Category:Slides and Viewgraphs
MONTHYEARML24080A1292024-03-25025 March 2024 March 25, 2024, Pre-Submittal Meeting for STP QA Plan Change ML22243A1312022-08-31031 August 2022 STP Nuclear Operating Company August 31, 2022 Presentation - Pre-Submittal Meeting for Updated Main Steam Line Break and Locked Rotor Dose Consequence Analysis to Address Extended Cooldown Timelines ML22214A0972022-08-0202 August 2022 Presentation by South Texas Project ML22153A2942022-06-17017 June 2022 Richardsd-hv-th28 ML21203A2702021-07-26026 July 2021 Presentation - 7-26-21 Meeting with STPNOC Proposed South Texas Project Moderator Temperature Coefficient TS Change ML20248H5322020-09-0404 September 2020 STP Nuclear Operating Company September 14, 2020, Presentation - Pre-Submittal Meeting for Proposed South Texas Project Moderator Temperature Coefficient Surveillance Requirement Technical Specification Change ML20125A3362020-05-0404 May 2020 STP Presubmittal Meeting Exigent Accumulator LAR 2020-05-05 Presentation L-2020-LRM-0039 ML20034E8192020-02-0606 February 2020 Pre-Application Public Meeting for Proposed License Amendment Request to Revise the STPEGS Emergency Plan ML19095A6562019-04-0404 April 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Handout for 4/10/19 Meeting to Discuss a Proposed Request for South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, Regarding Repair of Piping Using Carbon Fiber Repair Methods ML17004A0292017-01-0404 January 2017 Slides for January 4, 2017, Public Meeting on South Texas Projects Resposne to Aluminum Bronze Aging Management Request for Additional Information ML16356A0612016-12-21021 December 2016 Aluminum Bronze Aging Management Request for Additional Information ML16350A3272016-11-17017 November 2016 Transcript of Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Plant License Renewal Subcommittee Meeting - November 17, 2016 ML16264A3632016-09-20020 September 2016 Pre-Application Public Meeting for Proposed License Amendment Request to Revise the STPEGS Emergency Plan Staff Augmentation Times ML16172A0192016-07-25025 July 2016 STP Aluminum Bronze Selective Leaching Public Meeting - June 21, 2016 ML16188A3682016-07-0606 July 2016 Audit Presentation - Westinghouse Methodology for South Texas Unit 1 LAR: Operation with 56 Control Rods ML16062A3042016-03-0202 March 2016 TS 5.3.2 LAR Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation - March 2, 2016 ML16033A0042016-01-19019 January 2016 Applicants Slides for STP Meeting on Aluminum Bronze Aging Management ML15334A3972015-11-30030 November 2015 TS 5 3 2 Emergency LAR Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation ML15274A5992015-10-0101 October 2015 10-01-15 Public Phone Call ML15034A1512015-02-0505 February 2015 Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) from 10 Years to 15 Years. NRC Public Meeting Slides - ILRT License Amendment ML15034A1142015-02-0404 February 2015 STP Risk- Informed Approach to GSI - 191 Roverd 2015 Meeting Blue 1 29 15 ML14192A9842014-08-0404 August 2014 Summary of Pre-Licensing Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Future License Amendment Request to Revise TS to the Leading Edge Flow Meter Technology for Feedwater Flow Measurement ML14149A0892014-05-21021 May 2014 NRR E-mail Capture - STP-GSI-191 Presentation ML14120A0112014-04-29029 April 2014 4/29/2014 - South Texas Project Regulatory Approach for Risk-Informed Pilot Submittal Presentation Relating to 10 CFR 50.46c ML13352A1422013-12-16016 December 2013 GSI-191 Licensing Submittal Comparison of Changes Between Rev 1 and Rev 2 ML13352A1242013-12-16016 December 2013 NRC Staff Slides South Texas Project Risk-Informed Generic Safety Issue - 191, December 16, 2013 ML13316B9052013-11-13013 November 2013 Albrz Testing Update for NRR Final ML13150A2162013-05-23023 May 2013 Licensee Slides for 5/23/13 Public Meeting Regarding GSI-191 ML13140A2562013-05-20020 May 2013 Licensee Slides for 5/23/13 Meeting - STP Pilot Submittal for Risk Informed Approach to Resolving GSI-191 ML13023A3342013-02-25025 February 2013 1/15/2013 Summary of Public Meetings Conducted to Discuss Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Related to Review of South Texas Project, Units 1 & 2, License Renewal Application ML13051A8552013-02-20020 February 2013 Licensee Slides for 3/5/13 Pre-Application Meeting for Proposed Licensing Action to Revise the Fire Protection Program at STP ML13029A4972013-01-15015 January 2013 Slides - Preliminary Site-Specific Results of the Environmental Review for South Texas Project License Renewal ML12297A3312012-11-27027 November 2012 Summary of Prelicensing Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Proposed Amendment for Approval of Revised Fire Protection Program Related to Alternate Shutdown Capability for South Texas, Units 1 and 2 ML12264A3202012-10-11011 October 2012 Meeting Handout for 10/11/12 Pre-licensing Meeting License Amendment Request to Revise the Fire Protection Program ML1209004042012-03-30030 March 2012 3-27-2012 - STP Public Meeting Handout from Nuclear Innovation North America, LLC on Fukushima Lessons Learned for South Texas Project Units 3 and 4 ML1204400652012-02-0909 February 2012 Licensee Slides for 2/9/12 Meeting Regarding GSI-191 ML1133505632011-12-0101 December 2011 Licensee Presentation from 12/1/11 Meeting Via Conference Call to Discuss Risk-Informed GSI-191,Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized Water Reactor Sump Performance ML1130506322011-10-26026 October 2011 Licensee Handouts from November 1, 2011 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company on GSI-191 ML1127702032011-10-0303 October 2011 Licensee Slides from 10/3/11 Meeting LOCA Frequencies, Final Results ML1127701762011-10-0303 October 2011 Licensee Handouts from 10/3/11 Meeting STP LOCA Frequency ML1123508732011-08-22022 August 2011 Models and Methods Used for Casa Grande ML1123508832011-08-22022 August 2011 LOCA Initiating Event Frequencies and Uncertainties Status Report ML1120707072011-07-26026 July 2011 Meeting Notice with South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 - Licensee Slide Models and Methods Used for Casa Grande ML1120707292011-07-26026 July 2011 Meeting Notice with South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 - Licensee Slides Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation Plan ML1118903802011-07-0707 July 2011 Licensee Slides, LOCA Initiating Event Frequencies and Uncertainties(Draft) ML1118904202011-07-0606 July 2011 Licensee Slide from 7/7/11 Meeting with STP Nuclear ML11157A0102011-06-0202 June 2011 STP Nuclear Operating Company, Licensee Handouts, 6/2/2011 Meeting Risk-Informed GSI-191 Closure Plan for GSI-191 Resolution ML1114501952011-05-24024 May 2011 Summary of Meeting with South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 2010 Performance ML1105503952011-02-22022 February 2011 Licensee Slides from 2/22/11 Public Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company ML1103206432011-01-27027 January 2011 1/27/11 Presentation on Risk-Informed GSI-191 Project Overview 2024-03-25
[Table view] |
Vendor Challenges for Vendor Challenges for New Reactor Construction New Reactor Construction Mark McBurnett Mark McBurnett Vice President, Oversight and Vice President, Oversight and Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs STP Nuclear Operating Company STP Nuclear Operating Company
Topics Topics STP Experience STP Experience Latent Supplier Quality Issues Latent Supplier Quality Issues Select Experience in Large Component Select Experience in Large Component Fabrication Fabrication Vendor Audit Issues Vendor Audit Issues Commercial Grade Dedication Commercial Grade Dedication Part 21 Part 21 Lessons Learned Lessons Learned
Latent Vendor Quality Issues Latent Vendor Quality Issues Diesel Generator connecting rod failure Diesel Generator connecting rod failure Poor work practices during original fabrication Poor work practices during original fabrication in late 1970s results in catastrophic engine in late 1970s results in catastrophic engine failure in 2003 failure in 2003 Reactor Vessel Bottom Mounted Reactor Vessel Bottom Mounted Instrument penetration leak Instrument penetration leak Poor work practices in late 1970s result in 5 Poor work practices in late 1970s result in 5 month outage in 2003 month outage in 2003
Large Component Fabrication Large Component Fabrication Asymmetric generator rotor slots machined Asymmetric generator rotor slots machined mirror image mirror image Poor work practices result in substantial delay Poor work practices result in substantial delay Loss of turbine blades shortly after generator Loss of turbine blades shortly after generator rotor replacement rotor replacement Insufficient analytical methods result in plant outage Insufficient analytical methods result in plant outage Generator Rotor damage during fabrication Generator Rotor damage during fabrication Poor machinist work practice result in machine tool Poor machinist work practice result in machine tool damage to journal surface during final operations on damage to journal surface during final operations on rewound generator rotor rewound generator rotor
Large Component Fabrication Large Component Fabrication Replacement Steam Generators Replacement Steam Generators Worker practices Worker practices Unqualified processes Unqualified processes Unapproved tools Unapproved tools LP Turbine LP Turbine fabrication fabrication Use of many sub Use of many sub--suppliers suppliers Work practices Work practices Software QA Software QA
Commercial Grade Dedication Commercial Grade Dedication Many US and foreign vendors are not practiced Many US and foreign vendors are not practiced at implementing commercial grade dedication at implementing commercial grade dedication programs programs Need for early and ongoing dialog and feedback on Need for early and ongoing dialog and feedback on the dedication process and documentation the dedication process and documentation Need to consider life of plant maintenance and Need to consider life of plant maintenance and replacements, documentation of critical replacements, documentation of critical characteristics, acceptance criteria and inspection &
characteristics, acceptance criteria and inspection &
testing methods testing methods 10CFR 50 App B programs should be established 10CFR 50 App B programs should be established where practical where practical
Part 21 Part 21 Many US and foreign vendors have not Many US and foreign vendors have not dealt with 10 CFR Part 21 dealt with 10 CFR Part 21 Posting and reporting Posting and reporting Evaluation of defects Evaluation of defects
Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Fabricators often do not appreciate life of plant Fabricators often do not appreciate life of plant affects or service demands affects or service demands Corrective Action Programs must be robust Corrective Action Programs must be robust Expectations for access to and approval of disposition Expectations for access to and approval of disposition of non of non--conformances must be established conformances must be established Expectations and communications protocol must Expectations and communications protocol must be established as part of contract be established as part of contract Oversight is appropriate for risk significant Oversight is appropriate for risk significant components (safety, cost and schedule) components (safety, cost and schedule)
Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Purchasers need to be involved and engaged Purchasers need to be involved and engaged with suppliers to ensure you get what you need with suppliers to ensure you get what you need and expect and expect Operating experience needs to be considered Operating experience needs to be considered Logistics, planning and budgeting need to Logistics, planning and budgeting need to provide adequate resources provide adequate resources Oversight personnel need experience in Oversight personnel need experience in manufacturing processes manufacturing processes
Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Vendor oversight mindset is focused on Vendor oversight mindset is focused on QA/QC QA/QC Periodic audits and hold point inspections Periodic audits and hold point inspections Culture and communications are Culture and communications are significant impediments in foreign shops significant impediments in foreign shops Oversight philosophy needs to be Oversight philosophy needs to be supported from the top level executives to supported from the top level executives to work work
Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Even when experienced in nuclear work Even when experienced in nuclear work some foreign vendors may not completely some foreign vendors may not completely understand or correctly implement US understand or correctly implement US regulations regulations Different enforcement of regulations in the Different enforcement of regulations in the home country home country Different relationship with the regulator Different relationship with the regulator