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WCAP-17678-NP, Rev. 0, Wolf Creek Generating Station Post-Fukushima NTTF 2.3 Seismic Walkdown Submittal Report. Appendix B, Area Walk-by Checklists (Awcs), Page B-185 Through Page B-228
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/2012
Wolf Creek
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ET 12-0032 WCAP-17678-NP, Rev 0
Download: ML12342A255 (44)


B-185 Status: YEE U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3601 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.

1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially Yes adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant Yes degraded conditions?
3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and Yes HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g.,

condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Yes interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?

SWT cannot verify whether SP-010 and KC-C08 are securely fastened so as to preclude chatter. WCNOC Operationsconfirmed that both cabinets are NNS; therefore chatter does not pose adverse seismic concern.

5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause flooding or spray in the area?
6. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause a fire in the area?
7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions No associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-186 Status: YEW- U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3601 temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?

Observed portabletable approx. 3/4" from control panel. Table could rock and impact the panel. Shift managerindicatedthat Engineeringqualified the table for SSE. Verify whether the table has seismic calculationjustifying placement where it was located or remove to a safe location.

Licensing Basis Evaluation: No qualification document was identified to justify presence of table in proximity to safety-related control panel equipment. CR 57419 was issued by WCNOC documenting removal of table to safe location.

8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?

Comments Evaluated by: Hunter Young Date: 11-15-12 Timothy Nealon 11-15-12 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-187 Status: Y ] U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3601 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area L; I HL, 2041 WCAP-I 7678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-188 Status: Y NI U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3601 MW 1-7 4w Area # CTRL, 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-189 Status: YFT U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3601 Area L; I L, ZU4 ( Area # U I HL, 2U4(

WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-190 Status: Y L-*I U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3601 Area # CTRL. 2047 Area # CTRL. 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 November 2012 WCAP-I 7678-NP WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B- 191 Status: Y RI U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3601 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-192 Status: Y FN--] U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area CTRL, 2047.5, 3601 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B- 193 Status: YD[* U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3601 U

Area # CTRL, 2047 WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-194 Status: YEE U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3605 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.

1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially Yes adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
2. Does anchorage of equipment in t he area appear to be free of significant' Yes degraded conditions?
3. Based on a visual inspection from' the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and Yes HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g.,

condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Yes interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?

Observed S-hooks not fully closed but not enough to cause hooks to disengage;therefore no hazard.

5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause flooding or spray! in the area?
6. Does it'appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause a fire in the area?
7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions No associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and WCAP-I 7678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-195 Status: Y W U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3605 temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?

1.) Trash can againstRL021 can impact safety-relatedsensitive equipment.

Moved on spot by Operationsto safe position. CR 57422 issued by WCNOC documenting removal of trash can to safe location.

2.) In SE corner, the SWT observed a rolling step ladderthat was not clamped and could impact non nuclear safety (NNS) cabinets.

Since the items were NNS, there was no adverse condition, but better housekeeping practice is recommended. Similar concerns were noted for exercise equipment adjacent to NNS cabinets.

3.) In NE corner, the area is used as storage. Since there is no safety-related equipment in proximity, there is no adverse condition. However, better housekeeping practice is recommended.

4.) South of RK045C3 & RK045C4, noted two rolling test racks with wheels clamped in posted storage area. The concern is that the cabinets could overturn and impacts cabinets. Operation verified RK NNS; therefore no adverse seismic concern.

8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?

General note for equipment w/ modified top fasteners added to rigidly connect tops of cabinets. Verify whether modifications reconciled individual equipment qualifications.

Licensing Basis Evaluation:Bolted connections of cabinets in control room area is analyzed per WCNOC CalculationXX-FH-009-002. No adverse seismic concern.

Comments Evaluated by: Hunter Young Date: 11-15-12 Timothy Nealon 11-15-12 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-196 Status: Y L-N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3605 larazinl* l 'ilia*1*14/

Area ; u I IL, ZU4(

Area # CTRL, 2047 WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-197 Status: Y r-] U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

I nrotinn IRIrn IPloa P~Irnm// : CTRL, 2047.5, 3605 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area i U I KL, ZU4t WCAP-1 7678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-198 Status: Y N-* U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3605 Area;;# I KL, 2U4( Area # L I KL, 2U41 November 2012 WCAP- I 7678-NP WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-199 Status: Y N-] U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3605 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-200 Status: Y LI- U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3605 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area # CTRL, 2047 November 2012 WCAP- 7678-NP WCAP-117678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-201 Status: YFE U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : CTRL, 2047.5, 3605 Area # CTRL, 2047 Area ;F .; I KL, 2U4(

WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-202 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: DGB, 2000, 5201 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.

1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially Yes adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant Yes degraded conditions?
3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and Yes HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g.,

condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

Overheadcable tray, conduit, and HVAC are ruggedly supported and poses no seismic hazard to equipment below. No concern.

4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Yes interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?

1.) SWT noted fire piping is flexibly supported(rod-hung) with Victaulic couplings. Verify whether 2:1 adequacy from qualificationdocuments. 2.)

Noted lighting supportedby its own conduit spanning horizontally. Concern is that flexibly support light could overstress conduit and fall. Verify whether lighting supportis adequate.

Licensing Basis Evaluation: 1.) Per WCNOC Specification M-650, fire piping in diesel generatorbuilding is designed for Seismic Category 2:1 qualifications; therefore no adverse seismic condition. 2.) Re-inspection of photos shows conduit is galvanized rigid conduit, which has significant bending capacity to resist vertical loading of light. No adverse seismic concern.

5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause flooding or spray in the area?

Noted rod-hung fire piping with Victaulic coupling. Electrical components have drip shields and fire piping verified as pre-activatedper fire suppression drawings. Therefore no spray hazard.

WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-203 Status: N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: DGB, 2000, 5201

6. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause a fire in the area?
7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?

Noted rolling step laddernot tied off and wheels not locked. No safety-related equipment is within the zone of influence of the ladder; therefore no hazard.

Ops removed ladder. The SWT also noted a slender storage cabinet that is unanchored,. The concern is that the cabinet could overturn; however no soft targets are located within the zone of influence. Therefore there is no adverse concern but SWT recommended to positively anchor the cabinet to the floor as a good practice.

8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?

Comments Evaluated by: Hunter Young Date: 11-15-12 Timothy Nealon 11-15-12 WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-204 Status: Y] N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Elev, Room/Area): Area: DGB, 2000, 5201 Area # DGB, 2000, 5201 9-17 093 Area # DGB, 2000, 5201 9-17 092 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-205 Status: [YJ N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: DGB, 2000, 5201 Arma

  • nr.R 2001 S901 A-1 7 nAR Ara *# DcR 2000 5201 9-17 097 WCAP-1 7678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-206 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : DGB, 2000, 5201 Area # DGB, 2000, 5201 9-17 100 Area # DUB, Z000, 5UM1 9-17 101 Area # DGB, 2000, 5201 9-17 102 WCAP-1 7678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-207 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: DGB, 2000, 5201 Area # DGB. 2000. 5201 9-17 104 Area # DGB. 2000 5201 9-17 105 AkRm 4 iLitj r IILJIJt it ill- .4-l I i-Itl Area ; ULib, zUUU, b2U1 9-1 1Uti Area #; uUB, 2Uuu, b2ul 9-1 t 1u WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-208 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: DGB, 2000, 5201 Area # DGR 2000 52F1n 9-17 110i Area IflR 2000n 52019 0-17 111 Area

  • ut, zuuu, ozui s-i't11z Area # DGB, 2000, 5201 9-17 113 WCAP-1 7678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-209 Status: MI N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: DGB, 2000, 5201 Area ;;uut, zuuu,bU ozi-11 114 Area # UtSb, ;0uuu, b20u 9-1 t 1 lb Area # DGB, 2000, 5201 9-17 116 Area # DGB, 2000, 5201 9-17 117 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-21 0 Status: MI- N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: DGB, 2000, 5201 Area # DGB, 2000, 5201 9-17 119 Area # DGB, 2000, 5201 9-17 118 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-21 1 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: ESW, 2000, UNK Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.

1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially Yes adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant Yes degraded conditions?

Noted surface corrosion throughout area due to harsh environment. No indicationof strength loss and therefore no adverse seismic concern, but noted to site to be vigilant of future corrosion.

3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and Yes HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g.,

condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Yes interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?

Noted scaffolding that displaced lights so the lights rest against the scaffolding. Given the flexible support of the light, impact between the lighting and scaffold during seismic event judged not to be a seismic concern to safety-related equipment.

5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause flooding or spray in the area?

No fire protection in area and process waterpiping is well-supported. In addition, area has sufficient drainagecapacity and sensitive equipment is elevated. Therefore, there is no flooding/sprayhazard.

6. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause a fire in the area?
7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-212 Status: N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : ESW, 2000, LINK temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?

SWT noted an unanchored waste can (typical of plant) with no safety-related equipment within zone of influence. No hazard.

Approximately 30' tall scaffold heavily braced back to wall at frequent intervals and therefore poses no seismic hazard to equipment.

8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?

Significant surface corrosionon flange bolts for valve downstream of strains.

Ops indicatedthat bolts newly installed. No indication of area loss indicative of strength degradation;therefore no adverse seismic concern.

Comments Evaluated by: Hunter Young Date: 11-15-12

"-*-"- Timothy Nealon 11-15-12 Area # ESW, 2000, UNK 9-17 160 Area # ESW, 2000, UNK 9-17 161 WCAP-I 7678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-213 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

ESW, 2000, UNK Area # ESW. 2000. UNK 9-17 162 Area # ESW, 2000, UNK 9-17 164 Area # ESW, 2000, UNK 9-17 165 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-2 14 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : ESW, 2000, UNK Area # ESW, 2000, UNK 9-17 167 Area #t:SVw, zULU, UNIK 9-1 ( 1bb WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-215 Status: jjJ] N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: ESW, 2000, UNK Area;F tzwv, zuuu, UNK U-1 f Ibt$ Area t 1::vSW, zUUU, UNK 9-1 ( Ib9 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-216 Status: r] N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: ESW, 2000, UNK Area # ESW, 2000, UNK 9-17 171 Area EtW, 2000, UNK 9-17 170 WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-217 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

I ner'itinn (RIh, IlIn, Pnrnm/Ar Ann I Iw Area # ESW, 2000, UNK 9-17 174 taran 3z i-,;vu,11 IIill INIIFK 141.1/ /-'

Area # Lb-w, zUUu, UNK 9-1 f 1 lb Area # ESW, 2U00, UNK 9-11 117 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-218 Status: r] N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : ESW, 2000, UNK Area # ESW, 2000, UNK 9-17 178 Area # ESW, 2000, UNK 9-17 179 17678-NP November 2012 WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-219 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : ESW, 2000, UNK Area ;; tbw, ;euuu, UNKS 9i-11 1'M Area; Lbvv, zuuu, UNK~ U~-1 1 161 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-220 Status: F N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area FB, 2000, 6104 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questiohs may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.

1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially Yes adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant Yes degraded conditions?
3. Based on a visual inspection from' the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and Yes HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g.,

condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)? I Cable tray noted to be ruggedly supported by cantilevered structural members off of wall. No hazard.

4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Yes interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?

Hoist above is well-supported and chains are tied off No hazard.

5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause flooding or spray in the area?
6. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause a fire in the area?
7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-221 Status: [i-V N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: FB, 2000, 6104 temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?

8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?

Comments Evaluated by: Hunter Young Date: 11-15-12 Timothy Nealon 11-15-12 Area # FB, 2000, 6104 9-18 246 Area # FB, 2000, 6104 9-18 247 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-222 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area: FB, 2000, 6104 Area # FB, 2000, 6104 9-18 248 Area # FB, 2000, 6104 9-18 249 November 2012 WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-223 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : YRD, 2000, UNK Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.

1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially Yes adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?
2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant Yes degraded conditions?

Some superficialcorrosion, but no indication of strength loss. Therefore, no hazard.

3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and Yes HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g.,

condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?

4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Yes interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?
5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause flooding or spray in the area?
6. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes that could cause a fire in the area?
7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions Yes associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-224 Status: N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : YRD, 2000, UNK temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?

8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?

Comments Evaluated by: Hunter Young Date: 11-15-12

"*/-.-* Timothy Nealon 11-15-12 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-225 Status: [-Y N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : YRD, 2000, UNK Area # YRD, 2000, UNK 9-17 193 Area # YRD, 2000, UNK 9-17 194 Area #tYKu, zuuu, UNK 9-11 19b Area # YRD, 2000, UNK 9-17 196 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-226 Status: FY] N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : YRD, 2000, UNK IU Area # YRD. 2000. UNK 9-17 197 Area # YRD, 2000. UNK 9-17 198 Area # YRD, 2000, UNK 9-17 199 Area # YRD, 2000, UNK 9-17 200 November 2012 WCAP- 7678-NP WCAP-117678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-227 Status: M N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : YRD, 2000, UNK Area # YRD. 2000. UNK 9-17 201 Area # YRD. 2000. UNK 9-17 202 Area # YRD, 2000, UNK 9-17 203 Area # YRD, 2000, UNK 9-17 204 WCAP- 17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0

B-228 Status: Ml N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)

Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): Area : YRD, 2000, UNK Area # YRD, 2000, UNK 9-17 205 WCAP-17678-NP November 2012 Revision 0