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Comment (421) of Susan Brown Opposing Restart of San Onofre Unit 2 Until NRC Completes Comprehensive Investigation
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/2013
From: Brown S
- No Known Affiliation
Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch, NRC/Chairman, NRC/OCM/AMM, NRC/OCM/GEA, NRC/OCM/KLS, NRC/OCM/WCO, NRC/OCM/WDM
NRC-2013-0070, 78FR22576 00421
Download: ML13155A193 (5)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001-Uý rrý7 S'~T1 m m FrTi"77i SUNSI Review Complete Template = ADM -013 E-RIDS= ADM-03 Add= B. Benney (bjb)

Joosten, Sandy From: Soul Magic []

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:57 PM To: CHAIRMAN Resource; CMRAPOSTOLAKIS Resource; CMRMAGWOOD Resource;CMROSTENDORFF Resource; CMRSVINICKI Resource


San Onofre nuclear plant

Dear NRC Members,

I respectfully request that you postpone any restart of the San Onofre nuclear plant until full open public meetings are held. Actually I would prefer if you just bite the bullet and say NO to Edison on any restart and begin decommissioning..

Some information (and a few questions) below in case you aren't aware.."There is evidence that SCE was aware that the steam generators might be flawed.." http://eon3emfblop,.net/?p=5943 Expert Says Edison Misled Regulators on San Onofre Changes.. "Edison's decision to cram an additional 377 tubes into the replacement steam generators was the root cause" of the leak, wrote nuclear engineer Amie Gundersen in a recent report commissioned by the environmental group Friends of the Earth. communities/article ca8c632a-85bc-11 el -a74c-001 a4bcf887a.html FOE Cascading Steam Generator Failures San Onofre 2012 4 12.pdf Activists Grill NRC on San Onofre Restart -Updated THE NRC HAS NEVER NOT APPROVED A LICENSE EXTENSION RENEWAL Senator (now vp) Joe Biden on Nuclear Power From 2007 The Risks of San Onofre -Harvey Wasserman ioxA& Have no fear the NRC is here! 10 miles evacuation zone??? GAO finds NRC needs better understanding of emergency preparedness beyond 10-mile zone http ://www.epw.senate.Lyov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressRoomr.PressReleases&ContentRecord id=f5fce ac2-0546-1 cb0-0e39-edc I3c2a7964 CA Senator Blasts Gov't Agency Overseeing San Onofre Thursday, April 11, 2013 KPBS-TV (San Diego Rochelle Becker, Director Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility http://a4nr.or

/)http://www.kpbs.or2/news/201 3/apr/11 /nrc-siunals-possible-restart-san-onofre-bill/


Did you ever respond to the Boxer/Markey letter? If so I would like to see your response."California nuclear plant (San Onofre) a 'time bomb' if restarted

-Chance of nuke disaster in U.S. very, very, veryligh...

not if, but when" -Dr. Helen Caldicott, Nobel Laureate"Will San Onofre Be "Our" Fukushima? Solar is 5 times cheaper than Nuclear Videos discussing the dangers of San Onofre

Senator Boxer said the ruling was "dangerous and premature," especially since "the damaged plant is located in an area at risk of earthquake and tsunami." She added that "It makes absolutely no sense to even consider taking any steps to reopen San Onofre until these investigations look into every aspect of reopening the plant given the failure of tubes that carry radioactive water." QUESTION:

Is San Onofre prepared for an EMP? If so, details please.Government Report Exposes Lack of Preparedness for Nuclear Emergency


SoCal Edison's fraudulent behavior regarding the Replacement Steam Generators at San Onofre

Former US NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko: "All 104 nuclear power reactors now in operation in the United States have a safety problem that cannot be fixed" San Onofre to Boxer, Markey & the Public: DROP DEAD!http:/1/ Oldie but goodie -Obama -"we just dislike the fact that IT MIGHT BLOW UP AND RADIATE US AND KILL US (LAUGHTER)

THAT'S THE PROBLEM" MCtlnuMizgY Econmics and Reliability of California Nuclear Reactors

The San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant has the worst safety complaint record of all U.S. nuclear reactors according to Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and more.

U.S. nuclear companies fight new safety measures 4 Mar 2013 Filter that could be fitted to a reactor's vent to capture radiation during an accident.http://2rist.orE/news/u-s-nuclear-companies-fiL ht-new-safetv--neasures/"NRC is also contemplating requiring filters to capture vented radioactive material." http ://cen.acs.ora/articles/9 1/i 13/Nuclear-Retirement-Anxietv.html 2

NRC Delays Action on Reactor-Vents..

http ://



Could we have this filter installed before any restart please??California's Unnecessary Nukes -Barbara George -The State has an Excess of Generating Capacity WITHOUT San Onofre and Diablo Canyon. We don't need them. Blatant Disregard For Public Safety: Crippled Nuclear Power Plant in California Is Being Fast-Tracked for Reopening http://www.alternet.or2/environment/blatant-disreyard-public-safety-crippled-nuclear-power-p1ant-califomia-beinc-fast?akid=



12 Edison loves obscurity and runs from transparency.

What are they hiding?httl2:// 109660143359&aid=GqksdREBuDI Nuclear is not a low carbon source of energy http ://www.washin


html Does nuclear power produce no C02 ? Proponents of nuclear power always say that one of the big benefits of nuclear power is that it produces no Carbon dioxide (C02). This is completely untrue htt] :// 11 /does-nuclear-power-produce-no-co2 350 layoffs pending at San Onofre nuke plant -HUH???? 2/nuke-plant-more-lavoffs/

How Should We Deal With Nuclear Waste? 10001424127887324789504578382722051659686.html Almost one-in-six U.S. nuclear reactors experienced safety breaches last year due in part to poor oversight by federal regulators 13-03 -07/safetv-breaches-seen-plaguing-u-s-reactors-in-report.html The NRC -Edison's atomic lapdog -No significant hazard?http :// the-nrc-edisons-atomic-lapdog The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) lowers safety standards in order to keep old nuclear power plants, such as San Onofre, operating.

With 90% of their over $1 billion budget coming from nuclear industry fees there is an obvious conflict of interest.httr://sanonofiesafetv.

San Onofre: Restart plan would cost customers

$150M more than replacement power htit :// 13-03 -san-onofre-restart-plan-would-cost-customers-15Om Regulators aware for years of understated seismic risks to nuclear plants httT ://www.i watchnews.

or&/20 11/03/1 8/3 700/reaulators-aware-vears-understated-seismic-risks-nuclear-plants 3

Side note: Songs is designed to resist a 7.0 earthquake

-The Fukishima earthquake was 9.0..The tsunami wall at San Onofre is 14 feet at high tide -The fuku tsunami was 45-65 feet high..What happened to this? March 2012 letter nrc order requires provisions for mitigation strategies for beyond design external events. .html"San Onofre's Steam Generators:

Significantly Worse than All Others Nationwide" -Arnie Gundersen, senior vice president of Fairewinds, Master Degree in nuclear engineering with 40-years of nuclear power engineering.

During his nuclear power industry career, Arnie also managed and coordinated projects at 70-nuclear power plants in the US. Nuclear Power is over. It's not a good business deal. After so many nuclear disasters, why is there STILL no public monitored radiation system in place, nor any public health surveys being done regularly?

Nuclear power plants leak like sieves..

Nuclear Experts Agree, San Onofre's Replacement Steam Generators Are Unsafe http://decommi

/sce-violated-federal-regs-and-public.html 1/11 /steam generatortubesl ugged 1 .pdf Can California do without San Onofre? We have done just fine for over a year without San Onofre...http://www.kpbs.orp/news/2013/mar/21

/region-wi 1 -have-adequate-power-without-san-onofre/

The Flawed Logic Behind Restarting San Onofre in Light of Fukushima

California legislators blast Public Utilities Commission Some lawmakers called for the ouster of Paul Clanon, the PUC's executive director since 2007, after a scathing report by an outside consulting group unveiled a stunning disregard for safety pervading the commission. 23048161/california-legislators-blast-public-utilities-commission?

Journal warned of San Onofre issue -Unheeded articles predicted vibrations that ended up shutting plant http: ://w-w,.utsandi ego. com/news/20

! 3/apr/20/someone-saw-san-onofre-i ssue-comin P/San Onofre: Los Angeles votes to oppose reactor restart without public hearings http ://www. foe.or2z/news/news-releases/20 13 san-onofre-los-an eles-votes-to-oppose-reactor-restart Susan Brown 4