitions* used above for the APRM scram trip apply.

C. Reactor low water level scram setting shall be C!: 143 inches above the top of the active fuel at normal operating conditions.

D. Reactor low water level ECCS initiation shall be 83 inches ( + 4 inches/-0 inch) above the fop of the active fuel at normal operating conditions.

E. Turbine stop valve scram shall be s 10% valve closure from full open.

G. Main steam line isolation valve closure scram shall be s 10% v.alve closure from full open.


H. Main steamline low-prl'SSUre initi;1tilln or main


steamline isolation valve closure shall be

? 850 psig.

1.1 /2.1-2


. DPR-30

"' 130 120 110 APRM FLG1.~



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TABLE 3.2-3.

INSTRUMENTATION THAT INITIATES ROD BLOCK Minimum Number of Operable or Tripped Instrument Channels per Trip System1I) Instrument Trip Level Setting 2 APRM upscale (flow bias~n ~.sawn + SO_J  :-1 TPF LTPF ( .2).: '

2 APRM upscale (Refuel and Startup/Hot sl2/125 full scale Standby model 2 APRM downscalem ~3/125 full scale Rod block monitor upscale (flow biaslm Rod block monitor downscalem 0.65Wn + 42( 2 )

~31125 full scale I

3 IRM downscale 13i 181 ~31125 full scale 3 IRM upsc~lei 81 s 108/ 125 full scale 2(5l SRM detector not in Startup position1 41 ~2 feet below core center-line 3 IRM detector not in Startup positiqn18l ~2 feet below core center-line I 2'51 (6) SRM upscale sl0 5 counts/sec


2'5) SRM downscale191 ~ 102 counts/sec High water level in scram discharge volume s25 gallons

  • Notes I. For the Startup/Hot Standby and Run positions of the reactor mode selector switch, there shall be two operable or tripped trip systems for each function exce*pt.

the SRM rod blocks. IRM upscale and IRM downscale need not be operable in the Run position, APRM downscale, APRM upscale (flow biased), RBM upscale. and RSM downscale need not be operable in the Startup/Hot Standby mode. II the lirst column cannot be met for one ol the 'two trip systems, this condition may exist for up to 7 days provided that during that time the operable system is functionally t.ested immediately and daily thereafter; if this condition lasts longer than 7 days the system shall be tripped. II the first column cannot be met for both trip systems. the systems shall be tripped.

2. WD is the react01 recirculation loop How in percent. Trip level setting is in percent of rated power (2511 MWtl.
3. IRM downscale may be bypassed when it is on its lowest range.
4. This function is bypassed when the count rate is ~100 CPS.
5. One of the four SRM inputs may be bypassed.
6. This SRM function may be bypassed in the higher IRM ranges (ranges 8. 9, and 10) when the IRM upscale rod block is operable.

7.* Not.required to be operable while performing low power physics tests at atmospheric pressure during or alter refueling at powar levels not to exceed 5 MWt:

8. This IRM function occurs when the reactor mode switch is in the Refuel or Startup/Hot Standby position.
9. This trip is bypassed when the SRM is fully inserted.
