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Initial Exam 2009-301 Draft Simulator Scenarios Region Ii/Drs/Operator Licensing Branch/Initial Examinations/Mcguire/Exam 2009-301
Person / Time
Site: McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/26/2009
Duke Energy Carolinas
50-369/09-301, 50-370/09-301
Download: ML092400615 (254)


{{#Wiki_filter:FACILITY NAME: McGuire Nulear Plant Section 4 REPORTNUMBER: ____~O~5~OO~O~3~69~/~37~O~~=O~09~-~30~1~



    "Draft;Simulator Scenarios cI";Each c/  lEach containing ES-D-1 "Scenario Outline" d

cI Each containing ES-D-2 "Required Operator Actions" Location of Electronic Files: Submitted By: --.I~_---;:I-

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                                     ;!- - -_- - - Verified By-,,-+_ _-'7f---'~.,..<:!!....l.\~~

Appendix 0 D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Draft Facility: McGuire Scenario No.: 1 Op Test No.: N09-1 Examiners: Operators: (SRO) (RO) (BOP) Initial Conditions: The Plant is at 75% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction four days ago to complete corrective maintenance on the 1 A CF Pump. The maintenance 1A was completed and the pump restarted, and power level raised to the present power level two days ago. The present plan is to observe operation of the 1 A CF Pump at 1A this power level, and then raise power to 100% within the next 24 hours. Dispatch has indicated that there have been intermittent voltage swings, and other instabilities, on the electrical grid, and that this is being investigated. It is expected to commence a power increase to 100% power starting at Step 3.21.10 of Enclosure 1 of OP/1/A161 001003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation." It is OP/1/A/6100/003, expected to raise power on the upcoming shift at 2 MWe/Minute. Use of Alternate Dilute during power ascension in accordance with Enclosure 4.4, "Alternate Dilute," OP/1/A/6150/009, "Boron Concentration Control," has been approved. The of OP/1/A161501009, RMWST Dissolved Oxygen Concentration is 800 ppb. Turnover: The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1EMF27, SM Line Dllnner D/lnner Doghouse Radiation Monitor, failed last shift (IAE is investigating) and MeB Annunciator 1AD-8, E-2, "GROUNDWATER HI LEVEL," has alarmed spuriously several times over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Event Malf. Event Type* Event No. No. Description 1 NA N-BOP Power Increase R-RO N-SRO XMT 2 I-RO Feed Flow Channel fails low CF018 I-SRO 3 ILE001 I-BOP NC Master Pressure Controller fails high/PORV Leakage NC012B I(TS)-SRO 4 EP003C C-RO Zone 1B Lockout causing Runback/Stuck Rod IRE010 C-BOP C(TS)-SRO 5 SG001 SG001B B M-RO SGTR (B) M-BOP M-SRO XMT 6 NA Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to B SG fails high CA012

      *    (N)ormal,    (R)eactivity,      (I)nstrument,      (C)omponent,       (M)ajor

( DR fT DRAFT Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Draft McGuire 2009 NRC Scenario #1 The Plant is at 75% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction four days ago to complete corrective maintenance on the 1A CF Pump. The maintenance was completed and the pump restarted, and power level raised to the present power level two days ago. The present plan is to observe operation of the 1A CF Pump at this power level, and then raise power to 100% within the next 24 hours. Dispatch has indicated that there have been intermittent voltage swings, and other instabilities, on the electrical grid, and that this is being investigated. It is expected to commence a power increase to 100% power starting at Step 3.21.10 of Enclosure 1 of OP/1/A/61OP/1/N61 00/003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation." It is expected to raise power on the upcoming shift at 2 MWe/Minute. Use of Alternate Dilute during power ascension in accordance with Enclosure 4.4, "Alternate Dilute," of OP/1/A/6150/009, OP/1/N6150/009, "Boron Concentration Control," has been approved. The RMWST Dissolved Oxygen Concentration is 800 ppb. The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1EMF27, SM Line Dllnner D/lnner Doghouse Radiation Monitor, failed last shift (IAE is investigating) and MCB Annunciator 1AD-8, E-2, "GROUNDWATER HI LEVEL," has alarmed spuriously several times over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Shortly after taking the watch, the operator will raise power in accordance with Step 3.21.10 of Enclosure 4.1, "Power Increase," of OP/1/N61 OP/1/A/61 00/003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operations." The RO will control the Turbine Generator in accordance with Enclosure 4.1, "Turbine-Generator Load Change," of OP/1/A6300/001A, "Turbine-Generator Load Change," and the BOP will conduct an NC System Boron dilution in accordance with Enclosure 4.4, "Alternate Dilute," of OP/1/A/6150/009, OP/1/N6150/009, "Boron Concentration ControL" During the power increase, the controlling Feed Flow Transmitter (FCF-5060) on the D Steam Generator will fail low, causing a Steam Generator D Feed Flow Mismatch alarm. The operator will respond by implementing AP/1/A/5500/06, "S/G Feedwater Malfunction," recognize the failure and select an operating Feed Flow channel. After this, the Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller output will fail high. This will cause the PORV 1NC34A and both spray valves to open, and NC Pressure will start to drop. The operator will respond in accordance with AP/1/A/5500/11, AP/1/A/5500/11 , "Pressurizer Pressure Anomalies." The operator will ultimately close the Block Valve for Pressurizer PORV 1NC34A when it is determined that the valve now leaks by its closed seat. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.4.1, "RCS Pressure, Temperature and Flow Departure From Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits," and 3.4.11, "Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVS)." Ultimately, IAE will correct the problem with the Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller, and it will be placed back in automatic control. Subsequently, a Zone 1B Lockout causes PCB 11 and 12 to open, as well as the 1B Main Generator Breaker to open and the turbine to automatically run back to 56%. The operator will implement AP/1/N5500/03, AP/1/A/5500/03, "Load Rejection." During the course of plant stabilization the operator will notice that one control rod has not moved. The operator will respond in accordance with ARP1AD-2/D10, "RPI Urgent Failure," and after the ( runback clears, the operator will implement AP/1/N5500/14, AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Draft and respond in accordance with Enclosure 2, "Response to Rod Misalignment." During implementation of Enclosure 2, the operator will discover that QPTR is not within Technical Specification limits, and reduce load to less than 50% power using AP/1/A15500104, Rapid Downpower. AP/1/A/5500104, Shortly afterwards, a 260 gpm SGTR will occur on the 18 1B Steam Generator. The IA/5500/1 0, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both AP/1/A15500/10, operator will enter AP/1 80th NV Pumps." Ultimately, the operator will trip the reactor and actuate Safety Injection, and EP/1/A15000/E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection." then enter EP/1/A/5000/E-0, EP/1/A/5000/E-3, "Steam Generator Tube Rupture," and The operator will transition to EP/1/A15000/E-3, isolate the flow into and out of the 18 1B Steam Generator and then conduct a cooldown of the NC System. The attempt to isolate Auxiliary Feedwater flow into the B 8 Steam generator will be complicated by the failure of the Auxiliary Feed Flow transmitter (FCA-5100) to the B 8 Steam Generator. The scenario will terminate at Step 23.c of E-3, after the crew has closed 1NI-9A and 1NI-1 08. NI-10B. Critical Tasks: E-3A Isolate feedwater flow into and steam flow from the ruptured SG before a transition to ECA-3.1 occurs. ( Safety Significance: Failure to isolate the ruptured SG causes a loss of 6P ~P between the ruptured SG and the intact SGs. Upon a loss of ~P, 6P, the crew must transition to a contingency procedure that constitutes an incorrect performance that "necessitates the crew taking compensating action which complicates the event mitigation strategy." If the crew fails to isolate steam from the SG, or feed flow into the SG the ruptured SG pressure will tend to decrease to the same pressures as the intact SGs, requiring a transition to a contingency procedure, and delaying the stopping of ReS leakage into the SG. E-38 Establish/maintain an RCS temperature so that transition from E-3 does not occur because RCS temperature is either too high to maintain minimum required subcooling, or too low causing an Orange path on Subcriticality or Integrity. Safety Significance: Failure to establish and maintain the correct ReS temperature during a SGTR leads to a transition from E-3 to a contingency procedure which constitutes an incorrect performance that "necessitates the crew taking compensating action which complicates the event mitigation strategy." If the ReS temperature is too high when ReS depressurization is started, a loss of subcooling will occur when the ReS depressurization is started. On the other hand, if ReS temperature is allowed to continue to decrease after the initial cooldown, the operator may Res be required to transition to the Subcriticality or Integrity response FRP, and delay the Res ReS depressurization. depressu rization. ( Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Draft E-3C Depressurize the RCS to meet SI termination criteria before ruptured SG level reaches 100% Wide Range Level. Safety Significance: Failure to stop the reactor coolant leakage into a ruptured SG by depressurizing the RCS (when it is possible to do so) needlessly complicates the mitigation of the event. It also constitutes a "significant reduction of Safety Margin beyond that irreparably introduced by the scenario. If RCS depressurization does NOT occur, the inventory in the secondary side of the ruptured SG will occur leading to water release through the SG PORV or Safety Valve, which could cause and unisolable fault in the ruptured SG. ( ( N09-1-1 The following procedures are needed: Event 1

  • AP/1/A/5500106, S/G FEEDWATER MALFUNCTION AP/1/A/5500/06, Event 3

Consider CT, may not need it, but used it last year, and could get rid of one of the SGTR CTs. Critical Task:(SS-4600/113/E13.19) Close the Spray Valve within 1 minute to avoid reactor trip. Event 4 (

  • AP/1/A/5500103, AP/1/A/5500/03, LOAD REJECTION
  • AP/1/A/5500104, AP/1/A/5500/04, DOWN POWER RAPID DOWNPOWER Events 5/6


\ PROGRAM: McGuire Operations Training MODULE: Initial License Operator Training Class 25 TOPIC: NRC Simulator Exam Scenario N09-1-1


OP/1/A161 001003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation."

1. OP/1/A/61 OP/1/A63001001A,
2. OP/1 IA6300100 1A, "Turbine-Generator Load Change."
3. OP/1/A/61501009, "Boron Concentration ControL"
4. AP/1/A/5500106, "S/G Feedwater Malfunction."
5. AP/1/A15500/11, AP/1/A/5500/11, "Pressurizer Pressure Anomalies."
6. McGuire Technical Specifications AP/1/A15500103, "Load Rejection."
7. AP/1/A/5500103,
8. AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction."
9. AP/1/A/5500104, "Rapid Downpower."

AP/1/A15500/1 0, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps." 1O. AP/1/A/5500/1 EP/1/A/5000/E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection."

11. EP/1/A15000/E-0,

( 12. EP/1/A15000/E-3, EP/1/A/5000/E-3, "Steam Generator Tube Rupture."

13. RP/01Al57001000, RP/O/A/57001000, "Classification of Emergencies."

Author: David Lazarony, Western Technical Services, Inc. Facility Review: e:6/8~


Rev. 020509 l Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 1 Facility: McGuire Scenario No.: 1 Op Test No.: N09-1 Examiners: Operators: (SRO) (RO) (BOP) Initial Conditions: The Plant is at 75% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction four days ago to complete corrective maintenance on the 1A CF Pump. The maintenance was completed and the pump restarted, and power level raised to the present power level two days ago. The present plan is to observe operation of the 1A 1A CF Pump at this power level, and then raise power to 100% within the next 24 hours. Dispatch has indicated that there have been intermittent voltage swings, and other instabilities, on the electrical grid, and that this is being investigated. It is expected to commence a power increase to 100% power starting at Step 3.21.10 of Enclosure 1 of OP/1/A/61 OP/1/N61 001003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation." It is expected to raise power on the upcoming shift at 2 MWe/Minute. Use of Alternate Dilute during power ascension in accordance with Enclosure 4.4, "Alternate Dilute," of OP/1/A/61501009, OP/1/N61501009, "Boron Concentration Control," has been approved. The RMWST Dissolved Oxygen Concentration is 800 ppb. Turnover: The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1EMF27, SM Line D/lnner Doghouse Radiation Monitor, failed last shift (IAE is investigating) and MCB Annunciator 1AD-8, E-2, "GROUNDWATER HI LEVEL," has alarmed spuriously several times over the last hour (IAE is investigating). ( Event Malf. Event Type* Event No. No. Description 1 NA N-BOP Power Increase R-RO N-SRO XMT 2 I-RO Feed Flow Channel fails low CF018 I-SRO 3 ILEOO1 ILE001 I-BOP NC Master Pressure Controller fails high/PORV Leakage NC012B I(TS)-SRO 4 EP003C C-RO Zone 1B Lockout causing Runback/Stuck Rod IRE010 C-BOP C(TS)-SRO 5 SG001 SGOO1B B M-RO SGTR (B) M-BOP M-SRO XMT 6 NA Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to B SG fails high CA012

       *   (N)ormal,    (R)eactivity,      (I)nstrument,      (C)omponent,       (M)ajor

( Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 1 McGuire 2009 NRC Scenario #1 The Plant is at 75% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction four days ago to complete corrective maintenance on the 1A CF Pump. The maintenance was completed and the pump restarted, and power level raised to the present power level two days ago. The present plan is to observe operation of the 1A CF Pump at this power level, and then raise power to 100% within the next 24 hours. Dispatch has indicated that there have been intermittent voltage swings, and other instabilities, on the electrical grid, and that this is being investigated. It is expected to commence a power increase to 100% power starting at Step OP/11A161 001003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation." It is 3.21.10 of Enclosure 1 of OP/1/A/61 expected to raise power on the upcoming shift at 2 MWe/Minute. Use of Alternate Dilute during power ascension in accordance with Enclosure 4.4, "Alternate Dilute," of OP/1/A/61501009, "Boron Concentration Control," has been approved. The RMWST Dissolved Oxygen Concentration is 800 ppb. The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1EMF27, SM Line D/lnner Doghouse Radiation Monitor, failed last shift (IAE is investigating) and MCB Annunciator 1AD-8, E-2, "GROUNDWATER HI LEVEL," has alarmed spuriously several times over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Shortly after taking the watch, the operator will raise power in accordance with Step 3.21.10 of Enclosure 4.1, "Power Increase," of OP/11A161 OP/1/A/61 001003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operations." The RO will control the Turbine Generator in accordance with Enclosure 4.1, "Turbine-Generator Load Change," of OP/1 IA63001001 A, "Turbine-Generator OP/1/A63001001A, Turbine-Generator Load Change," and the BOP will conduct an NC System Boron dilution in accordance with Enclosure 4.4, ( OP/11A161501009, "Boron Concentration ControL" "Alternate Dilute," of OP/1/A/61501009, Control." During the power increase, the controlling Feed Flow Transmitter (FCF-5060) on the D Steam Generator will fail low, causing a Steam Generator D Feed Flow Mismatch alarm. The operator will respond by implementing AP/11A15500106, AP/1/A/5500106, "S/G Feedwater Malfunction," recognize the failure and select an operating Feed Flow channel. After this, the Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller output will fail high. This will cause the PORV 1NC34A and both spray valves to open, and NC Pressure will start to drop. The AP/11A15500/11, "Pressurizer Pressure Anomalies." operator will respond in accordance with AP/1/A/5500/11, The operator will ultimately close the Block Valve for Pressurizer PORV 1NC34A when it is determined that the valve now leaks by its closed seat. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.4.1, "RCS Pressure, Temperature and Flow Departure From Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits," and 3.4.11, "Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVS)." Ultimately, IAE will correct the problem with the Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller, and it will be placed back in automatic control. Subsequently, a Zone 1B Lockout causes PCB 11 and 12 to open, as well as the 1B Main Generator Breaker to open and the turbine to automatically runback to 56%. The operator will AP/11A15500103, "Load Rejection." During the course of plant stabilization the implement AP/1/A/5500103, operator will notice that one control rod has not moved. The operator will respond in accordance with ARP1AD-2/D10, "RPI Urgent Failure," and after the runback clears, the AP/11A15500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," and respond in accordance operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/14, with Enclosure 2, "Response to Rod Misalignment." During implementation of Enclosure 2, the operator will discover that QPTR is not within Technical Specification limits, and reduce load to AP/11A15500104, Rapid Downpower. less than 50% power using AP/1/A/5500104, Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 1 ( Shortly afterwards, a 260 gpm SGTR will occur on the 18 1B Steam Generator. The operator will enter AP/1 AP/1/A/5500/10,

                  /A/5500/1 0, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both             80th NV Pumps."

Ultimately, the operator will trip the reactor and actuate Safety Injection, and then enter EP/1/A/5000/E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection." The operator will transition to EP/1/A/5000/E-3, "Steam Generator Tube Rupture," and isolate the flow into and out of the 18 1B Steam Generator and then conduct a cooldown of the NC System. The attempt to isolate Auxiliary Feedwater flow into the 8 B Steam generator will be complicated by the failure of the Auxiliary Feed Flow transmitter (FCA-5100) to the B 8 Steam Generator. The scenario will terminate at Step 23.c of E-3, after the crew has closed 1NI-9A and 1NI-1 08. OB. Critical Tasks: E-3A Isolate feedwater flow into and steam flow from the ruptured SG before a transition to ECA-3.1 occurs. Safety Significance: Failure to isolate the ruptured SG causes a loss of t.P between the ruptured SG and the intact SGs. Upon a loss of t.p, t.P, the crew must transition to a contingency procedure that constitutes an incorrect performance that "necessitates the crew taking compensating action which complicates the event mitigation strategy." If the crew fails to isolate steam from the SG, or feed flow into the SG the ruptured SG pressure will tend to decrease to the same pressures as the intact SGs, requiring a transition (, to a contingency procedure, and delaying the stopping of ReS leakage into the SG. E-38

  . Establish/maintain an RCS temperature so that transition from E-3 does not occur because RCS temperature is either too high to maintain minimum required subcooling, or too low causing an Orange path on Subcriticality or Integrity.

Safety Significance: Failure to establish and maintain the correct ReS temperature during a SGTR leads to a transition from E-3 to a contingency procedure which constitutes an incorrect performance that "necessitates the crew taking compensating action which complicates the event mitigation strategy." If the ReS temperature is too high when ReS depressurization is started, a loss of subcooling will occur when the ReS depressurization is started. On the other hand, if ReS temperature is allowed to continue to decrease after the initial cooldown, the operator may be required to transition to the Subcriticality or Integrity response FRP, and delay the ReS depressurization. E-3C Depressurize the RCS to meet SI termination criteria before ruptured SG level reaches 100% Wide Range Level. Safety Significance: Failure to stop the reactor coolant leakage into a ruptured SG by depressurizing the ReS (when it is possible to do so) needlessly complicates the mitigation of the event. It also constitutes a "significant reduction of Safety Margin beyond that irreparably introduced by the scenario. If Res ReS depressurization does NOT occur, the inventory in the secondary side of the ruptured SG will occur ( leading to water release through the SG PORV or Safety Valve, which could cause and unisolable fault in the ruptured SG. 4-

Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 1 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS o Sim. Setup Rod Step On o Reset to Temp IIC Insert MALF-EMF227 =6; EMF-27 Failure 152. Event 6, Insert XMT-CA012, Set =600, Ramp =600 seconds (Connected to P4) o RUN o Update Status Board, NOTE: RMWST DO =800 ppb. Setup OAC Setup ICCM, Turbine Displays, & Trend Recorders. Check Rod Step ( Counters agree with rod positions Check Make-up Control Switch in "ARMED." Ensure DRPI Screen is Re-zeroed. Ensure CF Pump Lovejoy reset. LoveJoy Place orange Work Request Sticker on 1AD-6/E-11 Panel board. o Freeze. o Update Fresh Tech. Spec. Log. o Fill out the NLO's Available section of Shift Turnover Info.

Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 1 Bench Mark :\ ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION* D Prior to Crew RUN Briefing oD Crew Briefing

1. Assign Crew Positions based on evaluation requirements
2. Review the Shift Turnover Information with the crew.
3. Provide Enclosure 4.1 of OP/1/Al61 OP/1/N61 00/003 marked up from 3.21.1 - 3.21.9. Marked up as follows:

Check Box on step 3.21.1 checked. Check Box on step 3.21.2 checked. Step 3.21.3 initialed and Todd St.Claire entered as Person Notified. Step 3.21.4 initialed. Check Box on step 3.21.5 checked. Step initialed and Don Gabriel entered as Person Notified. Step NA and initialed. Step NA and initialed. Check Box on step 3.21.7 checked. Step 3.21.8 NA and initialed. Step 3.21.9 NA and initialed.

4. Provide OP/1/A6300/001, "Turbine-Generator Startup/Shutdown," and OP/1/Al6150/009, OP/1/N6150/009, "Boron

( Concentration Control," with Enclosure 4.4 marked up through Step 3.5.

5. Provide a Reactivity Plan W/Pwr ascension Guidelines.
6. Direct the crew to Review the Control Boards taking note of present conditions, alarms.

0D T-O Begin Familiarization Period At direction of Power Increase 0D examiner At direction of (XMT) CF018 Feed Flow Channel fails low. 0D examiner Set = 0, 60 Second Ramp Trigger #1 oD At direction of examiner (MALF) ILE001 NC Master Pressure Controller fails high/PORV Leakage Set = 1700, 30 second Ramp ILE001 will be deleted during the course of the (MALF) (MAL F) NC012B recovery.


Set = 1 LOA-NC33A=Racked Out, 600 second Delay; on Trigger #15 (PORV Isolation Valve Breaker) ( (OVR) NC088B = ON


Trigger #3 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 1

  • Benieh Mark!.: !,:::::'< .* . . *i>r:~!I'IVII y,....,. . .
                        . . . . . . . y.:>>.: ......

DESCRIPTION 0 At direction of (MALF) EP003C Zone 18 Lockout causing Runback/Stuck Rod examiner (MALF) IRE010M12 Trigger #5 LOA IPP003 =Override, Trigger #7; IPB Fan 0 At direction of (MALF) SG001 B SGTR (8) examiner Set =260 Trigger #9 LOA*SA003 LOA-SA003 =0, Trigger #11; TOCA Pump o0 Continued from Event 6 (XMT) CA012 Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Set =600 Ramp =600 seconds Set up to Trigger on Reactor Trip (Trigger #13) Trigger #13 o0 Terminate the scenario upon direction of Lead Examiner (


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # ....;...__

                                                                             ....:..._ __       __   _ Page Page    8   of _5;;.,;7:"--11

_5_7---11 Event


Power Increase Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Shortly after taking the watch, the operator will raise power in accordance with Step 3.21.10 of Enclosure 4.1, "Power Increase," of OP/1/A161 OP/1/A/61 001003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operations." The RO will control the Turbine Generator in accordance with Enclosure 4.1, "Turbine-Generator Load Change," of OP/1 IA63001001 A, "Turbine-OP/1/A63001001A, Generator Load Change," and the BOP will conduct an NC System Boron dilution in accordance with Enclosure 4.4, "Alternate Dilute," of OP/1/A161501009, OP/1/A/61501009, "Boron Concentration ControL" Control." Booth Operator Instructions: NA Indications Available: NA iil';~~~tne :J:~I;~bS~ /;'1:: EX~~*iji~~:ij**~~t'~~~f~.~.*~~y,i.~'r:.i"!;ii;t

                                                                                       'i' I.;:.::.**

1****. . cc:>~!~~nfs .' :. ':. .*. .*. OP/1/A/61001003, CONTROLLING PROCEDURE FOR UNIT OPERATIONS OP/1/A/6100/003, ENCLOSURE 4.1, POWER INCREASE SRO (Step 3.21.10) Continue power increase to NOTE: The power increase ( 95% RTP." will be at 2 MWe/minute. OP/1/A/6150/009, OP/1/A/61501009, BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL ENCLOSURE 4.4, ALTERNATE DILUTE BOP (Step 3.6) Ensure Boric Acid Flow Counter reset to zero. BOP (Step 3.7) Set Total Make Up Flow Counter to value determined in Step 3.5. (R.M.) BOP (Step 3.8) WHEN Total Make Up Flow Counter cover closed, check counter at desired value. (R.M.) BOP (Step 3.9) Select "ALTERNATE DILUTE" on "NC Sys M/U Controller".

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-0-2 ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # ....;..._

                                                                       -.:... __   ___ ___ Page        9 9     ....;...57....;...~1 of "';"~-II 57

( Event


Power Increase Time Position ~ Applicant's Actions or Behavior

          "<"<<;"'" I',

Time Pos .. il i'i .... iJ:xi~ected Actions/Behavior Comments BOP (Step 3.10) If desired to makeup only through 1NV-175A (BA Blender to VCT Outlet), select CLOSED on 1NV-171A (BA Blender to VCT Inlet). BOP (Step 3.11) IF desired to adjust reactor makeup water flow using the "BA Blend Discharge Cntrl" potentiometer, adjust "BA Blend Discharge Cntrl" potentiometer setpoint to achieve desired flowrate. BOP (Step 3.12) If desired to manually adjust reactor makeup water flow, perform the following:

                         **     Place "BA Blend Disch Cntrl" in manual.
                          **    Adjust "BA Blend Disch Cntrl" output to

( control reactor makeup water flowrate. BOP (Step 3.13) IF required to lower VCT level. leveL... ... NOTE: It is NOT required to lower VCT level. BOP (Step 3.14) IF plant parameters require termination of dilution, place "NC System Makeup" to "STOP". (R.M.) BOP (Step 3.15) Momentarily select "START" on "NC System Make Up". (R.M.) BOP (Step 3.16) Check "NC System Make Up" red light lit. BOP (Step 3.17) Check 1NV-175A (BA Blender To VCT Outlet) open. BOP (Step 3.18) Check 1NV-252A (Rx M/U Water To Blender control) open or throttled as ( required.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                             --:...                  10 of 10      57 of _5;;;.,;7_-11
                                                                                           -';";--11 Event


Power Increase Time III Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP (Step 3.19) IF 1NV-171A (BA Blender To VCT Inlet) in "AUTO", check 1 NV-171A (BA 1NV-171A Blender To VCT Inlet) open. BOP (Step 3.20) Check Rx M/U Water Pump starts. BOP (Step 3.21) Monitor Total Make Up Flow Counter. (R.M.) BOP (Step 3.22) Do NOT continue until one of the following occurs:

  • Amount of reactor makeup water recorded per Step 3.5 added

( OR

  • Reactor makeup water addition manually terminated BOP (Step 3.23) Ensure dilution terminated as follows: (R.M.)
  • IF in "AUTO", ensure the following off:
  • 1A Rx M/U Water Pump 1A
  • 1B Rx M/U Water Pump
  • Ensure the following closed:
  • 1NV-175A (BA Blender To VCT Outlet)
  • 1NV-252A (RX M/U Water To Blender Control)
  • 1NV-171A 1 NV-171A (BA Blender To VCT Inlet)

BOP (Step 3.24) Ensure 1 1NV-171A NV-171A (BA Blender to VCT Inlet) in "AUTO".

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # __

                                                                 ~   __   ___ __ _ Page        11 of       57
                                                                                                         -';";'--11 Event


Power Increase Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos.  ;' ;.)~*~~'($t~,~ ActionS/Be~~y:I~",. ,>'. C()~*rtn~~ts . .*. BOP (Step 3.25) Ensure "BA Blend Disch Ctrl" in "AUTO". (R.M.) BOP (Step 3.26) Ensure "BA Blend Disch Cntrl" potentiometer set at 5.6 (90 gpm). (R.M.) BOP (Step 3.27) Ensure 1NV-137A (NC Filters Otlt 3-Way Control) in "AUTO". BOP (Step 3.28) IF desired to flush blender" NOTE: It is NOT desired to flush the blender. BOP (Step 3.29) Select "AUTO" for "NC Sys M/U Controller" . ( BOP (Step 3.30) Momentarily select "START" on "NC System Make Up". BOP (Step 3.31) Check "NC System Make Up" red light lit. BOP (Step 3.32) Ensure the following reset to zero:

                      **    Total Make Up Flow Counter
  • Boric Acid Flow Counter BOP (Step 3.33) Record in Auto Log that final blender content is Rx Makeup Water.


Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # ......;...

                                                                  .....;..._ _ _ _ _ Page     12 of _5;;..;7_~1

_5;;;,.;7_-11 Event


Power Increase Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • IF Turbine in "OPERATOR AUTO",

perform the following:

  • Ensure desired change within "Calculated Capability Curve".
  • IF turbine load will increase or decrease more than 10 MWs, notify Dispatcher of expected load change.
  • Depress "LOAD RATE".
  • Enter desired load rate in NOTE: the RO will select 2 "VARIABLE DISPLAY". MWe/Min loading rate.
  • Depress "ENTER".
  • Depress "REFERENCE".
  • Enter desired load in "VARIABLE DISPLAY".
  • Depress "ENTER".


  • Depress "GO" Check load changes at selected rate.

After 15-25 Mwe increase, OR at the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #2. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09*1 Scenario # Event # _2_ _

                                                                                                  ...;2~ __ __ __ _    Page Page    13        _5,;;..;7_-11 of _5:;.;7_-41 Event


Feed Flow Channel fails low Time II Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior During the power increase, the controlling Feed Flow Transmitter (FCF-5060) on the D Steam Generator will fail low, causing a Steam Generator D Feed Flow Mismatch alarm. The operator will respond by implementing AP/11A15500106, AP/1/AJ5500/06, "S/G Feedwater Malfunction," recognize the failure and select selectan an operating Feed Flow channel. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #1 (XMT -CF018 (0% - 60 second ramp>> ramp)) Indications Available:

  • Annunciator 1AD-4/A4, "S/G D Flow Mismatch Lo Stm Flow."
  • Annunciator 1AD-4/B4, "S/G D Level Deviation."
  • Annunciator 1AD-4/C4, "S/G D Flow Mismatch Lo CF Flow."
  • D CF flow decreases.
  • D NR Level decreases.
                .P":J:" ;i.:i.>E'~~e:~ltijd)'ijhavior Tilfi~i';\! '. Pd~ri<<"   *Ii.'iili.""'ii,.~I" Comments*'*;*
                     ' "', I
                                      '!,','Ik: :\,,'/, .'/ 'i'> ':;>"), ',':    ',<   ,<</r              ".                           I.

( AP/1/A15500106, S/G FEEDWATER MALFUNCTION AP/1/A/5500/06, NOTE: Crew will carry out Immediate Actions of AP6, prior to the SRO addressing the AP. RO (Step 1) IF CF control valve OR bypass valve has failed, THEN perform the following:

                              **   Place affected valve in manual.
                              **   Restore S/G level to program.

RO (Step 2) IF CF pump speed control has NOTE: The CF pump speed failed ... control has NOT failed. RO (Step 3) On each S/G, check the following NOTE: Channel ChannellI Feed Flow channels -INDICATING the SAME: has failed low on D SG.

                             **    Feed Feed flow       flow RO            (Step 3 RNO) Select an operable channel on                                    NOTE: operator will select the affected S/G(s).                                                            Channel IIlion on Steam Flow, Feed Flow and NR level.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-0-2 ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 2

                                                                                   .....;2==--_     _ _ _ Page                               14     of _5_7---i1 57
                                                                                                                                                       ---II Event


Feed Flow Channel fails low Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                              ;! ! .;';i'fT! ,~~Y{i~"}:)'!;.i!r i *.\,:ii:'.r;: .IJ~~;':i::!:!ii!ii:i);i;:!:+ii:n!'i~(ii077!i~               *i.
                                                                                                    "',:!i:ii!:: ',' ,\!"!""                   ~.,.

Time 'I' Ii., i: ':','1,\, ,"1'1

                                              ! '." .'.", '~~II"YIQ(
                                                                                                                                  ,II," ,

i .i ! i. ! 'i .i .:!i!!!\;.\qrJlnn:::lIl5 RO (Step 4) Check unit status as follows:

                     **     Reactor trip breakers - CLOSED
                      **    Pzr pressure - GREATER THAN P-11 (1955 PSIG).

RO (Step 5) IF AT ANY TIME S/G NR level NOTE: This is a Continuous approaches 17% OR 83%, THEN perform Action. The SRO will make the following: both board operators aware.

                     **     Trip reactor.
                      **    GO TO EP/1/A/5000/E-0 EP/1/N5000/E-O (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).

SRO (Step 6) Announce occurrence on page. NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. ( If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 7) Check reactor power - GREATER THAN 3%. RO (Step 8) Check CM/CF - PRESENTLY FEEDING FEEDI NG S/Gs. RO (Step 9) Check S/G levels - STABLE OR NOTE: By this time NR level TRENDING TO PROGRAM LEVEL. should be at or trending to programmed level. RO (Step 10) Check NC temperatures as follows:

                       **   IF any NC pump on, THEN check NC                                          NOTE: NC Tavg should be T-Avg - STABLE OR TRENDING TO                                             stable.

DESIRED TEMPERATURE. RO (Step 11) Check all S/G CF control valves - NOTE: 1D CF Control Valve IN AUTO. will be in MANUAL.

Appendix 0 D Operator Action Form ES-D-2ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _2_ _ _ _ _ Page 15 of 57

                                                                                                                                                 -';";--11 Event


Feed Flow Channel fails low Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 ~~;i1i~ ::::::::;!~~'~i~I~":::;:;' ,.:;,j';:i.',:~'c:i;i::,iEjttrp&~t~d Actions/BeM~~ior
                                                                                                         i.t ..          Conil11'~'Nt~"         '.' .i (Step 11 RNO) WHEN the following conditions met, THEN place affected CF control valve in automatic:
                                        **       Automatic control - DESIRED
                                        **       Affected S/G level(     level(s) s) - AT PROGRAM                    NOTE: operator will place 1D LEVEL                                                            CF Control Valve back in AUTO.
                                       **        Selected control channels -INDICATE   - INDICATE CORRECTL Y ON CHART RECORDER:


  • Feed flow
                                                **         Steam flow
                                               **          S/G level RO                     (Step 12) Check all S/G CF control bypass valves -IN       - IN MANUAL AND FULL OPEN.

RO (Step 13) Check both CF pumps -IN AUTO. RO (Step 14) Check all CA pumps - OFF. NOTE: The SRO may check TS, however, there are NO associated TS with this failure. NOTE: SRO may call WCCIIAE WCC/IAE to address the failure. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. NOTE: SRO will likely conduct a Focus Brief. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 2 _ _ _ _ Page _2~ 16 of _5;..;7_-11 _5;;..;7_---l1 Event


Feed Flow Channel fails low Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                              ,    \,h!H' cgmments NOTE: This failure renders the Thermal Power Best Estimate inaccurate. The crew will need to use NIS and/or NC System l::.
                                                                        !::J. T to determine Reactor Power.

NOTE: after the Focus Brief, it is likely that the crew will resume the power increase. At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #3. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 1 Event # ....;;.,3

                                                                  -=-3_     _____ ___ Page        17  of  57 Event


NC Master Pressure Controller fails high/PORV Leakage Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior After this, the Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller output will fail high. This will cause the PORV 1NC34A and both spray valves to open, and NC Pressure will start to drop. The operator will respond in accordance with AP/1 AP/1/A/5500/11,

                                                                          /A/5500/11, "Pressurizer Pressure Anomalies." The operator will ultimately close the Block Valve for Pressurizer PORV 1NC34A when it is determined that the valve now leaks by its closed seat. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.4.1, "RCS Pressure, Temperature and Flow Departure From Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits," and 3.4.11, "Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVS)." Ultimately, IAE will correct the problem with the Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller, and it will be placed back in automatic control.

Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #3 {MALF-ILE001 (1700, 30 second (MALF-ILE001 (1700,30 ramp); MALF-NC012B (1%), OVR-NC088B (ON>> (ON)) Indications Available:

  • 1AD-6/A-5, "Pzr Hi Press Dev ControL"
  • 1AD-6/A-6, "Pzr Lo Press PORV NC34 Blocked."
  • 1AD-6/B-6, "Pzr Lo Press PORV NC32 & 36 Blocked."
  • 1AD-6/A-9, "Pzr Safety Discharge Hi Temp."
  • 1AD-6/B-9, "Pzr PORV Discharge Hi Temp."
  • 1AD-6/C-12, "PORV NC-34 Actuated."


  • 1AD-6/F-5, "1 NC1, 2 or 3 Flo Detected."
  • NC Pressure drops to 2216 psig (TS value).
  • Dual position indication on 1NC-34A.
  ***Time. :*;"i!Pos. I::r:i    Exp~~ted*.Action~/Bi~haVjor                      .        CorntnEmts NOTE: If the power increase has been restarted, the CRSRO will go to HOLD on the Turbine.

AP/1/A/5500/11, PRESSURIZER PRESSURE ANOMALIES AP/1/A15500/11, BOP (Step 1) Check actual Pzr pressure - HAS NOTE: Crew will carry out GONE DOWN. Immediate Actions of AP11, prior to the SRO addressing the AP. BOP (Step 2) Check all Pzr pressure channels - INDICATING THE SAME. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # ~3 3 _________ Page Page 18 of 57




NC Master Pressure Controller fails high/PORV Leakage Time III Position "II Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP (Step 3) Check Pzr PORVs - CLOSED. NOTE: Pzr PORV 1NC-34A has opened and NOT fully closed. BOP (Step 3 RNO) Perform the following:

  • Close PORVs. NOTE: 1NC-34A will continue to display dual position indication.
  • IF PORV will not close, THEN close NOTE: The operator will close PORV isolation valve. the 1NC-34A PORV isolation valve (1 NC-33A).

BOP (Step 4) Check Pzr spray valves - CLOSED. NOTE: depending on event timing, the Pzr Spray mayor may NOT be closed. If they are move to Step 5. ( BOP (Step 4 RNO) Perform the following:

                      **     Close Pzr spray valve(s).
                      **     IF AT ANY TIME a reactor trip occurs          NOTE: This is a Continuous AND spray valve still open, THEN stop         Action. The SRO will make 1A and 1B NC pumps.                           both board operators aware.

BOP (Step 5) Check Pzr PORVs - CLOSED. (Step 5 RNO) Perform the following:

                      **     IF associated PORV isolation valve will       NOTE: The PORV Isolation not close AND pressure going down             valve will close.

rapidly, THEN ......

                       **    Close associated PORV inlet drain valve as follows:
                        **   IF 1NC-34A (pzr PORV) failed, THEN close 1NC-270 (pzr PORV Drn Isol For 1NC-34A)

( BOP (Step 6) Check Pzr spray valves - CLOSED.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _3~________ 3 Page 19 of 57

                                                                                                                                                                                           -';';--11 Event


NC Master Pressure Controller fails highfPORV high/PORV Leakage Time I Position II Applicant's A licant's Actions or Behavior Time****. * *:~f0,;'):,;ii* i~~?~i.i

                                   . . i: .iii . i*eX1i~e*~I';li'~lli~*n~iB
                                                 < ,'i;': ':" ,<:1," IdA / ,)\' ,'1" ::" />,<
                                                                                               'i ,'k'" '),"/,' "':::;//<<
                                                                                                                            ... :'i::::::,,::;;<;;: :;::::::;;1):;::',:,
                                                                                                                                                                            .. i .'
                                                                                                                                                                         "'Comments     ".          /

SRO (Step 7) GO TO Step 9. SRO (Step 9) Announce occurrence on page. NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. BOP (Step 10) Check 1NV-21A (NV Spray To PZR Isol) - CLOSED. BOP (Step 11) Check the following Pzr heaters - ON:

                              **             1A 1A

( ** 1B 1B

                               **            1D 1D BOP             (Step 11 RNO) IF NC pressure below desired pressure, THEN:
                                **           Place Pzr heater mode select switches in manual.
                                **           Turn on heaters as necessary to control pressure.

BOP (Step 12) Check 1C Pzr heaters - ON. BOP (Step 12 RNO) IF NC pressure below desired pressure, THEN:

                                 **          Place "PZR PRESS MASTER" in manual.
                                  **         Control pressure.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _3~_ _ _ _ Page 20 of _5;.,;7_-11 _5;;.,;7_-11 Event


NC Master Pressure Controller fails high/PORV Leakage Time JI Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

          **!Rd~:.**!*:                                                                                          ..<
                                  !:::>';e~~~~i~~ ActionslBeij~*,br iim~'
1', I:tommen'ts
                 \1:",)" <,      ,', ,',   ,'\' '\ ,:'          "               *    '.'      .1' ',,!' . 1",,:- .... I,.
                            **   WHEN Pzr pressure returns to normal               NOTE: This is a Continuous AND automatic Pzr pressure control                Action. The SRO will make desired, THEN place "PZR PRESS                   both board operators aware; MASTER" in auto.                                 and will be used when the failure is corrected by IAE.

BOP (Step 13) Check Pzr pressure - GOING UP TO DESIRED PRESSURE. BOP (Step 14) Check "1 NC-27 PRESSURIZER SPRAY EMERGENCY CLOSE" switch-SELECTED TO "NORMAL". SRO (Step 14 RNO) Notify station management to NOTE: SRO may call ensure switch restored to "NORMAL" once WCC/IAE to address the spray valve is repaired. switch position. ( If so, Booth Instructor \. acknowledge as WCC. BOP (Step 15) Check "1 NC-29 PRESSURIZER SPRAY EMERGENCY CLOSE" switch- switch - SELECTED TO "NORMAL". SRO (Step 15 RNO) Notify station management to NOTE: SRO may call ensure switch restored to "NORMAL" once WCCIIAE WCC/IAE to address the spray valve is repaired. switch position. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. SRO (Step 16) GO TO Step 24. BOP (Step 24) Ensure Pzr Press Rec Select is on NOTE: SRO will likely conduct operable channel. a Focus Brief. (

Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09*1 Scenario # Event # 3 Page 21 of 57

                                                                                                 ---'--..,1 Event


NC Master Pressure Controller fails high/PORV Leakage Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: Delete ILEOO1 Within 5 minutes, as WCC report that IAE discovers a blown fuse in the Pzr Master Controller circuitry, which has been replaced, and that IAE recommends that the Pzr Master Pressure Controller be placed back in AUTO. As Station Management, report that Pzr Spray Valve Switches can be returned to NORMAL when system response is satisfactory. SRO Return to Continuous Action of Step 12 RNO. ( BOP (Step 12 RNO) IF NC pressure below desired pressure, THEN:

  • Place "PZR PRESS MASTER" in manual.
  • Control pressure.
  • WHEN Pzr pressure returns to normal NOTE: The BOP will:

AND automatic Pzr pressure control Manually adjust Spray Valve desired, THEN place "PZR PRESS Controllers to 0 demand MASTER" in auto. Place the Spray Valve Controllers to AUTO Place the Master Pressure Controller to about 50% output. Place the Master Pressure Controller to AUTO. Place the Emergency Close Switch for the Spray Valves to NORMAL. Control Pzr Heaters as ( needed.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-0-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _3_ _ _ _ _ Page _3;;....____ Page 22

                                                                                                             --...,1 57 of _5;.;7_-i1 Event


NC Master Pressure Controller fails high/PORV Leakage Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior NOTE: SRO will likely conduct a Focus Brief. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.4.1, RCS PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE, AND FLOW DEPARTURE FROM NUCLEATE BOILING (DNB) LIMITS SRO 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow NOTE: NC System Pressure Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) "'2150 psig on the drops to ""2150 Limits. failure, and TS 3.4.1 was entered and exited during the transient. SRO LCO 3.4.1 RCS DNB parameters for pressurizer pressure, RCS average temperature, and RCS total flow rate shall be within the limits specified in Table 3.4.1-1. ( SRO APPLICABILITY: MODE 1. SRO ACTIONS SRO CONDITION REQUIRED COMPLETION ACTION TIME A. Pressurizer A.1 Restore DNB 2 hours pressure or parameter(s) RCS average to within limit. temperature DNB parameters not within limits. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.4.11, PRESSURIZER POWER OPERATED RELIEF VALVES (PORVS) SRO 3.4.11 Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVs)

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Scenario # Op Test No.: N09-1 Event # _3~_________ __3__________ Page 23 of

                                                                                                        --...,1 57
                                                                                                        ---il Event


NC Master Pressure Controller fails high/PORV Leakage Time II Position I[I Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO LCO 3.4.11 Each PORV and associated block valve shall be OPERABLE. SRO APPLICABILITY: MODE 1, 2, and 3. SRO ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED COMPLETION NOTE: The operator ACTION TIME determines that LCO 3.4.11 is B. One or two B.1 Close 1 hour NOT met, and that condition B PORVs associated must be applied. inoperable block and not valves capable of being AND manually B.2 Remove cycled. 1 hour power from associated block valves ( AND B.3 Restore 72 hours one PORV to OPERABLE status if two PORVs are inoperable. NOTE: SRO may call WCC to address the Pzr PORV Isolation Valve Breaker position. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. Operate Trigger #15:


LOA-NC33A = Racked Out, LOA-Ne33A 600 second Delay. As NLO, report action when complete. At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #4. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Scenario # Op Test No.: N09-1 Event # _4..;...-_ 4 _ _ _ Page 24 of 57 Event


1B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck Zone 18 RunbackiStuck Rod Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Subsequently, a Zone 1B Lockout causes PCB 11 and 12 to open, as well as the 1B Main Generator Breaker to open and the turbine to automatically runback run back to 56%. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/03, "Load Rejection." During the course of plant stabilization the operator will notice that one control rod has not moved. The operator will respond in accordance with ARP1AD-21D10, "RPI Urgent Failure," and after the run back clears, the operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," runback and respond in accordance with Enclosure 2, "Response to Rod Misalignment." During implementation of Enclosure 2, the operator will discover that QPTR is not within Technical Specification limits, and reduce load to less than 50% power using AP/1/A/5500/04, Rapid Downpower. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #5 (MALF-EP003C and MALF-IRE010M12) Indications Available:

  • MWe decreases.
  • Control Rods move inward in automatic.
  • DRPI for control rod M12 indicates that the rod is stuck.


                         ,c                                                        "ccccc< cCorrlcrrlents .c c c c cC TIme      Po~~   i cC';' * "i .E~#~~~~~ cAe~i~~stl3~ha\rlb'rc,'d>':'::: cc c         >c\:c'" <, cC:'C'U' "'cO;;;:

AP/1/A/5500/03, LOAD REJECTION RO (Step 1) Ensure control rods in auto. RO (Step 2) Check Turbine Generator response as follows:

                       **      Check Generator - TIED TO GRID.
                       **      Check Generator output - GOING DOWN AS REQUIRED.

RO (Step 3) Check control rod response as follows:

                       **      Check control banks - MOVING IN AS REQUIRED.

RO ** Check all rods - ALIGNED WITH NOTE: At this point Control ASSOCIATED BANK. Rod M12 is misaligned.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _4~________ Page 25 of 57 Event


Zone 1B Lockout causing RunbackiStuck RunbacklStuck Rod Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Expect~~~~/8ehaviQr ". .  :"',>:'" '*.bO;:' Time Pos; -< i\'>i;<: ':'ii'

                                                                             >1/':" ,: ::::/',':}
                                                                                                  'i.<Q~mments           ."..
                                                                                                      ; ,I" NOTE: The operator may recognize the Stuck Rod, but WILL continue with the rod insertion.

(Step 3b RNO) IF 2 or more control rods are NOTE: This is a Continuous misaligned greater than 24 steps, THEN Action. The SRO will make perform the following: both board operators aware.

                      **    Trip Reactor.
                      **    GO TO EP/1/N5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).

BOP (Step 4) Check CM system response as follows:

  • Standby Hotwell and Condensate

( Booster pumps - RUNNING.

                      **    1CM-420 (Unit 1 Generator Load Rejection Bypass control) - OPEN.

RO (Step 5) IF 50% runback, run back, THEN ensure NOTE: The runback will turbine impulse pressure going down to less terminate ==56%. ""56%. than 410 PSIG. SRO (Step 6) Announce: "UNIT 1 LOAD NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO REJECTION, NON-ESSENTIAL to make Plant Announcement. PERSONNEL STAY OUT OF UNIT 1 If so, Floor Instructor TURBINE BLDG". acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 7) Check P/R meters - LESS THAN 20%. SRO I (Step 7 RNO) Perform the following: RO

                       **   Designate an operator to continuously monitor reactor power.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _4~________ 4 Page 26 of 57 ( Event


Zone 1 B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck Rod Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                 <:'        , ' ,:';,: :", ',"';;:,':":,;',,: ':"f::i:',' "'!\<':I):,,5>::                         "I>ii i'>>V.i.i,*"I./'i ,i ;.,ii,
 ~p()g:;Hi. iExpected;:~~tiO'~~~B~havior:!i \:\ti!i~i
                                 '"',,,," ",   ,,,~1 !'::,:':,," '/ ",                                                                             ':1 11;0 ,


         "               ,'>I                '                           )'-',',:i':,', ,,"   ,!,i',I' , ,I','",',                       "      "     '" "I"                        /,:;::,;,1"\:::,,':,,,,,: ",'
  • IF AT ANY TIME reactor power is less NOTE: This is a Continuous than 20%, THEN perform Step 8 to Action. The SROwili SRO will stabilize reactor power. designate the RO to observe this action.


  • GO TO Step 9.

RO (Step 9) Check condenser dump valves - MODULATING OPEN. BOP (Step 10) Check "IPB AIR FLOW TROUBLE" alarm (1AD-11, J-5) - DARK. RO (Step 10 RNO) within 15 minutes of lockout initiation, restore 1PB cooling as follows:

  • IF "MAIN GENERATOR" less than NOTE: The Main Generator is 10,000 amps, THEN ........ NOT < 10,000 amps.


  • Dispatch operator to check the following NOTE: The SRO will dispatch areas for signs of fire and notify Control an NLO.

Room of results within 5 minutes:

  • 1A Main Step Up Transformer
  • 1B Main Step Up Transformer
  • Unit 1 IPB Fan Enclosure area.


  • Record approximate time lockout occurred.


  • Do not continue until operator has been Booth Instructor:

given sufficient time (approximately 5 Within 3 minutes, as NLO minutes) to complete fire inspection. report that there does NOT appear to be a fire around the transformers or IPB Fan area. SRO

  • IF IF operator confirms no fire has NOTE: The SRO will dispatch occurred, THEN dispatch operator to an NLO.

perform the following at the Unit 1 "IPB ALARM PANEL":

  • Depress "LOCKOUT OVERRIDE" on the fan in "MAN".

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Scenario # Op Test No.: N09-1 Event #

                                                                                                                                                    ------4 4
                                                                                                                                                    --'------                                                Page Page   27     of  57 Event


Zone 18 1B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck Rod Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                     ,i:/;::;'               ,'::'>

Time ;"i"~,~i~,.",, " ,<,' ' '" .' 'i:;<, i,,:', <I' :":", /"'<"/';1:"//:::,, :\\ :,:,;':'",'::-;',',:\'/', <,1' II"':, /,:,'"

                                                                                                                                                                                            " , ,.,'1        ">'<'>"'>
,'; "I' 1<' .Expectit;J'J\cti~nsllBe"'avid~'
                                                        ,:'",<, \ , ,;,":' "',:::::(',,,,: i;':<,,';,::,; >,.:,,,: ,::;,) ,"': ,,: ,,', ::' ,: :""" ?,,":'::::):"~!,:;:i!::l'::!,::>:' "!:"';:'.. ".'1'.'1,1. " " " . "  ./,


                                  **     IF IPB fan in "MAN cannot be                                                                                                                    Booth Instructor:

started, THEN depress "LOCKOUT Operate Trigger #7 (LOA-OVERRIDE" on the fan in "AUTO". IPP003 (Override). Within 3 minutes, as NLO report that the 1 1AA IPB Fan is running in Manual.

                           **      IF neither IPB fan can be started, .....                                                                                                              NOTE: The 1A IPB Fan is running.

BOP (Step 11) Check Pzr pressure control response as follows:

                           **      Ensure Pzr heaters are in auto.
                          **       Ensure Pzr spray control valves are in auto.
                           **      Check Pzr PORVs - CLOSED.

( BOP (Step 11.c RNO) WHEN Pzr pressure is less than 2315 PSIG, THEN perform the following:

                            **     Ensure Pzr PORVs are closed.                                                                                                                          NOTE: 1NC-34A has previously failed to fully close.
                            **     IF any PORV cannot be closed, THEN close its isolation and inlet drain valve as follows:

IF 1NC-34A (PZR PORV failed, THEN close NOTE: These valves have the following: been previously closed.

                            **     1NC-33A (PZR PORV Isol).
                            **     1NC-270 (PZR PORV Drn Isol For 1NC-34A).

BOP ** (Step 11 d) Check Pzr spray control valves - CLOSED. RO (Step 12) Check load rejection - DUE TO LOSS OF CF PUMP. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _4~ _4..:...-_ ____ Page 28 of 57 Event


Zone 1B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck Rod Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Expected Actiq~sl~~'~!~~i!!r' . . * * *.*!...... TiThe Pos. I:.,'.',' ".!." Comments SRO (Step 12 RNO) GO To Step 15. RO (Step 15) Check turbine impulse pressure - LESS THAN 260 PSIG. RO (Step 15 RNO) Perform the following:

                     **     IF AT ANY TIME turbine impulse                         NOTE: This is a Continuous pressure drops to less than 260 PSIG,                  Action. The SRO will make THEN GO TO Step 16.                                    both board operators aware.

SRO ** GO TO Step 19. ROJ RO/ (Step 19) Check Main Generator as follows: BOP

  • Check Generator Breakers - EITHER GENERATOR BREAKER CLOSED.


  • Check Generator - TIED TO GRID.
  • Check generator power factor - 0.9 TO 1.0 LAGGING.


  • GO TO Step 20.

SRO (Step 20) REFER TO RP/0/A/5700/000 RPJOJN5700JOOO NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to (Classification of Emergency). address. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as OSM. RO (Step 21) WHEN transient is over, THEN NOTE: The SRO may decide perform the following: to implement AP-14 at any time when the plant is stable. When AP-14 is implemented, skip to page 32 of the script.

                      **    Check reactor power- GREATER THAN 40%.
                       **   Check S/GSJG "CF FLOW" - LESS THAN 15%.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _4~ _ _ _ _ Page _4~________ Page 29 29 of 57 Event


Zone 181B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck RunbackiStuck Rod . Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  !:Time . Poi:"") ">d!:Yi!i)Ii)ii!+::;!E!~t~ij~{~d"jA~iio~sjBehavior Comments RO       (Step 21.b RNO) Perform the following:
  • IF AT ANY TIME CF flow will be NOTE: This is a Continuous maintained less than 15%, THEN Action. The SRO will make RETURN TO Step 21.c to swap CF flow both board operators aware.

S/G CF Bypass control valves. to SIG SRO

  • GO TO Step 21.g.

RO * (Step 21.g) Check either CF pump - RUNNING IN AUTO. BOP

  • Slowly throttle closed 1CM-420 (Unit 1 Generator Load Rejection Bypass Control) while monitoring Condensate Booster pump suction pressure.


  • WHEN 1CM-420 is closed, THEN check load rejection signal reset (OAC turn on code "CM").


  • Reposition manual loader for 1CM-420 to 100% open.


  • IIF F thermal power is greater than 15%

THEN within 4 hours of reaching stable conditions, ensure each power range channel is within 2% of heat balance. RO

  • Check T-avg - GREATER THAN 561°F.


  • Check "CONTROL ROD BANK LO LO LIMIT" alarm (1AD-2, B-9) - DARK.

ROI RO/ * (Step 21.n) Check "CONTROL ROD BOP BANK LO LIMIT" alarm (1AD-2, A-9)- A-9) - DARK. RO (Step 22) Check load rejection - DUE TO LOSS OF CF PUMP. SRO (Step 22 RNO) Go To Step 24. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # ____ _4~________ _4~ Page Page 30 30 of 57 Event


Zone 1 18 B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck Rod Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

               , os,,
 !."Firrl'e . ;~'"
  • Ex~J~t~'Cifi,i:A6tions/8ehavior
                                      ,"  "';"; '" ~I'! ",,:"i" ,',                                  "
                                                                                                         ,'<>i,'I,'"   "'.

BOP (Step 24) Shutdown unnecessary running NOTE: The SRO may decide plant equipment as follows: to implement AP-14 at this time when the plant is stable. When AP-14 is implemented, skip to page 32 of the script.

                         **   Condensate Booster pumps and place in auto.
                         **   Hotwell pumps and place in auto.
                         **   IF desired to secure, ....... HOPs.        HDPs.               NOTE: It is NOT desired to secure the HOPs.

SRO (Step 25) IF power change greater than 15% NOTE: SRO may contact in one hour, THEN notify Primary Chemistry Chemistry. to perform required Tech Spec sampling. If so, Booth Instructor: acknowledge as Chemistry. ( RO (Step 26) WHEN condenser dump valves closed AND no longer required for temperature control, THEN reset C-7A using "STEAM DUMP SELECT" switch. BOP (Step 27) Check the following PCBs - Booth Instructor: as CLOSED: Dispatch call and indicate that PCBs will NOT be closed within the hour.

                         **   PCB-8
                        **    PCB-9
                        **    PCB-11
  • PCB-12 BOP (Step 27 RNa)

RNO) Perform the following:

                         **   IF AT ANY TIME the switchyard PCBs                             NOTE: This is a Continuous are open for greater than one hour AND                         Action. The SRO will make the 230 KV switchyard is energized,                             both board operators aware.

THEN evaluate opening the following MODs to prevent damaging switchyard PCBs:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 4 Page 31 of 57 Event


Zone 1B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck Rod Time Position A licant's Actions or Behavior Tirii~i:1i:'l:


C"<,:)r:;:r~;:j:!:!/\" ActlQm;/Behavlor i , *

                                                                                                         ** . CB*~rii~d:~:ilk!.i*it:*.:i
                                **   IF PCB-11 is open, THEN open MOD-11R and MOD-11Y.
                                **   IF PCB-12 is open, THEN open MOD-12R and MOD-12Y.
                        **       IF AT ANY TIME busline PCBs OR                                  NOTE: This is a Continuous MODs will not operate from the Control                          Action. The SRO will make Room, THEN perform the following:                               both board operators aware.
  • Dispatch switch switchyard yard coordinator to operate affected PCBs and MODs (875-5680 or beeper 778-6633 or Toddville TCC can contact).
                               **    IF Switchyard personnel unavailable, THEN dispatch operator to operate affected busline PCBs and MODs from Switch yard Relay House PER OP/1/N63001001
                         **      IF AT ANY TIME MODs are reclosed,                               NOTE: This is a Continuous Action. The SRO will make

( THEN ensure associated PCB is reclosed within one hour or reopen both board operators aware. associated MODs. ROII RO (Step 28) Check Generator Breakers - BOP EITHER GENERATOR BREAKER CLOSED. ROII RO (Step 29) Check Generator - TIED TO BOP GRID. ROII RO (Step 30) Check both bus lines - TIED TO BOP GRID. ROII RO (Step 30 RNO) Perform the following: BOP

                          **     REFER TO Tech Spec 3.8.1 (AC Sources - Operating).
  • Notify Toddville Transmission Control Center (TCC) to use single busline values to calculate RTCA (Real Time Contingency Analysis) for McGuire Unit

( 1, using one of the following:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _4~________ 4 Page 32 of 57 Event


Zone 18 1 B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck Rod Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior l'i,:':,";;<~ht~a'~ctionS/Behavior ~otrl~i~:~t~ .'..:'


Time *Pos~  :::.":"'1,),',1")/>,,:,':,:,,',,,,,,;;

                                          **    Ring down phone on Unit 2 condensate board.
  • IF AT ANY TIME busline PCBs are open NOTE: This is a Continuous AND their associated MODs will be Action. The SRO will make closed for greater than one hour, THEN both board operators aware.

ensure continuous actions of Step 27 are met.

  • WHEN busline available, THEN tie to NOTE: This is a Continuous grid. Action. The SRO will make both board operators aware.

RO (Step 31) Check both Generator Breakers-Breakers - CLOSED. RO (Step 31 RNO) When Busline energized ..... NOTE: Busline is NOT energized ( SRO (Step 32) GO TO Step 34. ROJI RO (Step 34) Perform any required actions of BOP OP/1/N61 OPJ1JN6100J003001003 (Controlling Procedure For Unit Operation), Enclosure 4.2 (Power Reduction). ROJI RO (Step 35) WHEN reason for runback has NOTE: It is expected that BOP been determined, THEN unit may be loaded once the SRO completes or shutdown PER OPI11/N61 001003 OPJJ1JN6100JOO3 AP03, AP14 will be entered (Controlling Procedure For Unit Operation). (ContrOlling based on the entry conditions of a misaligned rod existing. AP/1/A/5500/14, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION RO (Step 1) IF more than one rod dropped, NOTE: There are NO dropped THEN perform the following: rods.

                                    **     Trip reactor.
                                    **              EPJ1JN5000JE-O (Reactor Trip or GO TO EP/1/N5000/E-0

( Safety Injection).

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _4~ _ _ _ _ Page _4..;...-_ _ _ _ 33 of 57 ( Event


Zone 1B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck RunbackiStuck Rod Time II Position II A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's h.*****~~mi~;,ii( * ;:i:ijQ~:'iiiii::i ':!i ~;. r'IOns*

                                                                             . ::>-:<<\/>\n;;;,


                                                                                     .  *i*'                  ,',::           .ComJ1fleni~'

i:I""/',>8;::,,,' "'1>/',1

                                                                                                                                                              ~< : I!:i!I'I;'~: :' ,')'II!/;:

RO (Step 2) Place control rods in manual. RO (Step 3) Check rod movement - STOPPED. RO (Step 4) Check all rods - ALIGNED WITH ASSOICATED BANK. RO (Step 4 RNO) Perform the following:

  • IF two or more rods are misaligned NOTE: There are NOT two or greater than 24 steps, THEN perform the more misaligned rods.


  • Trip reactor .
  • GO TO EP/1/N5000/E-O (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).


  • IF T-Avg has gone down, THEN lower Turbine load as necessary to restore T-Avg to T-Ref.


  • GO TO Enclosure 1 (Response To NOTE: The SRO will transition Dropped or Misaligned Rod). to Enclosure 1.

AP/1/A/5500/14, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION ENCLOSURE 1, RESPONSE TO DROPPED OR MISALIGNED ROD SRO (Step 1) Announce occurrence on paging NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO system. to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. SRO (Step 2) Dispatch rod control system NOTE: SRO may call qualified IAE to perform the following: WCC/IAE to address the stuck WCCIIAE rod. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. (

  • Correct cause of misaligned rod.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # --:,.4

                                                                                                                  -.:..4_ _ _ _ _ Page      34        of  57 Event


Zone 1 B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck RunbackiStuck Rod Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

i"!:':'j<:>;::\/:';">" \ ,<>::'"',:'>:,>":>,, ';';::"'/ "', ';/'> "" '
 ;i':;!Time   POS.             .. \,\\'~xpeetedAetions/Behavior                                                                        Comments
                        **                Notify Control Room operators when auto or manual rod motion is available for reactivity control.

RO (Step 3) Check "ROD CONTROL URGENT FAILURE" alarm (1AD-2, A-10) - DARK. RO (Step 4) Use OAC point M1P1385 M1 P1385 (Reactor NOTE: A previous failure has Thermal Power, Best Estimate) to determine rendered the Thermal Power reactor power in subsequent steps. Best Estimate inaccurate. The crew will need to use NIS and/or NC System l:::. f1 T to . determine Reactor Power. RO (Step 5) Check AFD (Tech Spec 3.2.3) - Booth Instructor: as IAE, WITHIN TECH SPEC LIMITS. report that Rods may be moved in MANUAL, but NOT ( in AUTO. RO/ RO / Check QPTR (Tech Spec 3.2.4) - WITHIN NOTE: QPTR will NOT be SRO TECH SPEC LIMITS. within the TS Limit. SRO (Step 6 RNO) Reduce reactor power as required by Tech Specs as follows: RO ** Do not move rods untillAE determines rod movement is available.

                         **               Borate as required during power reduction to maintain T-avg                              T -avg at T -Ref.


                         **               Monitor AFD during load reduction.
  • IF AT ANY TIME AFD reaches Tech NOTE: This is a Continuous Spec limit AND reactor power is greater Action. The SRO will make than 50% THEN perform the following both board operators aware.
                                        **            Trip Reactor   Reactor..
                                         **            GO TO EP/1/A/5000/E-0    EP/1/N5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).
                          **              Reduce load as required by tech Specs PER one of the following procedures:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _4~ __ _4..:..-_ __ __ Page 35 of 57 Event


Zone 1 18B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck RunbackiStuck Rod Time ILII Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • AP/11A15500104 (Rapid Downpower).

AP/1/A/5500/04 NOTE: The SRO will determine that QPTR is NOT in spec, and that power must be reduced to < 50%. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.2.4, QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO (QPTR) SRO LCO 3.2.4 The QPTR shall be::; be s 1.02. APPLICABILITY: MODE1 with THERMAL POWER> 50% RTP. ( (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 4 Page 36 of 57 Event


Zone 18 1B Lockout causing RunbackiStuck RunbacklStuck Rod Time !II Position II Applicant's Actions or BehaviorBehavior 1"/:il;,I""'<" i POS. CONDITION REQUIRED COMPLETION NOTE: The SRO will ACTION TIME determine that QPTR is NOT A. QPTR not A.1 Ai Reduce 2 hours in spec, and that power must THERMAL within limit. POWER~3% be reduced to < 50%. from RTPfor RTP for each 1% of OPTR> 1.02. AND A.2 A2 Perform SR Once per 12 hours and reduce THERMAL POWER;;, POWER 23% 3% from RTPfor RTP for each 1% of OPTR> 1.02. AND 24 hours A.3 A3 Perform SR and SR AND Once per 7 days AND A.4 A4 Reduce Power Range Neutron 72 hours Flux - High Trip Setpoint ~ =::: 3% for each 1% of ( AND OPTR> 1.02. A.5 A5 Reevaluate safety analyses Prior to increasing Increasing and confirm THERMAL POWER results remain above the more valid for duration restrictive limit of of operation Required Action A.1 Ai under this or A.2 conditions. AND A.6 A6 Calibrate excore detectors to Prior to increasing show zero OPT. THERMALPOER above the more AND restrictive limit of Required Action A.1 Ai or A.2 orA2 A7 A.7 Perform SR Within 24 hours after andSR 3.2.1 and SR reaching RTP OR Within 48 hours after increasing THERMAL POWER above the more restrictive limit of Required Action Ai A.1 orA2 or A.2 (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 1 Event # _4~________ Page 37 of 57 Event


Zone 1B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck Rod Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1:';}T~me '~~S'~!!!!!;!"

             . *.!"ii","'*,!,         ~~"~':W:'
                                           ,                 r c t m c . t v H , . ,.,

AP/1/A/5500/04, RAPID DOWN POWER ROII RO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. BOP SRO (Step 2) Announce occurrence on page. NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 3) Check turbine control- IN AUTO. RO (Step 4) Check "MW LOOP" -INSERVICE. ( RO (Step 4 RNO) Depress "MW IN/MW OUT" pushbutton. SRO (Step 5) check shutdown to Mode 3 - DESIRED. SRO (Step 5 RNO) Observe Note prior to Step 8 and GO TO Step 8. SRO (Step 8) Determine the required power reduction rate (MW/min). RO (Step 9) Check control rods -IN

                                                             - IN AUTO.            NOTE: Due to the stuck rod the rods will NOT be in AUTO.

RO (Step 9 RNO) Perform the following:

                               **   IF auto control available,                     NOTE: AUTO rod control is NOT available.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09*1 Scenario # Event # ~44 _________ Page Page 38 38 of 57 Event


Zone 18 1B Lockout causing RunbacklStuck Rod II Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos. :E~'pected Actions/Behavior Comments

                         **    IF manual control available, THEN move rods as required to maintain T-Avg at T-Ref.
                         **    IF rods cannot be moved in auto or                NOTE: Control rods can be manual, THEN perform the following:               moved manually.

BOP (Step 10) Notify SOC of load reduction (red Booth Instructor: as SOC, dispatcher phone). acknowledge. RO (Step 11) Initiate turbine load reduction to desired load at desired rate. BOP (Step 12) Borate NC System as follows:

                         **    Energize all backup Pzr heaters.
                         **    Determine boration amount based on the

( following:

                              **        Power Reduction Rate (MW/min)
  • Present NC System Boron Concentration (ppm)
  • Total Power Change (%).
                          **   Record calculated boration amount:
                          **   Check auto or manual rod control -


                          **   (Step 12e) Perform boration 4 equal               NOTE: allow the BOP to additions during load reduction PER               complete the first of four OP/1/A/61501009 OP/1/N61501009 (Boron Concentration               borations.

Control), Enclosure 4.7 (Boration Using 1NV-265B (Boric Acid To NV Pumps)). At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Events #5-6.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 1 Event # . 5&6 Page 39 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Shortly afterwards, a 260 gpm SGTR will occur on the 1B Steam Generator. The operator will enter AP/1/A/5500/10, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps." Ultimately, the operator will trip the reactor and actuate Safety Injection, and EP/1/N5000/E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection." The operator will then enter EP/1/A/5000/E-0, EP/1/N5000/E-3, "Steam Generator Tube Rupture," and isolate the flow into transition to EP/1/A/5000/E-3, and out of the 1B Steam Generator and then conduct a cooldown of the NC System. The attempt to isolate Auxiliary Feedwater flow into the B Steam generator will be complicated by the failure of the Auxiliary Feed Flow transmitter (FCA-5100) to the B Steam Generator. The scenario will terminate at Step 23.c of E-3, after the crew has closed 1NI-9A and 1NI-10B.NI-1 DB. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #9 (MALF- SG001 B (260>> (XMT-CA012 (600 on 600 second ramp)) Trigger #13 Conditional on Rx Trip Indications Available:

  • 1RA01/C-1, RAD1/C-1, "1 EMF 71 S/G A Leakage Hi Rad."

1RAD1/D-1, "1EMF

  • 1RA01/0-1, "1 EMF 72 S/G B Leakage Hi Rad."

RAD1/D-2, "1 EMF 73 S/G C Leakage Hi Rad."

  • 1RA01/0-2,
  • 1RA01/D-3, RAD1/D-3, "1 EMF 74 S/G D 0 Leakage Hi Rad."

RAD1/B-1, "1 EMF 33 Cond Air Eject Exh Hi Rad."

  • 1RA01/B-1,


  • 1RA03/E-5, RAD3/E-5, "1 EMF 24,25, 24, 25, 26, 27 S/G A, B, C, 0 D Steamline Hi Rad."
  • Pzr Level drops.
  • Charging flow increases in automatic.

Time \P~s'.\:I:.</\ ExpectedActions/~eh~vi~r<* . , ..,Comments AP/1/A/5500/10, NC SYSTEM LEAKAGE WITHIN THE CAPACITY OF BOTH NV PUMPS AP/1/A15500/10, CASE I, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE LEAKAGE RO / RO/ (Step 1) Check Pzr level-level - STABLE OR BOP GOING UP. BOP (Step 1 RNO) RNa) Perform the following as required to maintain level:

                     **    Maintain charging flow less than 200 GPM at all times in subsequent steps.
                      **   Ensure 1NV-238 (Charging Line Flow Control) opening.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5 &6 5&6 Page 40 of 57




SGTR (8)1 (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                     * ,
  • o w..,*... **}' .... ***" . . !, . . .,

Time \1';<PO~'I'

 ""                                                  '.     ",'1                                           I"','"


                                         ,f1i~i~'~*8tijd"iAGfI!~'n$lBet1ia:vl~r                                                         Ctijlirnnents
,1 '," *
1, < X')!i;:I'I}/":i'.),"~"" '<<<:,,'j, :"i'!;:'; :: <,'" '.

BOP ** Open 1NV-241 (U1 Seal Water Inj Flow SealWaterlnj Control) while maintaining NC pump seal flow greater than 6 GPM.

                           **       Reduce or isolate letdown.
                            **      Start additional NV pump.
                           **       IF CLAs are isolated, ANO                               AND Pzr level is                NOTE: The CLAs are NOT going down, .....              .......                                                  isolated.

SRO ** IF Pzr level cannot be maintained greater than 4%, OR Pzr level going down with maximum charging flow, THEN perform the following:

                                   **          1F 1B OR 1C S/G identified as                                                NOTE: The SRO will dispatch ruptured, THEN immediately have                                               an NLO.

another operator initiate actions to Booth Instructor: isolate TO CA pump steam supply from ruptured S/G PER Enclosure 3 Operate Trigger #11 (LOA-(TO CA Pump Steam Supply SA003 (0)). ( Isolation). Within 3 minutes, as NLO report that steam has been isolated to the TO CA Pump from the B SG. ROI

  • Trip reactor.


                                  **          WHEN reactor tripped OR auto SII                                   S/I setpoint reached, THEN ensure S/I initiated.

SRO ** GO TO EP/1/N5000/E-O (Reactor NOTE: The SRO will transition Trip or Safety Injection). to E-O. EP/1/A15000/E-0, EP/1/A/5000/E-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. NOTE: Crew will carry out Immediate Actions of E-O, prior to the SRO addressing the EP. RO (Step 2) Check Reactor Trip:

                            **    All rod bottom lights - LIT

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # _5;...,,;;.;&...;;6 5 & 6_ _ _ _ Page 41 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high I Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos. Expected Actions/Behavior Comments

                       **    Reactor trip and bypass breakers -


                       **    IIR amps - GOING DOWN.

RO (Step 2 RNO) Perform the following: NOTE: The RO will take the RNO action because Control Rod M12 is NOT on the bottom (i.e. Rod Bottom light is NOT LIT).

                       **    Trip reactor.
                       **    If reactor will not trip ......
                                                        ... '"                                NOTE: The RO will report that the Reactor is tripped.

RO (Step 3) Check Turbine Trip:

                       **    All throttle valves - CLOSED.

( BOP (Step 4) Check 1ETA and 1ETB- ETB - ENERGIZED. BOP (Step 5) IF either CF pump is in Manual Direct Valve Position (MDVP) mode, THEN trip affected pump(s). RO/ ROI (Step 6) Check if SII S/I is actuated: NOTE: If SI has NOT automatically actuated, it BOP should be manually actuated here.

                       **    "SAFETY INJECTION ACTUATED" status light (1SI-18)

(1 SI-18) - LIT.

                        **   Both LOCA Sequencer Actuated status lights (1SI-14)

(1 SI-14) - LIT. SRO (Step 7) Announce "Unit 1 Safety Injection". NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5& &6 Page 42 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  ~-"""""""""""'./:'!"".""                                                                                                             ,               .:..      ,
         ~':'/.',       , "
                                       ;'ie:eted** Actions/Bef1*~~i~~i'*::iio; . . .
                                       /:h</i11i1'<',;MH :(",,,,;1, :':',::,,':,</:' ,"
                                                                                                 ",,' ':' :,:-:/::v:"',,;:::\;:;,,:Y;" ;;::<:!(: ,::::>;' '~':>": :,:' (,

Comments * * * * .**********i.;; BOP (Step 8) Check ESF Monitor Light Panel on energized train(s):

  • Groups 1, 2, 5 - DARK.
  • Group 3 - LIT.
  • Group 4, Rows A through F - LIT AS REQUIRED.


  • GO TO Step 9.

GOTO RO ROI/ (Step 9) Check proper CA pump status: BOP

                          **    MD CA pumps - ON.
                         **     N/R level in at least 3 S/Gs - GREATER

( THAN 17%. BOP (Step 10) Check all KC pumps - ON. BOP (Step 11) Check both RN pumps - ON. SRO (Step 12) Notify Unit 2 to start 2A RN pump. Floor Instructor: As U2 RO report "2A RN Pump is running." RO (Step 13) Check all S/G pressures - GREATER THAN 775 PSIG. BOP (Step 14) Check Containment Pressure- NOTE: Containment Pressure HAS REMAINED LESS THAN 3 PSIG. is normal. BOP (Step 15) Check S/I SII flow:

                           **   Check "NV PMPS TO COLD LEG FLOW" gauge -INDICATING FLOW.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 Page 43 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

' ',' .,' 'I':: \i\', ',';::,


                                                                                                        >t "Y .%;'

Time';' ,Q~:~., *'~.';:**">l'* >,

                                              '                 ,  ,,",,:/ ,,',',   "",'    ""

c()ffiffi'~nt~",' "

                                                 **     Check NC pressure - LESS THAN 1600 PSIG.

BOP (Step 15b RNO) Perform the following:

                                                **      Ensure ND pump miniflow valve on running pump(s) open:
                                                       **     1NO-68A ND-68A (1A ND Pump & Hx Mini Flow Isol)
                                                      **      1NO-67B ND-67B (1 B NO   ND Pump & Hx Mini Flow Isol).

SRO ** IF valve(s) open on all running NO ND pumps, THEN GO TO Step 16. (Step 16) Notify OSM or other SRO to NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to perform EP/1/A/5000/G-1 EP/1/N5000/G-1 (Generic address. Enclosures), Enclosure 22 (OSM Actions ( Following an S/I) within 10 minutes. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as OSM. RO (Step 17) Check CA flow:

                                                **      Total CA flow - GREATER THAN 450 GPM.

BOP ** Check VI header pressure - GREATER THAN 60 PSIG. RO ** WHEN N/R level in any S/G greater than 11 % (32% ACC), THEN control CA flow to maintain N/R levels between 11 % (32% ACC) and 50%. RO (Step 18) Check NC temperatures:

  • IF all NC pumps off, THEN check NC T-Colds - STABLE OR TRENDING TO 557"F.

55rF. BOP (Step 19) Check Pzr PORV and spray valves: (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 Page 44 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                                                  .,i i . .!',.i. ,.i..
 "Time      POS.ii         .. *****>E~pe~ted>AG~i~lri~vitirii\ .....                                   :>"ii\}<\\


                                                 ',';,", -i'\ 'Hi,';: 'i!n:>YHJ:i,',,,  ~",i/                                                           *.!!,i
  • BOP ** All Pzr PORVs - CLOSED. NOTE: 1NC-34A has previously failed to fully close.

BOP (Step 19a RNO) if Pzr pressure less than 2315 PSIG, PSIG. THEN perform the following:

  • Close Pzr PORV9s).
                       **     IF any Pzr PORV cannot be closed,                          closed.

THEN perform the following:

                             **       Close its isolation valve.              valve .
                             **       Close the following valve                   valve..
                                     **   IF 1NC-34A (PZR PORV) failed                           failed,.            NOTE: These valves have THEN close 1NC-270 (PZR                                                    been previously closed.

PORV Drn Isol For 1NC-34A).

                       **     IF PORV isolation valve cannot be                                                      NOTE: The PORV Isolation closed,    ......

closed *...... valve is closed.

                       **     IF any Pzr PORV cannot be closed or                                                    NOTE: The PORVs are either isolated, isolated.                                                                              closed or isolated.
                      **      (Step 19b) Normal Pzr spray valves-CLOSED.

BOP (Step 19b RNO) IF Pzr pressure is less than NOTE: Pzr Pressure is > 2100 2100 PSIG, ...... PSIG ....... psig. RO (Step 20) Check NC subcooling based on core exit TICs - GREATER THAN OaF. O°F. ROI (Step 21) Check if main steamlines steam lines intact: BOP

                       **        S/G pressures - STABLE OR GOING All SIG UP
                       **        S/Gs - PRESSURIZED.

All SIGs (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


N09-1 Scenario # Event # SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high _........6 _-- Page 5&

                                                                                                 ------                      45    of      57 Time      II    Position               II                               Applicant's A          licant's Actions or Behavior i~I!~~;; !::F?~~~:< ........* ;:;;; ::';::::Ei~~et~d Acti(>ns~$~":~~:idr;J'; ..                                       COfl1m~nts     '.i' .'i'. *.;* i.*.;i.i'"
                     . 'i                ,           '/"::'" IV"*, '1/11/",',:,:,<",1,\1""",\,.,

BOP (Step 22) Check if S/G tubes intact: NOTE: All S/G EMFs are NOT Normal, and the 1B SG Level is increasing in an uncontrolled manner.

                              **     The following secondary EMFs -


  • 1EMF-33 (Condenser Air Ejector Exhaust)
  • 1EMF-34(L) (S/G Sample (Lo Range))
  • 1EMF-24 (S/G A)
  • 1EMF-25 (S/G B)
  • 1EMF-26 (S/G C)
  • 1EMF-27 (S/G D).
  • S/G levels - STABLE OR GOING UP IN

( A CONTROLLED MANNER. SRO (Step 22 RNO) IF S/G levels going up in an uncontrolled manner OR any EMF abnormal, THEN perform the following:

                            **                    EP/1/N5000/F-O (Critical Implement EP/1/A/5000/F-O Safety Function Status Trees).
                            **       GO TO EP/1/A/5000/E-3 EP/1/N5000/E-3 (Steam                                        NOTE: The SRO will transition Generator Tube Rupture).                                                to E-3.

EP/1/AJSOOO/E-3, EP/1/A/5000/E-3, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. BOP (Step 2) Identify ruptured S/G(s):

                             **      Any S/G N/R level- GOING UP IN AN                                       NOTE: The 1B SG Level is UNCONTROLLED MANNER                                                     increasing in an uncontrolled manner.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 5&6 Page 46 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Position II~ Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • Chemistry or RP has determined NOTE: The SRO may contact ruptured S/G by sampling Chemistry for sampling.

Booth Instructor: Acknowledge as appropriate. OR

  • Any of the following EMFs - ABOVE NOTE: The S/G related EMFs NORMAL: are NOT normal, with 1EMF-25 reading the highest.
  • 1EMF-24 (S/G A)
  • 1EMF-25 (S/G B)
  • 1EMF-26 (S/G C)
  • 1EMF-27 (S/G D) NOTE: 1EMF-27 is OOS. The CRSRO may call Chemistry and direct that the 1D SG be sampled to ensure that a SGTR/SGTL does NOT exist

( in the 1G SG. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as Chemistry. RO (Step 3) Check at least one S/G-S/G - AVAILABLE FOR NC SYSTEM COOLDOWN. RO (Step 4) Isolate steam flow from ruptured S/G(s) as follows:

  • Check ruptured S/G(s) SM PORV-PORV -


  • IF TD CA pump is the only source of NOTE: the TD CA Pump is feedwater, NOT the only source of feedwater.
  • Check S/Gs 1 1B and 1 Band 1CC -INTACT.
                                                    - INTACT.                NOTE: the 1B SG is NOT intact.

BOP (Step 4c RNO) Isolate TD CA pump steam Examiner NOTE: This action supply from ruptured S/G as follows: may have already taken place. If so, continue with Step 4d. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 Page 47 of 57 ( Event


SGTR (8)/ (8)1 Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Position A licant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                       .'(     y. *...*. *...........
ii\Y><Yj\'</:>:': '
 "Fime               pos.        ...... Expected Actions/Beh~"lor                              "}cejimmi
                                                                                                      ,'.' .. **.*.:e.n\ts
  • Ensure operators dispatched in next step immediately notify Control Room Supervisor when valves are closed.
  • Immediately dispatch 2 operators to NOTE: If NOT already done, concurrently verify (CV), unlock and the SRO will direct two NLOs close valves on ruptured S/G(s): to CLOSE 1SA-2 and 78.

Booth Instructor: Set LOA-SA003 = =0, (1 SA-2/78) Within 3 minutes, as NLO report that steam has been isolated to the TO CA Pump from the B SG.

  • 1B S/G:

For 1B

  • 1SA-2 1 (1 B S/G SM Supply to SA-2 (1B Unit 1 TD CA Pump Turb Maint Isol) (Unit 1 interior doghouse, 767+12, FF-53)


  • 1SA-78 (1B S/G SM Supply to Unit 1 TD CA Pump Turb Loop Seal Isol) (Unit 1 interior Seallsol) doghouse, 767+10, FF-53.


  • IF AT ANY TIME local closure of SA NOTE: This is a Continuous valves takes over 8 minutes, THEN Action. If NOT already done, isolate TD CA pump steam supply the SRO will make both board PER Enclosure 2 (Tripping TD CA operators aware.

Pump Stop Valve or Alternate Steam Isolation). RO * (Step 4d) Check blowdown isolation valves on ruptured S/G(s) - CLOSED:

  • For 1B 1B S/G:
  • 1BB-2B (1 B S/G Blowdown Cont Outside Isol Control)
  • 1BB-6A (B S/G BB Cont Inside Isol).
  • Close steam drain on ruptured S/G(s).
  • 1SM-89 (B SM Line Drain Isol)


  • Close the following on ruptured S/G(s):

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 Page 48 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • MSIV
  • MSIV bypass valve.

RO (Step 5) Control ruptured S/G(s) level as follows:

  • Check ruptured S/G(s) N/R level-GREATER THAN 11% 11 % (32% ACC).
  • Isolate feed flow to ruptured S/G(s):
  • Close 1CA-54AC (U1 TO TD CA Pump Disch To 1B S/G Isol).
  • Close 1CA-58A (1A CA Pump Disch NOTE: Because CA flow has To 1B S/G Isol). failed on 1B SG, the CRSRO may direct an NLO to check the position of the valve locally.

If so, Booth Instructor report ( back as NLO, that the valves are closed. CRITICAL TASK: (E-3A) Isolate feedwater flow into and steam flow from the ruptured SG before a transition to ECA-3.1 occurs. Safety Significance: Failure to isolate the ruptured SG causes a loss of i1P t,p between the ruptured SG and the intact SGs. Upon a loss of t,P, i1P, the crew must transition to a contingency procedure that constitutes an incorrect performance that "necessitates the crew taking compensating action which complicates the event mitigation strategy." If the crew fails to isolate steam from the SG, or feed flow into the SG the ruptured SG pressure will tend to decrease to the same pressures as the intact SGs, requiring a transition to a contingency procedure, and delaying the stopping of RCS leakage into the SG. RO (Step 6) Check ruptured S/G(s)pressure - GREATER THAN 280 PSIG. BOP (Step 7) Check any NC pump - RUNNING.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 Page 49 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Position ~II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                  .'                                             9~:OOm~'n;~:';;;;
                                                               .                                                   .:H  ',H
 '=!Slme "POS'{ >1'// . "~~R~,!J~;                     ';~!6nsIBehavior                       .

BOP (Step 8) Check Pzr pressure - GREATER THAN 1955 PSIG SRO (Step 9) Initiate NC System cooldown as follows:

                         **     Determine required core exit                         NOTE: SRO determines to temperature based on lowest ruptured                 cooldown to 508-520DF.

508-520oF. S/G pressure: RO ** Check the following on the ruptured S/G(s) - CLOSED.

                               **     MSIV MSIV
                               **     MSIV bypass valve
                        **      Check ruptured S/G(s) SM PORV-CLOSED.
                       **       Check S/Gs 1B   1Band and 1 C -INTACT.

1C - INTACT. ( RO (Step 9.d RNO) IF 1B 1B OR 1C S/G is NOTE: If NOT already done, ruptured, THEN do not continue until steam the SRO will direct two NLOs is isolated to TDCA pump from ruptured S/G to CLOSE 1SA-2 and 78. per one of the following: Booth Instructor: Set LOA-SA003 = =0, (1SA-2/78) (1 SA-2/78) Within 3 minutes, as NLO report that steam has been isolated to the TO TD CA Pump from the B SG.

                       **       Local isolation of SA line (per Step 4.c)


                       **       Tripping TO TD CA pump stop valve (per Step 4.c)

RO ** Check condenser available:

                             .**      "C-9 COND AVAILABLE FOR STEAM DUMP" status light (1SI-18)(1 SI-18)
                                     - LIT
                               **     MSIV on intact S/G(s) - OPEN
                        **     Check S/Gs 1B    1Band and 1 1CC -INTACT.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 Page 50 of 57 ( Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                                  ,'I ,,1'/>,

Expected Actioij~tS~,


iTime Pos. ", ~ :<,~ ',:', ,'" ,< ' Q:p:mments

                                                                                                              , "",":<%      'iii<,   "'<\'         "

RO * (Step 9.f) Perform the following to place steam dumps in steam pressure mode:

  • Place "STM PRESS CONTROLLER" in manual.
  • Adjust "STM PRESS CONTROLLER" output to equal "STEAM DUMP DEMAND" signal.
  • Place "STEAM DUMP SELECT" in steam pressure mode.
  • WHEN "P-12 LO-LO TAVG" status light (1 SI-18) lit, THEN place steam dumps in (1SI-18) bypass interlock.
  • Dump steam from intact S/G(s) to condenser at maximum rate while attempting to avoid a Main Steam Isolation.


  • Check Low Pressure Steamline Isolation
                           - BLOCKED.

(Step 9.i RNO) Perform the following: BOP

  • Depressurize Pzr to less than 1955 PSIG using one of the following:
  • Maximum available Pzr spray.


  • IF normal Pzr spray is not available, THEN use Pzr PORV.
  • Do not continue until Pzr pressure is less than 1955 PSIG.
  • Depress "BLOCK" on Low Pressure Steamline Isolation block switches.
  • Close Pzr spray valve(s) and Pzr PORVs.
  • Maintain NC pressure less than 1955 PSIG.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # ...;;..5..;.;&...;;6

                                                                                      ....;...5..;.;&...;6_ _ _ _ Page                   51      of    57

( Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

Tiitl~lI:!::i:!::,:;,pi6:~:. EXP~9~h$/BehaViC).r;iI*:*I/'I.i**. '-d :','

Comm~htS. \Ii.\<**


RO ** (Step 9.j) Check Core exit T/Cs- LESS THAN REQUIRED TEMPERATURE. SRO (Step 9.j RNO) Perform the following:

  • WHEN Core exit TICs are less than required temperature, THEN perform the following:
  • Stop NC System cooldown .
  • Maintain core exit TICs less than required temperature.


  • GO TO Step 10.

RO (Step 10) Control intact S/G levels:

                                    **           Check N/R level in any intact S/G -

GREATER THAN 11 % (32% ACC). (

                                    **           Throttle feed flow to maintain all intact S/G N/R levels between 22% (32% ACC) and 50%.

BOP (Step 11) Check Pzr PORVs and isolation valves:

                                    **           Power to all Pzr PORV isolation valves -


                                   **            All Pzr PORVs - CLOSED.                                            NOTE: 1NC-34A has previously failed to fully close.

BOP (Step 11 b RNO) IF Pzr pressure less than 2315 PSIG, THEN perform the following:

  • Close Pzr PORV(s).
                                  **             IF any Pzr PORV cannot be closed,                                  NOTE: This valve has been THEN close its isolation valve.                                     previously closed.
  • IF PORV isolation valve cannot be NOTE: The PORV Isolation closed ...... valve is closed.
                                  **             IF any Pzr PORV cannot be closed or                                NOTE: All PORVs are either

( isolated, closed or isolated.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 Page 52 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time III Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 '"  ':::':                .i                                                                 ' ..'         ,

Time, Pos. Expected Actions~B~havior C.omments

                      **       IF any Pzr PORV cannot be closed, THEN close the following valve:
                              **     IF 1 NC-34A (PZR PORV) failed,              NOTE: This valve has been THEN close 1NC-270 (PZR                     previously closed.

BOP ** (Step 11 c) At least one Pzr PORV isolation valve - OPEN. BOP (Step 12) Reset the following:

                     **        SII SII
                     **        Sequencers
                     **        Phase A Isolation
                     **        Phase B Isolation

( BOP (Step 13) Establish VI to containment:

                     **        Open the following:
                             **       1VI-12gB (VI Supply to A Cont Ess 1VI-129B 1501))

VI Hdr Outside Isol))

                            **       1VI-160B (VI Supply to B Cont Ess VI Hdr Outside Isol))


                            **       1VI-150B (Lwr Cont Non Ess Cont 1501).

Outside Isol).

                     **        Check VI header pressure - GREATER THAN 85 PSIG.

RO (Step 14) Check if NC System cooldown should be stopped as follows:

                     **        Check Core exit TICs - LESS THAN REQUIRED TEMPERATURE.

RO (Step 14a RNO) Perform the following: (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 Page 53 of 57




SGTR (8)1 (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

.J.. :':':" : ~::' ;<, ',': "'<":"";",, <:;>/ "':\\ I: 1':'::'1:\, :<, ::'< ", "  :. <...::
Time POS. Expected:A~ti~:~~~IB~:t1avior Comments  :.::' :.:
  • IF AT ANY TIME while in this step NOTE: This is a Continuous ruptured S/G pressure changes by over Action. The SRO will wi" make 100 PSIG, AND ruptured S/G pressure is both board operators aware.

greater than 400 PSIG, THEN select a new target temperature from table in Step 9.a. g.a.

                         **   Do not continue until core exit TICs are less than target temperature.

RO ** (Step 14b) Stop NC System cooldown.

                        **    Maintain Core exit TICs - LESS THAN REQURIED TEMPERATURE.

(Step 15) Check ruptured S/G(s) pressure- pressure - STABLE OR GOING UP. ( RO (Step 16) Check NC subcooling based on core exit TICs - GREATER THAN 20°F. CRITICAL TASK: (E-3B) Establish/maintain an RCS temperature so that transition from E-3 does not occur because RCS temperature is either too high to maintain minimum required subcooling, or too low causing an Orange path on Subcriticality or Integrity. Safety Significance: Failure to establish and maintain the correct RCS temperature during a SGTR leads to a transition from E-3 to a contingency procedure which constitutes an incorrect performance that "necessitates the crew taking compensating action which complicates the event mitigation strategy." If the RCS temperature is too high when RCS depressurization is started, a loss of subcooling will occur when the RCS depressurization is started. On the other hand, if RCS temperature is allowed to continue to decrease after the initial cooldown, the operator may be required to transition to the Subcriticality or Integrity response FRP, and delay the RCS depressu rization. RO (Step 17) Depressurize NC System as follows:

                        **    Check ruptured S/G(s) NR level- LESS THAN 73% (63% ACC).


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&&6 Page 54 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                        ~, ',:> " ':>'~'~ ,.1:>+<:< 'f,'"
, '~<r ,i>:':'!: ,"e~dltri;~r)t$ "
                                 , , :', :,:', ',i, ':,                                   ;'>                                                      ,

Exp~~t~d:,~~tiQns/8ehavior Time Pos. BOP

  • Check normal Pzr spray flow -


  • Initiate NC depressurization using maximum available spray.
  • IF AT ANY TIME during this step, spray valves are not effective at reducing NC pressure, OR ruptured S/G(s) NR level is approaching 83% (73% ACC), THEN GO TO Step 18.


  • Do not continue until any of the following BOP conditions satisfied:
  • NC subcooling based on core exit TICs - LESS THAN O°F OaF
  • Pzr level- GREATER THAN 76%

(58% ACC)

  • Both of the following:


  • NC pressure - LESS THAN BOP RUPTURED S/G(s)


  • Pzr level level- - GREATER THAN 11 % (29% ACC).


  • Close Pzr spray valves.

BOP (Step 17.g) Check 1NV-21A NV-21 A (NV Spray to PZr Isol) - CLOSED. BOP (Step 17.h)

17. h) Observe Caution prior to Step 20 and GO TO Step 20.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # Event # 5&6 Page 55 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Position II Applicant's A licant's Actions or Behavior ~O;r'/TIT:n:EX ~"  :;.:lli,J~~;L:i ..... .4-


11'\'II'i L' i!,:' . ,.... ,:,*,*', I~L2'I)~.~.llllell...:lt. 11.11:1: CRITICAL TASK (E-3C) Depressurize the RCS to meet SI 51 termination criteria before ruptured SG level reaches 100% Wide Range Level. Safety Significance: Failure to stop the reactor coolant leakage into a ruptured SG by depressurizing the RCS (when it is possible to do so) needlessly complicates the mitigation of the event. It also constitutes a "significant reduction of Safety Margin beyond that irreparably introduced by the scenario. If RCS depressurization does NOT occur, the inventory in the secondary side of the ruptured SG will occur leading to water release through the SG PORV or Safety Valve, which could cause and unisolable fault in the ruptured SG. RO ROII (Step 20) Check SII termination criteria: BOP

                        **      NC subcooling based on core exit T/Cs-        TICs -


                        **      Secondary heat sink:
                               **     NIR level in at least one intact SIG -

GREATER THAN 11% 11 % (32% ACC) Or

                              **     Total feed flow available to S/G(s)-


                       **       NC pressure - STABLE OR GOING UP.
                      **        Pzr level - GREATER GR EATER THAN 11 % (29%

ACC). BOP (Step 21) Stop SII pumps as follows:

                      **        NI pumps.
                     **         All but one NV pump.

BOP (Step 22) Isolate NV SII flowpath:

                     **         Check NV pumps minimflow valves-  valves -


                             **       1NV-150B (NV Pumps Recirculation)

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Scenario # &6 Page Op Test No.: N09-1 Event #


56 of 57 Event


SGTR (8)/ Aux Feed Flow Transmitter to 8 SG fails high Time II Positionjj Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos. *E~pected. Actions/Behavior Comments BOP ** 1NV-151A(NVPumps 1NV-151A (NV Pumps Recirculation).

                        **           1NI-9A (NC Cold Leg Inj From NV)
                           **        1NI-10B 1NI-1 DB (NC Cold Leg Inj From NV).

NV) . At the discretion of the Lead Examiner terminate the exam.

UNIT 1 STATUS: Power Level: 75% NCS [B] 1136 ppm Pzr [B]: 1149 ppm Xe: Per OAC Power History: The Plant is at 75% power (MOL), Core Burnup: 250 EFPDs for two days. CONTROLLING PROCEDURE: 00103 Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation OP/1/A/61 00/03 (See Reactivity Plan and Power Ascension Guidelines) OTHER INFORMATION NEEDED TO ASSUME TO SHIFT:

  • The Plant is at 75% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction four days ago to complete corrective maintenance on the 1A CF Pump.
  • The maintenance was completed and the pump restarted, and power level raised to the present power level two days ago.
  • The present plan is to observe operation of the 1A CF Pump at this power level, and then raise power to 100% within the next 24 hours.
  • Dispatch has indicated that there have been intermittent voltage swings, and other instabilities, on the electrical grid, and that this is being investigated.
  • It is expected to commence a power increase to 100% power starting at Step 3.21.10 of Enclosure 1 of OP/1/A/61 001003, 00/003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation."
  • It is expected to raise power on the upcoming shift at 2 MWe/Minute.


  • Use of Alternate Dilute during power ascension in accordance with Enclosure 4.4, "Alternate t OP/1/A/61501009, "Boron Concentration Control," has been approved.

Dilute," of OP/1/A/6150/009,

  • The RMWST Dissolved Oxygen Concentration is 800 ppb.

The following equipment is Out-Of-Service:

  • 1EMF27, SM Line Dllnner Doghouse Radiation Monitor, failed last shift (lAE (IAE is investigating).
  • MCB Annunciator 1AD-8, E-2, "GROUNDWATER HI LEVEL," has alarmed spuriously several (IAE is investigating).

times over the last hour (lAE Work Control SROIOffsite Communicator Jim Plant SRO Joe NLO's AVAILABLE Unit 1 Aux Bldg. John Aux Bldg. Chris Turb Bldg. Bob Turb Bldg. Mike th 5th Rounds. Carol Extra(s) Bill Ed Wayne Tanya

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Draft Facility: McGuire Scenario No.: 2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Examiners: Operators: (SRO) (RO) (BOP) Initial Conditions: The Plant is at 95% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction due to the failure of the 1C1 Heater Drains Pump about 2 hours ago. The WCC has been informed, and it appears that corrective maintenance will be required. The crew will perform PT/1/A/4206/001 B, "1 B NI Pump Performance Test," upon completion of turnover. NLO (John) is standing by at the pump with a copy of the PT to support this activity. Turnover: The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: PVI-5066, INST AIR SYS PRESS, has failed low (IAE (lAE is investigating). MCB Annunciator 1AD-6, D-4, 0-4, "0 "D NC PUMP LOWER MTR BRG LO KC FLO," FLO." is in constant alarm (IAE is investigating). Event Malf. Event Type* Event No. No. Description XMT 1 C-BOP Test the 1B NI Pump/Hot Pump Bearing NIOO9 C(TS)-SRO 2 MSROO3E R-RO MSR Relief Valve fails open/Down openlDownpower power C-BOP C-SRO ( \ 3 IREOO9 C-RO Rods fail to move in AUTO C-SRO 4 NCOO7D C-BOP NC System Leak C(TS)-SRO 5 DEHOO8B DEHOO88 C-RO Turbine Control Unit failure C-SRO 6 NCOO7D M-RO Small Break LOCA (Loop D) M-BOP M-SRO 7 NIOO1A NA 1A NI Pump fails to Auto start 8 NS001 NSOO1B B NA 1B NS Pump fails to start

       *   (N)ormal,   (R)eactivity,     (I)nstrument,     (C)omponent,        (M)ajor R FT Appendix D                                  Scenario Outline                           Form ES-D-1 Draft

( McGuire 2009 NRC Scenario #2 The Plant is at 95% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction due to the failure of the 1 1C1 C1 Heater Drains Pump about 2 hours ago. The WCC has been informed, and it appears that corrective maintenance will be required. The crew will PT/1 IAl4206/00 1B, "1 B NI Pump Performance Test," upon completion of perform PT/1/A/4206/001 turnover. NLO (John) is standing by at the pump with a copy of the PT to support this activity. The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: PVI-5066, INST AIR SYS PRESS, has failed low (IAE (lAE is investigating). MCB Annunciator 1AD-6, D-4, "D NC PUMP LOWER MTR BRG LO KC FLO," is in constant alarm (IAE (lAE is investigating). Shortly after taking the watch, the operator will be instructed to perform PT/1/A/4206/001 B, "1 B NI Pump Performance Test." During the performance of the test, the 1B NI Pump will develop a hot bearing. The operator will respond in accordance with OAC Alarm M1A0494, 1B NI PUMP MOTOR INBOARD BRG TEMP, and shutdown the pump. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.5.2, "ECCS-Operating." After this, MSR Relief Valve 1HS 179 will fail open causing a loss of turbine efficiency HS179 and an increase in reactor power. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/01, AP/11A15500101, "Steam Leak." The operator will recognize the failure, and perform a rapid down power in downpower accordance with AP/1/A/5500/04, AP/11A15500104, "Rapid Downpower," in an attempt to shut the valve. The valve will shut after power has been reduced to approximately 85-90%, and the ( operator will stabilize the plant. During the down power, the operator will observe that the Control Rods are not moving in downpower, Auto. The operator will place the rods in Manual in accordance with AP/11A15500/14, AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," and control rods in manual as required to continue the downpower. After the Relief valve has closed, and the load decrease stabilized, the operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," Enclosure 2, "Failure of Rods to Move on Demand." The operator will direct IAE to investigate the problem, the problem will be corrected, and the Control Rods will be returned to Auto. Subsequently, a 33 gpm NC System Cold Leg leak will develop on the Loop D connection to the Accumulator. The Operator will respond by implementing AP/1/A/5500/10, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps," Case II, "NC System Leakage." The operator will address Technical Specification 3.4.13, "RCS Operational Leakage," and SLC 16.9.7, "Standby Shutdown System." The operator will reduce load to be in Mode 3 within an hour in accordance with AP/11A15500104, AP/1/A/5500/04, "Rapid Downpower." At the start of the downpower, down power, a failure will occur in the Turbine Control Unit causing the unit to shift from Operator Auto to Manual control. The operator will address 1AD-1/F-4, TURBINE IN MANUAL, and control the Turbine manually during the downpower in accordance with OP/1 IAl63001001 A, Enclosure 4.1, "Turbine Generator Load Change." OP/1/A/6300/001A, Shortly afterwards, the NC System Cold Leg leak will degrade into a Small Break LOCA. The operator will enter EP/1/A/5000/E-0, EP/11A15000/E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection." Upon the Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Draft actuation of Safety Injection, the 1A NI Pump will fail to auto start, and must be manually started. Upon the actuation of Hi-Hi Containment pressure, the 1B NS Pump will trip on overload and be unavailable during the remainder of the event. During the performance of E-O, the Reactor Coolant Pumps (NCPs) will be required to be manually tripped upon reaching the established NCP trip criteria. Upon completion of E-O, the operator will transition to EP/1 EP/11A15000/E-1, IN5000/E-1, "Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant." On the transition, an Orange Path will exist on the Containment Critical Safety Function, and the transition will be made to EP/1/A/5000/FR-Z.1, EP/11A15000/FR-Z.1, Response to High Containment Pressure," prior to E-1. Upon completion of FR-Z.1 the operator will transition to E-1. The scenario will terminate at Step 14 of E-1, after the crew has determined to transition to EP/1/N5000/ES-1.2, EP/11A15000/ES-1.2, Post-LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization or upon a decision to transition to ES-1.3, "Transfer

                              'Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation," based on E-1 Foldout Page criteria.

Critical Tasks: SS (E1C) Trip NC Pumps within 5 minutes of loss of SCM (4600/113/E13.1) Safety Significance: Failure to trip all NCPs on a loss of subcooled margin can lead to core uncovery and to fuel temperatures in excess of 2200 o F. PT/OIN4600/113, 2200°F. PT/O/A/4600/113, Enclosure 13.1 states that McGuire is committed to having NC Pumps tripped within 5 minutes of a loss of subcooling. ( The Safety Analysis recommends that the NC Pumps be tripped within 2 minutes to limit the depth and duration of core uncovery. It is a management expectation that the NC Pumps be tripped as quickly as possible, but within 5 minutes of a loss of subcooling. Failure to take this action represents mis-operation by the operator which leads to degradation of the fuel cladding fission produce barrier, and a violation of a license condition. E-O J Establish flow from at least one intermediate-head ECCS Pump before transitioning out of E-O. Safety Significance: Failure to manually start at least one intermediate-head ECCS Pump under the postulated conditions constitutes "mis-operation or incorrect crew performance which leads to degraded ECCS capacity." The acceptable results obtained in the FSAR analysis of a small-break LOCA are based the assumption of the minimum ECCS injection flow, which assumes flow from one train of ECCS consisting of a high-head, intermediate head and low head pump, are met. If the crew fails to start the 1A NI Pump, the FSAR assumptions will not be met creating a condition where the plant is operated in an unanalyzed condition and in a manner which has violated the facility license. ( N09-1-2 Event 1

  • PT/1/A/4206/001 PT/1 IAl4206/00 1B, 1B NI PUMP PERFORMANCE TEST
  • AP/1 IAl550010 1, STEAM LEAK AP/1/A/5500/01,
  • AP/1/A/5500/04, RAPID DOWNPOWER AP/11A15500104, DOWN POWER
  • AP/1/A/5500/14, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION AP/11A15500/14,
  • AP/11A15500104, AP/1/A/5500/04, RAPID DOWNPOWER DOWN POWER Event 5


  • OP/11A163001001A, OP/1/A/6300/001A, TURBINE GENERATOR LOAD CHANGE Events 61718 6/7/8

PROGRAM: McGuire Operations Training MODULE: Initial License Operator Training Class 25 2S TOPIC: NRC Simulator Exam Scenario N09-1-2


1. PT/1/A/4206/001 PT/1 IA/4206/00 1B, "1 B NI Pump Performance Test."
3. McGuire Technical Specifications.
4. AP/1/A/SSOOI01, "Steam Leak."

AP/1/A/5500101, 5. S. AP/1/A/SSOOI04, "Rapid Downpower." AP/1/A/5500104,

6. AP/1/NSSOO/14, AP/1 IA/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction."
7. AP/1/NSSOO/10, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps."


8. McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments Manual.
9. OP/1/N61 OP/1/A/61 00101 OB, "Annunciator Response For Panel 1AD-1."

PaneI1AD-1." 10. 1O. OP/1/N63001001A, OP/1/A/63001001A, "Turbine Generator Load Change."

11. EP/1/NSOOO/E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection."


12. EP/1/NSOOO/FR-Z-1, "Response to High Containment Pressure."

EP/1/A/5000/FR-Z-1, ( 13. EP/1/NSOOO/E-1, "Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant." EP/1/A/5000/E-1,

14. EP/1/NSOOO/ES-1.2, EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2, "Post-LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization."

15. 1S. EP/1/NSOOO/ES-1.3, EP/1 IA/5000/ES-1.3, "Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation."

16. RP/01NS7001000, RP/O/A/57001000, "Classification of Emergencies."

Author: David Lazarony, Western Technical Services, Inc. Facility Review:


Rev. 020509 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2 Facility: McGuire Scenario No.: 2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Examiners: Operators: (SRO) (RO) (BOP) Initial Conditions: The Plant is at 95% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction due to the failure of the 11C1 C1 Heater Drains Pump about 2 hours ago. The WCC has been informed, and it appears that corrective maintenance will be required. The crew will perform PT/1/N4206/001 PT/1/N4206/001B, B, "1B "1 B NI Pump Performance Test," upon completion of turnover. NLO (John) is standing by at the pump with a copy of the PT to support this activity. Turnover: The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: PVI-5066, INST AIR SYS PRESS, has failed low (IAE is investigating). MCB Annunciator 1AO-6, 0-4, "0 NC PUMP LOWER MTR BRG LO KC FLO," is in constant alarm (IAE is investigating). Event Malf. Event Type* Event No. No. Description XMT 1 C-BOP Test the 1B NI Pump/Hot Pump Bearing NIOO9 C(TS)-SRO 2 MSROO3E R-RO MSR Relief Valve fails open/Downpower openlDownpower C-BOP ( C-SRO 3 IREOO9 C-RO Rods fail to move in AUTO C-SRO 4 NCOO7D NCOO70 C-BOP NC System Leak C(TS)-SRO 5 DEHOO8B OEHOO8B C-RO Turbine Control Unit failure C-SRO 6 NCOO7D M-RO Small Break LOCA (Loop D) M-BOP M-SRO 7 NIOO1A NA 1A NI Pump fails to Auto start 8 NSOO1B NS001 B NA 1B NS Pump fails to start

       *   (N)ormal,   (R)eactivity,    (I)nstrument,      (C)omponent,    (M)ajor Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2

( McGuire 2009 NRC Scenario #2 The Plant is at 95% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction due to the failure of the 1C1 Heater Drains Pump about 2 hours ago. The WCC has been informed, and it appears that corrective maintenance will be required. The crew will perform PT/1/A14206/001 PT/1/A/4206/001 B, "1 B NI Pump Performance Test," upon completion of turnover. NLO (John) is standing by at the pump with a copy of the PT to support this activity. The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: PVI-5066, INST AIR SYS PRESS, has failed low (IAE is investigating). MCB Annunciator 1AD-6, 0-4, "0 NC PUMP LOWER MTR BRG LO KC FLO," is in constant alarm (IAE is investigating). Shortly after taking the watch, the operator will be instructed to perform PT/1IAl4206/00 PT/1/A/4206/0011B, "1 B NI Pump Performance Test." During the performance of the test, the 1B NI Pump will develop a hot bearing. The operator will respond in accordance with OAC Alarm M1A0494, 1B NI PUMP MOTOR INBOARD BRG TEMP, and shutdown the pump. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.5.2, "ECCS-Operating." After this, MSR Relief Valve 1HS 179 will fail open causing a loss of turbine efficiency and an HS179 AP/1/A15500101, "Steam Leak." The increase in reactor power. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/01, operator will recognize the failure, and perform a rapid down power in accordance with downpower AP/1/A15500104, AP/1/N5500/04, "Rapid Downpower," in an attempt to shut the valve. The valve will shut after power has been reduced to approximately 85-90%, and the operator will stabilize the plant. During the down power, the operator will observe that the Control Rods are not moving in Auto. downpower, ( The operator will place the rods in Manual in accordance with AP/1/A15500/14, AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," and control rods in manual as required to continue the down power. After the downpower. Relief valve has closed, and the load decrease stabilized, the operator will implement AP/1/A15500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," Enclosure 2, "Failure of Rods to Move on Demand." AP/1/A/5500/14, The operator will direct IAE to investigate the problem, the problem will be corrected, and the Control Rods will be returned to Auto. Subsequently, a 33 gpm NC System Cold Leg leak will develop on the Loop 0 connection to the AP/1/A15500/10, "NC System Accumulator. The Operator will respond by implementing AP/1/N5500/10, Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps," Case II, "NC System Leakage." The operator will address Technical Specification 3.4.13, "RCS Operational Leakage," and SLC 16.9.7, "Standby Shutdown System." The operator will reduce load to be in Mode 3 within an hour in AP/1/A15500104, "Rapid Downpower." accordance with AP/1/N5500/04, At the start of the downpower, a failure will occur in the Turbine Control Unit causing the unit to shift from Operator Auto to Manual control. The operator will address 1AD-1/F-4, TURBINE IN MANUAL, and control the Turbine manually during the downpower in accordance with OP/1 IA/63001001 A, Enclosure 4.1, "Turbine Generator Load Change." OP/1/A/6300/001A, Shortly afterwards, the NC System Cold Leg leak will degrade into a Small Break LOCA. The EP/1/A15000/E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection." Upon the actuation of operator will enter EP/1/A/5000/E-0, Safety Injection, the 1A NI Pump will fail to auto start, and must be manually started. Upon the actuation of Hi-Hi Containment pressure, the 1 B NS Pump will trip on overload and be unavailable during the remainder of the event. During the performance of E-O, the Reactor Coolant Pumps (NCPs) will be required to be manually tripped upon reaching the established NCP trip criteria. Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2 Upon completion of E-O, the operator will transition to EP/1/A/5000/E-1, EP/1/A/SOOO/E-1, "Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant." On the transition, an Orange Path will exist on the Containment Critical Safety Function, and the transition will be made to EP/1 IA/SOOO/FR-Z. 1, Response to High EP/1/A/5000/FR-Z.1, Containment Pressure," prior to E-1. Upon completion of FR-Z.1 the operator will transition to E-1. The scenario will terminate at Step 14 of E-1, after the crew has determined to transition to EP/1/A/SOOO/ES-1.2, Post-LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization or upon a decision to EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2, transition to ES-1.3, "Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation," based on E-1 Foldout Page criteria. Critical Tasks: SS (E1C) Trip NC Pumps within 5 minutes of loss of SCM (4600/113/E13.1) Safety Significance: Failure to trip all NCPs NGPs on a loss of subcooled margin can lead to core uncovery and to fuel temperatures in excess of 2200°F. PT/O/A/4600/113, PT/OIN4600/113, Enclosure 13.1 states that McGuire is committed to having NCNG Pumps tripped within 5 minutes of a loss of subcooling. The Safety Analysis recommends that the NC NG Pumps be tripped within 2 minutes to limit the depth and duration of core uncovery. It is a management expectation that the NC NG Pumps be tripped as quickly as possible, pOSSible, but within 5 minutes of a loss of subcooling. Failure to take this action represents mis-operation by the operator which leads to degradation of the fuel cladding fission produce barrier, and a violation of a license condition. E-O JJ ( Establish flow from at least one intermediate-head ECCS Pump before transitioning out of E-O. Safety Significance: Failure to manually start at least one intermediate-head ECCSEGGS Pump under the postulated conditions constitutes "mis-operation or incorrect crew performance which leads to degraded ECCS EGGS capacity." The acceptable results obtained in the FSAR analysis of a small-break LOCALOGA are based the assumption of the minimum ECCS EGGS injection flow, which assumes flow from one train of ECCS EGGS consisting of a high-head, intermediate head and low head pump, are met. If the crew fails to start the 1A NI Pump, the FSAR assumptions will not be met creating a condition where the plant is operated in an unanalyzed condition and in a manner which has violated the facility license.

Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Bench Mark ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION o0 Sim. Setup Rod Step On o0 Reset to Temp IIC 151. MOC, 95% RTP, Train B in Operation. 1C1 HDTP Secured.

                                            **  MAL- N1001A, Value = 0 (Auto), Insert; Failure of 1A NI Pump to start in Auto.
                                            **  XMT-VI003, Value= 0, Insert; Fails Instrument Air System Pressure Low (PVI_5066).
                                            **  ANN-AD006-D04, Value= 0 (On); 1AD-6 D-4 (D NC Pump Lower Mtr Brg Low KC Flow).
                                            **  MAL- NS001 B, Value= 2 (Both), Insert; Failure of 1B NS Pump to start in Manual or Auto.

o0 RUN o0 Update Status Board, Setup OAC ( Setup ICCM, Turbine Displays, && Trend Recorders. Check Rod Step Counters agree with rod positions Check Make-up Control Switch in "ARMED." Ensure DRPI DR PI Screen is Re-zeroed. Ensure CF Pump Lovejoy reset. o0 Freeze. o0 Update Fresh Tech. Spec. Log. o0 Fill out the NLO's Available section of Shift Turnover Info. Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2 ( aenchlVJafk ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION

     .:,".:.          . . ., :<,,:.            .... .,.   ;;:(;  .,:> ,.,' "". i ><ii)    .

D Prior to Crew RUN Briefing o D Crew Briefing

1. Assign Crew Positions based on evaluation requirements.
2. Provide CRSRO with a copy of PT/1/N4206/001 PT/1 /A/4206/001 B, with Steps 12.1 and 12.2 signed off, and indicate that when the crew takes the watch, this surveillance will need to be performed.
3. Provide CRSRO with Manual TSAIL Form for 1B NI Pump.
4. Review the Shift Turnover Information with the crew.
5. Direct the crew to Review the Control Boards taking note of present conditions, alarms.

oD T-O Begin Familiarization Period 0D At direction of XMT-NI009 Test the 1B NI Pump/Hot Pump Bearing examiner Set = 300 ('


Ramp = 360 seconds LOA-NI015, Rack Out 1B NI Pump Breaker, Trigger Trigger #1 #13 0D At direction of MALF-MSR003E MSR Relief Valve fails openlDownpower open/Down power examiner Set = 25 Ramp = 0 1HS-179 (1C2 1HS-179 (1 C2 MSR Relief) Trigger #3 Fails to 25% Open 0D As indicated in MALF-IRE009 Rods fail to move in AUTO event 2 Set = 0 Trigger #5 0D At direction of MALF-NC007D NC System leak loop #4 examiner Severity= 0.2 0.2 =33GPM


Ramp = 30 Trigger #7 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2 Bench Mark ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 0D When the RO Turbine Control Unit Failure MALF-DEHOOBB MALF-DEHOOS8 presses GO on the Turbine Trigger #9 Controls 0D At direction of Small Break LOCA (Loop D) MALF-NCOO7D examiner Set =3 (Small Break LOCA - NC System Pressure stabilizes @ Ramp = 45 seconds 1150) Step 14 RNO g of E-O: Use the following LOAs: Step 5 of FR-Z.1: Use the following LOAs: NI024 = Racked In NI025 = Racked In Step 15. b of FR-Z.1: Use the following LOAs: VX009 = In Service/Enabled ( VX010 = In Service/Enabled Step 11.f of E-1: Use the following LOAs: DG003 = Stop D/G DG004 = Stop D/G 0D At direction of MALF-NIOO1A 1A NI Pump fails to Auto Start examiner Set =1 Insert at T=O MAL- N1001A, Value = 0 (Auto), Insert; Failure of 1A NI Pump to start in Auto. 0D At direction of MALF-NSOO1B MALF-NSOO18 1B NS Pump fails to start examiner Set =2 Insert at T=O MAL- NS001 B, Value= 2 (Both), Insert; Failure of 1B NS Pump to start in Manual or Auto. oD Terminate the scenario upon direction of Lead Examiner Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # .2 Event # .-;...

                                                                                                               ~_    __  __ __  _ Page Page       88 of ....;6~3---i1
                                                                                                                                                      ....;6~3--11 Event


Test the 1 B NI Pump/Hot Pump Bearing Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Shortly after taking the watch, the operator will be instructed to perform PT/1/A/4206/001 B, "1 B NI Pump Performance Test." PT/1/A14206/001 During the performance of the test, the 1B NI Pump will develop a hot bearing. The operator will respond in accordance with OAG OAC Alarm M1A0494, 1 B NI PUMP MOTOR INBOARD BRG TEMP, and shutdown the pump. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.5.2, "ECCS-Operating."


Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #1 (XMT -N1009 (300 over 360 seconds)) seconds>> Indications Available: (After NI Pump is started)

  • OAC Alarm M1A0494, 1B NI Pump Motor Inboard Brg Temp, increasing Til11e' **. ~~I~~:;*::::*I :,.:,f.;* ** i*:.*EOO.~ij:b:tijd;*i\cti dl1sll3ehavio r x', :/>:1::"+> AI: ':':,\':, <),'1 ; i' I' ,


                                                                                                                                   . Comments                 "

NOTE: During the performance of this test, the BOP may contact the NLO (John) locally at the pump for ( \ information regarding the pump operations. If so, Booth Instructor, respond as appropriate, without diagnosing the malfunction for the BOP. PT/1/A14206/001 B, 1 B NI PUMP PERFORMANCE TEST PT/1/A/4206/001 BOP (Step 12.3) Record initial position of the following:

                              **          1NI0118A (1A NI Pump Disch To NC Cold Legs Isol)              1501)
                              **          1NI-121A (1A NI Pump Disch To B &                                      &C HL Cont Outside)
                              **          1NI-150B (1 B NI Pump To NC Cold Legs Isol) 1501)
                              **          1NI-152B (1 B NI Pump Disch To A & D HL Cont Outside)
                              **          1NI-162A 1NI-162A (Unit 1 NI To Cold Legs Cont Outside Isol)      1501)

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # ---:..._

                                                                          ..-.;... __    _ __ ___ Page        9        _6;,.;3:"'-~1 63 of "";";'--11 Event


Test the 1 B NI Pump/Hot Pump Bearing Time I Position II A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's

  ;;:.;fi.H1'~',i i POS.        :;:> \Expected Actions/Sehavior
                                                                                 ... ,   ,          **.ctomments BOP    (Step 12.4) IF NC System Pressure is less                        NOTE: NC System pressure is than 1B NI Pump discharge pressure ....                          > 1B NI Pump discharge pressure.

BOP (Step 12.5) Ensure open 1NI-118A (Train A NI to Cold Leg Isol). SRO (Step 12.6) Ensure PRA Risk interactions evaluated PRIOR to performing Step 12.7 (due to inoperable and unavailable). {PIP M-06-01610} SRO (Step 12.7) Declare 1B NI Pump inoperable NOTE: The SRO will address and unavailable. LCO 3.5.2, and determine that one train is inoperable, ( requiring Condition A. BOP (Step 12.8) Ensure closed 1 1NI-150B NI-150B (Train B NI to Cold Leg Isol). BOP (Step 12.9) Check open 1 NI-100B (FWST to 1NI-100B NI Pumps). BOP (Step 12.10) IF 1NIPG5240 (1B NI Pump NOTE: 1 NIPG5240 is NOT 1NIPG5240 Suction Press) defective or out-of defective or out-of calibration. calibration .... BOP (Step 12.11) Start 1 1BB11NI NI Pump. NOTE: The RO will likely make a plant announcement regarding the NI pump start. BOP (Step 12.12) Check open 1RN-215B (B NI Pump Cooler Sup Isol). (

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # -.;.. _ _ _ _ _ Page


0 of _6;;.;3;.......-~1 110 _6;;.;3;""'-11 ( Event


Test the 1B NI Pump/Hot Pump Bearing Time II Position II Applicant's A licant's Actions or Behavior l!~:':i~ime P ,~,'jil'lf"'iii~ ii':;I\:: i'iii "I:'i:':: ',"::':' Comments ()~"'. ..:1>'<,*** .. ' . '1' . .:. :., NOTE: The BOP may call NLO (John) to address the pump operation. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as NLO, and report that the pump is running normally. BOP (Step 12.13) Check 1 1NI-101 NI-1 01 (Unit 1 FWST To NI Pump Chk) partial stroked by observing normal pump operation. BOP (Step 12.14) Check 1B NI Pump flow rate is greater than 25 gpm per 1FWP5250 or 1FWPG5250 (Unit 1 Safety Injection Miniflow) to check 1 1NI-143 NI-143 (1B (1 B NI Pump Miniflow Chk) full stroked. ( BOP (Step 12.15) Check 1B NI Pump minimum flow rate is greater than 35 gpm per 1FWP5250 or 1FWPG5250 (Unit 1 Safety Injection Miniflow) to check 1NI-114 (1A NI Pump Miniflow Chk) backseated AND prevent gross diversion of flow. BOP (Step 12.16) IF 1NIPG5320 1NIPG5320 (1B(1 B NI Pump NOTE: 1NIPG5320 1NIPG5320 is NOT Disch Press) defective or out-of-calibration defective or out-of calibration. BOP (Step 12.17) WHEN pump conditions stabilize, allow 1B NI Pump to operate for at least 2 minutes. BOP (Step 12.18) Record Inservice data for 1B NI NOTE: The BOP/RO responds Pump as required by Enclosure. to the OAC Alarm on the 1B NI Pump. NOTE: The BOP may NOT address the ARP before deciding to stop the 1B NI Pump.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # ~_________ Page Page 11 63 of _6,;.;3;;""--11

                                                                                                                                     --'---I Event


Test the 1B NI PumpfHot Pump/Hot Pump Bearing Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

             .{ilrri~~li:'.!:ill::::':::' :1iW;i::::~EX:pecteq::::J{!~tionS/Benl~~i~~:::::::.i""" ';:: li~C~:~h:I:~~~~"::

i'i':> i'" Time , ;: 1<,'<: '<, " ' " ,." , M1 A0494, OAe ALARM M1A0494, 1B 1 B NI PUMP MOTOR INBOARD BRG TEMP - HI BOP// BOP (HI Step 1) Check oil level on affected motor. NOTE: The BOP will need to NLO contact NLO (John). Booth Instructor: as NLO, acknowledge. BOP/ BOP / (HI Step 2) If oil level is low (below red tape), Booth Instructor: as NLO, NLO add oil or shutdown affected NI pump. report oil level normal. BOP/ BOP / (HI Step 3) If oil ring is not rotating, shutdown Booth Instructor: as NLO, NLO affected NI pump. report oil ring is rotating. ( BOP (HI Step 4) If motor bearing temperature is NOTE: The BOP will stop the increasing greater than 2°F per minute, 1B NI Pump. shutdown affected NI pump. BOP (HI Step 5) Monitor affected NI motor bearing temperature on point trend.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # .-;..,

                                                                      -.;..____ __   __   _ Page     12 of    63

( Event


Test the 1B NI Pump/Hot Pump Bearing Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 'Time      Pos.      }!',:'T:,,<;'" .':'7~;~6~~/Beh~~i6i'**i).:'1."            .,,'j}** i"'i*Comments SRO       (HI Step 6) Notify Engineering of the High NI               NOTE: SRO may call motor bearing temperature.                                 WCC/SE to address the pump bearing temperature.

If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. Within 5 minutes, Booth Instructor: Call, as NLO, and report that the 1B NI Pump breaker will be opened. Use LOA-NI015 (Racked Out) to remove pump from service. Within 2 minutes, report that the 1B NI Pump breaker has been racked out. ( SRO (HI-HI Step 1) Evaluate shifting malfunctioning NI pump. SRO (HI-HI Step 2) If in Mode 1, 2, or 3, refer to NOTE: The SRO will address TS 3.5.2. LCO 3.5.2. PTl1/A/4206/001 B, 1B PTl1/A14206/001B, 1 B NI PUMP PERFORMANCE TEST BOP (Step 12.21) Stop 1B 1B NI Pump. NOTE: The 1B NI Pump should be already stopped by this time. BOP (Step 12.22) Vent the NI System pressure. NOTE: The BOP should direct NLO (John) to vent the NI System Pressure by performing all of Step 12.22.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # .....;.._ _ _ _ _ Page 13 of _6.;..;3~~1 63


( Event


Test the 1 1B B NI Pump/Hot Pump Bearing Time I Position v"tion II Applicant's Actions or Behavior It?i'?:;::::::";': . . . i.i* ..* .... i. . .

  • i'" . . .,. *.il. . ' .i,,'* . . : ..
    , ,: :"i>:,:q~ ,,<\,,"<~
                             .*,;::i'Pi~~C:>:   ....,)*.~:~:~i~i~i.d.Actlons/Behavlo.r' .*.i:*i":'                            t**.>:**::.i.i Comments             '.>

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.5.2, ECCS - OPERATING SRO 3.5.2 ECCS - Operating NOTE: The SRO will address LCO 3.5.2, and determine that one train is inoperable, requiring Condition A, and that the TS Action will be applicable for a longer period of time than anticipated. SRO LCO 3.5.2 Two ECCS trains shall be OPERABLE. SRO APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, and 3. ( SRO ACTIONS CONDITION REQURIED COMPLETION ACTION TIME A. One or more A.1 Restore 72 hours trains train(s) to inoperable. OPERABLE AND status. At least 100% of the EGGS flow equivalent to a single OPERABLE EGGS train available. NOTE: SRO will likely conduct a Focus Brief. At the discretion of the Lead Examiner, move to Events #2-3.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # ...;2;;...;;.;&...;;3


_ __ ___ Page 14 of ......;6;.;..3~1 63 Event


MSR Relief Valve fails open/Downpower/Rods openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time III Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior After this, MSR Relief Valve 1HS 179 will fail open causing a loss of turbine efficiency and an increase in reactor power. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/01, AP/1/A/5500101, "Steam Leak." The operator will recognize the failure, and perform a rapid downpower in accordance with AP/1/A/5500/04, AP/1/A/5500104, "Rapid Downpower," in an attempt to shut the valve. The valve will shut after power has been reduced to approximately 85-90%, and the operator will stabilize the plant. During the downpower, the operator will observe that the Control Rods are not moving in Auto. The operator will place the rods in Manual in accordance with AP/1/A/5500/14, AP/1/A15500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," and control rods in manual as required to continue the downpower. After the Relief valve has closed, and the load decrease stabilized, the operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," Enclosure 2, "Failure of Rods to Move on Demand." The operator will direct IAE to investigate the problem, the problem will be corrected, and the Control Rods will be returned to Auto. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #3 (MALF-MSR003E (25)) Indications Available:

  • MWe decreases.
  • Main Turbine Governor Valves open.


  • Tavg decreases.
  • Excore Nuclear Instruments indicate "'100%. ""100%.

Time Pos. .. Exp.ected Actipns/Behavior

                                , ',' ,,'"  "" 'r' ','  '"   ,"',       'I              .;               . Comments AP/1/A/5500/01, STEAM LEAK NOTE: The SRO may dispatch NLOs to look for steam leaks.

If so, Booth Instructor as NLO, respond back in 3-5 minutes per script (See Page 16). SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. RO (Step 2) Reduce turbine load to maintain the NOTE: The RO may take the following: Turbine Control to MANUAL.

Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _2-.;..&...;.3_ _ _ _ Page _2....;..&...;.3 15 of """;";...,1 63

                                                                                                            --'-'---ll Event


MSR Relief Valve fails open/Downpower/Rods openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time II Position Jl A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's

  • Nl's - LESS THAN OR EQUAL Excore NI's NOTE: The power level was TO 100% originally at 95% and increased to 100%. The SRO will direct that power be maintained at initial power level.
  • OfT's - LESS THAN 60°F OfT NC Loop D/Ts D/T
  • T-Ave - AT T-REF.

SRO (Step 3) Check containment entry --IN IN NOTE: There is no PROGRESS. Containment Entry in progress. SRO (Step 3 RNO) GO TO Step 5. ( BOP (Step 5) Check Pzr pressure prior to event-GREATER THAN P-11 (1955 PSI PSIG)G) event - BOP (Step 6) Check Pzr level-level - STABLE OR GOING UP SRO (Step 7) IF AT ANY TIME while in this NOTE: This is a Continuous procedure Pzr level cannot be maintained Action. The SRO will make stable, THEN RETURN TO Step 6. both board operators aware. SRO (Step 8) GO TO Step 12. SRO (Step 12) Announce occurrence on paging NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO system. to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 13) Identify and isolate leak on Unit 1:

  • Check SM PORVs - CLOSED.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _2;;..;;;&...;:3;.....

                                                                                ...;2;;;....;.;.&..;;3_ _ _ _ Page                 16  of  63
                                                                                                                                          ~~-II Event


MSR Relief Valve fails open/Downpower/Rods openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time III Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                      , .. ",."q:n:n'::n, . ~,,:;:.':n::.:n"C:"


  "1<'* <, ,',
               ~                  E)(pe~t~:~ Ac:!~~B~fiaviOr                                           :'I;;i 1::::1:/1****
n0 c<>i1iments
  • Check condenser dump valves- valves -


  • Check containment conditions -


  • Containment temperature
  • Containment pressure
  • Containment humidity
  • Containment floor and equipment sump level.
  • Check TD CA pump - OFF.
  • Check valves "STEAM LINE DRAIN VALVES" board (1MC-9) - CLOSED SRO
  • Check opposite Unit (Unit 2) "STEAM NOTE: SRO will ask U2 RO.

HEADER PRESSURE" - GREATER If so, Floor Instructor THAN 200 PSIG. acknowledge as U2 RO, and ( report U2 Steam Header Pressure is > 200 psig.

                        **    Dispatch operator to check for leaks.                                              NOTE: If not already done, the SRO will dispatch NLOs to look for steam leaks.

After 2-3 minutes, Booth Instructor, as NLO, report that an MSR Shell Side Relief Valve is lifting. RO I RO/ (Step 14) Check UST level- STABLE OR BOP GOING U P. BOP (Step 14 RNO) Makeup to UST as required to maintain level. SRO (Step 15) Evaluate unit shutdown as follows:

                       **     Check unit status - IN MODE 1 OR 2.
                         **   Determine if unit shutdown or load reduction is warranted based on the following criteria:

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # 2&3_ _ _ _ Page _2;;;...;.;&...;;3 17 17 of _6.;..;3~-I1 63 of "';;';~-II Event


MSR Relief Valve fails openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time III Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior


Time I~:I R'>: ",os""

                                            'E~'::l!~ted::I:M iR:l\)i"::::I;<':'; 1',\'+(/;"
                                                                                   ",i'i"  : \ "<:', '; ::.i
                                                                                                               "           '1,':1 :,i'i:,: , ' CO~r~'~hts
                                                                                                                                                 ,"",,:<;:;:":,':'1'<;/':" ,

j, :"',,"

                                       **      Size of leak
                                        **      Location location of leak
                                       **       Rate of depletion of secondary inventory
                                      **       IIF F steam is leaking from a secondary heater relief OR MSR relief valve, THEN reducing turbine load may reduce pressure enough to close relief valve.
                                      **       IF turbine trip will isolate steam leak (such as feedwater heater leak or MSR leak), THEN it may be desirable to perform an orderly shutdown of the turbine and maintain reactor power in Mode 1.
                                **        Check unit shutdown or load reduction -                                                  NOTE: It is necessary to REQUIRED.                                                                                reduce load in an attempt to

( close the lifting relief valve.

                                **        Check reactor trip - REQUIRED.                                                           NOTE: A reactor trip is NOT required.

SRO (Step 15.d RNO) GO TO Step 15.h. SRO ** (Step 15. h) Determine if turbine trip is desired to isolate steam leak:

                                      **       Check steam leak location -


                                       **      Turbine trip - DESIRED.                                                              NOTE: A turbine trip is NOT desired.

SRO (Step 15.h RNO) Perform the following:

                                 **       Reduce load as necessary PER one of the following:
                                         **     OP/1/N61 001003 (Controlling OP/1/A/61 Procedure For Unit Operation),

Enclosure 4.2 (Power Reduction)

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-0-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _2_&_3_ _ _ _ _2=-=&..;:3~ Page Page 18 18 of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  --..,1 63 of _6.;;.;3~-I1 Event


MSR Relief Valve fails openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO t Time III Position ... ItII Applicant's Actions or Behavior l: i:ti!;l:~:~: !: : ,:':i;,\ :;,' , i......' .*... i.i'i', ."\.iii!>

 '"   '.                       ">,\1( ;>, >:<,1"/>1'1 :i; '>,::C,~',' ,<',' 'l:'(><'/(': 1>>/',\,,'<';' ., ,',   /\],i l: ",\,,:(,,-:1, ) '/J,;""

i.** +:(Ei~p~~ted;!i~~riqnsJBel1aN1!i!~ir* Time Pos. ........... 'CeJilitiiiiliti'ijnts,

                                 ,      :"> '/'11 \:'11' "1<'  ,h<:     'e'       ':,,, -:"" ,>'                 '/        "      ,1"<",,,   ,                                                                  '*.i' ".ii .      .


                             **           AP/1/A15500104 AP/1/N5500104 (Rapid Downpower)                                        Downpower)..                                    NOTE: The SRO will transition to AP-4.

AP/1/A15500/04, RAPID DOWNPOWER AP/1/A/5500/04, SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. SRO (Step 2) Announce occurrence on page. NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 3) Check turbine control-IN control- IN AUTO. ( RO (Step 3 RNO) Perform the following:

  • IF auto turbine control not available, ..... NOTE: Auto turbine control is available.
  • Place turbine control in auto .

RO (Step 4) Check "MW LOOP" --IN IN SERVICE. RO (Step 4 RNO) Depress "MW IN/MW our our push button. pushbutton. RO (Step 5) Check shutdown to Mode 3 - DESIRED. SRO (Step 5 RNO) Observe Note prior to Step 8 and GO TO Step 8. SRO (Step 8) Determine the required power NOTE: The CRSRO will ( reduction rate (MW/min). reduce load at


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _2;;;....;;.;&...;;3

                                                                  ....;2;;...;;..;.&...;;3_ _ _ _ Page          19 19 of _6;;.;3~-i1 of   63

( Event


MSR Relief Valve fails openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time "'/~""'h"" i, ' ,'_V"~Y or ,", ,,' "<;:I;:li;; Comme,nts "" ii, "i RO (Step 9) Check control rods - IN AUTO. BOP (Step 10) Notify SOC of load reduction (red Booth Instructor: as SOC, dispatcher phone). acknowledge. RO (Step 11) Initiate turbine load reduction to desired load at desired rate. Booth Instructor: Operate Trigger #5 (MALF-IRE009 (0>>. (0)). During the downpower, the operator will observe that the Control Rods are not moving in Auto. The operator will place the rods in Manual in accordance with AP/11A15500/14, AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," and control rods in manual as required to continue the down power. After the Relief valve has closed, and the load decrease stabilized, the downpower. operator will implement AP/11A15500/14, AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction," Enclosure 2, ( "Failure of Rods to Move on Demand." The operator will direct IAE to investigate the problem, the problem will be corrected, and the Control Rods will be returned to Auto. BOP (Step 12) Borate NC System as follows:

  • Energize all backup Pzr heaters.
  • Determine boration amount based on the following:
  • Power Reduction Rate (MW/min)
  • Present NC System Boron Concentration (ppm)
  • Total Power change (%).
  • Record calculated boration amount:


  • Check auto or manual rod control -


  • Perform boration in 4 equal additions during load reduction PER OP/1/N61501009 (Boron Concentration Control), Enclosure 4.7 (Boration Using 1NV-265B (Boric Acid to NV Pumps)).

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09*1 Scenario # 2 Event # 2 & 3_ _ _ _ _2~&~3 Page 20 of 63

                                                                      ~~-------                                        "';;";~~I
                                                                                                                       -~~I Event


MSR Relief Valve fails openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 *.Time       Pas;
'.' :'.:~~:.:  :~~~~ic;ms/Behavior ii . .:. . :::i:::!::::/I':'!ei:~:~i~~nts RO (Step 13) Check control rods - MOVING IN NOTE: The rods are NOT AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN T-AVG AT moving inward in AUTO, and T-REF. the operator will be inserting rods manually.

RO (Step 13 RNO) Perform the following:

                       **     IF manual control available, THEN move control rods in manual as necessary to maintain T-Avg at T-Ref.
                      **      IF rods cannot be moved in auto or                     NOTE: Rods can be inserted manual, .....                                          manually.

RO (Step 14) Display Rod Insertion Limits on OAC by entering turn on code "RIL". ( SRO (Step 15) IF AT ANY TIME "CONTROL ROD BANK LO LO LIMIT" alarm (1AD-2, B-9) is lit, NOTE: This is a Continuous Action. The SRO will make THEN perform one of the following to comply both board operators aware. with Tech Spec 3.1.6 (Control Bank Insertion Limits):

                      **      Ensure alarm clears within one hour as Xenon builds in.


  • Initiate boration as necessary within one hour to restore control rods above insertion limits.

SRO (Step 16) IF AT ANY TIME during this NOTE: This is a Continuous procedure C-7A is received, THEN ensure Action. The SRO will make Transient Monitor freeze is triggered. both board operators aware. RO (Step 17) Check turbine impulse pressure - GREATER THAN 260 PSIG. SRO (Step 18) REFER TO the following: (

  • RP/O/ Al5700/000 (Classification of RP/OIN57001000 Emergency)

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # ....;2;;;..;;;.&..;;3_ _ _ _ Page

                                                                ...;2::..;.;.&..;;3                      21  of  _6;;.;3;.....~1 63
                                                                                                                 -'--""1 Event


MSR Relief Valve fails open/Downpower/Rods openlDownpowerlRods fail to move in AUTO Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                             ., ....                                     :i,;;'

Time Pos. Expecte' "

                                                                                     ,           Comments
                      **   RP/O/A57001010 (NRC Immediate                               NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to Notification Requirements).                                 address.

If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as OSM. SRO (Step 19) Notify Reactor Group Duty NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to Engineer of load reduction. address. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as OSM. The SRO may call WCC/RE to address the switch position. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. SRO (Step 20) Check target load - LESS THAN ( 1000 MW. \ SRO (Step 21) Check Unit 2 - AVAI LABLE TO AVAILABLE SUPPLY AUX STEAM (AS) HEADER. SRO (Step 22) Dispatch operator to ensure the following valves are open:

                     **    1AS-74 1AS-74 (Unit 1 Unit 2 Aux Steam Hdr Cross-Tie Isol) (service bldg, 739+12, room 202, R-27, over B RL Pump)
                     **    Unit 2 valve 2AS-74 (Unit 1 & Unit 2 Aux Steam Hdr Cross-Tie Isol) (service bldg, 739+14, room 202, S-27, above RL strainer.
                     **    1AS-253 (Unit 1 Aux Steam Hdr Isol)                         NOTE: The SRO will dispatch (service bldg, 739+15 P-28 above                            an NLO.

overhead door to Unit 1 turbine bldg). If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as NLO, and after 5 minutes, report back that the valves are OPEN.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # 2 & 3 _ _ _ Page

                                                                                    ...;2:..&;:..;;;..3                      22          63 of --,6...;..3---11

( ----------- ---~I Event


MSR Relief Valve fails openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                                     ;1 :1' Time      Pos.               Expected.A~~j(;>'tJ~1'~~'H~"ior
                                        '1"1,,,',:,:'1(',1,':/<' "  ,

Comments . *. . Booth Instructor: At 85-90% power, or at the discretion of the Lead Examiner: Delete MALF-MSR003E Call as the NLO and report that the MSR Shell Side Relief Valve has CLOSED. NOTE: The SRO will stabilize the Unit and transition to AP-1, Step 16. AP/1/A15500/01, STEAM LEAK AP/1/A/5500/01, RO (Step 16) Check MSIVs - CLOSED. SRO (Step 16 RNO) Perform the following:

                      **   IF AT ANY TIME MSIVs are closed,                                                 NOTE: This is a Continuous

( THEN perform Step 17. Action. The SRO will make both board operators aware.

                     **    GO TO Step 18. 18 .

SRO (Step 18) IF AT ANY TIME the steam release NOTE: The SRO will transition path is isolated, THEN exit this procedure. to AP-14, due to the failure of rods to move in automatic. AP/1/A15500/14, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION AP/1/A/5500/14, RO (Step 1) IF more than one rod dropped,...... dropped, ...... NOTE: No control rods dropped during this event. RO (Step 2) Place control rods in manual. NOTE: The RO placed the rods in manual during the downpowerwhenthe down power when the malfunction occurred. (

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 ES-D-2 ( Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # 2 & 3 _ _ _ Page

                                                                    ....;2;;..&;;;..;;.3                                23 of _6;;.;3~-I1 63 Event


MSR Relief Valve fails openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                             ~~S/B~fi~~ior ..... !!!rdl\;~!"

0!qll/\~<:i!i "i": . ::"n:' Time I!)\i;!t~~~** (;on"fments . . . .....!. RO (Step 3) Check rod movement - STOPPED. NOTE: There was no rod motion when the Rods were taken to Manual during the down power. RO (Step 4) Check all rods - ALIGNED WITH ASSOCIATED BANK. RO (Step 5) Check "ROD CONTROL URGENT FAILURE" alarm (1AD-2, A-10) - DARK. RO (Step 6) Check the following reactor control instruments - NORMAL:

                         *     "1A NC LOOP T-AVG"
                         *     "1 B NC LOOP T-AVG" "1B

( * "1 C NC LOOP T-AVG" "1C

  • 10 1D NC LOOP T-AVG"
                         *     "TURB IMP PRESS CH 1"
  • T-Ref T -Ref indication.

RO (Step 7) Check Nuclear Power P/R Channels - NORMAL. SRO (Step 8) IF this AP entered due to NOTE: This AP was NOT unwarranted rod insertion or withdrawal. ... entered due to unwarranted rod insertion or withdrawal. SRO (Step 9 ) IF this AP entered due to a failure NOTE: The SRO will transition of rods to withdraw or insert when required, to AP-14, Enclosure 2. THEN GO TO Enclosure 2 (Failure Of Rods To Move On Demand). AP/1/A/5500/14, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION AP/1/A15500/14, ENCLOSURE 2, FAILURE OF RODS TO MOVE ON DEMAND (

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _2_&...;.3_ _ _ _ Page

                                                                                         ..;2;;;...;;;&..;;3~___   Page     24        63 of _6;;,.;3;"-'-11
                                                                                                                                    -'---!I Event


MSR Relief Valve fails openlDownpower/Rods openfDownpowerfRods fail to move in AUTO Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time ~ilit,/\;' t~d:0, Ii:>: ':" ":V;s;>;:iY/:>:<<'<:i iie;s!" . '.



                                                                                                   'i'              Cijffifuents SRO          (Step 1) Announce occurrence on paging                                           NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO system.                                                                          to make Plant Announcement.

If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 2) Maintain T -Avg within 1°F of T-Avg programmed T-Ref as follows:

                        **   Adjust Turbine load OR
                        **   Borate/dilute NC System.

RO (Step 3) Check for control system failure as follows:

                       *     "ROD CONTROL URGENT FAILURE" alarm (1AD-2-, A-1     0) - LIT.

A-10) ( RO (Step 3 RNO) Perform the following:

                       **    IF manual rod control available, THEN                                        NOTE: Rods were used in rods can be used to maintain T-Avg                                           manual during the downpower down power within 1°F of programmed T              -Ref.

T-Ref. to control T-Avg within 1°F of programmed T-Ref. SRO ** GO TO Step 5. SRO (Step 5) Notify rod control system qualified NOTE: SRO may call IAE personnel to investigate problem. WCCIIAE to address the switch position. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. SRO (Step 6) IF AT ANY TIME a runback occurs NOTE: This is a Continuous while in this procedure, THEN observe the Action. The SRO will make following guidance: both board operators aware.

                      **     IF IAE has determined that it is permissible to move rods, THEN run back PER respond to the runback

( AP/1/N5500/03 (Load Rejection). AP/1/A/5500/03

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # ...;2~&..;;.3_

                                                                                  ....;2;;...;.;.&...;;.3____        Page          25  of _6;;..;3~-I1 63

( Event


MSR Relief Valve fails open/Downpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

   *"*'*""'::.ll~***                                                  ... *",*,**",*,,*,*..,+*.*,I\~.**
 *trijM~li!:~;i .dAetions/Beha:viorill:/it::I';:';:; . ' 1                                                         i :Cdl'nments
+"," """+ ....... "'. ,1+ ..... .. .... >.++ .:11+: ',',' ,"i' "
                               **     For all other circumstances, assume rod control is not available and respond to the run back as follows:
                                     **    Trip Reactor.
                                     **    GO TO EP/1/N5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).

SRO (Step 7) IF AT ANY TIME while in this NOTE: This is a Continuous procedure unit shutdown is required AND rod Action. The SRO will make cannot be moved, THEN perform the both board operators aware. following: BOP ** Borate as required during shutdown to maintain T-Avg at T-Ref. RO ** Monitor AFD during load reduction. ROII RO ** IF AT ANY TIME AFD reaches Tech NOTE: This is a Continuous BOP Spec limit AND reactor power is greater Action. The SRO will make than 50%, THEN perform the following: both board operators aware.

  • Trip Reactor.
                                    **    GO TO EP/1/N5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).

SRO ** IF entry into Mode 3 is desired, ............ NOTE: Entry into Mode 3 is NOT desired. SRO (Step 8) WHEN rod control problem is Booth Instructor: repaired, OR Engineering determines that Delete MALF-IRE009 rod control malfunction will not affect auto rod motion, THEN perform the following: as IAE, and indicate that a loose card was found in the 7300 processing system, that it has been repaired, and that returning the control rods to Auto is recommended. RO ** Ensure T-Avg at T-Ref +/- 1°F.

                           **         IF auto rod control desired, THEN place                             NOTE: The RO places the control rods in auto.                                               control rods back in AUTO.

( SRO (Step 9) Exit this procedure.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: ( N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # ~2~&~3~______ 2&3 Page 26 of 63 Event


MSR Relief Valve fails openlDownpower/Rods fail to move in AUTO Time III Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #4. (

Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _4.:....-_ _4~ ____ Page 27 _6_3__ of .....;6~3---11 ( 1 Event


NC System Leak Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Subsequently, a 33 gpm NC System Cold Leg leak will develop on the Loop 0 connection to the Accumulator. The Operator will respond by implementing AP/1/A/5500/10, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps," Case II, "NC System Leakage." The operator will address Technical Specification 3.4.13, "RCS Operational Leakage," and SLC 16.9.7, "Standby Shutdown System." The operator will reduce load to be in Mode 3 within an hour in accordance with AP/1/A/5500/04, AP/1/A/5500104, "Rapid Downpower." Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #7 {MALF-NC007D (MALF-NC007D (.2 for 30 seconds)) seconds>> Indications Available:

  • Pzr Level decreases.
  • Containment Pressure increases.

( *po~~ ,< >. <d.c;.cE~p~~!tI8\:j(gtjoh~/13~~~a~*iqr . .

  ',.Ii,~e                                                                .....        .J. qO~l1le~,t~ *. ",. ~.~ , . .,:~:~i AP/1/A15500/10, NC SYSTEM LEAKAGE WITHIN the CAPACITY of BOTH NV AP/1/A/5500/10, PUMPS CASE II, NC SYSTEM LEAKAGE BOP        (Step 1) Check leak - KNOWN TO BE IN                   NOTE: The NCS leak is NOT THE AUX BUILDING.                                       known to be in the Aux Building.

SRO (Step 1 RNO) Perform the following:

                        **    IF containment entry is in progress,              NOTE: A Containment Entry is NOT in progress.
                        **    IF in Modes 1-4, OR no-mode, THEN GO TO Step 2.

BOP (Step 2) Check Pzr level-level - STABLE OR GOING UP. ( BOP (Step 2 RNO) Perform the following as required to maintain level:

Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 28 of 63 N09-1

                                                                                                                                -'""--I Event


NC System Leak Time III Position II Aoolicant's Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos. .' . .*. . "J:xpected

'i' ,\:(/),:;,' ,,::\,', 'i'" , ":' '",:'

Actions/Behavior Oomments .' .' BOP

  • Maintain charging flow less than 200 GPM at all times in subsequent steps.
  • Ensure 1NV-238 (Charging Line Flow Control) opening.
  • Open 1 1NV-241 NV-241 (U1 Seal Water Inj Flow Control) while maintaining NC pump seal flow greater than 6 GPM.
  • Reduce or isolate letdown. NOTE: The BOP may reduce letdown flow to 45 gpm, or isolate it altogether.
  • Start additional NV pump. NOTE: The BOP will NOT need to start an additional NV Pump.


  • IF Pzr level cannot be maintained greater NOTE: The Pzr level is NOT <

than 4%, OR Pzr level going down with 4%, or decreasing with maximum charging flow .... maximum Charging flow. ( SRO (Step 3) IF AT ANY TIME while in this NOTE: This is a Continuous procedure Pzr level cannot be maintained Action. The SRO will make stable, THEN perform Step 2. both board operators aware. BOP (Step 4) Check Pzr pressure - STABLE OR TRENDING TO 2235 PSIG. RO (Step 5) check main steam line intact:

                     **         Reactor power-           power - AT TURBINE POWER
                      **        NC Loop T-Avg - STABLE.

SRO (Step 6) Announce occurrence on page. NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. ROJI RO (Step 7) Estimate leak rate using any of the BOP following methods: ( ** Monitor OAC NV graphic

Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _4..;..._ _ _ _ Page _4~ 29 of ~;""-'-II _6_3 63___-11 Event


NC System Leak Time II Position II Applicant's A licant's Actions or Behavior OR

  • Compare charging flow to letdown flow plus seal return flow OR
  • Monitor VCT level trend (OAC point NOTE: The leak should be M1 P1271).

M1P1271). estimated to be 30-40 gpm. SRO (Step 8) REFER TO RP/0/N5700/000 NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to (Classification of Emergency). address. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as OSM. SRO (Step 9) IF AT ANY TIME NC leakage exceeds Tech Spec limits, THEN perform the following: (

  • Ensure Outside Air Pressure Filter train NOTE: SRO may ask U2 in service PER OP/0/N6450/011 BOP to address.

(Control Area Ventilation/Chilled Water If so, Floor Instructor System), Enclosure 4.4 (Control Room acknowledge as U2 BOP. Atmosphere Pressurization During Abnormal Conditions).

  • Have another SRO evaluate if leakage NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to exceeds SLC 16.9.7 condition C limits address, OR call Security on and immediately notify security if SSF is their own inoperable.

If OSM is asked, Floor Instructor acknowledge as OSM. If the SRO calls Security, Booth Instructor acknowledge as Security. SRO (Step 10) IF AT ANY TIME VCT level goes NOTE: This is a Continuous below 16% ("VCT ABNORMAL LEVEL" Action. The SRO will make alarm (1AD-7, 0-3) low setpoint), THEN align both board operators aware. NV pump suction to FWST (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _4~ 4 _ _ _ _ Page 30 of 63 ( ~-------- ~~-II

                                                                                                                                                              ~--~I Event


NC System Leak Ti Time II Position A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's

  'Ti~e >,,~~'~i *:',.:)i,',(i>   Exp~Qt~i~ Actiqll~I~~haviQ((;,'.> !::( ~ ,;::!i:!'                                              '.>', i',~omments . . . . '.
                                     ' , " " "\ ' '.\ /" ' " ,,'   ' ,,~ / '" \ "',.,,, <I, u "   , " {"", II ,,,) :, , ,

BOP (Step 11) IF AT ANY TIME Containment NOTE: This is a Continuous pressure exceeds Tech Spec limit (0.3 Action. The SRO will make PSIG), PSIG). THEN evaluate placing all 4 VL AHU both board operators aware. mode select switches in "HGIH" to prevent them from cycling around 0.5 PSIG. BOP (Step 12) Check sealleakoff on all NC pumps - LESS THAN 6 GPM. BOP (Step 13) Check NC pump thermal barriers intact as follows:

  • NC pump thermal barrier KC outlet flows and temperatures on OAC KC graphic NORMAL (flow and temperature should be similar for all 4 NC pumps).
  • KC surge tank level rates on OAC KC

( graphic - NORMAL.

  • KC Surge Tank level - NORMAL.
  • 1EMF-46A (Train A Component Cooling)
                                - NORMAL.
  • 1EMF-46B (Train B Component Cooling)
                                - NORMAL.

SRO (Step 14) GO TO Step 16. BOP (Step 16) Check leak - SUSPECTED ON NOTE: The NCS leak is NOT LETDOWN LINE NEAR DEMINERALIZERS. suspected to be on the Letdown Line near the Dem ineralizers. Demineralizers. SRO (Step 16 RNO) GO TO Step 18. BOP (Step 18) Check leak - KNOWN TO BE ON NOTE: The NCS leak is NOT NORMAL LETDOWN LINE. known to be on the Normal Letdown Line.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _4..;...... _4.;....-._ __ ___ _ Page 31 of .....:6~3---i1 63 ( ---II




NC System Leak Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time :*1 P9S. .:. E;xpEtct~d;:.~cti:~~~'Behavior

                                   "'i" '::',' "I' <:i/:/'I","'</:(!o<'

Comments SRO (Step 18 RNO) GO TO Step 20. BOP (Step 20) Check leak - KNOWN TO BE ON NOTE: The NCS leak is NOT VCT. known to be on the VCT. SRO (Step 20 RNO) GO TO Step 22. BOP (Step 22) Check leak - KNOWN TO BE ON NOTE: The NCS leak is NOT NORMAL CHARGING LINE DOWNSTREAM known to be on the Normal OF 1NV-244A (Charging Line Cont Outside Charging Line downstream of Isol). 1NV-244A. SRO (Step 22 RNO) GO TO Step 24. ( BOP (Step 24) Check the following indications-NORMAL:

                      **    Pzr safeties:
                             *      "PZR RELIEF VALVE TEMP"
                            **      PZR RELIEF LINE" "NO FLOW" acoustic indication light.
                      **    Pzr PORVs:
                            **      "PZR RELIEF VALVE TEMP".
                      **    PRT conditions:
                            **      Pressure
                            **      Level
                            **      Temperature BOP        (Step 25) check all CLA levels - NORMAL.

BOP (Step 26) Check the following NCDT parameters:

                      **    Level - NORMAL


Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _4 4_ _ _ _ _ Page 32 of 63

                                                                                           -----------                                                            "";"'-..,1
                                                                                                                                                                  -~~I Event


NC System Leak TimeIII II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                      ~~."",I"",**.t*"*I.I... .....                   .1.**.**1. 1.. 1             '1\'1.".'   *.*.;:);::.".* :.,; ... IWU>Y!*iiI.... ,i.<:;~ .* ':'i.!.i*. ,.i..
 'ifit-meiL ."....
 ")   '1,,,:,,::1,,/\                ...... i~~~~~~~~ ~£~ions/Beha"i9r
                                                                  .                  1 .*..*. " ..
                                                                                                '   .. .     .....**ii* "i':,n!!I.!'I.f1~
                                 **    Temperature - NORMAL
                                 **    "PUMP FLOW" - AT "RECIRC FLOW".

BOP (Step 27) Check Containment floor and equipment sumps - NORMAL. BOP (Step 27 RNO) IF level going up AND Containment is accessible, THEN check inputs to CFAE sumps per PT/1/A/41501001 PT/1/N41501001 D (identifying sump leakage). SRO (Step 28) Check leak location - HAS BEEN NOTE: The NCS leak location IDENTIFIED. has NOT been identified. ( SRO (Step 28 RNO) Perform the following steps as necessary to identify location of leak:

  • IF leak is inside containment, THEN evaluate isolating letdown and charging PER Steps 19 and 23 to see if leak exists on these headers.
                                **     Notify WCC SRO to review recent                                           NOTE: SRO may call WCC                      wce to changes in plant status:                                                 address the leak.

If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC, and respond as appropriate.

                                       **    Any equipment removed from service
                                       **    Any equipment returned to service
  • Any venting or draining in progress.

BOP ** Notify Radwaste Chemistry to check the NOTE: SRO may call RW to following tanks and sumps for excessive address the leak. input: If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as RW, and respond as appropriate.

                                       **     ND/NS sump

( ** RHT RHT

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _4_ _ _ _ _ Page 33 of 63

                                                                                                               ......;;..;~-II Event


NC System Leak Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos. E)(!~~~tij.aActions/Behaviot

                                     ,x"">':">"':::,' '"                    "\1\"','.
                                                                    ' , , - \ i , ,::


                           **    Waste Drain Tank
                           **    WEFT
                           **    FDT FOT
                           **    Spent Resin Storage Tank.
                       **  IF affected tank or sump readily                           NOTE: The NCS leak location identified, ......
                                         ..... .                                      has NOT been identified.

BOP ** IF affected tank or sump not identified, THEN check all tanks and sumps in next steps.

  • Check inputs to desired tanks and sumps NOTE: SRO may ask U2 PER PT/1/A/41501001 PT/1/N41501001D 0 (Identifying NC BOP to perform.

System Leakage). If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 BOP. BOP

  • IF necessary to check inputs to FDT FOT or NOTE: The NCS leak location WEFT, THEN ........ ....... . is known to be in the

( Containment.

                      **   IF leakage suspected through 1NV-137       NV-137A    A    NOTE: The NCS leak location (NC Filters Otlt 3-Way Cntrl) to RHT,                     is known to be in the THEN .........
                                    ........ .                                        Containment.

SRO ** IF leak possibly going to Unit 1 BAT, NOTE: The NCS leak location THEN ........

                                    ....... .                                         is known to be in the Containment.

SRO (Step 29) Ensure RP is notified of location NOTE: SRO may call and size of leak. WCC/RP to address the NCS leak. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC/RP. SRO (Step 30) Contact station management to NOTE: SRO may call WCC to evaluate need to shutdown. contact management. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC, and as Station Management direct that the plant be taken off-line within 1 hour.

Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09*1 Scenario # 2 Event # _4~_ _ _ _ _4~ _ _ _ _ Page 34 34 of _6.;.;3~-I1 _6,;.;3;"""-11 Event


NC System Leak Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

          ':<'!r<:r':'}!:                 .... i.i             >~) I: Ii '! ',: !: (i: !//!,~~"~',/::!i(?',(iI!:!ihl"i',,
   ",<"i' "I      i;', ,                                    '~'~~~'0r.                          .                             Comments                >:.\

SRO (Step 31) Check unit shutdown-REQUIRED. SRO (Step 32) Shutdown PER one of the following:

  • OP/1/A/61 001003 (Controlling Procedure OP/1/A161 For Unit Operation), Enclosure 4.2 (Power Reduction)


                                    **    AP/1/A/5500104 (Rapid Downpower).                                                  NOTE: The SRO will transition to AP-4.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.4.13, RCS OPERATIONAL LEAKAGE SRO 3.4.13 RCS Operational LEAKAGE ( SRO LCO 3.4.13 RCS operational LEAKAGE shall be limited to:

                                    **    No pressure boundary LEAKAGE;
                                    **    1 gpm unidentified LEAKAGE;
                                   **     10 gpm identified LEAKAGE;
                                    **    389 gallons per day total primary to secondary LEAKAGE through steam generators (SGs); and
                                   **     135 gallons per day primary to secondary LEAKAGE through anyone steam generator (SG).


Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _44_ _ _ _ _ Page 35 of 63

                                                                                                        --'-'---II Event


NC System Leak Time II Position II A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's rime *pds;

           ,        I' '"'        lt~~~dt~~.~ctid~sIB~havior                           Comments                ....

NOTE: The SRO will determine that LCO 3.4.13 is NOT met, and that Condition A is applicable, during the course of the transient. CONDITION REQUIRED COMPLETION ACTION TIME A. RCS A.1 Reduce 4 hours Operational LEAKAGE LEAKAGE within not within limits. limits for reasons other than pressure boundary LEAKAGE or primary to secondary LEAKAGE. ( SELECTED LICENSEE COMMITMENT 16.9.7 STANDBY SHUTDOWN SYSTEM SRO 16.9.7 Standby Shutdown System SRO COMMITMENT: The Standby Shutdown System (SSS) shall be operable. SRO APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, and 3. SRO REMEDIAL ACTIONS:

                      **      The SRO should ensure that security is         NOTE: The SRO may have notified 10 minutes prior to declaring the     already handed this off the SSS inoperable. Immediately upon               OSM, however, the remedial discovery of the SSS inoperability,            action of notifying Security Security must be notified to implement         within 10 minutes must be compensatory measures within 10                identified by the CRSRO.

minutes of the discovery.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _4~________ Page _4~_________ 36 _6;;,.;3;""-'~1 63 of "';;';;""'-11 ( Event


NC System Leak Time II Position II A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's

      -rl*~***;,.*:.:.*.***:*to~~Ji2;r:U:i::;~;jE~       ~        . . . :""               "':!:::~!'":~t~':/!'i:                 ~
 ....,',V.~!:!~i:~i:;I!I::*I""Q5" ,'. 1,;II,::!;\1- :.r  ~"~'~~~'; 20         Condition gpm.                A.

OR Total reactor coolant pump seal leakoff > 16.3 gpm. AP/1/A/5500/04, RAPID DOWN DOWNPOWER POWER SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. SRO (Step 2) Announce occurrence on page. NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 3) Check turbine control-IN control - IN AUTO. RO (Step 4) Check "MW LOOP" - IN SERVICE. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 37 of 63

                                                                                               -----------                                           -~~I
                                                                                                                                                     -~~I Event


NC System Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Ex p~ectediJi!~tr'~:~i1B'ijn~~i~ir::H: It: '>,: ** *** 1* 1,':iiITip-t~, Pos. >_ "..":>:-:<'">,,,>/::;:>:'):/+!:';I'""<':0' '" ',:""': . oil Gomments

                                                                                                                          ; \"< <'::'" < :'",!, "

SRO (Step 5) Check shutdown to Mode 3 - NOTE: Mode 3 is desired. DESIRED. SRO (Step 6) Check if "Shutdown Via Reactor Trip NOTE: Shutdown Via Reactor from 15% Power" appropriate: Trip from 15% Power is appropriate.

                       **    Shutdown Via Reactor Trip from 15%


                       **    At least two CA pumps - OPERABLE                       OPERABLE..

RO (Step 7) Enter target load of 180 MWE in turbine control panel. SRO (Step 8) Determine the required power NOTE: The SRO will reduction rate (MW/min). determine to reduce load at ( "'14-15 MWe/minute.

                                                                                                            =14-15 RO    (Step 9) Check control rods -IN                            - IN AUTO.

BOP (Step 10) Notify SOC of load reduction (red Booth Instructor: as SOC, dispatcher phone). acknowledge. RO (Step 11) Initiate turbine load reduction to Booth Instructor: When the desired load at desired rate. RO presses "GO" on the Turbine Operate Trigger #9 (MALF-DEHOOSB) When the RO presses GO on the Turbine move to Event #5. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _5;....-. _5.;....-___ ___ _ Page 38 of 63 Event


Turbine Control Unit failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior At the start of the downpower, a failure will occur in the Turbine Control Unit causing the unit to shift from Operator Auto to Manual control. The operator will address 1AD-1/F-4, TURBINE IN MANUAL, and control the Turbine manually during the downpower in accordance with OP/1/A/63001001A, OP/1/N63001001A, Enclosure 4.1, "Turbine Generator Load Change." Booth Operator Instructions: When the RO presses "GO" on the Turbine Operate Trigger #9 (MALF-DEHOOSB) (MALF-DEHOOBB) Indications Available:

  • MW IN light on Turbine Control Panel goes dark.
  • The Green MW OUT light on Turbine Control Panel is LIT.
  • Turbine load does NOT change when it should be changing.

Tiril~**" .p~~: .. .. E_\e:tt<~~~i~~i~lB*~h~vior Comments.

              " ",~"/'ii:"'~'    ..

1,<:/, '::Y':-:,,<; ,\,:1,::' ,>:1:;\,': :/,ci!::i"i,\:",', "", " . ( OP/1/A16100/001B, ANNUNCIATOR RESPONSE FOR PANEL 1AD-1 F-4, TURBINE IN MANUAL RO (Immediate Action) Ensure Turbine/Generator operation stabilizes in either Load or Speed Modes of operation. SRO (Supplementary Action 1) Determine cause and effect, then notify IAE of any malfunction. RO (Supplementary Action 2) Refer to OP/1/A/6300/001 A (Turbine-Generator Load OP/1/N6300/001 Change) for manual operation of Turbine Generator. RO (Supplementary Action 3) WHEN available and desired, return DEH to "OPER AUTO". OP/1/A16300/001A, TURBINE GENERATOR LOAD CHANGE

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _5~_ _5.;;..-. __ ___ Page 39 63 of '-;;';;""'--11 Event


Turbine Control Unit failure Time II Position J Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO (Step 3.5.2) IF Turbine in "MANUAL", perform the following:

  • Ensure desired change within "Calculated Capability Curve".
  • IF turbine load will increase or decrease more than 10 MWs, notify Dispatcher of expected load change.
  • IF raising load, depress "GV RAISE".
  • IF decreasing load, depress "GV LOWER".

After 15-25 MWe or at the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Events #6-8. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # ....;6;.;..,..;...7...;;.;&~8_ _ _ Page

                                                                                   ....;6;;.:..,..;..7..;.;&...;;.8                         _6;..;3;.....~1
                                                                                                                                  ~ of ....;6=3~1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1 O)/1A A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1 B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior Shortly afterwards, the NC System Cold Leg leak will degrade into a Small Break LOCA. The operator will enter EP/1/A/5000/E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection." Upon the actuation of Safety Injection, the 1A NI Pump will fail to auto start, and must be manually started. Upon the actuation of Hi-Hi Containment pressure, the 1B NS Pump will trip on overload and be unavailable during the remainder of the event. During the performance of E-O, the Reactor Coolant Pumps (NCPs) will be required to be manually tripped upon reaching the established NCP trip criteria. Upon completion of E-O, the operator will transition to EP/11A15000/E-1, EP/1/A/5000/E-1, "Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant." On the transition, an Orange Path will exist on the Containment Critical Safety Function, and the transition will be made to EP/1/A/5000/FR-Z.1, EP/11A15000/FR-Z.1, Response to High Containment Pressure," prior to E-1. Upon completion of FR-Z.1 the operator will transition to E-1. The scenario will terminate at Step 14 of E-1, after the crew has determined to transition to EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2, Post-LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization or upon a decision to transition to ES-1.3, "Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation," based on E-1 Foldout Page criteria. Booth Operator Instructions: Set MALF NC007D =3, at 45 second ramp. Indications Available: (

  • Pzr pressure rapidly drops.
  • Containment pressure rapidly rises.
  • Reactor automatically trips.
  • SI automatically actuates.



Pos. iL\'" Exp~cted Actions/Behavior

                                             "<';ii, '1,<>>,(> : '

comments. . NOTE: Crew will carry out Immediate Actions of E-O, prior to the SRO addressing the EP. EP/1/A/5000/E-O, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION EP/1/A15000/E-O,

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6:...:.,....;.7....;&;;..8~ _6.;.:,_7....;&_8_ _ _ Page _41_ of _6.;..;3~-I1 _6_3_-11 Event


Small Break LOCA {Loop (Loop O)/1A D)! 1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1 B NS Pump fails to start I Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 ~POS.                                                                                                       li~
                                <4+)[i;:;:      ..i. 4~]t     .... ,;;:;.,~t     -, /
                           .'.. ;,'/1        -r       '";:, .,~ ... ~'I~~~.~"ClV .. ,i                                                        *'*,ii';:',i; SRO         (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page.                                                          Examiner NOTE: NC Subcooling is lost immediately on the LOCA, and although neither NI Pump is running, Both NV Pumps are operating.

The five minute Clock to stop the NC Pumps should start here. Record Time: RO (Step 2) Check Reactor Trip:

  • All rod bottom lights - LIT
                       **        Reactor trip and bypass breakers -


  • I/R amps - GOING DOWN.

( RO (Step 3) Check Turbine Trip:

                        **       All throttle valves - CLOSED.

BOP (Step 4) Check 1ETA and 1ETB-ENERGIZED. RO (Step 5) IF either CF pump is in Manual Direct Valve Position (MDVP) mode, THEN trip affected pump(s). ROII RO (Step 6) Check if SII is actuated: SRO

                        **       "SAFETY INJECTION ACTUATED" (1 SI-18) - LIT.

status light (1SI-18)

                        **       Both LOCA Sequencer Actuated status lights (1SI-14) - LIT.


Appendix D0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6~'...;.7....;&;;...8;;..... _6;;.:.,..;.7....;&;.;...8.;...._ _ Page ~ of _6;;.;3~-I1 _6;..,;3;"""'-l1 ( Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A O)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto startl1 start/1B B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior A~ti8'fI~~I:,,::~:,:i.:.): ,C~l)1lro~tiit~::i:**.*,. Time

    >,: ,  '   Pas.           " ., Expecteo
                                   "                " " " ',,\',"       ,                                        ' '<,:, '<,J:;;::i,:V"';':i<< ':!,<>:,\,:<\:i/y', '

SRO (Step 7) Announce "Unit 1 Safety Injection". NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. BOP (Step 8) Check ESF Monitor Light Panel on energized train(s):

                          **   Groups 1, 2, 5 - DARK.
                          **   Group 3 - LIT.
                         **    OAC -IN SERVICE.

BOP ** Group 4, Rows A through F - LIT AS NOTE: The 1B NI Pump is REQUIRED. OOS, and the 1A NI Pump does NOT Auto start. The BOP may recognize this and manually start the 1A NI ( Pump. CRITICAL TASK: (E-O J) Establish flow from at least one intermediate-head ECCS Pump before transitioning out of E-O. Safety Significance: Failure to manually start at least one intermediate-head ECCS Pump under the postulated conditions constitutes "mis-operation or incorrect crew performance which leads to degraded ECCS capacity." The acceptable results obtained in the FSAR analysis of a small-break LOCA are based the assumption of the minimum ECCS injection flow, which assumes flow from one train of ECCS consisting of a high-head, intermediate head and low head pump, are met. If the crew fails to start the 1A NI Pump, the FSAR assumptions will not be met creating a condition where the plant is operated in an unanalyzed condition and in a manner which has violated the facility license. BOP (Step 8.d RNO) Perform the following:

  • Ensure both trains Phase A Isolation are initiated.
  • Align or start SII S/I and Phase A components with individual windows in Group 4 as required.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6"""...;.7...;.&;.;...;...8

                                                                                                                        ...,;6;"l                   _ _ _ Page
                                                                                                                                 ,,'..;..7..;;;&;...;:8___            ~ of ...,;6:;.;;;,3"""'

_6...;.3_-11 1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A O)/1A Nt NI Pump fails to Auto start/1B start/1 B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position Positio II Applicant's Ap()licant's Actions or Behavior

"<<::%::1'/ ':,:;'1'",'::/ " , :Y!Y::\'<if>:'lhi ,'!<:' "'1-+::,,,',;::<'1//:> ' ..


 *.* J"il11~i' POS.            <";E~pected~~tionsfBehavibr
                                ,,:,   <",' :'                     '1:"1:11,,,                    '.",
                        **     GO TO Step 8.f.

BOP (Step 8.t) 8.f) Check LOCA Sequencer Actuated status light (1SI-14) on energized train(s)- LIT. BOP ** (Step 8.g) Check the following windows on Monitor Light Panel Group 4 - LIT:

                              **         C-3 "CONT ISOL PHASE A TRN A VLVS ALIGNED"
                              **         C-6 "CONT ISOL PHASE A TRN B VLVS ALIGNED"

( ** F-5 "SAFETY INEJCTION TRAIN B COMPONENTS ALIGNED". BOP (Step 9) Check proper CA pump status:

                        **    MD CA pumps - ON
                        **    NfR N/R level in at least 3 SfGs                                S/Gs - GREATER THAN 17%.

BOP (Step 10) Check all KC pumps - ON BOP (Step 11) Check both RN pumps - ON. SRO (Step 12) Notify Unit 2 to start 2A RN pump. Floor Instructor: As U2 RO report "2A RN Pump is running." RO (Step 13) Check all SfG S/G pressures - GREATER THAN 775 PSIG. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6....,_7_&_8_ _ _ Page _6-,,_7_&_8 ~ of _6.;...3 __11 _6_3_-11 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop O)/1A D)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1B start/1 B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP (Step 14) Check Containment Pressure- NOTE: Containment pressure HAS REMAINED LESS THAN 3 PSIG. ~5 psig due to the LOCA. is :.::5 BOP (Step 14 RNa) RNO) Perform the following:

  • Record approximate time of reactor trip. NOTE: RO will report time of Rx Trip.
  • Check Monitor Light Group 4, Row G, lit.
  • IF any Row G window is dark on NOTE: 1 B NS Pump is NOT energized train(s), running.

NOTE: BOP may attempt to start 1B NS Pump, however, this Pump will NOT start. BOP

  • Stop all NC pumps while maintaining seal injection flow.

( NOTE: SRO may call WCC or direct NLO to investigate the failed NS Pump breaker. If WCC, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC, wait 3-5 minutes and report 51V on 1B NS Pump Breaker. If NLO, Floor Instructor acknowledge, wait 3-5 minutes and report 51V on 1B NS Pump Breaker. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09*1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6;;,.:,....;,7.....;&;;..8.:;....._ _ Page _6;;.:,...;,7....;&;;..8.;;..... ~ of _6.;...3_""1 _6_3_...,1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto startl1B startl1 B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 Tlme      POS.           . Expect~*d.~~~li~rii~I~~havior                                             commerltS\'o. ..!\

CRITICAL TASK: (55 (E1C)) Trip NC Pumps within 5 minutes of loss of SCM (4600/113/E13.1) Safety Significance: Failure to trip all NCPs on a loss of subcooled margin can lead to core uncovery and to fuel temperatures in excess of 2200 oF. PT/OIN4600/113, 2200°F. PT/O/A/4600/113, Enclosure 13.1 states that McGuire is committed to having NC Pumps tripped within 5 minutes of a loss of subcooling. The Safety Analysis recommends that the NC Pumps be tripped within 2 minutes to limit the depth and duration of core uncovery. It is a management expectation that the NC Pumps be tripped as quickly as possible, but within 5 minutes of a loss of subcooling. Failure to take this action represents mis-operation by the operator which leads to degradation of the fuel cladding fission produce barrier, and a violation of a license condition. Record Pump Stop Time: _ _ __ subtract time recorded at time of the loss SCM on page 40 _ _ = _ _ minutes. =__

                       **   Ensure all RV pumps are in manual and off.

( ** Energize H2 Igniters by depressing "ON" and "OVERRIDE". SRO ** Dispatch operator to stop all Unit 1 NF NOTE: SRO will dispatch AHUs (Control panels located in 750 and NLO. 733 electrical penetration rooms). Booth Instructor: As NLO, report in 5 minutes that all Unit 1 NF AHUs are stopped.

                       **   WHEN time allows, THEN check Phase                                  NOTE: The SRO may assign B HVAC equipment PER Enclosure 2                                    the BOP to perform this action.

(Phase B HVAC Equipment). If so, BOP Examiner follow actions of Enclosure 2. Other Examiners follow E-O Actions, Step 15, on Page 46. The SRO may ask U2 BOP to perform this action. If so, Floor Instructor: Acknowledge as U2 BOP. E-O, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION ENCLOSURE 2, PHASE B HVAC EQUIPMENT

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6.;;.:,..;.7.....;&;;;..8~ _6;;.:*...;.7....;&;;...;;...8____ _ Page ~ of _6;;..;3~~1 _6,;;.;3;""-'-11 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A O)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1B startl1 B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior Tifh~' ,P,os, ~i.~~ 1::;;i~.. ,

                        .'            ~i'T" , , " " "                :                                                       '=D':~'.',

BOP (Step 1) Check VE System in Operation as Examiner NOTE: Follow the Follows: actions associated with Enclosure 2 if BOP is assigned by SRO to perform.

  • VE Fans - On.
  • Ensure all damper mode select switches in AUTO.
                           **       1AVS-O-7 Mode Select.
                           **       1AVS-O-8 Mode Select.
                            **      1A VS-O-2 Mode Select.


                            **      1AVS-O-3 Mode Select.


                     **      Annulus pressure being maintained -

NEGATIVE ( BOP (Step 2) Check VX System in Operation as Follows:

  • Time since Phase B actuation -


  • Check the following - OPEN.
  • 1RAF-O-4 (1 B Cont Air Ret Fan To Lwr Cont Test A).
  • 1VX-2B (1 B H2 Skimmer Fan Isol Test A).
  • 1RAF-O-2 (1A Cont Air Ret Fan To Lwr Cont Test A).
  • 1VX-1A (1A H2 Skimmer Fan Isol Test A)
  • Check Containment Air Return Fans- Fans -


  • Check H2 Skimmer Fans - ON.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6;;,.:,..;,7...;&;;,..;;..8__ _6,;;.:,..;.7...;&;;..8.;...... __ _ Page ~ of _6~3;"'-'-I1 _6~3~-l1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1AO)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1B NS Pump fails to start Time III Position JIII Applicant's Actions or Behavior

   ",Time Pos.


                               \::: :"    ':Ekp~cted A.~tionsfBel1ayior                                         "

Gqmmeots -

                                  **   Check "NV PMPS TO COLD LEG                                            NOTE: If the 1A NI Pump has FLOW" gauge -INDICATING FLOW.                                       NOT been previously manually started, it will be started here.
                                 **    Check NC pressure - LESS THAN 1600 PSIG.
                                 **    Check NI pumps -INDICATING FLOW.

BOP (Step 15.c RNO) Start NI pumps and align valves. BOP ** (Step 15.d) Check NC pressure - Less than 286 PSIG. BOP (Step 15.d RNO) Perform the following: (

  • Ensure ND NO pump miniflow valve on running pump(s) open:
                                        **       1ND-68A      NO Pump & Hx Mini 1ND-68A (1A ND Flow Isol)
                                       **                     NO Pump & Hx Mini 1ND-67B (1 B ND Flow Isol).

SRO ** IF valve(s) open on all running ND NO pumps, THEN GO TO Step 16. SRO (Step 16) Notify OSM or other SRO to NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to perform EP/1/A/5000/G-1 (Generic address. Enclosures), Enclosure 22 (OSM Actions If so, Floor Instructor Following an S/I) within 10 minutes. acknowledge as OSM. BOP (Step 17) Check CA flow:

                                 **    Total CA flow - GREATER THAN 450 GPM.
                                 **    Check VI header pressure - GREATER THAN 60 PSIG.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6"-",....;.7.....;&.;...8~ _6.;,,\,...;.7....;&.;...8,;..-.__ _ _ Page ~ of _6.;...3~-i1 _6....;.3_-11 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A D)/1 A NI Pump fails to Auto startl1 B NS Pump start/1B fails to start Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Expected ACti(;~s/B~t1~vii()~ i,iii \i' "C6m:tne[rtt$ Time .Pos. "i \ i ',. i';" "Jiii;" ','i'iii:;;ii

                                                                                                                                ;i; RO         (Step 4 RNO) Perform the following:
                      **   IF any NC T-Cold is still going down, THENGO TO Step 6.

RO (Step 6) Control feed flow as follows:

  • IF S/G N/R level is less than 11 % (32%

ACC) in all S/Gs, THEN throttle feed flow to achieve the following:

                           **    Minimize cooldown
                           **    Maintain total feed flow greater than 450 GPM.
                     **    WHEN N/R level is greater than 11 %

(32% ACC) in at least one S/G, THEN throttle feed flow further to: (

                           **    Minimize cooldown
                           **    Maintain at least one S/G N/R level greater than 11 % (32% ACC).

RO (Step 7) Check MSIVs - ANY OPEN. (Step 7 RNO) Perform the following: RO ** Close MSIV bypass valves. SRO ** Exit this enclosure. EP/1/A/5000/E-O, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION BOP (Step 19) Check Pzr PORV and spray valves:

                      **    All Pzr PORVs - CLOSED.
  • Normal Pzr spray valves - CLOSED

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6;;,:,'...;,7...;&;;..8~

                                                                            ....,;6;,.:.,....;7..;;.;&...;;8__    __

_ Page ~ of _6;;.;3~~1 _6;;.;3;"""-11 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A D)/1 A NI Pump fails to Auto startl1 start/1 B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior _.:\:i:\'.';,~/, .*,* "  ;:;. "" ."_i2:XS . >/ii'jiJ ",i> 1i::,I,II'I},'! ?,,:~r;*~**OI', .i.i *:.i *1'.1 'VIII" '~.I ".:t ROII RO (Step 20) Check NC subcooling based on BOP core exit TICs - GREATER THAN OaF. O°F. ROII RO (Step 20 RNO) IF at least one NV OR NI Examiner NOTE: Stopping BOP pump on, THEN stop all NC pumps while the NC Pumps on low NC maintaining seal injection flow. Subcooling is a Critical Task, and is most likely completed. If NOT, the NC Pumps will be stopped here. RO (Step 21) Check if main steamlines intact:

  • All S/G pressures - STABLE OR GOING UP

( BOP (Step 22) Check if S/G tubes intact:

  • The following secondary EMFs- EMFs -


  • 1EMF-33 (Condenser Air Ejector Exhaust)
  • 1EMF-34(L) (S/G Sample (Lo Range))
  • 1EMF-24 (S/G A)
  • 1EMF-25 (S/G B)
  • 1EMF-26 (S/G C)
  • 1EMF-27 (S/G D)



BOP (Step 23) Check if NC System intact:

                      **   Check containment EMFs - NORMAL:                                                   NOTE: 1EMF-38L is in TRIP 2.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6.;;..:,...;.7....,;&;.;...8~ _6.;;..:,..;.7....;&;.;..8;;....._ _ Page ~ _6;;",;3~-I1 _51_ of _6.;..;3~-I1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop O)/1A D)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto starU1 startl1 B NS Pump fails to start Timel Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time',',II f>os~ . EXpeGte<:l:!;Adtigri~/~bhil~i.(j~, '

                                    ,,)"       . u,',    ," ,,'   ,,,"",   ,,I        ,"

Co rrlrrlents

  • 1EMF-38(L) (Containment Particulate (LR))
                            **     1EMF-39(L) (Containment Gas (Lo Range))
                            **     1EMF-40 (Containment Iodine)
                           **      1EMF-9 (Reactor Bldg Incore Inst Rm)
  • 1EMF-16 (Containment Refueling Brdg).

BOP (Step 23 RNO) Perform the following:

                     **      IF H2 Igniters are off,                                                      NOTE: The H2 Igniters are ON.
  • IF AT ANY TIME both of the following NOTE: Neither condition conditions exist, THEN start one train of exists.

( VX PER ENCLOSURE 4 (VX Manual Start).

                          **      Containment pressure is between 1 PSIG and 3 PSIG.
  • Containment pressure has remained less than 3 PSIG.

SRO ** EP/1/A15000/F-O (Critical Implement EP/1/N5000/F-O Safety Function Status Trees).

                     **      GO TO EP/1/A15000/E-1 EP/1/N5000/E-1 (Loss of                                            NOTE: Upon transition to E-1, Reactor Or Secondary Coolant).                                               an ORANGE Path will exist on Containment.

The SRO will transition to FR-Z.1, rather than E-1. EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-Z.1, RESPONSE TO HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE SRO (Step 1) IF loss of emergency coolant recirc NOTE: Loss of Emergency has occurred, THEN this procedure may be Coolant Recirc has NOT completed as time allows. occurred.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6;;.:.,....;.7....;&;;..8;;....._ _ Page _6;;.:.,...;.7..";&;,;,,,.8;;;..... ~ of _6;;,,;3~-I1 _6;;.;3~~1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop O)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1 B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time .~~$. ,::;: .;';:;. i; . I:ill::iE~*~~~t~~;;:~dti6n$/Behavjor Comments .'.* ". ......

                      ",jl,'.: I:. ":;':':,:,>:,:':I<::t ,;;;:, (:,,::" ,::'\ ': IF'::: ;"~::'<: ::\ :t~/:, '-, ',r:' I"~ ""';

SRO (Step 2) Monitor Foldout Page. BOP (Step 3) Stop all NC pumps. NOTE: All NC Pumps are stopped. BOP (Step 4) Ensure all RV pumps are in manual and off. SRO (Step 5) Dispatch operator to remove white NOTE: SRO will dispatch tags and close the following breakers: NLO. Floor/Booth Instructor: Acknowledge as appropriate.

                         **                  1EMXA-R2A (1A ND                                                         NO To A&B Cold Legs

( Cont Outside Isol bldg, 750, FF-54, FF-55) 1501 Motor (1 NI-173A)) (aux

  • 1 EMXB1-6B (1 1EMXB1-6B (1B B ND NO To C&D Cold Legs Booth Instructor: Wait 5 Cont Outside 1501 Isol Motor (1 NI-178B)) (aux (1NI-178B)) minutes, Insert LOA:

bldg, 733, GG-55, GG-56) NI024 = Racked In NI025 = Racked In And then, report as NLO that breakers are closed. BOP (Step 6) Check containment pressure - NOTE: Containment pressure LESS THAN 15 PSIG. is ==5

5 psig due to the LOCA.

BOP (Step 7) Check any NS pump - ON. NOTE: The 1A NS Pump is ON. SRO (Step 8) Perform the remainder of this EP as NOTE: SRO may continue time allows. with FR-Z.1 or Transition to E-1. If Transition is made here, moved forward to Page 56.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6........;,7...;&..;,8~ _6.;..: _7_&_8__ _ _ Page =--- of _6::.;3~-l1 _6;;.;3~-I1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A D)/1 A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1 start/1BB NS Pump fails to start Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

*.***li*fhe !*.:!~i:~~i i'   ,h'(iO                ':~:~~p~c~~~~~{~~~avjo~i;~:'                                        .>    c~ij1'l11er~';~~     ....*. "

BOP (Step 9) Check containment isolation:

                            **      Check OAC - IN SERVICE.
  • Check the following windows on Group 4 of ESF Monitor light Panel - LIT.
                                   **   C-3 "CaNT ISOL PHASE A TRN A VLVS ALIGNED"
                                  **    G-4 "CaNT ISOL PHASE B TRN A VLVS ALIGNED"

BOP (Step 10) Check NS System in operation as follows:

                           **       Check EP/1/A/SOOO/ECA-1.1 EP/1/N5000/ECA-1.1 (Loss of                      NOTE: Loss of Emergency Emergency Coolant Recirc) - IN                            Coolant Recirc is NOT in EFFECT.                                                   effect.

SRO (Step 1O.a RNa) GO TO Step 10.d. BOP ** (Step 10.d) Check NS suction-ALIGNED TO FWST AS FOLLOWS:

  • Check 1NS-1BA (1A NS Pump Suct From Cont Sump Isol) - CLOSED
                                 **     Check 1NS-20A (1A NS Pump Suct From FWST Isol) - OPEN
  • Check 1NS-1 B (1 B NS Pump Suct From Cont Sump Isol) - CLOSED
                                 **     Check 1NS-3B (1 B NS Pump Suct From FWST Isol) - OPEN
  • Check containment pressure - NOTE: Containment pressure GREATER THAN 3 PSIG. is:.:S psig due to the LOCA.


                          **        Check the following NS pump discharge valves - OPEN:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6;;.:,..;.7....;&;;..8;:;......_ _ Page _6;;..:,..;.7....;&;;..8;;...... ~ of _6;;.;3~-I1 _6_3_-11 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A O)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 ,Time    Pos.           . '. <'t::icpected Actions/l3ehavior*<
                                                          ,\",,:'    ,<,' "
                                                                                                             <;:"j/' \}<eoM:<rn~i1ts
                              **     1NS-32A (1A NS Hx Outlet Cont Outside Isol) 1501)
                             **      1NS-29A (1 A NS Hx Outlet Cont Outside Isol) 1501)
                            **       1NS-12B (1B 1NS-12B    (1 B NS Hx Outlet Cont 1501)

Outside Isol)

                            **        NS-15B (1 B NS Hx Outlet Cont 1NS-1SB 1501)

Outside Isol)

                      **       Check NS pumps - ON.                                                      NOTE: BOP may attempt to start 1B NS Pump, however, this Pump will NOT start.

BOP (Step 10.g RNO) Perform the following:

                     **        Start pump(s) with available suctions and discharge flowpaths.
                     **        IF both pumps are OFF,......

OFF, ...... NOTE: The 1A NS Pump is ( ON. SRO (Step 11) Check Phase B HVAC equipment NOTE: The SRO may assign PER Enclosure 3 (Phase B HVAC the BOP to perform this action. Equipment). If so, BOP Examiner follow actions of BOP previously performed as Enclosure 2 of E-O. The SRO may ask U2 BOP to perform this action. If so, Floor Instructor: Acknowledge as U2 BOP. RO (Step 12) Check the following - CLOSED:

                     **       All MSIVs
  • All MSIV bypass valves.

RO (Step 13) Check steam lines intact: steamlines

                     **       All S/G pressures - STABLE OR GOING UP

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6.;..:.,....;.7...;&....;.8~_ _ Page _6.;.:,....;.7...;&;;..8~ ==--- of _55_ _6.;..;3~-t1 of _6;...;3~-I1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A D)/1 A NI Pump Pum p fails to Auto start/1 B NS Pump Pum p fails to start Time Position A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's Time ;I';;'il;~M~t'**."

                                               ,'<'</1,            .
                                                             ~I::~~ ~~li,\~Xl:ir1dLi'.(*.*
                                                                                                             ~;': I:,::"
                            .'.',"")                                                                                            r':. L:!;t),:ib';:'.i; ....
                                                                     *;,"::;;;-::-i!,Ji!!*                               . *'        Ji!i!'t":,~.,,:,,I.I~':>    i,"'""

BOP (Step 14) Check if one or two trains of ND aux containment spray should be aligned as follows:

                           **      Any ND Train - OPERATING IN COLD LEG RECIRC MODE.

SRO (Step 14.a RNO) Perform the following:

  • WHEN EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.3 EP/1/N5000/ES-1.3 (Transfer To Cold Leg Recirc), is completed, THEN perform Step 14 to determine if one or two trains of ND aux spray should be aligned.

GO TO Step 15. ( BOP (Step 15) Check containment H2 NOTE: The H2 Analyzers are concentration: NOT in service.

                          **       Ensure operator dispatched to stop Unit 1 NF AHUs.
                          **       Check H2 analyzers - IN SERVICE.

SRO (Step 15 RNO) Perform the following: NOTE: SRO will dispatch NLO. Floor/Booth Instructor: Acknowledge as appropriate.

                          **       Dispatch operator to place H2 analyzers in service PER EP/1/A/5000/G-1 EP/1/N5000/G-1 (Generic Enclosures), Enclosure 5 (Placing H2 Analyzers In Service).
                          **       WHEN H2 analyzers in service, THEN                                                  Booth Instructor: Wait 15 complete Steps 15.c through 15.f.                                                   minutes, Insert LOA:

VX009 = In Service/Enabled VX010 = = In Service/Enabled And then, report as NLO that H2 Analyzers are in service.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6~'....;.7.....;&~8 _6;;..:,...:.7.....;&;;..8.;..... __ __ _ Page ~ of _6;;.;3;.....-~1 _6_3_-11 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Ii.

                                                          ;.ii..i. *.i~*.*.. \                               /i:i{k.**.*.i . . i.ii:
                                  . *. . c)(jpecteg .Actl~nsIB~havi()t

0,> Ii;'? *.,..*,:~** ...'~'*i*:i .*i. * .**<i **. COmlll'enls

                                                                                                                                  ,...T*~'~;7Td ,~~ .      .ii.*****.*
  • GO TO Step 16.

SRO (Step 16) RETURN TO procedure and step NOTE: SRO will transition to in effect. E-1. NOTE: SRO will likely conduct a Focus Brief. EP/1/A/5000/E-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. Examiner NOTE: After Transition to E-1, terminate scenario at Lead Examiner discretion. (' RO (Step 2) Check NC subcooling based on core NOTE: There should be no exit TICs - GREATER THAN O°F. NC Subcooling due to the LOCA. (Step 2 RNO) IF any NV OR NI pump on, NOTE: The NC Pumps should THEN perform the following: be stopped by this time. BOP

  • Ensure all NC pumps are off.
  • Maintain seal injection flow.

RO (Step 3) Check if main steamlines intact:

  • All S/G pressures - STABLE OR GOING UP

RO (Step 4) Control intact S/G levels:

  • Check N/R level in any intact S/G - NOTE: Adverse Containment GREATER THAN 11% 11 % (32% ACC). Numbers will be used.


  • Check VI header pressure - GREATER THAN 60 PSIG.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6.;..:,...;.7....;&;.;..;;..8 _6;;..:,...;,7...,;&;.;..,;;..8_ _ _ Page ==---

                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~ of _6;;.;3~-I1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A O)/1A Nt NI Pump fails to Auto startl1B start/1 B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                                                                                     *<3{**. :':       :f'HiL.'~C>:!<"H'f                  <>'>ii.:.!< ,
  > "Ii"<'".,<\':'/,/I .)n*~;g~i

Ii.roe.i REtcted.Acti.OQsISehavior J+<li"i',', i ,":':' " "/<<;;", >>',:,,'/, "~:"

                                                                                          1>\,\:.': ,,'  ,'",,'\'i/'\I :,,,, ,
                                                                                                                                                                                       .T YVI".':I'~" t~':"~~)~:i'>:

RO/ RO / ** Throttle feed flow to maintain all intact NOTE: Adverse Containment BOP S/G N/R levels between 11 % (32% ACC) Numbers will be used. and 50%. BOP (Step 5) Check secondary radiation normal as follows:

                                    **   Check all S/Gs -INTACT.

SRO ** Notify RP to perform the following: NOTE: SRO may call WCC/RP to address the switch position. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC/RP.

                                         **   Frisk all Unit 1 S/G cation columns to determine if activity level is significantly higher for any S/G.

( ** Notify Control Room of survey results. BOP ** WHEN survey results reported, THEN perform the following:

                                         **   Check all S/G(s) activity levels-NORMAL.

BOP ** Check secondary EMFs - NORMAL:

  • 1EMF-33 (Condenser Air Ejector Exhaust)
  • 1EMF-34(L) (S/G Sample (Lo Range))
  • 1EMF-24 (S/G A)
  • 1EMF-25 (S/G B)
  • 1EMF-26 (S/G C)
  • 1EMF-27 (S/G D).

BOP (Step 6) Check Pzr PORVs and isolation valves:

                                    **   Power to all Pzr PORV isolation valves -


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # 6,7 6,7& &8 Page ~ _58_ of --,-63_-1 ....;.;63~-I11 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A O)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1 B NS Pump fails to start II Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior y


C~Jflilm'eints I 'i,'\ I,:"~ .". ~ :,:' ,<,;, <~ '. : .......

                         **    All Pzr PORVs - CLOSED.
                         **    At least one Pzr PORV isolation valve -


                         **    IF AT ANY TIME any Pzr PORVopens PORV opens due to high pressure, THEN after pressure goes below 2315 PSIG, ensure PORV closes or is isolated.

RO (Step 7) Check SII termination criteria:

                         **    NC subcooling based on core exit T/Cs-GREATER THAN OaF.

SRO (Step 7.a RNO) GO TO Step 7.f ROII RO ** (Step 7.f) Monitor SII termination criteria BOP PER Enclosure 2 (SII (S/I Termination Criteria) while in this procedure. ROII RO ** IF AT ANY TIME while in this procedure NOTE: This is a Continuous SRO SII termination criteria is met, THEN Action. The SRO will make RETURN TO Step 7. both board operators aware. BOP (Step 8) Check if NS pump should be stopped:

                        **     Any NS pump - ON.                                    NOTE: The 1A NS Pump is ON.
                         **    Containment pressure - LESS THAN 2 PSIG.

(Step 8.b RNO) Perform the following: BOP ** IF NS pump suction has been aligned for NOTE: Neither NS Pump has Cold Leg Recirc, THEN GO TO Step 9. been aligned for Cold Leg Recirc.

  • IF AT ANY TIME containment pressure is NOTE: This is a Continuous less than 2 PSIG, AND NS pump suction Action. The SRO will make is still aligned to FWST, THEN perform both board operators aware.

Step 8.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6;;;.:*...;.7...;&;;;..;;..8_ _ _ Page _6""",_7_&,",,--8 =---

                                                                                                                                  ~ of _6..;...3_-11        _6;;,.;3;""'-11 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior lii\iF(I,;IIlj:I<)\i'}W;';i:/!/::\(:"

'I[;i~~;d~ E s e~~lwl'ijl~' ",::+1
                                                                                                 ' jI3'\3' ' ..



SRO ** GO TO Step 9. BOP (Step 9) Check if ND pumps should be stopped:

                        **    NC pressure - GREATER THAN 286 PSIG.
  • NC pressure - STABLE OR GOING UP.
                      **      Any ND Pump - ON.
                       **     Running ND Pumps Suction - ALIGNED TO FWST.
                      **      Check both NS Pumps - OFF.

SRO (Step 9.e RNO) Go To Step 10. ( RO (Step 10) Check NC and SIG pressures:

                       **     All SIG pressures - STABLE OR GOING UP.
  • NC pressure - STABLE OR GOING DOWN.

BOP (Step 11) Check if DIGs should be stopped:

  • Check any DIG - ON. NOTE: Both DIGs are ON, and should be stopped.
  • 1ETA Emergency Breaker - OPEN
  • Check 1ETB energized by offsite power as follows:
  • 1ETB Emergency Breaker - OPEN
  • Reset the following:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # 6,7& 8 Page ~ of _6.;..3;........, _63_-1 Event


D)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1B Small Break LOCA (Loop O)/1A start/1 B NS Pump fails to start Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

            'f?i","'I" . ,.. J~ ., !                                                            .i Time < >/'..*..

I (i)S.*,,'<:',:

              ",'1   >\"1                ....... Expe~teCJ~c~*I();P~~I:l;~~~v*iiq:r.  ' ..    'i,     .i  Go~rt1e.hts
                                          **           S/I.


                                         **            Sequencers.
                                     ** IF AT ANY TIME a B/O signal occurs,                          NOTE: This is a Continuous THEN restart SII equipment previously                    Action. The SRO will make on.                                                       both board operators aware.

SRO ** Dispatch operator to stop any unloaded NOTE: SRO will dispatch D/G(s) and place ins standby readiness NLO. PER OP/1/A/63501002 OP/11A163501002 (Diesel FloorlBooth Instructor: Generator): Acknowledge as appropriate.

                                         **            Enclosure 4.3 (1A DIG Shutdown)
                                        **             Enclosure 4.4 (1 B DIG Shutdown).             Booth Instructor: Wait 5 minutes, Insert LOA:

DG003 =Stop DIG DG004 =Stop DIG ( And then, report as NLO that Both DIGs are stopped. BOP (Step 12) Check containment H2 concentration:

                                   **   Ensure Operator dispatched to stop Unit 1 NF AHUs PER EP/1/A/5000/G-1 (Generic Enclosures), Enclosure 28 (De-energizing Ice Condenser AHUs).
                                   **   Check H2 analyzers -IN          - IN SERVICE.                NOTE: The H2 Analyzers are NOT in service.

SRO (Step 12.b RNO) Perform the following:

                                  **    Dispatch operator to place H2 analyzers                      NOTE: The SRO has most in service PER EP/1/A/5000/G-1 EP/11A15000/G-1                  likely previously dispatched (Generic Enclosures), Enclosure 5                         NLO.

(placing H2 Analyzers In Service). (Placing If contacted, Booth Instructor: Report action still in progress.

                                   **   WHEN H2 analyzers in service, THEN                           NOTE: This is a Continuous complete Steps 12.c through 12.e.                         Action. The SRO will make both board operators aware.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6,;..:,...;,7...;&;;...;;..8 __ _6,;.:,...;.7...;&...;.8.;..... __ _ Page ~ _61_ of _6;;...;3~-!1 _6.;,.;3;"'-'-11 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1AO)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto startl1B start/1 B NS Pump fails to start Time Position A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's Time '~j!l I::~):.,. >'C'~Plrhel Itb *':,yf.

                      **   GO TO Step 13.

BOP (Step 13) Initiate evaluation of plant status as follows:

  • Check Cold Leg Recirc capability from at least one train as follows:
                           **     Train A:
                                  **    1A ND pump - AVAILABLE.
                                   **   1NI-185A (1A ND Pump Suction From Cont Sump Isol) - POWER AVAILABLE BOP       **      Check for potential leak in aux bldg as follows:
                            **     Check aux bldg radiation:

( ** All area monitor EMFs - NORMAL

                                   **  EMF-41 (Aux Bldg Ventilation)

Ventilation)- - NORMAL. BOP ** Check NC to ND pressure boundary intact as follows:

                                  **   ND Temperature - NORMAL
                                  **   ND Flow-Flow - NORMAL
  • ND Pressure - NORMAL SRO
  • WHEN the TSC is staffed, THEN have NOTE: Any attempts to reach EP/1/A15000/G-1 (Generic TSC perform EP/1/N5000/G-1 the TSC fail (The TSC is NOT Enclosures), Enclosure 30 (Evaluation of yet staffed).

Plant Status During LOCAs by the TSC). Floor/Booth Instructor (As Appropriate): report as Station Management that the TSC is about to be manned and they will call when it is up and ready. BOP (Step 14) Check if NC System cooldown and depressurization is required:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 2 Event # _6;;,:,'...;.7...;&;;...8~ _6..;;..l*. . ;.7. . .;&;.;. .; . 8_____ Page _6;;..;3~-I1

                                                                                                              ~ of _6,;;.;3~-I1 Event


Small Break LOCA (Loop D)/1A O)/1A NI Pump fails to Auto start/1 B NS Pump startl1B fails to start Time II Position II AQglicant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's Time ~ps/Be6~vior .

  • NC pressure - GREATER THAN 286 PSIG.


  • EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2 (Post LOCA GO TO EP/1/NSOOO/ES-1.2 NOTE: The SRO will transition Cooldown And Depressurization). to ES-1.2.

At the discretion of the Lead Examiner terminate the exam.

UNIT 1 STATUS: Power Level: 95% [B] NCS [8] 1039 ppm [B]: 1047 ppm Pzr [8]: Xe: Per OAC Power History: Down power from 100% 2 hours ago Core 8urnup: Downpower Burnup: 250 EFPDs CONTROLLING PROCEDURE: 00103 Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation OP/1/A/61 00/03 OTHER INFORMATION NEEDED TO ASSUME TO SHIFT:

  • The Plant is at 95% power (MOL), following an unplanned load reduction due to the failure of the 1C1 Heater Drains Pump about 2 hours ago.
  • The WCC has been informed, and it appears that corrective maintenance will be required.
  • PT/1/A/42061001 B, "18 The crew will perform PT/1/A/4206/0018, "1 B NI Pump Performance Test," upon completion of turnover.
  • NLO (John) is standing by at the pump with a copy of the PT to support this activity.

The following equipment is Out-Of-Service:

  • PVI-5066, INST AIR SYS PRESS, has failed low (IAE is investigating).
  • MCB Annunciator 1AD-6, D-4, MC8 "D NC PUMP LOWER MTR 8RG 0-4, "0 BRG La LO KC FLO," is in constant (lAE is investigating).

alarm (IAE Work Control SROIOffsite Communicator Jim Plant SRO Joe NLO's AVAILABLE Aux Bldg. John Aux Bldg. Chris Turb Bldg. Bob Turb Bldg. Mike 5th th Rounds. Carol Extra(s) Bill Ed Wayne Tanya

Appendix D D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Draft Facility: McGuire Scenario No.: 3 Op Test No.: N09-1 Examiners: Operators: (SRO) (RO) (BOP) Initial Conditions: (EOl), steady-state operation. The Work Control Center The Plant is at 100% power (EOL), has requested that the operator swap CF Control Valve Control Circuit for 1CF-32 (A S/G CF Control Valve) from Normal to Alternate for required corrective maintenance. An NLO (Bob) is standing by in the Turbine Building Basement to support this activity. NlO System Engineering has indicated that Turbine Load load does not need to be reduced to perform this. When the swapover is complete Maintenance personnel will perform corrective maintenance on the system. Turnover: The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1B CA Pump is OOS (Expected back in 6 hours). SG NR Level level Channel 4 failed last shift (IAE is investigating). MCB Annunciator 1AD-2, F-9, "ROD DRIVE M/G SETS TROUBLE," has alarmed spuriously several times over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Event Malf. Event Type* Event No. No. Description 1 NA N-RO Swap CF Control Valve Circuit N-SRO 2 ENB011D I-BOP Power Range Channel failure ( I(TS)-SRO C-BOP failure/letdown Line Relief valve lifts NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown 3 NV028A NV023A C-SRO and fails open 4 NA N-BOP Establish Excess Letdown letdown N-SRO XMT S 5 I-RO Turbine Impulse Pressure Transmitter failure SM003 I(TS)-SRO 6 IFE006A C-RO FCV Controller failure C-SRO XMT 7 M-RO SG NR Level level Channel 2 fails high/FWIS CF032 M-BOP M-SRO 8 IPE001AI IPEOO1A1 NA Trip/Turbine Trip Failure of Automatic Rx TripfTurbine B DEHOO3A DEH003A 9 CA005 CAOOS NA TD TO CA Pump trip 10 CA004A NA 1A CA Pump fails to start OVR 11 NA CF Pumps fail to reset after FWIS IWE012D IWE014D

       *   (N)ormal,  (R)eactivity,    (I)nstrument,      (C)omponent,         (M)ajor Appendix D  0                                Scenario Outline                         Form ES-D-1 Draft McGuire 2009 NRC Scenario #3 The Plant is at 100% power (EOL), steady-state operation. The Work Control Center has requested that the operator swap CF Control Valve Control Circuit for 1CF-32 (A S/G CF Control Valve) from Normal to Alternate for required corrective maintenance. An NLO (Bob) is standing by in the Turbine Building Basement to support this activity.

System Engineering has indicated that Turbine Load does not need to be reduced to perform this. When the swapover is complete Maintenance personnel will perform corrective maintenance on the system. The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1B CA Pump is OOS (Expected back in 6 hours). SG NR Level Channel 4 failed last shift (IAE is investigating). MCB Annunciator 1AD-2, 1AD-2, F-9, "ROD DRIVE MIG SETS TROUBLE," has alarmed spuriously several times over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Shortly after taking the watch, the operator will shift from Normal to the Alternate CF Control Valve Control Circuit for 1CF-32, (A S/G CF Control Valve) in accordance with section 3.6 of Enclosure 4.22, "Swapping CF Control Valve Control Circuit," of OP/1/A/62501001, OP/1IA/6250100 1, "Condensate and Feedwater System." When the procedure is complete 1CF-32 will be in Automatic Control on the Alternate Control Circuit. Immediately afterwards, the control power fuses for Nuclear Excore Power Range Channel N44 will fail. The operator will respond in accordance with 1AD-2, F-3, "P/R/HI VOLTAGE FAILURE," then implement AP/1/A/5500/16, "Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation," Case III, "Power Range Malfunction.' The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation." Instrumentation." ( Following this, the retention element on the in-service NV System Demineralizer will fail causing an immediately plugging of Letdown Filter A, and causing Letdown Line Relief Valve to lift, and then fail open. There are two possible success paths for the operating crew. The operator may elect to isolate Letdown, and then implement AP/1/A/5500/12, "Loss of Letdown, Charging or Seal Injection," due to the loss of Letdown flow. On the other hand, the operator may respond in accordance with 1AD-7, 1-4, "LETDN RELIEF HI TEMP," and then implement AP/1/A/5500/10, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps," Case II, "NC System leakage." In either situation the operator will isolate normal letdown and establish excess letdown. After excess Letdown is established, Turbine Impulse Pressure Channel 1 will fail low causing Tref to go low, and Control Rods to move inward in auto to maintain Tavg-Tref deviation. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction." Malfunction." The control rods will be left in manual control for the remainder of the scenario. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation." Subsequently, the controller for 1 CF-32 (A S/G CF Control Valve) will fail in Automatic 1CF-32 control causing the valve to go closed. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500106, "S/G Feedwater Malfunctions," and take manual control of the control valve. The controller will be left in manual control for the remainder of the scenario. Shortly afterwards, the D 0 SG NR Level Channel 2 will fail high causing an FWIS. ( Simultaneously, the reactor AND the turbine will fail to trip automatically. The operator Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Form ES-O-1 Draft will be expected to manually trip the reactor and enter EP/1/A1S000/E-O, EP/1/A/SOOO/E-O, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection," and manually trip the turbine. On the trip, the TO CA will overspeed. Additionally the 1A CA Pump will trip on overcurrent causing a Red Path to exist on Heat Sink. The operator will implement EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1, "Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink." When the operator EP/1/A1S000/FR-H.1, attempts to restore feedwater flow from the CF pumps, the operator will discover that neither CF can be reset. As the operator attempts to restore a heat sink with the CM system, the Steam Generator levels will approach the point at which NCS Feed and Bleed must be established. The scenario is expected to terminate, unless the crew successfully establishes feed flow to one Steam Generator with the Condensate System, at Step 29 of FR-H.1, after the crew has established NCS Feed and Bleed cooling. Critical Tasks: E-O A E-OA Manually trip the reactor before SG Wide Range Levels decrease to < 24%. Safety Significance: failure to manually trip the reactor causes a challenge to the Subcriticality CSF beyond that irreparably introduced by the postulated conditions. Additionally, it constitutes an "incorrect performance that necessitates the crew taking compensating action which complicates the event mitigation strategy and demonstrates the inability by the crew to recognize ( a failure of the automatic actuation of the RPS." A failure to trip the reactor when required will cause fission heat production to exceed the ability of the safeguards systems to remove heat from the system, and result in an NCS pressure increase. Under normal conditions, the Pzr PORV will open and degrade the NCS Barrier. Under worst case conditions the RCS Pressure Safety Limit could be exceeded within 2 minutes, potentially rupturing the RCS Fission Product Barrier. FR-H.1 AlB Either establish feedwater flow into at least one SG before Bleed and Feed criteria is met, or establish RCS Bleed and Feed before PORVs go open automatically due to plant heat-up. Safety Significance: Failure to establish RCS Bleed and Feed before automatic opening of the PORVs (due to plant heatup) reduces the probability of success to establish a heat sink for the core. This constitutes a "Significant reduction of safety margin beyond that irreparably introduced by the scenario." Establishing feedwater flow into the Steam Generators offers the most effective recovery action to restore the heat sink. If all attempts to initiate feedwater flow fail, the crew must establish bleed and feed to cool the core. This is accomplished by manually initiating SI, and then manually opening the PORVs. The lower NCS pressure allows a greater ECCS flow to recover NCS inventory and force flow through the core. If this action is to be successful, it must be started before SG dryout. SG dryout would cause NC temperature to increase, increasing NC Pressure and forcing open the PORVs automatically. If NCS pressure is at the PORV setpoint due to NCS heatup, the operator action of opening the PORVs manually may not be successful in lowering NCS pressure and increasing ECCS flow. Ultimately, the core could uncover. 3-N09-1-3 Event 1



  • AP/1/A15500/14, AP/1/A/5500/14, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION
  • AP/1/A/5500106, S/G FEEDWATER MALFUNCTION Event 7-10
  • EP/1 IAl5000/ES-O. 1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE EP/1/A/5000/ES-0.1,

( PROGRAM: McGuire Operations Training MODULE: Initial License Operator Training Class 25 2S TOPIC: NRC Simulator Exam Scenario N09-1-3


1. OP/11A162S01001, "Condensate and Feedwater System."


2. OP/1/N61001010C, OP/11A161001010C, "Annunciator Response for PaneI1AD-2."
3. AP/1 IA/5500/16, "Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation."


4. McGuire Technical Specifications 5.

S. OP/1/A/61001010H, OP/1/A/61 00101 OH, "Annunciator Response for PaneI1AD-7."

6. AP/11A1SS00/10, AP/1/A/5500/10, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps."
7. EP/11A1S000/G-1, "Generic Enclosures."


8. AP/11A1SS00/12, AP/1/N5500/12, "Loss of Letdown, Charging or Seal Injection."
9. McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments Manual.
10. AP/1/N5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction."


11. AP/11A1SS00106, AP/1/A/5500106, "S/G Feedwater Malfunctions."

( 12. 13. EP/1/N5000/E-0, EP/11A1S000/E-O, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection." EP/1 IN5000/ES-0.1, "Reactor Trip response." EP/11A1S000/ES-0.1,

14. EP/1 IA/5000/FR-H.1, "Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink."

EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1, 15. 1S. RP/0IAlS7001000, RP/OIN57001000, "Classification of Emergencies." Author: David Lazarony, Western Technical Services, Inc. Facility Review:


Rev. 020609 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 ( Facility: McGuire Scenario No.: 3 Op Test No.: N09-1 Examiners: Operators: (SRO) (RO) (BOP) Initial Conditions: The Plant is at 100% power (EOl), (EOL), steady-state operation. The Work Control Center has requested that the operator swap CF Control Valve Control Circuit for 1CF-32 (A S/G CF Control Valve) from Normal to Alternate for required corrective maintenance. An NlO NLO (Bob) is standing by in the Turbine Building Basement to support this activity. System Engineering has indicated that Turbine Load load does not need to be reduced to perform this. When the swapover is complete Maintenance personnel will perform corrective maintenance on the system. Turnover: The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1B CA Pump is OOS (Expected back in 6 hours). SG NR Level (lAE is investigating). MCB Annunciator level Channel 4 failed last shift (IAE 1AD-2, F-9, "ROD DRIVE MIG SETS TROUBLE," has alarmed spuriously several times (lAE is investigating). over the last hour (IAE Event Malf. Event Type* Event No. No. Description 1 NA N-RO Swap CF Control Valve Circuit N-SRO 2 ENB011 D ENB011D I-BOP Power Range Channel failure ( I(TS)-SRO 3 NV028A C-BOP NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown failure/letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open NV023A C-SRO 4 NA N-BOP Establish Excess letdown Letdown N-SRO XMT 5 I-RO Turbine Impulse Pressure Transmitter failure SM003 I(TS)-SRO 6 IFE006A C-RO FCV Controller failure C-SRO XMT 7 M-RO SG NR level Level Channel 2 fails high/FWIS CF032 M-BOP M-SRO 8 IPEOO1N IPE001A1 NA Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine Trip B DEHOO3A DEH003A 9 CA005 NA TD CA Pump trip 10 CA004A NA 1A CA Pump fails to start XOVR 11 NA CF Pumps fail to reset after FWIS IWE012D ( IWE014D

        *   (N)ormal,   (R)eactivity,    (I)nstrument,      (C)omponent,         (M)ajor Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 McGuire 2009 NRC Scenario #3 The Plant is at 100% power (EOL), steady-state operation. The Work Control Center has requested that the operator swap CF Control Valve Control Circuit for 1CF-32 (A S/G CF Control Valve) from Normal to Alternate for required corrective maintenance. An NLO (Bob) is standing by in the Turbine Building Basement to support this activity. System Engineering has indicated that Turbine Load does not need to be reduced to perform this. When the swapover is complete Maintenance personnel will perform corrective maintenance on the system.

The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1B CA Pump is OOS (Expected back in 6 hours). SG NR Level Channel 4 failed last shift (IAE is investigating). MCB Annunciator 1AD-2, F-9, "ROD DRIVE MIG SETS TROUBLE," has alarmed spuriously several times over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Shortly after taking the watch, the operator will shift from Normal to the Alternate CF Control Valve Control Circuit for 1CF-32, (A S/G CF Control Valve) in accordance with section 3.6 of OP/1/N62501001, "Condensate Enclosure 4.22, "Swapping CF Control Valve Control Circuit," of OP/11A162501001, and Feedwater System." When the procedure is complete 1CF-32 1CF-32 will be in Automatic Control on the Alternate Control Circuit. Immediately afterwards, the control power fuses for Nuclear Excore Power Range Channel N44 will fail. The operator will respond in accordance with 1AD-2, F-3, "P/R/HI VOLTAGE AP/11A15500/16, "Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation," Case III, FAILURE," then implement AP/1/N5500/16, "Power Range Malfunction.' The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS ( Instrumentation." Following this, the retention element on the in-service NV System Demineralizer will fail causing an immediately plugging of Letdown Filter A, and causing Letdown Line Relief Valve to lift, and then fail open. There are two possible success paths for the operating crew. The operator may elect to isolate Letdown, and then implement AP/1/A/5500/12, "Loss of Letdown, Charging or Seal Injection," due to the loss of Letdown flow. On the other hand, the operator may respond in accordance with 1AD-7, 1-4, "LETDN RELIEF HI TEMP," and then implement AP/11A15500/10, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps," Case II, "NC AP/1/A/5500/10, System leakage." In either situation the operator will isolate normal letdown and establish excess letdown. After excess Letdown is established, Turbine Impulse Pressure Channel 1 will fail low causing Tref to go low, and Control Rods to move inward in auto to maintain Tavg-Tref deviation. The operator will implement AP/1/N5500/14, AP/11A15500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction." The control rods will be left in manual control for the remainder of the scenario. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation." Subsequently, the controller for 1CF-32 (A S/G CF Control Valve) will fail in Automatic control AP/11A15500106, "S/G Feedwater causing the valve to go closed. The operator will implement AP/1/N5500106, Malfunctions," and take manual control of the control valve. The controller will be left in manual control for the remainder of the scenario. Shortly afterwards, the D 0 SG NR Level Channel 2 will fail high causing an FWIS. ( Simultaneously, the reactor AND the turbine will fail to trip automatically. The operator will be expected to manually trip the reactor and enter EP/11A15000/E-0, EP/1/N5000/E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection," and manually trip the turbine. Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 On the trip, the TOTD CA will overspeed. Additionally the 1A CA Pump will trip on overcurrent causing a Red Path to exist on Heat Sink. The operator will implement EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1, "Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink." When the operator attempts to restore feedwater flow from the CF pumps, the operator will discover that neither CF can be reset. As the operator attempts to restore a heat sink with the CM system, the Steam Generator levels will approach the point at which NCS Feed and Bleed must be established. The scenario is expected to terminate, unless the crew successfully establishes feed flow to one Steam Generator with the Condensate System, at Step 29 of FR-H.1, after the crew has established NCS Feed and Bleed cooling. Critical Tasks: E-O A Manually trip the reactor before SG Wide Range Levels decrease to < 24%. Safety Significance: failure to manually trip the reactor causes a challenge to the Subcriticality CSF beyond that irreparably introduced by the postulated conditions. Additionally, it constitutes an "incorrect performance that necessitates the crew taking compensating action which complicates the event mitigation strategy and demonstrates the inability by the crew to recognize a failure of the automatic actuation of the RPS." A failure to trip the reactor when required will cause fission heat production to exceed the ability of the safeguards systems to remove heat from the system, and result in an NCS pressure increase. Under normal conditions, the Pzr PORV will open and degrade the NCS Barrier. ( Under worst case conditions the RCS Pressure Safety Limit could be exceeded within 2 minutes, \ potentially rupturing the RCS Fission Product Barrier. FR-H.1 AlB Either establish feedwater flow into at least one SG before Bleed and Feed criteria is met, or establish RCS Bleed and Feed before PORVs go open automatically due to plant heat-up. Safety Significance: Failure to establish RCS Bleed and Feed before automatic opening of the PORVs (due to plant heatup) reduces the probability of success to establish a heat sink for the core. This constitutes a "Significant reduction of safety margin beyond that irreparably introduced by the scenario." Establishing feedwater flow into the Steam Generators offers the most effective recovery action to restore the heat sink. If all attempts to initiate feedwater flow fail, the crew must establish bleed and feed to cool the core. This is accomplished by manually initiating SI, and then manually opening the PORVs. The lower NCS pressure allows a greater ECCS flow to recover NCS inventory and force flow through the core. If this action is to be successful, it must be started before SG dryout. SG dryout would cause NC temperature to increase, increasing NC Pressure and forcing open the PORVs automatically. If NCS pressure is at the PORV setpoint due to NCS heatup, the operator action of opening the PORVs manually may not be successful in lowering NCS pressure and increasing ECCS flow. Ultimately, the core could uncover. Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Bench Mark ACTIVjt~!:i** **.*!***!* .. DESCRIPTION


o D Sim. Setup Rod Step On oD Reset to Temporary IC-153

                                                        **   100% Steady-State EOl EOL
                                                        **   lOA LOA CA-01 O=Racked Out, 1B CA Pump is OOS
                                                        **    XMT-CF031 = 100, LCF-5580, SG 0D #4 NR Level OOS
  • MALF IPE001A1B, MAlF IPE001NB, Failure of Automatic Rx Trip
                                                       **    MAlF MALF DEH003A, Failure of Automatic Turbine Trip
                                                       **    MAlF MALF CA004A=2, Failure of 1A CA Pump to start (Both Auto and Manual) 0D              RUN

( 0D Update Status Board, Setup OAC Setup ICCM, Turbine Displays, & Trend Recorders. Check Rod Step Counters agree with rod positions Check Make-up Control Switch in "ARMED." Ensure DRPI DR PI Screen is Re-zeroed. Ensure CF Pump lovejoy reset. Lovejoy 0D Freeze. ( 0D Update Fresh Tech. 1B CA Pump OOS Spec. Log. LCF-5580, SG 0D #4 NR Level OOS Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 Bench Mark ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION o0 Fill out the NLO's Available section of Shift Turnover Info. o 0 Prior to Crew Briefing RUN o0 Crew Briefing

1. Assign Crew Positions based on evaluation requirements.
2. Provide crew with OP/11A162501001, OP/1/N6250/001, Enclosure 4.22, completed through Steps 3.1 - 3.3.
3. Review the Shift Turnover Information with the crew.
4. Direct the crew to Review the Control Boards taking note of present conditions, alarms.

o0 T-O Begin Familiarization Period o0 At direction of examiner NA Swap CF Control Valve Circuit ( At direction of ENB011 0 (MALF) ENB011D Power Range Channel failure (N44 Control Power Fuse 0 examiner failure) Set =1 Trigger #1 0 At direction of (MALF) (MAL F) NV028A NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief examiner valve lifts and fails open Set = 100 Trigger #3 When Letdown Hi Pressure Annunciator alarms, Operate (MALF) (MAL F) NV023A Trigger #5. Set = OPEN Trigger #5 o0 Continued from Event 3 NA Establish Excess Letdown o0 At direction of examiner (XMT) SM003 Turbine Impulse Pressure Transmitter Failure Set =0 ( Ramp = = 30 seconds Trigger #7 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 ( Bench.Marl< .*.* .

          .. " .... >".; I*!)         ACTIVITY                                  DESCRIPTION 0 At direction of           (MALF) IFE006A            FCV Controller failure examiner Set = 0 Ramp = 60 seconds Trigger #9 0 At direction of           (XMT) CF032               SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWIS examiner Set = 100                 (LCF-5600, SG D #2 NR Level)

Trigger #11 Continued (MAL (MALF)F) IPE001A/B Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine Trip 0 from Event 7 (T=O) (MALF) DEH003A (T=O) 0 Continued (MALF) CA005 TD CA Pump trip from Event 7 ( Trigger #13 (w/P4) Trigger #13 = =Conditional on reactor trip (P4). 0 Continued (MALF) (MAL F) CA004A 1A CA Pump fails to start from Event 7 (T=O) (Pump will fail to start in Auto or Manual) In FR-H.1, Step 10.f Use MAL-ISE007A/B MAL*ISE007A/B = 5 (Block Both); for Enclosure 6. Continued (OVR) CF Pumps fail to reset after FWIS 0 from Event 7 IWE012DIIWE014D See actuation point on Page 55 of Script. Trigger #15 o 0 Terminate the scenario upon direction of Lead Examiner Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: Scenario # 3 Event # _ _ _ _ _ Page 8 of 65 ( N09-1

                                                                                                                                                          ----tl Event


Swap CF Control Valve Circuit Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Shortly after taking the watch, the operator will shift from Normal to the Alternate CF Control Valve Control Circuit for 1CF-32, 1CF-32, (A S/G CF Control Valve) in accordance with section 3.6 of Enclosure 4.22, "Swapping CF Control Valve Control Circuit," of OP/1/A/6250/001, "Condensate and Feedwater System." When the procedure is OP/11A162501001, complete 1CF-32 will be in Automatic Control on the Alternate Control Circuit. Booth Operator Instructions: NA Indications Available: NA

  )i:           :           .. :i.* . . . . .
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lime'H,:' ','Pos.* (i" ',~  ;,1 ,

                                . . . . (ii::**i:::~J:Cp~C?te~iA~tions/Behavior. . .'. --.,:      (  '.


                                                                                                             "'/,, .1',':">,,:,,,,/   ',,,',i': <";< '::        :

OP/1/A/6250/001, CONDENSATE AND FEEDWATER SYSTEM OP/1/A16250/001, ENCLOSURE 4.22, SWAPPING CF CONTROL VALVE CONTROL CIRCUIT ( RO (Step 3.4) Perform the following sections, as applicable:

                                    **      Section 3.5, Swap CF Control Ivalve
                                                                            !valve Control Circuit For 1CF-32AB (1A S/G CF Control)

ROI (Step 3.5) Swap CF Control Valve Control Circuit For 1CF-32AB (1A S/G CF Control) NLO

                                     *      (Step 3.5.1) IF swapping from Normal to             NOTE: The RO will contact Alternate Control Circuit, check Alternate          NLO.

Control Power available for 1CFSV0234 Booth Instructor: Report that on TB 691 (Unit 1 Turbine Building Alternate Control power is Basement). available for 1CVSV0234 on TB691. RO ** (Step 3.5.2) Place 1CF-32A (1A S/G CF Control) in "MAN." (R.M.) NOTE: The RO may direct the NLO to perform Steps 3.5.3 through 3.5.5. If so, Booth Instructor: make the following reports all at once.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 ( Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event #

                                                                                ------ Page
                                                                                ~_________             Page     9  of
                                                                                                                      --...,1 65
                                                                                                                      ....;;.;;.....~I Event


Swap CF Control Valve Circuit Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  . Time'    Pos.            ., Ex:pected A~(i0'n~/8ehaviOr ....
                                    'i '" '\.' '\      ""':'1"1 ."            '  "
                                                                                             . > . '. . Corfl~e.,n~

RO/ ROI * (Step 3.5.3) Check the following green NOTE: The RO will contact NLO lights on the HART Interface Module NLO. (HIM) alternate controller (1 CFEMOO08) Booth Instructor: Report that for 11CF-32AB CF-32AB (1 (1A A S/G CF Control) lit: the Input, Ready, Trip1, and Trip 2 green lights are lit on the HART Interface Module alternate controller for 1 CF-1CF-32AB.

  • Input
  • Ready
  • Trip 1
  • Trip 2 RO/

ROI * (Step 3.5.4) Check the following green NOTE: The RO will contact lights on the HART Interface Module NLO. NLO (HIM) normal controller (1CFEM0004) (1 CFEM0004) for Booth Instructor: Report that 1 CF-32AB (1A 1CF-32AB (1 A S/G CF Control) lit: the Input, Ready, Trip1, and ( Trip 2 green lights are lit on the HART Interface Module normal controller for 1CF-32AB.

  • Input
  • Ready
  • Trip 1
  • Trip 2
                       *    (Step 3.5.5) Check digital readout on                         NOTE: The RO will contact 1CFEM0008 and 1CFEM0004 indicate                              NLO.

within 10%. Booth Instructor: Report that the digital readout on 1CFEM00008 and 1CMEM0004 are within 10%. RO * (Step 3.5.6) Place 1CF-32AB "SELECTOR SWITCH" to desired control circuit:

                            *     "ALT" OR
                            *     "NORM"

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # --'-_ _ _ _ _ Page


10 of 65


( Event


Swap CF Control Valve Circuit I Time III e II Position IIII Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO * (Step 3.5.7) Maintain 1A S/G level programmed level. RO * (Step 3.5.8) WHEN desired, place 1 CF-1CF-32AB (1A S/G CF Control) in "AUTO" as follows: (R.M.)

  • Ensure the following:
  • Selected control channels for 1A S/G indicating correctly on chart recorder for the following:
  • Feed Flow
  • Stm Flow
  • S/G Level
  • 1A S/G level at programmed level.
  • Place 1 CF-32AB (1A S/G CF 1CF-32AB NOTE: The RO may contact

( Control) in "AUTO". NLO to observe system operation as normal. If so, Booth Instructor: as NLO, report that System operation is Normal. At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #2. (

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09*1 Scenario # 3 Event # ...;2~_ _ _ _

                                                                              ....;2~           Page      11    of    ....;6=5~1

( Event


Power Range Channel failure Time II Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Immediately afterwards, the control power fuses for Nuclear Excore Power Range Channel N44 will fail. The operator will respond in accordance with 1AO-2, 1AD-2, F-3, "P/R/HI VOLTAGE FAILURE," then implement AP/1/A/5500/16, AP/1/A15500/16, "Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation," Case III, "Power Range Malfunction.' The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation." Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #1 (MALF- ENB011 ENB011D 0 (1)) Indications Available:



  • All Excore NI Channels steady at 100% on MCB Panel 2.
 '1161&;   *. Pps.              Expe~ted             Actions/Behavior                             Cdthrnents

( OP/1/A161 00/01 OC, ANNUNCIATOR RESPONSE FOR PANEL 1AD-2 OP/1/A16100/010C, F-3, P/R HI VOLTAGE FAILURE SRO (Immediate Action) Go to AP/1/N55001016 (Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation). SRO (Supplementary Action) Refer to Tech Specs NOTE: The SRO may directly for instrumentation requirement. enter AP-16, and NOT address the ARP. AP/1/A15500/16, AP/1/A/5500/16, MALFUNCTION OF NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION CASE III, POWER RANGE MALFUNCTION RO (Step 1) Place control rods in manual. RO (Step 2) Check S/G levels - AT PROGRAMMED LEVEL.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: Scenario # ( N09-1 3 Event # ~2~_______ Page

                                                               ..,:2:::...-____              12
                                                                                                    --..,1 65 of _6.;,;5:"'-"'1 Event


Power Range Channel failure Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO (Step 3) Announce occurrence on paging NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO system. to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. BOP (Step 4) check P/R channels - ONLY ONE NOTE: This BOP will need to CHANNEL FAILED. check locally at the Excore Cabinets to determine that N44 has failed. RO (Step 5) Position "PR TO S/G PROGRAM LEVEL CHNNEL DEFEAT" switch to defeat inoperable channel. RO (Step 6) Secure any power increase in progress. ( RO (Step 7) Check the following interlocks -IN

                                                                - IN REQUIRED STATE FOR EXISTING PLANT CONDITIONS:
                       **   P-7 Lo Power Rx Trips Blocked
                       **   P-8 Hi Pwr Lo Flo Rx Trip Blocked
                       **   P-10 Nuclear at Power.

BOP (Step 8) Perform the following actions at the "MISCELLANEOUS CONTROL AND INDICATION PANEL" drawer:

                       **   Place the appropriate "ROD STOP BYPASS" switch to the failed channel position.
                       **   Place the "POWER MISMATCH BYPASS" switch to the failed channel position.

BOP (Step 9) Perform the following actions at the i "DETECTOR CURRENT COMPARATOR" \ drawer:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # ....;2~_ _ _ _

                                                                              ....;2~    _ _ _ _ Page               13 13     ....;6;.;..5~1 of _6;;..;5:.....-~1 of Event


Power Range Channel failure Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior ExpectedA~ti(;)ns!~:Ethavtc:)r;\ \. . \

                                                                                    \\ . ..; :", I****


  ,1,,1' Time . Pos.                                                                                        ebrntnents
                             **    Place the "UPPER SECTION" switch to the failed channel position.
                             **    Check the "CHANNEL DEFEAT" light for the upper section - LIT.
                             **    Place the "LOWER SECTION" switch to the failed channel position.
                           **      Check the "CHANNEL DEFEAT" light for the lower section - LIT.

BOP (Step 10) Perform the following actions at the "COMPARATOR AND RATE" drawer:

                            **     Place the "COMPARATOR CHANNEL DEFEAT" switch to the failed channel position.
                            **     Check the "COMPARATOR DEFEAT"

( light - LIT. BOP (Step 11) Trip bistables of failed channel as follows:

                            **     Remove Control Power fuses from "POWER RANGE A" drawer for failed channel.
  • IF Power Range Cabinet shows NOTE: The Power Range evidence of damage (Le. (i.e. visual smoke or Cabinet does NOT show any abnormal smell) ....... evidence of damage.

RO (Step 12) Check the following status lights for the failed channel - LIT:

                            **     "NUC OVERPOWER ROD STOP CH I(II,III,IV) BYP" (1SI-19)

(1 SI-19)

                            **     "P/R HI FLUX LO STPT" (1SI-2)    (1 SI-2)
                            **     "P/R HI FLUX HI STPT" (1SI-2)
                            **     "P/R HI FLUX RATE" (1SI-3)   (1 SI-3)

( RO (Step 13) Check the following annunciator lights - LIT:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # ..;2=--_


__ _ _ Page 14 of ...,.;:6;.;;,5----11 _6;;.;5;""--11 ( Event


Power Range Channel failure

Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

[/" 'J:, 5/' ,," filhne'

   ,:::i:ii ',,' ~i Pos.        ,* ,:~~R~e,~~~tActions/BehaVior                                Comments
                                **      "P/R HI VOLTAGE FAILURE" (1AD-2, F-3)
                                **      "P/R HI FLUX HI STPT ALERT" (1AD-2, A-3)
                                **      "P/R HI FLUX RATE ALERT" (1AD-2, A-1)

A-1 ) RO (Step 14) Check the following status lights on 1SI LIT:

                                **      "P/R LO SETPOINT TRAIN A TRIP BLOCKED"
                                **      "P/R LO SETPOINT TRAIN B TRIP BLOCKED".

RO (Step 15) IF desired to control S/G levels in ( auto, THEN return affected S/G CF control valves to auto. RO (Step 16) Ensure operable P/R channel selected to record on NIS Recorder. RO (Step 17) Adjust control rods to maintain T-Avg at T-Ref. RO (Step 18) WHEN T-Avg within 1°F ofT-Ref, NOTE: The RO will place the AND auto rod control desired, THEN return Control Rods back in AUTO. control rods to auto. SRO (Step 19) Instruct IAE to trip the following NOTE: SRO may call bistables associated with failed P/R channel WCC/IAE WCCIIAE to address the within 6 hours of failure PER IP/1/N30901014 IP/1/N3090/014 switch position. (Tripping Inoperable Protection Channels): If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC.

                                **      OPDT

( ** OTDT. OTDT.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _2_ _ _

                                                                                   ...;2=--_ _ _ _ Page           15     of _6;;.;5~~1

_6;,.;;.5----i1 Event


Power Range Channel failure Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                                                             .ii.i Time      Pos.                Expe¢t~~iiJ(~~~i~Mior
                                       ,   ' ~            I, )' "" " I", ,,,),' ",
                                                                                                 ***~~eJtg:  u,,', i', "         .: .

SRO (Step 20) IF AT ANY TIME failed P/R NOTE: This is a Continuous channel is repaired prior to IAE tripping Action. The SRO will make bistables, THEN perform the following: both board operators aware. SRO ** Inform IAE that bistables are no longer required to be tripped.

                     **    GO TO Step 22       22..

SRO (Step 22) WHEN malfunctioning P/R channel NOTE: Power Range Channel repaired ..... has NOT been repaired. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.3.1, RTS INSTRUMENTATION SRO 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation Instru mentation ( SRO LCO 3.3.1 The RTS instrumentation for each Function in Table 3.3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE. SRO APPLICABILITY: According to Table 3.3.1-1. SRO ACTIONS

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # ~2~_________ 2 Page 16 16 of 65 of --'-'-..,1 _6;.,;5:"'--11 ( Event


Power Range Channel failure Time /1 Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior I" ' .<iEj{~~8t~di ~d{i6nsiBel1~~i6r <i* C~rriirrients

 !:Time:/ Pos.

SRO CONDITION REQUIRED COMPLETION NOTE: The SRO will ACTION TIME determine that Functions 2a, A. One or A.1 Enter the Immediately 3,6 and 7 of Table 3.3-1 are more Condition applicable and that Conditions Functions referenced with one or in Table D and E are required. A, 0 more 3.3.1-1 for required the channels channel(s). inoperable. D. One 0.1.1 Place 6 hours channel channel in inoperable. trip. AND 0.1.2 Reduce 12 hours THERMAL POWER::; POWERs 75% RTP. OR 0.2.1 Place 6 hours channel in ( trip. 0.2.2 Perform SR Once per 12 hours OR 0.3 Be in MODE 3. 12 hours E. One E.1 Place 6 hours channel channel in inoperable. trip. OR E.2 Be in 12 hours MODE 3. At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Events #3-4. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3.;....;;.;&....;4 _3;,..&;.;....;.,4_ __ _ __ _ Page 17 ....;6=5~1 of _6;;..;5~~1 ( Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ openl Establish Excess Letdown Time III Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Following this, the retention element on the in-service NV System Demineralizer will fail causing an immediately plugging of Letdown Filter A, and causing Letdown Line Relief Valve to lift, and then fail open. There are two possible success paths for the operating crew. The operator may elect to isolate Letdown, and then implement AP/1/A/5500/12, AP/1/N5500/12, "Loss of Letdown, Charging or Seal Injection," due to the loss of Letdown flow. On the other hand, the operator may respond in accordance with 1AD-7, 1-4, "LETDN RELIEF HI TEMP," and then implement AP/1/N5500/10, AP/1/A/5500/10, "NC System Leakage Within the Capacity of Both NV Pumps," Case II, "NC System leakage." In either situation the operator will isolate normal letdown and establish excess letdown. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #3 (MALF-NV028A (100)) When Letdown High Pressure Annunciator alarms, Operate Trigger #5 (MALF-NV23A (Open)) Indications Available:

  • 1AD-7/1-4, 1AD-711-4, LETDN RELIEF HI TEMP
  • OAC OAe Alarms.

( ,. <:Pt-p I, pros:. ':r .:t;xP.~~t~(j,:Acti9ns/Behavi()r:'P .. :: /: .

                                                                                                              .****>. , .. ::.: '/:.:r:::

Comm~rits Tim~ *. 'i/::} r : ,'I" ", "",'1' ,/ <"', " /\1)' ',I " " NOTE: The crew actually has two success paths. They could isolate the leak by isolating Letdown, and go to AP12. This success path is scripted first. On the other hand, they could address the ARP and then go to AP10. If so, Examiner following script starting on Page 23. NOTE: The operator may recognize from the onset of the event that Letdown must be isolated to stop the leak, take action to do so, and enter AP12. If so, Examiner start here. AP/1/A/5500/12, LOSS OF LETDOWN, CHARGING OR SEAL INJECTION (


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3;;.....;;&...;4_ _ _ _ Page _3;;..;;.;&....;4 18 of _6;.,;5;"""-l1 _6;,.;5;"'-'-11 Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown failurelLetdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ openl Establish Excess Letdown Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time PQ$. 'Ii

                     . .'1. I.. .E"p~6fed ActionsfBehavli;)r L      ',"          ',' '       ,,',,1,:<,
                                                                               '              L*            Cornmehis ' : . :,

SRO (Step 1) IF a loss of charging through the NOTE: A loss of Charging has Regenerative HX has occurred, THEN .... NOT occurred. BOP (Step 2) Check Pzr level-level - LESS THAN 96%. BOP (Step 3) IF AT ANY TIME "REGEN HX NOTE: This is a Continuous LETDN HI TEMP" alarms (1AD-7, 1-2), THEN Action. The SRO will make close the following valves: both board operators aware.

  • 1NV-1A 1NV-1A (NC LID Isol To Regen Hx) NOTE: These valves are most likely already closed.
  • 1NV-2A (NC LID Isol To Regen Hx).

RO (Step 4) Stop any power or temperature changes in progress. ( SRO (Step 5) Announce occurrence on paging NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO system. to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. SRO (Step 6) IF this AP entered due to loss of NOTE: The SRO will need to letdown only, THEN GO TO Step 36. answer YES to this condition if this procedure is to be of any use to the crew. BOP (Step 36) Ensure the following are closed:

                      **    1NV-458A (75 GPM LID Orifice Outlet Cont Isol)
                       **    1NV-457A NV-457 A (45 GPM LID Orifice Outlet Cont Isol)
                       **    1NV-35A (Variable LID Orifice Outlet Cont Isol).

BOP (Step 37) Ensure "NC SYS M/U ( CONTROLLER" in "AUTO".

Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3;;.....;;..&_4_ _ _ _ _3~&.....;4 Page 19 of 65 ( -';";~-II Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                                 'J:: I , ~,;"i)',':t.i~g~ ~ ,',* ,' '><,,"
                                                   , :' .n, I ; , ' , l~i,~IIL",>
                                                            .10,.J.      .,: .....

1~ ....., ....... HClVIVI"" ,.. BOP (Step 38) Ensure charging flow going down NOTE: The BOP may take to maintain Pzr at program level. manual control of Charging flow via 1NV-238. BOP (Step 39) Check "LETDN RELIEF HI TEMP" alarm (1AD-7, 1-4) - HAS REMAINED DARK. BOP (Step 39 RNO) Evaluate if low failure of letdown pressure instrument caused loss of letdown. BOP (Step 40) Check 1NV-21A (NV Spray To PZR Isol) - CLOSED. CLOSED, ( BOP (Step 41) Operate Pzr heaters as follows:

                        **     Check all Pzr heater group supply breakers - CLOSED.
                        **     Check normal Pzr spray - AVAILABLE.
                       **      Place the following Pzr heater groups in manual and "ON" to maximize spray flow:
                             ** A    A
                             ** BB
                              **     D D

BOP (Step 42)Check the following valves - NOTE: These valves have OPEN: been previously closed.

                      **       1NV-1A 1 NV-1A (NC LID Isol To Regen Hx).
                       **      1NV-2A (NC LID Isol To Regen Hx).

SRO (Step 43) GO TO Step 48. (\

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 3&4 Page 20 of 65 Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Tifh~ **p,QS *..

           ":1',',1 "HAE~~ij¢~~d,:~e~i'~~~~i;?(.:'<.)                         Comments          ***

SRO (Step 48) Establish normal letdown: NOTE: The SRO will need to know that the procedure is directing an action that plant conditions will NOT allow, and go to the RNO. SRO (Step 48 RNO) GO TO Step 49. BOP (Step 49) Establish excess letdown: NOTE: The SRO may direct the BOP step by step, or handout this section of the procedure to the BOP. BOP

  • Adjust charging to minimum while maintaining the following:
  • NC pump seal injection flow greater

( than 6 GPM

  • Pzr level at program level.


  • IF AT ANY TIME excess letdown cannot NOTE: This is a Continuous BOP be established, THEN observe Note prior Action.

to Step 50 and GO TO Step 50 to establish letdown using Rx Vessel Head Vents. SRO/

  • IF AT ANY TIME excess letdown cannot NOTE: This is a Continuous BOP be established, THEN observe Note prior Action.

to Step 50 and GO TO Step 50 to establish letdown using Rx Vessel Head Vents. BOP

  • Open the following:
  • 1 KC-315B (Excess LID Hx Ret Hdr 1KC-315B Cont Otsd Isol).
  • 1KC-305B (Excess LID Hx Sup Hdr Cont Otsd Isol).


  • Ensure 1NV-27B (Excess LID Hx Otlt 3-Way Cntrl) selected to "VCT" position.


  • Open 1NV-26 (Excess LID Hx Outlet Cntrl).


  • Wait 2 minutes.

Appendix 0 D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3.;....;;..&_4_ _ _ _ Page

                                                                                    ....;3;;...;;;.&....;4____      Page           21      of _665

( ~~-11 Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior I':\;::~~,~.... i:::"i:>i. C~tn(*V:';.;' .ii.. .~):"i:*,i

   ?      r'i,":i!f~~'

i ......... __ i: . ~ ... . . iii. .. * , i d :i'i!:i: ..... li~t:}f;!l~i '.' BOP

  • Close 1NV-26 (Excess LID Hx Outlet Cntrl).


  • Check the following valves - OPEN:
  • 1NV-94AC (NC Pumps Seal Ret Cont Inside Isol)
  • 1NV-9SB NV-95B (NC Pumps Seal Ret Cont Outside Isol).


  • Open 1NV-24B (C NC Loop To Exs LID Hx Isol).


  • Open 1NV-25B NV-2SB (C NC Loop To Exs LID Hx Isol).


  • Check the following:
  • Reactor - CRITICAL


  • Closely monitor reactor response once excess letdown is in service.


  • Slowly open 1NV-26 while maintaining NOTE: BOP will fully open excess letdown HX temperature less 1NV-26 over time, in order to than 200°F. control inventory.


  • GO TO Step 49.r.


  • Notify Primary Chemistry that excess NOTE: SRO/BOP may call letdown is in service. Chemistry to address.

If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as Chemistry. BOP

  • Adjust charging flow as desired while maintaining:
  • NC pump seal injection flow greater than 6 GPM.
  • Pzr level at program level.


  • Operate Pzr pzr heaters as desired.


  • WHEN time allows, THEN notify NOTE: SRO/BOP may call engineering to document the following WCC to address.

transients: If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3.;.....;..&....;4

                                                                            .-.;,.3            _ _ _ _ Page
                                                                                     ..;;;&~4;....-___             22     _6~5 65____-i1 of "";"-..,1 Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown I Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                      . . . < *. *.* **E~p~~t~:d,,¢tion~lB~ha~li*p*l'>                              :

I",' Time PQs.. ,.'< .,c,'.,' Comments

  • Letdown isolation.
  • Potential charging nozzle transient.
  • IF NV Aux Spray was in service, NOTE: NV Aux Spray has THEN ........ NOT been used.


  • Check 1NV-27B (Excess LID Hx Otlt 3-Way Cntrl) - ALIGNED TO "VCT".


  • IF AT ANY TIME VCT level needs to be NOTE: This is a Continuous lowered AND NCDT is available to pump Action.

water outside containment, THEN perform the following:

  • Place 1NV-27B to "NCDT".
  • Adjust 1NV-26 (Excess LID Hx Outlet Cntrl) as necessary to maintain NCDT pressure less than 8 PSIG.


  • WHEN VCT at desired level, THEN return 1NV-27B to "VCT".


  • WHEN normal letdown available, THEN NOTE: This is a Continuous BOP establish normal letdown PER Steps 42 Action.

through 48. BOP

  • WHEN desired to isolate excess NOTE: This is a Continuous letdown, THEN perform the following: Action.
  • Close 1NV-26 (Excess LID Hx Outlet Cntrl).
  • Close 1NV-24B (C NC Loop To Exs LID Hx Isol).
  • Close 1NV-25B (C NC Loop To Exs losl).

LID Hx 1051).

  • Close 1KC-305B (Excess LID Hx Sup Hdr Cont Otsd 1501).Isol).


  • Close 1 KC-315B (Excess LID Hx Ret 1KC-315B 1501).

Hdr Cont Otsd Isol). SROI

  • RETURN TO procedure and step in NOTE: SRO/BOP may call BOP effect. WCC to address.

If so, Booth Instructor ( acknowledge as WCC.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 _3___

                                                                        &_4_ _ _ _ Page Op Test No.:       N09-1   Scenario #          3     Event #     _3"-&_4                      23  of
                                                                                                         --...,1 65 of _6;;.;5;""'-11 Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown I Time III Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior Examiner NOTE: Move forward to event termination on Page 32. Examiner NOTE: If the crew uses the ARP and then goes AP1 0 to respond to the to AP10 Letdown Relief Valve lifting, Start Here. OP/1/A16100/010H, ANNUNCIATOR RESPONSE FOR PANEL 1AD-7 1-4, LETDN RELIEF HI TEMP BOP (Immediate Action) Monitor letdown pressure and correct if necessary. ( BOP (Supplementary Action Step 1) Monitor VCT and PRT. BOP (SA Step 2) IF in Mode 4 AND placing NO in NOTE: The plant is NOT in service AND it is determined 1NV-6 is Mode 4. leaking, ........ . BOP (SA Step 3) IF determined 1NV-6 leaking, perform the following: BOP

  • Place 1 NV-124 (Letdown Pressure 1NV-124 Control) in "MAN".
  • Adjust 1NV-124 (Letdown Pressure Control) as required to establish 250 psig letdown pressure.


  • IF determined 1NV-6 (Letdown Header Relief) still leaking, perform the following:
  • Ensure "Regen Hx LIfO Temp" less than 340°F. .
  • Adjust 1 1NV-124 NV-124 (Letdown Pressure Control) as required to establish 150
                                    - 250 psig letdown pressure.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 ( Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3.;;..&.;;...;.4 3&4 _ _ _ Page 24 of _6_5---t1 65 Event


NV NY Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior ri'rime "P~iJ. .: Ii.; Expected ActionJ/Behavior I***. ,i***'.;;bomments i' .***** it<,* .. '. . ,

                       **    Ensure 1NV-124 (Letdown Pressure                          NOTE: This action cannot be Control) potentiometer set to control at                  done. The SRO will decide to pressure, desired pressure.                                         leave this controller in Manual.
                       **    Place 1 1NV-124 NV-124 (Letdown Pressure                         NOTE: The SRO will decide to Control) in "AUTO".                                       leave this controller in Manual.

SRO AP/1/N5500101 0 (NC (SA Step 4) Refer to AP/1/Al5500/010 NOTE: The SRO will transition System Leakage Within Capacity of Both NV to AP-1 AP-10.O. Pumps). SRO (SA Step 5) Refer to Tech Spec for leakage NOTE: The SRO will note that specifications. LCO 3.4.13 and SLC 16. g, 7 16.9.7 are applicable. SRO (SA Step 6) IF instrument failure, notify WCC NOTE: SRO may call WCC to ( SRO. address the relief valve leakage. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. AP/1/A15500/10, NC SYSTEM LEAKAGE WITHIN THE CAPACITY OF BOTH NV AP/1/A/5500/10, PUMPS CASE II, NC SYSTEM LEAKAGE BOP (Step 1) Check leak - KNOWN TO BE IN NOTE: The NCS leak is NOT THE AUX BUILDING. known to be in the Aux Building. SRO (Step 1 RNO) Perform the following: NOTE: A Containment Entry is NOT in progress.

  • IF containment entry is in progress
                        **   IF in Modes 1-4, OR no-mode, THEN GO TO Step 2.


Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3;...;;.;.&...;4_ _ _ _ Page _3;;;...-;;;&...;4~___ Page 25 65 of ....;..;~-II _6_5_-11 Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time II Position II Applicant's A Iicant's Actions or Behavior BOP (Step 2) Check Pzr level-level - STABLE OR GOING UP. BOP (Step 3) IF AT ANY TIME while in this NOTE: This is a Continuous procedure Pzr level cannot be maintained Action. The SRO will make stable, THEN perform Step 2. both board operators aware. BOP (Step 4) Check Pzr pressure - STABLE OR TRENDING TO 2235 PSIG. RO (Step 5) Check main steam line intact:

  • Reactor power - AT TURBINE POWER
  • NC Loop T-Avg - STABLE.

( SRO (Step 6) Announce occurrence on page. NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO I RO/ (Step 7) Estimate leak rate using any of the BOP following methods:

                      **   Monitor OAC NC graphic OR
                      **   Compare charging flow to letdown flow plus seal return flow OR
                      **   Monitor VCT level trend (OAC point M1P1271).

M1 P1271). SRO RP/OIN57001000 (Step 8) REFER TO RP/O/A/5700/000 NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to (Classification of Emergency). address. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as OSM. (

Appendix 0 D Operator Action ES-D-2 Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3.;;.....;.;&_4 3 & 4_ _ _ _ Page 26 of "';";;""--11 65

                                                                                                                   ~~-------                                  -~~I Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                      '*'V  ":: ,<:,;,:,:;: :': :!':/:" ,i:':, :(/,'::-:', !"i::'-'/;:" ,,'/ "        i;'

C0rtlpte~~7> ,. iTime Pos. ii~~F'e~tedActions/8ehavio.r . iC' i i i ..*.. .'ii SRO (Step 9) IF AT ANY TIME NC leakage exceeds Tech Spec limits, THEN perform the following:

                       **   Ensure Outside Air Pressure Filter train                                                                NOTE: SRO may ask U2 in service PER OP/0/A/6450/011                                                                         BOP to address.

(Control Area Ventilation/Chilled Water If so, Floor Instructor System), Enclosure 4.4 (Control Room acknowledge as U2 BOP. Atmosphere Pressurization During Abnormal Conditions).

                      **    Have another SRO evaluate if leakage                                                                    NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to exceeds SLC 16.9.7 condition C limits                                                                   address.

and immediately notify security is SSF is If so, Floor Instructor inoperable. acknowledge as OSM. BOP (Step 10) IF AT ANY TIME VCT level goes NOTE: This is a Continuous below 16% ("VCT ABNORMAL LEVEL" Action. The SRO will make ( alarm (1AD-7, D-3) NV pump suction to FWST. 0-3) low setpoint), THEN align both board operators aware. BOP (Step 11) IF AT ANY TIME Containment NOTE: This is a Continuous pressure exceed Tech Spec limit (0.3 PSIG), Action. The SRO will make THEN evaluate placing all 4 VL AHU mode both board operators aware. select switches in "HGIH" to prevent them from cycling around 0.5 PSIG. BOP (Step 12) check sealleakoff seal leakoff on all NC pumps

                      - LESS THAN 6 GPM.

BOP (Step 13) Check NC pump thermal barriers intact as follows:

                      **    NC pump thermal barrier KC outlet flows and temperatures on OAC KC graphic-NORMAL (flow and temperature should be similar for all 4 NC pumps)
                       **    KC surge tank level rates on OAC KC graphic - NORMAL.
                       **    KC Surge Tank level - NORMAL


Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 3&4 Page 27 of 65 ( ~~-------

                                                                                                        ~~------                                       -~~I
                                                                                                                                                       ~~~I Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Ii: ' '. lilme

 , ' "\':;:: <<';::,,>,~ , :~;;Ri~~~ i


                                                         . , g~p,~cted;;;&~~~~gig~l~~iiil;?!i;;;I::ii!l'iT:;<i:;!;:r;:;;!:,,!;:~~~n Imbnt~{!:i;'! Ii
                                         **             1EMF-46A (Train A Component Cooling)
                                                        - NORMAL
  • 1EMF-46B (Train B Component Cooling)
                                                       --NORMAL NORMAL SRO         (Step 14) GO TO Step 16.

BOP (Step 16) Check leak - SUSPECTED ON NOTE: The NCS leak is NOT LETDOWN LINE NEAR DEMINERALIZERS. suspected to be on the Letdown Line near the Demineralizers. SRO (Step 16 RNO) GO TO Step 18. ( BOP (Step 18) Check leak - KNOWN TO BE ON NOTE: in order to use this flow NORMAL LETDOWN LINE. path the BOP must recognize that the leak was on the letdown Line, and answer YES to this question. BOP (Step 19) Isolate leak as follows:

                                       **               Check leak - KNOWN TO BE DUE TO LETDOWN LINE RELIEF OPEN.
                                       **               Check letdown pressure - BETWEEN 150 TO 350 PSIG.
                                       **               Perform Supplementary actions PER Annunciator Response for "LETDN RELIEF HI TEMP" (1AD-7, 1-4).
                                        **              Check leak -ISOLATED.

SRO (Step 19.d RNO) Observe Note prior to Step 19.f and GO TO Step 19.f. SRO * (Step 19.f) Check letdown isolation- isolation - ( DESIRED.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 3&4 _3;...;;;&....;4____ Page 28 65 of _6;.,;5;"'-'-11

                                                                                             -----------                                  ---~I Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time III Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior Tirtte " 'p:)/!::;;;!i,; i, 'C;>S. ii

i, "

Ex-p~cted~A'~tlib~~s/aeh~~ii~h<<i, I.i i, }"'i"i ""., "i'" .

                                                       ., ,,<.::, * ,i' i " I'*,.,.)  ,.",
                                                                                                                         / Cblllrttents BOP
  • Close the following letdown isolation valves:
  • 1NV-458A (75 GPM LID Orifice Outlet Cont Isol).1501).
  • 1NV-457A (45 GPM LID Orifice Outlet Cont Isol).1501).
  • 1NV-35A (Variable LID Orifice Outlet 1501).

Cont Isol).

  • Check leak --ISOLATED.

ISOLATED. NOTE: the only way to know if the leak is isolated is to check that the PRT Level has stabilized.

                             **    Ensure charging flow going down to maintain Pzr at program level.
                             **    IF tube leak is suspected on Letdown                                     NOTE: A tube leak on the

( Hx, ....... Letdown HX is NOT suspected.

                             **    Check leak -ISOLATED.
  • 1NV-137A (NC Filters Otlt 3-Way Place 1NV-137A Cntrl) to "HUT" to ensure VCT is isolated from leak.
                             **    Establish excess letdown PER                                             NOTE: The SRO will direct the EP/1/N5000/G-1 (Generic Enclosures),                                     BOP to establish Excess Enclosure 2 (Establishing Excess                                         Letdown using Generic Letdown).                                                                Enclosure 2.

EP/1/A15000/G-1, GENERIC ENCLOSURES EP/1/A15000/G*1, ENCLOSURE 2, ESTABLISHING EXCESS LETDOWN BOP (Step 1) Check KC System alignment as follows:

                             **    Containment pressure - HAS REMAINED BELOW 3 PSIG
                              **   All KC pumps - ON.


Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 3 4_ _ _ _ _3~&....;4 Page 29 of 65

                                                                  ~~-------                                       -';"';'---11

(, Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown T_"Time


BOP II Position II Expected Actions/Behavior Applicant's Actions or Behavior (Step 1.b RNO) IF either train KC pumps off, THEN perform the following:

                                                                                           ,'",' 'i',  "'!
                                                                                                                ,: , '. .i~i,* .'i. i.i,.
  • Close from control room or dispatch operator to close the following valves on idle train:
  • A train:
  • 1KC-230A (Trn A Rx Bldg Non Ess Sup Isol) aux bldg, 750+12, 7S0+12, JJ-SS, above north end of KC HX JJ-55, 1A).


  • 1KC-3A (Trn A Rx Bldg Non Non Ess Ret Isol) aux bldg, 733+8, HH-55, HH-SS, north of column HH-55).


  • WHEN idle train isolated from Reactor Bldg header per step above, THEN open the following valves on operating train:

C (

  • 1KC-18B (Trn B Rx Bldg Non Ess Ret Isol).
  • 1KC-228B (Trn B Rx Bldg Non Ess Sup Isol).
  • Do not continue until KC aligned to Reactor Bldg header.

BOP * (Step 1.c) Open the following:

  • 1KC-30SB KC-305B (Excess LID Hx Sup Hdr Cont Otsd Isol)


  • 1KC-31SB KC-315B (Excess LID Hx Ret Hdr Cont Otsd Isol).


  • Check containment pressure - HAS REMAINED BELOW 3 PSIG.

BOP (Step 2) Place 1NV-27B (Excess LID Hx Otlt 3-Way Cntrl) to "VCT" position. BOP (Step 3) Open 1NV-26B (U1 Excess LID Hx ( Outlet Cntrl).

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09*1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3;;;..;;;&...;4~ _3_&_4_ _ _ _ _ Page 30 65 of _6.;,..5'---11


( Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown II Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos.

                                                           ""<: -:,:/

Expected Actiyrt$~f1Jei~'~V;ib" .*.

                                                               "~I "
                                                                        'i',' ,,' "\,':
                                                                                          /(:f"ti'?J:"," ~'

Comments ' .. BOP (Step 4) Wait 2 minutes. BOP (Step 5) Close 1NV-26B (U (U11 Excess LID Hx Outlet Cntrl). BOP (Step 6) Check the following valves - OPEN:

                         **   1NV-94AC (NC Pumps Seal Ret Cont Inside Isol)
                        **    1NV-95B (NC Pumps Seal Ret Cont Outside Isol).

BOP (Step 7) Check reactor - SUBCRITICAL. ( BOP (Step 7 RNO) IF reactor critical, THEN perform the following:

                        **    Closely monitor reactor response once excess letdown is in service.

BOP (Step 8) Open 1NV-24B (C NC Loop To Exs LID Hx Isol). BOP (Step 9) Open 1NV-25B (C NC Loop To Exs LID Hx Iso Isol). I). BOP (Step 10) Open 1NV-25B (U1 Excess LID Hx Outlet Cntrl) while maintaining Excess letdown Hx temperature less than 200°F. BOP (Step 11) Notify Chemistry that excess NOTE: The BOP will call letdown is in service. Chemistry. Booth Instructor acknowledge as Chemistry.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3;;....;.,&_4 _3.;....;.&_4_ _ _ _ Page 31 of _6;;.;5~~1 65

                                                                                                                                                                      ---II Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                     , ... ,..... / ..,,;....,': "" . .i'.' '.*.*x' ***ii .. J .,.                "'1:""': :*.:/.i."':tf**:*:';**i:.ii .. ,'.';:t*,

Time 'pib~: Expected Acti()nsf6~havior , .... iommens

                                                                                                                     ,',.'                  I"    ,

BOP (Step 12) WHEN time allows, THEN notify NOTE: The BOP may call engineering to document transients on WCC to document transients. letdown and charging. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. BOP (Step 13) RETURN TO procedure and step NOTE: The BOP reports that in effect. excess Letdown is established and SRO returns to AP10. AP1 O. AP/1/A/5500/10, NC SYSTEM LEAKAGE WITHIN THE CAPACITY OF BOTH NV PUMPS CASE II, NC SYSTEM LEAKAGE SRO ** Power operation may continue as long ( as NC System activity and chemistry requirements are met.

                     **    GO TO Step 29.       29 .

SRO (Step 29) Ensure RP is notified of location NOTE: SRO will call RP. and size of leak. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as RP. SRO (Step 30) Contact station management to NOTE: SRO may call evaluate need to shutdown. WCC/Management to address the need to shutdown. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. SRO (Step 31) Check unit shutdown-REQUIRED. SRO (Step 31 RNO) GO TO Step 34. (

Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # _3.;....;;;&....;4 _3;;.....;;&....;4_ _ _ _ Page 32 of _6;.,;5;""--l1 65

                                                                                                                                              ---II Event


NV Demin Retention Element failure/Letdown Line Relief valve lifts and fails open/ Establish Excess Letdown Time II Position A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's

                           .*. . ;. :*.Expecte~ Acti~p~t:~~.haviQ.~;.;~;::.: i;:!(' 1:>CQmn1:~nts
                             ':":::.,::'):,'-:!i<"> \:'    .' ":':'/    ,".  ",:/,1,/

Tim~ . I POS.  :.:o".  :.... : ... .:i;:/ . SRO (Step 34) WHEN leak less than Tec Spec limits, THEN perform the following: BOP ** Check VCT --INTACT. INTACT.

  • Check NV pump suction - ALIGNED TO VCT.

SRO ** IF Outside Air Pressure Filter Train in NOTE: SRO may call service, TH THEN EN contact station WCC/Mnagement to address management to evaluate securing filter the OAFPT alignment. train PER OP/O/A/6450/011 OP/O/N6450/011 (Control If so, Booth Instructor Area Ventilation/Chilled Water System), acknowledge as WCC. Enclosure 4.4 (Control Room Atmosphere Pressurization During Abnormal Conditions)

                     **        IF VL AHU mode select switches were                                              NOTE: The VL AHU    AH U Mode placed to "HIGH" in Step 11, ......                                              Select Switches were NOT placed in HIGH.

( At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #5. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ( Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 5 5 Page Page 33 of 65 Event


Turbine Impulse Pressure Transmitter failure Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior After excess Letdown is established, Turbine Impulse Pressure Channel 1 will fail low causing Tref to go low, and Control Rods to move inward in auto to maintain Tavg-Tref deviation. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/14, "Rod Control Malfunction." The control rods will be left in manual control for the remainder of the scenario. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation." Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #7 (XMT-SM003 (XMT -SM003 (0 over 30 seconds)) Indications Available:

  • Channell Impulse Pressure indicates low .
  • Control rods heard and observed to be moving in Auto .
 >Time      Pos.    <"I:,,':;, ;:<i<i::i;,ii~~~~~i~~,<~~tlohS1BehaVior                     . COll1mellt~ ".....    ',,<

AP/1/A/5500/14, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION AP/1/A15500/14, RO (Step 1) IF more than one rod dropped, NOTE: No Rods have ( THEN perform the following: dropped.

  • Trip reactor.
                        **      GO TO EP/1/N5000/E-O (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).

RO (Step 2) Place control rods in manual. RO (Step 3) Check rod movement - STOPPED. RO (Step 4) Check all rods - ALIGNED WITH ASSOCIATED BANK. RO (Step 5) Check "ROD CONTROL URGENT FAILURE" alarm (1AD-2, A-10) - DARK. RO (Step 6) Check the following reactor control NOTE: The Channel 1 Turbine instruments - NORMAL: Impulse Pressure has failed.

                        **      "1A NC LOOP T-AVG"


                        **      "1 B NC LOOP T-AVG" "1B

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 5

                                                                                          .....;;..-----      Page   34    of  65 Event


Turbine Impulse Pressure Transmitter failure Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior Tirh~* . <e~~j** Ti,

i;::l.e~:~~:e~~d ActionS1B~:havior
                                  .,;     :")"'" >", '/", '   ",\:"i:,,'ii:',,"\               ....


                        **    "1C NC LOOP T-AVG"
                        **   "10 NC LOOP T-AVG" "1D
                        *    "TURB IMP PRESS CH 1" SRO          (Step 6 RNO) Perform the following:
                       **     IF "NC LOOP T-AVE" channel failed,                                     NOTE: Loop Tavg has NOT failed.
                       **    GO TO Enclosure 3 (Response to                                          NOTE: The SRO will go to Continuous Rod Movement).                                               Enclosure 3.

AP/1/A/5500/14, ROD CONTROL MALFUNCTION, AP/1/AJ5500/14, ENCLOSURE 3, RESPONSE TO CONTINUOUS ROD MOVEMENT SRO (Step 1) Announce occurrence on paging NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO ( system. to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. SRO (Step 2) Evaluate the following prior to any control rod withdrawal:

                      **     Ensure no inadvertent mode change will occur.
                      **      Ensure control rods are withdrawn in a deliberate manner, while closely monitoring the reactor's response.

RO (Step 3) Check the following - NORMAL:

                      **     "TURB IMP PRESS CH 1"
                     **      T-Ref T    -Ref indication.

RO (Step 3 RNO) Perform the following:

                     **      IF "TURB IMP PRESS CH 1" failed, TH EN ensure P-7 and P-13 interlocks THEN

( are in required state for existing unit conditions (Tech Spec

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 55

                                                                                   ------             Page Page  35     of 65 Event


Turbine Impulse Pressure Transmitter failure Time Ti Position II Applicant's A licant's Actions or Behavior

  ';i~:~.*** <*POS**I**
             ,:/:':/ ! "'i>\:<~: \' <'
                                               .;~~~~6t~~;;~dti~ns/B~haViOr                            Comments             ..


  • Notify IAE to repair failed channel. NOTE: SRO may call WCC/IAE to address.

If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC/IAE.

  • IF unit coastdown in progress, ........ NOTE: Coastdown is NOT in progress.


  • Perform any of the following as necessary to maintain T-Colds T -Colds 555°F to 55rF:
  • Position control rods in manual.


  • Borate/dilute NC System OR
  • Adjust turbine load.


  • GO TO Step 6.

RO (Step 6) WHEN problem is repaired, THEN NOTE: This is a Continuous perform the following: Action. The SRO will make both board operators aware.

  • Ensure T-Avg at T-Ref +/- 1°F.
                                       **    IF auto rod control desired, THEN place rods in auto.

SRO (Step 7) Exit this procedure. NOTE: SRO will likely conduct a Focus Brief. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.3.1, RTS INSTRUMENTATION SRO 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation Instru mentation SRO LCO 3.3.1 The RTS instrumentation for each Function in Table 3.3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 5 Page 36 of 65 Event


Turbine Impulse Pressure Transmitter failure Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior H,'", ','>ill<' ,:y,,,i:(,i '.'

                                                                                                     . C()mm~fit~i .,.i,,*i>:!i.i\

Time Pos. ,.i " .i, Expected Acti .,::!~r"i ,'i *i SRO APPLCIABILlTY: According to Table 3.3.1-1. SRO ACTIONS SRO CONDITION REQUIRED COMPLETION NOTE: The SRO will ACTION TIME determine that Functional A. One or A.1 Enter the Immediately Units 16.b and 16.e on Table more Condition 3.3-1 are affected by this Functions referenced with one or in Table event, and that Conditions A more 3.3.3-1 for and T are required. required the channels channel(s). inoperable. T. One or T.1 Verify 1 hour more interlock is channel(s) in required inoperable. state for existing unit conditions. ( OR T.2 Be in 7 hours MODE 2. At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #6. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 6 6 Page Page 37 of 65 ( Event


FCV Controller failure Time II~ Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Subsequently, the controller for 1CF-32 (A S/G CF Control Valve) will fail in Automatic control causing the valve to go closed. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/06, "S/G Feedwater Malfunctions," and take manual control of the control valve. The controller will be left in manual control for the remainder of the scenario. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #9 (MALF- IFE006A (0 over 60 seconds)) Indications Available:

  ~i        Pos.            ~)f:(i*:1:~~~~ledll:i.
                            ,"<1<\>, ,"<I" /";A-", ,  ' , _ " _,


                                                                         '," '/"'" <

i" mmentsi. iii AP/1/A/5500/06, AP/lIA/5500/06, S/G FEEDWATER MALFUNCTION RO (Step 1) IF CF control valve OR bypass valve ( has failed, THEN perform the following:

                      **     Place affected valve in manual.
  • Restore S/G level to program.

RO (Step 2) IF CF pump speed control has NOTE: CF speed control has failed, ... NOT failed. RO (Step 3) On each S/G, check the following channels -INDICATING THE SAME:

  • Feed flow
                       **    Steam flow
  • S/G level.

RO (Step 4) Check unit status as follows:

                      **     Reactor trip breakers - CLOSED
  • Pzr pressure - GREATER THAN P-11 (1955 PSIG).


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 ND9-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 6

                                                                                       ...;".-----                     Page                38   of  65 Event


FCV Controller failure Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Expect~tfA~ti;3: tI;~~;iOr

                                                                                                             .;; ..... ;, .. 1';'           *
                                                                                        '~  ,:,:/< ( .


    "(,:'\ <,1,:"                              ,", ,'",> ,:,: ',,:-'" ,",       ,ii,""
                                                                                             ,   I"
                                                                                                             </;->;>>':1):1:::'" ,,' ,','i;  "

RO (Step 5) IF AT ANY TIME S/G N/R level NOTE: This is a Continuous approaches 17% OR 83%, THEN perform Action. The SRO will make the following: both board operators aware.

                          **     Trip reactor.
                          **     GO TO EP/1/A15000/E-O EP/1/N5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).

SRO (Step 6) Announce occurrence on page. NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 7) Check reactor power - GREATER THAN 3%. ( RO (Step 8) Check CM/CF - PRESENTLY FEEDING S/Gs. RO (Step 9) Check S/G levels - STABLE OR TRENDING TO PROGRAM LEVEL. RO (Step 10) Check NC temperatures as follows:

                         **      IF any NC pump on, THEN check NC T-Avg - STABLE OR TRENDING TO DESIRED TEMPERATURE.

RO (Step 11) Check all S/G CF control valves - IN AUTO. RO (Step 11 RNO) WHEN the following NOTE: Due to maintenance conditions met, THEN place affected CF being performed, the 1A CF control valve in automatic: Control Valve will need to remain in MANUAL.

                          **     Automatic control- DESIRED                                            NOTE: AUTO control is NOT desired.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Scenario # 3 Event # 6 Page of 65 N09-1

                                                                             ....;...-----              39 Event


FCV Controller failure Time III Posillon Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time >**p6~.* Expe:et~~ Actions/a~l1avior*i


i<' .....>.... ......... . . : . ' ".," . Comments

  • Affected S/G level(s) - AT PROGRAM LEVEL
                      **          Selected control channels -INDICATE CORRECTL Y ON CHART RECORDER:


                                **          Feed flow
                                 **         Steam flow
  • S/G level.

NOTE: SRO may dispatch an NLO to investigate valve. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as NLO. RO (Step 12) Check all S/G CF control bypass valves -IN - IN MANUAL AND FULL OPEN. RO (Step 13) Check both CF pumps - IN AUTO. ( RO (Step 14) Check all CA pumps - OFF. At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Events #7-11.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 40 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TD TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Shortly afterwards, the D 0 SG NR Level Channel 2 will fail high causing an FWIS. Simultaneously, the reactor AND the turbine will fail to trip automatically. The operator will be expected to manually trip the reactor and enter EP/1/N5000/E-O, EP/1/A/5000/E-O, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection," and manually trip the turbine. On the trip, the TD TO CA will overspeed. Additionally the 1A CA Pump will trip on overcurrent causing a Red Path to exist on Heat Sink. The operator will implement EP/1/N5000/FR-H.1, "Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink." When the operator attempts to restore feedwater flow from the CF pumps, the operator will discover that neither CF can be reset. As the operator attempts to restore a heat sink with the CM system, the Steam Generator levels will approach the point at which NCS Feed and Bleed must be established. The scenario is expected to terminate, unless the crew successfully establishes feed flow to one Steam Generator with the Condensate System, at Step 29 of FR-H.1, after the crew has established NCS Feed and Bleed cooling. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #11 (XMT (XMT*CF032

                                                                              -CF032 (100))

Trigger #13 (CA005) will operate on P4 (Reactor Trip) ( Indications Available:

  • Reactor Trip Breakers remain closed.
  • Main Turbine does NOT trip.
  • Normal feedwater to SG is isolated.
  • OAC does NOT indicate Red Path on Heat Sink, although the Red Path exists.
               /I:'    '::                                                           ." r:

E)(;peGte~ i Time Pos. : Actions/Behavior :Comments .. '. '::'

',' ',,,:,, ***::":1**** .

NOTE: Crew will carry out Immediate Actions of E-O, prior to the SRO addressing the EP. EP/1/A/5000/E-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION EP/1/A/5000/E*0, SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. RO (Step 2) Check Reactor Trip: (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 41 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TD CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                    " , .;" ,'<Ii' 'Iii':'ih+hq:':'~ , ',~                                                                        ....",.

I.****I i'il!, Pos. Timer;' II~,{*,'! Ei;le'G~ecil*Acf IBeK;I'" Cdtn'tn~rtts  ; Y. .

                                    .......     . ....1   ~i(i<' /1.1                       Ions. J~¥lor                                    :>','/ '


                                **          All rod bottom lights - LIT
                                **          Reactor trip and bypass breakers -


                                **          IIR I/R amps - GOING DOWN.

RO (Step 2 RNO) Perform the following: NOTE: The automatic reactor trip will fail, and the RO will have to trip the reactor manually.

                                 **         Trip reactor.

CRITICAL TASK: ( (E-O A) Manually trip the reactor before SG Wide Range Levels decrease to < 24%. Safety Significance: failure to manually trip the reactor causes a challenge to the Subcriticality CSF beyond that irreparably introduced by the postulated conditions. Additionally, it constitutes an "incorrect performance that necessitates the crew taking compensating action which complicates the event mitigation strategy and demonstrates the inability by the crew to recognize a failure of the automatic actuation of the RPS." A failure to trip the reactor when required will cause fission heat production to exceed the ability of the safeguards systems to remove heat from the system, and result in an NCS pressure increase. Under normal conditions, the Pzr PORV will open and degrade the NCS Barrier. Under worst case conditions the RCS Pressure Safety Limit could be exceeded within 2 minutes, potentially rupturing the RCS Fission Product Barrier. RO (Step 3) Check turbine Trip:

                                  **        All throttle valves - CLOSED.

RO (Step 3 RNO) Perform the following: NOTE: The automatic turbine trip will fail, and the RO will have to trip the turbine manually.

                                   **       Trip turbine.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 42 of 65 ( 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TO TD CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                      ' ~ ",   ,'/<1:",: .,1':",' \:",' ,', 'l'!'I};!', >~ ,~!,1'i'<:::t >+

r!!ibi;1i~~~;"'! ."Y.!!, ,',Exp~cte 'CQmJn~nts

 !::i(]im,~                             "'\~,"<'} <' ,:' '>, :' ' '

IBehavior ""',1 /';1"

                                                                                  "":\'<i'I(;:',':,'                                          ",i'"       ;1                              ;':\;!.,;:'I"";;"!/:,: ',/:\

BOP (Step 4) Check 1ETA and 1 1ETB-ETB - ENERGIZED. BOP (Step 5) IF either CF pump is in Manual Direct Valve Position (MDVP) mode, THEN trip affected pump(s). ROII RO (Step 6) Check if SII S/I is actuated: BOP

                                **      "SAFETY INJECTION ACTUATED" status light (1SI-18)       (1 SI-18) - LIT.

BOP I BOPI (Step 6.a RNO) Perform the following: RO (

                               **       Check if S/I             SII is required:
                                     **             Pzr pressure less than 1845 PSIG OR
                                     **             Containment pressure greater than 1 PSIG.
                              **        IF S/I  SII is required, THEN initiate S/I.                                SII.
  • IF S/I SII is not required, THEN perform the following:
                                       **           Implement EP/1/A15000/F-O EP/1/A/5000/F-O (Critical                                                           NOTE: A Red Path will exist Safety Function Status Trees).                                                                           on Heat Sink, however, due to the initiating failures, the OAC will NOT show this.
                                      **                             EP/1/A/5000/ES-O.1 GO TO EP/1/A15000/ES-O.1                                                                                 NOTE: The SRO will transition (Reactor Trip Response).                                                                                 to ES-O.1.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 43 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position II Applicant's AQI>licant's Actions or Behavior Time Pas. '.' ....** Expected Action~i'B:ehaviQt * / Comments

                                               "     " ":>y. ':'\ q,,' '"  "                                          ':"

EP/1/A15000/ES*O.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE EP/1/A15000/ES-O.1, NOTE: A Red Path will exist on Heat Sink, at any time during this procedure the SRO may suspend ES-0.1 and transition to FR-H.1. If so, Examiner move forward to FR-H.1 actions on Page 45. SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. BOP (Step 2) Check the following:

                       **   VI pressure - GREATER THAN 70 PSIG.


                      **    Unit 1 6900V busses - ENERGIZED.

SRO (Step 3) Announce: "Unit 1 Reactor trip, NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO non-essential personnel stay out of Unit 1 to make Plant Announcement. turbine bldg". If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. SRO (Step 4) REFER TO RP/OIN57001000 NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to (Classification of Emergency). address. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as OSM. RO I/ (Step 5) Check NC temperatures: BOP

                     **     IF any NC pump on, THEN check NC T-Avg - STABLE OR TRENDING TO 557°F.

ROI/ RO (Step 6) Continue to monitor NC temperature BOP as follows:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 44 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI high/FWIS/ Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine Trip/ TripI TD TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time III Position "II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos. i; ExpectedA¢tl~~MH'~Ji~r .

                                    <          ,',,' 1"'li"I\: ,>11  ':i'!},"I,;':", " ,

C~lhr1l~~t~>,**. it,'

                                                                                                                                "'. *i, . '
                      **    Check any NC pump - ON.
                       **   IF AT ANY TIME while in this procedure                               NOTE: This is a Continuous the following occurs, THEN perform                                   Action. The SRO will make Step 5.                                                              both board operators aware.
                           **     NC T-Avg is less than 557°F and going down OR
                          **      NC T-Avg is greater than 557°F and going up.

RO (Step 7) Check both generator breakers - OPEN. ( RO (Step 8) Check MSR "RESET" light - LIT. SRO (Step 9) Dispatch operator to perform NOTE: The SRO will dispatch Enclosure 5 (MSR Second Stage Drain Tank an NLO. Isolation). RO (Step 10) Check NC T-Avg - GREATER THAN 553°F. RO I RO/ (Step 11) Check feedwater status: BOP

                     **     Check any CA pump - ON.
                     **     Check total feed flow to S/Gs           S/Gs-          -             NOTE: A Red Path will exist GREATER THAN 450 GPM.                                                on Heat Sink, however, due to the initiating failures, the OAC will NOT show this.

However, at this step the crew will have recognized a Red path condition if NOT previously recognized. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& 7,8,9, 10 & Page 45 of 65 ( 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TO TD CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos. ExpeCiJdAdfM6~~B~haYior

                                             ,,' <', 'I'; :':;>,,',,;,,",k\+:+'!,II),!,'I:!,:;:I."i                      --
                                                                                                                              -C()mW.i~nts ---
                                                                                                                                     'Y"> I,,',

(Step 11 RNa) RNO) Establish total feed flow to S/Gs greater than 450 GPM or maintain at least one S/G N/R level greater than 11 % using one of the following:

                         **   Start CA pumps.


                        **    Use main feedwater PER Enclosure 4                                                    NOTE: The SRO will transition (Reestablishing CF Flow).                                                             to FR-H.1.

EP/1IA/SOOO/FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1, BOP (Step 1) IF total feed flow is less than 450 NOTE: total feed flow is NOT GPM due to operator action, < 450 gpm due to operator action. { BOP/ BOP / (Step 2) Check if secondary heat sink is RO required:

                       **     NC pressure - GREATER THAN ANY NON-FAULTED S/G PRESSURE.
                       **     Any NC T-Hot - GREATER THAN 350°F (347°F ACC).

SRO (Step 3) Monitor Foldout Page. BOP (Step 4) Check at least one of the following NV pumps - AVAILABLE:

                     **       1A NV pump OR
                      **      1 1BB NV pump.

RO (Step 5) Check if NC System feed and bleed should be initiated: (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 46 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TriplTurbine TripI TO TD CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 **.Time.*. . Pos.              .. Expecte~Acti6:ns1Be*i1a:~idr                        ... >.i*' .*'                  *.* ..dmrn*ents i' .*..* :,............... /. . . . . ...*..***.*..*    .. i;;>* .* *.*            "."       " "i
                        **   Check W/R level in at least 3 S/Gs -

LESS THAN 25% (36% ACC). ROII RO (Step 5 RNO) Perform the following: BOP

                       **    Monitor feed and bleed initiation criteria.
                       **    WHEN criteria satisfied, THEN GO TO                                           NOTE: This is a Continuous Step 20.                                                                      Action. The SRO will make both board operators aware.

SRO ** GO TO Step 6. Examiner NOTE: If at any time during the event the Bleed and Feed Criteria of this step is met, move to Page 62. ( ROII RO (Step 6) Ensure S/G BB and NM valves Examiner NOTE: The SRO BOP closed PER Enclosure 3 (S/G BB and may assign the RO or the BOP Sampling Valve Checklist). to perform this Enclosure. If 50, so, RO/BOP Examiner follow actions of RO/BOP in Enclosure 3. Examiners not following operator assigned, moved forward to FR-H.1 actions on Page 48. EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK ENCLOSURE 3, S/G BB AND SAMPLING VALVE CHECKLIST ROII RO (Step 1) Check the following valves - BOP CLOSED:

                       **    1BB-1 B (1(1A A S/G Blowdown Cont Outside 1501 Control) - CLOSED Isol
                       **    1BB-2B (1 B S/G Blowdown Cont Outside

( 1501 Control) - CLOSED Isol

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 47 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  . .n7i~e *.

1 ,<<",:""" POS. .,1 "Exp~ct~a'A~ti&~~/E3~havior Comments

  • SS-3S (1 C S/G Blowdown 1BB-3B Slowdown Cant Cont Outside Isol Control) - CLOSED
  • 1 BB-4B SS-4S (1 (10 D S/G Blowdown Cant Slowdown Cont Outside Isol Control) - CLOSED
  • 1 BB-5A SS-SA (A S/G BB SS Cant Cont Inside Isol) -


  • 1SS-6A BB-6A (S (B S/G BB Cant Inside Isol) -


  • 1 BB-7 A (C S/G BB 1SS-7A SS Cant Isol) -

Cont Inside Isol)- CLOSED

  • 1SS-8A BB-8A (D (0 S/G BB SS Cant Cont Inside Isol) -


  • 1 NM-187 A (1A S/G Upper Shell Sample 1NM-187A Cant Cont Inside Isol) - CLOSED


  • 1NM-190A (1A S/G Upper Shell Sample 1NM-190A Cant Cont Inside Isol) - CLOSED
  • 1NM-201A (1 B S/G Upper Shell Sample Cant Cont Inside Isol) - CLOSED
  • 1 NM-207 NM-207A A (1C (1 C S/G Upper Shell Sample Cant Inside Isol) - CLOSED Cont
  • 1NM-210A (1C S/G BlowdownSlowdown Sample Cant Inside Isol) - CLOSED Cont
  • 1 NM-221A (1 (10D S/G Slowdown Blowdown Sample Cant Inside Isol) - CLOSED Cont
  • 1NM-191B (1A S/G Blowdown 1NM-191S Slowdown Sample Cant Inside Isol) - CLOSED Cont
  • 1NM-197B (1S 1NM-197S (1B S/G Upper Shell Sample Cant Inside Isol) - CLOSED Cont
  • 1 NM-200B NM-200S (1 B S S/G Blowdown Slowdown Sample Cant Cont Inside Isol) - CLOSED
  • 1NM-211S (1C S/G Blowdown 1NM-211B Slowdown Sample Hdr Cant Cont Outside Isol) - CLOSED
  • NM-217B (10 1NM-217S (1 D S/G Upper Shell Sample Cant Inside Isol) - CLOSED Cont


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 48 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI high/FWIS/ Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine Trip/ TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to TripI TD Reset after FWIS Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos.  :.. .... ~ltJ>ected ~c~i~nslB~fl~y.i~t  :: :....


I.**.*. <' . . * . . ".: .

                      **      1NM-220B (10 1NM-220B           S/G Blowdown Sample (1 D StG Cont Inside Isol) - CLOSED.

EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1, EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK ROtI RO (Step 7) Attempt to establish CA flow to at BOP least one StG S/G as follows:

  • Check power to both MD CA pumps -

AVAILABLE. (Step 7.a RNO) Perform the following: ROtI RO ** IF essential power is not available,... ... available, ...... NOTE: Essential power is BOP available. ( SRO ** IF the essential bus is energized, THEN NOTE: The SRO will dispatch dispatch operator to determine cause or an NLO. breaker failure. Booth Instructor: Within 3 minutes, as NLO report that the 1 1AA CA Pump Breaker has a 51 relay tripped. ROt RO I ** (Step 7.b) Ensure control room CA NOTE: The SRO may assign BOP valves aligned PER Enclosure 4 (CA the RO or the BOP to perform Valve Alignment). this Enclosure. If so, RO/BOP Examiner follow actions of ROtBOP RO/BOP in Enclosure 4. Examiners not following operator assigned, moved forward to FR-H.1 actions on Page 51.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 49 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TDTO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior POS. '.' Exp~~t..d~li',:,~", Comments I.'

                                                                                                         ......".:'1 EP/1/A15000/FR-H.1, EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK ENCLOSURE 4, CA VALVE ALIGNMENT BOP/

BOPI (Step 1) Check the following valves - OPEN: RO

  • 1CA-66AC (U1 TO TD CA Pump Disch To 1501) - OPEN 1A S/G Isol)
  • 1CA-62A (1A CA Pump Disch To 1A S/G 1501) -OPEN Isol) - OPEN
  • 1CA-54AC (U1 TD TO CA Pump Disch To 1B S/G Isol) 1501) - OPEN
  • 1CA-58A (1A CA Pump Disch To 1B S/G Isol) 1501) - OPEN


  • 1CA-50B (U1 TO TD CA Pump Disch To 1C S/G Isol) 1501) - OPEN
  • 1CA-46B (1 B CA Pump Disch To 1C S/G Isol) 1501) - OPEN
  • 1CA-38B (U1 TO TD CA Pump Disch To 10 1D 1501) - OPEN S/G Isol)
  • 1CA-42B (1 B CA Pump Disch To 10 1D S/G Isol) 1501) - OPEN.

BOP/ BOPI (Step 2) Check the following valves - OPEN: RO

  • 1CA-64AB (U1 TO TD CA Pump Disch To 1A S/G Control-1A Control - OPEN
  • 1CA-60A (1A CA Pump Disch To 1A S/G Control) - OPEN
  • 1CA-52AB (U1 TO TD CA Pump Disch To 1B S/G Control) - OPEN
  • 1CA-56A (1A CA Pump Disch To 1B S/G Control) - OPEN

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 50 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI high/FWIS/ Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI Trip/ TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                             'Expected Action~/Be~~vi~'f , . . :.: ,',

y"", ,C' Time 'c PoS. C 'c" '::.c':> Comments

                                 **    1CA-48AB (U1 TD 1CA-48AB              TO CA Pump Disch To 1C S/G Control) - OPEN
                                **     1  CA-44B (1B 1CA-44B        (1 B CA Pump Disch To 1C    1C S/G Control) - OPEN
                                **     1  CA-36AB (U1 TD 1CA-36AB              TO CA Pump Disch To 1

10 D S/G Isol) 1501) - OPEN

                               **      1CA-40B (1B CA Pump Disch To 10            1D S/G Control) - OPEN.

BOP I BOPI (Step 3) Check CA Storage tank (water RO tower) level- GREATER THAN 1.5 FT. BOP I BOPI (Step 4) Check the following valves- valves - RO CLOSED: (

                              **       1RN-69A (1A RN Assured Supply To U1 1501) - CLOSED CA Isol)
                              **       1CA-86A (U1 1CA-86A        (U 1 TD TO CA Pump Suction From 1A RN Isol)   1501) - CLOSED
  • 1CA-15A (1A CA Pump Suction From 1A RN 1501)Isol) - CLOSED
                             **       1RN-162B (1 B RN Assured Supply To U1 CA 1501) Isol) - CLOSED
                             **        1CA-116B (U1 1CA-116B          (U 1 TO TD CA Pump Suction From 1B RN Isol)    1501) - CLOSED
                             **        1CA-18B (1B 1CA-18B         (1 B CA Pump Suction From 1B     1B RN Isol)1501) - CLOSED.

BOPII BOP (Step 5) Check the following valves - OPEN: RO

  • 1CA-11A (1A CA Pump Suction 1501)- Isol)-


                            **        1CA-7AC (U1 TD        TO CA Pump Suction Isol) 1501)


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 51 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TO TD CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior cg~~~~~~'i*i:;.****. X::,,":

                                                                                                                           ,I(i' Time 1!:**i!*~~li!*:: . **!;i .. **       Expected Actions/Behavior
                                **    1CA-9B (1 B CA Pump Suction Isol)       1501) -

OPEN. BOP / BOPI (Step 6) GO TO Step 8. RO BOP BOPI/ (Step 8) Check 1CA-2 (U1 CA Pumps Suct RO From CA Storage Tank Isol) 1501) - OPEN. BOP BOPI/ (Step 9) Check CA pump suction from UST RO and CA Condensate Storage Tank (service bldg roof tank) valves - CLOSED:

                                **    1CS-18 (U1 UST To CA Pump Suct Hdr 1501) - CLOSED Isol)


                                **    1CAA 1CA-4 (U (U11 CA Pumps Suct From UST 1501) - CLOSED Isol)
  • 1CA-6 (U1 CA Pumps Suct From CA CST Isol) 1501) - CLOSED.

EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1, EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK ROI/ RO ** (Step 7.c) Start all available CA pumps. BOP

  • Check TD CA pump - RUNNING.

(Step 7.d RNO) Perform the following as necessary:

                                **    IF 1SA-48ABC 1SAA8ABC (SM From SIG          S/G C To TD                  1SAA8ABC is NOT NOTE: 1SA-48ABC CA Pump Isol) 1501) is closed,...  ....

closed, ....... closed.

                                **    IF 1SA-49AB 1SA-49AB (SM From SIG        S/G B to TD CA       NOTE: 1SA-49AB 1SA-49AB is NOT 1501) is closed, THEN...

Pump Isol) THEN ... closed.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 52 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWIS/ Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine Trip/ TD TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to start/CF startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time **p()s.  ; . ii.B~W~~tedAhtid~~lBehaV\i6riii*i'.;i;'

                           ",I"    >,':'1" t' ,\">,>,,,1'/<::' "," "', 'I, ">Wi :::i:I-"" ,,: ," ", ", , ,A: "~I, ,,:'>:J:i,>,    :i<,
                                                                                                                                                ,"<,',i",   '    ' , ,
  • IF "TD "TO CA PUMP STOP VLV NOT NOTE: The SRO will dispatch OPEN" alarm (1AD-5, F-3) is lit, THEN an NLO.

dispatch operator to reset 1SA-3 (Unit 1 Booth Instructor: TO CA Pump Turb Stop Valve) PER TD EP/1/A/5000/G-1 (Generic Enclosures), Within 3 minutes, as NLO Enclosure 24 (Resetting TO TD CA Stop report that the TO CA Pump Valve). linkage appears to be broken.

  • IF reason for loss of steam supply to TO TD NOTE: The reason for the loss CA pump not determined, ..... of steam supply to the TD TO CA Pump turbine is known.

RO/ * (Step 7.e) Check total flow to S/G(s) - BOP GREATER THAN 450 GPM. ( RO// RO (Step 7.e RNO) Perform the following: BOP

  • IF any CA pump is started, ..... NOTE: All CA pumps are OFF.
                      **     IF any feed flow to at least one S/G is                                                                    NOTE: There is no feed flow indicated, ......             ..... .                                                                      to any SG.


  • IF no feed flow indicated, THEN perform the following:
                                 ** IF no CA pump can be started,                                                                       NOTE: The SRO will dispatch THEN dispatch operator and                                                                     an NLO, and contact maintenance to CA pumps to try to                                                              WCC/Maintenance.

restore one CA pump to service. Floor Instructor: acknowledge as NLO. Booth Instructor: acknowledge as WCC.

                                 ** Dispatch operator to ensure CA                                                                      NOTE: The SRO will dispatch valves aligned PER Enclosure 5                                                                 an NLO.

(Local CA Valve Alignment). Floor Instructor: acknowledge as NLO. SRO ** GO TO Step 8. ( RO (Step 8) Check steam dumps:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 53 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TD TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                           .:<"I;                               ,...       :;.-\<:':!:;I'I::.I:*,
<'d}(.;:;.-";::":": I**~()~:+:
 ':::'it:rl ..... n .*                                                                   .:: . <:;:::.:':,:::"  vOflUIlI: ....::>        ,t 1,1:1<
                                      **      Check condenser available:
                                             **   "C-9 COND AVAILABLE FOR STEAM DUMP" status light (1SI-18)
                                                  - LIT
                                            **    Any MSIV - OPEN RO         **       "STEAM DUMP SELECT" -IN T-AVG MODE.

RO ** Perform the following to place steam dumps in steam pressure mode:

                                           **     Ensure "STM PRESS CONTROLLER" setpoint at 1092 PSIG (pot setting of 8.4).
                                           **     Place "STM PRESS CONTROLLER" in manual.

( ** Adjust "STM PRESS CONTROLLER" output to equal "STEAM DUMP DEMAND" signal.

                                          **      Place "STEAM DUMP SELECT" in steam pressure mode.
                                         **       Place "STM PRESS CONTROLLER" in auto.

BOP (Step 9) Stop all NC pumps. BOP (Step 10) Reset Feedwater Isolation as follows:

                                   **         Check the following alarms - DARK:
                                         **       1AD-5, G-6 (Inner Doghouse Level Hi)
                                         **       1AD-5, H-6 (Outer Doghouse Level Hi).

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 54 of 65 ( 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TD TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior i.:n;;:*iF>:,.**,Yihi.** i ...*

 ****>f*iith~*i                          i/;> .' ,"> i," >'1"." , < ,                               ""'\"'i::.'~\ikk);:/'<l,"l::H'Y:"::";';'.>,<f< "'I'S'}:>"',:

os.  :.. *ii>i:;!, i.*E)C~ectedii~ctlooslBe aVlor di:':;,': "> >;y!J:< U//;I: ,:L:<h ",,}iii:\'>! 1>,':"\: 'I,)U>>>:;';",;,;,> <' "~'I ':,": ;i CothlTlEUlts SRO ** Dispatch operator to block Feedwater NOTE: The SRO will dispatch Isolation signal PER Enclosure 6 an NLO. (Feedwater Isolation Override). Floor Instructor: acknowledge as NLO. BOPI BOP 1 ** Check S/I- HAS BEEN ACTUATED. RO SRO (Step 1O.c a.c RNO) Perform the following:

                                                  **          IF any S/G N/R level has exceeded 83%                                                                  NOTE: The SRO will need to (P-14) during this event, THEN GO TO                                                                    see that the 10 1D NR levels Step 10.f. 1a.f.                                                                                      have failed causing P-14 to activate.

SRO ** (Step 10.f) 1a.f) Do not continue until NOTE: The SRO will dispatch Enclosure 6 (Feedwater Isolation an NLO. Override) is completed. Booth Instructor: MAL*ISE007 AlB = 5 Use MAL-ISE007 (Block Both) Within 2 minutes, as NLO report that Enclosure 6 has com~leted. been completed. BOP (Step 11) Check CM System in service:

                                                  **          Hotwell pump(s) - ON
                                                  **         Condensate Booster pump(s) - ON.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 55 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI high/FWIS/ Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine Trip/ TripI TOTD CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time Position A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's

 ,\JSi'ffl~< ,                                                                                       ~           ,*:i'j':I,~"*
n "'I:!il,:/:/';':",',""

BOP (Step 12) Check CF pumps - AT LEAST Examiner NOTE: The SRO ONE AVAILABLE TO START. may decide, based on the FWIS, that the CF Pumps are NOT available to start and go to the RNO. If so, Follow Script starting with FR-H.1, Step 15 on Page 57. If NOT, continue with Script. SRO (Step 13) Establish CF Flow PER Enclosure NOTE: The SRO will most 7 (Reestablishing CF Flow). likely transition to Enclosure 7. EP/1/A15000/FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK ( ENCLOSURE 7, REESTABLISHING CF FLOW RO (Step 1) Place the following in manual and Booth Instructor: close loaders for ali: all: Operate Trigger #15 (OVR-IWE012D and IWE014D).

                       **   S/G CF control valves SfG                valves..
                      **     SfG CF control valve bypass valves.

S/G valves . RO (Step 2) Depress and release the Feedwater Isolation reset push buttons. RO (Step 3) Check any CF pump - RESET. SRO (Step 3 RNO) GO TO Step 12. RO (Step 12) Depress "RESET" on "1A OR 1 1BB CF PUMP RECIRC VALVE CLOSURE CIRCUIT" and check "RESET" light lit.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 56 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI high/FWIS/ Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI Trip/ TD TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time III Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

. **.I"* *'*.*~~pecte~: "*;*:Comr'nefit~

0: Time Pos. :i,<, ..A<:tionsIBel1.avior ..": . c .............

                                               ,' ~ i"',' ", '), ,I'> . ',' , ,          "

RO (Step 13) Reset CF pump turbine that will be placed in service as follows:

                        **     Depress "RESET" and hold "RESET" 2-3 seconds after the "RST" light is lit on pump to be started.
                       **      Check CF pump turbine to be started-                         started -

RESET. RO (Step 13.b RNO) Perform the following:

                       **      IF other CF pump turbine is available to be reset, THEN depress "RESET" and hold "RESET" 2-3 seconds after "RST" light is lit on other CF pump.
                      **       IF CF pump turbine reset, .......
                       **      IF "RST" light dark, THEN dispatch                                          NOTE: The SRO will dispatch operator to perform the following at the                                     an NLO.

CF pump turbine to be reset: Floor Instructor: acknowledge as NLO. Booth Instructor: as NLO, 1 minute after dispatch, report that the plunger has been depressed, as need for each pump when requested to do so.

                             **                   Establish communication with the Control Room.
  • Depress and hold "RESET" plunger on Mechanical Overspeed Trip Block for 3-5 seconds.
  • Hold plunger depressed an NOTE: Neither local reset additional 2-3 seconds after "RST" lit attempt will work.

in Control Room.

                     **        Do not continue until operator has attempted to locally reset CF pump turbine.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 57 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI high/FWIS/ Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripITrip/ TO TD CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I;:'** .... , i!>,:,"Time . , '~ . '.' .........

  ,'/(,:,,: ""'",'\; .
                                          .. E~'~~~/
                                              " ...... ,.,.'                 avior                      Com'me'nts'*/
                                                                                                          ;'/:i'><,,:, ::'>>'\'('",;ii, /',>,' L
                                                                                                                      ...... ".".:, ,.....            .. Ii, ::i::~::'
  • IF both CF pumps still tripped, THEN GO NOTE: The SRO will go back TO Step 15 in body of this procedure. to FR-H.1, Step 15.

Examiner NOTE: If at any time during the event the Bleed and Feed Criteria of this step is met, move to Page 61. EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK BOP (Step 15) Depressurize Pzr to less than 1905 PSIG as follows:

                                  **    Check Pzr pressure - GREATER THAN 1905 PSIG.


                                 **     Ensure Pzr pressure is maintained above 1845 PSIG until Pzr SII signal is blocked in Step 16.
                                 **     Check normal letdown -IN       - IN SERVICE.          NOTE: Normal Letdown is NOT in service.

BOP (Step 15.c RNO) Perform the following:

                                 **     Depressurize using one Pzr PORV to less than 1905 PSIG.
                                **      IF Pzr PORV will not operate, ......  ........        NOTE: The Pzr PORVs will operate.
                                 **     IF Pzr PORV available, THEN perform the following:
                                       **    Maintain Pzr pressure less than 1905 PSIG.

SRO ** GO TO Step 16. 16 . BOP (Step 16) Block Pzr SII actuation circuit and Low Pressure Steam line Isolation as follows: Steamline (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 58 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWIS/ high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI Trip/ TD TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position I A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's tiiiil~* *:,;,~~s;, . ;1,/

                                       ',' , '. " <"!,,<:.<,,:: , '", ,::::"":>';<+::1: '?i,'//: . "        "~\,<!i!/)i>:~!,::',\I<""
(: :~:,!
                                                                                                                                                               **.'i",i~::";';~'           .   '.


                                       ,'/',' ',,: ",' :': ,:':' ;"', ,/ '/3,,;,:, ",<<1/,'<:,':,,", '"i' ,':,}"    VI::>
                                                                                                                                          "I:,                    *i.>  "'.::      .' ~,~n~s
                           **   Check "P-11 PZR S/I BLOCK PERMISSIVE" status light (1 SI-18) - LIT.
                           **   Depress "BLOCK" on Pzr S/I block switches.
                           **   Depress "BLOCK" on Low Pressure Steamline Isolation block switches.
                          **    IF AT ANY TIME conditions degrade,                                                                                                  NOTE: This is a Continuous THEN manual S/I actuation may be                                                                                                   Action. The SRO will make required.                                                                                                                           both board operators aware.

SRO ** Designate operator to continuously NOTE: The SRO will assign monitor and control Pzr pressure PER the BOP to maintain pressure Enclosure 8 (Maintaining Pzr pressure in accordance with Enclosure below P-11). 8. ( EP/1/.AJ5000/FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1, ENCLOSURE 8, MAINTAINING PZR PRESSURE BELOW P-11 BOP (Step 1) Check 1NV-21 A (NV Spray To PZR Examiner NOTE: This will be Isol) - CLOSED. a Continuous responsibility of the BOP. BOP (Step 2) IF AT ANY TIME Pzr pressure NOTE: This is a Continuous approaches 1905 PSIG< THEN maintain Action. pressure between 1905 PSIG and 1800 PSIG as follows:

                          **    IF normal letdown isolated, OR NVaux                                             NV aux spray not effective in maintaining pressure below 1905 PSIG, THEN cycle Pzr PORV.

BOP (Step 3) IF AT ANY TIME Pzr pressure NOTE: This is a Continuous inadvertently goes above 1955 PSIG, THEN Action. ensure Step 16 in body of this procedure is performed again (to reinstate blocks), prior to depressurizing below 1845 PSIG.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 59 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos. E~~erit~dl:I~:ri~li~**~siBehavior

                                    '," :: "':':"::\:1,\ q<:i "/ "\, j ~ ," '" ' ,~', ,""', "
                                                                                                                 *. . *'tbfumerits:

I'** . \ I.\{;' EP/1/A15000/FR-H.1, EP/1/A/SOOO/FR-H.1, RESPONSE TO LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK BOP (Step 17) Attempt to establish feed flow from CM System as follows: BOP

  • Check hotwell pumps - AT LEAST 2 PUMPS ON.
  • Check condensate booster pumps - AT LEAST 2 PUMPS ON.


  • Depressurize at least one S/G to less than 500 PSIG in following steps.


  • Close MSIV on S/Gs not to be

( depressurized.

  • Check condenser available:
                           *   "C-9 COND AVAILABLE FOR STEAM DUMP" status light (1SI-18)
                               - LIT
  • MSIV on S/G(s) to be depressurized
  • Place "STM PRESS CONTROLLER" in manual.


  • WHEN "P-12 LO-LO TAVG" status light (1SI-18) lit, THEN place steam dumps in bypass interlock.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10 7,8,9,10& & Page 60 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWIS/ high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx TripI TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Trip/Turbine Tripi Reset after FWIS Time II Position III Armlicant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's

   . Ti.mEr . Pas .         .* .* :,:. ~~R~9ted. ~.ctia~~/a~haviio~ .'/'...*.         ..: .. , . * &omment.s
  • Dump steam from S/G(s) to be Examiner NOTE: during this depressurized to condenser at maximum depressurization, feed and rate while attempting to avoid a Main bleed criteria will most likely be Steam Isolation. met, and the crew will move forward to Step 20.

If so, move forward to Page 62. If NOT, continue with the script. RO

  • WHEN S/G(s) pressure is less than 500 PSIG, THEN stabilize pressure less than 500 PSIG, to avoid excessive cooldown.


  • Close the following valves:
  • 1CF-35AB (1A S/G CF Cont Outside Isol).

( \

  • 1 CF-30AB (1B 1CF-30AB (1 B S/G CF Cont Outside Isol).
  • 1 CF-28AB (1C 1CF-28AB (1 C S/G CF Cont Outside Isol).
  • 1CF-26AB (1 D S/G CF Cont Outside Isol).
  • Place the following in manual and close manual loaders for all:
  • S/G CF control valves.
  • S/G CF control valve bypass valves.
  • Depress and release the Feedwater Isolation reset push buttons.
  • Check feed and bleed - ESTABLISHED PER STEPS 21 through 25.

SRO (Step 17.0 RNO) GO TO Step 17.s. RO (Step 17.s) Align feed flow as follows: (


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 61 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 .Time. Pos.                   EXP~~.~~.~. . Ab~j~t:I~/s~h*~~i6r.

Comments "1,',/,,,' ,,,,,/,,,1,,,>,' ,"

                        **   OPEN the following valve(s) for the S/G(s) to be fed:
                            **     1 CF-126B (1A S/G CF to CA Nozzle 1CF-126B Isol).
                            **     1CF-127B (1 B S/G CF CA Nozzle Isol).
                            **     1CF-128B (1C S/G CF CA Nozzle Isol).
                            **     1CF-129B 1CF-129B (1D  (1 D S/G CF CA Nozzle Isol).
                       **    Throttle open S/G CF control bypass valve for the S/G(s) to be fed.

( SRO (Step 17.t) Check if Step 17.q or 17.r- NOTE: Steps 17.q and rare IMPLEMENTED. associated with Bleed and Feed, and if the SRO has arrived at this step in this event these steps will NOT have been performed. SRO (Step 17.t RNO) Go To Step 17.w. RO (Step 17.w) Check feedwater flow to depressurized S/G - FLOW INDICATED. SRO (Step 17.w RNO) Perform the following:

                      **     IF depressurized S/G pressure is less than 500 PSIG, THEN GO TO Step 19.
                      **     RETURN TO Step 17.a.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 62 of 65 11 ( Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI TD TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior CRITICAL TASK: (FR-H.1 AlB) Either establish feedwater flow into at least one SG before Bleed and Feed criteria is met, or establish RCS Bleed and Feed before PORVs go open automatically due to plant heat-up. Safety Significance: Failure to establish RCS Bleed and Feed before automatic opening of the PORVs (due to plant heatup) reduces the probability of success to establish a heat sink for the core. This constitutes a "Significant reduction of safety margin beyond that irreparably introduced by the scenario." Establishing feedwater flow into the Steam Generators offers the most effective recovery action to restore the heat sink. If all attempts to initiate feedwater flow fail, the crew must establish bleed and feed to cool the core. This is accomplished by manually initiating SI, and then manually opening the PORVs. The lower NCS pressure allows a greater ECCS flow to recover NCS inventory and force flow through the core. If this action is to be successful, it must be started before SG dryout. SG dryout would cause NC temperature to increase, increasing NC Pressure and forcing open the PORVs automatically. If NCS pressure is at the PORV setpoint due to NCS heatup, the operator action of opening the PORVs manually may not be successful ( lowering NCS ::>ressure in loweri ressure and increasing increasin ECCS flow. Ultimately, Ultim the core could uncover. Examiner NOTE: If at any time during the event the Bleed and Feed Criteria of this step is met, the crew will move forward to HERE. SRO (Step 20) Perform Steps 21 through 25 quickly to establish NC heat removal by NC feed and bleed. BOP (Step 21) Ensure all NC pumps - OFF BOP (Step 22) Initiate S/I. BOP (Step 23) Check "NV PMPS TO COLD LEG FLOW" -INDICATING FLOW. BOP (Step 24) Establish NC System bleed path as follows:

  • Check all Pzr PORV isolation valves valves- -


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10& Page 63 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI high/FWIS/ Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI Trip/ TO CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position II AQQlicant's Applicant's Actions or Behavior Pos.*..*..1.:/ .. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 ** Time li *. *P?s 1"Jrpe Expebied1"~~fionsIBeh"aVior ..c*.. . . . . **.* *~. . ..*. . . *. . .*. . . . . . . ...... *. . . .

                                          , " :"':' ,',' .', ",I':,: ' ", /:L'. c~'::"*~.;:-;**"'~**....

u.' , '. .... *.**.* *.*c** ***i.\ii A*" ....*. Comments

  • Select "OPEN" on two Pzr PORVs that have an open Pzr PORV isolation valve.
  • Align N2 to Pzr PORVs by opening:
  • 1NI-430A (Emerg N2 From CLA To 1NC-34A)
  • 1NI-431 B (Emerg N2 From CLA To 1NC-32B & 36B).
  • Check power to all Pzr PORV isolation valves - AVAILABLE.

BOP (Step 25) Check two Pzr PORVs and associated isolation valves - OPEN. BOP (Step 26) Isolate NV Recirc flowpath as follows:

  • Close:
  • 1NV-150B (NV Pumps Recirculation)
  • 1NV-151A (NV Pumps Recirculation).
  • Maintain NV recirc valves closed unless directed to open by subsequent steps.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 3 Event # 7,8,9,10 & Page 64 of 65 11 Event


SG NR Level Channel 2 fails high/FWISI high/FWIS/ Failure of Automatic Rx Trip/Turbine TripI Trip/ TD CA Pump trip/1A CA Pump fails to startlCF fail to Reset after FWIS Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

    ...... >...... **<*****J*!~i*i;*~*
Tlrtae':{ *.J3~~~;>~;~e.. Iil~¥iol'
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                                                                           ....) '., ':.
 * .****            .'   J..       :.,       . ' " .... >i.*                           ....

CRITICAL TASK: (FR-H.1 AlB) Either establish feedwater flow into at least one SG before Bleed and Feed criteria is met, or establish RCS Bleed and Feed before PORVs go open automatically due to plant heat-up. Safety Significance: Failure to establish RCS Bleed and Feed before automatic opening of the PORVs (due to plant heatup) reduces the probability of success to establish a heat sink for the core. This constitutes a "Significant reduction of safety margin beyond that irreparably introduced by the scenario." Establishing feedwater flow into the Steam Generators offers the most effective recovery action to restore the heat sink. If all attempts to initiate feedwater flow fail, the crew must establish bleed and feed to cool the core. This is accomplished by manually initiating SI, and then manually opening the PORVs. The lower NCS pressure allows a greater ECCS flow to recover NCS inventory and force flow through the core. If this action is to be successful, it must be started before SG dryout. SG dryout would cause NC temperature to increase, increasing NC Pressure and forcing open the PORVs automatically. If NCS pressure is at the PORV setpoint due to NCS heatup, the operator action of opening the PORVs manually may not be successful in lowering loweri NCS Jressure and increasing increasin ECCS flow. Ultimately, Ultimatel the core could uncover. ( BOP (Step 2&) Ensure Pzr heaters remain off as follows:

                                **     Place A, B, and D Pzr heaters in manual and off.
                                **     Open "e"C PZR HTR GRP SUP BKR".

SRO (Step 28) Have another licensed operator NOTE: SRO may ask U2 check SII S/I equipment PER Enclosure 9 BOP to address. (Subsequent SII S/I Actions) while continuing If so, Floor Instructor with this procedure. acknowledge as U2 BOP. BOP (Step 29) Maintain NC System heat removal by performing the following:

                               **                 S/I flow Maintain SII
                                **     Maintain 2 Pzr PORV flowpaths - OPEN.

At the discretion of the Lead Examiner terminate the exam.

UNIT 1 STATUS: Power Level: level: 100% NCS [B] 76 ppm Pzr [B]: 79 ppm Xe: PerOAC Per OAC Power History: At this power for 288 days Core Burnup: 485 EFPDs CONTROLLING PROCEDURE: OP/1/A/61 OP/1 /N61 00103 00/03 Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation OTHER INFORMATION NEEDED TO ASSUME TO SHIFT:

  • The Plant is at 100% power (EOl), (EOL), steady-state operation.
  • The Work Control Center has requested that the operator swap CF Control Valve Control Circuit for 1CF-32 1CF-32 (A S/G CF Control Valve) from Normal to Alternate for required corrective maintenance.
  • An NlONLO (Bob) is standing by in the Turbine Building Basement to support this activity.

System Engineering has indicated that Turbine load Load does not need to be reduced to perform this.

  • When the swapover is complete Maintenance personnel will perform corrective maintenance on the system.

The following equipment is Out-Of-Service:

  • 1B CA Pump is OOS (Expected back in 6 hours).
  • SG NR Level level Channel 4 failed last shift (IAE is investigating).
  • MCB Annunciator 1AD-2, F-9, "ROD DRIVE M/G MIG SETS TROUBLE," has alarmed spuriously several times over the last hour (IAE is investigating).

Work Control SROIOffsite Communicator Jim Plant SRO Joe NLO's AVAILABLE Aux Bldg. John Aux Bldg. Chris Turb Bldg. Bob Turb Bldg. Mike 5 th th Rounds. Carol Extra(s) Bill Ed Wayne Tanya \,

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Draft ( \ Facility: McGuire Scenario No.: 4 Op Test No.: N09-1 Examiners: Operators: (SRO) (RO) (BOP) Initial Conditions: A plant startup is being conducted following an unplanned reactor trip due to a failure of the 1B CF Pump. The repairs on the pump are still in progress, and it is expected to be back in service within the next four hours. A reactor startup has 8 been completed, and reactor power is stabilized at 10-8 amps. OP/11A16100/003 OP/1/N61 001003 Enc 4.1, "Power Increase," has been completed through Step 3.16. It is planned that this shift will raise reactor power to 8-9% and stabilize for a Chemistry Hold per Step of OP/11A16100/003 OP/1/N61001003 Enc 4.1. A dedicated operator has been stationed at the MCB to control the reactor during the startup. Pzr level control is selected to "3-2" due to previous testing on Channel 1. Turnover: The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1B CF Pump is OOS (Expected back in 4 hours). LCA-5320, CA Condensate Storage Tank Level Indicator, failed last shift (IAE is investigating. MCB Annunciator 1AD-1 0, C-1, "KC SURGE TANK ABNORMAL LEVEL," has been in constant alarm over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Event Malf. Malt. Event Type* Event No. No. Description 1 ILE003 I-BOP Pressurizer Level Transmitter fails high I(TS)-SRO ( 2 SM001A C-RO SG PORV fails open C-SRO 3 IFE008A I-RO Increase to POAH/Feedwater Bypass Valve Controller failure I-SRO 4 ENBOO9A I-BOP Intermediate Range Channel failure I(TS)-SRO 5 EP009A C-BOP LOP to 1ETAlDG NDG Trip DG004A C-RO C-SRO 6 NA N-80P N-.80P Restore Normal Letdown N-SRO 7 SM008A M-RO Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment) M-BOP M-SRO 8 ISE002A NA Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation ISE002B

       *   (N)ormal,  (R)eactivity,     (I)nstrument,     (C)omponent,       (M)ajor Appendix D                                 Scenario Outline                        Form ES-D-1 Draft McGuire 2009 NRC Scenario #4

( A plant startup is being conducted following an unplanned reactor trip due to a failure of the 1B CF Pump. The repairs on the pump are still in progress, and it is expected to be back in service within the next four hours. A reactor startup has been completed, and reactor power is stabilized at 10-88 amps. OP/1/A/61001003 OP/1/A/6100/003 Enc 4.1, "Power Increase," has been completed through Step 3.16. It is planned that this shift will raise reactor power to 8-9% and stabilize for a Chemistry Hold per Step of OP/1/A/61 001003 00/003 Enc 4.1. A dedicated operator has been stationed at the MCB to control the reactor during the startup. Pzr level control is selected to "3-2" due to previous testing on Channel 1. The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1B CF Pump is OOS (Expected back in 4 hours). LCA-5320, CA Condensate Storage Tank Level Indicator, failed last shift (IAE is investigating. MCB Annunciator 1AD-10, C-1, "KC SURGE TANK ABNORMAL LEVEL," has been in constant alarm over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Shortly after taking the watch, the controlling Pzr Level Transmitter (LNC-5170) will rapidly fail high causing charging flow to lower. The operator will respond in accordance with 1AD-6/C-7, "Pzr Hi Level DEV Control," determine that a failed instrument has occurred and swap to an operable channel. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation," and determine that the LCO is not applicable until the power level is above P-7.

, After the plant stabilizes, the A Steam Generator PORV will slowly fail fully open. The operator will respond in accordance with AP/1/A/5500/01, AP/1/A/5500101, "Steam Leak," and isolate the

( PORV. Next, the dedicated operator will withdrawal control rods to raise power to the POAH. When the POAH is reached, the A Feedwater FCV Bypass Valve controller will fail causing the Feedwater FCV Bypass Valve to fail fully open. The operator will respond in AP/1/A/5500106, "S/G Feedwater Malfunction," and take manual control accordance with AP/1/A/5500/06, of the failed controller. The controller will remain in manual control throughout the remainder of the scenario. After this, Intermediate Range N35 High Voltage Power Supply will fail. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/16, "Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation," Case II, "Intermediate Range Malfunction." The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation." After consulting with plant management, a decision will be made to shutdown to reactor. Shortly afterwards, the Normal Supply Breaker to 4160 VAC Essential Bus 1ETA will fail open. The 1A DG will start but trip on overspeed, causing a sustained Blackout on the bus. The operator will implement AP/1/A/5500/07, AP/1/A/5500107, "Loss of Electrical Power," Case II, "Loss of Normal Power to either 1ETA or 1ETB." The RO will be required to control feed flow complicated by the auto start of the TD CA Pump, and the BOP will isolate Letdown and manually start the opposite train NV, KC and RN pumps. During the recovery, the BOP will be directed to restore normal Letdown in accordance with AP/1/A/5500/12, "Loss of Letdown, Charging or Seal Injection." ( Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Draft During the response, a major steam line break will occur upstream of the MSIV on the A ( Steam Line outside the Containment. Additionally, the SIS actuation will fail automatically. The operator will be expected to manually actuate SIS as directed by EP/1/A15000/E-0. Upon completion of E-O, the operator will transition to EP/1/N5000/E-EP/1/N5000/E-0. EP/1/A15000/E-2, "Faulted Steam Generator Isolation," and isolate the A Steam Generator. After isolating the Steam Generator, the operator will transition to EP/1/N5000/ES-1.1, EP/1/A15000/ES-1.1, "SI Termination," at step 13. Upon entry into ES-1.1, the operator will stop the NI and NO pumps, stop all but one NV Pump and stop injection flow from the NV Pumps. The scenario will terminate at Step 7.c when 1NI-9A and 1NI-1 OB 08 are closed. Critical Tasks: E-O 0 D Manually actuate at least one train of SIS-Actuated safeguards before transition out of E-O. Safety Significance: Failure to manually actuate SI under the postulated conditions constitutes "mis-operation or incorrect crew performance that leads to degraded ECCS capacity." Since SI can be initiated manually from the Control Room, failure to do so demonstrates an inability by the crew to recognize a failed auto actuation of an ESF and take appropriate action, and to take action that would unnecessarily challenge a CSF. In the specified scenario, if ECCS system are not actuated, all assumption made in the FSAR analysis for the Steam Line break analysis are ( invalid. C \ E-2 A Isolate the Faulted Steam Generator before transitioning out of E-2. Safety Significance: Failure to isolate a Faulted SG that can be isolated causes challenges to the Critical Safety Functions that would not otherwise occur. Failure to isolate flow could result in an unwarranted Orange or Red Path condition on NC Integrity and/or Subcriticality (if cooldown is allowed to continue uncontrollably). N09-1-4 Event 1

  • AP/1IN550010 1, STEAM LEAK AP/1/A/5500/01, Event 3
  • AP/1/N5500106, S/G FEEDWATERMALFUNCTIONS AP/1/A/5500/06, Event 4

( Events 6 & 7


PROGRAM: McGuire Operations Training MODULE: Initial License Operator Training Class 25 TOPIC: NRC Simulator Exam Scenario N09-1-4


OP/11A161 001003, "Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation."

1. OP/1/A/61 OP/11A161 00101 OG, "Annunciator Response For PaneI1AD-6."
2. OP/1/A/61 Panel 1AD-6."
3. McGuire Technical Specifications.

AP/11A15500101, "Steam Leak."

4. AP/1/A/5500101,
5. AP/1/A/5500106, AP/11A15500106, "S/G Feedwater Malfunctions."
6. AP/1 AP/11A15500/16, IA/5500/16, "Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation."
7. AP/1/A/5500107, AP/11A15500107, "Loss of Electrical Power."
8. AP/11A15500/12, AP/1/A/5500/12, "Loss of Letdown, Charging or Seal Injection."
9. EP/11A15000/E-0, EP/1/A/5000/E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection."

( EP/11A15000/E-2, "Faulted Steam Generator Isolation."

10. EP/1/A/5000/E-2,
11. EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.1, "SI Termination."
12. RP/01Al57001000, RP/O/A/57001000, "Classification of Emergencies."

Author: D~m Technical Services, Inc. D~rn Facility Review: Rev. 021209 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 4 (, Facility: McGuire Scenario No.: 4 Op Test No.: N09-1 Examiners: Operators: (SRO) (RO) (BOP) Initial Conditions: A plant startup is being conducted following an unplanned reactor trip due to a failure of the 1B CF Pump. The repairs on the pump are still in progress, and it is expected to be back in service within the next four hours. A reactor startup has 8 been completed, and reactor power is stabilized at 10-8 amps. OP/11A161001003 OP/1/A161 001003 Enc 4.1, "Power Increase," has been completed through Step 3.16. It is planned that this shift will raise reactor power to 8-9% and stabilize for a Chemistry Hold per Step of OP/11A161001003 OP/1/A161001003 Enc 4.1. A dedicated operator has been stationed at the MCB to control the reactor during the startup. Pzr level control is selected to "3-2" "3_2" due to previous testing on Channel 1. Turnover: The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1B CF Pump is OOS (Expected back in 4 hours). LCA-5320, CA Condensate Storage Tank Level Indicator, failed last shift (IAE is investigating. MCB Annunciator 1AD-11AO-1 0, C-1, "KC SURGE TANK ABNORMAL LEVEL," has been in constant alarm over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Event Malf. Event Type* Event No. No. Description 1 ILE003 I-BOP Pressurizer Level Transmitter fails high ( I(TS)-SRO 2 SM001A C-RO SG PORV fails open C-SRO 3 IFE008A I-RO Increase to POAH/Feedwater Bypass Valve Controller failure I-SRO 4 ENBOO9A I-BOP Intermediate Range Channel failure I(TS)-SRO 5 EP009A C-BOP LOP to 1ETAlDG Trip DG004A C-RO C-SRO 6 NA N-BOP Restore Normal Letdown N-SRO 7 SM008A M-RO line Break (Outside Containment) Unisolable Steam Line M-BOP M-SRO 8 ISE002A NA Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation ISE002B

        *   (N)ormal,  (R)eactivity,     (I)nstrument,      (C)omponent,      (M)ajor Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 4

( McGuire 2009 NRC Scenario #4 A plant startup is being conducted following an unplanned reactor trip due to a failure of the 1B CF Pump. The repairs on the pump are still in progress, and it is expected to be back in service within the next four hours. A reactor startup has been completed, and reactor power is stabilized at 10-88 amps. OP/11A161001003 OP/1/N61001003 Enc 4.1, "Power Increase," has been completed through Step 3.16. It is planned that this shift will raise reactor power to 8-9% and stabilize for a Chemistry Hold per Step of OP/11A161 OP/1/N61 001003 Enc 4.1. A dedicated operator has been stationed at the MCB to control the reactor during the startup. Pzr level control is selected to "3-2" due to previous testing on Channel 1. The following equipment is Out-Of-Service: 1B CF Pump is OOS (Expected back in 4 hours). LCA-5320, CA Condensate Storage Tank Level Indicator, failed last shift (IAE is investigating. MCB Annunciator 1AD-1 1AD-10,0, C-1, "KC SURGE TANK ABNORMAL LEVEL," has been in constant alarm over the last hour (IAE is investigating). Shortly after taking the watch, the controlling Pzr Level Transmitter (LNC-5170) will rapidly fail high causing charging flow to lower. The operator will respond in accordance with 1AD-6/C-7, "Pzr Hi Level DEV Control," determine that a failed instrument has occurred and swap to an operable channel. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation," and determine that the LCO is not applicable until the power level is above P-7. After the plant stabilizes, the A Steam Generator PORV will slowly fail fully open. The operator will respond in accordance with OP/11A15500/AP1, OP/1/N5500/AP1, "Steam Leak," and isolate the PORV. ( Next, the dedicated operator will withdrawal control rods to raise power to the POAH. When the POAH is reached, the A Feedwater FCV Bypass Valve controller will fail causing the Feedwater FCV Bypass Valve to fail fully open. The operator will respond in accordance with OP/11A15500/AP6, OP/1/N5500/AP6, "S/G Feedwater Malfunction," and take manual control of the failed controller. The controller will remain in manual control throughout the remainder of the scenario. After this, Intermediate Range N35 High Voltage Power Supply will fail. The operator will AP/11A15500/16, "Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation," Case II, "Intermediate implement AP/1/A/5500/16, Range Malfunction." The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation." After consulting with plant management, a decision will be made to shutdown to reactor. Shortly afterwards, the Normal Supply Breaker to 4160 VAC Essential Bus 1ETA will fail open. The 1A DG will start but trip on overspeed, causing a sustained Blackout on the bus. The operator will implement AP/11A15500107, AP/1/N5500107, "Loss of Electrical Power," Case II, "Loss of Normal Power to either 1ETA or 1ETB." The RO will be required to control feed flow complicated by the auto start of the TO TD CA Pump, and the BOP will isolate Letdown and manually start the opposite train NV, KC and RN pumps. During the recovery, the BOP will be directed to restore normal Letdown in accordance with AP/11A15500/12, AP/1 IN5500/12, "Loss of Letdown, Charging or Seal Injection." During the response, a major steam line break will occur upstream of the MSIV on the A Steam (\ Line outside the Containment. Additionally, the SIS actuation will fail automatically. The operator will be expected to manually actuate SIS as directed by EP/1/A/5000/E-0. EP/11A15000/E-0. Upon EP/11A15000/E-2, "Faulted Steam Generator completion of E-O, the operator will transition to EP/1/N5000/E-2, Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 4 ( Isolation," and isolate the A Steam Generator. After isolating the Steam Generator, the operator will transition to EP/1/A15000/ES-1.1, EP/1/A/SOOO/ES-1.1, "SI Termination," at step 13. Upon entry into ES-1.1, the operator will stop the NI and ND NO pumps, stop all but one NV Pump and stop injection flow from the NV Pumps. The scenario will terminate at Step 7.c when 1NI-9A and 1NI-1 OB 08 are closed. Critical Tasks: E-O D Manually actuate at least one train of SIS-Actuated safeguards before transition out of E-O. Safety Significance: Failure to manually actuate SI under the postulated conditions constitutes "mis-operation or incorrect crew performance that leads to degraded ECCS capacity." Since SI can be initiated manually from the Control Room, failure to do so demonstrates an inability by the crew to recognize a failed auto actuation of an ESF and take appropriate action, and to take action that would unnecessarily challenge a CSF. In the specified scenario, if ECCS system are not actuated, all assumption made in the FSAR analysis for the Steam Line break analysis are invalid. E-2A Isolate the Faulted Steam Generator before transitioning out of E-2. ( Safety Significance: Failure to isolate a Faulted SG that can be isolated causes challenges to the Critical Safety Functions that would not otherwise occur. Failure to isolate flow could result in an unwarranted Orange or Red Path condition on NC Integrity and/or Subcriticality (if cooldown is allowed to continue uncontrollably). ( Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 4 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS A~1IMI~~il~il;;+::;lli~l:i::\~'I,:I:;**' QFSG,~11P:1IQ,~.,:*. '; Bench Mark

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                                                                                                                   .. :,1:'> "'.\  ./,:
                                                                                                                                    .iII ;',   "

o0 Sim. Setup Rod Step On o 0 Reset to Temporary IC-143.

                                                                              **  Mode 2, Reactor Power stable at 1               10-8 amps.
                                                                              **  XMT-CAOi0=

XMT-CA010= 0, LCA-532000S

                                                                              **  ANN-ADi0-COi = ON, AD-10/C1 ANN-AD10-C01           AD-i0/Ci Failed ON
                                                                             **   MALF-ISE002A, ISE002B, Failure of SI (Auto Only)
                                                                             ** ANN-AD11-C05 ANN-ADii-C05 = ON, XFMR A URGENT ALARM
                                                                            **    ANN-ADii-F05 = ON, XFMR B URGENT ALARM ANN-AD11-F05 o0                RUN o0                Update Status Board, Setup OAC

( Setup ICCM, Turbine Displays, & Trend Recorders. Check Rod Step Counters agree with rod positions Check Make-up Control Switch in "ARMED." Ensure DRPI Screen is Re-zeroed. Ensure CF Pump Lovejoy reset. o 0 Freeze. o 0 Update Fresh Tech. Spec. Log. o 0 Fill out the NLO's Available section of ( Shift Turnover Info. Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 4 ( .. Bench Mark ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION i;.i> . oD Prior to Crew Briefing RUN oD Crew Briefing

1. Copy of OP/1/N61 00/003 Enc 4.1 (Power Increase) Complete through Step 3.16.

OP/1/A/61 001003

2. 00/003 Enc 4.8 (Guidelines for Power Increase) Step 3.1.1 will be assigned the OP/1/A/61 001003 OP/1/N61 surrogate.
3. OP/1/N61 001003 Enc 4.12 (CF Hdr Press/SM Hdr Press DP With CF Pumps in Manual During Low OP/1/A/6100/003 Power Operation).
4. Level 1 PJB for power increase.
5. Reactivity Plan from Rx Eng for power increase.

oD T-O Begin Familiarization Period At direction of (XMT) ILE003 Pzr Level Transmitter fails high 0D examiner Set = 100 ( Ramp = 30 seconds Trigger #1 0D At direction of (MALF) SM001A SG PORV fails open examiner Set = 100 Ramp =360 seconds Trigger #3 At direction of (MALF) IFE008A Increase to POAH/Feedwater Bypass Valve Controller 0D examiner failure Set = 100 Ramp = 60 seconds Trigger #5 At direction of (MALF) ENB009A Intermediate Range Channel failure 0D examiner Trigger #7 (N35 High voltage failure) ( 6-

Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 4 ( Bendil> MafR1 \<,:.:,

           *,* ...**,** .*. * .'*i *',.i' Ac::r:;iWITY'*  >/; ,.,
                                                                                            ,'...**',',,' ****DESGRIPTION o0 At direction of examiner (MALF) EP009A                    LOP to 1 ETA1DG AlDG Trip (MALF) DG004A                    AP7 Step 13, Booth Instructor use MALF RNOOSA   RN005A to RN-40A close valve 1RN-40A.

Trigger #9 AP7 Step 1S.a-b, 15.a-b, Booth Instructor use: MAL-KC-OOBD =0; Ramp 30 seconds MAL-KC-OOSD MAL-KC-007C =0; Ramp 30 seconds to close valve 1KC-230A and 1KC-3A. KC-3A AP7 Step 40, Booth Instructor use LOA-EKL-012 = = CLOSED AL T to complete Enclosure 7 (DC Bus Alignment) within 30 minutes of B/O. 0 At direction of (MALF) SM008A Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment) examiner Set = 4.125 x 10 1 066 Trigger #11 0 Continued (MALF) ISE002A, Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation from Event 6 ISE002B ( = Set = 0 T=O o0 Terminate the scenario upon direction of Lead Examiner (, Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-0-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # ...;.. __

                                                                                                 --.,;.._  _   __   __   _ Page       8  of  8

( Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter fails high Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Shortly after taking the watch, the controlling Pzr Level Transmitter (LNC-5170) will rapidly fail high causing charging flow to lower. The operator will respond in accordance 1AO-6/C-7, "Pzr with 1AD-6/C-7, "pzr Hi Level DEV OEV Control," determine that a failed instrument has occurred and swap to an operable channel. The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation," and determine that the LCO is not applicable until the power level is above P-7. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger#1 (XMT-ILE003 (100 over 30 seconds)) Indications Available:

  • Annunciator 1AD-6/C-7, "Pzr Hi Level Dev ControL" Control."
  • Annunciator 1AD-7/A-7, "Pzr Hi level Alert."
  • Charging flow decreases.
  • Channel #3 Pzr level indicates 100%.
  • Actual Pzr Level decreases.

( i: .'

           )1'   ','  "

Time i Pos; "'",i" di:-'i'-;"i:" ,'1,\,,'" }A"i", ii'" ,:' ,-'i,",,",',"

                                                                                                         . - . :,jy, . .

J\' Comments

                                                                                                                             <!iI:i" NOTE: The SRO may address AP12, however, this AP will NOT mitigate the failure. The crew will eventually recognize that the ARP mitigates the failure and address it.

OP/1/A16100/010G, ANNUNCIATOR RESPONSE FOR PANEL 1AD-6 C-7, PZR HI LEVEL DEV CONTROL BOP (IA Step 1) Check backup heaters are on and charging flow is decreasing. BOP (lA Step 2) IF instrument malfunction, (IA manually control charging flow at the appropriate man/auto station:

  • Pzr Level Master Cntrl


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # ~_________

                                                                    ~_________                     Page Page     99   of     _9~---i1 9

of "';"---11 ( Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter fails high Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                          !f * * * **Expectedjl::~~tib:ns/Be~;~~i()r            .. :;I!!\' ....
  • c..C~*,m~.n~~ . . . . ,.
 ~1.~:~: .i**POS;*                                                          ,,'
                                                                                                       .h'     ""+'.1          .....:,/
                                 ",,,          " ';1"        i,i'           iii
                     **    1NV-238 (Charging Line Flow Control)                   NOTE: The BOP will place 1NV-238 in MANUAL to control Charging flow.
                     **    PO Pump Speed PD BOP      (IA Step 3) IF instrument malfunction, place                NOTE: The BOP will select "Pzr Level Cntrl Select" to unaffected                       position 1-2 on Pzr Level channels.                                                    Control.

SRO (SA Step 1) IIF F required to control NOTE: The SRO may isolate Letdown/Charging, go to OP/1/N6200/001 OP/1/A/6200/001 A Letdown. If so, AP12 will be (Chemical and Volume Control System entered to re-establish OP/1/N6200/001 B (Chemical Letdown) or OP/1/A/6200/001 Letdown. and Volume Control System Charging). SRO (SA Step 2) Refer to Tech Specs for NOTE: The SRO will likely ( minimum instrumentation requirements. conduct a Focus Brief. NOTE: The SRO may call WCC/IAE to address failure. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.3.1, RTS INSTRUMENTATION SRO Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation NOTE: The SRO will recognize that Table 3.3-1 shows that function 9 is applicable in Mode 1 above P-7, and is NOT applicable at this power level. SRO LCO 3.3.1 The RTS instrumentation for each Function in Table 3.3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE. ( APPLICABILITY: According to Table 3.3.1-1.

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # ~__________

                                                              ~__________        Page Page  10 10 of ...;..;1 10 0:"--11

( Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter fails high Time Position A licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #2. ( (

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-D-2 Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _2'--_ 2 _ _ _ Page 11 of 11

                                                            ~--------                           --'-'---II
                                                                                                ~~I Event


SG PORV fails open Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior After the plant stabilizes, the A Steam Generator PORV will slowly fail fully open. The operator will respond in accordance with OP/1/N5500/AP1, OPf1fN5500fAP1, "Steam Leak," and isolate the PORV. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #3 (MALF-SM001A (100 over 360 seconds)) Indications Available:

  • 1A SG PORV Red Status Light is LIT. LIT .
  • Various OAC Alarms .

NOTE: If malfunction is NOT diagnosed within 2 Minutes of insertion, Booth Instructor: call Control Room as NLO and ( report that Steam is coming out of exterior Doghouse. AP/1/A/5500/01, STEAM LEAK AP/1/A/5500101, SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. RO (Step 2) Reduce turbine load to maintain the NOTE: No action will be following: needed with the turbine off-line.

  • Excore Nl's - LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 100%.
  • NC Loop DfT's DIT's - LESS THAN 60°F DfT
  • T-Ave - AT T-REF.

SRO (Step 3) Check containment entry - IN NOTE: A Containment Entry is PROGRESS. NOT in progress. SRO (Step 3 RNO) GO TO Step 5. (

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _2~ _2~_ _ _ _ Page 12 12 of .....;.;12~-I1 of --:.:12~-I1 Event


SG PORV fails open Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

    '                                     , " f;;'~~

t" ....!J:~b. 11'1 i i;(;:,!1~j ..... . .n~l. ~i':

                                                                                                          ~Vllllllell,lS.:.      i:'ii'~ . *i.,
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BOP (Step 5) Check Pzr pressure prior to event - GREATER THAN P-11 (1955 PSIG). BOP (Step 6) Check Pzr level - STABLE OR GOING UP. BOP (Step 7) IF AT ANY TIME while in this NOTE: This is a Continuous procedure Pzr level cannot be maintained Action. The SRO will make stable, THEN RETURN TO Step 6. both board operators aware. SRO (Step 8) GO TO Step 12. SRO (Step 12) Announce occurrence on paging NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO system. to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 13) Identify and isolate leak on Unit 1:

                      **    Check SM PORVs - CLOSED.                                     NOTE: The 1A SG PORV is Open.

RO (Step 13 RNO) IF S/G pressure is less than 1092 PSIG, THEN perform the following:

                     **     Close affected S/G SM PORV manual                            NOTE: Closing the Manual loader.                                                      Loader will have no effect.
                      **    IF SM PORV is still open, THEN: Close                        NOTE: The 1A SG PORV SM PORV isolation valve.                                      Isolation Valve will need to be closed.
                           **    Close SM PORV isolation valve.           valve .
                           **    IF SM PORV isolation valve still                        NOTE: The PORV Isolation open .....                                              valve is closed.

RO ** (Step 13.b) Check condenser dump ( valves - CLOSED.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _2__ _2~ _ _ _ _ Page 13 of 13

                                                                                                             --';";~""I Event


SG PORV fails open Time 1 Position Jl Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time' Pas.. >~~ Expected.ActiO!~~!:BeH~~lor" ',<. Comments -,' BOP ** Check containment conditions - NORMAL:

  • Containment temperature
                                **     Containment pressure
                                **     Containment humidity
  • Containment floor and equipment sump level.

RO/ RO / ** Check TD CA pump - OFF. BOP

  • Check valves on "STEAM LINE DRAIN VALVES" board (1MC-9) - CLOSED.

SRO ** Check opposite Unit (Unit 2) "STEAM HEADER PRESSURE" - GREATER THAN 200 PSIG.

  • Dispatch operator to check for leaks. NOTE: The SRO will NOT

( dispatch NLOs to look for leaks because it is understood that the SM PORV opening was the reason that AP-1 was entered. BOP (Step 14) Check UST level- STABLE OR GOING UP. SRO (Step 15) Evaluate unit shutdown as follows:

                      **        Check unit status - IN MODE 1 OR 2.
                      **        Determine if unit shutdown or load              NOTE: SRO may call reduction is warranted based on the            WCC/Management to address following criteria:                            the startup.

If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. If needed, as Station management direct that the startup be continued.

                               **      Size of leak


  • Location of leak

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ( Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # 2 Page 14

                                                                                                      --...,1 14 of -';"';"'-'....,1 Event


SG PORV fails open Time Position A Applicant's licant's Actions or Behavior

  • Rate of depletion of secondary inventory
  • IF steam is leaking from a secondary NOTE: No action will be heater relief OR MSR relief valve, needed with the turbine off-THEN reducing turbine load may line.

reduce pressure enough to close relief valve.

  • IF turbine trip will isolate steam leak NOTE: No action will be (such as feedwater heater leak or needed with the turbine off-MSR leak), THEN it may be line.

desirable to perform an orderly shutdown of the turbine and maintain reactor power in Mode 1.

  • Check unit shutdown or load reduction - NOTE: SRO may call REQUIRED. WCC/Management to address the startup.

If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. If ( needed, as Station management direct that the startup be continued. SRO (Step 15.c RNO) Perform the following:

  • Maintain present plant conditions until leak can be isolated or repaired.
  • Exit this procedure. NOTE: SRO will likely conduct a Focus Brief.

At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #3. (

Appendix D 0 Operator Action Form E8-D-2 ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _3.;.....-_

                                                                          ...;3~    ____  __    Page     15               15 --l1 of ......;,.;15;;""'

( Event


Increase to POAH/Feedwater Bypass Valve Controller failure Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Next, the dedicated operator will withdrawal control rods to raise power to the POAH. When the POAH is reached, the A Feedwater FCV Bypass Valve controller will fail causing the Feedwater FCV Bypass Valve to fail fully open. The operator will respond in accordance with OP/1/A15500/AP6, OP/1/A/5500/AP6, "8/G "S/G Feedwater Malfunction," and take manual control of the failed controller. The controller will remain in manual control throughout the remainder of the scenario. Booth Operator Instructions: When the POAH has been reached Operate Trigger (MALF-IFEOOSA (100 over 60 seconds>>

                                                   #5 {MALF-IFEOOSA                             seconds))

Indications Available:



  • 1CF-1 04AB Controller output rises to 100% .

1CF-104AB liT*

   *.*Ime . P~s ..
  • Expected ~cti.ol1s/Behaviol" ., "Gorrih1erlts i .::" .... ",'  ::'"
      .V                  ,,<   '

OP/1/A16100/003, OP/1/A161 00/003, CONTROLING PROCEDURE FOR UNIT OPERATION ENCLOSURE 4.1, POWER INCREASE ( SRO (Step 3.17) Increase Reactor Power to 8 - Examiner NOTE: The 9% RTP as follows: dedicated operator (Surrogate) will withdrawal control rods as needed to raise power to the POAH. DO ** Begin power increase to 8 - 9% RTP RTP.. RO ** Perform the following to determine existing S/G WR level cycles:

                                   **     Ensure the following OAC points are trending:
                                         **  M1A1004 (1A S/G Wide Range Level)
                                         **  M1A1005 (1 B S/G Wide Range Level)
  • M1A0970 (1C (1 C S/G Wide Range Level)
                                          ** M1A0988 (1 D S/G Wide Range Level)



Appendix 0 Operator Action Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _3_ _ _ _ _ Page _3~ 16 of 16 ( ~~-ll

                                                                                                      ---11 Event


Increase to POAH/Feedwater Bypass Valve Controller failure Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • Monitor WR S/G level trends to determine the beginning of the cycle upswings and the "desired area for power increase". (Refer to Enclosure 4.8, Table 4.8-1 (S/G WR Level Cycles)

AP/1/A/5500/06, S/G FEEDWATER MALFUNCTIONS RO (Step 1) IF CF control valve OR bypass valve has failed, THEN perform the following:

  • Place affected valve in manual.
  • Restore S/G level to program.

RO (Step 2) IF CF pump speed control has NOTE: The CF pump speed ( failed, ........ control has NOT failed. RO (Step 3) On each S/G, check the following channels -INDICATING THE SAME:

  • Feed flow
  • Steam flow
  • S/G level.

RO (Step 4) Check unit status as follows:

  • Reactor trip breakers - CLOSED
  • Pzr pressure - GREATER THAN P-11 (1955 PSIG).

RO (Step 5) IF AT ANY TIME S/G N/R level NOTE: This is a Continuous approaches 17% OR 83%, THEN perform Action. The SRO will make the following: both board operators aware.

  • Trip reactor.


  • GO TO EP/1/A/5000/E-O (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).

Appendix D 0 Operator Action ES-O-2 Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _3~ _ _ _ _ Page _3~________ Page 17 of 17


( Event


Increase to POAH/Feedwater Bypass Valve Controller failure Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Cominfihts** ..... SRO (Step 6) Announce occurrence on page. NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 7) Check reactor power - GREATER THAN 3%. RO (Step 7 RNO) IF S/G level(s) going down, NOTE: The 1 1A A SG Level is OR any CA pump is on, .......

                                                ...... .                     NOT decreasing, and there are no CA Pumps on.

RO (Step 8) Check CM/CF - PRESENTL PRESENTLY Y FEEDING FEEDI NG S/Gs. ( RO (Step 9) Check S/G levels - STABLE OR TRENDING TO PROGRAM LEVEL. RO (Step 10) Check NC temperatures as follows:

                     **    IF any NC pump on, THEN check NC T-Avg - STABLE OR TRENDING TO DESIRED TEMPERATURE.

RO (Step 11) Check all S/G CF control valves - IN AUTO. RO (Step 11 RNO) WHEN the following conditions met, THEN place affected CF control valve in automatic: RO ** control - DESIRED Automatic control- NOTE: automatic control of the CF Control Valves is NOT desired at this power level.

Appendix 0 D Operator Action Form ES-O-2ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _3~ _3~_ _ _ _ Page 18 of --';";;""'-'-11 18 _1.;.;8;"""-11 ( Event


Increase to POAH/Feedwater Bypass Valve Controller failure Time ~ Position ~ Applicant's Actions or Behavior


P~s.,!: I:;:':, ?\!1':~!){~e~t~~ Adions/Beh~Vj;Or:'\:' \) IiL> :( ;.:.'.y. **.d~fti",ertts

                                                                                                                 /;.    " ..

RO (Step 12) Check all S/G CF control bypass valves -IN- IN MANUAL AND FULL OPEN. RO (Step 12 RNO) WHEN the following conditions met, THEN place affected CF control bypass valve in automatic:

                          **    Automatic control- DESIRED                     NOTE: automatic control of the 11A A CF Control Valve Bypass Valve is NOT desired.

RO (Step 13) Check both CF pumps -IN AUTO. RO (Step 13 R NO) Perform the following: RNO)

  • IF both CF pumps in manual AND it is NOTE: It is NOT desired to desired to place CF pump in auto, ..... place the CF Pumps in AUTO.


  • IF one CF pump in auto AND it is desired NOTE: It is NOT desired to to place second CF pump in auto, place the second CF Pump in AUTO.

NOTE: SRO may call WCC/IAE to address the controller. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC. RO / (Step 14) Check all CA pumps - OFF. NOTE: SRO will likely conduct BOP a Focus Brief. At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Event #4. (\

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Scenario # 4 Event # _4.:...-_ 4 ___ Page 19 of 19 ( N09-1

                                                                                                                                  -------                                             ---11 Event


Intermediate Range Channel failure Time J Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior After this, Intermediate Range N35 High Voltage Power Supply will fail. The operator will implement AP/1/N5500/16, "Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation," Case II, "Intermediate Range Malfunction." The operator will address Technical Specification 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation." After consulting with plant management, a decision will be made to shutdown to reactor. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #7 (MALF-ENBOO9A) Indications Available:

  • N35 MCB Indication indicates low .

1:T::l'~e'JY ...,... Time,' *,Pos. >......... ***'**'I.c:***;;..*""*****;****** . . ),. . . ,;;,. <.,.* ,. ,.:.. i'***************1~fi;~1"jjj****** ~*.*.* !ii:. ,. , . ,'., t£.~L.****'****j*Y ... ,'.

        "....\I\":'~:.!                 ;. v . C '
  • Expected Actions/BehavioJ .,
                                                                  .~.') 'OYc;                                           1)'I~t      ;*.ri              Comments Y~""'nlll~ . ~~.,..!.j};!/          ....

AP/1/A/5500/16, MALFUNCTION OF NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION CASE II, INTERMEDIATE RANGE MALFUNCTION ( RO (Step 1) Check one I/R channel - OPERABLE. SRO (Step 2) Announce occurrence on paging NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO system. to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. BOP (Step 3) Place failed channel "LEVEL TRIP" switch on I/R Drawer to "BYPASS". BOP (Step 4) Check the following - LIT:

                                        *       "LEVEL TRIP BYPASS" indicating light on failed I/R drawer.
                                        *       "SIR OR I/R TRIP BYPASS" alarm (1AD-2, E-2)
  • The failed channel's status light on 1SI-19:
                                                *        "1/N-35A I/R CHANNEL I TRIP BYPASS"

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _4_ _ _ _ _ Page _4..;..-. 20 of 20 ( Event


Intermediate Range Channel failure Time IL Position Il Applicant's Actions or Behavior

':' " ' l'i!t:'iI, '('1'.'.111' I" Ptss~;;!itfi;! ;l!E)(b~cte!(I
                                          ~>f.                . .' . '...... ".""

fAli~;~"IP!!{:~!::!i!ti!c!bnJm~nts"  ;-: ,~~:\n? I:,:\,\' ,!.'II."F,*' ',;, i *.. *1.'

 ,'Time I!', Pas;
                                                                                                                                                                                              !  I
                                   ' , '  "     "'";Ex ".

J> dctetl :A.afidh!;~e*HIi:l~i'6r:II'"

                                                             "i.":;;;'!'!. if/!
                                                             .1.*"  */':.*I'III1**+<*Y*(**'-:; *.c* *. :*......!  ....


                                                                                                                                                          ',,, '" ,,\' h',!' **i ** ).
                                                                                                                                                                      ' "        <I" Comment$, 1.11!.,,(/\,1. ;1 BOP                 (Step 5) Place operable I/R channel to record on NIS Recorder.

BOP (Step 6) IF AT ANY TIME I/R fuses are pulled above P-10,P-1 0, THEN they should be inserted prior to lowering power below P-1 0 (to prevent a reactor trip). BOP (Step 7) Check I/R IIR channel-channel - FAILED LOW. NOTE: SRO may call WCCIIAE to address the failed channel. If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC/IAE. WCCIIAE. If asked, there will be a 3-4 time delay before repairs can ( be made. BOP (Step 8) WHEN malfunctioning IIR I/R channel NOTE: IR Channel N35 has repaired, THEN ... NOT been repaired. NOTE: SRO will likely conduct a Focus Brief. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.3.1, RTS INSTRUMENTATION SRO 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation SRO LCO 3.3.1 The RTS instrumentation for each Function in Table 3.3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE. SRO APPLICABILITY: According to Table 3.3.1-1. ( SRO ACTIONS

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # 4 Page 21 of 21


( Event


Intermediate Range Channel failure Time II Position Position_II Ap~licant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's

                                                                                     '. Cotnments     ..

CONDITION REQUIRED COMPLETION NOTE: The SRO will ACTION TIME recognize that Table 3.3-1 A. One or A.1 Enter the Immediately shows that function 4 is more Condition applicable, and that Conditions Functions referenced with one or in Table A and F are required. more 3.3.1-1 for The SRO will determine that a required the channels channel(s). reactor shutdown is inoperable. necessary. F. THERMAL F.1 Reduce 2 hours POWER> THERMAL P-6 and < POWER to < P-10, one P-6. Intermediate Range OR Neutron F.2 Increase Flux 2 hours THERMAL channel POWER inoperable. P-10. ( At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Events #5-6. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ( Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _5_&.;.....;..6 5 & 6 _ _ _ Page 22 of 22 Event


LOP to 1ETAlDG 1ET AlDG TripI Restore Normal Letdown I Time II Position JlII Applicant's Actions or Behavior Shortly afterwards, the Normal Supply Breaker to 4160 VAC Essential Bus 1ETA will fail open. The 1A OG DG will start but trip on overspeed, causing a sustained Blackout on the bus. The operator will implement AP/1/N5500/07, AP/1/A/5500/07, "Loss of Electrical Power," Case II, "Loss of Normal Power to either 1 ETA or 1 ETB." The RO will be required to control feed flow complicated by the auto start of the TD TO CA Pump, and the BOP will isolate Letdown and manually start the opposite train NV, KC and RN pumps. Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #9 (MALF-EP009A, MALF-DGOO4A) Indications Available:

  • Many MCB Annunciators.
  • Noticeable change in Control Room Lighting.
  • 1ETA Blackout Status Light LIT.
  • 1A DG starts, and then over-speeds.

1}> {>iC""'1 ,1" ,,' l' i,,: " 1}

   )e",,, >h< ,'I PQ~.
                               ";1\ '.)11
~';:';"',>:)~I::.,,:::>, ,,'/:,::i"'i,':/k 1<;~iI01~s1~~H~'i:!10~i;i '1}
                                                                                                       "::>+1 '.':Y,:= ,<'i::,,:,I',;:,~, ,;.::\: ":'\

1::,ih;l i }:>6o;m"tnehts IV :<,; ',:,  :'/ it ( AP/1/A/5500/07, LOSS OF ELECTRICAL POWER AP/1/A/5500107, CASE II, LOSS OF NORMAL POWER TO EITHER 1 1ETA ETA OR 1ETB 1ETB NOTE: The RO may throttle CA flow to all SGs immediately after the LOP. BOP (Step 1) Check bus energized and sequencer applying loads. BOP (Step 1 RNO) Perform the following:

  • IF both NV pumps off, THEN isolate NOTE: Letdown will need to normal letdown. be isolated because there is no NV Pump operating.
  • Start opposite train:
  • NV pump NOTE: The BOP will start the 1B NV Pump.
  • KC pumps NOTE: The BOP will start the 1B1 and 1B2 KC Pumps
  • RN pump. NOTE: The BOP will start the 1B RN Pump.


  • GO TO Step 3.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _5.;..;;,;&..,;;6

                                                                                        ~5~&~6_______   _ _ _ _ Page                    23          of 23

( Event


LOP to 1 ETAJDG AlDG TripI Restore Normal Letdown Time II Position II~ Applicant's Actions or Behavior

       ,"\ :0', 'rei,':':'
                                           "~E?CpeC~~:"           ~/8;~h'avior                              .~:,i     ':C~~'rilents; l:ime       ,P~S.::,      1:;::1    "i'                                                                 ,>        "J
                                                                  ,"~I,  :(1,11                               '\"      :i:{:' >> ) ,,",:1/  ",,; i:'

BOP I BOPI (Step 3) Check - SII HAS OCCURRED NOTE: SI has NOT occurred. RO DURING THIS EVENT. BOP (Step 3 RNO) Perform the following:

  • IF both NV pumps off, ...... NOTE: The 1B NV is running.

SRO ** IF any pump was manually started per NOTE: The 1B NV Pump was Step 1, THEN GO TO Step 5. manually started. BOP (Step 5) Check DIGs - OFF. NOTE: The SRO may implement the RNO because the 1A DG started but oversped. BOP (Step 5 RNO) IF bus deenergized, THEN NOTE: The 1A DIG has ( immediately dispatch operator to stop affected Unit 1 DIG using emergency stop tripped on overspeed. The SRO will dispatch an NLO. pushbutton. BOP (Step 6) Check ND NO System status:

                                **        NO System -IN RHR MODE AT TIME ND                                                                  NOTE: ND NO is NOT in RHR OF B/O.                                                             Mode.

SRO (Step 6a RNO) GO TO Step 7. BOP (Step 7) Check any RN pump - RUNNING. NOTE: The 1B RN Pump is running. BOP (Step 8) Align KC as follows:

                                 **       Place recirc valve on operating train in "AUTO":
                                         **      1KC-54B (Train B Recirc Isol)  Isol)..
                                **        Ensure KC flow remains less than 4000 GPM per operating KC pump while performing next step.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 ( Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _5.-..;.;.&...;;.6 5 & 6_ _ _ _ Page 24 of 24 Event


LOP to 1ETAlDG TripI Restore Normal Letdown Time II Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time. .*. ~F!$S~f ,";

                           . :. ~~~~~~~~ci~lctibns/l3~~tiyi~r*~. <')"" " l;*:ii*.*l*. ***(l:p~fume'll;t~
                                                                                ' ,~ , I', ' ~


  • Ensure the following valves on energized train are open:
                              **       B Train:
  • 1KC-18B (Trn B Rx Bldg Non Ess Ret Isol)
                                      **   1KC-228B (Trn B Rx Bldg Non Ess Sup Isol)
  • 1KC-364B (B NC Pump Therm Bar Otlt)
                                     **    1KC-413B (D NC Pump Therm Bar Otlt).

BOP (Step 9) Check any charging pump - NOTE: The 1B NV is running. RUNNING. ( BOP (Step 10) Align RN as follows:

  • Check 1A RN pump - RUNNING. NOTE: The 1A RN is OFF.

BOP (Step 10a RNO) Align 1B RN as follows:

                        **     Ensure 1RN-187B (B KC Hx Inlet Isol) is open.
  • Throttle 1RN-190B (RN To B KC Hx Control) for desired KC cooling, while ensuring 1B RN pump flow remains less than the following:
                             **     IF 1 1BB RN pump suction is aligned to Low Level Intake, THEN limit flow to 16,000 GPM.
  • Start all available RV pumps.

SRO ** GO TO Step 11. SRO (Step 11) Notify Unit 2 RO to start 2A RN Floor Instructor: As U2 RO pump. report "2A RN Pump is running."

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _5~&~6~_____ Page _5~&~6_______ 25 of 25 ( Event


LOP to 1 ET A1DG AlDG TripI Restore Normal Letdown Time ~ Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

':";':11.::;1) :,:*:/ ..::::::i:::::* .. ,::,******: :: :.... : . ':' .
+::#:i~#r::;i: :';:>iEXiiJ?¥seh:bvjor
  ,;, "  /,\'
                               >'              : ik, :1,1,,-,:\):+::<,' :"'1',\'\1/ ;:::il"', ::":Y:) :i~>dlii ":\! \,::i 'i"; ~/',

CommentS {':" BOP (Step 12) Check - B/O ON 1ETA. BOP (Step 13) Perform one of the following to isolate RN train crosstie:

                                   **        Dispatch operator to close 1RN-40A                                                             NOTE: SRO will dispatch (Train A To Non Ess Hdr Isol)                                          1501) (aux bldg,        NLO to close 1RN-40A.

716+7, GG-55 beside Unit 1 side Booth Instructor stairway to 695 elevation). acknowledge as appropriate, wait 10 minutes, then use MALF RN005A to close valve. After closing valve, Booth Instructor report action taken to Control Room. OR

                                  **         Evaluate closing 1RN-41B                             1RN-41 B (Train B To Non Ess Hdr Isol).                      1501).

( SRO (Step 14) When RN train crosstie is isolated, NOTE: This is a Continuous THEN 1 RN-190B (RN To B KC Hx Control) 1RN-190B Action. The SRO will make may be throttled further open, while both board operators aware. maintaining 1B RN pump flow less than the following:

                                  **         IF 1B RN pump suction is aligned to Low Level Intake, THEN limit flow to 16,000 GPM.

SRO (Step 15) Dispatch operator to close the NOTE: SRO will dispatch following: NLO to close 1KC-230A and 1KC-3A. Booth Instructor acknowledge as appropriate, wait 10 minutes, then use


MAL-KC-OOSO = 0; Ramp 30 MAL-KC-OOBO seconds and MAL-KC-007C

                                                                                                                                            = 0; Ramp 30 seconds to close valves.

After closing valve, Booth Instructor report action taken to Control Room. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _5~&~6_______ 5&6 Page 26 of 26 ( Event


LOP to 1ETAlDG 1ETA1DG TripI Restore Normal Letdown Time I Position Jl Applicant's A licant's Actions or Behavior

 " ..,,:' . '/
 *.[i'hl'e 1':,';\1' "
                   . Pas.* .          Expected .A~tiorj~JBe:6~ip/i'~e:
                                        ,; ,,; 7'   "il   Y  >:+" :::::.i  ,>',';' ':;'
                                                                                                  . 'i . ' ,
                                                                                        <i"., I:'. '>,':,.,i:,' '
                                                                                                                  .'i';::< :.
                                ** 1KC-230A (Trn A Rx Bldg Non Ess Sup Isol) (aux bldg, 750+12, JJ-55, above north end of KC HX 1A)   1A)
                              **   1KC-3A (Trn A Rx Bldg Non Ess Ret Isol) (aux bldg, 733+8, HH-55, north of column HH-55).

BOP (Step 16) Check 1A ND NO Train - WAS IN NOTE: 1A NO ND was NOT in the RHR MODE. RHR Mode SRO (Step 16 RNO) GO TO Step 30. BOP (Step 30) Check normal letdown - IN NOTE: Letdown was SERVICE. previously isolated. ( BOP (Step 30 RNO) IF desired to establish normal or excess letdown, THEN have any available NOTE: The SRO will hand off AP12, and the restoration of operator establish letdown PER normal Letdown to the BOP. AP/1/A15500/12 AP/1 IA/5500/12 (Loss of Letdown, Charging SRO and RO will continue on Or seal Injection) while continuing with this with AP7. procedure. Examiner NOTE: If BOP is assigned to restore letdown per AP12, BOP Examiner follow actions of AP12 starting on Page 29. Other Examiners continue with script. RO (Step 31) Check VCT makeup control NOTE: While the BOP system: AP 12, restores Letdown using AP12, the SRO and RO will continue with AP7.

                              **   Ensure Boric Acid Transfer pump on energized train running.
                               **  Ensure NC System makeup controller in

( "AUTO".

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # 5 6_______

                                                                                                    ~5~&~6 &                                     Page        27              of    27

( Event


LOP to 1ET AlDG TripI Restore Normal Letdown II Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

    . titn*~I*i.lll i ,'<,  ,+
                    ~~~;tl;;I~.;~: ;':l;l~i!fIR~~tiQns/B~haLib~
""hj,',x;\;,,~J: ','),\ ,,;;  !<' ',," ::,2, 1.i:~fil~II:[I:!i;l\rt':IIII::I~III,I: . *I":OI~tnjj{~ri~ll.:1.:;(1. .'
                                                                                                                     'i'f~U;:,>/>":<"'!\<"";';!/<,"::':;L<i::,)i:fi>C,;,f ,,", ,'/
                                   **  Place NC System makeup switch to "START".

RO (Step 32) Perform the following:

                                  **   Check any Unit 1 6900V bus -

ENERGIZED. SRO ** GO TO Step 38. SRO (Step 38) Announce occurrence on paging NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO system. to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. RO (Step 39) Check - SII S/I HAS OCCURRED NOTE: SI has NOT occurred. DURING THIS EVENT. ( SRO (Step 39 RNO) Perform the following:

                                 **    Initiate EP/1/N5000/G-1 (Generic Enclosures), Enclosure 13 (VC And VA System Operation) within 30 minutes of B/O.

SRO (Step 40) Have available licensed operator NOTE: SRO may assign U2 initiate Enclosure 7 (DC Bus Alignment) operator to perform. within 30 minutes of B/O. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 Operator. Booth Instructor: wait 10 minutes, then use LOA-EKL-


012 = CLOSED AL T. RO (Step 41) Check DIG on bus that was NOTE: The 1 1A A DG is OFF. blacked out - ON. RO (Step 41 RNO) Perform the following affected DIG: (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # 5 & 6_______

                                                                       ~5~&~6 Page      28   of    28

( Event


1ET A1DG TripI LOP to 1ETAlDG Tripi Restore Normal Letdown Time II Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 -.                                                                                  ,; ,:,.ic .... t . ....         .'.
    'Ti~~i J~p'~s:j                 Expected' A~tiJ~sijBJWa~ioif
                      *1** .                                                    ;'
                                                                                     .;' ,,06frlrt1eots
  • IF DIG was stopped using emergency NOTE: The 1A DG was NOT stop pushbutton, stopped using the Emergency PB, it tripped automatically on overspeed.
  • IIF F bus known to be locked out, ..... NOTE: The SRO may dispatch an NLO or call WCC to determine the status of 1ETA.

If NLO dispatched, Floor Instructor Acknowledge. If WCC contacted, Booth Instructor acknowledge. Wait 2 minutes and report that 1 ETA is NOT Locked out.

  • Place affected DIG Mode Select to "C/R".
  • Depress, then release, the "RESET"

( pushbutton for affected train's sequencer.

  • Start DIG.
  • IF DIG is attempting to start but will not start, THEN dispatch operator to stop the affected DIG by depressing "EM ERG STOP" pushbutton to prevent relay damage.
  • IF DIG will not start, THEN GO TO Step 43.

SRO (Step 43) Check - SIIS/I HAS OCCURRED NOTE: SI has NOT occurred. DURING THIS EVENT. SRO (Step 43 RNO) GO TO Step 45. RO (Step 45) Control CA flow: NOTE: The RO most likely took action early in the event to control CA flow to each SG.

  • Check TDTO CA pump - ON.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _5~&~6_______ Page 29 of 29 ( Event


LOP to 1ETAJDG A1DG TripI Restore Normal Letdown Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                        ~jt~1t Ibti~n$lBJha~ibl~i;l~ft                            lff{ ~~r~j~_;i';'i!:;'J~:
           "~()~;.y.~ ~t c "

ril'ne~ ,,':?::<:V'7~~-p:i,] y,,%,;q <_~< ~~' i,', ,,3{ '~,' s~'> ,~" \'~,::

  • Check VI header pressure - GREATER THAN 60 PSIG.
                        **   Control CA flow to maintain S/G N/R levels at program level.
  • Check reactor power - GREATER THAN 10%.

SRO (Step 45.d RNa) RNO) GO TO Step 46. AP/1/A/5500/12, LOSS OF LETDOWN, CHARGING OR SEAL INJECTION Examiner NOTE: BOP Examiner follow these actions if the BOP is directed to restore Letdown in accordance with AP12 while implementing AP7. ( BOP (Step 48) Establish normal letdown:

  • Ensure 1NV-459 (Variable LID Orifice Outlet Flow Cntrl) is closed.
  • Place 1NV-124 (Letdown Pressure Control) in manual between 10-20%


  • Check the following - OPEN:
  • 1NV-1A (NC LID Isol To Regen Hx)
                            **     1NV-2A (NC LID Isol To Regen Hx).

BOP (Step 48c RNa) RNO) Ensure all personnel are out of lower containment prior to continuing. BOP ** (Step 48d) Establish cooling to Regenerative HX by performing the following concurrently:

  • Establish at least 65 GPM charging flow by throttling open 1NV-238 (Charging Line Flow control) or raising PO PD pump speed.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _5;;...,;,;&..;;6 _5;;...;;.;&..;;6_ _ _ _ Page 30 of 30 ( Event


1 ET A1DG TripI Restore Normal Letdown LOP to 1ETAlDG Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 'Tithe    Pas.              Expected Ac1ions/BehaVior              ,x.,                 ',"


                                                                                              ,', ,            .'>1
                          *                       (Seal Inj Flow Throttle 1NV-241 (Seallnj Control) to establish approximately 8 GPM seal injection flow to each NC pump.


  • Open letdown line isolation valves:
  • 1NV-7B (Letdown Cont Outside Isol).
  • 1NV-1A (NC LID Isol To Regen Hx).
  • 1NV-2A (NC LID Isol To Regen Hx).
  • 1NV-35A (Variable LID Orifice Outlet Cont Isol).


  • Establish desired letdown flow (normally 75 GPM) by completing the following concurrently:
  • Slowly throttle open 1NV-459 (Variable LID Orifice Outlet Flow Cntrl) to achieve desired letdown

( flow.

  • As letdown pressure rises, adjust 1NV-124 (Letdown Pressure Control) to maintain letdown pressure between 250 PSIG and 350 PSIG.


  • Adjust charging flow as desired while maintaining:
  • NC pump seal injection flow greater than 6 GPM.
  • Regenerative HX letdown temperature less than 380°F.
  • Pzr level at program level.


  • IF more letdown flow required OR a NOTE: More letdown flow is different letdown orifice is desired, NOT needed.


  • Check 1NV-124 (Letdown Pressure Control) - IN MANUAL.


  • 1NV-124 Check potentiometer setting for 1NV-124 (Letdown Pressure Control) set at-APPROXIMATELY 5.8.


  • 1NV-124 to obtain Manually adjust 1NV-124 letdown pressure of 350 PSIG.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Scenario # Op Test No.: N09-1 4 Event # _5;:;..;;;&...;;6 5 & 6_ _ _ _ Page 31 of 31


( Event


LOP to 1 ETA1DG TripI Restore Normal Letdown Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior rime '. ;Pb~.1' .j!. *l':;tlt~p~cte(J Adfi~h~I~:~~~Yib;~\<~'r~"'ij *.~ . ~)itl): Cofmnents* . . ;> ;;.

          "   ,,' /"


  • Place 1NV-124 in "AUTO".


  • Ensure letdown pressure controlled at 350 PSIG.




  • WHEN Pzr level matches program level, NOTE: This is a Continuous THEN perform the following: Action.
  • Place "PZR LEVEL MASTER" in "MAN".
  • Place "PZR LEVEL MASTER" demand to approximately 50%.
  • Place 1NV-238 (Charging Line Flow Control) in "AUTO".


  • Adjust 1NV-241 (Seal Inj Flow control) as necessary to maintain approximately 8 GPM seal injection flow to each NC pump.


  • Notify Chemistry that normal letdown is NOTE: The BOP will contact in service. Chemistry.

Booth Instructor: Acknowledge as appropriate. BOP

  • Check position of 1NV-127 A (UD (LID Hx Outlet 3-Way Temp Cntrl) - ALIGNED TO "DEMIN".


  • Operate Pzr heaters as desired.


  • WHEN time allows, THEN notify NOTE: The BOP may call engineering to document the following WCC/SE to address.

transients: If so, Booth Instructor acknowledge as WCC/SE.

  • Letdown isolation
  • Potential charging nozzle transient
  • IF NV Aux Spray was in service, NOTE: Aux Spray nozzle was THEN ........ NOT in service.


  • Check excess letdown -ISOLATED.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # 5&6

                                                             -..;;.5...;;&;..;6;...-.___ Page 32   of  32

( Event


LOP to 1ETAlDG TripI Restore Normal Letdown Time II Position 1\ Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO

  • RETURN TO procedure and step in NOTE: The BOP will report to effect. the SRO that Normal Letdown has been restored.

At the discretion of the Lead Examiner move to Events #7-8. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7_&_8_ _ _ _ Page _7.;....;..,&....;;,8 ~ _33_ _3;;..;3~-I1 of _3_3_-11 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Containment)! Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior During the response, a major steam line break will occur upstream of the MSIV on the A Steam Line outside the Containment. Additionally, the SIS actuation will fail automatically. The operator will be expected to manually actuate SIS as directed by EP/1/N5000/E-O. Upon completion of E-O, the operator will transition to EP/1/A/5000/E-EP/1/A/5000/E-0. 2, "Faulted Steam Generator Isolation," and isolate the A Steam Generator. After isolating the Steam Generator, the operator will transition to EP/1/N5000/ES-1.1, EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.1, "SI Termination," at step 13. Upon entry into ES-1.1, the operator will stop the NI and NO ND pumps, stop all but one NV Pump and stop injection flow from the NV Pumps. The scenario will terminate at Step 7.c when 1NI-9A 1NI-9A and 1NI-10B 1NI-1 08 are closed. 6 Booth Operator Instructions: Operate Trigger #11 (MALF-SM008A (4.125 x 106 )) Indications Available:

  • 1A SG pressure drops rapidly.
  • Containment Pressure does NOT increase.


  • NCS Tavg drops rapidly.
  • Pzr level and pressure drops.
  • SI should occur on low Pressurizer pressure, but does NOT automatically actuate.
 );'fi~e;~   'POS.'>; ""i':i<:,i~p~ctedActions/BehaVi~~                                                       '"
                       ....  ;'.') ./. """"" .. J7';;,;.";::.,, .. ,: .*, i.. , .; i., ....

Tllne ';\. E~p~~t~~?A.~~i~~~~~~tl.~V:i,~r  ;..*.... Comments*

                                                                                                                     ,Comments NOTE: Crew will carry out Immediate Actions of E-O, prior to the SRO addressing the EP.

E-O, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION NOTE: The SRO may dispatch or direct NLOs to look for steam leaks. If so, Booth Instructor as NLO, wait 3 minutes and report back that there is steam blowing from the exterior doghouse area, but NOT from the interior ( doghouse.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7;....;;:&...;;8_ _ _ _ Page _7.;.....;;;&...;8 ~ of _3;;,.4~-I1 _3;...4~-11 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Containment)! Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time

    "<   '\
            **P6~:"i! IdTl *<'i<'<;i*'i!'+E~~~ttl:d)f;.iliS~~lB~h8'vior
              .,                     ;;    !" ~<"       "   '  " '.' ,',' '           i. *     '   ,  .. GOJtIl'ri~rits          .'i * *
  • SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page.

RO (Step 2) Check Reactor trip:

                           **   All rod bottom lights - LIT
                          **    Reactor trip and bypass breakers -


                         **     I/R amps - GOING DOWN.

IIR NOTE: Only N36 is going down, N35 has failed. RO (Step 3) Check Turbine Trip:

                         **     All throttle valves - CLOSED.

BOP (Step 4) Check 1ETA and 1ETB - NOTE: 1ETA is de-energized. ENERGIZED. ( BOP (Step 4 RNO) Perform the following:

                         **     IF both busses de-energized, .....                               NOTE: 1ETB is energized.
                           **   WHEN time allows, THEN try to restore                            NOTE: This is a Continuous power to de-energized bus PER                                    Action. The SRO will make AP/1/A/5500/07 (Loss of Electrical AP/1/N5500/07                                                    both board operators aware.

Power) while continuing with this procedure. RO (Step 5) IF either CF pump is in Manual Direct Valve Position (MDVP) mode, THEN trip affected pump(s). BOP (Step 6) Check if SII S/I is actuated: NOTE: Auto SI has failed and SI will need to be actuated manually.

                           **   "A SAFETY INJECTION ACTUATED" status light (1SI-18)

(1 SI-18) - LIT.

                           **   Both LOCA Sequencer Actuated status lights (1 SI-14) - LIT.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7;.....;;;.&...;;;8_ _ _ _ Page

                                                                                         .-.;...7..;.;&..;;8                       ~ of            _3;.;5~~1

_3.;..,;5;"'-1 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Containment)! Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  *.*.. Time'       ,'PC>s.* r"I'i>* i* *.<F
         **,i'0-.*'*              0
                                          *.*i i.i .i .i   Expected Actions/Behavior,                  i.*iiBJi.*.***i*. *i.~.i
                                                                                          *.i.*.'*i.*i 0,"i  (,
                                                                                                                              ¢omments ***.**i.i
                                                                                                                                           . .i.i*.*.ii<< .****j.    ;,

CRITICAL TASK: (E-O D) 0) Manually actuate at least one train of SIS-Actuated safeguards before transition out of E-O. Safety Significance: Failure to manually actuate SI under the postulated conditions constitutes "mis-operation or incorrect crew performance that leads to degraded ECCS capacity." Since SI can be initiated manually from the Control Room, failure to do so demonstrates an inability by the crew to recognize a failed auto actuation of an ESF and take appropriate action, and to take action that would unnecessarily challenge a CSF. In the specified scenario, if ECCS system are not actuated, all assumption made in the FSAR analysis for the Steam Line break analysis are invalid. SRO (Step 7) Announce "Unit 1 Safety Injection". NOTE: SRO may ask U2 RO to make Plant Announcement. If so, Floor Instructor acknowledge as U2 RO. ( BOP (Step 8) Check ESF Monitor Light Panel on energized train(s):

  • Groups 1, 2, 5 - DARK.
  • Group 3 - LIT.
  • Group 4, Rows A through F - LIT AS REQUIRED.


  • GO TO Step 9.

RO (Step 9) Check proper CA pump status:

  • MD CA pumps - ON. NOTE: The 1A CA Pump is NOT on.
  • N/R level in at least 3 S/Gs - GREATER THAN 17%.

RO (Step 9.a RNO) Start pumps. NOTE: The 1A CA Pump cannot be started. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7__ &_8_ _ _ _ Page _7~&...;;8 ~

                                                                                                                                         ~    of _3.;.,;6

__-11 _3_6_-11 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)! Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time I Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 ... time .* *. Pos.   ,
                         ;."/ }ii***Expecte'a
                                         >'> :;: '>:, /'. ' :" Attib~:~/m*~b*~ttJib~t**<';'*;:*'
-' ')I/'~, /'" )/> >::;-,,/i' <,"I")
                                                                                                                 *.;'i .. ;:       Comments .

BOP (Step 10) Check all KC pumps - ON. NOTE: The 1A1 and 1A2 KC Pumps are NOT on. BOP (Step 10 RNO) Start pumps. NOTE: The 1A1 and 1A2 KC Pumps cannot be started. BOP (Step 11) Check both RN pumps - ON. NOTE: The 1A RN Pump is NOT on. BOP (Step 11 RNO) Perform the following:

                            **       Start pump(s).                                                                      NOTE: The 1A RN Pump cannot be started.
                             **      IF any RN pump off, THEN perform the following:


  • IF 1A RN pump is off, THEN stop NC pumps.
                                    **        IF affected train is deenergized, AND its DIG is off, THEN GO TO Step 12.

SRO (Step 12) Notify Unit 2 to start 2A RN pump. Floor Instructor: As U2 RO report "2A RN Pump is running." RO (Step 13) Check all SIG pressures - NOTE: 1A SG Pressure is GREATER THAN 775 PSIG. decreasing uncontrollably. RO (Step 13 RNO) Perform the following:

  • Check the following closed:
  • All MSIVs
                                  **          All MSIV bypass valves
  • All SM PORVs.

RO ** IF any valve open, THEN perform the All 1A SG Valves are NOTE: AII1A following: Closed.

                                   **         Initiate Main Steam Isolation signal.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7_&_8 _7.;......;;.;&...;8_ _ _ _ Page ~ of _3_7_-11 _3;.,;7_-11 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)! Containment)1 Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior l"[il1'i.~?* Time '" Iii. "r:6S

              ,'i , ' **** ,.'."
               ;.~~~~',;,<  *'i I,');;:;,
                                     . *. , ' ,' * ." ExpecledAclioOslBehavior
                                                     ,     ,~
                                                                                      .'" ";"~;'i*'. 'i*'*i;.~ Comments
                                                                                     .~~~.,-, ",.i                 . . . . .'. <:
                                                                                                                                            ~',. ",;~LL.~:irii",*
                                                                                                                                       ."",--':.,,-','(' . . x*i""
  • IF any valve still open, THEN close valve.

BOP (Step 14) Check Containment Pressure- NOTE: Containment Pressure HAS REMAINED LESS THAN 3 PSIG. is normal. BOP (Step 15) Check S/I flow:

  • Check NC pressure - LESS THAN 1600 NOTE: NC Pressure is =:1850 PSIG. psig.
  • Check NI pumps -INDICATING FLOW. NOTE: The 1A NI Pump is NOT on.

( BOP (Step 15.c RNO) valves. RNa) Start NI pumps and align NOTE: The 1A NI Pump cannot be started. BOP * (Step 15.d) Check NC pressure - LESS THAN 286 PSIG. BOP (Step 15.d RNO) RNa) Perform the following:

  • Ensure ND pump miniflow valve on running pump(s) open:
  • 1ND-67B (1 B ND Pump & Hx Mini Flow Isol).


  • IF valve(s) open on all running ND pumps, THEN GO TO Step 16.

SRO (Step 16) Notify OSM or other SRO to NOTE: SRO may ask OSM to EP/1/N5000/G-1 (Generic perform EP/1/A/5000/G-1 address. Enclosures), Enclosure 22 (OSM Actions If so, Floor Instructor Following an S/I) within 10 minutes. acknowledge as OSM. i RO (Step 17) Check CA flow: \

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7.;.....;..&..;.8_ _ _ _ Page _7.;......;.;&..;;8 ~ of _3.;;.;8~-I1 _3;;..,8"""--11 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time II Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

 ~                    1:       t'E~p~~qte~ ~(}1i~h~/.e~a;vi~r.    :i;1     ~;      t C iff     .,.Cdml11~~Js                ::c
  • Total CA flow - GREATER THAN 450 GPM.


  • Check VI header pressure - GREATER THAN 60 PSIG.


  • WHEN N/R level in any S/G greater than 11 % (32% ACC), THEN control CA flow to maintain N/R levels between 11 %

(32% ACC) and 50%. RO (Step 18) Check NC temperatures:

  • IF all NC pumps off, THEN check NC NOTE: All NC Pumps will be T-Colds - STABLE OR TRENDING TO OFF.

55rF. RO I (Step 18 RNO) Perform the following based NOTE: The SRO may assign BOP on plant conditions: the RO to perform this action. ( If so, RO Examiner follow actions of Enclosure 3. Others should move ahead to Page 40 to continue in E-O.

  • IF temperature less than 55rF AND going down, THEN attempt to stop cooldown PER Enclosure 3 (Uncontrolled NC System Cooldown).
  • IF temperature greater than 557°F AND going up, E-O, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION ENCLOSURE 3, UNCONTROLLED NC SYSTEM COOLDOWN RO (Step 1) Check steam dump valves - Examiner NOTE: Follow the CLOSED. actions associated with Enclosure 3 if RO is assigned by SRO to perform.

RO (Step 2) Check all SM PORVs - CLOSED. NOTE: The 1A SM PORV is opened, but isolated.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 N09*1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7___.&_8_ _ _ _ Page _7;....;;;.&..;;;8 =--

                                                                                                                                  ~          _3_9__-11 of _3_9_-11

( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Containment)! Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time II Position II~ Applicant's Actions or Behavior

     '4' Y"<>, :::,,',""


     < "~):,,' i ::>':V 1.:Pd~.:*

1*1 . .  :  :

                                                              . ..: .1~~I!~!~f§~[~j~fJ~P::~I~'~:\~;I:',;,ii: *r . . . . : ; : : : I'ir;~*

Exr>eet~~':Cqp1W~h~ l

<11 RO (Step 2 RNO) Perform the following:
                                          **       Close affected SM PORV manual loader.
                                          **       IF SM PORV cannot be closed, THEN perform the following:
                                                  **     Close SM PORV isolation valve.
                                                  **      IF SM PORV isolation valve cannot                       NOTE: The 1A SM PORV be closed, .......
                                                                       ...... .                                   isolation valve is closed.

RO (Step 3) Check MSR "RESET" light - LIT. RO (Step 4) Check any NC pump - ON. ( RO (Step 4 RNO) Perform the following:

                                         **        IF any NC T-Cold is still going down, THEN GO TO Step 6.

RO (Step 6) Control feed flow as follows:

                                         **        IF S/G N/R level is less than 11 % (32%

ACC) in all S/Gs,

                                         **        WHEN N/R level is greater than 11 %

(32% ACC) in at least one S/G, THEN throttle feed flow further to:

                                                 **      Minimize cooldown
                                                  **      Maintain at least one S/G N/R level greater than 11 % (32% ACC).

RO (Step 7) Check MSIVs - ANY OPEN. RO (Step 7 RNO) Perform the following:

                                          **       Close MSIV bypass valves.

( ** Exit this enclosure.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7.;.....;;.;&....;;8 _7;....;.;&...;;8_ _ _ _ Page ~ of _4.;.;O~"'1 _4.;,,;0;""'-11 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Containment)! Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Pos. 'E:~pe:cted AdtionsfBehavior . *Coinments E-O, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION BOP (Step 19) Check Pzr PORV and spray valves:

                     **    All Pzr PORVs - CLOSED.
                      **    Normal Pzr spray valves - CLOSED.

BOP I BOPI (Step 20) Check NC subcooling based on RO core exit TICs - GREATER THAN O°F. OaF. BOP I BOPI (Step 21) Check if main steamsteamlines lines intact: RO

                     **    All S/G pressures - STABLE OR GOING                           NOTE: The 1A SG is Faulted.

( UP


RO (Step 21 RNO) IF any S/G is faulted, THEN perform the following:

                     **     IF fault is outside containment, THEN perform the following:
                           **       Implement EP/1/A/5000/F-0 (Critical Safety Function Status Trees).
                           **      GO TO EP/1/A/5000/E-2 (Faulted                        NOTE: The SRO will transition Steam Generator Isolation).                           to E-2.

E-2, FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. ROII RO (Step 2) Maintain at least one S/G available BOP for NC System cooldown in subsequent steps. (

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7.;....;.;.&....;8____ _7;......;;.;.&...;.8_ _ _ _ Page ~ _4.;..1~""1 4_1_ of _4..;..1;"-'-11 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time II" Position ~II Applicant's Actions or Behavior T"I me. ,/i(i' Bbs.iil':;i~e~~bAetiQri~/Behavibr .,,~Q~Jne~ts,>;

  . ',.<         ';\:i>'i</~~:~<'{'!                   ",:",:}>I:i/ i,'::/:{"  ,"::/"'1": ",' >t;<  ',:'::1                     i   ("

ROJ/ RO (Step 3) Maintain any faulted S/G SJG or BOP secondary break isolated during subsequent recovery actions unless needed for NC System cooldown. RO (Step 4) Check the following - CLOSED:

                                       **   All MSIVs
                                      **    All MSIV bypass valves.

RO (Step 5) Check at least one S/G SJG pressure pressure- - NOTE: Although all SG STABLE OR GOING UP. pressures may be decreasing slowly, the operator will report stable based on plant conditions (i.e. faulted SG). Otherwise a transition to ECA-( 2.1 will be made. RO (Step 6) Identify faulted S/G(s): SJG(s): NOTE: The 1A SG is Faulted.

                                      **    Any S/G SJG pressure - GOING DOWN IN AN UNCONTROLLED MANNER OR
                                       **   Any S/G SJG - DEPRESSURIZED.

RO (Step 7) Check faulted S/G(s) SJG(s) SM PORV- PORV - NOTE: The 1A SM PORV has CLOSED. previously failed open, but is isolated. RO (Step 7 RNO) Perform the following:

                                       **   Close faulted S/G(s)    SJG(s) SM PORV.
                                       **   IF SM PORV can not be closed, THEN close SM PORV isolation valve.
                                       **   IF SM PORV isolation valve can not be                                                  NOTE: The 1A SM PORV closed, ........                                                                       isolation valve is closed.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7.;...;.;&...;;8_ _ _ _ Page _7_&_8 ~ of _4_2_-11 _4.;.:2~-I1 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)! Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time II Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                                                                                                                                               >'.,. " 1'<        . *.* ,i.* ...* ." Cdmments ...,' i 'i


 )Tim~.!:** ~R~i:,r ?>r:*;;.*::,i:'E~~~~ietJ ;iActions/eell~viid~: li'~                                                                                i.*'.ii.;';;i;~f;,'
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                                                                                                                            " ' 1,:,5' ) ,\)<)\j i:'.h:,    ii. .. i'*       ,"\" ;"",'1":' ,'t','

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RO (Step 8) Reset CA modulating valves. RO (Step 9) IF TO CA pump is the only source of NOTE: The 1B CA Pump is feedwater, ...... running. RO (Step 10) Isolate faulted S/G(s) as follows:

  • For 1A S/G:
  • Check "S/G A FDW ISOLATED" status lig lightht (1 SI-4) - LIT.


  • Close 1CA-66A (U1 TO CA Pump NOTE: 1CA-66A has no Disch To 1A S/G Isol). power.

(Step 10.a.2 10.a.2 RNO) Perform the following: RO

  • Close 1CA-64AB (U1 TO CA Pump NOTE: 1CA-64AB has no

( Disch To 1A S/G Control). power. SRO

  • Dispatch operator to close 1CA-66 (Unit NOTE: The SRO will dispatch 1 exterior doghouse, 750+8, FF-44, 4 ft an NLO.

from inner wall, 8 ft from column 00-44). Booth Instructor: NO lOA Within 3 minutes, as NlO report that 1CA-66 is closed.

  • IF exterior doghouse not accessible, OR NOTE: This is a Continuous CA cannot be isolated, THEN dispatch Action. The SRO will make operator to unlock and close 1CA-63 both board operators aware.

(Unit 1 TO CA Pump Disch to 1NSG Control Inlet Isol) Unit 1 CA pump room, 716+9, BB-51, above doorway to TO CA Pump, 4 ft south of 1A CA Pump). RO * (Step 10.a.3) Close 1CA-62A (1A CA NOTE: 1CA-62A has no Pump Disch To 1A S/G Isol). power. RO (Step 10.a.3 RNO) Perform the following: Close 1CA-60A (1A CA Pump Disch To 1A NOTE: 1CA-60A has no ( S/G Control). power.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7_&_8


__ _ _ _ Page ~ of _4..;.,;3;""'-i1 _4...;.;3~-\1 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Containment)! Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time III Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior

   ;'f~<::*:!j:\::'\\;',:),,<1 :i\ : ':, ~i+iI,:,\' : ;:iW> "
                                                                             ,,'}E~p'e'~te~ Ac~,o~~l~e~avior
. . . : / :. * :;: "1:
Ime:: /::\~p~~
                                                              'ii;:: ,
                                                                ....   . ::                                                                     ),. . . ." Co~ments SRO                              Dispatch operator to close 1CA-62A (U          (Unit nit 1              NOTE: The SRO will dispatch exterior doghouse, 750+12, DD-44,   00-44,                              an NLO.

southeast corner). Booth Instructor: NO LOA Within 3 minutes, as NLO report that 1 CA-62A is closed. IF exterior doghouse not accessible, OR CA NOTE: This is a Continuous cannot be isolated, THEN dispatch operator Action. The SRO will make to unlock and close 1CA-59 1CA-59 (1A (1 A CA Pump both board operators aware. Disch To 1A S/G Control Inlet Isol) (Unit 1 CA pump room, 716+10, CC-50, above 1B 1B CA Pump). RO ** (Step 10.aA) 10.a.4) Check BB valves-CLOSED: ( ** 1BB-1B 1BB-1 B (1A S/G Blowdown Cont Outside Isol Control)

                                                                                       **    1BB-5A (B S/G BB Cont Inside Isol).

BOP ** Close 1SM-83 (A SM Line Drain Isol). CRITICAL TASK: (E-2 A) Isolate the Faulted Steam Generator before transitioning out of E-2. Safety Significance: Failure to isolate a Faulted SG that can be isolated causes challenges to the Critical Safety Functions that would not otherwise occur. Failure to isolate flow could result in an unwarranted Orange or Red Path condition on NC Integrity and/or Subcriticality (if cooldown is allowed to continue uncontrollably). RO (Step 11) Close 1AS-12 (Main Steam To Aux Steam). BOP (Step 12) Check if S/G tubes intact intact: i ( ** Check steamline EMF's - NORMAL:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7.;....;.;&..;8_ _ _ _ Page _7.;...;.;&-'8 ~ of _4..;..4~-l1 _4_4~-{1 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time I Position Il Applicant's Actions or Behavior

                  'I,                                                                                                                    ,
                                  ':)", ':ex~edted,~dti~h~~B'eh'avi$r                                                                           C~m~ents          :'

POS., I'::'.:':

 'Tim,e                ,,:;;             "< ,::' ';' ";:- "i'/, ",'1,':1>': ","1"  "~ i,/I "\'      I' : "
.:, ", I); /
                               **          1EMF-24 (S/G A)
                               **          1EMF-25 (S/G B)
                               **          1EMF-26 (S/G C)
                              **           1EMF-27 (S/G D).                         0).

SRO ** IF any S/G has previously been identified NOTE: There have been no as ruptured..... ruptured ..... SGTRs identified. RO (Step 13) Check S/I termination criteria:

                        **      NC subcooling based on core exit TICs -


                        **      Secondary heat sink:
                              **           NIR level in at least one intact S/G -


                              **           Total feed flow to intact S/Gs-                         S/Gs -


  • Pzr level- level - GREATER THAN 11 % (29%

ACC). SRO ** GO TO EP/1/A15000/ES-1.1 EP/1/N5000/ES-1.1 (Safety NOTE: The SRO will transition Injection Termination). to ES-1.1 ES-1.1, SAFETY INJECTION TERMINATION SRO (Step 1) Monitor Foldout page. BOP (Step 2) Reset the following:

                         **     S/I.


                          **    Sequencers.
                          **    Phase A Isolation.
  • Phase B Isolation.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7~&....;;8_ _ _ _ Page ~ of _4..;5_~1 _4.;.;5:....-~1 ( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior


i Time ... .Po~t \". . . . . I?xpe'ct~d Actiqns/~eh'~[Vi~Lf' 1*/;************ ;. .*.*.* *. *..i* . ' . ~g.:::r;. I: . f . ! i ' . Comments

                                                                                       ., .[.!.        ""V*I".""':'~""'.           .....*....*.*.


  • IF AT ANY TIME a BIO B/O signal occurs, NOTE: This is a Continuous BOP THEN restart SII S/I equipment previously Action. The SRO will make on. both board operators aware.

BOP (Step 3) Establish VI to containment as follows:

  • Open the following:
  • 1VI-129B (VI Supply to A Cont Ess VI Hdr Outside Isol)
  • 1VI-160B (VI Supply to B Cont Ess Hdr Outside Isol)
  • 1VI-150B (Lwr Cont Non-Ess Cont Outside Isol).
  • Check VI header pressure - GREATER THAN 85 PSIG.

I ( BOP (Step 4) Check if NS pumps should be stopped:

  • Any NS pump - ON.

BOP (Step 4.a RNO) Perform the following:

  • IF AT ANY TIME while in this procedure NOTE: This is a Continuous an NS pump starts, THEN perform Action. The SRO will make Step 4. both board operators aware.
  • GO TO Step 5.

BOP (Step 5) Stop all but one NV pump. NOTE: only the 1B NV Pump is running. BOP (Step 6) Check NC pressure - STABLE OR GOING UP. BOP (Step 7) Isolate NV SII S/I flowpath:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: N09-1 Scenario # 4 Event # _7_&_8 7&8_ _ _ _ Page ~ of _4..;.;6~~1

                                                                                       ~        _4_6_-11

( Event


Unisolable Steam Line Break (Outside Containment)1 Failure of Automatic SIS Actuation Time II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • Check NV pumps miniflow valves -


  • 1NV-150B (NV Pumps Recirculation)
  • 1NV-151A (NV Pumps Recirculation).

BOP (Step 7.b RNO) Perform the following:

  • Open valves.
  • IF both valves open, THEN GO TO Step 7.c.

BOP * (Step 7.c) Close the following valves: (

  • 1NI-9A (NC Cold Leg Inj From NV)
  • 11NI-10B NI-1 OB (NC Cold Leg Inj From NV).

At the discretion of the Lead Examiner terminate the exam.


UNIT 1 STATUS: ( Power Level: 0% NCS [B] 1841 ppm Pzr [B]: 1849 ppm Xe: Per OAC Power History: Shutdown for 4 days Core Burnup: 12.1 EFPDs CONTROLLING PROCEDURE: 00103 Controlling Procedure for Unit Operation OP/1/N61 00/03 OTHER INFORMATION NEEDED TO ASSUME TO SHIFT:

  • A plant startup is being conducted following an unplanned reactor trip due to a failure of the 1B CF Pump.
  • The repairs on the pump are still in progress, and it is expected to be back in service within the next four hours.


  • A reactor startup has been completed, and reactor power is stabilized at 10-8 amps.

OP/1/N61 00/003 Enc 4.1, "Power Increase," has been completed through Step 3.16. OP/1/N61001003

  • It is planned that this shift will raise reactor power to 8-9% and stabilize for a Chemistry Hold per Step of OP/1/N61 00/003 Enc4.1.

001003 Enc 4.1.

  • A dedicated operator has been stationed at the MCB to control the reactor during the startup.
  • Pzr level control is selected to "3-2" due to previous testing on Channel 1.

The following equipment is Out-Of-Service:

  • 1B CF Pump is OOS (Expected back in 4 hours).
  • LCA-5320, CA Condensate Storage Tank Level Indicator, failed last shift (IAE is investigating.
  • MCB Annunciator 1AD-10, C-1, "KC SURGE TANK ABNORMAL LEVEL," has been in constant alarm over the last hour (IAE is investigating).

(", Work Control SROIOffsite Communicator Jim Plant SRO Joe NLO's AVAILABLE Aux Bldg. John Aux Bldg. Chris Turb Bldg. Bob Turb Bldg. Mike 5th th Rounds. Carol Extra(s) Bill Ed Wayne Tanya}}