L-18-024, Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 20, Revision 1

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Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 20, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/18/2018
From: Bezilla M
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18022A261 (31)


FENOC 5501 North State Route 2 Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449 Mark B. Bezilla 419-321- 7676 Vice President - Nuclear Fax: 419-321- 7582 January 18, 2018 L-18-024 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.1 Docket No. 50-346, License No. NPF-3 Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 20, Revision 1 Enclosed is Revision 1 to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS)

Cycle 20 Core Operating Limits Report. This revision revises the length of Cycle 20 to 650 Effective Full Power Days. Submittal of this revision is in accordance with DBNPS Technical Specification 5.6.3, "CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR) ."

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Thomas A. Lentz, Manager -

Fleet Licensing, at (330) 315-6810.



Mark B. BezWa


Cycle 20, Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 1 cc: NRC Region Ill Administrator NRC Resident Inspector NRR Project Manager Utility Radiological Safety Board

Enclosure L-18-024 Cycle 20, Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 1 (29 pages follow)

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 1 of 29 Revision 1 FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY DAVIS-BESSE UNIT 1 CYCLE 20 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT C\- n (5 ~ 1/2/18 Prepared by ---~- a.......-l

___ '.J.L::__.

D. B. Kelley LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page 1 through 29 Rev. 1

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 2 of 29 Revision 1 1.0 Core Operating Limits This CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT for DB-1 Cycle 20 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6 .3. The Core Operating Limits have been developed using the methodology provided in Reference 2.0 (1 ). The licensed length of Cycle 20 is 650 EFPDs.

The following cycle-specific core Operating Limits , Protective Limit and Flux -L\ Flux -Flow Reactor Protection System Allowable Values are included in this report:

1. SL Reactor Core Safety Limits
3. LCO 3.1.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)
4. LCO 3.1 .7 Position Indicator Channels
5. LCO 3.1.8 PHYSICS TESTS Exceptions - MODE 1
6. LCO 3.1 .9 PHYSICS TESTS Exceptions - MODE 2
7. LCO 3.2.1 Regulating Rod Insertion Limits
8. LCO 3.2.2 AXIAL POWER SHAPING ROD (APSR) Insertion Limits
9. LCO 3.2.3 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits
10. LCO 3.2.4 QUADRANT POWER TILT (QPT) 11 . LCO 3.2.5 Power Peaking Factors
12. LCO 3.3.1 Reactor Protection Systems (RPS) Instrumentation Function 8: (Flux - L\Flux - Flow) Allowable Values
13. LCO 3.9.1 Boron Concentration
14. TRM 8.1 .3 Rod Program 2.0 References
1) BAW-10179P-A, Rev. 8, "Safety Criteria and Methodology for Acceptable Cycle Reload Analyses", May 2010.

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 3 of 29 Revision 1 Table of Contents Pae Reactor Core Safety Limits Figure 1 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Protective Lim its Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 5 SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM)

Table 1 Shutdown Margin Requirements 6 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)

Table 2 Moderator Temperature Coefficient Limit 7 Position Indicator Channels Table 3 Absolute Position Indicator (API) / Relative Position Indicator (RPI)

Agreement Lim it 8 Regulating Rod Insertion Limits Figure 2a Regulating Group Position Operating Lim its 0 to 300 +/- 10 EFPD, Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 9 Figure 2b Regulating Group Position Operating Limits After 300 +/- 10 EFPD, Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 10 Figure 2c Regulating Group Position Operating Lim its 0 to 300 +/- 10 EFPD, Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 11 Figure 2d Regulating Group Position Operating Limits After 300 +/- 10 EFPD , Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1 , Cycle 20 12 AXIAL POWER SHAPING ROD (APSR) Insertion Limits Figure 3 APSR Position Operating Limits 13 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits Figure 4a AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 0 to 50 +/- 10 EFPD, Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 14 Figure 4b AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 50 +/- 10 to 400 +/- 10 EFPD , Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 15 Figure 4c AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Lim its 400 +/- 10 to 550 +/- 10 EFPD, Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 16 Figure 4d AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 550 +/- 10 to EOC, Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 17

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 4 of 29 Revision 1 Table of Contents Pae Figure 4e AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 0 to 50 +/- 10 EFPD, Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 18 Figure 4f AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 50 +/- 10 to 400 +/- 10 EFPD, Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 19 Figure 4g AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 400 +/- 10 to 550 +/- 10 EFPD, Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 20 Figure 4h AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 550 +/- 10 to EOC, Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 21 QUADRANT POWER TILT (QPT)

Table 4 QUADRANT POWER TILT Limits 22 Power Peaking Factors Table 5 Power Peaking Factors - Fa 23 Table 6 Power Peaking Factors - FNt.H 25 Figure 5 Maximum Allowable Radial Peak for FNt.H 25 Table 7 Maximum Allowable Radial Peak for FNt.H 26 Reactor Protection System (RPS) Instrumentation Figure 6 Flux-b.Flux-Flow (or Power/Imbalance/Flow) Allowable Values 27 Boron Concentration Table 8 Refueling Boron Concentration Limit 28 Rod Program Figure 7 Control Rod Core Locations and Group Assignments 29

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 5 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 1 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Protective Limits Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 120

(-44.70, 110.2) (32.11 , 110.2) 4 PUMP LIMIT

(-48.81 , 99.5)

(-44.70, 90.0) 3 PUMP LIMIT (41 .70, 87.4)

(-48.81, 79.3) 80 70


(41.70, 67.2) w


0 60 c..






w t- 40



~ 20 0



-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE , %

Required Measured 4 Pumo 3 Pum o Pumps Reactor Coolant Flow to Ensure Power Negatiw Positiw Power Negatiw Positiw Lewi Imbalance Imbalance Lewi Imbalance Imbalance Operatinq Flow, qpm Compliance, qpm 110.2 -44.70 32.11 90 .0 -44.70 32.11 4 380,000 389,500 3 283,860 290,957 99.5 -48.81 - 79.3 -48.81 -

87.4 -48.8 1 41.70 67.2 -48 .81 41 .70 0.0 -48.81 41 .70 0.0 -48 .81 41 .70

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 6 of 29 Revision 1 Table 1 Shutdown Margin Requirements Verify SHUTDOWN MARGIN per the table below.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS APPLICABILITY REQUIRED SHUTDOWN MARGIN REFERENCE MODE 1 * ~ 1 %1'.'1 k/k *** 3.1.4, 3.1.5 MODE 2 * ~ 1 %1'.'1 k/k 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.3.9 MODE3 ~ 1 %1'.'1 k/k 3.1.1, 3.3.9 MODE4 ~ 1 %1'.'1 k/k 3.1.1, 3.3.9 MODE5 ~ 1 %1'.'1 k/k 3.1.1, 3.3.9 MODE 1 PHYSICS TESTS

~ 1 %1'.'1 k/k 3.1 .8 Exceptions **


~ 1 %L'1 k/k 3.1.9 Exceptions

    • Entry into Mode 1 Physics Tests Exceptions is not supported by existing analyses. For example, Regulating Rod Shutdown Margin Insertion Limits assumptions may not be met and as such requires actual shutdown margin to be~ 1 %1'.'1 k/k via alternate verification or calculation.
      • For the period from O to 300 EFPD and for power levels 60 %FP and above, rod insertion limits are established that reserve an additional 0.5 %1'.'1 k/k required rod worth to accommodate the future implementation of an update to the SBLOCA model.

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 7 of 29 Revision 1 Table 2 Moderator Temperature Coefficient Limit These limits are referred to by Technical Specifications 3.1 .3

1. Lower Limit:

MTC at HFP 2: -3.638x1Q-4 Llk/k/° F (-36.38 pcm/° F)

2. The following Upper Limits may not be exceeded without prior NRC approval :

MTC <0.9 x 10-4 Llk/k/°F when Thermal Power <95% RTP MTC <0.0 x 10-4 Llk/k/° F when Thermal Power 2:95% RTP

3. The following Upper Limits may not be exceeded for operation in Modes 1 and 2:


-C Cl) u 90E-05 ..

l I

I 8.0E-05 ....... .. -- -------- --:------ --- -- -- ---------- :---*********--------- --r------------------- ----:--------- ------- ---- -- -

  • I I I


ECl) I I I I 0 7 OE-05 **** ****** *********
    • 1***********************,*********** ** ****** **** r ********* **************1* ******** ******* * ******



...::s Cl)


6.0E-05 o I

---.. - . - . - - - .. - -. ----- -*-' ------ -------------- ~' ---------- . ----. - . -- --- . ------------------ --.. _,_

... I I

0 I I O l

~ 5.0E-05 Cl.)

a. :it:.

E Cl.)

<:I 4 .0E-05  ::::::::::::::::::::::r:::::::::::::::.. _ ::::'...::::--::::::::::::::::r::::::::::::::::::::r:::::::::::::::::::::


_,_ --------------- -- -----~ --- ------------ ------- . --------------- ------- -*-------- - - -------------

0 3.0E-05 ... I I I

... I



"O 2.0E-05

--- * *r*


1: 1.0E-05 ---------------------- -,-. -. --.. -.. .. ----- ----. - , ----------------------- ' -- ---------- --------- . ----------------------


. ~

O.OE+OO 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent Full Power

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 8 of 29 Revision 1 Table 3 Absolute Position Indicator (API) / Relative Position Indicator (RPI)

Agreement Limit This limit is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.1.7 The absolute position indicator channels and the relative position indicator channels agree within 3.00% .

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 9 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 2a Regulating Group Position Operating Limits 0 to 300 ~10 EFPD , Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2.1 110 100 .

90 _,__

Unacceptable I I/

ci' 80 Operation w

s: I '

0 I a..

...J 70 I/

Operation Restricted


E a:: 60 w I-I I- '-= Shutdown ....

0 w 50 -- Margin .,

I- - Limit /



-c _,_,_ .,,. ,_,,

I 0 40 _,,

V Q)

..,,* Acceptable


Q) 30 I.I Operation a..



....Q) I/


0 20 - .


10 I

0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index, %Withdrawn

~ 7r_ 190 Group 5

~ 215 7[ 1qo Group 6

~ 3s 190 Group 7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlap of 25 +/- 5% between sequential w ithdrawn groups 5 and 6, and 6 and 7, sha ll be maintai ned.

Note 2: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Lim its.

Note 3: Maximu m plotted pow er level is 100.37 %RTP .

SDM Limit RI Limit Power RI Power RI 100.37 215.90 100.37 300.00 58.00 164.50 100.37 277.40 33.00 72.50 90.00 266.50 2.70 0. 00 78.00 251.50 58.00 246.50 33 .00 72.50 2.70 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 10 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 2b Regulating Group Position Operating Limits After 300 _:t10 EFPD, Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2 .1 110 100



90 I/ .I.

I Unacceptable I/


~ 80 Operation Operation w If 3: Restricted 0 I/

a.. 70 1,


<( -- 0-f-1, /

,- ~ -

iE ,

a:: 60 ...r ,...

w _,

I V I- I/ V 0

w 50 I I- Shutdown


I/ I/

-c0 Q) 40 Margin Limit Ill I ,.





Q) 30 Operation e;.


Q) 3:: 20 0

a.. ~


- ~

0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index, %Withdrawn

~ 7r. 190 Group 5

£Group 6 35 1e 1qo 9 35 130 Group 7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlap of 25 +/- 5% between sequential withdrawn groups 5 and 6, and 6 and 7, shall be maintained .

Note 2: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits.

Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 100.37 %RTP.

SOM Limit RI Limit Power RI Power RI 100.37 272.80 100.37 300.00 58.00 202.50 100.37 277.40 33.00 172.50 90.00 266.50 1.90 0.00 78.00 251 .50 58.00 246.50 33.00 172.50 1.90 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 11 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 2c Regulating Group Position Operating Limits

. 0 to 300 ~10 EFPD , Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2 .1 110 100 90 c?

w 80


0 a.. 70 Unacceptable 7 - 7



Operation IJ J *

~ r7 a::: 60 J 17 w - J I

I- = Shutdown

- Margin '

r7 Operation 0

w 50 -- I/ Restricted I- -,... Limit I

/ I


-c0 Q) 40 ~

u L..

Q) 30 __


L.. ~



0 20 I/

Acceptable a.. ,. Operation V

10 ~

, I/

I 0

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index, %Withdrawn

~ 7r. 190 Group 5 715

£Group 6 35 1qo 9 35 130 Group 7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlap of 25 +/- 5% between sequential withdrawn groups 5 and 6, and 6 and 7, shall be maintained .

Note 2: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits.

Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 75.37 %RTP , however, steam generator analyses limits power to 73.46 % RTP.

SOM Limit RI Limit Power RI Power RI 75.37 216.70 75.37 300.00 43.10 164.50 75.37 278.10 24.30 72.50 67.00 266.50 1.60 0.00 58.00 251 .50 43.00 246.50 24.30 72.50 1.60 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 12 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 2d Regulating Group Position Operating Limits After 300 .:!:.10 EFPD, Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2.1 110 100 90 Unacceptable E2 UJ 80 Operation


0 ,I a.. 70 I/



<{ Restricted ) *

~ V i'\ I/ I/


UJ 60 ,,



..... '\

D UJ 50 ,



- I/ Jo I I

-c 0

Q) 40 Margin Limit ,


V i..,

., I



30 ,,

Q) e:. ,,,


Q) I


  • Acceptable


0 20 Operation a..

10 I

'- - ~

0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index, %Withdrawn eGroup 5 7t 190

£Group 6 3s 7( 190

~ 3s 190 Group 7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlap of 25 +/- 5% between sequential withdrawn groups 5 and 6, and 6 and 7, shall be maintained.

Note 2: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits.

Note 3: MaMaximum plotted power level is 75.37 %RTP , however, steam generator analyses limits power to 73.46 %RTP.

SOM Limit RI Limit Power RI Power RI 75.37 273.90 75.37 300.00 43.10 202.50 75.37 278.10 24.30 172.50 67.00 266.50 1.00 0.00 58.00 251 .50 43.00 246.50 24.30 172.50 1.00 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 13 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 3 APSR Position Operating Limits This Figure is referred to by Techn ical Specifications 3.2.2 Before APSR Pull: 0 EFPD to 605 +/- 10 EFPD, Three or Four RC pumps operation*

Lower Limit: 0 %WD Upper Limit: 100 %WD After APSR Pull: 605 +/- 10 EFPD to End-of-Cycle Three or Four RC pumps operation*

Insertion Prohibited (maintain ~ 99%WD) **

  • Power restricted to 75.37% for 3-pump operation , however, steam generator analyses limits power to 73.46 %RTP.
    • Reinsertion is allowed only during the end of cycle shutdown when the reactor power is equal to , or less than , 30%RTP.

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 14 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 4a AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 0 to 50 +/- 10 EFPD, Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1 , Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3.2.3 110 I


h 100 I.._

, ' I

~- "'

-- Restricted I I.._


-- Region '

I I Region

-- I

o , \.



o '

I I '

7Q I

I \


o ii" I w I

~ I 0 -50 a..

...J I

<( I

~ I w -~o a:::


--- Permissible Operating I

Cl I Region w

I- - -GO



0 I c- .... ~Q Q)




e:_ I

<ii ->-10 3: I 0 I a.. I I


-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

LEGEND Note 1: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits .

FULL INCORE Note 2: The Excore Imbalance Operating Limits are available for use when the Full lncore system is non-fu nctional.

EXCORE Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 100.37 %RTP .

0 Full lncore Excore Negatiw Positiw Negati1.e Positi1.e Power Imbalance Imbalance Power Imbalance Imbalance 100.37 -19.87 11 .85 100.37 -12.29 4 .78 92 .00 -25.51 20.92 92.00 -1 7 .81 13.51 80.00 -33.89 29.13 80.00 -25.98 21 .52 60.00 -34 .09 31 .00 60.00 -26.64 29 .66 0 .00 -34.09 31 .00 0 .00 -26.64 29.66

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 15 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 4b AX IAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 50 +/- 10 EFPD to 400 +/- 10 EFPD , Fou r RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3. 2. 3 110 I I I I I I

, ., - 100 f-+-

Restricted ,,. , I

' '\.



Region J t I

I '" Restricted Region

~o J J I I

I I 1,

' ~

f eo 1 I


l 70 I I I


'.::O c? I w I

~ I 0 ... 50 a..

...J I

<( I

~ I 0:: -40 w -- Permissible I I Operating I- I 0 I Region w

I- -30



0 I




(.) I I


I Q) -10

~ I 0 I a.. I I I 0

-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 AXIAL POW ER IMBALANCE %

LEGEND Note 1: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits.

FULL INCORE Note 2: The Excore Imbalance Operating Limits are ava ilable for use when the Full ln core system is non-functional.

EXCORE Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 100.37 %RTP .

0 Full lncore Excore Negative Positive Negative Positive Power Imbalance Imbalance Power Imbalance Imbalance 100.37 -20.87 18.50 100.37 -13. 23 11 .01 92 .00 -27.65 24 .46 92.00 -1 9 .81 17.30 80.00 -34 .87 30.06 80.00 -26.90 25. 12 60.00 -37 .00 31 .00 60.00 -30 .16 31 .00 0.00 -37.00 31 .00 0 .00 -30.16 3 1.00

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 16 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 4c AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 400 +/- 10 EFPD to 550 +/- 10 EFPD , Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3.2.3 110 I I I I I I

, , 100

-- Restricted

, 1, r I


" ' Restricted t- -

-- Region

, * ~o I k

~ Region I


' ' l I




' I I \

l l I I I

-o I


' \



~ I w I

~ I 0 -50 a..

_. I

<( I

~ I a:: Permissible w

t: I Operating I I- I 0 I Region w

I- -30



0 I cQ)


....Q)u I I


Q) 3:

-10 I

I 0 I a.. I I I 0

-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

LEGEND Note 1: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits.

FULL INCORE Note 2: The Excore Imbalance Operating Limits are available for use when the Full lncore system is non-functional.

EXCORE Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 100.37 %RTP.

0 Full lncore Excore Negatiw Positiw Negatiw Positiw Power Imbalance Imbalance Power Imbalance Imbalance 100.37 -1 7 .14 14.80 100.37 -9.73 7 .54 92 .00 -23.27 20.44 92.00 -15.72 13.06 80.00 -31 . 13 28.25 80.00 -23 .39 20.70 60.00 -35.25 31 .00 60.00 -27 .73 28.66 0.00 -35.25 31 .00 0 .00 -27 .73 28.66

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 17 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 4d AXIAL POWER IM BALANCE Operating Limits 550 +/- 10 EFPD to EOC , Four RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3.2.3 110 I



Restricted IJ I I '. ' ' Restricted


_,_ Region ' I

' Region

' ~o

, ~

' I 1,

I I ' , "'

i:::o '

I I '

r,o I

'1 I l I


o ci' I w I

~ I 0 - ,. . M Q.

_. I

<( I

~ I a:::

w ---140

...... Permissible I I Operating I- I 0 I Region

~- ... ~o



0 I c- f- 120 Q)

...u I Q)

I e:..

... ---10 I


0 I I




-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

LEGEND Note 1: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits.

FULL INCORE Note 2: Th e Excore Imbalance Operating Limits are available for use when the Full lncore system is non-functional.

EXCORE Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 100.37 %RTP.

0 Full lncore Ex core Negative Pos itive Negative Pos itive Power Imbalance Imbalance Power Imbalance Imbala nce 100.37 -16 .60 13.90 100.37 -9 .23 6 .70 92.00 -22.30 19.64 92.00 -14.80 12.31 80.00 -30.64 27.51 80.00 -22. 94 20 .01 60.00 -32.49 31 .00 60.00 -25.15 27 .54 0 .00 -32.49 31 .00 0 .00 -25 .15 27 .54

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 18 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 4e AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 0 to 50 +/- 10 EFPD , Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3.2.3 110 I I I I I I 100 I


~o I


o I

-- ~

, I ~

-- Restricted ~ 70 "' ... Restricted

-- Region I J ~


-- ~

, I I ' \

o I

~ I w I \

~ I 0 .... 50 a.. '

...J I c:x: I

~ I c::: .... 40- Permissible w

I I Operating f- I 0 I Region w .... 30 f-



0 I cQ)

.... 20

....0Q) I I

~ I

....Q) -10 3: I 0 I a.. I I


-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

Note 1: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits . LEGEND Note 2: The Excore Imbalance Operating Limits are available for use when the Full lncore FULL INCORE system is non-functional.

Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 75.37 %RTP , however, steam generator analyses limits power EXCORE to 73.46 %RTP. 0 Full lncore Excore Negatiw Positiw Negatil.e Positiw Power Imbalance Imbalance Power Imbalance Imbalance 75.37 -20. 12 12.10 75.37 -13.14 5 .62 69.00 -25.74 21.15 69.00 -18.56 14.26 60.00 -34.09 26 .65 60.00 -26 .57 22.11 45.00 -34. 23 31.00 45.00 -26.94 29 .95 0 .00 -34.23 31 .00 0 .00 -26.94 29 .95

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 19 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 4f AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 50 +/- 10 EFPD to 400 +/- 10 EFPD, Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3.2.3 110 I I I I I I 100 I


o I


o I

t- -

Restricted ...


~o I

, Restricted

-- Region J




' Region IJ I "' ,



~o ci' I I w I

~ I l I

0 -50 c..

_J I

<( I

~ I 0:: Permissible w

c I Operating I- I D I Region w -30



0 C



-20 I

I Q) I e;. I Q) -10

I 0 I c.. I I I 0

-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

Note 1: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits. LEGEND Note 2: The Excore Imbalance Operating Limits are available for use when the Full lncore FULL INCORE system is non-functional.

Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 75.37 %RTP, however.steam generator analyses limits power EXCORE to 73.46 %RTP. 0 Full lncore Excore Negatiw Positiw Negatiw Positiw Power Imbalance Imbalance Power Imbalance Imbalance 75.37 -21 .12 18.75 75.37 -14 .08 11 .85 69.00 -27.88 22.45 69.00 -20.56 18.05 60.00 -35.07 26.65 60.00 -27.49 25.72 45.00 -37 .00 31 .00 45.00 -30.45 31 .00 0.00 -37.00 31 .00 0.00 -30.45 31 .00

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 20 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 4g AXIAL POWER IMBALANC E Operating Limits 400 +/- 10 EFPD to 550 +/- 10 EFPD , Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3. 2.3 110 I I I I I I 100 I


~o I


o I

~ I f-+-

_._ Restricted ~

r70 Restricted

(.j Region I Region


, I '

LJ I "

'  ::o 1 j

,j ci' w

I I '


~ I I

0- - M a..

....I I '

( ) <( I

~ I 0::: - ..... 140 .......... Permissible w

I I Operating I- I 0 I Region

~- - t30


-- -~o I

I 0 I c-Q)

....u Q)


e:. I

~--10I 0 I a.. I I


-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 AXIAL POW ER IMBA LANC E %

Note 1: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Lim its . LEGEND Note 2: The Excore Imbalance Operating Limits are available for use when the Full lncore FULL INCORE system is non-functional.

Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 75.37 %RTP , however.steam generator analyses limits power EXCORE to 73.46 %RTP . 0 Full lncore E x core Negatiw Pos itiw Negatiw Pos itiw Power Imbalance Imbalance Power Imbalanc e Imbala nce 75.37 -1 7.39 15.05 75 .37 - 10.58 8 .38 69.00 -23.50 20.6 7 69.00 - 16.46 13.80 60 .00 -31.33 26.65 60.00 -23.99 21 .29 45.00 -35.40 31 .00 45 .00 -28 .0 3 28.96 0.00 -35.40 31.00 0.00 -28.03 28.96

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 21 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 4h AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE Operating Limits 550 +/- 10 EFPD to EOC, Three RC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle 20 This Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3.2.3 110 I I I I I I L_

100 I


,~O I


~o I

I 1-- >-

..__ Restricted " ' ' 1, "' Restricted

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...u Q)


e::. I ai --10

~ I 0 I a.. I I


-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

Note 1: Instrument error is accounted for in these Operating Limits . LE GEND Note 2: The Excore Imbalance Operating Limits are available for use when the Full lncore FULL INCORE system is non-functional.

Note 3: Maximum plotted power level is 75.37 %RTP , however.steam generator analyses limits power EXCORE to 73.46 %RTP. 0 Full lncore Excore Negati110 Positi110 Negatiw Positiw Power Imbalance Imbalance Power Imbalance Imbalance 75.37 -16.85 14. 15 75.37 -10.08 7 .54 69.00 -22.53 19.87 69.00 -15.55 13.05 60.00 -30.84 26.65 60.00 -23 .53 20.60 45 .00 -32.64 31 .00 45.00 -25 .44 27 .84 0 .00 -32 .64 31.00 0 .00 -25.44 27.84

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 22 of 29 Revision 1 Table 4 QUADRANT POWER TILT Limits This Table is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2.4 From O EFPD to EOC Steady-state Limit Steady-state Limit QUADRANT for THERMAL for THERMAL POWER TILT as POWER :s; 60% POWER >60% Transient Limit Maximum Limit measured by: (%) (%) (%) (%)

Symmetric lncore 7.90 4.54 10.03 20.00 Detector System

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 23 of 29 Revision 1 Table 5 Power Peaking Factors - Fa This Table is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2.5 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor Fa Fa shall be limited by the following relationships :

Fa s LHRallow (Bu)/ [LHRavg

  • PJ (for P s 1.0)

LHRallow (Bu) = See the following tables LHRavg = 6.4209 kW /ft at 2817 MWt for all fuel p = ratio of THERMAL POWER/ RATED THERMAL POWER Bu = fuel burnup (MWd/mtU)

Note: The measured Fo shall be increased by 1.4% to account for manufacturing tolerances and further increased by 7.5% to account for measurement uncertainty before comparing to the limits.

U02 Fuel (Mark-B-HTP) -All Batches LHRALLow kW/ft(aJ 0 34,000 62,000 Core Elevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 17.4 15.0 10.9 2.506 17.4 15.0 10.9 4.264 17.3 14.9 10.9 6.021 16.8 14.8 11 .1 7.779 17.0 14.7 11 .1 9.536 16.2 14.3 11.1 12.000 15.4 13.5 10.4 (al Linear interpolation for allowable LHR between specified burnup points is valid for these tables .

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 24 of 29 Revision 1 Table 5 (continued) 4 wt% Gad Fuel (Mark-B-HTP) - All Batches except 21 B LHRALLow kW/ft(a) 0 34,000 62,000 Core Elevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 15.6 13.5 9.6 2.506 15.6 13.5 9.6 4.264 15.5 13.3 9.6 6.021 15.1 13.2 9.8 7.779 15.3 13.2 9.8 9.536 14.6 12.8 9.8 12.000 13.8 12.1 9.2 6 wt% Gad Fuel (Mark-B-HTP) - Batch 21 B LHRALLow kW/ft(a) 0 34,000 62,000 Core Elevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 15.1 13.2 9.2 2.506 15.1 13.2 9.2 4 .264 15.0 13.2 9.2 6.02 1 14.5 13.1 9.4 7.779 14.8 13.0 9.4 9.536 14.1 12.7 9.4 12.000 13.3 12.0 8.8 8 wt% Gad Fuel (Mark-B-HTP)-AII Batches LHRALLow kW/ft(a) 0 34,000 62 ,000 Core Elevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 14.7 12.7 8.8 2.506 14.7 12.7 8.8 4.264 14.6 12.7 8.8 6.021 14.2 12.5 9.0 7.779 14.4 12.5 9.0 9.536 13.7 12.2 9.0 12.000 13.0 11.5 8.4 (a) Linear interpolation for allowable LHR between specified burn up points is valid for these tables.

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 25 of 29 Revision 1 Table 6 Power Peaking Factors - FNllH This Table is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.2.5 Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factors - FNllH FNllH S MARP [1 + (1/RH) (1 - P/Pm)] (see note below)

MARP = Maximum Allowable Radial Peak, see MARP Figures and data Tables P = THERMAL POWER/ RATED THERMAL POWER and P s 1.0 Pm = 1.00 for 4-RCP operation Pm = 0.75 for 3-RCP operation 1/RH = 0.3 Note: The measured FNllH shall be increased by 5.0% to account for measurement uncertainty prior to comparing to the limits.

Figure 5 Maximum Allowable Radial Peak for FNllH

  • 2.0

- x/L=l .O -+- x/L=0.9 x/L=0.88 - x/L=0.8

-+- x/L=0.6 - x/L=0 .5

..+- x/L=0.4 --.- x/L=0 .2

...,_ x/L=0.14 - x/L=O .l

-+- x/L=O.O 1.3 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 Axial Peak

  • Linear interpolation is acceptable.

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 26 of 29 Revision 1 Table 7 Maximum Allowable Radial Peak for FNt1H Axial Axial Axial Height Axial Height Peak x/L (inches) MARP Limit Peak x/L Cinches) MARP Limit 0.0 0.00 1.88299 0.0 0.00 2.09189 0.1 14.30 1.88398 0.1 14.30 2.03919 0.14 20.02 1.88428 0.14 20.02 2.01827 0.2 28.60 1.88461 0.2 28.60 1.98801 0.4 57.20 1.88490 0.4 57.20 1.86840 1.1 0.5 71 .50 1.88439 1.6 0.5 71.50 1.81257 0.6 85.80 1.88451 0.6 85.80 1.73794 0.8 114.40 1.88421 0.8 114.40 1.59754 0.88 125.84 1.85239 0.88 125.84 1.54331 0.9 128.70 1.83969 0.9 128.70 1.55084 1.0 143.00 1.73842 1.0 143.00 1.46874 0.0 0.00 1.96511 0.0 0.00 1.99604 0.1 14.30 1.96705 0.1 14.30 1.95702 0.14 20.02 1.96804 0.14 20.02 1.93661 0.2 28.60 1.96825 0.2 28.60 1.90615 0.4 57.20 1.96936 0.4 57.20 1.79933 1.2 0.5 71 .50 1.96984 1.7 0.5 71 .50 1.74468 0.6 85.80 1.96919 0.6 85.80 1.67736 0.8 114.40 1.84278 0.8 114.40 1.54415 0.88 125.84 1.78287 0.88 125.84 1.49299 0.9 128.70 1.78220 0.9 128.70 1.50138 1.0 143.00 1.67994 1.0 143.00 1.42245 0.0 0.00 2.05580 0.0 0.00 1.90606 0.1 14.30 2.05912 0.1 14 .30 1.87049 0.14 20.02 2 .06036 0.14 20.02 1.85710 0.2 28.60 2 .06155 0.2 28.60 1.82954 0.4 57.20 2.06343 0.4 57 .20 1.73365 1.3 0.5 71.50 2.01583 1.8 0.5 71 .50 1.67902 0.6 85.80 1.93900 0.6 85.80 1.62023 0.8 114.40 1.77864 0.8 114.40 1.49550 0.88 125.84 1.71670 0.88 125.84 1.44607 0.9 128.70 1.72105 0.9 128.70 1.45590 1.0 143.00 1.61890 1.0 143.00 1.37861 0.0 0.00 2.15314 0.0 0.00 1.82131 0.1 14.30 2.15758 0.1 14.30 1.78903 0.14 20.02 2.15910 0.14 20.02 1.78024 0.2 28.60 2.14648 0.2 28.60 1.75713 0.4 57.20 2.01712 0.4 57.20 1.67040 1.4 0.5 71.50 1.95015 1.9 0.5 71.50 1.61847 0.6 85.80 1.87083 0.6 85.80 1.56653 0.8 114.40 1.71630 0.8 114.40 1.44958 0.88 125.84 1.65545 0.88 125.84 1.40281 0.9 128.70 1.65903 0.9 128.70 1.41322 1.0 143.00 1.57207 1.0 143.00 1.33783 0.0 0.00 2.17667 0.1 14.30 2.12413 0.14 20.02 2.10403 0.2 28.60 2.07451 0.4 57.20 1.94104 1.5 0.5 71 .50 1.88067 0.6 85.80 1.80330 0.8 114.40 1.65555 0.88 125.84 1.59706 0.9 128.70 1.60415 1.0 143.00 1.51859

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 27 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 6 Flux-LiFlux-Flow (or Power/Imbalance/Flow)

Allowable Values Th is Figure is referred to by Technical Specification 3.3.1 12: I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110 4 PUMP LIM IT 1

1-17.0, 108.0) (17.0, 108.0) 10n



(-30 .6, 94.4) gn I


~ ' (30.6, 77.1 J I 3 PUMP LJ IJ I I



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I w

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<( I

E 50



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I 1:


- 40 60

-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 50 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE, %

The 3 pump example curve shows allowable values for an approximately 25% flow reduction for three pump operation (283,860 gpm). The actual setpoint will be calculated by the Reactor Protection System and will be directly proportional to the actual reactor coolant system flow with three pumps .

These limits are based on Cycle 9 and are conservative relative to the actual Cycle 20 limits.

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 28 of 29 Revision 1 Table 8 Refueling Boron Concentration Limit This limit is referred to by Technical Specifications 3.9.1 The minimum required boron concentration for Mode 6 shall be sufficient to ensure a Kett of 0.95 or less, plus an additional 1% 6k/k conservatism allowance for uncertainties.

Davis-Besse Cycle 20 COLR Page 29 of 29 Revision 1 Figure 7 Control Rod Core Locations and Group Assignments This Figure is referred to by Technical Requirements Manual 8.1.3 N (X) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I I I I I A

4 6 4 B 2 5 5 2 C 7 8 7 8 7 D 2 5 5 2 E 4 8 6 3 6 8 4 - F 5 1 1 5 - G (W) 6 7 3 4 3 7 6 - H (Y) 5 1 1 5 - K 4 8 6 3 6 8 4 - L 2 5 5 2 M 7 8 7 8 7 N 2 5 5 2 0 4 6 4 p R

0Group Number (Z)

Group No of Rods Function Group No of Rods Function 1 4 Safety 5 12 Control 2 8 Safety 6 8 Control 3 4 Safety 7 8 Control 4 9 Safety 8 8 APSRs Total 61