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Procedure Review Form - Chemistry Coordinator Checklist
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/2023
From: Fortman J
Ameren Missouri
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML23164A027 List:
EIP-ZZ-00240, Add. G, Rev. 15
Download: ML23164A029 (1)


PROCEDURE REVIEW FORM (PRF) 1.0 Initiation Initiator: Joseph Fortman Date: 05/1812023 Procedure Dept: EP Document #: EIP-ZZ-00240 Addendum G New Rev. # 015


ChemistryCoordinator Checklist Level of Use: EjContinuous Reference Infonnation UMultiple LN/A 2A) Reason for Change/Description of Change (List commitments, CRs, eB Change Recjuests, OERs, Plant Mods etc. and record numbers here.)

CR202301425 Page 6 & 7, Operations, Step 6, 8, and 1 1 were reordered to better match the potential event progression Continued: [1 3.0. Documcnt Disposition LiTemp Change DNew I)ocument LiMajor Revision Minor Revision flCancellation LI Administrative Correction DepL Head or [)csignatcd Approver required for Adrninisttative Corrections (Signature/PIN/Date) no other signatures regttired 4.0 Interim Approval (Thrnp. Change Only) Temp. Change #: Expiration Date:

CbgrnzantSUpc.L visot tSignatui c/P1N/Dat.) SRO (Sign iturc/PIN/D itc)



6.0 Reviews and Signatures (NOT Revieies Required Dept PIN Date CA0139 Attached Preparer EP j 14588 18/2023 N/A Technical Review EP I 4588 05/1 8/2023 LI Yes No 1 ehrncal Review CfEb\ , c/:%il;&s Yes No Addl Review f 3O 3/:3/3 DYes jNo AddI Review LIYes LINo D Additional Reviews (See Attached CAOI39forrns). Number ofadditional CAOI39s: . ,

Type Coordinator - PIN Sijitature Date CA0139 Attached DVahdation Yes LI No 50.59 Review CA25 1 0 L1CA25 1 1 LICA251 2 I,tii (Dept. Head or Designated Approver) Is a Change Management Plan required? EYes No (IF YES, attach CA277% or CA2774)

Is a Cross-Disciplinary review required? EYes LINo 7O Approval (Either approvttt must be qicati/led as PA T/APVR or PA T/G4PR in QttnhWaster)

Senior Director Nuclear Operations Approval (per APA-ZZ-OO1O1) ORC is required in accordance with APA-ZZOOO91 Department iiel Final Review and Approval ()RU Meeting: J Q ,

_p IL 3 Dept. Head or Designated Approver rJ2Y/ 3 (f1%t &vt I 0 I I Senior Director Nuclear Operations


(Signature/PIN/Date) \ (Signature/PIN/Date)

N()1e PUge 2 provides iflsttLfCliOflV to COtflf)/tO this/birn ant may he discarded A1900001, 2, 5, 35 A210.0062, 65, 69; M190.000I

- Page 1 of 2 CA0033 APA-ZZ-OO 101 Rev. 002

APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION Address the questions below for all aspects of the activity. If the answer s YES for any portion of the activity, apply (he identified procedures to tha( portion of the activity. Note that it is not unilsual to have more than one process apply to a given activity. Refer to Section 4 of the 10 CFR 50.59 Resource Manual (RM) and the instructions on pages 5-6 for additional guidance.

I. Activity/Document Number: EIP-ZZ-OO24OAddendum G Revision Number: 015


ChemistryCoordüiatorChecklist BriefDescription of activity (what is being changed and why):

CR202301425 Page 6 & 7, Operations, Step 6, 8, and 1 1 were reordered to better match the potential event progression.

If YES, no further 50.59 (or 7248) review beyond this Applicability II, Determination (AD) is required, but Does the proposed activity fall within the scope of an activity Response complete the remainder of this form.

that has been previously approved by the NRC or for which a Identify the applicable 50.59/72.48 50.59/72.48 Screen or evaluation has already been performed?

NO LIYES Evaluation Log , License (See Section 4.2 of the RM.)

Amendment No., or applicable document number.

Document #

III. Does the proposed activity involve a change to the: Response See Section 4.2.1 ofthe RM.

I Technical Specifications or the Renewed Operating IfYES, process per APA-ZZ-00 108 NO fl YES and FDP-ZZ-00 103.

License? (5cc 10 CFR 50.90.)

IfYES, process per APA-ZZ-00 108 and GDP-ZZ-00600 and related

2. Quality Assurance Plan? (See 10 CFR 50.54(a).) JN() 1YES facility or procedure change programs.

IfYES, process per APA-ZZ-00 108

3. Security Plan which also includes the Cyber Security Plan? 1 and SDP-ZZ00030 for Security YES (See 10 CFR 50.54(p).) Plan and related facility or procedure change programs.
4. Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) or Emergency Action Levels (EALS)? (See 10 CFR 50.54(q).)

IfYES, process per APA-ZZ-00 108 Note: Ifyour proposed change alters a RERP and KDP-ZZ-00400 for RERP and implementing procedure [any EIP-ZZ-XXXX], equipment LI NO YES related facility or procedure change identified as important to emergency response [refer to KDP-ZZ-000 13], or could alter response time, staffing, or other items covered in the 1 6 Planning Standards or in Appendix E to Part 50.47(b) [refer to KDPZZ-00400],

answer this question YES.

APA-ZZ-OO 143 Page 1 CA2510 A 170.0010 Rev. 005


IfYES, process APA-ZZ-00356 for ASME code compliance and related facility or procedure change programs.

5. 1ST Program Plan? (See 10 CFR 50.55a(O.) NO YES IfYES, process per EDP-ZZ-O 1003 for ASME code compliance and j

related facility or procedure change programs.

6. 151 Program Plan? (See 10 CFR 50.55a(g).) NO LYES See FP Screening questions in EDP ZZ-04044. If any of the screening
7. Fire Protection Program? (See Operating License Condition 2C(5).)

NO i:i YES questions are answered YES, a Fire Protection review is needed in accordance with EDP-ZZ-04044.

8. Storage Cask Certificate of Compliance (CoC), including IF YES, then contact Regulatory appendices? (See 10 CfR 72.244.) NO LI YES Affairs/Licensing to determine next steps.
9. Does the proposed activity impact other programs (e.g.,

the ODCM) that are controlled by regulations, the Operating License (including Orders and License If YES, indicate the applicable Conditions) or the Technical Specifications? (See Section NO LI YES program in Brief Description Section.

4.2.1 of the RM.)

Iv. Does the proposed activity involve: Response See Section 4.2.2 ofthc RlvI 1 . Maintenance which restores SSCs to their original (as designed) condition? (See 10 CFR 50.65(a)(4).) IfYES, process change per APA-ZZ-0010l for procedure NO LIYES Note: Ifthe maintenance is on ISFSI or cask-related items, changes or APA-ZZ-00320/330/340 the Maintenance Rule does NOT apply, and the activity is for Maintenance activities.

subject to a 10 CFR 72.48 Screen on a CA3 145.

IfYES, process per APA-ZZ-00101 for procedure changes or APA-ZZ-00605 for facility changes

2. A temporary alteration (to procedures or the facility) or Procedurally Controlled supporting maintenance (TASM) that will be in effect NO LIYES Temporary Modifications or during at-power operations for 90 days or less?

MDP-ZZ-fSOO1 for Freeze Seals.

Evaluate risk using APA-ZZ-003 15, Appendix A.

APA-ZZ-OO 143 Page 2 CA25 10 A170.OO1O Rev. 005


V. Does the PI0I)SeCl aciivi*ty involve a change to the: Response See Section 4 2 3 ofthe R1VI Process the FSAR change per

1. FSAR NO EJYES APA-ZZ-00108 arid FDP-ZZ-00 103 If the above response is NO, check N/A in the Response for revising License Documents.

column at right.


If the above response is YES, does the proposed activity A NO response in the Response involve an FSAR change that may be excluded from the requirement to perform a 50.59 ScrecnlEvaluation by r NO El YES column at left means that the FSARITS Bases change is one that NEI 9607 or NEI 9803? (Provide a YES or NO response to N/A requires further 50.59 review (i.e., is this question in the Response column at right.)

not excludable from further review).

Note: In lieu ofthe exclusion criteria ofRM Section 4.23, a A YES response means that the YES response may also be provided if the fSAR change fSAR does NOT require further requires no further 5059 review based on a YES response to 50.59 review.

the question in Section II of this Applicability Determination form.)

Process the TS Bases change per

2. Technical Specification Bases? NO LI YES APA-ZZ-00108 and FDP-ZZ-00 103 If the above response is NO, check N/A in the Response for revising License Documents.

column at right.


If the above response is YES, does the proposed activity A NO response in the Response involve a TS Bases change comparable to that which may be column at left means that the TS excluded from the requirement to perform a 50.59 E NO Li YES Bases change is one that requires Screen/Evaluation by NET 9607 or NEI 9803 (as described further 50.59 review (i.e., is not for an FSAR change)? (Provide a YES or NO response to this N/A excludable from further review).

question in the Response column at right.)

A YES response means that the TS Note: In lieu ofthe exclusion criteria ofRM Section 4.2.3, a Bases Change does NOT require YES response may also be provided if the 1$ Bases change further 50.59 review.

requires no further 50.59 review based on a YES response to the question in Section TI ofthis Applicability Determination form.)

VI. Does the iI01)OSed activity involve a chante ttL Response See Section 4.2.4 /4.2.6 ofthe RM 1 Managerial or administrative procedures, controls, or activities (including software used only for the IfYES, process per APA-ZZ-00 101 implementation of administrative procedures, controls, or NO El YES or APA-ZZ-00 109.

activities) governing the conduct of facility operations (subject to the control of TOCFR5O. Appendix B)?

2. Regulatory conmiitment not covered by another regulation IfYES, process per based change pwees? (See NEI 99-04.) 1NO DYES APA-ZZ-00540.

IfYES, perform a 72.48 Screen per APA-ZZ-00l43 unless the change is completely covered by the response Does the proposed activity potentially affect the design, to Section II.


operation, or maintenance ofthe ISfSI facility as described in NO DYES the dry cask storage FSAR or the 72.212 Report? (See fDP zz-00105 and Attachment 1 ofAPA-ZZ-00143.) Note:

Editorial or administrative changes are excluded from the requirement to pert()tm a 72.48 Review.

APA-ZZ-OO 143 Page 3 CA2510 A170.OOlO Rev. 005

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50.54(q) Screening Form Document #, Rev #, &


EIP-ZZ-00240 Addendum G, Revision 01 5, Chemistry Coordinator Checklist EP Tracking #: 2023022 Activity Description and


CR202301425 Steps reordered as many post-accident sampling actions would depend on working through Reactor Trip Checklist and current steps do not reference Reactor Trip Checklist until already in the post-accident sampling.

Steps aligned as follows Operations:

. Step 6 changed to be Step 9.

. Step 7 is unchanged

. Step 8 changed to be Step 10

. Step 9 changed to be Step 8

. Step 1 0 changed to be Step II

. Step I 1 changed to be Step 6 These actions improve the monitoring of evolving plant conditions during major events as seen during the 2023 NRC raded exercise.

Activity Scope: YES NO revise the Radio1oical Ernergencyçponse PNn (RERP) or Implementing Proceduies7 H Change Type: YES NO Is this activityeditorial or typographical? .. . .. .. ..... ..... . ...

H I Previously Approved Change: YES NO Is this activity being processed to conform to a previously approved activity? .... H IfYES, what is the previously approved activity?

Planning Standard Determination:

Does this activity impact any ofthe 50.47(b) Planning Staadards or Part 50 Appendix F: YES NO 50.47(b)(1) Assignment ofRcsponsibility (Organization Control)?

- * , .. H 50.47(b)(2) Onsite Emergency Organization?

H 50.47(b)(3) Emergency Response Support and Resources7 H

50.47(b)(4) Emergency Classification System?

H 50.47(b)(5) Notification Methods and Procedures9

.. ... .*.... H 50.47(b)(6) Emergency Cornrnunications LI 50.47(b)(7) Public Education and Information7

. . . . H 50.47(b)(8) Emergency facility and Equipment?

- . .. ü 50.47(b)(9) Accident Assessment7 H

50.47(b)(10) Protective Response7 H

50.47(b)(11) Radiological Exposure Control?

- . H 50.47(b)(12) Medical and Public Health Support?

- . . . H 50.47(b)(13) Recovery Planning and Post Accident Operations?

. H 50.47(b)(14) Drills and Exercises7

. E 50.47(b)(15) Emergency Responder Training?

- ... . .. . ... H 50.47(b)(16) Emergency Plan Maintenance?

H Part 50 Appendix E .. .. .... H Commitment Impact Determination: YES NO Does this activity impact a Site Specific EP Commitment not associated with a Planning Standard or Element? H If Yes, record the Commitment number:

Explanation of Determination: (Enter an explanation to each determination-answer that needs clarifIcation.)

Revision of EIP-ZZ-00240 Add G, Chemistry Coordinator Checklist is associated with Planning Standards 50.47(b)(8)

Emergency Facility and Equipment and 50.47(b)(9) Accident Assessment. However, the activity only slightly reorders actions in the checklist and the actions themselves were unchanged. This activity has no impact on any of the regulatory required functions of the associated planning standards. Therefore, an evaluation in accordance with 50.54(q) is not required.

File # A210.0038 Page 1 of2 CA1523 KDP-ZZ-00400 Rev. 002

50.54(q) Screening Form Screening Evaluation Results:

Based on the results of the information above, can the activity be implemcntcd without performing a YES NO full 50.54(q) Effectiveness Evaluation? .. .. . ... . .... . ...

  • .*) , U Review/Approval -

Preparer (Sign/PIN) ri: &s, must


be qualified nZ)ençv 1?Lcfs:se Coctzltatoi.

Date Z9 Z3 Reviewer (Sign/PIN) 2 SZQ 1? i rit 1 fi IS! F) 4T ci I n i Response C noidinotot Emergency Prcparedness NI gei (Sign/PIN) itfl1 File#A2l0.0038 Pagc2of2 CA1523 KDP-ZZ-00400 Rev. 002