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SRM-M150521A-2 - Acknowledgement Letter to Petitioner, Friends of the Earth 2.206 Petition Based on Commission Memorandum and Order CLI-15-14
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/12/2016
From: Bill Dean
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Ayres R
Ayres Law Group
Regner L, NRR/DORL/LPL4-1
CAC MF6443, CAC MF6444, CLI-15-14, SRM-M150521A-2
Download: ML16084A717 (12)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 April 12, 2016 Mr. Richard Ayres Attorney for Friends of the Earth Ayres Law Group, LLP 1707 L Street, NW., Suite 850 Washington, DC 20036

Dear Mr. Ayres:

On August 26, 2014, you filed, on behalf of Friends of the Earth (FOE), a Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing (Petition) concerning Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP). Within this Petition, FOE asserted concerns about DCPP's operational safety and ability to safely shut down in the event of a nearby earthquake. The Commission referred those concerns to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) Executive Director for Operations (ED0) 1 for consideration under the regulations of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (1 O CFR)

Section 2.206, "Requests for Action Under this Subpart." The EDO then referred these concerns to the NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for consideration under 10 CFR 2.206.

On two occasions, the NRC offered FOE opportunities to address the Petition Review Board (PRB), which was established to review the FOE concerns referred to the EDO from the Commission, as discussed above. In response, on September 30, 2015, and February 8, 2016, you provided written submissions on behalf of FOE to the PRB in lieu of FOE addressing the PRB in person or via telephone (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Package No. ML15226A316).

Based on the information described above, the PRB has decided to accept the FOE concerns referred to the EDO by the Commission for consideration under the 10 CFR 2.206 process because these concerns meet the criteria provided in Management Directive 8.11, "Review Process for 10 CFR 2.206 Petitions."

Following the regulations of 10 CFR 2.206, the NRC will take action on your request within a reasonable time. I have assigned Lisa Regner, Seriior Licensing Project Manager, and Margaret Watford, Licensing Project Manager, to be the petition managers for the FOE concerns that the NRC is reviewing under 10 CFR 2.206. The Mechanical and Civil Engineering Branch in the Division of Engineering within the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation is reviewing the technical merits of the FOE concerns that the Commission referred to the EDO, and the supplemental written submissions FOE sent to the PRB. I have enclosed for your information a copy of the notice that the NRC will file with the Office of the Federal Register for publication. On August 6, 2015, you were sent by e-mail a copy of Management Directive 8.11, "Review Process for 10 CFR 2.206 Petitions" (ADAMS Accession 1 Memorandum and Order CLl-15-14, dated May 21, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15141A084).

R. Ayers No. ML15226A312). I have enclosed the associated brochure NUREG/BR-0200, "Public Petition Process," with this letter (ADAMS Accession No. ML050900248).

I would like to express my appreciation to FOE for bringing these matters to the attention of the NRC. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lisa Regner at, 301-415-1906; or Ms. Margaret Watford at, 301-415-1233.



Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499


1. Federal Register Notice
2. NUREG/BR-0200, "Public Petition Process" cc: Mr. Edwin D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company Diablo Canyon Power Plant P.O. Box 56, Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Listserv




[Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323; NRC-2016-xxxx]

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Request for action; receipt.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is giving notice that Friends of the Earth (FOE or petitioner) filed a Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing concerning Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) on August 26, 2014, asserting, in part, its concerns about DCPP's operational safety and ability to safely shut down in the event of a nearby earthquake.

The Commission referred those concerns to the NRC's Executive Director for Operations (EDO) for consideration. The petitioner's requests are included in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document.

ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2016-xxxx when contacting the NRC about the availability of information regarding this document. You may obtain publicly-available information related to this document using any of the following methods:

  • Federal Rulemaking Web Site: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2016-xxxx. Address questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher; telephone: 301-415-3463; e-mail: For technical questions, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this document.
  • NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS):

You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the ADAMS Public Documents collection at To begin the search, select "ADAMS Public Documents" and then select "Begin Web-based ADAMS Search." For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or by e-mail to The ADAMS accession number for each document referenced (if that document is available in ADAMS) is provided the first time that a document is referenced.

  • NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public documents at the NRC's PDR, Room 01-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa M. Regner, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001; telephone:

301-415-1906, e-mail: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

On August 26, 2014, FOE filed a Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing (Petition) concerning DCPP (ADAMS Package Accession No. ML15226A316). Within this Petition, FOE asserted concerns about DCPP's operational safety and ability to safely shut down. The Commission referred those concerns to the NRC's ED0 1 for consideration under the regulations of title 1O of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) section 2.206, "Requests for Action Under 1 Memorandum and Order CLl-15-14, dated May 21, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15141A084).


this Subpart." The EDO then referred these concerns to the NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for consideration under 10 CFR 2.206.

On two occasions, the NRC offered the petitioner opportunities to address the Petition Review Board (PRB), which was established to review the concerns referred to the EDO from the Commission, as discussed above. In response, on September 30, 2015, and February 8, 2016, FOE's attorney provided written submissions on behalf of FOE to the PRB in lieu of FOE addressing the PRB in person or via telephone (ADAMS Package Accession No. ML15226A316).

Based on the information described above, the NRC has decided to accept the petitioner's concerns referred to the EDO by the Commission for consideration under the 10 CFR 2.206 process because these concerns meet the criteria provided in Management Directive 8.11, "Review Process for 10 CFR 2.206 Petitions."

Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 12th day of Af>ril2016.

/;J//id::ission William M. Dean, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.



Introduction hdorc the PRB mcch tu discu:-.~ thr Aftc1 r1.x~*j\ ing a rcLJuc..,t, NRC lkrermine..., Director's Decision The U.S. Nuclear Regulatnr)' Commis~ion pLtilio1L The :-.econd opportunity come~ whL'ther the re4uc'1 qual1fie:-. a.., a 2.206 The NRc*.., official re~pon\t:: to a 2.206 pt'lit1011 (NRC) was established in 1975 10 protect after lhl' PRB ha1, di:-.Cl1:-. . . cd the merih of petition. If tht' reque ... 1 i" acct:ptcd for rn il'\\

j..., a Vvritten Jcci~ion h\ the din.*ctor of the>

the petition and alhw.... the petitioner to a;; J 2.206 petition, the NRC '>t..'nlh .tn public health anJ safety in the civilian U\C nf adowwkdt:metH ktll'J lo thL' pe1111u1i..:-r and .i .1pprnpriatc office that addr~:-,sc:.. the cunccrn~

nuclear power and matt'riab in the United comment nn the PRB':-. n.:commcndatiom rai.'>L'd in thi: pc1ition. The ageni..*) *s goal j.., to regarding acceptance of the petition and cop)' to the appropriate liCl'lbt'L and ruhJi\hl'"

States. As part of its rc<.;pon\ihilitic\, NRC iv.;uc a propo:-.ed deci:..i()n for comment \'l:ithin as\esst's a11 potential health and -;afct) L'>:-.uc~ any rc4ut'""' for immcdi.tfl' aL*tion a notilT in the Ft:derul Rc~f\ln. II the fL'<.JllL>!

h not acccpll'J. NR(

  • nutific" tlw pctititmer ut I ~Oday_.,, from lht: datt: of the acknowkdl.!mcnt related to licensed acti\ itic ..., and encourage~ Otfr1 ill!! .in oppu1 tunJ!) flll a ..,ta ft kttcr. Howe\ er, additional time may bL- n:'cJL'd ih decir,;ion and i11d1L*a1c ... that the> 1w1i1lont:r *...,

members of the puhlic to hnng -.,afrt) i"s~11? . . pctit1onn-liccn . . cc meet inf! to di'>l'U'><.. tlw to conduct an inve<.;tigation. complete :in tn its attention under!) ing -.afct) L'1HlLL'flh >,\ 111 hl' ~*on-.idl'! t'd detail.\ uf the j..,..,uc duriniz thl~ ._\1ur'>t' nl in..,pe\.:tion. or anal)/t' particularly compln oubide the 2.~06 prnl't"

Section 2.206 of r1tle 10 of the Code t~/

the rnIL'\\

  • technical i~"tk':-.. If the goal i~ mit rneL the NRC ff.*deral Rer.?ltlatiom ( 10 CTR 2.206) de\crih1..*~

On the ba-.,1:. ol an L\ !!1l* pt'l1ti11n ... 1aff \\ill promptly inform the pctitinm'r ut .1 Prn\idm~ h,*11t'1, morL' frl'LJUL'llt rommu-the petitirn~ proce\i.,-----thc primary mechani..,n1 lhe appropriatl' oft it..:l' dirl'L'lllr i. . -.u~ .. d Ut*ci-.,Jon "l:hcduk d1ang.:

nicatiPn.., hL'l\\l'L'll lhl' ..,taff anJ pl'tilionei and. it warr<1nted. NRC tai..,:, appr11pri.tlL' for the puhli1.: to requc'\t enforcem~nt al'tinn lhrnu~h11ut the- pruct~"-" rhc direL"lor> dCCl'1lllll include:- lhL' l'.Of,)rcc1nL*nt <Klitm l'hnmeh( 11J1!hl:1..'\ .1lu11tit in hy NRC in a public pnKT.._.., ..~ Thi~ proce-.' rm)fr..,..,il'llal ... tan*..., l'\aluatinn of all pcrt1nt'Jl!

permits anyone to petition NRC tu tak.c Pw\ 1di11~ cop1e.., ol all pertinent pct1tiPn prncc""* NRC ..,enJ.., ._*nrL,, nt ,ill p1.*rtincn1 1nfilrtll.lli1in hi1m thc pclllHHl. c1Jrrnpondt'I1l'l' cnforct'ment action rl'lated fl) ~RC liccn ... cc-; rl'iatL'd corrc ... plmdcncL and nthe1 Joe corn::.,pondenl..'c IP lhl' PL'lilitHln and tht'

\\ ith thl..' pl'lll11nwr anU th(" lil'L'lht'l' unll'nh tn lhl' pl'litill\lt'f" affrctcd lilTll">Ce '.\RC plan*, all rL'l,ttt'd or liccn\cd activitit.*-.. lkpending on the rc\ult-.. rnforn1ati11n !rorn am met'tine. re~ult.'-1 of an\

l'OJTe:-.p(llldt"nce in it-.. Puhlic Document Room of ih evaluatinn. ~RC could mod if). ~u~pt:nd. Prn\ iding a 1..:opy u! till' prnpo..,l*d im l'~tigation or in;pl'ctiun.~ and any Plhe.1 (PDRJ 111 RoL*~,ille. ~\'1anland <11HI in the or re\oJ...r an NRC-i:..sul'd liccn:-c or take am. <lirn:tor* :-. d-.'n:-.ion un the petition. hnth lt1 dPL'LlllWllh rcl,1k'd tu petition i.. :-.uc .... Ful!1l\\ ing a~l'Tll'\ d1)n1mc111 control ~\"ilem Ho\\.l'\t"L other appropriate cnforccml'nt action t~i till* pctitionL*r and tht.' affl'clcd licen..,ee ft n re . . nlu!i11n u! :111\ comment... 1-c*ceivetl on the tl;c a~~llL'Y \\JthhoJd..., infon.ll.tli11n th.11 \\Ouh!

n:~olvc a prohkm. Requests thal 1ai~c health u11nn1l'nf-.,, and ui11~idcrm!:! \Lil h commL'nl'> piopo:..ed dcci..,i(,111. lhe directtir\ deci:-.iun i" l'11mpromi:-.c an in\t>li~at1un ur 011gnrn~

and st.1frty j..,~th.'" "ithout requesting ht~frnc 1:-.-.,uJ11~ the dc~*i..,it~n in final form t'nlnrccmcnt actiun rclatin!! to l"'lll'., in tht' pnl\ Jdcd 111 ttlL' pl'litinnt'I and the liccn..,cL'. and enforcement actrnn arl' H'\ in\ l'.d h\ mL*an-.. h pn'>tl'd 1t1 NRc*.., wch ... ill' anJ maLk a\ ail.ibk petition The :'\R( * ;i]..,~l \t';ld:.. thl' pditinne1 other than the 2 206 prol'l'"" "' 111 tht: PDR /\ notice of availahili!\ j, other inlurn1at1t111 ,u,*h <.1-., [Wrlllll'lll :,.:i..*1icri'"

I hl' Petition Prot*css puhlt"hl*d 111 thc !-td,*111l lfrgl\N1 ,

In ih cffo1t to 1mpron: puhlic confidence. tht' k*tti..'l" and bulletin-,

NRC periodical!; rca:-.:..e:..:..e ... Lhe 2.206 retitiun ThL* 2.206 p1rn. *c"." pro\ 1Jc..., a ... 1mple. dfrcti\L I >m:ct11r*, dcL*i-..1on\ llU\ hL* '""11ed ,1.., fn!!,1i.\ . .

'I he J\RC lll1litiL'..., thL' pl'11l101h..'l Pt till' p1.*t11i1lll*,

prnces~ tn cnharn.:e its cffccti\Tm".;:... tirnelinc..,.., flll'chani ... m f(Jr ~lll)lHlL' lli rLquc..,t L'nhircenlL'll\ '>!atLh e\'LT) 60 da)-.. *l! lllorl' i'll'ljUt'lltly If d *\ dt..'u ... H111 pant1nC! a pctllillll, m !u!l.

and credihilit). A.., part of thesl' rl'as~e..,..;mcni.... aL"tion and 11hta111 '.':RC'" prnmpt. thorough.

'ignificant ac!Hin lln"Llr". Montlil: upddll'.., 011 c\plain . . . thL' ha"i' ftir tht.' dL'1.:io.;i11n and the NRC "~eks feedliack from pctitwncr.., and ~11H.l oh,1ecti\e l'\'aluation of underlying safct) all pend mg 2.20(1 pctit1Pth an: a\ :iil.ihk 1ir1 µr..tnh the action rL'LJUC'>ted in the pcli!ion other "ta"-cholder:- through puhlic meeting:.., i...~ue.., It j-., :-eparate and Jistinct from thl' Nl{(".., v.cb :-itc at http://\\\\ v..nrc.~j (c.µ., ~RC i":-.uing an order to modi!"~.

and work...hop.'-1. :-urvcy' and f'edera{ Regi\*10 proce,,,..,e:-, for and lkcn~ing.

notice:... a'\ \1,.-*ell a:.. frum its o\-' n :-.ta fl read in i; -rm/t.ll>l"-C1ll IL'L'tion:../pcti ti lllh ~06i -.u..,pL'll<l. or rt'\'OkL' ;i lict:n"L' l.

although the) ton allow lhe puhlic tn rai\c 111d~\JllinJ. and in ttw PDR.

cxperiencl' SpccifiL' improvement:-. to the ..,afct) cont L'rn.., to NRC A dc1..*1-..Hlll t.l~ny in~ a petition. 111 tu!L 2.206 pro<.:c:..~ n~:-,ulting from the"e iniiiati\c .. provide.., th;: rea~nn for the denial .md include: l "ndcr th1..* 2.206 proi..*i..*:-..s. thi: petitioner ~ubmit... Petition Technical Rr,ie\\ .\treting di:..Cll'>">C.'-1 all rnatlt'.1" ra1 ... ed in the pLtitil'!l a requc...r in \Hiting to NRC'.., Executive

  • Offering petitioner~ two opportunitic:-. h.1 A petltitHl tedmical rn il'\V mce1rng "l'!Ye~ nor Director fo1 Opcratiori.... identifying the  ;\ dc-ci'>ion granting .t pt'tilJllll. in pan. in discus:.. the pctitiun with the NRC':. only a.., a source l1l potenli.111) \ ,duahlt' affected licen'.->ee or lin~n:..ed activily, thL' <.:a"e" where the NRC decide ... not to 2ran!

petilion review board (PRB). The fir~t i<.. information for NRC to evalu.tll' <.1 2.206 the action re4tH."'~ll*d. but take.., l;the1 rcquc~ted cnfon.:cnlL'nl c.u.:tion lo he taken. and lo allow the petitioner to pro\idc petitinn. hut aho afford.., tht? pelitioncr appropriate enfon.:cment action or dm:ct'>

the fach the petitioner hl'lic\*e.., provide elaboration an<l clarification of the petition ~ub~tantive invoh't"l1lt'lll in lhe fC'\ iev. anJ

-.ufficient grnunds for NRC to take thi.: to lake ccnain action~ that decision-making procc..,.., through direct adt.lre..,.., the identified safety concern..;.

enfun.:cmcnt action. Unsupported a:-.:-.ations of discus'\ions with NRC and the licensee Such

.. ,afety prnhlcm..;." general oppo:-.ition to A partial <lirecto1 ':-<leci~1on may be issued

~The \RC aho ha' ..i.n pwu" rn v.lm:h inJ1\ 1du.1I' a meeting \\/ill he held \\.hcnnt'r the stalt nuclear power, ()I' identification of ~afet} is . . ucs hy the NRC in ca~es where some of the who nt1\I." pott'nllal \.1kt~ ~onrnn' for '.'\Rl rl.'.\ II'\.\, ar.: hdicvc~ that it would he hc1wficial to !he

\.\rithout seeking enforcement action are not is~ues as1,ociated with the petition can he afforded ;1 <lqnee of prukct1011 (lt tht'.11 Hkn11!J Otho*r review of the petition. Note that the meeting:

con~i<lcred suffidcnl  !;!fOund\ for proce'~-' for puhlK' imolH*mcrll .Ht' lhtt'd ..t! th<." t'n<l ol !hi' can be offered at any time during NRc*~ rn iC\\ completed promptly but significant p:11nphlt'!

con:-.ideration a.., a 2.206 peliti~m. ~cheduk delay~ are anticipated hefon.~

of a petition and i:-. open to puhlic nh'>crYation

resolution of the entire petition. A final applies not only to the initial licensing director's decision is issued at the actions but also to license amendments conclusion of the effort. and other activities such as decom-missioning and license renewals.

The Commission will not entertain requests for review of a director's decision. However.

  • For major regulatory actions involving on its own. it may review a decision within 25 preparation of environmental impact calendar days. statements, NRC offers separate opportunities for public participation in its NRC Management Directive 8.11. '"Review em*ironmental proceedinp,s.

Process for 10 CFR 2.206 Petitions." contains more detailed information on citizen petitions.

  • The public can attend a number of For a free copy of the directive. write to the meetinp,s including open Commission and Superintendent of Documents. U.S. staff meetings, periodic media briefings Government Printing Office. P.O. Box 37082, by Regional Administrators. and special Washington. DC 20013- 7082. or call 202- meetings held near affected facilities to 512-1800. inform local communities and respond to their questions.

More information on these activities can be Electronic Access found in NRC's pamphlet entitled. "Public Those parts of the monthly status report on Involvement in the Nuclear Regulatory 2.206 petitions that are not of a sensitive Process." NUREG/BR-0215.

nature. as well as recently issued director's decisions. and Management Directive 8.11. are placed on the NRC's web site at http://

www. nrc. gov /reading-rm/doc-collections/

petitions-2-206/index.html and in the agency's Public Document Room.

Other Processes for Public Involvement In addition to the 2.206 petition process, NRC has several other ways that permit the public to express concerns on matters related to the NRC's regulatory activities.

  • The NRC's allegarion process affords individuals who raise safety concerns a degree of protection of their identity.
  • Under the provisions of JO CFR 2.802, NRC provides an opportunity for the public to petition the agency for a rulemaking.
  • The NRC's licensi11g process offers members of the public. who are specifically affected by a licensing action.

an opportunity to formally participate in licensing proceedings. This process

Office of Public Affairs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-000 l Telephone 301-415-8200 or 1-800-368-5642 NUREG/BR-0200. Rev. 5 February 2om


I would like to express my appreciation to FOE for bringing these matters to the attention of the NRC. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lisa Regner at, 301-415-1906; or Ms. Margaret Watford at, 301-415-1233.

Sincerely, IRA/

William M. Dean Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499


1. Federal Register Notice
2. NUREG/BR-0200, "Public Petition Process" cc: Mr. Edwin D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company Diablo Canyon Power Plant P.O. Box 56, Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Listserv DISTRIBUTION: SRM-M150521A-2; CLl-15-14 PUBLIC RidsNrrLAJBurkhardt Resource RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource LPL4-1 Reading RidsNrrMailCenter Resource RidsSecyMailCenter Resource RidsACRS_MailCTR Resource RidsNrrOd Resource MBanic, NRR RidsEdoMailCenter Resource RidsNrrPMDiabloCanyon Resource TMcGinty, NRR RidsNrrDorl Resource RidsOcaMailCenter Resource YLi, NRR RidsNrrDorlLpl4-1 Resource RidsOpaMailCenter Resource ADAMS A ccess1on NOS. Pk:Q ML15226A316 ' Letter ML16084A717, FRN ML16084A737 *see previous concurrence OFFICE NRR/DORL/LPL4-1/PM NRR/DORL/LPL4-1 /LA QTE* NRR/DRP/PGCB* NRR/DE/EMCB/BC*

NAME LRegner JBurkhardt CHsu MBanic YLi DATE 3/28/16 3/28/16 3/24/16 3/29/16 3/29/16 OFFICE NRR/DORL/LPL4-1 /BC* OGC (NLO)* NRR/DSS/PRB Chair* NRR/DORL NRR/D NAME RPascarelli SLewman TMcGinty ABoland WDean DATE 3/30/16 3/29/16 3/29/16 4/1 /16 4/12/16