L-13-243, Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company'S, First Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order No

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Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company'S, First Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order No
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Davis Besse, Perry
Issue date: 08/26/2013
From: Sena P
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk
EA-12-049, L-13-243, TAC MF0841, TAC MF0842, TAC MF0961, TAC MF0962
Download: ML13238A260 (13)


FENOC i"ffi 76 South Main Street Akron. Ohio 44308 Peter P. Sena lll President and Chief Nuclear Officer August26,2013 L-13-243 10cFR2.202 ATTN: Document ControlDesk U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-001 SUBJEQT:

BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 DocketNo.50-334,LicenseNo.DPR-66 DocketNo.50-412,LicenseNo.NPF-73 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation DocketNo.50-346,LicenseNo.NPF-3 PerryNuclearPowerPlant DocketNo.50-440,LicenseNo.NPF-58 FirstEnerov NucleArQperatinq Company's (FENOC's) FirstSix-Month StatusReportin Response to March12.2012Commission Order ModifyingLicenses with Reqardto Requirements for Mitiqation Strateqiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEventl(Order NumberEA-12-019) ffAC Nos. MF0841, MF0842. MF0961, and MF0962)

On March12,2012,the NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRCor Commission) issued an order(Reference1) to FENOC.Reference1 was immediately effectiveanddirects FENOCto develop,implement, andmaintain guidance andstrategies to maintain or restorecorecooling,containment, andspentfuefpoolcoolingcapabilities in the event of a beyond-design-basis externalevent. Specificrequirements are outlinedin Attachment 2 of Reference 1.

Reference1 requiredsubmission of an initialstatusreport60 daysfollowingissuanceof the finalinterimstaffguidance(Reference 2) andan overallintegrated planpursuantto SectionlV, Condition C. Reference2 endorses guidance industry document Nuclear EnergyInstitute(NEl)12-06,Revision0 (Reference 3) withclarificationsand exceptions identified in Reference 2. Reference 4 providedthe FENOCinitialstatusreport regarding mitigation strategies.Reference 5 providedthe FENOCoverallintegrated planfor BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 (BVPS),Davis-Besse Nuclear PowerStation(DBNPS),and PerryNuclearPowerPlant(PNPP).

Reference1 requiressubmission of a statusreportat six-monthintervals following submittalof the overallintegrated plan. Reference 3 provides directionregarding the contentof the statusreports.The purposeof this letteris to providethe firstsix-month

BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation PerryNuclearPowerPlant L-13-243 Page2 statusreportpursuantto SectionlV, Condition C.2,of Reference 1, thatdelineates progressmadein implementing the requirements of Reference 1. The attachedreports for BVPS,DBNPS,andPNPP(Attachments 1,2, and3, respectively) providean update of milestoneaccomplishments sincethe laststatusreport,including any changesto the compliance method,schedule, or needfor relieflrelaxationand the basis, if any.

Thislettercontainsno newregulatory commitments. lf you haveanyquestions regarding this report,pleasecontactMr.ThomasA. Lentz,Manager- FleetLicensing, at 330-315-6810.

I declareunderpenaltyof perjurythatthe foregoingis trueandcorrect.Executedon A u g u s ta b , 2 0 1 3 .

Respectfu llysubmitted,

/* /,tz_

PeterP. Sena,lll Attachments:

1. BeaverValleyPowerStationFirstSix-Month StatusReportfor the lmplementation of OrderEA-12-A49,OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents
2. Davis-Besse Nuclear Power StationFirstSix-Month StatusReportfor the fmplementation of OrderEA-12-049,OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents 3 . PerryNuclearPowerPlantFirstSix-Month StatusReportfor the lmplementation of OrderEA-12-049,OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents


1. NRCOrderNumberEA-12-049,OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents, datedMarch12,2012 2 . NRCInterimStaffGuidanceJLD-ISG-2012-01, Compliance withOrderEA-12-449, OrderModifyingLicenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents,Revision0, datedAugust29,2012
3. NEI 12-06, Diverse and FlexibleCopingStrategies (FLEX)lmplementation Guide, Revision 0, datedAugust2012 4 . FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company's (FENOC's) InitialStatusReportin Response to March12,2012Commission Order Modifying LicenseswithRegard

BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation PerryNuclearPowerPlant L-13-243 Page3 to Requirements for Mitigation ExternalEvents for Beyond-Design-Basis Strategies (OrderNumberEA-12-049), datedOctober26,2012

5. FirstEnergyNuclearOperating Company's (FENOC's) Planin OverallIntegrated Response to March12,2012Commission LicenseswithRegard OrderModifying to Requirements for Mitigation ExternalEvents for Beyond-Design-Basis Strategies (OrderNumberEA-12-049), datedFebruary27,2013 cc: Director,Officeof NuclearReactorRegulation (NRR)

NRCRegionI Administrator NRCRegionlll Administrator NRCResidentInspector (BVPS)

NRCResidentInspector (DBNPS)

NRCResidentInspector (PNPP)




Ms.JessicaA. Kratchman, NRR/JLD/PMB, NRC DirectorBRP/DEP(withoutAttachments)

SiteBRP/DEPRepresentative (withoutAttachments)



Attachment1 L-13-243 BeaverValleyPowerStationFirstSix-Month StatusReportfor the lmplementation of OrderEA-12-049, OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents Page1 of 4 1 Introduction FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company(FENOC)developed an OverallIntegrated Plan(OlP)for BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and 2 (Reference 1 in Section8), documenting the diverseandflexiblestrategies (FLEX), in response to Referen ce 2. Thisattachment providesan updateof milestone accomplishments since submittal of the OlP,including anychangesto the compliance method, schedule, or needfor relief/relaxation andthe basis,if any.

2 MilestoneAccomplishments Thefollowingmilestone(s) havebeencompleted sincethe submittalof the OIP (Reference 1). Thisupdateis currentas of July19,2013.

. Completed reviewof the FLEXstrategies followingthe submittal.FLEX strategies are unchanged, anda vendorhasbeenselectedto performthe detaileddesignengineering for the plantmodifications.

. Submitted the Phase1 staffingstudy(Reference 3) performed usingthe guidancein NuclearEnergyInstitute(NEl)12-01,Guideline forAssessrng BeyondDesignBasisAccidenfResponseSfaffingand Communications Capabilities.

o Plannedplantmodifications havebeentargetedto the appropriate refueling outageand/oron-line work period.

o The Pressurized WaterReactorsOwnersGroup(PWROG)has issuedthe genericFLEXSupportGuidelines.

3 MilestoneScheduleStatus Thefollowingprovidesan updateto Attachment 2 of the OlP. lt providesthe activity statusof eachitemandwhetherthe expected completion datehaschanged.The dates areplanning datessubjectto changeas designandimplementation detailsare developed.

Thefollowingmilestones are beingaddedas partof thisupdate.


o Walk-throughs or Demonstrations: February-2015

Attachment 1 L-13-243 Page2 of 4 The revisedmilestone datesdo not impactthe orderimplementation targetcompletion date.

RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Completion Milestone CompletionDate (as of 711$131 Date SubmitFLEXIntegratedlmplementation Plan 02t28t13 Complete 6 MonthNRCStatusUpdates 08t28t15 Started Update1 08t28t13 Started Update2 02t28114 Not Started Update3 08t28114 Not Started Update4 02t27t15 Not Started Update5 08t28t15 Not Started CompleteFLEXStrateqvReview March-2O13 Complete Validation N/A Not Started Februarv-2415 Walk-throuqhs or Demonstrations N/A Not Started February-2015 Gomplete Staffing Analysis November-2015 Started November-2014 SubmitNEI12-01Phase1 StaffinqStudv April-2013 Complete SubmitNEI12-01Phase2 StaffinqStudv November-2015 Not Started November-2Q14 GompletePlantModifications November-2015 Started Tarqetplant modifications April-2013 Complete Unit1 Modificationscomplete Mav-2015 Started Complete 1 R22 outaqe madificafions November-2013 Started Complete on-line modifications February-2415 Started Complete 1 R23 outaqe modifications Mav-2015 Started Unit2 Modificationscomolete November-2015 Started Complete2R17outaqemodifications Mav-2014 Started Complete on-line modifications Auoust-2015 Started Complete2R1I outaqemodificafions November-2015 Started FLEXStoraqeGomplete March-2O15 Not Started CompleteBuildinsDesisn December-2013 Not Started CommenceConstruction June-2014 Not Started CompleteConstruction March-2O15 Not Started River(UHS)AccessGomplete October-2014 Not Started Fence& Gatefrtlodification Desiqn Auoust-2013 Not Started February-2014 NewFence& Gate Construction Auqust-2014 Not Started SecuritvBarrierPipe PenetrationsDesiqn January-2014 Not Started SecurityBarrierPipe Penetration Construction October-2014 Not Started On-siteFLEXEquipment June-2014 Not Started December-2014 ConfirmFLEXEauipmentRequirements April-2013 Started November-2013 FLEXEquinmentOrdered Mav-2013 Not Started December-2013 FLEXEquipmentDelivered Mav-2014 Not Started December-2014 Off-siteFLEXEquipment April-2015 Not Started DevelonStrateqieswithRRC November-2013 Not Started June-2014 Phase3 SrfeAccessStrate,gies in Place October-2014 Not Started CompleteNearSffeSfagrngLocation(as needed) March-2015 Not Started April-2015

Attachment 1 L-13-243 Page3 of 4 RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Completion Milestone GompletionDate (as of 71191131 Date ProceduresComplete December-2014 Started PWROGissuesNSSS-specificquidelines June-2013 Complete

/ssueBeaverVallevFSG June-2014 Not Started

/ssueMaintenanceProcedu res December-2014 Not Started TrainingComplete April-2015 Started DevelopTraininqPIan September-2014 Started lmplement Traininq October-2014 Not Started April-2015 SubmitCompletionReport November-2015 Not Started 4 Changesto ComplianceMethod Thereare no changesto the compliance methodas documented in the OIP (Reference 1).

5 Needfor Relief/Relaxation and Basisfor the Relief/Relaxation FENOCexpectsto complywiththe orderimplementation date. Relief/relaxation is not requiredat thistime.

6 Open ltems from OverallIntegratedPlan and Draft SafetyEvaluation Thefollowingtablesprovidea summaryof the openitemsdocumented in the OIPor the draftsafetyevaluation(SE)andthe statusof eachitem.

OverallInteqratedPlanOpen ltem Status Ol 1. Finalizethe locationof the FLEXstorage Not Started building.Thedeployment routes,distances,and timesprovidedin thisreportare boundedfor the currentlyproposedlocationsbutwillbe updatedas necessary.

Ol 2. Performcontainment evaluationbasedon the Not Started boundaryconditions describedin Section2 of NEI 12-06.Basedon the resultsof thisevaluation, requiredactionsto ensuremaintenance of containment integrityand requiredinstrument functionwillbe developed.

Ol 3. Modifythe RWSTat eachunitto protectit Not Started fromtornadomissilesor identifya boratedsource that is protectedfromtornadosand can be utilized to providecorecoolingwhensteamgenerators are notavailable.

Draft SafetvEvaluationOpen ltem Status N/A N/A L-13-243 Page4 of 4 7 PotentialDraftSafetyEvaluationlmpacts Thereare no potentialimpactsto the draftsafetyevaluation identifiedat thistime.

I References Thefollowingreferences supportthe updatesto the OIPdescribedin thisattachment.

1 . FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company's (FENOC's)OverallIntegrated Planin Response to March12,2012Commission Order Licenses Modifying with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(OrderNumberEA-12-049), dated February27,2013.

2 . NRCOrderNumberEA-12-049,OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation for Beyond-Design-Basis Strategies ExternalEvents, datedMarch12,2012.

3 . Response to NRCLetter,Requestfor Information Pursuantto Title10 of the Codeof FederalRegulations 50.54(0Regarding Recommendations 2.1,2.3, and 9.3,of the Near-Term TaskForceReviewof Insightsfromthe Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident, datedApril29,2013.

Attachment2 L-13-243 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationFirstSix-Month StatusReportfor the lmplementation of OrderEA-12-A49,OrderModifying Licenseswith Regardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents Page1 of 3 1 Introduction FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company(FENOC)developed an OverallIntegrated Plan(OlP)for Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation(Reference 1 in Section8),

documenting the diverseandflexiblestrategies (FLEX), in response to Reference2.

Thisattachment providesan updateof milestone accomplishments sincesubmittalof the OlP,including anychangesto the compliance method,schedule, or needfor relief/relaxation andthe basis,if any.

2 MilestoneAccomplishments Thefollowingmilestone(s) havebeencompleted sincethe submittalof the OIP (Reference 1). Thisupdateis currentas of July19,2013.

. Plannedplantmodifications havebeentargetedto the appropriate refueling outageand/oron-lineworkperiod.

3 MilestoneScheduleStatus Thefollowingprovidesan updateto Attachment 2 of the OlP. lt providesthe activity statusof eachitemandwhetherthe expectedcompletion datehaschanged.The dates are planning datessubjectto changeas designand implementation detailsare developed.

Thefollowingmilestones are beingaddedas partof thisupdate.


. Walk-throughs or Demonstrations:April-2016 The revisedmilestone targetcompletion datesdo not impactthe orderimplementation date.

Attachment2 L-13-243 Page2 of 3 RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Gompletion Milestone (as of 71191131 GompletionDate Date SubmitFLEXIntegratedlmplementation Plan 02t28t13 Complete 6 MonthNRCStatusUpdates 02t28t16 Started Update1 08128113 Started Update2 02t28114 Not Started Update3 08128t14 Not Started Update4 02t27t15 Not Started Update5 08t28115 Not Started Update6 02t28t16 Not Started Validation N/A Not Started April-2016 Walk-throughs or Demonstrations N/A Not Started April-2016 Complete Staffinq Analvsis November-2015 Not Started October-2015 SubmitNEI12-01Phase2 StaffinoSfudv November-2015 Not Started October-2415 CompletePlantModifications April-2016 Started Tarsetplant modifications Mav-2013 Complete Modificationscomplete April-2016 Started Complete1Rl I outaqemodifications June-2014 Complete*

Completeon-linemodifications Februarv-2016 Started Complete1R19outaqemodifications April-2016 Started Complete Communications Modifications April-2016 Started CompleteSFP Levellndication Modificafrons April-2016 Started FLEX Storage Complete April-2016 Not Started CompleteBuildinq Desiqn December-2014 Not Started CommenceConstruction June-2O15 Not Started CompleteConstruction April-2016 Not Started On-siteFLEXEquipment April-2016 Started ConfirmFLEXEquipmentReouirements January-2014 Started FLEXEquipmentOrdered January-2015 Not Started FLEXEquipmentDelivered April-2016 Not Started Off-siteFLEXEquipment April-2016 Not Started DevelopStrateqieswith RRC June-2014 Not Started Phase3 S,feAccessStrateqies in Place April-2016 Not Started CompleteNearSifeSfagingLocation(as needed) April-2016 Not Started ProceduresComplete April-2016 Started PWROGissuesNSSS-sp ecificquidelines June-2013 Started Auqust-2013

/ssue Davis-Besse FLEXStrategy Guidelines June-2014 Not Started June-2015

/ssueMaintenance Procedures April-2016 Not Started TrainingComplete April-2016 Not Started Develop Traininq Plan September-2015 Not Started Implement Traininq April-2016 Not Started Submit Completion Report April-2016 Not Started

  • Modificationsaretargetedfor 1R19andon-line;nonetargetedfor 1R18.

L-13-243 Page3 of 3 4 Changesto ComplianceMethod Thereare no changesto the compliance methodas documented in the OIP (Reference 1).

5 Needfor Relief/Relaxation and Basis for the Relief/Relaxation FENOCexpectsto complywiththe orderimplementation date. Relief/relaxationis not requiredat thistime.

6 Open ltemsfrom OverallIntegratedPlanand DraftSafetyEvaluation Thefollowingtablesprovidea summaryof the openitemsdocumented in the OIPor the draftsafetyevaluation (SE)andthe statusof eachitem.

OverallInteqratedPlanOpen ltem Status Ol 1. Finalizelocations for FLEXstoragebuildings. Started Deployment routes,distancesandtimescontained in the submittalare boundedfor the currently proposedlocationsbutwillbe updatedas necessary.

Ol 2. Finalizethe strategyfor providing a protected Started sourceof boratedwaterto supportFLEXstrateqies.

Ol 3. Determine if a mobileborationunitand/or Started waterpurification unit is requiredto supportthe FLEXstrategies.

Draft SafetyEvaluationOpen ltem Status N/A N/A 7 PotentialDraft SafetyEvaluationlmpacts Thereare no potentialimpactsto the draftsafetyevaluation identifiedat thistime.

8 References Thefollowingreferences supportthe updatesto the OIPdescribedin thisattachment.

1. FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company's (FENOC's)OverallIntegrated Planin Response to March12,2012Commission OrderModifyingLicenseswithRegard to Requirements for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(OrderNumberEA-12-049),datedFebruary27,2013.
2. NRCOrderNumberEA-12-049, OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents, datedMarch12,2012.

Attachment3 L-13-243 PerryNuclearPowerPlantFirstSix-Month StatusReportfor the lmplementation of OrderEA-12-049,OrderModifyingLicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents Page1 of 3 1 Introduction FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company(FENOC)developed an OveraltIntegrated Plan(OlP)for PerryNuclearPowerPlant(Reference 1 in Section8), documenting the diverseandflexiblestrategies (FLEX), in responseto Referen ce 2. This attachment provides an updateof milestone accomplishments sincesubmittal of the OlP,including anychangesto the compliance method,schedule, or need for relief/relaxationandthe basis,if any.

2 MilestoneAccomplishments Thefollowingmilestone(s) havebeencompleted sincethe submittalof the OIP (Reference 1). Thisupdateis currentas of July19,2013.

Completed reviewof the FLEXstrategies followingthe submittal.FLEX strategiesare unchanged, anda vendorhasbeenselectedto performthe detaileddesignengineering for the plantmodifications.

Plannedplantmodifications havebeentargetedto the appropriate refueling outageand/oron-lineworkperiod.

3 MilestoneScheduleStatus Thefollowingprovidesan updateto Attachment 2of the OlP. lt providesthe activity statusof eachitemandwhetherthe expectedcompletion datehaschanged.The dates are planningdatessubjectto changeas designand implementation detailsare developed.

Thefollowingmilestones are beingaddedas partof thisupdate.


. Walk-throughs or Demonstrations: March-2O15 Thefollowingmilestones replacepreviousmodification milestones.


o Targetplantmodifications o Completeon-linemodifications o Complete1R15outagemodifications

Attachment3 L-13-243 Page2 of 3 The revisedmilestone targetcompletiondatesdo not impactthe orderimplementation date.

RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Completion Milestone CompletionDate (as of 71191131 Date SubmitFLEXIntegratedlmplementation Plan 02t28113 Complete 6 MonthStatus Updates 02t27t15 Started Update1 08t01t13 Started Update2 02128t14 Not Started Update3 08128114 Not Started Update4 02t27t15 Not Started FLEX Strategy Review Mav-2013 Complete Validation N/A Not Started March-2O15 Walk-throuqhs or Demonstrations N/A Not Started March-2015 Complete Staffing Analysis* January-2014 Not Started October-2014 CompletePlantModifications April-2015 Started March-2015 Tarqetplantmodifications Mav-2013 Complete Completeon-linemodifications December-2014 Started Complete1Rl 5 outaqemodifications February-2015 Started March-2O15 FLEX Storaqe January-2015 Not Started CompleteUnit 2 Aux Buildingfor storage and Use January-2015 Not Started ConveftUnit2 dieselBuildingfor storage and Use January-2015 Not Started Lake(UHS)Access November-2014 Started Reqrade road to barqe slip area October-2014 Not Started Fence& Gate Constructionmodifications October-2014 Not Started SecuritvBarrierPipePenetrationsDesign January-2014 Started February-2014 SecurityBarrierPipe Penetration Construction November-2014 Not Started On-siteFLEXEquipment January-2015 Not Started October-2014 Ordered Auqust-2013 Not Started November-2013 Delivered Januarv-2015 Not Started October-2014 Off-siteFLEXEquipment March-2015 Not Started DevelopStratesieswithRRC December-2013 Not Started June-2014 CompleteNearSlfeSfagrngLocation(as needed) March-2015 Not Started Phase3 SrTe AccessStrateqies in Place November-2014 Not Started Procedures March-2O15 Started ImplementEPG/SAGRev3 Guidance Auqust-2014 Started CreatePerryFSG Mav-2014 Not Started lmplementPerrvFSG March-2015 Not Started CreateMaintenanceProcedures July-2014 Not Started Trainins March-2015 Started DevelopEOP TraininqPlan January-2014 Started Implement EOP Traininq July-2014 Not Started March-Z015 Develop SAMG Trainin,sPlan January-2014 Not Started

Attachment3 L-13-243 Page3 of 3 RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Milestone Gompletion CompletionDate (as of 7llgll3l Date lmplementSAMGTraininq January-2015 Not Started March-2015 Develop FLEX Traininq Plan Auoust-2014 Not Started ImplementFLEX Training November-2014 Not Started March-2015 SubmitGompletionReport March-2015 Not Started

  • Changed milestone fromPerform Analysis Staffing to CompleteStaffingAnalysis.

4 Changesto ComplianceMethod Thereare no changesto the compliance methodas documented in the OIP (Reference 1).

5 Needfor Relief/Relaxation and Basisfor the Relief/Relaxation FENOCexpectsto complywiththe orderimplementation date. Relief/relaxationis not required at thistime.

6 Open ltemsfrom OverallIntegratedPlanand DraftSafetyEvaluation None.

7 PotentialDraft SafetyEvaluationlmpacts Thereare no potentialimpactsto the draftsafetyevaluation identifiedat thistime.

8 References Thefollowingreferences supportthe updatesto the OIPdescribedin thisattachment.

1. FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company's (FENOC's) OverallIntegrated Planin Response to March12,2012Commission OrderModifying LicenseswithRegard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(OrderNumberEA-12 -049),datedFebruary27,2013.
2. NRCOrderNumberEA-12-049, OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation for Beyond-Design-Basis Strategies ExternalEvents, datedMarch12,2012.