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NRC Staff Hearing File Update 53
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/28/2013
From: Amitava Ghosh
To: Kennedy M, Lawrence Mcdade, Richard Wardwell
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 24720, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01
Download: ML13182A228 (22)


UNITE D STATE S N UCLEAR REGULATORY C OMMI SS I ON WASHINGTON, DC 20555 - 0001 June 28, 2013 Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Lawrence G. McDade, Chair Dr. Richard E. Wardwell Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop T-3 F23 Mail Stop T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Administrative Judge Michael F. Kennedy Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 In the Matter of ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC.

(Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3)

Docket Nos. 50-247-LR and 50-286-LR

Dear Administrative Judges:

Pursuant to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards December 18, 2008, Memorandum and Order (Addressing Requests that the Proceeding be Conducted Pursuant to Subpart G), slip op. at 13, the Licensing Board's Order (Granting Consent Motion Regarding Mandatory Disclosures), dated January 30, 2009, at 1, the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Staff) herein notifies the Licensing Board and the parties that the hearing file has been supplemented for this proceeding. Materials in the hearing file may be accessed through the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). An index containing the ADAMS accession number, date, and title or description of each item in Hearing File Index, Supplement 53 is appended hereto as Attachment 1.

On or about July 10, 2013, the documents identified in the hearing file will be made available via the Electronic Hearing Docket (EHD), which may be accessed at the following URL: The hearing file will be contained in a sub-folder entitled, Indian PT Hearing File, Supplement 53 in the Indian_PT_2&3_50-247&50-286-LR" folder of the EHD.

In addition, as required by 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(b)(5), the Staff is producing a privilege log, identifying documents withheld under the deliberative process privilege, which is appended hereto as Attachment 2. Also attached is the Declaration of David Pelton formally invoking the deliberative process privilege with respect to the documents in Attachment 2. The Staff will

Judge McDade June 28, 2013 Judge Kennedy Judge Wardwell preserve and maintain the privileged documents identified in the log during the pendency of this proceeding.

Further, pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(c), attached is the Affidavit of Kimberly J. Green, certifying that all relevant materials required by this section have been disclosed, and that the disclosures are accurate and complete as to documents identified by June 21, 2013.

Finally, the NRC Staff notes that it has made a good faith effort to identify and characterize all documents meeting the criteria of 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(b) and 10 C.F.R. § 2.1203 in this proceeding. In identifying these documents, the Staff does not concede their relevance to the license renewal issues to be decided in this proceeding.

Sincerely, Signed (electronically) by Anita Ghosh Counsel for NRC Staff


Attachment 1 - Hearing File Index, Supplement 53 Attachment 2 - Deliberative Process Privilege Log Declaration of David Pelton Affidavit of Kimberly J. Green cc w/Encls.: Service List

Attachment 1 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Accession Document ID# Title Number Date 53-0001 ML13149A379 05/29/2013 2013/05/29 Indian Point LR Hearing - IPEC License Renewal - RAI 11a and 15 53-0002 ML13171A123 05/30/2013 2013/05/30 Indian Point LR Hearing - RE: IPEC License Renewal - RAI 11a and 15 53-0003 ML13150A050 05/30/2013 2013/05/30 Indian Point LR Hearing - RE: IPEC License Renewal - RAI 11a and 15 53-0004 ML13150A164 05/30/2013 2013/05/30 Indian Point LR Hearing - Teleconference Call Details 53-0005 ML13154A388 06/03/2013 2013/06/03 Indian Point LR Hearing - Draft RAI on LRA Amendments and Previous Responses to RAIs 53-0006 ML13170A480 06/04/2013 2013/06/04 Indian Point LR Hearing - Four questions 53-0007 ML13161A405 06/04/2013 2013/06/04 Indian Point LR Hearing - letter from NMFS to NYDEC 53-0008 ML13155A017 06/04/2013 2013/06/04 Indian Point LR Hearing - RE: Draft RAI on LRA Amendments and Previous Responses to RAIs 53-0009 ML13155A248 06/04/2013 2013/06/04 Indian Point LR Hearing - Teleconference Call to Obtain Clarification on RAI Response in May 7 Letter 53-0010 ML13157A160 06/05/2013 2013/06/05 Indian Point LR Hearing - IPEC License Renewal - 6/4/13 Conference Call Participants 53-0011 ML13161A082 06/06/2013 2013/06/06 Indian Point LR Hearing -

53-0012 ML13161A403 06/10/2013 2013/06/10 Indian Point LR Hearing - RE: Draft RAI on LRA Amendments and Previous Responses to RAIs 53-0013 ML13169A224 06/18/2013 2013/06/18 Indian Point LR Hearing - Draft RAI on RVI 53-0014 ML13171A120 06/18/2013 2013/06/18 Indian Point LR Hearing - RE: Draft RAI on RVI 53-0015 ML13170A478 06/19/2013 2013/06/19 Indian Point LR Hearing - Draft Telecon Summary for Call on June 4, 2013 53-0016 ML13170A031 06/19/2013 2013/06/19 Indian Point LR Hearing - RAI Set 2013-02 53-0017 ML13171A119 06/19/2013 2013/06/19 Indian Point LR Hearing - RE: RAI Set 2013-02 53-0018 ML13171A118 06/20/2013 2013/06/20 Indian Point LR Hearing - RE: Draft Telecon Summary for Call on June 4, 2013 53-0019 ML13162A616 06/30/2013 NUREG-1437 Supp 38 Vol 4 "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants: Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units Nos. 2 and 3" (Final Report Supplemental Report and Comment Responses).

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Certain documents otherwise subject to inclusion in the hearing file and mandatory disclosures for this proceeding have been determined by the NRC Staff to contain information subject to withholding from public disclosures as predecisional, deliberative information. Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(b)(5), the Staff is providing this log to identify the following documents, withheld under the "deliberative process" privilege.

Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13170A094 D. Logan, 2012/12/11 Indian 12/11/2012 E-Mail M. Wong, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Re: NRC/NRR discussion 001 Completing the IP L. James, regarding FSEIS Supplement - A time NRC/NRR supplement estimate

[Also withheld under Attorney-Client privilege]

DP- ML13170A092 D. Logan, 2012/12/11 Indian 12/11/2012 E-Mail L. James, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 002 Re: Completing the IP M. Wong, regarding FSEIS Supplement - A time NRC/NRR supplement estimate

[Also withheld under Attorney-Client privilege]


Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13158A112 M. Homiack, 2013/05/07 Indian 05/07/2013 E-Mail w/ D. Morey, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - FYI: Attachment NRC/NRR discussion 003 Updated LRA Review regarding LRA Status Based on review status Operating Experience based on ISG Operating Experience ISG


Internal document describing LRA review status based on guidance in Final LR-ISG-2011-05.

DP- ML13148A493 S. Bloom, 2013/05/28 Indian 05/28/2013 E-Mail w/ Y. Diaz- Email forwarding 4 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachment Sanabria, draft RAI 004 Emailing: DRAI on NRC/NRR selective leaching - K. Green,


Gardner Holston.docx NRC/NRR Draft RAI C. Spruill, NRC/NRR DP- ML13155A249 J. Wise, 2013/05/29 Indian 05/29/2013 E-Mail S. Bloom, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 005 Review of LRA regarding draft Amendment for IP LRA RAI 2

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13150A049 K. Green, 2013/05/30 Indian 05/30/2013 E-Mail M. Marshall, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Any NRC/NRR discussion 006 RAIs on IP D. Morey, regarding draft amendments and NRC/NRR RAIs and SER recent letters Y. Diaz- supplement Sanabria, NRC/NRR DP- ML13150A307 J. Medoff, 2013/05/30 Indian 05/30/2013 E-Mail K. Green, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - FW: NRC/NRR discussion 007 Any RAIs on IP D. Morey, regarding LRA amendments and NRC/NRR amendment and recent letters C. Ng, input for SER NRC/NRR supplement DP- ML13150A051 K. Green, 2013/05/30 Indian 05/30/2013 E-Mail D. Morey, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - IP NRC/NRR discussion 008 SER input for S. Bloom, regarding SER Supplement NRC/NRR supplement M. Marshall, NRC/NRR A. Sheikh, NRC/NRR W. Holston, NRC/NRR W. Gardner, NRC/NRR D. Nguyen, NRC/NRR J. Wise, NRC/NRR Y. Diaz-Sanabria, NRC/NRR 3

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13150A309 M. Marshall, 2013/05/30 Indian 05/30/2013 E-Mail D. Nguyen, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - NRC/NRR discussion 009 QUESTION: IP SER A. Sheikh, regarding SER input for Supplement NRC/NRR supplement DP- ML13150A384 K. Green, 2013/05/30 Indian 05/30/2013 E-Mail w/ J. Medoff, Internal 57 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: Attachment NRC/NRR discussion 010 Any RAIs on IP regarding LRA amendments and amendment recent letters


NL-12-123 (Publicly available at ADAMS Accession No. ML12285A084)

DP- ML13150A383 D. Nguyen, 2013/05/30 Indian 05/30/2013 E-Mail M. Marshall, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 011 Question: Any RAIs on regarding draft IP amendments and RAI recent letters DP- ML13150A165 J. Poehler, 2013/05/30 Indian 05/30/2013 E-Mail K. Green, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - NRC/NRR discussion 012 Remaining Issues to be S. Rosenberg, regarding Resolved Before An NRC/NRR issuance of SER SSER Can Be Issued supplement for Indian Point on the RVI Program (LRA Amendment 9) 4

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13151A485 M. Homiack, 2013/05/31 Indian 05/31/2013 E-Mail w/ D. Morey, Email sending 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachment NRC/NRR draft RAI.

013 ACTION: For Review and Approval: Indian


Point Follow-Up RAI on Draft RAI Activities for Future Consideration of Op.


DP- ML13151A425 J. Poehler, 2013/05/31 Indian 05/31/2013 E-Mail D. Pickett, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - NRC/NRR discussion 014 ASME Section XI ISI of regarding in-RVI for IP2 and IP3 service inspection of RVI for IP2 and IP3 DP- ML13163A276 A. Prinaris, 2013/05/31 Indian 05/31/2013 E-Mail w/ M. Marshall, Email sending 12 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachment NRC/NRR draft document 015 Emailing: S&S - IP3 to B. Rogers, IP2 Fuel Transfer - NRC/NRR


Prinaris Rogers, 5 Draft internal 2013.doc document regarding Indian Point Spent Fuel Transfer System 5

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13151A414 K. Green, 2013/05/31 Indian 05/31/2013 E-Mail w/ S. Bloom, Internal 144 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachments NRC/NRR discussion 016 Indian Point LRA regarding LRA Amendments and amendments and Responses to RAIs RAI responses Attachments:

NL-12-149 (ML12341A177),

NL-12-123 (ML12285A084),

NL-12-032 (ML12090A648),

NL-11-134 (ML11363A175),

NL-13-046 (ML13094A369),

NL-13-037 (ML13074A020),

NL-12-190 (ML13003A178),

NL-12-174 (ML12341A180)

DP- ML13151A473 C. Ng, 2013/05/31 Indian 05/31/2013 E-Mail w/ G. Meyer, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachment NRC/R-I discussion 017 TLAA input to the D. Morey, regarding TLAA Indian Point license NRC/NRR input to Indian renewal inspection Point license (May2013) renewal inspection


Draft TLAA input 6

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13151A423 K. Green, 2013/05/31 Indian 05/31/2013 E-Mail w/ D. Morey, Internal 90 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachments NRC/NRR discussion 018 regarding LRA amendments and RAI responses Attachments:

NL-12-123 (ML12285A084),

NL-13-052 (ML13142A202)

DP- ML13151A420 K. Green, 2013/05/31 Indian 05/31/2013 E-Mail w/ M. Marshall, Internal 42 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachments NRC/NRR discussion 019 regarding LRA amendments and RAI responses Attachments:

NL-13-044 (ML13141A402),

NL-13-077 (ML13142A013)

DP- ML13154A140 W. Gardner, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail w/ W. Holston, Email forwarding 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - FW: Attachment NRC/NRR discussion of 020 Indian Point SER LRA amendment


Internal discussion of LRA amendment 7

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13154A056 D. Morey, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail w/ S. Rosenberg, Internal 36 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - FW: Attachment NRC/NRR discussion 021 J. Poehler, regarding draft NRC/NRR RAI responses K. Green, NRC/NRR


NL-13-052 (ML13142A202)

DP- ML13154A142 M. Homiack, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail w/ K. Green, Email sending 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachment NRC/NRR draft RAI 022 Indian Point Follow-Up RAI on Activities for


Future Consideration of Draft RAI Op. Exp.

DP- ML13154A144 D. Nguyen, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail w/ M. Marshall, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachment NRC/NRR discussion 023 Indian Point LRA - regarding draft Updated to MEB RAI Program Scope Request


Draft RAI DP- ML13154A139 W. Gardner, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail K. Green, Email forwarding 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - NRC/NRR internal 024 Indian Point SER discussion of LRA amendment


Internal discussion of LRA amendment 8

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13154A135 D. Morey, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail M. Homiack, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 025 ACTION: For Review regarding draft and Approval: Indian RAI Point Follow-Up RAI on Activities for Future Consideration of Op.


DP- ML13154A141 W. Holston, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail S. Bloom, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 026 Indian Point LRA K. Green, regarding SER Amendments and NRC/NRR input Responses to RAIs W. Gardner, NRC/NRR DP- ML13154A136 J. Poehler, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail J. Medoff, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 027 D. Morey, regarding review NRC/NRR of RAI responses S. Min, NRC/NRR K. Green, NRC/NRR A. Hiser, NRC/NRR 9

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13154A057 S. Min, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail J. Medoff, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 028 D. Morey, regarding review NRC/NRR of RAI responses K. Green, NRC/NRR J. Poehler, NRC/NRR A. Hiser, NRC/NRR DP- ML13154A048 J. Medoff, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail D. Morey, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 029 S. Min, regarding review NRC/NRR of RAI responses K. Green, NRC/NRR J. Poehler, NRC/NRR A. Hiser, NRC/NRR DP- ML13154A137 J. Poehler, 2013/06/03 Indian 06/03/2013 E-Mail D. Morey, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 030 S. Rosenberg, regarding review NRC/NRR of RAI responses K. Green, NRC/NRR DP- ML13155A071 J. Poehler, 2013/06/04 Indian 06/04/2013 E-Mail K. Green, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - NRC/NRR discussion 031 Additional Questions regarding review for Telecon Today of RAI responses 10

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13155A449 D. Nguyen, 2013/06/04 Indian 06/04/2013 E-Mail w/ M. Marshall, Email sending 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RAI Attachment NRC/NRR revisions to draft 032 - IP AMP TRP52 Metal RAI Enclosed Bus Inspection Program (1


RAI) Draft RAI DP- ML13155A073 J. Poehler, 2013/06/04 Indian 06/04/2013 E-Mail J. Poehler, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 033 Additional Questions K. Green, regarding review for Telecon Today NRC/NRR of RAI responses DP- ML13155A452 A. Sheikh, 2013/06/04 Indian 06/04/2013 E-Mail M. Marshall, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 034 Electronic Copies of K. Green, regarding SER Indian Point Letters NRC/NRR supplement DP- ML13155A517 K. Green, 2013/06/04 Indian 06/04/2013 E-Mail A. Sheikh, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 035 Electronic Copies of regarding SER Indian Point Letters supplement DP- ML13155A515 A. Sheikh, 2013/06/04 Indian 06/04/2013 E-Mail K. Green, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 036 Electronic Copies of regarding SER Indian Point Letters supplement DP- ML13155A514 K. Green, 2013/06/04 Indian 06/04/2013 E-Mail A. Sheikh, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 037 Electronic Copies of M. Marshall, regarding SER Indian Point Letters NRC/NRR supplement 11

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13155A516 K. Green, 2013/06/04 Indian 06/04/2013 E-Mail D. Pickett, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 038 Four questions S. Turk, regarding FSAR NRC/OGC update DP- ML13155A016 M. Marshall, 2013/06/04 Indian 06/04/2013 E-Mail D. Nguyen, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 039 Indian Point LRA - regarding draft Updated to MEB RAI Program Scope Request DP- ML13157A161 D. Morey, 2013/06/05 Indian 06/05/2013 E-Mail w/ G. Meyer, Internal 6 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - FW: Attachments NRC/R-I discussion 040 TLAA input to the C. Ng, regarding TLAA Indian Point license NRC/NRR input renewal inspection (May2013) Attachments:

Draft revisions to TLAA input DP- ML13161A085 S. Min, 2013/06/10 Indian 06/10/2013 E-Mail w/ J. Medoff, Email forwarding 5 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachment NRC/NRR draft response 041 Draft Response to the IP CASS ROI


Draft response to Indian Point CASS Report of Interaction (ROI) 12

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13161A083 D. Pickett, 2013/06/10 Indian 06/10/2013 E-Mail J. Poehler, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 042 ASME Section XI ISI of regarding in-RVI for IP2 and IP3 service inspection of RVI for IP2 and IP3 DP- ML13161A185 S. Min, 2013/06/10 Indian 06/10/2013 E-Mail w/ J. Medoff, Internal 5 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: Attachment NRC/NRR discussion 043 ROI Response regarding revisions to ROI response


Draft response to Indian Point CASS ROI DP- ML13161A235 M. Marshall, 2013/06/10 Indian 06/10/2013 E-Mail w/ K. Green, Internal 4 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - Attachment NRC/NRR discussion 044 RESPONSE: Indian D. Nguyen, regarding draft Point MEB LRA NRC/NRR RAI Change (MD5695 and Y. Diaz-MD5696) Sanabria,


NRC/NRR Draft RAI DP- ML13162A548 K. Green, 2013/06/11 Indian 06/11/2013 E-Mail Y. Diaz- Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - IP Sanabria, discussion 045 RAI Set 2013-2 NRC/NRR regarding draft L. Pope, RAI NRC/NRR 13

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13162A759 K. Green, 2013/06/11 Indian 06/11/2013 E-Mail D. Pickett, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 046 Four questions S. Turk, regarding FSAR NRC/NRR update DP- ML13170A219 J. Poehler, 2013/06/19 Indian 06/19/2013 E-Mail S. Rosenberg, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - FW: NRC/NRR discussion 047 rewording of the regarding draft request RAI DP- ML13170A102 L. James, 2013/06/19 Indian 06/19/2013 E-Mail A. Simmons, Email forwarding 11 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - FW: NRC/NRR/ draft FSEIS 048 Supplement to the IP M. Wong, supplement Final SEIS NRC/NRR S. Turk,


NRC/OGC Draft FSEIS I. King, supplement NRC/NRR notice of R. Green, availability and NRC/NRR FRN DP- ML13170A220 W. Gardner, 2013/06/19 Indian 06/19/2013 E-Mail W. Holston, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - IP NRC/NRR discussion 049 One-Time Inspection regarding draft RAI RAI DP- ML13170A221 S. Rosenberg, 2013/06/19 Indian 06/19/2013 E-Mail J. Poehler, Internal 3 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - RE: NRC/NRR discussion 050 rewording of the regarding draft request RAI 14

Attachment 2 - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Deliberative Process Privilege, Supplement 53 - June 28, 2013 Addressee Author Name Estimated Accession Document Document Name ID # & Author Title Comment Page Number Date Type & Addressee Affiliation Count Affiliation DP- ML13170A104 K. Green, 2013/06/19 Indian 06/19/2013 E-Mail J. Poehler, Internal 2 53- NRC/NRR Point LR Hearing - NRC/NRR discussion 051 rewording of the regarding draft request RAI DP- ML13164A377 S. Rosenberg, Indian Point, Units 2 & 06/20/2013 Memoranda Y. Diaz- Internal 6 53- NRC/NRR 3, Follow-up Request Sanabria, memorandum 052 for Additional NRC/NRR regarding follow-Inspection Related to up RAIs Amendment 9 to License Renewal


Application - Reactor Draft RAI Vessel Internals Program and the Reactor Vessel Internals Inspection Plan.







(Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3) )

DECLARATION OF DAVID PELTON I, David Pelton, do hereby state as follows:

1. I am employed as the Acting Deputy Director of the Division of License Renewal (DLR) in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC) Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). I am serving as the Acting Director for DLR. My supervisory responsibilities include oversight of the NRC Staffs review and evaluation of the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 license renewal application.
2. As part of their responsibilities in updating the hearing file and mandatory disclosures for these proceedings, NRC staff members under my supervision identified documents as privileged because they contained information concerning the Staffs pre-decisional deliberative process. The documents are listed in Attachment 2 to the submission of the Staffs Hearing File Index Supplement 53.
3. I have personally reviewed the documents identified as privileged in , and have determined, in accordance with the guidance set forth in Management Directive 3.4, that they contain pre-decisional information concerning the Staffs review of the license renewal application. The documents contain either the Staffs analyses, recommendations, opinions, or evaluations, and may not necessarily reflect the final agency

position with respect to the matters discussed therein. The documents comprise part of the deliberative process necessary for the Staffs review of the pending license renewal application.

4. Further, I have determined that disclosure of the documents could result in harm to the agency, in that it would (a) prematurely disclose the preliminary views of individual Staff members and/or the Staff prior to reaching a final agency decision, and could thus create confusion as to the actual policy or views of the NRC Staff; (b) hinder the efficiency of the Staff, in that forced disclosure of its internal discussions on an unresolved issue would tend to chill all future deliberations and would interfere with the Staffs ability to engage in a free exchange of opinions and analyses prior to publishing its final review documents; and (c) imply or suggest incorrectly that the opinions of the Staff members involved in these communications are actually the final decisions of the agency, while no such final decision has yet been made.
5. Accordingly, I formally invoke the deliberative process privilege with respect to the documents listed in Attachment 2 to the submission of the Staffs Hearing File Index Supplement 53.
6. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Executed in Accord with 10 CFR 2.304(d)

David Pelton Executed in Rockville, Maryland this 28th day of June, 2013






(Indian Point Nuclear Generating )

Units 2 and 3) )


I, Kimberly J. Green, do hereby state as follows:

1. I am employed as a Senior Mechanical Engineer in the Division of License Renewal in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC) Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. I serve as the hearing file project manager for the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 license renewal application (LRA). Among other things, I am assisting with the preparation of the hearing file and mandatory disclosures in connection with the LRA at issue in this proceeding.
2. I hereby certify that all relevant materials required to be disclosed pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 (b) and (c) in the captioned proceeding have been disclosed, and that the disclosures are accurate and complete for documents identified as of June 21, 2013.
3. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Executed in Accord with 10 CFR 2.304(d)

Kimberly J. Green Executed in Rockville, Maryland this 28th day of June 2013





(Indian Point Nuclear Generating )

Units 2 and 3) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Pursuant to 10 C.F.R § 2.305 (revised), I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing Letter to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board regarding the Indian Point Hearing File, including: - Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Supplement 53, Attachment 2

- Indian Point License Renewal Hearing File Index Supplement 53 - Deliberative Process Privilege, Declaration of David Pelton, dated June 28, 2013, and Affidavit of Kimberly J. Green, dated June 28, 2013, in the above-captioned proceeding have been served upon the Electronic Information Exchange, the NRCs E-Filing System, this 28th day of June, 2013.

Signed (electronically) by Anita Ghosh Counsel for NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel Mail Stop - O-15D21 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 415-4113 E-mail: Date of signature: June 28, 2013