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Initial Exam 2011-301 Final Administrative Documents
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/06/2011
Duke Energy Corp
50-269/11-301, 50-270/11-301, 50-287/11-301, ES-201, ES-201-1
Download: ML111881139 (49)


ES-301 Simulator Scenario Quality Checklist Form ES-301-4 Facility: OCONEE Date of Exam: 05102111 Scenario Numbers: 1 /2/3 Operating Test No.: I InWals QUALITATIVE ATTRIBUTES a b* c#

1. The initial conditions are realistic, in that some equipment and/or instrumentation may be out of service, but it does not cue the operators into expected events.
2. The scenarios consist mostly of related events.
3. Each event description consists of

. the point in the scenario when it is to be initiated

. the malfunction(s) that are entered to initiate the event

. the symptoms/cues that will be visible to the crew

. the expected operator actions (by shift position)

. the event termination point (if applicable)

4. No more than one non-mechanistic failure (e.g., pipe break) is incorporated into the scenario .. (#J 5.

without a credible preceding incident such as a seismic event.

The events are valid with regard to physics and thermodynamics.

  • ?
6. Sequencing and timing of events is reasonable, and allows the examination team to obtain complete evaluation results commensurate with the scenario objectives.
7. If time compression techniques are used, the scenario summary clearly so indicates.

Operators have sufficient time to carry out expected activities without undue time constraints.

Cues are given.



8. The simulator modeling is not altered.
9. The scenarios have been validated. Pursuant to 10 CFR 55.46(d), any open simulator dt44.1 performance deficiencies or deviations from the referenced plant have been evaluated to ensure that functional fidelity is maintained while running the planned scenarios.
10. Every operator will be evaluated using at least one new or significantly modified scenario.

All other scenarios have been altered in accordance with Section D.5 of ES-301.

11. All individual operator competencies can be evaluated, as verified using Form ES-301-6 (submit the form along with the simulator scenarios).
12. Each applicant will be significantly involved in the minimum number of transients and events specified on Form ES-301-5 (submit the form with the simulator scenarios).
13. The level of difficulty is appropriate to support licensing decisions for each crew position.

V Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.5.d) Actual Attributes

1. Total malfunctions (58) 8/7/8
2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (12) 2/2/2
3. Abnormal events (24) 3/2/3
4. Major transients (12) ill /2
5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions 1/2/3
6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (02) 1/1/2
7. Critical tasks (23) 5/4/3 If

ES-201 Examination Preparation Checklist Form ES-201-1 Facility: OCONEg Date of Examination:

Developed by: Written - Facility NRC D ii Operating - Facility NRC Target Chief Date* Task Description (Reference) Examiners Initials

-180 1. Examination administration date confirmed (Cia; C.2.a and b)

-120 2. NRC examiners and facility contact assigned (C.1.d; C.2.e)

-120 3. Facility contact briefed on security and other requirements (C.2.c)

-120 4. Corporate notification letter sent (C.2.d) 17$

[-90] [5. Reference material due (C.1 .e; C.3.c; Attachment 3)]

{-75} 6. Integrated examination outline(s) due, including Forms ES-201-2, ES-201-3, ES-301-1, ES-301-2, ES-301-5, ES-D-ls, ES-401-1/2, ES-401-3, and ES-401-4, as applicable (C.1.e and f; C.3.d)

{-70} {7. Examination outline(s) reviewed by NRC and feedback provided to facility licensee (C.2.h; C.3.e)}

{-45} 8. Proposed examinations (including written, walk-through JPMs, and scenarios, as applicable), supporting documentation (including Forms ES-301-3, ES-301-4, ES-301-5, ES-301-6, and ES-401-6, and any Form ES-201-3 updates), and reference materials due (C.1.e, f, g and h; C.3.d)

-30 9. Preliminary license applications (NRC Form 398s) due (C.1.l; C.2.g; ES-202)

-14 10. Final license applications due and Form ES-201-4 prepared (C.1.l; C.2.i; ES-202)


11. Examination approved by NRC supervisor for facility licensee review pim (C.2.h; C.3.f)

-14 12. Examinations reviewed with facility licensee (C.1 .j; C.2.f and h; C.3.g)

-7 13. Written examinations and operating tests approved by NRC supervisor (C.2.i; C.3.h) k

-7 14. Final applications reviewed 1 or 2 (if >10) applications aited to confirm qualifications / eligibility; an examination approval and waiver letters sent (C.2.i; Attachment 5; ES-202, C.2.e; ES-204)

-7 15. Proctoring/written exam administration guidelines reviewed i7fl with facility licensee (C.3.k)

-7 16. Approved scenarios, job performance measures, and questions distributed to NRC examiners (C.3.i)

Target dates are generally based on facility-prepared examinations and are keyed to the examination date identified in the corporate notification letter. They are for planning purposes and may be adjusted on a case-by case basis in coordination with the facility licensee.

[Applies only] {Does not apply} to examinations prepared by the NRC.

ES-201, Page 25 of 28

Form ES-201-2 ES-201 Examination Outline Quality Checklist Date of Examination: 05102111 Facility: OCONEE Initials Task Description Item riate model, in accordance with ES-401.

1. a. Verify that the outline(s) fit(s) the approp and randomly prepared in accordance with R b. Assess whether the outline was systematically r all K/A catego ries are appropriately sampled.

I Section D.1 of ES-401 and whethe any systems, evolutions, or generic topics.

  • _ 443 T c. Assess whether the outline over-emphasizes ted or rejected K/A statements are appropriate.
d. Assess whether the justifications for deselec ed scenario sets cover the required number
2. a. Using Form ES-301-5, verify that the propos nent failures, technical specifications, of normal evolutions, instrument and compo S and major transie nts.

sets (and spares) to test the projected number

b. Assess whether there are enough scenario le M

and mix of applicants in accord ance with the expected crew composition and rotation schedu U ensure that each applica nt can be tested using without compromising exam integrity, and L io, that no scenarios are duplicated at least one new or significantly modified scenar ios will not be repeated on subsequent days.

A test(s), and that scenar T from the applicants audit (s) conform(s) with the qualitative

c. To the extent possible, assess whether the outline ES-30 1-4 and described in Appendix D.

and quantitative criteria specified on Form meets the criteria specified on Form ES-301-2:

3. a. Verify that the systems walk-through outline contain (s) the require d numbe r of control room and in-plant tasks (1) the outline(s) functio ns as specifi ed on the form W distributed among the safety task repetit ion from the last two NRC examin ations is within the limits specified on the form 1 (2) audit test(s)

T (3) no tasks are duplicated from the applicants s the minimums specified on the form (4) the number of new or modified tasks meets or exceed and RCA tasks meet the criteria wer, emerge ncy, (5) the number of alternate path, low-po on the form.

criteria specified on Form ES-301-1:

b. Verify that the administrative outline meets the (1) the tasks are distrib uted among the topics as specified on the form cantly modifi ed (2) at least one task is new or signifi last two NRC licensing examinations (3) no more than one task is repeate d from the s to test the projected number and mix
c. Determine if there are enough different outline that no items are duplic ated on subsequent days.

of applicants and ensure ing PRA and IPE insights) are covered

4. a. Assess whether plant-specific priorities (includ in the appropriate exam sections.
b. Assess whether the 10 CFR 55.41/43 and 55.45 sampling is appropriate. fl E

t for plant-specific priorities) are at least 2.5.

c. Ensure that K/A importance ratings (excep E


R d. Check for duplication and overlap among exam ge.

L e. Check the entire exam for balance of covera level (RD or SRO).

f. Assess whether the exam fits the appropriate job Date Printeg Name/Signature
a. Author /

2 0 tVc._

b. Facility Reviewer(*)


c. NRC Chief Examiner(#) MARc A. i3A13/ .
d. NRC Supeisor n c; chief examiner concurrence required.

Note: # Independent NRC reviewer initial items in Colum outline s Not applicable for NRC-p repared examin ation

ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3

1. Pre-Examination acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensi ng examinations scheduled for the week(s) of 0510212011 as of the date of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons who have not been aiithorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provid e performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensees procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancel lation of the examinations and/or an enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have been compromised.
2. Post-Examination To the best of my knowledge, I did not divulge to any unauthorized person s any information concerning the NRC licensing examinations administered during the week(s) of 05102/2011. From the date that I entered into this securit y agreement until the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.


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ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3

1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the week(s) of 0510212011 as of the date of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons who have not been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensees procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the examinations and/or an enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have been compromised.
2. Post-Examination To the best of my knowledge, I did not divulge to any unauthorized persons any information concerning the NRC licensing examinations administered during the week(s) of 0510212011. From the date that I entered into this security agreement until the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.


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14. cs Ej Vecr %rO) zfric /Vj 15En1 &i&ç c$ .k#,)c,Ji 4

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ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3

1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the week(s) of 05102/2011 as of the date of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons who have not been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensees procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the examinations and/or an enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have been compromised.
2. Post-Examination To the best of my knowledge, I did not divulge to any unauthorized persons any information concerning the NRC licensing examinations administered during the week(s) of 0510212011. From the date that I entered into this security agreement until the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations

, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.


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12. S- i 13.A,.,La. .J1.LSJ 3fl-iI L- -L 14.M\(9. 3-Z-t 1 y f/ 5-1(rR 15 .TEi EIé NOTES:

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ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3

1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any week(s) of 0510212011 as of the date information about these examinations to any persons who NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruc have not been authorized by the t, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those these licensing examinations from this date until comple applicants scheduled to be administered tion of examination administration, except as specifically (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator noted below and authorized by the NRC is acceptable if the individual does not select the training feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security content or provide direct or indirect measures and requirements (as documented in the facility understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement licensees procedures) and may result in cancellation of the examinations and/or an the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility manag enforcement action against me or ement or the NRC chief examiner any indications or sugges may have been compromised. tions that examination security
2. Post-Examination To the best of my knowledge, I did not divulge to any unauth orized persons any information concerning the NRC licensi during the week(s) of 05/02/2011. From the date that I entered ng examinations administered into this security agreement until the completion of examin instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those ation administration, I did not applicants who were administered these licensing examin below and authorized by the NRC. ations, except as specifically noted PRINTED NAME JOB TITLE / RESPONSIBILITY SIGNATURE (1) DATE SIGNATURE (2) DATE NOTE
i. :3-DkV\ yc1 SI?c 2.OTS4Ai ( FIT 7
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NOTES: ,4 -z7-f(

a ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3

1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the week(s) of 0510212011 as of the date of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons who have not been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensees procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the examinations and/or an enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have been compromised.
2. Post-Examination To the best of my knowledge, I did not divulge to any unauthorized persons any information concerning the NRC licensing examinations administered during the week(s) of 05/0212011. From the date that I entered into this security agreement until the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.


2. 12A5 p)n?L1A?11 ,1#/4? 7c

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12. C1*f t. .,-i-fl-(

0 1Z 15.


ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 May, 2011 Facility: Oconee Date of Examination: May, 2011 Examination Level: RD SRO Operating Test Number: I Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code*

Conduct of Operations D, R ADMIN-112 Calculate Requirements To

[KA G2.1 .25 (3.9/4.2)1 Makeup To BWST (13 mm) Both Conduct of Operations ADMIN-125 CALCULATE SHUTDOWN N, R MARGIN (MANUAL CALCULATION)

[KA G2.1 .43 (4.1/4.3)] RD only (15 mm)

Equipment Control M, R ADMIN-212 Determine LTOP Requirements

[KA G2.2.14 (3.9/4.3)] RO only (30 mm)

Radiation Control M, R ADMIN-305 Calculate the Maximum Permissible Stay Time Within Emergency

[KA G2.3.4 (3.2/3.7)] Dose Limits (EDLs)

(20 mm) Both NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RD applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; 4 for SROs & RD retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank ( 1)

(P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected)

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 May, 2011 Facility: Oconee Date of Examination: May, 2011 Examination Level: RO SRO Operating Test Number: I Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code*

Conduct of Operations D, R ADMIN-1 12 Calculate Requirements To

[KA G2.1 .25 (3.9/4.2)] Makeup To BWST (13 mm) Both Conduct of Operations M, R ADMIN-124 Determine Minimum Shift Staffing Requirements

[KA G2.1 .4 (3.3/3.8)]

SRO only (15 mm)

ADMIN-215 Determine Tech Spec Equipment Control N, R requirements for inoperable Pzr Heaters

[KA G2.2.40 (3.4/4.7)]

SRO only (15 mm)

Radiation Control M, R ADMIN-305 Calculate the Maximum Permissible Stay Time Within Emergency

[KA G2.3.4 (3.2/3.7)]

Dose Limits (EDLs)

(20 mm)

Both Emergency Plan D, R ADMIN-409 Determine Emergency Classification and Protective Action

[KA G2.4.38 (2.4/4.4)] Recommendations (20 mm) SRO only NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank ( 1)

(P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected)

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 May, 2011 Facility: Oconee Date of Examination: May, 2011 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test No.: I Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-l); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

a. CRO-108, Align Emergency Boration During an ATWS M,A,S EOP Rule 1 (ATWS/Unanticipated Nuclear Power 1 Production)

[KA: BW/E13 EA1.1 (3.4/3.2)]_(5_mm)

b. CRO-208, Remove IA Letdown Cooler from Service N,S 2 OP/11A11104/002 End. 4.5

[KA 004 G2.2.2_(4.6/4.1)]_(15_mm)

c. CRO-028, Align HPIILPI Piggyback Mode EOP End. 5.12, ECCS Suction Swap to RBES D, A, S, E, 3

[KA: EPE-009 EK3.21 (4.2/4.5)] (12 mm) EN

d. CR0403, Start A Reactor Coolant Pump EOP End. 5.6, RCP Restart D, A, S, L 4P

[KA:_003 A1.01_(2.9/2.9)]_(15_mm)

e. CRO-014, Depressurize S/Os and Feed With CBPs EOP, Rule 3 (Loss of Main or Emergency FDW) D, S, E, L 4S

[KA: APE-054 AAI.01 (4.5/4.4)]_(12_mm)

f. CRO-501, Pump the Quench Tank OP/1/A11104/017 End. 4.1 (Pumping QT) N, S 5

[KA: 007 A1.01_(2.9/3.1)]_(10_mm)

g. CRO-600, Recover from Switchyard Isolation AP/1/A/1 700/011, Recovery From Loss of Power D, S 6 End. 5.3

[KA: BWIAO5 AA1.1 (4.3/4.2)]_(15_mm)

h. CRO-Olla, Align Intake Canal for Recirculation on Dam Failure D, A, L, S 8 AP/13, Dam Failure

[KA: 075_G2.1.23_(4.3/4.4)]_(15_mm)

In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-l); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. NLO-201, Secure the B DAC and Align for Standby Following a Loss of IA N, A, E 8 OPIO/A/1 106/27 End. 4.35 (B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation)

[KA: APE-065 AAI.04 (3 5*/34*)] (12 mm)

j. NLO-017, Align Cooling Water To HPIPs From Station ASWPs D, R, E 4S EOP End. 5.10 (Station ASW Pump Alignment)

[KA: 076 A2.01 (3*5*/3*7*)] (16 mm)

k. NLO-600, Transfer MCC 2XA to Emergency Power OP/2/AI1 1 07/0 14 (Removal and Restoration of 41 60V N 6 Switchgear and 600V Load Centers)

[KA: 062 A4.04 (2.6/2.7)]_(12_mm)

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-l I SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 I 4-6 I 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irectfrombank 9/814 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1 I 1 I 1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / 1 (control room system)

(L)ow-Power / Shutdown 1 I 1 I 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1 (A) 2/ 2I 1 (P)revious 2 exams 3 / 3 / 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA (S)imulator

ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301 -2 May, 2011 Facility: Oconee Date of Examination: May, 2011 Exam Level: RO D SRO-Ij SRO-U Operating Test No.: 1 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-l); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including I ESF)

System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

a. CRO-108, Align Emergency Boration During an ATWS M,A,S EOP Rule 1 (ATWS/Unanticipated Nuclear Power 1 Production)

[KA: BW/E13 EA1.1 (3.4/3.2)1(5 mm)

b. CRO-208, Remove IA Letdown Cooler from Service N,S 2 OP/11A11104/002 End. 4.5

[KA 004 G2.2.2 (4.6/4.1)] (15 mm)

c. CRO-028, Align HPI/LPI Piggyback Mode FOP End. 5.12, ECCS Suction Swap to RBES D, A, S, E, 3 EN

[KA: EPEOO9 EK3.21 (4.2/4.5)] (12 mm)

d. CR0403, Start A Reactor Coolant Pump FOP End. 5.6, RCP Restart D, A, S, L 4P

[KA: 003 Al .01 (2.9/2.9)] (15 mm)

e. CRO-0I4, Depressurize SIGs and Feed With CBPs FOP, Rule 3 (Loss of Main or Emergency FDW) D, S, E, L 4S

[KA: APE-054 AA1 .01 (4.5/4.4)] (12 mm)

f. CRO-501, Pump the Quench Tank OP/1/A/1104/017 End. 4.1 (Pumping QT) N, S 5

[KA: 007 Al.01 (2.9/3.1)] (10 mm)

g. NIA
h. CRO-Olla, Align Intake Canal for Recirculation on Dam Failure D, A, L, S 8 AP/13, Dam Failure

[KA:_075 G2.l.23_(4.3/4.4)]_(15_mm)

In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. NLO-201, Secure the B DAC and Align for Standby Following a Loss of IA N, A, E 8 0 P10/A/Il 06/27 End. 4.35 (B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation)

[KA: APEO65 AA1.04 (35*/34*)] (12 mm)

j. NLO-017, Align Cooling Water To HPIPs From Station ASWPs D, R, E 4S EOP End. 5.10 (Station ASW Pump Alignment)

[KA:_076 A2.01_(3.5*/3.7*)]_(16_mm)

k. NLO-600, Transfer MCC 2XA to Emergency Power OP/2/A/1 107/014 (Removal and Restoration of 4160V N 6 Switchgear and 600V Load Centers)

[KA:_062 A4.04_(2.6/2.7)]_(12_mm)

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-l / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 I 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irectfrombank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1 I 1 I I (EN)gineered safety feature - I - I 1 (control room system)

(L)ow-Power / Shutdown 1 I 1 I 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1 (A) 2I 2I 1 (P)revious 2 exams 3 I 3 / 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA 1I1/1 (S)imulator

ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 May, 2011 Facility: Oconee Date of Examination: May, 2011 Exam Level: RO El SRO-l LI SRO-L Operating Test No.:

Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-l); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

a. CRO-108, Align Emergency Boration During an ATWS M,A,S EOP Rule I (ATWS/Unanticipated Nuclear Power Production)

[KA:_BW/E13 EA1.1_(3.4/3.2)]_(5_mm)

b. NIA
c. CR0028, Align HPI/LPI Piggyback Mode EOP End. 5.12, ECCS Suction Swap to RBES D, A, S, E, 3 EN

[KA: EPEOO9 EK3.21 (4.2/4.5)] (12 mm)

d. NIA
e. N/A
f. N/A
g. N/A
h. CRO-Olla, Align Intake Canal for Recirc on Dam Failure D, A, L, S 8 AP/13, Dam Failure


In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-l); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. N/A
j. NLO-017, Align Cooling Water To HPIPs From Station ASWPs D, R, E 4S EOP End. 5.10 (Station ASW Pump Alignment)

[KA: 076 A2.01 (3 5*/3 7*)] (16 mm)

k. NLO-600, Transfer MCC 2XA to Emergency Power OP/2/A/1 1 07/0 14 (Removal and Restoration of 41 60V N 6 Switchgear and 600V Load Centers)

[KA: 062 A4.04 (2.6/2.7)] (12 mm)

@ All RD and SRO-l control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

Type Codes Criteria for RD / SRO-l I SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irectfrombank 91814 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1 I 1 I? 1 (EN)gineered safety feature - I - I 1 (control room system)

(L)ow-Power I Shutdown 1 I 1 I 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1 (A) 2I 2I 1 (P)revious 2 exams 3 I 3 I 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA (S)imulator

ES-301 Operating Test Quality Checklist Form ES-301-3 Facility: Oconee Date of Examination: 05-02-2011 Operatino Test Number: I

1. General Criteria Initials a b* c#
a. The operating test conforms with the previously approv ed outline; changes are consistent with sampling requirements (e.g., 10 CFR 55.45, operati onal importance, safety function distribution).
b. There is no day-to-day repetition between this and other operating tests to be administered during this examination.
c. The operating test shall not duplicate items from the applica nts audit test(s). (see Section D.1 .a.)
d. Overlap with the written examination and betwee n different parts of the operating test is within acceptable limits.
e. It appears that the operating test will differentiate between competent and less-than-competent applicants at the designated license level.
2. Walk-Through Criteria
a. Each JPM includes the following, as applicable:
  • initial conditions
  • initiating cues
  • references and tools, including associated proced ures
  • reasonable and validated time limits (average time allowed for completion) and specific designation if deemed to be time-critical by the facility
  • licensee operationally important specific performance criteria that include:

detailed expected actions with exact criteria and nomenclature system response and other examiner cues statements describing important observations to be made by the applicant criteria for successful completion of the task identification of critical steps and their associated performance standards restrictions on the sequence of steps, if applicable

b. Ensure that any changes from the previously approv ed systems and administrative walk-through outlines (Forms ES-301-1 and 2) have not caused the test to deviate from any of the acceptance criteria (e.g., item distribution, bank use, repetit ion from the last 2 NRC examinations) specified on those forms and Form ES-201-2.
3. Simulator Criteria The associated simulator operating tests (scena rio sets) have been reviewed in accordance with Form ES-301-4 and a copy is attached.


a. Author


b. Facility Reviewer(*)

y- z z.-

c. NRC Chief Examiner (#)


d. NRC Supervisor NOTE:
  • The facility signature is not applicable for NRC-d eveloped tests.
  1. Independent NRC reviewer initial items in Colum n c; chief examiner concurrence required.

ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301 -5 Facility: Oconee Date of Exam: 05-02-11 Operating Test No.: 1 A E Scenarios P V 1 2 3 4 T M P E L N CREW CREW CREW CREW T N I T POSITION POSON POSmON POSfl1ON A C SA B S A B S A B S A B L A T R T 0 R T C R T 0 R T M(*)

y CC P 0 C P 0 C P 0 C P N


RO RX 6 1 10 X NOR ii iii SRO-l iic 46 3 36 442 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 7,8 2 2 1 D TS 022 RO RX 110 X NOR 1 111 O-l 2 25 2,4,5 2,5 4 4 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 7,8 2 2 1 D TS 022 NOR 11 o-I/C 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 4 4 2 SRO-U 5,6 6 5,6 X MAJ 7 7 7,8 221 TS 2,3 2,4 4,5 0 2 2 6


i. check the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-1 event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must serve in both the at-the-controls (ATC) and balance-of-plant (BOP) positions; Instant SROs must serve in both the SRO and the ATC positions, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position. If an Instant SRO additionally serves in the BOP position, one I/C malfunction can be credited toward the two I/C malfunctions required for the ATC position.
2. Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to

(*) Reactivity and normal Section D.5.d) but must be significant per Section C.2.a of Appendix D.

evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a 1-for-i basis.

3. Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicants competence count toward the minimum requirements specified for the applicants license level in the right-hand columns.

ES-301 Competencies Checklist Form ES-301-6

[aciIitY: Oconee Date of Examinafion: 05-02-2011 Operating Test No.: I APPLICANTS RO-oatc RO-bop RD El SRO-l SRO-I SRO-I El SRO-U El SRO-U El SRO-U Competencies SCEN!P___

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Interpret/Diagnose Events 1,4 1,3 2,3 2,4,5 2,5 2,3 2,3 2,3 6, 7 6, 7 6,7,8 7, 8 7, 8 4, 5 4, 5 and Conditions 8 8 6,7 7,8 7,8 8

Comply VVith and 1,4 3,6 3,4 2,3 2,4,5 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 6,7 7 5,6 57 7,8 3, 3, 3,4 Use Procedures (1) 8 7, 8 8 5,6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 Operate Control 1,4 1,3 3,4 2,3 2,4,5 1,2 6,7 6,7 5,6 57 7,8 Boards (2) 7,8 8 6,7 Communicate 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 and Interact 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 Demonstrate Supervisory 1,2 1,2 1,2 3,4 3,4 3,4 Ability (3) 5,6 5,6 5,6 7,8 7,8 7,8 Comply With and 2,3 2,4

6 = =

Use Tech. Specs. (3) = =


(1) Includes Technical Specification compliance for an RD.

(2) Optional for an SRO-U.

(3) Only applicable to SROs.


Check the applicants license type and enter one or more event numbers that will allow the examiners to evaluate every applicable competency for every applicant.

ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Tier / Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected KA 2 /I SYSOO8 A4.10 Q(34) No procedural requirement to operate two CC coolers. New KA 008A4.07 MB 1/18/11 2 /I SYSO61 A2.06 Q(44) No procedural guidance on action to take for back leakage. 061A2.07 MB 1/18/11 2 /1 SYSO6I A1.01 Q(49) Our Keowee units do not have actions taken on lube oil temp or pressures.

064A1.03 MB 1/18/11 2/ 2 SYSO11 K1.05 Q(57) No relation between PZR LCS and the reactor regulating system. O11K1.03 MB 1/18/11 2 /1 SYSOO7 K3.01 Q(59) Loss of ITM system does not affect NC. We use Thot and Tcold. 017K6.01 MB 1/18/11 3 /0 GEN2.2 2.2.20 Q(68) Could not write a discriminating ROP question on this KA. Chief Examiner replaced with G2.2.22 3/4/11 3 /0 GEN2.4 2.4.32 Q(73) NO RO guidance for loss of all statalarms. Only in Eplan. G2.4.34 MB 1/18/11 1 /1 APEO15/017 AA2.01 Q(78) Could not write an SRO level question on this KA. BWEO4EA2.1 MB 1/18/11 1 /2 BWAO4 AA2.1 Q(83) Could not write a discriminating SRO question on this KA. Chief Examiner replaced with BWAO4AA2.2. 3/4/11 2 J 1 SYSOO6 2.4.50 Q(86) Could not write an SRO level question on this KA. Chief Examiner new KA 012G2.4.50 3/7/11 2/1 SYSOO7 A2.02 Q(87) Could not write a valid SRO question on this KA. Chief Examiner selected a new KA 022 A2.02 3/24/2011 2/1 SYSO63 2.4.20 Q(89) Cannot write discriminating question on this KA. Only on note or caution in our EOP5. G2.4.30 MB 1/18/11 2 /2 SYSO68 2.1.32 Q(93) Cannot write discriminating question on this KA. Operations does not do LWRs.

002G2.1.32 MB 1/18/11

ES-401 Written Examination Quality Checklist Form ES-401-6 Facility: Oconee Nuclear Station Date of Exam: 5/2/2011 Exam Level: RD L1 SRD D Initial Item Description a b* Cl

1. Questions and answers are technically accurate and applicable to the facility.

3 A

2. a. NRC K)As are referenced for all questions.
b. Facility learning objectives are referenced as available.
3. SRD questions are appropriate in accordance with Section D.2.d of ES-401


4. The sampling process was random and systematic (If more than 4 RD or 2 SRO questions were repeated from the last 2 NRC licensing exams, consult the NRR CL program office).
5. Question duplication from the license screening/audit exam was controlled C as indicated below (check the item that applies) and appears appropriate:

the audit exam was systematically and randomly developed; or the audit exam was completed before the license exam was started; or the examinations were developed independently; or the licensee certifies that there is no duplication; or other (explain) M4

6. Bank use meets limits (no more than 75 percent c.ip(J Bank Modified New from the bank, at least 10 percent new, and the rest new or modified); enter the actual RD / SRD-only )

LI fl question distribution(s) at right. 8 I - 16 I - 51 / -

7. Between 50 and 60 percent of the questions on the RD Memory C/A exam are written at the comprehension/ analysis level; the SRD exam may exceed 60 percent if the randomly selected K/As support the higher cognitive levels; enter t4,,

the actual RD / SRD question distribution(s) at right. 34 / - 41 / -

8. References/handouts provided do not give away answers or aid in the elimination of distractors.
9. Question content conforms with specific K/A statements in the previously approved examination outline and is appropriate for the tier to which they are assigned; deviations are justified.
10. Question psychometric quality and format meet the guidelines in ES Appendix B.
11. The exam contains the required number of one-point, multiple choice items; the total is correct and agrees with the value on the cover sheet. b )

Q Printed Name / Signature Date

a. Author 5-iJ--1I
b. Facility Reviewer (*)
c. NRC Chief Examiner (#)
II-t 4

1 RIc A 3r.s/ -lZ* ii

d. NRC Regional Supervisor LLLIAT.WI,.4w/ ,


  • The facility reviewers initials/signature are not applicable for NRC-developed examinations
  1. Independent NRC reviewer initial items in Column c; chief examiner concurrence required.

ES-401 Written Examination Quality Checklist Form ES-401-6 Facility: Oconee Nuclear Station Date of Exam: 5/2/2011 Exam Level: RO SRO Initial Item Description b*

a c

1. Questions and answers are technically accurate and applica ble to the facility. 1 i)1d3
2. a. NRC K/As are referenced for all questions.
b. Facility learning objectives are referenced as available.
3. SRO questions are appropriate in accordance wIth Section D.2.d 4/

of ES-401

4. The sampling process was random and systematic (If more repeated from the last 2 NRC licensing exams, consult the NRR than 4 RO or 2 SRO questions were W CL program office).


5. Question duplication from the license screening/audit exam was controlled J

as indicated below (check the item that applies) and appear -

s appropriate:

the audit exam was systematically and randomly developed; or the audit exam was completed before the license exam was started; or the examinations were developed independently; or the licensee certifies that there is no duplication; or other (explain)

6. Bank use meets limits (no more than 75 percent from the bank, at least 10 percent new, and the rest Bank Modified New c) new or modified); enter the actual RO / SRO-only Li question distribution(s) at right.

8 / 4 16 / 2 51 I 19

7. Between 50 and 60 percent of the questions on the RO exam are written at the comprehension/ analysis level; Memory C/A the SRO exam may exceed 60 percent if the random ly  ?.:)

selected K/As support the higher cognitive levels; enter the actual RO / SRO question distribution(s) at right. 34 / 10 41 / 15

8. References/handouts provided do not give away answer s

or aid in the elimination of distractors.


9. Question content conforms with specific K/A statements in the previously approved examination outline and is appropriate for the tier to which they are assigned; deviations are justified. C)
10. Question psychometric quality and format meet the guideli nes in ES Appendix B.
11. The exam contains the required number of one-point, multiple choice items; the total is correct and agrees with the value on the cover sheet. ci p3 Printed Name / Signature Date
a. Author
b. Facility Reviewer (*)
c. NRC Chief Examiner (#)



/ ,r/


d. NRC Regional Supervisor 4


.c .,z , I t77f2/i, Note:

  • The facility reviewers initials/signature are not applica ble for NRC-developed examinations.
  1. Independent NRC reviewer initial items in Colum n c; chief examiner concurrence required.

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B L L Psychometric Flaws Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W


S B= Bank / M=Modified / NNew / F=Fundamental Level (I.E. Memory) / H=Higher Cognitive Level (I.E. C/A)

Note: For Bank questions, at a minimum change the location of the correct answer.

Some questions were revised even though they were sat questions because of the large number of questions pulled from recent exams (I.E. 9 from the 2009 exam).

For each Bank question, list the bank from which it was talcen AND list any previous NRC exams on which it appeared. Ijust want to ensure that the bank was not limited to recently administered exams and that it was not limited to a one-for-one KA match (all questions meet several KA5). NUREG-I02 NRC l, ES-401, Page 8 of 33, states, If the bank contains more than one question that fits a specific KA statement, randomly select from among the available questions unless there is an appropriate basis for selecting a specific question (e.g., higher cognitive level, better discrimination validity, more operationally oriented, or site-specific priority).

ROEXAM 1 007EK3.01 N H 2 S K/A is met. Reason for actions on Rx Trip is required to answer question.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB IOMAY2O1I 2 008AK3.05 N H 2 S K/A is met. Reasons for ECCS termination criteria are required in the presence of a vapor space LOCA.

3 OO9EKI.Ol B F 2 S K/A is met. SBLOCA operational implications associated with BCM of heat transfer are being tested.

See generic comment on answer location for Bank questions. Was the answer location changed?

Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.


4 01 1EK2.02 B H 2 S K/A is met. The flow limits during the LOCA are dependent on the

- number of HPI pumps running.

Page 1 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KIA# B I L Phometric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F I Non >1 Non Partial Mm E Q= SRO Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S fist fist BIW See generic comment on answer location for Bank questions. Was the answer location changed?

Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

Q changed due to concerns with predictability and potential lack of random selection from the exam bank. New Q is satisfactoiy.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1OMAY2O1 1 5 015/017G2.1.7 N H 2 S KJA is met. Plant conditions must be evaluated and judgments must be made to deal with the trip of the RCP.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 10MAY201 1 6 025AK1.01 B F 2 S KJA is met, Op implications of loss ofDHR are required.

Can the unavailability of LPI Pumps IA and ID be deduced from CT-4 being the only power feed? If so, then delete the last bullet. If not, then the bullet can remain. Info needs to remain in Q. MAB I0MAY2O11 See generic comment on answer location for Bank questions. Was the answer location changed? OK MAB IOMAY20I I Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank. Source now listed. OK MAD 10MAY20 11 No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1OMAY2OI 1 7 027AK2.03 M H 2 Does the 65% help cue the applicant on Q5 that the 6% is associated with a MFP trip and NOT an RCP trip? Changed to 62%. MAD 10MAY20 1 1 S

Question documentation states that a calculation is needed to determined that the pressurizer is saturated. What calculation is required to know that the pressurizer is saturated? If pressurizer level is stable and pressure is going up, how could the pressurizer be subcooled. It seems obvious that sensible heat is not being added, rather heat of vaporization is being added, which is causing the increase in pressure. Discuss application to plausibility of subcooled. Licensee agreed with comment while here in the office, but they did not change the question documentation which stated that a calculation was required. OK MAD 10MAY20 11 Page 2 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B L L Pometric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues TIF I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B)W KIA is met. Interrelation between controllers and PCS malfunction is being tested.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB IOMAY2OI 1 8 029EK2.06 B F 2 When was the modification made on the CR1 system for each unit?

Ballpark I am not looking for the exact day. Q revised based on date of S modification and fact that this was another 2009 question and related predictability concerns. MAB IOMAY2OI I K/A is met by testing relay and breaker knowledge during an ATWS.

See generic comment on answer location for Bank questions. Was the answer location changed?

Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank. Q revised based on date of modification and fact that this was nother 2009 question and related predictability concerns.

MAB IOMAY2OI1 Q ready for administration. MAD 10MAY20 11 9 038EA1.10 M H 2 S K/A is met. Rad monitor info is being tested wrt SGTL. Chief examiner is using judgment to determine that the intent of the KA is met since the EOP at a B&W plant is implemented even when charging can maintain pzr level.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAD IOMAY2OI I 10 054AA1.03 M F 2 S K/A is met. AFW oil cooling during a loss of MFW is being tested.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAE IOMAY2OI I 11 055EA2.06 N H 2 S K/A is met. SBO and resultant lockout knowledge is required.

Minimal enhancement made. Q ready for administration. MAE 1OMAY2O1 1 12 056AK1.01 N H 2 x U Stay the same does not appear to be plausible. Temperature remaining stable for 10 minutes does not seem like a reasonable misconception. The U

S only way for something to remain the same is to either be maintained by a control system, or be in some sort of equilibrium. Second part of Q

Page 3 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B B L Psetric Flas Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues TIF I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W replaced. MAB 10MAY20 11 The misconception that caused the 50% OR to be plausible, then causes increase to not be plausible.

Second part of Q replaced. MAR 10MAY20 I I K/A is met. NC operational implication knowledge is required.

Q ready for administration. MAB IOMAY2OI 1 13 058G2.4. 11 N F 2 B Suggest testing the differing piece of the first part of each answer choice.

Using the word ONLY has potential to make the designated correct answer S to be incorrect. We need to use more precise terminology and state exactly what is intended. I.E.: what is really being tested is whether or not the Ground Relay Selector Switch is required to be rotated. First part of the was modified. MAR IOMAY2O1I Q

K/A is met. Abnormal condition procedure knowledge for a loss of DC is required to answer question.

Q ready for administration. MAR 1OMAY2O1 I 14 062AA2.04 N F 2 S K/A is met. Knowledge of temp limits for RCP motor stator resulting from a loss of SW is being tested.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB IOMAY2OI I 15 065AA2.05 B H 2 S Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

Q changed due to concerns with predictability and potential lack of random selection from the exam bank. New Q is satisfactory. MAR 10MAY20 I I K/A is met. Knowledge of when to commence a plant shutdown is being tested. In this case the applicant must know that procedures require that the plant be shutdown via reactor trip.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1OMAY2OI 1 16 077AA1.05 N H 2 S KAMatch: ESFswillreceivepowerfromCT-l or4dependingonLOCA coincident with low voltage.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1OMAY2O1 1 17 BWEO4EK3.3 N H 2 E Subset concems. If SO P is lowered to allow CBP flow, will SO pressure Page 4 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K)A# B L L Ppmetric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F I Non >1 Non Partial Mm E Q= SRO Explanation N K 13 Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist BIW also be lower than RCS P? Discuss concerns for more than one correct S answer. Factually true, but this is not the reason the actions are performed.

MAR IOMAY2O11 If main steam pressure is lowering, would RCS temperature be rising?

Would RCPs be secured? Is it possible for NC to be building in, which would make a rising temp possible? Two RCPs would still be running.

MAB I0MAY20II K Match: Knowledge of why actions are being performed during IHT are required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB IOMAY20I I 18 BWE05G2.4.6 N H 2 S KA Match: EHT mitigation strategy is being tested.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1OMAY201 1 19 003AA2.03 N H 2 S KA Match: Knowledge ofNis are needed to answer question wrt dropped rod.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAR IOMAY2O1 1 20 005AA2.0l N H 2 x 14 I do not see the plausibility if a runback occurring when one rod is just 8%

out from the rest of its bank. To raise the plausibility to a more acceptable U

S level, consider placing G7 R6 at the lowest possible position without having a runback occur. This will be a better test of knowledge of interlocks associated with the runback. Discuss options with licensee.

Changed rod to 0% W/D. MAR 10MAY20 11 I do not see the plausibility of HAND power failure reverting to manual.

Does HAND mean MANUAL? If so two of the answer choices are telling me that if there is a MANUL power failure then it will revert to MANUAL.

Changed second part to have them determine whether or not an asymmetric runback can be stopped. MAR 10MAY20 11 Idea to consider: Place the rod at fully inserted. Test whether a runback WILL or WILL NOT occur. Then test whether the runback can be placed on HOLD or NOT.

Done. MAR IOMAY2O11 Q ready for administration. MAB 10MAY20 11 Page 5 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B L L Pometric Flaws_____

M Content Flaws U 0 0 Stem Cues TIF I Non >1 Non Partial Comment N K Mm Q= SRO E Explanation I) Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist 8/W 21 028AK1 .01 N 1-1 2 S KA Match: PLCS malfunction due to a reference leg leak is being tested.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1OMAY2O1 1 22 032AA1.0I N F 2 S KA Match: Vital power supplies feed the SRNIs, therefore testing knowledge required of the KA.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 10MAY20 11 23 076AK3.06 B F 2 x U C is not plausible. C states that the reason we shutdown slower is to U reduce the time the plant operates. I am struggling with the logic that S supports this as being plausible.

Q changed. IOMAY20I I Plausibility ofB: You can always shut down using boron, so if contro l

rod movement was the reason to reduce the rate, then all the operato rs would have to do is borate. Discuss plausibility.

Q changed. IOMAY2OI I KA Match: Knowledge of the reasons for actions due to high RCS activity are required.

Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

Q changed. IOMAY2OII Q ready for administration. MAB I0MAY2O1 1 24 BWAO3AA1.1 B H 2  ? Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

2007 Exam. MAB 1OMAY2O1 I S

How is underfeed plausible? I can understand how failing as-is may be plausible, but I am not sure I see underfeed as being plausible. Discus s.

Licensees explanation OK. Valve fails to 50%, so if power higher

, then it would be correct. MAB IOMAY2O1 I KA Match: Knowledge of a failure mode for NNI is required ability to monitor.

Q ready for administration. MAB 10MAY20 11 25 BWAOS N H 2 S KA Match: KHU operating characteristics are being tested. This meets Page 6 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KIA# B 1 I. Pyometric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E N K D Focus Explanation Cred Cred K]A Only S Dist Dist B/W AK3. I the intent of the KA for EDGs.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAI3 10MAY20 11 26 BWEO3G2.4.45 N H 2

? Plausibility of average of all 47: It would appear that 5 highest of the operable 47 would be more plausible. Discuss with licensee.

S Licensee explanation OK. MAB 1 IMAY2OI 1 KA Match: The question requires knowledge of TCAs for ISCM and which one to perform first.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB I IMAY2OI 1 27 BWEO9EKI.3 N H 2 x x N B is not plausible the way it is written. When is the applicant ever required to maintain a specific gpm flow rate using EFW? I can see an S applicant being required to maintain flow rates and SG levels between mm and max limits, but an exact value for flow rate seems to be not credible.

Licensee explanation OK. MAB 1 1MAY20 1 1 What is SG level? This forces the applicant to make an assumption on SSG level. If level is above the LOSCM setpoint, then A may be correct.

SO level added OK. MAB I 1MAY20 I I KA Match: NC remedial action knowledge is required.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 28 003A4.02 B H 2 S KA Match: RCP motor parameter knowledge is required.

Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a

source of which bank.

Q was on 2009 exam. Q modified to make a different answer correct due to concerns with predictability and potential lack of random selection from the exam bank. Modified Q is satisfactory. MAB I1MAY2OI1 29 004A1.07 N F 2 S KA Match: Encroachment on temp limits is a result of having too much L/D flow for the amount of CC flow. Intent of KA is met.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB I IMAY2O1 1 30 004K5.37 N H 2 N The spare IX is taken out of service and placed back in service according to the stem. Does the initial power level impact the question (no power level Page 7 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KIA# B L L Pometric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F I Non >1 Non Partial Mm SRO E Q= Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W S is provided for IC)? Was resin replaced before the IX was placed back in service will the applicants have this same question?

Applicant would need to make an invalid assumption if resin replacement was assumed. Power level added. OK MAR I IMAY2O1 I KA Match: Knowledge of boron concentration effects are required.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 31 005K4.0l M F 2 S KA Match: Overpressure interlock knowledge is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB I IMAY2OI I 32 006K 1.08 N H 2 S KA Match: ES-l/2 cause L/D to isolate, therefore knowledge of interactions between ECCS and CVCS is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAR 1 1MAY2OI I 33 007K401 N F 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of QT design features are required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAR I 1MAY2O1 1 34 008A4.07 N F 2 KA Match: Knowledge of CCW surge tank mm level is required.

U U Licensee validation after the draft submittal revealed that there was a potential for more than one correct answer and a potential for no correct S answer. This caused the unsat rating, even though the draft originally was rated as sat. MAR 1 1MAY20 I 1 Q ready for administration. MAR 1 1MAY20 I I 35 OO8Kl.03 N F 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of PRMS is needed to determine leakage source.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAR I1MAY2OI1 36 010K2.03 N F 2 S KA Match: Power supply knowledge for PORV indication is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAR I1MAY2O1I 37 012K3.02 N H 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of an RPS malfunction and its impact on the TG is Page 8 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B I, L Pyometric Flaws_____

M Content Flaws U Comment 0 0 Stem Cues TIF 1 Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E N K U Focus Cred Explanation Cred KIA Only S Dist Dist B/W required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 11MAY2OI1 38 013K6.0l M H 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of malfunction of detectors on ESFAS is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAR 1 IMAY2Ot I 39 022K2.01 B F 2 S Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a

source of which bank.

Q was on 2009 exam. Q replaced due to concerns with predictability and potential lack of random selection from the exam bank.

MAB I1MAY2O11 Q is satisfactory.

KA Match: Power supply knowledge for cont fans in required.

Q ready for administration. MAR I 1MAY20 1 1 40 026A2.08 B F 2 S Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

Q was misclassified as a bank it was actually a new Q. MAR 1 IMAY2O1 I KA Match: Knowledge of securing CS is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1IMAY2OI1 41 026K3.01 N H 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of CSS malfunction effect on CCS is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAR I IMAY2OI I 42 039A3.02 N H 2 5 KA Match: Knowledge of MRSS isolation is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 11MAY20 11 43 059A4.03 B F 2 S Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a

source of which bank.

2007 Exam. MAR 11MAY2O11 Suggest mimicking exact wording in NOTE from procedure: ask which MFW pump is preferred to be shutdown first.

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ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B L L Pmetric Flaws_____ Content Flaws M 0 0 Stem U Comment Cues T/F 1 Non >1 Non Partial Mm N K U Focus Q SRO E Explanation Cred Cred K]A Only S Dist Dist BIW Incorporated. MAB 1IMAY2O11 KA Match: Knowledge of how to control MFW during a power change is required.

Q ready for administration. MAB I 1MAY20 II 44 061A2.07 N H 2 N Have licensee walk me through the procedure flow path to ensure that I FDW3 16 is not a viable option to be the next method. Would operators S be wrong if they used 1FDW-316 by sending an operator to the valve?

Question will be sat with an assurance of 1 FDW-3 16 being incorrect.

Licensees explanation OK. MAB 1 IMAY2O1 1 KA Match: Requires knowledge of AFW control with AOV failure.

Unit 2 marked up references were provided to justify a unit I question.

Licensee addressed this by making it a unit 2 question.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 IMAY2O1 1 45 06lK6.0l M H 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of malfunction to controller and its effect on AFW is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAE I 1MAY201 1 46 062G2.4.47 B H 2 S Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

Q was on 2009 exam. Q modified due to concerns with predictability and potential lack of random selection from the exam bank. Modified satisfactory. MAB 11 MAY2011 Q is KA Match: Knowledge of capability limits is required to diagnose trends associated with AC, therefore KA is met.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 1 1 47 063G2.4.2 N H 2 N I would like to see more precise terminology in C and D. The word ONLY should be defined in each answer choice. Unless ONLY is S definitively technically correct. Is there any other mechanism like mechanical failure, etc that could cause a CRD breaker to trip. I know what you are trying to accomplish, but the word ONLY is not very precise and likely not accurate. You are really testing the difference between SHUNT TRIP occurs or DOES NOT OCCUR.

Incorporated. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 KA Match: Rx Trip knowledge associated with DC is required. Rx Trip is Page 10 of25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KIA# B F L Pmetric Flaws_____

M Content Flaws U Comment 0 0 Stem Cues T/F 1 Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E N K D Focus Cred Explanation Cred K]A Only S Dist Dist B/W an EOP entry criterion, therefore KA is met.

Q ready for administration. MAB I IMAY2O1 1 48 063 K3.02 N F 2 E The load will not operate when breaker closed in TEST. I just want to double check that applicants will not be confused with terminology.

S OK MAB 1IMAY2OI1 KA Match: Malfunction of DC control power knowledge is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAD 1 IMAY2O1 1 49 064A1.03 M H 2 S KA Match: KHU is Oconee equivalent of EDG. Question test knowledge of monitoring voltages and the impact those voltages will have when the breaker is closed.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAD I IMAY2Ot t 50 064K6.08 N H 2 E KA Match: KHU is Oconee equivalent to EDO. Water level is functional equivalent to fuel for an EDO.

S D uses a bold underline whereas the other choices do not use abold underline theyjust use a regular underline make all the same.

Underlines deleted. MAD I 1MAY20 11 Q ready for administration. MAD 11 MAY2011 51 073A2.01 B H 2 S KAMatch: KnowledgeoflossofpowertoPRMandhow touse procedures to mitigate.

Do procedures and control room indications use descriptive noun names for rad monitors? If so, the leaving the descriptions is OK, if not then the questions should only have the descriptions available to the operators.

Names are mAP. OK MAD 1IMAY2OI1 No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB I IMAY2O1 1 52 073K5.0I B H 2 S Current conditions should state 2.1 gpd just like the initial conditions.

Applicants can look at both conditions and make the determination that the leakage has not change (I.E. is stable).

Do procedures and control room indications use descriptive noun names for rad monitors? If so, the leaving the descriptions is OK, if not then the Page II of25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B L L Ppmetric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues TIF 1 Non >1 Non Partial Mm SRO E Explanation N D Q

K Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W questions should only have the descriptions available to the operators.

Names are in AP. OK MAB 1 IMAY2OI 1 KA Match: Knowledge of PRMs and types of sources is required.

Q was on 2009 exam. Q modified due to concerns with predictability and potential lack of random selection from the exam bank. Modified Q is satisfactory. MAB 11 MAY2011 53 076A3.02 N 1-1 Under what conditions are two SW pumps required to be running? What information in the stem would lead the applicant to believe that only two S pumps could be running? I either need to better understand the plausibility or info may need to be added to the stem to ensure that two pumps running is plausible.

Unit 1 and Unit 2 share three LPSW pumps and two are normally operating. An ES actuation on either unit will cause all three to operate.

OK MAB 11MAY2O11 KA Match: Knowledge of auto SW operation during ES actuation is required.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 54 078K1.03 B H 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of IA connections with Cont Air is required.

Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

Q was on 2009 exam. Q not modified due to difficulty with modification.

Q is satisfactory. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 I I 55 t03K4.06 N F 2 S KA Match: Cont iso knowledge of required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB I1MAY2O11 56 OO1AI .06 B H 2 S Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

Q was on 2007 exam. Q modified due to concerns with predictability and potential lack of random selection from the exam bank. Modified Q is satisfactory. MAB 1 1MAY2OI I KA Match: Knowledge of power level and rate of rod recovery is required.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 Page 12 of25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B L L Pietric Flaws_____ CtentFIws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F 1 Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q SKO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W 57 01 IK1.03 N F 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of how the PLCS affects the PPCS is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB I 1MAY2OI I 58 014G2.1.20 N F 2 x Plausibility: The question statement asks for a determination of whether or U not two indications agree. Position reset sure sounds like a switch that S does more than just checks agreement of two indications. I am not sure that these are plausible.

First half changed to address comment. MAB 1 1MAY2O1 1 Q ready for administration. MAB I 1MAY20 1 1 59 007K3.01 B H 2 x X IJ Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not sec a U source of which bank.

S 2009 Exam. MAB IIMAY20II Compare this question where the rad monitor is not accompanied by a noun name description with the other questions where we are telling them that the monitors are N-16 monitors, etc. I will allow descriptive names if Oconee procedures use them, otherwise Oconee has made the choice by virtue of procedure design that their operators know what all of their equipment lDs are.

Name added. MAB IIMAY2OI1 Plausibility of sump level constant does not appear to be at an appropriate level. It is the sump level being constant that creates the unsat designation for the question.

This part was modified. MAB 1 1MAY20 I I Nothing in the stem is provided to have an applicant make a determination on RCS activity. Suggest adding a normal amount of activity in the Initial Conditions.

Q modified to address concern. MAB I 1MAY20 11 Licensee wrote the question to the wrong KA. Review by the CE revealed that the approved KA was 017K6.01 not 007K3.0l. Therefore, the question was also unsat due to KA mismatch. The question was replaced on12MAY2O11. MAB I2MAY2O11 Q ready for administration. MAB 12MAY20 11 60 034A4.01 N F 2 x U KA Match: How does 3RIA-49 alarming impact the fuel handling equipment? Consider using procedure requirements that instruct operators Page 13 of25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KIA# B L L Ppmetric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F 1 Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred KJA Only S Dist fist B/W S to do something with the fuel handling equipment if a rad level changes.

Accepted KA Match. Equipment needed to perform refueling activities is affected. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 Q modified to address concerns. MAB 1 IMAY2O1 I Q ready for administration. MAB I 1MAY20 1 1 61 041A2.02 N H 2 B What indications would the plant provide that would tell the operator that the valve is stuck open? These indications should be provided instead of S telling the operator that the TBV is stuck open. What about giving RCS temperature and pressure or steam header pressure? If steam header pressure is below the setpoint for the valve to close, yet the valve position is indicating open, the operator could then make the same assessment.

Licensee explanation OK. MAB 1 1MAY2OI I KA Match: Knowledge of what to do when SDV fails open is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1IMAY2O11 62 045A3.l 1 N F 2 S KA Match: Knowledge that allows for monitoring of Turbine Trip is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY2O1 1 63 068K5.04 M H 2  ? B Place a value for TB sump EC in stem. This will add some credibility to distracters. Discuss.

S Added. MAB IIMAY2OI1 KA Match: Knowledge of actions to reduce rad levels and spread of contamination are required.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 Il 64 075K2.03 N F 2 Does the C LPSW pump have a unit designation?

S KA Match: Knowledge of power supply for service water pump is required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB I1MAY201I 65 086K4.02 B F 2 B Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

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ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KJA# B L L Ppmetric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K P Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W S 2007 exam. MAD I IMAY201 1 Same generic statement for descriptive names for components. Show me that a procedure is referencing the component with both an alpha-numeric designation as well as a description.

Stated in procedure. OK MAD I 1MAY20 I I KA Match: Requires knowledge of how system pressure is maintained.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAD I 1MAY2O1 1 66 G2. 1.42 N F 2 E The question asks about minimum SR requirements, then the answer choices just lists SR instruments. What requirements are being tested? I S think if you really read the words, that nothing is really be asked. Are you asking for the minimum number or which ones to be used for refueling?

OK. MAD 11MAY2O11 Wording enhancements made. MAB I IMAY2OI I Q ready for administration. MAD I1MAY2OI I 67 G2. 1.8 N F 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of the order of activities is needed, including when to direct a NEO to open breakers.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAD IIMAY2O11 68 G2.2.22 N F 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of SL required.

C and D minor enhancements. MAR 11 MAY2011 Q ready for administration. MAD I 1MAY20 11 69 02.2.7 B F 2 S Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a

source of which bank.

2009 exam. Modified answer due to previously mentioned predictability issues. MAD llMay2oll KA Match: Knowledge of IPTEs required.

Q ready for administration. MAD 1 1MAY20 I I 70 02.3.11 M F 2 KA Match: Ability to control rad releases is required.

U J Is the half setpoint listed in PT/0/A1230/00l? If so will the applicants Page 15 of25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K1A# B L L Pmetric Flaws_____ CtentFlws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues TIF I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist BIW argue that the setpoint then needs to be a quarter of the full setpoint?

S Question had to be modified to create one and only one correct answer.

Question was initially rated as E, but discussions with licensee revealed that the question was not satisfactory as written because more than one value was stated in the procedure.

Q ready for administration. MAB I IMAY201 1 71 G2.3.l5 B F 2 S Where did this question come from? It is listed as Bank, but I did not see a source of which bank.

U J 2007 exam. Modified slightly due to predictability concerns. MAB 11MAY2O1I S

KA Match: Knowledge of rad mntr is required.

NRC review revealed that there was no correct answer. Stem changed from full power to mode 6 to ensure that one and only one answer was correct. MAB 12MAY20 11 Q ready for administration. MAB I 2MAY20 11 72 G2.3.7 B F 2 S Reference Generic Comment at beginning: This bank question and others like it that are formatted differently do not need to have the correct answer location changed.

Q changed due to concerns with predictability and potential lack of random Q

selection from the exam bank. New is satisfactory. MAB 10MAY20 11

. KA Match: Knowledge of RWP during abnormal conditions is required.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 73 G2.4.34 N H 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of RO tasks outside CR during an emergency are required.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY2O1 1 74 G2.4.39 B F 2 S KA Match: Knowledge of RO duties during an emergency is required.

Q changed due to concerns with predictability and potential lack of random Q

selection from the exam bank. New is satisfactory. MAB 10MAY20 11 Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 1 1 75 G2.4.8 N F 2 B KA Match: Knowledge of how to use post trip EOPs in conjunction with flood AP is required.

S Page 16 of2S

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 201 1-301 Q# KIA# B B L Pypmetric Flaws Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F 1 Non >1 Non Partial Mm SRO E N

Q Explanation K I) Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist LNst BIW Define ONLY in C and D. Absolute language is rarely 100% correct.

In parentheses you could place (AP/tO is not required to be used). This would be more accurate because any other alarm response or administrative procedure allowance will mean that EOP ONLY is not accurate.

Incorporated. MAB I 1MAY20 11 Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 1 1 EXAM 76 007EA2.02 N 1-1 3 Question documentation talks about an ATWS, but I do not see anything in the stem indicating an ATWS?

S No ATWS. HPI pump failing to start is the auto safety function that failed.

MAB 1IMAY2O11 KA Match: May be acceptable pending further education.

What is the auto safety function that failed to occur? Rx Trip? 1C HPI Pump? What information is provided in the stem that allows for the determination that an ATWS is occurring? What info in the stem tells the applicant that the IC 1-IPI pump did not start (ll-IP-409 failing closed?)?

As long as the auto function failing is understandable, then the KA match will be OK. The question requires knowledge of the proper actions and why those actions are required.

HPI pump failing to start is the auto safety function that failed.

MAB 1IMAY2O11 SRO-OnIy: The second part of each answer choice requires knowledge of the reasons for performing actions that are required when auto safety functions fail to occur. This part of the answer choices also matches the required knowledge of the KA.

Note: This question also appears to fit the K/A for Q77 (EPEOO9G2.4. 18).

Discuss overlap concems between this question and Q77. tf an applicant knows that venting is done to raise HPI flow while in the LOCA CD Tab, will the applicant then be able to apply this knowledge to arrive at the correct option for the second half of this question.

Concerns evaluated see comment on next Q OK. MAB 1 1 MAY20 1 1 Q ready for administration. MAB 11MAY20! 1 77 009G2.4.18 N H 3 S Question is satisfactory.

KA Match: Question tests EOP basis knowledge as it pertains to actions resulting from a SBLOCA.

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ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KJA# B L I. Ppmetric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues TIF I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W SRO-Only: Previously discussed SRO level concerns with EOP basis information and determination was made that is was acceptable.

See comment above regarding overlap concerns with Q76. Final determination of overlap concern will not be made until after discussion with the facility licensee.

Modifications made to address any possible overlap issues. MAB I 1MAY20! I Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 1 1 78 BWEO4EA2.1 M H 2 Question is satisfactory.

U U KA Match: Procedure selection knowledge is required when in a LOHT condition.

S SRO-Only: The procedure selection is beyond simple entry conditions, thereby testing procedure selection at the SRO level.

Licensee identified, through validation after the draft submittal, that a technical issue existed that caused more than one answer to be correct.

This caused the status of the question to change from sat to unsat. MAB 11MAY20!!

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20! 1 79 040AA2.01 N 1-1 2 S KA Match: Knowledge is MSLB location is required to make correct e plan call.

SRO-Only: The SRO would interpret steam flow and pressure to determine leak location, which also factors into the E-Plan. In other words, the classification of the event is part of interpreting the steam pressures and flows.

Is a reference required to be provided to the applicant? If so, is it preferred to state in the question that a reference has been provided? Also, discuss to ensure that there are no negative impacts of the proposed reference on any of the other questions.

Added. MAB I 1MAY20! I Q ready for administration. MAR 1 1MAY20 11 80 058G2.2.22 N H 2 S Question is satisfactory.

KA Match: Knowledge of TS LCOs relating to a loss of DC power is required to arrive at the correct answer.

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ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B L L Pyometric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment NI 0 0 Stem Cues TIF I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B)W SRO-Only: TS Rules of usage are being tested, which is beyond entry conditions. Mode change requirements are being tested, which is typically an SRO-only administrative function.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 11MAY20 11 81 06202.1.20 N H 2 S Question is satisfactory.

KA Match: Knowledge of interpreting and executing loss of NSW procedure steps is required to arrive at the correct answer.

SRO-Only: Assessing plant conditions and selection of a section of the procedure is required.

82 037G2.4.41 B H 2 Question may be satisfactory.

KA Match: Knowledge of SGTR related EALs required to arrive at the S correct answer.

SRO-Only: E-Plan is solely an SRO function.

Does licensee want to state in the stem that a reference is provided?

Overlap with Q79(APEO4OAA2.01) evaluated no overlap concems.

Is the correct answer designated accurately? Is the question documentation accurate? There is a 30 gpm tube leak in the A SO. There is a MSLB in the B SO. How does this result in a path to the environment? It appears to me that the most likely correct answer is A, based on the information in the stem. They would get 4 points for RCS leakage> 160 gpm.

Q significantly changed. OK MAB I 1MAY20 11 Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 1 1 83 BW/AA2.2 N F 2 X Define in A and B what the word ONLY means? Only is an

? absolute term, and anything else that is required can make B an incorrect answer. More precise wording is needed. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> appears in all answer S choices. Suggest the following for first part answer choices:

A. Actions of TS 3.0.3 NOT required.

B. Actions of TS 3.0.3 NOT required.

C. Actions of TS 3.0.3 required.

D. Actions of TS 3.0.3 required.

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ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KIA# B L L Pometric Flaws Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues TIF Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W Distractor analysis for C states that TS 3.0.3 would be required to be entered, yet the designated correct answer is B? I do not see the TS 3.0.3 entry. Discuss with licensee.

The correct answer is C. TS 3.3.15 requires declaring all TSVs inoperable. TS 3.7.2 (TSVs) does not have a condition for all TSVs to be inoperable as a result TS 3.0.3 actions must be performed. MAB I 1MAY2Ot I Plausibility: How is TS 3.0.3 plausible? See above. OK MAB 11MAY2OI1 KA Match: Determining TS 3.0.3 actions would be testing adherence to procedures.

SRO-Only: The basis info tests knowledge of interpreting the adherence to procedures. Also, TS 3.0.3 is typically an SRO level application of Tech Specs.

Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY2OI 1 84 BW/A08 N H 2 X? b I question the plausibility of visibility being a TS item. Tri-nuke filters, G2.2.25 etc, can be used to clean up visibility. I have never heard of a Tech Spec S requirement based on visibility. Discuss alternatives.


- Can radiation shielding be used instead?

Distractors replaced. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 The stem cues the applicant by telling the applicant that level is greater than 21.34 feet. Suggest replacing with an actual value for level. I.E. level is 22 feet or 23 feet.

Indication being presented in that manner is actually how it would be in the plant-OK. MAB 1IMAY2O11 KA Match: TS basis info required as it pertains to canal level.

SRO-Only: TS basis knowledge required, which is at the SRO level law SRO guidance document.

Q ready for administration. MAB I 1MAY20 I I 85 BWEOSEA2.1 N H 2 5 Question is satisfactory.

KA Match: Procedure selection knowledge for LOCA CD is required.

SRO-Only: Procedure selection beyond entry conditions to major EOPs is required.

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ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KIA# B L L Pjetric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues TIF I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist BIW No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB I1MAY2OII 86 01202.4.50 N H 2 S Question is satisfactory.

KA Match: Alarm setpoints are used to make the operability determination on an RPS channel. The required actions are based on the operability call.

SRO-Only: This is an operability call at the SRO level.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 11MAY2O11 87 007A2.02 N F 2 x 14 With plant conditions provided at 100% power, the LTOP is not required.

With these conditions can it really be said that the PORV requirement for S LTOP is not met? Does the plant need to be in a configuration where LTOP is required.

KA Match: Procedures are being used to respond to high pressure in the PRT.

SRO-Only: Tech Specs state (above the line) that the PORV is required to have a setpoint of < 535 psig. Because of this, the operability determination being based on auto operation is not at the SRO level. Is it possible to write the question for auto porv operation to not be available while at power? Are Tech Specs configured to allow for an SRO question?

New Q was written. New Q sat. MAB 11 MAY2011 Q ready for administration. MAB 11 MAY2011 88 061A2.03 N H 2 x 44 KA Match: Procedure use knowledge is required for loss of dc power as it relates to EFW.


SRO-Only: Not SRO-only because Tech Spec 3.3.14 (above the line) states that automatic initiation is required for operability.

ModifiedQ. OK. MAB 11MAY2O11 Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 89 G2.4.30 B H 2

? g Will supplying the entire NSD2O2 have any negative impacts on the exam, U as far as proving info that would help answer any other questions?

44 EvaluatedOK. MAB 1IMAY2O11 S Reference material supporting plausibility of the distracters was not attached to the question. Have the licensee walk me through the reference Page 21 of25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KJA# B B L Ppmetric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F I Non >1 Non Partial Mm F Q= SRO Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist BIW material that supports plausibility of the distracters. Because it is an open reference question, there needs to be a method to incorrectly apply or interpret the provided reference to arrive at each of the distracters.

Licensee provided during review. OK MAB 1 1MAY20 1 1 KA Match: Reportability is being tested.

SRO-Only: Notifications are an SRO function.

Licensee determined that there was not a correct answer when they validated the exam after their draft submittal. This caused initial rating of E to change to U. Q fixed by adding that water was injected from the BWST. MAB I1MAY201I Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 1 1 90 064G2.1.23 N F 2  ? B KA Match: Tech Specs are procedures that are being used to address the 2 conditions. Underground Power Path comes from the Keowee, therefore K/A is met.

S SRO-Only: Tech Spec bases information makes it SRO-only.

Could KHU-1 be argued as correct because with ACB-3 closed, KHU-l would be aligned to the underground power path? This is a concern with ensuring that there is only one correct answer.

There is no risk of two correct answers. OK MAB I 1MAY2O1 I Q ready for administration. MAB 11 MAY2011 91 016A2.Ol N H 2 S Q is satisfactory.

KA Match: TS are used to mitigate the loss of N1JIS (Pzr Level).

SRO-Only: Application of TS is required by using knowledge below the line.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 11MAY2O11 92 017G2.l.7 N F 2 S Q is satisfactory.

KA Match: An operational judgment is required, based on ITMs, to enter the SAMGs.

SRO-Only: SAMG entry is SRO-only knowledge.

Page 22 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KIA# 15 L L Pkometric Flaws_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues T/F 1 Non >1 Non Partial Mm SRO E Explanation Q=

N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 11MAY2O11 93 00202.1.32 N H 2 S KA Match: RCS limitations are being explained and applied with the time to boil calculation.

SRO-Only: I have a question as to whether this is an SRO-only task.

Further information was supplied that supports this as being an SRO-only function at Oconee.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY2O1 1 94 02.1.35 N F 2 The or in D has a bold underline. The other answer choices do not utilize a bold underline.

S Do the Reactor Building SRO and Refueling Building SRO have identical qualifications and/or could they have identical qualifications? If so, could either one fill the SLC requirement? Discuss to ensure only one correct answer.

KA Match: Q requires SRO responsibility knowledge for fuel handling.

SRO-Only: Knowledge being tested is specific to the SRO level of responsibility.

The licensee incorporated NRC comments. They also requested changes to aspects of the question that they submitted with the draft submittal. MAB 11MAY2O11 Q ready for administration. MAB I IMAY2OI I 95 G2.2.15 B F 2 x N Does adding water to the l&2 SFPs from the 2A BHUT require control 2 room switch manipulations? If so, why would it be reasonable to think that the WCC SRO would have the responsibility for the evolution?

S Accepted licensees explanation. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 KA Match: Equipment control and knowledge of configuration control protocols is being tested.

SROOnly: Knowledge is directly related to SRO function.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 11MAY2O11 96 G2.2.19 N F 2 x U Feedwater flow is being affected. It is only practical that this work must be Page 23 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# KIA# B L B Pometric Flas_____ Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues TIF 1 Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred KJA Only S Dist Dist B/W coordinated closely with the control room. The second part ofA and U S C are likely not plausible.

Entire Q replaced. MAB I 1MAY20 11 Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 97 G2.3.13 N H 2 S Q is satisfactory.

KA Match: Rad Monitor indications as they pertain to refueling is required to answer the question.

SRO-Only: Administrative refueling knowledge for this question is at the SRO level.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1IMAY2O1I 98 G2.3.14 B F 2 x E How long would the IV take? Would a general dose rate of 878 mr/hr result in getting more than 10 mrem? If a worker were to receive dose at the general area rate, he would need to perform the IV in less than 41 S seconds while receiving dose at that rate. Are we at risk for having two correct answers?

Determined that 41 seconds was realistic if the location was known. MAB 1 1MAY2O1 1 KA Match: Radiation control knowledge is required to answer the question.

SRO-Only: Waiving lVs is an SRO job responsibility.

No further changes made. Q ready for administration. MAB 1 1MAY2O1 1 99 G2.4.29 N F 2 x U A and C are essentially different versions of the same answer.

Authority to make E-Plan classifications always lies only with the OSM.

U S A declares the event for one unit and C essentially makes a classification decision for ALL units.

Licensee agreed and corrected. MAB 1 1MAY20 11 KA Match: E-Plan EC actions are being tested.

SRO-Only: The type of information being tested is SRO if only the distracters were plausible.

Q ready for administration. MAB I 1MAY20 11 Page 24 of 25

ES-401, Rev. 9 Written Exam Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 Oconee 2011-301 Q# K/A# B L L Pyçometric Flaws Content Flaws U Comment M 0 0 Stem Cues TIF I Non >1 Non Partial Mm Q= SRO E Explanation N K D Focus Cred Cred K/A Only S Dist Dist B/W 100 G2.4.9 B F 2 g How do SF-I and 2 interact with the LPI pumps? Have the licensee help me understand their basis for plausibility.

S They have no interaction. Distractors changed. MAB 1 1MAY2O1 1 KA Match: Shutdown mitigation strategy knowledge is required to arrive at the correct answer.

SRO-Only: The basis for the actions are being tested.

Q ready for administration. MAB I 1MAY2O1 I Page 25 of 25

ES-403 Written Examination Grading Form ES-403-1 Quality Checklist 0 Facility: QcoiggE Date of Exam: l1l1j Zo Exam Level: RO SROE1 Initials Item Description a b c

1. Clean answer sheets copied before grading f 4 N/ ,it3 7,
2. Answer key changes and question deletions justified and_documented
3. Applicants scores checked for addition errors N/


4. Grading for all borderline cases (80 +/-2% overall and 70 or 80, as_applicable,_+/-4%_on_the_SRO-only)_reviewed_in_detail Nm


5. All other failing examinations checked to ensure that grades are justified 4
6. Performance on missed questions checked for training N/

deficiencies and wording problems; evaluate validity IIJ of questions missed by half or more of the applicants 7 Printed Name/Signature Date

a. Grader .


oc4s4i /

b. Facility Reviewer(*) SM/A
c. NRC Chief Examiner (*) 4y /IQ7J


d. NRC Supervisor 1

(*) The facility reviewers signature is not applicable for examinations graded by the NRC; two independent NRC reviews are required.

ES-403, Page 6 of 6

(A 3