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E-mail from J. Rikhoff, NRR, to B. Pham, NRR, on Salem & Hope Creek License Renewal Application Acceptance Review
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 09/22/2009
From: Jeffrey Rikhoff
Division of License Renewal
To: Bo Pham
Download: ML11257A297 (2)


Rikhoff, Jeffrey From: ýRikhoff-Jeffredy Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:47 AM To: '--Pham; -Bo-Cc: Robinson, Jay


RE: Salem & Hope Creek License Renewal Application Acceptance Review Bo, I have reviewed the land use, socioeconomics, and environmental justice information submitted by PSEG Nuclear LLC in the Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage for Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations and have found that they meet the requirements of 10 CFR 51.45, 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(I)&(J), and Regulatory Guide 4.2, Supplement 1. The applicant has supplied sufficient information to start the environmental review.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks, jeff Jeffrey Rikhoff Senior Environmental Scientist Environmental Review Branch Division of License Renewal, NRR U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301/415-1090 Jeffrey. Rikhoff(anrc.qov From: Pham, Bo Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 3:18 PM To: Logan, Dennis; Bulavinetz, Richard; Rikhoff, Jeffrey; Travers, Allison; Klementowicz, Stephen; Beissel, Dennis


FW: Salem & Hope Creek License Renewal Application Acceptance Review Importance: High Folks, if you're on this email, I'm assigning you to do the acceptance review for the Salem & Hope Creek LRAs. I don't think the MLs are ready yet, but please see Donnie Ashley or Jay Robinson for the CDROMs.

There are 2 separate LRAs, so when providing input, please make a confirmatory statement for me to indicate that you've made 2 separate acceptances. I request that you provide input to me by Sept 18th. Please let me know if this time frame would pose a hardship on anyone, given that the GElS meetings will start on the week of the 14th.

FYI, we should be hearing back from AECOM (formerly Earthtech) with their contract proposal this week. To make sure we all get a little breathing room after Prairie Island thru Kewaunee, I'm asking for full contractor support for these 2 LRAs, so you all will provide contractor oversight. Also, I'm proposing to initially do 1 SEIS for both LRAs. Once we get to Scoping, I expect that we'll hear by then any disagreement or objections to this approach, and we'll consider the merits of those comments then.


  • .o Bo Pham Chief, Environmental Review Branch Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-415-8450 From: Robinson, Jay Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 7:19 AM To: Dozier, Jerry; Auluck, Rajender; Casto, Greg; Klein, Alex Cc: Ashley, Donnie; Pham, Bo; Keegan, Elaine


Salem & Hope Creek License Renewal Application Acceptance Review Just to let you know that we have received the Salem and Hope Creek License Renewal Applications as scheduled. We're in the process of completing the blue sheets so we can schedule the technical portion of the acceptance review, but we just wanted to give you a heads up to expect a request for the acceptance review.

The receipt letter will go out sometime next week, so the due date to complete the acceptance review will be towards the end of September/beginning of October. Cds of the application can be obtained from myself or Donnie Ashley. If you have any questions, please let me know. TAC numbers are below. Thanks. Jay.

ME1836, SALEM 1 - Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit - 1, License Renewal SAFETY Review ME1835, SALEM 1 - Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit - 1, License Renewal ENVIRONMENTAL Review ME1834, SALEM 2 - Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit - 2, License Renewal SAFETY Review ME1833, SALEM 2 - Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit - 2, License Renewal ENVIRONMENTAL Review ME1832, HOPE CREEK 1 - Hope Creek Generating Station, License Renewal SAFETY Review ME1831, HOPE CREEK 1 - Hope Creek Generating Station, License Renewal ENVIRONMENTAL Review 2