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License Renewal Inspection
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 05/01/2007
From: Collins S
Region 1 Administrator
To: Dyer J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML071220102 (2)


May 1, 2007MEMORANDUM TO: James E. Dyer, DirectorOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationFROM: Samuel J. Collins/RA/Regional Administrator Region I


OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION LICENSERENEWAL INSPECTIONOn July 22, 2005, the NRC received from AmerGen Energy Company LLC, an application torenew the operating license of Oyster Creek Generating Station in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 54. We have completed our inspections in accordance with the guidance contained in Manual Chapter 2516 and Inspection Procedure 71002, in close coordination with the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. The inspection verified that AmerGen Energy Company implemented the scoping and screening methodology and established aging management programs in conformance with the descriptions contained in their applications for license renewal. Our inspection, of selected systems, structures and components, verified, with reasonable assurance, the acceptability of the existing or proposed management programs for managing the affects of aging. The inspection also reviewed actions taken to address issues raised by the NRC. We also verified the documentation used to support the application was in an auditable form. Details about the scope and results of our inspections are contained in NRC Inspection Report IR 05000219-06-07 (ML062650059), dated September 21, 2006.As a result of our inspection effort, we have determined that AmerGen Energy Company'sprograms and activities related to the license renewal application process for Oyster Creek Generating Station have been completed in agreement with docketed commitments and regulatory requirements. Within the above inspection scope, we have determined that AmerGen Energy Company demonstrated the capability to manage the effects of aging during the period of extended operation. Therefore, we conclude there is reasonable assurance that AmerGen Energy Company's aging management programs provide an adequate foundation for renewing the license of Oyster Creek Generating Station for an additional 20 years.Docket Nos.50-219DPR-16 May 1, 2007MEMORANDUM TO: James E. Dyer, DirectorOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationFROM: Samuel J. Collins

/RA/Regional AdministratorRegion I


OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION LICENSERENEWAL INSPECTIONOn July 22, 2005, the NRC received from AmerGen Energy Company LLC, an application to renew the operatinglicense of Oyster Creek Generating Station in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 54. We have completed our inspections in accordance with the guidance contained in Manual Chapter 2516 andInspection Procedure 71002, in close coordination with the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. The inspectionverified that AmerGen Energy Company implemented the scoping and screening methodology and establishedaging management programs in conformance with the descr iptions contained in thei r applications for licenserenewal. Our inspection, of selected systems, structures and components, verified, with reasonable assurance, theacceptability of the existing or pr oposed management programs for managing the affects of aging. The inspectionalso reviewed actions taken to address issues raised by the NRC. We also verified the documentation used tosupport the application was in an auditable form. Deta ils about the scope and results of our inspections arecontained in NRC Inspection Report IR 05000219-06-07 (ML062650059), dated September 21, 2006.As a result of our inspection effort, we have determined that AmerGen Energy Company's programs and activitiesrelated to the license renewal application process for Oyster Creek Generating Station have been completed inagreement with docketed commitments and regulatory requirements. Within the above inspection scope, we havedetermined that AmerGen Energy Company demonstrated the capability to manage the effects of aging during theperiod of extended operation. Therefore, we concl ude there is reasonable assurance that AmerGen EnergyCompany's aging management programs provide an adequate foundation for renewing the license of Oyster CreekGenerating Station for an additional 20 years.Docket Nos.50-219DPR-16Distribution: (Via E-Mail)S. Collins, RA M. Dapas, DRA

P. Kuo, NRR L. Lund, NRR D. Ashley, NRR R. Bellamy, DRP R. Conte, DRS M. Modes, DRS M. Gamberoni, DRS SUNSI REVIEW Complete RJC (Reviewer's Initials)ADAMS ACCESSION NO. ML071220102DOCUMENT NAME: C:\FileNet\ML071220102.wpd After declaring this document "An Official Agency Record" it will not be released to the Public.To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box:

" C" = Copy without attachment/enclosure " E" = Copy with attachment/enclosure " N" = No copyOFFICERI:DRSnRI:DRSRI:DRPRI:DRSRI:RANAMEMModes (MCM)*RConte (RJC)*RBellamy (AAR for)*ABlough(MKG for)SCollins (SJC)DATE04/06/0704/20/0704/20/0704/15/0705/01/07OFFICIAL RECORD COPY*See Previous Concurrence Page