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CNP Units 1 and 2 Improved Technical Specifications Conversion, Volume 18, Rev 0, Unit 2 CTS Markup Pages in CTS Order.
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Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/2004
Indiana Michigan Power Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML041200415 (463)


Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 1 of 463 VOLUME 18 CNP UNITS 1 AND 2 IMPROVED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CONVERSION UNIT 2 CTS MARKUP PAGES IN CTS ORDER Revision 0 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 1 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 2 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS 0 (s) Deleted by Amendment No. 261 (t) Deleted by Amendment 63 (u) Deleted by Amendment No. 261 5.5.8 (v) Secondary Water Chemistry Monitoring Program program to inhib~it steam generator tube degradation.' This ror 5.5,8.a 1. Identification of a sampling schedule for the critical parameters and control points fdr these parameters; 5.5.o.b 2. Identificaion of the procedures used to measure the values of the critical parameters; 5.5.8.c 3. Identification of process sampling points; 5.5-8-d 4. Procedure for the recording and management of data; 5.5.8.e 5. Procedures defining corrective actions for off control point chemistry conditions; and 5.5.8.f 6. A procedure Identifying (a)the authority responsible for the interpretation of the data, and (b)the sequence and timing of administrative events required to initiate corrective actions.

(w) Deleted by Amendment No. 261 (x) Deleted by Amendment No. 261 (y) Deleted by Amendment No. 261 (z) The 72-hour allowed outage time of Technical Specification 3.8. 1.1 Action b which was entered at 0923, on December 7, 2003, may be extended one time by an additional 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> to complete repair and testing of the 2 AB diesel generator.

D. Physical Protection The licensee shall fully implement and maintain in effect al1 provisions of the Commission-approved physical security, guard training and qualification, and safeguards contingency plans including amendments made pursuant to provisions of the Miscellaneous Amendments and Search Requirements revisions to 10 CER 73.55 (51 FR-27817 and 27822) and to the authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p).

The plans, which contain Safeguards Information protected under 10 CFR 73.21, are entitled: 'Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Security Plan," with revisions submitted Amendment -No. 264, 264 Page 38 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 2 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 3 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS


through July 21, 1986; 'Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Training and Qualificatiion Plan," with revisions submitted through December 19, 1986; and "Donald C.Cook Nuclear PlaritSafeguards Contingency Plan," with revisions submitted through June 10, 1988. Changes made in accordance with 10 CFR 73.55 shall be Implemented Inaccordance with the schedule set forth therein.M.

E. Deleted by Amendment No. 63 F. Inall places of this ficense, the reference to the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company Isamended to read Indiana Michigan Power Company. [Add proposed Systems list 5.5.2 G. syste Inert The licensee shall Implement a program to reduce leakage from systems outside containment that would or could contain highly ra oactif s~ n aus transient or accdent to as low as practical levels, This program shalt Include the following:

2month L

1. Provisions establishing preventive maintenance and periodic visual Inspection requirements, and
2. Integrated leak test requirements for each system at a freque ttoece

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~--The provisions of SR 3.0.2 are applicable.

elm del eerval The Ii ee shall Implement a pro rm which will ensure the pHily to accurately dete n the airborne iodine con entration Invital areas unde accdnt conditions.

Thi p grarn-shall include the fo ig:L.

.ranng of personnel.

2. Procedures for monitorin and 3 Provisions for maintena eof sampling and analysis qupment.

1.Deleted by Ampendment No. 261I (1) Deleted by Amendment No.'261I (2) Deleted by Amendment No. 261 J. The licensee -is authorized to use digItal signal processing Instrumentation Inthe reactor protection system.

Amendment No. 261 Page 39 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 3 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 4 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 ITS 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION 1.1 DTER Eu

~ ~ ~ ~


of ~~this section appear in capitalized type and are applicable throughout these and Bas~~*es (i


[J THERMAL POWER shall be the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant.

RATED THERMAL P .E IRA~tD HERMAL hall bea totalreactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant of 3468 MWt.I fillRA97WO1 -ATIM AIJ MODE shal correspond to any one inclusive combination of core reacti 'ty condition, poweyi~e H)average reeps2rtenprtrpcfe inTbe1 ith fuel in moved fromr A IJ'~ tereactor Tablo 1.iI -k ED~ -ACTIO s be those additional requir et specified as corollary statement o each principle OPERABLE - OPERABILITYA.

16 A system, subsystem, tramn, comoe eice shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it icaable of performing its specife ction(s ic is e inition sal bete on amand ll ncesary ttenantinstrumentation, controls, normal and megnyelectrical power coolin seal ater, lubricat other auxiliary equipmetta art required for the system, subsystem, train, component odeieto perform its function(s) ar also capable of performing their related support functos) /

D. C. COOK - UNIT 2 1-1 AMENDMENT NO. 48, 259 Page 18 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 4 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 5 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 INSERT 1 and reactor vessel head closure bolt tensioning O ~~~INSERT 2 that part of a Specification that prescribes Required Actions to be taken under designated Conditions within specified Completion Times Insert Page 1-1 Page 19 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 5 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 6 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 ITS D

1. 7 A RteTABLE EVW~ shall bayof those Conditi apcif$.d in 10 CfR 50.73.

1.38 1 A1ll penetrations requited to be camend dmuingi acidgut condi clons aue either:

a. Capable of beitig closed by ant OPMUAZ coucaiuagnt initomatic See ITS isolation valve system, or 3.6.1
b. Closed by manual valves. blind flanges. or daactivated automatic valVes secured Lai their closed positions. except for valves that axe. opnunder administrative Control as peraittad by Specificatian 3.6.3.L. See ITS 11.8.2 are All closed equipment and hatches

$saled ~3.6.1J 1.8.3 Each air lock is in compliance vith the riquitaments of 36.2S l.8.4 The Contaimennt leakage rates are within the limits of See ITS out~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3.6.1 spea~~~~~~ft glen

1.6.5 The sea&l* mechanis associated with each penetration See ITS1 ft~~g.. is OPEWLE.

or, Q-rjapjvalue, believe ~~3.6.1) a CW!PRL i1 h dusent,UAZRXCas: necessacy. of the ch-aml ouptsuch that It teap t necesMsrnv and accuracy to I'kown vausof the erase t teChannel inners Te CIWINE CAUBX(M shall and~ I ~ en ahane UG L4te Sensor Ewa INSERT 3 funci -ns andu 11l include the FUNCIOA T of means chUaDnne maep%&v-fraa en s res of Sea. 'tial over3.apping o oal.A nu~ ~ asesmetiof channel behavior


A.1 ~ ~~oea l II- o.M~~~f shall Who~a Ogg l. C -aisnof-hCt oamlindiation WMTh status other" In" iati~ons La~r status davad from ueednUscun1masig the Iam pa Cae.t COOK FUCLEAR. PLANT - MT 1 2.2 IJ1MDEMI NO. .a.,. 1...

65 Page 20 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 6 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 7 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 O ~~INSERT 3 all devices in the channel required for channel OPERABILITY. Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an inplace qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining adjustable devices in the channel Insert Page 1-2 Page 21 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 7 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 8 of 463 ITS 3.6.1 ITS ~I RrORTARt.z MMir See flS 1.7 A REORTABLE EYENT shall be any of those @oudltions spiciflid in 10 CnR ape 50.73.

I1.8 OTIOU Ht~! kl eta when~!

2. . I.1 All cn tos reured to be a soed during aca~oidnt cotndid ar ither:I
a. Caps1 of being closed by ZRPUAZ containment -- utic sa onsvaive system, or L.
b. Il. by amanal valves bI flanges, or dsactiwte automatic VA ye ews ziherle ad piios* ap~t~ v alves thes 2.0.3.L.

cSfeation a emt b 1.8.2 Al2 equipeent hatches are a se~m advgaled(?

1.8.3 Each air look Ls in compliance with the rsquirs5evits GOf See MTS Specification ~~~~~~~~~~3.6.2J SR 3.6. 1.1 1.8.~ 4The cmntanent leakage :rates are within the limits of Specification 3.6.12., and 1J0.

  • eal~a me hns~ associated Ait ach trec 1L.9 a AM=WOR CALRATZOI oshell be the adjustent. as neceasacy. of the channe1 output such that it responds with. the necessary range and accuracy to known valises of the parameter which the channl montors* The CHWINU. CALIBRATINshl encoupass the eontito channel including the sensor and, alarm end/or trip functions. and shall include the aWOIM 7I1CUMML TEST. The CBAMEL CALMhIATIOI nay ba performed by any series of sequencial, overlapping or totalSeIT channel steps such that the Mntre ch Inlio Calibrated. Chpee ITSJ 1.10 A CHME CHESCK shall be the qualitative assessment of chsmnel behavior opcacin by.bcovscton. This "detaL*&dtto shall &Loauda,whara.

d~w~g yossble coparsonof the chmanl indication and/or starts with ocher ndiattns nd/r sewsderived from independent instrument chamials measuring 45 COOKC NUCLEAR. PLANT - MNT 1 1-2 A~nMM=!K no. .r VA.-6M Page 7 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 8 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 9 of 463 ITS 3.6.2 ITS D REPORTAML "ENTr See ITS

1. 7 A R.EPORXAJLZ EVENT shall be any of those conditoni specified in 10 CFl hperlO 50.73.

1.5 CONTAXWMWNT fl GZT!gshall exist when:

1.5.1 dll~enetrationa required to be Closed during accidact Ca~n~w areeither:

a. Capable of being closed by an OPU.&5l contaisment automatic 3.6.1TS isolazion valve system, or
b. Closed by sanual valves. blind flanges. or daactivated automatic, Valves secured in choir closed poaitiows o exept far valves that opn adinitraivecontrol as permitted by aretnde LCO 3.6.2 1.8.3 Each air lock La Lo compliance with the requirements of 1.S.S The sealit mechanism associated with oath 611etration (e.g., ots bellows or 0-rings) LaOUADZ 1.9 A OWMRI CALSIMATON shall be the adjustment, us nocessary, of the channl output such that St responds w4th ,the necessary range ran accuracy to known values of the Parameter which the channel smoitors
  • The CIWANEL CALZSPATION shall ecmasthe entire channel including the sensor and alarm and/or trip fUmctions and shall include the CANKMu FM=CO1V&L TEST. The COMMIE C 'LUAI6my be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping or total chan-e steps such that th# intire, chanel. is Calibrated. SeT Chapter 1.0 1.10 A CHANNEL CIMCK shafl be the qulitative "assesmnt of channel behavior during operation by obserrotion. Thi desmtaxzaeton shall. include, %hete.

Losuible. comarwison of the duhanl indication and/or ucawus with ocher idications end/or status derived from inependent Instrument channels; measuring the same parameter.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNITT 2 MM=A(EDH~ NO. 44a., V-& 165 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 9 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 10 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 ITS DEFWJITIONS" la7paalchan ~ls~:-thei to of a simult ig inrto the channel as Cloie to0 the sensor as practieabla to verify OPERA31LITY 6 a arm a or I -FINSERT~4A7 CORE ALTERATION ISR .

1iIICORE ALTEPRATIO11 shall be the irmvemant o;"r ianiPu t of anyo w~ii n the reactor 92MRessel with the vessel1 head ren wthf atnd fuel in the vessel. Suspensio CORI AtIERAIDlDLshall niot precludeA8 completion of movement of a compnent 1 to a safe cofe a jposition.

(SDMK SM17ro." P.ARGttiA,"- con7,-trol (RCCAs)~

M iJYLFiiIx MA fFhallI be the fnstantane wsa wont f reacet f ty by whichthereactori subcritical or would be 5bcritictl I

n.1OlasaufrI t~fI rod cluster-assaibi e IcitroAliare fully Inserted except for the singl r A.

of highest reactivity wortlk5 hith Is assumed~ to be fuly ihrw IIDNTvFEDi LKAGE t ae a. COMOLL int~os~Isd I such from , mp#sealor valve packg th~at~Wr~pue

[~~o~~tems~~~I> swn~~tb~IikcollII 2 br. [LOWI Pinto the contairu'ent ittrospherit &=asources that are A1 bothspeifiallyloctedandknown either not to inturf ere withthA~r..iin of leakage, detection systems or not to be i~ou~l~uu~v~LEAKAGE, o (R Sr-r ~fTF' A.1G 3C, Reactor toolant 6ystea~j~j through 4 steam genraor+to-the ,~econeary t

0. C.2 COCK -b~~~~i71-3

~Amencment No;.10 Page 22 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 10 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 11 of 463 ITS Chapter 1 .0 O ~~INSERT 4 of all devices in the channel required for channel OPERABILITY. The COT shall include adjustments, as necessary, of the required alarm, interlock, and trip setpoints required for channel OPERABILITY such that the setpoints are within the necessary range and accuracy. The COT may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps.

O ~~INSERT 5 fuel; 4ources, 6r reactivity control components, INSERT 6 With any RCCA not capable of being fully inserted, the reactivity worth of the RCCA must be accounted for in the determination of SDM; and

b. In MODES I and 2, the fuel and moderator temperatures are changed to the nominal zero power design level.

O ~~INSERT 7 (except reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal water injection or leakoff),

Insert Page 1-3 Page 23 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 11 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 12 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 ITS ~I 1.1 ~b. U1IMMTED LEAKAGIINER G,?bFNTT~ftn -e"Icham~whichis not Eii~i~


C. F 8EBii YLEAK~AGES through a no U19 sal able fault in P. C ooatgse nTb-ody, pipe wall o'r vessel WA Li 1 ICOtTIROLLED LOKAGE 1.7CVt ~LLED LE..AGE shal be that stal water owsupplitd to the A1 reactor coolant pump seails.

QPTR)j CPJADRANT POWER. TILT RATIOI PT fIa I UAD; PF T RA TIOI shallI be the ratio of the maxi.-nin upper excore detector calibrated output to the average of the upper excore detector calibrated outputs, or the ratio of the maximum lower excore detector calibrated output to the average of the lower excore detector -

utpts.WhihWioth calbraed ecare deteto tx See ITS inoperable, the remaining three detectors shall be used fo3cr2utng4 DOSE ErV.IVALE.NT 1.131 mircu.

[IiiDOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 sha)l be that concentration of 1-131' (tilram) tha Wihalone would produce the same thyroid dose as the quantity and iso-topic mixture of 1-131, 1-132. 1-133, 1-134, and 1-135 actually present.

The thyiold dose conversion factors used for this calculation shall be those listed to Table 111-of TID-14044 B"Calculat.ion of Distance Fectors for Power and lest Reactor Sites~[jj j Regulatory Guide 1.109 Rev. 1,l Table E-7 of

0. C. CDOOK - UNIT 2 11-4 kedet~.5 Page 24 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 12 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 13 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 INSERT 8 (except RCP seal water injection or leakoff that 0 ~~INSERT 8a or those listed in ICRP 30, Supplement to Part 1, page 192-212, Table titled, "Committed Dose-Equivalent in Target Organs or Tissues per Intake of Unit Activity."

Insert Page 1-4 Page 25 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 13 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 14 of 463 ITS 3.2.4 ITS0 DEFINITIONS UNIMMNIFIED, LEArAGE 1.15 UNIDENTIFIED LEAM~GE shall be all leakage which is not IDENTIFIED LEAKAG~E or COk'TROLLED LEAKAGE.

PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE 1.16 PRESSURE BOUINfARY LEArAGE shall be leakage (except stew.' generator tube leakage) through a non-isolable fault in a Reactor Coolant System cornVonent body, pipe wall or vessel wall.

C R-OLLED LJKAGE 1.17 COM4ROLLED LE;XAGE shall be that sial, water flow su-plite 'to the Chapter 1.0 reactor coolant pwrp seals. -

Note 1 the JAvRAgeT Pnd ATRO TERMATIOWE 1.19 QUDOSE E PUOAERNIT RATIOshallbe that cocration of th -13V-m (jipira wichaone weecoucldiprotdu otpue tao thyroidedoseoa the quanptyer iscor eeI The tetorclibrated coutputs, fcors therti ofr this calcrumlatone shallb dthose clibtdr abled outpu to theD-ve4844, low

`C~u~o Distan etFactors folir wranedoteust wheverSits ort Regulxtory Gudet1.09rev.

WnitR SR3.2.4.1Octoberal1977 anngtredtetr.hllb sdfo optn

0. C.* COOK U. -12 1-14 , and -all pese5 t mixture of 1-131. 1-135 APageh6pofr6 ic 1132 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 14 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 15 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 ITS A STAGRED TEST- WAS shall Consist Of NET

a. A test jhedult for a systqfs Substens, traf ar ather
  • desg~ e compnents obt At by diiding the specifie tist, Urala~ into n I,iu nt s eVi A.
b. meThsting of one syst4 subsystmu. train rOther 4esfgnated Lc aonntat the begiCn Of each subinte .

FR!OEHCY NOATION Regy'r nUshall Carusod/othe intarvals de1find In Table 1.2.

,4 (RSJ REACTOR- TRIP SYST-D i~'ES'PONSt T114EC~ ],fif I1The 9AfiftITMISwiffiPONSEIHE Shall be [I~ltire interya1 from when the monitartd parameter ex'c Idtcs trip satpolnt at the channel sensor until lass of stationary tripper coil Voltage. NRTOA1


~lEM :

TefM IMSALYFA UitRESPONSE 7Eshalt-h that time intevalfr=whe th moi tredparameter excieds f Its actuation setpotnt at the channal. sensor until the ESF equipment is capable of perforingv Its safety function (i.e.. the valves travel to their re-(11 quired positions, pum di schargje ressures reach their re.quirtd values',A3 etc.). Times shqlI Include diese generator s?.arting and sequenca loading 4elays here apol icable. INET1 AXtAL PLUXll MM Lt E iiLx~DIFM E 1lbs the'diffirence in nrna-lized I'lux signtal beowem the too And battm ?4alves of A r'oe Section excare Reutro detector.

D. C. C~OK UN!'T 2L 1.5 Page 26 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 15 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 16 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 O ~INSERT 9 the testing of one of the systems, subsystems, channels, or other designated components during the interval specified by the Surveillance Frequency, so that all systems, subsystems, channels, or other designated components are tested during n Surveillance Frequency intervals, where n is the total number of systems, subsystems, channels, or other designated components in the associated function.

INSERT 10 The response time may be measured by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, A1 or total steps so that the entire response time is measured. In lieu of measurement, response time may be verified for selected components provided that the components and methodology for verification have been previously reviewed and approved by the NRC.L3 INSERT 11 The response time may be measured by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire response time is measured. In lieu of measurement, J J response time may be verified for selected components provided that the components and methodology for verification have been previously reviewed and approved by the NRC.L3 Insert Page 1-5 Page 27 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 16 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 17 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 ITS

1.1 TheseYICtestsTAare

Initial Tests and Operation, r1'.T5 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed Ieasure the (L fgm4adiita.1m Is~e cteriatics of the reaco oreland rela b L Laistrtuentatio ~ dlsacribed in Chapter I fthet th dsi __

under the provisions of10 CPR 50.59 o vs appthe Coumission. a K VRAGE fJI1NhOATON KIC shall be the average (weighted in proportion to the concentration of 1Zii each radionualide in the reactor coolant at the time. of sampling) of the sun of the average beta end gamma energies per disintegration, (in K&V) forA.

isotopes, other than iodine., with h~alf 1ives lrite 1j5~l minutes, maigup at least 951 of the total nozi3Lodine £ctLvity44 the coolant.

.27 AS £ CHCK shall be uaitative asaesasme of Channel. response iiuthe Cazneal sensor is exp sa to a radioactive cS.

PROCESS CONRO POgRaW CIPC? rsee cTS 1.28 The PROCESS CONMRL PROGRAM (?CB) shall contain the current formulas,60 sampling, analyses, tests, and determinations to be. made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or Simuated wet solid wastes will be accomplished In such a way as to assure compliance'vith 10 CfR Parts 20, 61, and 71. Stat.

regulations. 'burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste.

COOK 16CLEAR PLAT UNIT 2 2-6 AMIEDET NO. 43, 175 Page 28 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 17 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 18 of 463 CTS 6.0 PHYSICS TEST

1. 25 PHYSICS TESTS shall be thorse tests performed to twasure the fund-aental, gouclear characteristics of the reactor care and related instrumentation and 1) described In Chapter 13.0 of the PMA, 2) authorized under the provisions of 10 CII. 50.59, or 3) othaivise approved by the COuuIssion.

See flS Chapter II R -- AVERAGE DSNIATOl NRG-1.26 T shall be the average (weig~hted inproportion to the concentration of each radionuclide in the reactor coolant at the time. of sampling) of the sun of the average beta. and gama energies per disintegration (in MeV) for isotopes, other than iodines, with half lives greater than 15 minutes, making up at least 9S1 of the total non-Lodino activity in the coolant.

1.27 A SOURCE CHECK shell. be the qualitative assessment of Channel response wheni the Channel sensor is exposed to a radioactive source.

1.28 The OESS CQTPOML (!CP) shell contain hcrrn formulas, sampling. a als.s tests, ad terminations to be process tenuethat and packaging of sol d radioactive witstes b aondmstrated e

process of actual or 9MIIsa ud vet solid wastes wil accmplished in such a aya to assure compl a with 10 CFR Parts 0,61, and 71, State rega ions, burial ground re r at, and other r ransgoverning the d posal. of solid radio tiewaste.

COOK BUCLEAR PAIMT UNIT 2 . 1-6 AWEDHEN NO. 54, 175 Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 18 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 19 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 MS_

1129 /bed OFESITE--DOSE GALQ=TATON MA&=l (ODC!'fl See RTS 5.5 1.30 The VFlSITZ DOSE CALCI)IATION MANAL (ODC() shall contain the methodology and parameters used In the calculation of offaite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, fin the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent, monitoring alarm/trip setpoiuts, and in the conduct of the Ervironmental Radliologlcal Monitoring Program. The ODCH(

shall contain (1) the.Radioacti~va Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs required by Section 6.8. n (2) descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports required by Specifications and

1.31 A 415RADWASTE TEA SSEM is any system~dsigned and instanle,. reduce radioactive aseous effluents by c lecting primary(3 coolant svtem off-gases from e rimary syitem, and roiing for delay or holdup frthe purpose of re igthe total radioac vtpior to release to the %nioumt.

1.32 Al UTON EXHUST SYSTEM~ is any Sys adesigned and installsd reduce gaseous radio dn or radioactive terial In piarticulat .form in effluents by assing venitilation or vetexhaust games throug coal absorbers and/ HEPA filters for the axe of removing todie a particaziates from digaseous exhaust intra prir to the release to th e ronment. Such a sye is not considered ohave any. effsect on noble g effluents. Engineer dsafety Feature (ESF) atmospheric cleanup system anot considered to a VENTLTON EXHAUSTRA(ET SYSTEM 1,33-from aT R or PURGING io the co trlled process .of momentto maintain e~ratura. pressure,


4iri umdtys air or gas (J COnC DM= onor other operati condition, in such amaner that

.replace air or gas is re rd to purify thecoieet 1.34 V ~LT a the controlled reass of discharging or gas from a0 dof5nem, to; maiantai~n vezoper epressure, humidi , concentration or other op ating condition, In chi a manner that rep' cement air or gas i not prov ador required dn£VENTIN. Vent, use insystem names, does Lnot ipya VENTING process.

MMOINUCLEAR PIANT - UNIT 2 1.7 AMEDMEN`T NO. Mr. I",r 175 Page 29 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 19 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 20 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITSGIi 1.29 Deleted.

5.5.1 ~OFFSTE-DOSE CALCMlATIONRf Uh (ODCM) 1.30 Th. IOFFSITE DOSE CALCOIATION HMAIAL (ODCK) ahali contain the 5.5.1.a methodology and parameters used in the calculatian of offaite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents

  • in t.he calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent' monitoring aluma/trip aetpoints. and in the onduct of the Environmental Radiological Monitoring Progran. I he ODC(

shall contain (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological 5-5.1,b Environmental Monitoring Programs required by Section 6.8.4 end (2) descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Ewvirommental Operating and Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reorts required by Specifications and

1.31 A GASECOUS RADWASTE TRAT)(EHT SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant system off -gases from the primazy syitem and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing tho tot~al radioactivity prior to release to the environment.

1.32 A VENT11ATION EXHAUST TREATHME SYSTEM is any system designed and Installed to reduce gaseous radiciodine or tadioactive material in particulate .forx in effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal absorbors and/or HEPA filters for the purpose of removing iodines er particulates from the gaseous exhaust stress prior to the release to the environment. Such a. system is not considered' to have any. effsect on noble gas effluents. Engineered Safety Feature (ESP) atmospheric cleanup See FTS systems are not considered to be VEMTILATION EMhAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM .- Chapter 1.0 components.

1.33 -PURGE or PURGING is the controfled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature. pressure*, hmidity.

concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that*

rsplacenent: air or gas is required to purify the cni~et 1.34 VENTING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to~ maintain temperature, pressure. humidity, -concentration or other operating condition, In such a manner that replacement air or gas fs not provided or required during VENTIG. Vent, used in system names, does not inply a VENTING pro'cess.

COOK NUCLEAR PlANT - WIT 2 1-7 AMENDHEW NO. "1I,~ 175 Page 40 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 20 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 21 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 ITS

14) DEFRINIONS 135 OF THE ~~PUBLIC shlF all person who iae not a ainlyassociated with the Ph=n caftegr &es not inchlud ye of the utilty, its or its vendors. MAlo excluded frn c'aftegr ar persouwho ni site to Am-vimeeuimn or maedeliveiries. IThis categor

~~kepeasos ubo use prIsOf the sifte for r-ecreati or otde purposs not tdwiththc P=lan 1.36 lthAI BOUNDAR~Y sallU be lnbeodwhich tie baud i owned, leased or othavews ctrfeby dielicensee.

AREA shl be araat or beyond flu SMT O1, R owhc cesi o hesefaor of protection of Individual exposure to radiation amd actvematrilsor ay ara the site boundiay used for quarer or Industial 138 LEVEL~~~~ ) stat maxirmm calculate poe level at Whic power (I CORE OPERTIN LWMTS REPORT (COM ccl specfcparmer 11 [js] Tbe COLKis tbe mipedjefic documew tbz&tpovida Em~j ifnts for The A.1doa cycle. These cy li ~ Ioi limits sball be detimmined for each reload cycle in accordane with Spcificaton. Unt opertionwihl these limits Js addrvessed in iodividual jcl- ILINSER 12 A1 TADOT TMJAMAIDNGD mV[CEOPERA'ITNAL TEST DEVIOPERTION TES shalli-cnlde adjusftern1,as ncesaryof f~iPft ctuatin; )vieIi&Z .

TADOT fl~twit a3atesC at fl muir4 setpoint wideth efiqgMaccray.t IINSERT 13 A.1 COK NUCLEAPRPLANT-IJT 2 Page 148 AMftNDMEM824A4Xk233 Page 30 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 21 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 22 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0

~~iii~ INSERT 12 all devices in the channel required for trip actuating device OPERABILITY O ~~~INSERT 13 The TADOT may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps.

O ~~~INSERT 14 ACTUATION LOGIC TEST An ACTUATION LOGIC TEST shall be the application of various simulated or actual input combinations in conjunction with each possible interlock logic state required for OPERABILITY of a logic circuit and the verification of the required logic output. The ACTUATION LOGIC TEST, as a minimum, shall include a continuity check of output devices.

MASTER RELAY TEST A MASTER RELAY TEST shall consist of energizing all master relays in the channel required for channel OPERABILITY and verifying the OPERABILITY of each required master relay. The MASTER RELAY TEST shall include a continuity check of each associated required slave relay. The MASTER RELAY TEST may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps.

SLAVE RELAY TEST A SLAVE RELAY TEST shall consist of energizing all slave relays in the channel required for channel OPERABILITY and verifying the OPERABILITY of each required stave relay. The SLAVE RELAY TEST shall include a continuity check of associated required testable actuation devices. The SLAVE RELAY TEST may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps.

Insert Page 1-8 Page 31 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 22 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 23 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 ITS Table LS.II z~~~IJ ~~~~~~~~(a)

tE9=V~~~~~~~w I RAM.

L7 AT'iI USAGE~~~~~~~~~~A.

L=P OATZON CWhU d -WFUATR NA2.111L 45 NA A.16~~~

h~~~~~r sr~~~~~~~~~~~r 0.SIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.


One ~ormor~~ ~ ~ ~~~~Pae32of3 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 23 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 24 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0 1.0 DEFINIT[ONSI TABLE 1.2 FREQUENCY NOTATION NOAI AtEasOncp ~or D At least once pe 124 ho~urs W At leastne r 7days M At least oncep r 31 days(3 Q At least once p92 days 2 Months At least once r62 days SA At least once r184 days R At least once r549 days S/U Pror to eachirco start-up P Completed prior, each release N.A. Not A ial COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 1-19 AMENDMENT £4, 260 1 Page 33 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 24 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 25 of 463 ITS Chapter 2.0 ITS 2.2k SimE? L!XS MA1. The cosbinatleu of TW.2CA POMf, Pcesuwrua: presuxe, and the 2.1.1 bigheat Operatin . coa: vt te .:eutax CT ) shal l no exceed the ILmits shoay LA fln-2 1Mfti AP-zm OUOS I and 2.

~ ~~~~~~~~~ddpopsd

&CTTO~ L21.1. and SL 2.1=.1.2 9beneme the V*fns deiftat b7 Os somhbaatto ef the highest o~zatu5 2.2.1 Loo@p avivage tesiparttwe and TWUXAL Poft bawnzeded M the apmoprats prmssunLsor prazinwe Use,. be in 30 9lADI? vithia 2 howt.

ULM.CTO COLAUT 3UT IREMSU 2.1.2 24.12 The hsset: Coolsat System pesawe shall set wezee4 2725 p*ug.

~A~zm:l~ LVDK3 1, 2. 3, 4 zA~ 5.

MMOE 1 a" fthueyer she Zeknow Coolsa: Syastm pnasawe Us aczeded d1735 pstS,'be o U STANDBY with the Reactor Comtnt System prhss=e withiA Lea luimi With"n I bow.

HODES 3, 4 end 5 Whnee the Rassor Coolst System pnsuws, baa ezcesded 1735 phig.

wedhace the. Leauaro Ccau. -~S1yastu puss*=% to vt?.Wa Liz Um~r wiLublm CoOK P~C=.A PLAYi

  • VW? 2 24I=MW~T NO, 3 12 Page 11 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 25 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 26 of 463 ITS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS Chapter 2.0 DISIC4

  • 91.600 GC14/LOOP Frl ro tov.t Te'*s Po
  • Tgvg Power I Foyetr~

t (frac) £ LLa (*ls)s (fret)+/-

11 ~0 C0 615.4 0 8 513.1 1.02 550.9 1.2 555.1 20 0.00 631.5 .16 605.8 0.96 59 .5 1.2 563.5 ZL 0 0.00 639.1 .11 61.4.0 0.96 60 .1 L.2 731 22 0 649.2 .72 626.6 0.95 60 .2 1.2 510.4 2 0 0.00 659.0. .62 642.0 1.1. 5 9.0 1.2 56.18.

650 640 16 ~AL.

630 I100 PSIA 570 660 550 0.2 4 0.6011.

to a?2 UL" tLgaze .1.1 btert. cars Sat. Luint fewr LaPs to ape eties COO NMUCaAR FU?

  • UNI 2 ION= M. U.107, 134 AN2 Page 12 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 26 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 27 of 463 ITS Chapter 2.0 I SAW? lffifT" A* - IAW TMr~w SYStEM SKtT TMI PAGE I ~IONRMMRALZXIs U 3LW v.C. C= .=C[*2 2-3 ANMM MTU81 Page 13 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 27 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 28 of 463 ITS Chapter 2.0 ITS SokrCTY 0!!1TS A.'M LT!MITING SAFETY STSTre.r'i:T.-.-S 2.2 L1I4ITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS REACTOR TRIP SYSTENMISTRUMENATION SETPOINTS 2.2.1 TNe reactor trip sytam Instruwmentation setpoints Shall be set consistent with the Trip, Setpaint. values thoau In Table 2.2-1.

APPLICAB.LITY: As shown for each channel in Table 3.3-1. See UTS

3.3.1 ACTION

With a reactor trip system instimientation setpoint less conservative than the value shown in the Allombeb, Values column of Table 2.2-1, declare the channel inoperable and apply the applicable ACTION state.

lent rhequirement of Specification until the channel Is restored to OPERALE status with Its trip setpoint adjusted consistent with the Trip Setpoint value.

0. C. COOK - UNIT 2 2-4 Page 14 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 28 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 29 of 463 ITS 0 3.3.1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS SWETY L.'rITS AND LU-41TI14G SAFETY SYST"srri:s 2.2 LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS REACTOR TIUP SYSTEMI INSTUMEIETATION SETPOINTS LCO 3.3.1 2.2.1 TMe reactor tri s tamn instrowetatian setpoints shall be set Consistent With the RO Mt In values shoe In Table 2.2-1..

APPLICARILITY: As shown frec hne iTbe331 racto trp stem instruimentation setpoint less conservative Witha ACTIONA ~ then the value show n th lowable Values column~ of Table 2.2-1, declare the channel Inoperable and apply the applicable ACTION state.

fent requireiumt Of Specification until the channel is restored to OPERABLE status with Its trip satpolnt adjusted consistent with the

0. C.COOK UWIT 2 2.4 Page 34 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 29 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 30 of 463 ITS Chapter 2.0 ITS MMOM nit gnM" WM

1. Kimua Rouster Trip net WMAII~Abe setApsa
2. meve "Sie. Neutron Low Ietpoimt a ~i l hus LetUSemite -s Less then him o erqual to251efP ATO et fqUg to Sit f PAD migh Psepoist
  • Wmltha HIUg Uetpolus . Lees sha it aqua to loft%fUMAo?3"It erq ul ofe3uD 2, Pover "iele NeiutM lisa dhm of equal IoSo of la" thus el equal to'5.51 I See rts Fnux, Nigh Positive IPAM IIIAL IOV wift a ofsA rAVXAL m vi 3.3.1J VANe tire somstntit grstar thu a time setsast grecasr or equal to I aaeemi0 ths Off equal to I meesndo
4. lwovr "aq. Neuttes Luue thus or equal to 5St f Wass thu or equal to S.S5 I nluns Nigb Segptive SA .TIDUDMLMMV vift a ot NATO IHUNAL MM1 with late tloe aeNatast pester thi a ties semsta greaster at ""ua to a 6esesie thaner equal, to 2 assemia S. Internisiauo luigo Les thu or equa to 25% Uase thi or equal to 30%

meutrounFun of U3AD UDMIL lE .of MM3 USKAL lOV

5. Steuzeeasp, Uase Om t owsquto l0 Logethm of e"'I toelaI Youtrov.Lux Lou.= per Second t0 oemas PMt sesosi

.7. Ovenmeovmrsu S". I See Sete 3 5OverpeIereltaI gee b0teS S ib m 4~

9. Presmarisew ornear ths of equal to Qreater dmi or equa to lrsssuze - ow Ilse5 loug it" ps4

&G.fteessurtm loe du ow xequlm" -V"I to estiso qa 149 Pressure a. Nigh an pass 233 p04 ll.Iressurlnw Peter iee

  • et equ to Uk S 9 % lao AMu o equal to 935 T"ul, .. ighk of usoomesn sprm of iuumms opus Mulss of FoW *eaew thu or eual to Gnaet" tIbmo 03eIilo oft of da.0 Ilow Pea 59.15 of dosip nowv pe
  • esip flow to SlUG0 ap Per loog.


  • gm? a Res .M134 1mMi Page 15 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 30 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 31 of 463 ITS ~ 3.3.1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Table 3.3.1-1 I.Z2 2.a, 2.b 2. power "Sti. Neuwm LOW L lastmt* me Lowvto In: La Al thIa nlm ore ItoZ of A?3A oreO:eC*!2eof MM of .a to tOPS . mof Gr opal to 1105 of U 3.a 3. Power "sO.UonustroUL eaoroqual I seeo m Isiaof 6qulto'S. St flux. ML& positive M IIUAL PO 01tbs of 3ATED UUAL I=UvdLe Rate autes t Sre a im a Stif mantsa lgeatt or:, t 2 aeS,6ba weo 01eua to 2 sesoIa 3.b~~~~* poerla"S. yeuemtaU tban *vequat St o ieee edbmoferqw1go S-%

Utac of eUmfa #oet to R.log ObM a WI. cenSUS:tpenR bm oroqual. toli2eeu JS 4 S. Zntemmedatne Lemp. Lea dmasor qua 251 Lees ibaofequal to 305 pevuos nun of ? 1 11111AL 1ID of 3A2 r3AIW UMM 5 ~~~~. simmetoo.4e IA ibM ot equal I.S Lers tha or equal to 1.I aI 5 s~~~eutroq71= co "t P0 "Sad 10 *Squt por 50"A 6, Including .7. Ovenrzme wm S"e P.on I S"on ote S Note I UoLU I 7, including aA ~~ie ot?

otT lW2Selt s"2S 1100 Note 2 v 8.2 9. ftaesnalset serib or a. *mar Am or equI to 11 9 -- Lw 11.f~~~tessur$alVts ol e eq"lios 10 12.Less of nowv 1031 Wm of equi[L Wim 0W S 30

"#so*A newto II$ a sa alog.M.15 Page 35 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 31 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 32 of 463 ITS Chapter 2.0 R!FACTOR 1112 FJST!12 TNTU(2TTON TRIZ S=T~1~


12.Staam Generator Greater chun or equal to Greatsr than or equal to Water Level.Lov.Lov 211 of tarrov range Ii .fl of narrow renge iUotrumaut open

  • each iaacummat span
  • each stein generator stemam enerator l4.Stmam/Peedvater 72ev Loss~chan ot equal to 1.47 Leaxsthbat o equal to 1.5d MHua~tch and LOW RIV lb&/b' of stem flow a:10 ibs/hr of stoma flow Steam Generator at lAUID THMM KMV at MMU i2I~I MMV Water Level coincident with stem coincident with stea pumstot. water level generator water level greater thant or equal to gpester than, or equal to See rrS 251 of uarrow ringe 24K of marrov range 3.3.1 inst~mra t span
  • esab Lustriman: span- eath stema generator steao GeneratOr 1ISUndervoltase . reater than or equal to Greater than ot equal to Reactor Coolanut 29OK welts a each bus Z270 volts - each bus Pumps 16.Undarfrequeny . Greats: than or equal to Greater than or equal to Reactor Coolant 574 9U ea&h bus 57.4 Es
  • each bus l?.T~uxbinetr A. Lev uitd oil Greater tman or equal to Geater than or equal to

-Pressure, 53 lsi; 17 los; B. Turbine Stop Greater thanto equal to Grekater than or eqVal to valve Clsue= It open 11open II Safety Injection Not Applicable, Not hp'pleAble laitc from ES?

1.9.Raactor Coolant 1imp lest Apeab Not Applicable, Breaker Fosctlox Trip COOK MUCLEAZ ILANT

  • MUT 2 2.6 hZ(ZEIIER 30. 41 / 5/bI Page 16 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 32 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 33 of 463 ITS 3.3.1 ITS Table 3.3.1-1 BUMrO TRY SYTPI USRM!rTO TRT? SITYNT 14 13.Itom~ Guiioracor cr sr than or eq to re oCeua t Waco: aix IAO14OV.Lo span?sa av 15 14.Steami/Tsedvatir now Los r qa1ca 1.47 tesamtham or equal to 1.56 K"sUatcbuLA LOW lb =.8wo ta flow a10' lba/bz of steam flow Steam Goenaerao t ?RD TU TEUMAX. at L

Water Level co wintvth s toincidsat with steam vas .1 ater T ;nrto Vata: level tar that or.0 o than or equal to ofste S'tu~ment span*

12 15.Uudezvoltage crtr thun or aq to Greater them Or equal to 12 ~Reactow Coolant 190 volts, * $a&ta 2,70 volts - eadh bus

-Pun l6.Vmdarfrequency - Cr t than of eS to Greater than or equal to 13 RuactOr Coolant 575 Na sach a - each busn Eae Pumps L7.Tuztbi"u Trip5.0L1 16.a A. Lownlud O3 or latardian or eqm to greaterthc@@* o qual co Pressure 58 psig 57 VsLS 16.b B. Tucuhftze Stop C:, Ater thun or eqm to Greater Chu or equal to WVa'seCl~omuz 'LIopenlipe 17 I5.Safety Injecstioni U Applicablea Not hPIpLcable Input from £51 11 19.Raactor Coolant ppUtable, A~pW ot Applicable N___

Brs.)ker PosLticL Ti

.C6OK WUCL£AR 1MNa WTN? 2 2-4 MCDW O 4.M$ s Page 36 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 33 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 34 of 463 ITS Chapter 2.0 ITS

.1 ThSLU (9mtum"6 UMMMa I!? 3TT_ nipl sulQmi cm~~Y?

Pots 1.:

Overtesporatur AT S &To [Xi4K2[(1 + wq3,)/(1 + 2 )c. 2C.'. 1 4)

Uhee to Zaileats AT at MM TOYA h JU P~W.

TO a ZMvidsi1 .d : at ccUx uKM"a pUea toaawa: orusq" t L 3,,

Pe r 223S pots Clinlonud,30 munift Qe:5t 1 35 Plesure)

~~ , aT f (sdlef penrated by lb INA-Usg soutmllu fog ta tudynm cbuapeftamI~

Tavs COON NUCLIAD RAlt,. UT 1 .Z1 34 t $*.am Page 17 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 34 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 35 of 463 ITS GiI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~ITS 3.3.1 loote 1.:

Table 3.3.1-11 Note I Ovgnutel3"kure Al T £2, -F'.2t1"

  • I3)C.T)I(?t.fCA Uba~:AT *KIlmsateA AT at DAM IIDMAL tOUR
  • vleaaiaia4 24ruat~S pMIMAL s& & P 1' Da
  • LaZ)Ji pots F.iha cislmam Operatu pressure) a*Mwme OempamataU ~a Page 37 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 35 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 36 of 463 ITS Chapter 2.0, ITS D 2..(oatinued)

TqAMILS XI- 1.091 12 -0.01331 13 0.00051 I and f (At) Lsa£ function of the indicated differeico bewe to See33T1 bttco& 4etectors of the pvt-uiz* nuclear ton chaub s with gains to be 3..L selected based on measured Lngerment fewpeDS* during plant startup tests auc that:

(1) for *t-q betvsetn .33 percent and .6 porent, fl(AI)0O (wtare '

and &are percent PATIO T)IEXL PC=U La the tOp and bottom bal~ls of thE crrepctively, and +*. I total THWIAL PC=. in percent of ATIO THIUKAL MMVI).

(it) for 9ach percent that the magnitade of (q -qs) mezeds

.33 percent, the AT trip petpoint ahall bi autsaacicaly, reduced by I.S percent of its value at RATIO TIIRAML 10111.

(IL)For each percent that the maspitude of (qt - ~ exceeds

+6 percent. the AT trip sotpoint shall be auol: tically reduced by 1.0 percent of 'Its value at 1ATtO flIDAAL ?011.1 COOK NUCLIA lrll

  • NT1 4o~ITi.0 134 Page 18 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 36 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 37 of 463 ITS 3.3.1 ITS Table 33.-

VA ______________________

Note IAL .. Cniud R2ACTOR ThI? SYSJh( U~tring aATOW MY! $IM01M~f

!~'ALORI 1(Contminued K2.

and £ (Al) is

  • function of the indicated dltff,?4Mo between top end bocr.1 4etectors of the poeirsrngs e ulex Lou cheabers; with gains to be selected based on measured instrumeat fespons. datfin plant startup tasts such Ci) for 4 ubetween- percent a"d 4EL4?catt I1 CAI).O (fhs?. q j and asi percent VATED THEMIAL MOU~ La the top and bott: alI percent of PATED THERMAL FORM).

(ii)for~ch prcen tha the naptuda of (q * )exceeds

~ .perentof redued it valuea at RAT&D o=E.

tIUA (Iitt. ?o 'ach percent that the inapiicuda of (4 exceeds lBpercent the aT trio sa. tt shallb o reduced by pecn au tRAD TH OVE..

PA CMO HUCLEA MMA MTWI 2 AMUDKWT 134 Page 38 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 37 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 38 of 463 ITS Chapter 2.0 ITS ZZACTOI Mm 31MU :psTEH5PM fl Till SZnf0Uj peiA 2: OvsrPowe AT 6?* IK,4-SECT /(%+3mvit.?-fialtiC-Am SIf

&TO -* Imseated. 6 ar: rated pint Averass er t"Weiaturs, ~~~~~~~~~~~

MuS To - ZIseated T at MMI "MOIL Wm lose thas of K4 - qua:.3701 95 -* 0.02/ei tot nsersa"Ing mtap tempaiauus em 0 re:

  • O.00l9?tw ""Pern:bat;%O.?saea To fimuefta puateted by dke ins lUs entmiler tow

'3 - Tims emwan: uuiltizd in dhS vet tag sestisli.: for

? 10 ases

  • 'C 3C
  • spiess tismitnm *rater fl(AD - 0.0 Pots 3: Use smeblls auss alp poirsde all tat smusd Lts sempteud trip point. by wue" Ofm 2.3 recsent 4g opnp.I Not. 4: TMe ch"Itaas arc ip louts shI Mt esseed Its tmpteed trip poln bY amOie m S.0on=usATar#m.

uu CM VCi RiAR-- UMIT MD1.

3092,34 Page 19 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 38 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 39 of 463 ITS 3.3.1 ITS 111MATOUU tcgut~uuc Table 3.3.1-1 '~* z Note 2 WotO 2: O~qPowoLT s? I6T* (94Y31A 3)IN6T1It A 9bes:m AT? Iodiasted ST at rat" power T a Average tuvaramm.o Note 2 b uInUthea .2 pela~TO at I= upm. = 62 hm tePgep39rofc3 d~~re"Lus swelage Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 39 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 40 of 463 ITS Section 3.0 ITS D LUMIJGCONMMONS FOR OPEILATON NB I!~CIB .

ItdAPUCABILMY C~lCbs I L~jbMQ N -FR-33.0.1 .0. L mn Con onm asshl be [ ~ ]diring the 2

LCOA orionexcept for hODBS as provided In J A 3.0.2 3.0.2 AdherenceV the requirements of the untbpng Condition for Operaton ad ascated -ACTON witbr ISRT1 (A the tpecdfie&\in nterval. Shanl consfituib, compliance with the pcicti except as provided In1 specifiato 3'Q~In the event the -Unlting dii for OperatioIsrtre or to expiration of the anLCM n 3.0.3 3.0.3 When laUmtie i ntated associfo AC7IION ]

notaniny Mktlci rhVHMdean a sapplicable, Iii: I iriftg"93 ro13 A.

tIC gffiOWHwithin&FI241air-7land

1. fompatd

.- nferiveMifierel tat ~i rainunder the ACTION requirementhe ISR3A8 ACTII may be takcen In aceor&shce it Vm~tinfar M Exceptions to kbriiA res inthul sated Individual 3.0.4 S.OA Enyito OPERATIONAL MODE ohrspecified applicability shall not be made unless condiion o the Limiting Condition fOe atinarWe without re*

t~hMel nprovisions contained in ISR Ithe AC1ION teesunless otews Whs provision shal no en )asage throughA.

I OPERATION O asrequired toe

-AS ihAC1ION statements.L1 3.0.5 When a system. subsystem. tain component or device is detennined to be inoperable solely because itsL2 emergency power source Is inoperable, or solely because Its normal power source Is inoperable, it nay be considered OPEP.ALE for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of its applicable Limiting Condition for Operotion provided, (I) its correspoadin normal or emergency pownr soure= Is 0PfABWLE; and (2) all of Its redundant system(s), subsystems), train(s), component(s) and device(s) are OPERABIE, or liewise satisfy the requiremnents of this spcfctin ness both conditions (1) and (2) are satisfied, within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> action sh" be initiated to place tbe unit in a MODE in which the applicable Limiting Condfition for Operiain does not apply by placing it as applicable in:

I. At least NOT STANDBY within the next 6hours, 3ee8r1 2,. At least HOT SEUTM)WN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and..

3. At least COLD SHUTDOWN wihbin the subsequent 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

'TisSpacificationisnot #licablein MQDES5 or 6.

3.0.5 3.0.6 Bquipment removed from service or declared inoperable to comply with Ar returned to service under administrative controls soely to perform testing ro dt aantt f OPERDUTY or the OPERABilIT of other equipment Tis is an exception tol~m GE3.? 2fr tesised reune t wic neridadminitrtiv e control to perform the testing required to demonstrite OPERABILIT.

COOK NUCLEA4R PIANT.UNYT2 Page Wd04 .AMEDMENTIO, 246 Page 8 of 15 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 40 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 41 of 463 ITS Section 3.0 INSERT I Upon discovery of a failure to meet an LCO, the Required Actions of the associated Conditions shall be met, except as provided in LCO 3.0.5 and LCO 3.0.6.

If the LCO is met or is no longer applicable prior to expiration of the specified Completion Time(s), completion of the Required Action(s) is not required unless otherwise stated.

INSERT 2 are not met, an associated ACTION is not provided, or if directed by the associated ACTIONSte ntshall be placed in a MODE or other specified condition in which the LCO is not applicable.

O INSERT 3 in accordance with the LCO or ACTIONS, completion of the actions required by LCO 3.0.3 is not required.

LCO 3.0.3 is only applicable in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.

INSERT 4 A.7 When an LCO is not met, entr into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability shall not be mae xet when the associated ACTIONS to be entered L permit continued operation in the MODE or other specified condition in the Applcblt for an unlimited period of im.T~his Specification shall not prevent changes in MODES or other s ecified conditions in the Applicability that are required to comply wit A.7 ACIOo tatare part of a shutdown of the uii-JN Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications.

LCO 3.0.4 is only applicable for entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability in MODES 1,2, 3, and 4.L2 Insert Page 314 0-la Page 9 of 15 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 41 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 42 of 463 ITS Section 3.0 OINSERT 5 LCO 3.0.6 When a supported system LCO is not met solely due to a support system LCO not being met, the Conditions and Required Actions associated with this supported system are not required to be entered. Only the support system LCO ACTIONS are required to be entered. This is an exception to LCO 3.0.2 for the supported system., In this event, an evaluation shall be performed in accordance with Specification 5.5.13, "Safety Function Determination Program (SFDP)." If a loss of safety function is determined to exist by this program, the appropriate Conditions and Required Actions of the LCO in which the loss of safety function exists are required to be entered.

When a support system's Required Action directs a supported system to be declared inoperable or directs entry into Conditions and Required Actions for a supported system, the applicable Conditions and Required Actions shall be entered in accordance with LCO 3.0.2.

OINSERT 6 LCO 3.0.7 Test Exception LCO 3.1.8, "PHYSICS TESTS Exceptions - MODE 2,"

allows specified Technical Specification (TS) requirements to be changed to permit performance of special tests and operations. Unless otherwise specified, all other TS requirements remain unchanged. Compliance with Test Exception LCOs is optional. When a Test Exception LCO is desired to be met but is not met, the ACTIONS of the Test Exception LCO shall be met. When a Test Exception LCO is not desired to be met, entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability shall be made in accordance with the other applicable Specifications.

Insert Page 3/4 0-l b Page 10 of 15 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 42 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 43 of 463 ITS 3.8.1 ITS(3 3/4 UMUrJG CONDITONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEMULANCE IEQUIRMEnTS 3YU. APfLICABILrTY LIMTIN CO&DMONFOR OPERATION 3.0.1 thimting Conditions for Operai~on and ACTION requirements; shall be applicable during dhe OPERATIONAL MODES or other conditions specified for each specification. except as provided in Specification 3.0.6.

3.0.2 Adherece to the requirements of the Limiting Condition for Operation and/or associated ACTION within the specified time interval shall constitute compliance with the specification, except as provided in Specification 3.0.6. In the cvcut the Limiting Condition for Operation Is restored jrior to expiration of th specified time interva1. comnplation of the AC17ON statmet is not required.

When a Liniting Condition for Operation is not met, except as provided In the associated ACI1ON 3..3

  • requirements, within one hour action shall be initiate to place the unit in a MODE in which the SeeIS Specification does not apply by placing it, as applicable, in: S.ction 3.0
1. At least HOT STANDBY wi~thin fte next 6 bours,
2. Al leant HOT SHUTOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and
3. At keas COLT) ShUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 homr.

Where corrective measures are completed that peirmit operation under the, ACTION requirments, the ACTION may be taken In accordance wthb the specified time limits as measured from the time of failure to miee the Uimiting Condition for Operation. Exceptions to these requirements arn. stated in the individual Specifications.

3.OA Entry Into an OPERATIONAL MODE or other specified applicability condition shall not be made unless

  • the conditions of the Limiting Condition for Operation art muet without reliance on provisions contained in the ACTIO0N statements unless otherwise excepted. This provision shall hot prevent passage through OPERATIONAL MODES as required to comply with ACTION statements.

Required Actions 3.0.5 When a system subsystem, train, component or device is determined to be inoperble solely because its A.2, B.2, and C.1 emergenpy power source is Inoperable, or solely because its normal power sourc is Inoperable, It may be considered OPEXABLE for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of its applicable Limiting Condition fo3 prto.prvdd 1 t corresp ndignra or~ ewinge 6 y powersod c I P WL-an.2 withinon anon twlffmmbsto lnt24hu nit Dueclare required features Inoperable.

T:pwcfication is apliable ODS5o 3.0.6 Equipmient remioved from service or dleclare inoperable to comply with ACTION requirements may be returned to service under administrative controls solely to performa testing required to demonstrate its OPERABILIT or the OPERABLJIY of othe equipment. 'This is an exception to Specifications 3.0.1 See ITS and 3.0.2 for the system returned to service under administrative, control to perform the testing required to 3.0io

'demonstrate OPERtABILITY.30 COOK NUCLEAR.PLANT-UNT2 Page. 0/40- .AMENMA NTI0, 24 6 Page 18 of 18 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 43 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 44 of 463 ITS Section 3.0 tTS NFOR OPE TON0 SURVEILLANCE E JIAI11 1 SR 3.0.2 4.0.1 bc RqirtmentA 4ah shal be oMedwthnth peiie i trva woth I maxitui nAs ISET In theowuAppllix to 2 Ong~ -- ed liannInca $S M.1id SR 3.0,1 4.0.3 er a Surveillfac Reqidresec within the specified time in halconstitute compi eL3 with 0 ~requirements for £ doig Condition for peton associated MO atts Unt ile feri eqred by 1be = fiCation. L6-SR3.O.3fltbdisoyeredthetrvellanCCwas not om1ed wi&Kts iflIdsurinc xi then couapUance with the requirement to deC4are dte qjgy, on on n hrt RWAtP beI1U Frequency from the tlime diofovery, upto 24 b=oursorp to Einfthe espec ednW-vK SR 3.0.3 if tbeArvifanceisnotpcrwrn dwinthlnbdlay peod.die *ti cnditionlb mou =mst SR3.0.3 When the & lance is pefr idi&thine dely period and the p&vdlance Ire I wdumuSt be Met. Iodto SR 3.0.1 Surveawl reuireAments do0 no to be performa onl ~ ble eupet SR 3.0.4 4OA Entry into - -- IVATMODEoroihersp fedli' go~nditin.alobnaduls 11 ICO's uire a ~~~~associated w the Umitint Condifa fo tIon ave bean~~J I~i .

their specifie Frequency 4.0.5 Survemance Requirements for kmsrvice inpection *d testing of ADME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 A.13 components shal be applicable as follows:

a. luservce inspection. of ASbME Code Class 1, 2Z and 3 components and Ianerice testing of ASNME.

Code Class j, 2 and 3punip and valves shall be performed in accrdanc* with Section Xl of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda as required by 10 CPA 50, Section 50.55a.SeITJ COOK NDCLEARPLANT-UNIT2 Page 3/4 04 AMWPM,763,1MV6245 Page I11 ofl15 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 44 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 45 of 463 ITS Section 3.0 OINSERT 7 Failure to meet a Surveillance, whether such failure is experienced during the performance of the Surveillance or between performances of the Surveillance, shall be failure to meet the LCO. Failure to perform a Surveillance within the specified Frequency shall be failure to meet the LCO except as provided in SR 3.0.3.

Surveillances do not have to be performed on inoperable equipment or variables outside specified limits.

INSERT 8 The specified Frequency for each SR is met if the Surveillance is performed within 1.25 A1 times the interval specified in the Frequency, as measured from the previous performance or as measured from the time a specified condition of the Frequency is met.

For Frequencies specified as "once," the above interval extension does not apply.

If a Completion Time requires periodic performance on a "once per. . ." basis, the above L.

Frequency extension applies to each performance after the initial performance.

Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications.A2 QINSERT 9 A risk evaluation shall be performed for any Surveillance delayed greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and the risk impact shall be managed.

O INSERT 10 in the Applicability of an LCO Insert Page 3/4 0-2a Page 12 of 15 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 45 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 46 of 463 ITS Section 3.0 INSERT 11 This provision shall not prevent entry into MODES or other specified conditions in t Applicability that are required to comply with ACTION for that are part of a shutdownf the unit.

SR 3.0.4 is only applicable for entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability in MODES , 2, 3, and 4.

Insert Page 314 0-2b Page 13 of 15 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 46 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 47 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS 1t4 LU~fliNG COMMiTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEHANCE REQUUIEMFT 314.0 APPLICAILMT SUR3EQL6IIEQA~h 4.0.1 Swnvillance Requiremnts shall be. applicable during th d OFERATIONAL MODEiS or other conditions opocifid for indvidiial Lmiting Conditions for Operation unless odwewise stated In an Invidual Surveilance Requirement.

4.0.2 Each Surveilance Requirtement thal be performed within she specified time interval with a manimum allowable. wxension not to exceed 2596 of the specified sutrveillanc intm-ra.

4.0.3 Performiance of a Survmancar Rquirement Within the specfifed time intrval shall conkstitut cowfpiwnc with OPrADLOMM requirements for a U.Jzitng Condition for Operdatin and. smsocated AMrON4 statcamezs unless otherwise; requirod by die spccification. rSee ITS If ILis discovered thit a surveiManc was not performed withi Its speiidW surveilance Interva, then cozmpliance with the requiremnent to declare the Umiting Condition. for Operation not MUt May be delayed.

fromi the time of discovery, uip to 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or up to lhe limit of the specified surveillzc interval.

whirhever is less. Th delay period isperk ile to allOW performance of the surveillaince If the swavillauce is not performed withi the delay period, the Ihniting Condition for Operation ms immediately he declared not met. and the applicable ACFON requirements must be, Met.

When the surveilance is performed withi the delay peziod and th, sNurvilnce aitteda are not met4 th Limiting Condition for Operation must Immediately be declared not meat, and th applicable AMlION requiremecnts must be muet.

Survmlln=erequlremuats do aot have to be peformed on Inoperable, equipment.

4.0.4 . Entry into en OPERATIONAL MODE or othier specifie applicability condition shal not be made unless the Surveillnce Requirement(s) associated, with the LImiting Con~dion for Operation have bebn performcd within, the slted surveilllance interval or as othearwise speciid.

5.5.6 4.0.5 Survelfanc Requiremcnts for Inseryic o oe Class 1. 2, and 3 SIf -ewn COOKNDCLFARPLAW-TUNIT2 Pagt 3I4 0.2 AM"M73 ,M 24S Page 41 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 47 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 48 of 463 ITS Section 3.0 ITS(2 GCOWD NS FOR OPEWSURVEILLACE REULREMEW 1~"k",I (I

b. Surveillance Intervals specified in Secton XI of the ASME Boiler AMd Pressure Vessel Code and applical Addaortenence inspection and testing activities 'required by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda shall be applicable as follows in these Technical Specifications:

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and Required frequencies for perfortning applicable Addenda terminology for inservice inspection and testing activities inservice inspection and testing criteria Weekly At least ence per?7 days Monthly At least once per 31 days See ITS Quarterly or every 3 months At least once per 92 days 5.5 Semiannually or every 6 months At least once per 184 days -

Yearly or annually At least once per 366 days C. Teprovisions of Specification 4.0.2 are applicable to 'the above required frequencies for performing inservice inspection And testing activities.

d. Performance of the above inservice inspection and testing activities shall be in addition to other specified Surveiliance Require~ments.
e. Nothing in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code shall be, constnid to supersedete mureme~inta of any Tenhnltral S=9icaifMnn COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2I Page /4.0-3 AmvENDmENT~s, 97,Im, 224 Page 14 of 15 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 48 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 49 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS(D 3/4 LIKMTNG CONDITONS FOR OPERATION AM SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSI 3/4.0 APPLICABELrTY 5.5.6.a b. Suvelance Intervals specified in Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure VesseCo and 3 6 Yia for ane nually c 1a denarl tlestin onctvies 'p qierdaYO~l~t oyevey A es nepr71dy 5.5.6.b c. The provisions of S ic~~~atind40. arepalicable todndthel aboe rpplicabefra cis follw 5.5.6.d e. Nothing in the ME and Boiler Pressure Vess el Code shallubeconstruedfor sperseete A 4.0.6 DeletedAded trinlgyiscvc gaciite 4.0.7 Del srveted&C~i0 PLANT COOKNUCLEAR WeNkTy/ At le4.:3ast per 7MENT da22 IM~n~y - -- tLegianPage 421ofy69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 49 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 50 of 463

'ITS Section 3.0 ITS I ~tGO~iM R01MTONjRSMVUREANCZ REQUMREMdlhIW-CI COOXN[JCIZLAIMUNIT-2 "a 34 04 AMDUMEM1F4 la6, 224 Page 15 of 15 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 50 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 51 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS 314 LIHMIlG CONDITOfI8 FOR ONPU'flON MND SURVEJILACE -REQUIRWEME s 311P.1 RZACTIVrfY CONTOL SYSTEMS Sf4.1 J. 4ORAION CONTROL SHUTDWN-MMRIN - GREAMTER THtAN 200F The SHUTDOWN MARGIN ahai be srwe dn thaPor equal to 1.3% DeIlt kALk See ITS AflL[ RliL , MODESI.2', 3. and4.311J Wakthd.SHUTDOWN MARGIN It tbM 1.3% Dft Vlk. tImnudlbe Initiat ad continue boratla it grater than or eupl to 34 gpm of asohuicwentscnma grae dwa or equal to 6,530 ppm boron orecquivelt util the Spu required SHU1(DOIWN MARGIN Isnuoond. The SHUTDOWN MARGIN dAal be dutrmino to be p than or eqdto 1.3% Delta kk

a. WintbUambmaftwetdudwof an bopmbki ao~d- -- 2 .

acceptable wfth an lrammed aflowsace foir the vwithrawn worth of the Imvbeo .

b. Wheak MODS 1 ccrMODSB2wvhkK.1 sVegaert orqald to 1.0, at laKamoncpe 12 houea by veribfygthtdomnow bank wldntwa Is within the limbt of SPeC~lkatioa ~~~~~~~~~~

UTS 3.1.6 C. Whon in MODS 2 whiz K,, tem thi A., wkthin 4 howz Prior to &hievh raswto crtI~lisjvby v&AN mtd epidiclied critca control rrpacocid a wisvthIn fthlmits of speciflcadwn3136 dL PriortoIeidiopumlanab'S%RATE M AX LPOWERaft ew I IfudldI, "See ITS by comldwitlmon th ktoetO of.o below. wAt do co~id bmab at *e =mruimnm31.

htswlaa imi otpcf

  • iartk'a RTS COON NUCLEAR PLANT-UMi 2 fitp 314 1-1 AMENDMENT 8, 4NS, 434.4 , 200 Page 34 of 35 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 51 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 52 of 463 ITS 3.1.1 ITS(SI f41 LIAZTING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SINIVEJILANCE REQUIREMENT 311.1 REACTRIVIT CON7ROL sysEmS 314.1.1. ~OAIO?.t CONTROL L1Mrr[NG QNDMON I~aEQLQEMA= e:~-within the limrits specified inthe COLR k LCO 3.1.1 TheSHUTDOWN MARIN h&ilbe krse wor i ou Delta AMn.L I~mLII MODES 3.d4 ihs<,A.

SR 4th M.1... SHUTDOWN h WN ?AARUIN shal d= or upw toy iiii dw or Mg todla r

3 ACTIONA gpm of~~~~accpal iha nzeo loac o h wlhrmonh or h uoal Catr10 B-s

.13.13.AN SIM-

c. Whon in MOD ons 1.0, L,kenit thai Cotzandhrns) andr aciin ero critialit i1~itg t a pdIs~.

"di briftical boWoen rpdiul coauo ihnult lims314 d

of Speelo 3.1e+/-6i.d ~mimhamatloMAa eeIT ui~om ydi Cundban wddrg I wthW 12 bankmis ofthecift~oni~

~~~~n3~~ .1O3.6. SeI of Specificad= o 1 J~age6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 52 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 53 of 463 ITS 3.1.2 311. RACIIV1T coNTRoL SYVTMw 3.14..1 ThUR&DOM reI haarftoy.%Detk Re~e MARGIN l SHITIDOWN requlxed ~ ~ ~ rep3.1.1LC umma ZurA=

Oum ThUTIFDOWI MARGN Shal be degtmnd= rob rOPW thno 1.3%

takit See ITSA wq~itd SUM" MRGNis abw.~ rqie HUDW ARI hl b eiie1e .1 T 3b bn WH~UMODB 1nI Wb daMODBto beaturabasor eqal 1.0 to Deloatonkepel L .1Sif6 toba. dc=o wabcudrs dafwOi E1 See ITS dwoft Is-I= this) ~~~~~~~~~~

c. Whim ki MODE I ait KaD2es thu 1.0,pw~ti 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> pnl toLathielowareatr See ITS 3.1.6 COOKNUCLEA PLainT-UNIT 2 314 I&ges 1- AENMNT8, m IDSpw, 4 lO, 200 1kfn4 inmdca 926of SPX~~kAIPage133of , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 53 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 54 of 463 ITS 3.1.4 ITS (I 3146 LI WCCOMmNco F*OR o nA1orAND URVEULANCE REUmFME NI~rS 3/1. RancTIwiT coNitoL SYSTEMS 314.11 OA1O MhTO SHUTDO~fMARIN - . GRE TAN 200F7 T1l Th S~HI1OWN MARGIN shal be grunter doan or eqWia t 1.3% DeSfITS J

&2PLCAlLUIT: MODES1,2*",3, ad 4.

With ft.SHUTDOWN MARGIN las gme 1.3% Doha Wi linnzdlaty Intimt ad continu borazion at sgret tha or equal to034 Omu of a soludow oOMWtalg VoeWe thn or equal to 6.550 ppm boron or equivaen until ihe requird SHUTI)OWN MARGIN Is Meore.

Required Action A.1.1 4...11 T SHUTDOWZ4 MARGIN sWba 1e dettemiod to be pmtnt1thdw or equal to 1.3% Debta i:

bom91mft hibft his I thet Iopprable comaul. ted sSee rrs e ab" nahvdUUMWN MARGIN shall be verified or vW~mbe, Chapter 1.0

b. Whwin MODS 1cc MODEB2VI Kgm Vutdrha or eqWf to 1.0 at lowstoce po 12 how, by verfyingft n coenu bank wiWo'awal Iswiti fte limit of Spediflodon.

See IS C. Whan in MODS 2 with ]; Ues ibm 1.0, wIthin 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> prior to wwhiS zn ew= 3.1.6 crtai~ty by v gfut" he peedic.d arldescmruo rr4pVollo is wi thfin hlimit of Spedeficadon

d. Pri o Wdrlop -simn&above5 RA~TEDTERAALPOWU* aftrechAW See IT by coaldertlwi ag difaou be m . below, wih *docotr-l banim s a 3.1maxmu Page 13 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 54 of 463


~lll~DwN'4~O -T,.. EATR THAN 2001F The SHUTDOWN bMArGN sh be -- aerta or eulto 1.3% Deta )L AP2UCABELMYX MODES1. 26*3S.azd4.

Wgith heSHUTDOWIN MARGIN lss thuai.3% Delta immiedainy linitI and cofntieboru:kmtgan atWpa tha or eqya to34 gpm of a bolutioo cowzaaht peste tha or equa to 6,350 ppm boron or equivalent until the required SHUTDOWN MARGIN ft resore.

, TMm SHUTDOWN MARGIN shall be detemidW to be pemte than or equa to 1.3% Delta M/:

a. Wihinco tcor ~onpeal~i ster~eeeci~omo~

contol aami tlesr one I See ITS]

umcptabl with a Increased allowarce for the w~ithm worth of the immovbl or h1apter i.]

SR b. Wen In MODE I orMODE 2 wihhK[CohVegathnor eqWa to 1.0. at kms oce per 12 host by varib*ln dh contrl back WeInm~xal Is withi the liiis of Specification

SR 3,1.6.1 C. When In MODE 2 with 1~Iess tma 1.0, within 4 hbum prior lo achlcvlq nacwo criticlit by veiii~lt~ d&a doe precc~ad critica controt xrA pocltias within fthlimits of Spedflcation

4. Pdoewt*til petab mSS5RATEDTHERMALPOWER afte eadW fulIoadin, by comilOrMir of lwbfc~tms of a below, with the mudro bankst to~ mximum Se T hmdrton limi of 8p.~cl-mlo
  • set Specada Tast Ucpin 3.10.141 [S .-AT COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-U.MT 2 1'ae 314 141 ARMEN ENT 83, 408, 4J4,410, 200 Page 7 of 7 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 55 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 56 of 463 ITS 3.1.1 ITS (I 314 LDMWWO CONDMON FOR OPERInON AM 6NWELA2CE RkQVIU2MI

'314.1 REACTIVITYCOMTOL SYSEmd SR V. When 4MODES 3 at4 at km ta= i 24.bmzrbyo Of tb follmiing S.

7. 9oseay(MODS 4 ainly). I oistlIe reacltyf bale shil be-ciompard m piediciad valiau to inouob agvemmt Thet

  • id&aph*atC mhiM 1%Dela krz et kmu amm pci 31 Effecdva MiPower Days CMFP). Wu eis1 comparim ablcclc at tuo darnawn ft sd I Spmt~icdtd 4.UI.I.t. sboau.. YU P pdw crwmecd a ihel bnup UOG llftsw d, Pull FucDM aler goth0.el(sdha COOK NUCAIPA1PANTJUN1T2 Pare 314 1.2 AMENMENIT 4 213 M.IGI Page 7ofO 1 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 56 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 57 of 463 ITS 3.1.2 ITS (11 314 LUhITDG CON~DMON8 FOR OPMTIONAND wVnlANiMRLQUMMzWrII

1. Reg= CoaI[tiuM b cgwruldn P.orne
3. Pzactccootmiymi~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [~SeerrJ
4. RamI buwmmp h.wpi bfmmm 3.1.1~am SR Thowic m teai~tybdulib 1..1LI taP 061AVal= ommibau COOK mmCZA PLANT.NF2' hpa 514 14' AUMMET K 10. Wo 4 213 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 57 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 58 of 463 ITS Chapter 1.0

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS 3/4 uMIniNG CON rONS FOR OPERATION AND SRYKILLANCE REQUIREMPMT L CMAmEM- SMRAM RBXALTwa See MSJ 3.1.t.2 The SHUTDOWN MARGIN shil be pratw Omaor equa to 1.0%6 [)lj Mr a XABl flAX:j. MODE13S.

With di SHUMDOWN MARGIN less tha 1.0% Delta klk lonuedaei Wntimt uad continuor equivalen bomaton sit peste than or equal to 34 Spmn of a solution containng greater thn or equa to 6.550 ppm bocom unti the tequire SHVTDOWN MARGIN b ou rsatd

.41.112 IU SHUIDOWN MARGIN iba be detemine to be greate don orequa to 1.0% DeltakA See ITS 1.1 ~~ ~~~L Wodh l difer detectionl of am31.

a Ne Eow"a mthe *ddM wofth of fthelmovsbl or vteatrIppb control mfdt, A

b. At leas once per 24 bown by couuldeafti of tOm fbowio factwus
2. Contrl irod poition.
3. Rneto coolan systm averag kenpramum See ITS
4. IedbciapbuedonPO~ldflS~eKU.IO~nuioi,
6. Smowl. onmoueaie aNW COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-uwNI 2Page 34 1.3 AMNMN1, .,42013 Page 35 of 35 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 58 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 59 of 463 ITS 3.1.1 ITS 3M4 ULMING CONDITrIONS FOR OPIRRAT1ON AND SURVE111ANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.1 EIIIYCNRLYrM LCO 3.1.1 TU hclTrDowN MARGIN shahlk r fu 'oDeliA equrdM SMYTDOWN MARGIN 1.retrd.v SR 4.r1bTe SHUTDOWNoMRINsi'anhbe temndo ematiomltoobetW or te SHUTOWN MAGIN &Hbe veiidacceptable wfth an btcreacdSeIT upri~le, SR 4.. basuubedcon pms Ibmi eeelc COOK NUCLEAR PLANIT-UNrT 2 Page 3/4 t-3 AMENDMENT P-twi,*0,I4,2021j3 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 59 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 60 of 463 ITS 3.1.4 ITS(9) 3/4 umrTIG co lom rox ommIom AND suRiLLANCE EuIRmEnTs LTum OC&MLM 0MTtM1 The SHtUrOWN MAROIN saI bepemaer tha or equal to 1.0% Delta M. [See RuS AM-rPIARBL MODE S.

Wlth the SHUtDOWN MARGIN kme tha 1.0% Delts Mi Unwilistuly Iniia and continue boraaion at gunerw matanoequal to 34 Wpm of a aolutioa contalinin rawte tOa or equal to 6450 ppm boro or equivalenr until the requed SWtTIDOWN MARGIN Iareaond.

b.L luna oceme 24 howe byUadrta of theflown aato ldnowe 4.AlmoFperl4bwupmeo .

by camtkm ofter w pnllowicnS

4. Penobcc eonumOati cuv am
7. boronpenalt.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-tUNir 2 Page Y4 1.3 AMEDrMENTS",fW,tO,+34D2OO213 Page 14 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 60 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 61 of 463 ITS 3.1.1 This pass Ataunttoaaly laet blua&.

5 52 CMoM,.

UUCZAX AT WU 2 2/& 1.3. I . 134 00~eIu.

Page 9 -of 10- , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 61 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 62 of 463 ITS 3.1.1 Thts Vare tatauttmnlly leftc blank.

COK UU~LAa MAwr - DWI2 /4 1'b NROM 3 01.0 Page 10 of 10 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 62 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 63 of 463 CTS 3/ luaul beo mte th or equa2 to I Mm whenver a raducti, in laaste:

coolaat g. bored cafentratiou I. bein md.*

9ith the ow rate of reactor coo through the roeco so r yutea ieee tban 200 Lsdietoly suspend Ii oprations LUVWoLin Loduction boron e Lrtou of the laictor '. nt System.

&.1.1.3 nlow rate of reactor volant tkbrough the veast cooleant iyom ahall be te~ned to be greater at equal to 2000 opwiti onehor PILOT to starte of and at loan eaeprhu uring a r non In the aeouror len Syte boron a3 ~lnb cte A. Cerumn at leest one eatrcoolant pump to IL eperanion. or

b. Yerifyingthat at leas onm 3pump Lo in apre an end supplying greater then or equal o2000 Vs through thu irector cooleant
  • pupobe Fo ofthis sposif tion, addition of Vsto rethe RVS? does not. constute. a diution, 'SCti provided the boeo oncentretntionLushe a' L: greater than or eqa othmifu reired sepoification
3. .eb 2 (MIID 1, 2, 3, 4) of .L.?b.2 (MO S end 5).

C URT C= 2 ~~3/' 1.4 MIKII 0.fl 107 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 63 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 64 of 463 ITS 3.1.3 ITS 1 1DUATOR TMW=AU CO2MCWIT IT140CONDMTON FOR OQMAT!Off LCO 3.1.3 3 .1.L.4 The sodegator teuperacuz. coefficient~(KC) sh*11 be vithin the limits specifie4 in the COLR. The iuaxiu upper Unit shall be lessn than or equal to the Limit shown in figure 3.1 -1 fA.

AILOUCABILMY JJiit INOOKSI 1.and 2' oftl ]...

wL LiIC - HOODKS 1. 2 and 3 A.3ri-AC~TO:upr A. With the KTC save posnitive than -the h tsp fLed in the ~ .

ACTION A I. Etablich and mtaintain rod wi hdaw LSUaia Ioto ACTION B sufficient to restore he TC to within its Unmit vithin 24 taror -in HOwifthi the next £ bowts Fie-i Th 3.P CrpsAandcbi at Spcal Repart1 gig th Cqaisu cut Limis~het Specification .. 4hn1 4adsrbn h 2 aine of the cenutrare l~ to the in ther~ Vt r d w-ita l dawl .

esti ad mhe:thoe unditp' average coreure~ veeumars that zetor ~ thabee restL~'~ d( to wLthin its it~ for the all r~awichdrawn condL 4on.'.

ACTIONC b. ~L~h the ~fTC porefne catioe tha th E ha-4.t s deifiebingtheCL.I ie In HOT INVItDO141 within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Applicability ' Vc h 7,go;Pta QA .

  • S 2 3/4 L.5 AMI=KL'IT s(o. 2,17,*17.08, 122 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 64 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 65 of 463 ITS 3.1.3 ITS EI RUACTZYX7 COMTOL 3SUTD SUVEU.ANC~E REt1TamZNs The ETC Shall be dicexuaaId to be within ita hamits during esach fuel c74ae as follows: pet.

a) The ETC shall be measred end coapazad to thOlmi SR specif6ied St th COUL pri.or to 5lattal operation abave St of RATED THERM~AL POWER, after each fuel loading.

b) 'The )ITC shall be seasured at any THERMAL POVER within 7 EPID after reaching an equilbriua boron concentration of 300 pp.M SR The *eassured value'shall be compared, to the 300 pNo eurwillanca limit specified in the COlA. In the ey-eut ths carlsen indicatss that the lfTC will be more negative than the imit the RTC shall be remeasured at least once per 14 E duigtheiremainder of the fuel cycie and the ETC value coprdto the Wimt.

Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 65 of 463

Figure 3.1.3-1

  • ~~~FIGURE 3.-

Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) 1.00

-100 a ~-1.50- --

-2.00 -------- _

-3.00 - - - - - -- -

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 70 O8 90 100 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 66 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 66 of 463 PRETRATED THERMAL POWER

-o P (0

-h 1

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 67 of 463 ITS 3.4.2 ITS NflINI'KI TEM4PERA1IE rpmCIICLT LIMITING CONOIT191 FOR OPERATIO110" LCO .ll5 The Reactor, coolant S)'stms lowest operating loop tempersturs, 3.4.2 (T aVg) shall be Z. 4 lF.


ACTION ACTION A Z rtnle The Reactor Coolant system temperature (T sal be determined SR to be s6l'v avg r ,Tni Is minutes vij ectuieving resctor criti ~t. end b.' At mt once per 3 minu %kifn the reactor Is critical ndL.

Reator Coolant slyst a1 is lost than Wel' with e eviation Ala~ noi4 sel.Z Dv'e hourss 1~l2 1 1 Applicabilfty Vwith ef I a.

O. C. CO0K .UN 2 3/4 14 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 67 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 68 of 463 CTS 3/ 3(4 GcoremomS FOR OPR NAMDSRELAC E kas minimum, one or th foil gbaono injection flow pafth shalibe EAL

a. A, now path Irom th add tanU via.a bori add trn ptiVNo ndcaging pump 10 theReactr Coo System Ifol tebri cd l ank in Specifwtaizon Is OPERAD or
b. The flow path from the (tsigwaow storage tk via a pump to ghe Reacor Coolant SySIen If oi herfulg WSWe rags W*n Specdfication 3.1 27.b is APPX.Tf'A MODES Sandx 6.

With non the above flow paths OPEAD aped all operawtiosIvot, CORE ALTERAIJfONS or positive vychange mxeptr I)eap r dtof the reactocooan vTo provide th SHUTDWN .

"AR,~ a to accommodate te In temverature I maintained InWIt SpecihetiAou 3LU1 nM Specificaion 3.9. inM D6.Godo b athe o~r atccoomowu b susaxiedo Soaporinss l#Anyc peziodliA MODE S.or 2) 0o~wattrm te RWSTpoieZh boro concentrution in the RWSr~s dan or eqwato thue rm by Specification

4.1+/-.1 Misa ana of the above At flwpathsabaUbe deiustralbedPBADh

a. At least onm pet l by vecifyln ahardo of dw area contiing the flow pa&ct h foaebica ldtankctoh tee am gmaterthmnor equal to 63.1F Mma path m tde borck aid uass Fiow ued
b. AZles oI" p I1 ay by veriWin dhim eah vat (manna! powe operated or automa 7in ) the padt tha Is no okd eao L d, ar secured in Positimn is COO NUJCLEAR PL.ANT-UNITF2 Past 314 1-8 AhMNDMENT iff, O213 Page 3 of 3 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 68 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 69 of 463 OTS 3/ 314 (pOwtrr!oNsFr OPt O AND SURVEnILACE&

314.1 RA doNTROLsySTmS 3.1.2.z of & following boron lnj onflow paths ihall be OPERAS nke now patkfrmlh acid taks via aboric add npupanda charging Iump loathic Reacto 4aUMytel and

b. 1c flow path from the wate stotrag tank vlia a POmP to the Reactor cookan System.

MODES 1, 2. 3 and 4.

L With he flow pa iboric o adidUnits IuprA~ls, the Inoperabl* Blow path to OPRBEis k H 71 howrs or be ins lat SANw and boraWe to a SHUTDOWN MRIeqiantto at tean st a 20VF within the next 6 hums; ruta th lw o OPERABLEstatainwibl amx7 das of be 1A COLD SH1UTDjOWNwi n nat 30booms *R

b. With fte flow pat tlieuft lnwaetow ume tak retoe h flow path cm=

to OPERABL saUsti on hou or be In s lawt STANDBY within the neu 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and In CO SHUTDOWN within the fo 30 hoam. Each Of ft Ia requ(ird paths doag be 0eosre

a. AtleIstonce per7 by verlfylngdthatz of theaKeacnmzalnlng th

&lwpath dehsbocude dank tot WadigeeawmtVerldm or

b. Al lawt enp. days by veilfy idthat e Val (manual, power operated or awukoai) in fth pah that is wot boc&d seald ftherise secured in positon, C. At lamam paI mnoathsdu*igudowknmby deqc imdvleI dheflowpah to fSrmrromctpoutan onal A etecnaga C: Azkastancepr an du ahsdondoby ft athe aowpath refdredby 31.1 spcfcto &.adeles at leam 34 gpm to heeaorCoolant,System.


Page 3 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 69 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 70 of 463 CTS 314.1.2.2 314 tlMfl1NG coNDITInb lFoh omkmwIO AND suRvmILANcE REQuIEMENT 3/4.1 REACUIVIT CONTROL SYVTEM THIS PAGE LINTENTIONALLY LUIFT BLANK COOK NUCLEAR PLANT MIT 2 Page 3141I40 AMENMENT 200 Page 4 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 70 of 463


a. One, chargn pupteboron Injection flow path r(qi bySpecifcto3.21shlLl be OPERABLE and ablof being pwered from nOP RALemergenc bus.'

the chargnge r ep 'o1isce elw maithie suporacordf Spcfications sh1.1.in3A1 AVPT-rA~j ~ ifinMODE 5 or -3.9.1A inMdE 6, mi h etpcodwnrt srsrce 3pcfct Oihn h emeaueo hrigiupPERABLEwe nyRsuscold alegispess thnvorlequa tORE23..2

c. TheRAviIONSo or on 3.0.3vi carenotlicable I)R o oldlo h theI baddiioto the above, we I antandI ccra apial pecification.323bi h required flo path Is notrvialrtr requred'lowpat torate~e u w ithi redastrice provide eqIvnt o k ohethoucapabiditIn UniDEand orer additiono aerfrowathet aviabl stausvithieth conc60trayson in hae UniT liii S or qual wtoi theL.
e. Therequlrmernsof ifiation3.0.42r nta7lcbl/e Seifcton21... Th above requredta charging n pumpbeBL deontrth OERBLo vaeriyin thatthe pump's) e r moreofheRCS OPEdALEgs wheish eprtreoF. nthnnroruequal ol e sls to .. [See ITS]

3.0.3 amPage 7U provisions of 3mof.

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 71 of 463


a. One charging pupin the boron injection flow path required by Specification shall be OPERABLE and capable of being powered from an OPERABLE emergency bus:~
b. One charging flow path associated with support of Unit 1 shutdown functions shall be available.*

APPLICABILITY: Specification - MODES S and 6 Specification -At al tiznewhoflUflt I is in MODES 1, 2, 3, or 4.


a. With no charging pump OPERABLE, suspend all operations involving COREM.

ALTERATIONS or positive reactivity changes except; 1) heatup or cooldown of the reactor coolant volume provided that SHUTfDOWN MARGIN sufficient to accommodate the change in temperature is maintained In accordanc with Specification in MODES5 or Specification. 3.9.1 in MODE 6, and the heatup or cooldown rate Is restricted to 500F or less In any one-hour period in MODES5, or 2) addition. of water from the ACTION A, OPERlABLEw-hen the temnperature of any RCS cold leg h less than or equalt ACTION B safety injection (a mc)

Applicability P --

C. 'The provisions of Specificatio 3.0.3 are not applicable.

d. in addition to the above, when Specification is applicable and the required flow path is not available,, return dhe, required flow path to available status within 7 days, or provide equivalent shutdown capability in Unit 1 and return the required flow path to available stanis withi fth next 60 days, or have Unit 1 In HOT STANDBY witbin dw See CTS next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. 3/

C. The requirements of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable. when Specification 3.12.3.b 4pplieS.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The above required charging pump salbe demonstrated OPERABLE by verifying that the pump's developed head at the test flow point is greater than or eulto the required developed head we LCO 3,4.12

  • A maxiumof onump al~*shall, be OPERABLE whnvrthe temperature of one or Applicability ~ more of the RCS cold legs is less than or equal to F COOK NUCLE4AR PLANT-UNI 2 Page 3/4 1-11 AMMMIMEN 85,407,416,489, 213 Page 10 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 72 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 73 of 463 CTS 3/ 314 0COMMrFONS FOR O TONAND SURVEILLACE QIEET .

314.1 CONTROL S SUREO LME ARl charging pumps and safety knJeczon pumaps, excluding the aboverequlred OPERALE i charging pump, bshallbe de onsvxtediopembieby it!fiff thn ta m chuhTtfaktra lve LISee ITS been removed from their electrical power ouply circit at least onc per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, except when: 13,4,12J

-a.. The reacor vesse head is removed, orI

b. Thetpe.m=ofAlRCScold legsis Ixteria*=12F.j Ch~arging line cross-dc valves StQrit I will be cycled full travel once per 1a months. ~ 1 I ~~~~Following Cycling, the vali4iU be vrfedsoeInterc4"sios.1 i -

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT.UNIT 2 Page 314 I-Ila AZ MF 116 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 73 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 74 of 463 ITS 3.4.12 ITS 314 LIMITIG CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILANCE REQUiREbEMET SR 3,4.12.1, All charging pumps and safety i'iection pumps, excluding the above-required OEAL SR = ss"4b a h Applicability .... Charging line cross-de valves to Unit I will be cycled foi travel at least once per 18 moneehs.

Following cycling, tie valves will be verified to be Intheir closud positions.34123 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNI 2 Page 314 141a AMNMUENT 116 Page 11 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 74 of 463


APPUCABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3 and 4.

W'ith onlyoeohgn pump OPERABLE, restore least two charging pumps to OPE LB status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in least HOT STANDBY and borae ta SHUTDOWN MARGIN equival toat least 1%Ak~k at 200PF withia tht next 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />s-, restore at least two. Ing pumps to OPERABLE status itin the next 7 days or be In COLD S UTOWN within the next 30 ho least two charging pumps shI be demonstrated OPERABLE b veritfyig that the wnps'developed. head at the test fiwpoint Is greater than or equal to erequired developed edwhen tested pursuant to Specif ion 4.0.5.R1

'COOK NCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 1-12 AMDENDMENT 39, 188 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 75 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 76 of 463 CTS 3/ 3/4 LIMITING ONDITIONS FOR OPERATIO AND SRELACERE 3/4.1 REAC CONTROL SYSTEMS BORIC ACID) R PUMPS - SHUTDOWN LMNG CND ON FOR OPERATION least one boric adid transfer pup be. OPERABLE and capable or lng powered from an 0 RBEemergency bus if"4 onyteflow Path through the boric a dtransfer pump of S caon3.1.2. Ia Is OPERABLE.



With zho borb transfer pump OPERABLE as r edto complete the flow path ofSeiiation, suspend all operat ns involving CORE ALTERATIO or positive reactivity changes ecept 1) heatup or cooldown of the reco atvolume provided that S NMARGIN sufficient to acco oaethe change in te-Mperan~e s taedin accordance with Spec n in MODES5 or Sec *o 3.9.1 in MODE*6, mndthe heanip'or ldwrateIs restricted to SaOF rless inany one-hour period M 5E.or 2) addition of water from the ST provided the boron coxiceni i in the RWST is greater than o equal to the iiu required by Se cdn3.1.2.7.b.2.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~.

SUR ILLANC REQUIREMENTS No additional Surveillance Require esother than those required by Spe ifcation 4,0,5.

COOK CERPLANT-UNI 2 Page 314 1-13 AMENDMENT 82, 213 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 76 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 77 of 463 CTS 3/ REAM~VIT NTLSYSTMS BORIC ACI " TERPUMPS -OPERA MG LIMITING C DITION FOR OPERATION A least one boric acid ansfer pomp in th on inJection fnow pahqui by Specification S. .2.2a shall be OPERI and capable of being PMw from an OPERABLE rgncy bus if the flow path through the boric aci pump InSpecification .1.2.2A isOPERABLE.



With no bric acid transfe pwm OPERABLE. restore at I at one boric acid transfer ump to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be nat least NOT STANDBY thin the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> dborated to a SH MARGIN equivalent to Is ak at 200F;1 restore at eatone boric acid.tnae pop to OPERABLE status within the next 7dsor be In COLD wi thin the next so .

.1.2. No additional Survet ance Requirements othe than those requl by Specification 4.0 5.

D. .COOK - UNIT 2 314 1-14 Page 2 of -2 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 77 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 78 of 463 CTS 3/

  • As a malhlum, one of d a fbl ogborWe watasources shal be 0 EAL IL A bodc acU skrag wzoith:
1. Aminnm 1 bamduAvwvdliu.of SOO
2. Batw~m6. On6.990Oppm ofbocon an
3. Aain mm lto tonzp~mt of 63sF.
b. 'fi r[falngWater tank wift
1. A uab b,160ewuserVolunmefGM pDona,
3. A soltio wr ie nz of 70*F.

Wihb ao wax ou OPERA' LE. oni aprtou lavolfnt~ ALTERAT1ONS or pouitivd roicily chane.xcept: 1) beanh ix act coolat Io povvded that SHUM1ID01.

thf nlb Al fmficie to uccammodaft doe In tporshr is malaane corac witk Specification 3.1.1. MODB S or Speclficatios 3.9.11 In 0B6. adt die hmatup at rat is rmmicted to 501 or Ions in aNy peiod in MODE 5.Ot2) ofwm&m do.RWST toe boro concntration indhe RWp rb cowdea tocu rqie byspeclflatio. 3..7. Th above rephied wowte soonc shaD be demnomtrae ERI

.2. V. tb containedborstedwu rol ad

3. V de boric acid storage tank soludto uempeamur when Ihe tfy bt bource
b. Atlenutonce b4ours bywlfai6*doeRWSr INhAuitis doeSouce of bomtewa lNUCLFAR PLAN1'UNM 2 Pop 314 1.15 ENT 62,94,499.9e21 3 Page 2 of 2 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 78 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 79 of 463 CTS 3/ 3.1+/-6 ~~ofldi followk botatd uxcaWaa be tOPBRABLE-

a. A boicaoddstompssa wii 1.A ~~~~borasd vwae volume of galon..
2. Betweew.5 .9 ppm of boron aed

.b. The rcftbeling~r taw 1.A ~~~~~boraedwatvolumoof37 .50 alomof wawe, S. Awihnitm tqeaof 70llmaaa Aclutoftiiwmeraiure R.

a. With di bodes aRtd Wu=t Inopesbh re ter. lb, fi,, qoe to OpMMA&~

gtatmwlth 72 arbtoatIndlm NOTS Y wuxt" wxthoursmWA byllAdtedW a ?AROlfequvadm lo at 1*DeMtaKi at 200R restore dhabodoaci atuto OPERA= atnsm l do mu 7 day. orbe in COLD

b. With Mhe rmoep tan oprb, basAq ~k t-e tank to OPERALE statu winOaeh atr at hmaHOT STMNDDY douan 6 ours mdIn COLD 4.1.2* each berte warrmc be denmostaed OPUABLB COOK CLEAR PLANT-UINIT 2 Pa51 34 1-16 AL ENDMENT 94, 1-34, US,199", ZOO, 217 Page 3 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 79 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 80 of 463 CTS 3/ REACTIVITY LN4TROL SYSTEK SURVEULLANC RE U!RfEHFNS (CO~nt

a. tleast once per 7 days by:

Verifying the boron concentration in each tor source, Verify~ing the co nod borated water vol of each water source, and 3.Verifying the bori acid storage system soluton teMperature.

b. At least once per 24 ho rs by verifying the RWS temperature.

D. C COOK- UN4IT 2 . 314 1.17 Amendmnt No. 94 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 80 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 81 of 463 ITS 3.1.4 ITS ~I 3 /4.1.3 - OVAMLK CONTROL A112MMES am MIGHTI J.T!TNG CONDMTOR-FOR OPERATION LCO 3.1 .4 All full length (shautdcvn and control) roda shall be OPUABIZ with all individual indicated rod pouitLons within the allowed rod. msalignment of their group xtep counter demand position as follow:

  • for THERMAL POME less than or equal to 651 of IATED THMRML POME, the allowed cod misalipasut Lo *18 steps, and
  • for TlMMALPOVEgreator than 8%62f RAMTHEffALPOMthS allowed rod misalipmat Is AI step or as determined from Figure stepS (or ARL equal to 101K) to *16 steps (for AlL greater orA2 hPPLI=ATLIfl: MODES It and( )

ACTION A a. VithL one or more MulI.l ditrod* insaprabic ]due to being A vable XeuG mu of Specifcation is satisfied Within I bour#end be in ENT STANDBY Within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. Add proposed Required Action A.1 2 ACTION D b

  • Vfth more than one full leigth rod Moa rabre oj misaligned from the group step counter demand position by more than halodrd in OT STRDIT wthin 6hours Add proposed Required Actions D.1.1 and .. ACTION B a. Vith onefulllang hrodjIm fbedto cansX a erU __

addressed ACTION a. abowq or maligned from its group se couriter demand positlon by more than the allowed rod mimalignment. .

O XOm may continua provided that withb ncmhour either; ROVER IL. The a acted rod is rests to ORERALZ eta wthin the abs alignment raquir tI ot THIRMAL level is reduced A4 to ea thanor-equalt 5Zbf RATM W for rod alipmeants less thi or eqIa to t16 at s. or 2.- The affcted rod dclared infrable and1 SHUTDOV XMAIN req~uirement of Speaification Ls satisfied. +OVEE.

OPMRTZON may then continue provided that: f Add pro~posed Requjired Ato .. .

a) A reevaluatioin of aciet nlsit of bmle ~..11 is performed vithin 5 days; this reevaluation shall. cbnfirmN that the previouuly analyzed resulcs of chose aceidents remain valid for the duration of operation unzder these conditions. and I*see Afecial. Test cepsioaj 3.&P4and -3.10.3 (a.

COOICNUCLEAR PMXTr - MIT 2 3/4 -18 ISm ~ JDEt6E. 40,44 1790 Page 8 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 81 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 82 of 463 ITS 3.1.4 ITS ACTION B b) The sHUTMowz MARGIN requirement of ipecification La determined at least once par 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, and a) A power distribution m Lapi obtained from the movable mocore detectors and FQ(Z) and JPj are verified to be vidtin their limits within 71 hourx1 and ~L

6) Either the TEERXAL PO=D level io rdue: tles than or e) no, ahr Inder of the r aaligned. to Vi.

In the group vith ahinoperable the allowed rod the aablerod i inone hour whiea eaigrzent of nann theA, j

r sequence and inai 2oWlmt# as Aloe fd inthe COLR; THEMNAL POWER. Ie shall be restri ed pursuant to S ecification 3.1.3. durins subesqe operation.

SR 3.1 .4.1 The positLon of each full length rod shall be determined to be SR Each full length rod clot fully Inserted in the core shall be

'determined to be OPERABL by movement of at least a steps In anty oae' direction at least once, per 92 days. a.llowed rod iAl. ant for THEiCAL greater tha-n 851 of RATE POVEL sual b detrmined in eonju onwith the ueast n of APL as define inSpecification 4.2.2 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - MNIT 2 3/4 1.19 AMENIDMENT 110. &Q, &0;. I", j 179 Page 9 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 82 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 83 of 463 ITS 3.1.4 ITS TABLE 3.1 -1 ACCIDE ANMLSES REQUIRING V ATOtt III ~F AN NPEBL ~ a-, 00R Rod Cluster Control ssenbly Insertion Characte istics Rod Cluster Control sem-bly Misaligrment Loss Of Reactor Coo ant, From Small Ruptured Pi emOr F.-cm Cracks In Large Pfpes Which A tuates The Emergency Core el tag System L Single Rod Cluster ontrol Asseubly Ilithrawa At Full Power Major Reactor Cool nt System Ptpe Ruptures ( s Of Coolant Accident).

Major Secondary s tem Pipe Rapture Rupture of a Con oI Rod Drive liectanim Ho sIng (Rod Cluster Control Assembly'E~jctio)

C*C.coKi: - T3/4 1.20 kmatnden~c No. loj Page 10 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 83 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 84 of 463 ITS 3.1.4 ITS ALLOWED ROD MISALIGNMENT ABOVE 85% RTP Figure 3.1.4-1 FGR .-


19 14 Ig~ I 1 100 101 ________10 10 0j0 0 0 0 16 -~~~~ A IL-NCLEAR LANT UIT OOOK I 7 311-0 Ai* ret o I **; I~~~~~~~Pge11 f1 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 84 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 85 of 463 ITS 3.1.7 ITS (11 314 um~rriNG coNDToms FoRt opEnrAIO AmD sIYVuLACz REQuRMENTS 314.1 REACT1VrTYVONTROL SYSTIMS LCO 3.1.7 All shutdown and control god poiton indicatr chanacs and ibe demand klsain indication APULECAUM: MODES I and 2.


1. Determine fthposition of Ike non-Indicating rnd -a=q bYtdim ovable oursa~e~(

ueco-Idicain rod which eceeds 24 steps in one direction sinc, the hat demnomof fte Mods positon or

b. Wltb lamxi= orRBLE eiiha.

that the mos withidraw rod and the lea withdraw rod of fthbank are within irc a maxim of dhe allowed rod misullnmcm of each other, at Ilost once per a hoams, oroeqat


!~f I how Adpoosed ACTION BL.

4.I.32 rodpositon Idicaor shal be determivid to be 0 BLSby erifyin fth poptondlaun deman terodpomtion iodicator Qw $St witbin te Wfowed rod misdhigm at#kt e 12 houns excpt during time b the Rod PositionM2 whoau DeWISIN MOn1 itra I. thencompsruthedmn indication rysmn and the rod position hko Indatrat s on"s per 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />..

Adpoosed SR COO1KNUCLZaR PLANT-UNI 2 Ng. 3/14 1 A24M21, Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 85 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 86 of 463 SURVEJIJLANCL REQ~UIREMENTS 3/4 LMUTING CONDITONS FOR OPER.ATON AND 314.1 REACT1IVTIy CONTROL SYSITMS This Page hundetonally Blank AEDET~ P 4 9 Page 314 1-22 COOK WUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 86 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 87 of 463 ITS 3.1.4 ITS ~I REAMTVITYCIRO tl LIMTI gCWITIC IU FoR oPE ow SR3I1.4.3 The Individual full longth(b~ n ri~d drop time from the fully withdravs poultion a Spcc ed in ts~ COLRl shall be loes than or equal to 2.7 seconds frpm beginning of decay of ary gripper collf icue voltage to d&Abpot entry witht

a. rater than of equal to psn .an
b. All Coaster coolant pumps operating.

MUM=&Lt~f: NODES I Alm 2 Vitlh the ar tieof VWy full. to ld detoiniotd to 63a the above Un~itA.

restore red"' DoPtmtun v theabv limit prs

  • roeeig to SR The. red drop times of full lens th rosshall be demonstrated through measurement triel to losn luIPP 3 cicl
a. for all rods folloinge each removal of the reactr vessel head;
b. Fo Cifisaly affece iviual tods tall me ten ~on.n ormdf ate to the control driveW system ihoudaffect te o ieof those ap fitte rods. and
e. At eas"t 8nce
  • mea$ e (1 MouMLUZ FLwz.- IM s/Al, gj3 NMMingo.920.

Page 12 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 87 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 88 of 463 ITS 3.1.5 ITSEIi L10811 !33DTO Mg 07I LCO 3.1.5 All shutdown rods shall be Itulted in Phyatoel LnietitL@ aa speeifL.4 in the COUL.A2 ACTION A Vith 1CMywi"O one VU pd LGaartsd be end the LnsBrtLSU lisLt puWedf.

ApplicabilIftyvt loeet-fo a he tsr: usatoso Note ti SR 4.. 1-3. 5 tech Sut~dOWS red sAlt. he. dasMUi~ to be viubta CM tashiftc~ 1lamit specified Ln the C.O11:

S. Lh 1.5 minutes PILO. /. vitbdowa~-e oi ms i1.

b A. 3, C of D.du naws-- ett~L1aLy

b. At least once per U2 hours thereafter.

Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 88 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 89 of 463 ITS 3.1.6 ITS0 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROL ROD INSERTION LIMITS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION ,sequence, and overlap liit M LCO 3.1.6 The control banks shall be limited in physical insertion as specified in the COLR.



ACTION A With the control banks inserted beyond the insertion limits. lexcept fr Applicability~ srveillance testing pursuant to Specification 4.1.3.lf.2;I either:

Note I d rpsdRqie cin .11adA .

ACTION A a. Restore the control banks to within the limits within two hours, orI

b. Re eTERMAL POWER within /wo hours to less taor equal to fation of RATED THE L POWER which is alwd by the gupoition using the s~ertion limits speci edin the COLR, or Adrposed ACTIOB ACTION C C. Be in at les lb-' within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.


SR 3A.6.2 The position of each control bank shall be determined to be Adroposed SR 3.1.633.

  • See -- ectial-Test Zgccptions 3. .- and 3.10.31 Appicability #With Keff greater than or equal to 1.0.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 1-25 AMENDMENT NO. 82,107,122 Page 4 of 7 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 89 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 90 of 463 ITS 3.1.6 This page intntai~onally left blan~k.

COOK NUXtEAJMILAsT r .Tt 2 3/4, 1.26 AWEJMU!T NO. 122 Page 5 of 7 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 90 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 91 of 463 ITS 3.1.6 D.C. COOK- mmZ 2 3/A 1.27 AHEMMOT W. 82 Page 6 of 7 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 91 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 92 of 463 ITS 3.2.3 ITS GI 9;&Lm VRMEH'l0 LAB)'

LCO 3.2.3.a 3 AdAOG-td hhA3U TW= DVMuw

  1. ~h (AID) chil be maLaulnud vLth1.

tagtbaud about ath uut fl= d~aenes. the wthre bnZLs spiku.i LCO 3.2.3.b a) posed LCvOd3d Wih tb) Udaeo &a=ue *13 416 VVYU bsu out of tui o taret

&an astaxsgt bea dtoarentha 1d bad vbo penlt ACTION CA1tte4rute3~O ~ ~ Adpooe L Indicated An to w~~~~~~~~thCondtionC Noe M.

1)d Uatsa 5.~aor 1 aut~ h at pcE14 ACTON3.3Nte4 11at.1ame to t lowe:mZamg oaEauthe u,s T vitUMhi01andh hatseiie of

.te001 ol

% ouxa lopel.nybeaanlts ihte I uu 3.2.3.bCL LCO ) M *MMIX M$7 9/utiu AFZc30tdX97ZZ 3- of~~ ~ ~ ~~~Pae6 f1 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 92 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 93 of 463 ITS 3.2.3 ITS D

&Mm. (ceatunie4)

b. PMUObeau *Im mt9be04&sabe901 . 0.9 u AIL

( Ii Lo less) et SAI TUOAL 9'OV vale th* UALGetod A"l £ vLcb the inue e ACTIOS 1.8) 3 *obey baa be"u

.matt Led.A.

to POWU ahall. me luerseam abov S *f3A IIALWA

~mla doe LOUG Anl ba See been uLde of dhe tarp:

b fr Mfg thea I pnolty ieflawle daeuula OAe Wmeu24 hears.

SR TMe UMLestod AXl= FMU OZI'WC ohait b* dleter"ed to be vltht Ls lIRdcS Awtug toU OUA-U@S obeyM III Of SAM. TIMERML IWM by'.

a. NUiters doe Lou~tedn felt Ie ach 01MUAL MwAts ebml:

b.Realtr. IAgandI lobh.Uo sae EA fuie is Aeb0 emte pehn bow S eIt pern firstc tsf I fres:ai AXAL MIUCItheAt4 Cs e 1 Lst~at it The lMgebe attn Awl she tucare eNW "ise of.e 24 b~~~~vs tPag of 4" 7 f1 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 93 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 94 of 463 ITS 3.2.3 ITS POMf -DU~I[MLMOt LIMTS (Conttvmad)

Note I A.2 - 2 The indicated shtall be constdara outsida of its targe%band whnat least 2 of . or 2 of 3 0122A11 encere are indicating the Isaal LCO 3.2.3 to be outaide. the ta it band. ?enOAlty outside of fth target DYB~U Notes 2 and 3 b ukallUbeaciamulted on a t 'basis of:

a. A penality diviation of ome mintute for each one smiure of MMU LCO 3.2.3 OVATION outside of the target band at ?IIWIA ?MMU levels equal Note 2 to or above 50e of aATUD THUMAL MM.E and LCO 3.2.3 b. A penalty deviation of en* balI minute tot each en. minute of Note 3 OVlATION3 outside of the target band -at THWIAL PM11 levitt YOM~1111 Note 3 ~~bomveL 2.3w And S0t of RATED TMU L 10111.

SR 4.2 .1.3 The target axial flux difference for the CIDAIL enore thaute1..

SR The axial flux difference target band about the target axial fMm differened shall be deverainied in cojntnwihN as t COOK~ .MCLEAR PLAYT - MM? 2 3/4 243 AENMh(ENT IV. 82.122 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 94 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 95 of 463 ITS 3.2.3 ITSo This page Lftatentlemlly l.Sft blank.

1 ICOO0K =CLAR ?Z&%.T VT 2 3/4. 2.4 JAHZIP!E* 1. 44,107,212.

Page 9 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 95 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 96 of 463 ITS 3.2.1 ITS EI

-OUR DIMSIUTION UNITS BTLoJITN MT-OITWM VOUATOF (2) shall be within the limits specified in the COLR LCO 3.2.1 3.2.2 F0 (Z) shall alimite6 by the te ii r elationohipa:

FQCZ) C7Fl/O5 II )J I 0.5 oa FQcm heFQ llait atM ILA IUALPamspectfedLathe COIK o F( sthe measured hot channel factor Includ nga 3msaanufecturiiig ral a uncertainty a St Meausuvesfit wctainty.

o ICC is the normaalized () an a function of, roe height specified APPLICABILITY: RODE 1 with FQ(Z) eo.ceedt4itsllzUt:

a. Reduce THEL'CL POWER at least It for each 1t F CZ) exceeds the limit prottee4for up to a total of 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />s: aubsequant POWER OP 0AIOmAY ACTION A proseed irovided the Overpower AT Trip Satpointut have been reduced at
b. I eA-nL-fy1n4 correct the cause of the out of limit condition prior to.

ftCr@831fl5 THMUL'II POUER above the reduced limit required by a. above:.

THEILMAL POVEP may then be increased provided 7T4(2) is Geuonstr4ted through meana sappinS to be within its limit.

I ~~~~~~~~~Add proposedACINC( )


  • UINT 2 3/6. 2.5 AMENDMUET HO. 82,122 Page 7 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 96 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 97 of 463 ITS 3.2.1 ITS rovtuOuO of pe-Lfcacton. 4.0.4 us lu).(i I SR 3~2 11 6... ( Z) shall be deteuulrad to be witbjn LtsWi 1SA m t.Sebof MMfl TIIUL i Cood:£l; to tb, tfollovt-- aehouls:

2LIC66" of;I of 4.2.6.X. ~~~~~~~~~~Frequency including I.DC. COOK =IT 2 3/4 2.£ CJgo~?.82 Page 8 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 97 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 98 of 463 ITS 3.2.1 ITS I PAMS Z W~~~~~HS tOZALY LMf SLA.'3

  • C. COOK - MUT 2 3/4 2.7 , MZmIDHT NO. 82 Page 9 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 98 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 99 of 463 ITS 3.2.1 ITS

-...L page Lincentionally left blank.

COOK NUCLE AR LANT? L."&I1T 2 3,4 2-8  ?.48,122

&KE~DHEMN0 Page 10 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 99 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 100 of 463 ITS 3.2.1 ITS D This page LincencLoinaly left blank.

COOK MUCILEAR !"NT -rt..%': 2 3/4 2'5(&) A6DflMENT No. 82,122 Page 11 ofl14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 100 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 101 of 463 ITS 3.2.1 ITS D ThLs page Lnu.rn5.onMly loft blank.

COOK 0XYC LE PIW -L.: 2 LA T 3/4 2.3(b) AWD1{L'T NO.48.122 Page 12 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 101 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 102 of 463 ITS 3.2.2 LCO 3.2.2 A~ shall be rods by thm fe owiftg rolatioeshl teS3S Lu th C IAL2t a RATW THIRIMAL sp0111u4d in the CO~iMI toML thu ews VQVt t WAltiplie: Es:9 op"U~ted,. in the co~lA "JLth exUgating itsUi t Conditio Required Actions a. Reduce LAL 1OWB to lose thant SOS of PAM DIMUNIAL MMW & WitiA AA and A.3bhaus and reduce the ouevt Rang;* M.eatron Illux-HLgh Trip e m unt to AlA.3and I'los than or equal to 550 of IIAMZ THERMAL MMU iti hours.

Required Action A.2 b .{ ~.10or.utrates *r %jr iL ]that r,, :awithn i li MM o wivthinLt 2' hauas a tO! oxueming th limit a TDAL"Ut ACTION B -1.035. than Stof RATIO THERMAL MMVE vithin the sealt a, am6 Required Action A.4 C. entLif correct the #u o h u-aAM 1ltt

?LA' ingress:2A u. 1.9 seqen OP111 May~K 50~o.812 provided ihar. r. La be Vit Pae 3 Of Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 102 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 103 of 463 ITS 3.2.2 ITS SR &.2toa beb.vithi its I~b~a C. !Wi~tW~S of TS CSL rAtlft a.. gfirno 4b.

VA-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pg 4off Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 103 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 104 of 463 ITS 3.2.2 L C- COOK - V= 2 3/& 2.11 AMOMMT PO0.82 Page 5 of 6 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 104 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 105 of 463 ITS 3.2.2 ITS Page 6 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 105 of 463


ACTION A, a Vtth the QUADRANTr POWER TILT RATIO determined tO Wmced 1.02 ACTION B but l .09:

1. Within 2hours:

bi Reduce THEMIAL POWER ait least 31 from RATED THERMAL.

POWER for each 1%of indicated QUADRANT POME TILT 21 01,11tht the QUADRAT OERTILT PATIO I VitIM i ts' igh vihn s fr exceeding thel mIt or reduce THE lQ~osettan 5OZ of RATED POWER Vtt th et2hours aw reduce th" a Rang Kea a Flmai.1t~h Trip etpoints to 455% fRTD ~ Add proposed)

TN PWER within anext 4 IbtSr equre Actions A.2, 1.

3, Id ti, anid correct e caus e of the ou of iymit con- A.3,AA., A.6, di of prior to InCr4. Sinai 'IERMA POWER subsequent POWlE A.6, and OP TION above 0%:I RATED THERMAL F may proceed ATO p ided that the RATPOWER TILT 0tsverified wtin Its limit at east once per hour for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or Il verified acce ble at 95% or g ter RATED TEMOM ACTION A, b.*With the QUADAN POWER TILT RATIO determined to exceed 1,09 ACTION B due to misaligfment of either a shutdown or control vo4:-

1. Reduce THERMAL POWER at least 3%from RATED THERMA POWER

'for each l% of indicat d RN-T POWER TILT RATIO In excess of 1.0, withifl3n e 2or "Addproposed

2. VpAry Inr.~the QUD TPOWER TILT RAZI is within it. ReqireActionS,A.2an wMit within 2 boa aer exceedinah liA3,.4A.,A6,or1. ACTION B

~See SaUMT est Eco4ii102 A2

0. C. COOK - UNIT 2 3/4 2-13 Ainndment ::1o. to Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 106 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 107 of 463 ITS 3.2.4 ITS POWER DISIRIBUTION ACTION: (Continued) redu THERMAL POWER toms&than 50V f R TH IL POWE within the next 2 Wus and reduc t owrRange Nieu ft Flux-High trp etpolnts to cS~I AE 11H POVER within nx 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

3. id tif and correc a cause of te Otof lmit con-di o prior to incr sing TOEMAL KWER subsequent POWMR1.

0 RAIM~ above 50% RATED THERML ayproceed p ided that the QU POWER TIL 0s verified thin Its limit at eat prnce per hor Iot1hours or iitil verified acc tabl at 95% or rtt RAME THERMAL ACTION A. c. Ith the QUARAfNT POWER TILT RATIO determitned to exceed I 09r ACTION B due to causes other than the misalfaigmnt of either a stut-doam or control rodt

1. Redus THERML POWER to fiss than SO%of THRL POWE within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> a reduce the Powe .ag eton t us tgh Trip Setpoin to -%66 of RAE HRA.POWER vi a the next 4hou ddpose Adduprosed
2. Id ify and correct a cause of the of imtit con- ReqtiredA, .

di Ion prior to Incr sing IIdEKP P *stibsequent pNgEg Action AA,A.2.

0 flOW aboye P0AYE IT4Mf W' prce A.6. and A5 dda that tePVAR TILT Tis verAifianed.

itin Its l imt at least once per boa for hours or ATO WIti verified at 9 or greater RTDTEMLPOWER.

SURVEILLANCE REggIR~iENTS SR 4.2.4 Thi qUADRANT POER TILT RAITID Shb11 be determtUe4 tO be Within the Iliatt ebb,. StS of PAYED THEXKA POWER by:

A,rimatn th ratioates I tone er 7 s VA alarm te ERABLE.

b. Ca atu stingsttheonce ratio per 12, our uring steady ~ ~ ~ 1.
b. alatin Ca the r tio ates nepr1 .hu uigsed I te operation when t larm is inoperabe SR c, Using the movable incore detectors to confirms that the power

-distribution Is consistent with the indicated QUADRAII POWER TILT RATIO at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> when one Power Range Channel is inoperable and THERMAL POWER is v, 75 tercent of RATED THERM1AL POWER,

0. C. COOK UIlT 2 3(4 2'.14 Anendment No. 10 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 107 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 108 of 463 ITS 3.4.1 ITS 31 MMD TASUEN0UMU MAWANTD LCO 3.4.1 32.85 The 96ellew11 MIM ulested pazMtaru shall be MeIGstaelue within the C&IMeLAS eperatiel lediate Ilmit.

1. Rsanter Ceelam:1111ta SYS 2.'1resaowLset fteaaue "M tat ia" z to IaoM h CL
3. Restets C"Ieel Slatee @rsater theane equal to 38,600 s***

Total noew &ate ii peiidi "b. ~ cea:GetrUa rL.

AG;l'e faar hno A.olat2ls ACTION A 11hayo baeep totts Gostsilag lu liit. restare theu tm ACTION B e ADHDA.NUvhathe iise:abw SR 3.4,1.1, 4..3..1 seaf of tte amey pwaneuu abwl be verifed to be withe doeit SR, J.lmiu~ at leset emeeper U boars.

SR 3,4.1.3 ----------- ~dpooe As tastees wse te zuis go "tat glew elalbe"~ I SoR3.4.1.4 Not SR 3.4,1.4 the ac tetel flew !ts ml -* precision heatblneL.

Applicability Of~SAM 111011 per slats ewea 2 ia. SWuftepi amesa ef Note 16%of u CocK WCLUI HAMw

  • Wt? a J/A 145 M owo w A,1134 Page 3 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 108 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 109 of 463 ITS 3.4.1 ThAU Mae istndeutolly left blaah, 1U corw 3CUULzAn v. ?2 3/2.15 hlmtTUD ,

947134 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 109 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 110 of 463 ITS 3.4.1 Wha pqs Iusmtetimlly laft blh..

CM maw nm

  • Mt 3/43.17 MmUG9.1 Page 5 of 6 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 110 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 111 of 463 ITS 3.4.1 This page intestinally left blank.

COO= UUoe -l auW 2 L V WA 3/4 2.13 mmuz 00024*7. 134 Page 6 of 6 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 111 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 112 of 463 ITS 3.2.1 ITS 314 LEMINflG CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLNCE REQIMnffNT

,3/4.2 roWEDIoIm7F LVMIT LI -IGCONDMTON FOR,OPERTO LCO 3.21 3.26 LOWBIWMbyteM =beV 9 oeW a CFQ teFq imoit at RATED WE secfied infthCOULI thenom~ F,(.Z) as aimt ocorehf~tpecifiedinthie oF Is t hctd batchaumuact 1cuig3% tochin uncertbAiy and a a i)s The ftionupecfed intke L.

o I100[eccpt when uccessve steady-state power dwstRlbtion imaps indcate au inceas in mu over Z of v(i~thepsue K(Z)

Note to 'Tbhnfl= f thepexialties, Fp, "b uakew SR3.2.1.2 ~~Fr - burnupd depwc paialty socifiled inthe COLR or Fp - 1.00 providedtbat Surveace=Requremcnt is aaisfied epcpr 7 Eneive FuU Power Days untio b muccessive ziMps th~iat toe zz over Z of Ka(_) s noat APP ~ :MODE 1 COOK NUCULAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Fags 3/4 2-19 AMMNM M W AA 434,IPO, 233 Page 13 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 112 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 113 of 463 ITS 3.2.1 ITS(I



ACTO: oursL3 ACTION B PP_____to_ _A _or___I___ ALth M_

Prceed for upto a total of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> subseqcuet POWER OPERATION may proced povided the O Aroe T

Trip Setpoints have been reduced the same!percentagewicI Adpooed ACTIONC SR ~ t~bdeftemdindb measiueinen4 n-om *3;on wth t flux cijif ne and taiet e~;~ Liv Ki schedule-

a. TIUpn achimvig equiflbrium conditions after exceeding by 10% or more of RATED 2 or THERMAL POWER, the THERMAL POWER at whichL~Jwas last detemied.or )
b. AtlIast once per 31 effetie fil power days, whichever occr -- rA.4 SR Drgpoeesaation. at the beginning of each cycle, the design target may be used unti a power level Note 1 for exended operation has been achieved.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 2-20 AMENDMENT 83,44w, 233 Page 14 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 113 of 463


Wit APL less than. THERMAL POWER, reduce TBERMAL POWER to APL or less of RATED THERMAL POWER within 15 minutes. Then reduce the Power Range Neutron Flux-High Trip Setpoiits by the same percentage whicb APL is below RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />; POWER OPERATION may proceed for up to a tota of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />; subsequent POWER OPERATION may proceed provided the Overpower, T See ITS Trip Setpoints have been reduced the same percentage which AFL is below RATED ThERMAL POWER. 3.2.1J SURVEIILLANCE )REOU~RENRTSI The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable. APL shall be determined by measurement in conjunction with the target flux difference and taget band determination* above IS% -of RATED THERMAL POWER, according to the following schedule:

SR, a. IUpo3 c'hieving equfihrimi conalons after exceeding by K. or more of RATED SR POWER, the POWER at which was last detmmnined**, or

b. Atleast once per 31efibetive fuipowerd P *cl-oc ~~rt.Oce Wthin 31EFPD after each refueling-threafterL.

Ancan. beedefined by!E!Rneasu the Wgtaxa flux I Sere 32.RS SR ** During power escalation at the beginnig of each cycle, the design target may be used until a power level Note for extended operation has been acbieved.

COOKNUCLEAR PLANT,.UNIT 2 JPage 3/4 2-20 AMENDMCENT 82, I07, 233 Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 114 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 115 of 463 (III) 3.3.1


.1I4;3 U;STIMENTATJON 1I4.3.1 R9ACTORtRIP YSTEM WNTR MET IO JJMbINg CONDITON FOP, OPERATION LCO 3.3.1 As aminimum, the reacror trip systemin uinaochianniels and interlocksof Table 3.3-1 shall be OPERABL.E,*

APPICABILlTY: As shown In Table 3.3-1..


As shown in Table 3.341.

Dro oed ACTIONS Note

-440~~~~~~d ()

SR Table Ewrachmor trip system instru taielon channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE b h 92 days o Note pformance of the CHANNEL CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION and CHN STAGGERE SR3..1.5 -Te lo or the interlocks shallbe demonstrate OPERABLE nror to emn adr tamru en L SR, SR, -P-ER-ABLE at lcmt once per nlsd'CANLCALIBRATION tesn' of eah SR channel affected by nterlockoprtn. 2 SR The REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM RESPONSE TIM of reactor trip lnion. s all SR3.3.1.19 Neutrodemectoratedtbex wddIfsrom iaetuneaestioncpe.RposioF~bthest nushgall atleas Note ofi~~~~~he zdnachannels utor uc inmauefrmeetr firaelctionlc rciannte'Ttl.

COOK NUCLEA PLANT-UNI 2 Page 3)4 341 AMENIIMWN 7, 7., 43, 4$ 187 Page 21 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 115 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 116 of 463 ITS 3.3.8 314 .LIfMrNG CONDITONS FOR OPERATION AND sURVEILLANCE REQUIRENIEN 3/43 INSTRMENTFATnON LCO 3.3.8 As aminimum, the reacortrip system instrwnentation channels and interlocksof Table 3.3-1sal As shown in Table 3.3-1.

SURVEILLANCE REQUTREMENTS SR, Each reactor trip system instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE b the.

SR Deibmgmof te CHANNEL CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION Iand CANN 4.3.1i.1.2 The logic for the interlocks shall. be devionstrated OPERABLE prior to each reactor startup une See ITS .

performed during the preceding 92 days. The total interlock. function shall be demtonstrated 3.3.1 OPERALE at leat once per 18 months during CtHANNEL CALIBRATION testing of each cha= nelafected by interlock operation. REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM ~SO SE TIME of each rct trip funtion shal be rnonstraed to be within Its tles once per 18 months. Ectest shall Include at least oelogic train such that both ogbtrains are tested at least once p36 months and one channelA4 per fimaction such that all chm6sare tested at least once every tmes 18 months where N Es the total number of reudn ian a specifiereacrrtri to as shown inthe 'Total No. of Channels' ounorbe .- I.'I

  • Neutro etectors are exempt from Mepog in testing. Response time oxe neutron flux signtal portion

-of: channel shall be measured frgdetector onutru or Input of fig! ectronlc compnent in chiannel.A4 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT' 2 Page 3/4 3-1 AMENDMENT 78, 9q, 431, 488 187' Page 6 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 116 of 463

ITS Table 3.3.1 -1 R PO

~a ~ pmum je Nm2ua o 12 B, ,x

.a3. Pont RmvpN1W.2I sigh Pbskdve Rdt.

3.b 4. ?amcRS ?juua. Flux42 ,

RIOh Neguf PUNM 4 5. 2 1 2 3 E, Fe,

.4 5 6. SOO=ce9geNM Ma~u No A. StaRwI:.V 2* 2Nte 4GlQ See ITS

-Mm 3.3.89 6

6 7. OeAT4 2D (D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DA , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 117 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 117 of 463 I '

ITS MmdRit-9 2 1. 2 1,ad' 11 eIT 1.

2 P u' g,1mw OFlu 423 12ux2 HMgh Posufl Rea Applicability, EA.Sta~~lup ~~~" 2 1 2 12WmI 4 3.3.1 J(N

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Ll wwnw otirNow. 2pno 2 3 1,2sd 6'
8. Ove~~~~~~~~~~~~~powez'&T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~See ITS ouLdoop Opinion 4 2 3 1.2 6' .. , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 118 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 118 of 463 0


0c38., 9. Pressurizer Pressure-Low 8.b 10. Pressurizer Pressure--fligh 42 ,26A 9 11. Preessurizer Water Level--nigh 3 27 10 12. Loss or Flow -Si I e o/lplopIn oo B) an or a

~~~~~~~~~~~~~opera-10 13. Loss of Flow 4wo\ Leo 3/loop 2/loop n oc 117 Footnote (e) (Above P-7 two ope -a op r Yl14 1.4. Steam Generator Wa'ter AO 3/loop, 2/loop, In oo i 1 Level-Low-Low, any opera- cope a g1 loop t lo 2 15 15. fteam/Feedwater Flow 2/loop eve 1/ p-level lopevl1 2 D Mismatch and Low Steam and coin dent and Generator Water Level 2/loop-fl W 2/loop-flow mismatch in hoop-, Ism o

[same loop mIsmatch oo,0p-level same loop d , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 119 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 119 of 463 (D



Undervoltage-Reactor Coolant 4-1/bus 2 Pumps 13 17. Underfrequency-Reactor41bu2 Coolant Pumps IS. Turbinc Trip 16.a A. Low Fluid OllPressure 3 2D 16.b B. Turbine Stop Valve44 closure 17 19. Safety InjectionlInput from 2 1 2 1,2 1 J,P ESF 11 ~~~20.Reactor Coolant Pump Breaker Position Trip Footnote (e) Above P-7 1/breakc 2 I/breakerp 11 D 1 9, 21. Reactor Trip Breakers2 ,

20 3*, 4*, 5* 4 BQ 21 22. Automatic Trip ogc 231,2I J5*

3*,5 4. 14 B,Qa COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 3-4 AMENDMENT 86, 40, 427, M~, 260 Page 24 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 120 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 121 of 463 ITS 3.3.1 ITS Footnote (d) oWta er tordit miat b eee cisoeP ACTION SbhTMUNTS Add proposed Required Action J.1 ACTION J ACTION I. - With the number of charnnelsa OPERALE o=e 'e than required by ACTION P Ap wnai aie-1;i NOT STAM~BY ACTION J Note wihn Huslowlr one channel miay be, bypassed for up to 1.hizura formsurveillance testing PER Specification 4:

ACTIONS C ACTI:ON 2 -With the number of OPEEAML channelp one loes thani the Total and D Number of channels, STARTUJP and/or POWER OPERATION may proceed provided the following conditions are satisfied:

Required Actions CA1 a. The inoperable channel is placed in the tripped condition and D.1 within S hours.4 ACTIONS C and D b. The minimum, Channels OPEMALE requirement is met -loweve Note the Inoperable channel may be bypassed for up to ousfor suzveilllence testing of the other channels per Specification least oc per 12.2ours per Secification 4.2.4.c.

%drpsdACTION P ACTION E ACTON 2 -With thre anuber of' chamnnels OPERABLE one less thin required by tOhe Mlevels ChneeOMM eurm)tadwt h IRA the73 HIrde hneveP I srqurmntadwihte NRA D. C. COOK 'MIT 2 3/4 3-5 AMMDMENT NO.4 236 Page 25 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 121 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 122 of 463 ITS 3.3.1 ITS 3/4 LiMTNVG COMM~ONS FOR OPERAI!ON AND SURVELANC E REQU~IDRTS TABLE 3.-1 4odmd Function 4A.mwKMRatueol to=toocesg Adprpsdelue Applicability _________________________________Actions______E.___I___ and________

ACTION E ~~~b. -AboveY4 but below 5%ofR THMAPOE, tenorbl ACTION TIO 4E Wihatenumbe tof hhOEAL n e.ta eurdb thERABLEmibov Ch5ml Function 5 b.~~A[Add AdroosdACIO Aiue preoposey A~ON45 -Wih the number of chanels OPERtABLE one Iet= t1haqireqed by the Minimum Channes OPERABLE requireie nd vt teEmA OERlvl oe eLrq cl2'.,01 M2 ACTIONS G, 1,Q -fddairnmsereq3uired by Specifiton M .1E2.Belb.2p (MDSdc 04)forMODEI+/-7.4b.2 6`

8ate frowm teRWT, hperabidc teboononeaonn thEBE ad RWor to vecrertaslth Function 5 f(MODE proanosed MIT Applicability b..~ Abov3.11. am w onithn1hu n tles abye npl E e 2hur hratr

c. Clos theisat4 o valves fopraoivorated pwatver sorces toyhchmialg a = dddvmn cofto wfth systerm, MOD 5,rIf theccoWST RhoT. toinde in cacetRWrslogma ess tha fth mmmreuedby Specification 3.1+/-7b.

laleth2RS (MOmDESreacor.4cooln 3ysI.Vwithi STARTUPe d/or PsoWERio vav oPrATIONwte tom thead vl= mo NUCEAR PLAt-U. iTi 2 COOK m Inp MODE 5,I mR3-6matntai sIci0n re=colat ystm ed ewd= iebooncacenrai mwcocetraio Pagqded2 f3 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 122 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 123 of 463 ITS 3.3.8 ITS 314 LIMITIG CONDMONS FOR OPERATI7ON AND SURVE[LINCE REQUIREMEM Y4.3 INSTRUYh1ENrA71ON TABLE 3.3-1 (CotInued

a. Below P-6, ristore fthioperable chann to OPEFLABLE statu prior to Icest THERMAL POWER above the P.6 Setpolnr.

b.' Above P-6 but below 5%of RATED THERMAL POER esoe the Inoeable channe to OPERABLE staus, prior to hnceaing THERMAL POWER above 5% of rSeR RATED TEMIMAL POWER L ~~~~~~~~~~~~

c. Aiove 5%of RATED THERMAL POWER. POWER OPERATION may continue ACTIQN4 With Ite number of channels. OPERABLE one less than required by the WMiimum, Channels OPERABLE requiremeat and vidi tbe THERMAL POWER level:
a. Below M-,restor de Wnoerble d=Wme to OPEAL status prior to trcesing THERMAL POWER above the P-6 Sepit
b. Abov P-6, opEration may continue.

ACTION A ACTION S -Withdthwnuber of canel OPERABLE oneless ha rqirecby theMinmum CM~hae OPERABLE ~ Add prposed Note I to Required Action A.1 a mmaI&diey xuspend op ations I yolng posftive mectiviy d3351ges eZW~t *ddiio qult water from die RWST poie fte boro toncentaton in thanWS inininnmi ifi~tou .1.2.8.b.2 (MODES 3 or.4)or 3.1.2..7..2"required limit A 1b. Vk* ~ HUD 3.1.1 R...

or 3a.lj,1 gLcable wihbin I hoer and atileast aew per 12 bours fiereadter. an

c. Clos the Isolation valve fts umborate wate w=t It fr 4iii LAd.3 n I hour. In MODE 5, fte RWST boron cotientmon Is kcm tha thm wr~ithijw reato s~stM arnon wdE =than bMoron reqire lmitL Ib Sec~akm31+/-7.b4 .1aolat fth RWST tm ecsorwihinu ACTION 6 W-Witb the number of OPERABIS dmchanl one learn tha n e Tota Number of Channes, S'ARTUlP and/or POWER OPERAniON may proceed provided fthfafUwlq CoCphiriaar

. The inoperable channel, I placd In fte uipped condition within I bour.

b. The Minim Channels OERABLE requirmen is met; however, the inoperable CHANNEL maybe bypassed, for up to 2 boin for surveiace testlng of fthotheree-M cbsannes parSpecificadmw4.3.1.11 3ee3.1 ACTION 7 With the number of OPERABLE channl cm less than dhe Total Number of Channes, STARTUP andor POWER OPERATION may proceed =mtiperformanc of the neM required CHANNELFUNCTIONAL TEST provided the kioperable chane Isplacd hinthe Vipped conditon wit In1bowr.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UMT 2 Page 314 3- MEDEW S 1 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 123 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 124 of 463 ITS 3.3.1 ITS(D 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3V4.3 INSTRUMENTATION ACTION D ACTION 1II With less than the Minimum Number of Channels OPERABLE, operation may continu ACTION B ACTI[ON 12 - With the number of channel OPERABLE one less than required by the Mnimum Channel ACTION P PRBEruiee etr the noperal nel to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> ACTION 06ho r f 7aorti ACTION M ACTION 13 - With one of the diverse trip features (Undervoltage or shn trpatcmn)inoperable, restore Lit s OPERBI . statin within 49 hpumrslo declare the breaker inoprable and !appl ACTION ACTION P Ii. Tebakrshall notb assed while one of the diverse trip fe as is inoperable excep ACTION B ACTION 14 With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE ACTION B requirement, restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> orI&dbiflI E ACTION~0 ~ ~ ratd rpbrae iti h nx or -d rpsdReuired Acfons 0.1 and 0.2 ACACTION CTO 5 - With the number of OPERABLE Reactor Trip Breaker channels one less than required by the Mfinimum Channels OPERABLE requirement for reasons other than an inoperable diverse trip ACTION P the ino erable channel to OPERABLE status within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />so-rbe in HOT Mg~~~~~~~re TADYwithin the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> ne channel may be bypassed for up to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for ACTION K Note testing per Specification 4.3. 1.1.1, provided the other channel is OPERABLE.

[reilance DESIGNATONCONDITION AND SETPOIN Table 3.3.1-1 P-6 With 2o Intermedlate Ppee odftsthe Function 18.atrnl a COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 3-7 AMENDMENT 86,47, 260 Page 27 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 124 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 125 of 463 ITS 3.3.1 ITS Table 3.3.1-1 1. gth A ?over sm1oa17we:: oet Functions mII

. AIl lit of XTED th uwnta blockelof'

`18.b, 18.d, or1. 2 sour V: z: tri 18.e before, nire: steagf Iin s t

1. *c.40t,1PLieu gfdTlga 1 t a fn Table 3.3.1-1 P.10 With 2_ 1 P.over UA woutrou I. rv o e:

Function 18.c It P1 of RATED 1nthm the&i;lo!

TIMIMAL P=:rs lve.It

~.~LER~rUt1Z 5/3S M~D~?1.4.4, 7

.-------- Page-28-of-39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 125 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 126 of 463 ITS 3.3.1 3/4 .*LIaMITrNCONDMOTIFN OR olpRATON AMD SURVEILLANCB RdD4TsW 314.3 V I~iUMEmnTAIoN Table ItnoniyDeleted COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNrF 2 Page 3/4 3-4 AMENMMM a2,41,434, 443, 187 Page 29 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 126 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 127 of 463 ITS 3.3.1 314 .. MCONDOtSR OP~ATON AD S 1VIXUANCE RQU3MFn(I 314.3 ~~MENWATVON N~

TAML 3.3.2 LQM(CMniud Table JnetoayDelete COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UMrr2 fPag 314 3-10 AMENMENT 434, 187 Page 30 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 127 of 463

Table 3.3.1-1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R3..


1. Manual Reactor Trip B nerota1 Trip FUR tion I 1ecie NA. NJ.L0 1 1,2.3' 45' 2.a, 2. Power Range, Neutron Flux M.3.5 6. PowereRange, Neutron Flux, ihPstv Ratoed SA 1 1q1)nS~1 (7,() ad 1

7 8.Overpowe. NetrnFu S -1)-5S 1, 8dy 6 7. Overtemperature AT S 1 * ) -15 SA-ID1 .

8.a 9. Pressurizer Pressure - Low SA1 l 10 9 11. Pressurizer Water L4evel - High S A.3 M15 SA 1 1 0 12. P I Loss oflo gle pAiD , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 128 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 128 of 463 CD 0


ITS o 4.3-1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TABLE 0


~ ~~~1. hip Manual IRea-ctor A. Shunt Trip Function N.A. N.A. SfJU1)(10) 1, 2,3' 4', 5' I B. Undervoftage Trip Function N.A. N.A. SIU(I)(lO) 1, 2,3', 4, 5'

2. Power Range, Neutron Flux S 1)(2,R), M(3,8), Q and S/U(1) 1,2 and' IseIT and Q(6,8) Se3e3I1S
3. Power Range, Ncutron Flux. High Positive Rate N.A. R(6) Q 1,2
4. Power Range, Neutron Flux, High Negative Rate N.A. R(6) Q 1,2
5. Intermnediate Range, Neutron Flux S R(6,8) S111(17) 1,2, and' _ See ITS SR, 4' -3.3.19 4 SR, 6. Source Range, Neutron Flux 5 -1d:5 gw Applicability 7. Overernmtur AT S R(9) SA 1,2 - 4 months ( i)
8. Overpower AT S R(9) SA 1,2
9. Pressurizer Pressure -Low S R SA 1,2 L M Presurizer Pressure -

~~~10. High S R SA 1,2

11. Prmsurizer Water Level -High S R SA 1,2 See ITS
12. Loss of Flow-Singlc Loop S R(8) SA I1. , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 129 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 129 of 463 (Co 0~0 o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b

ITS Table 3.3.1 -14.IR33. ,sz16 0 SR

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SR IN HC 10 13. Loss of Flow N 14 14. Steam Generator Water Level - Low-Low S SA.011 15 15. Stearn/Feedwater Flow mismatch and Low Steam S -13 A Generator Water Level rd p oel 1 2 16. Undervoltage-Reactor Coolant Pumps N-A. 1 13 17. Underfrequency-Reactor Coolant pumps NA.-1

18. Turbine Trip Jd rpsdS ... 3Nt 1 16.a A. Low Muid Oil Pressure NA 1 16.b B. TurbineftopVahrealosure N 1 1 17 19. Safety Injection Input fromPS NA. NA. 6- Q (4)(15) -1 1, 11 20. Reactor Coolant Pump Breaker Position Trip NA.2 orh NA. 24uns -17 N 19 21. Reator Trip Breaker 19, 20 A. hunt rip Function N.A. N.A. 4.. 2Mbths(5)1 d_ 1,2,3', 4',5 19, 20 ~B. Undervoltage Trip FunctionNA NA. 4- Months (5 an 1.,3.4.5 19 21 22. Automatic Trip LogicNA (5 5 1 2 ,4.5 1 9~ 23. Ieiir rpBypasBrak~e F1 (i' NA. NA. 4- 2 Mdonths 5)(12) and 123.4,5 Footnote (g) 17 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 130 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 130 of 463 CD 03 C/)

r-ft 0CA3

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 131 of 463 ITS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS 3.3.1 3/4 LIMITIG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEIILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Footnote (a wittidrawal.

SR . IntPfM inivosds SR 3.31.2 (2) - Heat balance only, above 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER. Adjust channel if absolute difference greater than 2 percent.

SR 3.3 1.3 (3) - Compare incore to excore axial offset above 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER. Recalibrate if SR (4) -

absolute difference greater than or equal to 3 percent.

Manual ESF functional input check every ~,ots 4mnh 7~

SR (5) - Each train tested at least every other 62 days.

SR 3 3.19, SR (6) - Neutron detectors may be excluded from CHANNEL CALIBRATION.

Table 3.3.1-1Functlon 5 7 - Below P-6 (BLOCK OF SOURCE RANGE REACTOR TRIP) setpoint. .

ADtlcabflity Footnote (d)'

Note 2 IorSR and kg - The rovisions of Speification 4.0.4 are not alcbe A SR SR Note 2 (9) - The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicab o dla I 7 (delt-a penatk s, orfo I(11) -TpdA N LFUNCTIONAL TES sall independently verify the OP ILITY Of the I ,~4idervoltage and shunt trip atc MaulReactor TripBreakersasoveif nutsthe rof SR (12) - - ~ nE~ror n to placing breaker in service.

SR 33.1 10 Note 2 (14) - The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable when leaving MODE 1. In such an event, the I ralibr~an anda functonal sh 11 e prformed 'jthin24 hours after leaving MODE 1.

SR, (15) - Each train tested at least every other 92 days.

SR 3.3 1.6 (16) - Not Used.

SR 117) - Ifnot 2rformed in rvos14d .(c COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 3-13 AMENDMENT6,407, 428,260 Page 33 of 39 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 131 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 132 of 463 ITS 3.3.8 ITS 3/4 LIMITING CONDITONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.3 ]INSTRUMENTATION TABLE 4.3-1 (Continued)


(1) - If not performed in previous?7 days.

(2) - Heat balance only, above 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER. Adjust channel if absolute difference greater than 2 percent. See ITS (3) - Compare incore to excore axial offset above 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER. Recalibrate if absolute difference greater than or equal to 3 percent.

(4) - Manual ESF functional input check every 18 months.

(5) - Each train tested at least every other 62 days.

Note to (6) - Neutron detectors may be excluded from CHANNEL CALIBRATION.


(8) - The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable.

(9) - The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for f, (delta I) and f2 (delta I) penalties, or for measurement of delta T. (See also Table 2.2- 1).

(10) - The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall independently verify the OPERABILITY of the undervoltage and shunt trip circuits for the Manual Reactor Trip Function. The test shall also verify the OPERABILITY of the Bypass Breaker trip circuit(s). See ITS 3.3.1J (I11) - The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall independently verify the OPERABILITY of the undervoltage and shunt trip attachments of the Reactor Trip Breakers.

(12) - Local manual shunt trip prior to placing breaker in service.

(13) - Automatic Undervoltage Trip.

(14) - The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable when leaving MODE 1. In such an event, the calibration and/or functional test shall be performed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after leaving MODE I.

(15) - Each train tested at least every other 92 days.

(16) - Not Used.

(17) - If not performed in previous 184 days.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 3-13 AMENDMENT 8, 44, 428,260 Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 132 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 133 of 463 ITS 3.3.2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS 314. LUXWflG C&OiMOM~ FOR OAtEUON AM~1 SRVmULAZCU&RQUIREMENIT 314.3 INSTRMENATION 31.32NGINEERED SAFETYRFATURE ACIU1ATION 8XITM INMTUMMNTAMIN UIMIMIGI MURMS1O POR 2MEATIO LCO 3.3.2 rhB~insi1eerdSfty Fetn Actuaon Sysem CEFAS) SnW lnzeriocbd Chinnnttladn AP=A ~~~Asshown In Table 3.343.

Ad eosd ACTIONSNt ACTIONS A a. V~t anM iWneaSi channel tip betpoint lesa conservative than the value:

through F showIn lath Allowable Values column. of Table 3.34, declare doe channe Inoperable ACTION A . ~~~b.With an ESFAS ntrmntonchannel Ioerale tabe the ACTION show in Table SR Table Eash WSAS hane shall be dntu~aLo E9 xXe Note ft CHANNEL CHECK., CHAIGIL CALIBRTIONL L and TRIP ACTUATING DEVICM OPERATIONAL TEST operaions for the MODES and at the L frequendes show In Table 4.3-2.

SR3.3.2.2!1:2 _T~h logic thetInterocks, shl be demeonstrated OPEWALE dtius the automatic SR, L. A. CAB ON tseting of sas dnannel fec'to1 by itd* L SR SR 3.3,213 ThEOMT SPT E1UM~ RESPONSE a ESA funtwon shal be on~~Io~ac W91boxictrainartsed ~36a4ta

  • oelanl Page 28 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 133 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 134 of 463 ITS 3.3.5 ITS(3 314.. LUdRMIG COWMMONS FOR OPMllA[0N AMISURVEJM4CZ REQIUmM V4II 314.3 ImmsTrUrMFrTON LCO 3.3.5 TheEctmrdSafety FeatureActuaon System FA RS~ncbi1~-

Seeueta AffUQ~mny; As show In Table 3.3-3.

ACTION A A. Writh &AWSAS nsrmtao channel trip saepolnt less conswmtlve thun the value shown In the Allowable Vauscolum of Table 334, declar fthe adane Inoperable ACTION A b. With an ESAS Instnmetation channel Inoperable, take the ACIION show In Table 3.343.

SR, E-ach E-SFAS Instumeadion dhawnl shall be deada PRBEb e "eo SR 3.3.562, the CHANNEL CHECM CHANNEL CAMRnATtoN, 9m m~~g mL SR, TRIP ACtUATING DEVCIC OPERATIONAL TEST operatio for fthMOVES and at the SR, fiteoquecs shown hIn Table 4.3.2.I SR Mhe logi for the Inerocks sh" be demontated OPERABLE daftn the autmatc madnaton lo&gictem The total Interoc functio shal be demonstated OPERABLE at le as m per iS See UrSI months durnW CHM CALMRA iigofet~chne ffc y nelc 3.3.2 EI4OINEERED SAFETY FEJtSRESPONSETA Of ESPAS fincfiou shal b 0 be wWnaI~ ewe pe 1.0 rIt.

at leasnt gteskll IncludcM ham c

oqloc trakA& thW both I9k Vdt ainrv Waedg at l i 36 midth i~d O~am ll pead .

pefntiusicthGAalal amtidatlemsomak simm8~ondzuu heeN 1ithe towa nubrOf reudn na speii LSFAS an shwn In to *ToWa No. of aaandauCohanaof~a~ 3.3-3.

COOK NUCLEAR ?LAN-UNIT2 Page 314 344 AMENMAUNT 28, 92, 43&,

0, .

Page 6 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 134 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 135 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS 3/4 .. LIMITIN CND~MONS FOR OPWMT[ON4 AM4 SU11VMUlANCZ REQUEMw=M 314.3 iNSRIMWPAT1ION LCO 3.3.6 The En&ced Safety FeatureActation System (ESPAS) See rRS

~li~fI; in"*

Asshownn.- ThableI3.3-3 ACTIONS B and C L. With an WSAS Intunettor hnne tt setpoint INS cons~em dicthn rho valve shown In the Allowable Values colauni of Table 3.3.4, decdare gme cdane inoperable

=Anapply the applicable AFnoN remiennt of Table 3.3-3 until the channel Is.

ACTIONS B and C b. With an WSAS Instrmentaion channel Inperabile, take die ACFIoN shown In Table 3.3.3.

SR Table Each WSAS nsuetaonChanel sh" be -co Note dz CHM CEK CHANNEL CALIBATION TRI ACTUA1TWO DEMiCE OPERATION4AL TEST qmowea~n for die MOVEBS and at the frequecaces shown InTable 4.342. Mel&for the Interloca shal be deosrtdOPERABLE during the automatic cato 10520 tea. MM total Inuerock functon shal be demntine~~td OPERABLE Nlast ton mer is1 See T uft CHIWELCALURM O4" seafti of each channel affme~d by Interlock cou&2 33,2 perionidonichwhat oi mcat eastouuftrN 18moNsi die COOK NUCLEAR PLAIT.UNrT 2 Page 314 3-14 AMENDM MN U3, W,4)1, 431, W.5 460, 1$7 Page 16 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 135 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 136 of 463 ITS Qi 3.3.2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS Table 3.3.2-1 __________-


1. SAFETY INJECTION, TR l~~~a ~~a. mIanuasl Initiation.........Soe. P mt~onal 'Unit 9............

1.b, b. Automlatic ActuatlolL I I. .,3 3,C I Logic 1.c C. Contatnaunt 3 21 Pressure-High 1.d 6. ressu!Sizer 3 2 1 $3 Pressure -Lov I~~e.(2)e.Differenttal Pcesusire I .e.(2) IBetween&Steam Lines-High Operatpng team ate 2in 2perati l~~e~l) f. S~~OaraLinge Pressure-n Three LOoPs 1oporaturn 2/ resr 3e 1 Opers. stingne pa ue operating i n loop L~ any sperat ine .

o crtins op

f. Steam

~ Une Pr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ age29rf 5 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 136 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 137 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 ITS Table 3.3.2-1 9110ugbI BMT nFATP AC ON sTE IN AIO 2.b b~.


COOIKNIUC=A IUT 2/4 gm aE~ 5416 N.

usw U, 137 Page 30 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 137 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 138 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 ITS 3/4 LE~iTING CONDITONS FOR OPERATON AND SURVEIIlANCE REQUIREMOENUI 3/4.3 INSTRUMIENTATION Table 3.3.2-1 TABLE 3.3-3 (Contlnuef ISOLATION

a. Phase WAIsolation 3.a.(1) )MnaFucinlUt9 3.a.(3) 3.a.(3) 2)


~~From Safety21234

~~Injection Automnatic 13CI Actuation Logic

b. Phase ¶B"Isolation
1) manual - -See Functional Unit9 3.b.(1)1)Mna 3.b.(2) 2) Automatic Actuation 2 1234 13CI Logic 3.b.(3) 3) Containment 4123 1 Pressure - lhgh-High
c. Purge and Exhaust Isolation
1) Manual -- See Functional Unit 9
2) Containment 3 1 2 1,2.3,4 17 rSeeITS Raffioactivlty-*High 3.3.6 Train.A L (VRS-2101, ERS-2301, ERS-2305)
3) Containment 3 I 2 1,2,3,4 17 Raclioactivity-* High~

Train B (VRS-2201,ERS-2401, ERS-2405)

  • ~This speciffication only applies during PURGE.

COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT2 Page 314 3-17 AMENDMENT SZ43, 261 Page 31 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 138 of 463


a. Phase 'A" Isolation
1) Manual - See Functional Unit 9-
2) From Safety 2 1 2 1,2,3,4 13 Injection Automatic, SeelITS Actuation Logic L3.3.2J
b. Phase "B" Isolation.

-See Functional Un~it 9

1) Manual
2) Automatic Actuation 2 1 2 1,2,3,4 13 Logic
3) Containment 4 2 3 1,2,3 16 Pressure - HI-gh-
c. Purge and Exhaust Isolation Function I 1) Manual -See Functional Unit 9 Function 3 2) Containment 3 1 12341 Radioactivity-* High Train A Function 3 3) Contanment73C 4 Radioactivity-* l Jgh Train B2petri LAAI COOK NUCLIEAR PLANT-UNUT2 Page 3/4 3-17 AMENDMENTS2,Un, 261 Page 17 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 139 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 140 of 463 ITS 3.3.2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS Table 3.3.2-1 TU .- o tf~

~. STEAM LINE ZIOAATTION Footnote-low MC.~AuusLc ON22 2nz =.

, L)C,

  • .$MLg12OZgh Add[AroporedoL6
4. Stain Via, La Two 4.e (d Foortoto (d)~~~I~otnot 4.c C. f~ottl=op I/s. 2s sm ea 31. 2.13ss Is E

.- Vilh-lifth proposedFotoe(

[~~~samAdd Oeatla itSLaaOth5OSSt4A COINCIDENTWETS Add proposed oonot L6poposd Ibis. Laopa iT~/ stem stem m L Operating t ~~~ine line COINUDUT Wm dd poposedI6 f~5IO~hi IAW.UW [Footnote (d COOK RUOCLIZ IIX - WM 2 IS/l 4S 3 &EUD 3. 52, i37 Page 32 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 140 of 463


Three Loops g I pressure/ if i Ipuremein1 5.b a.SteamneneratorWater

6. M- B 6.c Lsvel-Low-ILow rts 6.e b. 4 kV Bus Loss of 3/B a 1,2u3 6.d C. SafetPumpestaot 2/u
d. FeedwaTrateDrA.

Loss of Main COOKNCLEARPLANT-NIT 2Page2/4u 3MIAM 34M4, 6 (Both&T2 or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pge33of5 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 141 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 142 of 463 C) 3.3.2


6.f b. Reactor Coolant Pump I Bus UndervLtage Add proposed Function 6.a 4 VBus Loss of 3/Bus 2/Bus 2/Bus 1.2,3,4 14*

Ib. 4 kV Bus Degraded Voltage 3/Bus (TIA-TrainB) 2/Bus (T21A-Traln B) 2/Bus (T2A-TrainB) 14* See ITS 3.3.5J

9. MANUAL L2 1.8 a. SafitylInjection (ECCS) VIran1.,34L8~

3.a.(3) Cotaionment eA Stee ITS E saust isolation 6.d Auxiliaty Feedwater 2.a b. Containment Spray 7 I/tain1.2.3,4 1 S',I 3.b.(1) Containment Isolation- See ITS Phasew 3.3" I Containment Purge and 33.

F ExaustIsolation L.

3.a.(1) c. ContainmntnIsolation - Iq 1~.& 1/rain 1.2.3,4 i&B,l ExhaustIsolation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ITS 3.3.6J 4.a SteamLine Isolation cl~~. 2/ line (Ip 2/stea (I 1,23 0B, train ~~~pertan ateamie( per tWain) Adpooe COOK NUCLEAR rLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 3.20 AMENDMENT-w,=2,4a7,a,22, 261 Page 34 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 142 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 143 of 463 ITS 3.3.5 ITS~



a. Steam Generator Water 3IStm. Gen. 2/Stmt. Gean. any 2/Stat. Glen. 1,2,3 14*

Level -LOW-LOW 2 Stin. Glen.

b. Reactor Coolant Pump 4-I/Bus 23123 19 LCO 3.3.5. B OSO OE nascae APPLICABILITY, a. 4kV Bus Loss of 3/Bus u s1,2,3,4 4*DG isrequired to and ACTION A Voltae be OPERABLE M.

ums P.4k er123rs4*byLO ,,!_ see Evoetage Service) 3321A-rai

a. Coet njetionmnSpray ) 2lrain 1/train 1/train 132,3,4 18 ConwtamentIsolation-Containment~ug n Exas I t slationSe IS c CotInmn Isltio- Itan1tan/rin,,34 8IT 3.3.6 Con~tainmenit Purge an Pumps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


b. Conainmen Spmy CSteaminient solation

~ 2/ta min ie(

per2stamine 1123 2/oprating 2

3.3.24 Containment and~~Pag Purge 7 f1 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 143 of 463


a. SteamrnleratorWater 3IStm.Geri. 2/Stm. Gen. any 2/Stm. Gen. 1,2,3 14* 3.3.2J Level - LOW-LOW 2 Stm. Cen.
b. Rcactor Coolant Purrp 4-1/Bus 2 3 1,2,3 19*

Bus Undervoltage

a. 4 kV Bus Loss of 3/Bus 2/Bus 2/Bus 1,2,3,4 14k 3.3.6J voltage
b. 4kV Bus Degraded 3/Bus 2/Bus 2/Bus 1,2,3.4 14*

Voltage M12A-TrainB) (T21A-TrainB) (1'21A-Train B)

MI2D -Train A) MTID-Train A) MI2D-TrainA)

a. Safety Injection (ECCS) 2/train 1/train 2/traij 1,2,3,4 18 Feedwater Isolation Reactor Trip (SI) See RTS Containment 3.3.2J Isolation-Phase "A' Function 4CotmnnPugad Auxiliary Feedwatex Pumps Essential Service Water system Function 1 Containment Preand Function I ~~~~~~~Exhaust Isolation Lie Iolaion
d. Sear 21stearn Ine (I per 2/steam line (I 2/operating 1,2,3 20
d. Steam~nelsola troin) p tan) stearmline (I per see FTS train) 3.3.2 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 3-20 AMENDMENT!M,4N,437,,1,32M, 261 Page 18 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 144 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 145 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 314. LIMTING CONMMTONS FOROPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIMEMENTS 3414. INSTRUMENATION Table 3.3.2-1TAE33-(Cniud 7.a e. Corntanmet Air I tIri lrai 1,2Z,3,4 18 B]

Recirculation Fan

10. CONTAINMENT AIR RECIRCULATnoN FAN 7.a L. ManUal -. See Functional Unit t-7.b b. Automatic Actuation Logic ,, 3C 7.c C.Contaamnnt Pansuze -High 2 1.2,3 i COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNiT 2 Page 3/4 3-20. AMENDMENT 217 Page 35 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 145 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 146 of 463

~~~IID ~~~~~ITS 3.3.2 Table 3.3.2-1 TAIL! 3.3.3 (Continue)

TABLE NOTATION Footnote (a) *Tri.p function may be bypassed in rth. MODE below P-li.

Footnote (b) **ri fmc4oii say be bypassed Ina this MODE below P412.

seTho channel )associated with the prrtcisfunctions darived fro the out of &erlc Reactor Coolant Loa hlb p~ea In the ttipped jde.

ommvfanually rip all bistables which widb uoaicaliy tripped inthe A1 event Prese in the asso, i td LtSV opWeless than tb& s~a5ute in the ac v loop. For excample, i~ op I.Is the Inactive, loop then thu biucebi which indicate low p~tro in loops 2. 3. mnd A re"aiv to loop I should e trlpp;d.4 ACTION BNote, *Thm provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicshle._

ACTION C -ACTION 13 -With thenm.:o OEWALt Channels one, lax tha the Total ACTIONS Hand I ~ [COLD ~W 0 vTth nrth lo in: 30 a ACTION C Note , eating per Specification ACTION D ACTION; 14 With the number of OPEILABLE Chaimels one less than the Total ACTION 15 U th a channel associate with an operating lolop Sto arabic Adproposed etore the inopeable I1 to OPERABLE tatusvti 2 ATONS G, H,and I auor be in OTwithin the following If hours; hevr, one ChannelTsatiated with an operating/loop, may be bypaused for up to2hours for suzVeillance. tting per ACTION E ACTION 16 -With the number of OPMRBIR Channels one lea* than the jWfth~f 6 hus11

?ortal!Iumber oil Mazm1e.,operation may proceed providedte inopsrable chsamel is placed In the bypmassd condition te Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement ia met; one sAddtonal channel Specification

COOK NUCLEAR PLjANT WIT 2 3/4 3-21 AHENDMENT 00482, 15, 137 Page 36 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 146 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 147 of 463 ITS 3.3.5 ITS D TABLE-3.3-3 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION aTrip function say be bypassed In this MODE below P-11.

    • Trip function may be bypassed In this MIODE below P.12.

musihe channel(s) associated with the potectivs fun tionis derived fromx the See ITS out of service Reactor Cool~ant Loop Shal be placed in the tripped bads. 3.3.2J

"-wManually trip all bistables which would be automatically tripped in the avent. pressure in the as~sociaeds active loop woer 'Loes thau theressure in the inactive loop. For ex-ample, if loop I is the Inactive loop then the bistables which Indicate low pressure in loops 2, 3, and 4 relative to loop I should be tripped.

  • The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.

ACTION -STATRKE-T ACTION 13 -With the number of OPERABLE Channels one less then the Total Number of Channels. be In HOT STANDBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> anid inL.

COLD SHUTDOWN vithiti the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />; however, one channel may be bypassed for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for surveillance testinlg per Specification

ACTION A ACTION 14 With the number of OPERABL Channels one less than the Total Number of Channels operac on 20procsoe unt 1i prormaeo 6hur ln~trquied CAt F OLT rpr--ovi-ded the InIDroerI channel isplaced izi.ths tripped condition within ACIOa ACTION 15 Wth a channel associated with%an operati-ng loop inoperable.

V N____________

restore the inoperable channal to OPIRALE status within 2 AdprosdATNCI bours or be ia HOT SHUTIDOWN vithin the following 12 houts; however, one channel associated with en opprating loop mayL.

be, bypassed for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for surveillance testing per Specification See ITS ACTION 16 *With the, number of OPEWLEL Channels one less than the332 Totalllumber of Channls, operation may proceed provided the inoperable channel is placed in the bypassed condition end the inmmChannels OPERABL requirement ismet; one additional channel may be bypassed for uap to 2 howrs for surveillance testing per Specification

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 3-21 AM==DEN 5002, ftU, 137 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 147 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 148 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 ITS ACTION 1L7 - Webh less thas the MV uL.. Channls OIDASZZ. ophration See UrS say eontimns provided the contdmnne~t puZss 654 azhaust 3.3.6J ACTION 2.8 - ith the u~mber of 01fASLIL Channels mne Les3s tbus the ACTION B Total 1=ub,? of Vmzaunls, vestars, the UMopeable, ACTIONS 0, H,and I LatW TNI a Wtea ~- n ACTION D ACTION It With the umber of OPEMAIX chasmelia one less thus the OPUM*OR may proeed pro'1 4 06 the following conditlona art satltf Led:

a. -the inoperable channel La placed In the trippd
b. The Minams Channels OPflMIX requirasent La not; ACTION B &otaMuber of Channels, Welton the inoperable ACTION J nqule by Upeeificattmn

COOK HUCLMA ?I=N -UIXT 2 3/4 2-22 AV2F~xWNOM30 137 Page 37 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 148 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 149 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS tvwx ormre(j LALL19 (ContinuedAd 3.3-3 poosed ACTIONA ACTION C AOTZON 17 -* t lss then the mlims cbumsl oIDA)ZZ. operation say continue provided ths contaiment PeUSS and ezbaue:

vawes are minaluaned closed.

B ATION ACTIO s - itla the =Ober of OiflASU ChaMae2a .me Less tuan the ACTIN B CTZU 2. - otal. Uaber of Cbannals. testoe? tdo ACTION C least HOT ITAflBY Withft the nan 6 hotirs and in COW~

ACTION 1I - ith the nmber of OIDASL3 chamiela mma less than the Total lu=be: of Chemelsla 1Th5.T sid/r IgV OflLUON0 say proceed provided the following cosdltlionu are eattafladl

a. -The inoperable chanmel La placed inthe tripped condition within 2I hour. rSee rTS
b. The Kinimma Chuannls 0121MhZ requirement is met; ..

hmoever, one additional thannel, may' be Ibypsead for up to I hotme for survol~lame, ceating per Specification 4.3.2.L.

ACTION 20 - Vith the umabeir of OPZKA=I channele one lese tham the Votal 1hiaber of Channels. restore the inoperable chamonl. to OPl3ASZ status within 46 hours5.324074e-4 days <br />0.0128 hours <br />7.60582e-5 weeks <br />1.7503e-5 months <br /> or 4*4.:.e the associated valve inoperable and take the AC2IUM required by Specification

COOKIPYCtm PARUU T-912 3/4 3.2 AMIDUMTEO`.137 Page 19 of29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 149 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 150 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 ITS 314 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND:gURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.z iNsTguWNTATioN


[ApplicatAlity greater nuiparlab ok of a an or equal to 191 6 ction U MO.

P-12 IWitfi 2 of 4 I,,4 ebanneld less than or equal to Setpolrit. i2olfllswa a eton S t drit greater thw or equal to II pres A S ---

'Add G lin I ffe cts proposed loll ACTIONS

,and H c nnels int the Ct I low team Ii L

Including A TIONS and Surveillance Requirement COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 Page 314 3-22a Amendment No. +ffi%- 263 Page 38 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 150 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 151 of 463 ITS 3.3.2



TV SINCT IR IFEDUWATR ISOLA ! ON I11M T~DRIVE I ILARFEED ~R l.a a1. Manual Initiation ------- SeFunctional Unit 9----- -

1.b I~~~b

~~~b. Automatic Actuation Na

~~Logic pia lNot Appicable I.

1.c c. Containment Fressue Le ta equal 1.1Ls than or equal to High pH 1.d d. Pressurizer Pressure- G ter tl n or eq Ito Greater than or equal to Low 5 psig 1.e.(2) C. Differential Pressure L ss tha or equalt 100 Less than or equal to 11t2 psl Between Steam Urie K~gh 1.e.(1) ~f. Steam Lkle Pressure-etra or eq alto Greater than or equal to48.

Low 0pi tam ii psig -steam line pressure COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-U NIT 2 Page 3/4 3-23 Amendment No. ',1,28, 184.3 1~, 263 Page 39 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 151 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 152 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 ZaXIz -3.3.4 (Contlmue)



2.8 a. Kma xualitsptioC ...... gas llmtutin ftit I .......

2.b b. Automatic ACtuation t PPl al Not Applicable 2-c ~~c.Containment Paresure.- Larn a 01 qumt Lost than or equal to J. CONTAMM0E ISOLATION2.9

a. Phase. *A Isolation 3.a.(1) 1. Mtanual ....... See Puctional Unit I ......

3.a.(3) 2. ?COm 5afety Injection t p ibeNot Appli~cable Automatic Actuation Logic b.Pase *B Isolation 3.b.(1) ~~~1.Maun~al Sea fuctional Unit I ---- I-3.b.(2) 2

  • Automatic Actuation No Appi bto Not Applicable Logic 3.b.(3) 3. Containment Presrnure- as o at u to Lessn than or equal to M
6. ?urSe and Zzhaust Zaolattom See ITSI
1. 3404 ...... Wee runctioaul Unit 0 ......
2. Containment NadiL. See Table 3.3.6 Not Applicable activity-RNigh frain A (VR-2L.L. VA.-2301.


1. Containment Radio. lee Table 3.5.6 NOt. Applicable activity-.Uish Train In (U.2-201. 33.52401, 313.2405)

COOVZNOCIZA s'ur . I 3/4 3414 o.80,IU g~r~

'37 Page 40 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 152 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 153 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS Table 3.3.6-1 T 3LSS.5-4 (Contimied)


a. lSwaal oiutS.tLon ---.......... Sao linctlonal Unit I9 .-----

be Automastic Actuation Not Applicable Not Applicable C.* Cont&afimet PzeJauV6-- TAMa thano erqual. tu Loss thaA CM equal to uih4Lsh 2.9 poLg 3.0 psig 3.* CONTA!NfENT ZIOUTIZON

a. Phase OA Isolation See ITS I. K anual ..... -- See 1'mctioual Unit ------ -I 3.3.2)
2. leas Safety Injection not Applieable Not Applicable Automatic Actuation be Phase 0r Isolation 1
  • VaVal ....... fSe Functional Unit 9-------
2. Autoeatic Actuation, Not Applicable Not Applicable
5. Contaimment fressure. Lsea than or equal to Lsea than or equal to r.. Pise. and Kzbhaust Isolation Function I 1. ausual ...... see Functional Unit .......

Function 3 . 2. Containment Radio- Son Table 3.3-6 Not lia Function 3  %.Containmeont ladio- sTbe3.-4 . IWo A al cool ISuCLU PLANT - VW! 2 3/4 3-24 go.M~m 3IF5, 137 Page 20 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 153 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 154 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 ITS

?ABLE 3.3-4 (COntinued)

Table 3.3.2-1 MTUUTOU IMUUKim'LA

4. MAUN LUhX ISOIATZOU1 4.a a........... Ise imctiomaz. Vit ......

4.b b. AtMimtic ActUatiom Not Appli 'blft not Applicable 4.c a* Comntaivest, Pramaure.. Iane tba i oqmt~ Legta0r6M 4.e d. stem nlow in Tvo steam 2. than equa IAN* than Cr equal to Unes--aigh- Colauiaten a no def ined a function dat Last as with Tatn-4ov-Iow 9oiw:

aia-1 follows: A Delta-p o eap to ckohres"z ngla to onat fi btwee at steam flow between 0 lot a0).

nd mand 0%load and tbui a Ito-p inra a Del-ta-p Increseing Iany a Del -p linearly to a Delta-p a ato coneapantla, to

4. :0 ls/ha I o 4.S3 a0 lb'/hi I104 loat MIl load.

T1 prea erthan rteta o

  • to O1V MIil to t 38.

4.d a. Steam Line Fressune.-.Lv 0 stet or e Greatsr thean or eo2 600 pa astoaie toS Wpal stemamln 483 p giongi pressure

5. TU33U TMI AID IfWATU2Fontc 5.b ~~~S.

Iteam Generator Tater o or eqa to Lesta ta t coal WUCLIAR VIMN

  • VWT 1 5/4 3-25 AUWDNMM UO. I,1 fIU .137 Page 41 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 154 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 155 of 463 (3) 3.3.2



6. MOTOR DRIVEN AUXILIARY208M1 FEEDWATER PUMPS 6c: a. Steam Generator Water Level.- dtrtan. or qulto 21% f r et reqa Low-Low owrange &PaneIt spanreach g steam generator ea~~~~~~ich 6.e b. 4 kV Bus Loss ofVohtage 32aotw atme delay f12 >3195 volts and <3290volts with a time delay of220.2 seconds 6.d c. Safety Injection N Applicable Not Applicable 6.g .d. Lore of Main Feedwater PM N Applicab Not Applicable
a. Steam Generator Water Level - han equal to 21 1 of Ie Greate than or equal, ~ '

6.C ~-

LOW-LOW o raoge spneach Io ow Fie amgnr each steam generator 6.f b. Reactor Coolant Pumnp Bus retrthan requal to 27. Volu Greater thtan or equal to 2723 Undervoltage each bus Volts - each bus

a. 4 kV Bus Lossof Voltage 3241lvolts with a time delay of2 > 3195 voltsmd < 32S0 volts 3..

seconds with a dnindelay of2+/-O:.2 seconds

b. 4 kV Bus Degraded Volt~age 3959 volts with atimedelay of9 > 3910volts an <4000 volts seconds when a steam generator with a tim delay of 9 +/- 0.25 water level low-low or a safety seconds when a steam geerS Isjection signal ispresent water level low-low or a safety Iojection signal Ispresent COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 3-25a AMENDMENT-92, 4424,444. 256 Page 42 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 155 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 156 of 463 ITS 3.3.5 ITS(I )


a. Steam Genemaor Water L-evel- Greater tha or equal to 21 % of Greater tha or equal to 19.2% re r LOW-LOW narrow range Instrument span each of narrow range Instrument span Se3.3.2 steam generator each steam generator33.
b. 4 kV Bus Loss of Voltage 3241 volts with a time delay of 2 > 3195 volts and < 3280 volts seconds with atime deayo-2 +/-0.2 seconds C. Safety In~jection Not Applicable Not Applicable
d. Loss of Main Feedwater Thinps Not Applicable Not Applicable
a. Steam Generator Water Level - Greater tha or equal to 21 % of Greater tha or equal to 19.2%

- Low-Low narrow range Intumient span each of narrow range intrument spa steam generator each steam generator

b. Reactor Coolant Pump Bus Greater than or equal to 2750 Volts Greater than or equal to 2725 UndervoltAge - each bus Volts - each bus S. LOSS OF POWER

>?3195voltsmand < 32SO volts SR a. 4 kV BusLoss of Voltage 3241 volts )&atind seconds I of 2 with atime delay of 2+/-0.2 seconds SR b. 4 kV Bus Degraded Voltage 3959 v wiha dlyof` > 3910 volts and < 4000 volts(

with a time delay of 9 + 0.25


seo we a enror water evllwlwo aey seconds when a steam generator Wecon Is siesent water level low-low or a safety inection signal is present COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Pagp 3/4 3-25a AMENDMENT82, 42-4, 4-4, 256 Page 9 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 156 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 157 of 463 ITS 3.3.2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS 314 LDGMTNG CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION AND SUVILNEREQUU1EMEM 3/4.3 INSTRUMENATION Table 3.3.2-1 TAKLE 3.3-4 (Continued) lta a.Safety JIec~tiom (ECS) NA 5.c Fedwater Isoat N.A 3.a.(3) oam tIslin PhaseW SeeIT Containment Purge and NA. NA. 3.ers3, 6.d uirFedtrPwpN 2.8 b. Conainen Spay 3.b.(1) Containment isolation- ASe T


3.a.(1) ~ -nk..,3..

d.tam in stolation 7.a Containmeat C.~~~e AirN 7.e ~~~~~Recirculation Fan

10. CONTAINeNTfAIR RECIRCULATION PAN 7.a aLMaUU1 atin e &l 7.b b. Automati Actuation logic Not Jplicable Not Applicable, 7.c C.ContaimuaCNFturceHigh *tlwn or eqW to1.pIl Lm sthaor equalto Pri COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNITr2 Page 3/4 3-25b AMENDMENT I, 217 Page 43 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 157 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 158 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS 314 LIMITING CONDITONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEHILANCE REQUHMMENTS 314.3 INSTRhUMENATION Table 3.3.6-1 TABLE 3.3-4 (Continued)


9. Manual
a. Safety Ir~ection CECCS) N.A.

FeedwaterlIsolation N.A. NA rSee RTS R=Wto Trip (SI) N.A NA 3,32J Function 4 ntmmtPuga4 Aux~iiay Feedwater PwnpsSe r Essentia Slo-vmWater NAA.See3TS2 Systoem A ..

b. ntSryNA.

NA.(I Function I Cont inent~ugn N.A.

Exhaust isolation L.

d. Steam Uine Isolation N.A. N.A.

e, Containment Air N.A NA.

Recirculation Van

a. Manuall See Functional Unit 9L332
b. Automatic Actuation Logic Not Applcable NotAppicable
c. Conadaaant Pressure- High LAss than or equal to 1.1 pig IAss than orequal to 1.2 psig COOK NULEAR FLANT-UNJT 2 Pape 314 3-25b 217 WMNMN4, Page 21 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 158 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 159 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 3/4 .. T.MrnNG COMM~fONS FOR OPERATON An4 SORVMILMZCE DEQTUiMLMT 3,4-3 IMMrUMOM~AM1ON ThMLE 3.3-COOK NUJCLREk PLANF-IJNI 2. Pap.3/4 346 AM~4MUM 134, &Q~,

187 Page 44 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 159 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 160 of 463 (II) 3.3.2

~~~~~~~ITS 314 l.J3UrdING COMMrIONS FOR OMATON MND SURVEU.LACE REQUJRMDMS 314.3 I~mTJMENTAIO~N Table IenoalyDeleted COOK NUCLEAR PLANT.ULff2 Page 314 3427 AMENDMENT45 40k US,143,187 Page 45 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 160 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 161 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 314 , LUMMT2G COMMONSOR OPlRATON AMD SURVnLACSMQUmEMWXnT 314.3 INMR1M~F4TION lLE3.3-S (ConimleM Table Zutentonaly Ddelee (OOK NUCLEARLANT-UtM 2 hup 314145U ANMNDMff 34, 409 434,435,442, t87 Page 46 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 161 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 162 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 314 M =l CONMMONNFM OPKZTION AM~l MMVIVMLACEC REQUMEEMMN1 W.

314.3 K2srMUb0MM~ON Table Itinto~ougafy DeleWe COOK NUCLEAR PLANT4JNYF 2 PAg. 314 3-29 AP4ENDM3WF 443, 157 Page 47 of 51 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 162 of 463


1. SAFETY INJECflN, MTO AR Ad proposed SR andM.

UXIMA EI)SR I.a Manualloiatiion- h9 I .b b. Automatic Actuation NA. 4, NA (2)-2 lUnitA. 1,2,3.4 L Logic 1.o C. CantarmProssure- S_1 -10 SIt5 NA .,Z3 I.d 4L PmCSWi=CPCssUIc- S -1 -10 SA-5 N.A. 1.2.3 LOW I .e.(2) ~~~~c.

DifferetialPresn S -1 -~10 SA 5 N. 1,2.3 Between Steam Unes -

High 1.e.(I) ~~~~~~

StearnLine Pressure - S -1 -10 SA -5 NA. 1,2.

LOW Ad proposed SR andM.

2. CONTARNMENT SPRAY SR 2.a a. Manual Initiation - See Functional Unit 9 2.b ~~~~~~~b.

Automatic Actuation N.A. N.A. Q(2) -2 NA 1,2,3,4 2.c C. ContainmentPressure - S -1 -10 S 5 NA ,.


a. Phase 'A Isolation 3.a.(3) 2(-Fo2aet AQM3 N.A. 1,2,3,4 3.a.(3) ~~~~~~~Injection Autornatic Actuation Logic ~~~~~~~~Add proposed SR and SR
b. Phasec'B" Isolaton 3.b.(1) 1) manual -S-e-See auctional~nt 3.b.(2) 3.b.(2)

~~2) Automatic Actuation

~~~~~Logic N.A. _


_N A. Q(2)-2 4 N.A. 1,.Z3,4 3.b.(3) 3) Containnint S- A S NA .. -----

Pressure- High-COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 3-30 AMENDMENT 34, 434,437, 458, 224,260 Page 48 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 163 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 164 of 463 ITS 3.3.2



1) Manual SeeFunctional Unit9________ _3.3.6J
2) ContaInment QNA1234 Radioactivity - High

4.a L. Manual ------ SeeFunctional Uni 4.b b. Autornatic Actuation NA. N.A. Q(2)-2 NA. 1.23 Adprosd L 4.c L.ogtinmc ~ ue- S- -10 SA V1 'S NA. 1.2.3 4.e 4,e


d. ~~~~Steam Row inTwo Steam S-S-

1o ASN.1 S- A 1k Unes -1Higb Coincidcnt 24 flOfSA-dd pro ased Footnote (d 4.d withT"-- LowSLow

a. Stcam LimPreaaure - S -1 A5 N LOW
5. TURBINE TRIPAND ddDosdFtneft PEEDWATER ISOLATION s.b a. Steam Generator Water s-I [11-10 SA- 5 NA.1

- Hi_ Hg ddpooe SRs,, SR for Function 5.a ---

6.c a. Steam Ceeamtor Water10 S-5N 6.e ~~~~~~b.

4 kV Bus LosofVoltage -76 NA. 12,23 6.d c. Safe-ty Injection N.A. /N.A lB~a' (2)-3 NA. 1.2.3 6.9 ~~~~~~d.

LossofMaiFecd Pumps NA.N.A.A2 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT.UNIT'2 Page 314 3.31 AMENDMENTS2,7,4M,-134, 4-37,4684, 224, 260 Page 49 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 164 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 165 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS 314 LIMIING CONDITIONS F'OR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIRENMET 314.3 INSTRUMENTATION Table 3.3.6-1 TABLE 4.3-2 (Continued)


Function 3 2) Containment S -1 8-Radioactivity-High

a. Manual - -Sce Ftmctiorial Lnit 9- -
b. Automatic Actuation NA. N.A. Q (2) N.A. 1,2,3 LO&c
c. Containment Pressure - S R SA (3) NA. 1.2,3 High-High di Steam Rowin Two Steam S R SA N.A. 1,2.3 Uncs -High Coincident with T., - Low-tow C. Stcam Line Pressure - S R SA NA. 1,2,3j3 L3.3.2
a. Steam Generator Water S R SA N.A. 1,2,3 Level -Hfigh-High
a. S=eam Gneratrwatr= S R SA N.A. 1.2.3 Level-Low-Low
b. 4kVBusLiossofVoltage S R M. N.A. 1..3
c. SafetylInjection N.A. NA Q (2) NA. 1.2.3
d. LossofMainecodl'umps NA. NA. R NA. 1,2 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 3-31 AMENDM1ENTZ92,97M,t13, 43,459, 468, 224,260 Page 22 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 165 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 166 of 463 ITS 3.3.2 ITS 3/4 LEMIMING CONDITONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.3 INSTRUMENTATION TABLE 4.3-2 (Continued)


6.c a. Steam(~~~~~~~nemtor~~~~ater s-I .3--10 SR A-32 5 AC~NA M ,D.3IN 6.f b. Reactor Coolant PumpBusCHNNEL CHNNEL7 -6CIOA OEAINAL. UR 1,AN2

7. LOSSBFINER A. 4vIuLARYofEWTaER proosR otMt SR 1.32.6, 6.1 ~~~~b.Reacor oostePmpdBu SA 7 M6 N.A. 1. 2.34 SeI UdVoltage dSs3322 .-. ,ad3328frFnto .
9. MANUAL lta a. Safety ljetlon (ECCS) N.A. '~\NA NA /-o-9 1.2. 3.4 5.c.3 Con24imeot holatio 3.a.(3) ~~~~~~~~PhaseA rA See ITS 6.d AuxiliaryFefar


Eq~~~tialSe4(Xw ~ ~ 2 monhs .13 2.a b. ContainmentSpray NA NA NA -9 1,2.3.4 See rrS 3.b.(l) contmetolto-3.3.6 4.a d~~~~~~~.

SoteamnLineIltion- NA. NAA 7.a e~~~.Containmient Air NA NA NA9 13 7.a ~~~~~~~~~~Recirculation VanM.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ddproposed SR end SR 3.28 R.ECIRCULATIONFPAN 7.a a. Manual ---- --- Seceimctnnal Unit 9 7.b b. Automatic Actuation N.A. NAk Q (2) -2 N.A. 1..3 7.c C. ContairnnentPmesure- S-I -iO SAfj5 N1,3 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNrTl Page 3/4 3-32 AMENDMENT82,97,44,4J, l9, 489,2I7, 260 Page 50 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 166 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 167 of 463 ITS 3.3.5 ME (I 3/4 LIMIMNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.3 INSTRUMENTATION TABLE 4.3-2 (Confinued)




a. Steant enerator Water S R SA NA. 1.2.3 3.3.2J IAWIl - Low-Low Adpooe oet
b. Reactor Coolant Pump Bus N.A. R M N.A. 1,2.3 Add35.

proosdNoet Undervoltage SR .

APLICABILITY an . PWR"hen wOSO associated DG A.

PLICABILITYnd 4k~vBusLossof'Voltage S 5[X ~ 1,2.3,4 is requiredto be

b. 4 kvBus Degraded S .3M + 2 1.2.54 OPERABLE by 31 da Voltage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LC 3.8.2
9. MANUAL A. Safldy Injection (ECCS) N.A. NA. NA. R 1.2,3.4 Feedwale Isolation L Reactor Trip (SD)

Containmient Isolation -

I Exhaust bo ation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Auxiliary Fleedwater ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Essential Service Water ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ITS SYS= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

b. Containment Spray N.A. NA. NA. R 1,2.3.4 -

Containment Isolation -

c.ContainmentIoltn- NAN.

d xShamuLin Isolation NA ..-

C. Containment~i N.A. N.A. NA. R 1,2,3,4 Recirculationfran

a. Manual - --- Sec Functional Unit 9-3.
b. Automnatic Actuation N.A. N.A. Q(2) NA. 1,2,3332 Logic
c. Containment Pressure - S R SA(3) NA. 1,2,3 High COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 3-32 AMENDMENT 2, 97, 434,4137, 159,189, W1,260 Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 167 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 168 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS 3/4 LIMITNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.3 INSTRUMENTATION Table3.3.6-1 ~~~~~~~~TABLE 4.3-2 (Continued)




a. Stearn Occrator Water S R SA NA. 1,2,3 3.3.2 LeVel - LOW-LOW
b. Reactor Coolant Pump Bus N.A. KM N.A. 1,2.3 S. LOSS OF POWER
a. 4kvflus~ossofVoltag S P. M N.A. 1.23.,4 SeT
b. 4kvBusDegraded S R M NA. 1,2,3,4335 Voltag
9. MANUAL a.- Safety Injection (ECCS) N.A. NA. N.A. R 1.2. 3,4 Feedwater Isolation Reactor TrIp (SD Containment Isolation - See flTS F---haise- 3.3.2 Function 4 ContainmnentPurgand Auxiliary Fcdwatcr Essential Serice Water
b. ay ~~~~~~NA. N A.N.A7 1.2,3.4 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Vo Function C. Contal~"' son- A. NA NA .,,

Function I Containent Purge and ExhaustbIolation

d. Steam~ncLn solation NA. N.A. Q R1,2,3
e. ContainmentAir NA. NA. NA. R 1,Z 3,4 Recirculationfan See ITS
a. Manual - -- scFunctionalUnit9
b. Automatic Actuation N.A. NA Q (2) N.A. 1,2,3 Logic
c. ContainentPressure- S RSA (3) N.A. 1.,Z3 High COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 3-32 AMENDMENT929,3147 469,189,2V1, 260 Page 23 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 168 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 169 of 463 ITS

__ EIII~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION TABLE 4.3-2 (Continuef TABLE NTTO (1) Deleted SR, (2) Each train or logic channel shall be tested at least every other 92 da a.

SR 3 nld xrisn h rnc Note ~ rasu eto the apr ejcside ofthe rau tter.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT.UNIT 2 Page 3/4 3.33 AMENDMENT 82, 4&4, 48, 260 Page 51 of 51 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 169 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 170 of 463 ITS 3.3.3 ITS(3 3/4 LDhUMlG CONMMTONS FOR OPERATI(OffAMI SURVEVLANCE REQunuMEITS LCO 3.33 i3.33.1 1a. radiation monitoning instrumenation channls shown in Table 3.3-6 shall be OPERABLE with fgalan~M~ir mIstwithic Ut~led Ir! kL7 AA2I-Am1Lrry As shown InTable 34.3.

ACTION A, B, C, E and G b. With one w m n mdltn monitmring channels Inoperabile, tnk. the ACTION show in dre Table 3.3-.

ACTIONS Note 1 C. Mme provisln of Speclfica . .4eeno plcbe SR Table 43.3.1 EBch gudiaon monkicois. lnsmnumenton channl shall bcedanionwsmed OPERABLE bythe Note PerfiM="c of the CHANNEL CHECK. CH~ANNEL CAIJBRAfnoN and d0i4H&EQL

  • L~~igilQ~~~topeations ddnin the modes and at the frequencies shown in Table 43.3..

COOICNUCLIARILANT.UNIT2 1as3143-34 AMMNMENT4a 224 Page 12 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 170 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 171 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS 3/4 LDHMrNG CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION4 AMD $MVUJALNCIC REQUnIIMENT 14.3 INBTR ML ATO LCO 3.3.6 113 radlatoi ion TM!ing insmtrueneon dhauuwb shown in Table 3.3- shll be OPERABLE j)

A? LICAIRflM As shown ianTable 3.3-6.

~ A~

ACTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~opsdACIN[noeal, tr hecan ACTION C b. With one cc mome WM=aio monitorin chanels inoperable, talkte£hAMFON shown in Table 3.3-.

Ic. -,1visions of S m tions&3.0.3 and arenotila( )

IIMANVE REOLUREMMUSJ SR Table Note 4.33.1 Each cadisiouawmnitorig. instzueutation channel shall be'dernonstcated 0 E the 10OICNUCIZARPIANT.UMI2 Ihapa3/ 4 3.34 ANIMENT43 224 1 Page 24 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 171 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 172 of 463 CTS 3/ 314 LIMITG COMMiTONS FOR OPERATKOK AND SURVEIUlANCE REQUERJMENTS 3/4.3 ISRMr¶o radiation Monitoring Inti tdnchannels shown hInTable 3-6 shall be OPERABLE their alarrvalp setpolnts wi the specified iMts.

a. With a radito an rig hane alarin/iip set*ain aceins dhe value shown In Table 3-6 juztdntoowithin the imintwSid" hours or declare the chmnel
b. With one cW more monitoring chanes; tk the ACITON shown in Wm C. Mme provisions of S ctos3.0.3 and 3.0.4 ar VoA bn Each Lidalon monitorng shaM be drmaajncannl redOPERABLE by the peromanc of tdo CHECK CHANNEL, RATON and CHANNEL FUNC'ONALThseM n dftrn the modes and atido s shown in Table 43-3.

cooKN cLEAR'Lnmr.utrr2 Paoa3.43-3 AmENmmNmwa 224 1 Page 7 of 12 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 172 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 173 of 463 ITS . o ITS 3.3.3 Table 3.3.3-1 ADAINMNTIN NTtKTAO -



1. Modes 1, 2, 3I~~

A. Area Monitors See ITS 3.3.6

1. Upper Contaitmen. 1NI/A a 54 mR/hr 21 CTS 3/ 0IRS 7101 /22 1) ------------

10 AL. Contaizrment Hi h Range 2 B. Process Monitors L.. Particulate Channel 1/ .2pi 2 (ERS 2301/2401). SeIT336 Ui. Noable Gas Channe1l* N/A z 4.4xl0 0-3 jzU. 20

~~~~and ITS 3.4.1 5 XERS 7BOS740S) c C. Fable Gas Effluent Monitors

1. Unit Vent Effluent Monitoxs
a. Lov R~ange (VRS 2505) ------- (ice the ODCH)-.......
b. Kid Range (VRS 2507) 1 li/A I/A, 223 C. High Range (VRS 2509) 1 N/A li/A 223 ii. Steam Generator POEV
a. MMA 2601 (Loop 1) 1 NI/A N/A 22B
b. MRA 2602 (Loop 4) 1 li/A K/A 22B See
c. NRA 2701 (Loop 2) 1 li/A N/A 22B CTS 3/
d. NRA 2702 (Loop 3) 1 li/A. N/A 22B ILL. Gland Steam Condenser Vent Monitor
a. Lav Range (SRA 2805) ------- (see the ODC{) -------

iv. Steam Jet Air Ejector Vent Monitors

a. Low Rang. (SRA. 2905) ....... (see the ODC) ------
b. ITId Range (SUA 2907) 1 lI/A lI/A 125
c. High Range (SR& 2909) 1 li/A li/A 22B COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 3/4 3.35 AMENDMENT No. 4, U4, 175 Page 13 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 173 of 463


1. Modes 1. 2,3 & 4 A. Axea Monitors 3___________4_______SeCS33.

Function 3.c i. p er ContairmnN/ 4m/r iiY (VHS /A220)L.

ii. Containment High Range 2 gg101./br W/A 22A SeeIS (VNA 2310/2410) 3.33)

3. Process Monitors I]NA ~ 25 ~ .

Function3.b Particulate Chamzne L~~~~~. A a252pi 0 (PS 1/2401) se r 3

Function 3.a N/aA sane 4.4X10- j= 20 3.4.15 C. Roble Ga~s Effluent MonitorsL.

L.' Unit, Vent Effluent Monitors

a. Lov Range (VRS 2505) ------- (see the ODCH)....... Rang (VRS 2507) 1 N/A K/A 223

c. High Range (VRS 2509) 1. N/A N/A 221 ii. Steam Generator PORV
a. MRA 2601 (Loop 1) 1 /A N/A 223
b. HSA 2602 (Loop, 4) 1 H/A . /A, 221
c. MRA 2701 (Loop 2) 1 NA . N/A 22B
d. ERA2702 (Lo4op 3) 1N/A N/A, 22B iii. Gland Steam Condenser Vent Monitor -


.L~ov Range .(SPA 2805) ....... (see the ODCM).-------3/ iv. Steam Jet Air Ejector Vent Monitors

a. Low R~ange (SEA 2905).......(see the ODCK) .......
b. MidS Range (SRA 2907) 1 N/A, . N/A, 221
c. High Range (SPA 2909) 1 N/A Nq/A 221 COOK NUCLEAR. PLA.NT -UNIT 2 3/4 3.35 AMENDMENT No. SQ. 444, 175 Page 25 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 174 of 463



i. odes 1 2, 3 &4 L A. Ar Monitors IUpper Containmentt 1 N/A, 54 =R/hr 21 (VRS 2101 2201)

.I.Co ntairment EigI Range 2 VA -0A= SeenIT I VA2310/2410) 2 I3 BProcess Monitors See MTS

i. Particulate Channel' I V/A, s 2.52 pCL 20. 3.3.6 and (E.S 2301/2401) flTS 3,4.15) 2 II. Noble Gas Channell 1 w/4.410 xC 20 (ERS 2305/2405) C C. N1Ca fletMiors la e VRS 2505 - --- see th
b. niq.= (R.S 2507A.2A C. Hi Rxe(VR.S 2509:) N/A N/A22 ii. Ste Geeator P0KV
a. 2601 (Loop 1) 1NA/A22B b H~L2602 (Loop 4) 1 N/A K/A 22B o )RA 2701 (Loop 2) 1 N/A *Nl/A . 22B Iii. G a/Steam Condenser VaMntor Lov (53k~~~~ge ...... (See e DC{)-......

iv/steam Jet Eector ye Mnitors--

b. E#ane(SRA 297) IA I c *is Rab3.nge (SRA, 2910 1. I/A N/A 223BA.

COOK N1UCLEAR. PLANT -UNIT I 3/4 3435 AKMHEND1T Ito. 4o, U4,~ 175 L.

Page 8 of 12 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 175 of 463


1. Hades 1. 2, 3 & 4 3/

A. Area MonitorsrS IT33.)

L. 'UpperContatnmene. ~ 1 N/A £54 mR/br 21 and CTS (VPS 2101/2201) 1 3/

.2.1. Containment High Range 2 a 10R/hr N/A 22A ISee. ITS (VRA 2310/2410)33 B. Process Monitors See ITS LCO 3.4,15,b L.Priuate Channe 1 N/A £2.52 pCL 208-, D, E336J LCO 3.4.15.c I. Cas Channel a4ol 1 N/A s 4.4X10,3 "C 2 ,D C. Noble Gas Effluent Monitors L.' Unit Vent Effluent Monitors

a. Lov R~anz~ (VRS 2505) ....... (see the 0DC() .......
b. Kid Range (VR 2507) 1 N/A N/A 22B
c. High Range (VRS 2509) 1 N/A N/A 223 II. Steam Generator POR.V
a. MiA 2601 (Loop 1) 1 N/A N/A 22B
b. MMA 2602 (Loop 4) 1 N/A N/A 22B
c. MMA2701 (Loop 2) 1 N/A N/A . 223
d. HPRA 2702 (Loop 3) 1 N/A N/A 223 See CTS 11+/-. Gland Steam Condenser Vent Monitor 34331
a. Lov Range (SRA 2805) ....... (see the ODOK).......

iv. Steam Jet Air Ejector Vent Monitors

a. Low Rang (SPA 2905) .------- (see the ODCM).------
b. Mid Range (SPA 2907) 2. N/A N/A 223
c. High Range (SRA 2909) 1 N/A N/A 221 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT *UNIT 2 3/4 3.35 AwMENmE No. 4o, 1-1, 175 Page 7 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 176 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 177 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION TABLE 3.3-6 (Continued)


(a) e6 assemblies within containment 34331 A. Train A r n 22 C Function 3.c i. ContainmenttAr N/A < 54 mR/hr Radiation Channotntelb Function 3.b ai. Particulate Channe N/A < 2.52 pCi 2--ER5301)

Function 3,a iii. Noble Gas Channe N/. <4.4x10 VCi cc B. ThainB [ ~]22 C Function 3.c i. Containment Are N/ <54 mR/hr Radiation CanlFootnote()

Function 3.b ii. Particuilate, Channep A_  : 2.52 it1i Function 3.a iii. Noble Glas Channef'IA 4.4x1(Y gj A. Spent Fuel Storage 5m s1 Rhr2 (RRC 330)

See CTS 3/ COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 3-3Sa AMENDMENT 80,419, 45, 2611 Page 26 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 177 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 178 of 463 CTS 3/ 3/4 LIMITING CONDITONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.3 INSTRUM[ENTATION TABLE 3.3-6 (Continued)



2. Mode 6 A. TrainA any 2/ 22 channels
i. Containment Areae N/A.  : 54 mR/hr Radiation Channel (VR 2101) ii. Particulate Channel+ N/A :52.52 p~Ci Se3.. r (ERS 2301) 3.3.

Wi.Noble Gas Channel+ N/A :54.4xI0VpCi (ERS 2305) cc B. TrainB any 2/3 22 channels iL Containment Arcea N/A < 54 mR/hr Radiation Channel (VRS 2201)

Hi.Particulate Channeir N/A.  : 2.52 IxCi (ERS 2401) iii. Noble Gas Channelr N/A :54.4x10AGi~

(ERS 2405) cc

3. Mode A. Spe ueStorge I 5l5mRAh ~ 15 nRihr 21 L.


COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 3-35a AMENDMENT 80, 19, 475, 261'1 Page 9 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 178 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 179 of 463 ITS 3.3.3 ITS EI TIABLE 3.3-S (Continued)

LASLE NOTATION ACTION~ 20 - Vith cbs wnubor of thauflhls OPEU.AS less th82 reLo by See flS the Manimu Channels Operable :equieaust, comply with Oae 3.4.15

&CTION raquireaents of 3pecificatLon

£CZZON 22. - VWith the nimber of channels OrnWL3L less then reqdfted by the XtuLzun Channel~s Operable requizaaent, pteform area nMvY2 Of the monitored area vith pra~bLe monitoring bustruatae tion an Least r See CTS 314.3.3.1 ACTIONS N 21- V~hte=b of chmnnels 0? EUBM less than required by theSe 3 requiement of S eiiation3L 9.T ATO i trequired.

Channels OPE3ABLE requirementso' ATOSA and C 3.. either testace the Lutperable ChanneL(s) to O2DIWIE srtnts viehin L days of the event, or 2.prepre aud s'ulhit a Special  ! to the Cowdssion n Cnto See US ACTINS

, EandG - spsecfication 1.9.2 viehidn 14 days follovbzg the event out~tng t a 5.6 ACTION B, Eand Gaction taken, the cause of the £:noparabL.Uty and the plans end ACTIONS Note 1 3. Techzi~cal Specification Section~s ~.Q andk3.0.4 Not Appliceble.

ACTION 223. With the uwzcber of OPMEULZI Channels loss then required by the H-104=

Chau~els OPFiALE requirements.

L.. eitch. xescazr the Inoperable -hanu.ZCx) so Q3V.ADLE &catu vcin 7 day's -of the avant. or See

1. prepare aud Submit a Special Peport to the Co=Umsiiof Pursuant to CTS 3/

SpecificatioA 5.9 .1 '4thla 14 days following the'event outalntn the action taken, tha cause of the LwnoprabiUty and the Plans end schedule for restoring the system to 02'EIBLIE status.

L. In the event of an accident 5zvoLvjsg tadiological reLeases initiate the preplanned alternate peethod of -oonftoriuS the appropriate paranecsr~s) vithin 72. hours.

4. Technical S2ecifiLetion Sections 3.0.2 end 3.0.4 fot Applicabue.


  • UNIT 2 3/4 3.36 iMMMNVIt o. VP, P.

Z 151 Page 14 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 179 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 180 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS TABLE 3.3-6 (Canziaued)

ACTION 10 - 1th the Auxbor of channel ORPi&51Z Less tubn reie~rd by See ITS the Hinimum Channels Operable rsquf. aent, compl~y w~hth 3.4.15 ACTION requitzeaeuts of SpeciftecsLon

ACTION 22. - 11th the sumber of channels OIDJIL less th~n requiied by thes X~n5.== channaLs Operabe reqa~xnet, Peifo. ares 61MV4y of the See CTS.

monitored area with portable monicaring fzstxmntatLo& sr. least ounce per day.

ACTION C ACTION 12 1th V the number of channels OIEUA3LI l3u then required by the Nialmum Chu~fels Operable requirement' c 1 with the ACTION 1ACTION 22A.. 11th the numbat of OER.AIMS Channel. less th= required by the Minmu Cha1el OPER.ABLE requirementat a.ither restoe the Izapeuble, Cb&e.ansl&) to OUATEWE starts vithin,7 See rrS days of the event, Or 3.3.3 pv&eFare end iubzit-thn A ys @o11.ig thane STur on 5tin See ITS raction taken, the cause of the. Inoperabilfty and the plans end 5.6J See ITS

3. Teclbiftal Specificadion Sections 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 Sac Apil~cable. 3.3.3 ACTION 215- MUt the iuumber of OPlLLZL Channels less then required by the XLULiW Channels OPRnABLE :equLrezents.

L.. *1ther restor* the Inoperable ChaznnelCs) to QIUAJZX status within 7 days.of the event, at

1. prepare aud submit a Special Ispart to the Couedssioa puasut to See CTS1 Specifiation 6 *I . within 14 days following the'event outALnin the 3/ action taken, the cause of the InoperabLUty and the Palas 9ni achedule for remtoring the system to OVD.&LE status.
3. In the eVent of an ACCidout involvisg radialoticti releases initifite the preplanned alternate method og-pou~ltorimg the appropriate parameter(s) within 71 bo=$..
4. Technical Speciftestion. Seetions 3.0.3 end 3.0.4 lot &Appicble.I COOK NUCLEAZ ?LAW - UNT 2 3/4 3-36 lIDKWNP? 0. go, MV, iS1 Page 27 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 180 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 181 of 463 CTS 3/ TAEILX 3.346 (Coatinued)

TABLE NIOTA'TION ACTION 10 - VI~th tlia Aumber of channels 0flERABULEess thas ze$Lrod by See ITS the Wnlumu Channels Operable requizeaeu+/-, comply with the 3.4 .15 ACTION racu~ieazeits of SpeciflceaLon


  • Lth the number of ca ls031EUA. less kd ab 'by the H~n1un Channels apt Lob requizeaent, pef are 3 878 of the monitoted area vith Ithlmonitorin iL on at least FACTIoN 12 - V~t the number of Cbannels OPERAILL 1*2S than required by these r

-XnmmCafesOerbtrq~eet opy vith tbe ACUIO! 3.3.6

[ ~~duriLng the performanca of gantainment integrated leak rate teat.

ACTION 22A. With. the number of OTERA~rL CbAannLs lts&than required by the izm Channels OPERABLE requiirementse e ITS]

I.. either retatet the inopezable, Channel.() toOE~Zstatuswti .

days of the event, or

2. ?T7p~r$ aneed iubzft £a eu 4=-o te I Nx1-t
3. Tacbfiical Specef ication Sections 3.0.3 and 3.0. 4 Not ApUcable.j rSee ITS ACTION 21. V the numiber of OPEWJ Channels less than re ad by the Kziinam mala OPERABLE requir ns w.tehr rwuasao the crable CzazuwL~) to StLEeatus witehin 7 days of tke avent. at 2.prepare aud submit a Special Leport to thLZot pursuant, to L.

specification 6.1.2 thin 14 days fallov *6 vent outaLnng the action taken, the use of the 5."oprai ty the PeI sand acheduLe for reasto the systema to OfEA stts

3. In the event of a accideut involvin radiLa Leal releases initiate the preplauned at. nerte method ofuao t: the. appropriate paraaetersa vi 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />..
4. Technical Speci ction, Sections 3.0.3 an 3.0.4 lot &ppIUUcaI. j COOK VCUL~EP ?LANT
  • VNIT 2 3/4 3.36 M MM~l~I go0 X, I~

Page 10 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 181 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 182 of 463 ITS 3.4.15 ITS TABLE3~2.2.6 (Continued)

TABLE V0TATI01 ACTIONS £07C10 20 - Vth clis number of channels OPELJJLZ less %box :spqdtie'd by B, D,E the X5.ininm Channels Operable rsquireasut, coMly vith cbs.

&CTXON srzeauents of Spoceitavfou


  • th the nuaber of channeLs OflUSI LSlSs than reqafred by theeCT Xinlzua Channals Operable requirasient. Perform ared surv*72 of the 34.319 monitoned area with portable mouitorin* Lutnmantat:Lon at least ACTION 221. Vith the ttnnbe; of OE3.nals CPEnnelless ten. rsqufrsd by the Mrm~

C Cahe: inals Oprbea requreetsnta7 ih h: TINSee rTS3 L.. eit'her restoce,the Luzperable Chan=el(x) to OIEUSTL status vithin. 7..

days of thu even:, or pzearas Sad i'ubmit &A"AL o 5 t 0mui thin 14 days folleidug the even% out aSee ITSI cctn taken, the cause of the inopeabiL~ty and ate Lane Amd5.

13. Tacbsiftal Spatiftsction. Sections 3.0.3 end 3.0.4 Not Applicb3e [ 3eTS ACTIONf 2121. With the wmbsne of OPELdILE Channels less thim required by the Xilstmum ChanneLs OPEMAILE requirements.

J.. *1thor rasters chin Snoperabla Channol~s) to O'UAZIX status vIth5.D 7 daya..of this avant, or

2. prepare and submit. a. Special. Leport to the Coummssion pUrsuant to See CTS Specification *9.. VSitZin 14 days following the event autlining the 3/ action taken, the c"use of the £unoperabiLuty and the pleas anid achedule for rsstoning the system to OPERUBLZ status.

3.. In the event of an Accident ismolving radiolotical releases: initiate the prepLanned alternate method of -mouitoring the appropriate paramecar(s) vithin 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

4. Technical Specification Sections 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 Nor.ApplftsbLe.

COOK IMC1.XAB PLANT ~T M 2 3/4. 3.36 A2XNMTK 11. PP. W. 151 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 182 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 183 of 463 ITS 5.6 ITS TABLE 3.3.4 (Coutdaued)

LABLZ LOTATION ACTION 10 - Vith tlhe imudber of cbannels OPEWRABLess. thbn re'qiiLzedby See ITS the Xiniuam Channels Operable requfrument. comply with tba 3.4.15 ACTO rauransof Speeificasims I.A.G.1.L ACTION 21. - V~th the nuaber of channels OPD.LI less than raqtfted by the See CTS Ninfunz Channels Operable requfremeat, perfovu area sarways of the L3/ monitored area with portable amoitaring Lutcruenutfatu at least ACTION 12 - Vith the auxber of channels OPEABLE less than required by the -r Mciniu Chazitls Operable raiquirement. comply vith the ACT=ON See ITS requirements of Specification 3.9.9. Thu AMTON lis not reqafred L3.3.6 during the perfotmance of cntkAlzinant 14tegratad leekrace test.

ACTION 22A.. VLC). the nu~br of OZEURAT.1 Chw=GLelostI than required by tha Nfiuwma Ch&=al2 OPUABLE requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~S RTS I .- aitfter restate the&fzoperable Channel~a) to OPUE.AIZ startu vithin 7 Specification 6.9a

  • within 14 days following the avent outlinf~ug the 5.6.6 action taken, the cause of thes inopexab~l~ty end the p'lans end Sthed'ule for restoriag t~he system to 02E5IZ status.
13. Tachzifta1 Speci~fication Sections 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 Not Applicable. 3..

ACTION 215- VLth the mizibar of OFERARLI Channels less than required by the UnLom12 Chaunels OPENABLE requirements.

3.. &1therg reveor. the Suzoprable CohnnelC) to OPWAILz status w~thLn 7 days of the avent, at

2. prepare AMd submit a Special leport to the Coumfssica pursuat to See CTS Specfi~fcsaloA 6. 9.1 withfn 14 days following the even: outlininz the 3/ action taken, thaecause of the InoparabLUty and the ples sand schedule for restoring the system to OVERABLE status.

3.. In the event of an accident Lavolvisft tadialogital releases Initiate the preplanned alteruate method ofp0of*.coring the appropriate parameters) within 72 to=r..

4. Technical Specificatiou Sections 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 lot &pp11cebLe.

COOK 3IUCtEA 2LAWIT - UNT 2 3/4 3-36 AMDNHWN lo. for lip, 151.

Page 15 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 183 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 184 of 463 ITS 3.3.3 ITS ~I Table 3,33-1 LE4Ai SR 3.3.3,1 SR CHARMIE CHASME CHhNMI.. FUCTIGEM. AULICABLE

1. Modes 1, 2, 3[~j See cT 3iw. j A. Area Mon'itors
1. 'Upper Co~tknitamnt 5* 1. 2, S. 4 (VIES 2101/2201) 10 LL. Containmant Hig Range 1 ,3 1.. Particulate Channel R Q 1, 2. 3, 4 C. Noble Gas Effluent Monitors I. Unit Vent Effluent Monitors See
a. Lov Range (VRS 2505) - -....... (see the ODCH) --...... ITS 3.4.I15
b. Kid Range (VR.S2507) S I i/ 1234
e. High Range (VRS 2509) S* R N/A 1, 2, 3, Se IL. Steam GeArtor ioRV CTS 3/

&. MRA 2601(Loop 1) S* R Q 1. 2,3. 4

b. PA 2602 (Loop 4) Sa Q 1. 2. 3,4 c.IDA 2701 (Loopl2) Sa Q 1 2. 3. 4
d. MU 2702 (Loop 3) 6* q 1, 2, 3,4 5.11. Gland 56.a. Coudeuaer Vent Monitor
a. Lay Range (SRA 2805) -...... -(Oae the ODOH) ------- I-IV. Steam Jet Air Ejector Vent Monitors
a. Low Rang. (SEA 2905) - ....-.. (see, the ODaI)---------

b:M id Range (BRA2907) S R Q 1. 2,3, 4 C. High Range (SRA 2909) 15 R. N/A 1, 2. 3, 4 COOK N~UCLEAR ILANT UNIT 2 3/4 3-37 AMNMNMg.4,4, ~6 175 Page 15 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 184 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 185 of 463 CTS 3/ CHANMM~C A APIUC-aLE

1. ModelsI 23 &l.4 A. Are Monitors 1.Uppar~ontnient so a 1,.2 3, 4 (VlS10/2201) it. Containment High Range S ,,.4IISee MS1 I (VRA, 2310/2410) Q II 2'. 3,3.3 see rTS t

L. Farticuls~at Chaznh1l S R It12. 3, 4 3.4.15 (E. 2301(Lo401)SO KQ 123 C. .l Gas E23fL.Lop) ' I

b. Kid (OR 250) 5' R 12v3 p

A. 2601 (Loop31) St R 1 2. 3,4 LC. 27nge (SMo 280) $* R Q 3 LA.

dOKITLA. 2702T(Loci? 33-37 / L~DE O 0 &1., 2G, 175 LLL.cou"Umertor ~ ~ ~ ~ Pge11 fl Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 185 of 463


1. Modes 1, 2, 3 & 4 A. Area Monitors SeT 1.- Upper Containment S, (VRS 2101/2201)2,34 R 1, 2, 3,1 3 Li-Containment High R~ange I.Q

.(VRA 2310/2410) 1,2R3

[2..3..4{See rrS B. Process Monitors24mth LCO e L. Particulate S*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L.

Ch&.=61 C. Noble Gas Effluent Monitors 1.Unit Vent Effluent Monitors,.

a. Low Range (VRS 2505) - -... -....(See the ODCH)--.;.....
b. Mid Range (VRS 2507) S R- N/A 1, 2, 3, 4
c. High Range (VRS 2509) 'S R N/A 1, 2, 3, 4 ii. Steam Generator PORV b . MRA 2601 (Loop 1) a. MA2601
b. MRA 2602 (Loop 4)

C. ZRA 2702 (Loop 3)


S*R (Loop 1) R S*R Q

Q 1,

1, 2, 3, 4

.2,3, 4 4~~~~~~~~~~~

CTS 3/4.3.3,11 S'. Q 1, 2,3, 4 d.MRA27OZ(Loops) ~~~R Q 1. 2,3, 4 iti. Gland Steam Condenser Vent Monitor

a. Low Range (SRA..2805) ---- ---(see the ODCM)-I......

iv. Steam Jet Air Ejector Vent Monitors

a. Low Range (SRA 2905) -------- (see the ODC) --------
b. Mid Range (SRA 2907) S RQ
c. High Range (SRA 2909) 1, 2,3, 4 S. B N/A 1, 2, 3, 4 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT- UNIT 2 3/4 3-37 A~MEMEnT No. 40, 14, U4, 175 Page 9 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 186 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 187 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS Table 3.3.6-1 TBE633(et~zd SR SR S .,.

2. Made 618av A. Train A otsFont Function 3.c 1.. Containment Are~a 1- 8..M 6-U4 idia~t Channel

-Lg2101jurnmoentf Function 3.b Li. Particulate Charnel, 1- da- 8- g~ 6. E* irradiated fuel Function 3.a Mi. Noble Gas Channel 1 8- j+ 6- o~

B. Train B3otot a Function 3,c L.* Containnent Area ., 8- 6-Radiation Channel Function 3,b IL. frcutChneSR M4 6g*~

Function 3.a Mi. Noble Gas Channel. 1- 9 8- 6- Ro*%)

3. Hode ** SeCT A. Spent Fuel Storage S AQ 3/

(RRC- 330) nldeSOUR ve W sation V WLth fuel in storage pool or bull n jSee CTS 3/

COOK NUCLEAR PLORT -UNIT 2 . 3/4 3.37& AMWW~T NO. O, 14P6 V4,# 175 Page 28 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 187 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 188 of 463 OTS 3/

?UZARL63.3 (Cantiru&d

2. Roef 6 A. Train A 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~

RTS A. Train A L ~~~~~~~~~~

L. Contaiument Area 5 Radiation Channel (VRS 21.01)

L.Tartc ateshanne SW R. SeT (ERS 2301) See. and IT3.6.4n1 5 Mi!. Fable Gas Channel S* IT .. 5 (ERS 2305)

B. Train B 6See rrS L.* Containment Area Radiatiou Channel 3s3.6 J CYRS 2201.)

Li. Particulate Chamol R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

MTS (ERS2401) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

and ITS 3.4.16)

A. SP tuaStorage S 1. Q

  • 330)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:

COOK kTUCLEAR PUN? UNIT 2 3/4 3-37a, hARDMW NO. 60. &&#I 466 175 Page 12 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 188 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 189 of 463 ITS 3.4.15 M_0 SR SR LR341.


2. Mode 6 A. Train A 6-See FlS
i. contaiwuent 'Area S* Q3.3.6J Radiation Chaimel (VK 21.01)

LCO 3.4.1 5,b Li. Particulate Chagmel 8' [i 2301 2

LCO 3.4.15,c ILL. Noble Gam Charms S B. Train B L. Conttainment Area 3'RQ St ~~~~~~~~~~~~

3.36J Radiation Channel, MRS3.2201)

LCO 3.4.15.b Li. Particulate Charmel, SO LCO 3.4.15.c IL fal PA. Spent ftel Storage (R-330)

S Q.

Q See CTS 3/ To, flude SOUR.CHE-CIM per T Sa-ci

-* VI fuel in storage poolor buil See CTSI 314.3.3.1J COOK NUCLEAR PLWN UNIT I . 3/4 3-37a A~NMPO T NO. .0. UO, 4W. 175 Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 189 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 190 of 463 CTS 3/ 3.3.3. a iuoabl., ineaor decec Iou syscem shall be 01 LE vid.:

a. cleast 75% of che 4.ecp car ckhlu ~a,
b. LzLi= of 2 deteccat 'Lahles per coar quad , ai C. Ucfiseac umvable de osara drive. a"4 readoai e'"uaE Co cap ahse. chimbles.

AIRLICA  : hou cbe Rovableo roe decaccLou syscam La used fact.

b. MCouLtarig the QC-ADR. 1Q~TILT "LTfO. or C. Me*IIasOILC of I' u6 C)

AiL Q V~di ch more dacecti to ine ytell irxapecabLe. do Ctusa, the system fortche b appLicable mcetoz ar ctlLbratLau fmct ans. The provisions oi of Spec 'iclaci 3.0.3 aud 3.0. are not appliosble.

I.*3.3 The movable Locaze 4. action sy;tm sal be 4causated OPEJASLE by no iz~nS each daceccor cpewhen required for:

a Recallbracion of xC& emutron flux d. tLan system, om

  • . taft the QVMAD PC=D TLUJX R O, or
  • Ieasremneof ei ~Z D.C C= C n-z I2 3/ -3AHEMI= rL5O.82

- 2 of 2

~~~~~~~~Page Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 190 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 191 of 463 CTS 3/ SEIS14C INS A-ION" L1MITING CON ITIOt4 FOR OPERATION Th seismic monitoring ins rumentation shown in T a 3.3'7 shall be OP LE.

APPLICABIL! At all times.


a. V th the number of OPE 1 seisaic,monitoring i truments less n required by Table 33-7, restore the nooper le instir-nt(s) to OPERABLE stat s within 30 days.
b. Ith one or more seismic monitoring instruments noperable for re than 30 days, prep eand submi't a Special eport to the, ommissiop pursuant to ecification 6.9.2 withi the next 10 asOutlining the caus of the malfunction and heplans for estoring the instrumen Cs) to OPERABLE status.

C. eprovisions of Speci ications 3.0.3 and 3.0. are not aplicable.

SURVEIL CE REQUIREMENTS Each of the above sei sic monitoring instrm ts shallI be demonstr ted OPERABLE by the pe oriance of the CHANEOL ECK, CHANNEL CALIBRAT N1and CWHI*EL FUICTIO L TEST operations at th frequencies shown in Table 4.3-4 Each of the above se saic monitoring fnstrum ots actuated during a stism c event shall be restor dto OPERABLE status an a CHANNEL CALIBA 101 perfertied within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following the ret aic event. Data shall bretrieved from actuat instruments and analyz to determine the magnitu Peof'the vibratory gro n motion. A Special Re art shall be pre~-

pared 'a4submitted to the Co ission pursuant to Speci ication-6.9.2 within 10 days describing the-.magnftue frequency spectrum a resultant effect upon f ility features import& to safety.

x~a ystemith-0.C. coo Unit 1.

0. C. COO - UNIT 2 3/4 3!38a Amendment NO. 45 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 191 of 463


b. Top of Crane Wall 0-1 g 1 c.

Ffeld Free ~~0-ig 1

a. Containment Spring Li e0-2 g 1
b. Diesel Generator Room Floor 0-2 g I .

C. Spent Fuel Pool 0-2 g 1 D.-CUNIT COOK23/4 3.-38b Amendment No. 45 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 192 of 463



1. TIM6 History Recorder KRK SeiopsfmCac Taigge Ir c. Freet Fiel Po 0

U, , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 193 of 463 0

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 193 of 463 0)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I (0


Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 194 of 463 CTS 3/ INSTRUM 71014 ME'OOCAL INSTRUME.NTATION LIMITING JONDMTON FOR OPERATION he teorological monitarift~ instrumientatlon channals sh n in Tal 3.8 shall be OPERADLE.

APPUCAS Ll:At all times.


a. With the nujer of OPERAS meteorological monitoring c annals less than required by Table 3.38 suspend all relaus of ga cous, radi oactive material tram radwaste gasdecay tUaks ti I the inoperable chinnelts) is stared to OPERALE status.
b. With one or aore required meerological monitoring ch, Ies 4noperable, for micre then days, prepare and submit a 1 clal Report to the Commiusion ursuant to Specification 6.29 within the next 10 days 0tlining the cause of th eel cion and the plans for restori the channel(s) to OEAB status.
c. The previsions of Specifi atins 3.0.3 and 1.0.4 are tR.


SURVEL A RMOWS 4.3.4 Each of the above metea 1 ice monitoring fnutruaenflion Chin Ii shall be demonstrated OP LI by the performanc of he CIIAINEL CHEC and CHANNEL CALIURATION oa atons at the frequenies s in TabY 4.3-1.

a51 #y3 Vtoe V.C. CM kuJ l.

  • OK - NITZI3/4 3-39 Nto.

45 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 194 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 195 of 463 CTS 3/ T 3.3-4 MORIOWG!CA. " TORINO INS JK AT120 chumnes a.Pr or backup Netoorologlcal ovr, 1.uizil 31ev. 10 a C1),(2)

b. Pr Kteoro1.ogical Tover, I 31w,. 60.a (l) I(Z)
2. vINDD G Any 1/S
a. Pr obackup Meteoroloigica Tomrn, XosLual 31ev. 10 a +/-?
b. Pr wateoelegical Tm:, RInl Zie. 60 a +/- 30
3. AlD m 3: (car S0a teo 0m ita?) PA(3)
a. ft EtsevologioaR. Tawar. 31w. 10 a 0.150 C
b. Pr KteoraloSical. Towsr. swnleg.60.m0.-L5Io (1)3 upNdofi SN Of ernmer I be : I a.

(2) +/-ior0.5 mph6, vUbimer Li, er.

(3) VIth delta? 5ziformati mva bl, APLpstheta (smar devietiom of the ho: utalVWu dfrtseuf =a te&mLued tm einqensty p

  • i)se to be wed for the temn~atiou of stabilLt clas.

0.C. ~T M 2 3/4 30 Ain kndment Noc. #J.113 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 195 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 196 of 463 CTS 314.3.3.4 TABLE 4.3.5 METE~OROLOGICAL NO'I.4RflNG _ NSTRUMENTATMo tPXlE ILLASCE IREOUIZREHENTS CQW~EL IN, s n. M.- I 01 T CHECK ~~~CA I3A0?

1. 1 .'f1%lD SE
a. no nil Elov. 10 a D SA
b. No Lfta1Etlcv.60 a D LA
a. 1; Lust Elev. 10.Y D EA
b. NLnal Elev. 60 r D SAI
a. ): mLnal Elev. 10u D S
b. oIZIal le1v. 60 a D $AI D.C. ~Z UI T 2 3/4 3-41 ndment No. $S,113 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 196 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 197 of 463 ITS 3.3.4 ITS INSTRUMENTATION REMOTE SHUTDOWN INST;UMENTATsIO LIMITING-CONDITION FOR OPSRATION LCO 3.3.4 33z h eoesudw oioigiscanl APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2 and 3.

ACTTON: Adproposed ACTIONS Note 2 A2 ACTIONS Aand B a With the number of OPERABLE remote shutdown monitoring channels less than required by Table 3.3-9, either restort the Inoperable channel to OPERABLE status wIthin 30 days, orf be in NOT SRLTTOOW1 within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. [ d*rpsdRqie ACTIONS INt I b. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR, I.ach remote shutdown monitoring instruJmentation chanr'tl shall be SR demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of teCHANNEL CHECK and CHANNEL CALISWAZON operations at the frequencies shown in Table 4.3-6.

D. C. COWOK* U.nIT 2 3/4 3-42 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 197 of 463

TABL 3. 3- 9 REMOTE StJDs MOIE fRG I ISTRHMENTATIDNg 83 IN TMRMN RE~~~~~~~~A IN AG CRAMIUES 1 ndReac oni RANGE 9K~~OPRADU.E Brakrhot 5wdonPanel in OPEN-CLOSE 1/trip breaker d i~~a i o n

2. Press rIzerEnPressure EM

~t ntr ol Rom.

Unat.Std. I CoPanel tn Unit 1 Control Rom 1700-2500 Ps

3. Pres urizer Level UtS tdmow Panel In -01a 0

unit .

I Control RoOM "Instrwet pn

4. Ste .Generator Pressure Hot htdowi Panel In 0-1200 Psiflstem.

URI IoControl generator Roam S. Sta Generator Level not Shtdown Panel Its 0-1001 I range 9MW no. I Control I/steam generator nowm Instrumen sPon , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 198 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 198 of 463 CD) 01 0


SR SR 3,3,4.2

1. F ft=o Trip 1Udfmtiwn Uft 1 UWW NftAL 24n~nh .

Wut lb 1 d=~

2. Prassizer Itt[ezl InH
3. Level ittftnl in H Wit

~~~ I ~~~~~~8tZ~~~~l 24 ~~months L

4. Stain ZwMsl tpanel in KRI
  • 5. stem tw~z t ~ lIn [RI 0)~~~~~~ , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 199 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 199 of 463 0~~~~~


0) n

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 200 of 463 CTS 314. rio Z0DvOR 0ZlATION The App remote shutdown LYW mum Adx tation channiels shown Table 3.3.9A bhall. b OJEUJILE with an opposite uit pover auppl7 available waith road out capab~i ty at the U? panels.I PLICASIL KODIS 1, 1. and 3 ACTION

a. v t the umiber of OPEDADLE ppendix R remote shutdovu nItoring Ihnes I. to than requixed by Table .3-9h, either geatoxe the ab~canuel, to le ODIIstatus witbin 30 da a or be ini HOT SEUTOIM Lv the iexm la
b. ththe opposite unit power supply not available, ea yethe paver vvvz7 available status vithin 7daya. or provide fire vat La the affected ase end wastere the mop bl channel to GU.RJLE a u within the next Odays, obe Ln VOT SITAII Tvithin the next Ithoure M SMTE =TOVN Lah~ the following 24 h a C. *provisionsa of Epecifite Lou 3.0.4 are not applicab Each Appendix R remote sh, dowvn monitoring instrument Lou' channel shell be demonatr& ed OPERABLE by performance of the CEANINEL CHECK end CAL?3PATI0N operatco at the frequencies slhown nTable 4.3.6A.

D. C. OX

  • UNIT 2 3/4 3-44a, hmeadaeut go. 116 Page 5 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 200 of 463

REAW HIABUKI~ ~~~HRZ iwsuunm. ~~~~~~WCATIOui .AN2 R FUR

  • . teamm Generators I. L2X Csabfet IL mAd 0-100% wide ralie sum an seeb LSI sad 4 tayel LSI Cabinet 4 inOtt' mt BP". Cabinet for each stems generator
2. Otem Cwmmtors Ur cabinet 2 and0-100% wide rongea ane esd%LSI
7. Coolant Reucrar loop LI Cabinet 4 0-7c0b07 las.d fr ac I. ItmtO Cooranto LIo IIt Cabinet 4 and 0-1700 PeV5 42 XtupGeeratore INt 151 Cabinet 6 "OImPi cabien etchC

-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mietfi sl Ci)~~~~~

0) Cl) 9 ai~ Me C,)~~~~~~4T~au , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 201 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 201 of 463 0~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0

~ ~~~ ~ ~

0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nsc S -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

06 1.

Coolant RavocterLwp ISI Cab~~~~~ine E aie

9. Pressurizer Level L.31 Cabinet 3 0-1002 of1 instruntent span
10. Reactor Coolant systeu preasure L.3I Cabinet 3 0-3000 pug 1
11. Charging Cross-Flow Between Corridor -0gm Kiev. 5871 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 202 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 202 of 463 C1)

-4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-


~~~~~~COOK u~1T 2 3/4 3-.44c ftI1ER.16 ODAEDEN)o 1

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 203 of 463 CTS 3/ IM MOMOR sunOCO NDO BILANC

1. Steam Gwnrutor I and 3 Level LI Cabinet 2 amnd LSI Cabinet 4
3. ScuamGenerators 2land 4 PnAvcI ISI Cabinet42 and LSI CabinetS4
4. Steam Oeneraton I mad 4 Presn= 1S1 Cabinet 4 &W nd 151 Cabinet 4 Steamperazi (cod) r.2 3Pes LIS CabindIadS 5 Reactor Oo~w9 Eoop 4LSI Ckbiaei4 andR Tmvkstm (cold)LSICabins4ad R Teu~~mmm (Hot) LSI Cab~ni6 7 Re~qW~dwm~oop2LSI Cmbinet4 and RR1 Temitimm (COW L~~SI Cabinet 6 Pftsmvizw IAVOI LSI Cabinet 3R B

R10.D SSIM 15S Cystm ct3R

11. aChrgbiCroua-FlowBetwee Corridor Bier 5S7' R*

Units' 12.Ranp Noomm Saam SIS Cabinet 4NIR

  • ChatgICrn-FlouRo II Units ismaninatunmt commoon to Uait I anal 2. Thi aurveiflance Will omlybe conducted oan consiztetwl&T1hunk I TAE"uh COOK NM~cBAItV4 2 PImVS-MI AmUMm4Tn6 22 Page 8 of 8 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 203 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 204 of 463 ITS 3.3.3 ITS (I 3/4 LIMiTG CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEELLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.3 INSIRUMENATION POST-ACCDEWJ MNTRUMMNATION LIMMTNQ CONDMTON FOR OPERATIO LCO 3.3.3 The. post-accdent monitoring nsumttinchannels shown in Table 3.3-10 shall be OPERABLE.

APPLICABILIT: MODES 1,2 and 3. Ad rposed ACTIOSNt .


ACTIONS A and C It. VWith the number of OPERABLE, post-accident monitoring channels leCs than required T .

Jl (excp ktm 8), either restore the Inoperable channel to OPERABLE status wti as ACTIONS B, E, F, and GL2 ACTION A b. With the cumber of OPERABLE post-accident monitoring channels on lesta require byM Table 3.3-10, Item 8, befieling Water Storage Tank Water Levtyc:3 a

1. Either restore the channel to OPERABLE status within ramfble rbehi at ACTION B -iutHOT SHUTOWN %withinthe neit 12 hoDurs. an Add proposed Required ActionB.L1 Adpoposed ACTIOSC adFL.

ACTIONS Note I C. The prc/yiions; of Specification 3.0.4 are no applicable.

SUIRVEILLANCEROTEET SR Table Note Each post-accident monitoringisrmnain channel shall bo demionstrated OPERABLE by performance Of the CHAkNNEL CHECK andl CHANNEL CALIBRATION operations at fth frequencies shown in Table 4.3-10.

COOK NUCLEAR~ PLANT-UNfT 2 Page 314 3-4S N qN 1 Page 9 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 204 of 463

il ITS Table 3.3.3-1 TABLZ LI.

lm= OI(.S

=AU1A PEMOBL-8 1. Containament, Pressurc Wde ag)2 3 2. Reactor Coolant Oubtlet Temperature T (Wid ane

3. Reactor Coolant Inlet "

T"mPeratr Wd Rne 2 4

5 4. ~Reactor C00olant Pressure - Wide Range

2. nGneao 12 5. pressurizer. Water rAV413 2/team Generator mJ 3 2 6.steam Line. Prssr or 22 7. Steam Geneatr Water Level. - Narrow Rang's 24 8. Refueling $rater Storage Tank water LevelI 19 kkSoutonLe"Generator* ~~_ 1 Steam  %:i ii. Reactor Coolant Symtem uucol hainMnio 1;L=


2. PORV Io n7ndicator - tSwchs** w
3. P0ORBocVav Pooition, Indicator - ii tcoe alve.
4. .ae le oiiIictr-Acousti, oio 2Outoft QuaToata 1.5. ---Incore tTeaOOp0)2 (creh'CTermocouples(Cr reuaan 15,16,17,18 6 16,. ".

Reactor Coolant hnV~ntO2rP T aoling SystemOe Generator Watetx Leve8l Chzannels can be used ase a .ub~t~itutA fOr the corressponding Footnote (d) *steam awlaxy f~evater flow rate channe instrumente.

5* ~~li~~ng margi edout cmi *ys4as a substitUteS for the~boln oio

  • 0 monitoringof PORV positJLo )(1 channel per Acoust -heedavs redichre Can se as a susiueforto PORV Indicator -LmtSic ntuet.R , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 205 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 205 of 463

~~~ ULA LN - UNXT 2 3/4 '-46 AmnmntN.L,77 4~ 5 (a~ ~ ~

0 ~~~~~~~~~

-h 0)

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 206 of 463 ITS 3.3.3 ITS(I )

3/4 LIMITING coNDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Table 3.3.3-1IAL.30 POST.Ar AMY;TMlNTRN INSTRTTIMPNTAJMN SUR VFTJ VANC RPOTIR FMFNT SR SR CHANNEL CHANNEL CHEC-rK VAUTRITIiON 8 1. Containment Pressure M R 3 2. Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature - Tlicrr (Wide Range) M R 4 3. Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature - TcotD (Wide Range) M 5 4. Reactor Coolant Pressure -Wide Range MR 12 5. Presstuizer Water Level M24mnh1.

2 6. Steam Line Pressure M R 22 7. Steam Generator Water level - Narrow Range 24 S. RWST Watwer LeYelI 18 tO1. Auxfliary FeedwaterFlow Rate M2 ot 25 Ii. Reactor Coolant System Subcoollng Margin Monitor M

12. PORYV o Indicator - Limit Swdthe R
13. POVlkalve Position Indcao tSwitches MR 14 - n nv A Valve~ Png-ttinn Indimmr tustin Mnnitnr P 4months 15, 16, 17, 18 15. Incore Thermocouples (core Exit Thermocouples) M.

6 16. Reactor Coolant Inventory Tracking SystemM (Reactor Vessel Level Indication) L2 7 ~~~~18.

Containment Water Level M 24 months1.

Add proposed Functions 1, 9, 13, 14, 20,21,23,26,27, ad2 .

1(IJ Pazii rsn ch-annel ealibrainlrsensor to be perforped-tIow P-12 inMOE31(v.

(2) With on of Reactor Vessel Level!Inf ton inoperable, Subcooling nIdication and Core Exit The uplesmay be used t ef CANLCHECK to verify rmingReactor Vessel L.

caintanOPERABLE.0 1(3) SernLltion of cliftnel calibr!kieio1l sensors to be *L P-12 inMOE31Qis lpe6~ow COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2 Page IN 3-47 AmENDMENT 9j,9s~M-359,4P3f, 224 Page-11 ofl16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 206 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 207 of 463 T1NSTRUMENTA-TI-o1 THIS PAGE INTNTONALLY LEFT BLANK.-

COOK NUCLEaR. PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 3-48 AMNMETNO. 82 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 207 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 208 of 463 3/4 LI~ifITIG CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQU9REMENTS 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION This page intentionally left blank.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Pag 3/4 3.49 AMENDMENT 82 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 208 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 209 of 463 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMAENTS 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION Page Intentionally Deleted COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 3-51 AMENDMENT 61 45, 192 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 209 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 210 of 463 REQUIRtEMENTS 3/4 'LIM[ITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE 314.3 INSTRUMENTATION TABLE 3.311v Table Ilutentionahly Deleted Page 314 3-52 AMENDMENT 6&, US4, 15, tn s COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 210 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 211 of 463 CTS 3/ *1explosive ga~s monitor 15instnumentstion ciShXOw til Table, 3.I2hl bit opEWALE vi their alarn/trip set, nts not to ensUreti te limits of Specifi tiCKL &re not xcededd.

ARPLT ~As shown in Table 3.3-12.

a. ith an explosive gas noring Instrumetitatio channel armtrip setpoint lea onservative than the bova peiication, delre *channel inoperable dtakce the ACTIONI shwnTable 3.3.12.
b. With less than the ml number of explosive as monitoring instrumentation cane OERABLE. take the A aO in Table sown 3.3-12. Restore the I prable instrumentation to OPEWALE status vithin 30 day.. If unsuccessful. prepa. and submit a SPECIAL REPORT to the uusalon pursuant to S deification 6.9.2 to explain wuhy this . ]perability was not corr cted in a timely R C. The provisions of Spa ifications 3.0.3 and 3. .4are not 1Each explosive gax dtorin~g instrumentAtiC shall be 1hne deowns ated OPERABLE by pefo a of the CHANNEL CE*CHARNE CALUhR ON and analos FUCIONAL TEST at the shown in Loucis COOKLEARPLANT -WUIT 2 3/4 3-53 NO. 1,,~4& 175 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 211 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 212 of 463 CTS 3/

1. vaste Holdup ysltem Explos?. e Gas Moniroring


a. Hydr &en Monitor 1 *21 (QCO- 400)
b. OeMostitor 2 **24 (C1400, QC-370)

Action 23 With the number of Is OPEWALE less te equired by the Minimu Channels OP L requirement, oper~at of this system nay continue for up 14 days, ptovided grab saples are taken en~d analyzed every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Action 2 With the number oil c In OPERABLE one less thnrequired by the Miniomi.Canl EA requirement, op ration of this system may cont5nu r up to 30 days. With Channels inoperable, operatio of this system may con for up to 30 days. provided grab are taken and a Iopne zd every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

    • Dur vaste gas holdup sys emoperation.

IThe vast. gas holdup syst explosive gas monfitori system may be erable. for up to 160~ asn a one-time basiso thes purpose of elain& one oxygen monlt r. During this time, B ab amples for a jnare to be taken antalyzed every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> COOK CLA.PLANIT . UNT 2 3/4 3-54 AMNMN O ,144, " 175 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 212 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 213 of 463 CTS 3/ 314 LhfNGO mOsFOR O1'EATI *A*MC E 3143 N.~O BLE 4.-


1. waste Ga= Iu SyseMM ExplOSIve sMnorg L Hy monitor D M QMl
b. OxgMntrD M Q(2)

(I) The CALIB3RATION4 shal tMete use of stunidd so contalning a nominal:

a. o~n percent hydrogen. nitsogen nd b,. urvolume per-eatbydrogen nimoen.

xal (2) noe CAIRTONsat te us of mtndard gVs le otcnn ominal:

b. Volume per ,cent oxygen. ba nitrogen.

3 bOldup Systc-SUSI

  • uwvelllTom sareaotequlml am 1604w peziod in dshimonitor Is eiegroplace&

COOK CERPLANTUNIT 2 Pag 314 35 80, AM~DM~C 414 4175 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 213 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 214 of 463 ITS 3.4.4 Y19.4 MUMTO CODLaNft SY5TM4 2f.4.42 -REACTOR COOL.ANT LOOPS AND COOLAN~T CIRCULA1'ZON STARV AND POLfR OERA1TQ?14 Loot HMG MOrOITZON fLAMOPRA7TtIN LCO 3.4.4 3.4ZI., All react.-ri coolant loops shall bet n operatfon.

ACTION A Vtith less than the abe frdratr coolant loops Inaoperatilon, ba.f a at least HOT STAHOT= dhn ot gUSELLMICE REDUTIE"?4EU SR 3.4.4A1 4.4'-1 -te11y rclzrlee 9Itt lccos small be verifle. ,, ~.,ta aperton at us*, once e

    • ...~~~j.
  • .., 7 3(4 4-1 0 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 214 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 215 of 463 ITS 3.4.5 ITS LCO3.4.5 a. The reactor coolant loops listed below shall be OPERABLE and LCO3A.5 ~~~In operation as required by Iteas b, c. and d:I

1. 24acor Coolan LopI its associated tam generator and reatr cooantir S
2. Re tor coolant Lop an ts associate steam gentrator reasto? coolant
3. t~or Coolant lo 3 and its associat dsteam generator
4. RatrColant 4 and Its associ ed steam generator b.- At least two of tba, above coolant loops shall be OPERABLE anid at least one loo in station if then coacto vo I~g are L.

capable of rwd vithdvowal.*

SAtleiastio .. ,ablve 3.3.3 fo shl n hentatio LCO3.4.5

  • 12. ?COt ~overt n a ab e syor tomb ora rvi


Note ~ ~ 005 315 oed matio h otrlrddSv y mLscpbeo sdte . AooetIatiroe af the2) coreozlant tempers r is Rmaitieda

    • For p ans o otiperatioan on additioRefe ateo c h ~?de 3.1.2S. ctin...21 Is33.2fr.o 0.

. C ~ t~4r 2 34r2 AENHEPtsO. 1 Note Lots tooper are poini of zbe Pag 3 of Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 215 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 216 of 463 ITS 3.4.5 ITS REACTO COOLANTSST LITITINGT CONDITION M9R OPERATION (Corit~inued)

RequIredA mmd at.l with 2less orn h aoven requtire treactor l o ddoan e C

ACTION b~~. Wi eofha h nme aoperating coolant loops required by tea d above, restore ye required number of coolan ocpsL.

vtin 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or lover e reactor coolant System te rature, ORTwo require C .

ACTION D crops noperabt d. With no reactor coolant loop in operation, upn l action to return the required coolant loop to operation.

SR At least the above required eactor coolant pumps, if not in operation, shall be determined to be OFlMBLE once per 7 days by verifying correct breaker alignments and indicated power availability.

SR At least one cooling loop shall be verified to be in operation and Ic~ru~ain*r~icor oolra-at least oc~e per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

    • For oses of this specificat n,,addition of wate~r from the R does not c titte a dilution actilvi prvded the boron concentreto h RUST greter than or equal t he minimum required by specifi ion

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 3.1.8.b.2.~~

D. C. COOK UNIT 2 3/4 4-2a AK4ENDMENT NO. j 10 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 216 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 217 of 463 ITS 3.4.6 LTS-3/4 LEWMTNG coNDIMONS FOR OpMRTONq AND SURVEILLACEEUREET 314.4 REACTOR COOLANT $WYSTEEMUME LCO 3.4.6 L The coolant loops listed below s&bl be opERALE and in operaton astrequired by items b and c:

1. Coolant Loop I and It soitdsteam pnrt reactor coolan
2. Coolant Loop 2 u4asnd ite steam feeaoadractor coolant S. t Coolant LAo" S t associated suem and reactor coolant
4. orCoolant Loop 4 Its msociated sam and BMaW coolant S. ROOMua Heat Removal-
6. Residual Beat ReMOval West
b. AleIastWo oftheabove motant 1wadaibeDOERK and C. At uof thabaft colaloopugmsnd n "b.Oo

~~~~ MODE 4I Onrof a eaplorolat tnotruqumn ai~f Ao.211 LCO34.6 pr 8 hur rrolspusadgeinlha iib I oremoved fromA3 M.

Note eriod xarme penttdO woiu caum dilftio of fthreact coola0 &Lti20 b astntamonand 2) coe coftl tempeatsure Is mainaied at leas 10P I bOfo estem -pcf.I fwwft oD osi COOK NUCLEA PIANT-UNJT 2 Par 3/4 4-3AI Mfl 4P20 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 217 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 218 of 463 ITS 3.4.6 ITS 3i4 LMMfIIG COfr4JTONS FMR OPDATO? A"Z SURVEILANCE REQUIREMFZMT 314A4 REACTOR COOlAlqT SYSIM LAM4ITN CONDITION FORL OPEA¶1O LCMrIdMxed ACTIONS A and B a. with atanthe abov requird loops OPERABLE i-mWeitely initiate cret ction

- [th~ imtefedlop Wmo OPERABLEsaats us mmo as psbe;inCOLD SHUTDMOWN within Ous d rpsdRequired Actions 9.1 and 8.2 D. nitult numlEntsumcooa ood. Fthin 2m hoursWmr, ACTION B C. With wo codlai loop Inoperation, 1 i;Ela vita F 000; tdahRellwdCoohl StADoI-O Inb~i C~~ctteVe .

mdcii to rtamn te required Coolae loop to qweruiozt.

A~6re?~Ired"ru~a UeS ,waflP(S) abal be dsrnn9!3Eper Wpcficazio (

SR 4A.1l3.2 The requW , creactor, coolan toain Ifp~) etemied to onx~

owce Per 7 days brveiyin connot breake alnDiaevower alablity..

o b eforedunW 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after areuiwred Notreuird urnpis not in o eraton I SR Thebo~~EMA afig ioxdlv thetPagep off Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 218 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 219 of 463 ITS 3.4.7 ETS 3/4 LIMITYING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTM COLD SHUTDOWN - LOOPS FILLED LIMMTNG COiqDITION FOR OPERATION LCO 3.4.7 At least one residual beat removal (RHR) loopt shall be OPERABLE and in operation*, and either:

a. One additional RHR loop shall be OPERABLE**. or abv oo h Ih ~ue
b. Ike seconds side water level of at least two steam generators shall ber reater or too APPUICAR LT: MODES5 with reactor coolant loops filled.***


ACTIONS a. With one of the RHR loops inoperable and -with less than the required steam generator water level, A and B immditely initiate corrective action to return the inoperable RHR loop to OPERABLE status or ACTION C b. WtWoRRlo nortosuspen all 2Zrations involving a reduction in boron _

SURVEILLANCE R q IREET n SR The secondaly side water level of at least two steam generaors when required shall be determined SR At least one RHR loop shall be determined to be in operationland cirl eact r coolam at LCO3.4.7 ~~The RHR pum may be deenergized for to 1 ho r oied: 1(1) no operations are Note 1 (2) core outlet temperature is maintained at least 100F below saturation temperature.

LCO 3.4.7 *0One RHR loop may be inoperable for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for surveillance testing provided the other Note 2 RHR loop is OPERABLE and in operation.

COOKNCER corcolnp umpTshalT 2o Psarged wi/4onebormr fteRatrCoAMtSseNmEN 0 colwlgo tmpratre eualto152Fles nles 1)hepresuizPage 2voumeiofe2 S Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 219 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 220 of 463 ITS 3.4.12 MTS 3/4 LEMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND) SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTM COLD SHUTDOWN - LOOPS FILLED LIMrTINO COiqDMTON FOR OPERATION At least one residual beat removal (RHR) loopt shall be OPERABLE and in operation*, and either:

A. One additional RHR loop shall be OPERABLE**. or

b. The secondary side water level of at least two steam generators shall be greater than or equal to 76% of wide range instrument span.

APPLICBUT: MODES5 with reactorCoolant loops filled.***


a. Wiith one of the RHR loops inoperable and sith less tha the required steam generator water level, See rrS imedately initiate corrective action to return the inoperable RHR loop to OPERABLE status or J..

restore the required steam generator water level as soon as possible.

b. With no RHR ioop in operation, suspend all operations Involving a reduction in boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System and immediately initiate corrective action to return the required PRHR loop, to operation.

SURVEILLANO~ REQUIREMENTS 4A. 1.4.1 The secondary side water level of at least two steam generators when required shall be determined to be withi limits at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. At least one RHR loop shall be determined to be In operation and circulating reactor coolant at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

The RHIR pump may be deenergized for up to 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> provided: (1) no operations are permitted that would cause dilution of the Reactor Coolant System boron concentration,ft and (2) core outlet temperature Is maintained at least 1O6F below saturation temperature.

One RHR loop may be inoperable for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for surveillance testing provided the other RHR loo is OPERABLE and in operation.

LCO 3.4.12.c A reactor coolant pump shall not be started with one or more of the Reactor Coolant System cold leg temperatures less than or equal to l52'F unless (I) the pressurizer water volume is less than 62 % of span or (2)the secondary water temperature of each steam aenerator is less Z t The normal or emergency power source may be Inoperable.

tt For purposes of this specification, additon. of water from the RWST does not constitute a 3.4.7J dilution activity provided the boron concentration in the RWST is greater than or equal to the minimum byseification


.4 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Adprpsdthird Condition of Conditio~n GM.5 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 4-b AMENDMENT 82, 208 Page 12 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 220 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 221 of 463 ITS 3.4.8 ITS 314 LIAMIIG CONMIMONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEIlLANCE REQUIREENTS 314.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM COLD SHTDOWN - LOOPS NOT FILLED LIMITING CONDITONFO OEATION LCO 3.4.8 At least two residual heat removal (RHR) loopst shall be OPERABLE** and at least one RHR loop shall,be In operazion APPLMICAILTY MODE 5 with reactor coolant loops not filled.

ACTION A A. With tesn tha the above. required RHR oops OPERABLE, Immediately initiate corxcive actionM1 to return gme I~dRR o to OP L statu as soo as possible.

ACTION B b. rith no RHRl Ioin rationos nolin SR At least one RHR loop shal be detemined to be in operadonimo cu zwe~rcosua LCO 3.4.8 H eeeele o _ph to ior()noealn r Note I uf CZ~-MUSO oMeRatr colat M bt ome ainletp teinperarere Ismaintained at least lOPF below saturation fe-4Add proposedLC348 tNote I parto M.

ICO 3.4.8 One RH11 loop may be Inoperable for uip to02 hours for surveillnce testing provded the other Note 2 RHR loop Is OPERABLE and In operation.

I The normal or pwrsource may be Inoperable.(II) tt Fo Of ft s*fdicitl *-on of wate fom the RWS does norostitt atvtprovided gm ionIn tberWS than or qual to teL1 rqupired by seiiai3I27b.2.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-NTM 2 Popg 314 4ac AMEONDMEN 83, 208 Page 2 of 3 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 221 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 222 of 463 ITS 3.4.8 3/A .A6I fluis Iun t munomT AlA D. C. C= .~23/4 4-3d Amm.w.8 Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 222 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 223 of 463 ITS 3.4.1 0 ITS 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SAFETY VALVES - SHUTDOWN LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION LCO 3.4.1 0 3.4.2 A mninimumn of prsuizer code safety valve shall be OPERABLE with a lift setting of 2485 PSIG

  • 3%."

APPLICABILJTY: MODES 4~ Ad.popse ACTION: [plcblt oe With no pressuie oesfty valve OPRBL:Add prooe ACTIONS A and B ACTION .

a. dteysuspend alloeao Inoving positive reactivity c eexetadtion of water frmteRWST, provide te rnconcentration in the RW i rae hnthe minirmum reurdby Specificato 3. 8b (MODE 4) or 3..27 .2(OE5,and place an Adpooe .

OPERABLE RHR loop into oeainin the shutdown cooing7 o ide ACTIO Brpo

b. Immediately render all Sa yInjection pumps and all but n charging pump inoperable byM1 removin the applicable trcircuit breakers from the elec; Dower circuit within one hour, SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR 3.4.1 0.1 4.4.2 1No additongSurveillance Reciuire ns other than those rectu v Secificatio. 4.0.5.

ropsed R 34.10.1A.

Add The lift settinqg-essure shall correspond toe int conditions of the valve at Ofinn! operating tempetue and pressure-I SR3.41 0.1 'MTe pressurizer code safety vleshall be reset to the nominal value + I% whenever found outside the +1I%

SR tolerance. yvle_

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 'Page 314 4-4 AMENDMENT 82, 4W, 244. 253 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 223 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 224 of 463 ITS 3.4.1 0 ITS 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILL1ANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SAFETY VALVES - OPERATING LIMITNG CONDITION FOR-OPERATION LCO 3.4.1 0 3.4.3 All pressurizer code safety valves shall be OPERABLE with alift setting of 2485 PSIG+/- 3%."'I APPLICABILITY: MODES 1,2 and 3.

ACTION:- - ppibityNe A-ACTIN Wih on prssurzercode oafe e~operable either rest= the inoperable valve to,OPERABLE status withn I andprewz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{ cfonB I \~~~urd SR3.4.1 0 ' The pressurize code safety valve shall be reset to the nonminal value +I1%whenever found outside the +1%

SR tolerance.I COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 4-5 AMENDMENT 253 I Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 224 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 225 of 463 ITS 3.4.9 ITS Ci 314 LIUMTIG CONMMTONS FOROPERATIN AND BURVEULCE REQUIREMENS 3/4 MOACOR COEMN' SYSTM LCO 3.4.9 344 mm Fressne shl lbe OPEUBALE wiffi a waer les gmsor equal to 92% of spa and two trains fp asi Izeate wi tecapacity of @achiunin peatertaor eqal toISO kW.

MODiS 1. 2 , 3 ak AC .~IO L Wth the pressurizcr Inoperable due an Ix~nopble train of pressuize hesters, eithe zestore tha M ACTION C G 12hu.

ACTION A b. Withto mrzq~~ beinat lest HOTSWT SR 4A,4.i Teresrerdtmidto be wihbin ht imi stol n ceper 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

SR 4AA.2 TMaeae shall be deemnstrated OPMOERAL at least once per8mnh by enriig e equpd acty of heatmin eachtrhi.u COOXNUCLEARPLANTUM1T2 Page Y4 ~ AMENDMENT 34434,227 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 225 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 226 of 463 ITS 3.4.13 ITS REACTR cOOLAN SYSTEM STEAM GE4ERATORS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION APPLICABILITY: !SES 1./, 3 a 4.A3 ACTION: ~~~~~~~~~~Add~

proposed ACTION B(Condition third part)

With one, mre steam geer £noperable, rsto th Inoperable genteraE I) to OPERABLE 19 _ _Prior to Inerta& Tu above 200F.

SURVEILANCE REWIRDIENTS SR Eec stea generator $Shall dmnstraftd OPERADLE b rtorumnce Steam Generator SMMle Selection arnd minpection - Each steam generator shall-be determined OPERABLE during shutdowin Sy selecting and ins act-Ing at least the minima. number of steam generators specified In Steam Generator Tube Sample Selection and 'Inspection - The steam generator tute miniona saw e,size. inspection result cl~assififcation, and the corresponding action required shall te as -specified In Table 4.442. The Insenrice inspection of steam generaRr tubes shall be performed at the frequencies specified in Specification and the inspected tubes shall be verififed acceptable per the acceptance criteria of Specification The tubes selected for each inservice inspec..

tion -shall include at least 5%of the total number~ of tubes in all'steam See ITS generators; the tubes selected for these Inspections shall be selected on 5. J a random basis except:

a. -Where experience in similar plants with similar water chemistry indicates critical areas to be inspected, then at least 50% of the tubes Inspected shall be from these critical areas.
b. The first sample of tubes selected for each Inservice Inspection (subsequent to the preservice Inspection) of each steam Senerator shall Include:

D.C. COOK -U1NIT 2. 3/4 4.7 Aendamet No. 69 Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 226 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 227 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITSGi REACTOR COOLAN SYSITV STEAH GENERATORS UNMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.4.5 Each steam generator shall be OPMPALE.



With one or more steam generators Inoperabl'e. restore'the Inoperable generator(s) to OPERABLE status prior to Increasing T a., above 200F.

$JRVEILLANCE REOUIRDENTSM Each steam generator shall be dunonstrated OPERABLE by Performance

  • of tile following augmented foservice inspection program and the require-went of Specification 4.0.5.

5.5.7 ~~~ Steam Generator' Sampoe Selection and In.,ection - Each steam teeatr sha&I be determined OPERABLE during shutdown by selecting and inpcIng at least the minim=m number of steam 2enes-ators spcci led to

  • Tabl .4-1. *fAdd nroposed ITS 5.5.7 generic program descriptio 5.57 . Steam Generator Tube.Sem 1. Selection and Inspection -The steam generator tob minimum samp e -size. inspection result classification, and the corresponding action required shall be as-specified in Table 4.4-2. The Inservice inspection of steam generator tubes shall be mefred at the frequencies specified In Specification and the ipctdtubes shall be verified acceptable per the acceptance criteria cfaSienific4. T-he tubes selected for each inservice Inspec-t on-s41 include at least 3%of the total number of tubes in all steam 5.5.7'a generators; the tubes selected for these Inspections shill be selected on aIrandom basis except:

5.5.7.a.1 ~~a. Where experience in similar plants with similar water chemistry Indicates critical areas to be inspected, then at least S0% of the tubes Inspected shall be from these critical areas.

5.5.7.a.2 b. The first sample of tubes selected for each Inservice Inspection (subsequent to the preservice inspection) of each steam Senerator shell-include: ---

Wbs SPeCification does Mt appy In 1ode 4 wUitll pecftcm injSe T oCeVice flushing' as long as ILpiting Condti~one fac oportca i' 1 3.4.13 for Apecification wre esintained.

ID.C. COOK UNIT 2. 3/4 4.7 Meil:o.6 Page 43 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 227 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 228 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS ~I RECTOR MOOART SYSTEM SURVE1LLAtC REQU[REKENTS (Continued) 5.5.7.a.2.a) I. All nonplugged tubes that previously had detectable will penetrations (*2O10.

5.5.7.a.2,b) 2. Tubes tn those areas where experience has indicated potential problems.

5.5.7.a.2.c) A tube Inspection (pursuant to Specification shall be performed on each selected tube. If any selected tube does riot persit the passage of th. eddy current probe for a tube inspection. thia Shall be recorded and an adlacmnt tube shall be selected and subjected to a tube Iinspect.iop.

5.5.7.a,3 C. Tble tubes selected as the second and third samples ~TW OfquTM~

by Table 4.442) during each Inservice Inspection may be subjected, to a partial tube Inspection provided:

5.5.7.a.3.a) ~. The tubes selected for these samples include the tubes frome those areas of the tube sheet array whbere tubes with imperfections were previously found.

5.5.7.a.3.b) 2. The Inspections include those portions of thek tubes where fimerfections were previously found.

5.5.7.b The meulti of each samplo, inspetion shall be classified into oae of the following three categories:

Cateaory ~ lnsection- Results C-1 Less than 51 of tile total tubes inspected are degraded tubes and none of the Inspected tubes are defective.

C-2 One or more tubes, but not more than 1S of the total tubes inspected are defective, or between 5%and 10% of the total tubes inspected are degraded tubes.

C-3 hare than I0.of the total tubes Inspected are degraded tubes or more than 11 of the npetdtubes are defective.

Note: In all inspections, previously degraded tubes must exhibit significant (AlO5) further wall Penetrations to be Included in the above percentage calculations.

D.C. COOK - UNIT 2 3/4 4-8 Page 44 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 228 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 229 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SURVEILLANCE REgMIREMEWTS (Continued) 5.5.7.c Inspection Frequencies -The above required inservice Inspections of steam geeao ubssalb performed at the following frequencies: a. The first inservice inspection shall be performed after 6 Effective Full Power Months but within 24 calendar months of Initial criticality. S~ubsequent inservice inspections shall be performied'at intervals of not less than 12 nor more than 24 calendar months after the previous inspectfori. Iftwo conisecu-tive inspections followting service under AVT conditions. not including the preservice inspection, result inall inspection results falling Into the C-1 category or iftwo cons ecutive inspections demonstrate that previously observed degradation has not continued and no additional degradation has occurred, the inspection Interval may be extended to a maximumn of once per 40 months.

5.5.7.c.2 b. If the results of the Inservice inspection of a steam enerator conducted in accordance with Table 4.4-2 at 40 month Vntervals fall in Category C-3. the Inspection frequency shall be increased to at least once per 20 months. The increase in inspection frequency shall apply until the subsequent inspections satisfy the criteria of. Specification the Interval nay then be extended to a maximum of once per 40'months.

S.5.7.c.3 5.5.7.c.3

~~~c.Adiinal, unscheduled inservice inspections shall be performed

~~~~on each steam-gen~erator in accordance with the first sample inspection specified In Table 4.4-2 during the shutdown subsequent to any of the following conditions:

5.5.7.c.3.a) 1. Primary-to,-secondary tubes leaks (not Including leaks originating from tube-to-tube sheet welds) ini excess of the limits of Specification

5.5.7.c.3.b) 2. A seismic occurrence greater than the Operating Basis Earthquake.

5.5.7-c.3.c) 3. A loss-of-coolant accident requiring actuation of the engineered safeguards.

5.5.7.c.3.d) 4. A main steam ifne or feedwater line break.

'D.C. COOK - UNIT 2 3/4 4-9 Page 45 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 229 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 230 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS ~I REACTOR COOLANT-SYSTEM SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) 5.5.7.d AcceRtnnce Criteria 5.5.7.d.1 a. As used inthis Specification:

5.5.7.d.1.a) 1. Imperfection means an exception to the dimensions, finish or7 contour of a tube from that required by fabrication drawings or specifications. Eddy-current testing indications below 20% of the nominal tube wall thickness, if detectable, may be considered as Imperfections.

5.5.7.d.l.b) 2. Resradation means a service-induced cracking, wastage, wear or general corrosion occurring on either inside or outside of a tube.

5.5.7.d.l.c) 3. DerdeTube means a tube containing imperfections L20 %

of the nomnal wall thickness caused by degradation.-

5.5.7 d.1d) 4 Degradation means the percentage of-the tube wiall ticknets afected or removed by degradation.

5.5.7.d.l.e) S. Defect means an imperfection of such severity that it exceeds the plugging limit. A tube containing a defect.

is defective.

5.5.7,d.-1 J) 6. Plggjnj Limit means the imperfection depth at or beyond wichT the tube shall be removed from service because it may become unserviceable prior to the next inspection and is equal to 401 of the nominal tube wall thickness.

5.5.7.d.1.g) 7. Unserviceable describes the condition of a tube if it

- leaks or contains a defect large enough to affect Its structural Integrity in the event of an Operating Basis Earthquake, a loss-of-coolant accident, or a steam line or feedwater line break as specified in4.4.5.3.c, above.

5.5.7-d.1.h) B. Tube Inspection means an inspection of the steam generator tObe from the point of entry (hot leg side) completely around the U-bend to the top support of the cold leg.

D.C. COOK - UMl 2. 314 4-10 Page 46 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 230 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 231 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS D REACTR COOLANT SYSTM SURVEILLANCE REOIUIRE'IENTS (Conttinued) 5.5.7.d.1.i) ~~9. Preeji'e Inspection means an inspection of the full length ofeach tuRbneacedh steau generator performed by eddy curret techniques prior to service establish a basal inc condition of the tubing. This inspection shall be perfome after the field hydrostatic test and prior to initial POWER OPERATION using the equipment and techniques expected to be used during subsequent inservice inspections.

5.5.7.d.2 b. 'The steam generator stall be determined OPERABLE after c~lefng he orreponIng actions (plug all tubes exceeding


h. luging imi an al tubes containing through-wall cracks) requiedbyTabl 4.42. Te provisions of SR 3.0.2 arnd SR 3.0.3 are insecio shllbeinluddinal toheAnua Poperamtin es t F oruecis
a. Folowln each thsise inspection wfstas comperte.Tirportusvth 1.number adetn of tubesplgeineahsteamgnrt orsad.e eore
b. The .ompltf anre rcents of whell-tem cnesso puensetraticnfreac in dication ofal bninc erfection.teAna praigRpr o 3.hIe ntif cation ofic thi i es lngged.o a opetd hsrpr c Rsualtso stlueamgnrtrtbisecin hc alit Cat umegry . and requiet rofptue Inotpfcateodf. h Cms shal bereorteoad pursuant tof Secificatin 6.9.petraior tor SeeITS5.

resumption of pant operaetion.Th rte olopo hs report shall provide a description of Investigations conducted to determine cause of the tube degradation and corrective measures taken to pievent recurrence.

D.C. COOK - UNIT 2 3/4 4-11 Page 47 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 231 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 232 of 463 ITS 5.6 ITS REACTOR COOLAN SYSTMt S EI~MELLANCE REOUIrREINrS(Continued)

93. Presri cc Inseection mans an inspection of the full length ofec uei ahsa generator performed by eddy cuvrent techniques prior to service establish a baseline condition of the tubing. This inspection shall be performed after the field hydrostatic test and prior to initial POWE See ITSi OPERATION using the equipment and techniques expected to be .

used during subsequent inservice inspections.

b. 'ThM steam generator shall be determined OPERABLE after co~etig te crreponing actions (plug all tubes exceeding
  • th. luggin Risitand al tubes containing through-wall cracks) 5.617 Reports-
a. Following each inservice inspection of steam generator tubes, the number of tubes plugged In each steam generator shall be reported to the Commission within 6ds
b. The complete results of the stea enerator tube inservice inspection shall be includedlin the a0 e er for the perod in which this Inspection was competed. arprt,
1. Nuiftr and extent of tubes Inspected.
2. Location and percent of wall-thickness penetration for each indication of an imperfection.-
3. Identification of tubes Plugged.

C. Results of steam oenerator tube inspactions which fall Into toeemne cause of the tube degradation and corrective measures taken to prevent. recurrence.

D.C. COOK - UNIT 1 3/4 4-11 Page 16 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 232 of 463


?hAM4-41 Table 5.5.7-1 I~~ nnor STM cpza0i Ao

'1 7-~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y No.= pert~~dt of Btu% Gmm~~~~t Fbur Table ZmmrJm- - 3Sbmqpw 06 Tbe5.5.7-1 f Mtft(~r Minm3 N stD O tmgwsmI apa)If Footnote (a) pirbmtaI in athe eiat irf atMis or'MWIO ilk. mru-r. MM6,1 fitafath all utwo guisatum aim cre or mm Btu gwmat" NW Nttam mxhr m c imtasthisaincdlezui gu ratom Ihxhrad oito w qPtgcrdmI -th tw t* o GWOu m"alathom oth Iztup-Table 5.517-1 he thrdwd tbwth at gnuxbtO rot imatmi -1umj Cam Sfirut lIuovlcm rs II Footnote (a) kiijth sdadtt4 Ameiwjut lzupetlcu dMll ftoUc the 12tmatul lhm5zlqamctvoly.

v~~i, In 1 abuwo. Mme fcsmth r , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 233 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 233 of 463 CC)

(1)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 (00) 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k

~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~J

ITS Table 5.5.7-2



~~~~~~Samle Action Required Result Action Required Result Action Required 0 Ainimirum otS A~~ C-I None N/A MA. NA N/A

  • per S.0.__

~~~~~~~Tubes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C-2 Plug defective tubes MAd C-1 None NIA N/A I!) dditonal 2Stubes in

~~~~~~~~~~~inspect this &0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C-2 I'lugdefectivetubesand C-I None inspect additional 4S tubes in thi SO.G C-lgdefective tubes C-3 Perform acton for C-3 result of first sample C-3 Performnaction for C-3 -

result of first sample -NIA N/A C-3 Inspect all tubes in this SG, All ofthr S.Gs0 plug derfective tubea and wreC-I None N/A WIA finspec2S tubes in eachoth PrmtnotiricationtoNRC

'a. to specification, 6.9.1___________

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~puusuant Some S.Gsi Perform action for C-2 C.2 but no result ofsecondsamuple, NA N/A additional 8.0.

are C-3. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Additions lrtepetallntubes in each WIA WIA S.G. Is C-3 SG. and plug defective tubes. Prompt notification to NltC pursatlo

- _______________ ~~~~~~o~cification 6A 1.I S -3(N/n)% Where Nis the nmuber of steamn generators in the unit, and a is the number of stearn generators inspected during an inspection. , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 234 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 234 of 463 CD 0


, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 235 of 463 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 235 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 236 of 463 ITS 3.4.13 ITS L!XIATmccnmt r  ?RT LCO 3.4.13 Reactor coolsiit System. leawage shall be iaited to:

a. I GIN total priuazy-to-secondazy leakage through all satm geinerators and 500 gallons per day through acy one steam generator,
d. 2.0 GCPK WDENTIMIED LEAKAGE from the Reactor Coolant System.

Is. Seal line resistance greater than or equal to 2.271-1 ft/gpui 3 ar, See MTS 3.5.5

f. The leakage from each Reactor Coolant System. 4sure.. solation Valve specified LII Table 3.4-0 shell be Ulimted to 02 gper~

n tiominal inch See MTS of valve size up to a maxzmum of 5 Va, at a Reactor Coolant System 13414 average pressure within 20 psi, of the %ouiua1 full pressure value.

AULE~BXL~f: MODES 1. -2. 3 and 4.*

ACTION B a. Ilith any PIESSURZ BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, be 1n. at least HOT STANDBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SUUTDOV within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

b.I~th any Reactot Coolant System. Leakage greater than anly one of the ACTION A above Ulmts

  • excluding PRESSURE BOUNDX LEAXAGE, reduce the lsakiage rate to vithin limts within 4' hours be in at least HO STAMDY U

ACTION B .within, the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and'-in CMOW SHUEDW within- the following 30

c. With any reactor coolant system pressure isolation vaLve(s) leakage greater than the above limit, declare the leakling valve, inoperable and isolate, the high pressure portion of the affected system from the low preassue portion by the use of at least tw closed valves, one of which See MlS may be the 01DELUZ check valve and the other *-closed dameaergfted 3.4.14J motor operated valve. Vetify the Isolated condition of the closed d.eonergized, motor operated valve at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, Dr be In at least 1O? STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and Lu COWD UUTDOW within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

I* Specification .e is applicable with average pressurizer pressure i 'See MTS vihin 20 psi of the noindal full pressure value. .5.5 3

AHMDD= NO. 4" 174 CMO UUCIZR PLAOT UNMIT 2 3/4 4.15 vgden "Ile, AWu; 210. loIl Page 6 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 236 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 237 of 463 ITS 3.4.14 ITS LIHTm C~rlMON FMt OM1701N R.eactor Coolsint System leakage &hall be limited to:

b. I2CP011 WDETIPM3 M =AAO, 3.4.13J
a. I anX total priax~y-to-secondary leakage through all steam penerators and 500 gallons per day through any one steam generator,
4. 2.0 GIK ZDETI7I LEAFAGE froe the Reactor Coolant System.
e. ise line res itanc. geater EMor equlto 2.1E.1  ?~See [ ITS 3.5.5 SRO3.4.141A2 A0ZflIW=IIIZ: MODES 1, -2. 3 and See ITS Ad proposed ACTIONS Note I I 3 AMON:~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Adproposed ACTIONS Note2A4
a. Vith any PZESURZ BOUNDAR LEAK&CE. be in at beast MOt STANDBY wihi 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SZITDOVN within the following 30.hours.
b. Vith any Reactor Coolant System leakag p~eacer then any one of teSee ITS above limits, cicludiug IRESSVRU BOMDA~r LEAKACS. reduce the lealkage 3A4.13 rate to viclii ULimts within* 4.hours or-bs -in at least MOT STA1ND3Y within. the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and"Lu COW ZHUDOVk within the following 30 hoors.
c. iVth any reactor coolant system pressure isolation valve(s) leakage Add proposed" gresatr then the above limit, deci~r the leaking vawlve. perable and 41-RequiredLU l ACTION A ~~~~isolate the high pressur* Portion of the affected system froms the 'LOW 1Actions Al i\

pressure portion by the use of at least two closed Waves. =a of wi landLA. Not may b* the OPZRAKXl check vAlve and the Other a-closed da-aeuergized ACTION B ~~within the falowing 3D hoors.

1* Specification .e is applicable with averag, Pressurizer pressr I See ITS within 20 psi of the nominl full pressure value. 3I6.

AWKaNDW~ N0. 146. 17 COO NUJCLEAR PIM WIMT 2 3/4 4.15 QWG !zist AW! 20. 1WSL Page 5 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 237 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 238 of 463 ITS 3.5.5 Isaotor Cools~it System leakage shall be limited to:

b. 1. oils uimmrzruo Iz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~ou


b. I MUMMMMFM ITS L ~~~~~~~~~
c. I. 0K total primry-to-secondary leakage through all steam generators and 500 gallon.s per day through aty one steam generator.
4. 10 GM1fDWTIPED LZMAZ& froa the Reactor Coola~vt System.

LCO 3.5.5 e. Seal lUne resistance greater than or equal to 1427E-1 ft;/gpn2 and.,

f. The leakage from each Reactor Coolant System lptss Xolation Valve Is specified In Table 3.4-0 sball be limited to 025 Vs p0? tomlnal inch See ITS of valve afte up to a maximum of 5 Vs, at a Reactor Coolant System L3.4.14 hP1ELICA'Rj=f: MODES 1. .2. 3 .
a. With any PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAC5, be in at least MT? 5TA1=Y within 31 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COID S1=0DOW within the folloig" 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. 341 ACTION A A~t-Sse a ACTION B h1r2ai wihittehian
c. Vith =q reactor coolant system, press=we Isolation valve(s) leakage greater than the above limit, declare the le~akn valve-izopereble and.

isolate the hLgh pressure portion of the affected sysceis from the low pressure portion by the use of at least tu. closed valves, one of whichSeIT may be tbe OPELMz check valve and the other a. closed de-energized motor operated valve. Verify the Isolated condition of the closed 3.4 .14 da-energized motor operated. valve at lest once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, or be In at least IIOT STANDBY within the unet 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and Lu COLD SHOTDOII SR

  • S ecification is aplicable with a aprssurier pressure Note vwiti 0Psi of the nolinal full tee v.

COO NUCCLEAR. PLONT . WMT 2 2/4 4.15 010da dale' :pw 20. Wsi!

Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 238 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 239 of 463 ITS 3.4.13 ITS L=TM('TQ 2MNTTO1NS FOR OPERATIONT (Cotntinuedl Reactor Coolani System leakages shall be demonstrated to be within each of the above Limits by; A. Ho io ngthe containment a phr paricate red ostivity L Mcmi a least once. par12 .

totring the containmen n inventory and is g at least ape~r 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

C. Determining the seal line resistance at least once per 31. days when the average. pressurizer pressure is within 20 psi of its nominal full pressure value. The seal line resistance measured drn h survejllaxic must be greater than or equal to 2.27 E-1 ft/gpm~. The seal Linae resistance. RSL. is determined from the following expression:

RSL - 2.31 (P~ -H $

See ITS wahere: PCU - charging pump header pressure, psig 3,5.5J PI- 2262 psig (high pressure operation) 2.31 - conversion factor (12 inft)2 /(62.3 lb/ft3 )

q - the total seal injection flow, Spa The provisior. of Specification 4.0.4 -are not applicable for entry into MODES 3 and 4.

SR d. Performance of a Reactor Coolant system water enutory a inc. at least once per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> during steady state operation. and

e. Mou~*~ngthe reactor head deleskoff system t at once per Each reactor coolant system pressure isolation valve specified in I See ITS Table 3.4-0 shall be demonstrated OPERABLE pursuant to Specification 4.0.5.L341 AME1NMHENT so. 1.4. 174 COOK NTUCLEAR ElAN?
  • UNIT 2 3/4 4.16 ovier &&%Si April. :0. 1.V31 Page 7 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 239 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 240 of 463 ITS 3.4.14 ITS LI==IN 2MNTTONS Ea OPMATI O1 (Conttinuedl Reactor Coolani Sysftem leakages shall be demonstrated to be within each of the above Limits by;-' See rS~

A. Honitoring the containment atmosphere pariuaeradioactivity 341 monior t last nce pe 12hours.

b. Monitoring the containment sup inventory and discharge at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

C. Determining the seal line resistance at least once per 31 days when the average pressurizer pressure is within 20 psi of its nominal full pressure value.*The seal line resistance measured during the surveillance must-be greater than. or equal to 1.27 E-1 ft/gpm~. The seal line resistance, RSL- is determined from the following expression:

RL - 231 (PM $I

'where: PCrp - charging pump header pressure, psig See55 PI- 2262 psig (high pressure. operation) 2.31 - conversion factor (U2 in/ft)2/(62.3 lb/ft3 )

Q - the total seal injection flow, Spa The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into MIODES 3 and 4.

d. Performance of a Reactor Coolant System water inventory balanee at least once per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> during steady state operation, aneedT 3.4.13
e. Moioing the reactor head-flnge leskoff system at least once pet SR 3.4,14.1 Each reactor coolant a stea pressure isolation valve sotce AMMMMfl1 80. ';44, 174 COOK IMUCLEAR PIANT UNIT 2 3/4 4.16 10ri640 d4atel .'pfil 20, 19VII Page 6 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 240 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 241 of 463 ITS 3.5.5 ITS L TMGTR OOM20OR FOR OPERTIM~ (Continuedl Su ualLUQm Reactor CoaLani System leakages shall be dasoustrated to be within each of the above humts by; A. Hotitoting the containment atmosphere pari aeradioactivtS3..1 uonitow at least once per 12 bowrs.

b. Monitoring the containment sump invmncory and discharge at least SR C. Detarm5.nig the seal tin. resistance at leastionee 5a:r1 diay w en teLamtaxeJressurizhagngpu pressurei ~ -3 haer psi fisnmn 0=resurevalg.Th seal (high presisac oprati esured th se~ln ~ si~ -ea h IL oal isdeal rmindcio flay gm-te f wn heprovssion: fSeiiai r o
  • leas onceper 72hours4urin teadystate operain dSeIS e.Honitorzi the -ectorhead.o flact aoff(1 sysetmat leastoc e

.2. Peahrfomneoeactorcooootlyte tprSysuremisoaterionvlentspebaied inIaSetT Tbe3.4-0 shall be demonstrated OPDAILE pursuant to Specification 4.0.5. j3.4.14)

COOK NUCLEAR PLAN1T *UNIT 2 3/4 4.16 Ord.r "%Sie April.20, &981l Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 241 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 242 of 463 ITS 3.4.13 ITS

&FAMEro cMoAN' SMTE FRESM=7RES =ATD? WMt valve Allowable Valve Size Lsp Mumbor (in.) FMuntiton (a) (gpa)

See MS5 43.4 .14)

SI-17OL2 10 ECCS to Rsaatotr Coolant Loop #2 Cold US~ 5 RH 133 a RHEL to Rsactor Coolant Loop P2 Cold Leg 4 SI-170L3 10 ECCS to Reactor Coolant Loop #3 Cold log 5 RH 134 a RHR. to Reactor Coolant Loop 03 Cod Leg 4

( Kitnimum test differential pressure shall mot be below 150 psid. 3.4.14i~

AmmDmmT No. 146. 174 COOK IMCLEAR PLANT -UnIT 2 3/6 4.16a ArAMr MGLd &4lril20. g Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 242 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 243 of 463 ITS 3.4.14

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS t33o CS to Raactor Cool 14op #2 Cold Log

-11701L3 10 ECCS to Reactor Cool tLoo-p *3 Cold tag RH 134 8 R to Reactor Cool tLoop 03 Cold Log MHENMDENTZ No. u4, 174 COOK NU3CLEAR PlANT UNIT 2 3/4 4416a Ord-mrw htisod &PA!p20, o; Page 7 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 243 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 244 of 463 ITS 3.4.13 ITS Thise page intentionally left blank.

COOK NUCLEAR~ PLANT UNIT 2 3/4 4-16b A~nmztNo. 174 Page 9 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 244 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 245 of 463 CTS 314.4.7 314 ITAGO ifNSFOR OPMA1ON SURVEUlACE RE 314A ECO DN SYSTEM 3.4.7 he Cool= Sy#= emltnlsyinube w~e n mta speclfied inT SA41 MODESI1 ,Z3 4

& az~~~rcmor moredemistty hin ucssofls W

  • State but wift its Limi. reiore tle Xparlmewe wihn t Sftea Sta Limit widthn bo orbe hn at OTSTANDBY Wlthn the nect hxiur and in COLD SHIDow? the folowing
b. VW CEO r mm dmitry In exm=of he Tranlert Uith Iat kmuHOT ANBwift 6 hourhand~nO SIDO whI nhfodelkowIDg30 Withcacuaadonof eihber cidde or In fte Reaco Coolant $yste fn of its Stead for Ma~iaOm241irah of fkTrnslmtLWmltreducetdo preatueto 550 if applicable, ead perfor am eraluadion to determine fte of the aot-o-liinlz an motsnirluInegrity of te COWlautSaem; detertine goa Rea"trCohi cc0apdar to pwoeedftWMODE.

4A4.7 The Cochat Systema cemisay be determined to bie within die Eimits analyaa od ame athe frupmksd apelmiM InT 4A-3. Perfomame of die is Oa reqdn d COOKN PL&NT4=I2 Pag 314 4-17 M1T1 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 245 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 246 of 463 CTS 3/4.4.7 314 LIMTNvG ITIoN FOR 0pERA1~ AMD SMVmalANcX E 314A DECOW COOLANT SYSTEM D OXYGEN'0.

LVED 10 ppm f. 1.0


RIDE ~ ~~.spm ~ 515


RIDE ~ ~ O.sp :15

'Umits n&applicable WmtT, %2S0rF.

COOK PLANT-IJFF2 Pwp3/4-4-18 MDMET2.14 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 246 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 247 of 463 CTS 3/4.4.7 SOVWOXYGEM* At luast a a per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> ORICE lust a C per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />

~~~~~~At IDE ~~~~~~At last a ca per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />

-CoUNIT COOK8 /4 4.19 Page 6 of 6 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 247 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 248 of 463 ITS 3.4.16 ETS 3/4 LWMTNG CONDITONS FOR OPERA11ON AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SPECIIC ATVT LIME1G CONDMON FOR OPERATIO LCO 3.4.16 3.4.8 Mme specific activity of the primary coolant shall be limited to:

SR a. Less than or equal to I microCurie per gram DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131, and SR 3.4.16,1 b. Less than orequal to 100/EimicroCuries per gram of gross radioactivity.

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1,2 4 5 MODES and 1,* Ad propoed Condition A Note ACTION A a. Wihthe specific activity of the reactor coolant greater than 1 microCurie per gram DOSE EQUIVALENT1-131 for more than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> during one continuous time interval ogexceeding the ACTION B lii ieshown on Figure 3.4-1, be in HOT STANDBY with T,,g less than 5000 F within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

ACTION B b. With the specific activity of the reactor coolant greater than 100O/

EmicroCuries per gramn, be in HOT STANDBY with T., less than 5000F within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

MODES 1,2~I dj )

ACTION A a. With the specific activity of the reactor coolant greater than 1 mnicroCurie per gram DOSE SURVEILLANCE REOUIREM1ENTS SR, 4A.48 The specific activity of the reactor coolant shall be determined to be within the limits by performance of the SR 3.4.16,3 sampling and analysis program of Table 4.4-4.

APPLICABILITY WithTngreaterdianorequal to500'E.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 4-20 AMENDMENT429, 261 Page 5 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 248 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 249 of 463 ITS 3.4.16 ITS Mhu page Lntuatisually left blmak.

COO~ SWCUM= IUWZ UNIT 2 3/4 4-21. Awndumt No, 223 Page 6 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 249 of 463

ITS 4.4-4


'~AND ANALYSIS MMQIENCY AND ANALYSIS REQUIME SR 3.4.161 1. GroS cii~ Dee ntio At least once per 2 rs SR 3.4.16,2 i 2. 11SOtODjQ1c.-Auvs9sfor-DOSE EQJIVA- I per 14 days LENT 1-131 Concentration SR 3. Radiochutical for Er Determination I pr6noths dr sdNt t R341.

4. Isotopic Analy-sis fV o1dine a) Once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, Required atvt xed .

Action Al Igav DS b) One sample between0 2 &6ous olowing L SR a THERMA POWlER change exceeding 15 percent of the RATED TIlERML POWER Writhin a one hour perfod.

!until the specific acti tyof the Lrimar coolanE .~ is restore withnM T s.

SR . Sample to be taken after a minlimma of 2 EFPD and 20 days of POWER OPERATION have elapsed since reactor was last subcritical for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or longer.

CD , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 250 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 250 of 463 0

CD 0)

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 251 of 463 ITS 3.4.16 2000 IS OP-EOPRATION 0.

20 30 40 so 80 70 so 00 100

'PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER FIGURE 3.4-1 DOSE EQUIVALENT, 1-131 Primary Coolant Specific Activity Limit Versus Percent of RATED THERMAL POWER with the Primary Coolant Specific Activity > l.0ju Cl/gram Dose Equfivaleni 1.1 31 D.C. COOK - Ut41T 2 3/4 4.23 Page 8 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 251 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 252 of 463 ITS 3.4.3

- eAToZ COOXAM SID LIWTING COImtom roR onEAi~tm LCO 3.4.3 The Reactor Coolant System e: rau e tuerature andL.

pressure shall be limited La accordance vwith teb.limit lines shov on A. A maximum beatup of 60 0F in any one bout period.

b. A wazimum-cooldovn of 100'0, in any one bowr period.

C. A saaitum.:ezparature of loss thaim or squat to 511 La my~one hour period duriing Wnervice hydrostetic and leek tosting operations above the besrup and cooldowr, limit curves.

APPLICAM-131: At All times.

ACTION:dprpsdCniosA ACTIONSA Vith any of the above li-mits ewe.dd ogrm Xd~ A.4~te andOC pressure vithIn the limit v tin, *p: gStever 3 A ova uacion to ettc ne the e..ecca C u~~- itcoadition on h Nacture eaughn-* oratcities of the Reactor Coe: .S1 see decermn t add Lthe Reactor Coolant System remains acep table fcr, continued oparatio orb proposed In it least HO SA.DB v thin tha next I hours and reduce the RCS T adRequired ACTION B pressurel to less'than 200 1 and 500 pug9. resoeccively. vithin tke itongActions A.2 M.

30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. and C.2 Completion SURVEMLANCE fE:TZ0A9L'z-irS me SR 3.4.3,1 4.....The Reactor Coolant System tenperature and pressure shall' be determined to be vjjhft the lfitis. at least once per 30 minutes during system heptup, cooldoyra, and inaservics leak and hydrostatic testing operations.

{at shalIb The reactor vetse na rial irradiation.aurvetlance peciments removed and exanined. determnLne changes in matiarias properties, the tnerve&Ls shdvn inTabi 4.4.5. The results of these shall a used to update Filgu a34.2 and 3.4-3.

samiations COOK HUCMiA ?LAMT MKtI? 2 3/4 4.24 L"END)WI? go 123 Page 6 of 9 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 252 of 463



3.4.3-1 Figure ~ ~ ~~Apicbe or3 EP o Oeato Inita1500 "E Dog~.Fflkll - -VauszT20~g-.34-6le.1 -

200 025 Figue 34.3- 20 0 O50ao 10O10 20 50 30 50 40 50 60n 5 1500 60 D~AeraeRec.rColn SsemTteauIVDe.F 60 0 /RPAE2RTIAIYLIIBDTPLMT AN TES LW 0Deg.

sw~~~ce Pae 7ofd Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 253 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 254 of 463 ITS 3.4.3 ITS (3 3/4 LIMITIG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQU1REMIENTS 314.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTMI Figure 3.4.3-2 plabefr3EFYoOeatn 2500D- - - - - - - -


'91500 -


'1250 0~~~~~~4 0

250 0 50 100 '150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Average Reactor Coolant System Temperdatre (Deg. F)

FIGURE 3.4-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM PRESSURE-6 TEMPERATURE, LIMI.TS FOR VARIOUS COOLDOWN RATES COOK NUCLEAR I'LANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 4-26 AmNDmENT69,433,m, 255 Page 8 of 9 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 254 of 463

TABLE 4.4-5



-4 . CpueTIEP

6. Capsules V, V. Z Standby

-J r.0~~~~~~~~~~a , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 255 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 255 of 463 a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 256 of 463 CTS 3/

a. A maximum cooldow of 20F in any one hour period, an C. A maximum spray water t erature differential of "0F.

APPLIC DILITY: At all times.

With t e pressurizer temperature limits 94 n excess of any of the above limits restore the temperature o within the limits within 30 minutes; enganineering evaluatia to determine the effects f the out-Of-li itconditio on the fract aintegrity of the pressu zer; deter-mine hat the pressurizer remail acceptable for continued operation or be In at least NO0T STANDBY with nthe next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and rid ce the press rizer pressure to less th n 500 psig within the foll wing 30 4.4. .2 The pressurizer tempt atures. shall be determine to be within the lmnits at least on~ce per 3 minutes during system he up or cool.

dow .The spray water tempera ure differential shall be determined to be ittin the limit at least Ca per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> during au iliary spray o COOK - UNIT 2 3/4 4-28 Page 2 of 2 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 256 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 257 of 463 ITS 3.4.12 ITS EMS:Mt~COOLA5 STTM LCO 3.4,12.d 3*.4.* 3 Zt of *i C f@UlovL4 cwG1?t~sUZ% pwtc 8 a U be 011MJJU1 100 3.4.12.d.1 ~~a. . ?vom pover operseed rollef veV2uIS (PUTS) Vfch a WfLt xeetISS of

.183 Chanato eqVAl. ZO I3S Psig, Or LCO 3.4,124d2 b. onespove: operaced Zelief valv* (POIT) vitb A l~t ft act:L of !*SE 100 3.4.12.d.3 o CS~~:.n equa tou 435 WS andtheam- e-Sack orLaS a ACTIONG depr.M~~~~~_1 =- ... of

-nd'en th lan ratleeat- %

SRO3.4.12.5. ---.- Afth -U IS La vlt endpehro threvw aCZEstbabv,'if p~auh ts-least onepen P L 4878 m-athw hntepc~yt rvddb a u1ihme ofM FLth1itheOhi bhetas a 'mlsoffithex hePO ACTIONF IMsafet baie a~~lipt t reuie 4d 7 abovte inserlo. puthrsu bk.~ L.2 toetore the Inm opeal F0uV or AU safety~ ca teo: OU L stpcat a -ayn. Vh dMctb ILg t4 wear's LonUoel leg the inoairalln. ffo or the P1OE ACTIONG b. MUw air bonh ee trad t IM e endafc~T lC%& Intibe.coups~

iCt o dev a: rizntimren aczoetein.r" tLes COC ~i 2 L~r?3ICLAZ /~"ICAS 50 iMoe.

.k'nW_ --- otimeb-~~Pag 8 Of 1 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 257 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 258 of 463 ITS 3.4.12 ITS 4.1-9.3.L tach toiv ShiL be dssoutrusd 0C.&5LZ by: Ad rpsdSR Not SR 3.4,12.8 a. rfowmauce of a CZAUflM MCION4fA TUT om the lolV Ist5 10 least ocue. par 31. day'e thereat:.: uhftin the 101. LS SR b. l.:ozuomea of a CALZIAZOU DA the 101CiTA~t lou1V ChaUMe aq Leass once per mots.2 SR C. Verifying the 10RT Isolation yvJ~vs is open it lees:. oncs per 72 bf~tr* whs: the 101! is baesn utsed for owerpresatre pbhteuslon.

d. Oeta-431MIM chi~ eSM4996=7 AUt Usk OIDASMZ bY v9TUU18~:

SR 3A.12.7 1.. At lasu MCAe pew 31. days. ALI tSAk ptOeSrUa pSausithT C&oV equaL to 900 ps1g.

2. ALS fromul LAS um(sUm OIU.&BLI by doumaus -at.

CEAUV~.UUCa tESo Ileas t ou 31, days. and L.'

~~,.BW.'t s &%aas On peir4 mouths, W~th the 5,4,9,3.1 The UfL sag627 vULY shal be die~stvacad OP=AZZ by:

SR as VerUylng that the M system nestm Lo sUped to the 105 Loop Vitth UewsV"e. la the cle packopemat least one pet12bmg.

wbeu the M a edewy wiLv. is lbeftg wed for owewpessw puomuctios.

b. ?e:. in ceugrdalse v Lt-talv~icte test :mavdiumteas for AM~

C~agwi nw2 C MaL"u pusu to. £pqcLcuta4*x73.

COOKICL1AA Pun 7.mmI 3/154.20 AINPDIM 3O.SP, M Page 9 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 258 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 259 of 463 CTS 3/4.4. 10.1 314 CONDMONS FOR OPERA ON AND SURVEILANCE UHMNS 314.4 EA COOLANT SY9TEM e structural integrity of ASIME CoeClass 1, 2 and 3 corupone shall be maintained in dnewith Specification 4.4. 0.1.

a. Wihthe structural Integrty of yASNE Code Class 1 compone ) not conforming to the above requirements, retr te eua!integrity of the affected c )to within its lirmit or Isolate the affected cmoet s)prior to Increasing the Reacto: an yse temperature Morn than 301F above the mini temperatur required by NDT sertns
b. With the ctructural integrity of yASME Code Clas 2 compo - ~)not conforming to the above requirements restore he a!integrity of the affected co ezs)to within its limit or Isolate the affected cmon )prior to increasing the Reactor ooazSy=te temperaure above 2001F.

C. With the structural integrity of yASME Code Class 3 cop a)not conformintg to the aboe requirements, restrthe integrity Of fth affectedco ) to within its limit or isolate thie affected copo () from service.

d. The provisions of Speciction.0.4 are not applicable.

SUR A REQUIREMENTS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eeIT COOK ARbPLiN-UN nsecedb 2 r ul nPlage31T Omro A heNDMneNT 3or,20f CW]KN EAR 2 n~r4J~ff Page 314 Pag13 of03 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 259 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 260 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS (I 314 LIMTNG CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM S/C4.4.0 STRUCUALITEORrr ASHE CODE CLA SS 1.2 and 3 COMPONENTS LIMITING CONDMON FOR OPERATION The structural integrity of ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 components shal be maintained in accordance with Specification .rs kPLICABLMYf: ALL MODES 3/4.4.1,1J ACTIN.K

a. With the suwctual integrity of any ASME Code Class 1 component(s) not conforming to the above requirements, metore the structual Integrity of tbs affectedt coMponent(s) to within its limit or Isolate the affected component(s) prior to Increasing the Reactor Coolant System temperature 1ore than 501F above dhe mninimum, temperature required by NbDT considerations.
b. With the structural Integrity of any ASME Code Clans 2 comiponent(s) not confonnng to the abov requiremenits. restore the structural inwgrzty ottheaffcted component(s) to within Its limit or isolate the affected component(s) prior to increasing the Reacto Coolant System temperature above 200"F.

C. With the strctral Integrity of any ASMdE Code Class 3 component(s) not conforming to the

d. The proviuions of Specification 3.0.4 arc not applicable.

SURVEILL.ANCE REOZUIRMENTS 5.5.5 Z on to the Mpimeats of 5 40. ac reactor coolant pump flywheel shall NUCLeAR COO1~ seadb eiAN 2 ulfe nPlageU hUNI xmnainoehe3/volu meNDrmENTe in , 201o ITS5.5.6P ge 50ofn6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 260 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 261 of 463 ITS 3.4.11 ITS 314 LXIMING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM RIEAC19-R COOLANI~ MYTM RELIEF VALV-ES -!OP9RATING LDMITN2 CONDITION FOR OPERATION LCO 3.4.11 3.4.11 Three power operaed relief valves (P9RVs) and their associated block valves shall be OPERABLE.

APLIMDL]TY: MODES 1,2. and 3.


a. Wihoeor miore POR~s Inoperabl IRE7 7ysy wtnIho ACTION A kibrietret POR'(S) t OEaWt anatuse drcose mhe -Uasoitdbokvles ACTION H wihntenext 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and In HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.
b. With one PORVlinoperable due um ot an ecsbk cm ihnIhu ACTION B I eith&ei46ftore the PORV to OPERABLIE status ouicl ose the associated Wlocvalve and ACTION H inext 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and Ln HOT SHUTDOWN wfthin the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

I e - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~an~dnot

~ca pable of being manually cycle A2 ACTION 0 C. -Wlthtwo PORVs Icmbl seo eMAD excessi I within Requird 61 and6.2Lod Actons remove ower from the block givesrestore at least one of the notle PRV Required Action 0.1 OaPERABILE status within theftlWb 2hour rI O STANDBY within the ACTION H ne6 hours and iHOSHUTDOWN wi thin olwng6hus ACTION H d, Wit three PORVs iwncbl GIu. texesiti Required Actions BA and 8.2 1 o01i ealt OtPO RV to OstaLEtri= soe rfom tbo Vlsan ACTION H Lrand m imtablc SHUTDOWN in HOTani-d o a66hhour withinthe H

ACTION HTh Set6HoradInHTSUTDOWN within the wi~~-thnin follwino6ururs ACTIONSE and -~--- Wiatwoornire block valvesim l withineorlO toeh RequIONdACto C C.1 Required Action ~ 1anualq j~ fots soiteoO;n-nig~ ld Requird AHo El bwffdreov d~inm hel31a o itins tFe Ineat 6lhoustadi HOTSTNBM ACTION H- f ~~~nxi6 orsad n O within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

SUDOWN ACTIOCNSGge3144-3 UCEARELATandr2 AE1zdME.] blt- 4W 6 withtwor tb -ale, blok ittn. IbourPageme30MOf 45 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 261 of 463


- h L~~ .JM1NiM(WPORDERATIN4rntjted of beling A.2 ACTIONS F and H -T-fthriOR1r yka blockvalves not in die same iioth o a es than

~ Actions Required ~ ~6.1 and ~ 8.2~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1hou~r re-sto; the valvel OPE --- status oDrrcLOWeas .

Required 8.1 and B.2dc-enegze Actions. the associated block vzlalve -ace e assoiciT-TFORV-!Vaianta control Required Action C.1 eahrscieln. t.the poruions of ACTION c or d above. relating to the ACTIONS F and H !OPERATIONAL MODE, asapproriate for two or three line&unavailable. .

ACTIONS Note 2 h. The provisions of Specification 3.0O4 armnot applicable.

STIR VFT1 I A?4WR ~REPQ4IRE-N'r SR3.4.11.2A1 .b.I I Adti lato one per onts b operat5ing the PO thrubOR sne bopedtemyceofful travel during MODES 3 or 4. And SR C. At least ocepr=P wotsypraigslni air control valves and check valves in PORV control systems thrugh one complete cycle of full travel, and K.)

d. t weVW s on~ prfrmnga C WBRAMO ofth jj SR 3.4.1 1.1 Each block 'valve shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at leiast, once per 92 days by operating the valve through one corIe Ico full travel unless the block valve isclosed in order to meet the requirementsACINbcoriS fcto34.. Deleted.

COOK NUCLEAR PIANT-UNIT2 Pa;e3/4 4-33 AMENDMENM M4*O,9, **, 196, 224 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 262 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 263 of 463 CTS 3/ Allaw ne of ithe poCWe memo fro epalve aontuatorof althe lyperated valvesi seies powre rom Cmi InpRabDC palls bete OEAtBLEas n fte se edvn MOthS withi 230 aday 4.eI O TNB iti or nCL

b. WWIt both of te Va556ha5dwt Ve doof both Pessurat lrast oesofpMe ventpdus gnoetal PERABLE ve path12w2th the aok opoeraremove ItonMODESval 2etor 4flo h preovied prtdo nalofthsea pi Inoerab ven pallhf . prest-oreatlo one uafms ofihosalum the Vumtohead vent ven orse steam,0ipne ihn7 or HOT rb STANDBY wi thin=AinCO.

6HoUrsTDOWn COLDa LIUToWwitS30hin.teflo~g3hus from theprvalsion. ~cthe of 3..4areot*ipicable. f h hpril COO NUC4*AR PLANT-UNIT 2 pare 314 44 . MN34TS Page 3 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 263 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 264 of 463 CTS 3/ 3/4 LfII CONDMIONSFOROnRAtI ANDSURVEILA.NCE R 4A.412.1 thReaator Vessel head -vent deshall bedemnonstaxted 0 LEat leas once per

1. Verifying ihecoimmoun Iloation valvelIn tbeReactor ves heandvenztissealedjin the oenpositioL.
2. Cyclin each of the as l operated Talves. in each path thr g at leas one complewe cycle of fis travel from, Control Room whil In Modes S ar
3. Vribfti flow thog iof the Reactor Vessl heed npaths duringvnts Q~Operation Iie Ia~dft Ord.

CbOOI R1LANT.UNIT2 aP&3~4 4.35 224DET6 Page 4 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 264 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 265 of 463 CTS 3/ 3.442412, leat oee of thPm p a LasI ate"s epace Wau pthe, each ting of tee 26ws epevatd yalyg 1m soLe, powsta tzm a LSDCbassues, eha beRlUA Jsaidclosed

a. k both of the Presaw I tem space vest, kbopermble, at least ate of the acor vessel heeL. as te 07S1ASIX C soSpneLffca:Lea 3.4. .1). sCs~e m ., 3 or 4 sy thmee.prvevL , the peabl u~talzed closed i wstpth h the power :mv.I the Vals acut' .1 al the cl7 operated aIse LS all of ~.:L Mh path.;

et insur at least oue oa the Imswam : pubs~

"Smpaewt h "aS orysbe In U! AWN with aG a la CaOLD OW~the in go l Sbheun.

b. t both of thes Press Ler steam space vent the and beckhef

'lst@t Vessel he "eat paths ftoew"a;la eaiatak thes Laoeble vent peths losed, uitk paver repov from the valle ctwotu of all of t remtely operatdr Val eIn all of the hepetbeVast pats; restes no of the Cable seat path.

Liseithe the "aut eSsel heed Veton e presawlsc: Iste qPec within 72 bores be5 f inU? ba eesuA COLI aw, IN uithim fellowlag 30 bss

a. Ush prowLusios, of Ie SLexti. LOA. aire act applisublee D. C. C=Z2 3(4 4-36 momII 65 Page 3 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 265 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 266 of 463 CTS 3/ 314 L 0CONDMONS FOR OPE O AMDSURVEIILANCERIEQ 34.4 _COOLATYT Both Pressurizer steam space v nt paths shall be demonstrated OP RALE at least once per I. Verifying the co m anuial isolation valve in the urzrsteamn space vent is sealed in the open poson

2. Cycling each of the reoeyoperated valves in each path og at least one complete cycle of full travel teControl Room while inModes5 6.
3. Verifying flow t bth of the Pressurizer steamr bou p vent paths during vwnting operation, while in Mes S or 6.

CO K NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Pae 34 4-37 AMENDMENT 6m. 224 Page 4 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 266 of 463


LCO 3.5.1 3.5.1 jectrooatssmacmlto uibeOPERABLE with-SR a. Thelisolation valveopen, SR b. A contained bonaed water volume of betwee 921 and 971 cubic fet,~

SR C. A boron concentration betwee 2400 ppm and 2600 ppM, ad SR d. Aniltrogen. covr-reur of between 585 and 658 puS.

A~1~J~~J~flI: MODES 1.2 and 3.'

ACTION A a t one accumulator inoperable due to boron concentration, not within limits, restore boron niainto within limits withb 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />sor ~be Wnat least Mode 3 within the na= 6 bours ACTION C V~~~~~And ractor coolant system pressur to less than or equal to 1000 puig within the following ACTION B h. J-F~ith owe accumulator Inoperable for reasonis other co, ainntwd iis Lwtore the accumulator to OPERABLE status within ,rbeiatleast Mode, 3 within the ACTION C .. F--V jj a ereactor cooln system premiume to lessta or eua to 1000 pug$withif Itaonowing 6 tozs. .Add roosed ACTION D 4.5.1 Each accumnulator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At le=anttce.per12 hamrby:

SR 1. Verifyin the conained boraed water volume sad nitrogen, cover-prefsure Itheo tanks SR and SR 1. Verifyin that each accumulator isolation valve Is open.

Applicability 'Rom Coln System Pressmr abov 1000 p4.1 cOO)KNUcULEARLANT.UNI2 FW 31454 AMEDMEN94,341, "A 219 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 267 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 268 of 463 ITS 3.5.1 ITS

  • 3M4 LI~MFF~GCONDMIONSFOR OPERA11ONAN1 SURVEUAANCEREQUJRMD IS 314.5 EbMEGENCYCORE COOLUNGBSTflEMS(ECC SR b. At lamt zcem per 31 days and, for the affected accUM.Ulator(m).within 6boursafter each - >

soluuion volume increse greater tha or efquahlu ellix \i)he reuht of addition from fth refueligwtvim e orage tank) by verifying the boron conentraton Of the accumaator solution.

SR C. At Ina aom petr31days when the RCSpresureiaabove 2000 pdgby verifynthat power is removed from esch accmulato Isolation valve operato.

COOK NUCLAR PLArU.Urr2 Pae31454 AmEDmENT9 M , , 40, 219 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 268 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 269 of 463 ITS 3.5.2 ITS EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS ECCS SUBSYSTEMS - ~tm3500 F LIMrMIG CONDMON FOR OPERATION LCO 3.5,2 3.5.2 Twomd nenECCS subsystems shall be OPERABLElwith each subsys comprised of:

d. OeOPERAB eidual heat removal p p i
c. An OPERAB fow path capable of *n suction from erefueling water st getank on a safety injectio signal and transferring ucinto the cont nment sump during e recirculation phase of oe*n
f. All saft in *ncross-tie valves oen APPLICABILITY: MODES 1,2, and 3.

ACflQI0 ACTION A a.- [with on CSsbytmioealrestore the inoperable subsystem to OPERABLE status ACTIONB J~itbn72 bein HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. Adpooe eurdAto . .

ACTION D b. With a safety injection cross-tie valve closed rs-HF~ eHoien siv no ACTION D ~~~~reduce the Core 12wer level to less than or egual to 3304 MW within one hour. ISpeci o ..

C. In the e/ent the ECCS is actuated and/njects water into the, Reactor 96lant System, a Special Reosall be prepared and submito to the Commission pursuant Specification 6.9.2 withinL.

9ysdescribing the circunsta of the actuation and the tota muated actuation cycles to

~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~d C.~ rpsdATO COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 3/4 5-3 AMENDMENT NO. 467, 259 Page 5 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 269 of 463


SR 4.5.2 Each ECCS subsystem shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by verifying that the following valves amein the indicated positions with power to the valve operators removed:

MAlx'-N1Mbcr Yalxr Awntiftnny Xa ntositnn

a. IMO.390 a. RWST to RHR aL Open
b. IMO-315 b. Low head SI to Hot Leg b. Closed
c. [M-3.' . c. Low head SI to Hot Leg c. Closed
d. D4O-26J d. Mini flow line d. Open
e. IMO.26
f. IMO-25 C. Mini flow line
f. SI Suction C. Open
f. Open Is
g. ICM-3g ~ S. Sump line g. Closed
h. ICM-3 h. Surop Line h. Closed SR b. At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, power operated or automatic) in the nlow path that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is Inints correct position.

C. Bya inspection which.vriie t no loose debris ras tah, oin, etc.) Is present in th o nt which could betasrted to the containmn m p adcause restriction of the pupu aosduring LOCA coditioa This visual inspection sal promd I. For all accessible areas the containment prior to e alsijCONTAINMENT Of the areas affected thncontainment aitthe comp don of each containment entry when CON IT R ITis established.

ThsIP m mr position duri sw tchover from In'ection to tion flow following(. j)

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT.UNrr 2 Page 3/4 S-4 AmENDmENT 59,+3, 224 Page 6 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 270 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 271 of 463 ITS 3.4.14 ITS SR3.4.14.2 d. At least once per m~onths by:

1. Verifying the automatic interlock action to prevent opening of the suction of the RHR system from the Reactor Coolant System when the Reactor Coolant System pressure is above 600 psig.
2. A visual inspection of the containment sump and verifying that the subsystem suction inlets are not restricted by debris and that the sump components (trash racks, screens, etc.) show no evidence of structural distress or corrosion.

C. At least once per 18 months by:

1. Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path actuates to its correct position on a Safety Injection test signal.
2. Verif 2 Veiying that each of the following pumps start automatically upon receipt of a Safety


ITS1 3.52 Injection signal: -

a) Centrifugal charging pump b) Safety injection pummp 4 f~~~~~A-dd proposed ACTION CQ )

IUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 5-5 AMENDMENT *31-, -134, 1.58, 159, 88, 203, 257 Page 8 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 271 of 463


d. At least once per Umoniths by:
1. Verifying the automatic interlock action to prevent opening of the suction of the RHR system from the Reactor Coolant System when the Reactor Coolant System pressure is Ij rSee ITS 31 above 600 psig. 3.4.1 SR 2. A visual inspection of the containment sumnp and verifying that the subsystem suction inlets are not restricted by debris and that the sump components (trash racks, screens, etc.) show no evidence of structural distress or corrosion.
e. At least once per mnhbyoteisscu ediposrio SR 1. Vrithtecauoacvleinthe flow pat acutst t orc iinon a=

SR 2. Veriyn that each of th ms Start automaticall nreceipt of a S L.

c) Resi beatre aPUMP SR f. By verifying that each of the o i up'developed head at tets lwpiti rae than or equal to the required developed head when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.5.

1.7 Centr alchargin pmp 2 aeynicinP#s(I

3. Resida heat r~a up SR g. By verifying the correct position of each mechanical stop for the following Emergency Core Cooling System throttle valves:
1. i ~i4 hours following compl 'In of each valve stroking opeinor maintenance on

~evlewhen the ECCS sub~pstems are required t beOEAB .

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 5-5 AMENDMENT +43,434, 458, -159,

  • W82.03, 257 Page 7 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 272 of 463



SR 2. At leass? oji per moh.

Valve Number Valve Number

1. 241I-141 LI 1. 2-51-121 NI 2.. 2461-141 12 2. 24S1-121 S
3. 241I-141 L3
4. 2461-141 1A hi. By origa flow balanc test shtonfollowing om ofodiciosto the EC S subsystem that alter thduo lwcarceitc n the followitg flow Boron h Syswe1 icectio Singl Lop2 Boron Injection Flow Loop 2 and 3 Cold Les 1174 gpm Flow gracer than or equal 30pMM Loop 3 Boron Injection Flow -Combined Loop 1,2,3 and Cold Leg Flow 117.5 Spm (single PUMP) less rba-or e to 640 gpm.

Loop 4 Boron Wectien How Total UIS (sin&l pump)

  • inuding, mInilow, 117.5gpm &W ~samflnor eed 675 gpm esthe pump is 117.Sgpm ~~~~~speciflcllqualf led toa nowVP toa maximum of 700 gpin.
  • h 11 ratt Ineach boro Injectdon (El shul be sdjusted to provide 17.5 gpm (ominalg) flow into fth Under these condltlms dhee zero mnLW-flow and 90 am plhs -iu 5 gpm simulated RCP Seal n Ioline flow. Th7e acua flow each BI line may devate from oia so long u:

a) the ernecwethe ilghst and flow h 25Spm orleu.

b) the flow to the four branch iEsu ntexceed 470 gpm.

C) the flow thrugh the theI= onevtv (lowest flow) b linesmust no be leas than 300 d) te agn pump discharg (2.31*Pd/Qd42) mast no be I than 4.73E-3 Wlgpm-2 and must no geae tha 9.27E-3 ftgm2(Pd Is the pump dishage pres at nmomt; Qd is the tota pump COOK NUCLEAR PLA+/-T-UNIT 2 Phage 314 5.6 AMENDMENT64,04,4212 Page 8 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 273 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 274 of 463 ITS 3.4.12 MTS LMDIgN cONdO~Rrf FOR OPERATION 3.8.2 As a stn~i", Oft EC lubeystem COMMrSed of, the following shall be

a. one OPERALE centifugal charging P*u,#
b. an. OPRABLE residiaI beat removal heat sxcobanger, S.e ITS

'C. one OPRABLE residual heat remval pump, en435.

d. Ans GPEA8L flow patA capable, of taking secti on froe the refuellng water straige tank upon being maually realfgned -ad transferring suctioll to 0he caftainneft sum during the Irciulatlon phase of AMONk~h'Y MO4
a. With tic EC= subsystem OPRBULE tecause of mhe fi operability of eithor the centrifua ch OfnPum or the flow oathi fom the rofue!!ri watrtnr~etaK, restore at lout one ECCS subsystm toOPMI.

staus ithn how' or be It COLO MMMTUMd withint the am t hUfours, See rrSI

b. With no ECC subsystem OPERALE boctuse of the lnopermblltty of eIther3.3

'tho reviduI'al e rinvsl heat acnanger or rlsidual hea.4t reMoval piam, restore at lout one ECC subsysts. to OPERABLE staus Or san alternata heat remval methods. "

ACTION A, C4. With more Ohn necharging pUMCPOAI0 or vfth a safetr, injsct1on ACTION 0 uvs-om - a-h aesur fU tscl ~ tls Applicability ?W4YO )I tel~

p on a . ra

4. to the event Lsthe !SIs actuateld #An injects water into t ReactoAr Coilant Systam, a Special Report, shall be ptpared Ul sumttdt See ITS the Counilsion pur-suant to Specification SLEZ wit.hin go days dw b 3.5.3 fag the clrc zmsucs of the'atuation and vie total UMM~IAt"d-ac&tzzatl Cycles to date.

LCO3..12~aA aaa um cntrif-ugaL _haring pumo shall be CPLSABL &Adboth Applicability or morv afte RCm S cold leP Is loss Uma or t4lul t4 Page 13 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 274 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 275 of 463 ITS 3.5.3 ITS ic= wauystr= *0 TM csL W1I?T!7 CIMONOT FOR OpERATION LCO 3.5.3 3.5. W is Mill"u' a" CC subsystei cowp 544 of the fol i MhAIl be 3S4.1 3

4. An a flow Pau capable LIAt. akn C sufn the rifuellngd weStorage tank upon bef mn ual raligned and tr'ansferring-to "h contalirmot a ftIo iigtl rid1 Ittoi Phase Of AOPUCAM'hf MOt 4.


A. VI tl AO ub vste OP'qALE bteq a vla I ops It o eih ACTION B tecantrif

  • a or Ufaflow o t.rem, ACTION C with u htl__Mor he In MOL ithi a the amX M USa- 24 VId ACTION A b. WI til no ECC u tOEAL tea o thle 1nope "'ye of 41er L altamata heat remval ethodS.

C~. Wit# fare tha n en charging pum CPIRABL! or -.0th a safe/I tto tha ow' eouu us ISM, remove Lis adtltlonal c.'Urgial pump(s) and SeeITS 4.I the "a ,snt the tCC Isacj~ and lnjwe swtA evue Asaciar Co ysemn a Special Rq~t shall be -prwpn/aG umtted to SieC purSUSAt to tpcification 6. .Z wtitn so days dawirb iuslon L2 bi cccMsuncas of_ a acwation end wie Ifasergymlated ayaoncycres to daa

  1. Ax snM01 ine cantr 'upa i pbLl a CM anI t eeIT Salfsty lnjectlon pt.s shall be Iooersole whenever t~he temperaturs of @14 34.2
0. C. MOaK -UNtT 3/4 94 - PmdawtI.3 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 275 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 276 of 463 ITS 3.4.12 ITS REQuIREMENT

- 3/~~.4 LvAMiNG CONDMTONS FOR OPED~nON AND SURVEHLLANCE 3/4-3 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) 1 SeIS3 3.e5h PR apial The ECCS subsystem shall be demontaed OPERABL hAd-ng t caal All charging pumps aild safety injectic pur aece t the above required

-I. A ~ ve it teRCS SR secn e-ra oroehRCS cold lgs, is less than oreqa ron~ 1521F and20L.

Applicability Ileast onA r hour when axy RCS cold lea em erature isbetween 224~~~~.

Page /4 5-8 AN MT999-~ 2 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNrr 2 Page 14 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 276 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 277 of 463 ITS 3.5.3 ITS SR35.2.2 (as modified by the Note),


SR 45.3.1 eog gbtea ulul be demonstrated OPERABLE therap id. Sumivmeilac I~m pdrenof

- 4.5.2.t I 4.S.32~ All charging pump. and safety injechtio pmps, except doe above required OM-OALE dlargis

~4.S3.2 pumnp, Shil be demonsrate lnuene,-by verifyig ht " 0 momo circui breakers bave. beem See flSI rmoved from dhei lc~trsu powm suppl circuits, a leas onc per 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Whenever te3.4.12J temperatur of one or more of CheRCS cold top Is Iess than or equal to (52*F as determined a logast hmu Mme any BO!cld let tenvprarur Is hetlen 1522EjMA 200aF gneme COOK NtUCLAR PLANTT4JNr 2 Pap 4S4 A MMN roM gea*.4 224 1 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 277 of 463


LI4MTIG CX)NDMFONMRR PRT LCO 3.5.4 3.S.5 The refueling water storage tank (RWST) sllbe OPERALE with:

SR a. A minimum contaied volume of 375,500 gallons of burated water.

SR b. Between 2400 and 2600 ppm of boron. and SR C4 A midnimumn water tempe~rature of 701F and amaximum water temperature of 1007.

APPLICABUflM MODES 1,2,3 an 4.roseAC ACT IO0N B C~ufi& r efjUeln g wate storag e tank hiprb . estone thea t ank to OPRABLE status widithn I houa r be in at ACTION C -[g=:HOT STANDBY -withW our and in COLD)SHUTEDOWN within the following 30 hour3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SWMRWA= EDil9=EW 4.S.S The RWST shall be demonstrated OPERABLE-I. Atcastoawe per 7days by-.

SR 1. Verifying the contained borate water level In the tankX and SR 2. Verifying the boro concetratifon of die water.

SR b. At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by verifyin the RWST cemperaftur COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UMIT 2 Pagp 3/4 5-11I AMMNMENT^0,4,499, 217 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 278 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 279 of 463 ITS 3.6.1 ITS 3/4 Lua[MlG coNDITONS FOR OPERATIN AMD SURVEILANCE REQtUREMENTS 314.6 CONTAINME'NT SYSTEMS 314.6.1 PRM ARY CONTAIM T LCO 3.6.1' Priznay I hl eMiti APPEIA~An=fl MODES1, 2 3and4.

ACTION A ~Without primary ?Z restor GBE~hwithin one hour or be ACTION B -::Pn at hmas HOT STANDBY within the nea 6 bonn and in COLD SH OWN witbiti the fWlowing 30 bours.

StURVER EUIMENTS iNE OPERABILIT IL z Atlearon .er 31 days tbt ~

1. All penentiaoni* not capable of being closed by OPERABLEcoanen automatic isol~tion valves and required to be closed during accidetcdios ar closed by valves, blind flages or deactivated awntozatc viles sevured in- See flS fteir psitons. ecpt for vdylves tat qipen under sidmbisrnxive control as 3.6.3 permistd by Specification and
  • Except valves, blind flanges, Wndeactivated automnatic valves which are located inside ihe containment and are locied, sealed or otherwise secured Inthe dosed position. These pentzadons shal be verified dlosed See ITS during each COLD SHUTDOWN. except that such verification teed not be per.formed more. often than once per 3.6.3 92 days.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANTr-UNIT 2 Page 314 6-1 AMEENDMENT W.4165 Page 6 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 279 of 463


___________________ see ITs LIIING C-ONDIToN Egg~oPERATION L3.6.1J, Primar CONTANMENT INTEGRIT shall be maintained.

~APPL tICABM MODES 1,2,3 ad 4.

A ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~d roposed ACTIONS Notes 2,3, ACTION D {,In at HOT STANDBY within the neCt 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> ad in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

F4.6.1.1 Primary CONTADAMEN INTGRITY shall be demonstrated.

Required Actions AL At ieas o 31 days byv~lg iAdd pcapr prpoe Reuie Act.n A2 and C.62. Nt A.2 and C.2, ~~1. All pewmtations! not caable-of MMclosed OPRbL otain"ment and not lokd SR, yOM L ACTIONS Note 1, thei I~ecp for vle ht open vnder adzninlstrave cnrla SR, by Speclfaion ~ r check valves Wtth flow secured SR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. AMl equipment hatches are closed and scaled.


b. By verif>in tha each conuaimen air lock Is In COmplzl32flWth diw Iquim2DCDI of 3.6.1J Seicaon3.6.1-3.

ar ceseaed or otherwise secured in the closed positon. Thes penetrations shl be verified closed durinah COLD SHUTOWN exept that such verification need not be performed more often than once Per 92 days.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 6-1 AMENDMENT 444, 165 Page 9 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 280 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 281 of 463 ITS 3.6.1 ITS 3/4 LIMHMIG COMDMTONS FOR OPERATION AMD SURVEILLANCE REQU~IEMENS 3/4.6 CONTANMENT SYSTIMS LBHMII~G CONDITON FOR OEA~O LCO 3.6.1 3.6.12 Cnitek ertsahallbeliie

a. An overall integrated leakage rzte of : L, 0.25 percent by weight of the conaim entai per 24 ha=ratPa, 12 psig, and See rrS
b. A combined leakage rate of: 0.60 I, for all pentratons and valve subject to Tpes and C tests wen Presudried to P.. tt ye APPLICABIL1T: MOD-ES 1, 2,3 and 4. Add proposed ACTIONSA and ~B A

,Wit eithe (a) easured overal interated leakge rate eCednc. , r() with the measurd combined gerate for all penetrations and sbect to Types B adC seedig0.60 1I., restore the overallt ted-kagexateto 0.75L th coinbined leakage rateorl entainand valves subject to TypesE B teststoo 0.60 L tor the Reactor Coolantabv2no-SU IFLLANCH REQUMMMMF~l' Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program

.the SR Perform leakag rate ttIng9 in accordance WMt10 CFR 50 Appendix I Option B, except as See lS]

otes:e ot . -

[1 l~~yea.aa Edoachbleperfoe inkstoay besmodifled to be inacompstoncepWtte rIyearubaedof 1 The Type A testin frequecy specified in ME94-01, Revision 0, Paragraph 9.2.3, as ' least once per accptale eiormance history!" Thi change applies only to the Interval following the 1eAts ~ T performed in May1992. 5.5 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNrrl2 Page 3/4 6-2 ANENDMENT4243, 49, M 29, 254 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 281 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 282 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS C 3/4 Wd1nMG CONMITONS FOR OPnfAloN AmD SURVEMLLACE 1REQUEUMENT 3/4.6 CONTAiMNTSYSTEMS N ETER See ITS E 3.6.1 LofmffiNCQMMON FORP, Ad prpos Containen Ifge Wsshl be limited to: 51.

5.5.14.b, 5.5.14.c.

5.5.14.c, ~~~a. An overall integrated lealage rate of~ LI, 0.25 percent by weigh ofth contahnnent a per 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at P, 12 psig, and 5.5.14,d.1 b. A combined leakage rate of : 0.60 1. for all penetrations and valves subject toiTpL.2 and Ctests whn Prsuied toP..

See ITS API CARMY MODES 1,2,3 and 4. 3.6 5.5.14.d.1 With eithe (a) the mmaurd overall integrated containent leakage rate exceeding 0.75 L., or(b) wnith combined ~Lease rate for all peetritions and valves subject to wesm cc;B and C tests excee!t 0.01 rsoethe ovrl nefi mkerwt~ -54adtecmie celaerate for all peertions and valves Wm 1e Types B omd C tests to 5 0.60 L.2ume=r~oat-Ytmepmucbv SU5RVLLAN-CE RQIEET 5.5.14.a Perfor leaka~ge rate testing in accordance withi 10 CFR 50 Appendix J Option B, except as modifiedbyNRC-aproed exemptions, and Regulatory Guide 1.163, dated September 1995.

See Note 1.

a. Each containment air lock shall1 be verified to be incomp~liance with the requfiremets of361 provisfw ions of pci~fication 4.0.2 ngeo't lcb 5.5.14.a.1 1 The Type A testing frequency specified in NEI 94-01, Rcv~son 0,Paragraph 9.2.3, as ' least 10 year based on acceptable perfonmance history/' is modified to be " least once per IS years once per acceptable performence histoy." This chage applies only to the tnterval following the Typebased on A test performed fn May 1992.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNfT 2 Page 3/4 6-2 A)N2DMENT 442, 413, , 239,2S4 Page 51 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 282 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 283 of 463 ITS 3.6.1 ITS 314 LIUMIiG CONDiTIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQL¶REMCETS 3/M.6 CONTAIEO IENT SYSTEMS This page fitendousaly ledt blank COOK NuCLEAR FLAKFUMf 2 hpg 314 6-3 AM4DbMWN 144 iih 173 Page 9 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 283 of 463


b. An overll air lock leakage m of O.O3.5 a p,. 12.0OPsg. Se f5.

AP=& MODES 1, 2, 3. Adddproposed ACTIONS Note I

[Add proposed ACTIONS AAdprosdCTOSNt2 and B Add proposed ACTIONS Note 3 ACTION C 4W-,di an air lock em~aitaina ea n door ileased; restore fthair lock to OPERABLE status within 2 Lhours be In at leMg HOT- STANDBY withn the nex hours and nCODSU OWN within fthfoloigL ACTION D -- 13OhoWMa Add proposed Eachi conthinment air lock uha be demoastratcd OPERABLE:

SR L Inaccordancw khOCRSA i Bad uie .13 SR b. At leantouceper Mmothby verifying htonly one doorin each alrlockcaabe opened COOK~ NUCLEARt PLANT-uNI 2 P'age 3I4~ AbMH4DEN 193 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 284 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 285 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS I 314 LLNMTNG COMMiTONS FOR opmmAIO AND SURVEILANCE REQUIRMENT~S 314.6 CONTAIMENT .SYST-EMS rSee ITS1 CONTAIMEN AMR LO-CKS 3.6.2)

LmITIN CODmO Fog OPERATION Each conw lock shall be OPERABLE with:


a. Both doors closed except when fthair lock is being used for normal transit enty aNd exit through the containment, then at least one air lock door shal be closed, and 5.5.14.d.2.a), b. An overall air lock leakrage rute of :9 0.05 L, at Pa, 12.0 paig.

5.5.14,b APPJCAUX : MO0DES 1, 2 3'and 4.

AC71ON r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ITS With an air lock Inoperable, Maintain at least oe door ciosed; restore the aWr lock to OPERABLE status within 24 3.6.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or be Id at least HOT';STANDBY within fte nex 6 howr and In COLD SHUTFDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. Each contain-ent air lock shall be demonstrated OPERALE 5.5.14.a a. ~~~In accrdnc with 10 CFR SO Appendix I Option B and Regulatory Ouide 1.163.

dated Septmber 1995, and lb. At leawroamper 6 montlhaby verifying dthascly one doorin eahalr lock ambe OPCO4 I See ITS1 at a tum. 3.6.2 COOK NUCLEAR PUAN-UMi 2 Pogo 3I4~ AMENMEN 193 Page 52 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 285 of 463


  • This Pape lnwdonafly Left Mlank COOK NUCL2AI PLANT-IMN 2 page 3/4 & AP.WNDMIW M~

Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 286 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 287 of 463 ITS 3.6.4 ITS (I 3/4 LNMITNd CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION ANt) SU~RVEILLANCE, REQLUIEMENTS 3/4.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS INTERNAL PRESSURE LIMITING CONDrTION"FOR OPERATION LCO 3.6.4 Primary conaiment interall pmesurc shall be maintaied between -1.5 and 40-03 psig.

APP CBLl: MODES 1.2, 3 and 4.

ACTIONh Antinet ntrnlpressur outsWd of thi limts above, etore the Internal presure to within the limits L~ib~n1 ACTIN A hur r b inat least HOT STANDBY within the eam 6 bours and In COLD SHUTDOWN within the ACTION B foown30ou.


SR The primary containment internal pressure shall be dtemined to within the limits at eat one per 12 hoim.

COOK NUCLEAR PANT4JW~2 Post 3I46 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 287 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 288 of 463 ITS 3.6.5 ITS CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS AIR TEMPERATURE LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION LCO 3.6.5 Primary containment average air temperature shall be maintained:

a. between 60 and 1QO'F In the containment upper compartment4 and
b. between 60 and i2O'F In the containment lower compartment.



ACTION A fith the containment average air temperature not conforming to the above Limits. restore the air temperature to within the limits within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />

______________ r be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and inCOLD SHUTDOWN ACTION B within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR The primary containment upper cam artment avera ge air tern-sa 1rtrbe the rithmietica -average of the ternerature! at thLe a.. UVOO- UNoiTa2v 3124 67 b.


W- Nomina 712,Pag 3 of Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 288 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 289 of 463 ITS 3.6.5 ITS CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANtIC RgtIUIREMENTS (Continued)

SR Location A. LV iolnal Elev. 41 10 1/2"~L.

b. - tnominal Ele 6241 D" C. L- Nominal e.626' 6il SR, The primary containment average air temperatures shall be SR determtned at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

.C.COOK - UNIT 2 314 6-8 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 289 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 290 of 463 ITS 3.6.1 ITS Gl 3/4 LLumI1G CONDMTONS FOR OPERATJON AND SIJRVEUILANCE REQLIIRMENT'S 314.6 CONTAITNENT SYSTMIS CONTAINMENT STRUCTURAL INTEGRIEh' LIMITING CO-NDITrOIJ EFOROERATION LCO 3.6.1 .3.616 .The atnuctura1 Integrity of the contialmn sail be mainmained at'a level consistent with the A2~~LL~&f aepuncOeiei nSpeification4.616 MOES 1, 2. 3 ad 4.Add

&MLICABULTTY: proposed ACTINA dBA, Uath the Ofntgtcomtainmene ofte [ofMing to fthaboe requ tarestaode theutuctura Prity to te iis ro t nreste Reactor Coolant System !aerarure above 200'F.

SR The stuturaul Ing? fte ~ ctlmm dse iersi cI COOK INVCLEAR PLAMT.NI 2' Page 314 6-9 AMEODMEN 435 193 Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 290 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 291 of 463 ITS 3.6.3 ITS 314 LXMITIG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND) suRvEILLANCE REQLmIREMNTs 314.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS L1MITINNG CONOMTON FOR OPERATION SR3.6.3.1 5. Withontaten pcm systempu rgecsupplyeador one eurhacsttIolALAo nd ralesIpirable Ioair qulty affecerdon for oety uesnen f~or survomia=tiesti anurd Idnialsed potiones aNoC A1)

ACIO Ret noeACTItON:RBL *or autmatc n te Cose poitin vlvesewd eriledso e dacdard in ft codposepoition, 4 "A~

ACTION DA. Ohrie eI slatHTSADYwihntens or a nCWSUDW wihi exthefolwin 30 huomaiurs. scrdindedW oiin provisisofSeclcuredin wouudc-3 the doedA osiion licarile. tobjps NUCatLEAst oLnTcei 31e COOK 2e 1 69 AKaMYF4, 3, 9

.4 ---- roposed ACT~ Pge 0 o 1 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 291 of 463



Withoneconainentspray system inoperable, restore the inopeable sray s stem t PRBEsau ihn7 ACTIONA hours o be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />; resto _ inoperablpray system tA.RBL ~

ACTION B s it ine next 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within- ie folowing 0 ours.

SURVEILLANCE-REQUIREMENTS Each containment spray systemn shall be demronstrated OPERABLE:

SR a. At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, power operated or SR b. By verifying that each containment spray pump's developed head at the test flow point is

c. once least months by:

At per not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in oosition L SR 1 Veiinthtecatotivavintefapahautstoits correct SR Add pRoposd6Noe 2 Verifyn that each spray p stEartsautom~aticallv on alcantgringt e SR d. At least once per 10 _ears by per g&an air or odqkeflow test geahspray 1.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 6-10 AMENDMENT 97, +3-1. *56, *68, 41.8,257 Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 292 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 293 of 463 ITS 3.6.7 ITS0 CONTAIM~n1{ SYSTE24S LIMTIT19 CONDITTO FOROPERATION LCO 3.6,7 The, spray additive system shall be OPERABLE withi:

SR, a. A spray additive tank containing a volume between 4000 and 4600 SR gallons of between 30 and 34 percent by weight NaOH solution, and

b. TWO sa additive eductor ach capable of add INaOH solution fro tucemical addit takto a containim tspray system pump APP&ICAILf: M1ODES 1, 2, 3 and 4.

ACTION A With the spray additive system inoperable, restore the aystei to OPERABLE ithn 7 hms~for be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />; staus ACTION B Irestore he gz~t: tiye syst status within the next 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> Zfl CLREQUIEMENT The spray additive system shall be demonstrated OPEWALE:

SR a. At least once per 31 days -by verifying that each valve (manual, power operated or automatic) in the flow path that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured Sn position, is in its correct position.

b. At least once per 6 months by:

SR 1. Verifying the contained solution volumie in the tank, and SR 2. Verifying th. concentration of the Wa.OH solutionr]

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 6-1l Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 293 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 294 of 463 ITS 3.6.7 ITS(I) 314 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND) SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR C tlatoc cb eiyn htec uoai av ntefo a SR d. At least once per 5 years by yerifn the flow rate from die sray additive ln COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 6-12 AMENDMENT 45, 9;,, 43k, M5,

&54,2M, 2S7 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 294 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 295 of 463 ITS 3.6.3 ITS 31/4.6.3 CCNTAUIMaN ISLT5IO VALMS and 3 4. ~.6..1

  • FIsc cntanetplisab atio cualvee vh shl e aPMnEd exhna atimontp ACTIONS Eav. C latIng itlon for operation Itsk aasociated UON statement Note 1 forh ~1I art i1nix Technicil Specf tin1/

~ A~~~

ACTIONS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ACIN andC ~ AON pos~~~tion. ~~~~~ Nte2 ACTIONd CTIOS Ga. ORIsolate each- affecte EMtAtio miff~Ihus yue fa leaLtone VlAe maul a rbintdflangetr;joMdpooe ATO ACTION D 4~~~.h in at theas IHOTa it(ua)5toenx ho5~urs aihnd 4uC ACTIONS A wihnteflown 0~SHUVO 0hus b..3.1solate chtaffecte pasitr~ ation vall be deaors byued -ofBL prart to le~uagcst oaledto et4vat afteraic valve seurne. theafIorelacementorL4) ptosmeton.

p~ thoar r ascaedatao.c~1o rurs7o2r for pez Izsolate eachlingtesad veriftation of iurs y ciat u* o COWlIAIt oneT UiTse vav or4b-lin Man DE~TN.4, S ACTIONDd. e In t leat HOTSTAIMY wftht~themait a6dof Pager 10L Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 295 of 463


SR' Eac cnametisolation valve specified shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per moth b

a. Verifying taona Mxs M E!isolation test signal, each se~ isolation b Vriyincthat ionliolaiootet ignlseaciiolaio
c. Verifying that o inmet r/jjjjmn ioaion olatiosignal, each re SR The isolation time of each power operated is 1otaleshlhb ersedi L.

determined to be within its limit wrhen testedlwo topsin COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 6-14 AMENDMENT W, I-M. 458, 465,

.M4, 257 Page 7 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 296 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 297 of 463 ITS 3.9.3 ITS 3/4 UIMITING CONDJTIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILJLANCE RE~QUIREMENTS (Continued) Each contahinent isolation valve specified shall be demnonstrated OPERABLE atlet SeeITS ~~~~once per 18 months by:

3.6.3 a. Verifying that on a Phase A containment isolation test signal, each Phase A isolation valve actuates toits isolation position.

b. Verifying that on a Phase B containment isolation test signal, each Phase B isolation Ehutvalve actuates to its isol atoosi tinfctairsiuae C

SR C.~Thisolation tiachePofgeach SeUIS o [. Theisltion be ofl eac power operated or autwxatic containrnnt isolation valve shall beL4 3.6.3 determne tob ihnislimit when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.5.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 6-14 AMENDMENT 97, +M. *58, 165,

-M4, 257 Page 7 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 297 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 298 of 463 ITS 3.6.3 Mae 3/4 6.16 through 3/4 6-32 COOK~ HUiCLER PIANTI - Unft. 2 3/4 6.15 Amfl~mflnT No 165 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 298 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 299 of 463 ITS 3.3.3 ITS 3/4.6.4 uWU CVKTMI aC~l'U Table 3.3,3-1 3.6.4&1 1"uuCanta4bawat 1ydrognaa5f xan~3Zshal be OIMAM Function 11H~sI [sa

-v_,# ---- -Addpr~oposed ACTIONS Notc L1 ACTION A With Ome b~iz"sn azssly2" device InopuabIs. m~stmV the l ACTION B i=AAMWZSth ~t6Rqie ACTION D b, both 409wn" analymis deess Ltceu~ re*sstate at L~ Os.

ACTIONS E and F Least SOT STMNDSY withIA the next 6 bou SR saft byd~oan aalysis 4evics shal bedmtte

0. C. CO= -UNgm2 3/4 4-33 ~ bAmdt No. B)

Page 16 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 299 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 300 of 463 ITS 3.6.8 ITS MiiMmyc lO~~3 Lo~tC!

LCO 3.6.8 Ss.S.4. T" i, - citaimnt hydrog.n reooublaur ysytem; Ahall be GM'UA5L.

eu g~~Au~izfl 1110DE I. sa 2.

ACTION A Vicfh Ome hydrogen rC4o*Salr MetGE LaoPTSMbl, m8ter the lasPerAbi MSycej te ACTION C fLOZALZ status within 30 a< atr be ina ot MOT STANDI? within the nest Ghons. Each byt*onm zscombliaz systes shall be GemmstrategOMLW SR a. At loust once r onh edwiw a recoblaor sytem

b. At least Mon per teb' SR 2. Verifying through a visual ezaiuatiwn that lhure iasevidence of SR 3 .cv rM "f"1ml15Fw ~ etr SR 4.. Yertfyizag the Intepity of all heater electrical aircubt COOK~ YWCIMA PLANT - MT 2 3 /4 6.34 MWKU 0.168 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 300 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 301 of 463 ITS 3.6.9 ITS(3 U/ LIBiTING CONDITIONS V1OR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREKMNS 3/4.6 MINA0ENTSVSTnMS LCO 3.6.9 3.6A.3 Both trains of the Distributed Ignition System "hal be OPERABLE. fAdscn ato C ..

{E~b APPELIM.BItL, MODES 1and 2.


B ACTION ~~~~With cmtriofEAL thydirobged ligniterin onseminopmerablre:in etr n yrgn nteafce ACTION C conRet=inh regioan OPERABIE status toieont within?7 eIOdayso SADYwti 6wous 4.6A.3 Eac Dmistriibued Inito Perainofth Syte sh6all bedeni7onasted Oon PERASI SR a. Onc~~~e Bilepe emn fitrd Ing supp9ALy breakmiandVtI ha slat3 SRIO n OPRb. hdognc pgier Isnoy vc1. at leastn Fare hydrogen Igniter IsnOPERALEfinceac SR a. Once Per ehnlyng ftsupteplyberakere ber eanh Igite saifinimuma atleatF34 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 301 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 302 of 463 ITS 3.6.11 ITS 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER ICE BED LIMIT'ING CONDITION FOR OPERATION fAdd proposed boron concentration LCO 3.6,11 - The ice bed shall be OPERABLE with: Lupper limit SR3.6.11,6 ~a. The stored ice having boron concentration of at least 10 nte b h SR3.6.11.6 ~~~~formo!Lium tep rate) and apH of 9.0to 9.5a SR b. Flow channels through the Ice condenser, SR 3.6.1 1.1 C. A maximum ice bed temperature of : 270F, SR . d. -. Ic~ k~ pqnt!ainin~ a I nfl:~lIs of ice le)dfa .. *.

APPLICABILTY: MODES 1, 2,3 and 4. fAdd proposed total mass and zone requireet ACTION:

ACTION {Wihteiebdnoerable, restore the ice bed to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> for-e in at least HOT ACTION B [ANBwihntenext 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The ice condenser shall be determined OPERABLE: L SR 3.6.1 1.1 a. At least once per 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />sly using jhjtgnm ertr i t ovrfy that the maximum ice bed temperature is 5 270 F.

b. At lecast once per onsby frSR3616 Ad poposedSR 3.6116 Note jJ-o SR 3.6116 . emclanalyses which verif tha at lat ersnaesmlso SR 2. Weighing aeesentative sample at least 144 ice baskc and verifying that Add proposed total mass and zone requrmnsL COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 6-35 AMENDMENT 66 16, M~, 2I-, 262 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 302 of 463


~~ (t~~cotiiiued) total mass and zone requirements Add p~~~~~~roposed SR shalibeo itutedof onebakta foRadial Rws1 46Smind 9(or ie te20 additional bs and the discempant aske hl not be less than onds~beskt 1 na - I at a9s%level confidernce.I SR noelcec nofsersthall also, xsbeau vided into 3groups Of sesas foliowa:

QruplI t16auItduovO S. roupt -bays 9 though16. ru3 -baysl17 Ad fthough ;4. The minimum actgeice weight of the 1 apebaskets from proposed L Radial r~ows 1 2, 4,6. 8 9iech groupshll1obless than 1144 Ice mass end-f-cyle) yk 9% level of co fdne pouns/baket eurmnt SR Th znol~i total ice conesel at a95% evlfcndence shall be ~ e uigall Welbdetennd Ice hsweighing Prallnot bels 22,0 pounds (e f-yl)

SR3.6.11.4 ~~~~~~~~3. oiatleas-two flow passas Icondenser accu.mulation of ice on intermediaec and on flow passa between ice baskets pastlaie structural members frlms, s mrceto anominal of3l8linches. Ifcmef1 wpassage per comprising flowi channels 0 a s t hav an froto ice,preter tha ouuatoo s hikness a through the Ice bed is s15% blockage of the rpO esample of 20 adiinal owpassage fo the bay Shall be total flow area for each virlUilly te.If these e~dt lwpassagsOaef cetbe i safety analysis section mv progra MAY proceed nsiderizi the Sin"l de cicy es unique C. Ate once per 18 months by velying by a Andu inspection6Awk ice condenser bay, thyh cumulation offot on the lower pleam~Wn sppbrt stmuctures and turingL.

isretricted taonk'hceuof 3 18nhes A kcmloof frost or Ice 4raz tha this thickness sjvdceof abnormal derdfo fteIecondense.

SR 3.6.11,5 d. Atlest 40 months flby visuallylnspectigh beportoios of at leas~t Io bak from each 11 ice condenser ada thtthe Ice baskets arwe fiv f ermaa tructural pacracks, corrosio rohrdmg.'b c baskes be zuised at least 12 frthis inzpection.

Add proposed Ice basket wearldamage requieet .

IAdd proposedSR3717 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Pogst 463 AMENDMENT KO43,304,217 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 303 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 304 of 463 CTS 3/ CONTAINt4EN4 SYSTEMS ICE eEfl iTPERATURE MONITORING S TEN LIMITING C NDITION FOR OPERATION 3 6 5.2 he ice bied temperature monitoring system sabl be OPERABLE with At least OPERABLE RTD channels in the Ice bed at elev tions 652' 2 1/40, 672' 5It1/" and 696' 2 1/4' for ach one third of the I a condenser.



A. with the ice bed temp i'ature monitoring syst ~inoperable, POWER OPERATION may c ntinue for up to 30 do aprovided:

1. The ice compartm nt lower Inlet doors, ntermediate deck doors, ad to k doors are closed;
2. The last record dmean Ice bed tempera ure was < 206F and steady; and
3. The Ice condens r cooling system isOP RALE with at least:R.

a) 21 OOERABL air handling units, b) 2 OPERARL glycol circulating PU S. and c) 3 OPERABL refrigerant units; otherwise, be inat least HOT STANDBY with n6 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN wIthi the following 30 hour3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

b With the ice bed t perature monitoring sy tem inoperable and with the Ice conde er cooling system not atisfying the mini-mum components OPE ILITV requirements o a.3 above, POWER OPERATION may cont nu for up to 6 days p vided the ice compartment lower niet doors, Intermedia adeck doors. and top deck doors are do ed and the last record mean ice bed temperature was c 5IF and steady; othe se, be in at least NOT STANDBY withTh the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and I COLDO SHUTDOWN within the followl 30 houts.

Ii. C. COOK - UNIT 2 1/4 6-37 Page 3 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 304 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 305 of 463 CTS 3/ CONTAINM4EN SYSTEMS SURVEILLA REOUIREMENTS heIce. bed temperature nitoring system Shall determined OPERABLE yperformance of a CHAilE CHECK at least once Sr 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

'D . COOK -. UNIT 2 314 6-38 Page 4 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 305 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 306 of 463 ITS 3.6.12 ITS ~I LCO 3.6.12 S. 6.S.S30Ibe usdGom" LbSt dbes *a1aaadlaw deckt dam, N4W9 we&k Ad proposed ACTIONS Note 2I.

1Dh!2CU ACTION B U~ emt~It 1ACTs

  • aspetddsele e mneIOS ACTION C g& me or am w gs OiUAUI ftorm'opmas als~b~e) vieb Mop bus's POMeIa ACTION D O lUAt way? aimhi ghm upn %a* emys"gma ra ou. m ,ow astw s meIbeda leunase ud @l'fl an; a" 1116 ma: uest eaeiet tobrub y SR 1.l~ Yettiof tha I NgS torqe require:.t Intalyps ob diet s SRIO 3..1. jolYlas~at SHin: qsiatm (1 as deetb visdno i4ar byIof. beisat Ime M ST*I virl..

ACTION D WS&=0M30111 vPerform a torqets SR 3.612.6 30 eah... h de. wifigehss tr.* *spseah e ekemkW oers sdo 2 sheal 2.5UthL SR 3.6.12Ad e i'La dgree Thi deepa. Glesdefne a d ofta tm autorque test SR me3. of tba doors "T"Iyus tPageI4#ofr6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 306 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 307 of 463 ITS 3.6.12 ITS Saobh i tes dcrilSdgre OS iSW " is dci so 0 o dm0 op.~ to thm slao1 A tesmao M~ I

5. s~1aIm Of tbs. tesooi oted la oWith I h Wftth'.

i tzd "itlnal selbe less o: *quaS to 40 *giemss isidiato UcOO DOMe - Seth it. omimoso Ltosttfdios doobdoo SR *.vuod lswted m 4th aft pOtmg of oath d s" swiid by ac i tot frost o dabbui ty a oU lsui atpissasatbas 0060 PMi I das.m SR 3.6.12,7 b. oseemestraei @13UA5U *t loath mOo pw 16 Enos by yiuLly1 VOCLIfyiu so structural datersdustimn by verifya free avs ft 1h Vesatasabtes Cor ol loeibs *p3 35.6 lbs. A.

S. Mil soeSAi&mcm otsgtlmaawSt a to to I lbs.


4. Isl Wdith DMu Adjasut Lest them or opt to SR 3.6.12,3 Top las §oon . Roth i~e tomedosc U deftdo shall to dotorinda sisood td O&UAsTZ as lcost so pVW 92 days by wimuell vsrowttys WOK we=I~ PLA=t an Uh a/4 4.40 &mmIDin US. U.

Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 307 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 308 of 463 ITS 3.6.12 ITS CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued)

SR 36.12.3 a. That the doors are In place, and

b. That no condensation, frost, or Ice has formed on the doors or blankets which would restrict their lifting and opening ifrequired.

D.C. COOK -UNIT 2 3(4 641 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 308 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 309 of 463 OTS 314.6.5.4 CONTAINMEN cSYSTEMS INLET 000POSITION MONITORING SY TEN LIMITING ODITION FOR OPERATION 3.6.S.4 inlet door position nitoring system %hall OPERABLE.


W th the inlet door position MO Itorfng system inoperabi POWER OPERATION may cont, nue for up to 14 days, roided the ice bed t er-ature monitoring system i -OPERABLE and the maxi ice bed temperature < 27OF when monito at least once Per 4 ur;otherwise, restore thie inlet door posito motoring system to 0 EALE status wi thin 48 hurs or be In at leas Ht SHUTDOWN within t nex~t 6 hour& and in aDSiIUOO'11 within he following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SUJRVEI CE RE IREMENTS 4.6.5. The inlet door posit n monitoring system sh I be determined OPERAB by:

  • Pelfforming A CHANN CHECK at least once Pe 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
  • Performing a CHANNE FUNCTIONAL TEST at lea t once per 1S mntnhs, and
  • Verifying that the nitoring system torre lyindicates the status of each Int door as the door isoane and reclosed during its testing pr Specification 4.6.5 3.1.

D. COOK -UNIT 2 3/4 642 Page 2 of 2 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 309 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 310 of 463 ITS 3.6.13 ITS L-MZNG COMIiOna FOra OPERATION LCO 3.6,13, TheS.personnel access door& and equipment hatchtes btweente SR kata t' upper and lower compartments 'shall be OPERABLE and closed.


ACTION A Xe fkr Prsonnel transi2etr ~4 n aavrestore the door or hatch to OPERABLE status or to Uts applicable) ostolise" %a I~iWjor be in at least OTSADY Withi ithin the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and ACTION C LbCOLD SKUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCEREgMIREMENTS SR 4.6.5.S.1 The personnel access doors and equpment hitches between the SR containment's upper and lower comartmentS shall be determined closed'by a visual inspection prior to inrasing the Reactor Coolant System Tav above 200'F and after each personnel transit entry when the Reactorag Coolant System Tlgyg is above 20OF.

SR The persannel access doors and equipment hatches between the containment's upper and lover compartments shall be determined OPERABLE by visually Inspecting the seals end staling surfaces 'of those pmnetrai.

tions and verifying no detrimental misal ignmets, cracks or defects in the sealing surfaces, or apparent deterioration of the seal material:

a. Prior to final closure of the penatration each time it has been opened, and
b. At least once per 10 years for penetrations containing seals fabricated from resilient materials.

Dacs,~COag - UNIT 2 3/4 6-43 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 310 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 311 of 463 ITS 3.6.1 0 ITS 314 LIMITIG CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.6 CONTAIMENT SYSTEMS LCO 3.6.10 Two~~iiJco tainmertair recicultian systemshalbe OPERABI.E.(

APPESALa&y'tI MODES 1,2,3and4.

ACTION A --- With q contaimen aik recirulon system Inoperable. rm to heInopetable. system to OPERABLE status ACTION B olwig30 hours. Each coitaiu= im'dail be demonsg4 OPERABLE at least once per 92 shalldA sA o A] wT~mi~gisby:

days actual or simulated SR, a. Veaftywgta the rcturn ai fan starts onWcigsalatra10: 2scii SR delay, fth maW RE Y valve. in 5=ej to IQ actual least 15 minue (aplicable in MDS12 only). orsmltdsga SR b. Verifying tha with fth return air fan diischarge bwAkdraf damper locked closed and the fan motor enerizd, the ststic pressur between the tan discarge and she backdraft daprIs 2:4. inches. water gue SR C. VeIVdoynghawith the hanoff, the reim ikfandamper openswhen a foc of~ 11 lbs is applied to the counterweghi COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2 Page 314 6-44 AMENDMENT46, 217 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 311 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 312 of 463 ITS 3.6.14 ITS COMTIMENT SYSTEMS FLOOR DRAINS LIMITING-CONDITION FOR-OPERATION LCO 3.6.14 The ice condenser floor drains shall be OPERABLE.



ACTIONS Aand C With the1 condenser floor d In inoperabie retethe floor drain to OPR E ttspior to creasing the ReAco oanSytmem peratur above 2OO1F.

Addprposed ACTIONS A and CA.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR 3.6.14,3 4.651. Each ice condenser floor drain shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 19 monthsldur sh town by:

a. Verifying that valve gate opening isnot impaired by ice, frost or debris.
b. Verifying that the valve seat isnot damaged.

C. Verifying that the valve gate opens when a force of < 100 lbs is applied.

d. Verifying that the drain line from the ice condenser floor to the containment lower compartment isunrestricted.

D.C6COOK -UNIT 2 314 6-AS Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 312 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 313 of 463 ITS 3.6.14 ITS CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS RE~FUELING. CANAL BRAINS LCO 3.6.14 3... ~jeuln ae rains shall be OPERABLE. Q~



ACTIONS Band C With a reft in§ canal drain ing rable, restore the rain to OPERABLE status por to Increasing t eactor Coolant Sy temnperature above 2000F. r SURVEILLANCE REQUIRENENTS required SR 4.6.S.8 'Each efueling canal drain' shall be demonstrated OPERABLE Prior to increasing the Reactor Coolant System temperature above 2006F After each partial or complete filling of the canal with water by verifying that the blind flange isremoved from the drain line and that the drain isnot obstructed by debris.

D. C. COOK - UNIT 2 3/4 6-46 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 313 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 314 of 463 ITS 3.6.13 ITS(I Wt LV"MTNG CONDIUONS FOR OPERlATION AMD SURVMLKIANCEREQUIRHIEMmT 3t4

£~AIMENSYSTEMO LfCOMMON PQR ATrOM LCO 3.6.13 The divider barner eal shal be OEAI ~

APLIC&ErA1 x:=- MODES IZ7 3 and 4.

AMXIDI Add proposed ACTIONS Band CA.

ACTIONS B and C With doe di seal perable, sea to opmSRAIW mtr rtoincreasing dheReto Coolant S tempratur Above 2W00R 7 4,Z 11 The dividet barrier seal shall be determined OPMWALE at leat once er monfth SR 3.6.13,4 a. IRenving tw d ivder bariesWa kga coipons end verifya tha the phYSICAl QP9Mt3ic of the euacoupmi are within she aceptabin rang of values shown inTable 3.6-2.

SR bL Va'idtly Inspocun at keas 9S percent of the seidib entre length and:

1. Veryifng that the eadand seal mounting bobs ae prperly Instlled and
2. VerifyinbtadwA seamgavte" ral o visual evidenc of deteioration due to nhw holes. rutues chemical ant"k abason. radiation damage or changes in COOKINUCLEARPLANF.TJT2 PapeS/4 6.4 AW~mammmimmt.I, 224 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 314 of 463


~~~~~~~~~~ACCEFIA~tr oaf,ro a 3001 120 Ps i l00x SR 06 to 1.1)

~~ qua de e as SeeLlag at haesrequirements dhs t .qusin59 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 315 of 463 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 315 of 463 (0

-h 0)CA

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 316 of 463 ITS 3.7.1 ITS 3/4 LJarrING CONDMONS FOR OPERATIO0N AND SURVEILLAN(CE QULVI 314.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 314. 7.1 TU18BINE CYCLE LQEQG ONrLQN FOROflQ=

LCO 3.7.1 3.7.1A1 sAm . code saftt valmu azocimdl wtibcub mem genmorshaf be OPERABLE.

All MdA PA AMLfJC 1JJD: MODES 1.2and 3.

ACTIONAeqird CTO c ACTION B 5 ACTION A eM wizh one or moreo m ii mm FlucodS Sfemi~

al aipi caoesd per A ACTION B -- adnm~m be IedIRequiredWAction Ahe

b. ~ of SRC37.1. A ... Each miRE acm SWlineat= code&f~vlesulb ~otm OEaBLEVat ancudoo with nmmg Spcitauo 40 ftwu -eblitsiipa hw iab4.-.Teufyvaeaalhrse ACTION B ~ ~~SpI cuan 4.04 ~fmww aplcbleInHOTmt o MHWODE Wihn.wr COOK NULEAR PLno-NI 2 PageB 3/4o.4 iMn'MtMFAT8 ~

CoPatien5OofT8 second Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 316 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 317 of 463 ITS C) 3.7.1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IT 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS TABLE 3.7-1 Table 3.7.1-1 MXUMALLOWABLE 0M ERA~NGE NE 0 G~ L d=']E~~NumberofValves Maximum Allowable PwRn e~

on Any Opmrating Steam Generator (Percent of RATED THERMAL PowER)

LEJ ~ ]43.0 60.4 C COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNITI Page 3/4 7.2 AMENDMENT045, 259 Page 6 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 317 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 318 of 463 ITS 3.7.1 ITS ms AOz mm&-&ONALLY LETn BLA=K D. C. C MT23/4 7.3 NO 82 Page 7 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 318 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 319 of 463 ITS 3.7.1 Table 3.7.1-2 T1L -

x!N) Lmm A§r=VE- ¶TLV PER LOOP la

mm= aLP RKIx!N

? (~S*2)d

a. iV43% 1063 3414 16 La
b. av-13 lO04IpeL~g-
d. SV-2u 1073 p.+/-g 1 EV-3 ~~~loss "it is *2 CO03t VUXAa PLANT MaIIT 2 3/4 7-4wm~ o 167 Page 8 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 319 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 320 of 463 ITS 3.7.5


a. nI east Kseam eeratoauzl] eed pumpS O~~r-dfow sIA1 LCO 3.7.5 Ad proposed 100 Not .
1. Two axlayfwater fervi pumps, ech a of bein powered fio separat emergec
2. stem aturbon-drven zyfdWSWr pumlp Yeof beig powered inan OPERABLE sytemf.

541 APFLICABILUt: Specification - MODES 11 ,23.

~ ~

AMONS: ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~Adpopsdsecond Applicabilt!.

ACTION Bn pcr~la3.... I plial: oe ATO ACTION C ACTION C b. Wifth two auiiar feedwater SiInueablm be in at least HOT STANDBY wti dd rom osd RLa ie ActionUTD.1WNoAhithe q6i*g ACTION D C. Wlith three auxilary fbedwater Ic,-al~

fmmedatuy bffiti corrective c train A to retore at least one auxiliax fewaterW OPERABLE status a ona possible.AdprpsdATOEM.

When Sefi 3.7 .1.2,b isapplicable:

With no flw Lito Unit I availale, return at onm flow path to available s ~hn7 days, or provide equivalent wcapabllity InUnit I and at leam one flow path to avia ttswithin the amn 60 days. .

or have U Iin HOT STANDBY within te 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and HOT SHUTO within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

The re sOf Specification 3.0.4artaplcbe COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 7-5 AMINDMENT 13,444, 151 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 320 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 321 of 463 ITS 3.7.5 3/4 LIMITING CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each auxiliary feedwater pump shall be demonstrated OPERABLE when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.5 by:

SR a. Verifying that each motor driven auxiliary feed pump's developed head at the test flow SR b. Verifying that the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump's developed head at thets I Snecification a 4,0.4 h~~~~~~r.

fmanuatandie o eMOte SR C. Verifying at least once per 31 days that each nn oatavein the flow par ~is (3 not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position isin its correct position.

SR 3...dNt . Verifying at least onc rtnohsthat each automatic valve in the flow path actuate

g. team gngrato yln, levs nel h peravs18 m Iboerfenob sthatfthein maunity ntei cross-iged votes e oiin.L can cyleoful trave.lwn

[Add~ ~S~~~~~ ~

proposed ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

SR 37.53 COOK.NUCEAtLATUNT2ae / 7 eaMENDutmENtiv n7th6e flow pat4atute ol' th 58,1 ae8,20,23,2uat26 e jea~~~~~age4sf Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 321 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 322 of 463 ITS 3.7.6 MS_

CONDENSA'TE STORAGE TANK LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION LCO3.7,6 t 3.7Wit 3The condensate storage itnkr(CST sihanl 4 heOuERA Elthea mi imhum elaco ta ACTION A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~scodApicblt ACTION B ~ ~ ~ CTON t e onstrsatesthrae OPEaBIkT iou eheishin 4husevic Waer: wtotrlance on steam ACTIONA c~~~~~IOnDE3%ihnsaehsouragsv PEA eertr heat,removal ACTION B tihnteMx 2b SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by verif ing the contained water volume is within Required Action Al and The Fsta &iaV s shall b demonstrated second Completion Time OPERABLE at least once pr 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />s/by vier Yin tat te Es nta D. C.COOK -UNIT 2 3/4 7-7 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 322 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 323 of 463 ITS 3.7.17 ITS D PLANT SYSTEMS-ACTIVITY LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION LCO 3.7,17 The specific activity of the secondary coolant system shall be

SO.1O uCi/gram DOSE EQUIVALENT [-131.

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2. 3.anid 4.


ACTION A With the specific activity of the secondary coolant system ). 0.10 u+/-Ci/

gram DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131, be inat least NOT STANDBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and IinCOLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIRENETS SR3. The specific activity of the secondar coolant s stem shall be SR3.7.17.1determined to be within the limitib eformancaz samping and et~ ~) I D. C. COOK - UNIT 2 3/4 7-8 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 323 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 324 of 463 ITS 3.7.17

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS TAjLE 4.7-2 SECONCARY CoOIMT SYSTEJ¶ SPECIFIC ACTIVITY SMtPLE AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM TYPE OF MEASUREMEN SAMPLE AND ANALYSIS AND ANALYSIS REQUENCY 6 i~s Activity Pqt nzto--At least once per 72 bm SR EQUIVALENT 1-31 Concentration oar the grass ctvty determination -indAtes ihdns cancent atlons belo thOn of e alloe lwable limit.

btla 10%of Pagel4of-Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 324 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 325 of 463 ITS 3.7.2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITS S~hA(

OWEBORSTOP tW LYM!¶'T CopDnrrow IC OPflATION LCO 3.7.2 Each steam generator stop valve shali be OPELALE.

hZ~~AaILZ~:MODES 1., 2 and 3. -- (except w~hen all SGSVs arcoe


MODE L WMth one steam generator stop valve Inoperable lu/IA ACTION A 0M3ATIMM may coatlaue, provided thre Inoperable, valve In restored ~to, 0PZKAIL2 statas within I hours: vae, reduca, power to less than ACTION B

  • tto percent of RAMD IIWXAL POMR within the nent 6 HODES thone or more steam generator sto valves £xaoperable. close the ACTION C inoperablevalve(a) within &hours and verify the inoperable valves ACTION C .- Iare --- s d at leasnt once pr 7 da . tf~wis., be Ina&r MODE ACTION D 12 12 , with. the ualt in at Least MODE 3 within the. first The a on f S c"ation 3.0.4 no-t MU 1.(

SR Each steam generator stop valve I ~ A Aaub.dmntae OPA5LIZ by varifylig full closure vithin 8 seconds whun testdpusat to SpeoULfcatlon, 4.0.5.

SR Zse pravWizions of SpecifLcAtion 4.0.4 are not appI-re-le for entry Note into MODD 3.

COOKC NUCLEA PLANT UW1T I 3/4 7.10 AWMDWI No. 4Ug 170 Page 5 of 5 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 325 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 326 of 463 CTS 3/4.7.2 3.1.2. Thee ire atntsofth bothte ecaficaind not udatiyi Idnt nth t gea. rsac tbe stea 70 gwenerthe ressure of ether aplcla ainte steam20 p~within 30 minutes, d

b. P rforua an engineering ev luatica to deter=ine th effect at the o rpressuurization an the structural integrity of testeam generator.~

D termine that the steam eneratar remains accept le fog continued oration prier to incre Ling its temperatures aye200 P.

4.7.2. Tbpressure in each bid" f the steam generator s all be determined to be < 200 p,ig at least once Bar Ii when the temperature f either the prinary or second coolant is <.70 F.

COOK MU PLANT -UNIT 2 3/4 7-11 Page 2 of 2 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 326 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 327 of 463 ITS 3.7.7 ITS(I 314 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.3 COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION LCO 3.7.7 a. At least two mdedncmoetcoing water loops shall be OPERABLE.

APPLICABILITY: Specification 3.7.3.ILa. - MODES 1, 2, 3, 4.

-Secific gO3.7.3.I.b. -At a swhennitlis DE~Si1 2 . or 4 )


When Specification saplcbeAdproposed Required Action A.I1ot ACTION A With only one component cooling water loop OPERABLE, restore at least two loops to OPERABLE status within 2 hur or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the ACTION B following 30 hour3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

When Specificatio .7.3. Lb is applicable:

With no flowp toUnit I available, return a tonfowahto avial t ihn7 days, or provide L equivalent sh on capability in Unit I and rdratlstone flow path tav besatswithin the next 60 days, or hav U It in HOT STANDBY wisfthe nt12husand HOT SH O Nwithin the following 24 hos reurmnsof Specfiation 3. .4are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS At least two component cooling water loops shall be demonstrated OPERABLE; SR3.7.7.1 ~~~~~automatic ecrvicing safety related equipment that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise SR b. At least onc per mnhbyye that each auto cY Ad proposedSR3773Q )

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 7-12 AMENDMENT 9;, +16, 4M, +9,

.-U, 2:57 Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 327 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 328 of 463 ITS 3.7.8 ITS 314 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 314.7.4 ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION LCO 3.7,8 a. At least two E R miessential service water loops shall be OPERABLE.

b. At lp one essential service wa owpath associated with sppdort of Unit I shlutdow n~ L fb. tions shall be ayailable.

APPLICABILITY: Specification 3.7.4. La - Either Unit in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.

9pecific R .7.. -AtakiwoUtI q;D TF-ACTION:

a. When Unit 2 is in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4: Addroposed Required Action A.1 Notes I and _2_

ACTION A -FlWih only one essential service water loop OPERABLE, restore at least two loops to OPERABLE status L-.within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN ACTION B ihnthe following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

UNote and least one crosstie valve on the associated header or have Unit I enter ACTION a for Unit 1 NCTOte An Specification for the Unit 1 essential service water pump sharing the same header ACTION A ~~~~~with the inoperable Unit 2 essential service water pump.

SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS SR3.7.8.1 ~a. At least once per 31 days by veriyn thteach valve (manual, pwcoer ated or automatic i-nthe flow path iniscorrect position.

COONUCLE riPLAnT-NI 2up a Prrge 3/4 7-3AMNMET9,46,o 48 Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 328 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 329 of 463 ITS 3.3.7 ITS 3/4 LimITNo CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTMS 314.7.5 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION SYSTEM CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY VENTILATION SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITON FOR OPERATION The control room em~perya ventilation system (CREVS) shall be OPRBE ih LCO 3.3.7 The control room envelope/pressure boundary may be opened intermittently Under administrativeSeIT control. ~~~~~~~~~~~

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3,4] and duing the movement of Irradiated fuel assemblies.


f npressurizat'ion/cleanup mode MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4:

a. With one -pressurization train inprbe the inoperable train!-t K If ME] I.

ACTION A be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in LUhJswilhin 7 d sfo-r co HUDW within fth following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.AdpooedCTO ACTION C

b. With the filter unit inoperable, restore the filter unit to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

C. With two CREVS pressurization trains inoperable due to an inoperable control room envelopelpressure boundary, restre the contol room envelope/pressure boundary to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 bhmr and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

During the movement of Irradiated fuel assemnblies:

d. With one pressurization train inoperable, restore the inoperable Pressurization train to OPERABLE status within 7 days, or initiate- and maintain operation of the remaining See UlS OPERABLE train in the pressurizatioD/cleanuap alignment.

3.7.10 With any of the following: (1) both pressurization trains inoperable; (2) the filter unit e.

inoperable; or (3) the control room envelope/pressure boundary inoperable, immediately suspend alloperation involving the movement of irradiated fuel assemblies.

f. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable to movement of irradiated fuel assemblies.I COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 7-14 AMENDMENT 44-L W2 258 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 329 of 463


LCO 3.7.1 0 eotoromeegnyeziaio system (CREVs~haII be OPERABLE

a. independ pres trins an ch rbrlEP lrunit.

administrative The control room envelope/pressureboundary maiy be opened intermittently under control.

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2,3,4, andidrn the movement of irradiated fulasmle ACTION:

MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4:

a. With one pressurization train atinoperable, restore the inoperable train to OPERABLE ACTION A wihin7 stats s o-- in least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />sanm D

ACTION SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

~~~~~~COLD With the filter unit hioperable, restore the filter unit to OPERABLE status within 24 ACTION C b. next 6 hours and in COLD hurs For be in at least HOT STANDBY within the ACTION D SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

ACTION B ~ ~~~C. With two CREVS pressurization trains inoperable due to an inoperable control room B

ACTION ~~~~~~eavelopelpressure boundary, restore the control room envelope/pressure boundary to next 6 OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours.

ACTION D During the movement of irradiated fuel asse-- ies:

d. I-With one pressurization train inoperable, restore the inoperable pressurization train to ACTION A within 7 days, Pr-initiate and maintain operation of the remainingA.

L OPERABLE status eurdAto .

ACTION E ER LEtrain in the pressurization/cleanup alignme Adpooe

e. With any of the followin (1thpesriaintansmpr  ; e fit-eruntL.

ACTION F Iressure boundary Woperabe aty jimole, pr 3 the control oo~m envelo suspend all operations involving the movement of Irradiated fel assee.

I pro~~~~sions ofSpecificatio,(4 are not applicable to .e~etOf Irradiated fuel Page 3/4 7-14 AMENDMENT 443, W2,258 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNI 2 Page 5 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 330 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 331 of 463 ITS 3.7.1 0 ITS 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Tme control room emergency ventilation system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

A. Deleted SR3.7.10.1 ~~~b. At least once er 1 a a n ggbyiiiC o ho FeHEPA fitcr an3rcoal adsorber trai and verifying that the system operates for C. At least once per IS months or (1) after any structural maintenance on the HEPA filter or charcoal adisorber housings, or (2) following painting, fire or chemical release In any ventilation zone communicating with the system, by:

1. Verifying that the charcoal adsorbers remove ~t 99% of a halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant test gas when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfm
  • 10%.
2. Verifying that the HEPA filter banks remove 2: 99 % of the DOP when they are tested In-place In accordance with ANSI N510-1975 while operating theSe r ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfmn +/- 10%. SeIS
3. Verifying within 31 dlays after removal that a laboratory analysis of a carbon sample from either at least one test canister or at least two carbon samples removed from one of the charcoal adsorbers shows a penetration of less than or equal to 1.0% for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ASTM D3803-1989. 30"C, 95% R.H. The carbon samples not obtained from test canisters shall be prepared by either:

a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorber tray. mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed, or b) Emptying a longitudinal sample from an adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches i diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed.

4. Verifying a system flow rate of 6000 cfm +/- 10% during system operation When tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1975.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 7-15 AMENDMENT 24O, 252 Page 6 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 331 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 332 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS(I) 3/4 UIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OP9RATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTfS 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Ad rposed ITS 5.5.9 generic program statem t The control room emergency ventilation system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

A. Deleted See ITS 3.7.10J

b. At least once per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by initiating flow througl the HEPA filter and charcoal adsorber train and verifyig that the system operates f 11 at least 15 mlinutes.A.

5.5.9 ~~~ ~~~C.

At least once perLJiotso 1 fe n utrlmitnneo h EAfle 5.5.9 ~~~~~~~~~or charcoal adsorbcr housings, or (2) folown aitnirorceiarlas nny hiet IsIn operation that-'

ventilation zone commnunicating with the yseyfitrbnorsl carfcalh 5.5.9.b I. Verifying that the charcoal adobr eoe~9% o aoeae dobrcpability hydrocarbon refrigerant test gawhnteartsednplc ncodne with ANSI N510-1975 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfm+/-+10%.

5.5.9.a 2. Verifyin that the HEPA filter banks remove k 99 %of the DOP when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 600 cfm +/- 10%.

5.5.9.c s fte-4 at aanalysis arfy laboratory of a carbon sample from either at least one test canister or at least two carbon samples removed from one of the charcoal adsorbers shows a penetration of less than or equal to 1.0% for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ASTM D3803-1989, 30'C, 95% R.H. The carbon samples not obtained. from test canisters shall be prepared by either:

5.5.9.C.1 a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches In diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed, or 5.5.9.c.2 b) Emptying a longitudinal sample from an adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two Inches In diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed.

5.5.9.a, 4. Verifying a system flow rate of 6000 cfmn

  • 10% during system operation 5.5.9,b when tested 'inaccordance with ANSI NS510-1975.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 7.15 AMENDMENT 240,252 Page 53 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 332 of 463


d. After every 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of charcoal adsorber operation by either:
1. Verifying within 31 days after removal that a laboratory analysis of a carbon sample obtained from a test canister shows a penetration of less than or equal to 1.0% for radioactive mecthyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ASTM D3803-1989. 300C, 95% R.H; or
2. Verifying within 31 days after removal that a laboratory analysis of at least two carbon samples shows a penetration of less than or equal to 1.0% for radioactive See ITS 5.5 methyl iodide when the samples are tested in accordance with ASTM D3803-1989, 30 0C, 95% R.H. and the samples are prepared by either:

a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed, or b) Emptying a longitudinal saxnple from an adsorber tray, mixing -the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed.

Subsequent to reinstalling the adsorber tray used for obtaining the carbon sample, the system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by also:

a) Verifying that the charcoal adsorbers remove > 99% of a halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant test gas when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfm +/- 10%, and b) Verifying that the HEPA filter banks remove > 99% of the DOP when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfm +/- 10%.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/47-16 AMENDMENTu34, 261 Page 7 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 333 of 463


After every 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of charcoal adsorber operation by either:

5.5.9.c s a&analysis that a laboratoryyinP of a carbon 5-5.9-C ~~~~~~~~~sample obtained from a test canister shows a penetration of less than or equal to 1.09o for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ASTM D3803-1989, 300C. 95% R.H; or 5.5.9.c 2. Verifying wiOn 31 aftrmoa s that a laboratory analysis of at least two carbon samples shows a penetration of less than or equal to 1.0% for radioactive methyl iodide when the samples are tested in accordance with ASTM D3803-1989, 300C, 95% R.H. and the samples are prepared by either:

5.5.9.c.1 a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed, or 5.5.9.c.2 b) Emptying a longitudinal sample from an adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed.

Subsequent tj reinstalling the asrrtray used for ob g the carbon samlethes semshall be demon edOPERABLE by also:l a) V a that the charcoa adorbers remove a-99 of a halogenated broabn refrigerant it gas when tey are tetdin-place in odnewith ANSI 510-1975 while oeang the ventilationL.

s tmat a flow rate of cfin +/- 10%, and b) erfigthat the HE iter banks remove 29 of the DOP when thyare tested in-plac in accordance with SIN510-1975 while operating the ventilai system at a flow rate of cfmn +/- 10%.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 7.16 AMENDMENT=4, 261 Page 54 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 334 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 335 of 463 ITS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


SR C. At least once per 'months by.

Table Function 2vetlto s atafwraeo600fiplsrmnu1%.L !5 SR 2. A. Verifying that onaae nco ulri t the system Se ITS Table Function 1 automatically operatesi ntenesr~lnla 3.710J SR F. Verifyin thto the system~,'

L. automatically oprtsi h re-rzto/la

3. Verifyin that the system maintains the control room envelope/pressure boundary at a positive pressure of greater than or equal to 1116 inch W. 0. SeefITS relative to the outside atmosphere at a systemn flow rate of 6000 cfka plus or L3.7.10) minus 10% with amakeup air flow rate of< lOO cfin.I
f. After each complete or partial replacement of a HEPA filter bank by verifying that the HEPA filter banks remove greater tha or equal to 99% Of the DOP when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfmn plus or minus 10%.
g. After each complete or partial replacement of a charcoal adsorber bank by verifying S;r that the charcoal adsorbers remove greater than or equal to 99% of a balogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant test gas when they are tested In-place in accordance with ANSI N51O-1975 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 600 efmn plus or minus 10%.

COOKC NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 7-16a AMENDMENT 9~7.434,4.l-9, 202, 224. 252 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 335 of 463


SR, c. At least once per monehsIby SR . I

1. Verifying that the pressure drop across the combined HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber banks is less than 6 inches Water Gauge while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfln plus or mIinus 10%. -Add proposed Note I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


2. t A. Verifying that onla Safe n4 iWF -nafrom Unit th yse anatulo SR3.7.16,3 ~~~~~~~~automatically operatesli te vres n cwh~

anu modeL simulated actuation SR3.7.10.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

b. Verifying that on la Sart IHI~nal rom Uist the system automatically operates in-Me ress c earnu mo elI
3. Verifying thiat the system maintains. the control room envelope/pressure SR boundary at a positive pressure of greater than or equal to 1/16 inch W. G.

with-916 a makeup air flow rate of < 100 cfM TGE

f. After each complete or partial replacement of a HEPA filter bank by verifying that the HEPA filter banks remove greater thani or equal to 99% of the DOP when they ore tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N5IO.1975 while operating the ventilation SeU system at a flow rate of 6000 cfmn plus or minus 10%.SeITJ
8. After each complete or partial replacement of a charcoal adsorber bank by verifying that the charcoal adsorbers remove greater thn or equal to 99% of a lialogenated hydrocarbon Tefrigerant test gas when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 while operatiag the ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfin plus or minus 10%.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 7-16a AMENDMENT 91, 4-34, 4A, 202, 224, 252 Page 8 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 336 of 463


At least once per~ INth y 5.5.9.d I. Verifying that the pressure drop across fth combined HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber banks is less than 6 inches Water Gauge while operating the ventilation system at a flaw rate of 6000 cfin plus or minus 10%.

2. a. Veriffin that on a Safety Injection Signal from Unit 1, the system j automatically operates in the prcssurizationfcleanup mode. [See ITS 3.3.7
b. Verifying that on a Safety Injection Signal from Unit 2, the system adIS371 automatically operates in the pressurization/cleanup mode.
3. Verifyin that the system maintains the control room envelope/pressure I boundary at a positive pressure of greater than or equal to 1/16 inch W. 0.

relative to the outside atmosphere at a system flow rate of 6000 cfin plus or See ITS minus 10% with a makeup air flow rate of < 1000 efin. j 3.7 .10J 5.5.9 er each complete or partial replacement of a HEPA filter bankc by verifyigta the HEPA filter banks remove greater than or equal to 99% of the DO? when they are 5-5-9-a ~~~~~~tested in-place in accordance with ANSI NSIO-1975 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfm plus or minus 10%.

5.5.9 g. er each complete or partial replaecement of a charcoal adsorber banki by verifying that, the charcoal adsorbers remove greater than or equal to 99% of a halogenated 5.5.9.b hydrocarbon refrigerant test gas when they are tested In-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 6000 cfm plus or COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 7-16a AMENDMENT 97.4M3, 45SS, 202, 224. 252 Page 55 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 337 of 463


4 mnoverriert of irradiated fuel assernblieM1

(~~~During ACTION: L ACTION A ... FWt n ing system noeale, restore the inoperable system to OPERABLE status withiL.

orn ae lastH~STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN withn the followin ACTION B -1 3d0hpseoACIrs.A SURVEILLANCE REOQUIREMENTS .[Add proposed ACTION EA2 SR 3.7.1 1.1 The control room air~ conditioning syste hail be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by verif~ying that the control room air temperature Is less than or equal to F wRh one train inoperato COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 7-16b AMENDMENT 252 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 338 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 339 of 463 ITS 3.7.12 ITS

£K?Li.7 Wi7tV OWSSh LCO 3.7,12 3.7.6.I TWO gndMC1 n etlat~orL i sysitm exhawta air Mmte tmine

  • shalt be OPEZAILS.

&Zfl~~M1LZ:KDIS 1. 2. lAMd ACTION A -F W~th one MP ventilation 'system exhaust air (fiterta anprable, restore L tuperhl.tran th to OlUAILZ statug within 7 647 f ib n at least: HOT ACTIO C

-STANSY vih~u bs nxt I hours and Ln GOLID SJUTDGMA wthin the foLlowing 30 Add proposed ACTION 9aab 35?P veatilacion system exhauat air filter train shall be deownstrated OPDAILtK SR a. At least oewe per da a TA1f~~rTIUX Llt

b. At leasnt o,*e per LI isonths or (1) ofrer any structural maintenance on the HIlA filter at chszcoal admarbth housin~gs. or (2) fallowing painting, fire oir chemicl release in any ventilation zone aommmicating with fte syates. by:.
1. Deist"t.
1. verifying that th. satcoa adsorbers reomv go ohf a e T halgeneedhydrocarbon refrigerant test Sas; when they am 55 )

teate 5.~late in accordau* WMt AM3 X31.0.1980 *11..

operatin the ventilation syates er a flow trAate of5,000 eta

3. Verifying tbat the flIA Utlter banks reomov a Oas of thes Dot

'ibm tbey are :eate6 in-~plus In accordance with £1St M310.1910 while operating the ventilation asystim at a flow rac. of 25,000 eta j 10%.

D.-C. COOK UNWIT 2 3 7.17 Amendpent Wa111 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 339 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 340 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS0 LTINTTIWC COfTT! ft6UTV Two Lndeperdec ILSf yentilatian system exhaurnt air (iter trains

  • shall: be OlliAISt.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~See ITS AMMLIY NOM&S , 2. 3 and L' 3.7.12 Uich ones UI "en:Latiou system exhaust air (fitertrain insperable, Veltaire the inoperable train to OSItASL status within 7 Gays of be Sn at least: HOT SUNDAY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> aj.4. La COLD SI*MXhO within the folloving 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

A.7.6.1 EAch ES? veatiUaion system exhaust, ait fiter train shall be demonstrated QOPALZI:


a. At least once per 22. days on a STACCURD TUTESATS by initiating. 3.7.1 from the enA(Lterarom orowharcoal adtote RU fouiltsr oxd charoalow adsanbol train with~on the ta byr tSyst c . that culdladestel MiutaeleU4.- --

5.5.9b b . At tiut f5peat the OhrcaliaIsorberts tremove 990 ofai athe Ia fitu r at h harocasbo adsorbat boustr. aev who follmaxe operat.tinegotheetiamtin slaaem Latan veotlratio zo! cfo ItIs0n0 5.5.9.a

2. Verifying that the PUPA filter bank. remove ~~~~~~~~~~~elet99heofltereanDOo

-place57 2in iaccpraon ii AM 00lewith 0 1918?

wh 10il0e while operating che venicLation system at a flow race of 25,000 C.-C. COK *U=? 2 2/A 7.17 ill 5mnden Page 56 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 340 of 463


4. Verifying within 31 days after removal that a laborazory analysis of a carbon sample from either atleast one teat canister or atleasttwo carbon samples removed from one of the charcoal adsorbers shows a penetration of less than or equal to 5%

for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample Is tested in accordance with ASTM D3803-19899,30 0C, 95% RIL, and 2 45.5fpmface veloc~ity. The carbon samples not obtained from test canisters shall be prepared by either.

a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two Inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed, or b) Emptying a longitudinal sample from an adsozter tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed.

Subsequent to reinstalling the adsorber tray used for obtaining the carbon sample, the system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by also verifying that the charcoal adsorbers remove greater than. or equal to 99% of a halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerat test gas when they are tested in-lace in accordance with ANSI N510- SeS 1980 while operaing the ventilation system.ata flow rate of 25,000 cfim plus or 5.5J mainus 10%.

5. Verifying a system flow rate of 25,000 cfm plus or minus 10% during system operation when tested in accordance with, ANSI N510-1980.

C. After cvmry 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> ofcharcoal adsorber operation by either:

1. Verifying wWthn 31 days after removal uhia a laboratory analysis of a carbon sample obtained from a test shows a penetration of less than or equal to 5% for radioactive awthyl iodide when the sample Is tested In accordance with ASTM 1)3803-1989, 301CC, 95% R.IH, an~da4S.S fpm face velocity; or
2. Verifying within 31 days after removal that laboratory analysis of at least two carbon samples shows a penetratioa of less than or equal to 5%for radioactive methyl iodide when the sarnples are tested In accordance with ASIM D3803-1989.

300C_, 9:5% P-M. and k 45.5 (pm face velocity and the samples ame prepard by a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with alength equal tothe thickness of the bed, or COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 7-18 AMENDMIENT**I,J40, 240 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 341 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 342 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS(II 3/4 LIMITING CONDMTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQMIREENTS 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS (Continued) 5.5.9.c Lz~ ovVrfiniin31 an lat a anlssof a carbon ILoatr sample from either at least one test canister or at least two carbon samples removed from one of the charoal adsorbers shows a penetration of less than or equal to 5%

for radioactive methyl iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ASTM D3803-1989, 300C, 95% R.H.. and Z 455S fpm face velocity. The carbon samples not obtained from test canisters shall be prepared by either.

5.5.9.c. 1 a) Emptying one entire bed from, a removed adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thkickess of the bed, or 5.5.9.c.2 b) Emptying a longiftudnal sample from an adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with a length equal to the thickness of the bed.

Subsequent reinstalling tedsr tray used for obaiin carbon sample, the system~hf be demonsrae OEALE by alsovry ng that the charcoal adsorbers mvegreater thnor qulto 99% of a halvirnatod hydrocarbon reffigea tetgas when they ar~ed In-place In accord~hce with ANSI NS IO-L.

1980 w)ieoperating the vetl~n system Atea flow rdof 25,000 cfm plus or mius0%

5.5.9.a, 5. Verifying a system flow rate of 25,000 ofro plus or minus 10% during system 5.5.9.b operation when tested inaccordance with ANSI N5 10-1980.

5.5.9 C. After every 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of charcoal adsorber operation by either:

559 1.~ ~~~~~~~~

Verify INIg 1 o af- m a oynlysis of a carbon 5.5-9-c ~~~~~~sample obtained frmnatest sowspntatin of Less than or equal to 5%for radioactive mnethyl Iodide when the sample is tested in accordance with ASIhM D3803-1989, 300C, 95% R.H., and ?.455S (pm face velocity, or 5.5.9.c 2.. Verifying Rin' 1F afteG0r va ta laboratory analysis of at least two carbon samples shows a penetration of tea than or equal to 5% for radioactve methyl iodide when the samples are tested In accordance with ASTM D3803-1989.

300 C, 95% R.H., and k 455 fpm face, velocity end the samnples art prepared by either.

5.5.9.c. I a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two inches in diameter and with alength equal to the thickness of the bed, or COOK NUCLEAR PLANT.UNIT 2 Page 3)4 7.183 AMENDMENT *i*,440, 240 Page 57 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 342 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 343 of 463 ITS 3.7.12 ITS b) Emptying a loItuki sample from en adsorber tray.

aftfing the ad bettoroghY, and obtalanig smaplea st leaut two inches La diameter and vith a length equal to thefitdiesa of the bed. See rTS Subsequent to reizatalling the adsother tray used for Obtaining the- carbon sample, the system shall be demnsntrated OPUAILE by ala. veri!fying that the ahexcoel adsorbars remove gracer than or equal to 99Z of a halogenaced h~ydrocubon refrigerant tezz 553 when they are tested La-place. In accordance with ANSI 3510.1980 while operating the ent~ition syatem at a flov SR 3,7.12.3 4. At least once per uOfutha by:

1. VerifyIng that the pressur da acro~s9 the combined MA SeM WtLats and ohaxecol edeor'ber bank s loss than 6 inches VarGag 1h.l*,e ig the ventilation system at i fe~o 7
2. Deoleted. Factual or simulated actuation signal SR 3,7.12.3 1. Vogfigthat the stmU Wstarts autanaticall on a Gonament lressute.-fIgI hand dixecrs Its exhaust A fLOw through th.HMMt6 £11 e4hsoal adeorer barika on a tht Coataihnt theBA filterba-Hi roo Srgnaltert Ireq to 991 of the DOP when the~y are touted La-place iLa£ccordaneitB See ITS ANSI 351041960 thIle operating the Ventilation system at a flow 5 LC. After each complete or Vactial, replacement of a ehancod adsorber or equjoal to 99Z of a haoentd r4rotoazn refrigerant test gas hy are tested LpleLaaccordance with Mr.I? 3O.01980 w da while operating the veiaiusystem at aflav rate of 25.000 cf~a Plum or almse 10?3 fheprovisions of Tesk, iji . eiln 4.0. are app 'ti i7e iQ COOM mOCLEAR1ULf - UNIT 2 3/4.7.19 o?1.ina, sH5N ~&U 15 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 343 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 344 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS 5.5.9.c.2 . . ~~b) Zaptfling & IengidluiaI sample fron an adiorber tray.

adsing the adsorbent thonoughly, and obtainin samples at least two inches in diameter and vith a len5 th equal to tb. t~iicknoss of tbia bed.

Subsequltto reunstallfn a4dsorbr tra used/orobt&Wnujg the- cu $Nmle, the Arsh Ohaf be demaata d OPElAZL by also rifyng that- the ch~oaladrbers ear 'sgreater thanL4 ozreq to995 at a halo, atdhydrocazbo aqrgect tear.

gasa wia y an. tested E-PlWae In &&Cordn ihANSI 5531.91 whle h ap~tz ventliaton sy/mat a flow VA r 25.000'Cfwla :mua101.

5.5.9 4. At leat owce per tX by: [24 1L. VYeiying that the pressum rep6 across the combined WA 5.5.9.d .filters and charcoal adsorber banks Ls less thmnd inches 17ater Gauge while operating the ventilation "ststm at Ai flov rate of 25,000 at6 plus or alma. 10%.

2. veleted.

S. Vezlfyizzg that the sandby, fen strt dirnatects ion a e Cotasn ?reasur*-4Lgjh.NLgb Signal and diet t xas £ 3..12 flow tbrough the HM.j filters and charcoal adsorber -ak na371 5.5.9 . Conaiametanas Njgh3ightigcelt of nk tc complete, or kertiel relcmn itr bY vir*U tat hsZP zter 5Eiiremove greatsr than or equal 5.5.9.a to 99Z of the DO!' when they are tested In-place In accordanc* wL~th ANSI 11510-19110 hidle. aperatI4S the went~lation system at a flaw 559 f. Ift~~~ew each omlete or partial replacement ofi Emoail adsorhar 5.5.9b *eum thby arentete upe &AX0 eccardaorswith13 Post0r1.980 t rihaou e of echznica Spe w ificationsten a a lwct of2J00C epro Pageo58of n R3.. 69302 r

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 344 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 345 of 463 OTS 3/4.7.7 3M ODIIN FOR OPRT AM~SURVEILLANCERQ All safety-rlteod snubbers shall be L.

MODES 1. 2,3 azid 4. ODS and 6 for snubbers on systems required OPERABLE inthose MO )

With ow or souhbme inoperable vithi 72 uplace or restore doe Inoprbl Su a)toOPERABLE

&tatu and to engiewede evaluation Pat S a. on tho etroupte declmr the supported Inoperable and follow the ACO utar waci fbr hazys~teo Etch snubber dhal be OPERMLA E by prformanc of fotlowin aupmeted ine ieinspection programiad rqdesf~eifaiu.S Snubbers are categoui as Inccessible at accessible during operation. Each of ther categories a accesibl) my be ls

.md Iepnelyaccording to dweachkduledeezd bTable3.7-9. TMea uiv Intoveforeachtpef

  • snubber shallb based upo do.neua prois e al 3.1-9 and die firat Inspectok Itmim usingt thi crieri shal be msd upon de previous
  • inspecti Interval an libd bthe requiremets in a bemr Ameadmejt NC 156 Vi1sual seto 'verif (1) that thee ame no viuib indications of damage or
  • Impaired OPRD *(2) Attacbmmnts to doe fomalo rspponig XWucwre Am secure and(3 Ila locatons wher Snubber maescan be manually induced without dsoecng stambbet, tha doe mubber baa of movement and Is not
  • froze up. S**bbec apme- isaierablea a rmulttovsa inspections. OMabe Classififed a I ndayberelassfied as lfor doepurpose of establishing die visua inspcacto Inerval. ha (1) the cause of the rejection is clal ihdand rendedW for dat COO NrJCuAA PLAINTJJt r g Pqp314 7.2 ~ .NtI.MI60 224 Page 6 of 10 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 345 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 346 of 463 CTS 3/4.7.7 P uar woccbtble andb r sfcotnubeds opeation ca iotb j tibied, the ()th" c snubber Lbbdcardioeabl thesAtedin rem utshll be meti e otda ua o A eat nocg neat2 mus iuSnghtdovan. A reprei auteative i a le~4~)ofbetoal. fteadtypo utfynubberinuspeiatt p antshallbe leatina Ifeseeinterin plaoe in a ben s:.7 Ft echsnubber #t b doe na: eet thoerfacble a theACTO mptance aritrao Bps uifiato s.u.7.nd an aer tinL i o

  • ~~t type oil snubber shall be funmctionally tested.

representative sample elected for functional sting shall nouethe various confL Letins. operating envir ut nd the

  • ange e~f aite and COWLc of snubber.. At least 2 S of the nubbers In the represn tIve sample shall include snubbers from following three categ rigs:

I. The first snubb r way fromi each reactor asel nozzle

2. Snubbers with 5 feet of heavy equipmen (vle pump, tur~bine, motor. eta.)

B. Snubbers vithi 20 feet of th, discharge from a safety relief valve Snubbers that are identi aed as lEspecially DIMf t to Removag or in 'High Raftetion Zones Durins Shutdovzi sha ll o be Included in the representative sapI.

In addition to the re ap. snubber. which aled the previcous functional tea shl eretested during teat period. If & spare r has been Insalled in lace of a failed snubber, then both the aled snubber (it it La r aired and

  • Ne t or other exemptions fao functional testing fo indvidual snubber in these categories maye Branted by the Ce Iss only If a justiLfi Is basis for exemption I pre~sented end/r ebelife destructive

.testin asperformed to qualify " bber operablity fr design conditi sat either the couplet of their fabrication o at a subsequent COOK~P PIRT.T MW1T 2 3/4 7421 No0. 04. o. Wr 156 Page 7 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 346 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 347 of 463 CTS 314.7.7 ntalled in *aother pasi ion) anid the ipar* snubb r shall be etestaid. Test results othese snubbers may ot included for f an snubber selected or functional testing Si erfails to okpor fails to move, L.e., frozen In place, cause viii be vauted and if caused ymanufacture: or desig ficiency all anbbrt of the same des goi subject to the same fet *hall be funmctionaly tested. Th a testing requirement.s 1 be independent of the requirements stt dabove for snubbers rio meeting the functional test acepta e=criteria4 For the' snubber(s) fom inoperable, an engineeri g evaluation shall be performed oIn ecomponents Which are a ported by the snubber(s). The purpose of this engineerin eVl tion. shall be to determine If the componqutsn supported by the er(s) Vere adversely effected by eainorability of tesu er(s) in order to ensure that the supp rted couponent reanins Ispbl of meeting The hydtaulic snubber. utional test shall vr that:

1. Activatoion (re*t ining. potion) is achieve ithin the specified range o velocity or accelerati in both tension and compression
2. Snubber bleed. orlease rate. where req red, is within the specified range compression or tension. For snubbers specifically re ird to not displace unda continuous load, the ability of esnubber to withstand lo0 without displacement she 1 be verified.

a fmbrSZ A recorOI of thes servi a life of each snubber, date at which the designated service 1 acomaances anid the jnst liatian and mainten-ance recards on wide the designated service I.E is based shall be maintained as requir dby Specification 6.10.

Coe etwith the first ise icevisual inspection' at least onces per 1l a tho thereafter, the ins Ilation and maintenance eords for all safe -related sn~bbers shall a reviewed to verify tha the indicated servi ife has. niot been exCe dad or will not be mexe d prior to the next ched led snubber 1service life review. If the Indicate service life will be exce& ad prior to thes next s duled snubber service Ii e review, the snubber servi e life shall be reeval ted or the snubber shall a replaced or reco itioned so as to exten its service life beyond edate of the next sche led service-life review This reevaluation, rep aceent or

?ae itioning shill be inidic ted in the records.

COK tMLA LN NT2 S/ -2AEDETg, 156 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 347 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 348 of 463 CTS 3/4.7.7

?opulation Column A. colum 3 Co or category 'Extend Interval Repeat Interval to a Interval (Notes ~~(yota.s and 61 (oe 4 -and 61 I 0~~ ~ 0 so 0~ ~ o 100 0 1 4 150 0 3 200 2 5 13 300 S 12 25 400 8i1 36 500 12 24 48 750 20 40 78 1000 or reater 29 56 109 Note 1: The next visual inmspt onInterval for a snubber opulation, or category size shall be ceriaed based upn thervou inspection Interval adtenumber of unacceptab esnubbers found

-during that inteoal nubrs may be categoria 4 based upon their accessibility dr power operation, as, cessible or inaccosaible. These cc: egris may be examind epa~ratly or Jointly. However, the icans*. must sake and do tchat decision before any ins ection and shall use tha decision as tbs basis upon which to de eraine the next insipectic interval for that category.

Note, 2: Interpolation bvewen~opulation or category $I a and the number of unacceptable snubbe a is permissible. Use t lower integer for the value of the 1 it for Columns A.,3, or Cif that integer includes a fractional aus of unacceptable an bers as determined by interpolation.

COOK NUEAPLANT -UNIT 2 3/4 7-23 AEMHENDET NO.S3,156 Page 9 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 348 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 349 of 463 CTS 3/4.7.7 Nota 1:.. If " of unaceeptabl anubers Lo equal to or as than the rLU Col1=0 A, the nut inspection Interval may a twice the paginterval but not ate than 43 mouths.

Not. 4: If th-umber of unaccept ab anubbers in equal to or lea than the er, LuColvmt a but tea dMha the umber in Got A, the t ispction interval ~ 1be the son as thep a Note 5: If the umber of imacoeptab s nubbers Is, equal. to ogreater than uBer In Colum C. h u inspection shall be two-thirds of preou~s. interval. .? i the umber of ceptable

  • e.Lo less than thInL Colmm C but gre oer than the r in Colum a th titerval shall be recd p oprtioellyby interpol tLon, that La, the p ai interval tolbredued by a fact: that isuon-third of ratio of the 4 ferince between the er of iscetal nubr found during privious Luterval an, umber Lu Column A to the difference th umbers in Columa an C.

Rate 6; sr~lowaof Specifi Lton 4.0.2 eat applicabl, for all c tion interva.1s up t and including 43 months.


156 Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 349 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 350 of 463 CTS 3/4.7.8 alpha emit ing material, shall be esf f 0.005 uicrocixrie of removable A. Eahsealed source* vith e lovacontazmination £excess of the above limits shall'be ediacely withdrawn from a and:

1. Either dacoutanins, d anid repaired, or
2. 'Disposed of in ace with Commission Re odxc tions.
b. ahprovisions of SpaeL ication 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 a not applicable. lent Remifroments e sealed source shall be tested for leakage and/or ntaminatlion by:

'.thelicensee, or

b. Other persons specific lly Authorized by rho co ission or an Agreemwnt Stare.

The method shall have a de ectiori sensitivity of at east 0.005 microc Le per test cample.

4..2. l est Frauuencies - E ch category of sealed so eas shall be tested atth frquancy described bolao Sgacesi~f (0 us - -- ouc al d us detetor glevcusy.

ubjct agor, fux)- At least nec per six. months for all sealed soure scontaining radioactive terial..

COOK CLAPLAN~T MT3l 3/4 7-15A. x ro 15 Page 3 of 4 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 350 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 351 of 463 CTS 3/4.7.8 1 VIfth a balf-Life, gpea than 30 days (excluding drgen 3),

b, an not La Ea% sealed source and fie anu detector g-halbe tasted prior to eor transfer to anothr tenoes unless sted Within the prevou Lsivmoths. Sealed source and fission tecteirs transferred with a certificate Ludicati the last at date shell be testes rio to being placed i So vurrfiff A Z-ach soae a tup source end fussion detector ahal ba tested within 31 das rto beingS ruhjected to care flux or tsalled in the core and olloin SMUJg a A report shall beprepared and submitted the Comissi an an anumal basis iasld source or fission dat tr leakage cesca a the presents of a 0.0 alcrocurLes of removable oazaton.

coot PILAN~lZT 'UNiIT 2 3/4 7-26NO Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 351 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 352 of 463 ITS 3.8.1 ITS LCO 3.8,1 As a minima, the LoUlloug A.C. electriasl po: msoise shall, be uantwmk and fte omuitalss 13 distzbi nm. said "at

b. Tvo I sendate ~4dsust dieselgenerators. each WMt: L.

SR 3,8.1 A4 - -AL reoutsafaIufe tank a miiaof ,Ja~4,(

2. A eaaere trg am cotaling a ziinau tadicated voi. jLSeeflS J 3* Asesratae ful tokoft: l~dpooe CE.1=d ACTION A 5O~W@5 1U3IIT Apoeplicabisityte o ramndu Nthe h
b. With a dmiese cireuto of the above required ALC. eleetuioal powe ACTION A sews.." inprbe demstrate tbeolhf.T of the naC.n ffAitC sowfoesobn' byomn SuwveOItlu ace 3au4e.a A8 1..1.a 1. a. ouL saowad at leasstm S bo per ae thereftr;Ai

' th diestoeat genrt dprpoe ACTION Bec Ivoertable dueto aW y VMae ether than an bwoprsabnd La 3pocon sys~tbm an dimmepeadato o tesabe Omqone*ut, peplmercd preetver AC meinrenns or siong,4mstnts thhe 0?3A3U I of the reCmafinit *1 and l.2at ihnulesteasand of th pdieselgensma ACTION B wmodalre fo dis. eper ttor Add proposedunwr diesel genera tao Iams status Wi 7 m tWbe in at least W' Required Action ACTIONF WithILS thnet am towe M In COED UUTDn within the second BA8.

WM EUCZAR PLIWT VWNI 2 3f4 8.1 MMMIDII M. 4A3, IZ 168 Page 10 of i Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 352 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 353 of 463 ITS 3.8.3 3M.I !ITRYL Pztf tYM=


' 1. 1 A .C. - OMCIS 2~~~Uh~~~~L~~~ Add ro ~~~~~~osed LCO 3.8.3:A.2 IW'roCOMIW L M OUAtONm a

An81.1 the w 655w See ITS

a. Two phy$ically idpnetCLzsUlte botrwen th offsit te a5,j siion 3.8.1J uetuatk &adwteget ls 13 distriution systan, and b.Tvo .aparata and iepdntdiessI el eas each with:
1. A,sepotate -do fuel tank contsieing a mLLaiM of 70 Sallons of fuel,,


AC=: ~~~~~d rpoe CIOSAad Dand ACTIONS Note for fuel oil storage tank volume1.

a. Uith in offuie circuit of the above ?e*01"d A.C. electrical power
ourO68 tooperable. 4amonstrat* the 01AZ?~of the remaliuug A.C.

offoita source bpeomn ,eilne eqieu4.l.llaWitt"i 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and at latosp:Shostheoa: etteat lease two offaite circuits and two diesel generatora to OUAMZ status within 72 bo= orn et ben at least UW1 SZAUMI WitA %bonext 6 bowts and LU COW See ITS SBUTDO withi the followng.30 howts. 3.8.1 b* With a diesel gaeneator of the abov required A.C. electrica power scumos Inoeveable, demontrate the 0BhiT of the A.G. offaite soUwoes by VatotaL" Suzw GDlOO Iequ ICbe 4.11stl.ll.A within I hout and at leaut oem. por I boot thereaftezi andif the diesel, gserator becameIoabl dus to e'y causs othe than an Laoperable support OCont.. an IndPOpdaztly testable ocpnc.or pepmed ptavmucLve mIntessmne or tesetsng dwemostats the 0D U. Of thre aann at 211diesel gseaetato by poaing 8tS llm equru l33-4.I~~l..aAwithin I boors, aesthe absas of any Poe tialca-mode failure Car the remaining diesel gaezator is dinnstrated, zest.:.

dieselgnttt to 01M*3L3 status within 73 h, ns or be In at least DO?

STAD5?witinth ez am hr IaSM4L COW MIMM within ame following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.*At the .,sma: of failures for doe Inopazable, diesel indicated in Table 4.8.1 perfors the Additional Rliability Actions prescribed in Tabl~e 4.5-1.


  • VWI 2 3/4 5.1 AKMMTN3. .4U, 14A 168 Page 8 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 353 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 354 of 463 ITS 3.8.1 ITS ~I ACTION D - Lt oae offsite circuit and one diesel generator ..f Cho above required electrical oviir sources arbedmntrate, the OIE3AILz of Required Action ?suaInifg &C. atse~ts aoure by Performing 5 UelNDce, Isquirement A.1 4. .l.&.aVIthinI hUG ried. at leaut once "r a or thereaf ter/en Sf Required Actions rpsie rwerw testimso demonstrate the OIUA11=T oareanea B.3.1 and B.3.2 fthe rmiugOIILIL -diesel ato rfv~ SUMUeLLance, quieme:43.ll.2e.4within UMhours, Umas tMAabtsee of any ot aonu mode fallure for che remailagM diesel generator io omal trated: restore at leat an. of the inoperable sources to OPEUAI ACTION D at least DOT STU=5 vithn the nut 6 Lraei ACTION F cto Muat FK=a 0-m M iaem and MODES5 within 36 hour4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />sM.

ACTION C ~ ~ tw of the shows reqkired offsite, A.C. circuits ianoprable,(restore ACTION C at Least one of the Inoperable, offeite sources4 to OPUAILK status dditn AC~~iONF l24. be in at least WT STAN=I within the umt: 6 hour-14t ACTION E h two of the above .d used & rotors noerableFd-emonstrate Required Action BA1 the1UM - two GUAMir A.C. cizouita by performinSgukwvillan raet4. within I hour -an at least once per S howrs ACTION E reswtore at 1Least cue of the Loopereble diesel generators-to ACTION F nex 6 hears and Sn COZ 5ImZQn within the folloving 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

  • g~h~e A CWjW~t.ent tune shall be ~a~ upo doe tine assoGI-641 with the Component~

I iopeah1Lt and. Ls no: wesetjibft zengti Z5A~sec 4.141.1. Kch of the above required ieenetcircuits betyeen the affsite Mrausasso natiyzt! am4 the coa~te Glass If discrIbution system; shm] 1 be.,

SR a. hceiexevd; OM'UA2Z at less once por 7 days by weiru&cret r~i

-1 i1Mutsij and Inicated pma ilbiAdprposed Note I to SR SR b. Demouettatl4 OWUAI at least on.. peati(ouths by transferting the uL Power seac. et matisil fro bte normal aw iU~s: sour.., to the preiterred xeserv soure mA by transferring omau&ay to the alternate resemv Asouc.


  • mUNI 3/4 3.2 A2DH ri3I0. 131 168 Page 11 ofl18 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 354 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 355 of 463 ITS 3.8.1 ITS(3 314 LIMITIG CONDMTONS FOR OPERATIN AMD SURVEILLANCE IREQU~tMIMM s 314.8 ELECTRICA POWER SYM~MS suRvEILLANCE 1EOIJIREMENTS (COntinued cs.i.1.12 Each diesel generator shall be demonstrated OPERALE:

SR Fi1. verifying the fuel level inthe day tak e4r 1dy

12. Verifying die fuel level Inthe fuel swrgto 3.8I SR3.8.1.6 3.~~~~~ Verifyin tathe dieel isyncrozd ai odd n pr te treansers ftha o

that sthrae dise ayip~o tank pwertornthe SR3L..2 1 alnne and addysd.evesg SR 3.8,1. an or eqal ea I hquency___0 tee HzS b.By removin cueulatId the wate hrondadlaedadoeae ftge hno SR 1) From the day tank atleast once per 31day ,lnd4ereackocasion e

12) ~~~~ ~~~'-I-~~-,-

~~~~~~~ See S C. By sampling new fuel ofitsAMccordac wi% th aplizc-abl pu Vlines o T j D4057-81 prior to adding aew fuel to the storage Mban rSe ITS

1) By verifying, inaccordance with the tests specified InASTM D97541 and prior to, addin the new -ue to the storag maks, that the sample bas:

gi~ice eneratlor stan (10 seondds) frm standby conditiousi W R peffa at- onuet SR l4!!ys In hes surveillance tests.f -atf eengine starts for the purpose of this surveillanc L.

Note 2 to cin ea eue cclrto ae as recommended ib mugadc Note 2 to j3 enayl adrasients do voat Invalidate thi test.I!S3.13__

SR See ITS COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UMI 2 Page 314 5.3 AMENJ)fMEN 443 1913.3J Page 12 of 18 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 355 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 356 of 463 ITS 3.8.3 314 LhUT1nNG CONDITONS FOR OPERATON AMD SURVEILLANCE M~Ql1MEbWMNT 3/4.8 ELECTRICA PowER sysTEms SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMEhITS (ContWned Each diesel generator shull be demonstrated OPERABLE:

SR 2. Verifying the fuel level In the fuel storage tank, evr 1dy

3. Verifying that the I(ze transfer pump can be started and that it transfers fue from the storage system to the day tank,
4. Verify*n thin the diese starts from.standby conditions and achieves Inless d or equal to 10 seconds, voltage.- 4160+/-420 V, and frequency - 60* 1.2 Hz. Se T
5. Verifying the diesel Issynchronized and loaded And operates for greate than or 3.8.1J equal to 60 minutes at a load of 3500 kw**, and
6. Verifying that the diesel generator is aligned to provide sstanb power to A.,i.4imya. PM~Cg.Y 1hutses
b. By removing accumaulated wat3' 11 From the day tank at least onc per 31 das and after ecub occasion When WhE(See UTS dlesel Isoperated for atester than I hour. and I 3.8.1 SR 3.8,3.3 2) From the storage rank at leas once per 31 das d rpsdSR The diesel senerato staut (10 seconds) from standby conditionis shall be performed at least one per 184 days Inthese surveillance tests. All othe engine starts for the purpose of this surveillance See MS~

testing and compensatory action may be at reduced acceleration rate as rcommended by the 3.8.1 manufacture so that mechanical stress and wea on the diesel engine atre inimized.

1*' Momentary load tranients do tot invalidate this test.

10 Thea1c to be tatenshouldan I IpropertiesbeIm Of specited lmits areA3 in rho Bases.

Add proposed ATOC Adproposed ACTION D for accumulated water COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 S.3 AMENDMENT 142.191 Page 9 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 356 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 357 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS (I 314 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND)SURVEILANCE REQUIREMENTS 31d.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYMTMS Six IVLLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Cntinued Each diesel generator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. In accordance with fthfequnyse ifein Table 4.8-1 on aSTAGGERED TEST 3.8.1 and frequencyecified ~~~~~~~~~~ITS 3.83)


C.Vriyn fullvel

.C inte See ITS

2. Varrng the fuel levellIn thefuestoraewuc 3.

Verifying thut the ftel transfer pump can be started and that It transfers fuel

~~~See ITS 3.8.3 from the storage system to the day tank,

4. Veribring that the diesel start from standby conaftons and achieves Ini less tha See ITS or equal to 10 seconds, voltage
  • 4160*420V, and frequency - 60*1.2 Hz.* 3.8.1J S. Verifying the diesel Is synchronized and loaded and operates for greater than or equal to 60 minutes at a load of 3500 kW', andSeIT 3.8.1 and
6. Venlfyng That the diesel generator Isaligeultoprovide standby Powerto the ITS 3.83 assocated meng busses.

I) From the day tank at least once per 31 days and after each occasion whnteISee ITS diesellshperaed for Steater than Ibour. and I3.8.1 5.5.11.a c. nE- cr-d; wit the wi e ~sdelines of AST 5.5.1 ta 1) By verlfyingJ in! widi the LA

  • gs!fied D97548 priorLA to adding the new fue to fth storage Mn wthe samplehu

[Add proposed ITS 5.5.11 generic program statement -A----

  • The diesel. genemaor start (10 seconds) from standby conditions shal be performed at lkas once per 194 days In these sureilance tests. All other engIne staits for the purpose of this surveillance rSee ITS testing and compensatory action may be at reduced acceleration cameas recommended by the 3.8.1 mauatrrso that mechanical stres and wear on the diesel engine are minimized.

I Momentary lodtansients do rot lun vh tofslimit bee defined ihe any.See I ITS COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 5-3 AMENM ENT 444 191 Page 59 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 357 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 358 of 463 ITS 3.8.1 ITS 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND)SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 314. ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SUREILLIANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) a) A kinematic viscosity of greater than or equal to 1.9 centistokes but less than or equal to 4.1 centistokes at 400C (alternatively, Saybolt viscosity, SUS at IOOOF of greater than or equal to 32.6 but less than or equal to 40.1), if gravity was not determined by comparison with supplier's certification.

b) A flash point equal to or greater than 1250F.

2) By verifying, in accordance with the test specified in ASTM DI1298-80 and prior to adding the new fuel to the storage tanks, that the samiple has either an API gravity of greater than or equal to 30 degrees but less than or equal to 40 degrees at 60 0F or an absolute specific gravity at 60/600F of greater tha or equal to 0.82 but lessSe r than or equal to 0.88, or an API gravity of within 0.3 degrees at 600 F when .

compared to the supplier's certificate or a specific gravity of within 0.0016 at 60/600 F when compare4 to the supplier's certificate.

3) By verifying, inaccordance with the test specified in ASTM D4176-82 and prior to See ITS adding new fuel to the storage tanks, that the sample has a clear and bright 3.8.3 appearance with proper color.
4) By verifying within 31 days of obtaining the sample that the other properties specified in Table 1 of ASTM D975-81 are within the appropriate limits when tested in accordance with ASTM D975-81 except that the analysis for sulfur may AI be performed in accordance with ASTM D2622-82.
d. At least once per 31 days by obtaining a sample of fuel oil from. the storage tanks in accordance with ASTM D2276-83, and verifying that total particulate contamination is lessL8 than 10 mg/iter when tested in accordance with ASTM D2276-83, Method A SR 3.8.1 .10 through SR e. At leastoncepe!~p~tsdn htonb:( 7 Se. US
  • The actions to be taken should any of the properties be found outside of the specified limits are defined in the 3.8.3 Bases.I COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314,84 AMENDMENT 442,489, 261 Page 13 of 18 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 358 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 359 of 463 ITS 3.8.3 ITS ~I 3/4 LMUTING CONDITONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/48 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REOLUIREIMENS (Continued) a) A kinemnatic viscosity of greater than or equal to 1.9 centistokes but less than or equal to 4.1 centistokes at 400 C (alternatively, Saybolt viscosity, SUS at IOOOF of greater than or equal to 32.6 but less than or equal to 40.1), if gravity was not determined by comparison with supplier's certification.

b) A flash point equal to or greater than 1250F.

2) By verifying, inaccordance with the test specified in ASTM D1298-80 and prior to adding the new fuel to the storage tanks, that the sample has either an API gravity of greater than or equal to 30 degrees but less than or equal to 40 degrees at 60 0F or an absolute specific gravity at 60/600F of greater than or equal to 0.82 but less than or equal to 0.88, or an API gravity of within 0.3 degrees at 600 F when compared to the supplier's certificate or a specific gravity of within 0.0016 at See ITSI W60/60F when compare4 to the supplier's certificate. .
3) By verifying, in accordance with the test specified inASTM D4176-82 and prior to adding new fuel to the storage tanks, that the sample has a clear and bri~ght appearance with proper color.
4) By verifying within 31 days of obtaining the sample that the other properties specified in Table 1 of ASTM D975-81 are within the appropriate limits when tested in accordance with ASTM D975-81 except that the analysis for sulfur may be performed in accordance with ASTM D2622-82.
d. At least once per 31days by obtaining asample of fuel oil from the storage tanks in accordance with ASTM D2276-83, and verifying that total particulate contamination is less than 10 mg/liter when tested in accordance with ASTM D2276-83, Method AP - -M C. At least once per 18 months, during shutdown, by:
1. Subjecting the diesel engine to an inspection in accordance with procedures See MTS prepared in conjunction with its manufacturer's recommnendations for this class of 3.8.1 standby service,
  • The action taken should any of th~ce po e be found outside of the s dlimits are defined in the Bases.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314,84 AMENDMENT +a44R1, 261 Page 10 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 359 of 463


A kinematic viscosit ofetrthan of eual to 1.9 centist e u 5.5.1 1.a.2 b) A flash poindP rW tr h ni 5.5.1 1.a.3 3~~~~~~) By verifying, in sacc ance with the tofkeified in AV D179R-82 an pio to ct 5.1.

5.5.1l~~~~~~b 4) Badin thernwife othenla aktatte!Rhasetiheo t2 an ___

orst aboue man S ithf ga SftM6WI ofe&xcept qu~d tfihepor eduainsaccordanc TMavD2n2-8.3 II APIth

d. Atleastconcpaer~dat s iiaeo pcfcE 5.5.1 ic acc ance vrifyingj-M ,nwtth and ve that toal aticltecNtaiato L thn 0mglie we tstdinacodac wt ATMid22 i Meho
1. aubecing thewdieel totensorgie toankta insetionpin haccoranclea w ath du[e apreparaned winh pronjunctonlohisr. uat ecmedtos o hscas fj 31 heactonsto e ake shuldan oftheproerIe hefon outside5- of the speifhied lmtsaproraedeinedintheKW Bases. L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

COOKNUCLEAR1 PANt leNIt oepr monhsParige shutdown bMy:MNT3.8926 e proviPagen6 nof R3.. r 69302 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 360 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 361 of 463 ITS 3.8.1 ITS 314 LIMITING COMMiTONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEHIANCE ItE M---

314.8 ELECTIMCAL POWER SYSTEMIS single largest post SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENFS (Contimied) AdroedNote 2to SR&8.1.1O la SR3.8.1.10 1. ~~~~~~~Verifying the generaor capablity to reJect retrThno MO equal t1.

SR 3.8. 1.1 0 ~~~~[EJwhile malnt olaet410* osadfqunyat 60 Hi, ~~~~the frquerncy: 64.4Hz andwlhn 2 seconds I.

Add eroeosed Note 2to SR 3.8-.1 1 31 5OkWand5

~ ~

SR3.8.1.11 ~ ~~~7. veriying te generator caabiliteecaod 50wwi o thtrPhg~~11

4. imulaxinga lons of offsite power by itself, Ad osdNote I to SR A) Verifying de-energizalon of the emergency busses and load shedn from the emergency busse.

SR3.8.1.19 ~~~ ~~~~b)verifying d the diesel starts on the auto-star signal energizes the

~ SR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~eerenybusme with peuianedy connected loads within 10 seconds, enraze uthew-comnncted shmergenc (accidem)h loads through the lodsqecrand operate gresterfor or equal tha to minuteswil tgerao 5

wile ItsoeeatrIwithlathe emergemy load curinIsomltd Afterloss.

seunigI opeethe steady state vlaeadfeunyo h emergencbussesshall h 4160 tlvol ad 60roposedHz Nthe R&81 M.5 SR3.8.1.13 S. vdi~~~ins &U. oltgandM frequencysalb antignedwitintheeluimitsofor sthe o stnbo rematner ofthanso tesulto, iuesadnRd...3pat ,bd n COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-U~~~~~~iT 2 1'ag.prop/ed NoteE toMSR&8 11 a Ioofoffltep2!

IncogumdPageh 14aftyofjet18 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 361 of 463


SR3.8.1.14 ~~~ ~~~c)

Verifying that all automatic diesel generator trips. except engine SR 7. Vriyn eatsdieseler enorer es SR eqato0. fo tlat Or.Drng this test the diesel generator shall loaded to 0 w ihn5mntsafter completing this 8-hour Ad poseNote2 rfr urveilace Requirement .2.&.4 (at existing conditions).

  • toS .. 1.1 S. ethat the auqloads to each de A..~rator do not xed SR 9.

F Verifying the diesel generator's capability to:

) Synchronize with the offslte power source while the generator is loaded with its emergency loads upon a simulated restoration of offsite power.

b) Transfer its loads to the of fsite power source, and c

1) Be restored to its standby status.
10. Verify that with the diesel gene fior operating itka test mod while connected to isstla, a simulated Safe Injection signal 0vemd th test mode by:

a) Returing the diesel enrtrto standby apert nandL.)

) Veifyng the eme enyloads are serviced b Mffite power.

__________________ILt Verifying that the, automatic sequence timing relays are OPERABLE with each SR I load sequence time within plus or minus 5% of its required value and that. each L load is sequenced on within the design allowable time limit.

SR fL 'At least once per 10 yean by:

1) Employing one of the following cleaning mnethods to clean the fuel oil storage See ITS tanks, ~~~~~~~~~~~~

5R3.8.1.l5Notel, M ~ ~ ~ ~ cea th tnk o SR Note 1 Momentary transients outside the load and power factor range do nor invalidate this test. I If Surveillance IRequirement 4.B.1.1.2.a.4 is not satisfactorily completed, it is not necessary to SR Note I reettercdn8hu et nta h islgnrtrmay be operated a 50k o COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 8-6MNMET4. S 9 Page 15 of 18 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 362 of 463


C) Verifying that all automatic diesel generator trips. except engine overspeed arnd generator differential, are automatically bypassed upon lass of voltage on the emergency bus and/or Safety Injection actuation signal.

7. Verifying that the diesel generator operates at a power factor of less tihan or equal to 0.86 for at least $ bours.' During this test the diesel generator shall be loaded to 3500 k-w. Within 5 minutes after completing this 8-hour test, perform Surveillance Requirement 4.8.1l.1.2.&.4 (at existing conditions).**
8. Determine that the auto-connected loads to each diesel generator do not exceed 3500 kw.
9. Verifying the diesel generator's capability to:

See rTS a) Synchronize with the offsire power source while the generator is loaded 3.8.1J with its emergency loads upon a simulated restoration of offsite power.

b) Transfer its loads to the, offsite power source, and c) Be restored to its standby status.

10. Verifying that with the diesel generator operating inia test mode while connected to its test load, a simulated Safety Injection signal overrides the test mode by:

A) Returning the diesel generator to standby operation, and b) Verifyng the emergency loads are serviced by offsite power.

II. Verifying that the automatic sequence timing relays are OPERABLE with each load sequsence time within plus or minus 5% of its required value and that each load is sequenced on within the desmnn allowable time limit.

f. Atles uper l0 yamnby:
1) Employ~g one of di ooing cleaning methods tocnthe fuel oil storage I.

a) Drain each eloil storage tank. remove aaccumulated sediment. and clean the t . or

  • Momentary transients outside the load and power factor range do not invalidt hi et
    • If Survefiance Requirement is not satisfactorily completed, it is not necessary to See UTS repeat the preceding 8-hour test. Instead, the diesel generator may be operated at 3500 kw for 3.8.1 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or until operating temperature has stabilized.J COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 8-6 AhMENMENT 444,141. 191 Page 11 ofl14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 363 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 364 of 463 ITS 3.8.1 ITS ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SUJRVEILLANCE REqUIREMENTS. (Continued) b) Agitate the fuel oil inthe storage tank while pumping the oil from the bottom of the tank through a 5'-Micron filter, and back to the opposite end of the tank.

Three successive samples shall be taken and analyzed See ITS according to ASTH 02276-83. If the contaminant level 3,8,3 inany of the samples isgreater than 10 mg per liter, the agitation, filtration, and sampling processes shall be repeated. Ifthe contaminant level remains above 10 mg per liter after 3 iterations, the draining and cleaning method described in surveillance requirementA5 shall be employed.

2) Peformng aprecsionleak detection test to verify that [Add proposed Note

)precision Performing a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~to SR the leakage rate fromt the fuel oil system is less than or t-05 gallrons par ho"r eqa SR J) ..Startihg both diesel generators simultaneuly

' seconds.*Adpooe otg ii IShallerdepr6once. after any MO ~tations which could 5 et deksel generator' D. C. COOK - UNIT 2 3/4 8-7 AMENDMENT NO. 1121 Page 16 of 18 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 364 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 365 of 463 ITS 3.8.3 ITS (I ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SUJRVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS-(Continued) b) gitate the fuel oil inthe storage tan fhle Pumping -

he oi rmthe bo toam of the tank thrgha5mco filter, and back to the opposite end ofth tank.

Three successive s ples shall be take adanalyzed according to ASTM 276-83. If the co taiat level inany of the sap estis greater than 0mg pr'liter, the agitation, fi ration, and sampli gprocesses shall L.

be repeated. if he contaminant love remains above 10 mg per liter aft 3 iterations, the rining and cleaning method escribed in surveil an.requirement, 4.a.1.1.2.f.1.a hall be employed.

2) P forming a precisi nleak detection to to verify that heleakage rate fro the fuel oil syste is less than or qIato .05 gfallon per hour.
1) ..Starting both diesIel generators simultaneously, during

'accelerate to at least 514 RPM in less than or equal to 10 See rrS]

RShall be performed after any modilications MhRc couldr affect dee eeao Iinterdependence. disrgnrtrLSee rrs 3.8.1 D. C. COOKX UNIT 2 3/4 8-7 AMENDMENT NO. 112 Page 12 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 365 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 366 of 463 ITS 3.8.1 ITS(3 314 LDMITIG CONDMTONS FOR. OPERATON AMT SVRVEILLANCE, REQUIREMENTS 314.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS Lt20 lidjesq e thanor equal tolIA 1dy Criteria for number of falre aldrsts halbe IwihRegulatory Position C* .1 ot Regulatory ude1, son3, where the nubro eand failures is deuemninedl~ a Pa'ediesdl gerorbs.ortePMrposes of fl etshdlonly valid tests codute fe the OL Issuance daes b nlddIn the cmuaofdie'last 20 valid L

' This f be, mana seuecy51l1 leven s cocsective fainlfin demands have been pef and the number of fal inthe hat 20 valid demands -been reduced to one or less.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Pop 314 8-8 AMENDMENT 113, 206 Page 17 of 18 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 366 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 367 of 463 ITS 3.8.3 ITS(I) 314 LUTffING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SMIVEIILANCE REQUIR]EMENTSj 314.9 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS Lansd oreh atoI At onee31days Gra hnor equa to 2 At once perdaa Ceiteria, deterulinlg numnber of faig and valid memt sha be In with Regulatory Positdo C.L ot Regulaory Guide 1. ,vuion 3, where the oautaut and failures is e an aperdiesel generator is For thepurposes of ibis ue due only valid tests aerthe OL Issua=c dae balbe Incuded In the conu Linof the Inst 20 valid Th es fiequency shall be man unti seven Woseutve ur free demands have been orcanddwenumnber Oft inuhl t0aid has been reduced to one or COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 8-8 AMENDMENT 143 206 Page 13 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 367 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 368 of 463 ITS 3.8.2 ITS 3M4 LIHMG CONDMTONS FOR OPIRAITON AND SURVEInUNCE REQUIRMENT 314.i ELECIIICAL POWER SYSTEMS LNMING CONDM~ON FOROPATN LCO 3.8.2 As aminimum, dhe folowing A.C. clectrica power &==ce shall be OPERABLE:

L ~~~i~~~ite Irnminlaon nemtwr and the onsite Ca= 1E &vtrbutim

b. IOm ied V=leeAtoAjWLth SR 1. A day fuel tnk cntah~ing a.mlnhimu nnful LSee ITS posed LCO 3.8.~~.8. L.

ACTIONS A Inv~lAPPgCO ALEAIN oigrovmetifverdite felasemlisvi h and B IbM ShUTDOWN MARGIN sufficient to ~~~~thinen canger buing aendUni IscontainmedIn SR3.82. 4With. deT aboVe renpzkep~d A.C. electrical powrcesmmOPRLEsspnAUpetm ACTIONS A ~ ~ pefoinr~ ofnechlfvingSuvCORaEc Reqireent or okand of xep o anot tohtS SRR W Aiddia propoe SR 3.21 e xcpions I L.3 Scoaion.g3.1.1. M uing tOD extnor on Itt MM97In 6ha othsreilnd .

reqouiOFrement anyIJ.wcAba andb) 4.. and 2); 4.81.

S2.eAa, e8;4. t.L2e RT) raCndmta);i4.8inel~)m1heRWT b;ad45 i O or may be deaido nt gmas prort te pirostetr MOqirdE4cin A oldreulow lsngf eqthe DII outrodowcnt.

SR 38.21 COO1. NUCER LANoT-UI 2DrdAC.dti Pam8-9 m1m AMEdmmmeNTd ~49~2 1 pefl t Snr~acc o/echf e~k~ets f I= ndW.FT.2 xcpage fofr Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 368 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 369 of 463 ITS 3.8.3 ITS ~I 3/4 LZWMTNG CONDITONS, FOR IOPIRATON AMD S(RVEI.LL'CE PtEQUIREM(1WU 314.8 EUECIIUCAL POWER SYSTEMS LiMITING CONDITON FOR OPERATIN LCO 3.8.3 A tM 9' zfloig"-dcq pmi ~ P M L. Om a= 5arit ete tGO MfuiE transmisn- network-0 an1h nit ls E distrbution qyst=m and rSee ITS

b. One diesel generator wift L 3.8.2
1. A day fuel tankr gmontan atinimum of 70 gallon of fuel.

SR 3,8.3.1 2. A fuel Storae system containin a -Winimu ndicate volune of 46,000 gallons of fuel, hid With Ies Omate above minimumn requid A.C. clectrical powe source OPERABLE, suspend all operatons involving CORE ALTERATIONS or positive reactivity cbage exept: 1)hean or cooldown of the reactor coolant voine, provided that SHUTDOWN MAROIN sufficien to accommodate the chng in tempera~ture is maintained In accrd ane wuh pcfctiwin3A.1.2in MODE 5 r Specfficazlon 3.9.1 in MODE 6, and ihahe"tuor cooldown See ITSI rat Is restrictedl to VOP or lWs in ai' one-hour period in MODES, or 2) Wadtion of water from, the RWST. 3.8.2J provided the boro conceitralon In the RWST is gredat IIa= or eqa to the minimum. require by Specification 3.12.7.b.2.

SR, Mie abovt required A.C. elect cal am shall be demonstrated OPRAL 14 SR, SR pekrmiazwe of each of she Surveillsmc Requiremefs .8.1 .1and . xetthrough Saee 9Tmaku 14 of 14 J requirements and b); 48l1.e6),b) and c,); 4.S.1.I12.e.8; 4A1I2e9a.b) SeITS andi c); 48.I.1I.2.e.IO.a) mnd b), and 41.2i1112.e11, may be delayed one time unfti ust prior to the S.. S COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNI 2 Page 3/4 8-9 AMDMMZr T0, 183, 45,~ 213 Page 14 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 369 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 370 of 463 ITS 3.8.7 ITSEII ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTgMS 3/4.8.2 ONSITE POWER DISTRIBUTION A.C.-DISTRIBUTIOM - OPERATING0 LIMITING CONDITION FORl OPERATION folldng'.C.electrical busses shall be OPERABLE and energized 3.Se8IT 4160-volt Emergency Bus OT Z2A & T 215 4160-volt Emergency Bus #T =i & T 21

-600-volt Emergency Bus 021A & 21238.

CSeeITS 600-volt Emergency- Bus 122C & 210

  • 120-volt A.C. Vital Bus #Channel I
  • 12.O-volt A.C. Vital Bus IChannul'lI
  • 120-vol~A.C. Vital Bus UChaftnel III

-*220.yalt A.C. vital But IChannal IV APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3 end 4.

ACTION A less than the abov cop nt a A busses 0 RABLE, restore the ACTION C next 5 ours and h akli 'COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE-REUIREMENTSAdprosdATOB SR .8.2.1 The sp~ecifiled A.C. busses shall be determined OPERABLE and energiled Ira

.C.sources writh tie breakets open between redundant busses at. leasnt once per days by verifying correct breaker all gnment anid fwodieated power availability.

LCO 3.8.7[TanAad1OP D. C. COOK -UNIT 2 3/4, 8-10 AMENDMENT NO. 112 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 370 of 463



LCO 3.8.9 The followina A.C. ellectrfeal[NgnShall be OPE


LCO 3.8.9.a LCO 3.8.9.b volt A..V tal Bus DC Ie II ACTIONS Ithles tanlth A tallbove#cmlmnofAI'll sOERBEnut h ACTIONE ~~alnxt htrsand ius#C thefolwl 3IhIrs SR 38.9. 4..2.1Thealci A.C. eillBuss0Ines shlIeV trmndOEAL daysL br3e 4tlgmn MOESy 2eiyigcerc and es ~*


iCTIGH:~ ~poe distrbutinNsusystmstM ACTIONS Energizeds trom theassoveciatednvtof AConece bu oPEABLEbestSeettSe and B 0. C.aCOO busI to sau wti 3/4 8-10ei aMENDeNt f 112 HOT DB ACTION E INwi-thin the following 30-- Page 4 of Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 371 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 372 of 463 ITS 3.8.8 ITS 3/4 LUNG COMMlONS FOROFRATON AND SUUL~ANCF-REQUEMMNM

'34J LAC~MCALPowJV5YS1TEMS LpUflQ~fl2=QO 3.82.2 As aranf ic folowipg A.C. electrica busses e OPERA"lE an~d bhD cl=&cd:I 1.n4 ~~4l6O~~vah~~u rgency~~~w~ ~See MTS 3.8.10)

ACTION A VrlhJss th ft 4ovc eonp,1rment of A.C busses OPERAB3LE and energizd.

tS~lieR. ,prosideed~aboron an clncqt heRWtia oatr oftbemihwrese=Co aooldown SR3. The uAd-thpecifcieAC shal bedte an3ses ndr OpeRiiaBLE39. and tIeaoesr7d nMOE6 rgzd b

b. Wo mgms ores h~cdately s shal bqied OPER&&iABLE t OM EM in LCO3.8.8 fromitsaasociae c e tea bus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3..1 FT-hall be OPE ~ ~ ~ ~ ag 2 f Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 372 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 373 of 463 ITS 3.8.10 ITS 314 LVADWr~G COMMONSo FOR OPERAITON AND SIIIANCE REQUIRMMNM

'3'ELKCrIMCAL POwE sYST14S LDMM'lGCONDMTONFOR OEAII Thnesary portions:of t~he.

ACTION A .2.2 1 AvuMon*16 en+/- bse A.C.OPlacLtd denizd Jmndiatey ~

b.iniiate ator Oie equird A.C e al u bsstemOEALreqirmetus

c. !rin~date~ydeclre usociaedreq16ed siulhet movomets) irraeiabe ul asmlesi.h ringl SRIO .92.

W.8101 ThevupcaFhiedAt bofe £132 bussOPtERABEnedOenmAe&Ea ertoc e asb pri em aaoca WNere connecic toen . 3.8.8i )kwai COO NUcLERPLnT-UNITZ 1 Mc314 Page eil~in .. and &eN4242Vo 6.11 500 orIM i d t on-hor peiodtm cookownrate o 2)adPagenof3wtoffi4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 373 of 463


'M shlbe ma&gizdmnd OPERABLE ticebrealzrsbwebs L With one 250-volt go D.C.Inoe0bl, bus sstrete inoeC.l bpybuk tO , Se IT I once er 7 dys by vrifyin core brosedke aLCOne 3.8 nic.4pwe vilblt. .. Each L 250-volt n

baDerCbnl and charersallbe, demostuaz Ed-rbi OPERABLE u (

SR3.8.4.1 L A~~~~wtnhonsperbi 2es days by HOTfin SThAtDYW:ten=6husad nCL.

1. heN wietrolythe leefb]2~j3 hach io clusbew--h mnmmmi ai b on~~~Te 25ivlot DC.l s apeirvty U , coice i t o 77,adfl :csorlye lhee (fui 3.8a6b and/or hargerto 9 withi OPEABLE be ina leato HTeL5 SRIO 3... 4.ADBwthen overl batte6 hoursandinrae COan oHrDequa Wco 3 minimumig Lhours. osed ACTO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~esabise A..7days AtbyI~tvPager7 onceper ofh12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 374 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 375 of 463 ITS 3.8.6 ITS 314.0 LIHMTIG COMM~fON FOR OPERATION AMD SURVEILLANCE REQUIR.EME1IMS 314.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS D.C. DISTIRIBUTON - OPERATINO LI.MITIG COMM~ON FOR OPERATON Adpooe C .. 'MTe following D.C. bus trains shall be enegized and OPERABLE with tie breakers between bus trainso0pe See ITS TRAIN Ai consisting of 250-volt D.C. bus AB, 250-volt D.C. bater ibnk N*o. 2AB, an 3.8.49n a fal 3.acty.hrgran TRAIN CD consistin~g of 250-vok D.C. bus CD, 250-voilt D.C. bartery bank No. 2Cfl, and a ful capacity dw=ne.

APPLICABI MODES 1,2 3 and 4.Q IY: )

ACTION IL With one 250-volt D.C. bus impble, =~torC th rprbebs oOEAL m See UTS within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 homr and In COLD3.9 SHI't~DOWN withi she oflwng3 hu n.Wih one 250-volt D.C. battery and/or its charger nop=-e rabeestore de anpml See ITS I battey and/or charger to OPERABLE status withi 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or be in at least HO 3.8.4J SANDBY within the nem 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTOWN within the following 30 MMVN ACB UMMEN S fAdd proposed ACTIONS A, B, C, D, E,anF I4. Each D.C. $us mrin shall be detrmned OPERABLE anidenergized with tie breaker open at least ISee ITS I ~~~~once:

per 7 days by verifying correct breaker alignment and indicated power availability. I3,8,9 Each 250-volt battery bank and charger shall be demonsaed' OPERABLE SR a. At leas once eUiysbvrfinth:

SR 3. The pilot cell voltage is greater than or equzal to volts, n Wheovera~libatr voltgcisrate than or eual 5volt See ITS COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 8412 AMIENDMENT Ma, 1s3 Page 6 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 375 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 376 of 463 ITS 3.8.9 ITS C 314.0 LIHMTNG CONDMTON FOR OPERATION AMD SURVEIlLACE REQUMtEMUIMS 314.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS D.C. DISTMIUTION - OPERATING LCO 3.8.9 lthefnofwing *C s shallbe fO i LCO 3.8.9,c ACTION E OV/N within she folio 30 Add p~~roposed ACTON d rpsdATO ACTIONC a- ~~~~Wish one 25-otDC. bu omattery and or :trhdrer inoper-able,bsetor heiOPERABLE bartery and/or charger to OPERABLE statu within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or be in xL Kleast HOT See ITS STANDBY within the nex 6 hamr and in COLD SHUTDOWN within fthfollowing 30 3.8.4)

SURVEILLANCE REOURMET SR Each D.C. $1us rin shall be determined OPRBEW Z-g7'c ; i once per 7 dybyerfigcorrec breaker alignment and~uiat pag Each 250-volt battey bank and charger shall be emnu dOP ALE pwr distributon subsystems A.. Ateast once per 7days by veifying tbar M

1. 7ve RelErolyte. level of eac pilot CCUl is betwenth minmmadmxum 3.8.6 level mndation masks,
2. The pilot cell specific gravity, conec tdso 77@F, and full elctolyte leve(ud . See MrS at the bottom of the maximum level indication mark), Is greate tha or equal 3 ).

to 1.200.

3. The pilot cell volqge is gMat than or p Wato 2.13 volts, and
4. The overal bauzey voltage is grmater tha or equal ED2:50:v0F ]. See ITs voits.1 - ~ ~~3.8.4 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Pae 3/4 8.12 AMENDMENT 41 183 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 376 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 377 of 463 ITS 3.8.4 ITS 3/4.0 LMUMrG 00?rfON FOR OPEAflONAMSURVE1LLAN~Cl =~QU1DUMUZ 3M.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS

b. Aitleataeper 92daysby verfyig hat
1. TM voltage of each commected cell is geater than or equal to 2.13 volts Wmer float cbarge.
2. The speci& icrvity, boarrectd to 77-F. and funl electrolyte lee Oaa h See RTS bottom of the nft~fm-l level bumficao D15T), of each connected teUtis ater 3.8.6J tma or equal to 1.200 and has not decreaed mmr tha 0.03 from the value observed dirrrz the panc=o test, and
3. The electrolyte level of each counocted cell is between the top of fthminimom level Indication mark and tge bottom of Sbe maxi--level-ildication mark SR C tatmelR RPF
1. vcr~iqig thC calls, cell Plae sowno vsa llaumo


  • ~~~~~Performm
2. n isbecorrosion veiyn &Ctteeel~jmdtria SR 3. Verifying *atebattery chqrewlill supply idleast 300 amperies at greater then at equal to 250 volts for at leag 4 bonn.

SR d. At lesInce monms ESoW:UU :zba~m . . t~

LMgg]bpczarmaiq tealaicbattzy, c~apaty isadcqIabeve to anpy batnrdba hw siERsBof setaatuon om hasraed or sh % the f semrvce loisefocte fordm aplcato.

dtye D ategrayton3 idzaedwhe~C6nthe ba *meay dropt~ eta 0 rmt aiiyJ e T oC.thes oneviu perforanc testW cordc aspebelo 9 o thes of bahttw'y raactyhing.fe7 ..

ha eahed 5%lo sevic battey gifg deivr ha capacityof 1a0 oragrae of t nuh Lr'rated caacty amdu thasthow i osgs ofplaegradatiterfoy ne etn Note I to yarIneral Zm~~~~attw ni h bteysouso asacpal servdaice U.

SR~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4a-7 4 tswof b~my-p-iy aaU b SmPagey b8-yof A -- pcza-- 12hm Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 377 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 378 of 463 ITS 3.8.6 314.0 LJMMNG CNDrlON FORO0PMRATIN AMDSERVEHZANCE U~QVIREMEUS 3J4. flECTRCAL POW=~ SYS¶MW

b. Atleastoncper ybvdyn SR 1. The voltage of each conected cell is greater than or equal to volts umder float charge.

SR 3~~~~~~. The elecaolte lee o achrz necte ccl d adeignlatt C. Atleaatonceperl~ ~ ~ ~ 6~ level(Dabth

1. Vcri~f~igdethe ccimcci pats o bteyatk show visua isdicatio o phsia daaqu o anrma l eediro tha could deradfe vattery eaera
2. Remoingviible crrosio andveifir haequalU-o- tondtemia
3. Vbe lefeing ehthtcarch willtesply a lest 300 ampere fta Bleaterl 3i8its Dceqwa to 250 vola farkLuat le~ast 4 tous.

iaaMNcto R

4. Atles onedf per 8mothe s,pefn a battery sMbervi=ctes dnon vshutdol (MODESi of SR e. ~~. Rconepe 60~ monohsioducndaerfyig 6 thesof~-cc n Unn

~xeted mteriaplicationr algn -ferdaton orehlas, reache 8n%cof haevc Depada onisuIndictedwethbatter batr reqalhed 250 volt forvcat darawil aiy opplsa lier alowtyo 10%orgratumf.h fihaticvson

~esstha am10% s capgractyr (d OUABLfatzErsrated, capacity, aora sonn si gns ofddegradalo on, temeince pfor testin hbat twyearyIntervls wislabceptacoe untedfl batthe o fthowups o eraa SR 3.8O6K6UC.KAPperUNT2 ag 34 a1 Of L.6P~61U I abudom 5 o MHODE b Vefying Wtobattry e~ityis a 347, 249O ndp M d&UNis inplae fak~p~mserketetPag 7e ofT1 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 378 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 379 of 463 ITS 3.8.4 3/4.0 LDIITiNG COMM~ON FOR OrERATION AND SURVEMLANCEREQVIREMEnTS 3/4.8 ELECTRICAL POWMRSSTM This page iatentionally left blank coOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNT2 Page 3/4 8-14 AhMNDMZT4423,IM247 Page 9 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 379 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 380 of 463



3.8.5 LCO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DitibtonSstm euie b CO38.0 ACTION AWi~l~Icsa n ozlezt 1 - 25bove ofDC..Cnti See I TS L3.8 .10

a. Inmediately a~capd all cpezations inolvig CORE ALTERATIONS, zeovemmnt of lardiatad Ael thtculd result Inloss of required SDM or boron concentration.L1 See ITS C.. Imedfietely &dcareusocuded equied residuallheat raoval loop(s) Inoperble. 3.8.10) 48.2A.1 noe above reqt~rcd 250-volt D.C. boa dabll be determined OPERABLE and enegized a.t1lat See rTS ncPaler day by verfyin corec bneat= alignen and idgictnd powe vflbl=y 3,8 ,10)

SR 3 8.5.1 lie above rcqqird 250-volt battery bank and ebarger abal be 4emonsmWtc OPERABLE per Suy lane ReqWirment A-dd proposed Note to SR COOKNUCLEAR PLANT-UNUT2 Page 3/4 8415 AMEDEN T 42", ~40,1, 242 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 380 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 381 of 463 ITS 3.8.6 ITS 314.0 LIMITIG CONDMTON FOR OPERATON AMD SURVE11ANCEBEQu~lummNT 314.8 EZCIrICAL POWER SYSTEM~(


OPERAION Add prposed LCO 3.6 3.8+/-.4 As a ndnimn the following D.C electrical equipmadnt rd bus salbe eriedand ISee 'TS OPERAELF-' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S ITS 3.8,10, 11 - 250-voltD.C.bus, and ~~~~~~~~~~~

ITS ItO- 2-oltbteybkadcare soitdwt t he~ chane D.3.85bwn coo. wua einefcedt all opreatos malvny C-OuRpEro A inM ODE, mor2 addtioof wmdater AW.81 fite RWST, provided gme boro concentration inathe RWST is greater tha or eqaal to the micimunrequired bySpecificationa3.1.2.71.b2

b. lxdiateyiniite actions to restore the reqairedfl.C. electrical equpment and bus to OPERABLE stiats.

See ITS1 c.. Immediately declare associated required eiulba removal 164be 3.8.10 4.8+/-4.1 Th above reqdmrd 250-volt D.C. bus aba] be determined OPERABIE end c21CZized atICt 3.8.10 4.8+/-.4.2 The above required 250-volt battery bank and charger shllbe demonstrated OPERABLE Per Surve lanc Re xrmct4.82.3.2.

See CTS markup pages 6ofl10 nd COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UJNIT 2 Page 3/4 8-1 AMNDMENT l 46, 483,334, 242 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 381 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 382 of 463 ITS 3.8.1 0 ITS LCO3.810 314.84 cuAi~vs~x ACTION A Wii Guta~

C ONDIIO FORzpem Of . [EELAO77AL. d rooe RqirdAfNnA SRO 3.8.10. 482.41 LASabov 250-olt tbuied jD.C.bu0 blbedrmQ PE ABL ateloI See USrqird25-ol atey aikadshrgrrhlibbemnuatio P See ITS 3 u5r-Favaflhanc 3euiez8n4.235 Pae 4 f Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 382 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 383 of 463 ITS 3.8.4 ITS 3/4.0 LDhIMhG CONDMON rAoIRxofM~DSUVEI"lNCE M PEnN REQ~mENIE 3/4.8 BLECrWCJL POW=R SYFr!M3 D..DITIUTI - OPERATING .TRAIN N BAITTEY SS LCO 3.8.4.b The folowla D.C Db APEUCAB=L. MODES!,. 2 ad3.

ACTION DWith the Train N declar te WobIne dive AZUXilaY Feedwuwe inm.oeab!

14.8+/-25.1 Ute D.C. Eaa trainN shal be dcmnciln OPERABLE amd Wnerize £ leant OMcper? days 4 SebISy verffl cou mkruliwzadindicawe power avaullb t. 3ee89 . Th 250-volt bmmay bueak and daver dial be dmcuazuud OPERABLEK SR AL At least amper 7 da by vlfylt am

1. Th elewolyis lev of ea* plio ccai Is betwee 'he mbl=mu and mxna levlnd11azlon gmin,6 See ITS
2. The pilo CeOD specficgm . corrctoato 77*1 and full dlecruelevicIl (fluId' 3.8.6J
3. Mme PDAo WAlinkig la greae thn= or equal ro 2413 vokandI oh SR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iium L.


. ~~~ ~~~~4. The o0,mUbeary voltg is gete tha oretbihed

b. Al kW once p 92 days byvcfYfn~td
1. The voltae of micomnected wHlIsgrete tha or eqal to 2.13 voltinxe
2. eiI g~lt.crrct PI, to 771'F ad uli clec01yz Levd (fluid at th boI of dhe etazimu leve Indliadonciawk), of ua& coaamcted cell is greaterv See ITS dha or qupal to 1.20 and has m0decresaed mor thn O.0 atm to yamse 3.8.6) observd dozin fth -x ftWg and
3. The elecmm~te,lvel of echd conected ccllIsi bewcn the top of themiiu leve lodicdo arand tdo botom pf tii mazialz lkve Indicmdo. mark COO NUCLEAtt PLAW~-UM1 I lag 3/4 8-16 ANM bWT M 413,39183 Page 10 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 383 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 384 of 463 ITS 3.8.6

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 314.0 IMMhG CONMMION RO~MAOI1 AM 5MVEILLANCE REQU!REldI T D..DITIUTON. OPEATG --TRAIN Nj BAMYRY YTE 3.8.2.S The following D.C. bus ran shal be euargb andODBE TRAIN N consitin of 250vult D.C. bus N. 250-voh D.C. battey back N. and a foi capacity 3.8.4 and APTCAIM IMODES!,I nd3 Wihthe Trai'NKbaney symw Inoperable, dcade the numrb drive Auzillzy Feedwlizr Pmp inopeable and

~follow die ACTION mumumc of Speclfladon

4.3+/-5.1 The D.C. bus crain N salbe ddeteniund OPERABLE Wd affnurgd m Icus c pea days by Se T 4.8+/-5.2 . TU 250-vo bonez bank and salbe du~tie PRBE SR I tlwa

1. 1uara lowofca ytsic cell fsbetweenth and MInalMM
2. The IOKCII1SpOC& vft~IIy to WFP f yt lve (Bluide 3 K I P.of re-ft nd~~iamW*k,.I th!o qua SR 3. Tepltclvhg spsetm requatoW~ rise T


  • b.coreAZinst ~ ~ dz~~ 31 da' for electrolyte leve .

SR ' . lu "IpO elas coauected cell Ispste th or equa voltz afute udoWg.

2. roe pgraviy, F Wil VA~olt

'Irctd ol (flui at th Of dkrn maima evl k, feachI pester 1.1(Xto grad no erae 0 rmnValue SR3.8.6.3 3. 11am~~~~~~~l leie of adi conncted cell h W fthe of regreater than or equalito SR Llmid Wfildukhm Mark~~~~~~nd Warm $If thic maximmadiiid ~~~minimum established design limits COO1K NUCLEAIL PLAWf4JN1 2 lag. 3/4 3-16 4 &

Page 9 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 384 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 385 of 463 ITS 3.,8.9 ITS-LCO 3.8.9 3.8.25 The following D.C. bus sha be JOPEtABLE-LCO 3.8.9.d TRAIN NCOUSIAdU of 250-ya D.C. 254e D.. b)ybn .m ..

~~J~flfl~: MODES 1. 2 and 3.

ACTION E Vrt h Train N H M m~ decla die turbine dd AWzIliy Feedwazer Pump SR UThD.C. bus razin N ishaf be desemindW OPMRABLE kam Om per ? days by See rr SeeflS

b. . n 3.8.4 J~~~

.1. mm vow~ic~ ofv ofcunecte ccli is bratrthn raqa to 243=,

and underM

2. The pecife ira* corecyd t '1P d (hi! efu~leelytelr(f~inI Iz See US~
  • di nwinmlvl bu~~tftiomrof ind~itW faaboNmcled nmiiwstak) clsgrae 3.8.6
3. tha PDA equl toh1.0 Sn nor tha derasd more.1 Vctha.0 had ~au
  • Kbgd2~~~~~~~~pee~~~~loO~~~~tiV~~~r eerr
  • . VWe vlolyz lve =HI mcl Iabeoer h top of13e moium of cabdoacncted leve Idiczo akadteboe tlemraa lvlhlao ak COO~NCLEA) PL~tr2VNTm2iitViy cax8-1 I/ s 76 m AMecmlymJkma, 13£8 bou vc o tidiimawk, mum f a&awnctd lisPagem 6eeofr6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 385 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 386 of 463 ITS (3 ITS 3.8.4 3/4.0 LiUMIiG COMMffON FOR OPERTION AMD SRVEnlLACE PEQUDIMENTS 3/4.8 ELECTRCAL POWMERYSTEMS SR C. Atleaaoncoibb

1. Veifin ka Cel%ae and.b~rw ks show no vsual b4(atmo of daogor &ahr=ldeeoa 7 tcldeVrAdeatzy1
2. R tvig isbeco~rmuion advkyn attecefl4o-peU e~~

SR 3.8,4.2 . 3. Vazfying ftt tba~ey charger WMl plybat least 25 aqxm at greter than or Note1 ~to ~ ~ e~t20vlbbatc~bm SR Lye~ dteutrcpiysdqaeo~ ynrsifz'O sttud hegrawtio or hsreahede85%mco mf sevc or ieepcemfrteapiail A egadtamo i inict5Ed,ivhufthe batter D. capadiydoismr cy hny0 t abdv dciuS 1.4 See RlS oni'iouspnst~orkbi W=0%ofthe 906 afl g. lfthe IL 3.8.6J battr this Wece smic i5%oefsediniv plafe. oefv a capaciy morifiead ro 100%

Note I to be~~~cndwte y aI a h~iosgso eaain ef~netsiga tA- of nti cash~ry sbaowb givns to anyationy acebabl peahrmktervuu Ihtsosvg COOICNTJCIIA f degradationork Paewbd9%o 3/4 8c17We s DPTe42ted for3 250aplcao Deratin btey qait dop -ft dmczedvb M/afi iP agef See USl Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 386 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 387 of 463 ITS 3.8.6 ITS 314.0 LZMMIIG CON=0~NFOR OPERnfON AM~ SRVEUIANCE REQU~UWMENT 3/4.8 ELECTRICAL P'OWMERYSTMS C. At leas cmper 19 modtsby.

1. Varifyin hat le eeils, cell plates and battey rmbk show no visua Wnictwo of
2. Rxwving visible cmmxsion and verifyig that the cdflto-pefl and temina
3. Vd*=Sfyigtht dbay wuwill mf akw25 wpraat gm w rSee ITS equal to 250volts for atleas4 3en8i.4
d. At kwea=toc per 18 iwnths pefatma bafttey unrice test, during xhlntowzi (MODES 5 or 6), by ver* that fth baftty capacity is adequat to suply and maintin inOPVERADL btatte as actual or%shofe swervi re lfedeivesfor adepaigndy 61100 or gremeof rAt nufcez'rated caacty, aond ha ahcwfnno ign oKfbdegr cadato,ifoimme tsiga

~~~~~~~tOADE SR3.8.6.6 'bykzrvl unt the bafttyCaboysigsatof Miis nepal dcrdte f0&iozLg Se T discharge

~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae 0of1 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 387 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 388 of 463 ITS 3.8.4 ITS 3140 Wi51ITG COMM~ON FOR OFERMMON AMD SMMAC;MMO 3/4J* ELECTICAL POW= SYSRVM COOK NUIAR PLJMT-UN1 2 fpagV34 8-18 ANMNMMTiMS'k3447 Page 12 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 388 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 389 of 463 CTS 3/4.8.3 314.0 CONDMON FOR OPR NAND SURVEILLANCE;R IEET 314.68 L A P.0WER SYSTEMS The steady state bus voltage fort alternate umare source shI be greater tha or equal anual"2 to 90 % of dhe sombna bus vol BPLI Whenever dhe manual al maeseve source (69 kV) isU ece to more than two ACTIO j: Wihbus voltage less than 90% olaadjust load an the re gbuses to maintain steady state bus voltage greater than or to 90% limit. No additional surveillanwe re s other than those required by peliatos 4.8.1. 1.1 and

with Cook Nuclear Plaint Unit COOK AR PLANT-UNff 2 page 314 849 ANCENDME1W US, &U.183 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 389 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 390 of 463 ITS 3.9.1 3/4 LNJTZG VCCNDY11ONFOR OnIA1OW AMD SUJKVEILANCEHRQUIRUMENM ladthe refue 3 '

LCO 3.9.1 3.9.1 Thi ~iou cOnM aMOD Iam t.MRmactor oowkVsmm5Wdwwfwft MW&W anl sal malutdow rm encure tW t rookfive Of feemactivxy itions is

. aKa of 0.95 or ~*inchiu .AWkcwuaft fnlwujor- o

b. bcvc fresdm quu to 2400~ wltohncAdu consezative A2KLCABU..r~a- MODE16wihntelmteifeinheCL ACTION A a. Wiidt doe mequiuunuus of die Abow speelfication mat satfed, 1)ifmne~idlaey supmnd all.aerons 3.I+/-7.b 2) nfidsm and coasmtlbnuliousm Em or to gm o boron Is topearliogmr K isit Isd L. The mw~ofo abowt~ coudilionsusbalsdtuuzned to.'

Wiirwlof aSy Ili rod cessmof 3 fbete ul ui position widhin th SR TWbmcomeiwidm of do ieictwcoolt sm andhd canal sal bedegnid COOK NUCLEARL PLANT-UNIT 2 Pq344AMENDMENT %,9213 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 390 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 391 of 463 ITS 3.9.2 ITS (I 314 NMLN LMhUTIG CMMifONS FOR OPUATIO?;A EVUU LCO 3.9.2 ACTION A FAdd proposed ATO SR ACAMC=ikWC f mWls VoIK NucLzpPiLANT-Ufflr2. ?ug, 314.94 AbWI'Mbi3T B3 IP, 213 1 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 391 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 392 of 463 CTS 3/4.9.3 3/43GflAI S 3.9.3 ¶Ie be m tiWW for ~est e

a. 1bo=r
b. 148 buum CAB ~~~Specification 3.9.13.a - September 15 trough 7mne 1SO movemet of mahaiitid Sped~cation 3.93. June 16 tbrough September 14, mvaniizdae Winithe wacto eae Writhfrh rmt mzbcddical for lasu tha thze~f~ uspend BEi opmrtalio laych* Ofkradialcd Aud infic reco esseL The provsiows of 3.0.3 ure not aphicWMe 4.9.3 The d"b dkfi to have e itca=W ureqobrd by ofdx aeon ieof pritonawenznt ofhu Lel in fthreactrprewr Yesse fu Page 2 of 2, Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 392 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 393 of 463 ITS 3.9.3 ITS 3/4 LHM~G CONDrITIONS FOR OPERAIION AND SURVLLIAN~CE IREQUEREMENTS 3/4.9 PtEFUELING OPERAXIONS LDM=iG CONDMTON FOR OPERATION LCO 3,. 3.9.4 The contdin tbuildingpeuetrations shallbe inthefollowing sttu:

LCO 3.9.3.a a. The equipmW+/- door closed and held in place by amnyinimmoffour bobts,

b. The airlock doors are controlled in the folowingmanr LCO 3.9.3.b rA1. iuof one door in each airlock isclosed, oCr.(J
2. jBoth atrl ock doors ay be open provided-.
  • -1 OwldooreacwhairlockisOPE&l?'

lb. ,Riffue~ing cavity ley04fgreater than 23 fyl-~ove dhe fuel, and~

LCO 3.9.3.c C. Each penet-ation providing direct acces from the contafinmnt atniosphr to the.outside aftmosphere shafl beeither

1. Closedby an isolationvalveblind ange,manual valve, oreqmuivlmenor
2. Be capable of being closed by an OPERABLE automnatic Conuainmet Purge and Exhaust isolation valve.

Penetmaton flow path~s) providing direct access from tbe conuainment atmosphere to the outide atmosphere Via the awdimYybud vent may be unisolated under administrative contlrols.

ACTION A With the re n ~ of the above specification. not satisfied, i edtey endo Al.. ONS or ~~of irradiated fuel in the con h $etbilig ions of cam .3ar SR, 4.9.4 Each~ of tbe above re uired onanetbuilding penetrations shall be determined -to-be in its required status SR 1widliQ j0 art ofandlat least srtot 7da during ORE --

For the pups 9'bsSpecification, an OPEkAWM airlock door is a door that ispbeof being closed and secured. Calo oes transversmng the airlg1hanl be designed to aIow..A.a1=Vmnnr(eg quick discuet)

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 9-4 AMv[END.MYNT 91, M M, -2242 Page 5 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 393 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 394 of 463 ITS 3.9.3 ITS 314 L~hUNG COMMONS FOR OPERM1ON A1ND SURVULJANCER tIEMfS 3/4.9 RFENGOPERATIONS SR 3.9. .. iT.3.1Cr-.

b. Testing fie Co2amts Ploge and ElMust isdaoln vuavca pe~ r aepplicable pmorton of SR 3.9,3.2 Specification4.6.3.12-COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-IJNI 2 Page 3/4 9-4a AMENDMENT P,43I 242 Page 6 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 394 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 395 of 463 CTS 314.9.5 REFUJELIN OPERATIONS LIMITING CODITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.5 D1rect cormunicatlons shal be maintained between th control room and peirs, nnel at the refueling st tion.


4.9.5 Direct comnunications be een the control room and ersonnel at the refuel ng station shall be demo~ srated within one hour p or to the start of and at least once per 12 hou s during CORE-ALTERATIONS

0. .COOK -UtiIT 2 3/4 9-5 Page 2 of 2 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 395 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 396 of 463 3/4 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3.9.'6 DELETEDI COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Pagre 3/4 9-6 AMENDMENT 248 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 396 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 397 of 463 3/4 LIMITIG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3/4.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3.9.7 DELETED COOK NUCLEAR PLANYT-UNIT 2 Page 3/4 9-7 AMENDMVENT &7,946, 4-n 4-,2 248 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 397 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 398 of 463 ITS 3.9.4 ITS L 2!a I&ESDITOM A AM C'rOMA" MlAT LUS~~~lm M~~~~~~gPEOPRABL

=TTION an 3.9. 8.1 At. least Ooe rGSi.1u& removal lao hal be in oaeratcon. .

LCO 3.9.4 APPLICAAILMf: RODE 6. eslfag ACIO Acncntato bth RatoACoCTION:s. Gos a.

a... &ihls residual hear te n removal loopedtr Lhltoabe ionoercatio ime a4crlein;creasecntoereoacto dta blw ae ofreatera than oraeqalro SRIO 3.A. c00ogu eantr tone per the eatrs. cAt7 Cos l c-~rprosesmoft.i specifiations arvdnXdition o aere from theZ~Tde norconstimuena ilutionhactivity putsvided athemo2ron Mchneion i4 the Rb1Sis reateur thiatoreqal to th miaimum reqmived byo operiiation Lor IC.of sion, Spef-teat~o 3.0.3 ;W'-aPageA2 ofca2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 398 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 399 of 463 ITS 3.9.5 ITSEII R~EFUEIIWC 0PM~TIONS 3 /&. 9.8 REShUI= M~T ft!xaV6L mmD CLnT CThRILA?!0 LT!L1T1!; CNImmloN O PEA!

LCO 3.9.5 At least one rahi-u"! host removal loop shall be in operation

a. IWith less than one tesidual heat roalloo ioperation. exoep ACTION B u Lacsrsrdato brn COmetrtin bf te-Asstor CO sea. 0 ausa

[SeeF.,S 3.94

b. a- resdal eat remova Loop may be removed fon operat on for to I hour p"r 8 hou~r period durin& the performae of CORE!

ALTMRTIONS En the vicinity of the reactor pressure vessal hot SUEL-VETT YCE AMOIREtNTS SR ALresidual heat removal loop shall be determined to be in operation and circualatin; reactor coolant at a flow rate of greater than or equal to 1000 gpm at least once per hus

  • -For purposes of this specification, addition of water from the DM5'? doe.

e conscicuce a dilution activity provided the boron concencration in the RWST is greater. than or equal to the minimum required by 'specification*

1..2. 7.b. 2.

D. C. COOK -UNIT 2 3/4 9.8 AHltNDMflM NO. B2. 107 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 399 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 400 of 463 ITS 3.9.5 ITS (J REFUELING OPERATIONS LOW WATER LEVEL LflITMITH CO:IJOITION FOR OPERATION LCO 3.9.5 Two independent Residual Heat Removal t~ll tsalb PEWALIE.

4 --- ~~~~~~~

Add proposed LCO Note 2 L.

APPLICABILITY: MODE 6 wheft the wits? level aboVe the top of the reactor pressure vessel flange is less than 23 feet.



a. With less than the-required RHR loops OPERABLE, limnediately initiate corrective action to return the required RlHR loops to OPERABLEA.

Astatus as. soon as passible. CAdd proposed Required Action A.2 bh-5r misins OftS- ffCaton 3O.3 r note licabi .A.

SURVEIELLANCE REQU1IRE14ETS 4.g.8.2 -ha-i-quired Residual. j9R-1emoval loops thal )"~Itamined OPERABLEjL.

Adroposed SR and Note .

w'The norim or emergency power rovce may be Inopea 'fr each RHR loop. A D-C. COOK - HIlT 2 3/4 9.8a Amendmtent No. 53 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 400 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 401 of 463 ITS 3.3.6 ITS LCO 3.3,6 3,,,, The CaneaLmurnu 1oqe eud tzhaust Lsela:Loc esistashall bes ODA3TZ.

Table 3.3,6-1 AplLICAJ!UItZ ftuit-e ~e-aiof Lmdiastd fuaL. vtthil Footnote (a) tbecoa~*:

ACTION C VUth the Cont~alafaet NPge and ftbaust. lsoiatItOn f~tmSIpeftbl~e, c.lose, I Svec~~~catftu are u~~~~~j~~jf184 t.*-. dys forcontainment radiation monitor S'.V39MANC2 90 2 24 months for manla lInitiati~o~n L SR, 43.2. T,1e Couts ~ja a sand 1hau. s o ties emll AMUi be SR deaftsfara 0Dn f n a i L.2-LO QCMU irSWa2Jtm Moze and Exhaust tU- *CCUs e mmml tait~umntos an am e sh radiation test sLpid tos each of the caa.~trdLatiom mlota Lustxumentation uchaB.e See UlS 3.9.3J COOX WIMZAl PLM~ M NT 2 3/4 949 AMWI~T NO. ag3 5 Page 29 of 29 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 401 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 402 of 463 ITS 3.9.3 MTS flFUL!N OPflATZONS can-Afl*E=t MEO?~ 7~Un? XBOLTIOII 3SYS Mr=Xnq COMMON. Tait OpUJION LCO 3.9.3.C.2 $S.- T 'hs COnnMeu:2 luze end 1Ehasa: LselatLm s~iean shal be MDASLE AL!CAJUM!y DuttLuigCGV A.Lsrtata wnmat: of £mdlazad fuel vfthin the Conainmmnt.

LCO3..3..1VIth the contenae*:a Zug* and bauat ISLStleLe system Lupetable, Close LCO.9.3c.1 ach of the luge 43d tsahast penstatmt~o~ puawt W~ee accsss from the SUI.WULLC SR 4. ,., Thek COMULTOMt PM mad Za ts 186Ael~MS tea shall ba 3.3.63 C~OO iwct,= IANT MTN!2 1/4 9.9 AIDUNT Mo. *0 Page 8 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 402 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 403 of 463 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 403 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 404 of 463 ITS 3.7.14 ITS REFUELING OPERATIONS STORAGE POOL WATER LVEVEL 0 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION LCO3.7.14 3~~.9.11 At least 23 feet of water shall be maintained over the top LCO3,7.14 ~~of irradiated fuel assuemblies seated Inthe storage racks.

APPLICABILITY:t [Whenever irradiat armlo I Drng movement of irradiated fuel ACTION ~~~~~~~~~~assemblies in the fuiel storage poolL.

ACTION A with the rqIreets ecSif ii n not sat an1 SURVEMLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR3,7.14.1 4.9.11 The water level in the storage pool shall be determined to be at iii assembliese fuel storage D.C. COOKS IUNIT 2 3/4 4-11 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 404 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 405 of 463 ITS 3.7.13 ITS 3/4 LIM[ITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 3/4.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS STORAGE POOL VENTILATION SYSTEM" LIMITIG CONDITION FOR OPERATION tri nd inoperation LCO 3.7.13 3.9.12 setfestrgpolxhutventilation Syste salbe OPERAB4 APPLICABILITY: FW-h-eever irradiated fI6 is in the storage vol Driangoemnlesin th of rdliated fueld ACTION A a. With no fuel storage pool exhaus iventilation system OPERAB ,Suspn all operations ACTIONS Note b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0. a .04renot applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3..13.2 SR 4.9.12 The above required fuel storage pool vet sytmshal Ibe dmntae PRBE

a. At least once per asbyita flow throueh the1I~PA filter and cheyt'-oa adsorber train and verifying that the train operates for at least 15 minutes. Add proposed SR
b. At least once per 18 months or (I) after any structural maintenance on the HEPA filter or charcoal communicating with the system, by:


1. Deleted. .
2. Verifying that the charcoal adsorbers remove a 99% of a halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant test gas when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 while operating the exhaust ventilation system at a flow rate of 30,000 cfm +/- 10%.

LCO 3.7.13

  • Theicrane bW -rM door and h~ oro h rn a eoee e Note adifinistrative control during movement of fuel within the stora e 1rcano i asev COOKINUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2 Page 3/4 9-12 AMENDMENT444, am, 261 Page 5 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 405 of 463


LIM]TING CONDITON FOR OPERATION 3.9.12 The spent fuel storage pool exhaust ventilation system shall be OPERABLE. See ITS 3.7.13 APPLICABILrTY: Whenever irradiated fuel is in the storage pool.


a. With no fuel storage pool exhaust ventilation system OPERABLE, suspend all operations involving movement of fuel within the storage pool or crane operation with loads over the storage pool until at least one spent fuel storage pool exhaust ventilation system is restored to OPERABLEI status.*
b. The prmvsians of SpeifictIoans 3 ()' and 3- 04 am not armlic.ahte SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS fAdd Proposed ITS 5.5.9 generic program statementA.

4.9.12 The above required fuel storage pool ventilation system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:1

a. At least once per 31 days by initiating flow through the HEPA filter and charcoal adsorbcr tan- f

[See ITS 3.7.13J and verityig that the train operates for at least 15 minutes.1

b. At least once re ~~~otsor (1) atrany structua maintenance on the HEPA filter or charcoal 5.5.9 ~~~~~adsorber housings, or (2) following painting, fire or chemical release in any ventilation zone communicating with the syst y hl tI noeainta cud
1. Deleted,.hrolasrbrcpblt 5.5.9.b 2. Verifying that the charcoal adsorbers remove k 99% of a halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant test gas when they are tested in-place in accordance with ANSI N510-1980 while operating the exhaust ventilation system at a flow rate of 30,000 cfin +/- 10%.

DiTe crane bay roll-up door and the south door of the auxiliary building crane bay may be opened under administrative control during movement of fuel within the storage pool or crane operation with loads over See ITS the storage pool. 3.7.13J

    • Shared system with D. C. COOK - UNIT 1.

COOK NUCLEARPLANT-UNIT2 Page 3/4 9-12 AMENDMENT 44~42, 261 Page 61 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 406 of 463


3. Vaiyng that t HelEPA mter banimsremor eda ter nor equul to99g%ofdie DOP when fthy are tested In-place In accordance with. ANSI NS510-l980 while operatin the exheast ventilation system ataflow rate of 30,000 cef plus or minus 10%.
4. Verifying within 31 days aftr removal that alaboratory analysis of a carbon sample frm either at least one tes canister oir at least two carbon samples removed from one of the charcoal adsorbers shows a penetration of less than or equal to 5%for radioactive methyl Iodide when die sample Is tested In accordance with ASTM D3803-1989. 30C, 95%

RH., and a46.8 fpm fac velocit. The carbon samples not obtained from test canisters Shal be prepared by elher.

(a) Emptying one entire bed from a removed adsorber tray, minxing the adsorbent.

thoroughly, and obtaining samples at leas two Incbes In diameter and with a legth equal to tho thickness of the bed, or (b) Emptyin a longitudinal sample from an adsorber tray, mixing the adsorbentSe f1 thoroughly1 and obtaining samples at least two Inches indimaeter and with a )

length equal to the thckness of the bed.

Subsequent to reinsualing the adsorber tray used for obtaining the carbon sample, the system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by also verifyin that Ohe charcoal adsorbers remove greater than or equal to 99% of a halogenated hydrocarbon reffigerant, test gas when they are tested in-place In accordance with ANSI NSIO-1980 while opeaiting fth ventilation system at a flow rate of 30,000

  • cfm plus oriminus 10%.

Verifyin a system flow rate of 30,00cfm plus or minms 10% during system, operation when Jesed in accordance with ANSI NS1O-1980.

C. After evezy 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of cbarcal adsorber operation byceithen

. Verify*n within 31 days alter removal that a laboratory analysis of a carbon sample obtained from a test canister shows a penetration of les than- or equal to, S% for radioactive methy io~did when the sample is tested In accordance with ASM P3803-1989, 30C, 95%,LIL. and ?.46.8 fpm face velocity COOKXNUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page.W49-13 AMENMENT M. 44QI7M 240 Page 6 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 407 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 408 of 463

__ O 5.5


3. Vegft dt the IW A filerbanksmermoeaterthan orequal to99% ofthe DOP


5~~~5*9*a ~ 3. when they are tested Ia-place, in accrdance with ANSI NSIO-1980 while operatin the exhnust vcntiltion system at a flow rate of 30,000 OmrPlus or minus 10.

4. Vaij ~~ 1 5 after~mo tall a laorto aals y ofia carbon satiple, from 5.5.9.c either at least one test canister or at least two carbon samples retnoved, from one of the charcoal adacibers shows a penetration. of less than or equal to 5%for radioactive methyl Iodide when the sample is tested In accordanice witb ASTM D38O3-1939. W0C 95*

RH., and ?-46.8 fpr fac velocity. The carbon samles not obtained from testcaer shall be prepared by clthw.

(a) flmpt~hg one, entire bed from x removed adsiober bma,Mnixing the adsorbent 5.5.9.c.1 thoroughy. and obtainin samples at least two inches In diamneter and with a length equal to the thickness Of tihebd, Of 5.5.9-c.2 (b) Emptying a loWtudinal sample from an dsoisober tray, nL~dng the adsorbent ghoroughly, and obtaining samples at leas two inches in diameter and with a leigthequal to the thicktnesaof the bed.

Susqefto reinstalling the ad tray used for ag the carbon apl. system shall be deotad OPERADI by verifying that the ebaro~f dioruraremove than of equal to 99 o a balogenated L4 b rffigerant testga ethey are testedlin-p sin accordancewith ASI51041980 wAhle o gteVentilation sytm aflow rate of 30,00 cr usorminus 10%.

5.5.9.e, s. Verifying a system flow ate, of 30A00 cfnt plus or amns 10% dating systemn operation 5.5.9.b when Owsed Inaccordance with ANSI NS1O-19B0.

5,5.9 C. AM=erevery 120 hours0.00139 days <br />0.0333 hours <br />1.984127e-4 weeks <br />4.566e-5 months <br /> of charcoal adaorberoperation by eltien.

5~~~5.9.c~~~~~~obtained fo a teat canister sows a peerton of less athnof equal to 5% for radioedact methyl lodide when the samaple Is tested In accorance with AMUI D3803-1989, 30' 95%JLL and2 46.8 fpm fae velocity.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT.UNIT2 Page3/49-23 AMNDMENT 40, H9,4Me 240 Page 62 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 408 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 409 of 463 ITS 3.7.13 ITS 3M [LMMNG COD~OSFOROPERATION ANI)SUVEILANCEnRQUIRMENM

2. Ve*Ifyng Within 31 days afler reMOVal dia laboratory anaysis Of at least t woCaro samples shows a peetation or lIs than or equal to 5%for radioactive methyl, Iodide wl*n the samples are tested In acconlance with ASThI D3803-1989, 300C 95% R.M and~t46.8 Ipme face velocity and she samples are prepared by either.I (a), Emiptying one entire bed from a removed adsorbtr tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two Inches in dimetef and with a leagth equal tohethidcness ofthe bed. or See ITS (b) Emptying a longitudinal sample from an adsorber tray, mihing the adsorbent
  • thoroughly. and obtaining samples at leas two inches in diameter and with a 5 J length equal to fthtickness of tho bed.
  • Subsequent to reinsftlln fth adsorber tray used for obtaining the carbon sample, the system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by also verifying tha the charcoal adsorbess remove greater than or equal to 99% of a halogensated hydrocar-bon refrigerant WeA aSuwhen they amc teste i-place Inaccodance with
  • ANSI NSlO-1980 %whl opera&in the ventilation system at a flow rate of 30.000 SR, d. astle onaper~k-i SR SR3.7.13.5 4~~. Varifying that the xhast vetiatop osystde cm edn theA pentmfal trag pooladsrbeaa As.4 ba negtv pressze ofgeaeor ta equal to 1/8inches Water Gauge relativethe Lln tof .

ountsideation r drruystem.aaflw e of ration, mi7,000Icfm witiflowurate M.


~FHAEV ~ ~ ~ ~ Pge7 f Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 409 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 410 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS (I 3M LrMING COND~IPONS FOR OPERATION AND)SURVEIANCEREQUIRMMrrx 314.9 REFTUE~NG OPEIATIONS 5.5.9,c 2. VetifyingjwOn 31dis Afer a ao analyi of at least two carbon samplpes shows a Penetration o or equal to 5%for radioactive methyl iodidt gmssta when th samples are tested In accordance with ASTM D)3803-1989, 30CC 95% KU.

and z46.8 ipm face velodityand the =amles Are prepared by cither.

5.5.9.C.1 ~~~~~(a) Emptyig one entire bed from a removed adisorber tray, mizing the adsorbent 5.5.9.c.1 ~~~~~~~thoroughly, and obtaining samples at least two incbhs in diameter wad with a

  • length equal to theahlckmessof doeWA or 5.5-9.c.2 ~~~~~(b) Emptying a longitudinal sample from. an adisorber tray, mixing the adsorbett 5.5.9.c.2 ~~~~~~~thoroughly.

and obtaining samples at keas two inches In diameter and with a length equal to tho ftkncieeof the bied

  • Subseuent rinsaling the tray aned for ae the Earbon sapl,the shall be dmomt OPERABE b~y also nthat the,
  • chacoalthersremove gre thnor equa to 99 fa halogenated ii itrefrgeran Les gas w they an tested Inp naccordance with L
  • ANSI ~04980 while o teventilation systm nlow rate of 30,000 dfm ernnus l0%.

or 5.5.9 d. Al leastonqe p.Monthbr.

5-5.9.d I. verifyi tha the presure drop woes the combined JHPA filters and charcoal adsorber barks Is lew than or equal to 6 Inches Water Gau~ge while operafti the exhaust ventilation system, at a flowrate of 311,000 cfm plus ormnainus 10%.

2. Deleted.
3. Virifying tha on ahigh-radiation signal, tbe systcm automaticaly direCt Us exutia Utiw ihtough the chwdarcoaidobe banks and automatically shut down fth storage pool ventlaton8sytemsupplyfans
4. Vufffyn ial the exhaust ventilation system maintains the spet fue soage pool art aetf 3713 a negative pressur of greater than or equal to 1I8 inches Water Gaug welative, toth outside amnopher durlngysenorao.

COOKINUCLEARPLANT-UNIT2 page 3149-14 AMENDMENT4I4, M4,24 0 I Page 63 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 410 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 411 of 463 ITS 3.7.13 ITS ~I tjM" EtlAXCE M tEO1 Stt(Couan di

a. After each complete or partial roplacemunt of a RUNA filter bank by" verifyin~g that the HENA filter banks reonoe k 9,9 of the DOP when they are tested, La accord&nce with AIsI MSlO.1980 while operating the ventilation system at a flow rate of 30.000 of. +/-t l.0t. rSe C. After each complete ow partial coplacmewnt of.& Charcoal adsorber bank by verifying that the charcoal easorbers reomov k 99% of a Ler J, halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant test Sao when they are tested-Lu'place in accordance with ANSI 351041950 while operatting the ventilation system at a flow rat. of 30,000 of. :t 10%.

D. C. COOK WNIT 2 3/4 9.13 Amendment go.

Page 8 of 8 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 411 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 412 of 463 ITS 5.5

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 559

  • Af~~~tar each compete or partial replacement of aRUEA filter bank~by that, th 5eI_4n Lter banki remoift ? 99S of the IDOP vhels UlN 5.5.9.a -they are tested WnpLace in accordance with hS1lSI 101980 while raiithe vouttllatton)SYStem at a flow rate. -of 30,000 cfrn : 1051.

5.5.9 .- Ii j f__~A~torjjach complere.or partial ;splucment of.& charcoal adiobe yverifyisn that the charcoal adsorbers remove I 995 of a

~haognated hydrocarbon refrigerant aCe: in acco~danua with ANST.NI3 test 5.5,91 S gas when they are tested-5.5.9.b in~pLu 10.890 while operatir.g thre vetiton system at a flow' rate of 30.000 cfet 105.

Page 64 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 412 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 413 of 463 CTS 3/4.9.13 REFUEeING OPERATIONJ SPENT FUEL CASK NOVMET LINIGN CONDITION FOR OPERtATIO 3..3 Movement ofi-the spent if %I cask above elevation 620 feet shall bednoWith the spent fuel cas handling crane operating Ithe Cant lied Path Hod* of operatt a.

APP ICABILLTY: With fuel ass lies In the storage pool.


Wit th requlrements of the a ye specification not sais aed, Piea the crane load In a safe cndition. The provisions f Specifica-tic 3.0.3 are not applicable.

.9.13 Crane Interlocks wh ch, prevent raising the batm of the spent uI cask more than E Inche above the top of the Cask ap Protection ytmm cylinder-and riestri the crane's movement to t eControlled Pth shall be demonstrated PERADLE within 7 days prio to crane operation in the Controlle Pth Mode and at least cac per 7 days thereafter during criane a rtion In the Controlled Pa h Made.

D. C. COOK -UNIT 2 3/4 9-16 Page 2 of 2 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 413 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 414 of 463 CTS 3/4.9.14 LIMI INS CONDITION FOR OPERA ION

3. 9 14 The miaxle weight a a spent fuel cask used 4th the Cask Drop Pta ection-System shall be I mited'to 110 torts (nomin 1).

APP ICABILITY: At all time Vibte vequirinets, of t above specificationi not SAtisfied. place t crane load in a safe C ditton. The provisions- f Specification

3. .3 are not applicable.

.9.14 The weight of a Sn fuel cask shall be viffed to be c, 110 tons nominal) prior to its us ith the Cask Drop-Pr'ot ton system.-

b. C. COOK. UNIT 2 3491 Page 2 of 2 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 414 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 415 of 463 ITS 3.7.15 ITS RFUETOLING OPERATIONS STORAGE POOL BORON COtICENTRATIOH*

LIHITING CONDhITION 12~ OPWRTION LCO 3.7.1 5 3. 9.15 A boron cMoo~tration of Sresare tbas or equal to 2&oC0 ppm sha1f be maintained LIn the fuel. storage pool.

APPLICABILTY At Aljtand a fuel storage pool verification has not been performed ACTION A VLth the, requirewento of the spacLfic~ttou not satisfLiod, muspend all movement of fuel ass rablies in the fuel stung. pool &Ad restore the boron corcentratiou to within its LUmit prior to resualng fuel movement.

The provisious of SpicIeficatiou 3.0.3 are not IjM!R-%e+/-....

.0 -- [~Add proposed Required Action A.2.2 SUV;ILLANCE MMO~hDENTM($

SR 3.7.15,1 4. P.1UThe boron coicentration Ln tho fuel stocag. pool eball be deteminued to be at lesut at its minionm required at least owce per 7 days.

systems tefwV-- eI~

COOK NUCLEAR FJI? UNIT 2 3/4 9416 AMEUNEH~r O.U1I 152 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 415 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 416 of 463 OTS 314.1 0.1 coxl ohno bm wus5I AzM~v~vIW bbgutun M"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

3.1.1MmSE MARl RN IeuN~ I~sS 3.1. 1.1.m e fmuu o mambibr bddde of2

&~~~Pag 24S , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 416 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 417 of 463 CTS 3/4.10.2 3..04. pouip befjm, Laeei and power 4~lbstdtou 2Units of 3p~tf~~a .1..1. S...$5. *1as6g 3e.2.. aMd 3..4Iq b. uupewkde duL.,the peeovfotlaanc f WrSZCS rd" L. HEBWAL 10113 isa dala 850 of RAMI PM.11, anid

t. t imts of $SGeifc bs3.2.2 ad 3.2.3 ar vana~6 eMd tat.minod at the tea specft" Le u Soeto*io with e of the Uinits of Spe acbon 1.2.2 or 3.2.3 sing sexeded whil. .

the e eXau of SpoecfL*&tL 3. .3.6, 3.2.1 and 342.4

.4c susp i ither:

a. PeoeTEDMAL IOmf i te o satlsgy AmosI requigementa of Sp o ctioan~s 3.2 2 and 34.3,..: Ls*aaioMT 1S *T MUbows. ~ et us

.' S.~l~oa~ou4.2.1 . At least ocaep: boats.

D. .COOK.Wt=2 3/41.0.-2 -AX~DK=IT&. 821 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 417 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 418 of 463 ITS 3.1.8 ITS LCO 3.1.8 3.10.3 Th. Ustitatione. of Seiiain say be suspended duinig the perforance of W!IICS TESTS provided:

.01- ~ ~

~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Adpoosed LCO 3,1..

S. The ZUW1AL IOVU does orhexcaee 53.2 of IO THflAL POWE, and

b. The 14tor Trip Berpit"Lu o the OPRAILEt Ente Gi4~ae Ranpe.A3 vooe onflx and the 19" Ramp, Veutrounf uwsv etpoiat are

!S at less thaui or eq to 253 of ReTZD. JOWULE ACTION B VWh 1the TRIMAL POD greater tha 5t of RUi! UDNIAL POWIR. Lowdiately I open the reactor trip breekers.AdprosdCTOAM.

SR The THUMAL lOMD shall be detemitied to be team tbhaz or equal to 56 oil VATED THEUEAL POURIII at least once per h uigPEISICS TESTS. 3 iue )ih Zuatameftate and r Rsage ChaMelIk sb&U e subjected to a

-CHAN. TOALTS vti 2 o prior to Litd tn HISCS TESTS.

Adrposed SR 3.1.1L1

0. C. COOK
  • VVIT 2 3/4 10.) AKIMIZDII v1040 107 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 418 of 463

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 419 of 463 CTS 3/4.10.4 Reactor ?rf~p Ietpointt fr the OPERABLE intermedis Rana.

o r iusaend the Power a, Neutron Flux, Low So oint are sot a las thani at equal to 25 of MMXETHEEMAL POME..

During operation bel. the P1- Interlock Sotlo POam -greater tha3n 1.7 Interleck Setpoie .iediately THERMAL POWE shall determined to be l*au t the 1-7 Each Inrermediate, lover goCharnel and F-7 Inte schall be.

to a CHANNEL SOJCTIONAL Twithin 12 boura prior initiating OK MMI2 3/4 lO-4 AmEmmiENTIo. 101 Page 2 of 2 , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 419 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 420 of 463 3/4 LRhflTING CONDITIONS FORL OPERATION AND StVIEILLANCE, REQUIREM(ENTS 3/4.10 SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS Thus Pagt Iiitenzionaily Blank COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 314 10-SAMNET6419 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 420 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 421 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS 3 /4.II RaDIOACTIVE R~flKNT LIQUID HOLDUP TAMqK*

LKITINC 29IMDTION OR IOPMUMATNAdpooe T .. 0gnrcpgw ttmn 5.5.10, 3.,11.1jThe quantity of radioactive material contained in each of the 5.5.1Oc follo win g anks shall b l mted to lass M E or equs t tocur ea vi

a. outside temporary tanks.

UPLICABL :At All tines.

a. ththe quimntity of r iactive material Ilan of the aboveA7 lsted tanks aezedf the showe linit. wi ut delay suspend all aditons of radioa yeaterial to the t and vithin 48hours reduce th. tank co at to witldn the Un
b. The provistons of ScIfications 3.0.3 an3.0.4 are not 5.5.10.c 4.11.1 The quantity of radioactive material contained in each of the above 5.5.10. 'Listetanksinallube deithrisnSecifobications thoeaoutdoormi byanstatyzarg no ur oupredentatives.dikofth tank'ssbl v least ldiuc he tank contenta en that do nt hae prvaink ofeSRlows.and SRu. recnitgae drains connected to the liquid radvaste treatment system.

COOK NUCLEAR. PLANT WNIT 2 3/4 1l-l AIJ(ERDET PO. US, 3, 175 Page 65 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 421 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 422 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS 1/.12CASEMUS RPF"BMMT LWTMITN CONI)IT 7021O FOR ATMO Ad rposed ITS 5.5.10 generic program statement 5.5.10, 5.5.10.a Th. concentration of oxygen in the vista gas holdup system shall be liflitied to ems ua or *qual toi s4y volv'ae U y" (9 At all timew.

a. itbath concentration foxygen In the vaste g holdup system tetr than 3% by voI but loss than or eqa to 41 by volume adContaining grea~ter thnor equal to 41h gen. restore the L.

concentration of ogeto [ess than or eqal 31 or reduce the hy~gen concentrati o 'Less than 41 vitn 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

b. With the concentratio, of oxygen In the vaste gas holdup systems or tank greater than by volume and grat's than 41 hydrogen by volume vithout delay suand all additions o vast* gamex to the System or tank and rdue* the concentration foxygen to less than or equal to 31 o the, concentration of dogen to less than or equal to 41 vith n96 hours in the syst or tank.

The provisions of pecifications 3.0.3 end 3.0.4 are not a=LLK Ricab 5.5.10.a The corkentration of oxygen La the vaste gas holdup system shall

'The 3.0.Page proisions S66o SR of369 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 422 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 423 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS0 314 LE*MING CONDITONS FOR OPEPLAITON AND SURVEILLANCE REQUtRMENTS 314.11 RADIOACTIVE EF1TUENI LTMrrIO CONDMON FOR OPERATIO Ad posed ITS 5.5.10 generic program statement 5.5.10, &mg rs&ctiViy Coc~aedInceach g oe *thnksbsbef to 43,800cunes leps 5.5,10.b csded mXCe0-133)

APP: At an times.

a.Wthde quantity ofrdo material inany aSu sterl exedigte aboVe tkit,wihL.

delay supnd madn t fraiatv materia to die tak Wkthi 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> reduce the contens to withi the 1b. The provisions of S as3.0.3 aSd 3.0.4 are la: Ic 5.5.10-b The qualtty of radicacilve materia comataid to eah ps ulorie tan Wblbe determktcd to be within COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNI I Pap 314 11-3 AHP4EN TM?

6t M~,

45, 214 Page 67 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 423 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 424 of 463 ITS 4.0 ITS 4.0 5.0 DESIGN( LEATIRZS 4.1 Zsea.ton Azaa 4.1.1 5.1.2 The excluslou area shall be as shovs La TLgre 34.4..

4.1.2 5.1.1 fto 1ev populatlai zone shall 'be Ias p I ytf.I- -- containment structures and A.

site 5elaza Lar CasOUS eand VcMtd !fflneuc.

4.1.1 5.2.3 the I=? IOUNDAZ for gaseou and Uqud affluemts shall be as shamn La fLg=e 5.1-3.

I. COW?~

C QM=ATZV 5..1 Ta uctav Coa1vaest dSAu LS a steal 2.ed reinorcead Mixcreter u of Cyl dt shpe , vith a dome f and harlut the folLowtag eLga featuores:

a. WoLusiw aWided4 rU s feet.
b. Nom 1inaloud hug :
  • 60 fee:.

C. WALa= thLciim~sx a couexate vills - 3'.

d. XLsUi~m thLclmass £ onarats coaf - I S
  • . Kutna= thLebamoz conersta floor pad 10 feet.
f. vomnal th~1wienasso steel liner w3/8 chas.

i.Net fre V0le - 1424 x 10 6 cubLc f..

5.2.2 Th vsctor ra Couan u tding Ls dcii d and shall be mainta, ad LU &cordac vi the ortgtual dust provtstons contained LuSSc ou5.1.1 oftu COOK ZflJCLLA3. PLAH& UNIT I s-1 MaiNDI!IRT NO 5IX,is Page 14 of 25 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 424 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 425 of 463

__ Gi?~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~ITS 4.0 Figure 4.1-1 STATE OF M4ICHIOAN I MAN~ I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

.5. ~~ ~ ~ ~ 2 Figure6.1Pge 5o 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 425 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 426 of 463 ITS 4.0 ITS

-L X C



: t'..2


.,* .Fl!5I-


~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ .uet t.4 00 2 C. COOK-UNIT 5-3~4=)* A.

~~1 age16 f 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 426 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 427 of 463 ITS 4.0 ITS S.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.2 5.3 -REACTR CORE FUELASSEMBLIES (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cnssting of amatrix of]

4.2.1 5.3.1 The reactor core shall contain' 193 fuel assemblies with each fuel assembly lconiai 6g-4 fu1T s ela MbJzircalo~~jor ZIRLO except that limited substitutions of zirconium alloy or stainless steel filler ros fuliodnithian inacrac iN-RC-approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be used. Fuel assemblies composition of shall be limited to those fuel designs that have been analyzed with applicable NRC staff-approved codes natural or slightly and methods, and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A limited number enriched U0 2 as of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative tescing may be placed in non-limidting core fuel material rek*ons. Each fuel r shall have a nominal active fuel engt of 144 inches. The, initig core loading shall .a 1hn -maiu ~heto . egtpretL25 eodfe hl esmlri hscldsg the, initial core loading and may be nominally enriched up to 4.95 weight percent U-235.

CONTROL ROD ASSEMBLEES 4.2.2 5.3.2 Ile reactor core shall contain 53 full leng and no part lenat control rod assemblies. ef ul ent control rod assemb)(es shall contain a nominal 142 ine fasrber material. The nop nal values of absorber material IIlbe 80 percent silver, 15 perce t indium and 5 percent cadmium./All control rods shall be clad WiT stainless steel cubing.-

The control material shall LA.

be silver indium cadmium, 5.4 REACTOR SYSM MOUNT ~~~~~~~~~~~~as approved by the NRC.

b. Fra pressure of 2485 psig, and L.

C. For a temperature of 6500 F. except frepressurizer which is 68OPF.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 5.4 AMENDMENT 88,4I4, 4Zt,183,14, 220 Page 17 of 25 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 427 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 428 of 463 ITS 3.7.16 ITS U. DASIGMnFATURI 5..1T aj~d~ Iowar thai be Iocn as3hownoan u FlptteS.l-3.

Chapter 4.0 CSee ITS Chapter 4.0

b. A aominal 8.974Inch center-lo-cntc distane between rcs muelasmblies, Placed in the storagc LCO3.7.16 ame acceptable for stoopg WRzliota I did~~~tha e igtmmdrh fterld LCQ3.7.16 thaz~~~~ds&dfim ae mregla followsE CSee ITS Chapter 4.0 I.

Rg=I6diWt comdmnwWwd um 4.95 wt% U-2355 o sew ftuelrepzdoss of doe dimchargp fun! bmrnup oia mcmto

  • 1.~~: Regim2skdeilgnelaoacoumnodws fueof OSU hildastsomlnlndmcbhtet-bure to at kma,5O,00OMWDft4TVfJo fut. of othoremkIcmemta with equivsalet reactivity. '
3. RegioR 3. des*gned to accommodate fue df4.93% WUiianominal enrichment burned to at Iut 33,UOMWDJMT. or fue of odrnenrchmmnts with euivolenzreacdivity

COOK NUCLEAR rLrF-UNIT2 Pagg~ A E4oma44ZI 2 CNP Unit 2 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 428 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 429 of 463 ITS 4.0 ITS S.0 DISSGNFAU R.E 4.3 . T AC 4.3.1 4,3.1.1 542l.1 Thesposiutfelatorags rack esrczignedashdahsMl be aiind widL 4,3.1.1.b A. A 4C,,equivalentuttta snO."wen Boed wih wboraed wawer 4.3,1.1.c b. A nominal 8.974lnh center-to-center dismance between fuel asaemblies, placed In dhe stomagerSeru 3.7.16, C. rm fuela~sembllim wIbedhsild" acceptable or R.OiOR Ij L&ii]soa based upon their assembly bumnyvp u "minitial nominul etcricmient Cells accetable for Region 1,Ragiom 2, and RegionS3arbyStrp a nictd iIue 5.and 5.642. Assemblies tha ame amcptable for srammge h SIMRatln4jion 2.anQRegon 31mm meet doe design criteria thtditdine ft mliu fu1obw3 SeefITS 4.3.1 .1.a, Region I ts desigmed to aconmuodate wefuel whi a mxlnun noWW I~~~~~~~~~1 at kminleriln 3.7.1 6J .d . 4.95 st%U-233. or Vemfue tegudleu of udm discharg fe burnup.

L Refim 2 i "ledsedto ~&Omods ftid of 4.93% MM~ia numinal mrcuhant4mrned to ~~~~~~~~~~at lugAss5 0OOMWDUMT, or fuel of other enrichmients with equivalent auscuvity. I SeIS

3. Region 3 Is designed to ucommodsge fud of 4.93 WU momin enihmn bue to I 3.7.16J at IlIS 38AIOMVW W&IV oc fuel of odier enrichments with equivolentreaivity. I COOK ?UCL3AR PLAN-VNI2 Page S-S MNMNU O436443~ 2 Page 18 of 25 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 429 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 430 of 463 ITS 3.7.16 ITS 5.0 DEFiGN IATURES CRBrICLrrY SENFUEL Wnuel The ucaetifncvity crieri for Region 2 and Region 3 is defned via the rollowing Table 3.7.16-1 WuisnAmmibly Avenge Biup inMWDIM1 -

-22,670 +22.220 -2,260 e +149 E Mm=nAssembly Average umip lnMWD/MT-

-26,74S +18,746 E 1,611 I' +98A Ye Whene Emi-itiaiPe& Emihmcnt COOK NUCIZAAtR LA4-NTM TI htags54 AMNDM 4164346 MM 0&~34:24 CNP Unit 2 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 430 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 431 of 463 ITS 4.0 ITS 5.0 DESIGN M&AUR!S 4.3.1 .1.e The equivalent meactvity criteri for Region 2 and Regin 3 is defined via the Moilwing equations MW-nim aaenfly Avezag Ouxnp tn MWDIMU- See ITS

.22,670 +22,220 5 -2,260E9's 149 LO 3.7.16 MbimzAaaeublyAveuggBumop Rn)WDflITY

-26,745+ tS,746 E 1.631 F +9SAE Wher B-hatial Peak Ezxicbrnen COOKNUCLUALLA~t-NTTI2 lap54 AMENDMM 4T6 M W M4&U 4MWV%224 Page 19 of 25 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 431 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 432 of 463

'ITS 4.0 ITS Figure 4.3-1 r 5641 3-. 2NOMAl SCOtali FAM:er (MLXad Three Zong)

COOK NUCLLUR PLAsT? 16WI 2 AH5DIEr .U? 5 Page 20 of 25 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 432 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 433 of 463 ITS 4.0 ITS Figure 4.3-2 FRgurs 5.6-2: Incerim Storals, Paccuou (Checkerboard)

Li Umu;.

i; iI ~ 21 ~ ~

COOKRCZAJcMLAN 'UIT 57m, NZIEODMENT O.152 Page 21 of 25 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 433 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 434 of 463 ITS 4.0 ITS 5.0 -DVsJqr4NFAn= -- . -

ft= S.&3b autin&* &It&

  • COOK UCLKIZULAWT.VM2 *apS-S AMa=NmTI0,t, 224 Page 22 of 25 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 434 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 435 of 463 ITS 4.0


5.0 ADNMINSTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 FUEL STORAGE (Continued) 5.6.2 The new fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:

4,3.1 .2.a a. Westinghouse fuel assemblies having either a maximum enrichment of 4.55 weight %U-235, or an enrichment between 4.55 and 4.95 weight % U-235 with the midnimum number of integral fuel burnable absorber pins as shown on Figure 5.6-4 (interpolation of the Boron-10 loading between L.OX and 1.5X and 2.OX is acceptable);

4.3.1 .2.b b. kwr < 0.95 if fully flooded with unborated water, which includes an allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.7 of the UPSAR; C. kff < 0.98 if moderated by aqueous foam, which includes an allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.7 of the UFSAR; and 4,3.1 .2.d d. A nominal 21 inch center to center distance between fuel assemblies placed in the storage racks.

DRAINAGE 4.3.2 5.6.3 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pool below elevation 629'4".

CAPACITY 4.3.3 5.6.4 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and shall me maintained with a storage capacity limited to noij than 3613 fuel assemblies.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNiT 2 Page 5.9 AMENDMENT14 ,443,W 452, 486, -

49,220, 261 Page 23 of 25 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 435 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 436 of 463 ITS 4.0 ITS Figure 4.3-3 5.0 DESIGN FEATURES Figure 5.6-4: New Fuel Storage Rack Integral Fuel Burnable Absorber (IFBA) Requirements

-1 .OX IFBA Loading

-- 1.5XlJFBA Loadilng --

- ... 2.OX IFBA Loading 24 z ACCEPTABLEEPAB E 4.50 4.60 4.70_ 4.8 4..049550 23U nrchent -(wo-COKNCERPAN-NT2Pg 5-9AMNET20

/ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ae2 f2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 436 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 437 of 463 ITS 4.0 ITS Figure 4.1 -1 5.0 DESIGN F.ATURES FIGURE S.I3:STE BOUNDARY FOR UQUID AND GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 1IL

'1 COOK NUCLEAR PLAW-UNfl 2 Page 5.10 AMENCMWENT &47., 186 Page 25 of 25 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 437 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 438 of 463 ITS 5.1 ITS 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.1 6.1 RESPONSIBTL171Y 5,1.2 6.1.2 The1hift V4'.nM o drn his absence from the control room complex, e*a hllb

a. Lnso uhrtresponsibiefolteiotrlyoo c anducomnction ~shallabem e stablcctotishe aneffcsignedfothhies ThcPesien shl relaioships shallbeaio documented and upated asna appopiate intefrfognztoa

~~~~~~~~~~~~~52 6.2 ORGANIZA11ON I~

O b..1 The Pnflante Mraniagern shall beresponsblsed for oealunit operation sf and shallat haavemcontrolpecovery thoe onsite a ctfseoraivitiens ncssallforud sa hepoper tions and maciintien anfcif theplanet. fteula

.soperauting omintairepning proidng and lit, nec nicaltsupportato te psalant daensureinuclea safety.

r hes d.naTheindividuls whroutraintheoperiatin leestaf andths whouin carll outperalthnphysnicsand quaityos aMssureanefctionshp mhay reportutonthed n paea appropriate ost aae, hoevr theyfrshal hravesficaientl ohrgnztiona freedomgaiztioensur theirt windepedouened frmoeaing UssRadures.

pre nacoda COOK NUCLEAR PLAT-NI 1 207() Pae6eeAE 6 FS5,4~,~S4,9 Page 3 Of 4~5.

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 438 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 439 of 463 ITS 5.1 ITS INSERT I 5.1.1 The plant manager or his designee shall approve, prior to implementation, each proposed test, experiment, or modification to systems or equipment that affects nuclear safety.

Insert Page 6-1 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 439 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 440 of 463 ITS 5.2 ITS 6.0 ADMINBISTATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 RESPONSIBLT 6.1.1 The Plant Manager shall be responsible for overall facility operation and shall delegate in writing the See ITS succession to this responsibility during his absence.5. J 6.1.2 The Shift Manager (or during his absence from the control room complex, a designated individual) shall be rsosbefor the control room command function. A management directive to this effect signed by the Sit Vice President shall be reissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.

5.2 6.2 OGNZTO ONSiT AND OFFSITE ORGANIZAATIONS 5.2.1 6.2.1 Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively.

The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear 5.2.1 .a a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest 5.2.1 .b b. Th9 4 lant/f'anager shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over L.

those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant. A pcifecoprtofcr C. Ib cnrVief-sdet- < -have hail corporate responsibiliyfroealpnt IL.

nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptablepefracoftesffi operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.

5.2.1 .d d. The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6-1, AMENDMENT E8, U7,4NS, 473,497,261 Page 7 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 440 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 441 of 463 ITS 5.2 ITS ~~~~~~~INSERT I 5.2. 1.a requirements including the plant-specific titles of those personnel.fulfilling the responsibilities of the positions delineated in these Technical Specifications Insert Page 6-1 Page 8 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 441 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 442 of 463 ITS 5.2 ITS 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.2 ORGANIZATION (Continued)

EA-C= STAFF 5,2.2 6.2.2 The Facility organization shall be subject to the following:

b. At leasi,4ne licensed Operator shall bo' the control room wh~en fuel i4 the reactor. In addition, whilp~h unit is in Mode 1, 2, 3, at least one licensed Seni Peatrshall be in the controlA3 5.2.2.c C. An individudl qualified in radiation protection procedures shall be on site whuen fuel is in the reactor.
d. All Cpj_&_ ALTERATIONS shall be ecty supervised by a license enor Operator trained or quaejd in refueling and CR/ALTERATIONS (SO-A hsno other concurrentA.

rspionsibilities during thisoprt$7 5.2.2.d e. The amount of overtime worked by plant staff members performting safety-related functions must be 5.2.2.e g. The opefons must hold or have held a Senior Operator License at Cook Nuclear Plant o 5.2.2.c T~~he unexpected absence, for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, of the on-site individual qualified in 5,2.2.c ~~~radiation protection procedures is permitted provided immediate action is.taken to fill the required position.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6-2. AMENDMENT 73,147,43,492,497,261 Page 9 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 442 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 443 of 463 ITS 5.2 ITS 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS TABILE 6.2-1 MIINIMUM SHIFT CREW COM4POSM0ON*


OL2 5.2.2.a Non-Licensed 21 5.2.2.f

  • j#D os-t include the licensed -ait5Operator- CA supLMvijngC0iE. ALTERATINS. I( A 5.2.2.b
  • Shift crew composition may be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to accommodate unexpected absence of on duty shift crew members provided immediate action is taken to restore the shift crew composition to within the minimum requirements of Table 6.2-I.

  • Shared with Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6-3. AMENMENT 63, +Iu3, 261 Page 10 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 443 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 444 of 463 ITS 5.2 ITS OINSERT 2 5.2.2.f An individual shall provide advisory technical support to unit operations shift crew in the areas of thermal hydraulics, reactor engineering, and plant analysis with regard to safe operation of the unit.

Insert Page 6-3 Page I11 ofl12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 444 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 445 of 463 ITS 5.2 ITS 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTrROLS 5.2.2.f bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline wit mfc -ring in Vant desi 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction See CTS of the Training Manager and shall me-et or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of 6.0 )

ANSI NIR81-1221 a~nd 10 CFR Ea~rl 55-COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT2I Page 6-4 AMENDMENT-344,438,M4M,8 4971,M,2, 261 Page 12 of 12 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 445 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 446 of 463 ITS 5.3 ITS 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.3 6.3 FACILITY STAFF QUALIFICATIONS 5.3.1 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the miniu qaications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, Spe er1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall hae e2S 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Training Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of SeeCT ANSI N18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Part 55. 6.


Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 446 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 447 of 463 CTS 6.0 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRZOl 6.3 -FACILITY STAFF QUALIFIATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for See rrS 5.2" comparable positions, except for (1) the Plant Radiation Protection Manager, who shall meet or exceed ----- and ITS 5.3 qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, (2) the Shift Technical Advisor, who shall have a -

bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents and, (3) the Operations Director, who must be qualified as specified in Section 6.2.2.g.

6.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 A, reta igadreplacement training pr a for the facility staff shal beaandunder the direction of diriigManager and shall meet, exceed the requirements an e iedtosof Section 5.5 of IN18.1-1971 and 10 CFR Partn 6.5DEE D COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6-4 AMENDMENT -3,4,3,M M 491;, Mt,224, 261 Page 6 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 447 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 448 of 463 ITS Chapter 2.0 ETS 6.0 ADMINSTRATIVE CONTROLS.

6.6 REPORTABLE EVENT ACTION 6.6.1 The following actions shall be taken for REPORTABLE EVENTS:

a. The Commission shall be notified and a report submitted pursuant to the requirements o rSee CTS Chapter 6.0 10 CF-R 50.73.
b. Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the PORC, and the results of this review shall be submitted to the NSRB and the Site Vice President.I 6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLTO 2.2 6.7.1 The following actions shall be taken in the event a safety limit is violated:

- The R. gi~ telohone assoon as possib-leZd- in all, cases Q 3

b. A Safety Ut Violation Report shall. be pre edhl k Aym R~
d. ratim-f the unit shall not bg sumed until authoriz +/-1'the Commsson COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6-5 AMENDMENT 9,4, 4!,08 261 Page 20 of 20 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 448 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 449 of 463 CTS 6.0 6.0 ADNMINSTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.6 RPORTAjB d NT ACTIO 6.6.1 The fooigactions shall be taken for RT LEEVENTS:A.

a. The Commission shall beotified and a report submitted usntto the requirements of 10 CIFR 50.73.

Ib. 'EacPRTABLE EVENT shall reviewed by the PORC, adtrslsof this review shall y .2, I ),'ubmite to the NSRB and !~e4ite Vice President.

b. A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared. This report shall be reviewed by the PORC. Chapter 20 The report shall describe, (1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation; (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems or structures; and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence.

C. The Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Commission, the Chairman of the NSRB and the Senior Vice President -Nuclear Operations within 14 days of the violation.

d. Operation of the unit shall not be resumed until authorized by the Commission.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6-5 AMENDMENT 43,+8,145,+78,20, 261 Page 7 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 449 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 450 of 463 LT~~~~~~~~~ C)


5.4.1 6.8.1 - Writte procedures sball be etblisbed. ioukmmcnxd and miakztuned covesiuj the activhits refernncd Weon.

5.4.1.a L. MTe applicable procedures reconmmnded in Appendix 'Al of Regultatoy Guide 133, Pem. 2, C. Delete&.

5.4,1.e e. 0STDOSEg TOMAUL n 5.4.1 .d f Pro1tecio

&%qgm Ems= orm mentatico.m gda i

~ ~~ ~

5,4.1.d~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~d rpoe pciiain5... .

CO NUCLeA PLANtecdn~ Pae6-rMDoTg48 4,&,=6 6.8.2.

and &dm~~~~~~~~~s~~tive sbum 92,2&O 14

. poliq~f pecificatin cbanePageq*2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 450 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 451 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS E 6a ADbQMISTATIV CONTROS 6.8.1 Wrjten procedures sha be eslablished, bImpemented and mainabned coveftn 6h activities referenced below: -

See ITSJ L. Th appicable procedures Peccemneded in Appendix "A of Reguietoty Wude 133, Rev. 2, 4 February 1978.

b. Deleted.

C. Deleted.

d. PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAMktmpleomeaztado L. OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUALI~eat~oi f Quality Assuriie, Progra for bemne and caykamcnnItl namlioWszg usin the gudance in RepltoyGuide 1.21, Rev. 1 Yme 1974, and keff Guide 4.1.Ruv. 1 PE 1975.

5.5.4 S. Componewm Cyclic c.Transiesat LImt program, which provides comtrols, to tack Ce UPSAR, Fierontd1 ccin en ftmim S. ent ati omm a monnsa ritie wtn e ----

6.8.2 Each procedure and administmative polic of Speciflcation 6.8.1 above, and changes 6wreto., isictading temporary chiane, ulalbe reviewed prior to I aemntation amact fos~h fo Qwaliacatioa Assuanc PrograDuD r ton, ftppeudiC, Secticia6.S. Se IS4 COmKmUCLAR PLANTAMN12 Page 6-6 AMENDM l-,43,PS,4U4- M8, Page 68 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 451 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 452 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS Gi 6CO ARDMWNSRATWE CONTROLS PROCQUESAND PROGRAW (Continu QMS 5.5 GSA.8. The following pMM=ramshall be establbsled, Implemented, and mintadne 5,5.3 ILa Radioactive Effluent Controls ProrMM 5.5.3 A program shall be provded cofowmWn with 10 CFE 50.3Sa for the control of radioactive efflents and for maintaining the dones to MEOMBRS OF TEPUBLIC from radioactive effluente as low as reasonablly achdevable. Ilie program (1) shall be contained In the ODCIJ (2) shaD be Implemented by loperating procedure, and (8) shall Include remedial, actions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded.

The program shall include the following elements:

5.5.3.a 1) .Limitations an the operabiliy of radioactive liquid and gwaseu monitoring instrmenttionincluding surveillance, tests and setpoint eeznnto In acodnewith the met~hodology in the ODCMK 5.5.3.b 5.5.3.b

~~~ ~~~~effluents


Limitations on the cocnrtosof radioactive matriald released In liquid to UNRESTRICTED hEASM conforming to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2402, AppendixB, Table 2, Column 2, 5.5.3.c . ). monitorigz aping, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous efetspursuant to 10CWE 20.1802 and with the methodalo and paramete-rs tthe ODCM, 5.5.3.d 4) Lmimtation on the annual and quarterly doses or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from.each unit to UNETITDAREAS confominug to Appendix I to 10 Fth Pert 60, 5.5.3.e 6) Dee nton f, cuuatv and projected doese contriutions from radioactive effuents for the current W~ender quarter and current calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters i the ODCM at least every 81 days, 6)' imtations on the operability and use of the liquid and gaseous effluent 5.5.3-f. teamn systems to ensure that the appropriate portion of these systems ane used to reduce releases of radioactivity when the prcjected down in a 81-day Period vould erceed 2 percent af the guidelines for tbm annual doe. or dose commitment conformaing to Appendix I to 10 OME Part 80, COOK NUCLEAR ILAfT.UNIT 2 Pse 6-7 AHMMENT47,iO ,226 Page 36 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 452 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 453 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS(31 6.0 'AD&NMNSTRAI CONTROLS MRCEDUME MND PROGRAM( (ContinueD) 5.5.3.g 7) LimiatIons on the dose rate resulting from radioactive materWa released In ganeous effluent. to mane beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited to the'followiwg a) Par noble gases: Lems tanor equal to adoue rate of 600arem~year to the total body and lean than or equal to a done rate of 2000 mremitear to thesakfo, and b) For lodine-181, Iodine-183, frtium,: and for .1 radionuclides in partculate form with half-lives; greater than 8 days: Lena ftan or equal to a dose rate of 1500 mrezolyear to any organ, 5.5.3.h 8) U t atinn the annual and quarterly air doses resulting from noble gases released In gaseus effuents from seah unit to area. beyond the SIT BOUNDARY conforming to Appendtix to10OCFR Part 50, 5.5.3,1 9) limitations on the annual and quarterly dose to a IMMBER OF THlE PUBLIO from lodine-181, Iodfine-l8, tritium, arid all r Aiomldes in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaeusm effluents releaned from, each unit to areas, beyond the SITE B3OUNDAY conforming to 5.53.j ~~~~~TflE PUBLIC due to releases, of radioactivty and to radiation from umanium, pathw eyce progrmveshal( ecnandi conforminto 90 h 2 thePat in the, in nvironmet cm ith the ethd pfaRa3met2ran SR30n arvind r

2) A Lan be proviae to tachnenthe radiratioat bind heyn Ithe ine WBONARY d andthwatsm pdn veio icatoih onitortne programenrmadeiforin brath resd eltofhing c ,an 8ahw Patcprgamin M ab2[( t aontainey oprinm teOgD m o tnsrthats g In ofependmx.tIctcks the pr0uli and icouda8 oftemaurmnIo raiatvem neviomnaadreotn ofrisare samplen. prfomd! a parn othe. qualin~ty ancprga wiorteJ moitraing.

anda i gramus by,the maderPaget37oofa69 Ur Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 453 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 454 of 463 ITS 5.6 ITS 6.0, ADhMGNSTRAIW CONTROLS 5.6 6.9.1 in addidion to fte applicbke rqiee of Tidle 10, Code of Federal Regulation, thet folwi g swmnazyrepot -of phlan an oe sclto esig b miited fdklwing (1) ipfan oprating lcne(2andetto die, license aplanned bmcreas Inpower

()Itultmof fultht adferz desip or has benby a diferent fuel splrand (4) molaln htmay have sig iaty h ul ar.termal, or desciptio of th eaued te oftei operatin cdndckn r c obtmled dwing tie tes proam aEd a co Of tes value with despg and specfimcaons. Any corctieatons dial we o obtahi satisactrm p tIe shall also be descr'ibed Any addidonsi specftcdrisqie In icens conuditos on othe wininkoiers sha be COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT I Page 6-9 AMENDM 64, 438, i5, 210 Page 9 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 454 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 455 of 463 0 5.6

~~~~~~~~~ITS ITS 6.0 ADMINITRATI CONTROIS STARTUP REM T(Continued) preports shall be Su ted within (1) 90 days fo gcompletion of the startup test program, (2),9 days following reup i rCommencement of L commercial power opriatio, or (3) 9 months follown el criticality, whichever is earliest. Ifthe Statup Re ort does not cover al the ns(.e., initial criticality, completion of stru e rogram, and resumpto or mencemnent of commercial power operation9), s~ptp entary reports shall be ntedat least every three months un~alhree e nshave been cornpleted.

ANNUAL REPORTS' 5.6,1, Annuall reports covering the activities of th unit as described below for the pevious 5.6.7 calendar year shal be submitted I ror tMac 1of each year. IThe int repor Reports required on an annual basis shall include:

5.6.1 a. A tabulation on an annual basis of the number of station, utility and other personnel (including contractors) receiving annual exposurs greater than.

100 mrem accordilng to work and job functions', e.g., reactor operations and surveillance, in-service Inspection, routine maintenance, special maintenance (describe maintenance), waste processing and refueling. Also included is a tabulation of the total person rem exposures for station, utility, and other personnel associated with each work and job function. The dose assignment to various duty functions may be estimates based on. pocket dosimeter, electronic dosimeter, TLD, or film badge measurements. Small exposures totaling less than 20% of the individual total dose need not be accounted for..

In the aggregate, at least 80% of the total deep dose recie shl eassigned to specific major work functions.

5.6.7 b. The complete results of steam generator, tube in-service inspections performed during the report period (reference Specification 4.4.Ux5b).

5.6.1 Note A single submuttalmay be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are comnmon to all units at the station.

5.6.1 ' Thiis tabulation supplements the requirements of 20.2206 of 10 CFR Part 20.j COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNUT2 Page 6-10 AMENDMENT -7J,4M,476 210, 226 Page 10 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 455 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 456 of 463 ITS 5.6 ITS 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROILS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORTI yMy1 5.6.2 6.9.1t.6 The Annual Radiological Environmental OprainR veigthe operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitte a of each year. The report shall include summaries. Interpretations, and analysis of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in (1) the ODCM and (2) Sections IV.B.2, 1V.B.3, and lV.C of App IxIto 5,6.3 The ulRiotveEfunRleeRprtcovering the operation of the unit during the previous 12 months of operation shall be submitted within 90 days after January I of each year.

The report shall include a summiary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be (1) consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and PCP gnd (2) in conformance with 10 CFR S0.36a and Section IV.B. I of tippendix I to 10CFR PartSO0.

5.6.2 Note, ' A singl submittal may be made for a multiple uinit station. The submittal should combine those sections 5.6.3 Note ftt ge c0 0 to all units at the station eve o uits Wil separate ra waste nyuer, Sie sIvfit apa COOKC NUCLEAR PLANT-UNff 2 Page&611 AMENMENT58, 429, 438, 8, 45, 210 Page 11 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 456 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 457 of 463 ITS 5.6 ITS >

'~)INSERT I 5.6.2 The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the table and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in the format of the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. Inthe event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in a supplementary report as soon as possible.

Insert Page 6-11 Page 12 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 457 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 458 of 463 ITS 5.6 ITS 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS§ MONTHLY REACTOR OPERATING RPR 5.6.4 Routine revorts of o erating statistics an shutdown_ ex erience, rldjgj=1qn 5,6.5 COE -OPERATING LIMITS REPORT 5.6.5.a Core operating limits shall be established and documented in the CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT before each reload cycle or any remaining part of a reload cycke for the following:

f Reactor Core Safety Limits; SHUTDOWN MARGIN; Ib. WDrop Time J~its for Specifip on 3/,1

c. Shutdown Rod Insertion Lin-its for Specification 3/, RTSIntrumenation d. Control Rod Insertion Limits for Specification 3/, Overpressure AT and e xa lxDfeec o pcfcto 1..1 Overpower AT Allowable Value e.AilFxDifrneorScfcaon342, parameter values; RCS Pressure, Temperature, and f. Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor for Specification 3/4.2.2, Flow DNB Limits; and Boron Concentration. g. Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor for Specification 3/4.2.3, and

-"'-~~_h~.Allowable Power Level for Specification 3/4.2.6.

5.6.5.b The analytical methods used to determine the core operating limits shall be those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC in:

a. WCAP-9272-P-A, 'Westinghouse Reload Safety Evaluation Methodology,"Ju 1985 (Westinghouse Proprietary),
b. WCAP-8385 "Power Distribution Control and Load Following Procedures - Topical Report,"
c. WCAP-10216-P-Aj Re ifn IA Reatinof Constant Axial Offset ControlIFQ Surveillance
d. WCAP-10266-P-A "The 1981 Version of Westinghouse Evaluation Mode Using BASH Coe" (Westinghouse Proprietary).

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6-12 AMENDMENT E4, 13, 5, 4U, 49, 34,261 Page 13 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 458 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 459 of 463 ITS 5.6 ITS 6.0 ADM~hqSMhAT[V CONTROLS CORE OPEB&NO LIUMISRPORT (Continuiedl 5.6,5.c 6&9. 1.93- The core opedqratngiits shall be~determiu~d so that an applicable lImits (e.g., Woitemlmcala limims, core thermal-bydraulic fimits, ECCS limis, nuclear limits such as sutdown margin, an urmlnsi and accidleit mabayis limi) of the safety awaysis are met.

5.6.5.d '4A.9.194 The CORE OPERATING LMM1 REPORT, Includig any mid-cyce revisio or Ieem hereto. shallbe rovide ga suance, for each reload e. to die NRC I igu 6.9.2 .pcal halbe vubine~d to th f h ocmn contrl U.S. Nualear.RagUIrZOy Commis (Wash~gtonD.C. 20555), t oist h Regicn Ml aEd the Residen InspctortheCook Nuclear Plant withn iepldsecid for eahrese orm nsWia be co dingte activities idedtiie pinamur to tho of teapplicable reference

a. ral Seismic Monkoig Specification 333.3.
b. Se' IMoItorn n naln td Specificadwo 4333.2.

C. Ic toooial M ICstrMentatio Spechifcation 3 .4.A.

d. S fcActivity InCSoo Seicaon 3A.4.8 C. CSPesr TransientMlgaey RHR Safety Valve or RCS Yvea) Specification 3A.9.3.

g.8 Sele Source Leakage InEIes LJwMtS, Speclflcszlo4.7.7.13.

h.BC Actuation, Spcfoti Ws..3n.5.3.

L Violaton of Safety Limit 6.7.1.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANTl-UNIT 2 page 6-13 AHMEZlMOVS, I9, 15, 210 Page 14 of 16 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 459 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 460 of 463 ITS 5.7 ITS 6.0 ADMUINITATIVE CONTROLS 6.11 RADIATION PROTECTON PRORA Procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 See CTS 6.0 and shall be approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposure..

012HI H RADIATI N ARE 6.12.1 PFFursuant to 10 CFR 20.1601 (c), in lieu of the requirements of 10 CFR 20.1601(a) and (b), each 5.7 high radiation area in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 100 mnrem but less than or equal to 5.7.1 ~~~~~1000nmrem, in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30 cm from the radiation source or 30 cm from any surface that the 5.7.1 ~~~~~~radiation penetrates, shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiation Work Permit. Any individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:

a. A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area.
b. A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate level in the area has been established and personnel have been made aware of it.

C. An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures who is equipped with a radiation dose rate monitoring device. This individual shall be responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by iain oeto M{anager in teL.

Radiation Work Permit.

5.7.2 6.12.2 The requirements of 6.12.1 shall also apply to each high radiation area in which the radiation level at 30 cm from the radiation source or 30 cm from any surface that the radiation penetrates is greater than 1000 mremn in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. When possible, locked doors shall be provided to prevent unauthorized etry into such areas, and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control ofte~itaager on dutyg~or theLP] ntadiation /rotection $anager. Doors sha lh{ A1 remain lceexptduring periods of access by personnel undFer an appro~ved RWP which shall specify the dose rate levels in the immediate work areas. In the event that it is not possible or practicable to provide locked doors due to area size or configuration, the area shall be roped off.

conspicuously posted and a flashing light shall be activated as a warning device.

5.7.1 ~~~Health Physics (Radiation Protection) personnel shall be exempt from the RWP issuance requirement during 5.7.1 ~~~the performance of their assigned radiation protection duties, provided they comply with approved radiation protection procedures for entry into high radiation area.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6-14 AMENDMENT SO, 436, 4,435, 1,22, 261 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 460 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 461 of 463 CTS 6.0 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS J.1RDATIO& OTECTION PROGRA Procedures fpronlradiation proteto s1beprepared consistent with the eqieets of 10 CFR Part 20 and shall apoemaintained and ade ofor all operations involving pe nnel radiation exposure.

6.12 HIGH RADIATION AREA 6.12.1 Pursuant to 10 CFR 20.1601(c), in lieu of the requirements of 10 CFR 20.1601(a) and (b), each high radiation area in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 100 inrem. but less than or equal to 1000 inrem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30 cm from the radiation source or 30 cm from any surface that the radiation penetrates, shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiation Work Permit . Any individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:

I See ITS 5.7

a. A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area.
b. A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates dhe radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the'dose rate level in the area has been established and personnel have been made aware of it.

C. An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures who is equipped with a radiation dose rate monitoring device. This individual shall be responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by the Plant Radiation Protection Manager in the Radiation Work Permit.

6.12.2 The requirements of 6.12.1 shall also apply to each high radiation area in which the radiation level at 30 cm from the radiation source or 30 cm from any surface that the radiation penetrates is greater than 1000 mrem in I hour. When possible, locked doors shall be provided to prevent unauthorized entry into such areas, and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the Shift Manager on duty and/or the Plant Radiation Protection Manager. Doors shall remain locked except during periods of access by personnel under an approved RWP which shall specify the dose rate levels in the immediate work areas. In the event that it is not po ssible or practicable to provide locked doors due to area size or configuration, the area shall be roped off, conspicuously posted and a flashing light shall be,activated as a warning device.

Health Physics (Radiation Protection) personnel shall be exempt from the RWP issuance requirement during the perfonnance of their assigned radiation protection duties, provided they comply with approved radiation protection procedures for entry into high radiation areas.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6 AMENDMENT 80, "6, US,4 3, 10, U6, 261 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 461 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 462 of 463 ITS 5.5 ITS 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.13 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP' 6.13.1 Changes to the PCP:

a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by the Quality Assurance Program Description, Appendix C, Section 6.10.2.n. This documentation shall contain: See CTS
1. Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or 6.0 evaluations justifying the change(s) and
2. A determination that the change will maintain the overall conformance of the solidified waste. product to existing requirements of Federal, State, or other applicable regulations.
b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the PORC and the approval of the Plant Manager.

6.14 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) 5.5.1 .c 6.14.1 Changes to the ODCM:

5.5.1 .cAi a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retainedlas ~ireW teZ~&

5.5.1 .c. 1.a) I. Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change(s) and 5.5.1.c.i.b) 2. A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control pursuant to 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.

5.5.1.c.2 b. Shall become effective after rv*'n cwdc ytePR the approva of the'lt PIanager.

5.5.1 .c.3 C. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of the report in which any change to the ODCM was made. Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g., montlyear) the change was implemented.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6.15 AMENDMENT .4,4" 44S,I62A,2Z, 261 Page 69 of 69 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 462 of 463

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 463 of 463 CTS 6.0 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.3PROCESSCO L QAM(CP) 6.13.1 Changestth PCP:

a. hail be documented and records reiws performed shall be retaine srqie by the Quality AsrneProgram Description, pedxC, Section 6.10.2.n. This cmntto shall contain:
1. Sufficient infrmton spotthe change together wi teappropriate analyses or L.

evaluations just~ifing' change(s) and

2. A determination that echange will maintain the overal conformance of the solidified waste product to exis ngrequirements of Federal, State, other applicable regulations.
b. Shall become effective afe eiwand acceptance by the P0O and the approval of the Plant I Manager.


a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by the Quality Assurance Program Description, Appendix C, Section 6.10.2.n. TIhis documentation shall contain:

I1. Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change(s) and See ITS 5.j

2. A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control pursuant to 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.
b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the PORC and the approval of the Plant Manager.

C. Shall be submitted to the Conmmission in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of the report in which any change to the ODCM was made. Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g., month/year) the change was implemented.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 Page 6-15 AMENDMENT .4, 41S, 4M7, 0, 226, 261 Page 9 of 10 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 463 of 463