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Initial Information Request for NRC Triennial Baseline Component Design Bases Inspection NRC Inspection Report 05000275-10-007 and 05000323-10-007
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/10/2009
From: Thomas Farnholtz
Region 4 Engineering Branch 1
To: Conway J
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Download: ML093450334 (9)

See also: IR 05000275/2010007





6 1 2 E. LAMAR BLVD. , SU ITE 4 00

AR LIN GTON , TEXAS 7 6 01 1- 4005

December 10, 2009

John T. Conway, Senior Vice President

and Chief Nuclear Officer

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

77 Beale Street, B32

San Francisco, CA 94105



NRC INSPECTION REPORT 05000275/2010007 AND 05000323/2010007

Dear Mr. Conway

On February 8, 2010, the NRC will begin a triennial baseline Component Design Bases

Inspection at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. A six-person team will perform this inspection

using NRC Inspection Procedure 71111.21, "Component Design Bases Inspection."

The inspection focuses on components and operator actions that have high risk and low design

margins. The samples reviewed during this inspection will be identified during an information

gathering visit and during the subsequent in-office preparation week. In addition, a number of

operating experience issues will also be selected for review.

The inspection will include an information gathering site visit by the team leader and a senior

reactor analyst, and 3-weeks of onsite inspection by the team. The inspection will consist of

four NRC inspectors and two contractors, of which three inspectors will focus on engineering

and one inspector on operations. The current inspection schedule is as follows:

Onsite information gathering visit: Week of January 25-29, 2010

Preparation Week: February 1-5, 2010

Onsite weeks: February 8-12, 2010 and February 22-March 5, 2010

The purpose of the information gathering visit is to meet with members of your staff to identify

potential risk-significant components and operator actions. The lead inspector will also request

a tour of the plant with members of your operations staff and probabilistic safety assessment

staff. During the onsite weeks, several days of time will be needed on the plant-referenced

simulator in order to facilitate the development of operator action-based scenarios. Additional

information and documentation needed to support the inspection will be identified during the

inspection, including interviews with engineering managers, engineers, and probabilistic safety

assessment staff.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company -2-

Our experience with these inspections has shown that they are extremely resource intensive,

both for the NRC inspectors and the licensee staff. In order to minimize the inspection impact

on the site and to ensure a productive inspection, we have enclosed a request for information

needed for the inspection. The request has been divided into three groups. The first group lists

information necessary for the information gathering visit and for general preparation. This

information should be available to the regional office no later than January 20, 2010. Insofar as

possible, this information should be provided electronically to the lead inspector. Since the

inspection will be concentrated on high risk/low margin components, calculations associated

with your list of high risk components should be available for review during the information

gathering visit to assist in our selection of components based on available design margin.

The second group of documents requested are those items that the team will need access to

during the preparation week in order to finalize the samples to be inspected. The third group

lists information necessary to aid the inspection team in tracking issues identified as a result of

the inspection. It is requested that this information be provided to the lead inspector as the

information is generated during the inspection. Additional requests by inspectors will be made

throughout all three onsite weeks for specific documents needed to complete the review of that

component/selection. It is important that all of these documents are up to date and complete in

order to minimize the number of additional documents requested during the preparation and/or

the onsite portions of the inspection. In order to facilitate the inspection, we request that a

contact individual be assigned to each inspector to ensure information requests, questions, and

concerns are addressed in a timely manner.

The lead inspector for this inspection is Mr. Ronald A. Kopriva. We understand that our

licensing engineer contact for this inspection is Mr. Steve Zawalick. If there are any questions

about the inspection or the requested materials, please contact the lead inspector at (817) 860-

8104 or via e-mail at

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter will be

made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from

the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system (ADAMS).

ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the

Public Electronic Reading Room).



Thomas Farnholtz, Chief

Engineering Branch 1

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket: 50-275


License: DPR-80


Pacific Gas and Electric Company -3-


Component Design Basis Inspection

Document Request

cc w/enclosure:

Sierra Club San Lucia Chapter

ATTN: Andrew Christie

P.O. Box 15755

San Luis Obispo, CA 93406

Nancy Culver

San Luis Obispo

Mothers for Peace

P.O. Box 164

Pismo Beach, CA 93448


San Luis Obispo County

Board of Supervisors

1055 Monterey Street, Suite D430

San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

Truman Burns\Robert Kinosian

California Public Utilities Commission

505 Van Ness Ave., Rm. 4102

San Francisco, CA 94102

Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee

Attn: Robert R. Wellington, Esq.

Legal Counsel

857 Cass Street, Suite D

Monterey, CA 93940

Director, Radiological Health Branch

State Department of Health Services

P.O. Box 997414 (MS 7610)

Sacramento, CA 95899-7414

City Editor

The Tribune

3825 South Higuera Street

P.O. Box 112

San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-0112

James D. Boyd, Commissioner

California Energy Commission

1516 Ninth Street (MS 31)

Sacramento, CA 95814

Pacific Gas and Electric Company -4-

James R. Becker, Site Vice President

Diablo Canyon Power Plant

P.O. Box 56

Avila Beach, CA 93424

Jennifer Tang

Field Representative

United States Senator Barbara Boxer

1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 240

San Francisco, CA 94111

Chief, Technological Hazards Branch

FEMA Region IX

1111 Broadway, Suite 1200

Oakland, CA 94607-4052

Pacific Gas and Electric Company -5-

Electronic distribution by RIV:

Regional Administrator (

Deputy Regional Administrator (

DRP Director (

DRP Deputy Director (

DRS Director (

DRS Deputy Director (

Senior Resident Inspector (

Resident Inspector (

Branch Chief, DRP/B (

Senior Project Engineer, DRP/B (

DC Administrative Assistant (

Public Affairs Officer (

Branch Chief, DRS/TSB (

RITS Coordinator (

Regional Counsel (

Congressional Affairs Officer (

OEMail Resource

OEDO RIV Coordinator (

D. Norkin, NRR CDBI Coordinator (

SUNSI Review Completed: _X__Yes __X__ ADAMS: Yes No Initials: _TRF_

Publicly Available Non-Publicly Available Sensitive ; Non-Sensitive



RAKopriva TFarnholtz

/RA/ /RA/

12/10/09 12/10/09




Inspection Report: 05000275/2010007


Information Gathering Dates: January 25-29, 2010

On-site Inspection Dates: February 8-12, 2010

February 22 - March 5, 2010

Inspection Procedure: IP 71111.21, "Component Design Bases Inspection"

Lead Inspector/Team Leader: Ronald A. Kopriva


I. Information Requested Prior to the information Gathering Visit (January 20, 2010)

The following information (Section I of this enclosure) should be sent to the Region IV

office in hard copy or electronic format ( and compact disc, preferred), in

care of Ronald A. Kopriva, January 20, 2010 to facilitate the reduction in the items to be

selected for a final list during the preparation week of February 1-5, 2010. The

inspection team will finalize the selected list during the prep week using the additional

documents requested in Section II of this enclosure. The specific items selected from

the lists shall be available and ready for review on the day indicated in this request.

  • Please provide requested documentation electronically in "pdf" files, Excel, or other

searchable formats, if possible. The information should contain descriptive names, and

be indexed and hyperlinked to facilitate ease of use. Information in "lists" should contain

enough information to be easily understood by someone who has knowledge of

pressurized water reactor technology. If requested documents are large and only hard

copy formats are available, please inform the inspector(s), and provide subject

documentation during the first day of the onsite inspection.

1. An excel spreadsheet of equipment basic events (with definitions) including

importance measures sorted by risk achievement worth (RAW) and Fussell-

Vesely (FV) from your internal events probabilistic risk assessment (PRA).

Include basic events with RAW value of 1.3 or greater.

2. Provide a list of the top 500 cut-sets from your PRA.

3. Copies of PRA "system notebooks," and the latest PRA summary document.

-1- Enclosure

4. An excel spreadsheet of PRA human action basic events or risk ranking of

operator actions from your site specific PSA sorted by RAW and FV. Provide

copies of your human reliability worksheets for these items.

5. If you have an external events or fire PSA model, provide the information

requested in items 1-4 for external events and fire.

6. Any pre-existing evaluation or list of components and associated calculations

with low design margins, (i.e., pumps closest to the design limit for flow or

pressure, diesel generator close to design required output, heat exchangers

close to rated design heat removal, etc.).

7. List of high risk maintenance rule systems/components and functions; based on

engineering or expert panel judgment.

8. A list of operating experience evaluations for the last 2 years.

9. A list of all time-critical operator actions in procedures.

10. A list of permanent and temporary modifications sorted by component identified

in Item 1.

11. List of current "operator work arounds/burdens."

12. A list of the design calculations, which provide the design margin information for

components included in Item 1. (Calculations should be available during the

information gathering visit).

13. List of root cause evaluations associated with component failures or design

issues initiated/completed in the last 5 years.

14. Current management and engineering organizational charts.

15. Diablo Canyon Power Plant IPEEE, if available electronically.

16. Mechanical piping drawings for:

Engineered safety features

Emergency core cooling systems

Emergency diesel generators

17 Electrical one-line drawings for:

Offsite power/switchyard supplies

Normal AC power systems

Emergency AC/DC power systems including

120VAC power, and

125VDC/24VDC safety class systems

-2- Enclosure

18. List of any common-cause failures of components in the last 3 years.

19. An electronic copy of the Design Bases Documents.

20. An electronic copy of the System Health notebooks.

II. Information Requested to be Available on First Day of Preparation Week (February

1, 2010)

1. List of condition reports (corrective action documents) associated with each of

the selected components for the last 5 years.

2. The corrective maintenance history associated with each of the selected

components for the last 2 years.

3. Copies of calculations associated with each of the selected components (if not

previously provided), excluding data files. Please review the calculations and

also provide copies of reference material (such as drawings, engineering

requests, and vendor letters).

4. Copies of operability evaluations associated with each of the selected

components and plans for restoring operability, if applicable.

5. Copies of selected operator work-around evaluations associated with each of the

selected components and plans for resolution, if applicable.

6. Copies of any open temporary modifications associated with each of the selected

components, if applicable.

7. Trend data on the selected electrical/mechanical components performance for

last 3 years (for example, pumps performance including in-service testing, other

vibration monitoring, oil sample results, etc., as applicable).

8. A copy of any internal/external self-assessments and associated corrective

action documents generated in preparation for the inspection.

9. A copy of engineering/operations related audits completed in the last 2 years.

10. List of motor operated valves (MOVs) in the program, design margin and risk


11. List of air operated valves (AOVs) in the valve program, design and risk ranking.

12. Structure, system and components in the Maintenance Rule (a)(1) category.

13. Site top 10 issues list.

-3- Enclosure

14. Procedures used to accomplish operator actions associated with the basic

events in your PRA.

15. List of licensee contacts for the inspection team with pager or phone numbers.

III. Information Requested to be provided throughout the inspection.

1. Copies of any corrective action documents generated as a result of the teams

questions or queries during this inspection.

2. Copies of the list of questions submitted by the team members and the

status/resolution of the information requested (provide daily during the inspection

to each team member).

3. Reference materials (available electronically and as needed during all onsite


General set of plant drawings

IPE/PRA report

Procurement documents for components selected

Plant procedures (normal, abnormal, emergency, surveillance, etc.)

Technical Specifications

Updated Final Safety Analysis Report

Vendor manuals

Inspector Contact Information:

Ronald A. Kopriva - Team Lead

Senior Reactor Inspector

(817) 860-8104

Mailing Address:

US NRC, Region IV

Attn: Ronald A. Kopriva

612 East Lamar Blvd, Ste 400

Arlington, TX 76011

-4- Enclosure