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Initial Exam 2009-301 Final Administrative JPMs Region Ii/Drs/Operator Licensing Branch/Initial Examinations/Mcguire/Exam 2009-301
Person / Time
Site: McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/26/2009
Duke Energy Carolinas
50-369/09-301, 50-370/09-301
Download: ML092400632 (123)


FACILITY NAME: McGuire Nulear Plant Section 12 REPORTNUMBER: ____~O~5~OO~O~3~69=1~37~O~~=O~09~-~30~1~



o Final ADMIN JPMs D

o 'As given' with changes made during administration annotated Location of Electronic Files:

Submitted By: ------::::!~_.p.q_


Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet JPMA1a JPM A1a RO 2009 Admin - JPM A A1a 1a RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: McGuire Task No.: 217MFW002 Task


Determine Boric Acid Addition to JPM No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A1a FWST RO KIA


GKiA 2.1.25 (3.9/4.2)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: x Classroom ---

x Simulator ---

Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

  • The plant was at '1 OOo}opower when aleakdevelopeCl onthefWST.
  • FWST Level dropped toA40inCl)es b~fore leakwasisol~ted.
  • Enql?syre4;;4. "f~S!:~Cl~~~p'lJ~in9tl)eRH'L"~f OP/11A16200/Q14, "RefUeJlflgWat~r SY$tem"'.,ls lfl progress and completed th rough Step 39 " " ~",,'

",' ,,: '" i'.,*;>'" ";;;?i,, '. i;y"W;>;; ',' i ; ; ; } '." ""',;" '., , " '"

". L903.p;4; R$llpelingWater Storage Tank (RWST), Wq$ entered 10 mlnute~ ago. ' '

  • Chemj$tryhasp:tO\fid~d' thefollowingiriformation:
  • ,BATB}oron'Conc. = 7234 ppm
  • RHTBoron{Conc.= 1076 ppm
  • FWSTMake up Boron Condentrafibn:Use,

", ,iJ ,,'h < ,.'.', ,

GOLR Minimum Task Standard: The operator will calculate the amount of Boric Acid that must be added from the BAT to refill the FWST is 7,912 gallons 2: 75 gallons.


Required Materials: Calculator Reference Cart with all identified General References.

2009 Admin - JPM A 1a RO A1a NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet General


OP/1/A/6200/014, Refueling Water System McGuire Core Operating Limits Report (Cycle 20)

McGuire U-1 Data Book OMP 8-2, Component Verification Techniques Handouts: Enclosure 4.4 of OP/1/A/6200/014, Refueling Water System, marked up for place-keeping through Step 3.9 as follows:

  • Initial Conditions 2.1 -2.3 are initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.1 - Box checked.
  • Procedure Step 3.2 - Left blank (Conditional step).
  • Procedure Step 3.3 - initialed, Person Notified: CHEMIST, date/time:


  • Procedure Step 3.4 - NA, initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.5 - initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.6 - NA, initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.7 - NA, initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.8 - NA, initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.9 - initialed, Person Notified: RP.

R.P. TECH, date/time: present.

Ini.ti.~tingCuE?: D~terminetheamduht of'Boric ~qidneeqE?9 to {aise the fWST * 480" .U~iflg:theRHTin'accQ{qance with Sfap 3.1 Oof Enclosure 4.4 of O,?11iAl62001014, "RefuelirigW?t~r Systernc" .

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 20 minutes 2009 Admin - JPM A1aA 1a RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk*)

Provide Candidate with Initial Conditions/Cue (Last Page of this JPM), and Handout .4 marked up for place-keeping through Step 3.9.



  • 1 (Step 3.10) Determine the The operator locates the amount of Boric Acid COLR on the Reference needed to raise makeup Cart.

water to the limits specified The operator refers to in the Core Operating Limits Section 2.13.1 on Page 26 Report (COLR). of 32 and determines that the minimum boron concentration to be used in the calculation is 2675 ppm.

The operator records ~ 2675*,

ppm in the first line (Desired Boron Concentration of Addition from COLR) of the Doer Calculation in Step 3.10 of Enclosure 4.4.


  • 2 (1 st Bullet) Desired Boron The operator adds an Concentration of Addition additional 25 ppm and from COLR + 25 ppmB determines Desired Boron


margin = Desired Boron Concentration to be 2700 Concentration ppm.

The operator records 2700 nd ppm in the 2nd line (Desired Boron Conc) of the Doer Calculation in Step 3.10 of Enclosure 4.4.

2009 Admin - JPM A1aA 1a RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 3 (2 nd nd Bullet) The operator identifies


Desired Cb =2700 from

{(Desired Cb} - (RHT Cbn previous Step and records.

(BAT Cb) - (RHT Cb)

The operator recognizes x {Desired Total =

that RHT Cb = 1076 ppm Makeup Volume to and records (Initial FWST} Conditions ).

=Desired BAT Volume The operator recognizes


that BAT Cb =7234 ppm and records (Initial Conditions ).

The operator determines Desired Total Makeup Volume to FWST as follows:

The operator locates the Unit 1 Data Book on the Reference Cart.

The operator addresses Enclosure 4.3, Curve 7.7-in Unit 1 Data Book.

The operator determines from graph that total makeup volume is 30,000 by comparing 480" volume of 390,000 gallons to the 440" volume of 360,000 gallons.

The operator records 30,000 gallons.

The operator calculates the Desired BAT Volume to be


added to be 7,912 gallons :!::.

75 gallons.

2009 Admin - JPM AA1a1a RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


.2: 75 gallons as the gallons .:!:

Desired SAT Volume in the Doer Calculation.

Terminating Cue: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2009 Admin - JPM A 1a RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A1a RO Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

2009 Admin - JPM A 1a RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


Desired Boron Concentration from COLR + 25 ppmB =Desired Boron Concentration 2675 ppm (From COLR) + 25 ppmB =2700 ppm

{(Desired Cb) - (RHT Cb)} x {Desired Total Makeup Volume to FWST} = = Desired BAT Volume (BAT Cb) - (RHT Cb)



RHT Cb = 1076 ppm


BAT Cb =7234 ppm


Desired Total Makeup Volume to FWST = Overflow volume - Present volume (From Enclosure 4.3, Curve 7.7 of Unit 1 Core Data Book:)

390,000 gallons - 360,000 gallons (440") =30,000 gallons So:

{(Desired Cb)-(RHT Cb)} x {Desired Total Makeup Volume to FWST} = = Desired BAT Volume (BAT Cb)-(RHT Cb)

{(2700)-(1076)} x {30000} = Desired BAT Volume (7234 )-( 1076)

{1624} x {30000} = Desired BAT Volume 6158


.26 x {30000} = Desired BAT Volume or gallons 2: 75 gallons 7,912 gallons.+/-

OR between 7,837 and 7,987 gallons 2009 Admin - JPM A 1a RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • The plant was at 100% power when a leak developed on the FWST.
  • FWST Level dropped to 440 inches before leak was isolated.
  • Enclosure 4.4, "FWST Makeup Using the RHT," of OP/1/A/62001014, "Refueling Water System" is in progress and completed through Step 3.9.
  • LCO 3.5.4, Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST), was entered 10 minutes ago.
  • Chemistry has provided the following information:

Conc. = 7234 ppm

  • RHT Boron Conc.= 1076 ppm
  • FWST Make up Boron Concentration: Use COLR Minimum INITIATING CUE: Determine the amount of Boric Acid needed to raise the FWST level to 480" using the RHT in accordance with Step 3.10 of Enclosure 4.4 of OP/1/A/62001014, "Refueling Water System."

NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Enclosure 4.4 OP' 1/A!62 OPt 00 /0 14 l:Al62001014 fWST ~lakel!p l:smg F,\\'ST MaKt'up {"sing run RBT Page:22 of S Page 8 3.

J8 IF F\\'ST FWST in Punllcatioll" secure per Enclosure 4 ill Purification, 4.5 Purification)..

..5 (FWST Pw:ificatioo).

3.9 19 Notify RP of change in FW System alignment {PIP M97-0680}

innV lv197-0680}

c::----:-:--:-::--,------ - _-_ -I---

Person Notified Penon Date Time 110

3. I () Detemrine amount Determme atucmnt of Boric Add needed to mise makeup \1i"'ater raise m.akeup water to limitshmits specified per

-W- - - Core OperatingLimi:tsReport COfe Operating Limits Report (COLR):(CaLK): {PIP 2-M98-0017}


  • De:;L~ Boron Concentmnon of Addiitiol1 from COLR - 25 ppmB tllilTgm = De'lired B.~roll CDUe
    • (Desned BDron Cone) -IRill (lUIT &roocooc})l'DesiredToml Makeup'lP )I De:siredBAT Voiume Boron Cone} 'I Desired Iota! J",r.ll:e\


.... A. Boron Coru:,

(1:1. T

- I \.FJU

, (BATBorooCancl-(RHTBQI!'OnCoocl' Boroll COlle.1 JI "1

/. VolllDlf'ToF\VST.

r \. -" i


v0 ullle T () n]'<'T' = DesireJB,"A3Vohlllle

{I (I 26;;5 IppmB)-;' 25 2675 IpPmB)- ppmB =

25ppmB= I127~~n.1IppmB 2700 Doer Doel' Cakularioll COliltulation ~"'~~---HiJ"'~~



2700 pt,"IWB}-( 1076 ppmB) ppmB}**( 1076 ppmB) """"",,,liIiIIoiiioioiioll!5"')=

_ _...5e: al ) ~I

'= Il.*~~~**1 Igall~-,


7234 It1~~2+

" 7912 + 75 75~~rGal *.*.


IY ( _ _ _JPpmB)- ppmB)+ 25ppmB= _ _ _ _,p,pmB ppmB Calculation CalculaTion

. I(



ppmB) ppmB))f gal)

[rI'. t ppmB)-(

ppmBH PPmBJ'lf ppmB) ,


t =

gal.! = ------'::gal

al o 311

[] 3.11 Record initial fWST FWST level 00 Attachment 1.

011 Attac:h:me:nt 112 3.12 IF If amount of boric acid afOOric a,dded from Step 110 add to be :added 3. 1() is zero, go to Step 3.23.

3. 13 3.13 amount of Boric Acid c:alrulated Add atnount calculated in Step 3.10 to F\'VS FWSTfrom T from Blender as fol1cl'ws:


3..13.1 3.13.1 Ensure dosedooedosed one of aftile the following:

  • 11'>'1-96E lNI-96B (l",'1 Cllk Test Hdr CiT (Nl Cbk Outside) 01omside)


  • n",'1-99 (Unit 1 lNI-99 11\1 CheckVa.1ve NI Check Valve Test Hdr To F\\'SI F\~lSTIsol) hoI)

{Joit ITnit 1

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet JPM A1b RO 2009 Admin - JPM A1b A1 b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: McGuire Task No.:



Calculate QPTR JPM No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A1b RO KIA




GKiA 2.1.7 (4.4)


Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: x Classroom ---

xX Simulator - - - Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial 'Cond itions: ,.~ The Unit 1 OAC,failed'and*iSh~foperating .* ,...

.Jne}\I~nqor'isb~irig OOrisuIted d6ri~~rnjhg repairs;:.**

  • *I{isestirnated it will take approximately 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to complete repairs.

' "~, , ' " , ' ,

  • The crew has *impl!?mentedPT/1/N4600/0~1p."Loss.()f Operator.Aid Computer while in Mod.e 1i:}ndoomplet~d through.stepi2.12.
  • Unit 1 is at 1OO%powet and aU PowerR~nge.l!1st~umentsare OPERABLE;. . .. .

Task Standard: The operator will calculate the QPTR (See Attached Key) and determine that the QPTR Technical Specification has been exceeded.

Required Materials: Calculator McGuire Technical Specifications General


PT/1/A146001021A, PT/1/N46001021A, Loss of Operator Aid Computer while in Mode 1 MNS Unit #1 Data BookBoOk - Table 2.2 McGuire Technical Specifications (LCO 3.2.4) 2009 Admin - JPM A 1b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Handouts: PT/1/A146001021A PT/1/N46001021A Loss of Operator Aid Computer while in Mode 1, marked up through step 12.12.

Detector Currents (Page 12 of 13 of this JPM)

MNS Unit #1 Data Book - Table 2.2 (Cycle 20 - 2/9/2009)

Initiating elle: The bRSRO.has8iredte~youtocalculat~(*QPTR in accordance with

  • Step.12 .130f PTltfAl4600/21 A,Loss ofOperat¢r Aid {~omputer while in Mode 1. . . ' . '. ..

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 22 minutes 2009 Admin - JPM A1b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk*)

Provide Candidate with Initial Conditions/Cue (Last Page of this JPM), the Detector nd Currents (2 nd to last Page of this JPM), handout PT/1/Al4600/021A PT/1/A14600/021 A marked up through step 12.12, and MNS Unit 1 Data Book Table 2.2 (Cycle 20).


STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U Stu COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT 1 (Step 12.13) The operator determines from initial conditions QPTR IF QPTR Alarm inoperable Alarm is inoperable, Unit 1 AND greater than 50%

is at 100% power and all RTP, perform the following: PR channels are operable.

(Step 12.13.1)


!Lall Power Range (PR)

Operator proceeds to channel inputs to QPTR Enclosure 13.5 (Calculation operable, calculate QPTR Sheet for Quadrant Power on Enclosure13.5 Tilt) Part A.

(Calculation Sheet for Quadrant Power Tilt) Part A within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> thereafter until QPTR Alarm operable.

2 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator enters the current Date and Time at Complete the Form the top of the form.

2009 Admin - JPM A 1b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 3 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator records the Measured Current - From correct amperage reading NI cabinet's current meter for each detector (From the (located on respective PRB Handout provided) in the Drawers). Ensure Detector Measured Current row for Milliamp Range Switches each of the eight (8) are in "0.5" position and detectors as follows:

read 0-500 microamp scale.

PR-41A =298 PR-41B =305 PR-42A =296 PR-42B =312 PR-43A =299 PR-43B =315 PR-44A =299 PR-44B =308

  • 4 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator locates Calibration Current - From OP/1/N61 OP/1/A/61 00/022, most recent calibration data Enclosure 4.3, Table 2.2, using "0" Incore Axial Offset Excore Currents and Current in Data Book, Table Voltages Correlated to 2.2 ("IT" for detector "A", 100% Full Power at Various "IB" for detector "B"). Axial Offsets.

The operator records the correct amperage reading for each detector (Table 2.2) in the Calibration Current row for each of the eight (8) detectors as follows:

PR-41A =125.8 PR-41B =139.1 PR-42A =132.2 PR-42B =142.3 PR-43A =129.3 PR-43B =145.9 PR-44A =120.4 PR-44B =139.3 2009 Admin - JPM A 1b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 5 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator correctly Relative Flux (RF) - Divide calculates the average RF line 1 by line 2 to calculate and records the in the Relative Flux (RF) for each Relative Flux (RF) row for upper (A) and lower (B) each of the eight (8) detector. detectors as follows:

PR-41A =298/125.8 =2.37 PR-41B =305/139.1 =2.19 PR-42A =296/132.2 =2.24 PR-42B =312/142.3 =2.19 PR-43A =299/129.3 =2.31 PR-43B =315/145.9 =2.16 PR-44A =299/120.4 =2.48 PR-44B =308/139.3 =2.21

  • 6 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator records the Quadrant Power Tilts: RF of each of the four (4) A Calculate by dividing each detectors and calculates the upper relative flux by the Avg RF of A Detectors as average upper relative flux follows:

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average (2.37+2.24+2.31+2.48)/4 =

2.35 lower relative flux.

A vg RF of A Detectors

  • 7 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator records the Quadrant Power Tilts: RF of each of the four (4) B Calculate by dividing each detectors and calculates the upper relative flux by the Avg RF of B Detectors as average upper relative flux follows:

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average (2.19+2.19+2.16+2.21 )/4 (2.19+2.19+2.16+2.21)/4 =

2.19 lower relative flux.

Avg RF of B Detectors Avg 2009 Admin - JPM A1 b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 8 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator calculates the Quadrant Power Tilts: PR-41A PR-41 A Tilt as follows:

Calculate by dividing each upper relative flux by the =

2.37/2.35 =1.01 .:!: .01 average upper relative flux And records this value.

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average lower relative flux.

PR-41A Tilt

  • 9 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator calculates the Quadrant Power Tilts: PR-41 B Tilt as follows:

Calculate by dividing each upper relative flux by the 2.19/2.19 =1.00.:!: .01 average upper relative flux And records this value.

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average lower relative flux.

PR-41 B Tilt

  • 10 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator calculates the Quadrant Power Tilts: PR-42A Tilt as follows:

Calculate by dividing each upper relative flux by the 2.24/2.35 =0.95 .:!: .01 average upper relative flux And records this value.

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average lower relative flux.

PR-42A Tilt

  • 11 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator calculates the Quadrant Power Tilts: PR-42B Tilt as follows:

Calculate by dividing each upper relative flux by the 2.19/2.19 =1.00.:!: .01 average upper relative flux And records this value.

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average lower relative flux.

PR-42B Tilt 2009 Admin - JPM A1b A 1b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 12 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator calculates the Quadrant Power Tilts: PR-43A Tilt as follows:

Calculate by dividing each upper relative flux by the


2.31/2.35 = 0.98 ! .01 average upper relative flux And records this value.

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average lower relative flux.

PR-43A Tilt

  • 13 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator calculates the Quadrant Power Tilts: PR-43B Tilt as follows:

Calculate by dividing each upper relative flux by the


2.16/2.19 = 0.99 + .01 average upper relative flux And records this value.

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average lower relative flux.

PR-43B Tilt

  • 14 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator calculates the Quadrant Power Tilts: PR-44A Tilt as follows:

Calculate by dividing each upper relative flux by the


2.48/2.35 = 1.06 ! .01 average upper relative flux And records this value.

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average lower relative flux.

PR-44A Tilt

  • 15 (Enclosure 13.5 Part A) The operator calculates the Quadrant Power Tilts: PR-44B Tilt as follows:

Calculate by dividing each upper relative flux by the


2.21/2.19 = 1.01 + .01 average upper relative flux And records this value.

and dividing each lower relative flux by the average lower relative flux.

PR-44B Tilt 2009 Admin - JPM A 1b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 16 (Technical Specification The operator determines 3.2.4) The QPTR shall be that a quadrant is >1.02 and

~< 1.02.

  • Informs the CRSRO of the condition.

Terminating Cue: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2009 Admin - JPM A1b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A 1b RO A1b Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

2009 Admin - JPM A 1b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET The following Detector Currents are observed on the NI cabinet current meters:

NI-41 detector:

A (left) 298 B (right) 305 NI-42 detector:

A (left) 296 B (right)

B(right) 312 NI-43 detector:

A (left) 299 B(right)

B (right) 315 NI-44 detector:

A (left) 299 B (right) 308 NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • The Unit 1 OAC failed and is not operating.
  • The vendor is being consulted concerning repairs.
  • It is estimated it will take approximately 15 hours1.736111e-4 days <br />0.00417 hours <br />2.480159e-5 weeks <br />5.7075e-6 months <br /> to complete repairs.
  • The crew has implemented PT/1/A/4600/021A, PT/1/N46001021 A, Loss of Operator Aid Computer while in Mode 1 and completed through step 12.12.
  • Unit 1 is at 100% power and all Power Range Instruments are OPERABLE.

INITIATING CUE: The CRSRO has directed you to calculate QPTR in accordance PT/1/A/4600/21 with Step 12.13 of PT/1/N46 00/21 A, Loss of Operator Aid Computer while in Mode 1.

NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 11 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION

(§ Part A Page 1 of 4 PR-41 PR-42 PR-43 PR-44 A B A B A B A B Measured Current 298 305 296 312 299 315 299 308 Calibration Current 125.8 139.1 132.2 142.3 129.3 145.9 120.4 139.3 Relative Flux (RF) 2.37 2.19 2.24 2.19 2.31 2.16 2.48 2.21 Part A Page 2 of 4 Avg RF of A Detectors = 2.37 + I 2.24 + I 2.31 I + I 2.48 = 2.35 Avg RF of B Detectors = 2.19 + I 2.19 + I 2.16 I + 2.21 = 2.19 PR-41A PR-41 A Tilt PR-41 PR-41B B Tilt RFA = RF of PR-41A = 2.37 1.01

  • 1.01* RFB = RF of PR-41B PR-41 B = 2.19 1.00*

2.35 2.19 PR-42A Tilt PR-42B Tilt RFA = RF of PR-42A = 2.24 .95* RFB = RF of PR-42B = 2.19 1.00*

2.35 2.19 PR-43A Tilt PR-43B Tilt RFA = RF of PR-43A = 2.31 .98* RFB = RF of PR-43B = 2.16 .99*

2.35 2.19 PR-44A Tilt PR-44B Tilt RFA = RF of PR-44A = 2.48 1.06* RFB = RF of PR-44B = 2.21 1.01

  • 1.01*

2.35 2.19 2: .01 2009 Admin - JPM A 1b RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 1 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM A2 RO 2009 Admin - JPM A2 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 2 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Facility: McGuire Task No.:



Perform Daily Surveillance Items JPM No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A2 Checklist RO KIA


GKiA 2.2.44 (4.2/4.4)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X X

X Plant Classroom - - - Simulator _'-C.-._

READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 1 and Unit2 are in Mode 1 cit 100% power.
  • It is 0200 and PT/11A14606/003B,'~Oaily Surveillance Items," is in progress. . *.. . .... .... *. . .........
  • 'A checkljf*the Unit 1YSAIL* Report revealed that there were no outstanding item$~hat may impact the performance of the Daily SurveiUance Items;.Checklist.
  • Another operatQF':I~ p~rfbr:mitrgEnciosur~'~3.2,NACjUMS Cask Mon!torirlg, . . .. ' . . . ....

Task Standard: The operator will complete Enclosure 13.1, Daily Surveillance Items Checklist identifying four items on the Checklist that do not meet the identified acceptance criteria, and one item that requires CRSRO notification.

Required Materials: Footstool to view indicators on MCB vertical sections.



PT/1/A/4600/003B, PT/1/A/46001003B, Daily Surveillance Items Unit 1 Core Data Book McGuire Core Operating Limits Report (Cycle 20)

McGuire Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Specifications 2009 Admin - JPM A2 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Handouts: PT/1/A/46001003B, PT 111N4600/003B, Enclosure 13.1, Daily Surveillance Items partially completed with entries for items NOT simulated:

  • Wind Speed Monitor (Lower)
  • Wind Speed Monitor (Upper)
  • Wind Direction Monitor (Lower)
  • Wind Direction Monitor (Upper)
  • Air Temperature Delta T
  • Loose Parts Detection System Place initials in routine daily surveillance Block, record "1" in Mode of Operation Block, and record present date. Place a check mark in the 1am - 7am Yam block for Time performed.

PT/1/A/46001003B, PT/1/N4600/003B, Daily Surveillance Items, with Step 12.1 marked off for place-keeping.

Initiating Cue: *The CRSROl;JaS;9irectec:fyoutocontinue'withand complete Enclosure 13.1, Daily Surveinanceltem~Checklist in accordanG~ with PT/1/A/4pQOIOOS,B.. .

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 25 minutes 2009 Admin - JPM A2 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


1. Reset to IC-39.
2. Adjust N43 detector current so that detector is>

is > Heat Balance by 2.45%.

3. Insert IND-NV043 (1 NVP5763) = =53 (VCT Level off by 7%).
4. Insert IND-FW001 (1 FWP5030) = 98 (FWST Temperature to 98°F).
5. Insert MALF-EMF233 =SLO; Turn off 1EMF-33.
6. ANN-RAD1-F05 =OFF; Cabinet 1-2 Trouble Annunciator OFF
7. Freeze the Simulator
1. Reset to IC-97 (December 2008)
2. Go to Run.
3. Check to see that EMF-33 operate light is dark, or NOT LIT.
4. Freeze the Simulator NOTE:

Booth Instructor verify that the following conditions exist:

  • N43 (M1 P1468) is NOT within 2% of the Heat Balance Calculation.
  • 1NVP5760 and 1NVP5763 are NOT within 5% of each other.
  • FWST Solution Temperature is > 95°F but < 100 of.
  • The 1EMF-33 Operate light is NOT lit.

THIS JPM MUST BE CONDUCTED ON A STATIC SIMULATOR (i.e. (Le. Simulator in Freeze) 2009 Admin - JPM A2 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk*)

Provide Candidate with Initial Conditions/Cue (Last Page of this JPM) and Handout PT/1/Al4600/003B (Body of Procedure) with Step 12.1 marked off for place-keeping and Enc 13.1, Daily Surveillance Items Checklist marked up for items NOT simulated.


STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT 1 (Section 6) Review Limits The operator reviews Limits and Precautions. and Precautions.

2 (Step 12.2) Complete The operator recognizes Enclosure 13.1 (Daily that the checklist is already Surveillance Items in progress and continues.



IF operator attempts to inform the CRSRO of a discovered Discrepancy prior to completion provide the following:

CRSRO ackn()wledges report and will evaluate Tech Specs.

2009 Admin - JPM A2 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 3 (Step 12.3) Check each The operator places their applicable surveillance item initials in all Surveillance in Enclosure 13.1 (Daily Items that are observed to Surveillance Items meet their Acceptance Checklist) meets its Criteria.

Acceptance Criteria.

The operator recognizes that N43 (M1(M1P1468)

P1468) is NOT within 2% of the Heat Balance Calculation (Does NOT initial stee {1 st ste(;! (1 st block Page 1 of 8)).

The operator recognizes that 1NVP5760 and 1NVP5763 are NOT within 5% of each other (Does {Does NOT initial steeste(;! (last

{last block Page 1 of 8>>. 8)).

>y The operator recognizes

.- that the FWST Solution Temperature has met its

~e1ttl leO 1J-t~

~ffllZ,{ ~~ Acceptance Criteria, however, is above the i-h\>~ \J.1&

\,IJJs wi ~ threshold that requires C;*M ~~ ~~A FWST Cooling to

(;~M commence. The oeerator o(;!erator initials the Surveillance 01' f:)f'.


~t~ \/5.

\'/5. -?

--? Item lz but informs the CRSRO of the need to


begin FWST cooling).

The operator recognizes that the 1EMF-33 Operate light is NOT lit JDoes jDoes NOT initial stee {3r~

ste(;! (3 r

  • block from the bottom of Page 2 of ID1 2009 Admin - JPM A2 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


If the operator indicates that RP should be notified to perform a Source Check, provide the following:

RP is notified.

The operator recognizes that N43 (Drawer) is NOT within 2% of the Heat Balance Calculation (Does rd NOT initial step steg (3

{3 rd block from the bottom of Page 3 of 8)).


Terminating Cue: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2009 Admin - JPM A2 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A2 RO Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

2009 Admin - JPM A2 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • Unit 1 and Unit 2 are in Mode 1 at 100% power.
  • It is 0200 and PT/1/A/46001003B, "Daily Surveillance Items," is in progress.
  • A check of the Unit 1 TSAIL Report revealed that there were no outstanding items that may impact the performance of the Daily Surveillance Items Checklist.
  • Another operator is performing Enclosure 13.2, NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring.

INITIATING CUE: The CRSRO has directed you to continue with and complete Enclosure 13.1, Daily Surveillance Items Checklist in accordance with PT/1/A/46001003B.

NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet JPM A4 RO 2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: McGuire Task No.:



Conduct a Site Assembly JPM No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO KIA


GKIA GKiA 2.4.39 (3.9/3.8)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: x Classroom -~-

X Simulator ---

Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial COhditions:

  • Unit 1wasat1000/0 .poWer when if eXperienced a loss of electrical power. .' ........... ' . . . '. ..' .'. .. .
  • An E..Plan"AlERT"classifi'cation has beef) declared.
  • While performing RP/O/A/57POIO02 j Alert,the OSMdetermines a "Site Ass"emb1y" is. rec#:lired;. .... ." .
  • .:The TS.O has.notl;)een;a*ctj~ated;*

Task Standard: The operator will be expected to complete a Site Assembly in accordance with Enclosure 4.3, OSM Actions for Site Assembly, of RP/OIN57001011 , "Conducting a Site Assembly, Site Evacuation or RP/O/A/57001011 Containment Evacuation," including informing the Security Department that a Site Assembly is being performed, determining whether the Card Reader System is functioning properly, turning the Outside Page Speakers on, operating the Site Assembly alarm, make announcements pertinent to a Site Assembly, and directing the Security Department to ensure that the Site Assembly is thorough.

Required Materials: None General


RP/O/A/57001011, RP/OIN57001011, Conducting A Site Assembly, Site Evacuation or Containment Evacuation RP/O/A/57001002, RP/OIN57001002, Alert 2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Handouts: Enclosure 4.3 of RP/0/A/5700/011, Conducting A Site Assembly, Site Evacuation or Containment Evacuation.

Initiating Cue: The. OSMdesignatss you to conduct aSHe Assembly in accordance with Step 1* of EnClosure 4.3,OSMActions for* Site Assembly, of

. RP/OJA/5700/01.1~ Con9uctin~la site Ass~mbly,SiteEvacuation or Containm.~nt Evacuatigtl. . ... . .

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 16 minutes 2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES

1. Reset to IC-9, 10-88 amps.
2. MALF-EP001, Station Blackout.
3. MALF-DG004A, Overspeed of 1A 1AD/G.


4. Silence Main Control Board Alarms.
1. Reset to IC-115.
2. Place the Simulator in Run.

NOTE: The Simulator Instructor should silence MCB MeB Alarms during the performance of the JPM.

2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk*)

Provide Candidate with Initial Conditions/Cue (Last Page of this JPM), and Handout .3 of RP/O/A15700/011.



STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U StU COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT 1 (Notes Notes prior to Step p 1) All The operator reads the personnel inside the Notes and proceeds to Step protected area are to be 1.

accounted for within thirty (30) minutes of the initiation of Site Assembly and continuously thereafter until released or until instructed to relocate or evacuate.

All personnel outside the protected area and within the owner controlled area should report to their site assembly point and their supervision/designee within thirty (30) minutes of the initiation of Site Assembly and continuously thereafter until released or until instructed to relocate or evacuate.

  • 2 (Steps 1/1.1) IF a Site Using any convenient Assembly is required and phone, the operator dials the TSC is not activated, 2688 or 4900.

the Operations Shift Manager or designee shall Cue: (Simulator Inst) perform the following:

Contact Security at Respond as "Security" extension 2688 or 4900 to and .acknowledge~

inform them that a Site Assembly is being initiated.

The operator informs the Security personnel that a Site Assembly is being initiated.

2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U StU COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT 3 (Note prior to Step 1.2) In The operator reads the the event of a card reader Note and proceeds to Step failure, Division/Group 1.2.

Managers are responsible for accounting for all personnel under their supervision and calling in a report to Security approximately 20 minutes after initiation of a site assembly. Actions to be taken in this case are specified in steps 1.7 and 1.8.

  • 4 (Step 1.2) Confirm that Using any convenient Security has activated the phone, the operator dials plant-wide emergency 2688 or 4900.

accountability system (card reader system) and that the Cue.: <<Sirllulatorlnst)

Cue: (Simulator Inst) system is functioning. . ...*

Resp()nr;"S~OQ Respond as "Security." rity/" ....

The operator asks if the card reader system is functioning.

Que:. (Si'rnulatorJnst)

Cue: (Simulator Inst)


The card reader system is

. {ul1cti<>ning.


  • 5 (Step 1.3) Turn on the The operator places the outside page speakers. outside page speakers control switch to ON.
  • 6 (Step 1.4) Sound a 10- The operator places the second blast of the Site control switch for the Site Assembly alarm. Assembly alarm to ALARM for ten seconds, and then places the control switch back to OFF.

2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 7 (Step 1.5) Record the site The operator records the assembly alarm time. current time in the block provided on Enclosure 4.3, page 1 of 4.

8 (Step 1.6) Record the time The operator records the of the Site Assembly alarm time recorded in Step 1.5 in from the previous step at the block provided in Step the appropriate space in 1.7 on Enclosure 4.3, page step 1.7 or step 1.8 to be 2 of 4.

announced to the site.

9 (Notes prior to Step 1.7) The operator reads the Any plant phone in the Notes and proceeds to Step Control Room horse shoe 1.7.

or extension 4021 (Support Assistant Desk) is programmed to access 710, site all call.

If specific plant conditions prohibit access to any assembly points, include in the emergency or drill message for personnel to avoid the area and assemble at an alternate assembly point.

If the alternate OSC in the Admin Building room TR-155 has been, or will be activated, persons that assemble in TR-155 should be directed to assemble at another location in the Admin Building, such as the bullpen area in Safety Assurance.

2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 10 (Step 1. or an actual 1.7) For Using any convenient emergency: dial 710, phone, The operator dials pause, dial 80, and 710, pauses, dials 80.

following the beep, announce:

Note: (Examiner)

"This is a Site Assembly. This is a Site Assembly. The Simulator phone system will NOT (Give brief description/reason recognize the dialing.

for the assembly instructions).


All personnel are to report immediately to their assembly . After the operator picks points. For persons inside the . up th~ phone, ask the protected area, if you do not operator to state. the know the location of your dialing instructions.

assembly assem bly point, either report to the Canteen Office Warehouse, or report to the WHEN the operator site assembly point in the identifies "710-pause-80" Admin Building. For persons state that these numbers outside the protected area and have been dialed and that in the owner controlled area, if a BEEP is heard.

you do not know the location of your assembly point, report to f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 the auditorium in building Following the beep, the 7422, McGuire Office Complex operator makes the scripted (MCC), or the lobby of building announcement identifying 7403, Technical Training the correct Start Time.

Center (TTC). All personnel are to remain at their site assembly point until further The operator does NOT instructions are given. make the announcement Assembly start time is regarding the card reader failure.

In the event of a card reader failure, announce: "The card reader system is not functioning. Division/Group Managers are responsible for accounting for all personnel under their supervision and calling in a report to Security at extension 2688 or 4900 at approximately 20 minutes after assembly start time."

2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


...... . The operator recognizes that this is NOT a drill, and proceeds to Step 1.9.

  • 12 (Step 1.9) For an actual The operator places the emergency: repeat steps control switch for the Site 1.4 and 1.7 in full one time. Assembly alarm to ALARM for ten seconds, and then places the control switch back to OFF.

Using any convenient phone, The operator dials 710, pauses, dials 80, and following the beep, begins to make the stated announcement.

Cue: (Examiner)

The Announcement has been made.

13 (Step 1.10) For a Drill ........ The operator recognizes that this is NOT a drill, and proceeds to Step 1.11.

  • 14 (Step 1.11) Contact Using any convenient Security and request that phone, the operator dials security perform a sweep of 2688 or 4900.

the discharge canal, the nature trail, and the beach Cue: (Simulator Inst) to evacuate visitors from the owner controlled area. Respond as "Security,"

and acknowledge request.

The operator requests that Security personnel perform a sweep of the discharge canal, the nature trail, and the beach to evacuate visitors from the owner controlled area.

2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U StU COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT 15 (Step 1.12) For an Actual The operator notes that the Emergency: continue to next announcement must repeat steps 1.4 and 1.7 at be made in 10 minutes.

1O-minute intervals until 10-minute notification that the Site Assembly has been completed.

com leted.

16 Drill ........

(Step 1.13) For a DrilL ...... . The operator recognizes that this is NOT a drill, and proceeds to Step 1.14.

Cue: (Examiner)

Security oall.s and indicates that all personnel are accounted for.

17 (Step 1.14) Turn off the The operator places the outside page speakers outside page speakers following completion of site control switch to OFF.


Terminating Cue: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 11 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

2009 Admin - JPM A4 RO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • Unit 1 was at 100% power when it experienced a loss of electrical power.
  • An E-Plan "ALERT" classification has been declared.
  • While performing RP/O/A/57001002, RP/0IAl57001002, Alert, the OSM determines a "Site Assembly" is required.
  • The TSC has not been activated.

INITIATING CUE: The OSM designates you to conduct a Site Assembly in accordance with Step 1 of Enclosure 4.3, OSM Actions for Site Assembly, of RP/O/A/57001011 RP/0IAl57001011,, Conducting a Site Assembly, Site Evacuation or Containment Evacuation.

NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet JPM A1a SRO 2009 Admin - JPM A 1a SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: McGuire Task No.: 217MFW002 Task


Determine Boric Acid Addition to JPM No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A1a FWST SRO KIA


GKIA 2.1.25 (3.9/4.2)

GKiA Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: x Classroom -- xX - Simulator - - - Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied satisfied..

InitiaL Conditions: * ' .. The~la~!V,Jf9!at4.0.0Of9.p~~erwhE3n~le~kde,V~loped.onth~fWST.

  • ;!~Ws-r:t-evel!!drOPp~dt0440 inCheS.b~f9~eI~~k*was isolated. . ....

".! J~nCI9:~~r~. 4.i4.';'i~VV~f*MakeJp USingth~RH+,"of OP11/N62001014, "Refuelid~WatelSystem"is in progress and completed through step 3':9. '. .' .. '. . . .

  • LCO 3.504, Refueling WMer>Stb rag e Tank {RV\lsT),.Was entered 10 minutes ago. . .. I....*.. ' . . '. **
  • ChemistrYha~ J:trovia~dthefollowing information:

.B~Ti:3oronConc~ = 7234 ppm

  • RHT Boron COr:l.c;=*.1. 076.p~rn

.FWsTMak~i;Jpl3orbnCbncentration: Use COLR Minimum

.. Tn~SdP:hf1~ J~st Calcqlation qf St~p' 3. to of EncI9~Qre.~A,"FWST MakeupUsit19the('~H~taridhas asked you toper;f'ontf a $.eparate Verjfi9atfp!1.ontnecalculation.

2009 Admin - JPM A 1a SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Task Standard: The operator will calculate the amount of Boric Acid that must be added from the BAT to refill the FWST is 7,912 gallons 2:~ 75 gallons, determine that the RO made two errors in the original calculation, and identify that Technical Specification ACTION C is now applicable.

Required Materials: Calculator Reference Cart with all identified General References.



OP/1/A/6200/014, Refueling Water System McGuire Core Operating Limits Report (Cycle 20)

McGuire U-1 Data Book McGuire Technical Specifications McGuire Selected Licensee Commitment Manual OMP 8-2, Component Verification Techniques Handouts: Enclosure 4.4 of OP/1/A/6200/014, Refueling Water System, marked up for place-keeping and the Doer Calculation of Step 3.10 as follows:

  • Initial Conditions 2.1 -2.3 are initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.1 - Box checked.
  • Procedure Step 3.2 - Left blank (Conditional step).
  • Procedure Step 3.3 - initialed, Person Notified: CHEMIST, date/time:


  • Procedure Step 3.4 - NA, initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.5 - initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.6 - NA, initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.7- NA, initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.8 - NA, initialed.
  • Procedure Step 3.9 - initialed, Person Notified: R.P. TECH, date/time: present.
  • Procedure Step 3.10 - initialed.
  • Doer Calculation:

(2875 ppmB + 25 ppmB = 2900 ppmB


{ (2900 ppmB) - (1076 ppmB) } {15,000} = 4443 gal (7234 ppmB) - (1076 ppmB) 2009 Admin - JPM A1a SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet AFTER the9alcul~tl;6hsh~0e<been ~ompleted aDd verified i~the FWST makeLipproG~duretan80g'prn Makeup is started to the FWST, and contin u'es for ,1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />;.'.,

~, , \~~:'::;~, ,c <,\ i, ':I,;V ","";':C\cc//"

'>>)":,\i'" ,"'

!~t the~nd ofthis1;Ab~r(~~~ib~~:.\.><\ ..\/:': ......\. . ..*..... thee status.* of compUan~$withI:.C()*3.5.47 '

FWST Temperature = 8~:[)eg/ FWST[BJ =2775 ppm Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 20 minutes 2009 Admin - JPM A 1a SRO A1a NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk*)

Provide Candidate with Initial Conditions/Cue (Last Page of this JPM), and Handout place~keeping through Step 3.10. .4 marked up for place-keeping START TIME:


  • 1 (Step 3.10) Determine the The operator locates the amount of Boric Acid COLR on the Reference needed to raise makeup Cart.

water to the limits specified The operator refers to in the Core Operating Limits Section 2.13.1 on Page 26 Report (COLR). of 32 and determines that the minimum boron concentration to be used in the calculation is 2675 ppm, and NOT 2875 I2l2m used by RO (1 st st Error) .

The operator records 2675 ppm in the first line (Desired (DeSired Boron Concentration of Addition from COLR) of the SV calculation in Step 3.10 of Enclosure 4.4.

  • 2 (1 sl Bullet) Desired Boron The operator adds an Concentration of Addition additional 25 ppm and from COLR + 25 ppmB determines Desired Boron margin = = Desired Boron Concentration to be 2700 Concentration ppm.

The operator records 2700 ppm in the 2ndnd line (Desired Boron Conc) of the SV calculation in Step 3.10 of Enclosure 4.4.

2009 Admin - JPM A 1a SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • 3 (2 nd Bullet) The operator identifies


Desired Cb =2700 from

{(Desired Cb} - (RHT Cb previous Step and records. (BAT Cb) - (RHT Cb) The operator recognizes


that RHT Cb = 1076 ppm x {Desired Total and records Initial Makeup Volume to Conditions ). FWST} The operator recognizes

          =Desired BAT Volume                           =

that BAT Cb =7234 ppm and records (Initial Conditions). Conditions ). The operator determines Desired Total Makeup Volume to FWST as follows: The operator locates the Unit 1 Data Book on the Reference Cart. The operator addresses Enclosure 4.3, Curve 7.7-in Unit 1 Data Book. The operator determines from graph that total makeup volume is 30,000 by comparing 480" volume of 390,000 gallons to the 440" volume of 360,000 gallons; and NOT 15,000 gallons used b~ the RO nd (2 nd Error). The operator records 30,000 gallons. The operator calculates the Desired BAT Volume to be added to be 7,912 gallons 2: 75 gallons. 2009 Admin - JPM AA1a1a SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


    *4     (Technical Specification       The operator observes TS LCO 3.5.4) The RWST shall      LCO 3.5.4 and determines be OPERABLE.                   that ACTION B was entered at the start of the JPM action was necessary within 1 hour to restore volume.

The operator determines that the FWST Volume TS Limit is 372,100 gallons. The operator determines that 12,100 gallons must be added to the FWST to comply with this ACTION Statement, and that in one hour 4800 gallons will be added. The operator identifies that ACTION C is now applicable. Terminating Cue: Evaluation on this JPM is complete. STOP TIME: AccePffi'O~' AccepreD'" 2Z i(emcOS t{ern(i)S cC cl~tl'1'~ oC cierafYHVS J.tow MU~ &-;c. fu.;G kU! .Jo kt,d


fh'>c>., ~#\$6'0 ~ '~ Bf\$6'C> (>>) + ~KttMI\ CoI\I\~ i=6s. + ~~ CoI\t1~,~ . 2009 Admin - JPM A 1a SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 10 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A1a SRO Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator: Number of Attempts: Time to Complete: Question Documentation: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date: 2009 Admin - JPM A 1a SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • The plant was at 100% power when a leak developed on the FWST.
  • FWST Level dropped to 440 inches before leak was isolated.
  • Enclosure 4.4, "FWST Makeup Using the RHT," of OP/1/A/62001014, "Refueling Water System" is in progress OP/1/A/6200/014, and completed through Step 3.9.
  • LCO 3.5.4, Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST), was entered 10 minutes ago.
  • Chemistry has provided the following information:
  • BAT Boron Cone. = 7234 ppm
  • RHT Boron Conc.= 1076 ppm
  • FWST Make up Boron Concentration: Use COLR Minimum
  • The BOP has just completed the Doer Calculation of Step Using the RHT," and 3.10 of Enclosure 4.4, "FWST Makeup USing has asked you to perform a Separate Verification on the calculation.

INITIATING CUE: Perform the Separate Verification of the calculation in Step 3.10 of Enclosure 4.4 to confirm the amount of Boric Acid that must be from the Boric Acid Tank (BAT), in order to raise the FWST added from Level to 480" using the RHT. AFTER the calculations have been completed and verified in the FWST make up procedure, an 80 gpm Makeup is started to the FWST, and continues for 1 hour. At the end of this 1 hour period: What is the status of compliance with LCO 3.5.4? FWST Temperature = 85 Deg FWST [B] :::

                                                              = 2775 ppm NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Elldosure.. .fA Endosur OPll!.4.l6200/0 OP/l!Ai6200 014 l 14 n\'ST 1Iakt>up nYST }'Iake:up Fsiug t:siug RBT Page :22 of 8 3.8 IF F\VST in Purificatiotl., ~ecure per Enclosure 4.5 (F\VST Purification, seCl1,re Cf\VST Purification). Pll1ification\ 19 Notify RP of change in F\:V nv System alignment {PIP },,197.,0680} T M97-D680} Person Persoll Notified. Notified Date Time 110 3.10 Determine amount anrouat ofBmkAdd of Boric Acid needed to mise raise makeup water to limits specified per Core Operating Limits Report (COLR): {PIP 2-~",i9&-0017} 2*~v198-0017}

     **  De>lred    BOTOn (Ollcentrmticn Destred Horon          Concentration of Addition AdrutioI1 from COUt       COLR -~ :15        25 ppEnB        mm-gm == Desired pprnB t!l!!rgin               Baron Cone Desire,.-! Barou   COlle r(Desired Boroo COlle} - (FlIT Boroo Coue :1'1'1lDe$iredIotal
  • I{fDe5lredBorooCood-(Pl-ITBmooConc,i Desired Tota! Mai:eup '-n .edBAT" I .

I . BOTon Cone 1- (RHT Boron Concj

         !, (BAT BDronConcl-(RH1                                  Conc J !, l 'Vohtme
                                                                           /'              'T 1 V01Ullf T ""VST 1-To  O nVST r...;


                                                                                                                             = De,ired       .* 'v' vooJume tlme
                                                         + 25ppmB= 1 2900lpPmB    I         2900            I  ppmB Doer DoeI' Calculation         I( 2900
                          , l(



2900 7234 p}milll-(1076 P}millJ-{ ppmB) .. ppmB) - ( 1076 ( 1076 l-lpruB)'1 ppmB} ppmBl ppmE) ,

                                                                                                                                  "1                   ~al
                                                                                                                                  'I == I1. 4443 I1;;!II 7234                             1076                                                       .'

[y IY {I(1 2675 IpPmB)+25PPmB~1 IppmB)':":25PPmB-1 2700 IppmB pPmB CaJcul<ltion Cakul<lrion

                           .(.*1(I   2700 I".                  d.
                                                 ,,:lmB. ! . . . .\1.10.
                                               'PI-mill},             1076                'PPmB~' 'i"I*~.

7.6.'..'.. *.,*. LJ.*."ruB., ).,'.'.' III~ ~1

                                                                                                                                          ~7~a~al "1

t( . . I, ('L-7_23_4--1PPmBHI 1_7-'""23_4--'FmBHI1076 Ip;mB) h 1076 .1 ppmBJ H. 30000 gal. gaL = I 7912 + 75 Gal o 3.11

3. 11 Record rllitial F\l,'S ReCOId tllitlal F\l,'ST level on Attachment 1.

T .level 3.12 112 amm,mt of boric add to be added fmm IF a,mOllUlt from Step J 10 is zero, go to Step 121 3.23. 3.13 Add amount am01J:fit of Boric Add calculated in Step 3.10 to FWS T from Blender as follows:

3. 1J .1 Ensure dosed one of oftlle the follo,,>


  • 11\7J-96B lNI-96B (1'11 0"11 Chk Test Hdr C'1 en Outside)


  • 11\1-99 rm-99 (Unit 111\1 '1\1 Check Valve Test Te81 Hdr F\~'STIsol)

Bdr To f\\'ST Isol) IJnit 1

Appendix C Page 9 of 10 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Desired Boron Concentration from COLR + 25 ppmB =Desired Boron Concentration 2675 ppm (From COLR) + 25 ppmB =2700 ppm {(Desired Cb) - (RHT Cb)} x {Desired Total Makeup Volume to FWST} = Desired BAT Volume ({Desired (BAT Cb) - (RHT Cb) Given: RHT Cb = = 1076 ppm


BAT Cb 7234 ppm


Desired Total Makeup Volume to FWST = Overflow volume - Present volume (From Enclosure 4.3, Curve 7.7 of Unit 1 Core Data Book:) 390,000 gallons - 360,000 gallons (440") =30,000 gallons So: {(Desired Cb)-(RHT Cb)} x {Desired Total Makeup Volume to FWST} = Desired BAT Volume (BAT Cb)-(RHT Cb) {(2700)-(1076)} x {30000} = Desired BAT Volume (7234 )-( 1076) (7234)-(1076) {1624} x {30000} = Desired BAT Volume 6158 .26 x {30000} = Desired BAT Volume or 2:. 75 gallons 7,912 gallons ~ OR between 7,837 and 7,987 gallons 2009 Admin - JPM A A1a 1a SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet JPM A1b SRO 2009 Admin - JPM A 1b SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: McGuire Task No.: Task


Determine Proper Shift Staffing JPM No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A1b SRO KIA


GKiA 2.1.5 (2.9/3.9) Examinee: NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator: Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: x Classroom X Simulator --- Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied. Initial. Conditions:

  • Units t ahd2!~r~ at10b%PQwer. .
                           ;.   ...Jt\~\II4.~dPesda.i;night.;.~L1i.900.~u.p~rsorisschedul~d to work,except Alex (whQ*Mas called in sick), ha'.l6 .reported for Work (See Attached
                              .. ***S*  h*ee**t) .. *****       .           ..       <,,:',i'"
  • Three *.¢ve~ime
                                   .I il'nitations,. ar1d presynttfleir recentworknisto&(See Atta.ched Sheet).                 .          iii
  • All $~Qs and'39§ areq9altfi~8:Firef3rigct~eLeaders*~

Task Standard: The operator will evaluate the work history of three individuals in accordance with section 200.6 of NSD 200, and determine that Mark (OAC U1 RO) cannot report for work, however, Owen (AU (AUX (NO 695') X (ND UNIT 1) and Dennie (5TH ROUNDS) may report for work. The operator assigns all other personnel reporting to work in accordance with the attached Key, and identifies that STA must be held over from the previous shift, and that one RO must be held over, or a Request for Work Hours Extension must be approved. Required Materials: None 2009 Admin - JPM A 1b SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet General


OMP 5-8, Shift Supervision Turnovers. OMP 2-2, Conduct of Operations. NSD-200, Overtime Control. NSD-112, Fire Brigade Organization, Training and Responsibilities. McGuire Emergency Plan, Figure B-1, MNS Minimum Staffing Requirements for Emergencies. SLC 16.3.1, Site Fire Brigade. SLC 16.3.4, Minimum Station Staffing Requirements. Technical Specification 5.2, Organization. Handouts: OMP 5-8, Shift Supervision Turnovers, Enclosure 12.1, page 4 of 9. NSD-200, Overtime Control. A Shift Work Schedule (Page 11 of 12 of this JPM). Work History of the three individuals who have arrived for work but expressed concerns regarding Overtime limitations (Page 12 of 12 of this JPM). Initiating Cue:

  • Evaluate the work history of th~ three individuals who have express~d O\fertirnelimitation. cp~cerns; and the.h* assign personnel to a shift positionon:Attachtnent q.1, Control.RoomSupervisor Turn~ver Checklis~ijn c1cpotdance:!!with the attached\IVork Schedule.
  • IdentjfX\\:any;a[ri0il1~ per~*~nnel that cannotbeasl:jlgmed to a shift po.sTtioM .... ! **. . . . . . . ; . . < .. \ . :
  • Hold overipersonnel and/or calli;'!!~aclitional personnel ONLY if the minimum staffingcarmotbe met.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 30 minutes 2009 Admin - JPM A1bA 1b SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

. Appendix C Page 4 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk*) Provide Candidate with Initial Conditions/Cue (Last three Pages of this JPM), OMP 5-8 Shift Supervision Turnovers (Enclosure 12.1, page 4 of 9), and NSD-200 (Overtime Control). START TIME: STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT

      *1     (NSD 200, Steps 200.61 200.6/       The operator evaluates 200.6.1-4) The operator        Mark (OAC U1 RO) and compares the work history      determines:

of the three employees with

  • Work period of 11.75 OT concerns to the hours (.25 hour TOT)

NSO 200. requirements of NSD

  • Rest period of 11.75 hours
  • Work period of 15.75 hours (.25 hour TOT)
  • Rest period of 7.5 hours.

Mark cannot report to work because a rest period of only 7.5 hrs has occurred. (Needs at least .5 hours rest period). The operator evaluates Owen (AUX (NO 695') UNIT (AU X (ND

1) and determines:
  • Work period of 15.25 hours (.25 hour TOT)
  • Rest period of 8 hours
  • Work period of 12.5 hours (.25 hour TOT)
  • Rest period of 11 hours
                                           ~ meets all OT limits.

The operator evaluates Dennie (5TH ROUNDS) and determines:

  • Work period of 13.75 hours (.25 hour TOT)
  • Rest period of 8 hours
  • Work period of 14 hours

(.25 hour TOT)

                                           ** Rest period of 11 hours Dennie meets all OT limits.

2009 Admin - JPM A 1b SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


   *2     (OMP 5-8, Attachment 12.1,  The operator observes the Step 1) Minimum Crew        Work Schedule and assigns Composition: Operations     Tim to position #1.

Shift Manager.

   *3     (Step 2) Minimum Crew       The operator observes the Composition: Shift          Work Schedule and holds Technical Advisor.          over current STA (position
                                      #2) until replacement for Alex arrives.
   *4     (Step 3) Minimum Crew       The operator observes the Composition: Control Room    Work Schedule and assigns Supervisor.                  Eric to position #3.
   *5     (Step 4) Minimum Crew       The operator observes the Composition: Off-Site       Work Schedule and assigns Communicator.                Rand~ to position #4.


   *6     (Step 5) Minimum Crew       The operator observes the Composition: Plant SRO. Work Schedule and assigns Todd to position #5.
   *7     (Step 6) Minimum Crew       The operator observes the Composition: Second Active   Work Schedule and assigns SRO.                                   Rand~ to position Todd or Rand}!
   *8     (Step 7) Minimum Crew       The operator recognizes Composition: Reactor         that Mark cannot be Operators.                   assigned to work, and his position (Unit 1 OAC RO) must be held over for 30 minutes. OR A Reguest for Work Hours Extension per NSD-200 must be completed prior to assuming duty.

The operator observes the Work Schedule and assigns Joe, Kevin, and Rick as U2 Joel Kevinl OAC RORO,I U2 BOP. BOP, and U1 BOP. (In any order). 2009 Admin - JPM A1b SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


   *9      (Step 8) Minimum Crew        The operator observes the Composition: Non-Licensed     Work Schedule and assigns Operators.                    Owen to the U 1 NLO position.

The operator observes the Work Schedule and assigns Derek to the U2 NLO position. The operator observes the Work Schedule and assigns Dennie to the Designated SSF position. Note.: {Failure Note: (Failure Criteria) Theseindiyiduals***canhot These individuals cannot fill the FB* FB Slot Slot.

  *10     (Step 9) Minimum Crew          The operator observes the Composition: SLC Required      Work Schedule and assigns Fire Brigade.                  Todd to the Fire Brigade Leader position (A).

The operator observes the Work Schedule and assigns Bob to the Fire Brigade member position (B1). The operator observes the Work Schedule and assigns Ron to the Fire Brigade member position (B2). The operator observes the Work Schedule and assigns Dwight to the Fire Brigade member position (B3). The operator observes the Work Schedule and assigns SPOC-Monty to the Fire Brigade member position (B4). 2009 Admin - JPM A 1b SRO A1b NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  *11     (Step 10) Minimum Crew       The operator observes the Composition: Supplemental   Work Schedule and assigns Fire Brigade.               Chris to the Supplemental Fire Brigade member position (1).

The operator observes the Work Schedule and assigns Wayne to the Supplemental Fire Brigade member position (2). The operator observes the Work Schedule and assigns SPOC-Doug to the Supplemental Fire Brigade member position (3). Terminating Cue: this JPM is complete. Evaluation on thisJPM STOP TIME: 2009 Admin - JPM AA1b 1b SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A1b SRO Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator: Number of Attempts: Time to Complete: Question Documentation: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date: 2009 Admin - JPM A 1b SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET Initial Conditions:

  • Units 1 and 2 are at 100% power.
  • It is Wednesday night at 1900. All persons scheduled to work, except Alex (who has called in sick), have reported for work (See Attached Sheet).
  • Three individuals have expressed concerns regarding overtime limitations, and present their recent work history (See Attached Sheet).
  • All SROs and ROs are qualified Fire Brigade Leaders.


  • Evaluate the work history of the three individuals who have expressed overtime limitation concerns; and then assign personnel to a shift position on Attachment 12.1, Control Room Supervisor Turnover Checklist, in accordance with the attached Work Schedule.
  • Identify any arriving personnel that cannot be assigned to a shift position.
  • Hold over personnel and/or call in additional personnel ONLY if the minimum staffing cannot be met.

NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET "A" Shift DATE May 11,12,13/09 SCHEDULE Mon-Wed/N ights Mon-Wed/Nights OSM Tim (SRO) WCC/STA Alex (SRO/ST A) Ext 2140 8-777-7534 Ext 4276 8-777-4517 CONTROL ROOM SRO Eric (SRO) Mark (RO) Kevin (RO) OAC RO UNIT 1 OAC RO UNIT2 Joe (RO) Rick (RO) BOP RO UNIT 1 BOP RO UNIT2 PLANT SRO (8-778-2710) Todd (SRO) Owen (NLO) Derek (NLO) AUX (ND 695') UNIT 1 AUX (ND MIDGET HOLE) U-2 Bob (NLO) Ron (NLO) TURB UNIT 1 Dennie (NLO) TURB UNIT2 UNIT 2 5TH ROUNDS W.C/EMERG. COMM.SRO (8-777-9881) Randy (SRO) WORK CONTROL EXTRA's Monday Dwight (NLO), Chris (NLO), Wayne (NLO) Tuesday Same Wednesday Same FIRE BRIGAOE BRIGADE (Group Call 8-777-5822) LEADER: Monday Todd, Bob, Ron, Dwight, Chris, Wayne, SPOC (Monty), SPOC (Doug) Tuesday Same Wednesday Same CCC U2/Bpr312 (Ext. N/A STAFF SRO/RO 2554) NIA SCHEDULED OFF Monday Fred, Steve Tuesday Same Wednesday Same NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET Work History of the three individuals who have arrived for work but expressed concerns regarding Overtime limitations: Operator Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mark 0700 Relief arrives 1900 Reports to shift 0715 Turnover complete 0715 Relief arrives, but stands relieved plant transient delays 1915 Turnover complete turnover. assumes duties ------------HOM E------------ 0745 Turnover starts 1900 Reports to shift 0800 Turnover complete stands relieved 1930 Turnover complete 0800-1130 Attends CRIP assumes duties Team meeting. 0 ME------------

                                                                          ------------H 1900 Reports to shift Owen 1915 Reports to shift           0800 Relief arrives, but         0745 Relief arrives goes home sick 1930 Turnover complete          1045 Alternate relief           0800 Turnover complete assumes duties         arrives                                   stands relieved 1100 Turnover complete stands relieved         ------------ HOM E------------
                                         ------------H  0 ME------------

1900 Reports to shift 1900 Reports to shift 1915 Turnover complete assumes duties Dennie 0800 Relief calls out late 1915 Reports to shift 0915 Alternate relief 0745 Relief arrives arrives 1930 Turnover complete 0930 Turnover complete 0800 Turnover complete assumes duties stands relieved stands relieved

                                          ------------H 0 ME------------
                                          ------------HOM  E------------  ------------ HOM E------------
                                                                          ------------HOM 1730 Reports to shift for scheduled Just In Time Training (JITT)                   1900 Reports to shift 1815 Turnover starts 1830 Turnover complete assumes duties NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION NOTE: Joe, Kevin, and Rick may fill anyone of the RO positions. 2009 Admin - JPM A1b A 1b SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 1 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM A2 SRO 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 2 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Facility: McGuire Task No.: Task


Perform Daily Surveillance Items JPM No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A2 Checklist SRO KIA


GK/A 2.2.44 (4.2/4.4) Examinee: NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator: Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: x Classroom X Simulator --- Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied. Initial Conditions:

  • Udit.* 1:*.i*~

Unit . 1 is.* *jn*MQd~*;1>:at:100%*.*ppw.~r: in Mode l' at 100% power.

  • enClosUre113.1, Enclosure .*3.1.i.**qailY.S8r~~iti~AG~]t~rn~C;'h.ep~list, Daily Surveillance Items Checklist, * . *bf* of i

PT/1/N4600/003B, "Daily Surveillance Items," has been completed~ P"[lt/A{4600fOQ3~!'~~~j.lY.S.ur'lfeiltance"'.I.tenls*."lhas?e~n.*.com*pl~t~d:.

  • Enclosure 13.2,NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring,. ,of""[t111].l46()0/003B, of PT11/N4600/003B,
                                "D,a.i1y Surveillance. Items," has been completed.

Task Standard: The Operator will review the completed Enclosure 13.1, Daily Surveillance Items Checklist, and Enclosure 13.2, NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring, and verify applicable surveillance items meet specified acceptance criteria. For surveillance items NOT meeting Acceptance Criteria, all required action will be identified. Required Materials: Reference Cart with all General References available. General


PT/1/N46001003B, Daily Surveillance Items. McGuire Technical Specifications. McGuire Selected Licensee Commitments Manual. NSD 704, Technical procedure Use and Adherence. 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Initiating Cue: <~: . . E\faluat~l:thecomplei~dE'nclo$ures ofPT/1/A/4600/003B(Daily .

                          .S urve i,l lance Items., Checklist)...*..., . '      .
  • Identifyall TeCh6i$a[ specitlc~tl()n/~~C;TequJred ACTl'ONI as well as all other actionstbat musLbe ,;tai<en.' I * *** **
  • Complete paperw()t~ as reqdi"~ed witb th'~e*ceptid~6ff-Sai' entries.

Handouts: PT/11A14600/003B, PT/11A146001003B, Enclosure 13.1, Daily Surveillance Items Checklist, completed as follows: Place an initial in routine daily surveillance Block, record "1" in Mode of Operation Block, and record present date. Check box for 1am - 7am for Time performed. Place initials of performer in "Initials" block for the following: Page 1 of 8 All but:

  • Reactor Trip Bypass Breakers (Circle Note 24, NAllnitials)


  • VCT Level (Item 1)

Page 2 of 8 All but:

  • 1EMF-31 (Turbine Bldg Sump Disch) Channel Check (Item 3)
  • Also, underline "Begin cooling FWST at 95°F" in FWST Solution Temperature Maximum Acceptance Criteria Block.(ltem 2)

Page 3 of 8 All but:

  • NAilnitials) 1EMF-39L (Circle Note 26, NAllnitials)

Page 4 of 8 All but:

  • Unit Vent Flow Rate Monitor (1VALP-5120) (Item 4)
  • Place "NA" in the three surveillance items not required in Mode 1.

(Bottom three) 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Appendix C. 704. Procedure Discrepancies Process Record completed as follows: Station: McGuire Unit 1 Procedure No: PT/11A146001003B PT/1/N4600/003B Procedure


Daily Surveillance Items Checklist Date(s) Performed: Current Date Item Number Procedure Description Step 1 Enclosure 13.1 1NVP5760 and 1NVP5763 > 5% Page 1 of 8 2 Enclosure 13.1 FWST Temperature is 9rFgrF Page 2 of 8 3 Enclosure 13.1 1EMF-31 Operate light NOT lit. Page 2 of 8 Source Check unsuccessful 4 Enclosure 13.1 Unit Vent Flow Rate Monitor Page 4 of 8 (1VALP-5120) Reading < 15% 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PT/1/A146001003B, Enclosure 13.2, NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring, completed (without error) as follows: Step 1.1 - check mark. Step 1.2 - Initialed. Step 1.2.1 - check mark. Step - check mark. Step - check mark. Step - check mark. NAilnitialed. Step - NA/lnitialed. Step - check mark in first box. Step 1.2.3 - first three check boxes checked. Step 1.2.4 - Initialed. Step 1.2.5 - Initialed. Step 1.2.6 - check mark. Step 1.2.7 - check mark. Step 1.3 - NAilnitialed. Step 1.4.1 - check mark. Step 1.4.2 - check mark. Step 1.5 - NAilnitialed. Table 13.2-1 Page 4 of 6 Ambient temperature 68 of OF Cask # Cask Avg Actual Initial Inlet and Temp Temp Outlet Difference Screens Clear OFCTKN001 112 44 MSS NA OFCTKN002 117 49 MSS NA OFCTKN003 108 40 MSS NA OFCTKN004 109 41 MSS NA OFCTKN005 112 44 MSS NA OFCTKN006 111 43 MSS NA OFCTKN007 119 51 MSS NA OFCTKN008 105 37 MSS NA OFCTKN009 110 42 MSS NA 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Table 13.2-1 Page 5 of 6 Ambient temperature 68 of I Cask # CaskAvg Cask Avg Actual Initial Inlet and Temp Temp Outlet Difference Screens Clear OFCTKNOO10 OFCTKN0010 112 44 MSS NA OFCTKNOO11 OFCTKN0011 110 42 MSS NA OFCTKNOO12 OFCTKN0012 119 51 MSS NA OFCTKN0013 OFCTKNOO13 108 40 MSS NA OFCTKNOO14 OFCTKN0014 117 49 MSS NA OFCTKNOO15 110 42 MSS NA OFCTKNOO16 OFCTKN0016 108 40 MSS NA OFCTKN0017 OFCTKNOO17 118 50 MSS NA OFCTKN0018 OFCTKNOO18 NA NA NA NA OFCTKNOO19 OFCTKN0019 NA NA NA NA Table 13.2-1 Page 6 of 6 Ambient temperature 68 of I Cask # Cask Avg CaskAvg Actual Initial Inlet and Temp Temp Outlet Difference Screens Clear OFCTKN0020 111 43 MSS NA OFCTKN0021 110 42 MSS NA OFCTKN0022 117 49 MSS NA OFCTKN0023 108 40 MSS NA OFCTKN0024 112 44 MSS NA OFCTKN0025 NA NA NA NA OFCTKN0026 NA NA NA NA OFCTKN0027 NA NA NA NA OFCTKN0028 NA NA NA NA OFCTKN0029 NA NA NA NA Initial the NO DISCREPANCY block on page 6 of 6. 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION PT/1/A/46001003B, Daily Surveillance Items, with Step 12.1-6 marked PT/1/A14600/003B, off for place-keeping. Step 12.1 - check mark. Step 12.2 - check mark. Step 12.3 - check mark. Step 12.4 - initialed. Step 12.4.1 - check mark. Step 12.4.2 - check mark. Step 12.5 - initialed. Step 12.6 - NAllnitialed. NA/lnitialed. Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 25 minutes 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk*) Provide Candidate with Initial Conditions/Cue (Last Page of this JPM) and Handout PT/1/Al4600/003B PT/1/A14600/003B (Body of Procedure), Enclosure 13.1, Enclosure 13.2, and a Discrepancy Sheet marked up as identified in the Handouts Section of the JPM. START TIME: STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT 1 (Section 6) Review Limits The operator reviews Limits and Precautions. and Precautions.

   *2      (Step 12.2) Complete          The operator reviews the Enclosure 13.1 (Daily         checklist and the Surveillance Items            Discrepancy Sheet and Checklist)                    observes four discrepancies.
   *3      VCT Level: Control Room       The operator recognizes indicators 1NVP5760 and       that there are no TS/SLC 1NVP5763 are NOT within       requirements associated 5% of each other.             with the VCT level instruments, but that they are required to be within 5%

of each other based on SOER 97-1 requirements. The oeerator oQerator notifies the ( WCC 1z or directs that a work reguest be created Iz and identifies this on the Discreeanc~ Sheet. DiscreQanc~ 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  /4        FWST Solution                           o~erator recognizes The oRerator Temperature (Maximum) is         that the T5  TS reguirements
           ~ 100°F as read on 1 FWP-        are met for the FW5TFWST 5030, however the                Tem~eraturelz but TemRerature temperature is > 95°F and        recognizes that FW5T FWST cooling of the FWST must         Cooling must begin.

be commended.


Note: This evolution is directed by I N62001014 (Refueling OP/1/N62001014 OP/1 Water System) Enc 4.7. The candidate resources are limited to determine this so it is sufficient that he only identify the requirement to cool the FWST. p~(~ 5Qsd 6Qsed Of\. O{\


r~OE.~*~ ~~)(CMA Gw~t-oE. XAA\ Ow~t-

               ~\S ~5>~S ~* ~ Cr.          ud. &-kf.

Cr, ud&V* W- if

                ~ I /~~ \<eQJI ~e~)\('1('1  ~"\-
                                            ~,,~t        t 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO                                                    NUREG 1021, Revision 9


   *5     1EMF-31 (Turbine Bldg       The operator addresses Sump Disch) Channel         SLC 16.11.2-1 (2),

Check: The operate light is Radioactive Liquid Effluent NOT LIT. Monitoring Instrumentation, and determines that Table 16.11.2-1 must be checked. The operator addresses Table 16.11.2-1, Instrument 2 and determines that since TR is NOT met and Instrument 2 is NOT OPERABLE, and that ACTION D is required. The operator determines that SLC 16.11.2 ACTION alml~, 0.1 11 0.2 and 0.3 aeel~, and records this on the Discrepancy Sheet.

   *6     Unit Vent Flow Rate         The operator addresses Monitor( 1VALP-5120) is Monitor(1VALP-5120)         SLC 16.11.7-1 (3d),

reading < 15% Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation, and determines that table 16.11.7-1 must be checked. The operator addresses Table 16.11.7-1, Instrument 3d and determines that since TR is NOT met Instrument 3d is NOT OPERABLE, and that ACTION D is required. The operator determines that SLC 16.11.7 ACTION AI2I2I~, and 0.1 and 0.2 Aeel~, records this on the Discrepancy Sheet. 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 11 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT 7 (Enclosure 13.1, Page 5 of The operator initials the

8) Initial one of the Discrepancy Sheet following: Attached section of (Enclosure 13.1, Page 5 of
  • No Discrepancy 8).
  • Discrepancy Sheet Attached (IF any Acceptance Criteria NOT met, it is identified as a discrepancy, evaluated per Tech Spec/SLC and appropriate corrective action taken.)

8 (Step 12.4) If performing The operator reviews routine daily surveillances, Enclosure 13.2 and Table complete the following: 13.2-1, and observes that Complete Enclosure 13.2 all NAC-UMS Casks meet (NAC-UMS Cask their Acceptance Criteria. Monitoring) Check each installed cask The Operator concurs with listed in Enclosure 13.2 the performer that there is (NAC-UMS Cask no Discrepancy. Monitoring) meets its Acceptance Criteria. Terminating Cue: Evaluation on this JPM is complete. STOP TIME: 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 120f13 12 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator: Number of Attempts: Time to Complete: Question Documentation: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:


2009 Admin - JPM A2 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • Unit 1 is in Mode 1 at 100% power.
  • Enclosure 13.1, Daily Surveillance Items Checklist, of PT/1/A/46001003B, "Daily Surveillance Items," has been completed.
  • Enclosure 13.2, NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring, of PT/1/A/46001003B, "Daily Surveillance Items," has been completed.


  • Evaluate the completed Enclosures of PT/1/A/46001003B (Daily Surveillance Items Checklist).
  • Identify all Technical Specification/SLC required ACTION, as well as all other actions that must be taken.
  • Complete paperwork as required with the exception of T-Sail entries.

NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Duke Energy Procedure No. McGuire Nuclear Station PT/IIAl46oo/oo3 B PT/I/N46oo/oo3 Daily Surveillance Items Revision No. 122 Electronic Reference No. MCOO483E Continuous Use PERFORMANCE JI UNCONTROLLED FOR '">I< '">I< '">I< '">I< '">I< '">I< '>I<" '">I< '">I< '">I< UNCONTROLLED PRINT'">I< '">I< '">I< '">I< '"*

  • FOR PRINT '"
                                                                                                                 >I< >I<

(ISSUED) - PDF FQrmat Format

PT!l/N4600/003 PT/I1N46001003 B Page 3 of6 Daily Surveillance Items

1. Purpose Check on a daily basis that various instruments and systems are operable.
2. References 2.1 Tech Spec - See individual listings on Enclosure 13.1 (Daily Surveillance Items Checklist).

2.2 UFSAR 2.3 SLC - See individual listings on Enclosure 13.1 (Daily Surveillance Items Checklist). 2.4 for NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring on Enclosure 13.2 (NAC-UMS Cask Tech Spec A 3.1.6 forNAC-UMS Monitoring). 2.5 McGuire Design Basis Document (DBD) 2.6 O-M93-l221 - Concerns local monitoring ofSNSWP temperature (due to process PIP O-M93-1221 instrument loop inaccuracy) to prevent exceeding Tech Spec limit. 2.7 PIP O-M96-2432 - Concerns determination of the temperature to begin FWST cooldown to prevent exceeding Tech Spec limit. 2.8 M-96-02018 PIP M-96-020 18 - Concerns checking Train A and B Modulating Valves Reset pushbutton lights lit (dark light may indicate failed fuse)

3. Time Required 3.1 One RO once per 24 hours between 1 am - 7 am for Enclosure 13.1 (Daily Surveillance Items Checklist) 3.2 One NLO once per 24 hours between 1 am -7 - 7 am for Enclosure 13.2 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring)
4. Prerequisite Tests None Unit 1

PTIltAl4600/003 PT/I/AJ4600/003 B Page 4 of6

5. Equipment Required None
6. Limits and Precautions 6.1 IF an Acceptance Criteria is NOT met, a report to NRC may be necessary. OSM and Control Room SRO shall be notified immediately. Operations Staff and Compliance Manager should be notified if deemed appropriate by OSM.

6.2 IF any instrument or system is determined to be inoperable, consult appropriate Tech Spec Actions to determine any necessary immediate and/or corrective action. 6.3 IE IF the Unit Status or System Condition prevents performance of a surveillance item, item should be noted.

7. Required Unit Status 7.1 See Enclosure 13.1 (Daily Surveillance Items Checklist).
8. Prerequisite System Conditions 8.1 See Enclosure 13.1 (Daily Surveillance Items Checklist).
9. Test Method Check that applicable Acceptance Criteria is satisfied by a visual examination of appropriate system instrumentation and components. In Enclosure 13.1, when more than one means of checking a surveillance item is available, the Main Control Board meter is preferred method.
10. Data Required None Unit 1

PT/I/N46001003 B PT/I/AJ4600/003 Page 5 of6

11. Acceptance Criteria 11.1 Each applicable surveillance item meets its specified Acceptance Criteria per Enclosure 13.1 (Daily Surveillance Items Checklist) or is identified as a discrepancy, evaluated per Tech Spec and appropriate corrective action taken.

11.2 For each cask listed in Enclosure 13.2 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring), one of the following Acceptance Criteria is met or individual cask is identified as a discrepancy, evaluated per Tech Spec A 3.1.6 for NAC- VMS Concrete Cask Heat Removal System NAC-UMS and appropriate corrective action taken:

  • Verify the difference between the ISFSI ambient temperature and the average air outlet temperature and is less than or equal to 102°F OR
  • Visually verify all four air inlet and outlet screens are unobstructed
12. Procedure r!J 12.1 Check Unit 1 TSAIL Report for any outstanding items that may impact on performance of this procedure.

r!J 12.2 Complete Enclosure 13.1 (Daily Surveillance Items Checklist).

    ~   12.3     Check each applicable surveillance item in Enclosure 13.1 (Daily Surveillance Items Checklist) meets its Acceptance Criteria.

NOTE: IF this procedure is being performed in preparation for a Mode change, performance of J Enclosure 13.2 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring) is NOT required. ~ 12.4 IF performing routine daily surveillances, complete the following: ri

             ~   12.4.1      Complete Enclosure 13.2 (NAC-VMS (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring).
             ~ 12.4.2        Check each installed cask listed in Enclosure 13.2 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring) meets its Acceptance Criteria.

PJ\\.. ~\... 12.5 ~ completed due to Unit "Applicable Mode", identify IF a surveillance item was NOT surveillance item by writing "NAif "NA" in appropriate initial blank. 4"llA'-- 12.6 4t\pA\.. 12.6 of OP 101N61001006 IF used to calculate Shutdown Margin, attach Enclosure 4.5 or 4.6 ofOP/OIAJ6100/006 (Reactivity Balance Calculation). Unit 1

PT/I/N46ool003 B PT/l!N46001003 Page 6 of6

13. Enclosures 13.1 Daily Surveillance Items Checklist 13.2 NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring End of Body Unit 1

Enclosure 13.1 PT/I/A/46001003 B PT/IIAl4600/003 Daily Surveillance Items Checklist Page 110f8 of8 Perform one of ofthe the following:

    ~.           IF performing routine daily surveillances, record the following:

Mode of Operation: --' _ __ Date: _ _ __ Time performed: rii'iam -7am lil"tam

  • IF performing this procedure in preparation for a Mode change, record the following:

Mode to be entered: _ _ __ Date: _ _ __ Start Time: _ _ _ _ (The start time should be within 4 hours of ofthe the Mode change.) Applicable Mode(s) Surveillance Item Acceptance Criteria I1 2 3 4 5 6 No Notes Initials Tech Spec I SLC Mode Power Range Computer Points: Each Computer point value within I1 I ITS SR3.3.1.2 SR MIP1466,MIP1467 +/-2% of Heat Balance Calculation ITS Table 3.3.1-1 Item 2 MIP1468,MIP1469 RA'- Reactor Trip Breakers Closed Light Lit 1I 2 3 4 5 24,25 PIP M-04-04507 {LAL (lAL Reactor Trip Bypass Breakers Closed Light Lit 1 2 3 4 5 @)25 (325 PIP M-04-04507 f'llA~1-t-lJAQAL.. Upper Containment Uv.per Average of the inlet air temperatures I1 2 3 4 2 ITS SR Compartment Average Air of all Upper Cont AHUs Temperature between 75 - lOO°F -PAL- {lAL-Containment Lower Average of the inlet air temperature for 1 2 3 4 2 ITS SR Compartment Average Air only the running Lower Cont AHUs Temperature between 100 - 120°F AAL. {l..AL.. VCTLevel Control Room indicators INVP5760 1 2 3 4 5 6 97-1} {SOER 97-l} NVP5763 within 5% of each and 1INVP5763 other Ii1S"M~J ITt;M~1

                                                                        ......          .....     ... c....... L ....                                                            I Unit 1

Enclosure 13.1 PT/I/A/4600/003 B Daily Surveillance Items Checklist Page 2 of8 Applicable Mode(s) Surveillance Item Acceptance Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 No Notes Initials Tech Spec I/ SLC Mode Standby Nuclear Service Water Greater than or equal to 739.5 feet I 2 3 4 II ITS SR3.7.8.1 Pond (SNSWP) Level P-.AL-

                                                                                                                         ~AL-SNSWP Temperature             Greater than or equal to 36°F              1I  2    3          4               16                              TAC MCTC-1574-(Minimum)                                                                                                                APt!..

P-AL. RN.SOOI-Ol RN.SOOI-OI SNSWP Temperature Less than or equal to 78°F 1I 2 3 4 3 ITS SR (Maximum) AAL FWST Solution Temperature Greater than or equal to 70°F as read 1I 2 3 4 5 6 17 ITS SR3.5.4.1 (Minimum) on IFWP-5030 SLC TR SLCTR fLAl-

                                                                                                                         ~'-                SLC TR FWST Solution Temperature     Less than or equal to 100°F as read on     1   2    3          4             12, 17                     .a..
                                                                                                                   .:t""-EJ'l"1..w.- .a.
                                                                                                                   .::r-rEl"'l-*           ITS SR (Maximum)                     IFWP-5030 I FWP-5030 (Begin cooling FWST at                                                                             SLCTR SLC TR 95°F,)                                                                                       ~AL R-AL Train A Modulating Valves     Reset lit                                  1I  2    3          4    5 6        19                             PIP M-96-02018 Reset (lMCII)

(lMC11) ~A'-


Train B Modulating Valves Reset lit I 2 3 4 5 6 19 PIP M-96-02018 Reset (lMCI1) (lMCl1) PAL P.AL 1IEMF-31(Turbine EMF-31 (Turbine Bldg Sump Operate light lit and loss of sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 No 4,21 SLC 16.11.2-1 16.I1.2-1 (2) Mode  ::r~_cdI: 3


Disch) Channel Check flow annunciator is NOT in alarm status 1IEMF-33 EMF-33 (Condenser Air Operate light lit 1 2 3 4 5 6 No 4,22 SLC 16.11.7-1 (2) Mode Ejector Exhaust) Channel Check [Ul.L. [U:lL OEMF-41 (Aux. Bldg. Operate light lit and loss of sample 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 4,5,7, SLC 16.11.7-1 (5) Mode Ventilation) Channel Check flow annunciator is NOT in alarm 15 status. Ensure toggle switch in the scan position. MI-M'- OEMF-53 (Contaminated Operate light lit and loss of sample 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No SLC 16.11.7-1 (7a) Mode Material Whse) Channel Check flow annunciator is NOT in alarm status f2..AL. fl.AL.

                                                              ---- ---         ,   .... --~-----                 -   -----         ------

Unit 1

Enclosure 13.1 PT/I1N46oo/003 B PT/I/N46ool003 Daily Surveillance Items Checklist Page 3 of8 Applicable Mode(s) Surveillance Item Acceptance Criteria 1t 2 3 4 5 6 No Notes Initials Tech Spec I/ SLC Mode . OEMF-50L (Waste Gas Disch) Operate light Ilit it 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 4,7,9 16.11.7-1 (la) SLC 16.11.7-\ (Ia) Mode Channel Check p..AL. P-.AL-OEMF-49L (Liquid Waste Operate light lit and loss of sample 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 4 SLC 16.11.2-1 (Ia) Mode Disch) Channel Check flow annunciator is NOT in alarm status (J.,AI,.. (J.,A/... IEMF-36L I EMF -36L (Unit Vent Gas Operate light lit and loss of sample 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 4,5,7 SLC 16.11.7-1 16.11. 7-1 (la), (3a), Mode Monitor) Channel Check flow annunciator is NOT in alarm (3f), (5), (6), (10) status AAL, IEMF-39L (Cont Gas Monitor) lEMF-39L Operate light lit and loss of sample 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 4,5,7,9 SLC 16.11.7-1 (10) Mode Channel Check (Containment flow annunciator is NOT in alarm Air Release and Addition status System) I2..f\L

                                                                                                                     #tAL IEMF-39L (Cont Gas Monitor) lEMF-39L                     Operate light lit and loss of sample       1I    2    3    4    5     6      4,5,@

4,5,@) 16.11.7-1 SLC 16.11. 7-1 (4) Channel Check (Containment Purge System) flow annunciator is NOT in alarm status NIA PAL-tvl-A OEMF-52 (Interim Radwaste Scale ~NOT pegged low and loss of 1 2 3 4 5 6 No 6 SLC 16.11.7-1 (8a) Mode Facility) Channel Check sample flow annunciator is NOT in alarm status ~A'- {2.AL-lEMF-44L (Cont Vent Dm IEMF-44L Operate light lit and loss of sample 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 4 SLC 16.11.2-1 (lb) Mode Tank Out) Channel Check flow annunciator is ~NOT in alarm status ~L liAL-Power Range (PR) Each NI Rack PR Instrument within +/- 1I 1I ITS SR3.3.J.2 SR (Neutron Flux) 2% of Heat Balance Calculation /tAL..

                                                                                                                    /tAL.           ITS Table 3.3.1-1 Item 2 IMIFS7280 Unit Vent          Low flow annunciator is NOT in             1I    2    3    4    5     6  No     5                            16.11-7-1 (3e)

SLC 16.11.7-1 Mode Composite Sampler Min Flow alarm status Device f<AL. ftAL Alarm IlAD-13 AD-13 -C4

                - C4          Dark                                      1I     2    3    4    5     6  No                           SLC 16.7.3 "Environment System Trouble"                                                                         Mode fLAL.

fLAL Unit 1

Enclosure 13.1 PT/I/A/46001003 B PT/I/A/4600/003 Daily Surveillance Items Checklist Page 4 of8 Applicable Mode(s) Surveillance Item Acceptance Criteria 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No Notes Initials Tech Spec 1 I SLC Mode Wind Speed Monitor Instrument is operable (Located on 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 20 SLC 16.7.3-1 (Ia) Chart Recorder lEEBCR-9100.) Mode (Lower) (lEEBLP-911O) P-AL-R-AI..- Wind Speed Monitor Instrument is operable (Located on 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 20 SLC 16.7.3-1 (lb) Mode (I EEBLP-91 00) (Upper) (IEEBLP-9100) I EEBCR-9100.) Chart Recorder lEEBCR-9100.) /1A1., P-.AL. Wind Direction Monitor Instrument is operable (Located on 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 20 SLC 16.7.3-1 (2a) Mode (Lower) (IEEBLP-9130) (1 EEBLP-9 130) Chart Recorder lEEBCR-9100.) IEEBCR-9100.) flAt, AAI-Wind Direction Monitor Instrument is operable (Located on 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No 20 SLC 16.7.3-1 (2b) Mode (Upper) (IEEBLP-9120) (lEEBLP-9120) Chart Recorder 1IEEBCR-9100.) EEBCR-9100.) ~L. Air Temperature Delta T Instrument is operable (Located on I 2 3 4 5 6 No 20 SLC 16.7.3-1 (3) (IEEBLP-9140) IEEBCR-9140.) Chart Recorder lEEBCR-9140.) Mode AAl-AAl.- Loose Part Detection System Perform sound check on channels 1-22 1 2 8,18 SLC 16.7.4 using the "Line" function (verify channels are responding to noise) flAt; tlAl,.. Unit Vent Flow Rate Monitor Instrument reads greater than 15% and 1I 2 3 4 5 6 No SLC 16.11.7-1 (3d) (I VALP-5120) (IVALP-5120) less than or equal to 100% Mode .:z:nl\i ~ "i InrM:ttLi VI UI Unit Vent Stack Flow Computer Point reads greater than I 2 3 4 5 6 No 23 SLC 16.11.7-1 (3d) Mode Computer Point (MIA0863) 28,397 cfm P-AL (lAL Shutdown Margin (SDM) Within the limits specified in the 2 3 4 13,14 ITS SR OP101A16100/006 (Reactivity OP/OIAl6100/006 COLR. (Attach Enclosure 4.5 or 4.6 ITS LCO 3.1.1 Balance Calculation) OP/0IAl6100/006.) from OP/O/A/6100/006.) ",lA"'- rv 11'.""'- Shutdown Margin (SDM) Within the limits specified in the 5 13 ITS SR OP/0IAl6100/006 (Reactivity OP/O/A/6100/006 Balance Calculation) COLR. (Attach Enclosure 4.5 from OP/0/Al6100/006.) OP/O/A/6100/006.) {II/A~- tlIA~-- ITS LCO 3.1.1 Reactor Vessel Water Level Level within 18 inches of window in 6 10 ITS SR cavity or greater than or equal to 362 inches as indicated on INCP-5990 (This is 23 feet above the top of Nl~- Reactor Vessel Flange.)

~ -    --   ---.-~

Unit 1

Enclosure 13.1 PT/I/A/46001003 B PT/I/A/46oo/003 Daily Surveillance Items Checklist Page 5 of8 Initial one of the following:

  • No Discrepancy
  • Discrepancy Sheet Attached (IF any Acceptance Criteria NOT met, it is identified as a discrepancy, evaluated per Tech SpeC/SLC Spec/SLC and appropriate SRO corrective action taken.)

Unit 1

Enclosure 13.1 PT/I/N46oo/003 B PT!l/A/4600/003 Daily Surveillance Items Checklist Page 6 of8 NOTE: 1. WHEN greater than or equal to 15% RTP:

  • First surveillance is required within 12 hours after reaching 15% RTP.
  • For subsequent surveillances, ifPR NIS channel absolute difference is greater than 2% RTP during stable conditions, 4 hours is allowed to adjust PR NIS channels to +/-2% of heat balance calculation.
  • IF adjustment CANNOT be made within time allowed, PR NIS channel shall be declared inoperable.
2. OAC Graphics Vent Menu provides UpperlLower Containment average temperature readings:
  • Upper and Lower Compartment lower limit may be reduced to 60°F in Modes 2 - 4.
  • Lower Compartment upper limit may be between 120 - 125°F for up to 90 cumulative days per calendar year provided the Lower Compartment temperature averaged over the previous 365 days is less than 120°F. Within this 90 cumulative day period, lower MlP1544 (Ul Avg Lower Cont Temp-compartment temperature may be between 125 -135°F for 72 cumulative hours. See OAC point MIPI544 Previous 365 Days).
  • Upper Compartment average air temperature shall be computed using only those temperature points corresponding to AHUs with operable sensors (using Average Temperature on OAC Graphic), regardless of whether AHU is running or NOT (based on large Air Volume mass) in upper containment) {PIP 0 MOO-0552} .
  • Lower Compartment average air temperature shall be computed using only those temperature points corresponding to running AHUs with operable sensors (using Weighted Average Temperature on OAC Graphic) {PIP 0 MOO-0552}
3. Tech Spec limit for SNSWP temperature is 82°F. Due to process instrument loop inaccuracy, if indicated SNSWP temperature is 78°P78°F or greater, instruct Work Control to activate Model Work Order #00406151 for manual determination ofSNSWP temperature. Temperature is 0-M93-l22l}}

checked year round as a conservative decision. {PIP 0-M93-1221

4. !!

IF operate light dark a source check must be performed on EMF.

5. IF Loss of Sample Flow Alarm is lit, place sample pump in operation to clear alarm.
6. IF system is NOT in operation, Loss of Sample Flow Alarm is invalid.

Unit 1

Enclosure 13.1 PT/IIAl46001003 B PT/l!Al4600/003 Daily Surveillance Items Checklist Page 7 of8 IEMF-36 is operable, the following EMFs should be operable but are NOT required: OEMF-4I, IEMF-42, OEMF-50 and lEMF-39

7. IF lEMF-36 IEMF-39 (for IEMF-36 is inoperable, the following EMFs shall be operable: OEMF-41, lEMF-42,OEMF-50 Cont. Air Addition and Release only). IF lEMF-36 IEMF-42, OEMF-50 IEMF-39 (for Cont. Air Addition and Release only with VQ System release isolation (with WG System release isolation valve open), and lEMF-39 valve open).

8.. At least one of three channels associated with each area monitored, excluding NC Pumps, is required to be operable. The channels are grouped as follows: Rx Lower Vessel (1,2,3), Rx Upper Head (4,5,6), A S/G (8,9,10), B S/G (12,13,14), C S/G (16,17,18), and D S/G (20,21,22).

  • WHEN performing sound channel check, always use the "Line" tiLine" function.
9. ~WHEN the associated systems release isolation valve is locked closed, surveillance is NOT required.

of irradiated fuel assemblies within

10. During Core Alterations (except during latching and unlatching of control rod drive shafts) and movement ofirradiated Containment.

II. IF instrument ORNP-6000 (Standby NSW Pond Level) is inoperable, SNSWP Level can be determined by locally observing overflow from the . 11. SNSWP overflow at the north end of ofthe darn. Overflow occurs at elevation 740'. IF SNSWP is NOT overflowing, SNSWP Level can also be the dam. determined using local level gauge at overflow enclosure. Go to the SNSWP overflow enclosure (Located SE of plant at intersection of old front entrance road and normal entrance road at pond. There is a concrete housing with steel mesh rebar and a steel grate walkway around enclosure). Using the walkway, go to the south side of the enclosure. At the end of the walkway is the level gauge made of flat steel that has elevation increments in fluorescent orange. The bottom increment indicates 740 ft. ![ IF SNSWP level is less than 740', use a folding stick rule Notify and measure from the top of water surface to the 740 ft mark. Subtract this measure from 740 ft to obtain actual level of SNSWP. NotifY CRSRO of measurement.

12. Actual Tech Spec limit is 100°F. However, cooling ofFWST should begin at 95°F to prevent exceeding Tech Spec limit. {PIP 0-M96-2432}
13. IF SDM is NOT within the limit specified in the COLR, boration shall be initiated within 15 minutes to restore SDM within limit.


14. IF in Mode 2, NA when KelTKerr is greater than or equal to 1.0.
15. Sample points I, 7, and 12 shall be operable to meet the acceptance criteria. Corrective action shall be taken on any channel out of service.
16. TAC T AC Sheet limit for SNSWP temperature is 32°F. Due to process instrument loop inaccuracy, if indicated SNSWP temperature is 36°F or less, instruct Work Control to activate Model Work Order #00406151 for manual determination of ofSNSWP SNSWP temperature.

Unit 1

Enclosure 13.1 PT/I/N46ool003 PT/I/N46oo/003 B Daily Surveillance Items Checklist Page8of8 Page 8 of8

17. IF instrument 1IFWP-5030 FWP-5030 (FWST Solution Temperature) inoperable, FWST Solution Temperature can be determined by IAE at FWST Heater Equipment Panel per IP/OIB13050/024 (FWST Temperature Loop Calibration) IAE to provide values to Operations for evaluation of compliance with Tech Specs. Any of the three loops (l (I FWLP5030, 1IFWLP5120, FWLP5120, IIFWLP5280)

FWLP5280) can be used to meet Tech Spec Surveillance. {PIP 99-0651 }

18. IF audio monitor NOT functional, go to OP/IIB16150/016 (Loose Parts Monitoring System) to determine LPMS operability. {PIP 00-3058}

18.IF 00-30S8} 19.IF

19. IF "Reset" light is dark, this may indicate a failed fuse which would make Modulating Valves inoperable and render associated train ofKC and ND systems inoperable. {PIP M-96-02018, MOD NO MOO 52493}
20. IF Chart Recorder printer is NOT functional, monitoring system is operable as long as points continue to update.
21. IF the following conditions are met, 1EMF-31Loss lEMF-3ILoss of Sample Flow alarm is invalid:
  • Unit 1 Turbine Building Sump aligned to Unit 2
  • WU aligned to WWCB
  • WUpump off WVpump
22. Surveillance required WHEN Air Ejectors are operable.
23. Surveillance required WHEN OAC is operable.

24 Surveillance required WHEN Breakers closed. 25 IF light NOT lit, notify System Engineer. In addition to a burnt out bulb, a dark light on a closed breaker could be caused by a loss of power to the shunt trip circuit or an open shunt trip coil. These two items render the Shunt Trip mechanism inoperable.

26. IF VP isolation valves are closed AND locked, surveillance is NOT required.

End of Enclosure Unit 1

Enclosure 13.2 PTtl/A/46001003 B PT/I/A/4600/003 NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring Page 1 of6

1. Procedure Jl.l Jl.1 Refer to Table 13.2-1 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring) for cask(s) that require monitoring.

.rOTE: NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring is performed on OFCCAISFSIOCS (ISFSI Operator Control Station). IF OFCCAISFSIOCS (lSFSI (ISFSI Operator Control Station) is in service, perform the following: ri 1.2.1 Open OFCCAISFSIOCS (ISFSI Operator Control Station) control panel. 1.2.2 On Main Screen, check system is operating properly by performing the following: Ii rJ Check indicator in top center of screen is flashing. FirIJJ Check "I10 STATUS" message states "RUN". Perform one of the following: ffJ A. Check "ALARMS" indicator is NOT flashing. OR rJ\-A ~~ B. IF "ALARMS" indicator is flashing, perform the following: tJ\-A oD 1. IF any Cask Average Temperature in alarm, record Cask Number(s) with alarm(s): _ _ __ __ __ __ ____ _ _

2. IF Ambient Temperature in alarm, GO TO Step 3.
3. IAE I MNT to perform one of the IF required, notify lAE following for applicable casks installed in Table 13.2-1 MP/O/A/76501204 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring) per MP/O/A/7650/204 (Spent Fuel Dry Storage Cask Troubleshooting):
  • Obtain applicable Temperature locally using RTD Calibrator or Pyrometer OR
  • Inspect applicable Cask Inlet and Outlet Screens for absence of debris or blockage
                                                    --  ---- -------    -- -- -- -   - -- -I-----

Person Notified Date Time Unit 1

Enclosure 13.2 PT/l!N4600/003 B PTil/A/4600/003 NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring Page 2 of6 D 4. IF obtained, record information obtained by IAE / MNT in Table 13.2-1 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring).

5. IF other alanns alarms indicated, notify IAE / MNT to investigate.
                                                                          - -- -/-

Person Notified Date Time NOTE~ * "NET STATUS" alternating between "OK" and "NOT OK" in the following step is acceptable as long as Communication Failure Alarm is NOT generated

   ,f *    "NET STATUS" alternating between "OK" and "NOT OK" may be an indicator of early stages offailure, but does NOT impact the validity of the data      Determine "NET STATUS" as follows (./):  (,():

IJiJ "NET STATUS" message states "OK" D "NET

                                     NET STATUS" alternating between "OK" and "NOT OK" 1.2.3      On Main Screen, select desired cask as follows:

Ii To select cask in group 1 - 8, depress arrow key beside "OFCTKN001 thru 8" "OFCTKNOOI ri To select cask in group 9 - 16,depress Ii 16, depress arrow key beside "OFCTKN009 thru 16" MTo select cask in group 17 - 24, depress arrow key beside Ii "OFCTKNOO 17 thru 24" "OFCTKNOOI7 D To select cask in group 25 - 32, depress arrow key beside "OFCTKN0025 thru 32" D To select cask in group 33 - 40, depress arrow key beside "OFCTKN0033 thru 40" D To select cask in group 41 - 48, depress arrow key beside "OFCTKN0041 thru 48" Unit 1

Enclosure 13.2 PT;1/A/46001003 B PT/I/A/4600/003 NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring Page 3 of6 M.~.5 M.S,5 1.2.4 IF available, record Ambient Temperature as appropriate in Table 13.2-1. NOTEy NOTE.I The individual Cask Average Temperatures are displayed on "Operator Control Station Cask Averages" screen. MS5 1.2.5 !E IF available, record Cask Average Temperature for each cask installed in Table 13.2-1 (NAC-VMS Cask Monitoring). NOTE:; NOTE:J Depressing "ESC" at any time will return control panel to previous screen. rIJ rI.J 1.2.6 Depress "ESC" to return to Main Screen. Ii 1.2.7 Close and secure control panel door. rJ)A.Jf\\~ tJ)A. Jf\\~ 1.3 IF OFCCAISFSIOCS (lSFSI (ISFSI Operator Control Station) is out of service, perform the following: 1.3.1 Notify IAE I MNT to perform one of the following for all casks installed in Table 13.2-1 (NAC-VMS Cask Monitoring) per MP/OIA/7650/204 (Spent Fuel Dry Storage Cask Troubleshooting):

  • Obtain temperatures locally using RTD Calibrator or Pyrometer OR
  • Inspect Cask Inlet and Outlet Screens for absence of debris or blockage
                                     - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I- - -

Person Notified Date Time o D 1.3.2 Record information obtained by IAE I MNT in Table 13.2-1 (NAC-VMS (NAC-VMS Cask Monitoring). . 1.4 Perform the following for each cask that has an Ambient Temperature and Cask Average Temperature recorded: t6r6 1.4.1 Determine and record Actual Temperature Difference between Ambient Temperature and Cask Average Temperature. Ii

                ~ 1.4.2           Check temperature difference between Ambient Temperature and Cask Average Temperature is less than or equal to 102°F.

IF "NET STATUS" alternating between "OK" and "NOT OK" as determined per Step, initiate a WR to troubleshoot and repair. Unit 1

Enclosure 13.2 PT/I/A/4600/003 B PT/I/A/46001003 NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring Page 4 of6 NOTE:.I. NOTE:./. IE IF any cask listed has NOT been placed on pad, required data may be NAed.

      ,j.* IF Inlet ~

AND Outlet Screens Clear option is used, the temperature blocks may be NAed. Table 13.2-1 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring) Ambient Temperature: /gg ['R OF of Cask # Cask Average Actual Acceptance Inlet and Outlet Temperature Temperature Criteria Screens Clear Difference <IE (!E performed, Temperature IAE/MNT Difference :::102°F SlO2°F Initial) (Initial) OFCTKNOOI U~ U;}. -yLt

                                      -LiLt                 M~

MSS ,.,lA N 11\ jY\~~ I'I'~~ OFCTKNOO2 Wl 4q L(l\ MS's M5.$ ,v IIAf\\\.~ tJ AfVI\.~ OFCTKNOO3 OFCTKNOO4 lDg log "'400 MS~ MS5 N1A NIA M\$ MSS H)9 109 41 4\ MS5 N IA NIA~~ 1"5> OFCTKNOO5 U~ 11~ 1.(4 1.{4 ~5S MSS NJA"'\~ NIA"'~~ OFCTKNOO6 111 43 MSS MS,S N)A~~ N)AfV'~ OFCTKNOO7 nq 11£4 51 5\ MS5 N}A~ N)A~ OFCTKNOO8 IDS 31 MSS NJ,,~ OFCTKNOO9 HO 110 '1~


M5S fVlSS NNJ/\/I"'~) IwI\lV"l Unit 1

Enclosure 13.2 PT/I/A/46001003 B PT/l/A/46oo/003 NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring Page 5 of6 Table 13.2-1 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring) Ambient Temperature: lag OF Cask # Cask Average Actual Acceptance Inlet and Outlet Temperature Temperature Criteria Screens Clear Difference (!E

                                                                          @ performed, Temperature            IAE I MNT IAE/MNT Difference S102°F                Initial)

(Initial) OFCTKNOIO 1/;;1. II;).. yLf YLJ MS5 .tJJAI"'SS dA . . S5 OFCTKNOll 4~ 4J. NIA~!a~1t41'11'~ OFCTKNOl2 OFCTKN012 "0 110 I\II.sS

                                                         ~.s5                  N OFCTKN013         II" 11'\

lo~ 10 ~ 5\ 5' 4D 40 M!>>5 MSS MH M5,5

                                                                            .. I\dA
                                                                                ",114 ct\~~


                                                                                     .11II t"!>~

filA P'!>~ OFCTKN014 11'1 41 4'1 MSS NJIt~J I\)/A ~, OFCTKN015 OFCTKNOl5 110 fie 4:1. 4:1 l\IIs,s MS,S "')A~)

                                                                                "')A        "u)

OFCTKN016 OFCTKN017 fog 109- 40 ~s.s tv\S5 IlrJ'l' A"'lS A"')~ fig lUi' 50 tits> MSS III }Il'"'u IA'"'s.s OFCTKN018 NA NA NA NA OFCTKNOl9 OFCTKN019 NA NA NA NA Unit 1

Enclosure 13.2 PT/l!Al46001003 B PT/I/A/4600/003 NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring Page 660f6 of6 Table 13.2-1 (NAC-UMS Cask Monitoring) Ambient Temperature: Ita. 128. of Cask # Cask Average Actual Adual Acceptance Outlet Inlet and Outiet Temperature Temperature Criteria Screens Clear Difference (!f (!! performed, Temperature IAE I MNT

                                                                         ~102°F Difference S102°F             Initial)

(Initial) OFCTKN020 III '-13 lJ3 MS5 MS.s tJ'A~ tJIA~ OFCTKN021 IIC) lib l/~ tJd. MS5 ~" tJIA p.$~ OFCTKN022 111 11'1 yq MS~ filS) N1A ""~} 11\ ""'} OFCTKN023 loS Ibg Lfb LJb M~.s

                                                                                         ",lit lUI"   ",Sj
                                                                                                "..Sj OFCTKN024 OFCTKN025 I ,~
                           ,~                  44 41f               M.~5 M.S5                  N N~

I I~ ,,~s

                                                                                             ,,~s NA                    NA                   NA                     NA OFCTKN026 NA                    NA                   NA                     NA OFCTKN027 NA                    NA                   NA                     NA OFCTKN028 NA                    NA                   NA                     NA OFCTKN029 NA                    NA                   NA                     NA Initial one of ofthe the following:

~. No Discrepancy

  • Discrepancy Sheet Attached (!E(![ any Acceptance Criteria NOT met, it is identified as a SRO discrepancy, evaluated per Tech Spec/SLC and appropriate corrective action taken.)

End of Enclosure Unit 1


1. Station: MCo G-lAift' M G-t,(((e Nu.c.ieo.:(

Nuc.ieo..( SJq S-/g *ff{)()

2. Procedure No: PT,It II T j J fIA[ 1./L/ 000 (P{)D / OD3 13
3. Procedure



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4. Date(s) Performed: _ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ ________

Item Procedure Deficiency Completion Description of Discrepancy Corrective Action Signature Number Step Yes No Date t:NCL 13. \ INVP INVP5'7IoD 011'1(1 iNV(J5'l1.o3 5'7IoD OIl'ld J NV(J5'11.t>3 NoT

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                                                                                ..... £.lS%
                                                                                ....       i5 0 /0 REVISION 15                                                                                                                                                                 21 VERIFY HARD COpy        COPY AGAINST WEB SITE IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO EACH USE

Appendix C Page 1 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM A3 SRO 2009 Admin - JPM A3 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 2 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Facility: McGuire Task No.: Task


Agprove a Gaseous Waste Release Aggrove JPM No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A3 Permit SRO KIA


GKIA GKiA 2.3.6 (2.0/3.8) Examinee: NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator: Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: x Classroom --- xX Simulator --- Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied. Initial Conditions: -OP/Q/A/6400/01g:'Enc!'oSure4:1, vvasteGas Decay Tank Helease to

                             . Unit'v'ent~ "i,sin progr~~$in prepa~ationfor rele.ase of the C VYGDT; and completed through Step 3.11.
                           -   RP ha§,j ust.

Hoom;:" q~li~~~ed,

                                            ...... ,.. ....t~e.G~RRel,e,~*$~.
                                                            ....        . .... PaCl<ag~.tOtheControl Task Standard:              The operator will review the GWR Package and discover three errors, and delay approval until the package is corrected.

Required Materials: Copy of current Unit 1 TSAIL Report. General


OP/0/A/6200/019, OP/O/A/6200/019, Waste Gas Decay Tank Release OP-MC-WE-RGR, Radiological Gas Release 2009 Admin - JPM A3 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Handouts: GWR Package # 2009010, with the following errors:

  • Release ID: D WGDT
  • Trip 1 is greater than Trip 2 setpoints.
  • Recommended Release Rate is > the Most Restrictive Release Rate (numbers reversed).

This document should identify that EMF50 is OPERABLE. Names should be provided in both the Performed By and IVed By blocks. Enclosure 4.1 of OP/OIAl62001019 OP/OIN62001019 marked up as follows: Step 2.1 - Initialed. Step 2.2 -Initialed,

                              - Initialed, WGDT C is to be released.

Step 3.1 - Check box checked. Step 3.2 - Initialed. Step 3.3 - NNlnitialed. NAilnitialed. NAilnitialed. Step 3.4 - NNlnitialed. Step 3.5 - Initialed, Check box for 1WG-257 and 258 checked. Step 3.6 - NNlnitialed. NAilnitialed. 3.7 - Initialed. Step 3.7-Step 3.8 -Initialed,

                              - Initialed, WGDT C, Pressure 80 psig.

Step 3.9 - Check box checked. Step 3.10 3.1 0-

                               - Enclosure 4.4 Check box checked.

Step 3.11 - Check box checked. Copy of current Unit 1 TSAIL Report Initia~itJ~. Cue: RP .has .\a.Skeq YC>lJtd* re~iew ?udapproveGWRPackage #20090tO for the QrWastE;*Gas Decay 1~nkby perfdrmin~ Step 3.12 otEnclosure 4.1

bf OP!0IN6200/019,Waste G?s\DeqayTankRelease.

IdentifY'*~H.issuesfobnd (if any) whTeh~bUld prev~r1t approvaL Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 8 minutes 2009 Admin - JPM A3 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk*) Provide Candidate with Initial Conditions/Cue (Last Page of this JPM) and Handout GWR Package # 2009010 (modified as described), Enclosure 4.1 of OP/0/Al6200/019 marked up for place-keeping through Step 3.11, and a current copy of Unit 1 TSAIL Report. START TIME: STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT

    *1     (Enclosure 4.1, Step 3.12,    The operator reviews the Bullet 1) Control Room        GWR package and SRO performs the following:   discovers:

Ensure Discharge Document is complete. The GWR Release 10 ID states WGDT D, 0, when it should state WGDT C. Ensure GWR document agrees with release procedure.

    *2     (Enclosure 4.1, Step 3.12,    The operator reviews the Bullet 1) Control Room        GWR Package and SRO performs the following:   discovers that the Ensure Discharge              Recommended Release Document is complete.         Rate is > the Most Restrictive Release Rate (numbers reversed).

Review recommended release rate vs. calculated release rate. 3 (Enclosure 4.1, Step 3.12, The operator reviews the Bullet 1) Control Room GWR Package and SRO performs the following: determines that EMF50L is Ensure Discharge the controlling EMF and that Document is complete. it is OPERABLE. Review controlling EMF operability (1 EMF-36 or OEMF-50) and any necessary inoperable actions. 2009 Admin - JPM A3 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


   *4     (Enclosure 4.1, Step 3.12,   The operator reviews the Bullet 1) Control Room       GWR Package and SRO performs the following:  discovers that the Trip 1 Ensure Discharge             setpoint is greater than the Document is complete.        Trip 2 setpoint.

Review expected range of EMF, Trip 1 and Trip 2 setpoints. 5 (Enclosure 4.1, Step 3.12, The operator reviews the Bullet 1) Control Room Unit 1 TSAIL Report and SRO performs the following: determines that the Waste Ensure Discharge Gas Discharge Flow Document is complete. Monitor is OPERABLE. Checks Waste Gas Discharge Flow Monitor Operability. 6 (Enclosure 4.1, Step 3.12, The operator reviews the Bullet 1) Control Room GWR Package and SRO performs the following: determines that there are Ensure Discharge no special instructions. Document is complete. Review Special Instructions. 2009 Admin - JPM A3 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


   *7     (Enclosure 4.1, Step 3.12,    The operator identifies that Bullet 4) IF WGDT            the following must occur approved for release, signs   before the Discharge the Discharge Document.       Document can be signed:
  • The GWR Release 10 is changed to WGDT C.
  • The Recommended Release Rate and Most Restrictive Release Rate are corrected.
  • The Trip 1 and Trip 2 setpoints are corrected.

Terminating Cue: Evaluation on this JPM is complete. STOP TIME: 2009 Admin - JPM A3 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A3 SRO Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator: Number of Attempts: Time to Complete: Question Documentation: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date: 2009 Admin - JPM A3 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


  • OP/O/A/6200/019, Enclosure 4.1, Waste Gas Decay Tank OP/O/A/62001019, Release to Unit Vent, is in progress in preparation for release of the C WGDT, and completed through Step 3.11.
  • RP has just delivered the GWR Release Package to the Control Room.

INITIATING CUE: RP has asked you to review and approve GWR Package # 2009010 for the C Waste Gas Decay Tank by performing Step 3.12 of Enclosure 4.1 of OP/O/A/62001019, OP/O/A/6200/019, Waste Gas Decay Tank Release. Identify all issues found (if any) which would prevent approval. NUREG 1021, Revision 9

RETDAS v3.S.1 <DPCMNS Rev.4.0> CANBERRA GASEOUS RELEASE PERMIT REPORT GWR Number: 2009010 Release ID: "D" Waste Gas Decay Tank Comments:

RELEASE DATA ==========================================================

EMFSOL Monitor In Service *..*..*.*..***..*.*.**...****.***.*.********.***

                          ********************************************.*** YES

NVCLIDE DATA - INITIAL SAMPLE =========================================

Nuclide uCi/cc EC EC Ratio KR-8S 1.S0E-OS 7.00E-07 2.14E+01 2.14E+Ol TOTAL NOBLE GASES 1.S0E-OS NOB~E 2.14E+01 TOTAL ACTIVITY: l.S0E-OS 1.S0E-OS 2.14E+01

MULTIPLE RELEASE CALCULATION ============================================

Sum of calculated release rate divided by allowable release rate for all concurrent releases ************.*******

                                                  *.**********.******* 7.S1E-04 (Must be less than one)

Date/Time: 01/29/2009 09:16 wcspencer Retdas Page - 1

RETDAS v3.5.1 <DPCMNS Rev.4.0> CANBERRA GASEOUS RELEASE PERMIT REPORT GWR Number: 2009010 Release ID: "D" Waste Gas Decay Tank ALLOWABLE RELEASE RATE ===================================================== Total body dose release rate (cfm) .***********************************

                                      *****************************.****** S. 5.76E+07 76E+07 Skin and Gamma air dose release rate (cfm) **************************** 4.10E+06 Food, Gro~nd, Inhalation dose release rate (cfm) ********************** O.OOE+OO Most restrictive release rate (cfm) *******************************             4.00E+01 Recommended release rate (cfm) ************************************
                                 **********************************.*          4.10E+06

SET POINT DATA ===========================================================

EMF50L Monitor Operable? ********************************************* Yes EMFSOL EMF50L Entered Background (cpm)....................................... (cpm) *************************************** S. 5. 00E+01 CPM *************************************************** 4. 85E+02 EMF50L Expected CPM................................................... Trip 1 Setpoint (cpm) ************************************************ 7. (cpm)................................................ 029E+02 7.02 9E+02 Trip 2 Setpoint (cpm) ***********************************************. 6.029E+02 Operable? ********************************************* EMF36L Monitor Operable?............................................. NA EMF36L Entered Background (cpm) *************************************** NA EMF36L Expected CPM *************************************************** NA Entered Vent Flowrate (cfm) ******************************************* NA Xe-133 Equivalence (uCi/cc) ******************************************* 7.53E-05 7.S3E-05 Source Check Performed By: __________________ ____________ _ Unit 1 EMF50L EMFSOL Trip 1&2 Set/Verified by: ________________ CVed CVed by: by: _________________ Performed by: Performed by: __________________________________________________________ IVed by: IVed _____________________________________________________________ by: _______________________________________________________________

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ====================================================

CR SRO Authorization: Date/Time: ____________ Release Initiation..................... Initiation ********************* Release Completion ********************* CHEM_____ Release Start _______ CHEM______ _ _ _ _ /______ CHEM______ Release Stop _______ _ _ _ _ / ______ Date Time Date Time CHEM. CHEM~ ____ Vol. rel _________________ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ft3 Completion of Release Acknowledged SRO,________________________________ CR SRO __________--------______________ _ Date/Time:


RP Review__________________ Date/Time: --------_/-------- Ensure all signoffs are legible. Print name where indicated on next page. Date/Time: 01/29/2009 09:16 wcspencer Retdas Page - 2

RETDAS v3.S.1 v3.5.1 <DPCMNS Rev.4.0> CANBERRA GASEOUS RELEASE PERMIT REPORT GWR Number: 2009010 "Db Waste Gas Decay Tank Release ID: "D" +---------------------------+----------+---------------------------+-----------+ +---------------------------+----------+---------------------------+-----------+ ,Print N~e Name , Initials, Print N~e Name , Initials +===========================+==========+===========================+===========+ +===========================+==========+===========================+===========+ +---------------------------+----------+---------------------------+-----------+ +---------------------------+----------+---------------------------+-----------+ +---------------------------+----------+---------------------------+-----------+ +---------------------------+----------+---------------------------+-----------+ +---------------------------+----------+---------------------------+-----------+ +---------------------------+----------+---------------------------+-----------+ Date/Time: 01/29/2009 09:16 wcspencer Retdas Page - 3

Appendix C Page 1 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM A4 SRO 2009 Admin - JPM A4 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 2 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Facility: McGuire Task No.: Titl~: Task


Classify an Emergency Event JPM No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A4 SRO KIA


KiA GKiA 2.4.41 (2.9/4.6) GKIA Examinee: NRC Examiner: Facility Evaluator: Date: Method of testing: Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: x Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied. Initiql Conditions: 0100 LJnit 1 and Unit2, are in Mode .1 at 100% power. 0100 The following Radiation Monitors come into qlarm

                                     .simultaneq(JsIY:            ..         . ..
  • fEMF-48, Reactor. Coolant Rad.l-li
                                        .'1EMF-18,Rea9tor too~~.ntFilter1 A,.'
  • 1I;MF-19, Reactor Coolant Filter 1S 010.1 T~e:::fre~entered and90~Pleted,Af+>f1/A15500/18, High Activity in "Reactor Coolant ., .. '.' .

Chemistry,.Q~$ q~~~r~'ih~d ~Qafthe incre~sed radiation leV~ls

                                     /:~re dlJ.~!o:fillel*f~tlbre, and reportthattQe Do~~.Eqllliv~lent loqipel'evels have stabili.z~dat 7Q.p.q/gm;:1"';**

021$ . ;"stati()n\m!:inag~fl1ent has directed' thafiJ~it1bebrolllght to Hot StandbY*Withinthe next 6 hours. '. ' '" . " 0302 DUring.the shutdown,. a 20 gpm tl1be/lea~ develops on the B

                                       $teainG~nerator, and the crew eniers AP111N5500/1 0, NC System' Leakag'e,Within the Capacity'of Both NV Pumps.

0334 The B MSIV' inadvertently closes and the. reactor trips. The crew enters EP/1/N50001E-0,"Reactor Trip.or Safety Injection. E3a,s~don slowly decrea~.ingPirpresslllre,*the crewmanually

                                     , actuat~,s Safety Injection:'          ,

2009 Admin - JPM A4 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 0.340. Theorewreteives a report that a SteamGeneritor Safety valve on thee Steam Generator has lifted and stuok partially openoa",singsteam to issue into the sky,*. 0.344 . . The oreW transitions to EP/11N5o.o.o./E-2,.faufteq Steam'.

                                              .Generatqr:I~Plation..                                              . *. *.             '. ......

0.348 .*\~he creW'i'd8§~rves Charging flow at 4o.Ogptl). Pzr lev~I'$tab!e

                                             ,",it12%                         B Steam.(3eneratorNarrowRangeL:.~'Vel
                             '\":,'.,,:\<:: :i:!:':::::i~bte,~:: i           CA flow ,stl:~toff.         >\,                          ",,;<,
                        .O~~§iiY"rh~'6( . .,I~te~,th*                              *. ** **':'am cien~~ator an? tra(lsitionst6;:'
                      '.;i"'.)"                  EP/1*1A15o.o.O/E~3j*i!~........ ien<7r~t6<Tybe Rupture.!i'r;the Safety valve pn the BSfeamiGen,erat6ris stillstuok parti'ally open.

u'i i ' * , " " " Task Standard: The operator will declare an Unusual Event at T=o.156, T=0156, update the Unusual Event at T=0302, T=o.3o.2, and declare a Site Area Emergency Emergenoy at T=o.349. T=0349. Required Materials: Blank Copies of RP/01N57001000, RP/o.IN57o.o./o.o.o., Enclosure 4.1, Fission Produot Product Barrier Matrix. General Referenoes:


RP/o./A/57o.o./o.o.o., Classification RP/01N57001000, Classifioation of Emergency Emergenoy AP/1/N55o.o./18, High Activity AP/1/N5500/18, Aotivity in Reaotor Reactor Coolant AP/1/N55o.o./1o., NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV AP/1/N5500/10, Pumps EP/1/N5o.o.o./E-o., Reactor EP/1/N5000/E-0, Reaotor Trip or Safety Injeotion Injection EP/1/N5o.o.o./E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation EP/1/N5000/E-2, EP/1/N5o.o.o./E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture EP/1/N5000/E-3, OMP 4-3, Use of Abnormal and Emergency Emergenoy Procedures Prooedures Handouts: RP/o.IN57o.o./o.o.o., Classification RP/01N57001000, Classifioation of Emergency Emergenoy Three separate event timelines (Last three pages of JPM). Initiating Cue: ClassifY the EVent in aGcdhj~noe with'RP/o.IN57o.b/Oo.o., Classifioationof Emergenqy', at t,Q~ifoH~wln.Q times:", ' .! '

  • Step5.d QfA~/tlA/5500l1'8,High!iAGtivity in Readbr Coolant (0.156 onlimeline). .* .' ,. . '. ".., , '
  • Step5pf AP(1/N55o.o./1'O,NC sy~t~rn'Leakage Within theCapadty of Both NV Pumps.(o.3o.2pnlimeiiine)... .
  • Upon Transition from E-2 t()E~:5(o.349:or timeline9.

Critioal Task: Time Critical YES - Each Classification is 15 minute Time Critical Eaoh Classifioation Critioal Validation Time: 25 minutes 20.0.9 Admin - JPM A4 SRO 2009 NUREG 1021, 10.21, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk*) Provide Candidate with Initial Conditions/Cue (Last (last Page of this JPM) and Handout RP/O/Al5700/000. START TIME: STEPS ELEMENTS STANDARD S/U COMMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNSAT

   *1      (AP/11A15500/18, Step 5.d)

(AP/1/A/5500/18, The operator enters REFER TO RP/o/A/5700/o00, RP/01Al57001000, Step 2.1 RP/OIAl57001000 RP/o/A/5700/o00 and determines that the (Classification of plant is in Mode 1. Emergency). The operator reviews Time ==0156 Enclosure 4.1, and determines that there are no Fission Product Barrier EALs exceeded. The operator reviews Enclosures 4.2 through 4.7. The operator determines that EAl4.2.U.3, EAL 4.2.U.3, DEI-131

                                         > TS allowed Limit, is exceeded, and Declares an Unusual Event.

Examiner Note: Time Critical STOP Time: 2009 Admin - JPM A4 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


                                     . classification, hand out EventTimeline to .0302 (Now, last page of this JPM).


   *2     (AP/1/A/5500/10, Case I (AP/1/N5500/10,              The operator enters Step 5) REFER TO             RP/01N57001000, RP/O/A/57001000, Step 2.1 RP/0IN5700/QOO RP/O/A/5700/QOO              and determines that the (Classification of           plant was in Mode 1 at the Emergency).                  start of the event.

The operator reviews Time =0302 Enclosure 4.1, and determines a Loss of Containment exists, based on 4.1.CA, SG Secondary Side Release With Primary-to-Secondary Leakage. The operator records 3 points for the loss of the Containment Barrier in Table on Page 2 of 5 of Enclosure 4.1. With a total of 3 points, the operator determines that an Unusual Event exists, based on 4.1.U.2, Loss of Containment. The operator reviews Enclosures 4.2 through 4.7. Examiner Note: Time Critical STOP Time: 2009 Admin - JPM A4 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


                                       ... Examiner    Note:   >                    .

nd After completion of of 2nd classification,hand classification, hand out Event. Event TirneHneto.0349 Timeline to 0349 (Now, last page of of this JPM),* JPM). . .


START Time: .

   *3     (OMP 4-3, Steps                  The operator enters 7.20.1/ OSM           RP/O/A/57001000, RP/OIN57001000, Step 2.1 Responsibilities                 and determines that the Assume role of Emergency         plant was in Mode 1 at the Coordinator upon activation      start of the event.

of the Emergency Plan until properly relieved by the The operator reviews Station Manager. Enclosure 4.1, and determines a Loss of Emergency Classification is Containment exists, based done properly and in a on 4.1.C.4, SG Secondary timely manner. Side Release With Primary-to-Secondary Leakage.


Time = 0349 The operator records 3 points for the loss of the Containment Barrier in Table on Page 2 of 5 of Enclosure 4.1. The operator reviews Enclosure 4.1, and determines a Loss of NCS exists, based on 4.1.N.3, SG Tube Rupture. 2009 Admin - JPM A4 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9


    *3                             The operator records 5 points for the Loss of the (CONTD)

(CONT'O) NCS barrier in Table on Page 2 of 5 of Enclosure 4.1. With a total of 8 points, the operator determines that a Emergenc~ Site Area Emergency exists, based on, Loss of Containment AND Loss or Potential Loss of Any other Barrier. The operator reviews Enclosures 4.2 through 4.7. Examiner Note: Time Critical STOP Time: Terminating Cue: Evaluation on this JPM is complete. STOP TIME: 2009 Admin - JPM A4 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION VERIFICATioN OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009 Admin - JPM A4 SRO Examinee's Name: Date Performed: Facility Evaluator: Number of Attempts: Time to Complete: Question Documentation: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date: 2009 Admin - JPM A4 SRO NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET Event Timeline to 0349 Initial Conditions: 0100 Unit 1 and Unit 2 are in Mode 1 at 100% power. 0100 The following Radiation Monitors come into alarm simultaneously:

  • 1EMF-48, Reactor Coolant Rad Hi
  • 1EMF-18, Reactor Coolant Filter 1A
  • 1EMF-19, Reactor Coolant Filter 1B 0101 The crew entered and completed AP/1/N5500/18, AP/1 IA/5500/18, High Activity in Reactor Coolant.

0156 Chemistry has determined that the increased radiation levels are due to fuel failure, and report that the Dose f,lc/gm. Equivalent Iodine levels have stabilized at 70 IJc/gm. 0215 Station management has directed that Unit 1 be brought to Hot Standby within the next 6 hours. 0302 During the shutdown, a 20 gpm tube leak develops on the B Steam Generator, and the crew enters AP/1/N5500/10, AP/1 IA/5500/1 0, NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps. 0334 The B MSIV inadvertently closes and the reactor trips. The crew enters EP/1/N5000/E-0, EP/1/A/5000/E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection. 0335 Based on slowly decreasing Pzr pressure, the crew manually actuates Safety Injection. 0340 The crew receives a report that a Steam Generator Safety valve on the B Steam Generator has lifted and stuck partially open causing steam to issue into the sky. 0344 The crew transitions to EP/1/N5000/E-2, EP/1/A/5000/E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation. 0348 The crew observes Charging flow at 400 gpm, Pzr level stable at 12%, and the B Steam Generator Narrow Range Level increasing with CA flow shutoff. 0349 The crew isolates the B Steam Generator and transitions to EP/1/A/5000/E-3, EP/1/N5000/E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture. The Safety valve on the B Steam Generator is still stuck partially open. INITIATING CUE: Classify the Event in accordance with RP/OIN57001000, RP/O/A/5700/000, Classification of Emergency, at the following times:

  • Upon Transition from E-2 to E-3 (0349 on timeline).

This is a Time Critical JPM NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET Event Timeline to 0302 Initial Conditions: 0100 Unit 1 and Unit 2 are in Mode 1 at 100% power. 0100 The following Radiation Monitors come into alarm simultaneously:

  • 1EMF-48, Reactor Coolant Rad Hi
  • 1EMF-18, Reactor Coolant Filter 1A 1EMF-18, 1A
  • 1EMF-19, Reactor Coolant Filter 1B 0101 AP/1 /A/5500/18, High The crew entered and completed AP/1/N5500/18, Activity in Reactor Coolant.

0156 Chemistry has determined that the increased radiation levels are due to fuel failure, and report that the Dose Equivalent Iodine levels have stabilized at 70 IJc/gm.


0215 Station management has directed that Unit 1 be brought to Hot Standby within the next 6 hours. 0302 During the shutdown, a 20 gpm tube leak develops on the B Steam Generator, and the crew enters AP/1/A/5500/10, NC System Leakage Within the AP/1/N5500/10, Capacity of Both NV Pumps. INITIATING CUE: Classify the Event in accordance with RP/OIN57001000, RP/0/A/5700/000, Classification of Emergency, at the following times:

  • AP/1/A/5500/10, NC System Leakage Within the Step 5 of AP/1/N5500/10, Capacity of Both NV Pumps (0302 on timeline).

This is a Time Critical JPM NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Form ES-C-1 ES~C~1 JPM CUE SHEET Event Timeline to 0156 Initial Conditions: 0100 Unit 1 and Unit 2 are in Mode 1 at 100% power. 0100 The following Radiation Monitors come into alarm simultaneously:

  • EMF~48, Reactor Coolant Rad Hi 1EMF-48,
  • 1EMF~18, Reactor Coolant Filter 1A 1EMF-18,
  • EMF~19, Reactor Coolant Filter 1B 1EMF-19, 0101 The crew entered and completed AP/1/A/5500/18, High Activity in Reactor Coolant.

0156 Chemistry has determined that the increased radiation levels are due to fuel failure, and report that the Dose


Equivalent Iodine levels have stabilized at 70 IJc/gm. INITIATING CUE: Classify the Event in accordance with RP/O/A/57001000, Classification of Emergency, at the following times:

  • Step 5.d of AP/1/A/5500/18, High Activity in Reactor Coolant (0156 on timeline).

This is a Time Critical JPM NUREG 1021, Revision 9}}