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IR 05000083/2001-201, Univ. of Florida Test Reactor Facility, Inspection on 11/19-21/2002 Related to Organization & Staffing, Review & Audit Functions, Plant Operations, Procedures, Maintenance & Surveillance, Safeguards & Security Program
Person / Time
Site: 05000083
Issue date: 02/27/2002
From: Madden P
Operational Experience and Non-Power Reactors Branch
To: Vernetson W
Univ of Florida
Holmes S, NRC/NRR/DRIP/REXB, 415-8583
Download: ML020080361 (19)

See also: IR 05000083/2001201


February 27, 2002

Dr. William G. Vernetson

Director of Nuclear Facilities

Department of Nuclear and

Radiological Engineering

P. O. Box 11830

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL 32611


Dear Dr. Vernetson:

This letter refers to the inspection conducted on November 19-21, 2001, at the University of

Florida Test Reactor facility. The enclosed report presents the results of that inspection.

Various aspects of your reactor operations and security programs were inspected, including

selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel,

and observations of the facility.

Based on the results of this inspection, no safety concern or noncompliance with Nuclear

Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements was identified. No response to this letter is


In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its

enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document

Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system

(ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading

Room) Should you have any questions

concerning this inspection, please contact Mr. Stephen Holmes at 301-415-8583.



Patrick M. Madden, Section Chief

Non-Power Reactors Section

Operating Reactor Improvements Program

Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Docket No. 50-83

License No. R-130

Enclosure: NRC Inspection Report No. 50-83/2001-201

cc w/enclosure: Please see next page

University of Florida Docket No. 50-83


Mr. James S. Tulenko, Chairman

Nuclear Engineering Sciences


University of Florida

202 Nuclear Sciences Center

Gainesville, FL 32611


Department of Environmental Regulation

Power Plant Siting Section

State of Florida

2600 Blair Stone Road

Tallahassee, FL 32301

State Planning and Development


Office of Planning and Budgeting

Executive Office of the Governor

The Capitol Building

Tallahassee, FL 32301

Mary E. Clark, Chief

Office of Radiation Control

Department of Health

and Rehabilitative Services

1317 Winewood Boulevard

Tallahassee, FL 32999

Test, Research, and Training

Reactor Newsletter

University of Florida

202 Nuclear Sciences Center

Gainesville, FL 32611

February 27, 2002

Dr. William G. Vernetson

Director of Nuclear Facilities

Department of Nuclear and

Radiological Engineering

P. O. Box 11830

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL 32611


Dear Dr. Vernetson:

This letter refers to the inspection conducted on November 19-21, 2001, at the University of

Florida Test Reactor facility. The enclosed report presents the results of that inspection.

Various aspects of your reactor operations and security programs were inspected, including

selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel,

and observations of the facility.

Based on the results of this inspection, no safety concern or noncompliance with Nuclear

Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements was identified. No response to this letter is


In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its

enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document

Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system

(ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading

Room) Should you have any questions

concerning this inspection, please contact Mr. Stephen Holmes at 301-415-8583.



Patrick M. Madden, Section Chief

Non-Power Reactors Section

Operating Reactor Improvements Program

Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Docket No. 50-83

License No. R-130

Enclosure: NRC Inspection Report No. 50-83/2001-201

cc w/enclosure: Please see next page


PUBLIC RORP r/f TDragoun PDoyle WEresian PIsaac

SHolmes CBassett MMendonca FGillespie WBeckner EHylton

AAdams BDavis (Ltr.only O5-A4)


  • Please see previous concurrence


NAME *EHylton:rdr SHolmes PMadden

DATE 01/ 10 /2002 02/ 27 /2002 02/ 27 /2002





Docket No: 50-83

Report No: 50-83/2001-201

Licensee: University of Florida

Facility: University of Florida Test Reactor

Location: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Dates: November 19-21, 2001

Inspector: Stephen W. Holmes, Reactor Inspector

Approved by: Patrick M. Madden, Section Chief

Non-Power Reactors Section

Operating Reactor Improvements Program

Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


University of Florida

Report No: 50-83/2001-201

The primary focus of this routine, announced inspection was the on-site review of selected

activities at the University of Florida Test Reactor Facility. This facility is a 100 Kilowatt Class II

research reactor. The activities audited during this inspection included: organization and

staffing; review and audit functions; plant operations; procedures; maintenance and

surveillance; the safeguards and security program; the material control and accounting

program; and training.

Organizational and Staffing

! The operations organizational structure and functions were consistent with Technical

Specification Section 6.0, Administrative Controls.

Review and Audit Functions

! The Reactor Safety Review Subcommittee performed it's duties as required by the

operating license, Technical Specifications (TS), and administrative criteria. The review

and audit program satisfied TS requirements.

Plant Operations

! Reactor operations, shift turnover, and logs were acceptable.

! The control and performance of experiments were being performed in accordance with

procedural requirements.

! Fuel handling activities and documentation were in accordance with procedural and

Technical Specification requirements.


! The procedural control and implementation program satisfied Technical Specification


Maintenance and Surveillance

! The licensee's program for surveillance and limiting conditions for operation satisfied

Technical Specification requirements.

! The maintenance program was being implemented as required by the licensees


! The licensee's design change procedures were in place and were implemented as



! Security facilities, equipment, and procedures satisfied the Physical Protection Plan


Material Control and Accountability

! The licensee was in compliance with the possession and use limits of the research reactor

license, acceptably tracked burn-up and production of special nuclear material, and had

effective control of licensed materials as required.


! The requalification program was being implemented in a satisfactory manner and its

associated plan requirements were being met.


Summary of Plant Status

During the inspection the reactor was operated several days a week to support education,

operator training, surveillance, service work, and experiments.

1. Changes, Organization, and Staffing

a. Inspection Scope (Inspection Procedure (IP) 69001)

The inspector reviewed selected aspects of:

  • organization and staffing
  • qualifications
  • management responsibilities
  • administrative controls

b. Observations and Findings

The operations organizational structure had not functionally changed since the

last inspection (refer to NRC Inspection Report 50-83/2000-201). The operations

staff was comprised of reactor operators (RO) and senior reactor operators

(SRO) which includes the Reactor Director (DIR), and Reactor Manager (RM) and

two or more other licensed operators. Technical Specification (TS) Section 6.2.4

specifies that the training and qualification criteria contained in the American

National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard 15.4, Standards for Selection and

Training of Personnel for Research Reactors, is required to be met by University

of Florida Test Reactor (UFTR) personnel. The inspector verified the education,

training, and experience of the operations staff in order to confirm that the reactor

staff met ANSI 15.4 requirements. Operation logs and records confirmed that

shift staffing routinely met the duty and on-call personnel requirements of TS Section 6.2.3. Staffing was as reported in the Annual Report and as required by

TS Section 6.2, Organization.

c. Conclusions

The operations organizational structure and functions were consistent with TS Section 6.0, Administrative Controls, amendment 22, dated December 3, 1997.

2. Review and Audit Functions

a. Inspection Scope (IP 69001)

The inspector reviewed selected aspects of:

  • Reactor Safety Review Subcommittee (RSRS) minutes
  • safety and audit records
  • Special Power Excursion Reactor Test (SPERT) fuel shipment
  • 1999 and 2000 annual audits and follow-ups


b. Observations and Findings

The RSRS committee met eleven times during the period from December 1999 to

October 2001. At least one meeting was held each quarter at intervals not to

exceed four months as required by TS Section 6.2.5 (2) Meetings (a). The

membership also satisfied the charter requirements in TS Section 6.2.5(2)(a),

Membership. Review of the minutes indicated that the committee provided

guidance and direction to ensure suitable oversight of reactor operations and that

the minutes provided a record of this safety oversight.

The RSRS committee minutes and audit records showed that safety reviews and

individual audits had been completed at the required frequency and submitted to

the Dean of the College of Engineering within three months of completion for the

functional areas specified by TS Section 6.2.5(4). The inspector noted that the

licensee took appropriate corrective actions for 1999 and 2000 calendar year

audit findings. Committee records also documented that procedure changes

were reviewed as required by TS Section 6.2.5(3) and licensee procedures.

The inspector reviewed the committees oversight of the SPERT fuel shipment

and associated changes to standard operating procedures A-4, D.6, O.4, and

O.5. The RSRS provided guidance to the reactor operations and Health Physics

(HP) staffs for the fuel shipment as required by TS Section 6.2.5(3) and the

ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) program.

c. Conclusions

Audits being conducted by the RSRS were found to be in accordance with the

requirements specified in TS Section 6.2.5, amendment 22, dated

December 3, 1997.

3. Plant Operations

a. Inspection Scope (IP 690001)

The inspector reviewed selected aspects of:

  • operational logs and records
  • staffing for operations
  • selected operational, startup, or shutdown activities
  • experimental program requirements
  • experiment approval and operations procedures
  • experiment logs and records
  • approved reactor experiments
  • RSRS minutes
  • UFTR fuel handling procedures
  • fuel handling equipment and instrumentation
  • fuel handling and examination records



b. Observations and Findings

(1) Reactor Operations

The inspector reviewed 125 of the daily operations logs that were

recorded since December 1999. Additionally, the inspector observed a

reactor startup, shutdown, and two steady state operations, a

thermoluminescent device activation and a pneumatic system run.

Reactor operations were carried out in accordance with written

procedures as required by TS Section 6.3. Information on operational

status of the facility was recorded clearly and concisely in log books

and/or checklists as required by Facility Operating License No. R-56,

License Condition 2.C.2 and the Operating Documents Manual (ODM).

Scrams were identified in the logs and records, and were reported and

resolved as required before the resumption of operations. Inspector

observation of operator turnovers confirmed that oncoming staff was

briefed on the status of ongoing reactor, maintenance, and HP

operations. Operation logs and records confirmed that shift staffing met

the minimum requirements for duty and on-call personnel as required by

TS Section 6.2.3.

(2) Experiments

Experiments at the UFTR are categorized as Class I through Class IV

based on their potential hazard and need for review and approval.

Class l experiments may be approved by the RM while Class IV

experiments must be reviewed and approved by the RSRS and have

specific emergency operating instructions for conducting the


No new experiments were approved since the last inspection. Review of

current experiment authorizations, procedures, and related reactor log

book entries plus observation of two activation runs, confirmed that

experiments were installed, performed, and removed as outlined in the

approved experiment authorizations.

(3) Fuel Handling

The inspector reviewed UFTR procedures for refueling and fuel

movement, as well as fuel logs and records against the requirements of

TS Section 3.7 and 5.8. Fuel movement, inspection, log keeping, and

data recording followed procedures and met TS Section 3.7 and 5.8

requirements. Data recorded for fuel movement was clear and cross

referenced in fuel and operations logs.

c. Conclusions


Based on the procedures and records reviewed and the observations made

during the inspection, the inspector determined that reactor operations, shift

turnover, and logs; the control and performance of experiments; and fuel handling

activities and its documentation were acceptable and in accordance with

procedural and TS requirements.

4. Procedures

a. Inspection Scope (IP 69001)

The inspector reviewed selected aspects of:

  • administrative controls
  • records for changes and temporary changes
  • procedural implementation
  • logs and records

b. Observations and Findings

Operational procedures were available for those tasks and items required by TS Section 6.3 and ODM Section A. The licensee controlled changes and temporary

changes to procedures, and associated review and approval processes by use of

administrative procedures ODM 0.1 and 0.5.

The inspector reviewed the ODM which contained the administrative and

operations procedures for the facility. The inspector individually reviewed new

procedures D.6 and D.7, and changes to A.1, A.2, D-6, O-4, O-5, Q-4, and Q-5.

The procedures were adequate to perform reactor and other operations which

they covered. The changes and the new procedures had been approved and

reviewed by the RSRS committee as required.

The inspector reviewed 2000 and 2001 document control training records and

interviewed the staff, and determined that the training of personnel on procedures

and subsequent changes to procedures was effective. The inspector observed

personnel performing startups, shutdowns, daily and weekly checks, installing

and removing experiments and operating the reactor while using applicable

procedures. The inspector determined that use of the procedures was


c. Conclusions

Based on the procedures and records reviewed and observations of staff during

the inspection, the inspector determined that the procedural control and

implementation program was acceptably maintained as required by the licensees


5. Maintenance and Surveillance


a. Inspection Scope (IPs 69001, 39745, 61745, and 40745)

The inspector reviewed selected aspects of:

  • maintenance procedures
  • equipment maintenance records
  • surveillance and calibration procedures
  • surveillance, calibration, and test data sheets and records
  • Reactor operations, periodic checks, tests, and verifications were


  • facility design changes and records
  • facility configuration

b. Observations and Findings

(1) Maintenance

The inspector reviewed the maintenance implementing procedure ODM

O.2 and the records related to 2000 and 2001 scheduled and

unscheduled preventative, corrective, and modification maintenance

activities. Additionally, the inspector performed an in-depth review of

maintenance activities O1-03-two pen recorder replacement, O1-06-

temperature monitor replacement, and 01-15-source alarm repair.

This review indicated that routine/preventive maintenance was controlled

and documented in the maintenance and/or operations log consistent

with the procedural requirements of ODM O.2 and O.3. Sign-offs by the

DIR, RM, SRO on duty, and the Radiation Control Officer were as

required by ODM O.2 and O.3. As required by ODM Form O.2A ,

operational systems checks were performed to ensure system functions

before returning them to service.

(2) Surveillance

A chart board was used to track surveillance checks, and inspections.

The information on the board included the date last performed, date due,

and surveillance description. This provided basic scheduling control

over the reactor operational tests and surveillance checks.

The inspector noted that the licensees chart board indicated that all TS

required surveillances and LCO verifications for 2000 and 2001 had

been performed as required by TS 4.0. The inspector performed an

in-depth review of the annual power calibration and rod drop time

surveillances. The inspector observed eighteen safety surveillances

incorporated into the daily checkout that provide control rod scram,

withdraw prevent, and interlock functions. The inspector also observed

nine weekly surveillances related to the reactor vent system, building


evacuation alarm, radiological safety, and reactor water system. These

reviews and observations indicated that daily and other periodic checks,

tests, and verifications for TS required LCOs were completed as

required. All those reviewed were within prescribed TS and procedure

parameters and in agreement with the previous surveillance results.

(3) Previous TS Violation

The licensee was issued a Level IV Violation on December 22, 2000, for

failure to submit their annual reports for reactor years 1997-1998, and

1998-1999 to the Commission within six (6) months following the end of

each prescribed year as required by TS Section 6.6.1.

The licensee replied by letter dated January 29, 2001, admitting the

violation and committing to provide the two reports by the end of

February 2001. Additionally, the licensee stated that in the future a

separate streamlined annual report will be generated whenever

incorporating it into the UFTR combined annual report would not meet

TS Section 6.6.1 requirements. The inspector found the licensees

commitment to provide the separate report was an acceptable corrective

action in response to the violation. The annual reports for reactor years

1997-1998, and 1998-1999 were received by the NRC on February 5,

and 22, 2001, respectively. Violation 50-083/2000-201-001, Failure to

comply with TS Section 6.6.1, Operating Reports, is closed.

(4) Design Control

Facility design changes were controlled by ODM-O.3 and O.4. The

inspector confirmed that questions from the RSRSs review and replies

from the reactor and HP staffs were documented and incorporated into

the modification packages using ODM Form O.4A.

The inspector also reviewed the 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations and

corresponding design change packages for 00-05 Dump valve

replacement, 01-06 two pen recorder replacement, 01-06 temperature

monitor replacement, and 01-15 source alarm repair.

From these reviews, the inspector determined that the facility design

change evaluations had adequate supporting documentation and

information. Additionally, the inspector found that the RSRS

committees 10 CFR 50.59 reviews and approvals were focused on

safety and met TS and UFTR requirements. Post installation verification

testing of the systems using Form O.2A, was thorough and adequately

documented on Form O.3A when completed. Procedure and drawing

changes were included in the change packages and were consistent

with TS and UFTR requirements for facility changes.


c. Conclusions

Based on the records reviewed, the inspector determined that 1) the licensee's

surveillance program and their associated limiting conditions for operation

satisfied TS requirements and 2) the licensee's maintenance and design change

programs were being implemented as required.

6. Security

a. Inspection Scope (IP 81401)

The inspector reviewed selected aspects of:

  • security systems, equipment and instrumentations
  • interviews with Campus Police Officers staff
  • security audits
  • viewed an emergency evacuation drill
  • observed security alarm check

b. Observations and Findings

The Physical Protection Plan (PPP) dated September 28, 2001, revision 14, was

the latest revision approved by the NRC. The inspector toured the facility and

confirmed that the physical protection systems (barriers and alarms), equipment,

and instrumentation were in place as required by the PPP. The inspector

confirmed that the security checks, tests, verifications, and periodic audits were

performed and tracked as required by the PPP and observed that facility access

controls were being implemented as required by the PPP and licensee procedures

ODM F-1 through F-8. The inspector also verified that response rosters were

current and posted as required by the PPP and licensee procedures.

The inspector contacted the Campus Police Department. This Department

provided periodic patrols and initial response to events at the facility. The

inspector interviewed three campus police officers and one supervisor and

determined that they were knowledgeable of the reactor facility and their response


c. Conclusions

Based on the observations made and the interviews conducted, the inspector

found the physical protection features of the UFTR facility, the equipment, and the

associated response procedures satisfied PPP.

7. Material Control and Accountability

a. Inspection Scope (IPs 85102 and 81431)


The inspector reviewed selected aspects of:

  • SNM inventory and locations
  • accountability records and reports
  • accountability records and reports

b. Observations and Findings

The inspector reviewed the accountability records, the semiannual inventory of

material, and verified the accountability of 50% of the SNM not in the reactor core.

In accordance with licensee procedure ODM C.3, the licensees material control

and accountability program tracked locations and quantity of fuel and other SNM

against the operating license possession limits. Fuel burn-up related

measurements and calculations were found by the inspector to be acceptable and

properly documented. The inspector found that the material control and

accountability forms (DOE/NRC Forms 741 and 742) were prepared and

transmitted as required and the fuel inventory and movement records were cross

referenced and matched the notations made in the operations logbooks.

c. Conclusions

Based on the inspectors review of the UFTR safeguards program, the inspector

determined that the possession and use of SNM was limited to the locations and

purposes authorized by the facilitys operating license.

8. Training

a. Inspection Scope (IP 69001)

The inspector reviewed selected aspects of:

  • the requalification program
  • operators licenses
  • operator training records
  • operator physical examination records
  • operator examination records
  • operator active duty status

b. Observations and Findings

The inspector reviewed the operator requalification plan and performed a review of

three operator requalification records.

Licensee tracking records showed that all currently licensed operators were

successfully completing the emergency procedure and abnormal events training,

reactivity manipulations, and participating in the ongoing training as required by


the plan and licensee procedure ODM O.8. The inspectors review of 2000 and

2001 requalification training records and the June 2001 biennial exam confirmed

that licensed operators attended lectures on the appropriate subject material and

that annual operator performance and biennial comprehensive requalification

exams have been given as required by the plan. The inspector confirmed that 1)

the past test questions covered the subject matter specified by the program and

demonstrated technical depth; 2) required quarterly operation hours for ROs and

SROs, were being tracked; 3) biennial medical exams had been performed and

certified as required by 10 CFR Part 55 Subpart C; and 4) training was provided to

the reactor operators on maintenance operations and 10 CFR 50.59 design

changes and evaluations.

c. Conclusions

Based on the observations and findings made, the inspector found that the

requalification program was being implemented in a satisfactory manner and the

plan requirements were being met.

9. Exit Meeting Summary

The inspector presented the inspection results to members of licensee management at the

conclusion of the inspection on November 21, 2001. The licensee acknowledged the

findings presented and did not identify as proprietary any of the material provided to or

reviewed by the inspector during the inspection.



C.Hartsock Reactor Trainee

  • J.Wolf Reactor Manager
  • W.Vernetson Reactor Director

A.Vierbicky Senior Reactor Operator

  • Attended Exit Meeting


IP 69001 Class II Non-power Reactors

IP 85102 Material Control and Accounting

IP 81401 Plans, Procedures, and Reviews

IP 81431 Fixed Site Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material of Low Strategic



Opened None

Closed VIO 50-083/2000-201-001, Failure to comply with TS 6.6.1 Operating Reports.

Discussed None


ANSI American National Standards Institute

ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable

DIR Reactor Director

E-Plan Emergency Plan

HP Health Physics

LCO Limiting Conditions for Operation

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

ODM Operating Documents Manual

RO Reactor Operator

RSRS Reactor Safety Review Subcommittee

RSO Radiation Safety Officer

PPP Physical Protection Program

RM Reactor Manager

SNM Special Nuclear Material

SPERT Special Power Excursion Reactor Test

SRO Senior Reactor Operators

TS Technical Specifications

UFTR University of Florida Test Reactor