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LTR-16-0055 Anna Baker, Chair, Pilgrim Coalition, E-mail Invitation and Details Regarding the March 23, 2016, Decommissioning Forum to Be Hosted by the Pilgrim Coalition at the Plymouth Public Library
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 02/08/2016
From: Baker A
Pilgrim Coalition
To: Stephen Burns
Venkataraman B
Download: ML16039A287 (3)


CHAIRMAN Resource From: Anna Baker <>

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 10:16 AM To: Rep James Cantwell; Rep. Jim Cantwell; Matthew McDonough;; Phil Tavares; Paul Taber;;;;;;;;;;;;; CHAIRMAN Resource;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Selectmen@Town.Duxbury.MA.US;;; powerm@hingham; Thomas Benjamin (HOU)

Cc: Eric Kelley; Mary Lampert; Norm Pierce; Arlene Williamson; Becky Chin; Nancy Landgren; Meg Sheehan; Sara Altherr; Karen Vale; Joe Waldstein; Kristi Funderburk; Frank Mand; Heather Lightner;; Cheryl Fischer; dick0645; Ben Bramhall; Ben Cowie-Haskell; Pine DuBois; Diane Turco


[External_Sender] March 23 Decomissioning Forum Attachments: 2016March23_DecommissioningForum_bios.pdf

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday, March 23rd, the Pilgrim Coalition will be hosting a Decommissioning Forum at the Plymouth Public Library from 7-9:30pm. We would like to invite you to attend the presentation and ask questions. The forum is open to regional and local representatives, along with concerned neighbors from across towns , as this is not just an issue limited to Plymouth. The forum will provide objective, expert panelists from a cross the region who have previously dealt with decommissioning issues, know the risks involved, and know how to plan with the public in mind.

Here are some questions that will be covered during the panelists presentations: Who Pays? Will Entergy be responsible to continue funding local towns? Will the site be cleaned up? If so, when?

Attached is the flyer for the event with the bios of the panelists. We hope you, your friends and colleagues will join us.

Thank you, Anna Baker Cha ir, Pilgrim Coalition On Behalf of the Pilgrim Coalition Steering Committee 1 PUBLIC FORUM Protecting the People:

Decommissioning Pilgrim Nuclear Power Sta *on Plymouth Public Library 132 South Street Plymouth, MA !MARCH 23 7:00-9:30 PM An informational forum wit~ discussion and presentations on decom11issioning the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station i1 Plymouth, MA. Find out what the closure of Pilgrim means for you and your communtty, a1* ask ~uestio1s o.f ourexpert panelists:

AmieGundersen- Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Associares; gr aduated Ren sselaer Polytechnic In stitute cum Iau de with a BS and Master of Nuclea r* Enp;ln eer1n p;: holds a n ude a r sa fety patent, was a licen sed r eacto1* oper:itor '" 'ho ta ught renctol' physics, ,ind served as a sen1or VT' for the trnd eJ1* l11d11str;; hn.q given e>rpe1*t wit ness t.e~thnony to the RC, sl.<'1 le rr;:g1ih1lory <igcflcies. an(\ U.S. fe<leral court t'egarding nuclear power e11gmeerl11g design defe(:ts, .af1:1y Oa ws, dccummiss ionin g aml d is ma a tlcmcnL.

Tim )UdSOD - Executh.*e Dlr*ectn r . 1'lfuclear Tnfnrmatlo n and l'le.~ ource Sen.fee; r resl de11 t of the RoJJ rd, Cl ti-;:ens Awareat'SS NeLw oc k; co-founcl er, AlliMce for a GreM Eoonor:ny (AGRE ~) ; o rg<l11 i :te 1~ campaii:iler. re searcher, and pu]ic;y ;.m<1 l ~*sl oa nuckar i,s:su*)S 5ia1;C l \l'!tl.

De~ Katz - Rxecutl~e Director , Cltfxen~ Ai.*a1*e11esr .ltletwork (CAN}; intervened 1n NRf. p11oceedlngs on the ctecoi Hal sslonJng ofYank;,e R<w.*e an<l C"f Y;inkee.: won a lawsuit against 1 1e NRC for the Jllegal deeommL Jontng of Lbe Ruwe reaclur; ;md laas a l'cop le' s Sum mit on ll lgl1* Levcl Nuclear W a~ l<: a ~ well as m irnc:- ruus decommiss ioning hr;1riags and forum s t h.roug,bo ul Nt*w Ila gland.

Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D. - S1mfor Assoc.late, Radioactive Waste .Manage ment As.soctates; f>roJect fl 1re~t.or ror rJo:st: recu11st rudiu n ;ind risl* a~.s cssn ent s tud ie.s of w;o ~lt' fiicilil ies :11 d II<*n.spuna li u11 "1J( r.*d 'iu;oclive 111;1tt*ri<*l:s; intt*matiomrJ t*omm lta ot on rauioacth*c w*a stc man <tgl'ml'nt iss ues.

Raymond S~adiS C-On.rultan t, l\'ew f!ng la11d Coalttlon; ~~rveo ~he llC 01i an 1mple n1e111:itlon E**aluatl on r>,rn el fo r ils ll t:;iclu u~*crsi ght l' rlJ *t:~~.: prt:S{'rtle r () [I dc:rn m1 li .sioni ng d ll d nud ed r reg*tfal ory loµ ics ~ l NJ!(; t o11 f.:rt." rt (t."S and illlnual mn*tin g,s; la uach ('<l a 35 yl'ar pcrsoaal campaign uf nud t'<Lr s afr t:y* iln<l e aviruamrntal allvo<.:;ic;y by initiating thc nation's nrst r dt'n:-ndum to close an opcrating a uclcar powcr station, Maint' 2

PUBLIC FORUM Protecting the People:

Decommissioning Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Plymouth Public Library 132 South Street Plymouth, MA IMARCH 23 7:00-9:30 PM An informational forum with discussion and presentations on decommissioning the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, MA. Find out what the closure of Pilgrim means for you and your community, and ask questions of our expert panelists:

Arnie Gundersen - Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Associates; graduated Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute cum laude with a BS and Master of Nuclear Engineering; holds a nuclear safety patent, was a licensed reactor operator who taught reactor physics, and served as a senior VP for the nuclear industry; has given expert witness testimony to the NRC, state regulatory agencies, and U.S. federal court regarding nuclear power engineering design defects, safety flaws, decommissioning and dismantlement.

Tim JUdSOn - Executive Director, Nuclear Information and Resource Service; President of the Board, Citizens Awareness Network; co-founder, Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE); organizer, campaigner, researcher, and policy analyst on nuclear issues since 1998.

Deb Katz - Executive Director, Citizens Awareness Network (CAN); intervened in NRC proceedings on the decommissioning of Yankee Rowe and CT Yankee; won a lawsuit against the NRC for the illegal decommissioning of the Rowe reactor; and has organized a People's Summit on High-Level Nuclear Waste as well as numerous decommissioning hearings and forums throughout New England.

Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D. - Senior Associate, Radioactive Waste Management Associates; Project Director for dose reconstruction and risk assessment studies of waste facilities and transportation of radioactive materials; international consultant on radioactive waste management issues.

Raymond ShadiS - Consultant, New England Coalition; served the NRC on an Implementation Evaluation Panel for its Reactor Oversight Process; presenter on decommissioning and nuclear regulatory topics at NRC conferences and annual meetings; launched a 35-year personal campaign of nuclear safety and environmental advocacy by initiating the nation's first referendum to close an operating nuclear power station, Maine Yankee.

CHAIRMAN Resource From: Anna Baker <>

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 10:16 AM To: Rep James Cantwell; Rep. Jim Cantwell; Matthew McDonough;; Phil Tavares; Paul Taber;;;;;;;;;;;;; CHAIRMAN Resource;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Selectmen@Town.Duxbury.MA.US;;; powerm@hingham; Thomas Benjamin (HOU)

Cc: Eric Kelley; Mary Lampert; Norm Pierce; Arlene Williamson; Becky Chin; Nancy Landgren; Meg Sheehan; Sara Altherr; Karen Vale; Joe Waldstein; Kristi Funderburk; Frank Mand; Heather Lightner;; Cheryl Fischer; dick0645; Ben Bramhall; Ben Cowie-Haskell; Pine DuBois; Diane Turco


[External_Sender] March 23 Decomissioning Forum Attachments: 2016March23_DecommissioningForum_bios.pdf

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday, March 23rd, the Pilgrim Coalition will be hosting a Decommissioning Forum at the Plymouth Public Library from 7-9:30pm. We would like to invite you to attend the presentation and ask questions. The forum is open to regional and local representatives, along with concerned neighbors from across towns , as this is not just an issue limited to Plymouth. The forum will provide objective, expert panelists from a cross the region who have previously dealt with decommissioning issues, know the risks involved, and know how to plan with the public in mind.

Here are some questions that will be covered during the panelists presentations: Who Pays? Will Entergy be responsible to continue funding local towns? Will the site be cleaned up? If so, when?

Attached is the flyer for the event with the bios of the panelists. We hope you, your friends and colleagues will join us.

Thank you, Anna Baker Cha ir, Pilgrim Coalition On Behalf of the Pilgrim Coalition Steering Committee 1 PUBLIC FORUM Protecting the People:

Decommissioning Pilgrim Nuclear Power Sta *on Plymouth Public Library 132 South Street Plymouth, MA !MARCH 23 7:00-9:30 PM An informational forum wit~ discussion and presentations on decom11issioning the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station i1 Plymouth, MA. Find out what the closure of Pilgrim means for you and your communtty, a1* ask ~uestio1s o.f ourexpert panelists:

AmieGundersen- Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Associares; gr aduated Ren sselaer Polytechnic In stitute cum Iau de with a BS and Master of Nuclea r* Enp;ln eer1n p;: holds a n ude a r sa fety patent, was a licen sed r eacto1* oper:itor '" 'ho ta ught renctol' physics, ,ind served as a sen1or VT' for the trnd eJ1* l11d11str;; hn.q given e>rpe1*t wit ness t.e~thnony to the RC, sl.<'1 le rr;:g1ih1lory <igcflcies. an(\ U.S. fe<leral court t'egarding nuclear power e11gmeerl11g design defe(:ts, .af1:1y Oa ws, dccummiss ionin g aml d is ma a tlcmcnL.

Tim )UdSOD - Executh.*e Dlr*ectn r . 1'lfuclear Tnfnrmatlo n and l'le.~ ource Sen.fee; r resl de11 t of the RoJJ rd, Cl ti-;:ens Awareat'SS NeLw oc k; co-founcl er, AlliMce for a GreM Eoonor:ny (AGRE ~) ; o rg<l11 i :te 1~ campaii:iler. re searcher, and pu]ic;y ;.m<1 l ~*sl oa nuckar i,s:su*)S 5ia1;C l \l'!tl.

De~ Katz - Rxecutl~e Director , Cltfxen~ Ai.*a1*e11esr .ltletwork (CAN}; intervened 1n NRf. p11oceedlngs on the ctecoi Hal sslonJng ofYank;,e R<w.*e an<l C"f Y;inkee.: won a lawsuit against 1 1e NRC for the Jllegal deeommL Jontng of Lbe Ruwe reaclur; ;md laas a l'cop le' s Sum mit on ll lgl1* Levcl Nuclear W a~ l<: a ~ well as m irnc:- ruus decommiss ioning hr;1riags and forum s t h.roug,bo ul Nt*w Ila gland.

Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D. - S1mfor Assoc.late, Radioactive Waste .Manage ment As.soctates; f>roJect fl 1re~t.or ror rJo:st: recu11st rudiu n ;ind risl* a~.s cssn ent s tud ie.s of w;o ~lt' fiicilil ies :11 d II<*n.spuna li u11 "1J( r.*d 'iu;oclive 111;1tt*ri<*l:s; intt*matiomrJ t*omm lta ot on rauioacth*c w*a stc man <tgl'ml'nt iss ues.

Raymond S~adiS C-On.rultan t, l\'ew f!ng la11d Coalttlon; ~~rveo ~he llC 01i an 1mple n1e111:itlon E**aluatl on r>,rn el fo r ils ll t:;iclu u~*crsi ght l' rlJ *t:~~.: prt:S{'rtle r () [I dc:rn m1 li .sioni ng d ll d nud ed r reg*tfal ory loµ ics ~ l NJ!(; t o11 f.:rt." rt (t."S and illlnual mn*tin g,s; la uach ('<l a 35 yl'ar pcrsoaal campaign uf nud t'<Lr s afr t:y* iln<l e aviruamrntal allvo<.:;ic;y by initiating thc nation's nrst r dt'n:-ndum to close an opcrating a uclcar powcr station, Maint' 2

PUBLIC FORUM Protecting the People:

Decommissioning Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Plymouth Public Library 132 South Street Plymouth, MA IMARCH 23 7:00-9:30 PM An informational forum with discussion and presentations on decommissioning the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, MA. Find out what the closure of Pilgrim means for you and your community, and ask questions of our expert panelists:

Arnie Gundersen - Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Associates; graduated Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute cum laude with a BS and Master of Nuclear Engineering; holds a nuclear safety patent, was a licensed reactor operator who taught reactor physics, and served as a senior VP for the nuclear industry; has given expert witness testimony to the NRC, state regulatory agencies, and U.S. federal court regarding nuclear power engineering design defects, safety flaws, decommissioning and dismantlement.

Tim JUdSOn - Executive Director, Nuclear Information and Resource Service; President of the Board, Citizens Awareness Network; co-founder, Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE); organizer, campaigner, researcher, and policy analyst on nuclear issues since 1998.

Deb Katz - Executive Director, Citizens Awareness Network (CAN); intervened in NRC proceedings on the decommissioning of Yankee Rowe and CT Yankee; won a lawsuit against the NRC for the illegal decommissioning of the Rowe reactor; and has organized a People's Summit on High-Level Nuclear Waste as well as numerous decommissioning hearings and forums throughout New England.

Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D. - Senior Associate, Radioactive Waste Management Associates; Project Director for dose reconstruction and risk assessment studies of waste facilities and transportation of radioactive materials; international consultant on radioactive waste management issues.

Raymond ShadiS - Consultant, New England Coalition; served the NRC on an Implementation Evaluation Panel for its Reactor Oversight Process; presenter on decommissioning and nuclear regulatory topics at NRC conferences and annual meetings; launched a 35-year personal campaign of nuclear safety and environmental advocacy by initiating the nation's first referendum to close an operating nuclear power station, Maine Yankee.