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Draft - Outlines (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/2007
From: D'Antonio J
NRC Region 1
Public Service Enterprise Group
D'Antonio J
Shared Package
ML062050204 List:
50-354/07-301, ES-401, ES-401-1 50-354/07-301
Download: ML072920152 (19)


I '

BWR Examination Outline E S - ~ O I ~ R9~(Errata V

that are not included on the outline the elidination of inappropriate KIA

4. Select topics from as many systems and s as po+sible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic fo I 6.* Select QRO topics for
7. The gerieric (G) KlAs in must bd relevant to the group and tler totals for each category than Cateaorv A2 or G* on the SRO-on1

Emergency and A b n o r m a E t Evo&Bizs -Tier iltrowp 2 x 95022 Loss of CRD Pumps I n

, ,u ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ..,~,,n ~ n 95036 S e c ~ ~ . ~ . ~ -...u,r,-


later Level 15

SYSTEM TZ G I 6000 High Prossum Coolant Injection stem 7000 Ructor C o n k l a t i o n Cooling System (RCIC) 5000 Shutdown Coollrq System (RHR utdown Cooling Mode) 3000 D.C. Electrical Dlstrlbution 2002 Unintwptable Power Supply PrnPl SYSTEM T2 G I

3000 D.C.E k W d Dlstrlbution coouno 8y.tun (RHR m Coding M e )

the consequences of

-1.5- , >;



L .


$5Knowledgeof bases in technical spedficationstor limiting

Rev 0 E+ W-3 401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) (En Fdlity:


c q k Dpta nfFrsrn. ostn RO I Generics

Rev 0 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier ~ ~ 4 0 1R- a~ IV T

category KIA # Topic I bnp. # ,

2.1.22 Ability to determine Mode of Operation. ( c ~ R :43.5 145.13) IMPORTANCE RO v

2.1.22 2.8 SRO 3.3 i 3.3 2.1.25 Ability to obtain and interpret station refere ce materials such as graphsI monographsIand tables which contain performa data. (CFR: 41 .I 0 1 43.5 1 45.12) 1 2.1.25 IMPORTANCE R 0 2.8 SR0 3.1 3.1 Conduct of Operations 1 Subtotal 2 0 2.2.5 Knowledge of the process for making safety analysis report. (CFR: 43.3 145.13) i 2.2.15 Ability to identify and utilize as-built design in the facility as described in the NCE RO 1.6 SRO 2.7 configuration change 2.7 I dpcumentation to ascertain expected current plant bnfiguration and operate the 2 2.2.15 plant. (CFR: 43.3 145.13) IMPORTANCE RO 2.2 SF0 2.9 2.9 Equipment Subtotal 2.9.3 Knowledge of SRO responsibilitiesfor auxiliary systems that are outside the cohtrol room (e.g. /waste disposal and handling sy8tems). (CFR: 43.4 145.10) 2.3.3 IMPORTANCE RO 1.8 SRO 2.9 2.9 3

I Radiation Protection . I Subtotal 2.4.38 Ability to take actions called for in the facility emergency planIinduding (if required)supportingor acting as emergency coordinator. (CFR: 43.5 145.11) 2.4.38 IMPORTANCE R 0 2.2 SR0 4.0 4.0 2.4.43 Knowledge of emergency communications sy$tems and techniques. (CFR:

4 2.4.43 45.13) IMPORTANCE R 0 2.8 SR0 3.5 3.5 I

Emergency Procedures and Plan I

- - I I Subtotal Tier 3 Point Total 7 d

11 0

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1

'acility: Hooe Creek Date of Examination: 9/24/2007 ixamination Level: RO SRO Operating Test Number: NRC2007 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note) Code' Complete the Daily Surveillance Logs & Identify any Conduct of Operations M, S applicable Technical Specification Actions. (G2.1.18)

Modified HC JPM ZZ016 Perform required operations in preparation for plant startup / NI checks IAW 1O.ZZ-002 Attachment 2.

Conduct of Operations Q,S (G2.1.23)

HC JPM 22028 Complete an Action Statement Log Sheet. (G2.2.23)

Equipment Control HC JPM 22029 Calculate Total Noble Gas Release Rate IAW AB.CONT-Radiation Control 0004. (G2.3.10)

HC JPM 22020 ERP Classification and Reporting after each simulator Emergency Plan scenario. (G2.4.41)

New 4OTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.

Type Codes 8 Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (( 3 for ROs; 5 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (? 1)

(P)revious 2 exams (51 ; randomly selected)

ES 301, Page 22 of 27

ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: HODe Creek Date of Examination: 9/24/2007 Exam Level: RO [3 SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test Number: NRC2007


Control Room Systems@(8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

Safety System I JPM Title Type Code' Function

a. Respond to an uncoupled control rod (HC JPM BFOll) D, A, S 1
b. Respond to RPV level unknown I RPV Flooding (New) N,A, S, L 2
c. Roll the Main Turbine (HC JPM AC004) 1 D,A,S I 3
d. Respond to a loss of Shutdown Cooling (HC JPM BC003) 1 D,L,S I 4
e. Place a water seal on the " A& " 6 Feedwater headers D, A, S 5 (HC JPM AE004)
f. Respond to a RPS malfunction (HC JPM SSOIO) 7
g. Manually Place FRVS In Service (Modified HC JPM GU001)

In-Plant Systems@(3 for RO);( 3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

Isolation of the Non-1E Instrument Gas header

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be differentand serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve differentsafety functions; in-plant systems and tunctions may "Type Codes Criteria for RO I SRO-I I SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 I 4-6 I 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irectfrom bank c9/ 58 / 54 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant -S I 1 )I / ? I (L)ow-Power / Shutdown ->I1 - >I1 2 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including -221 2 2 121 (P)revious 2 exams -c 3 15 3 I 2 (randomly selected)

-> I / 51 1 2 1 (S)imulator ES-301, Page 23 of 27

ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Operating Test Number: NRC2007

c. Place a water seal on the ' " A & " B Feedwater headers D,A, S 5 (HC JPM AE004) d.

R e. I I I Implant Systems@(3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. Perform a DC load shed during Station Blackout IAW AB.ZZ-0135 N, E, R 6 Attachment 3 (New)
j. Respond to a SACS malfunction (HC JPM EG003) 8 t) systems must be differentand serve different safety different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions ma!

~ ~~~

(A)lternate path 4-6 I 4-6 I 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant (L)ow-Power I Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)

(P)revious 2 exams WCA (S)imulator ES-301,Page 23 of 27


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1


Facility: Hope Creek Scenario No.: _1_ Op-Test No.: NRC2007 Examiners: J. DAntonio T. Fish 2, B. Haagensen Initial Conditions: 95% power.

Turnover: Raise reactor power to 100% per Load Dispatcher request.

Event Raise power to 100% with recirculationflow PT-N076A MSL Pressure Fails Upscale (TS)

A CRD Pump Trip OBE Earthquake w/ 1OA403 Bus Fault & Lockout (TS)

Aftershock wl LOP, Main Generator Lockout, B EDG Start Failure (recoverable), A& DEDG fail resulting in unrecoverable loss of 1OA401 & 10A404 Buses HPCl & RCIC auto start failure (RCIC recoverable)

WL IcceL: 4 Fm n,sm--,~c\6-o~w (N)ormal, =(R)eacti\rity, (I)nstrument, (C)ornponent, (M)ajor APPENDIX D, Page 38 of 39

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Hope Creek Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: NRC2007 Examiners: J. D'Antonio Operators: (SRO)

T. Fish (RO)

B. Haagensen (BOP)

Initial Conditions: Startup is in progress with the unit at about 19% power just after Main Generator Synchronization.

Turnover: Raise power by withdrawing control rods IAW 10-3 and RE guidance.

Failure of RWCU to isolate on manual SLC initiation MS20D APPENDIX D,Page 38 of 39