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After Action Report/Improvement Plan, Emergency Preparedness Program
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 03/06/2013
From: Freeman B
US Dept of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Collins E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC Region 4
Download: ML13073A104 (21)


U.S. Department of Homeland Security Region VII 9221 Ward Parkway, Suite 300

( FEMA Kansas City, MO 64114-3372 March 6, 2013 Mr. Elmo E. Collins Regional Administrator U.S. NRC Region IV 1600 East Lamar Blvd.

.Arlington, Texas 76011-4511

Dear Mr. Collins:

Enclosed is a copy of the final report for the November 7, 2012, medical services drill of the offsite radiological emergency response plans, site-specific to the Callaway Nuclear Power Plant. The participants in this drill were the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency, the University of Missouri: Hospital and Clinics, and the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service. The report was prepared by Federal Emergency Management Agency Region VII staff. The final report willibe provided to the State of Missouri.

There were no deficiencies and one area requiring corrective action (ARCA) identified. After some training and re-demonstration, the ARCA is now closed. There were no ARCAs or deficiencies from previous exercises to be addressed in this drill.

Based on the results of the drill evaluation, the offsite radiological response plans and preparedness for the state of Missouri and the affected local jurisdictions, site-specific to the Callaway Nuclear Power Plant, can be implemented and are adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken offsite to protect the health and safety of the public in the event of a radiological emergency at the site. Therefore, the Title 44 CFR, Part 350 approval of the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Missouri, site-specific to the Callaway Nuclear Power Plant, granted on March 21, 1984, will remain in effect.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the report, please contact Mr. Ronald L. McCabe, Regional Assistance Committee Chair, at 816-283-7007 or by email

Sincerely, Beth Freeman Regional Administrator Enclosure .

cc: Vanessa Quinn, HQ REP w/o enclosure (electronic)

Document Control Desk, NRC HQ NRC NSIR.(electronic)

Bill Maier, NRC IV w/o enclosure (electronic)

Lisa Hamilton, HQ REP w/o enclosure (electronic)

Callaway Nuclear Power Plant After Action Report/

Improvement Plan Drill Date - November 07, 2012 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program SFEMA Published February28, 2013

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant This page is intentionally blank.

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant Callaway Nuclear Power Plant After Action Report/Improvement Plan Published February28, 2013 Contents Executive Summary 3 Section 1: Exercise Overview 4 1.1 Exercise Details 4 1.2 Exercise Planning Team Leadership 4 1.3 Participating Organizations 6 Section 2: Exercise Design Summary 7 2.1 Exercise Purpose and Design 7 2.2 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities 8 2.3 Scenario Summary 9 Section 3: Analysis of Capabilities 10 3.1 Drill Evaluation and Results 10 3.2 Summary Results of Drill Evaluation 10 3.3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries 12 3.3.1 Support Jurisdictions 12 University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics 12 University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance 13 Service Section 4: Conclusion 14 Appendix A: Drill Evaluators and Team Leaders 15 Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations 16 1

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant This page is intentionally blank.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant EXECUTIVE


On November 7, 2012, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Region VII, evaluated a medical services drill for the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, and the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service. The purpose of the medical services drill was to assess the ability of the hospital and its associated ambulance service to respond to a radiological emergency involving a simulated medical injury to a member of the public with radioactive contamination. This drill was held in accordance with FEMA's policies and guidance concerning the exercise of State and local radiological emergency response plans and procedures.

The previous medical services drill at this site was conducted on November 9, 2010. The qualifying emergency preparedness exercise for this Power Plant was conducted on March 21, 1984.

FEMA wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the staffs of the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service and Missouri's State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) who participated in this drill. The efforts of the state should also be commended for their work on training and drill preparation.

Protecting the public health and safety is the full-time job of some of the medical drill participants and an additional assigned responsibility for others. Still, others have willingly sought this responsibility by volunteering to provide vital emergency services to their communities. A special thank you is once again extended to those wonderful volunteers.

Cooperation and teamwork of all the participants were evident during this drill.

The University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics and the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service demonstrated knowledge of their emergency response plans and procedures and adequately implemented them. There were no Deficiencies and one Area Requiring Corrective Action (ARCA) identified as a result of this medical drill. The ARCA was corrected during the drill and is closed. There were no previous ARCAs to be corrected during this medical drill from 2010.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant SECTION 1: EXERCISE OVERVIEW 1.1 Exercise Details Exercise Name Callaway Nuclear Power Plant Type of Exercise Drill Exercise Date November 07, 2012 Program Department of Homeland Security/FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program Scenario Type Radiological Emergency 1.2 Exercise Planning Team Leadership Judy Dodgen Site Specialist Federal Emergency Management Agency / US Dept of Homeland Security Technological Hazards Program Specialist 9221 Ward Parkway Suite 300 Kansas City, Missouri, 64114 816-283-7091 Tom Mohr Controller-Communications State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA)

SEMA REP Program Manager (Callaway/Cooper) 4

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant 2302 Militia Drive P.O. Box 116 (mailing address)

Jefferson City, Missouri, 65102 573-526-9245 James Kammerer Controller - Ambulance State Emergency Management Agency Radiological Systems Maintenance Supervisor 2302 Militia Drive Jefferson City, Missouri, 65102 573-526-9264 John Bassford Utility Representative Ameren UE - Callaway Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Response Coordinator, Protective Services Junction CC & Hwy 0 P.O.Box 620, CA - 460 (mailing address)

Fulton, Missouri, 65251 314-974-8945 Darrell Chute Controller-On-Scene Control SEMA REP Planning/Training 2302 Militia Drive Jefferson City, Missouri, 65102 573-526-9139 5

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant 1.3 Participating Organizations Agencies and organizations of the following jurisdictions participated in the Callaway Nuclear Power Plant drill:

State Jurisdictions SEMA Support Jurisdictions University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics University of Missouri Hospital Health Care Ambulance Service 6

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant SECTION 2: EXERCISE DESIGN


2.1 Exercise Purpose and Design The purpose of the Medical Services drill conducted in association with the Callaway Nuclear Power Plant (CNPP) was to demonstrate the adequacy of the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics and the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service emergency plans, associated implementing procedures, facilities, and equipment of the emergency responders and supporting entities in the communities in the immediate vicinity of the CNPP, specifically within the 10-mile emergency planning zone (EPZ).

Further, this drill was to test the CNPP emergency response community's ability to assess and respond to emergency conditions and coordinate efforts with other agencies for protection of the health and safety of the public.

The conduct and evaluation of this drill provides additional training for emergency response organization personnel as a means to enhance CNPP emergency response capability. The purpose of this particular medical services drill was to activate and evaluate portions of the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics and the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service Emergency Plans, and associated implementing procedures, in accordance with 44 CFR 350.

The scenario for the medical services drill was developed by SEMA, then was reviewed and approved for use by FEMA Region 7. The scenario was utilized by the exercise controllers and evaluators as the control mechanism for the conduct of the drill.

The scenario for the drill at the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics was designed to depict a simulated vehicle accident in which a woman was injured and potentially contaminated.

The University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service responded to the accident scene and followed their procedures for handling a contaminated injury, and transported the victim to the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics. The University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics established a Radiological Emergency Area (REA), treated the injury, and decontaminated the victim.

The scenario design provided the basis to observe and evaluate the capabilities and effectiveness of the Emergency Response Plans for the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics and the 7

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service.

2.2 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities The Callaway Nuclear Power Plant (CNPP) Emergency Preparedness Exercise & Drill Program objectives are based on the Federal requirements delineated in 44 CFR 350, as well as on the priorities and procedures detailed in the Radiological Emergency Preparedness plans for the State of Missouri, University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics and University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service. Additional guidance provided in NUREG-0654, NUREG-0696, and NUREG-0737, was utilized in developing these objectives.

The objective of this medical services drill was to test the implementation of the plans and procedures of the participating agencies, and the capability of these agencies to conduct operations in accordance with these plans. This objective is further defined by the criteria evaluated for each participant. These criteria are listed in Table 3.1.

The medical services drill was designed to allow the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics and University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service to demonstrate the ability to initiate, maintain, and show control and treatment of contamination in patients, and illustrate the adequacy of emergency vehicles, equipment and personnel for transporting and treating contaminated patients. Both the ambulance service and the hospital were evaluated based upon the plans and procedures which they have established for use in a radiological emergency.

This drill was performed out-of-sequence, which is not concurrent to a full scale exercise or in synchronized time with other sites. To compensate for the artificiality of an out-of-sequence drill, the activities for each evaluation accepted simulation of some tasks. This allowed for the evaluators to focus on the activities specified in the drill criteria, which are usually those least familiar to the exercise players. None of the simulations compromised the ability to demonstrate and evaluate the objective of the drill.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant 2.3 Scenario Summary The scenario utilized for the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics and the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service medical services drill stemmed from a female living near Steedman, part of sub-area C6 on Route CC hearing about the evacuation of the area on her tone alert radio shortly after the release has started. While leaving her home with her pet, the dog panics and drags her a short distance on the ground. Her clothes and all exposed parts of her body become contaminated by deposition from the plume when she is dragged on the ground.

Abandoning the pet and driving as quickly as possible out of the area, she starts experiencing chest pains and numbness on the left side of her body. She pulls to the side of Highway 94 just west of Mokane and calls 911. The pain in her chest, injuries and dizziness leaves her unable to move or to leave the area. Because she was immersed in the plume, the contamination is imbedded in the wounds.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant SECTION 3: ANALYSIS OF CAPABILITIES 3.1 Drill Evaluation and Results Contained in this section are the results and findings of the evaluation of all jurisdictions and functional entities, which participated in the November 7, 2012, out of sequence medical services drill. The drill event tested the offsite emergency response capability of the hospital and its associated ambulance service to respond to a radiological emergency, involving a simulated medical injury to a member of the public with radioactive contamination.

Each jurisdiction and functional entity was evaluated on the basis of its demonstration of criteria contained in the REP Program Manual dated, April 2012.

3.2 Summary Results of Drill Evaluation The matrix presented in Table 3.1, on the following pages, presents the status of all exercise criteria, which were scheduled for demonstration during this medical services drill, at all participating jurisdictions and functional entities. Exercise criteria are listed by number and the demonstration status of those criteria is indicated by the use of the following letters:

M - Met (No Deficiency or ARCAs assessed and no unresolved ARCAs from prior exercises)

D - Deficiency assessed A - Area Requiring Corrective Action (ARCA) assessed or unresolved ARCA(s) from prior exercises)

P - Planning Issues N - Not Demonstrated (Reason explained in subsection B) 10

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant Table 3.1 - Summary of Drill Evaluation 2

E DATE: 2012-11-07 <

SITE: Callaway Nuclear Power Plant, MO 0 0 M: Met, A: ARCA, D: Deficiency, P: Plan Issue, N: Not Demonstrated Emergency Operations Management Mobilization lal Facilities IbI Direction & Control Icl Communications Equipment Idl Equipment and Supplies lel M M Protective Action Decision Making EW Exp. Control Decisions 2al PARs 2bI PADs 2b2 PADs for Disabled/Functional Needs 2c 1 Ingestion PADs 2dl RRR Decisions 2e I Protective Action Implementation EW Exp. Control Implementation 3al M M KI Public/Institutionalized 3b 1 PAD Imp. Disabled/Functional Needs 3cl PAD Imp. Schools 3c2 TACP Establishment 3d I Impediments to Evacuation 3d2 Implementation of Ingestion PADs 3el Ingestion Strategies and Information 3e2 Imp. of RRR Decisions 3fl Field Measurement and Analysis RESERVED 4al Field Team Management 4a2 Field Team Operations 4a3 Field Team Sampling 4b I Laboratory Operations 4c I t

Emergency Notification and Public Info Initial Alert & Notification 5a]


Backup Alert & Notification 5a3 Exception Area Alerting 5a4 Subsequent Public Information 5bl Support Operations/Facilities Reception Center Operations 6al EW Monitoring & Decon 6b I Congregate Care 6c ]

Contaminated Injured Transport & Care 6dl M M 11

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant 3.3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries 3.3.1 Support Jurisdictions University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics The University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics demonstrated excellent teamwork during preparation for receiving a contaminated patient.

In summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:

a. MET: L.e.1, 3.a.1, 6.d.1.

ISSUE NO.: 10-12-6dl-A-01 CRITERION: The facility/ORO has the appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide transport, monitoring, decontamination, and medical services to contaminated injured individuals.

CONDITION: Emergency room staff did not drape the contaminated wounds of the patient prior to proceeding with wet decontamination procedures.

POSSIBLE CAUSE: This step is clearly listed in their procedures (Radiation Incident: Code Orange dated 8/16/12 - page 10 of 24), but there was no one reviewing or reading off the steps in the procedure as decontamination was conducted. Evaluators had reminded participants prior to the demonstration that they were free to consult their written procedures during the demonstration.


NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, F.2; H.10; K.5.a, b; L.1, 4 EFFECT: Not draping the areas around the contaminated wounds prior to beginning wet decontamination procedures could have resulted in further contamination of clean areas of the patient's body.

CORRECTIVE ACTION DEMONSTRATED: Emergency room staff identified 12

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant their error immediately after being asked about the steps in their procedure by the evaluator. The wounds were properly draped and successful decontamination proceeded. It is recommended that someone be available to read the steps in the procedure as decontamination is conducted during future demonstrations. This issue is closed.

g. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service The University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service personnel demonstrated attention to detail in minimizing exposure control, and excellent knowledge of equipment preparation.

In summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:

a. MET: 1.e.1,3.a.1,6.d.1.

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant SECTION 4: CONCLUSION Based on the results of the November 7, 2012, medical services drill, the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Missouri and the affected local jurisdictions are deemed adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken to protect the health and safety of the public in the event of a radiological emergency.

Therefore, 44 CFR Part 350 approval of the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Missouri, the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics and the University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service, site-specific to the Callaway Nuclear Power Plant, will remain in effect.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant APPENDIX A: DRILL EVALUATORS AND TEAM LEADERS DATE: 2012-11-07, SITE: Callaway Nuclear Power Plant, MO LOCATION EVALUATOR AGENCY University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics *Rex Jennings FEMA RVII University of Missouri Health Care Ambulance Service *Jeff Clark FEMA RVII

  • Team Leader 15

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant APPENDIX B: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ARCA Area Requiring Corrective Action CNPP Callaway Nuclear Power Plant DHS Department of Homeland Security DRD Direct Reading Dosimeters EPZ Emergency Planning Zone FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency KI Potassium Iodide NUREG NRC Nuclear Regulatory Publication PAD Protective Action Decision PAR Protective Action Recomendation REA Radiological Emergency Area REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness SEMA State Emergency Management Agency TLD Thermoluminescent Dosimeters 16

,4 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Callaway Nuclear Power Plant This page is intentionally blank.