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Calculation EC-RADN-1127, Control Rod Drop Accident Crhe and Off Site Doses - Ast
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/19/2005
From: Waselus M, Weise K
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
PLA-5963 EC-RADN-1127
Download: ML060120487 (81)



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  • >5. UNIT 3


Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE and Off Site Doses - AST

9. Alternate Number:
10. Cycle:
11. Computer CodelModel used:


12. Discipline:


>13. Are any results of this calculation described in the Licensing Documents?

3 Yes,RefertoNDAP-QA-0730andNDAP-QA-0731 El No

14. Is this calculation changing any method of evaluation described in the FSAR and using the results to support or change the FSAR? (Refer to PPL Resource Manual for Definition of FSAR) 3 Yes, 50.59 screen or evaluation required.

Q No

>15. Is this calculation Prepared by an External Organization?

s Yes


No EG771 Qualifications may not be required for individuals from external organogvsee Section 7.4.3).


Prepared by:

K. Weise


>- 4/,i/>

Print Name(EG771 Qualification Required)


§Signature Date

>17. Reviewed by:

M. M. Waselus Print Name(EG771 Qualification Required)

Signature Date

>18. Verified by:

M. M. Waselus a


Print Name(EG771 Qualification Required)

Signature Date

>19. Approved by:

M. G. Capiotis Print Name(Oualified per NEPM-QA-0241 and Sign-Wre Date comply with Section 7.8 of NEPM-OA-022 1)

,20. Accepted by:


u-etl'#gd-v Print Name(EG771 Qualification Required) and Signature Date

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  • Verified Fleds FORM NEPM.QA-0221-1. Revision S. Page 1 of 1, ELECTRONIC FORM


~AI 0

LPA..N N^lF IS~lN:_

- _el~g rii i





0341 Rad&EffTech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Caic. Nho. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

2 Checked By M. M.Waselus TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE.................................



S and RECOMMENDATIONS..................................

3 3.0 INPUT and ASSUMPTIONS.................................

4 3.1 Reactor Core Sources..................

5 3.2 Fuel Damage from CRDA............................

7 3.3 Transport of Activity to the Environment 8

3.4 Control Room Habitability Design Parameters.................................8............................................8 3.5 Dose Parameters................................

9 3.6 Dispersion Parameters................................

9 4,0 M ETHOD...................................................,........................................I................*......................................

10 4.1 Applicability of Design Basis Analysis...........................

10 4.2 Condenser Activities Available for Release to the Environment............................................

1 4.3 Radiological and Transport Model............................................

13 4.4 Releases from Mechanical Vacuum Pump at Low Power.........................................,.,.,,,.,.14 5.0 RESULTS.........................................



16 RADTRAD Control File Release Fraction and Timing CRDASSES AST 2000_melt.rf 1.........................

18 RADTRAD Control File Dose Conversion File CRDAExpanded Fgrl 1&1 2.inp.

20 RADTRAD Control File Inventory File CRDAA_SSESAST.nif.31 RADTRAD Output CRDA_500cfm_2000_noCREOAS.out.40 RADTRAD Output CRDA_500cfimMVP_30_noCREOASAST.out.61


Q341 Rad& EffIFeh.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Calc. No. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

3 Checked By M. M.Waselus CONTROL ROD DROP ACCIDENT CRHE AND OFFSITE DOSES -AST 1.0 PURPOSE This calculation documents the design basis evaluation of the Control Room Habitability Envelope (CRHE) and offsite radiological doses following a postulated control rod drop accident (CRDA) using the Alternate Source Term (AST) methodology described in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.183 (Reference 1).

The doses are calculated using the RADTRAD computer code (Reference 4).

The previous calculations EC-RADN-1 073 (Reference 8) and EC-RADN-1 I11 (Reference 7) used the TID-14844 methodology described in NUREG-0800, SRP 15.4.9 (Reference 2).


S and RECOMMENDATIONS The offsite dose acceptance criteria for the CRDA is provided in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.183, Table 6. The CRHE dose acceptance criteria for the CRDA is provided in IOCFR50.67, Accident Source Term, subsection 10CRF50.67(b)(2)(iii). The offsite dose acceptance criteria is 6.3 Rem TEDE at the exclusion area boundary (EAB) and the low population zone (LPZ).

The CRHE dose acceptance criteria is 5 Rem TEDE.

Two CRDA cases were analyzed. The first case adhered to the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.183 and is applicable when the plant is at power. The results are based on a postulated 2000 rods failing in the core.

The second case is during low power operation with the mechanical vacuum pump (MVP) running. At low power with fewer than 30 rods failing, main steam line dose rates may be too low to be reliably sensed by the MSLRMs to generate a trip signal for the mechanical vacuum pump. Failure to trip the vacuum pump would result in an unfiltered release of fission products to the environment from the turbine building vent stack.

The reported doses for both cases are:

Dose Summary for Control Rod Drop Accident 2000 Failed Rods 30 Failed Rods with Condenser with Leakage MVP Running TEDE, rem TEDE, rem Acceptance Criterion -636.

Offsite EAB 0.19 2.3 LPZ 0.05 0.18 Acceptance Criterion-5.0 5.0 CRHE 0

CRHE 0.49 1.8 Acceptance Criterion -




0341 Rod &- Eff Tech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Calc. No. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

4 Checked By M. M.Waselus I_



I 3.0 INPUT and ASSUMPTIONS The input data and assumptions used in this analysis are described in this section and summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Control Rod Drop Analysis Input and Assumptions Summary Description Core Thermal Power Number of Fuel Bundles in Core Number of ATRIUM-10 Rods per Bundle Core Inventory (CiIMWt)

Number of Fuel Rods Damaged by CRDA Fuel Melting in Damaged Rod Core Radial Peaking Factor Gap Activity Released to Reactor Coolant from Damaged Rods Fraction of Fuel Activity Released to Reactor Coolant from Melted Regions Activity in Reactor Coolant Transported to Condenser Activity in the Condenser Available for Release to Environment Leak Rate from Condenser to Environment Removal Rate from Condenser to Environment with MVP running Number of Rods Damaged by CRDA Needed to Cause MVP Trip and Isolation Radiolodine Species Released from Condenser Holdup in Turbine Building Accident Duration CRHE Volume Value 4032 MWt 764 87.8 Table 2 2,000 0.77%

1.6 10% noble gases and iodines 12% Cs and Rb 100% noble gases 50% iodines Table 3 - others 100% noble gases 10% iodine 1% others 100% noble gases 10% iodine 1 % others 1 %/day 1212%/6Iday 30 97% Etemental 3% Organic None 24 h 518,000 ft3 Source Reference 5 Reference 6 See section 3.1 Reference 13 See section 3.2 See section 3.2 Reference 14 RG 1.183, Appendix C RG 1.183, Table I and Appendix C RG I.183, Appendix C RC 1.183, Appendix C RG 1.183, Appendix C Reference 8 Reference 8 RG 1-183, Appendix C RG 1.183, Appendix C RG 1.183, Appendix C Reference 9 IAccident Duration Z4 n


Ku( 1.1 atj, Appenoix u I



0341 Rad & Eff Tech.


lDate Augnust 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRH-E Calc. No. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

5 Checked By M. M.WaseLus Table I Control Rod Drop Analysis Input and Assumptions Summary Description CRHE Isolation and CREOAS Start-up CRHE Air Intake Flow CRHE Unfiltered Inleakage CRHE Ingress/egress Flow Operator and Offsite Breathing Rates Value None 6391 cfm (maximum) 500 crm 10dcm 3.5E-04 m3/s onsite and offsite 1.8E-04 m3Is offsite 8 to 24 h 1.0 for 24 h EAB:

8.3E-04 s/m3, 0to2 h LPZ:

4.9E-05 s/m3, 0 to 8 h 3.5E-05 sIm3 B to 24 h Table 4 Source See section 3.3 Reference 20 See section 3.4 RG 1.183 Operator Occupancy Factors Ofrsite X/Q RG 1.183 Reference 10 Reference 12 CRHE X/Os 3.1 Reactor Core Sources

1. Core thermal power used for this accident is 4032 MWI per SSES EPUMELLAI Design Report Request T0200, Core Design. (Reference 5). The thermal power is taken as 102% of the 3952 MWt uprate reactor power.
2. There are 764 ATRIUM-10 fuel bundles in the reactor core (EC-PUPC-1001, Tables A28-5 and A28-7, Reference 6).
3. There are 87.8 rods per ATRIUM-10 bundle averaged over the core. The total number of equivalent fuel rods per bundle is based on information in Reference 11 as follows:

I Total # Rod Locations 91

  1. Full Length Rod Locations 83
  1. Part Length Fuel Rod Locations 8

Full Length Fuel Active Height, inch 149.45 Part Length Fuel Active Height, inch 90.0 From this data, the equivalent number of full length rods per bundle is:

No. Rods per bundle = 1(83 x 149.45) + (8 x 90] 1 149.45 = 87.8

4. End of cycle reactor core inventories are given in Table 2. The AST nuclide activities are for a core with average bum up of 39 GWD/MTU using 4.25 wt% and 4.50 wt%

enrichment ATRIUM-10 fuel (EC-FUEL-1615, Reference 13).

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0341 Rad & EffTech.


Date Aueust 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Calc. No. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

6 Checked By M. M.Waselus Table 2 Core Activity at End of Cycle Nuclide Co-58 Co.60 Kr-83m Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 Kr-89 Rb-86 Sr-89

  • Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91

'Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-t06 Rh-105 Sb-f27 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127m Te-i29 Te-129m Te-131m Te-132

Activity, Ci 5.91 E+05 3.1 9E+05 1.31 E+07 1.48E+06 2.68E+07 5.37E+07 7.45E+07 9.24E+07 2.17E+05 1.03E+O8 1.31 E+07 1.31E+08 1.39E+08 I.36E.07 1.34E+08 I1.40E+08 1.07E+08 1.92E+08 1.90E+08 1.92E+08 2.02E+08

,1.79E+08 1.72E+08 1.19E+08 6.85E+07 1.ltE+08 9.40E+06 3.47E+07 9.32E+06 1.59E.06 3.29E+07 6.66E+06 2.15E+07 1,.54E+08

Activity, Ci/MWI 1.47E+02 7.91 E+01 3.25E+03 3.67E+02 6.65E+03 1.33E+04 1.85E+04 2.29E+04 5.38E+01 2.55E+04 3.25E+03 3.25E+04 3.45E+04 3.37E+03 3.32E+04 3.47E+04 2.65E+04 4.76E+04 4.71 E+04 4.76E+04 5.01E+04 4.44E+04 4.27E+04 2.95E+04 1.70E+04 2.76E+04 2.33E+03 8.61 E+03 2.31 E+03 3.94E+02 8.16E+03 1.65E+03 5.33E+03 3.82E+04 Nuclide 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Xe-t31 m Xe-133m Xe-1 33 Xe-135m Xe-1 35 Xe-1 37 Xe-138 Cs-134 Cs-36 Cs-1 37 Ba-139 Ba-140 La-140 La-141 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Nd-147 Np-239 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Am-241 Cm-242 Cm-244
Activity, Ci I1.07E+08 I1.57E+08 2.22E+OB 2.45E+08 2.1IiE+08 1.47E+06 6.99E+06 2.12E.08 4.63E+07 7.03E+07 2.02E+08 1.69E+08 2.30E+07 7.34E+06 1.73E+07 I1.95E+08 1.96E+08 2.09E+08 1

.78E+08 1.74E+08 I1.80E+08 1.67E+08 1.51 E+08 1.61E+08 7.24Ei07 2.12E+09 4.56E+05 4.83E+04 7.79E+04 I1.92E+07 2.64E4-04 6.67E+06 3.90E405

Activity, Ci/MWt 2.65E+04 3.89E+04 5.51 E+04 6.08E+04 5.23E.04 3.60E+02 1.73E+03 5.26E+04 I. ISE+04 1.74E+04 5.01 E+04 4.69E.04 5.70E+03 1.82E+03 4.29E+03 4.84E+04 4.86E+04 5.18E+04 4.41 E+04 4.32E+04 4.46E+04 4.14E+04 3.75E+04 3.99E+04 1.80E+04 5.26E+05 1.1 3E+02 1.20E401 1.93E+01 4.76E+03 6.30E+00 1.65E+03 9.67E+01 Notes:
1. Core activity from EC-RADN-1615, Table 3.1
2. Core power at 4032 MWt
3. Kr-89, Xe-1 37 and Xe-1 38 neglected due to short half lives.
4. Xe-1 31 m is neglected due to its small yield.


0341 Rad & Eff Tech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Caic. No. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsile Doses - AST Sh. No.

7 Checked By M. M.Waselus

_ I_

3.2 Fuel Damage from CRDA

1. 2000 fuel rods are assumed to experience cladding damage as the result of a CRDA.

Currently, 1000 rods are assumed in the CRDA design basis accident for the pre-uprate core in accordance with EC-PUPC-1001 and EC-RADN-111 (References 6 and 7).

Compliance check calculations are performed for each unit and cycle to verify that the number of rods is less than 1000. For these compliance checks, rods with 170 cal/gm or more energy deposited in the fuel are assumed to fail. It is expected that that the number of rods will not substantially change based on favorable results from compliance checking analyses and on scoping studies performed for extended power uprate. In order to establish a conservative bound for assessing accident doses, it is assumed that 2000 fuel rods fail.

2. No fuel melting is postulated for the CRDA (Reference 19). However, 0.77% of the fuel within a failed fuel rod is assumed to melt. This fuel melt assumption is intended to ensure compatibility with the same assumption made in GE's Topical Report NEDO-31400A, which evaluated the elimination of certain main steam radiation monitor (MSLRMs) safety functions (Reference 15).

SSES's original design relied on the MSLRMs to provide early indications of gross fuel failures and input to the reactor protection system trip, MSIV trip closure, main steam line drain line valve closure, and mechanical vacuum pump trip. NEDO-31400A was a generic safety evaluation justifying the removal of some of the MSLRM functions in order to reduce inadvertent scram frequency. The NRC found the safety evaluation acceptable for use by licenses provided they complied with requirements identified by the NRC. The CRDA was the bounding accident impacted by the MSLRM change and addressed in NEDO-31400A.

I SSES relied on NEDO-31400A in its safety evaluation of the removal of the MSLRM input functions (50.59 Safety Evaluation E-01-1, MSLRM MSIV Closure and Scram Deletion, Reference 18). As part of SSES's evaluation, EC-RADN-1 111 was performed in order to assess the impact of fuel melt relative to the licensing basis CRDA analysis'.

EC-RADN-1 111 neither used the AST methodology nor determined CRHE doses.

Inclusion of fuel melt assumption here provides information on the potential impact of fuel melt and similarity to assumptions invoked in NEDO-31400A's generic analyses.

3. The activity release assumes the breached rods have operated with a radial peaking factor of 1.6. This factor corresponds to the worst case fuel bundle considered in SSES fuel handling accidents (Reference 14, Table 8.1).
4. The gap release is 10% of the core inventory noble gases and iodines, and 12% of the alkali metals (taken as Cs and Rb). These fractions are based on Regulatory Guide 1.183, Table 3, Note 11.
5. The release to the reactor coolant attributed to fuel melting consists of 100% of the noble gases and 50% of the iodines within the region that melts per Regulatory Guide 1 NEDO-31400A and EC-RADN-1 111 used the TOD 14844 methodology.

noble gases and 50% of the iodines within the region that melts per Regulatory Guide


0341 Rad & Eff Tech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE CaIc. No. EC-RADN-I 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses -AST Sh. No.

8 Checked By M. M.Waselus 1.183, Appendix C.1. Solids released from the melted fuel are in accordance with the fractions shown in Regulatory Guide 1.183, Table 1.

6. Thirty fuel rods are required to reliably cause the MSLRMs to generate a high-high main steam radiation signal to initiate an automatic trip of the mechanical vacuum pump.

This number was determined for a core with 79 rods per bundle, a radial peaking factor of 1.5, and power of 3616 MWt (EC-RADN-1073, Reference 8). With the uprate core with ATRIUM-10 fuel, the corresponding number of fuel rod perforations required to generate a high-high radiation signal is No. of Rods = 30 rods * (87.8 rods ner bundle 179 rods Per bundle) (3616 MWt

  • 1.51 (4032 MWt 1.6) or 28 rods. Therefore, 30 rod perforations will be retained in this calculation as the number needed to cause the mechanical vacuum pump to trip.

3.3 Transport of Activity to the Environment The transport assumptions identified in this section are from Regulatory Guide 1.183, Appendix C.

The assumptions are similar to NUREG-0800, SRP 15.49 guidance used in previous SSES licensing basis CRDA accident analyses2.

1. Activity released from the fuel is assumed to instantaneously mix in the reactor coolant.

Of this activity. 100% of the noble gases, 10% of the radiolodine, and 1% of the remaining nuclides are assumed to reach the condenser and turbine.

2. Of the activity reaching the condenser and turbine, 100% of the noble gases, 10% of the iodine, and 1% of the particulate nuclides are available for release to the environment.
3. The turbine and condenser leak to the atmosphere at 1% per day for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, after which time, the lealage is assumed to terminate.
4. If the mechanical vacuum pump is running, it removes activity from the main condenser at the rate of 1212%tday (Reference 8). The rate is based on a realistic condenser volume of 195,000 ft3 and extraction of non-condensable gases at 75 cfm by the mechanical vacuum pump.
5. Radiojodine chemical species released from the main condenser/turbine is 97%

elemental and 3% organic iodine.

3.4 Control Room Habitability Design Parameters

1. No credit is given for isolation or filtration of the CRHE's air supply. The control room emergency outside air filtration system (CREOAS) does not automatically start-up for 2 SRP 15.4.9's activity transport considered noble gases and iodines. The AST methodology now also considers the alkali metals when no fuel melt occurs plus other core solids if fuel melt occurs.


0341 Rad & Eff Tech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Caic. No. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

9 Checked By M. M.Waselus this accident. Manual actuation by the control room operator is possible, but is not credited.

2. The CRHE's nominal CREOAS inlet air flow rate is 5810 cfm. This analysis uses 6391 cfm, the maximum value for which the system is in compliance with Technical Specification 5.5.7 (Reference 20). The use of the maximum flow rate results in the greatest uptake of activity during the accident.
3. Unfiltered inleakage is 500 cfm. This amount bounds the leakage and error band from the December 2004 CRHE tests. Unfiltered ingress/egress leakage through doors of 10 cfm is assumed based on NUREG-0800, SRP Section 6.4.
4. The control structure habitability envelope volume is 518,000 cu ft (EC-030-0502, Reference 9). The control room with volume of I 10,000 ft3 is located within this volume.

The CRHE and control room are served by CREOAS.

3.5 Dose Parameters

1. Offsite breathing rates are 3.5E-04 m3/s for the first 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and 1.8E-04 m3/s for 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. The breathing rate for CRHE personnel is 3.5E-04 m3/s These breathing rates are identified in Regulatory Guide 1.183.
2. Control room occupancy is based on a maximum exposed individual. This accident duration is 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and the individual is assumed present in the control room 100% of the time during this period. The occupancy is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.183 and NUREG-0800, SRP Section 6.4.
3. Doses are calculated in terms of the TEDE as required by Regulatory Guide 1.183. The dose conversion factors for the CEDE are based on Federal Guidance Report 11 and the EDE on Federal Guidance Report 12. The dose conversion factors adopted from FGR 11 and 12 are shown in Reference 4, Table Three additional noble gas nuclides (Kr-83m, Xe-133m and Xe-135m) were added to the RADTRAD dose conversion library.

The dose conversion factors have been recompiled into a RADTRAD file for this AST calculation and are included as Attachment 2.

3.6 Dispersion Parameters

1. x/Q for the EAB is 8.3E-04 s/m3 (0 to 2 h). X/Q values for the LPZ are 4.9E-05 s/in 3 (0 to 8 h) and 3.5 E-05 s/m3 (8 to 24 h) (EC-ENVR-1057, Tables 2.3-92 and 2.3-105, Reference 10).
2. Ground level releases are assumed from the turbine building vents via the turbine building's normal ventilation system. Two sets of CRHE x/Qs are shown in Table 3.

The sets correspond to the CRHE's new air intake (Unit 2 reactor building) location (EC-ENVR-1 059, Reference 11).


0341 Rad & Eff Tech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Calc. No. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

10 Checked By M. M.Waselus Table 3 CRHE XIQ Values Without Occupancy Correction RB Unit 2 CRHE Outside Air Intake Location 0to2h 2to8h 8to24h X/Q, X/Q.


Release Point s/M 3 s/m 3 s/rm3 TB Unit 1 Exhaust Vent 1.24E-03 9.55E-04 3.14E-04 TB Unit 2 Exhaust Vent 1.36E-03 1.03E-03 3.36E-04 Notes:

1. ARCON96 values from EC-ENVR-1059.

4.0 METHOD The offsite and CRHE doses are calculated using the RADTRAD 3.03 computer program and the input and assumptions listed in Table 1. The RADTRAD control files used in the model are provided in Attachments 1, 2 and 3.

4.1 Applicability of Design Basis Analysis The pre-AST design basis CRDA analysis for SSES follows the guidance in NUREG-0800, SRP Section 15.4.9. This guidance, like Regulatory Guide 1.183, Appendix C, presumed the instantaneous transport of radioactivity from failed fuel to the condenser/turbine, which then leaks to the environment at 1%/day from the isolated condenser. Regulatory Guide 1.183's methodology is also bounding although SSES's condenser is not initially isolated for a CRDA.

The MSIVs and main steam drain lines no longer automatically trip closed following a CRDA.

The operators manually scram the reactor and close all MSIVs and drain line valves in the event of a main line steam radiation monitor (MSLRM) high radiation alarm in accordance with procedures ON-1 79-001 and ON-279-001 (Reference 27). The MSLRMs in the original SSES design provided input to automatically trip the MSIVs and drain line valves closed on a high-high radiation trip. These MSLRM trip functions were eliminated (as well as input to the RPS) as part of BWR generic efforts to reduce spurious reactor scrams and reactor vessel isolations (Reference 18).

A second flow path from the condenser is through the steam jet air ejectors (SJAEs). If the SJAEs are running, CRDA activity is transported from the condenser and processed in the offgas system. The SJAEs operate until manually shutdown in response to alarms from the pretreatment offgas system radiation monitor alarms (SSES Improved Technical Specification 3.7.5 and SSES Technical Requirements Manual 3.7.7, References 18, 21 and 23).

Justification for removal of the MSLRM functions and the acceptability of the offgas pathway including manual shutdown are based on the safety evaluations in NEDO-31400A (Reference

15) and 50.59 Safety Evaluation E-01-1, MSLRM MSIV Closure and Scram Deletion (Reference 18).
15) and 50.59 Safety Evaluation E-01-1, MSLRM MSIV Closure and Scram Deletion


0341 Rad & Eff Tech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE CaIc. No. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsihe Doses -AST Sh. No.

I I Checked By M. M.Waselus Regulatory Guide 1.183, Appendix C's methodology remains bounding without automatic closure of the MSIVs or shutdown of the SJAEs. The assumption in Regulatory Guide 1.183 of the instantaneous release and transport of radioactivity to the condenserlturbine essentially gives no credit to the closure of the MSIVs. With sufficient steam available, the SJAEs operate and some of the activity in the condenser is transported to the augmented offgas system.

The dose resulting from radioactivity released through the augmented offgas system prior to its manual shutdown is small and can be neglected. Iodine releases are accepted as negligible in NEDO-31400A because of the retention of Iodine in the offgas system's large charcoal beds.

Similarly, NEDO-31400A demonstrates that hold-up of the noble gases by the offgas system can result in greatly reduced offsite doses. SSES's offgas system has activated charcoal hold-up times of 65 hours7.523148e-4 days <br />0.0181 hours <br />1.074735e-4 weeks <br />2.47325e-5 months <br /> for kryptons and 39 days for xeons (Reference 18). With these hold-ups, the estimated dose at the SSES EAB due to-noble gases is less than 0.09 rem (2000 rods with melt) assuming no shutdown of the SJAEs and offgas path3. The SJAE and offgas pathway's dose is small compared to the dose resulting from condenser/turbine leakage assumed in Regulatory Guide 1.183. In fact, processing some of the condensers activity would have a net beneficial effect since it becomes unavailable for leakage to the environment.

Certain other MSLRM isolation functions have been retained to control post-CRDA doses. A high-high radiation signal from MSLRM UA" or "B" shuts down the condenser's mechanical vacuum pump, if running, and closes its suction valves.

This eliminates a potential unprocessed offgas release from the turbine building. (The vacuum pump is run at low loads prior to startup of the SJAEs, and then shutdown.) The MSLRM's trip output also closes the reactor recirculation sample valves, which isolates a potential path via the reactor building.

These functions are covered in the Improved Technical Specifications (References 21, 22. 23).

4.2 Condenser Activities Available for Release to the Environment Table 4 summarizes the release paths from the fuel to the main condenser. The fractions shown in the table are derived from Regulatory Guide 1.183 and are summarized in sections 3.2 and 3.3 above.

The estimated dose follows directly from the evaluation in Reference 18, Table 2. Table 2 shows that SSES's EAB dose is only 8.9% of tse generic 0.55 rem licensing basis dose determined in NEOO-31400A. Using 2000 failed rods (instead of 1000 failed rods assumed In Reference 18) and the updated site X/Qs (Reference 10), the EAB dose is less than 17.8% of the NEDO-31 400A dose, or 0.09 rem.

3The estimated dose follows directly from the evaluation in Reference 18, Table 2. Table 2 shows that SSES's


0341 Rad & Eflf Tech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE CaIc. No. EC-RADN-l 127 Designed By K Weise and OQfsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

12 Checked By M. M.Waselus Table 4 Release and Transport Pathway Fractions from Fuel to Environment Nuclide Group Nobles lodines Alkalis Tellriums Ba, Sr Noble metals Lanthanides Ceriumrs Failed Fuel Gap to Coolant f-g 0.1 0.1 0.12 0

0 0

a Melted Fuel Core to Coolant f-m 1

0.5 0.25 0.05 0.02 0.0025 0.0005 0.0002 Fraction Coolant to Condenser fU 1

0.1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Fraction Condenser to Release f2 1

0.1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Notes:

1. Release fractions from RG 1.183, Tables 1 and 3.
2. Transport fractions from RG 1.183, Appendix C.

The fraction Fc-of the core activity available for release from failed rods is Fc-i = Fr

  • fg-i ' f-I.

f2 The fraction Fd-I of the core inventory available for release from melted rods is Fd. = Fm Fr fm-i

  • f14
  • f24 where -

Fr -

fraction of failed rods in the reactor core Fm = fraction of melted fuel in failed rods fg -

gap release fraction of activity from damaged rods for group i fM-i = melt fraction of activity from damaged rods released to the coolant for group f,1 =- fraction of activity in the coolant that reaches the condenser for group i f=

fraction of activity in the condenser available for release to the environment for group i EUI Y3uu I


0341 Rad & Eff Tech.


Date August 15, 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRIHE Cac. No. EC-RADN-l 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

13 Checked By M. M.Waselus The total available activity release by nuclide group Ft-, is the sum of the respective Fc-and Fd.1 values. The total release fractions are shown in Table 5. These values are used in the RADTRAD release fraction and timing (.rft) file to specify the activities available for release from the condenser.

Table 5 Fractions of Core Inventories Available for Release from Condenser Fuel bundles in core 764 Average no. rods per fuel bundle 87.8 Rods with failed clad 2000 Percent of faded rods in core, F r 2.98%

Percent of failed rod melted, Fm 0.77%

Fuel Failure Fuel Melt Total Nuclide Group F-c F.d F_t Nobles 2.98E-03 2.30E-04 3.21 E-03 lodines 2.98E-05 1.15E-06 3.10E-05 Alkalis 3.58E-07 5.74E-09 3.64E-07 Tellriums 0

1.15E-09 1.15E-09 Ba, Sr 0

4.59E-10 4.59E-10 Noble metals 0

5.74E-1 1 5.74E-1 I Lanthanides 0

1.15E-11 1.15E-11 Ceriums 0

4.59E-12 4.59E-12 4.3 Radiological and Transport Model RADTRAD 3.03 is used for the dose models and calculations. The model consists of the main condenseriturbine, CRHE and environment compartments with four interconnecting transport pathways.

The activity is released immediately to the condenser/turbine compartment. Activity is then leaked from the compartment at the rate of 1 Hliday to the environment. The release is terminated at 24 h. Offsite and CRHE doses are calculated using the input parameters described in sections 3.4 to 3.6 above.

The worst case XIQ corresponding to the unit 2 turbine building exhaust vents shown in Table 4 are used for the CRHE dose assessment. The total CRHE unfiltered inleakage is 510 cfm.

The air intake is 6391 cfm throughout the accident with CREOAS not credited.

Nuclide release (.rft) and dose conversion factor (.inp) files are shown in Attachments I and 2.

Nuclide inventories appear in the nuclear inventory (.nif) file in Attachment 3.

These inventories are on a normalized Ci/MWt core basis.

Observe that the radial peaking factor used in the calculation is applied as a source multiplier to the condenser/turbine compartment Nuclide inventories appear in the nuclear inventory (.nif) file in Attachment 3.



0341 Rad & Eff Tech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Calc. No. EC-RADN-1 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses - AST Sh. No.

14 Checked By M. M.Waselus in the RADTRAD model. The physical and flow models are shown as part of the RADTRAD input in Attachment 4.

4.4 Releases from Mechanical Vacuum Pump at Low Power The mechanical vacuum pump draws non-condensable gases from the main condenser and discharges to the turbine building vent stack.

The vacuum pump's period of operation is relatively short, usually during start-up from criticality to a maximum of 5% reactor power. The MVP operates prior to start-up of the SJAEs.

A CRDA with limited rod damage could result in the MSLRM's high-high setpoint not being reached. The mechanical vacuum pump would not be automatically shutdown and isolated.

In this case there is an unfiltered release path for fission product activity to the environment.4 Approximately 30 rods need to perforate in order for the high-high radiation setpoint to be reached. The number of rods corresponds to an analytical limit of 30X full power background main steam radiation without hydrogen injection (Reference 8). The nominal setpoint is S 15X full power background per the Technical Requirements Manual, Table 2.2-1. item (Reference 24).

Bounding calculations are performed for offsite and CRHE doses. The calculations are similar to the design basis CRDA analysis described above. 30 rods are assumed damaged and the mechanical vacuum pump continues to operate for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. No credit is taken for CRHE isolation.

The physical model is the same as Attachment 5 with the exceptions that the main condenser compartment source multiplier and leakage path are modified.

The source multiplier is reduced to account for 30 rods instead of 2000 rods failing. The condenser leakage path is increased to 1212%/o/day to account for operation of the mechanical vacuum pump, see section 3.3, input #6.

The release fraction and timing file, dose conversion, and nuclide inventory files are the same as the design basis analysis. The output is in Attachment 5.

4 Procedure ON-070-001 (Reference 28) for investigation of turbine building abnormal releases identifies the mechanical vacuum pump as a possible source. ON-070-001 advises shutting down the pump to determine if the condenser is the source of high radiation.



0341 Rad & Eff Tec.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Calc. No. EC-RADN-I 127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses -AST Sh. No.

15 Checked By M. M.WaseIus_

5.0 RESULTS The reported offsite and CRHE doses based on the results of the RADTRAD computer runs are listed in Table 6.

Table 6 Offsite and CRHE Dose Results - Control Rod Drop Accident 2000 Failed Rods with Condenser Leakage TEDE, rem 6.3 0.19 0.05 30 Failed Rods with MVP Running TEDE, rem 6.3 2.3 0.18 Acceptance Criterion - Offsite EAB LPZ Acceptance Criterion - CRHE CRHE 5.0 0.49 5.0

1.8 Notes

1. RADTRAD output files are in Attachments 4 and 5.
2. CRHE doses do not credit operation of CREOAS.
3. Accident duration is 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

The EDE doses included in the TEDE are based on the CRHE volume of 518,000 ft3 used in RADTRAD. No additional finite cloud reduction for the actual control room volume of 110,000 ft3 is applied since the EDE contributions are small contributors (-6%) to the reported CRHE TEDE doses.


0341 Rad & Eff Tech.


Date Aueust 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRIE Calc. No. EC-RADN-1127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses -AST Sh. No.

16 Checked By M. M.Waselius


1. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.183, Alternative Radiological Source Terms For Evaluating Design Basis Accidents At Nuclear Power Reactors, July 2000.
2. NUREG-0800, USNRC Standard Review Plan Section 15.4.9, Radiological Consequences of a Control Rod Drop Accident, Revision 2.
3. NUREG-0800, USNRC Standard Review Plan Section 6.4, Control Room Habitability System, Revision 2.
4. NUREG/CR-6604 and Supplements, RADTRAD: A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation, 6/8/99.
5. EPUMELLLA4 Design Input Request T0200Core Design, Rev. 0.
6. Calculation EC-PUPC-1 001, NEDC-32161 P, General Electric Power Uprate Engineering Report for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Revision 6, 5/24/04.
7. Calculation EC-RADN-1 111, DCP 294805 & 294809: Control Rod Drop Accident Offsite Doses (Design Basis Analysis), Revision 0, 11/19/02.
8. Calculation EC-RADN-1073, Updated Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor Setpoint Analysis - Radiological Evaluation, Revision 0, 2/25/98.
9. Calculation EC-030-0502, Control Structure Bldg. Volume, Revision 0, 12/17/93.
10. Calculation EC-ENVR-1 057, Offsite X1Q Values for the SSES Based on 1999-2003 Meteorological Data, Revision 0.
11. PPL Calculation EC-FUEL-1 186, Fuel Component Weights, Revision 1.
12. Calculation EC-ENVR-1059, CRHE Accident Dispersion Factors (x/Q) RB U2 Intake, Revision 0.
13. Calculation EC-FUEL-1 615, AREVA Alternate Source Term (AST) Fission Product Inventory for Atrium-10 Fuel, Revision 1.
14. Calculation EMF-2851(P), Susquehanna Unit 2 Cycle 13 Reload Licensing Analysis Report, Supplemental I Workscope, Revision 0, January, 2004.
15. General Electric Topical Report, NEDO-31400A, 'Safety Evaluation for Eliminating the Boiling Water Reactor Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure Function and Reactor Scram Function of the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor", October 1992.
16. FGR 11 Federal Guidance Report No. 11, 'Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion, and Ingestion", 1988.
17. Federal Guidance Report No. 12, "External Exposures to Radionuclides in Air; Water; and Soil Based on the 1987 Federal Radiation Protection Guidance", 1993.
18. 50.59 Safety Evaluation E-01-1, MSLRM MSIV Closure and Scram Deletion, June 19, 2003.
19. PLI-93490, EPU Failed Fuel Pin Impacts for AST Events FEHA and CRDA, April 19, 2005.
19. PLI-93490, EPU Failed Fuel Pin Impacts for AST Events FEHA and CRDA, April 19,


0341 Rad & Elf Tech.


Date August 15. 2005 Control Rod Drop Accident CRHE Caic. No. EC-RADN-1127 Designed By K Weise and Offsite Doses -AST Sh. No.

17 Checked By M. M.Waselus

20. SSES Improved Technical Specification 5.5.7, 'Ventilation Filter Testing Program',

Amendments 178 and 186.

21. SSES Improved Technical Specification 3.7.5, "Main Condenser Off Gas', Amendments 151 and 178. Bases for Improved Specification B 3.7.5.

22.SSES Technical Requirements Manual 3.3.11, "MVP Isolation Instrumentation", Rev. 1.,

and BASES 3.3.11, Rev 1.

23. SSES Technical Requirements Manual 3.7.7, "Main Condenser Offgas Pretreatment Logarithmic Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation", Rev. 1.
24. SSES Technical Requirements Manual 2.0, "Plant Programs and Setpoints", Table 2.2-1, Rev 4.
25. CH-ON-003, -Chemistry Requirements for Plant Events", Rev. 16.
26. ON-1 59-002 (Unit 1, Rev. 23) and ON-259-002 (Unit 2, Rev. 22), Containment Isolation.
27. ON-1 79-001 (Unit 1, Rev. 0) and ON-279-001 (Unit 2, Rev. 0), 'Increasing OffgasIMSL Rad Levels'.

28.ON-070-001 (Rev. 13), Abnormal Gaseous Radiation Release/CAM Alarms.

EC-RADN-I 127 Attachment I Page 18 Attachment I RADTRAD Control File Release Fraction and Timing CRDA_SSESAST_2000_melt.rft I '


EC-RADN-I 127 Attachment I Release Fract'on and Timirg Name: CRDA-2000 rods Inszantanecusly BVR Duration i(hkn Design 3asis Accident 0.10OOOE-C2 0.000E+0 0.OOOOE+OO 0.OO0O+OEO Nobie Cases:

Page 19 w/nelt Release. Activity 0.3210E-02 O.OOOCE+00


C.3100E-04 C.OO0E0203 Cesiun:

0.3640E-06 O.OOOOE+C0 Tellarium:

C.1150E-08 0.0000E-00 Stron.'-xn:

0.4590Z-09 O.OOCOE+00 Bariurn:

0.4590E-09 O.OOOOE+DO Rut:- eni us,:

0.5740E-l0 O.0000E+00 Cerium:

0.4590E-11 0.0000E-00 Lanthanumr:

0.1150E-10 O.OOOOE+00 Non-Radioactive Aerosols O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 End of Release File 0.000E-00 0.0000E+00 O.OOQOE+00

0. CC00E00 0.OOOOE+C0 O.COOOE00 0.OOOOE+OC O.OOOGE-O0 C.OOOOE+00 (kg):


0. 0000_-00 0.0O00E+00 0.OCCOE+00
0. OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.000O0-00

EC-RADN-127 Page 20 RADTRAD Control File Dose Conversion File CRDA Expanded Fgr1 &1 2.inp

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 21 FGRDCF 1O24/95 03:24:50 beta-zest vers~on 1.:C, rincr FORTRAN fixes 5/4/95 I.T.picit daughter hlaflives (m) less :han 5O and :ess than 0.100 of oarent 9 ORGANS DEFI!NED II THIS FILE:



Co-58 Y

Co-60 Y

Kr-SS Kr-85; Kr-87 Kr-28 Rb-86 C

S:-89 Y

Sr-SO y

S:-91 Y

Sr-92 Y

Y-90 Y

Y-S1 Y

Y-52 Y

Y-53 Y

Zr-95 G

Zr-97 Y

Nb-95 Y

Xo-99 Y

Tc-99c, b

Ru-103 Y

2u-105 Y

Ri-106 Y

Rh-105 Y

Sb-127 X

Sb-129 Te-:27 W

Te-_27n N

Te-129 VI Te-12S9 w

Te-131rm I

Te-13 2 W

1-131 D

1-132 D

_-_33 D

.-134 D

I-135 D

Xe-133 Xe-135 Cs-134 D

Cs-;36 D

Cs-137 G

Ra-139 D

6a-140 D

.a-140 W

La-141 D

.a-142 D

Ce-14 Y

Ce-243 Y

Ce-144 Y

Pr-143 y

Nid-;47 Y

Np-239 N

Pu-238 Y

Pu-231 Y

Pu-240 Y

Pu-241 Y

Asn-241 V.

Cn-242 N

Crn-244 N

Kr-S3r Xe-133m Xe-35rn Including :Y-91m

_ncluding:Nib-97m, ;ncluding:Nb-97 Incl-eding:Rh-103m Includinq :Rh-106 Ircluding:Te-129

ncluding:Te-131 Includinc:Xe-135:j











Rbh-86 4.6605-14 5.300E-14 4.64CE-14 4.530E-14 7.41GE-14 4.770C-14 4.440E-14 4.760E-14 5.5EOE-14 1.230E-13 1.39CE-13 1.240E-13 1.230Z-13 1.780E-13

-.27CE-13 1.205E-13 1.260E-13

. 450E-13 2.867E-11 2.737E-l1 2.6'7E-11 2.671E-11 3.795E-'1 2.720Z-il 2.585E-li 2.132E-1l 3.278E-il 7.056E-11 6.735E-11 6.5375-21 6.710E-1' 8.956E-ll 6.480-11 6.500E-1l 6.76SE-li 7.94BE-1l 5.828Z-10 5.565E-1S 5.312SE-10 5.4305-10 7.716S-10
5. 53OE-10 5.255E-10 5.553E-10 6.664E-10 1.48GE-C9 1.413E-09 1.37.5-09 1.407E-09
1. 879E-C9



365E-09 1.419E-09

1. 667E-09 5.970E-16-1. COOE.OC

.5. 205-.6-S 1.OG0E+30 9.100E-16-1-.000E-00 9.290E-16-1.000Eo0 1.320E-15-1. 000E+00 9.4607E-16-1.000EOO 8.950E-16-i.OOOE-O0 9.50CE-lf-l.COOE+OC 1.140E-15-1.OOOE+00 2.450E-15-1.OOOE-00 2.340E-15-1.000+00 2.270E-15-1.OCOE+OO 2.330Z-15-1.0000E+0 3.110E-15-1.000E-00 2.250E-15-1.00O+O0 2.260E-15-1.OOE+00 2.350E-15-l.OOOE-O0 2.76CE-15-1.OOOE-OG 6.170E-lO 9.370E-10

1. 600_-OS 9.230E-10 6.93CE-10 8.7203-10 1.505E-09 2.94CE-09
0. 000-co
.040E-09 1.7905-1G 8.5305--1 2.600E-10 1.250E-10 6.310E-11
1. 58CE-09 S.090E-10 C. 0003+00 4.760E-09 3.19CE-C9 1.84CE-G5 l.100E-O0 3.453Z-07 8.770E-10 1.720E-08 1.320E-09 1.350E-08 9.390E-10 l.620E-09 7.880E-10 3.600E-08 4.970Z-09 5.910E-08 2.770E-09 O.OOOE+00 0.000E-00 O.C000+00 0.000E+00 C.000E+0O O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOCE-00 0.000E-00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOO+00 0.000E+00 0.000-00 O.OOOEC00 0.000E+0C 0.0005+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000E-CO 1.170E-16 8.121E-14 1.340E-16 7.691E-14
.140E-16 7.056E-14 1.090E-16 6.998E-14 2.200E-16 1.287E-13 1.180E-16 7.459E-14 1.09CE-16 6.941E-14 i.190E-16 7.603E-
4 1.320Z-;4 2.304E-1:

7.310i-15 2.594E-12 e.410E-15 2.527Z-12 7.0405-15 2.379E-12 6.430E-15 2.346E-12 1.704E-12 2.820Z-18-1.OOE+00 1.656E-12 2.740E-18-1.000E-00 1.481E-12 2.450E-18-1.000G+00 1.469S-12 2.430E-18-1.000E+00 2.702E-12 4.4703-18-1.OOOE+00 1.565E-12 2.590E-18-1.000E+00 1.457E-12 2.41CE-16-1.000+00 1.596E-12 2.640S-:8-1.OOE+00 4.83SE-10 8.OCOE-16-1.000E-00 1.880E-14 7.330E-15 6.6405-15 7.4EOE-15 2.240E-14 4.000E-14 4.500E-14 4.040E-14 4.000S-14 6.020E-14 4.130E-14 3.910_-14 4.120E-14 1.3'10E-13 S.286E-12 2.3955E-12 2.313E-12 2.511E-12 2.247E-'1 4.962E-12 4.74CE-12 4.603E-3L2 4.70SE-12 6.514E-12 4.473E-12 4.595E-12 3.653_-12 3.560E-12 3.351E-12 3.304E-12 7.446'-;2 3.374E-12 3.257E-12 3.537E-12 3.164E-1l 5.026E-12 4.802E-12 4.663E-12 4.7695E-12

6. 598E-12 4.531E-12 4.650E-12 1.530Z-16-1.00CS+00 0.000E+0C 1.440E-16-1.OO0E-00 0.000E-00 1.42CE-16-1.000%+00 0.000E-00 3.200E-16-1.OO0E+08 0.000M+00 1.450E-16-2.OOOE-00 0.000E+00 1.400E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.OOCE-00 1.520E-16-1.OOOE+00 O.OOO+00 1.360E-15-1.ODOE400 0.000+00 1.570E-16-1.000E+00 0.0005+00 0.OOOE+00
0. 000-+00 O. OOGE-CO 0.009E+O0 C.oOOS+OO 0.000EOO 0.000E+OG 0.000E+00
0. OOOE+00 4.773E-12 4.835E-12 8.802E-11 8.5i-21
7. 61CE-16-1. 000E+00 7.210E-16-1.000E+00 7.060E-16-1.000E00 7.220E-16-1.OOOE+00 9.990E-16-1.OO0E+00 6.860E-16-1.O0OE+00 7.040E-16-1.000E-00 7.320E-16-1.000O+00 1.35DE-14-1.0OOE+00 1.800E-15-1.000E+00 1.720E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.690E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.730E-15-i.0005+OO 2.280E-15-1.ooo0+00 1.5905-15-1.000E+00 1.690E-15-1.00DE-00 1.740E-15-1.000E+O0 4.43CE-15-1.005E+00 O.OOOE-OO 0.000E+OO 0.0OOE+OO 0.000+OO 0.000E+00 O.OOOE-00 O.OOOE+00 0.0005E00 0.OGOE-00 0.000C+00 0.000E+0C O.OOCE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000£-00 0.000E-00 0.000+0C 0.0005+00 0.000+00 0.0000 EOO

.COOE+00 O.OOOE'00 0.OOOE:+00 0.000E+00 0.000+00 O.0ODOE400 O.OOO+00 0.000E-O 0.000E+OO O.OOOE+00 0.000+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000-00 o.OOOE-i.00 0.000o+00 O.OOOE+CO 0.OOOE+OO 9.900--14 2.27BE-11 I.110E-13 2.177E-11

'.O1CE-13 2.139E-11 1.OOOE-13 2.190Z-ll 1.3902-13 2.886E-11 1.030E-13 2.012E-11 9.790E-14 2.13SE-11 1.020E-13 2.202E-1ll 1.350E-13 5.607E-11 GONADS 4.710£-15 2.78SE-12 BREAST 5.340S-15 2.662E-12 EUNGS 4.710E-15 2.553E-12 RED MARR 4.640E-15 2.6195E-12 BONE SUP.

7.050E-15 3.635E-L2 THYROID 4.840E-15 2.599E-12 REMAINDER 4.520E-15 2.542E-12 EFFECTIVE 4.810E-15 2.665E-12 SKIN(FGP) 4.850E-14 2.210E-10 Sr-89 i

GONADS 7.730G-17 7.155E-14 BREAST

§.080E-17 7.2}2E-14 LUNGS 7.080E-17 5.689E-34 RED PARR 6.390E-17 5.345E-14 BONE SUR 1.9403-16 1.560E-13 THYROID 7.600E-17 6.063E-14 REMAINDER 6.710E-17 5.603E-14 BREAST 9.080E-17 7.2}2E-14 T.1l74rS I7 nRlF.-1 7N CG4V_1 J 2.655E-11 2.537E-l1 2.493E-ll 2.552E-11 3.363E-1 1 2.345E-11 2.493S-1l 2.567E-11 6.534 E-11 5.187E-12 4.953E-11 4.750E-11 4.873E-11 6.764E-1:

4.836E-11 4.7295-11


9587--11 4.111E-09 1.436E-12 1.447E--2

1. 142E-12 1.073E-12 3.131E-12 1.217E-12 1.124E-12 1.447S-12 I t. 1A,-1 2 9.740E-17-2.OOCE-00 1.340E-09 2.150E-0O 9.300E-17-1.0005+00 1.33CE-09 2.1405-05 8.920E-17-1.000E+00 3.300_-09 2.140E-09 9.150E-37-1.OOOE+00 2.320E-09 3.720E-09 1.270E-16-1.OOOE-00 4.270E-09 6.860E-09 9.080E-17-1.000E+00 1.330E-09 2.1405-09 8.880E-17-1.000E+00 1.38DE-09 2.330E-09 9.310E-I7-1.OOOE 00 1.790E-09 2.530E-09 7.720E-15-1.OOE000

.OOOE00 O.OOO+00 2.490E-18-1.000E+00 2.510O-18-1.000E+00 1.980E-18-1.000E+00 1.660E-18-1. 000E+OO 5.430E-18-1.000E+00 2.110E-'8-1.000E-00 1.950S-18-1.000E+00 2.510E-18-1.000E+00 1.090C-19-1.000..00 7.950E-12 7.960E-12 8.350E-08 1.070E-10

1. 590E-1O 7.96CE-12 3.970E-02 7.960E-12
9. 2go-os 8.050E-12 7.980E-12 7.970E-12 1.080E-10 1.610E-10 7.970E-12 8.250E-09 7.9580E-12 a.03GE-12

EC-RADN-1127 EFFECTIVE 7.730r--


3. 650_-1 S:-S5 GONADS 1.780E-2 BREAST 9.490:-1 LUNGS 6.440Z-i RED HARR 5.440_-1 BONE SUR 2.28012-l TH.YROID 7.330E-1 REMAINDER 6.1:0E-1

.FFCTIVE 7.530E-1 SKIN(FGR) 9.200E-2 Sr-91 GONADS 4.819Z-2 3REAST 5.4777-:

LUNGS 4.S032-1 RED MARR 4.69:E-1 BONE SUR 7.6745-1 THYROiD 4.938E-1 REMAINDER 4.610E-'

EFFECTIV-4.924E-1 SKIN(FGR) 9.938E-1 Sr-92 GONADS 6.61CE-i BREAST 7.480E-1 LGNGS 6.670E-1 RED I4ARR 6.62CE-1 BOWE SUR 9.490E-1 THYROID 6.E20E-1 REXAINDER 6.45CE-1 EFFECTIVE 6.790E-1 SKIN(FGR) 8.560E-1 Y-90 GONADS 1.89GE-1 BREAST 2.200E-1 LUNGS 1.77GE-1 RED KARR 1.620E-1 BONE SUR 4.440E-1 THYROID 1.670E-I REMAINDER 1.680E-1 EFFECTIVE 1.900E-1 Page 23

,7 6.523E-14 1.309E-12 2.270E-18-:.OOE-03 1.12CE-C8 2.500E-09

.4 1.914E-10 3.841E-09 C.E60E-15-1.000EeOO O.OOCE-CO O.OOOE+O0


.8 a

a 7



.8 5

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

6 6

6 6

6 6

6 6

9.59CE-15 1.008E-14

6. 307E-15 5.558E-15 2.393E-14 7.:71E-1S 6.422E-15 e.179E-15 4.032E-12 2-155E-ll 2.055E-ll
1. 970E-11 2.01E-11 2.£52E-l1 2.03SE-11
i. 948E-11 2.057E-ll 1.748E-10 1.593E-11 1.520E-11 1.483E-ll 1.520E-ll 2.010E-il 1.446E-11 1.471t-11 1.532E-11 2.280E-11
1. 586E-13 1.578E-13 1.313E-13 1.261E-13 3.22SE-13
1. 385E-13 1.291E-13 1.468E-13
2. 014E-13 2.116E-13 1.324E-13 1.2 67E-13 5.025E-13 1.506E-13 1.343E-13 1.717E-13 8.465E-1; 5.062E-1 4.838E-l1 4.626E-11 4.722E-11 6.709E-1:

4.782E-11 4.573E-11 4.832E-1l 3.987E-10 1.830E-11 1.745E-11 1.703E-1I 1.745E-li 2.30aE-1l 1.661E-1' 1.689E-1; 1.759E-1_

2.61£E-11 1.6CIE-12 1.593E-12 1.326E-12 1.273E-12 3.259E-12 1.396E-12 1.303E-12 1.482E-12 2.924E-09 3.33GE-19-1.000E-00 3.500E-19-:.000E-DO 2.190E-19-l.OOOE-CO i.930E-iS-:.OOOE-CO 8.310E-19-1.OOCE-CO 2.490E-19-2.000E-00 2.230E-19-:.OOCE-CO 2.840E-19-l.OOCE-CO 1.400E-16-1.00E-CO 1.026E-15-1.000E-00 9.806E-16-l.OOE-00O 9.376E-16-1.0OGE-CO 9.570E-16-1.OOOE-OO 1.360E-15-1.OOOE-CO 9.693E-16-1.OO0E-00 9.268E-16-1.00cE-OO 9.793E-16-1.OOOEDO0 6.080E-15-1.000E+00 1.300E-15-1.0009+00 1.240E-15-l o.oo+00 1.2iOE-15-1.OOOE+00 1.240E-iS-i.OOOE+30 1.640E-15-l.000E+00 1.1eOE-15-1.000E+00 1.200E-15-1.000S+00 1.25CE-15-1.CODE+O0 1.86GE-15-1.000E+OC 5.750E-16-1.000+00 5.720E-18-1.0003+00 4.760E-18-.00OE+00 4.570E-18-l.OOOE+00 1.170E-17-1.OOOE+00 5.020E-18-l.OGOE+00 4.6f0E-18-1.OOOE+03 5.320D-18-l.OCOE+00 1.050 1.OCOE+O0

2. 69CE-10 2.690E-10 2.860E-06 3.2£0£-08 7.090E-08 2.690£-10 5.730E-0O 3.510--07
0. COO-'OO

5.0 40E-I

5.040E-11 5.04CE-ll 6.450E-09

1. 39CE-oe S.04CE-il 6.70CE-09 3.230E-09
0. OOOE+C0 5.6'9E-11 2.520E-10 1.775E-11 3.676E-il 2.1702-09 1.055-11i 2.275E-11 5.659E-11 1.306E-11 2.07CE-li 5.930E-12 1.968E-12 5.802E-10 2.557E-09 4.547E-'0 8.455E-10 0.000+OO O.OOOE+00 1.020E-11 8.180E-11 6.490E-12 1.700E-11 1.050E-09 7.220E-12 6.980E-12 2.290E-li 4.36GE-12 8.490E-12 3.920E-12 1.300E-12 2.900E-10 1.720E-09 2.180E-10 5.430E-10 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 5.170E-13 1.430E-14 5.170E-13 1.270E-14 9.31OE-09 1.260E-14 1.520E-11 3.700E-13 1.52CE-11 3.670E-13 5.170E-13 1.260E-14 3.870E-09 9.680E-09 2.280E-09 2.91;E-09 OOOOE-00 O.OOOE-0O SKIN (FGR)





.Zr-95 rnxmnwq 6.240E-14 2.897E-10 2.560_-16 1.756E-13 2.930£-16 1.713E-13 2.500E-16 1.526E-13 2.410E-16 1.521E-13 4.560E-16 2.903E-13 2.600E-26 1.564E-13 2.390E-16 1.509E-13 2.600--16 i.650E-i3 3.850Z-14 1.989E-10 3.546E-12 6.110E-18-1.000EG00 3.459E-12 5.960--18-1.000E-00 3.082E-12 5.310-18-1.OOOE+00 3.00E-12 5.290E-18-1.OOOE&O 5.862E-12 1.010E-17-1.000E-CO 3.157E-12 5.440E-18-1.OOOE-O0 3.047E-12 5.250E-18-1.000E-00 3.332E-12 5.740E-18-1.000E-00 4.016E-09 6.920S-15-1.00OEoo 8.200E-12

6. 920E-12 9.870E-08
3. 190E-20 3.180E-10 8.500E-2 4.200E-09 1.3202-08 O.OOOE+00 3.540E-12 5.540E-13 2.020E-13 6.590E-12
6. 130E-12 1.290E-13 8.570E-09 2.5702-09 0. OOO0+00 1.270Z-14 1.440=-14 1.270E-14 i.250E-14
1. 9502¢1i4 1.3003-14 i.220E214 1.3002-14 2.140S-13 4.670E-15 5.300E1iS 4.6602-15 4.590Z-15 7.5&02-15 4.7902-15 4.510S-15 4.8002-15
8. 500E-14 3.530S-14 4.0103-14 3.510E-14 3.430E-14 5.620E-14
.855E-12 3.6EOE-12
.535E--12 3.608E-12 5.091E-12 3.579E-12 3.506E-12 3.660E-12 2.022E-10 2.1082--12 2.026E-12 1.937E-12 1.9722-12 2.9482-12 1.908E-12 1.919E-22 2.0212-12 2.726E-10 2.162E-11 2.084E-ll 1.98sE-Il1 2.030E-11 2.875E-21 4.872E-12 2.650E-16-1.C00E+00 2.610E-12 1.960g-11 4.652E-12 2.530E-16-1.000E-00 1.500E-12 3.550E-12 4.4f6E-12 2.430E-16-1.OOOE+/-00 1.240E-09 1.390E-12 4.560E-12 2.480E-16-1.000E+00 2.070E-12 4.910E-12 6.435E-12 3.500E-16-1.O00+E00 1.510E-12 1.750E-12 4.523E-12 2.460E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.050E-12 1.770E-13 4.43iE-12 2.410E-16-1.OOOE400 2.030E-10 1.700E-09 4.652E-12 2.530E-16-!.OOOE+00 2.;1OE-10 5.150E-10 2.556£-10 i.390E-14-1.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00
4. 959E-12 4.794E-12 4.585E-12
4. 669E-12
6. 977E-12 4.516E-12 4.543E-12 4.7e4E-22 6.452E-10 4.421£-10 4.223E-10 4.030E-10
4. 112E-10 5.824E-10 9.510E-17-l.000+00 5.310E-12 9.140E-17-l.000Z+00 1.740E-12 8.740E-17-1.OOO+00 2.520E-09 8.900E-17-1.OOOE+00 4.040E-12 1.330E-16-1.000Z+00 3.140E-12 8.610E-17-1.000+00 9.260E-13 8.660E-17-1.OOOE+00 9.250E-10 9.120E-17-1.000+00 5.820E-10 1.230E-14-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE400 7.590E-16-1.OOOZ+00 1. 880E-09 7.250E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.910E-09 6.920E-16-1.OOOE+O0 2.170E-09 7.060E-16-1.000E+00 1.300E-08 l.OOOE-15-1.000E+00 1.030E-07 2.200E-ll 3.130E-12 8.670E-13 4.930E-12 1.730E-12 1.260E-13 4.090E-09 1.230E-09 0.OOOE+00 8.160E-10 1.050E-10 2.340E-11 2.140E-10 4.86CE-10 I

'Ai1soz-i4 2-lpr-Ri1 d.47ir-1in 7.sQfl.-i#E-i.nnnlfl+nn I. apn.-nlQ R fl4flF.-IA

EC-RADN-I 127 THYROID 3.610E-14 REMAINDEfi 3.36C0-14 F r-cTIvE 3.60CS-14 SxI2I(FSR) 4.530S-14 Zr-97 GONADS 4.331E-14 BP-:AST 4.928E-14 LUNGS 4.322_-14 RED MYAR2 4.224E-14 BONE SU7R 6.897E-14 THYROID 4.443E-14 REMAINDER 4.139---:4 ELFECT-VE 4.432E-14 SSINCFG-R) 5.835E-14 Nb-95 GONADS 3.66CE-14 BREAST 4.160E-:4 LIJrGS 3.650E-14 RED MARM 3.560E-14 BONE SUR 5.790Z-14 THYROID 3.750E-14 RE4AINDER 3.495E-_4 E-FgCTrVE 3.740E-14 SKIN(MGPI 4.300E-14 Mo-99 GONADS 7.130E-15 BREAST 8.130E-15 LUNGS 7.060E-15 RED MARR 6.820E-15 BONE SUR 1.240E-14

.7Y.qOID 7.270E-15 RIAiNDEA 6.7405--5 EFFCT.VE 7.28GE-15 SKIN 1(:G?.

3.1405-14 TC-99nG GONADS 5.75CE-15 BREAST 6.650-.--5 LUNGS 5.490E-15 RED HARR 4.910E-15 BONE SUR 1.630E-14 THYROID 575GE-15 REMAINDER 5.150E-15 EFFECTIVE 5.890E-15 SKINflFGP.) 1.140E-15 Ru-103 GONADS 2.191S-14 BREAST 2.512-1;4 LUNGS 2.180E-14 RED MARR 2.100E-14 BONE SUR 3.892E-14 T*YROID 2.241E-14 REMAINDER 2.080E-i4

-FFECT:VE 2.251E-14 SKIN(MGR) 2.774=-14 Ru-105 GONADS 3.720E-14 BREAST 4.240E-14

-.UNGS 3.70CE-14 RED KARR 3.590S-14 BONE SUR 6.280E-14 THYROID 3.800E-14 REKAMttDER 3.540E-14 EZFFECT}VE 3.8iCE-14 SKIN(FGR:

6.730E-14 Ru-106 GONADS 1.010E-14 BREAST 1.i60E-i4 LUNGS l.OOE-14 RED MARa 9.750S-15 BONE SUR 1.720E-14 TUYM.OID 1.030G-14 REMAiNDER 9.630E-15 EFFECTIVE 1.040E-14 SKI14fFGR) 1.090E-13 Rh-105 GONADS 3.640E-15 BREAST 4.160E-15 MINMEETIV 3.630E-15 EFFECTIVE 1-.040E-14 M:u504 Z.ooa0 13 2.076r-Il 1.9635-il 2.078E-li 2.56i--:1 2.179E-11 2.083E-11 2.992E-11 2.0345-11 2.881E-11

2.0 61g-1

I.9665-Il 2.07SE-11 2.281E-10 4.205Er-10 3.978E-iC 4.211E-10 5.!5o0-iO 7.799E-11 7.4S5E-11 7.127E-1_

7.2791Z-11 2.031E-10 7.377E-11 7.0355-F1 7.438E-11 8.1485-lO 2.253E-1: 4.435E-10 2.1505-11 4.2312-.0 2.0559-11. 4.045E-10 2.101E-11 4.135£-10 2.957E-11 2.1445-12 2.032E-11 2.1475-il 2.598E-l1 4.282E-12 4.1165-12 3.867E-12 3.923E-12 6.105E-:.2 4.033E-12 3.8125-12 4.061E-12

.035E-10 2.334E-12 2.25eE-12 2.127E-12 2.01CE-12 5.383E-12 2.145E-12 2.070£-12 2.277E-12 2.110E-12 1.404E-11 1.350E-11 1.273E-11 1.287E-11 1.9585-ll 1.331E-11 1.248E-Il 1.332E-l1 1.785E-11 1.327E-11 1.271E-11 1.210E-11 1.230E-11 1.8095E-11 1.260E-11 1.189E-;1 I.265E-11 7.368E-11 6.411E-12 6.152E-12
5. e36E-12
5. 893E-12 8.8832-i2 6.066E-12 5.721E-12 6.095E-12 4.082E-10 5.515E-iO 4.22CE-10 4 00O5-10 4.226£-10 5.112g-10 4.4035-11 4.233E-11 3.977g-11 4.034E-il 6.278E-11 4.147C-11 3.920Z-'fl 4.176E-11 1.06es-09 3.877E-12 3.752E-:2 3.533g-12 3.439E-12 8.942E-12
3. 564E-12 3.4395E-12 3.783E-12 4.502E-:2 2.783E-10 2.677E-iO 2.522E-10 2.551E-;C 3.882E-10 2.639E-10
2. 472E-10 2.64lE-10 3.543E-10

.861E--fl 1.783E-11 1.697E-1l 1.725E-11 2.537E-11 1.7665-11 667E-11 1.773£-11 1.033E-10 1.340-1-a 1.286E-10 1.220E-10 1.232E-10


856E-1.0 1.266Z-10 a.196E-10 7.220E-16-1. OOOE+00 6.E30E-i6-1.00C--0O 7.230E-16-1.000Z+0C 8.9105-16-1.0OOOE+0 9.253E-16-1.000E+00 8.S465-16-1.OOOE00O 6.456E-16-1.000E+00

8. 634_-:6-!.OOCEC00 1.224E-15-1.0005+00 E.755E-16-1.OOE000 8.345E-16-1.000-+00 e.824E-16-1.OOOE+00 9.587E-15-1.000E-00 7.850E-16-1.00CE-O0 7.490o-16-1.COOr-+oo 7.160E-16-1.OOOE+00 7.320E-!6-1.000E00 1.030E-15-1.OGOE+00 7.470E-16-1.000E+00 7.080E-16-l.OD0E+00 7.4EOE-16-1.O00GE+O0 9.050S-16-1.000~GO 1.550E-16-1.000E+00 1.490S-16-1.GOOE+00 1.40CE-16-1.OCOE+00
1. 420=-.6-i. 000E500 2.210E-16-1.000E+00 1.460E-16-1.

.OOCE-CO 1.380E-16-1.000_+00 1.470E-16-1.O0OE+00 3.7605-15-1.000*+00 1.2405-16-i.000E-00 1.200E-16-1. O0OE+00 1.13CE-16-1.000E+00

1. 105-16-1.000E+00 2.860E-16-1.000E+00 1.140E-;6-1. 000E-00

_.100E-16-1.000E+00 1.210E-16-1.000EC00 1.4405-16-1.000-+00 4.892E-16-1.COOS+00 4.705E-16-1.000E+00 4.432E-16-1.OOOE+00 4.483Z-16-1.000E+00 6.823E-16-1. 000500 4.63ES-16-1.000E+00

4. 346E-16-1.000C+00 4.642E-26-1.OOOE00 6.229E-lf-l. OOOE+00 8.070E-16-1.000+00
7. 73CE-16-1.000E+00 7.360E-16-1.000+00 7.480E-16-1.000+00 1.100l-15-l.OOOEOO 7.660E-16-1. 000&+00 7.230E-16-1.OOE-00 7.690E-16-1.0005E00 4.480E-15-1.0COE+00 2.230E-16-1.000E+00 2.1405-16-1.000E*00 2.030E-2 6-1.0005+00 2.050-16-1.OCOE+00 3.0905-16-1.OOO-00 2.1105-16-1.000=+00 1.9909-16-1.000S+00 Page 24 1.440t-09 8.270E-12 2.2805-0S 2.530E-09 6.39CE-09 1.020E-09 O.COO_+00 0.OOE-CO 1.840E-10 6.228E-10 4.7CE6-11 S.1375-l 4.108E-09 1.770E-11 6.3765-1 1.3025-10.

3.504E-11 4.558E-11 2.3157-11 2.6715-12 2.041E-09 6.990E-09 1.17:E-0S 2.293E-09 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 4.320E-10 6.050E-10 4.070E-10 1.00E-10 F.320E-09 2.740E-'1 4.420E-10 1.990E-10 5.130E-10 2.940E-10 3.580E-10 1.180E-11 1.070E-09 1.410E-09 1.570E-09 6.950E-10 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 9.510Z-11 2.180S-10 2.750E-11 3.430E-11 4.290E-09 1.510E-1I 5.240E-11 8.320E-11 4.130E-11 6.3205-a1 1.520E-11 1.030E-1a 1.740O-09 4.28CE-09 1.070Z-09 1.360E-09 O.OOOE-00 0.O00E500 2.770E-12 9.750E-12 2.150E-12 3.570E-12 2.280E-11 3.140E-12 3.360E-12 6.290E-12 2.620Z-12 4.0605--12 5.010E-11 8.460E-11 1.020E-11 3.340E-11 8.800E-12 1.680E-11 O.OOE+00 0.000+OO 3.07CE-10 5.720E-10 3.1101E-lO 1.2005-10 1.561E-09 7.310E-11 3.1905E-1 i.660E-1o 2.370E-10 9.631E-il 2.570E-10 6.250E-11 1.250E-09 2.110E-09 2.421E-09 8.271E-10 0.0005+00 0.000G+OO 1.590E-11 9.670E-21 6.610E-12 1.590E-11 5.730E-10 6.21CE-12 7.700E-12 2.35DE-11 4.620E-12 8.890E-12 4.150E-12 1.820E-12 1.610E-10 8.540E-10 2.230E-10 2.870E-10 O.CG00+00 0.000E+00 1.300E-09 1.640r-09 1.780E-09 1.440E-09 1.040E-06 1.420E-09 1.760E-09 1.460_-09 1.610E-09 1.430E-09 1.720=-09 1.4iOE-09 1.200E-08 2.110E-0e I

.i I


i I






I 1.274E-10 2.120E-16-1.0005+00 1.290E-07 7.400E-09 8.531E-09 1.420E-14-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 2.127E-12 2.063E-12

3. 25E-12 6.095E-12 LAOO! if 1.411i-11 1.369E-U1 1.2SdE-1I 1.274E-10 2.L0E-TC 1.980Z-17-1.000c+OO 7.740E-17-1.0009-00 2.350E-13-1.000C+OO 2.1205-16-1.0005+00 1.zoon 1i I.00ovooo 2.110E-ll 5.610E-12 9.i805-z.0
1. 290E-07
9. cono. eo 5.800E:-11 8.970E-12 7.4OE-09 7.400E-019 9.0Conc


,:-.YROI D








Te-127n GONADS BREAST LUNGS RED MAR BONE SJR 3.380E-i5 i.94EE-12 7.53;CE-15 _.332E-12 3.683E--5 1.983Z-12 3.3905E-15 1.8eSE-12 3.720E-15 2.031E-12 1.070E-:4 4.691E-i2 3.260_-14 1.985E-_1 3.720E-14 1.904E-ll 3.240E-14 1.809E-ll 3.'40Z-i4 1.834E-il 5.52GE-14 2.72CE-11 3.330E-14 1.864r--ll 3.090E-:4 1.7752-11 3.330E-14 1.89CE-li 5.58BE-14 7.967E-11

291E-l1 71.300E-17-1.OOOE-CO 2.210E-11 1.250E-16-1.000+00
.31fE-11 7.4403-17-1.000E+03 1.25CE-11 7.070E-17-1.OOCE-0O 1.347E-:1 7.620E-17-1.GOOE+O0 3.112E-1' 1.760Z-16-I.000E+OO 2.441E-10 7.1O0_-16-1.OC-OE+O0 2.341E-10 6.810E-16-'.OOCE-OO 2.224Z-1C 6.470E-16-l.GOOE+OO 2.255E-10 6.560E-'6-1.OCOE+OO 3.345'-10 9.730E-16-1.OOOE+0O 2.317Z-10 6.140E-16-1.OOOE+O0 2.183E-10 6.350E-i6-l.OOOE-00 2.324E-10 6.760E-16-1.003E+00 9.7995E-10 2.850E-15-1.OOOE-OO Page 25 7.770E-12 1.470E-1' 4.460E-12 6.75CE-12 2.880E-12 2.910E-:2 4.53GE-10 1.270E-09 2.5&80Z-iO 3.995E-10 O. OOOEO0 O.OOOS+00 2.520E-10 6.140E-GO 9.12CE-11 7.600E-11 e.940S-09 1.570E-li 1.610E-10 1.330E-10 1.340E-10 5.240E-11 6.150E-11 4.640E-;2 2.330E-09 5.870E-09 1.630E-09 1.950E-09 0.00E-00 O.OOOE-O0 6.970E-14 2.336E-11 3.237E-11 _.440E-15-1.O00E-00 1.370E-15-1.O0OETOO 7.91CE-14 2.222E-11 6.980E-14 2.141E-11 6.E60E-14 2.1905-11 1.070E-13 3.033;-:1 7.-60E-_4 2.174E-1l 6.710E-14 2.12SE-l1 7.140E-'4 2.23&E-11 l.OiOE-13 8.213E-11 3.074E-11 2.3703-i.6 2.730E-16 2.320E-16 2.21GE-16 4.65CE-16 2.4035-16 2.210E-16 2.420E-16 1.140E-14

'. 191E-13 1.158E-13 1.06CE-13 1.058E-13 1.862E-i3

1. iO6E-13 1.036E-13 1.125E-13 1.173E-li 2.562E-11 1.320E-15-1.000E+OO 3.029E-ll i.350Z-5-1.000E-OO 4.196E-1i 1.670E-15-1.OOOE+OO 3.007E-11 1.340E-15-1.O0OE-00 2.939E-11 1.310E-15-l.OOOE+OO 3.096E-11 1.38DE-15-1.COOE+O0 1.144E-10 5.100---15-1.0O0E-0O 2.6615-13 5.4S0E-18-1.OCOE-&O 2.588E-13 5.330E-18-1.OOOE-OO 2.370L-13 4.60CE-IS-1.COO+O0 2.3655-.3 4.830E-:B-1.tOOE0Oo 4.162E-13 8.570E-18-i.GOOE+O0 2.472E-13 5.090E-18-1.OCOE400 2.316E-13 4.770E-lB-1.000E+00 2.5_5E-13 5.180E-18-1.OGOE+GO 2.622E-11 5.400_-16-l.OOOE-OO 2.15CE-11 1.280E-11 B.980E-10 1.700E-11 1.460E-1' 9.720E-12 I.870E-:C 1.740E-10
0. 000E+00 2.020E-12 1.880E-12 4.270E-10 4.09GE-12 4.090E-12 1.64CE-12 8.60GE-11 O.OOOE-OO l.510E-10 2.560E-Ul 9.390E-12 3.670E-l1 1.3405--;1 1.470E-12 1.450E-09 4.840E-10 0.00E-00 4.020E-12 3.OGOE-12 2.8905-12 6.57GE-12 6.4605-12 2.E60E-12
6. 130E-10 1.870E-10 O.OOE-00 1.250E-10 9.740---1 9.620E-li 5.430E-09 2.070E-08 9.430E-11 2.550_-05 2.230E-09 O.OOOE-oo 1.590E-12 6.050-13 4.910E-13 7.640E-13 5.400E-13 3.36CE-13 1.900E-:6 4.685E-13 2.690E-16 5.150E-13 7.620E-17 1.602E-13 6.430E-17 1.245E-13 3.94CE-16 9.C05E-13 THYRCID 1.500E-16 2.779E-13

_YEMAINDER 8.640E-17 1.999E-13 EFFECTIVE 1.470E-16 3.251E-13 SIIN(FGR) 8.49OE-16 1.496E-12 Te-129 GONADS 2.710E-15 3.B89E-13 BREAST 3.120E-15 3.80C£-13 LUNGS 2.640E-15 3.295E-13 RED MARR 2.540E-15 3.298E-13 BCOE SUR 4.88GE-lS 5.753E-13 TSYROID 2.740'-15 3.525E-13 REMAINDER 2.520E-1S 3.262E-13 EFFECTIVE 2.750E-15 3.550E-13 SKIN(FGR) 3.570E-14 3.429E-11 Te-i29m GONADS 3.322E-15 2.206E-12 BREAST 3.838E-15 2.1elE-12 LUNGS 3.176E-15 1.741Z-12 RED MNRR 3.07iZ-15 2.729E-12 BONE SUR 5.772E-15 3.287---12 THYRO-D 3.34;E-15 1.923E-12 REMAINDER 3.048E-15 1.746E-12 EFFECTIVE 3.337E-lS 1.974E-12 SKIN(FGR) 3.811E-14 i.501E-10 Te-131m GONADS 7.292E-14 4.020E-11 BREAST 8.286E-14 3.853E-11 LUI;GS 7.265E-14 3.657£-11 RED MARR 7.C97E-14 3.736E-1; BONE SUR 1.i74E-13 5.467E-11 THYROID 7.471E-14 3.74iE-1l REMAINDER 6.965E-14 3.626E-11 EFFECTIVE 7.463E-14 3.825E-11 SKIN(FGR) 1.038E-13 1.033E-10 Te-132 SOhEfSun 1.?74E-13 5.QSIE-11 THYROID 7.471E-14 3.74iE-1l WKADs---

K.GZGE-14 5.612M-1.2 9.642E-12 1.630_-1-l.OOOE400 1.1OOE-10 1.0595E-l 1.795E-17-1.000E+OO 1.100--;D 3.295E-12 5.570E-18-1.ODOE+00 3.340E-08 2.567E-12 4.340E-18-l.000Ei00 5.360E-05 1.852E-11 3.130E-17-1.CO0E+00 2.040E-05 5.714E-12 9.660E-18-1.ODOE4OO 9.660E-l1 4.111E-12 6.950E-18-1.000E+00 1.660Z-09 6.694E-12 1.130E-11-1.000E+00 5.810E-09 3.076E-11 5.2003-17-1.090C+00 0.000£+00 3.S22E-13 6.510S-17-l.O00E+C0 5.050E-13 3.632E-13 6.360E-17-1.OOOE+00 5.390E-13 3.326E-13 5.520E-17-1.OOOE+00 1.530E-10 3.326Z-13 5.520Z-17-1.OOGEi00 6.1903-13 5.602E-13 9.630S-17-1.000C+00 6.220E-13 3.555E-13 5.900E-17-1.OOOE400 5.090E-13 I

3.289E-13 3.621E-13 3.45SE-11 4.799E-l1 4.739E-11 3.815E-11 3.793E-11 7.147E-ll 4.201_-11 3.822E-11 4.308E-11 3.360Z-09 2.343E-10 2.246E-10 2.131E-1Q 2.176E-10 3.'89E-10 2.181E-10 2.113E-}0 2.229E-10 6.180E-10 5.460E-17-1.OOO+00 7.280E-12 1.790E-10 6.010E-17-1.000E-00 2.090E-11 5.45CE-11 5.740E-15-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 o.ooo0+00 6.561E-27-1.OOOE-00 1.783E-10 8.454E-17-1.COOE400 1.694E-10 6.80SE-17-1.OOOE400 4.04CE-C8 6.76BE-17-1.0O0Ei00 3.100_-09 1.275E-16-1.000E+00 7.050E-09 7.495S-17-1.000E-00 '.563E-10 6.8195E-17-1.0007400 3.275E-09 7.6565-17-1.0005+00 6.484E-09 6.COlE-l5-i.OOCE+00 0.000-500 1.535E-25-1.OOOE-00 2.345E-10 1.472E-15-1.000+E00 9.309E-12 1.397E-15-1.OOOE+00 2.296E-09 1.4273-1i-1.OOCE-00 i.417E-IC 2.090E-15-1.OO3+00 2.276E-10 1.429Z-15-1.O00E00 3.6695E-08 1.385E-15-i.000_+00 9.509E-10 1.461E-15-1.000E+00 1.758E-09 4.056E-15-1.OOOE-OO O.OOOE+00

2. 420E-10 1.6645-10 1.593E-10 3.500E-05 7.990E-09 1.572E-10
7. 196E-09 2.592-E09 0.000G+OO 7.415E-10
1. 36iE-10 6.335E-11 2.43SE-IC 3.249E-10 4.383E-08 3.153E-09 2.514E-09 O.OOOE+00 3.785E-lb 2.090E-15-1.000E+00 2.17eE-10 3.248E-10 2.181E-10 1.429E-15-I.OOE+00 3.6695E-08 4.383E-08 7.705E-11 4.4S0L-16-1.OB-G-CO 4.l506-lG 5.4!CG-I¢










I.180E-14 S. 653E-;5

8. 955E-15 2.420E-14
1. 02CE-14 9.16CE-15 1.030E-14 1.390E-:4
.780CE-14 2.040E-14 1.760=-Z4
1. E80E-14 3.450E-14 1.810E-14 1.6705-14 1.820E-14 2.98CE-14 I.090E-13 1.240E-13

'.09OE-13 1.070E-13 1.730E-13 1.120E-13 1.050E-13 1.120E-13

1. SeoE-13 2.870E-14 3.28CE-14 2.860E-14 2.770c-14 4.870E-14 2.93CE-14 2.730'-14 2.940E-14 5.830E-14 1.270E-13 1.440-213 1.270E-13
.250E-13 1.960E-13 1.300E-13 1.220E-13 1.300E-13 1.870E-13 8.07SE-14 9.143E-14 8.145E-
4 8.054E-14 1.184E-13 8.324E-14 7.861E-14 8.294E-14 1.156E-13 1.610E-15 1.960E-15 1.320E-15 1.070E-15 5.130£-15 1.510E-iS 1.240E-15 1.560E-15 4.970E-15 1.170E-14 1.33GE-14 1.130E-14 1.070E-14 2.570E-14 1.180E-14 1.080E-14
1. 190E-14
2. 130E-14 1.070E-14 3.520E-14 6.756--:2
5. 58St-12 1.273E-11 5.9785-12 5.644E-32 6.3395E-12 8.313E-12 1.115E-211 1.082E-11 1.016E-11 i.022£-11 1.675Z-;11 1.053E-ll 9.905E-12


1. 825E-11 2.523E-11 2.414S-11 2.305E-11 2.360E-l1 3.327E-ll 2.381E-li 2.283E-1l 2.403E-il 8.155E-ll 1.519Z-ll 1.;46E-li 1.456E-ll 2.161E-ll 1.502E-ll 1.418E-ii 1.509E-ll 1.150E-:0 1.200E-l1 1.145E-ll 1.100E-ll 1.127E-11 1.568E-ll 1.127E-11
1. 0951-11 1.150E-il 4.477E-il 3.113E-11 2.971E-1' 2.S86E-l1 2.965E-11 3.983E-11 2.852E-11 2.883E-ll 2.989E-11 9.826E-il 7.643--11 E.4795-11 6.322E-11 1.441E-10 6.762E-l1 6.365-lZ 7.171E-11 9.405E-11 1.789E-10 1.730E-10 1.626E-10 1.635E-10 2.679E-10
1. 685E-10 1.585E-10
1. 707E-ID 2.9203-10 2.771E-11 2.652E--1 2.532E.-ll 2.592E-11 3.655E-11 2.616E-11 2.509E-il 2.640E-11 9.007E-11 6.748E-11 6.46SE-li 6.156E-li 6.242£-U1 9.202E-11 6.393E-li 6.038E-11 6.425E-11 4.897S-10 1.202E-ll 1.147E-11

_.102S-il 1.125E-11 1.571E-11 1.1295E-I1

!.0933-ii 1.152E-11 4.485E-11 5.489E-li 5.240E-ll 5.0895E-11 5.228E-il 7.024E-11 5.030E-1l 5.084E-11 5.27iE-11 1.733E-10 2.430E-16-1.OOCE-G0 3.63GE-10 3.500E-10 2.0E0E-16-:.000E+OC 1.67CE-09 3.3COE-10 2.0105-16-1.0005+00 4.580S-16-1.OCOE+00 2.15GE-16-1.OOOE-CO 2.030E-16-l.000E+DO 2.280E-16-1. 000+00 2.9905-16-1.00OE400 3.940E-16-l.000+00 3.580Z-16-1.DCOE400 3.0eOE-16-1.OOCE-00 5.90CE-16-1.OOOE+oo 3.710E-:6-l.COOE+00 3.490E-16-1.OODE+00 3.760E-16-1.OODE400 6.430E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.320E-15-l.OOOE-03 2.220E-15-1.000-CO 2.120E-15--.000E+00 2.170E-15-1.000E+00 3.0605-15-1.000E+00 2.190E-15-1.OOOE-00 2.100E-15-1.000E+00 2.210E-1'5-.OOOE+00 7.540E-15-i.OOE+00 6.270£-16-1.000E+00 6.010Z-16-1.000E+00 5.720E-16-1.OOOE+00 5.800E-16-1.000E+00 8.550E-16-.C000E+00 5.940E-16-1.0OOE+00 5.610E-16-i.OOOE-00 5.970E-16-1.OOOE+00 4.550E-15-1.C000+00 2.640E-15-i.00OE+00 2.52CE-15-1.000E+00 2.420E-15-1. OOOE+00 2.4805-15-i.000E+00 3.450E-15-1.OOCE+00 2.48CE-15-l.000E+00 2.400E-15-1.000E+00 2.530E-15-1.OGE+00 9.650E-15-1.OOCE-00 1.559E-i5-1.OOOE+00 1.526E-15-i.000E+00 1.482E-15-i.000EtDO 1.523E-15-1.000E+00 2.046E-15-i.OOOE+00 1.465E-15-1.OOOE4CO 1.481E-15-1.OOOE+00 i.535E-15-1.000+00 5.C47E-15-l.OOE+00 5.200E-17-2.O000+00 5.340E-17-1.000+00 3.710E-17-1.OOOE+00 3.120E-17-1.00E0+0 1.510E-16-1.000-+00 4.190'-17-l.000Z+00 3.700E-17-i.OOOE+00 4.610E-17-1.OOOE-00 6.930E-17-1.OOCE+00 2.530£-'6-1.000E+00 2.470E-16-1.00OE-CO 2.300E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.3005-16-1.OOOE+00 4.230E-16-i.OOOE+00 2.330E-16-1.OOOE00 2.240E-16-1.OOE+00 2.420g-16-1.OOOE+00 2-090E-15-1.000E+0O 2.300L-16-1.000E+00 A.030£ :5 1.0006'00 4.270E-10 4.44CE-10 7.120E-10 8.300E-iO 6.280E-08 5.950E-Oe 7.890E-10 1.495E-09 2.550Z-09 2.540E-09 C.OOOE-&00 0.000E+00 2.530E-11 4.070E-11 7.8805E-11 1.210E-10 6.570E-10 1.020E-10 6.26CE-11 9.440E-li 5.730E-1i 8.72CE-11 2.520E-07 4.760E-07 8.030E-11 1.5709-10 8.890E-09 1.440E-08 0.000E-00 C.OOOE'OO 9.950E-12 2.330--1l 1.410E-11 2.520E-1i 2.710E-10 2.640E-11 1.400E-11 2.4OE-11 1.240E-l1 2.190E-il 1.740E-09 3.870E-C9 3.7805-il 1.650E-.O 1.030E-10 1.820E-10 O.OOE0*00 C.OOOE00 1.9505-11 3.6305-_l 2.940E-11 4.680E-li 8.200E-10 4.530E-li 2.720c-11 4.30GE-li 2.520E-;1 4.070Z-A1 4.860E-08 9.100Z-08 5.00E-11 1.550E-10 1.580E-09 2.800E-09 0.000+00 0.000E+00 4.250E-12 1.:00E-li 6.170£-12 1.170E-ll 1.430E-10 1.263S-11 6.080E-12 1.090E-11 5.310E-12 S.32CE-12 2.880E-10 6.210E-10 2.270E-1i 1.340E-10 3.550E-11 6.660E-11 O.OOOE+00 O.OOCE-00 1.700E-li 3.610E-1I 2.340E-11 3.850E-li 4.4105-10 3.750E-11 2.240E-11 3.650E-li 2.010E-li 3.360E-12 8.460E-09 1.790E-08 4.700E-11 1.540E-10 3.320E-10.G0805-10 0.000E+00 O.OOE+00 0.000+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.00GE-00 C.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.00DE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.00GE-00 0.000E+00 0.00075+00 0.000r5+00 O.OOO500 0.000E+00 0.00CE-00 C.000E-0o 0.000W+00 0.0005+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000Et00 0.000+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000Eo00 0.0005+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.DOO;gOO 0.000G.00 I

1.465E-12 2.052E-11

+/-.505E-12 2.107E-13 1.045E-12 1.464E-11 8.791E-13 4.254E-12

1. 181e-12 1.042E-12 1.2995E-12 I. 953E-12 S.455E-12 5.325E-12 4.9595E-12
4. 959E-12 9.120Z-12 5.023E-12 4.829E-12 5.217E-12 4.5065E-ll 4.959E-12 0.3205 12 1.231E-li
5. 958E-11 1.653E-11 1.460E-11 1.829E-11 2.734E-11 1.194E-11 1.166E-il 1.086E-11 1.086E-11 I.997E-ll 1.l00E-li 1.058E-11 1.142E-11 9.861E-li 1.086E-ll 3.007G 11












La-42 GONADS BREAST LUNGS RED KARR BONE SUR THYROID BEHAIN@1F.R BREAST 7.400_-14 8.43 0-1i4 7.370_-14 7.190E-14

...200E-13 7.57CE-14

7. 060E-14 7.5702-:4
5. 450E-14 1.04CE-13 1.1EOE-13 1.040_-13 I.010D-13 4.607E-11 9.646E-10 4.406£-11 9.224E-10 4.204--1'2 S.802E-10 4.262v-1l. 8.922Z-10
6. 105-11 1.27CE-09 4.377E-11 9.163E-10 4.147E-11 e.681E-10 4.37 7E-11 9.163E-10 6.249=-11 1.3062-09 1.600E-15-1.OGOE+00 1.S3CE-15-1.3C0E+00

.4E02-5-1.030EO00 1.483E-15-1.03002-0 2.120E-15-1.COOE+oo 1.520E-15-1.000E+OC 1.440E-15-1.000E400 4.520E-15-1.000E+03 2.17DE-115-1.000E-O0 3C0E-08 1.080E-OB



1. 1602-08
1. 103E-08
i. I 102-08
i. 390E-08 I1.250E-06
0. OOEC00 6.223E-11 1.i02E-09 2.18OE-15-1.COOE+0O 1.8802-09 5.966E-11 -.056E-09 2.090E-15-1.003E+OO -.670E-09 5.71CE-'1 1.011E-09 2.OOCE-15-1.OOOE+03 2.32GE-09 5.8242-11 1.031S-09 2.040E-15--.OOOE-OO 1.860E-09 1.660E-13 e.422E-11 1.070E-13 5.852E-11 9.950E-14 5.652E-11 1.060E-13 5.966E-11 1.250E-13 7.251E-11 1.49iE-09 2.950E-15-1.QOOE+0o 1.700-09 1.036E-09 2.050E-15-1.0002^+00 1.730E-O9 1.001E-09 1.980E-15-1.000E+00 2.190E-09 1.056E-O9 2.090E-15-1.OOOE'00 1.9cOE-09 1.284E-09 2.540E-:5-1.000E-00 C.OOOZ+OO 2.06OE-08 1.72CE-06 1.776E--Ce l.S70z--08 2.740E-38 I.760E-08 2.21CE-08 I. 9cOE-08 C. OOO-.+00
3. 040E-09 2.650E-09 2.620E-09 2.950E-09 2.7 10E-09 2.740E-09 3.520E-09 3.040_-09 O.000E+00 1.390E-0O 1.240E-06 1.270E-08 1.320E-08 1.260E-08 1.2eOE-08 1.450E-08 1.350Z-08 O.OCOE+00 2.669E-14 3.C047E_-4 2.649E-14 2.583E-14 4.382E-14 2.725E-14 2.536E-14 2.7252-24 4.392E-14 2.130E-15 2.450E-15 2.C30E-15 1.8702-15 5.250E-15 2.130E-15 1.920E-15
2. 170E-15 6.160z-14

410E-15 9.640E-15 8.270E-15 7.930E-15 1.550E-14

8. 530E-15 7.89CE-15


2. 520Z-14
1. 140E-13


1. 150E-13 1.140_- 3 1.690E-13 1.180E-13
. 11CE-13
1. 170E-13
1. 660E-13 2.330E-15 2.640E-15 2.340E-15 2.310E-15 3.490E-15
1. 669E-11

5962-12 1.517E-11 1.542E-11 2.238E-11 1.588E-11 i.49 0E-11 i.585E-l1 5.25;E-11 3.368E-13 3.2597E-13 3.002Z-13 3.530E-10 5.840E-16-1.000+00 3.376E-10 5.585E-16-1.OOGE+00 3.209E-10 5.309E-16-1-.OOEE00 3.260E-10 5.394E-16-1.000E-00 4.734E-10 7.832E-16-1.OOOE+O0 3.356E-10 5.556S-16-1.C00E+00 3.152E-10 5.215E-16-1.000E+00 3.353E-10 5.546E-16-1.O0OE+00 l.llOE-09 1.836E-15-1.000E-00 8.760E-09 7.840E-G9 8.820E-0O S.3002-09 7.940E-09 7.930E-09 9.120E-09 8.63CE-09

0. OOOE.O0 3.429E-13 3.357E-13 3.057E-13 2.932E-13 2.985E-13 6.B41E-13 6.565S-13 3.044E-13 3.100E-13 2.932E-13 2.985E-13 3.227E-13 3.28EE-13 7.2413-11 7.373E-11 4.7902-17-1.0002+00 2.560E-12 1.5-OE-12 4.650E-17-1.0002+00 2.460E-12 5.170E-13 4.270E-17-1.OCOE+00 2.530E-10 3.890S-13 4.17CE-17-l.000E-00 3.410E-12 8.590E-:3 9.130E-11-1.00E-00 2.490---12 4.38SE-13 4.330S-17-1.000+00 2.40OZ-12 2.660E-13 4.170E-17-1.OOOE+00 4.820E-1; 3.570E-10 4.590E-17-1.OOOE+00 4.640E-11 1.080E-10 1.030E-14-1.OOOE-0 0.000E-00 O.OCOZ+O 1.910E-16-1.OOE+00 4.300E-10 9.96CE-10 1.850E-1-1.OOOE+00 2.870E-10 1.5902-10 1.700E-16-1.OCOE+00 1.660E-C5 6.630E-11 1.71CE-16-1.OOOE-00 1.290E-09 4.350E-10 2.8210S-6-1.0O0E-O0 2.410E-09 5.530E-10
.790E-16-1.000Q+00 2.560E-10 5.25CE-11 1.670E-16-1.OOOE+00 i.410E-09 7.370E-09 1.8COE-16-1.0C0E00 1.00E-09 2.560E-09 1.950E-15-1.OOOE-00 0.000G-00 O.OOOE+00 5.451E-12 5.2eGE-12 4.852--12 4.88D3-12 8.020E-12 5.109E-12 4.766E-:2 5.137E-12 5.56S5-11 6.027E-l1
5. 758E-11 5.596E-ll 5.73!E-li 7.775E-11 5.462E-11 5.569E-11 5.812E-1l 2.21?7-10 7.315E-13 7.007E-13 6.713E-_3 6.852E-13 9.923--13 9.607E-11 9.305E-il 8.550E-ll 8.601E-11 1.413E-10 9.003E-11 E.359--il 9.053E-12.

9.808E-10 4.425E-10 2.240E-15-1.000E+00 4.540E-10 1.340E-09 4.226--10 2.140E-15-1.000E+00 1.450E-10 1.800E-10 4.1095-10 2.080E-15-1.000E+00 4.210E-09 4.0103-11 4.2C8E-10 2.i30E-15-1.000E~00 2.140E-1C 2.81CE-10 5.709E-10 2.890E-15-1.000E00 1.410--10 9.770E-11 4.0;CE-10 2.030E-15-1.000E+00 6.870E-11 6.400E-12 4.089E-1C 2.0703-15-1.OOOE+00 2.120E-09 6.260E-09 4.267Z-10 2.160E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.310E-09 2.280_-09 1.626E-09 8.240E-15-1.OCOE400 O.OOOE-00 O.OOOE+OC

9. 752E-13 9.267E-13 8.879E-13 9.063E-13 1.312E-12 8.116E-13
8. 838E-13 9.267E-13 2.2042-10 4.740E-17-1.OOOE+00 1.010E-11 4.540Z-17-1.000E+OG 9.E40E-12 4.350E-17-1.003E+00 6.460E-10 4.44QE-17-l.OCOE+00 2.93CE-11 6.430E-17-1.000E+00 1.200E-10 4.210E-17-1.OOOE-00 9.400--12 4.330Z-17-1.00OE+00 2.280E-10 4.540E-17-1.000+00 1.570E-10 1.080E-14-1.000E+00 0.000E1O0 2.390E-15 6.595E-13 2.260E-15 6.682E-13 2.350E-15 7.007E-13 f.SEOE-14 1.667E-0O 1.4002-13 1.976E-11 1.570E-13 1.885E-11 1.420E-13 1.846E-11 1.420E-13 i.90OE-11 1.95CE-13 2.484E-11 1.450E-13 1.768E-11 1.380E-13 1.8532-11 1.570E-13 1.885E-11 1.d2o-13 1.946C-11 3.770E-12 7.070E-13 2.720E-13 1.070E-i2 6.060E-13 5.29GE-14
1. 240E-09 3.740_-10 C. 0002+00
6. 990E-11 1.540E-11 8.400_-12 1.930E-il 7.400E-12 1.160E-12 5.300E-10 1.540E-11

00c 10 2.034E-11 2.54CE-15-1.000E-C0 1.938E-11 2.420E-15-1.000E+00 1.898E-11 2.370E-15-1.000E+00 1.954E-11 2.440E-15-1.OOOE+00 2.554E-11 3.190E-15-1.000E+00 1.81ME-11 2.27CE-15-1.OOOE-00 1.906E-11 2.360E-15-l.000EE00 1.938E-11 2.420E-15-1.000E+00 1.992E-11 2.3DO2-15-1.0002100 1.660E-ll I.;30E-I!

3.010E-10 1.36CE-11 1.110£-11 8.740--12 9.030E-11 1.:30E-11 3.0102 10










p-239 rOflwhnc 1.440E-13 2.9166-11

.950E-11 2.460E-15-'.0C0+0G 6.84di-11 1.750r--t 2.160_-13 9.11;E-11 9.36S-11l :.170E-14-2.OOOE+30 0.0006+00 0.000+00 3.38_6-15 2.213E-12 3.9306-1S 2.170E-12 3.170S-15 1.951E-12 2.8303-15 1.660E-12 9.410E-15 5.166E-12 3.350E-15 2.003E-12 2.980E-15 1.H94E-12 3.430E-15 2.118E-12 1.020E-14 3.7S6E-12 1.280E-i4 1.470E-14 I.230E-14

1. 170E-14 2.520E-14 1.280E-14 1.170E-14 1.290E-14 3.960E-14 2.725E-15 3.12SE-15 2.63SE-15 2.507E-15 5.441E-15 2.753E-15 2.534E-:5 2.773E-'5 8.574E-14 2.130E-17 2.550E-11 1.860E-17
1. 620E-17
5. 930E-17 2.050E-17 1.760E-17 2.100z-17 1.760E-14 6.130E-15
7. 120E-15 5.820E-15 5.40GE-15

'.320E-14 6.120E-15 5.530E-15 6.190_-15 1.950E-14 7.900E-12 7.688E-12

6. 893E-12 6.7B7E-12 1.323E-11 7.211E-12 6.734E-12 7.396E-12 1.058E-10 6.328E-13 6.274E-13 5,228E-13 4.755E-13


5. 529E-13 5.086E-13 5.909E-13 7.648E-13 2.264E-14 2.330E-14 1.642E-14
1. 493E-14 5.454E-14 1.802E-14 1.642E-14 2.002E-14 5.711E-11 4.218E-12 4.132E-I2 3.648£-12
3. 505--12 5.265E-12 3.876E-12 3.562E-12 3.961E-12 3.;35E-11 4.332--1t 4.2476-1i 3.820E-11 3.641E-11 1.011E-10 3.922E-11 3.708t-11 4.146E-11 7.4:6E-11 4.956E-11 4.825=-11 4.325E-11 4.259E-11 8.302E-l1 4.525E-11 4.226E-11 4.642E-11 6.638E-10 I.319E-11 1.307E-11 1.089E-11 9.9076-12 3.4297-11 1.152E-11 1.060E-ll 1.231E-ll 1.594E-11 4.032E-13 4.149E-13 2.923E-13 2.659E-13 9.71'E-13 3.20SE-13 2.923E-13 3.564E-13 1.011E-09 7.235E-11 7.068E-11 6.257E-ll 6.013---11 1.41SE-10 6.646E-1l 6.11IE-11 6.795E-11 5.377E-10 4.380E-11 4.329E-11 3.842E-11 3.740E-11 9.349E-1l 3.919E-1l 3.740E-11 4.175E-11 6.737E-11 9.011E-13 1.167E-12 4.759E-14 1.173E-13 7.378}-13 2.056E-13 1.935E-13
5. 068-13 5.830E-12 3.713E-13 4.699E-13 4.760E-14 7.258E-14 3.514E-13 7.710E-17-1.000E+00 5.540E-li 7.560E-17-1.000E+00 4.460E-11 6.80CE-17-1.00CEo00 1.670E-08 6.48CE-17-1.0O0E+00 8.9fOE-11 1.800E-16-1.DOOE-00 2.54DE-10 6.960E-17-1.000S-C0 2.550Z-'1 6.600E-17-1.000_-00 1.260E-D9 7.380E-17-1.000+o00 2.420E-09 1.320E-6-1.000E+OO O.OOOE+00 2.980E-16-l.000E+0C 2.900E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.600E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.560E-16-1.OOOE+00 4.990E-15-1.000E'00 2.720E-16-1.C000E00 2.540E-26-1.0006E00 2.790E-16-1.000-+00 3.990E-1S-1.000E+00 6.088E-17-1.000E+00 5.922E-17-l.O0OE+00 5.362E-17-1.OOOE+00
5. 247E-17-1.OOOE600 1.127E-16-1.000E--00 5.418E-17-1.OOOE.00 5.283E-17-1.COO E-0 5.766E-17-1.000+00 1.250E-14-1. 0002+00 7.930E-19-l.000E+00 8.160£-19-1.000E+00 5.750E-19-1.OOE+00 5.230E-19-1.00OE400 1.906E-19-1.000E-00 6.31CE-19-1.000E00 5.750E-19-1.OOOE+00 7.010E-19-1.000E+00 2.000E-15-1.000E+00 1.480E-16-1.000E+00 1.450E-16-1.000E+00
.2e0E-16-1.OOCE+00 1.230E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.900E-16-1.OOOE-00 1.360E-16-1.000EiO 1.250E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.390E-16-1.0OOE+00 1.'00E-15-1.000E+00 1.710E-16-l.OOOE+00 1.690E-16-1.000E+00 1.500E-16-1.000E+00 1.460E-16-1.OOE+00 3.650E-16-1.000E-00 1.530E-16-1.000E 00 1.460E-16-1.OOOE00 1.630E-16-1.000E+00 2.630E-16-1.000+00 7.530E-11
.66CE-1l 3.86GE-09 2.9cOE-11 1.640E-11 6.230E-12 1.420E-09 9.160E-10 O.OOOE+00 2.390E-10 3.460E-10 7.911E-07 2.880E-09 4.720E-09 2.920E-10 1.910E-08 1.010E-07 O.OOOE400 1.08GE-10
1. 1OE-11 1.43GE-12 3.390E-11 2.300S-11 1.800E-13 2.50D6-09 7.8303-10
0. O030+00 2.120E-10 2.320E-11 3.6820E-12 5.070E-ll 1.61OE-I1 4.350E-13 3.890E-0O 1.230Z-09 0.0000E+0 6.987E-11
1. 223E-11 6.551E-12
8. 923--I1 1.280E-10 5.154E-.2 1.890E-08 5.711E-09 0.OOOE+0 4.370E-16 8.99CE-1e 2.2206-18 1.090E-18 1.330E-08 1.910E-19 1.480E-11 1.030E-12 1.490E-11 1.030E-12 1.680E-18 2.6606-20 1.970E-09 4.220E-09 2.190E-09 1.270E-09 O.OOOE'00 O.OOOE+00 E.410E-11 3.450E-11 1.060E-08 S.10SE-l1 3.260E-'0 1.820E-11 1.760E-09 1.850E-09
0. 00CE+OO 7.450E-11 1.630E-11 2.360E-09 2.080D-10 2.030E-09 7.620E-12
9. 590E-10 6.780E-10 0.000E400 7.530E-15 4.691E-12 8.730E-15 4.636E-12 7.180E-15 4.115E-12 6.500E-15 4.005E-12 2.00CE-14 }.001E-11 7.52CE-15 4.1972-12 6.760E-15 4.005E-12 7.690E-15 4.471E-12 1.6006-14 7.215E-12 6.5603-18 4.291E-14 1.270E-17 5.558E-14 1.060E-1S 2.267E-15 1.680E-18 5.587E-15 9.300E-18 3.5143-14 4.010E-18 9.792E-15 1.59CE-18 9.216E-15 4.880E-18 2.413S-14 4.090E-17 2.776E-13 4.840E-18 1.768E-14 7.550E-18 2.238E-14 2 650E-18 2.267E-15 2.670E-18 3.456E-15 9.470E-18 1.673E-14 1.790E-10 I.870E-11 2.440E-12
5. 050E-11 2.220E-'I 2.640--13 3.760E-09
1. 180E-09
0. OE0+00 1.620E-10 1.720E-11 2.400E-12 4.660E-11 3.590S-;1 2.0706-13 2.770E-09 8.820E-10
0. OOOE+00 2.330E-09 1.800E-13 8.640E-14 1.270E-08 1.580E-07 7.990E-:4 2.180E-08 I.340E-08 O.O0OE+00
2. 640E-09 1.210E-13 7.890E-14 1.410E-08 1.760E-07 I

1.490Z-18-1.000E+00 1.040E-05 1.930E-18-1.00O6+00 4.400E-10 7.870E-20-1.000E+00 3.200E-04 1.940E-19-1. O00E+00 5.800E-05 1.220E-1E-1.000E+00 7.250E-04 3.400E-19-1.000E+00 3.860E-10 3.200E-19-1.000E-00 2.740E-05 8.380E-19-1.0006+00 7.790E-05 9.640E-18-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 6.140E-19-1.0COE+00 1.200E-05 7.770E-19-1.OOOE+00 3.990E-10 7.8703-20-1.000E+00 3.230E-04 1.200E-i9-1.000E+00 6.570E-05 5.elOE-19-1.000E-+00 8.210_-04 4.AIO W !A -1r4 7 FR -1 4 1 711F.- I 'A f&14flr.1C.

1 flflfl~.

f0 1.7flfl

.- n0 9

A nr-fi2 I

EC-RADN-1 127 THYROID 3.883E-18 Page 29 REMAIDE?.











2.FSOE-l1 4.24CE-12 1.863--17 5.;26E-15 4.83SE-15 1.057E-14 1.057E-13 1.C77E-13 1.780E-19-!.OODE-00 3.75CE-10 7.500E-14 1.Dl6E-3 1.SSE-19-l.COO--+OO 3.020b--5 2.120E-os 2.22GE-13 3.670E-19-1.OCOE+00 8.330E-G5 1.400Z-08 2.220E-12 3.670E-18-1.000EOEO O.OOCE-CO O.OCOE+OO 6.360E-IE 4.118E-14 1.23CE-17 5.32SE-14 1.C90E-18 2.245E-15 1.650E-1S 5.3SEK-Is B.S49E-13 2.430E-18-1.000E+00 1.11SE-12 1.650E-18-1.OOEiCO 9.2ECE-18 3.920E-i8 1.960E-18 4.750E-1S 3.92o3E-i7

7. 150E-20
8. 670E-20 6.4eOE-20
5. 630E-20 2.;90E-19 6.980E-20 6.09OE-20 7.250E-20 1.170E-15 8.580E-16 1.070E-15 6.74CE-16 5.210E-16 2.e70K-15 7.830E-16 e.340S-16 8.18OE-16 l.2BOE-15 7.830E-18
1. 480E-17
1. 130Z-iB 1.890E-16 1.060E-17 4.910E-18 2.270E-1E 5.690E-l8 4.290E-17
6. 900E-t8 1.330E-17 7.0SE-19 i.460--18 8.820E-lB 4.19CE-18 1.813O-18 4.9OE-lE 3.398E-14 9.446E-15 6.870E-15 2.3132-14 2.644E-13 6.653E-17 7.229E-17 4.090--17 4.003E-17
1. 3B5E-16 4.522E-;7 4.291E-17 5.558E-17 2.033E-i6 9.360E-13 1.014E-12 5.789E-13
4. e38E-13 2.67SE-12 6.365E-13 5.933E-13 7.920E-13 2.396E-12 4.893E-14 6.159E-14 3.022E-15 6.562E-25 4.231E-14 i.261E-14 1.0792-14 2.751E-14 2.700E-I3 4.723E-14 1.131E-13
7. 137E-13 1.5984E-13 1.863E-13 4.857E-13 5.552E-12 1.296L-15 1.517Z-15 9.584E-16 8.403E-16 2.90KE-I5 9.491E-16 9.007E-16 t.268E-15 4.268E-15
7. 810E-20-1.OOOE+O0 1.18CE-16-1.OOOEOO 3.2SO-19-1.OOZE+OC 3.08OE-19-l.000E+00 8.030E-19-1.OOOE-00 9.1SOE-lE-i.GOOZ+OC 2.31CE-21-1.OOCE-O0 2.510_-21-l.COOEO00
1. 420E-21-1.OCOE+00 1.390E-2'-1.OOOE-OO 4.810iE-21-1.OOOE+O0 z.570E-21-i.OOOE+O0 1.490E-21-1.OOOE-OO 1.93OE-21-1.OOOE+OQ 7.060E-21-!.OOOE-00 i.20CE-05 2.640E-09 4.330--10 1.73CE-13 3.230E-04 8.220E-'4

',57CE-O5 i.ClOE-OS 8.210_-04 i.760E-07 3.760E-l0 7.510E-i4 3.02GE-05 2.130E-08 8.330Z-05 1.40CE-GS O.OCOE+O 0. OOOEO-0 2.IfOE-07 5.E60E-ll 2.140E-ii 2.790E-15 3.160E-06 4.480E-25 1.430---06 2.780E-10 1.780Z-05 3.480E-05 9.150E-12 1.OlOZ-i5 6.020E-07 1.850E-10 1.340E-06 2.070E-10 O.OOOE-CO O.OGOE+00 1.966E-11 3.250E-17-l.OGOE+OO 2.129E-11 3.520E-17-l.ODOEKO0 3.250E-05

2. 670E-09 1.840E-05

.,74CE-04 1.216E-11 1.016E-11 5.625E-ll 1.337E-I1 1.246E-:1 1.663E-ll 5.032E-11

_.013E-12 1.275E-12 6.257E-A4 1.355E-13 8.759E-13 2.610E-13 2.235E-13

5. 697E-13 5.58S9E-12 2.OiOE-17-l.OOOE+OO 1.680E-17-1.OOOE+O0 9.300E-17-1.OQOE-00 2.170E-03 2.210E-17-1.OOOE+0O 1.6COE-09 2.060Z-17-l.OCOE+00 7.820E-05 2.750E-17-l.OOCE-00 1.200E-04 8.320E-17-1.000--+00 O.OCOE+O0 1.700E-18-1.OOOE-0O 5.700E-07 2.140E-16-1.OOO.00 9.440E-1O 1.050E-19-l.OOOE+00 1.550E-05 2.280E-19-1.OOOE-00 3.900E-06 1.470E-lS-l.OOOE+00 4.870E-OS 4.380E-19-1.OOOE400 9.410E-10 3.75CE-15-l.OOOE+00 2.450E-06 9.560_-19-l.OOOE+00 4.670E-C6 9.380E-18-l.OOOE-0O 0.OOOE+OC 2.700E-07
2. 620E-1I 3.360E-I1 1.450E-06
I S" CE-05 1.320Z-11 6.660E-07 9.84CE-C7 O. OOOE+0D 5.200E-09 8.95o--i2 8.640E-12 3.570-08 4.460E-O7 8.820E-12 4.020E-08 3.lOOE-O0 O.OOOE0co 4.522E-14 9.492E-13 5.702E-14 1.197E-12 2.592E-1S 5.441E-l4 5.875E-15 1.233E-'3 3.859E-214 8.101E-13 I.14EE-14 2.406E-13 9.E2lE-lS 2.062E-13 2.529E-14 5.308E-13 I.570E-18-i.OCOE+O0 1.59CE-05 1.330E-07

.980E-18-2.OOCE-00 1.040E-09 8.82CE-12 9.000E-20-l.OOOE+O0 1.930E-05 8.810E-i2 3.910E-17 2.506E-13 5.260E-I2 1.710E-1§ 5.572E-15 5.050E-18 9.495E-15 i.640E-i9 1.2S6E-16 3.830E-19 5.617E-16 2.250E-18 3.437E-15 6.430E-19 7.698E-16 5.300E-15 1.393E-:5 2.500E-18 3.437E-15 3.560E-17 1.167E-13 1.420E-l5 1.337E-12 1.700E-15 1.383E-12 i.19GE-15 8.609=-13 1.lOOE-15 7.844E-13 3.230E-15 2.599E-12 1.360E-15 1.C28S-12 1.150E-1S 8.855E-13 1.370E-i5 1.112f2-12 1.040E-14 1.894£-12 5.855E-15 9.98OE-15 1.331E-16

5. 902E-16 3.612E-15
8. 08BE-!6 1.464E-15 3.612g-15 1.226E-13 1.168E-i 1.230E-li 7.656E-}2 6.975E-12 2.31LE-il 9.138E-12 7.874E-12 9.892E-12 1.684E-1l 2.040Z-19-1.OOOE+O0 2.340E-18-i.00OE400 3.SOE--1-l.000+00 3.410E-19-l.OOOE+00 B.78OE-19-1.OOOEvO0 8.700E-iE-i.000E+00 6 16GE-19-1.OOOE+00 1.050g-l8-l.000E+00 1.400E-20-1.O0OE4OO 6.2!0E-20-1.OOOE-OO 3.BO0E-19-1.OOOE+OO 8.510E-2G-I.OOOE00 1.540E-19-1.OOOZ400 3.800. OOOE+O0 1.290E-17-i.O00E'OO 4.890E-17-l.OOOE+O0 5.060E-i7-1.OOOEOO 3.150E-17-1.OOOE+00 2.670E-17-1.OOOE+OO 9.510E-17-1.OOOE-0O 3.760E-17-l.COOE+OO 3.240E-17-l.OOOE+O0 4.070E-10-I.OOOE-00 6.93CE-17-1.OOOE+O0 9.30K-O05 1.170Z-03 I.OlOE-O9 4.760E-05 6.700E-05 O.OOOE+0O C.OOOE+OO o. OOOE-OO O. OOOE+OG G.OOOE+OO O. OOOECO0 O.OOOE+OO
o. OOOE+OO O.OOOE-CO O.GOOE+OO 7.e20E-07 9.770E-06 8.440E-12 4.150E-07 5.450E-07 C.OOOE+O0 0.000+00 O.OCOE+OO O.0OGEa00 0.OOOE+OO O.OCOE+OO O. OOOE-00 O. OOOE+OC O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE-CO O.OOOEKCO O.OOOE+OO O.COOE+OO O.OOOEtOO O.OOOE+0O O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE-00 O.OQOE+OO 0.00OE+00 O.OOO0EOo 0.000£+00 O.OOOE+OO O.OO0E0OO O.OOOEOO O.OOOZ+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO o.OOOE+OO O.0OOE+OO O.OOOE+00 0.000-OO 0.OOOE+000 O.O0O5EEO O.OOCE-0O O.OOOZ+OO O.OODE+OO 0.000591*00 o.000s*oo 2.OOOE-14 2.290E-14
1. 980E-10 1.370E-15
1. 0da= 14 5.9295E-13 5.691r-13 5.343E-13 1.112E-12 1.90#5 19 5.929E-13 4.480E-16-l.OOOE-00 5.691g-13 4.300E-16-1.OOO2+o0 5.30qE-12 6.240E-U-1.OOOE-O0 9.892E-12 4.070E-17-1.OOOE-0O Z.69M 1'1 lq.oqo la l.0OOD-OO



N-1127 Page 30 1.910E-14 5.400E-13 5.4COE-13 3.53OE-14 8.246E-13 e.246E-13 2.04CE-14 5.612E-13 5.6i2E-13 1.890E-14 5.241-23 5.241E-13 2.040E-14 5.612E-.3 5.612E-13 2.970E-.4 i.C66E-12 ;.96EE-12 4.080E-:6-1.OOE+00 O.OO0F+3C O.OOOE-O0 6.23GE-16-1.ODCE-CO O.OOOE+6O O.ooor-CO 4.240E-16-1.0DE-CO O.OCOE+O0 O.COOE+OO 3.960E-16-1l.OOO_+OG C.OOCE-CO O.OOOE+OO 4.240E-16-1.OOOZ+OO O.OOOE-OO C.OOOE+OO 1.410E-15-!.OOOE+OC O.OOOE+OC O.0OOE+OO

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 31 RADTRAD Control File Inventory File CRDASSESAST.nif

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 32 luclide Inventory Name: SSES_AST-LOCA.lIF + kr63m, xe 13i1i..

133M., 135m.

3w'R Core Inventory


EC-rUEL-1615 RI Power Level:

D.1001zt+01 Nuclides:

63 Nuclide 001:


.7 0.61171200001+07 0.S800E+02 0.1470E+03 no-e O.OOCOE+00 0.OOCOE+00 none 0.OOCOE+O0 Nuclide 002:

Co-60 7

o. 16E3401096E+09 0.6COOE+02 0.7910Z+02 none O.OOOOE+00 none O.OOOOE+00 none O.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 003:

Kr-85 I

0.3382974720E+09 0.8500E+02 0.3670E+03 aone 0.COOOE+0O none O.OOOOE+00 none O.OOOGE+00 nuclide 004:

Kr-8S5m 0.1612800000E405 0.8500E+02 0.6650E+04 Xr-85 0.2100E-00 none 0.OOOOE-00 none O.OOOCE-00 Nuclide 005:

Kr-87 1

0. 4578o00000E+04 0.8700E+02 0.1330E-C5 Rb-87 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000+00 none C.0000+00 Nucilde 0C6:

Kr-85 I

0.1022400000E+05 0.08800E02 0.1ssoE-05 Rb-88 0.1OOOE+01 none O.OOGOE+00 none 0.0000t+00 Nuclide 007:

Rb-86 3

0.1612224000E+07 0.8600E+02 C.5380E+02 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.0000+00 none O.OOOE+00 Nuclide 008:

Sr-89 5

0.4363200000E+07 0.8900E-02 0.2550E405 none 0.0000Z+00 none 0.0000+00 none 0.00008+00 0.4363200000E+07 0.8900E-02

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 33 Nuclzde 009:

Sr-9G 5

C.9le95731ZOE-CS 0.9COOE+02 C. 32537+04 Y-90 O.lCOOS+O1 none 0.0000E00

-one O.OG00E-00 Fluclide 010:

Sr-91 5

0.3420000000E+0O 0.5 9COE+02 0.3250E+05 Y-S1n 0.5800E+00 Y-91 0.4200E+00 none O.QOOOE+00 Nuclide 01:

Sr-92 5

0.9756000000E+04 o.9200Er02 0.3450E-05 Y-92 0.100CE-Cl none 0.O000CE-0 none O.COOGE-00 Muclide 012:

Y-90 9

0.23C40COOOOE+06 0.9000E+02 0.3370E+04 none O.COOOE-CO none O.OOOOE-0O none O.COOCE-CO tluclide 013:

Y-91 9

0.50552640C0E+07 0.59_00E+02 0.3320E+05

-one O.OOOOE-CO rone 0.O000E-00 none 0.0COOE00 Nuclide 014:

Y-92 9

0.1274400000E+05 0.9200E-02 0.341CE+05 none O.OOOrO+O none O.OCOOE+00 none O.OOOOE+00 kNuclide 015:

Y-93 9

o. 363600Co0CE-G5

0. 9300EL02 0.2650E-C5 Zx-53 O.:OOOE.+OI none 0.0000E+00 none C.DOOOE+0C S-'.clide 016:

2.C 0.5527872000E-07 0.9500E.02 0.47f0E-05 tb-95n 0.7003E-02 Nb-95 0.9900E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 017:

Zr-97 9

0.6084000000E+05 0.9700E+02 0.4710Z+05 Nuciide 017:


EC-RADN-1 127 Page 34

.b-97n 0.9500E+Oo

.4b-9*7 0-5300E-O' none O.OOOOE+00 Nuclide OB:

N;b-95 5

0.3C36960000E-07 D.95003+02 0.4760E+05 none O.OOOOE+OQ none 0.OO0GE-00 none O.OOOOE-CO Nuclide 019:

Mo-99 7

0.2376000G00E+06 0.990CE-02 O.501GE-C5 Tc-9-n 0.8800E+00 Tc-99 0.1200E+00 none 0.OOOOE-00 Nuclide 020:

Tc-9mn 7

0.216720COOOE-05 0.9900E+02 0.4440E+05 Tc-99 0.10OE-O1 none O.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+O0 N;Clide 021:

Pu-103 7

0.3393792000E+07 0.1030E+03 0.4270E+05 Rb-103n 0.IOOOE+01 none O.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+0S luclide 022:

Ru-105 7

0. 1598400000E+05 0.1050E+03

°.295CE-05 Rh-105 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 no-e O.OOOOE-00 Nuclide 023:

Ru-106 7

0. 3181248000E--08
0. 1060E-03 O. 1700E+05 Rh-106 0.IOOOE 01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 024:

.,h-105 7

0.1272960000S+06 0.1050E+03 0.2750E+05 none 0.0000£+00 none 0.00003+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 025:

Sb-;27 4

0. 332f400000E406 0.1270E+03 0.2330E+04 Te-127m 0.1800E+00 Te-127 0.8200E+00 none 0.00005+00 Nuclide 026:

Sb-129 4

Te-127rn 0.1800E+00 Te-127 O.A200F+n0

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 35 0.1555200GGOE-CS 0.1290Z+03 3.8610E+04 Te-129m 0.2200E-03 Te-129 0.7700E00 none O.OOOCE-00 Nuclide 027:

.e-127 4

0.3366O0OOOOE+05 0.1270E+03 0.2310E+04 none G.OOOOE-00 none O.OCOOE-00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 02e:

,e-127m 4

0.9417600000E-07 0.1270Z+03 0.3940E+03 Te-127 0.9800E-00 none O.OOOOEC00 none O.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 029:

Te-129 4

0.4176000000E+34 0.1290E+03 0.8160E+04

_-'29 0.!OOE+0O1 none O.OOOOE+00 no-e 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 030:

Te-129n 4

0.2903040000E. 07 0.1290E+03 o.i650E+04 Te-129 0.6500E+00 1-129 0.3500E-00 none 0.0000+OC Nuclide 031:

Te-131m 4

0. 1080000000E+06 0.13iOE403 0.5330r-04 Te-i31 0.2200E+00 I-131 0.780CE-00 none O.OOOOE00 Nuclide 032:

ie-132 4

0.2815200000E+O6 0.1320E+03 0.3620E-05

-132 O.1000l+Ol none 0.O000E+00 none 0.0000E+OO Nuclide C33

T_1.3 2

0.6946560000E+06 0.1310E+03 0.2650E+05 Xe-131n 0.1100lE-01 none 0.OOOOE+00 none O.OOOOE+OO Nuclide 034:

1-132 2

0.8280000000KO04 0.1320E+03 0.3890E+05 none G.OOGOS+00 none O.OOOOE+0O none 0.OOOOE-00 0.8280000000E-04 0.1320E+03

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 36 I;-clide C,55:

._3-G. 74BEOGG^O~z+05 0.!~33GE-re 0.55 lo6

.Xe-:33r. C.2900E-0O Xe-:33 C.'730E+00 no-e


'luclide e 3':

1-134 2

0.31560C'COOE-04 rG.134CE,'-4 C.EGECE-05 nc:-e C.COC0O+3C n^-oe C. Coco-+0c nc-.e C.C;COE+00 gucl:de r3-:

&.23-796u0OGE-05 03.135GD35 3.5270;,+C0; Xe-35n G5.1500E+00 Xe-135 O.95COE+00 none O.OOOoE+00 t::;clide O;-E:

Xe-1;3 C.4531690000E+06 C. 2 30F.0.! e.00005+00


^.one G.000GJ+00 Nuclide C39:

Xe-175 O. 32724C00 00O+05 0.135GE-53 0.3740E-05 Cs-135 G.COOCE-C1 no.e O.;OOOE-OO no-.e O.OO.OOE+OO Nuclidc 04C:

Cs-134 3

0.6507fl3120-+08 0.134CE+C't 0.57DCE04 none O.O00OZ-00 none 0.OOOCE+00 none C.OOOOE400 Nuc1'de 041:

Cs-136 3

0.1'131B400OOC-07 0.1360E+03 0.1620E+04 none 0.OOOOE+00 none O.COOGE+OO none O.COOOE+00 Nuclide 042:

Cs-137 3

0.5946728000CE-09 0.1370Z+03 0.42905+04 Ba-137.i 0.9500Z+00 none 0.0000E+00 rone 0.0000E+00 Vuclide 043:

Ba-139 6

0.4962000000E+04 0.1390E+03 0.4640E+05 Uuclide 043:

rA-l ;c

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 37 none 0.OO0OE.00 none 3.OGOOV+00 0.0000D+00 Nuciide 044:

Ba-140 0.1100736000E+07 0.140CE-03 o. 48ecE-05 La-;40 Q.100GE-O! 0..GOOE-03 0.OOOGE-00 Nuc14de 045:

La-'40 5

0. 144 9792D00_+36 0.1400G+03 0.5180E+05 none O.OOCOE+00 none O.0300E+00 none O.GOOOE+00 Nuclide 046:

La-14' 9

0.1414eOOOOE+05 0.1410E-03 0.441OE-05 Ce-_41 0.1000E+Ol none 0.0000E+O0 rone 0.0000E+30 Nuclide 047:

-a-142 9

0.55500000GOE404 0.1420E+03 0.4320E+05 none O.OOOOE-00 none O.COOGEOO none O.OOOCE-00

?Tuclide 048:

Ce-'41 8

0.2808066400E-C7 0.1410E+03 0.4460E+05 none 0.000OE400 none 0.OOOOE+00 none O.OOOOE+00 S,.clide 049:

Ce-143 6

0.2188000000E+06 C. l430E+03 0.4140E~05 Pr-243 0t 000:-01 none C,000O+00 none 0.00003+00 Nucl'de 050:

Ce-144 8

0.24563520003+08 0.1440E+03 0.3750E+05 Pz-144m 0.1BOOE-Ol Pr-144 0.9S00E-00 none O.OOO0S-0O lucdide 051:

Pr-143 9

0.1171584000E-07 0._430E-03 0.3990E*05 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.0000E+00 none O.OOOO+00 Nuclide 052:

Kd-147 9

none O.OOOOE+00 nn.



EC-RADN-1 127 Page 38 C.94867200S0E-C6 C.1 470>-+33 0.i803-+05 Prn-147 0.1000E+O:

none O.OOCOE+03 ncne O.OOGOE+00 Yuclide 053:

Np-239 8

0.2034720000E+06 0.2390E+03 0.526CE-C06 Pu-239 O.ICOOE+Ol none O.OOOOZ+00 none O.OOOOE+00 luclide 054:

Pu-238 e

0.2768e63824E-10 0.2360E-03 0.1130-+03 U-234 0.1000E+01 none O.OOOOE+00 none G.OOOOE+O0 h'uclide 055:

Pu.-239 0.7594336440E+12 0.2390E403 0.1200_+02 U-235 0.1000E+01 none 0.COO0E-OO none O.OOOOE-00 Wuclide 056:


  • 8 0.2062920312Z+12 0.2400E+03 C.1930E+02 U-236 0.1000El01

-one D.OOOOEvOO none 0.O000E+0O Nuclide 057:

P:-241 6

0.;544294400E+09 0.241CE+03

0. 4760E+04 U-237 0.2400E-04 Am-241 G.1000l+01 none O.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 058:

Am.-241 0.1363919472E*ll 0.2410E-03 0.630CE-01 Np-237 0.1O0OE+01 none S.OOOOE+00 none 0.000OE+CO Nuclide 059:

Cm-242 C

0,140659200GE-08 0.2420E-03 0.1650E+04 Pu-238 0.1000E+01 none O.OOOOE+00 none 0.000OE-00 Nuclide 060:

Cm-244 9

0. 57i5081360E-C09 0.2440E-03 0.9670E+02 Pu-240 0.OOOE+01 none O.OOOOE+0O none 0.OOOOE+OO 0.57i5081360E-C9 0.2440E-03

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 39 Nuclide 061:


1 0.6840000000E-04 0.8300E+02 0.3250E+04 none O.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.O0OCE-00 INuclide 062:




987032000E+06 0.1330E-03 0.17330+04 Xe-133 O.1000E401 ione O.OOOOE-00 ncne 0.0000E+50 Nuclide 063:

Xe-135m 1

0.936COOGOOOE+03 0.1350E-03

0. I5007+05 Xe-135 0.1000E+O1 Cs-135 0.4500E-04 none 0.OOOOE-CO End cf Iuclear inventory File

EC-RADN-127 Page 40 RADTRAD Output CRDA_500cfm_2000_noCREOAS.out


.Attachment 4 Page 41 04F#4***5Iti?*0#*Ei**5#**5}5IF1P010*I&i#?#4*5#1F*I10f9i4f?1*t5*#f5*4411 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 20C1) run on 8/15/2005 at 16:00:54 i5*15*5t11i**t0*


  • g1##I**5*0i*t5*5Iv51I*5*0*,115i**i5*0*115~*,*II1*5*10kkFi**,p*05*h5*.F File 4nfcrmation 5*#*V*5**#i#~ft40*#155*910*1519Rf?#hi*I1*0111**#14#1Ift#44I5H1*45105*h Plan: 'ile

= C:\\Pzograr Files\\radtrad3.03\\PPL AST MSL\\CRDA SOOcfrn 2000 noCREOAS.psf nventory file c:\\progra-n files\\radtrad3.03\\ppl ast m.slcrda sases as.nif Release file

= c:\\progra-n files\\radrrad3.03\\pplasternsl\\crda ssesfast_2000_nelt.rft Dose Conversion file -

c:\\program filesXrad::ad3.03\\ppl-astmnsl~crda-exoanded I


  1. 0 I



      1. t I

e 1

t 0

f I


  • 1t5 0

I *###4

  • #1 5 #

s 1 # i t


  • i 1 4 1 of0*0 I


5 i t

i 5# I 5

I t

I 1

  • F4Fi I

Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 SSES Nuc'ide :nvenzory File:

c:\\program files\\radtrad3.03\\ppl ast rsi\\czda sses ast.nif Plan: Pcwer Level:

4.0320E-03 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

SSZS Condenser/Turbine 3

1.COOCE402 0

0 I.

0 0

0 Compartment 2:

Environment 2

0.000CE-GO C

0 0

0 0

Comapartment 3:

i Control-Bldg 1

52-800E--05 0

C 0

0 0


4 Pathway I:

ISSIZS Condenser/Tzrbine a se to Environs -

24 1

2 4

Pathway 2:

Environs to Control Bldg -

6391 cfm Air 2

3 2

Pathway 3:

Environs to Control Bldg -

510 cfM Inleakage



2 3

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 42 3

2 Pathway 4:

Cortro: Bldg to Environs - Control Poom ^xhaus:

3 2

2 End of P:ant Model File Scenaric DescriDticn Nvame:

Plant Model Filename:

So:rce Term:


.6OOOE-0O c:\\progran f'les\\:adtrad3.03\\ppl ast.msl\\c:da expanded fgrll&12.inp c;\\progran f-.1es\\radtrad3.03\\ppl ast.nsl\\crda sses ast_2000_melt.-f' C.OCOOE-0O I

C.OOOOE-O0 9.700GE-01 3.OOOOE-02 Overlying Pool:

0 0.000GE+00 0

0 0

0 Compartments:

3 Compa:tment 1:

0 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 2:

0 0

0 C

0 0

0 0

Cornpartment 3:

C 0

0 0

C 0

0 Pathways:

4 Pathway 1:

l.COOOE+00 i-0 0

0 0

0 0

0 CG 0

i 3

0.000OE+00 2.4000:E+0l 7.2000E+02 0

3 1.0000E+00 O. OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 43 Pathway 2:

C 0

C00 0

0 O.COSCE+OO 1.0COOE-OO 7.200E0C2 0

0 0

0 0

Pathway 3:

0 6.3910E+03 6.3951OE-C3


0a 2


7. 2000E+02 0

C 0

0 0

0 Pathwiay 4:

0 0a 0

0 1


. 0000S+O00

2. 4000E+01 0a 0


o 0

5.1000E-02 0.0000E-00 0.0000Z+00 O.COOGE+00 O.COOOE-00 0.00004+.00 0.OCOOE+00 0.000DE-OO

6. 9010E40 O0. 000OE+00 6.9010E+03 0.00OOE400 O.OOOCE-O0 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E600 Dose Locations:

Location 1:

UA.3 -


2 1

3 O.COOOE+O0 2.COOCE+O0 1.2000E-02 1

4 D.OOCOE+O0 S.OOOOE+O0 2.4000E+Ol 7.2000E-02

~0 Lccaticn 2:

L!Z -


O.OGOOE-C0 8.0000E+00 2.S4000+01 9.600OE01 1.2000E+02 1




8. 300CE-04 8.3000E-04 0.0000E+00 3.5000E-04 1.8000E-04 2.3000E-04 O. 0000o+00
4. 9000g-05 3.5000E-05 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOEi00
  • . 00 v-_,

3.5000E-05 n


EC-RADN-1 127 Page 44 O.0C0CE-O 3.50COE-04 8.COOCE40 1.O I eOE-04 2.4 30E+O

2. 3000E-04
7. 2000E+02 G. OCOO+ao 3

Location 3.


O. OO00+OC

3. 5000E-04
7. 20007-+02
0. COOOE-O0 4


.OOOGETCo 2.4000E-01 6.OOOOE-01 9.600CE--01 4.OOOOE-01 7.20COE+02 O.OOOOE+05 Effective Volumwe Loceaion:


0. 0000E00
1. 3600E-03 2.O0OOE-00 1.0300E-03 8.COOQE+00 3.3E00E-04 2.4000E+01 0.00DCE00 7.2000E+02 O.OODOE-00 Simnulation Parameters 1

O.OOOOE+0O 0.OOOOE-00 Output Filename:

C:\\P:ogram Files\\radtrad3.o40 1

End o' Scenario File

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 45 RADIRAD Vers'on 3.03 (Spring 2001) run cn E115/20C5 a- :6:00:54 Plant Description tNumber of Naclides -

63 inventory Power -

1.OOOGE+00 MWth Plant Power Level -

4.0320E-03 MHth Number of compartments 3

Compartmenz information Ccmpartm.en: number 1 (Scurce term f-act'on -

1.6C00E-00 Nane: SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment volume -

1.00OOE0+2 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out o' compartment 1

Exit Pathway Nuabe:

1: SSES Condenser/Turbine to Envirens -

24 hr Release Compartment number 2 Name: Environment Compartment type is Environ-ment Pathways into and out of compartment 2

Inlet Pathway Number 1: SSES Condenser/Tuzbine to Environs -

24 hr Release inlet Pathway Ncmber 4: Control Bldg tc Environs -

Control Room Exhaust 7xit Pathway Number 2: Environs to Control Bldg -

6391 cmx Air Intake Exit Pathway Number 3: Environs to Control Bldg -

510 cfm Inleakage Compartent nuWmber 3

Name: Control Bldg Conparzment volume -

5.1800E+35 ICubic feet)

Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of compartizent 3

Inlet Pathway Number 2: Env-rons to Control Bldg -

6391 cfm Air Intake Inlet Pathway Number 3: Environs to Control Bldg -

510 cfr. Inleakage Exit Pathway Nimber 4: Control Bldg co Environs -

Control Room Exhaust Total number of pathways -


EC-RADN-1 127 Page 46

?EATPAD Version 3.33 1Spring 2031) run on 8/15/2035 at 16:C0:54 Scenario Description Radvoactive Decay is enabled Calculation of Dauog.ters is enabled Release Fractions and Tirinas GA-EARLY IN-VESSEL LATE RELEASE 0.001000 hr 0.0000 hrs 0.0000 hr5 NOBLES 3.2100E-03 O.OOOGE+00 0.0000=+00 I03DIE 3.1000--05 O.OOOE+00 0.0000+00 CESIUM 3.6400E-07 O.OOOOE+O0 0.0C00O+0O TELLURIUM 1.i500E-09 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 STRCSTIUM 4.5900E-10 O.QOOOE+00 O.OOOOE-00 BARIUM 4.5900E-10 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 RUTHENIUM 5.7400E-11 0.0000+00 O.OOOOE-00 CZRIUX 4.590CE-12 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE.00 LAI4TrHAIUM 1.1500E-11 0.OOOO+0C 0.0000-Co FELEASE MASS 1.592E-01 3.54 lE-02 7.889E-02 1.115E-06 4.574E-05 1.234E-06 1.534E-06 6.407E-06 4.302E-07

_.nventory Power -

4032. m!t Suclide Nare Co-58 Co-60 Kr-85 Kr-85:n Kr-87 Kr-88 Rb-86 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 No-99 Tc-99rm Ru-103 Ru-IOS Ru-106 Rh-lOS Sb-127 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127n Te-129 Te-129n Te-131n Te-132 I-131 I-132 I-133 1-134 I-135 Xe-133 Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Ea-139 Ba-140 La-140 Ea-i41 La-142 Ca-!A' Ea-139 Group Specific inventory (CiIMv te 7

1.470E+02 7

7.9102+01 1

3.670%-02 1

6.650E-03 1

1.330E-04 1

1.850E-04 3

5.3E0-01 5

2.550E-04 5

3.250E403 5

3.250E-04 5

3.450E-04 9

3.-70E+03 9

3.320E+04 9

3.470E+04 9

2.650E+04 9

4.760E+04 9

4.710E+04 9

4.760E+04 7

5.010E+04 7

4.440E+04 7

4.270E+04 7

2.950E+04 7

1.700E+04 7

2.750E+04 4

2.330E+03 4

8.610-+03 4

2.3102+03 4

3.940E+02 4

8.1602+03 4

1.650_--03 4

5.330E203 4

3.820E-04 2

2.650E-04 2

3.890E-04 2

5.510E-04 2

6.08CE-C4 2

5.230E-C4 1

5.260E+04 1

1.740E+04 3

5.700E+C3 3

1.E20E+03 3

4.290E+03 6

4.540E404 6

4.860E+04 9

5.180E+04 5

4.410Z+04 9

4.320E-04 9

4.A60E+04 6

4.H40E+04 half life (s) 6.117E+06

1. 663E+08 3.383E+08
1. 613Et04 4.5786+03 1.022Z+04 1.612E-06 4.363E-C6
9. 190E-0e 3.420E-04 S.756E-03 2.304E205 5.055E206 1.274E204
3. C36E+04 5.528E-06 6.084E-04 3.037E+06 2.376E+05 2.167E+04 3.394E+06 1.598E+04 3.181E+07 1.273E+05 3.326E+05 1.555E+04 3.366E+04 9.41EE+06 4.176E+03 2.9032+06 1.080E+05 2.815E+05 6.947E+05 8.280E+03 7.485E804 3.156E+03 2.3502-04 4.532E205 3.272E-C4 6.507E*07 1.132E-06 9.467E+06 4.962E+03 1.101E+06 1.450E+05 1.415E+04 5.5503+03
2. Q0?E+06 4.962E+03 Whole Body DC F (Sv-n3fBq-S) 4.760E-14 1.260E-13 1.150E-16 7.480E-15 4.120E-14 1.020E-33 4.810E-15 7.730E-17 7.530E-28 4.924E-14 6.790E-14 1.900E-16 2.600E-16 1.300E-14 4.800E-15 3.60GE-14 4.432Z-14 3.740E-14 7.2802-15 5.890_-15 2.251E-14 3.810E-14 1.040E-14 3.720E-15 3.330E-14 7.1402-14 2.420E-16 1.470E-16 2.750E-15 3.337E-15 7.463E-14 1.030E-14 1.820E-14
.120E-13 2.940E-14 1.300E-13 8.294E-14 1.560E-15 i.190E-14 7.570E-14 1.060E-13 2.725E-14 2.1702-15 8.580_-15 1.170E-13 2.390E-15 1.440E-13 3.430E-15 2.170E-15 Inhaled Thyroid (Sv/Bq) 6.720E-10 1.620E-08 0.000E-00 O.OOCE+00 0.000E+00 O.000E00 1.330E-09 7.960E-12 2.690E-10 9.930E-12 3.920E-12 S. 170E-13 8.500E-12 1.050E-12 9.260E-13 1.440E-09 2.315E-11 3.580E-10 1.520E-11 5.010E-11 2.570E-10 4.150z-12 1.720z-09 2.6802-12 6.150_-11

7202-12 1.8402-2 9.6602-11 5.090r-13 1.563E-10 3.6692-08

6. 280E-08 2.9202-07 1.740E-09 4.860E-08 2.880E-10 8.460E-09 0.000E-C0O 0.000E-00 1.110E-OE 1.730E-09 7.930E-09 2.400E-12 2.560E-10 6.670E-11 9.400E-12 8.740E-12 2.550E-1:

2.400E-12 Inaled Effective (Sv/3q) 2.940r-09 5.9102-08

0. 000o+00
0. 0002+00 0.00072+OO O. ooo0+00

-. 790_-05 1.120E-08 3.510z-07 4.547E-l0 2.180E-10 2.280E-09 1.320E-08 2.110E-10 5.S20E-10 6.390E-09 1.171E-09 1.570E-09

1. 010E-09 8.8002-12 2.421E-09 1.230S-10 1.290E-07 2.580E-10 1.630E-09 1.740E-10 8.600E-11 5.810E-09 2.090E-11
6. 484E-09 1.75ZE-09 2.550E-09
8. 890E-09 1.030E-10
1. 580E-09 3.550E-11 3.320E-10
0. 00E+00 0.000E+00 1.250E-08
1. 980E-09 8.630E-09 4.640E-11 1.0O0E-09 1.310E-09 1.570E-10
6. 840E-11 2.420E-09 4.640E-11 Be 14a G


... 10E4-O6 gASgOM-16 2.S60m-10 I.0I0m-09

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 47 Ce-143 8

4.:40E+04 1.1-88E+35 1.290E-1 4

.230--12 9.160E-1I Ce-'44 S

3.750-'04 2.456_+07 2.773_-15 2.920_-10 l.o0ia-07 Pr-143 9

3.990_-04 1.172E'06 2.100E-17 1.660E-:8 2.190E-09 fd-147s 9

1.800E-C4 9.467E-C5 6.19CE-15 1.82DE-11 1.850E-O0 Np-239 8

5.2fCE-G5 2.035Ea05 7.690E-15 7.620E-12 6.760E-1l P -2;8 8

1.130E-02 2.765E+09 4.880E-18 3.860E-10 7.79CE-05 Pz.-239 8

.200E+01 7.594E+11 4.240E-18 3.750E-1 8.330E-05 Pu-240 8

1.930E+01 2.063E+11 4.750E-18 3.760E-13 8.330E-05 Pu-241 8

4.7601+03 4.544!+08 7.250---2C 9.150E-12 1.340E-06 Am.-241 9

6.303E+O0 1.364E+1O 8.190E-16 1.600=-09 1.200E-04 Crc-242 9

1.650T- 03 1.407E'07 5.690E-18 9.410E-10 4.673E-06 Crn-244 9

9.670E-C1 5.7:SE-C8 4.910E-1E 1.00lE-09 6.700-05 Kr-83r.

I 3.250E-03 6.E40E-;03 1.50CE-18 0.OOGE-00 O.OOOE+00 Xe-133n I

1.730E+03 1.987E+05 1.370E-15 G.OOOE-CO 0.000E-O0 Xe-135t.

1 1.500E+04 9.3606+02 2.040E-14 0.000+E00 O.00CE-00 S-clide Daughzer Fraction Cau.ghzer Fraction Daughter Fraction Kr-85m Kr-85 0.21 none 0.00 none C.0O Kr-87 Rb-87 I.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-88 Rb-B8 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Sr-90 Y-90 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.CO sr-91 Y-91M 0.58 Y-91 0.42 none 0.00 Sr-92 Y-92 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Y-93 Zr-93 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Zr-95 Nb-95m 0.01 tb-95 0.99 none 0.00 Zr-97 Ilb-97n 0.95 Nb-97 0.05 none 0.00 Mo-99 Tc-99rn 0.8e Tc-99 0.12 none 0.00 Tc-99m rc-99 i.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Ru-103 Rh-103nm i.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Ru-105 Rh-105 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Ru-106 Rh-106 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Sb-127 Te-127n 0._8 Te-127 0.82 none 0.00 Sb-129 Te-129m 0.22 7e-129 0.77 none 0.00 Te-127m, Te-127 0.59 none 0.00 none 0.00 Te-129 1-129 1.00

one 0.00 none 0.00 Te-129g Te-129 0.65 1-129 0.35 none 0.00 Te-131m Te-131 0.22 1-131 0.78 none 0.00


--'32 1.00 none 0.OC none 0.00 1-131 Xe-131rn 0.01 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-133 Xe-133m 0.03 Xe-133 0.97 none 0.00 1-135 Xe-135' 0.15 Xe-135 0.85 none 0.00 Xe-135 Cs-135 l.CO ncne 0.00 none 0.0O Cs-137 Ba-137m 0.95 none 0.00 none 0.00 Ba-140 La-140 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 La-141 Ce-141 i.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Ce-143 P:-143 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Ce-144 Pr-144rn 0.02 Pr-144 0.98 none 0.00 lld-147 Prn-147 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Np-239 Pu-239 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Pu-233 U-234 1.00 ncne 0.0O none 0.00 Pu-239 U-235 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 P-_-240 U-236

'.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 F -241 U-237 0.00 An-24-1 1.00 none 0.00 An-241 Np-237 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Cn-242 Pu-238 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Cm-244 Pu-240 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe--33m Xe-133 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135r.

Xe-135 1.00 Cs-135 0.00 none 0.00 Iodine fractions Aerosol O.OOOOE-CO Elemenzal


9.7000E-01 Ozganic 3.OOOOE-02 COMPARTMENT DATA Comoartment nunber 1: SSES Condenser/rurbine Ccmparrment number 2: Environment Compartment number 3: Control Bldg

?ATn'WAY DATA Pathway number 1: SSES Condenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Convection Data PATHWAY DATA

aA..4C k,,_


  • bL%S..



!. OOOE+OO 2.4000E+0 0.0300E+OS 7.200GE4^2 O.OO0E34OO Pathway number 2: Environs to Control Bldg -

6391 cfm Air Zntake Pathway Filter: Removal Data Tize (hr)

Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (I)


Aerosol Elemental Orcanic O.OOOOEOo 6.3910E+03 O.OOCOE+OO O.OOOOEOO O.OOOOE+OO l.OOOO_+OG 6.39101403 O.OOCOEOOO 0.OOOOE-OO O O^COE+OO 7.2000G+02 0.OOOOR+00 O.OOOOE+0O 0.OOOOE-00 O.OOOOE+O0 Pathway number 3: Envi:ons to Control Bldg -

510 cfn In-eakage Pathway Filter: Removal Data Tine Ih-)

-low sate Filter Ef+/-iciencies (t)


A xerosol Elemental Organic 0.0000E+00 5.1000E+02 O. OOOOE-OO O.OO0CE-00 O.OOCOE+O0 7.2000E+02 O.00E0E O 0.OOOCE-O0 0.0000E-00 O.OOOOE+O0 Pathway number 4: Control Bldg to Environs - Control Roon _xhaust Pathway Filter: Removal Data Tine (hr)

Flow Rate Filter Zfficiencies It)


Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.0000E+00 6.9010E+03 O.OOOOE-CO O.OOOOE0+

0.005CE-00 2.4000S+01 6.9010E+03 O.QODOE-00 0.00002+00 0.003CE-0O LCCATION DATA Location EAB -

C.RDA is in compartment 2

Location X/Q Data Time (hrl X/Q Is

  • m'-3) 0.00002+00 8.3000E-04 2.0000E+00 6.3000E-04 7.2000E+02 0.00007+00 Lcca-ion Breathing Rate Data Time (hr)

Breathing Rate (n3 sec'-l)

O.OOOOE-00 3.5000E-04 8.0000E+00 1.8000E-04 2.4000E+01 2.300GE-04 7.2000E+02 0.O0O0E+0O Location LPZ -

CRDA is in compartment 2

Location X/Q Data Time (hr)

X/Q Cs - m'-3)



4. 90OOE-05 8.0000+00 3.5000E-05 2.4000S+01 O.OOOOE+00 9.6000E+0l 0.00002+00 7.2000E+02 O.OOOOE+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr)

Breathing Rate CM^3 sec'-2)

O-OOOOE-00 3.5000E-04 8.0000E+00 1.8000E-04 2.4000E+01 2.300CE-04 7.2000E+02 O.OOOOE+OC Location CRDA e CR is in compartment 3

Location X/Q Data Tine (hr)

X/Q (s *


0. 0900E00 1.36tOOE-03 2.0000E-OO 1.0300E-03 8.0000E+00 3.3600E-04 2.4000E+01 0.00G00+00 7.2000S+02 0.0000C+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr)

Breathing Rate m^3 sec-lA 0.0000E+O0 3.5000E-04 7.2000E+02 0.OOOE400 Page 48 flat..


EC-RADN-1 127 Page 49 Locatlon Occupancy.Factor Cata T:me th=)

Occupancy Factor O.COOGE-0O 1.00307_+Oo

2. 4000E-G1


EC-RADN-1 127 Page 50 RADTRAD Vers'on 3.03 (Spring 2001) run o-e/15/2005 at 16:00:54 444 41#e1*Ii§*~s^fE9R4 ie 44 S It# #*iisJii 4

isiO4*44ei4J 4f I

I miIt' iit*


F 4f i

f I


J 4

4 #

I 4 4

f 4

  1. 4 f 4 4


i 4

I f

f 4

F 4

4 J

i f

t I

4 I

A 4


4#14 4


.414 A

e Dose, Detailed -model a6d Detailed Invertory Output 44#*44 J4tIIVCI!#41I44e#414144I14I14I111I4I44!if?4444'4iI44I4t 4144*

Detailed model info:natio-at time (H) 0.0010 EAB - CROA Doses:

Time (h) -

0.0910 Delta dose (rem)

AccUMulated dose (rem)

Whole Body Thyroid TEDE 4.3223E-05 4.9013E-04 5.8786E-05 4.3223E-05 4.9S13E-04 5.S7B6E-05 E2Z - CRDA Doses:

Time (h) -

0.00iO Delta dose (ren)

Accumaulated dose (rem)

CRDA e CR Doses:

Whole Body Thyroid TEDE 2.5517E-06 2.8936E-05 3.4705E-06 2.5517E-06 2.8936E-05 3.4705E-06 Time (h) -

0.0010 Belta dose (rem)

Accwunlated dose (rem)

Whole 3ody

1. 55iSE-09 1.5515E-OS Thy:o-d 2.4167E-G7 2.4167E-07 TEDE 9.2252E-05 9.2252E-09 SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment Nuclide Invenzory:

Time (h; =

Cc-58 Co-b0 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 Rb-86 Sr-89 Sr-90 S:-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 No-59 Tc-99m Ru-103 Ru-10; Ru-106 Rh-105 Sb-!27 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127mr Te-129 Te-129w.

Te-131m Te-132 Te-127m.

0.0010 Ci 5.4434E-05 2.9291E-05 7.6000E+03 1.37692+05 2.7527E+05 3.6301E605 1.2633E-01

7. 5508E-02 9.6236E-03
9. 6229E-02
1. 0213E-01 2.5009E-04 2.4631E-03 2.5890E-03
1. 9659E-03 3.5314E-03 3.4941E-03 3.53146-03 1.8552E-02 1.6441E-02 1.5E12E-02 1.0922E-02 6.295;_-03 1.0183E-02 1.7286E-02 6.3866E-02 1.7138E-02 2.9230E-03 6.0536E-02 1.2241E-02 3.9542E-02 2.8340E-01
5. 2996E-02 2.9230E-03 G.0S360-03 kg 1.7115E-12 2.i 52S6-11 1.9371E-02
1. 67326-05 9.7181S-06 3.0545E-05 1.5526E-09 2.5990g-09 7.05506-08 2.654ES-11 e.1254E-12 4.5968E-13 1.0044g-10 2.f906g-13 5.8923E-13 1.6438E-10 1.82786-12 5.0310S-11 3.8681g-11 3.1268S-12 4.8992E-10 1.6248E-12 1.816--09 1.2065E-11 6.4728E-11 1.1357E-11 6.4937--12 3.0989Z-IC 2.8906S-12 4.0634g-10 4.5588g-li 9.33486-10 4.749SI-05 3.0989E-1C 1.29046-13 Atcms 1.7774E-13 2.6008E-14 1.3724E+23
1. 1854E+20 6.7269E+19 2.0903E,20 1.0872E616 I.7586E+i6 4.7207E+17 1.7561E414 5.3187E-13 3.0758E+12 6.6466E+14 1.7612E+12 3.8155E412 1.0420E-15 1.1348E+13 5.72486E+14 2.3529E+14 1.902CE613 2.8645E+15 9.3190E+12 1.0690E+16 6.9195E413 3.06936+14 5.3019E+13 3.0792E+13 1.4694E+15 1.3494E+13 1.8969E-15 2.2796E+14 4.258eE+15 1.9551E+20 1.4694E+15 1.2dg#6+13 Decay 5.4603E+06 2.9382E+06 7.6236E+14 I.3813E-16 2.7619E+16 3.8424E+-6 I.26 7 3E+10 7.5743E+09 9.6535E+08
9. 6531E+09 1.0246E+10 2.5081E+07 2.4707EOe 2.5858E-08 i. 9720E+08 3.5424E+08 3.5051E+08 3.5424EOe
1. 8610E-09 1.64922+09
1. 5861E+09 1.0957E+09 6.3147E+08 2.02156+09 1.7340E+09 6.4069E+09 1.7191E+09 2.9321E-C8 6.0717_+09 1.2279E+09 3.9665E+09 2.8428E+10 5.71616-14 2.9321E-C8 6 02t=-9q

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 51 I-132 1-133 I-134 1-135 Xe-133 Ye-_35 Cs-134 Cs-13f Cs-137 Ba-139 3a-140 La-140 La-141

_a-142 Ce-14_

Ce-14 Ce-144 Pr-143 Nd-147 Np-239

?u-238 Pe-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 As-241 Cm-242 Cm-244 Kr-83m Xe-133m Xe-135m 7.7777E+03

1. 1019E-04 1.215CE-04 1.0458'-+04
.093E+06 3.6034E+05 1.3355E-C1 4.2738;+0C 1.0074E+Ol 1.4325E-0O 1.4391E-C1 3.9445E-03 3.271lE-03 3.2035E-03 1.3207E-03 i.2259Z-33

'.1'04E-03 2.9601E-03 1.3354E-03

1. 5575E-02 3.3460E-06 3.5533-D07 5.7149E-07 1.4095E-04 4.6739E-07 1.22412-04 7.1741E-06 6.7278E-04 3.5825E+04 3.099!ve+05 7.5350E-07 5.7271E-06 4.5544r-07 2.9780Z-06
5. 8192E-03 1.4110E-04 1.0345Z-05 5.8313E-08
1. 1582E-04 8.7574E-12 i.96571-09 6.5172E-12 5.7842E-13 2.237SE-13 4.6349E-1:

1.8460E-12 3.4865E-10 4.3955E-11 1.6507E-1' 6.7137E-11 1.9545E-10 5.7167E-09 2.5OeOE-09 1.36835-09 1.3616E-10 3.6934E-11 8.8675E-11 3.3856E-Oe 8.3921E-05 3.4711E-06 3.4376E618 4.4043E+19 2.0468e+18 1.3284E+19 2.6349E-22 6.2944E-20 4-6453E+19 2.5821E+17 5.0910E+20 3.7941E-13 8.4557-+15 2.9755E+13 2.4704E+12 9.4907E311 1.9796-+!4 7.7735E+12 1.4560E-15 1.8512E-14 6.76243+13 1.6917E+14 4.9455E+14 1.4405E+16 6.2932Z+15 3.4190E 15 3.4029E-14 9.19115-13 2.18863+14 2.45646419 3.7999E-20 1.54843-19

7. eG27+1 4
1. 16531+15 1.2192E-15 1.0491E,15
3. 6145E+16 1.3427E+12 4.2871E-ll i.0105z+12 1.4372Z+10 1.4436E+10 3.8554E-0C 3.281EE-.08 3.2'41E+08 1.3248E+08 1.2297E-08 1.1139E+08 2.9693E+08
1. 3396E-ca 1.5624E+09 3.3565E+05 3.5644E+04 5.7327E.C4 1.4139E+07
4. 6884E+04 1.2279E+07 7.1964E+O5 6.7497E+15 3.5937E+15 3.1118E+16 SSES Condenser/TurbD4ne Time (h) -

0.0010 Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental I (atoms) organic I (atoms)

Aerosols (kg)

Dose Effective (Ci/cc)

Dose Effective (Ci/cc)

Total I (Ci)

Transport Group Inventory:

Atmosphere Sump l.6504E+23 0.OOOGE+OC 2.5155E+20 O.0000E-00 7.7798E-18 0.00002+00 1.2631E-04 O.OOOE+00 1-131 (Thyroid) 2.6468E-03 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 3.39123-03 4.6704E+04 SSES Ccndenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Transport Group Inventory:

Time (hi -

O.OC10 Leakage Transport Noble gases (atcms)

-lemental I (atoms)

Orcanic I (atoms)

Aerosols (kg) 3.4382E+-6 5.2406E+13 1.6208E-12 2.6315v-1l Detailed model infcrmation at time (O) -


l.0000 Time (h) -

1.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accumulated dose (rem)

Whole Body 7.2436E-02 7.2475E-02 Thyroid 9.7141E-01 9.7 190E-0!

TED-1.0321E-01 1.0326E-01

_PZ - CRDA Doses:

Time (h) -

1.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accumulated dose !rem)

Whole Body 4.2764S-03 4.2789E-03 Thyroid 5.734eS-02 5.7 377E-02 CRDA e CR Doses:

TEDE 6.0928E-03 6.0963E-03 TEDE

1. 8180E-02 1.8180E-02 Time (h) -

1.0000 Whole Body Delta dose (rem) 2.5430E-03 Accuwula:ed dose (rem) 2.5431E-03 Thyroid 4.9403E-01 4.9403E-01 SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment Niclide Inventory:

Time (h) -

Co-58 Co-60 Kr-85 Ys-85n Xr-87 r=-8R,...

Co-58 C.-60 I.0000 Ci 5.43895-05 2.927SE-05

7. 5969E+03 1.1792E+05 1.5962E-05

-a non-.rsnc 5.43895-05 3.o0;2E0s6 ka 1.71056E-12 2.59301E-l 1.9363E-02 1.4329E-05 5.6353E-06

< -j:j26r-^c 1.71056-12 2.53269-65 Atcoms 1.7760E+13 2.5996E+14 I.3719E+23

1. 0152E-20 3.9007E+19 1.776a023 1.7760E+23
2. C51E5sT20 Decay 7.2457E-C9 3.8996E+09 1.0116E+18
1. 6986E-19 2.8267ET19 REQ-ay -^


9. 3"z rI A1

EC-RADNT-I 127 Page 52 Ro-E6 1.2609E-01 ;.549SE-E09 1.0851E+16 1.6807E-13 Sr-69 7.5433=-02 2.5965E-09 1.7569E-16 1.G050Er13 Sr-50 9.6£95--03 7.0521E-08 4.7187--+17 1.2812+'12 Sr-91 8.9427E-02 2.4670E-11 1.632-Z+14 1.2356E+13 Sr-52 7.907CE-02 6.2906E-12 4.1177E+13 1.2001E-13 Y-90 3.5097E-04 6.449:1-13 4.3153E-12 3.S329E-10 Y-91 2.480:E-03

.0113E-10 6.6924E414 3.2SOi11 Y-92 1.8225S:-02 1.8940E-12

_.2398--+-3 1.35121:412 Y-93 1.8348E-03 5.4996E-13 3.5612Z+12 2.5297E411 Zr-95 3.52Q3E-03 1.6424E-10 l.C411E+15 4.7005E-11 Zr-97 3.3525E-03 1.7537E-:2 1.0858E 13 4.55S1E-l1 Nb-95 3.5299E-C3 9.0271E-11 5.72245-14 4.7014E+:l Ho-99 1.8351S-02 3.8261E-11 2.3274E+:4 2.4570E+12 Tc-99n i.6423E-02 3.1232E-12 1.8998E+13 2.1759E+12 Ru-l03 1.5794E-02 4.8936E-10 2.8612E+15 2.1044E-12 Ru-lG5 9.3410E-03 1.386_:-1;2 7.9100E-12 1.3465S412 Ru-106 6.2920E-03 I.8807E-09 1.06S5E1l6 8.3807E+11 Rh-105 1.0178E-02 1.205SE-11 6.9158E:13 1.3547E-12 Sb-127 1.7150E-02 6.4218E-11 3.0451E114 2.2928E+12 Sb-129 5.4385Z-02 9.6712S-12 4.5148E-13 7.85701+12 Te-127 1.7124E-02 6.4886E-12 3.0768--13 2.2729E+12 Te-127m 2.9219E-03 3.097CE-10 1.4688E+15 3.8916E+1+/-

ze-129 5.7860_E-02 2.7625E-12 1.2898E413 7.7004£-12 Te-1295 1.2237E-02 4.061SE-10 1.8962E+15 1.6297E+12 Te-131n 3.8623E-02 4.8436E-11 2.2266E+14 5.2042E+12 Te-132 2.8078E-01 9.2487E-10 4.2195E+15 3.7564E+13 1-131 5.2785E+03 4.2577E-05 1.9573E+20 7.0431E+17 1-132 5.7534E-03 5.5739E-07 2.5429E+18 B.9428E-17 1-133 1.0654E+04 9.4047E-06 4.2584E419 1.4429E+18 1-134 5.5125E403 2.0664E-07 9.2866E-17 1.1187E+18 1-135 9.4142E+03 2.6807E-06 1.1958E+19 1.3220E+18 Xe-133 1.0831E-Gf 5.7863E-03 2.6200E422 1.4464E-20 Xe-135 3.423:E+05 1.3404E-C4 5.9754E+20 4.6926E+19 Cs-134 1.3379E+01 1.0341E-05 4.6472E519 1.7820_+15 Cs-136 4.2626E+00 5.8160E-08 2.5753E.17 5.6837E+14 Cs-137 1.007CE*01 1.1517E-04 5.0888E420 1.3412Es15 Ba-139 8.f640E-02 5.2968E-12 2.2948E+13 1.4995E-13 Ba-140 1.4352E-01 1.9605E-09 8.4330E+15 1.9138S+13 La-140 6.2293E-03 1.1207£-11 4.8206E-13 6.5413E+11 La-141 2.7416E-03 4.8477E-13 2.0705E+12 3.9933E+ll La-142 2.0435E-03

_.4275E-13 6.0541E+11 3.4365E-11 Ce

'.3216E-03 4.6382E-11 1.9210E+14 1.759!E+1 Ce-143 I.19995-03 1.8069E-12 7.6093E;12 1.6151E+ll Ce-144 1.1098E-03 3.4797E-10 1.4552E+15 1.4783E+11 Pr-143 2.9552E-03 4.3885E-11 1.848E+414 3.9384E-11 Kd-147 1.3313E-03 1.6457E-11 S.7419E+13 1.7156E+11

!ip-239 1.5379E-02 6.6292E-11 1.6704Ei14 2.0610S+12 Pu-238 3.3448E-06 1.9537E-10 4.9436E-14 4.45495E08 Pu-239 3.5523E-07 5.7152g-09 1.4401E+16 4.7311E+07 Pu-240 5.7125E-07 2.5070E-09 6.2905E+15 7.6087E107 Pu-24i i.4089E-04 1.3677E-09 3.4176E+15 1.8765E+10 Az.-241 4.6722E-07 1.3613E-10 3.406E+-14 6.2228Et07 Cm-242 1.2234E-04 3.6513E-l

$.2856Es13 1.6256E-10 Cn3-244 7.1710E-06 8.863Bg-11 2.1877E+14 9.5513E-08

'Kr-83r 4.6710E-04 2.3506E-06 1.7055E+19 7.5076E+18 Xe-133m 3.5368E+04 8.2849E-C5 3.7513E+20 4.7401E+18 Xe-135m 2.3142E+04 2.5920E-07 1.1563E-18 1.4554E+19 SSES Conderser/Turbine Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) -

1.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.6468E+23 0.0000EO00 Eleerental I (atcmts) 2.4613E+20 0.0000E+00 Crganic I (atoms) 7.6122E+18 0.0000S+00 Aerosols (kg) 1.2626E-04 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2.6006E-03 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICAP2 Thyroid) 3.2528E-03 Total I /Ci) 3.6612E+04 SSES Condensez/T. rbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Transport Group Inventory: (h) =

1.0000 Leakage Transport Noble gases (atoms) 6.8662E+19 Elemental I (atems) 1.0370E+17 Organic I (atons) 3.207iE15 Aerosols (kg) 5.2593E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) -

2.0000 Elemental I (atoms) 1.0370-E17 Orn;^nzr T larnrbe 7n~tr~lk

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 53 rAB -

CRDA Doses:

'Tiie (h) -

2.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delza dose (rem; 5.3267E-02 5.5_01E-Q' 8.3422E-02 Accumulated dose (remn 1.2575E-01 1.9279E-00 1.8665E-01 LPZ -

CRCA Doses:

Tine (h) -

2.OOCO Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (ren) 3.1447E-03 5.6439E-02 4.9249E-03 Accumulated dose frem) 7.4236E-03 1.1362E-01 1.1021E-C2 CRDA e cR Doses:

Time (h) -

2.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.35181-03 i.090SE400 3.8441E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.8949E-03 1.5749E+O0 5.6620E-02 SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartme-t Nuclide Inventory:

Time (hi Co-5B Co-60 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87

.r-88 3b-86 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Ho-99 7c-S99m Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-i06 Rh-lC5 Sb-127 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127m Te-_29 Te-129m Te-131.m Te-132..

I-131 I-132 r-133 1-134

-135 Xe-i33 Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-1'36 Cs-137 3a-139 Ba-140 La-140 La-141 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pz-143

?ld-147 NUp-239 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Nd-147 Mr-239 2.0000 Ci 5.4344E-05 2.9265E-05 7.5939E+03 1.0098E-05 9.2511E104 2.34941+05 1.25841-01 7.5359E-02 9.6155E-03 8.3100E-02 6.1200E-02 4.5059E-04 2.4957Z-03 2.7449E-02 1.7124E-03 3.5253E-03 3.2164E-03 3.52&4E-03 1.8151E-02

.6387E-02 1.5775E-02
7. 9875E-03 6.28&9E-03 1.01441-02 I.7014E-02 4.63048-02 1.7103E-02 2.9207E-03 5.3285E-C2 1.2231E-02 3.7726E-02 2.7819E-01 5.2573E+03 4.2547E+03 1.0300E-04 2.4991V+03 8.4734E+03 1.0769E+06 3.1825E+05 1.3373E101 4.2514E-00 1.0065E+01 5.2376S-02

_.4314E-01 8.5679E-03 2.2973E-03 1.3030E-03 1.3221E-03 1.1745E-03 1.1093E-03

2. 9502E-03 1.3273E-03 1.5185E-02 3.3435E-C6 3.5514E-07 5.7102E-07 1.4083E-04 1.3273E-03 l.S19ss-01 kg

'.709CE-12 2.5890E-11 1.9356E-02 1.22701-05 3.2660E-06 1.8737E-05 1.5466E-09 2.5939E-09 7.0491E-08 2.29242-11 4.0685E-12 8.2818E-13 i.0176£-10 2.8526E-12 5.1327E-13 1.64101-10 1.6825E-12 9.0233E-11 3.7645E-11 3.1164E-12 4.88&0E-10 1.1883E-12

1. 879SE-09 1.2018E-11 6.3712E-11 8.2341E-12 6.4806E-12 3.0964E-10 2.5444E-12 4.0599E-10 4.7310E-11 9.1633E-10 4.2407E-05 4.1219E-07 9.0926E-06 9.3681E-08 2.4128E-06 5.7534E-03 1.2462E-04 1.033EE-05 5.B00SE-08 1.1572E-04 3.2021E-12 1.9552E-09 1.5415E-11 4.0622E-13 9.1021E-14 4.64COE-11 1.7686E-12 3.4779E-10 4.3811£-11 1.6407E-l1 6.5457E-11 1.9530E-10 5.7136E-09 2.5059E-09 36711-09 1.6407E-11 6.5452E-11 Atoms
1. 7745E+13 2.5955E+14 1.3713=+23 8.6931E+19 2.2607E+19 1.2822E420 1.083CE-16 1.7552E+.6 4.7168E+17 1.5171E+14 3.1871E+13 5.5416E-12 6.7345E+14 1.8673_+13 3.3236E+12 1.0402E+15 1.0446E+13 5.7199E114 2.3021E+14 1.8957S+13 2.85795+15 6.8151E+12 1.0675E916 6.8929EI13 3.0211E+14 3.8439Z+13 3.0731E+13 1.4683E+15 1.1878E+13 1.8953E-15 2.1749E+14 4.1805E+15 1.9495E+20 1.8805E+18 4.171E-19 4.21011-17 1.0763E+19 2.6051E+22
5. 5592E+20 4.6451E+19 2.5686E+17 5.0867E-20 1.3873E+13 8.41041+15 6.6306E+13 1.7350E+12 3.8601E+ll 1.9818E-14 7.4480E+12 1.4545E+15 1.8450E+14 6.7214E+13 1.6493E+14 4.9417E-14 1.4397E+16 6.2879-+15 i.416UE+15 6.7214E+13 3.4L02S2A~

Decay 1.4487E+10 7.7985E+09 2.0235E18 3.1535E-15 4.4654E+19 8.0708E+I5 3.3585E+13 2.0093E+13 2.5623E+12 2.3641E+13 2.1292E113 9.20241+10 6.6026E+ll 4.3606E+12 4.8912E+11 9.3981E-ll 8.03221+11 9.4019z+il 4.8880E+12 4.3488E+12 4.2068E+12 2.4982E-12

1. 6759E+12 2.7073E+12 4.5681i+12 1.4548E+13 4.5442E-12 7.7826E-11 1.4927E+13 3.2592Z+12 1.0289E+13 7.4791E+13 1.4060E-18
1. 5558E+18 2.8383Z+18 1.6261i+18 2.5122E+18 2.8849E+20 9.0905E-19 3.5636E15 1.1354g+15 2.6822E+15 2.4062E+13 3.8229E+13 1.6243E-12 7.3404E+11 5.6284E+11 3.5197E+11 3.1963E+11 2.9562E+11 7.8711E-1 I 3.5462E+11 4.0965=+12 8.9091E+08 9.4620E+07 1.5236E-08 7.52SM-1a 3.5462E+l1

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 54 Am-241 Cm-242 Cm-244 Kr-83m Xe-133m Xe-135m 4.6705Z-07 1.2227E-04 7.1680E-C6 3.2419E-04 3.4916E+34 2.9997_+03 l.360er-10 3.4004_+14 1.2445E-G9 3.6891E-11 9.1802E+13 3.2586L+3C 6.8601E-11 2.1867E-14 5.GiE+39 1.63:4E-06 1.1837E5+1 1.2720E+19 8.1790E-05 3.7034C+20 9.4208E-16 3.3598Z-08 l.4987E+17 t.5739_+!c SSES Co-denser/Turbine Time (h) =

2.0000 Noble gases (atoms)

Slemental I (atoms)

Organic I (atoms)

Aerosols lko)

Dose Effective CCi/ccj Dose Effective (Cl/cc)

Total I [Ci)

Transport Group *Inventory:

AtrMosphere SwUrp 1.6436E+23 0.00005+00 2.4171Z+20 0.0C000+00 7.4754Z+1S 0.OOOOE+00 1.2621E-04 O.OOOE-00 I-131 (Thyroid) 2.5586E-03 I-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 3.1470E-03 3.0785E-G4 SSES Condenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Transport Group inventory:

Time (h) -

2.0000 Leakage Transport Noble cases (atoms)

Elemental I (atoms)

Organic 1 (atoms)

Aerosols (kg) i.3722E+20 2.05395+17 6.3524E+15 1.0519E-07 Detailed model informatior at ti e (H) -

8.0000 EAB -

CRDA Doses:

Time fh)

  • 8.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accumi.lated dose (rem)

Whole Body Thyroid TEDE 1.5621E-01 5.4504E 00 3.2694E-01 2.Ei95E-C1 7.3763E+00 5.13622-01 LPZ -

CRDA Doses:

Time (h) -

8.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accumulared dose (rem)

CRDA 6 CR Doses:

Time (h) -

8.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accumulated dose (rem)

Whole Body Thyroid TEDE 9.2218E-03 3.2177E-01 1.9301E-02 1.6645E-02 4.3559E-01 3.0322E-02 whole 3ody Thyroid TEDE 1.4336E-02 6.8436E+00 2.2872E-01 2.1231E-02 8.4184E+00 2.8534S-01 SSES Condenser/Turb-ne Conpartment Suclide Inventory:

-ime h) -

Co-58 Co-60 Kr-85 Kr-85n Kr-87 Kr-88 Rb-36 Sr-89 Sr-50 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Sb-§5 Mo-9S Tc-99m.

Ru-103 RU-105 Ru-106 Rh-105 Sb-127 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 7P-129M Sb-127 Tb-l29-8.0000 C_

5.4076E-05 2.59190E-05 7.5752E+03 3.9808E+04 3.505S8E03 5.4187£+04 1.2437E-01 7.4913E-02 9.5913E-03 5.3504E-02

1. 31582-02 1.0250E-03 2.5654E-03 2.724SE-02 1.1316£-03 3.5069E-03 2.5085E-03 3.5194E-03 1.7000E-02 1.5911E-02 1.5667E-02 3.1227E-03 6.2702E-03 9.5652E-03 1.6225E-02 1.7637E-02 1.6860E-02
2. 9135E-03 2.71422-02 1.2132E-02 1.6225E-02 1.36?r2-02 kg 1.700£2-12 2.5823E-11
.9308E-02 4.8372E-06 1.2377E-07 4.3214E-06 1.5284E-09 2.5786E-09 7.0314E-08
1. 4760E-li 1.0468E-12 1.8839E-12 1.04£lE-10 2.8315E-12 3.3916E-13
1. 6324E-10 1.3122E-12 9.0002Z-11 3.544£E-11 3.0260E-12 4.8543E-10 4.6455E-13 1.5742E-09 1.1332E-11 6.0756E-11 3.1364£-12 6.3886E-12 3.0885E-10
1. 2961E-12
4. OGOlE-l0 6.0756E-11 12.1164-12 AtoMs 1.7657E+13 2.5918E-14 1.3679E+23 3.4271E+19
e. 5671E+17 2.9573E-19 1.0703Et+6 1.7448E+16 4.70495E+17 9.7677E-13 6.8521E+12 1.2606E+13 6.9228E+14 1.8534E-13 2.1963E+12 1.0348_+15 8.1466E+12 5.7053E 414 2.1561E+14
1. 8407E+;3 2.8382E+15 2.6644E+12 i.0648E+16 6.4996E+13
2. 8809E+14 1.4642E+13 3.0294E513 1.4647E+15 6.0504E+12 1.8860E+15
2. 9809E+14 1;6 64S2EA13 Decay 5.7811E+10 3.1157E-10 8.0850E+18 8.4053E+19 6.6387E+19 1.7919E5-20 1.3356E+14 8.0140E+13 1.0237E+13 7.7562E+13 4.6269E513 6.8017E+11 2.6846E+:12 2.9423E+13
1. 6096E-12 3.7498E+-12 3.1691S+12 3.7563E512
1. 8929E-13 1.7208E+13 1.6771Z+13 6.6379E+12 6.6944E-12 I.0612Eii3 1.7845E+13 3.8284E+13 1.8075E-13 3.10955_+12 4.5346E+13 1.3012E +13 1.7845E+13
2. I2GAr.i 5 33

EC-RADN-1 127


~e-l 3.

Z - l31 I-132 1-133 1-13e I-135 Xe-133 Xe-35 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 3a-139 Ba-140 La-i40 La-_41 La-42 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Nd-147 NIp-239 PF-238 P-.-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Am-241 Cm-242 Cn-2 44 iS:-83ri Xe-133m Xe-135n Page 55 3.2716OE-02 2.6312E-01 5.1324E-C3 6.9603E-G2 8.4125E+03 2.169SE1 0


.0407E+06 2.0320Et05 1.3336E-C1 4.1851E00 1.0040-+01 2.5565E-03 i.4085E-01 2.1633E-02 7.9533E-04 8.7553E-05 1.3193E-03
1. 0328E-03
i. 105SE-03 2.9194E-03 1.3032E-03
1. 4073E-02 3.3358E-06 3.5454E-07 5.6959E-07 1.4047Z-04 4.6604E-07 1.2183E-04 7.1499E-06 3.6232E-03 3.2320E4+04 8.0158_+02 4.1083E-11

. 6e70E-1o 4.139SE-05 6.7431E-03 7.4262E-06 8.1336E-10

.2829E-06 5.5559E-03 7.9571E-05 1.0308E-05 5.7103E-CE 1.1543E-04 1.5629S-13
.9240E-09 3.8920E-l1 1.4063E-13 6.1162E-15 4.6302S-11
1. 5553E-12 3.4671E-10 4.3355E-11 1.6110E-11 6.0661E-11 1.94B5E-10 5.7040E-09 2.4997E-09
1. 3636E-09 i.3579E-10 3.6759E-1; 8.8377E-11 1.8233E-07 7.5710E-OS 8.9781E-09 1.88e6E-14
3. 954:7+15

-. 9031-+20 3.0764E+17 3.3625E+19 3.6554E-15 5.7227E-1£ 2.5175E-22 3.54S-5E+20 4.6324E+19 2.'285E+-17 S.C739E+20 6.7713E-11 8.2 762E15 1.674: E+14 6.0064Ee21 2.5938E+iC 1.9776E+14 6.5497E-12 1.4499E-15 1.825ss_+14 6.5996E+13 1.5285E+14 4.9303E+14 1.4372E'16 6.2722E-15 3.4075-+15 3.3930E+14 9.1475E+13 2.1812E+14

1. 3229E-le 3.4281E-20 4.O0050+16 3.84C7E+;3
2. 504E+14 5.5574E}18
3. 1267E-18 1.0290E-19 2.0432E+19 7.5325E+18

.t.1346E+21 2.9587E+20 1.4236E-19 4.50ESE-15 3.7247E+13 l.5-71E+:4 1.3702E413 1.8657E-12 9.2257E+11 1.4079E+i2 z.2004E+12 1.1807E-12 3.1326E-12 i.4057E+12 1.5782E+13 3.5599E+09 3.7820E+08 6.0794E+08 1.4993E-ll 4.9730E+08 1.30133.+1l 7.6314E09 2.3221E+19 3.6274E+19 1.6602E-19 SSS Condenser/Turbine Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) -

8.0000 Atmosphere Seryp Ncoble gases (atoms) 1.6273E-23 0.0000E+00 Elemental I (atoms) 2.2307E+20 0.0000OE00 Organic I (atoms) 6.8991Z+18 0.0000E+OO Aerosols (kg) 1.258SZ-04 0.000CE+40 Dose gffective CCi/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2.3545E-03 Dose gf'ect've (Ci/cc) 1-131 CICRP2 Thyroid) 2.7479E-03 Total I (Ci) 1.8768E404 SSES Condenser/Turbine to Environs - 24 hr Release Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) 8.0000 Leakage Transport Noble gases (atoms)

Flemental I (atoms)

Organic I (atoms)

Aerosols (kg) 5.4 603E+20 7.8492E+17 2.4276E+16 4.2030E-07 Detailed model information at tine iH) -

24.0000 EAB -

CRDA Doses:

Tine (h) 24.0000 whole Body Celta dose (rem) 1.0474E-01 Accur.-lated dose (rem) 3.8669E-01 Thyroid TEDE 6.6056vE+00 3.09899-01

1. 3984E+01 6.2351E-01 LPZ -

CRDA Doses:

Time (h) -

24.0000 Whole Body Delta dose (rem) 4.4168E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.10623-02 Thyroid TEDE 2.78553-01 1.3068_-02 7.1414E-01 4.3390E-02 CRDA e CR Doses:

Time (h) 24.0000 Whole Body Delta dose (rem) 3.9913E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.5222E-02 Thyroid TEDE 6.1044E+00 1.9368E-01 1.4523E+01 4.7902E-01 SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) 24.0000 Ci Co-58 5.3367E-05 Co-60 2.8989E-05 w-,CM


CIAl Aitnl SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment kg Atoms Decay 1.6783E-12 1.7426E+13 1.7228E311 2.5645E-11 2.5740E-14 9.3142E'10 C11or.f) 1 7CROV.A2 I

A71r~sc Nuclide Inventory:

XV _V.)L.vt4T

EC-RADN-1 127 Kr-67 Kr-88 Rb-E6 Sr-E9 Sr-5C Sr-51 Sr-92 y-93 Y-9l Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-g7 Nb-95 M'o-99 Tc-99rn Ru-i03 Ru-1C5 Ru-i06 Rh-iO5 Sb--27 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Te-131m Te-132 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Xe-133 Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 3a-139 3a-140 La-140 La-141 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Nd-147 Kp-239 Pz-23&

PF-239 Pu-240 P.-24 I Am-241 CL-242 Cmn-244

R-83n Xe-133m.

Xe-135m SSES Condenser/Turbine Tine Ih) -

24.0000 Noble gases (atoms)

Slemental I lators)

Organic I (aroms)

Aerosols (kg)

Dose Effective (Ci/cc)

Dose Effective (Cilcc)

Total I (Ci)

Page 56 3.3263E-03

5. 68C1E-01


.2052E-01 7.3738E-02 9i5272E-03

6.535E-02 2.1826E-04 2.3781E-03 2.6339E-03 2.4036t-03 3.7491E-04 3.4586E-03 1.2928E-03 3.4952E-03 1.4275E-02 1.4305S-02 1.53812E-02
2. 55182-04 6.2207_-03 7.2340E-03 1.4294E-02 1.3447E-03 1.5959E-02 2.8935E-03 1,2216E-02 1.1944E-02 2.2485E-02 2.26ElE-01 4.8135E+03 5.8341E+00 4.9031E+03 6.9094E-05 e.3592E+02 9.4560E+05 6.0926E+04 1.3240E+Ol 4.01328+00 9.9731E+00
6. 1343E-07 1.3493E-01 4.9580E-02 4.6998E-05 6.5339E-08 1.2957E-03 7.3313E-04 1.0967E-03 2.8321E-03 I.2412E-03
1. 1489E-02 3.3153E-06
3. 5285E-07 5.6581E-07 1.3953E-04 4.6335E-07 1.2068E-04 7.1019£-06 1.0500E+01 2.6295E1+04 3.8192E+02 4.0419E-07 2.0053E-11 8.6455E-OS
.4811E-09 2.5381E-09 6.5844E-0e 4.5624E-12 2.7365E-14 4.3710c-12

.0732E-10 2.4975E-13 2.1237E-13

.6C95E-10 6.7625E-13 8.9385E-11 2.9764E-11 2.7205E-12 4.7656E-10 3.7961E-14S 1.8594E-05 8.5705E-12 5.3526E-11 2.3912E-13 6.0471E-12 3.0675E-10 5.8331E-13
3. 9647E-10 2.8198E-l2 7.4710E-10 3.8827E-05 5.6521E-10 4.3282E-06 2.590CE-15 2.3803E-07 5.0732E-03 2.3858E-05 1.0233E-C5 5.4757E-05 1.1466E-04 4.9730E-17 1.8431E-09 8.9200E-11 8.3104E-15 4.5644E-18 4.5475E-11 1.1040E-12 3.4384E-10 4.2057E-11 1.5343E-11 4.9522E-11 1.9365E-10
5. 6768E-09 2.4831E-09
1. 3545E-09 1.3500E-10 3.6412E-11 8.7784E-11 5.2840E-10 6.1597E-05 4.2777E-09 2.E6378+18
.38Se-+14 5.5164z+:7
.0372E" 6

+6 4.6734-+ 7 5.01534-+;'

1. 13 6.7 8 1 2.9248E+Z3 7.iC2i-+:i4
.635-1r+12 7.27658+21 1.0205E+15 4.1984E+12 5.6662E+24
2. e1052+14 1.6549%+13 2.786328..5 2.1772E+1I


4. 9155+1 3 2.5381&+14 i.11632+12 2.8675E+13 1.4546E+15 2.7231-+_2 1.85088+15 1.29632+_4 3.4084_+15 1.78498+20 2.s57e6_+15 i.982E+!9 1.1640r+10 1.0618E+18 2.2971E+22 i.0643E+20 4.59887+19 2.4247E+17 5.0400E+20 2.1545-+08 7.92822+15 3.83659+14 3.5494E+10 1.9357E+07 1.9422=+14 4.64918+12 1.43807+15 1.77112+14 6.2856E+13 1.2476E+14 4.90008+14
.4304E+16 6.2306Z+15 3.38462+15 3.3734E+14 9.0610E+13 2.1666E*14 3.833BE+15 2.78591+20 1.9082E+16 1.1537E-20 6.7243E,19 2.0812E-20 3.9445E414 2.3852E-14 3.0607E-13 1.44665E-14 5.2996E-13 4.2691E-12 8.2392E-12 5.2997E-13 3.0692E-12 1.1171E-13 7.0771E-12 1.1228E-13 5.2167-I13 4.8198S+13 4.9849Z+13 9.0777_+12 2.0003E+23 2.B509_+13 5.0321Z+13 5.1773:+13 5.2192E+13 9.2962E+12 7.5741E+13 3.8711E+13 9.6583E+13 8.1208E+14 1.61518+19 3.43182+18 2.4143::+2 2.04695+;8

-.2174+219 3.2536--+21 5.4766E+20 4.25512+16 1.3240E+16 3.20392+16 3.7923E+i3 4.45508+14 8.9365E+13 2.4294E+12 9.4847E+11 4.19562+12 3.0638E+12 3.5274E+12 9.2602E+12 4.1162E+12 4.2924E+13 1.06468+10 1.13192+09 1.8176E+09 4.4826E+11 1.4875E+09 3.8850E+11 2.2616E+10 2.4539E+19 9.8506E+19 1.7319E+19 Transport Group Inventory:


Surp 1.5924E+23 O.OGOOE-00 1.9318E-20 0.0000E-00 5.9745E+i8 0.OOOOE-00 1.2504E-04 0.0000E-CO 1-131 (Thyroid) 1.9966E-03 I-131 (1CAP2 Thyroid) 2.1874E-03 1.0558E+04 SSES Ccndenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Transport Group Inventory:

Time Ih) -

24.0000 Leakage Transport Noble gases (atoms) 1.6192E+21 Elemental I (atoms) 2.1673E+18 Organic I (atoms) 6.7030E+16 Bezro~s~ko1.s.

2562E06_ --

Time Ih) -

24.0000 Leakage Transport

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 57 Letailed zodel inforrnation at time (t) -


-hB -

CRLA Doses:

Tine 1h) -

5e.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TE;E Celza dose (rem)

O.OOCOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.8669E-01 1.3984E+O_

S.2351E-0l LPZ - CRDA Doses:

Time (h) -

96.0000 Whole Body Thyroid 7EDE Delta dose (rem)

O.GOOOE+00 C.OOOOE-00 0.00CE-OO Accuwmulared dcse (rem, 2.1062E-02 7.1414E-01 4.3390E-02 CRDA e CR Dcses:

Time (ht -

96.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE

'elta dose (rem) 7.7929E-05 2.3511-E01 7.3501E-03 Accumulated dose (zem) 2.5300E-02 1.47565+01 4.B637E-01 SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment tiuclide Inventory:

Time (h) -

96.0000 C4 kg Atoms Decay Co-58 5.1823E-05 1.6297E-12 1.6922E+13 6.7665E+1l Co-60 2.8957E-05 2.5617E-11 2.5712E+14 3.7101E+1i Kr-B5 7.5204E+03 1.9168E-02 1.3580E+23 9.6315E+19 Er-85m 4.8304E-02 5.S696E-22 4.1585E+'3 1.1824E+20 Kr-S8 2.5311E-05 2.0186E-15 1.3814s+i0 2.0871E+20 Rb-E6 1.0761E-01 1.32502-09 9.2780E+15 1.4882E+15 Sr-39 7.C763E-02 2.4357E-09 1.64581E+16 9.3133E+14 Sr-90 9.5253E-03 6.98302-08 4.6725E+17 1.2157E+14 Sr-95 8.6498E-C5 2.3S62E-14 1.5791E+1l 1.7469E 14 Y-90 6.27f7E-03 1.1537E-1l 7.7196E+13 4.7682E 13 Y-91 2.5854E-03 1.0543E-10 6.9767E+14 3.3394E-t3 Y-92 2.3984E-09 2.4926E-19 1.6316E-06 5.4745E+13 Y-93 2.6790g-06 8.0297E-16 5.1996E-09 3.7917E+12 Zr-95 3.3480E-03 1.5584E-10 9.8791E+14 4.3807E+13 Zr-97 6.7456E-05 3.5267E-14 2.1907E+11 1.1056E+13 1Ib-95 3.4880E-03 8.9200E-11 5.6545E+'4 4.4705E+13 Ho-99 6.7017E-03 1.3973E-11 8.4998s+13 1.4822E+14 Tc-99m 6.8708E-03 1.3067E-12 7.94842+12 1.4133E+14 Ru-,03 1.4588E-02 4.51993-10 2.6427E+15 1.9352E+14 Ru-105 3.3518E-09 4.9863E-19 2.6598E+06 9.2955E+12 Ru-106 6.1857E-03 1.64892-09 1.0504E+16 7.9494E+13 Rh-105 1.7727E-03 2.1002E-12 1.2046E+13 6.5B36E13 Sb-127 8.329CE-03 3.1'89E-11 1.4789E+14 1.5624E-14 Sb-129 1.2925E-C6 2.298SE-18 1.0730E+07 5.2989E-13 Te-127 1.0811E-02 4.0963E-12

.9424E-13 1.7542E+14 Te-127m 2.8763E-03 3.0494E-10 i.4460E-15 3.6977E+13 Te-129 9.7093E-03 4.6362E-13 2.1643E-12 1.4936E+14 7e-129m 1.1226E-02 3.7272E-10 1.7400E-15 1.4960E+14 Te-131m 4.2602E-03 5.3425E-12 2.4560E+13 2.01652+14 e-132 1.1981E-01 3.9465E-10 1.8005E+15 2.4200=+15

!-131 3.7165t+03 2.9978E-05 1.3781E+2G 5.682eE+19 1-132 i.43ClE-01 1.3855E-11 6.3208E+13 3.4359E+18 1-133 4.4508E+02 3.9290E-07 1.7790E+18 4.1961E+19 1-135 4.3971E-01 1.2521E-10 5.5853E+14 1.3236E+19 Xe-133 6.4487E+05 3.4451E-03 1.5599E+22 1.0809E+22 Xe-135 2.5991E+02 1.0173E-07 4.5401E+17 6.5471E'20 Cs-134 1.3203E-O!

-.0205E-05 4.5961E+19 1.6935E-17 Cs-136 3.4242E-00 4.6720E-08 2.0688E+17 4.882SE916 Cs-137 9.9712E-CO 1.1464E-04 5.0390E+20 i.2768E+17 Ba-140 1.1461E-01 1.5656E-09 6.7343E-15 1.6395E+15 La-140 1.0210E-01 1.8369E-10 7.9017E-14 8.7666E+14 La-141 1.4356E-10 2.5385E-20 1.0842E-05 2.4649E+12 Ce-141 1.2157E-03 4.2664E-11 1.8222E+14 1.6235E+13 Ce-143 1.6158E-04 2.43312E-13 1.0247E+12 6.6883s+12 Ce-144 1.08872-03 3.4134E-10 1.4275E+15 1.4007E+13 Pr-143 2.4822Z-03 3.6862E-11 1.5523E+14 3.4764E+13 Nd-147 1.0271E-03 1.2696E-11 5.2C1!Z+13 1.4961E+13 Np-23 9 4.7511E-03 2.04SOE-11 5.1603E+13 1.1610E+14 Pu-236 3.3229E-06 1.9410E-10 4.9112E+14 4.2477E 10 P.-239 3.5466E-07 5.7058E-09 1.4377E+16 4.5256E-09 Pu-240 5.6581E-07 2.4831E-09 6.2306E+15 7.2440E+S09 Pu-241 1.3947E-04 1.3539E-09 3.3832E+15 1.7861E+12 Am-241 4.651BE-07 1.35542-10 3.3868E+14 5.9399E+09 Cp-W 1.1915E-0f 3.5949E-11 8.9460E-13 1.5385r+12 Pu-236 3.3229E-06 1.9410E-10 4.9112E+14 4.2477E210 9t-272 2.5CECC-01 s.3oPEr-00



EC-RADN-I 127 Page 58 Cmn-244

-~-8 3m Xe-133n Xe-135n 7.0997E-06 8.7756E-1I 4.109E1-11 2.0678E-21 1.0673E104 2.5003E-05 2.009GE-01 2.2502E-12 2.1659E-14 9.0916E+10 1.5003E-04 2.4542E+iS 1.1321E-20 2.6472-+20 1.0038E+13 1.74971E+9 SSES Coodenser/Turb ire Time (h)


96.0000 N4cble gases latoms)

Elemeneal I (atoms)

Organic I (atoms)

Aerosols (kg)

Eose Effec-ive (Ci/cc)

Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 7o-al I iCiJ Transport Group Invento:y:

Atmosphere Sunap

.5152E+23 0.00013+00

.3540E+20 0.OCOOE+00 4.18775+-8 O.OOOOE+00

.24956-04 O.OOOOE+00

!-131 (Thyroid) 1.3387E-03

-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 1.3545E-03 4.1622E-C3 SSES Condenser/ to Environs -

24 hr Release Transport Group Inventoryr Time (hl -

96.COOC Leakage Transport Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental I (atoms)

Organic I fatoms)

Aerosols (kg) 1.6192E+22 2.1673E+18 6.7030E+16 1.2567E-06 Detailed model information at tine IH) -

720.0000 EAS -

CRDA Doses:

Time (h) - 720.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accumulated dose (rem)

Whole Body Thyroid TEDE O.OOOOE-00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000+00 3.866SE-01 l.3984E+01 8.235_13-01.


CRDA Doses:

Time Ch) -

720.0000 Delta dose (rem)

AccUnulated dose (rem)

CRDA e CR Doses:

Whole Body Thyroid TEDE O.OOOOE+00 0.0000+00 0.0000E-00 2.1062S-02 7.1414E-01 4.3390E-02 Time (h) -

720.0000 Delta dose (rel)

Accumulated dose (rem) whole Body Thyroid TEDE 2.2159E-30 1.06691-26 3.2996E-28 2.5300E-02 1.4758E+01 4.8637E-01 SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Tine (h) -

720.0000 Co-56 Co-60 Kr-S5 Rb-86 Sr-89 Sr-90 Y-90 Y-95 Zr-95

.Nb-95 Ho-99 Tc-99m R-103 Ru-106 Rh-105 Sb-127 Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Te-131m Te-132 1-131

  • -132

_-133 Xe-133 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 12e-143 Cs-134 Cc-1,14 ci 4.0176E-05 2.8688E-05 7.4858E+03 4.1040E-02 4.9525E-02

9. 5092E-03 9.5594E-03 1.9002E-03 2.5261E-03 3.2342E-03 9.5518E-06 9.7929E-06 9.2199E-03 5.8902E-03 B.6366E-09 7.7208E-05 2.6078E-03 2.4840E-03 5.6787E-03 6.5672E-03 2.3335E-09 4.7471g-04 3.9506E-02 5.6661E-04 4.1452E-07 2.1029E+04 1.2891E401 6.6514g-01 9.9548E+00 2.7854E-02 3.23551-02 6.9822S-04 1.2891E+01 kg 1.2635E-12 2.5379E-11 1.9080E-02 5.0438E-10 1.7047E-09 6.9722E-08 1.7570S-11 7.7485E-1:

1.1759E-10 8.2710E-11 1.9915E-14 1.8624E-13 2.8568E-10 1.7606E-09 1.0232E-17 2.8911E-13 9.8814E-13 2.6335E-10 2.7116E-13 2.1800E-10 2.9263E-18 1.5636E-12 3.1866E-06

5. 4893E-14 3.6592E-16 1.1235E-04 9.9634E-06 1.1804E-C8 1.1445E-04 3.8047E-10 5.62111-11 2.4505E-1l 9.9634E-06 Atoms 1.3119=+13 2.5472Z+14 1.3518E+23 3.5319E+15 1.1535£+16 4.6646E+17 1.1757E-14 5.1277E-14
7. 4539E14 5.24301+14 1.21151+11 1.1329E+10 1.67031+15
1. 00021+16 5.8686E+07 1.3709E+12 4.6856E+12
1. 2467E+15 1.2659E-12 1.0177E+15 1.3452E107 7.1337E-12 1.46491+19 2.5043E+11 1.6569E+09 5.0869g+20 4.4777Z+19 5.2270E+16 5.0308S+20 1.6366E+15 2.5040E-14 1.0466E-14 4.4777E+19 2ecay 4.4795E 12 2.7666E-12 7.1995E+20 7.2342E+15 S.8779E+15 9.1301E+14 7.9836E+14 2.1836Z+14 2.8632E+14 3.2594E+14 2.3310E+14 2.2396E+14
1. 1659Es15 5.8125E-14 7.7882E-13 3.0276E114 5.2943E+14 2.6057E+14 6.1977E+14 8.7212E+14 2.2621E+14 4.2134S+15 1.7999E+20 3.43781E+18 4.3741E+19 2.60i4E-22
1. 2537E-18 2.0344E-17 9.5577E-17 6.7371E 15 6.5143E*15 9.3796E+13
1. 2537E-18 Q.GSIAC-01 1.190dK-C2 5.7110r4-19 I


EC-RADNM-127 Page 59 Ce-143 Ce-144 P--143 Nd-141 Np-239 Pu-238

?u-239 Pu-240 P-u-241 Am-24 I Cm-242 Cm-244 Xe-133m 3.2823E-10 1.02'8E-03 6.6195E-04 1.98972--4 2.2559--06 3.3844E-06 3.55932-07 5.658CE-07 1.3900E-04 4.8102E-07 1.0666E-04 7.0804E-06 4.2207E+00 4.9427S-19 3.2037S-10 9.A302E-12 2.4595E-12 9.7241E-15 1.9769E-10 5.7263E-C9 2.4833E-05 1.3493-r-09


4015E-i0 3.2182E-11 8.7517E-1' 9.8E71E-09 2.0815E'06

_.3398E-15 4.1398S-13 1.0076E+13 2.45022:i-C 5.0022E+14 1.4429E+16 6.2312E+15 3.3717E-15 3.5021E-14 e.co85E213 2.1600E+'4 4.47682_;6 7.71-29E,2 l.016SE+14 1.4963E-14 5.6896E-13 1.6768E-14 3.21265Z'1:

3.40-5E+10 5.4275E+10 1.3359E-13 4.5262E-10 1.0913E-13 6.8022E+ll 3.7794E+20 SSES Condenser/Turbine Tine th) - 720.COOG Noble gases (atoms Elemental I (atoms)

Organic I (atoms, Aercsols (kg)

Dose Effective (Ci/cc)

Dose Effective (Cl/cc)

Total I (Ci)

Transport Group Inventory:

Atmosphere Sump 1.3569E-23 0.0000E+00

_.4209E-19 0.0000Z+00 4.3947E-17 O.OOOOE+00.

1.2451E-04 O.OOOE+00 1-131 (Thyroid:

1.3951E-04 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 1.395'E-04 3.9506E+02 SSES Condenser/Turbine _o Environs -

24 hr Release Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) 720.0000 Leakage Transport Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental I (atoms)

Organic I (atoms)

Aerosols tkS)

1. 6192E+21 2.-673E#16 6.7030E+16 1.2567E-06 837 1-131 Summary Time (hr) 0.000 0.001 0.401 0.701 1.000

'.300 1.600 1.900 2.000 2.300 2.600 2.900 3.200 3.500 3.800 4.100 4.400 4.700 5.000 5.300 5.t.00 5.900 6.200 6.500 6.800 7.100 7.400 7.700 8.000 e.300 8.600 8.900 9.200 9.500 9.800 10, 100 10.400 24.000 9.200 c Ann SSES Condenser/Turbin 1-131 (Curies) 2.9442E-03 5.2996E-03 5.2912E+03 5.2848=+03 5.2785E+03 5.272lE+03 5.2658E+03 5.2594E+03 5.2573E-03 5.2510E+03 5.2447E+03 5.2384E+03 5.2321E+03 5.2258E+03 5.2195E+03 5.2133E-03 5.2070E+03 5.20017+03 5.1945E+03 5.1882E+03 5.1820E+03 5.1758E+03 5.1696E403 5.1634E-03 5.1571E-03 5.1509E+03 5.14492+03 5.1386f+03 5.1324E+03 5.1262E+03 5.1201E+03 5.1139E-03 5.1078E+03 5.1016E+03 5.0955E+03 5.0894E+03 5.0833E+03 4.8135E+03 5.1078E+03

-i ini~r.44 Environment 1-131 (Curies) 3.4077E-04 1.104lE-03 8.8351E-01 1.5444EG00 2.2023E-00 2.8616E-00 3.5201;+00 4.1778E+00 4.3968E+00 5.0535E+00 5.7094E+00

6. 3644E-aO 7.0187E-00 7.6722E+00 8.3249E+00 8.9769E+00 9.6280E+00 1.028E+401 1.0928Et01 1.1577E201 1.2225E-01 1.28725+01 1.3519E+01 1.41642+01 1.4809E+01 1.5453E+01 1.6097E+01 1.6739E201 1.738E1sO1 1.8022E+01 1.8662-+o0 1.9302E+O' 1.9941E+01 2.0579E+01 2.1216E201 2.1852EtOl 2.24e8E-01 5.0480E+01 1.9941E+01 7 flnC1t;.'O Control Bldg r-131 (Curies) 1.5092E-06 4.8892:-06 3.3470E-03 5.2323E-03 6.7066E-03 7.8665E-03
8. 775CE-03 9.48 £0E-03 9.6866_-03 9.5709!-03 9.4777E-03
9. 4020E-03 9.3402E-03 9.2893E-03 9.2470E-03 9.2113r-03 9.1810E-03 S.154SE-03 9.13195-03 9.11162-03 9.0933E-03 9.0766E-03 9.06112E-03 9.04672-03 9.0330t-03 9.0199E-03 9.0074E-03 8.9952E-03
8. 99 33E-03 7.6838E-03 6.6617E-03 5.8577E-03 5.2251E-03 4.7271E-03 4.3350E-03 4.0260E-03 3.7825£-03 2.7472E-03 5.2251E-03 a 7711;R-03

EC-RADNN-I 127 Page 60 96.000 720.000 3.7165E+03 3.9506:8+02 5.C480E-01 5.04£0E+O1 2.1465E-28 5.44es-24s Cnum ative Dose S=:nwrary

-AE -

CRDh LrZ -

CRDA' Time Thyroid Chr)

(rerO) 0.000 0.0000E+00 0.001 C.9013E-04 0.401 3.9151E-01 0.701 6.82957-01 1.000 9.719OE-01 1.300 1.2604E400 1.600 1.5474E800 1.900 I.e330*+00 2.0OO 1.9279E+00 2.300 2.2117E-OO 2.600 2.4942E+00 2.900 2.7754E+00 3.200 3.0554E,00 3.500 3.3341E-00 3.000 3.6115E+00 4.100 3.SB78E800 4.400 4.1629E'00 4.7C0 4.4368s+00 5.000 4.7096E+OO 5.300 4.9813Eo00 5.600 5.2518E-00 5.900 5.5213+.00 6.200 5.789?E+00 6.500 6.0570E-co 6.800 6.3233E+00 7.100 6.5886E+00 7.400 6.8528E+00 7.700 7.116OE-00 8.000 7.3783_+00 8.300 7.5227E+00 8.600 7.6465E-CO TEDE (rem)

0. 0000E+00 5.8786E-05
4. 4772E-02 7.5079E-02 1.03268-01 1.2988E-01 1.s556E-01
. 7897E-01
1. 8669E-Ol 2.0911E-01 2.3054E-01 2.5107z-01 2.7077E-01 2.e972E-01 3.0796E-01 3.2557E-01 3.4259E-01 3.5906E-01
3. 75038-Ol 3.9052E-01 4.0559E-01 4.2025E-01 4.3453E-02 4.4465E-01
4. 6207E-01 4.7537E-01 4.8838E-01 5.0113E-01 5.1362E-01 5.2192L-01 5.3002E-01 5hyroid (rem)
0. 00008-00 2.8936s-05 2.31133-02 4.0319E-02 5.7377E-02 7.4406E-02 9.1351E-02 1.0621E-01 1.1382E-01 1.3057Z-01 1.472sE-02 1.6385E-01 1.8038E-01 1.9693E-01 2.1321E-01 2.2952E-01 2.4576E-01 2.6193E-01 2.7804E-01 2.9407E-01 3.10058-01 3.2596E-01 3.4leOE-01 3.55e----Ol
3. 7330E-Oi 3.8696E-01 4.0456E-01 4.20108E-O 4.3559E-01 4.4125E-01 4.46908-01 4.5252E-O0 4.5813E-01 4.6371E-01 4.6927E-02 4.7482E-01 4.8034E-01 7.1414Z-01 7.1414E-01 7.1414E-01 rEDE t rem0)

C. 00008+00 3.47CSE-06 2.6432E-03 4.4324E-03 6.0963E-03 7.6675E-03

9. 1541E-03 1.0566E-02
1. 1021E-02 1.234sE-02 1.3610E-02 1.4822E-02 1.5985E-02
1. 7104E-02 1.8181E-02 i.9221E-02 2.0225E-02 2.11988-02 CP)A e CFL Thyroid TEDE (rem)

(rem) 0.0000-00 0.0000E+00 2.4167E-07 9.2252_-09 9.2165E-02 3.4631E-03 2.6125E-01 9.7040E-03 4.94038-ol 1.81208-02 7.7759E-01 2.8386E-02 1.0995§E800 3.9811E-02 1.452!E+00 5.23088-02 1.5749E+00 5.6620E-02 1.9439E+00 6.951SE-02 2.3077E-00 8.2135E-02 2.6671E+00 9.4519E-02 3.02268+00 1.0670E-01 3.374SE403 1.1970E-01 3.72448-O 1.3053E-01 4.07123+00 1.4223E-01 4.41588+00 1.53BOE-01 4.7583E-00 1.6524E-01 2.2140Z-02 5.09883+00 1.76588-01 2.3055E-02 5.4376S+00 1.8782E-01 2.3944E-02 5.77468+00 1.9897E-01 2.48108-02 2.5653E-02 2.6476E-02 2.7279E-C2 2.8064E-02 2.8832E-02 2.S585E-02 3.03228-02 3.0672E-02 3.1014E-02 3.2347E-02 3.1672E-02 3.1991E-02 3.2302E-02 3.2607E-02 3.2907E-02 4.3390E-02 4.33908-02 4.3390E-02 6._1015+C0 2.1003E-01 6.4440E+00 2.2100E-01 6.7765E+00 2.3190E-01 7.1076S-00 2.4272E-01 7.4373E+00 2.5348E-01 7.76568+00 2.6416E-01 8.0927E+00 2.7478E-01 e.41848+00 2.8534'-01 8.7189E+00 2.9506E-01 8.5768S+00 3.0339E-01 9.2015E-00 3.1063E-01 9.3999E+00 3.1701E-01 9.5778E+00 3.2273E-01 5.7393E-00 3.2791E-01 9.8881E+00 3.3268E-O0 1.0027E+01 3.3712E-01 1.4523£+01 4.7902E-O0 1.47588+01 4.8637E-O0

.4758E+01 4.c6372-01 8.900 5.200 9.500 9.800 10.100 10.400 24.000 96.000 720.000 7.7799E+00 5.3792£-01 7.9128E+00 5.4564E-01 8.0452E+00 5.5316E-01 8.1772E-00 5.6057E-01 8.3087E+00 5.6781E-01 8.4397E+00 5.7495E-0; 1.39&4E-01 8.2351E-01 1.3984E+01 8.2351E-01 1.3984E+01 8.23518-Ol Worst Two-Hou: Dose$

    1. §#§§tr!iti§i§#i§?§§if^#*#e**#if§#



Time thy) 0.0 Whole Sody (rem) 1.2575E-01 Thyroid (rem) 1.9279E+00 TEDE (rem) 1.8669E-01

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 61 RADTRAD Output CRDA_500cfmtMVP_30_noCREOASAST.out

EC-RADNI-1 127 Page 62 RA3TRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2O01) run on 8/15/2005 at 26-02:26

!l t44t4Si44 444*t4F144 444 4Yi i4 i 4i4i4S4 i

i 444i S

4ti 4444+

File information Plant file C:\\?rogran Files\\radtrad3.03\\?PL AST MS-Z\\CRDA 500cfnvVP_30CnoCRSCAS.psf inventory file

= c:\\program files\\radttad3.03\\ppl astimsl\\crdasses ast.nif Release file

- c:\\prograz. files\\radtrad3.03\\ppl as; nsl\\crda sses as_

2000 melt.rft Dose Conversion file -

c:\\procqran files\\radtrad3.03\\ppl_ast msl\\crda expanded fgrll&12.inp 4t 4

4 4 4 I

m44 F 4

44 IW 4 1 4

i i4 I4 i 4 4

4 44

  • 4 4 44 4 4 4

I 4

4 44 44 44 4

t 4


Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 SSES Suclide Inventory File:

c:\\program files\\radtrad3.03\\ppl ast ms'\\crda ssesast.nif Plant Power Level:

4.0320E+03 Compartrnents:

Cdmoartment 1:

SSES Condenser/Turbine 3

1.DOOOE-02 0

0 0

0 Compartirent 2:

Envircnnwent 2


0 0

0 0

Control Bldg I

5. 18OOE'C5 0


0 0

0 Pathways:

4 Pathway 3.:

SSES Conden-ser/Turbine to Environs 24 hr Release 2

4 Pathway 2:

Environs to Control Bldg -

6391 cfm Air Intake 2

3 2

Pathway 3:

Environs to Control Bldg -

510 cfm Tnleakage 2

3 3


EC-RADN-1127 Page 63 2

Pa:!tway 4:

Control Eldg to _nvirons - Control Rocn Exhaust 3

2 2

End of Plant Model File Scenaric Descriprion Name:

Plant Model Filename:

Sc-.rce Tern:

1 1

2.4000E-02 c:\\progran files\\radrrad3.03\\pplest r.nsi\\crda expanded forll&l2.inp c:\\prograrn fiies\\radcrad3.C3\\ppi ast1rnsl\\crda sses ast_2000_neit.rft 0.OOOOE+00 I

O.OOOOE-00 9.7000E-Oi 3.000CE-02 1.OOOOE+OO Overlying Pool:

0 0.000CE-00 0

0 0

0 Compartments:

3 Ccnpartmne.t 1

1 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 2:

0 0

0 0

0 C0 0

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0


4 Par~sway 1:

0 0.

0 0

0 O.

1 0

0Oaha 2!

1 O.OOOCE+OO 1.2120E+03 2.4000Es0I 0OOOOOE+OO 7.2000E 02

0. OOOOE-00 0

FAthtAV 7 3

_o OG~otsnn1 712Atvfl2

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 64 0

0 0

0 0

1 3

0.000DE-C0 1.000OE+00 7.2000E.+02 C

0 0

Pathway 3:

0 0

00 0

1 2

0.0000E:.00 7.2000E+02 0

0 0

0 C

0 Pathway 4:

a 0

0 0

0 I

2 0.00002-00 2.4000E+01 0

0 0

0 0

0 6.3910-+03 6.3910E+03


0000E+00 0.0000E -CO O.GOOCE- -00 O. OOO0+00 O. 0000CECO

0. 0000:+O0 5.1000E+02 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE-00 0.000O

-00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+00 6.9010E+03 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOCOE+0 0.OOOOE+00 6.9010E+03 0.00002+00 0.OOOOE+O0 O. OOOOE00 Dose Locations:

3 Location 1:


CR:)A 2

1 3

O. 0000+00 2.00002+00

7. 2000E+02 4

0000EC0 e.0000S+00

2. 40CO2+O1 7.2000E+02 0

Locatlon 2:



1 5

O.OOOOE-CO S.0000E-00

2. 4000Z+O1
9. 6000E+01 7.2000E+02 1



000 0E 00

2. 4000E+O1 P.

0ooor0o 8.30COE-04 8.3000E-04 O. OOOE'OO 3.5000E-04 1.8000E-04 2.3000E-04 0.OOOE-00 4.9000Z-05 3.5000E-05 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000Ej00 O.OOOOE-C0 3.5000E-04 O. OOOOE+00 0.o0000ox-O.

EC-RADN-I 127 8.0000r+00

1. 80COE-04 2.40003+01 2.3000E-04 7.2003E+02 O.OOOOE+03 0

Location 3:


0 1

2 0.0000+00 3.5000E-04 7.2000-+02 0.OOCE-00 1

4 O.OOOOE+00 1.0000E-00 2.40GOE+01 6.0000E-D1 9.6000E+01 4.00003-01 7.2000E+02 0.0000M+00 Effective Volwie Location:

1 5

0.0000=400 1.3600E-03 2.00iO3+00 1.0300E-03

8. 0000E+00
3. 3600E-04 2.4000E+01
0. OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Simulation Pararetezs:

1 0.0000 0E+

O.OOOOE+00 Output Fjiename:

C:\\Pzogran Filss\\radtrad3.o41 1

1 End of scenario File Page 65

EC-RADNL-I 127 Page 66 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 8/15/2005 at :t:02:26 Plant Description Number of Nuclides =

63 Inventory Power 2.OOOOZE-00 NMth Plan: Power Level -

4.0320E+03 Misth Number of comoartments 3

Ccmparrment information Compartment number 1 fSource zerm fraction =

2.40GOE-02 Nere: SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment volume -

1.0003E+02 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 1 Exit Pathway Number 1: SSES Condenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Compartment number 2 Name: Environment Compartment type is Environment Pathways into and out of compartment 2

tnlet Pathway Number 1: SSES Condenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Re'ease Inlet Pathway Nwrrber 4: Control Bldg to Environs - CcntrolP Room Exhaust Exit Pathway Number 2: Environs to Control B}dg -

6351 cfm Air Intake Exit Pathway Number 3: Environs to Control Bidg -

510 cfm Inleakage Compartment number 3 Name: Control Bldg Compartment volume -

5.180E+05 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of co.mpartment 3

Inlet Pathway Number 2: -nv_-ons to Control Bldg -

6391 cfr Air Intake Inlet Pathway Nuwber 3: Environs to Ccntrol Bldg -

510 cfm Znleakage Exit Pathway Number 4: control Bldg to Environs - Control Room Exhaust Total number of pathways -


EC-RADN-1 127 Page 67 PADT.RAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on E/15/2005 at 16'02:26 Scenario Description R.adioactive Decay is enabled Calculation cf Daughters is enabled Release Fractions and Timings GAP EARLY IN-VESSEL 0.001000 hr 0.0000 hrs NOBLES 3.2100E-C3 0.COOCE;00 IODINE 3.1000E-05 O.OOOCE-00 CESIUM 3.6400e-07 0.OOOOEE00 TEL!URIJM 1.15002-05 C.OOOOEC00 STRONTIUM 4.59CGE-10 C.O000E+00 BARIUM 4.59OOE-10 0.0000E+00 RUTHENIUM 5.7400E-11 0.0000E+00 CERIUM 4.59GOE-12 0.0000-+00 LANTHANUM 1.1500E-11 0.0000E+00 LATE RELEASE 0.0000 hrs 0.0000E+00 0.000OE403 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+03 0.OOOE-003 0.OOOCE-00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000oC00 0.OOOOE-00 RELEASE MASS Igm) 1.592E-01 3.541E-02 7.8e9E-02 1.115E-06

4. 574E-05 1.234E-06 1.534E-06
6. 407E-06 4.302E-07 Inventory Power -

4032. Mvt Nuclide Group Specii'c Co-58 Co-eo Kr-85 Kr-65m Kr-E7 Kr-68 Rb-86 Sr-89 Sr-50 Sr-Sl Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-55 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mc-99 Tc-99n Ru-103 RU-105 Ru-lC6 Rh-105 Sb-127 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129t i

Te-131m Te-132 131 1-132 1-133 I-134 1-135 Xe-133 Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 3a-139 Ba-140 La-140 La-141 L2-142 Ce-141 Ba-139 Ua-1 0 Inventory Ici/rNf;)

7 1.470E+02 7

7.9105+01 1

3.670E+02 1

6.650E+03 1

1.330r+04 1

1.850-+04 3

5.380Z+01 5

2.550E+04 5

3.250E+03 5

3.250E+04 5

3.450E+04 9

3.370E+03 9

3.320E+04 9

3.470E+04 9

2.650E+04 9


  • 9 4.710E*04 9

4.76CE'C4 7

5.0O0E'04 7

4.440E-04 7

4.270E+04 7

2.950E+04 7

1.700r+04 7

2.7502+04 4

2.330-+03 4

8.610E+03 4

2.310E+03 4

3.940E+02 4

8.1602+03 4

1.650E+03 4

5.330E+03 4

3.e20E+04 2

2.650E+04 2

3.S90E+04 2

5.510E+04 2

6.080E+04 2

5.230E+04 i

5.260E+04 1

1.740E+04 3

5.700E+03 3

1.S20E+03 3

4.29CE-03 6

4.840E-04 6

4.860E+04 9

5.180E+04 9

4.410E+04 9

4.320E'04 8

4.460E+04 6

4.840E-04 e

d s;nrnd h.alf Whole Body life DCF (s)

(Sv-Lt3/Bq-s) 6.117E+06 4.760E-14 1.663E+08 1.2602-13 3.383E+08 1.190E-16 1.613E+04 7.480E-15 4.578E+03 4.120E-14 1.022E+04 1.020E-}1 1.612E+06 4.810S-15 4.363E+O 7.730Z-17 9.190Ei08 7.530E-18 3.42CE204 4.924E-14 9.756E-03 6.790E-14 2.304E-05 1.900E-16 5.055E-06 2.f00E-16 1.274E204

-. 300E-14 3.636E+04 4.800E-15 5.528E+06 3.600E-14 6.0842+04 4.432E-14 3.037E+06 3.740E-14 2.376Z+0; 7.280E-15 2.167E+04 5.890E-15 3.394E+06 2.251E-14 1.598E+04 3.810E-14 3 181E+07 1.040E-14 1.273E+05 3.720E-15 3.326E+05 3.330E-14 1.555E+04 7.140E-14 3.366E-04 2.420E-16 9.418E-06 1.470E-16 4.176E-03 2.750E-15 2.903E+06 3.337E-15 1.08CE-05 7.463E-14 2.815E-05 1.030E-14 6.941E-05 1.820E-14 8.280E-C3 1.120E-13 7.488E+C4 2.940E-14 3.156E+03 1.300E-13 2.380E+04 S.294E-14 4.532E+05 1.560E-15 3.272E+04 1.190E-14 6.507-+07 7.570E-14 1.132E+06 1.060E-13 9.467E+08 2.725E-14 4.962E+03 2.170E-15 1.1012+06 8.580E-15 1.450_+05 1.170E-13 1.415E+04 2.390E-15 5.550E+03 1.440E-13 2.808E+06 3.430r-)5 4.962E+03 2.170E-15 1 1flW+flS Q

f~lZ~l Inhaled Thyroid (SV/Bq) 8.720E-10 1.620E-0O 0.6000E00 0.000E+00 0.000E00 0.0008E00 1.330E-09 7.96CE-12 2.690E-10 9.930E-12 3.920E-12 5.170E-13 8.5002-12 1.050E-12 9.260E-13 1.440E-09 2.315E-11 3.580E-10 1.520E-11 5.010E-11 2.570E-10 4.150E-12 1.720E-09 2.980E-12 6.150E-11 9.720E-12 1.840E-12

9. 660E-11 5.090E-13 1.5632-iO 3.669E-08 6.280E-08 2.920S-07 1.740E-09 4.860E-08 2.880E-10 8.460E-09 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 1.l10E-08 1.730E-09 7.930E-09 2.400E-12 2.560E-10 6.870E-11 9.400E-12 8.740E-12 2.550E-11 2.400E-12 7 rnvrl n

Inhaled Effective (Sv/Bq) 2.94GE-09 5.910E-08 0.000E+00 0.00E-00 0.000E00 OOOOE-00 1.790E-09 1.120E-08 3.5102-07 4.547E-:0 2.1805-10 2.280E-09 1.320E-08 2.110E-10 5.820E-10 6.390E-09 1.171E-09 1.570E-09 1.070E-09 8.800E-12 2.421E-09 1.230E-10 1.290E-07 2.580E-10 1.630E-09 1.740,-10 8.600E-11 5.810E-09 2.090E-11

6. 484E-09 1.758E-09 2.550E-09
8. 890E-09 1.030E-10 1.580E-09 3.550E-11 3.320E-10 0.0000E40 0.000E+00 1.250E-08 1.980E-09 8.630E-09 4.640E-11 1.010E-09 1.310E-09 1.570E-10 6.840E-11 2.420E-09 4.640E-11 1 nflllF.-fnc

EC-RADN-1 127 Ce-243 Ce-:44 Pr-143 Nd-'47 Np-23s Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-24i An-241 Cn-242 Cn-244 Kr-83n Xe-133mn Xe-135m 6

4.14D_+04 8

3.750E+04 5

3.9901+04 9

1.8O-T+04 8

5.260E+05 8

.'30E+02 8

'.200E+O' 8

.930Ew-01 e

4.760E-03 9

6.30CE-00 9

1.65CE-03 9

9.67CE-01 1

3.25CE-03 1

1.73CE-.03 I


1. 188E+05 2.456E+07 1.172Z+06
9. 487E+05 2.035E+05 2.769E+09 7.594E+11 2.063E+1' 4.544E+08
1. 364E-10 1.407EC07 5.715E-08
6. 840E-03 1.987E-05 9.360E-02 1.29§E-14 2.773E-15
2. 10OE-17 C. 190E-15 7.69GE-15 4.8ECE-18 4.2401-18 4.750E-18 7.250E-20 8.1601-i6
5. 690-v-8 4.910Z-18
1. 500E-18 1.370E-15 2.040E-14 Nuclide Daugh-er iKr-85m Kr-85 Kr-S7 Rb-87 Kr-8B Pb-8e Sr-90 Y-90 Sr-91 Y-91m Sr-92 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-93 Zr-95 Nb-95m Zr-97 Ifb-97mn Mo-99 Tc-95m Tc-99m TC-99 Ru-103 Rh-103ai Ru-lOS Rh-105 Ru-106 Rh-106 Sb-12'7 Te-127m Sb-129 Te-129m Te-127n Te-127 Te-129 1-129 Te-1291n Te-129 Te-13rr.

Te-131 Te-132 1-132

_-131 Xe-131n 1-133 Xe-133n 1-135 Xe-13Sm Xe-i35 Cs-135 Cs-137 Ba-137m Ba-140 La-140 La-141 Ce-14 Ce-143 Pr-143 Ce-144 Pr-144m Nd-147 Pm.-147 Np-239 Pu-239 Pu-23e u-234 Pu-239 U-235 Pu-240 U-236 Pu-241 U-237 Am-241 Np-237 Cm-242 Pu-238 C.-244 Pu-240 Xe-133m Xe-133 Xe-135m Xe-135 iodine fractions Aerosol Elemental Organic COMPARTMENT DATA Fraction 0.21 1.00 I.00 1.00 0.58

.00 1.00 0.01 0.95 0.88 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.18 0.22 0.96 1.00 0.65 0.22 1.00 0.01 0.03 0.15 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Da-ghter none none none none Y-91 none none Ub-95 I'b-97 Tc-99 none none none none Te-127 Te-'29 none none 1-129 1-131 none none Xe-133 Xe-135 none none none none zone Pr-144 none none none none none Am-241 none none none none Cs-135 Fractii 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.S9 0.05 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.8S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.230S-12 2.920E-10 1.680E-18 1.620E-11 7.620E-12 3.860E-10
3. 750E-10 3.76CE-10
9. 150E-12 1.600E-09 S.4101-1C 1.010E-09
0. O00E+OO
0. OCOE+00 O.OOOE+00 cn Da.!ghtei none none none none none none none nore none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Page 68 9.160E-10 1.01CE-07 i. i §CE-OC 1.85CE-09 6.M7eE-1C 7.790E-05 E.330E-05 E.330:-05 1.349S-06 1.200E-04 4.670E-06 6.700E-05
0. 00GE0GO O.OOOE+00
0. 000-+00 Fraction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0. 00001+00 9.70001-01 3.0000E-02 Compartment number Compartment nrumber Compartment number 1: SSES Condenser/Turbine 2: Environment 3: Control Bldg PATHWAY DATA Pathway number 1: SSES Condenser/Turbine to Environs - 24 5r Release Convection Data Time thr)

Flow Rate tM / dav)


EC-RADN-1127 Page 69 0.0003E+OC 1.2120E-03 2.4000_+O1 O.OCOO-+O30 7.2000E+02 0.OOCOE+0o Pathway number 2: tnvirons to Control Bldg -

6391 cfm Air Intake Pathway Filter: Removal Data Tine U-x)

Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies



Aerosol Elemental Oroanic O.OOOOE+OO E.3910E403 0.00OOE400 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE-O0 I.COOOE+O0 6.39'CE-03 O.OOCOE-00 O.OOOOE-CO O.OOOOE+OO 7.200CE-C2 O.OOOOE+0O O.OOOOE-00 0.OOOOEOO 0.OCOOE+00 Pathway number 3: Environs to Control Bldg -

510 cfm nlrleakage Pathway Filter: Remrboval Data Time (hr)

Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (t)


Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OO° O+00 5.1000E+02 O.OOOOE+O0 0.00COCE00 0.OGOOE+00 1.2000E+02 0.OOOGEOO O.OOOOE-0O O.OOOOE+00 Q.OOOOEOO Pathway r.wnuber 4: Control Bldg to Environs - Ccntrol Room Exhaust Pathway Filter: Removal Data T-Ime fhr)

Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (M)


Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOO.OO 6.9010E+03 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE-OO O.OOOGE+O0 2.4000E-01 6.9010E+03 O.COOOE+OC O.0000V+00 O.OOOOE+00 LOCATION DATA Location ZAB -

CRDA is in conpartment 2

Location X/Q Data Tire (hr)

X/Q (s

  • mr-3) o.OOOOE4O0 8.3000L-04 2.OOOCE000 8.3000Z-04 7.2000E402 0.OOOOE+OO Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hi) 3reathing Rate (m'W3
  • sec^-l)

O.OCOOE+00 3.500£E-04 8.00005+00 1.6COOZ-04 2.40COE+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+02 O.OOOOE-OO Location LPZ -

CRDA is in compartment 2

Location X/Q Data Tine thr)

X/Q (S

  • m^-31
0. OOOOE-00 4.90QOE-05 S.0000E+00 3.'OOOE-05 2.40COE+01 0.000OE-oo
9. 6000E+01 O.000Ot+0O 7.2000E-02 O.OOOOE+O0 Location Breathing Rate Data Time Mhrl Breathing Rate is^3
  • sec--l) 0.OOOOE-OO 3.50005-04 8.O0OOE+00
1. OOOE-04 2.4000E+01
2. 30GOE-04 7.2000E+02 O.OOOOE-OO Location CRDA e CR is in compartment 3

Location X/Q Data Time thr)

X/O (s

  • m^-3)

O. OOOOE+00 1.3600E-03 2.0000E-00 1.0300E-03

8. ODOOEiOO 3.360OE-04 2.4000E+O1 O.OOOOE-00 7.2000E+O2 O.OOOOE+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Ti-ne (hr)

Breathing Rate (an3

  • seC^-l)

O.OOOOE+OO 3.50OOE-04 7.2000E+02 O.OOOOE+00 7.Ewe~irtn Rr-:~hinn Dt-nlr

EC-RADN-1 127 location Occup0 Tim~e Chr)

O.C0OOE-OO 2.400CE-C1

9. 6COOEiO1 7.2000Er+02 CSER SPECIF:EC TIME Time O.oDCO7+Oo Page 70

!ncy Factor Data Occupancy Factor 1.OOOCE-OC

6. OOOCE-O1 4.OOO-r-1 O.OOOE+400 STEP DATA -


i i


EC-RADN-I 127 Page 71 RADTRAD version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 8/15/2005 at 26:02:26

    • ir9 f§##99199*99 9

999 r99i i


999' i

I ti l

i t



i i

S i99,4 4.§4 t


      1. 99 9

A 9199 9

S i

  1. 1i99 9

9 If 1

4 9

9 4

i9 9949 9

999#99199999199999199#?.#f49149919199999994991994994949#i99994lH999 Dose, Detailed model and retailed Tnve-to:y Output Detailed model 1-fo:Mation at time (H): -

0.0010 EAS -

CRDA Doses:

Tine (h) -

0.0010 Delta dose (rem)

Accumulated dose (rem)

Whole Body Thyroid TEDE 7.6566E-04 6.9091E-03 1.0685E-03 7.8566E-04 8.9091E-03 1.0685E-03 LPZ - CRDA Doses:

Tine (h) -

0.0010 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6382E-05 5.2596E-04 6.3083E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6382E-05 5.2596E-04 6.3083E-05 CRDA e CR Doses:

7ime (hM -

0.0010 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8202E-08 4.3930E-06 1.6765E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.8202_-08 4.3930E-06 1.6769E-07 SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h)

Co-58 Co-60 Kr-85 Kr-85n Kr-87 Kr-88 Rb-S6 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-Si Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 IC-99M Ru-103 RU-105 Ru-106 Rh-105 Sb-127 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127n Te-129

-e-129n Te-131m Te-1 32 1=1 32.

Te-127n 5!ff-3 )6 0.0010 Ci

8. 1630E-07 4.3925E-07 1.1397E+02 2.0648E-03 4.1280E+03 5.7437E+03 1.8945E-03
1. 1323E-03 1.4432E-04 1.4431E-03 1.5316E-03 3.75042-06 3.6937E-05 3.8826E-05 2.9481E-05 5.2957E-05 5.239SE-05 5.2957E-05 2.7821E-04 2.465CE-04 2.3712E-04
1. 6379E-04 9.4402£-05 1.52712-04 2.5922E-04 9.5775E-04 2.5700E-04 4.3635E-05 9.0781E-04 1.8357E-04 5.929SE-04 4.2499E-03 7.9475EZ'040 4.3635E-05
9. 0193M.02 kg 2.5672E-14 3.8858E-13 2.9049E-04 2.509CE-07 1.4573E-07 4.5806E-07
2. 3284E-11 3.8976E-ll 1.0580E-09 3.9809E-13 1.2185E-13 6.89342-15
1. 5062E-12 4.0350E-15 8.8363E-15 2.4651E-12 2.7410E-14 1.3543E-12 5.800CE-13 4.6590E-14 7.3470E-12 2.4366E-14 2.8217E-1i 1.8092E-13 9.7068E-13 1.7032E-13 9.7381E-14 4.64712-12 4.33482-14 6.0936S-12 7.4363E-13

'.3999E-11 6.41052E-01 4.64712-12 6.22499-40 Atoms 2.f655E+11 3.9002E+12 2.0581E+21 1.7776E+1E

1. 0088E-18 3.1347E-18
1. 6304E+14 2 6373E+14 7.0793E+15 2.6344E-12 7.9761E211 4.61262+10 9.9674E+12 2.6412E+10 5.7218E+10 1.626E+13 1.0172.11


3. 2M5~t!2
2. 523E+11 4.2456E+13 1.352S11
1. 0371E+14 1.0377E+12 4.¢028E+12
7. 5092+11
4. 17Ef+1l 2.20362E13 2.0236E+ll 2.8447E+13 3.4185E+12 6.3E65E+13 I.S470E-16 2.2036E-13
2. Vq7GZ; 23 Decay 8.1888E+04 4.4064E*04 1.1433E-13 2.0715_+14 4.1420E+14 5.7624E+14
1. 9005E+08
1. 1359E+08 1.4477£+07 1.4477E+08 1.5366E+08 3.7614E+05 3.7053E-06 3.8779E+06 2.9575E+06 5.3125E+06 5.2565E+06 5.3125E+06 2.7909ED07 2.4733E207 2.37873+07 1.6432E+07 9.4700E+06 1.5319E+07 2.6004E207 9.6064E+07 2.5781E+07 4.3973E+06
9. 1056E+07
1. 8415E-07 5.9485E+07 4.2633E+08 2.95732+17 4.3973E+06
0. 3 CI f 2

EC-RADN-l 127

_-32 I-133

}-134 I-135 Xe-133 Ze-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Ba-139 Ba-140 La-140 La-141 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 1ld-147 Np-239 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Am-241 Cm-242 Cm-244 Kr-83m Xe-133m Xe-135m Page 72 1.1664=+02 1.6524E+02 1.8220E+02 1.5683'-02 1.6335Z+04 5.4037E+03 2.0072E-Oi 6.4091E-02 i.5107E-O1 2.1481E-03 2.15elE-03 5.7657E-05 4.9055£-OS 4.8041E-05 1.9805E-05 1.8383E-05 1.6652E-05 4.4391E-05 2.0026:--0; 2.3357E-04 5.0178E-08 5.3286E-09 8.5702£-OS 2.1137E-06 7.0091E-09 1.8357E-06 1.0758E-07 1.00892+03 5.3724E+02 4.6475E-03

1. 13DCE-OS 1.45E7£-07 6.S2995-09 4.4658E-08 8. 267E-05 2.1160E-0D
.5514Z!-D7 8.7441E-1C 1.7368E-06 1.3133E-13 2.9479v-1l 1.0373E-13 8.6740E-15 3.3559E-15 6.9506'-13 2.7682_-14 5.2209E-12 6.5922E-13 2.4754E-13 1.0068E-12 2.9310E-12 8.5729E-11 3.76312-li 2.0519E-ll 2.0422E-12 5.5388E-13 1.3298E-12 5.0771'-08 1.2585E-06 5.2054E-08 z.1551E+16 6.6045E-17 3.0694E-16 1.9921Z+17 3.95-4E+20 9.4392E-18 6.9722E-17 2.81222+15 7.6345E+i8 5.6898E411 1.26SE0-14 4.4621E411 3.7047E+10 1.4232E*10 2.96862-12 1.16582+11 2.1834E13 2.7761E412

-.0141E-12 2.5369z+12 7.4164E+12 2.1601E+14 9.4374E-13 5.12724+13 5.1030E+12 1.37S3E+12 3.2820EL12 3.68372+17 5.6984E+18 2.3220E+17 1.1702E-13 1.65772-,13 1.8284E+13


1. 6386E215 5.4206'-14 2.3136E=+!

6.4293E+0S 1.5155E-10 2.1554E-08 2.1649E408 5.7P18E+06 4.9213E-OE 4.8202E-06 1.9867E+36 1.8442E-06 1.6705E-06 4.45312+06 2.0089E+06 2.3431E-07 5.0336E-03 5.3455E+02 8.5973E+02 2.1204E-05 7.0312Ew02 1.8415E+05 1.0792E+04

.0123E+14 5.3894E-13 4.6667E114 SS3 Condenser/Turbine Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) -

0.0010 Atmosphere Sumn Noble gases (atoms) 2.474SE-21 O.OOOOE+00 Elementel I fatoms) 3.7722Z+18 0.C000E-00 Organic _ (atoms) 1.1667E+17 0.0000E400 Aerosols (kg) 1.8942E-06 0.0000+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 3.9692E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) _-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 5.0855E-05 Total I MCi) 7.0039E+02 SSES Condenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Transport Group Inventory: (h) 0.0010 Leakage Transport Nioble gases (ate-s)

Elerencal I (atoms)

Organic I (atoms)

Aerosols OV.g) 6.2497E-17 5.5258Er14 2.9461E+13 4.1833E-10 Detailed model information a: time (K) -

1.0000 EAB -

CRDA Doses:

Time (h) 1.0000 Whole Body Delta dose (rem) 1.0501E400 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0509E-00 Thyroid I.3878E+01 1.3587E+01 TEDE 1.4898E+00 1.4509E+00 LZ -

CRDA Doses:

Time (h) 1.0000 Whole Body Delta dose (rem) 6.1995E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2041E-02 Thyroid 8.1932E-01 B.l9844-01 TE:D2 8.7952E-02 8.8015E-02

,I I


i I

I CRDA e CR Doses:

Time (h) -

l.COOO Delta dose (rem)

Accumulated dose (rem)

Whole Body 3.9141E-02 3.9141E-02 Thyroid 7.5621E+00 7.5621E+00 TEDE 2.7851E-01 2.7851E-01 SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment Suclide Inventory:

Time (h) -

1.0000 Ci Co-SB Co-ED Kr-85 Kr-85r:

Kr-87 Y1460 ifal Co-58 s:-68 4.9269E-0'7 2.6522E-07 6.8818E+Dl 1.0662E-03 1.4460E:03



  • '2n-^

t 4.9269E-07 2.1211z,703 kg 1.5494E-14 2.3463E-13 1, 7541E-04 1.298CE-07 5.1048E-08

- le?.4V A,



6 1;E-0?

Atows Decay 1.6088E+11 8.3236E+07 2.3549E+12 4.4797E+07 1.242IE-21 1.1623E+16 9.1963E+17 1.9638E217 3.5335E+17 3.3204E+17 1.6088E+11 8.3236E+07 2.95J2Xt1a 5.1313Zi,17

EC-RADN-I 127 Rb-86 Sr-65 Sr-9G Sr-9i Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-97 nb-95 tHo-S59

.c-99n Ru-l03 Ru-105 R:-10 6 Rh-105 Sb-127 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-'27m Te-129

.e-129m Te-131mr Te-132 1-131

_-132 I-133 1-134 1-135 Xe-133 Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-l36 Cs-137 Ba-139 3a-140 La-140 La-'41 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Nd-147 Np-239 Fu-238 Pu -239 Pu-240

?u-241 A11-24 1 Cm-242 Cn-244 Kr-83m Xe-133m Xe-135m 1.14222-03 6.8332E-04 8.11SGE-05 8.100SE-04 7.1626E-04

3. 1784E-06 2.2466E-05 1.65C0E-04 1.6621E-05 3.1962E-05 3.0369E-05 3.1976E-05 1.6623E-04 1.4E77E-04 1.4307E-04 8.4617E-05
5. 6997E-05 9.2197E-05 1.5535E-04 4.9265E-04

'.5512E-04 2.6468E-05

.2414E-04 1.1085E-04 3.4988E-04 2.5435E-03 4.7816E+01 5.2118E+01 9.6508E+01 4.993SE-01 8.5279E+01 9.8112E+03 3.1008E-03
1. 2119E-01 3.8613E-02 9.1218E-02 7.8484E-04 1.3001E-03 5..6429E-05 2.4835E-05 1.85111-05 1.1972E-05 1.0870E-05 1.0054E-05 2.6770E-05 1.2060E-05 1.3931E-04 3.02995-08 3.2179E-09 5.1748E-09 1.2763E-06 4.2324E-09 1.1082E-06 6.4960E-08 4.2313E102 3.2038E+02 2.0964E-02 1.4037E-11 2.3521E-1i 6.3882E-10 2;23472-13 5.6985E-14 5.842CE-15 9.1608E-13 1.1153E-14 4.98'5E-15 1.4878E-12 1.5886E-14 8.1773E--3 3.4655E-13 2.8292E-14 4.4329--12 1.2586E-14 1.7036E-1l I. 0523E-13 5.8173:-13 8.7608E-14 i.B778E-14 2.8060S-12 2.502EE-14 3.6796E-12 4.3877E-13 8.37822-12 3.8569E-07
5. 0492E-09 8.5194E-08 1.8719Z-09 2.4283E-08 5.2416E-05 1.2142E-06 9.3671E-08 5.2625E-10 i.0487E-06 4.7982E-14 1.7759E-11 1.0152£-13 4.3914M-15 1.2931E-15 4.2016E-13 1.6368E-14 3.1521E-12 3.9754E-13 1.4908E-13 6.0051E-13 1.76S9E-12 5.1772E-11 2.2710E-11 1.2389E-11 1.2332E-12 3.3438E-13

£.0294£-13 2.1293E-08 7.50502-07 2.3480E-09 9.8296E+13 1.5915E-14 4.2745_+15 1.4789E+12 3.7301E+ll 3.9091E-10 6.0624+.22 1.1231E+1'-

3.2260E2-0 9.43127t22 9.8627z+iG

5. 1837E+12 2.10S3E-12 1.7210Z+:1 2.5918E+13 7.2197E-10 9.6788-+13 6.264EE+1l 2.7585E+12 4.0898E-11 2.7872_+11 1.330EE+13 1.1684E2411 1.7177E+13 2.0170E+12 3.8223E+13
1. 7730E'1S 2.3C352E+16 3.8575E+17 8.4124E415 I. 0832E+17 2.3733E+20 5.4165E+18 4.2097E-17 2.3329E+1-5 4.6098E+18 2.0788E-11 7.6392E+13 4.3670E+11
1. 8756E+10 5.4842E+09 1.79452+12 6.8930E+10 1.3182E-13 1.6742E+12 6.1072E+11 1.5131E'12 4.4182E-12 1.3045E+14 5.6984E+13 3.0959SE13 3.0814-+12 8.3209E+11 1.9817E2 12 1.5449E+17 3.3982E+18 1.0474E+16 ry:

2.3558E-05 2.9466E-05 3.3166E+02 Page 73 i.930G2+1'

1. 1545E-li 1.4718E-lo 1.4237E+ll

_.3932E+1 4.4539E+08 3.7784E-09 i.4514241+

2. 9142E+09 5.3998E-C5 5.2449E+OS
5. 4007E+09 2.8237E- -10 2.4996E+iO 2.41274E+10 1.5568E-10
9. 6274::+09
1. 5562E+10 2.6346E410
9. 0858Ee10 2.6110E+10 4.4705E+09 8.8}14E'10 1.8721Et+'O 5.9840E+10 4.3168E+lf 8.0920E-15 1.0401E+16 i.6598E+16
1. 3271E 16
1. 5252E+16 1.6619E+18 5.4017E-17
2. C471Er13 6.529?7+12 1.5407E413 1.7584E-11 2.19V7E+11 7.3697E+09 4.6208E'09 4.0213E+09 2.0207Z+09 i.8569E+09 1.6982E-09 4.5244E+09 2.0399E+09 2.3688E+10 5.1175E206 5.4348E+05 8.7404E+05 2.1557E208 7.14a4Z+05 2.8720E+08 1.0972E-07 8.7547:+16 5.4480E+16 1.8388E 17 tG p e
r. Group Inv~ento-y:

SSES Condenser/Turbine Time Ib) -

1.0000 Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental _ (atoms)

Organic I (atoms)

Aerosols (kg)

Dose E2fective (Ci/cc)

Dose Effective (Ci/ccl Total I (Ci)

Transport Gro;;p Inventoi Atmosphere Sump 1.4918E221 0.0000E+00 2.2296E+18 0.0000E+00 6.8957E+16 0.00006'00 1.1437E-06 0.00005+00 1-131 (Thyroid)

I-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid)

SSES Condenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Transpor Time Ch) -

1.0000 Leakage Transpo-t Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental * (atoms)

Organic 1 (atoms)

Aexasols (kg)

9. 8045E+20 1.4820E+18 4.5834E-16 1.5094B-01 Detailed model information at time (H)


2.0000 Elemental s (atoms) 1.4820E+18

-A 1...l A

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 74 EAB - CRGA Doses:

Time (M -

2.COOO Delta dose (rem)

Accurulated dose (rem)

Whole Body Thyroid TE0E 4.6432E-01 8.2480E+00 7.2452E-01

.5152E+00 2.2135E-01 2.2154E+00 LPZ -

CRDA Doses:

.ime (h) -

2.0000 Delta dose frew.)

Accumulated dose (re.r)

Whole Body Thyroid TED_

2.7412E-02 4.8693E-01 4.2773E-02 8.9453E-02 1.3068E+00 1.3079E-01 CRDA 8 CR Doses:

Ti.e (h) -

2.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Acc=mulated dose (rem)

Whole Body 5.1487£-02

9. 0628&-02 Thyroid TEDE 1.2705E+Oi 4.5223E-01 2.0267ETOI 7.3074E-Ol SSSS Condenser/Turbine Compertment Nuclide Inventory:

Tine (h) -

Co-58 Co-60 Kr-85 Kr-65m Kr-B7 Kr-68

.Rb-86 Sr-69 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Y-90 Y-92 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Ru-103 Ru-105 R3a-106 Rh-205 Sb-127 Sb-229 Te-127 Te-127r.

Te-129 Te-129m Te-i 31n Ee-132 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 I-i35 Xe-133 Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 8a-135 Ba-140 La-;40 La-141 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Nd-147 ND-239 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Nd-147 ZV. 2' 2.0000 Ci 2.9722E-07 1.6006E-07 4.1533E-CI 5.5226E+02 5.0596E202 1.2850r403 6.8825E-04 4.1215E-04 5.2589E-05 4.5449E-04 3.3471E-04 2.4643E-06 1.364SL-(IS i.5013E-04 9.3656E-06 1.9280E-05 1.7591E-05 1.9295E-05 9.9273E-05 8.9622:-05 6.6279E-05 4.3686E-05 3.4395E-05 5.5480-05 9.3055E-05 2.5324E-04 9.3543E-05

1. 5974E-05 2.9142E-04 6.6892E-05
2. 0633E-04 1.5215E-03 2.8754E+01 2.3270Et01 5.6334E+01 1.36682+01 4.6343E+01 5.8900E+03 1.7406E-03 7.3139E-02 2.3252E-02

.5.505GE-02 2.8646E-04 7.8286E-04 4.6860E-05 1.2564E-05 7.1262E-06 7.2308E-06 6.4235E-06 6.0668E-06 1.6135E-05 7.2592E-06 8.3052E-OS 1.8286E-OS 1.9423E-09 3.1230E-09 l.Z233E-03 7.2592E-06

1. ?OZ3E-07 Kg 9.3472E-15
1. 4160E-13 1.05863-04 6.7107E-C8 2.7862E-08 1.0247E-07 8.4585E-12 1.4187E-11 3.8553E-10
1. 253SE-13 2.6625E-14 4.52955-15 5.5651E-13 1.5602E-34 2.8072E-15 8.9748E-13 9.2020E-15 4.9350E-13 2.0695E-13 1.7044E-14 2.6733E-12 6.4989E-15 1.02812-11 6.5730E-14 3.4845E-13 4.5034E-14 3.544;E-14
1. 6935E-12 1.3916E-14 2.2204E-12 2.5875E-13 5.0116E-12 2.3193E-07 2.2544E-09 4.9730E-08 5.1236E-10 1.319f::-08 3.1467E-05 6.81582-07 5.6529E-08 3.1726E-10 6.3290E-07 1.7513E-14 1.0694E-1l 8.4306E-14 2.2217E-25 4.9781E-16 2.5377E-13 9.6728E-15 1.9021E-12 2.3961E-13 8.9732E-14 3.5800E-13 1.0681E-12 3.2249E-11 1.37052-il
2. 3 31E -13 8.9732E-14 7.47 II0 - I z Atoms 9.7051E 10 1.4212E+12 7.5001E-20 4.7544E+17 1.23642+17 7.01272+17 5.9230E+13
9. 5993%-13 2.5797E+15 8.2971E 11 1.7431E+11 3.0308E410 3.68;33+;2 1.0213E+11 1.8178E+10 5.6892E+12 5.7130E210 3.1284E+12 i.2591E-12 1.036e8+1l 1.5630E+13 3.72742+10 5.18408E+13 3.7699.l1l 1.6523E+12 2.1023EslI 1.6807E+11 8.03D2E'12 6.4963S+10 I.0366E+13 1.1895'+12 2.2864E+13 1.0662E-l1 i1.0285E+16 2.2517E -17 2.3026E+15 5.88 66E+16 1.42482+20 3.0404E+18 2.5405E:17
1. 4048E+1S 2.752O2E16 7.$874E+i0 4.5$98SE-13 3.6264E+U1 9.4 889E+09 2.1112E+09
1. 0639E+12 4.0735E2-10 7.9$48E+12
1. 0051E-12 3.6761E+11 9.0205E+11 2.7027S+12 7.e739E+13 3.4390E+13 1.0091E-12 3.6761E+1l
1. ubd-it;+ij Decay
1. 334EE+08 7.1835E'07 1.8640_+16 2.9794E+17 4.4827E+17 7.7352E+17 3.0946E-11 1.8511Z+li 2.3603E-10 2.2227S+ll

.2.0444E411 8.0704E+0e 6.0153E+09 3.5026E-10 4.5567E+09 8.6580E-09 8.28392+09

8. 6609E4O9 4.5105;+10 4.0068E+10 3.8757E+10 2.3608E+10 1.5439E+10 2.4944E+10 4.2132E210 1.3758S+11 4.1e64E-10 7.1692E+09 1.3890E+ll 3.0023E+10 9.5139E+10 6.8997E2il 1.2959E+16 1.5047E+16 2.6289E+16 1.6905Es16 2.3543E+16 2.6598E+la e.4611E+17 3.282EE+13 I.0463E-13 2.470E2+13 2.4004E+ll 3.5229E+ll 1.4005E+10 6.95932+09 5.569SE409 3.2417Es09 2.9546E+09 2.7232E'09 7.2522E+09 3.2681E+09 3.7813E+10 8.2069E+06 8.7160E+05 1.4017E+06 7.2522E+09 3.2681E-09 j.45/UE+08 I


EC-RADN-1 127 Page 75 Am-241 Cm-242 Cm-244 Sr-63m Xe-133m Xe-:35m 2.5544E-09 6.6870E-07 3.9203E-06 1.77305+02

1. 90soe+02 1.6406E-O1 7.4425E-13 2.0176E-13 4.8458E-13 8 9223E-09 4.4733E-07

'.8375E-10 1.859SE412 5.0208E-:1

1. !960E+12 6.4737Et16 2.0255E518 S. 1969E+14 1.1464E,06 3.00195+08

'.7595E+07 1.2424E+17 8.6961E-16 1.9281Z+i7 SSES condenser/Turbine Time th) -

2.0000 Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental I (atcms)

Orcanic I (atoms)

Aerosols (kg)

Dose ICijcc)

Dose Effective (Ci/cc)

Total I (Ci)

Transoort Group Inventory:

Atwkosphere Sump 9.9892ME20 0.0000E-00 1.3219E-18 O.COOOE+00 4.0885Ef-+6 0.OCOO_+00 6.9024E-07 C.OOOO00E+

1-151 !Thyroid) 1.3993E-05 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 1.7212E-05 1.6837E+02 5SES Condenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Transport Group Inventory:

Time (hl -

2.0000 Leakage Transport Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental I (atoms)

Organic I (atoms)

Aerosols (kg) 1.5716E+21 2.3594E+le 7.2972E-16 1.2044£-06 Detailed model information at time (H) -

8.0000 EA3 -

CRDA Doses:

Tame (h) -

8.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accumulated dose (rem)

Whole Body 4.1756E-01

1. 9328E+00 Thyroid TEDE 1.1567E+01 7.8062E-01 3.3702E+01 2.9960Et00 LPZ -

CRDA Doses:

Time (h) -

8.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accu.nulazed dose (rem)

Whole Body 2.4651E-02 2.1410E-01 Thyroid TEDE 6.8265E-01 4.6085E-02 1.9896E+00 1.7687S-01 CRDA 6 CR Doses:

Time (h) 8.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accum-ulated dose (rem)

Whole Body 7.2122E-02 1.6275E-01 Thyroid 2.8325E+Ol 4.8592E+01 TEDE 9.6094E-01

i. 6917E-00 SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment Nluclide Inventory:

Time (hi =

Co-58 Co-60 Kr-85 Kr-e5m Kr-87

R-88 Rb-86 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-SI Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 Ho-99 Tc-995 Ru-103 Ru-105 RU-106 Rh-105 Sb-127 Sb-129 Te-i27 Te-;27m Te-129 Te-129k Sb-127 Sb-129 E.0000 Ci

-.4325E-08 7.7326E-09 2.0067:+00

1. 0545E+01 9.2871E-01
1. 4355E-C1 3.2946E-05 1.9845E-05 2.540SE-06 1.4174E-05 3.4856E-06 2.7152E-07 6.7961E-07 7.2176E-C6 2.9978E-07 9.2903E-07 6.6452E-07 9.3232E-07 4.5035E-06 4.2151E-06 4.1503E-06 8.2724E-07
1. 661CE-Oe 2.5339£-06 4.2982E-06 4.6723E-06 4.4664E-06 7.7182E-07
7. 1903E-06 3.2242E-06 4.2982E-06 d 677!F-06 kg 4.50515-16 6.8407Z-15 5.:149E-06 I.2814E-09 3.2767£-'1 1.14485-09 4.0490E-13 6.8309E-13 1.8627E-ll 3.9100E-15 2.7731E-16 4.9907E-16 2.7712E-14 7.500SE-16 8.9852E-17 4.3245E-14 3.4761E-16 2.3842E-14 9.3899E-15 8.0161E-16

.2860E-13 2306E-16 4.9649Z-13 3.0021E-15 1.6095E-14 8.3087E-16 1.6924E-15 8.1825E-14 3.4334E-16 1.073IE-13 1.6095E-14 B. 30972-16 Atoms 4.6776E+09

6. 86605+10 3.6238E515 9.0787E+15 2.26955E+14 7.6342E+15 2.8353E512 4.6221_+12 1.2464E+14 2.5876E 10 1.8152E+09 3.3394E+09 1.8339E+11 4.9099E+09 5.8183E-08 2.7413E5+11 2.1581E+09 1.5114E+ll 5.7118E-10 4.87625+09 7.51865+11 7.0582E+08 2.8207E512 1.7218E+10 7.63195+10 3.8788E+09
8. 0251E-09 3.8800E+ll 1.6028E+09 4.q963S+t 1 7.6319E+10

?.02996 ^ Q Decay 2.0615E-08 1.1101E+08 2.88055+1i6 4.0456E+17 5.1071E'17 9.9378E+17 4.7746Z+i 1 2.8588t+12' 3.6474E-10 3.2120E+l I 2.60965+ll 1.6226E+09 9.4469E+09 7.6905E+10 6.60951+09 1.3373E+10 1.2310E410

1. 3363E+10 6.8979E+10 6.1755E+10 5.9646E+10 3.2026E5-0 2.3855E+10 3.8357E+10 6.4623E+10 1.8608E-ll 6.4617E+'O 1.1079E+10
1. 9772Ell 4.6365E510 6.4623E+10
1. 9SOSE-l l

EC-RADN-1 127 Te-131r Te-132 1-13' 1-132

_-133 I-134 I-135 Xe-133 Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Ba-139 Ea-140 La-140 La-141 La-142 Ce-14_

Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Nd-'47 Np-239

?u-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Ar-241 Cm-242 Cr-244 Kr-83m Xe-1331 Xe-135mz Page 76 8.6784E-06 6.97G4E-05

1. 3596E+03 1.8439E-O1 2.22866E-00 5.7480:-03
1. 1935E+00 2.7510E-02 5.3830E-01 3.5329=-03 1.1087E-03 2.6598E-03 6.7723E-07 3.7313E-05 5.7307Z-06 2.1069E-07 2.3194E-08 3.4950E-07 2.7361E-07 2.9294E-07 7.7339E-07 3.4524E-07 3.72806-06 8.e36SE-10 9.3921E-11 1.5089E-10 3.7213E-08 1.2346E-10 3.2274E-08 1.8941E-09 9.5981E-Ol 8.5619E400 2.12353-01
1. 0883E-14 2.2960E-13 1.0967E-08 1.7863_-_l 1.5673_-09 2.1547E-13 3.3985E-10 1.4729E-06 2.1079E-08 2.7306E-09 1.5127E-li 3.057EE-08 4.1403E-17 5.0968E-13 1.031GE-14 3.7255E-17

'.6202S-18 1.2266E-14 4.1201E-16 9.1846E-14 1.1485E-14 4.2676E-15 1.6070Z-14 5.1618E-14 1.5110E-12 6.6219S-13 3.6124E-13 3.5971E-14 9.7379E-15 2.3412E-14 4.8300M-1l 2.00562-08 2.3784E-12

5. C031E+10 1.0475t+12 5.04166+16 8.1496E613 8.9077E-15
9. 6e34E+11
1. 51606+15 6.6691E+18 9.4030E*-16
1. 2272E-16 6.6983E+13 1.3441z+17 1.7938EL08 2.1924E-12 4.4350E+10 1.5912E+08 6.97136+06 5.2388E-10 1.7351E609 3.8410E+1:

4.8367E+10 1

  • 74836+10 4.0491E-10 1.3061E+11 3.8074E+12 1.6616E+12 9.0268E+11 8.9885E-10 2.4233E+10 5.7783E+10 3.5044E+14 9.0814E+16 1.0610E-13
.4374Eill 1.0569E-12 1.9954E'16 1.8764E+16
3. 9342E+16

8274k'~6 3.31576+16 4.0886E-1S 1.2242E+18

5. 0726E+13 1.61326+13 3.8180E113 2.7686E+11
5. 4316E+1-3.0366-+10 9.3137E-09 6.5359E-09 5.0123E+09 4.4730r+09 4.2077'-09 1.1192E610 5.0369E+09 5.7728E+10 1.2682E+07

!.3471E+06 2.1660E406 5.3419E-08 1.77'6E+06 4.6379E+08 2.7190Z+07 1.5057E17 1.3274E-17 1.9465E+17 SSSS Condeaser/?urbine Transport Group inventory:

Time (h) -

8.0000 Atmosphere Sunp Noble gases (atoms) 4.3110E+19 0.0000E-00 Elemental I (atoms) 5.9094C+16 0.00E0600 Organic I (atoms) 1.8277E+15 O.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 3.3348E-08 0.OOOE+00 Dose Effective (Cl/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6.2374E-07 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 tICRP2 Thyroid) 7.2796E-07 Total _ (CIX 4.9718E.00 SSES Condenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) -

8.0000 Leakage Transport Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental I (atc-s)

Organic i (atoms)

Aerosols (kg) 2.4252E-21 3.5886E+18

1. 1099E+17 1.B613E-06 Detailed model information at tine (H) -

24.0000 EAB - CRDA Doses:

Trie (h) -

24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9612E-03 2.79026-01 1.5655E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9397E-00 3.3981E+01 3.0117E+00 LPZ - CRDA Doses:

Tir.e (h) -

24.0000 Whole Body thyroid TEDE Delta dose (.em) 2.9354E-04 1.1766E-02 6.6015E-04 Accumulated dose (Ie6) 1.1440E-01 2.0014E-GO 1.7753E-01 CRDA e CR Doses:

Time th) -

24.0000 Delta dose (rem)

Accumulated dose (rem)

Whole Body Thyroid 66DE 1.2618E-03 1.3005E+00 4.1807E-02 1.6401E-01 4.9893E+01 1.7335E+CG SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) -

24.0000 Co-58 Co-60 Ci kg Atoms Decay 4.4073E-12 1.3860E-19 1.4391E-06 2.0977E-08 2.3940E-12 2.1179E-18 2.1257E+07 1.1296E-08 I

Iw c-61 An

  • 1tqr~lxF

^. C~ll;lwlgz SSES Condenser/Turbine Compartment Nuclide Inventory:




EC-RADN-I 127 Kr-8Sm

K-87 Kr-88 Rb-E6 S:-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 WN-95 MO-59

?c-99n Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Rh-105 Sb-127 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127m Te-12S Te-129-n Te-131m Te-132 1-131 1-132 1-133 Xe-133 Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-1367 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Pd-147 Np-235 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 AP-241 Cm-242 C-u-244 Kr-83m xe-1 33n Xe-135ni SSES Condenser/Turbine Time (hI -

24.0000 Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental I (atoms) organic I (atons)

Aerosols (kg)

Dose Effective (Ci/cc)

Dose Effective (Ci/cc)

-otal I (Ci)

Page 77 2.747CE-04 4.6908E-OE

8. 9527z-Cs 9.9528S-09 6.0895S-09 7.8679E-10 1.365e2-09 i.9635E-10 2.1735E-10 1.98502-10 3.0961E-11 2.8562E-10 1.0676E-10 2.8E65E-10 1.1789E-09 1.1814E-09 1.2702E-09 2.1074-:1 5.13733-10 5.9741E-1C 1.1805E-09 1.1-05E-10 1.3180E-09 2.3695E-10 1.0088E-09 9.8636E-10 1.8569E-09 1.8731E-08 3.9752E-04 4.8130E-07 4.0491E-04 6.9033E-05 7.8422E-02 5.0315E-03 1.0934E-06 3.3143E-07 8.2361E-07 1.1143E-0C 4.0945E-09 1.07021-10 6.0544E-l1 9.0569E-11 2.338EE-10 1.0251E-10 9.4878E-10 2.7379E-13 2.9140E-14 4.6727E-14 1.1523E-11 3.8265S-14 9.966iE-12 5.8 6SOE-13 8.6715E-07 2.1716E-03 3.1541E-05 3.33802-:4 1.6560Z-'8 7.13S7E-15 1.2232E-16 2.0961E-16 5.7680E-15 3.7678E-19 3.6098E-19 E.8629E-1S 2.0625E-20 9.2800E-21 1.32955-17 5.5847E-20 7.3817E-18 2.4580E-18 2.2467E-19 3.9357E-17 3.1350E-21 1.5356E-16 7.0778E-19 4.4204Z-18 1.97472-20 4.99402-'19 2.5333E-17 4.8172E-20 3.2742E-17 2.3287E-18 6.1699E-17 3.2065E-12 4.6677E-17 3.5744E-13 1.9657Z-14 4.1896E-0O 1.9703E-22 8.4507E-13 4.5220E-15 9.4688E-12 1.5221E-16 7.3664E-18 3.7555E-18 9.1170E-20 2.8396S-17 3.4732E-18 1.2671E-18 4.0897E-18 1.5993E-17 4.6681E-16 2.0506E-16 1.1186E-16 1.1149E-17 3.00702-18 7.2495Z-1e 4.3637E-17 5.0869E-12 3.5327E-16 2.3649E+ll 1.1463E+07 4.8860E+10 8.5654E-06 1.4183E-09 3.8595E+10 2.4934Z+06 2.4154E+06 5.8652E+07 1.3503E+05 6.0092E+04 8.4280E+07 3.4672E+05 4.6793E-07 1.4952E-07 1.3667S+i6 2.3C1-2+08 1.79802+04 8.7239E+08 4.05943+06 2.0961E+07 9.2186E+04 2.3681E+06 1.2012E-08 2.2488E-05 1.5285E+08 1.0705_+07 2.8148Z+08

!.4740E+13 2.1295E+08 1.6185E412 8.7687E+10 1.8970E-15 8.7890E-12 3.7978E-12 2,0024E+10 4.1622E+13 6.5474E+08 3.1687E+07 1.6040E+07 3.8394E+05 1.1875E-08 1.4627E-07 5.1909iEt06 1.0305E+07 4.0462e+07 1.1813E+09 5.1454E+08 2.7951E+08 2.7659E+07 7.48292E06 1.7892E-07 3.16612-08 2.30332+13 1.57592+09 4.0662E-17 5.1083E-17

9. 9625E-17 4.e8757 i+11 2.908S--+_l 3.7:15E+10 3.243tk+11 1.7020E-t)9 9.6195E-09 7.8369E-10 6.6761E+09 1.36072+10 l.2465S+i0

'.3619Z+10 7.0094_+10

6. 2797E+10 6.0892E+10 3.2187E+10 2.4274E+10 3.8980E+10 6.5692E-10 1.8699E-11 6.5732E-10 1.1273E+10 1.99202+11 4.7158E+10 1.4584E+11 1.0742E-12 2.0295E-16 1.87942+16 3.9871i+16 3.3408F+16 4.1575Z+18 1.2361E+18 5.1618E+13 1.6411E+13 3.8852E+13 5.5254E-ll 3.2050E210 5.1004E+09 4.53942+09 4.2816E+09 1.1387E+10 5.1236E+09 5.8647E+10 1.2905E-07 1.3708E-06 2.20412+06 5.4359S+08 2.6028E+06 4.7194E+08 2.7668E+07 1.5071E+17 1.3485E+17 1.9469E+17 Transport Group Inventory:

Atmosphere Sump 1.3150E+16 0.0002E+00 1.5953E+13 0.0000E+00 4.9340E+11 0.00002+00 1.0326S-11 0.0000+00 1-131 (Thyzold) 1.64899-10 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 1.8064E-10 8.71955-04 SSES Condenser/Turbine to Envircns -

24 hr Release Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) -

24-0000 Leakage Transport Noble gases (atoms) 2.4682E+21 Elemental I (atoms) 3.6465E+18 Organic I (atoms) 1.1278E+17 Aerosols (kg) i.8946E-06 Detailed model information at time (:) -

96.0000 EAR -

CRDA Doses:

Aerosols (kg)


EC-RADN-1 127 Page 78 Time (h) -

96.0000 Whole Body 7hyro 4d TEDE Delta dose frem)

G.OOCOE+0O0 O.OCOO-CO 0.0000+0C Accumulated dose Irem) 1.9397E-00 3.3981::+01 3.0117E+00

!?Z -

CRDA Doses:

Time (hl -

96.0000 Delta dose (ren)

Accumulated dose (rea)

Whole Body Thyroid TEDE O.CD0CE-CO 0.OOCOE+OC O.COOOE-00 1.1440E-01 2.CO14E+00 1.7753E-01 CRDA e CR Doses:

Time (h) -

96.0000 Whole Bcdy Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.152:E-08 6.4937E-05 2.0301S-06 Accumulated dose (rem.)

1.640i_-01 4.9893E-C1 1.7335E+OG SSES Condenser/Turbine Ccmpartment tluclide Invenrory:

Time (h) =

96.0000 Co-S 8 Co-60 KZ-85 Kr-85n Rb-86 Sr-89 Sr-SO Sr-91 Y-90 Y-91 Zr-95 Z--57 Nb-55 Ho-99 Tc-99m Ru-103 Au-106 Rh-1O5 Sb-127 Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Te-131m Te-132 1-131 I-132 I-133 I-135 Xe-133 Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-1 43 Nd-C47 Np-239 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Am-241 Cm-242 Cm-244 Xe-133m Xe-135m ci 4.2797E-12 2.3914E-12 6.2106£-04 3.9895 E-05 8.9032E-09 5.8439E-09 7.8664E-10 7.1433_-12 5.1836E-10 2.1351E-10 2.7649E-10 5.570BE-12 2.e805E-10 5.5345E-10 5.6742E-10 1.2047E-C9 5.1084--io 1.4640E-10 6.8784E-10 8.9277E-10 2.3754E-10 8.01832-10 9.2729E-10 3.5182E-10 9.8947E-09 3.0693E-04 1.1810E-08 3.6757E-05 3.6313E-08 5.3255E-02 2.1464E-05 1.0904E-06 2.827BE-07 8.2346S-07 9.4651E-09 8.4320E-09 1.0039E-10 1.3344E-11

8. 9909E-11 2.0499E-10 8.4820E-11 3.923 6E-10 2.7441E-13 2.59285E-14 4.6727E-14 1.1518E-11 3.3416E-14 9.8396E-12 5.8632E-13 8.814SE-04 1.65918-08 ko

.3459E-i9 2.1156E-18 1.58308-09 4.8473E-1S 1.0942F-16 2.0115E-16 5.7e68E-15 1.9706E-21 9.5275E-19 E.7064E-18 1.2E70E-17 2.9141E-21 7.3665E-18 Z. 15402-18 1.0791E-19 3.7327E-17 1.5269S-16 1.7344E-19 2.5757E-18 3.3825E-19 2.51M38-11 3.&288S-20 3.0718E-17 4.4121E-19 3.2592E-17 2.4757E-i2

.1442E-18 3.2447E-14 1.0340E-17 2.E45}E-10 8.4051E-15 8.4274E-13 3.8583E-15 9.4670E-12

'.2929E-16 1.5170E-17 3.5234E-18 2.0094E-20 2.8189E-17 3.0442E-18 1.0485E-18 1.6913E-18 1.6029E-17 4.7121E-16 2.0506E-16 1.111E-16 1.1193E-17 2.968EE-18 7.2472E-18 2.0648E-12 1.8563E-19 Atoms 1.3975s-06 2.1234E+07 1.1215E+16 3.4343E+06 7.6621E-08 1.3611E+09 3.8586E+10 1.3041E+04 6.3751E+06 5.7617E-07 8.1585E+07 1.8092E+04 4.6697E+07 7.0194E806 6.5641E+05 2.1824E+08 8.6747E+02 9.9477E+05 1.2213E+07 1.6041E+06

1. 1941E+08 1.7874E+05 1.4370E+08 2.0282E+06 1.4869E+08 1.1381E+13 5.2200E806

_.46922+11 4.6126E+07 1.2S82E+15 3.7494E-10 3.7874E+12 1.7085E+1O 4.1614E+13 5.5614E+08 6.5255E+07 1.5048E+07 8.4620E+04 1.1769E-08 1.2820E+07 4.2953E+06 4.2616E+06 4.0559E-07

1. 1873E+09 5.1455E+0G 2.7940E+08 2.7969E-07 7.3879E+06 1.7887E+07
9. 3493E+12 8.2895E+05 Decay 2.0982EiOS
1. 1298E+08 2.9317E+16 4.0662E417 4.8584Ell 2.9094E+11 3.7122E+10 3.2435E8l1 1.7056£-09 9.6216E+09 1.3610E+10 1.24 66E410
1. 3621E+10 7.0102E110 6.2805E+10 6.0904E+10 2.4279E+10 3.8983E+10 6.5701E+10 6.57428+10 1.1276E+10 1.9920Ell 4.72078+10 1.4585E+11 1.0743E-12 2.0298E+16 1.8794E+i6 3.9872E+16 3.3408E+16 4.1581E'18 1.23628+2.8 5.1628E+13 1.6414E+13 3.8860E-13 5.52648.11 3.2115E+10 5.1014E+09 4.5397E+09 4.2825E+0S 1.1389E+10 5.1245E-09 5.8653E-10 1.29088+07 1.3711E+06 2.2045E+06 5.4370E-08 1.8031E+06 4.7203E+08 2.7673E+07 1.3486E+17
1. 94E9E+17 SSES Condenser/Turbine Time (h) -

96.0000 Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental I (atoms)

Organic I (ato-ms)

Aerosols (kg)

Dose ef ecr.te. ci~c-Time (h) -

96.0000 Transport Gzoup Irventory:

Atmosphere Sump 1.2513E+16 O.OOOOE-00 1.1182E+13 0.0000E+00 3.4584E+11 O.OOOOE+00 1.0321E-11 O.OOOOE+00 1T1TB~~fi+/-C--4

, a..Vc j L I

. ncu r.

Atmosphere Suwp I




EC-RADN-I 127 Page 79 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICPP2 Thyroid) 1.1186E-10 Tocal I (Ci) 3.4373E-04 SSFS Condenser/Turbine to Environs -

24 hr Release transport Group Znventory:

Time (h) -

96.0000 Leakage Transport Noble gases (atoms)

Elemental i (ato-s)

Organic Z (atoms, Aerosols (kg) 2.4682E+21 3.6465E+18

1. 1278E-17
1. 8946Z-06 uetailed model informatior. at time (HI =

720.0000 EAB -

CRDA Doses:

Time (h) = 720.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem)

O.OOOOE-OO O.OOOOE-LCO 0.0000E+00 AcCumulated dose (rem) 1.93§7E+00 3.3581E+01 3.0117Z+00 LPZ -

CRDA Doses:

Time MhI -

720.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000£+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000_+00 ACCArulazed dose (rem) 1.1440E-01 2.0014E+00 1.7753E-01 CRDA e CR Doses:

Time (hi -

720.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDS Delta dose (rem) 6.1204E-34 2.9465E-30 9.1135E-32 AccWi-l:ated dose (rem) 1.6401E-01 4.9893E40+

1.7335E0GO SSES Condenser/Tu:bine Compartment Nuclide Inventory!

Time (hi -

720.0000 Co-;S Co-60 Rb-86 Sr-89 Sr-90

-590 Y-91 zr-55 Nb-95 Mo-99 Ru-103 Ru-106 Sb-127 Te-127 Te-127 n Te-129 re-129m Te-132 1-131 1-132 Xe-133 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-141 Ce-144 2r-143 Nd-14 7 Pu-2 3 S Pu-239 P..-240 Pu-241 Am-241 cm-242 Cm-244 Xe-133m sseS Condensef/Turbine Tisie th) -

720.0000 Noble gases (atoms)

T Xe-133n

,c, oIa C_

3. 3179E-12 2.369Z-12 6.1821E-04 3.3893E-09 4.0899E-09 7.8531E-10
7. 8945E-10 1.5653E-10 2.0861E-10 2.67092-10 7.8882E-13
7. 6141E-10 4.8644E-10 f.3761E-12 2.1536E-10 2.0514E-10 4.6B97E-10 5.4234E-10 3.9203E-11 3.2625E-05 4.67932-11 1.7366E-03 1.0646E-06 7.1447E-0O 8.2210E-07 2.3003E-09 2.6720E-09 5.7662E-11 8.4386E-il 5.4666E-11 1.6431E-11
2. 7950E-13 2.9394E-14 4.6731E-14
1. 1479E-11 3.9725E-14 E.80B5E-12 5.8472E-13 3.4856E-07

..g 1.0434E-15 2.0959S-:8 1.5757E-09 4.1654E-17

1. 40782-16 5.7571E-15 1.4510E-18 6.3950E-18 9.7107E-18 6.8305Z-18 1. 6447E-21 2.3592E-17 1.4540Z-16 2.3e76E-20 8.1604S-20 2.174SE-17 2.2393E-20 1.8003E-17 1.2913E-19 2.6316E-13 4.5333E-21 9.2779E-12 8.22S1E-13 9.7484E-16 9.4514E-12 3.142'E-17 4.8073E-18 2.0237E-18 2.6458--17 8.M191E-19 2.0311E-19 1.63263-17 4.7290E-16 2.0508E-16 1.1143E-16 1.1574E-17 2.6577E-18 7.2275E-18 5.1652E-16 Atoms 1.0834E-06 2.1036E+07 1.1164E+16 2.9l68vtO8 9.52572+08 3.6522E+10 9.7092E+06 4.2347E+07 6.1S57E-07 4.3299Z+07 1.0005E404 1.3794E+08 8.2604E+08 1.1322E2C5 3.8695E+05 1.0313E+Oe i.0454E-05 8.4043S+07 5.E912E+05 1.2098£+12 2.0682E+04 4.2010E-13 3.6978E+12 4.3166E+09 4.1546E-13 1.3516E+08 2.0679E+07 8.6432E+06 1.1065_:+108 3.4188EE06 6.3209E+05 4.13103+07 1.1916E-09 5.1459E+08 2.7844E+08 2.8922E-07 6.6137E+06 1.7838E+07
.6971E+09 Decay 2.1012E+08
1. 1318E2'08 2.9369E+16 4.963IE+41 2.9135E-11 3.7168E+10 1.7676E+C9 9.6368E-09 1.3630E+10 1.3645E-10 7.0109E+10 6.09852+10 2.4321E-10 6.57132+10 6.5771E+10 1.1294E-10 1.9924E+1i 4.7267E-10 1.0744E+12 2.0309E+16 1.8794E-16 4.1594E+1B 5.1718E+13 1.6427E+13 3.8926E+13
5. 5306E1ll 3.2580E+10 5.1076E+05 4.2898E-09 1.1399E10 5.1279E+09 1.293 1E-07 1.3735E+06 2.2084E+06 5.4465E-08 1.8064E+06 4.7281E20C8 2.7722E+07 1.3487E+11 Transport Group Znventory:

Atmosphere SUmp 1.1206E+16 0.0000o+00 1.1;11Z713 9.221SE-18 I.ItJutM+UI Z.I17ZZE+07 3.4B56E-07 8.1652E-16 3.6971E2O9 1.3487E217 A.

,,jf.,I-i U.

uu r4tuu

EC-RADN-I 127 Page 80 Organic I (atoms) 3.6253E+iC O.000+OC Aeroso's (kg) 1.02828-il 0.00GOE00O Dose Effective,Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 1.1522S-11 Dose Effective tCi/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyrcid) l.i522g-fl Tozal I (Ci!

3.2625--05 SSES Condenser/Ti4rbine to Environs -

24 :^r Release Transporz Group Inventory:

T'.ne (h; -

720.0000 Leakage Transport Nob-e gases (atoms) 2.4682E+21 Elemental 1 latoms) 3.6465E+18 Organic I (atcms) 1.1278E+17 Aerosols (kc) 1.8946E-06 837 I-131 Summary SSES Condenser/Turbin Environmeint Control Bldg Tine Ih:)

I-131 (Cur-es) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.000 4.4158E+01 6.1946E-03 2.7434E-05 0.001 7.9475E+01 2.0069E-02 8.5870E-05 0.401 6.4845E+01 1.45445+01 5.4759E-02 0.701 5.5669E+01 2.3653E+01 7.8823E-02 1.000 4.7816E+01 3.1450E+01 9.2613--02 1.300 4.1049E+01 3.8167E+01 9.9153E-02 1.600 3.5241E+01 4.3934£+01 1.0056E-01 1.900 3.0254E+01 4.8894E+01 9.8466E-02 2.000 2.8754E+01 5.0374E'01 9.7207E-02 2.300 2.4685E+01 5.4413E-01 8.8406E-02 2.600 2.1192E+01 5.7881EE01 7.979CE-02 2.900 1.8193E.01 6.0S58E-01 7.1559E-02 3.200 1.5618E01 6.3414E-01 6.3838E-02 3.500 1.3408EL01 6.5608E-01 5.6695E-02 3.800 1.1511E-01 6.7491E+01 5.0158E-02 4.100 9.8820E+00 6.9109E+01 4.4228E-02 4.400 8.4836E+00 7.0497E+01 3.&887E-02 4.700 7.2831E+00 7.1689E+01 3.4105E-02 5.GOO 6.2525E+00 7.2712E+01 2.9846E-02 5.300 5.3677E+00 7.3590E+01 2.6066E-02 5.600 4.6082E+00 7.4344E+0:

2.2729_-02 5.900 3.9561E+00 7.4992E+01 1.9788E-02 6.200 3.3963E+00 7.55472+01 1.7204E-02 6.500 2.91578+00 7.6024£+01 1.4940E-02 6.800 2.5031E+00 7.6434E+01 1.2959E-02 7.100 2.14895+00 7.6786E+01 1.1230E-02 7.400 1.8448E+00 7.708BE-01 9.7237E-03 7.700 1.5837E+00 7.7347E-01 8.4126E-03 8.000 1.3596E-00 7.7569E-01 7.2731E-03 8.300 1.1672E-00 7.7760E-01 5.9014E-03 8.600 1.0021E-00 7.7924E-01 4.7971E-03 8.900 8.6026E-01 7.8065E401 3.9067E-03 9.200 7.3952E-01 7.8186E+01 3.1876E-03 9.500 6.3402E-01 7.8290E801 2.6059E-03 9.800 5.4430E-01 7.8379E+01 2.1344E-03 10.100 4.6728E-01 7.8455E+01 1.7517E-03 10-400 4.0115E-01 7.85218+01 1.4404E-03 24.000 3.9752E-04 7.8918E+01 7.5B7SE-07 96.000 3.0693E-04 7.8918v+02 5.9286r-32 720.000 3.2625E-05 7.89158+01 1.5050-249

  • 4Ite0tX*IeiII#HnaiuO§etell@F9e!tI^tGI6I*uH§e!*eni§eq9i{§iIn Cumulative Dose Summary EAB -


CEDA CRDA e CR Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (M.r)






(rem) 0.000 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+000 0.0000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000-CO 0.001 8.9091E-03 1.0685E-03 5.2596E-04 6.3083E-05 4.3930E-06 1.6765E-07 0.401 6.4453Z+00 7.3852E-01 3.8051E-01 4.3600S-02 1.5622E+00 5.8706E-02 0.701 1.0463E+01 1.1566E800 6.1768E-01 6.8282E-02 4.2096E+00 1.5643E-01 1.000 1.3887E+01 1.4905E+00 8.1984E-01 8.8015E-02 7.5621E400 2.7851E-01 1.300 1.6826E+01 1.7622E+00 9.9335E-01 1.0403E-01 1.1300E+01 4.1307E-01 1.600 1.9340E+01 1.9828E+00 1.1418E-00 1.1706E-01 1.5173E-01 5.5107E-Ol 1.900 2.165D=+03 2.1629140 1.26f87E-00 1.2769fi-01 1.9014E-01 6.8673E-01 0.401 6.4453E+00 7.3852E-01 3.8051E-01 4.3600E-02 1.5622E+00 5.8706E-02 0.701 1.04637*01 1.156LZ.00 6.1749Z-01 6.A9Q42-02 &.70§oc4on 1 sg8..-lt

EC-RADN-1 127 Page 81 2.000 2.2135E-01 2.2154E+OC '.3068E+00 1.30795-01 2.0267E+01 7.3074E-01 2.300 2.3851E-Cl 2.3534E+00 :.4099E-00 1.3894E-01 2.3925E+01 8.5506E-01 2.600 2.5375E+01 2.4668E+00 1.495EC-00 1.4563E-01 2.7037E*0: 9.6648E-O1 2.900 2.6653E+01 2.56C1E+00 1.5735E+00 1.5114E-01 2.99i7E'01 1.0657E+00 3.200 2.7746E-+D1 2.6371E+00 1.63EOE+00 1.556BE-01 3.24E4E-C1 1.1537E'00 3.500 2.8692E+01 2.7007E+00 1.6933Z+00 1.5944E-01 3.4762S+01 i.2313E-00 3.800 2.9483E+01 2.7534E+00 1.7406E+00 1.6255E-01 3.6775E+31 _.2994E+0O 4.:C0 3.0168E+01 2.7971E+00 1.7810E+00 1.6513E-01 3.8547E+01 1.3592E+00 4.400 3.07558+31 2.8334E+00 1.e856E+00 1.6727E-01 4.0103E+0' 1.4114E+00 4.700 3.1257E+01 2.8636E-00 l.B453E-00 1.6906E-01 4.1464E-01 1.457CE000 5.000 3.1686E+01 2.8888E+00 1.8706E-00 _.7054E-01 4.2654ElC1 1.4966E-00 5.300 3.2054E+01 2.9097E+00 ',8924E+00 1.7178E-01 4.3695E+01 1.5310E-CO 5.600 3.2369E+01 2.9273_+00 1.9109E+00 1.7282E-01 4.4593E+01 1.5606E-00 5.900 3.2639E-Cl 2.9419E+00 1.52698+00 1.7368E-01 4.5377E+01 1.5867E+00 6.200 3.2869E-01 2.9542E+00 1.94058+00 1.7441E-01 4.6058E+01 1.6090E+00 6.500 3.3067E+01 2.9645E+00 1.9521E+00 1.750'E-01 4.6'47E+01 1.6283E+0O 6.800 3.3236E+01 2.9732E+00 1.9621E+00 1.7552E-01 4.7157E+0' 1.6450E+00 7.100 3.3381E+01 2.9804E+00 1.9707E+00 1.7595E-01 4.7598E-01 1.6594E+00 7.400 3.3505E+01 2.9865E-00 1.9780Ei00 1.7631E-01 4.7979E-01 1.6718E+00 7.700 3.3611E+Oi 2.9917E+OC i.9543E+00 _.7662E-01 4.8308E+01 1.6825E-00 8.COO 3.3702E+01 2.9960E+00 1.9896E+00 1.7687E-01 4.B592E+O1 1.6917E-00 8.300 3.3742E+01 2.9985E+00 1.9913E+00 1.7698E-01 4.8830E+01 1.69948-00 E.600 3.3776E+01 3.0006E+00 1.9928E+00 1.7706E-01 4.9022Z+01 1.70568+00 6.900 3.3806E+01 3.0023E-C0 1.9940E+00 2.7714E-01 4.9178E+01 1.7106E+00 9.200 3.3831E+01 3.0038E'00 1.9951E-00 1.7720E-01 4.9305E+01 1.7147E+00 9.500 3.3852E+01 3.0050E+00 1.9960E'00 1.7725E-01 4.9408E+01 1.7180E+00 9.800 3.3671E+01 3.0060E+00 1.9967E-00 i.7729E-01 4.9492£-01 1.7207E+00 10.100 3.3886E+01 3.0069E+00 1.9974E+00 1.7733E-01 4.9561E-01 1.7229E-00 10.400 3.3900E-01 3.0070E+00 1.9950E+00 1.7736E-01 4.9618-+01 1.7247E+00 24.000 3.3981E-01 3.0117E+00 2.0014E+00 1.7753E-01 4.9893E+01 1.7335E+00 96.000 3.3981E+01 3.0117E+00 2.0014E+00 1.7753E-01 4.9893E+01 1.7335E+00 720.000 3.3991E+01 3.0117E+00 2.0014E+00 1.7753E-01 4.9893E+01 1.7335E+00 Worst Two-Hour Doses

-AB CRfDA Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr)



(rem) 0.0 1.5152E+00 2.2135E+01 2.2154E+00