Information Notice 1986-18, NRC On-Scene Response During a Major Emergency

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NRC On-Scene Response During a Major Emergency
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, 05000000, Zimmer, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant, Skagit, Marble Hill
Issue date: 03/26/1986
From: Jordan E
IN-86-018, NUDOCS 8603210165
Download: ML031220616 (35)




IN No.:

86-18 6835 UNITED STATES






All nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL) or a

construction permit (CP).


This information notice describes the planned composition and location of the

NRC site team that would respond to a major nuclear power plant accident

representing a clear risk to public health and safety. It is expected that

addressees will review the information provided for applicability. This

information notice does not require the modification of emergency response

facilities to accommodate a full NRC response to an emergency. Suggestions

contained herein do not constitute NRC requirements; therefore no specific

action or written response is required.


The Commission has defined the role of the NRC in the event of a major accident

at a nuclear power reactor facility. Such an accident would involve potential

or actual radiological releases resulting in doses in excess of EPA Protective

Action Guide (PAG) limits offsite. The NRC will:

o monitor the licensee to assure appropriate protective actions are being

recommended to offsite authorities -

o support the licensee

o support offsite authorities, including confirming the licensee's recommen- dations to offsite authorities, if requested. -Situations requiring prompt

protective actions should not await NRC confirmation

o keep other Federal agencies and entities informed of the status of the


o keep the media informed of the NRC's knowledge of the status of the

situation .


IN 86-18

Hi March 26, 1986 Over the past two years the Federal agencies have been developing a comprehen- ' -

sive Federal plan which describes the manner in which twelve Federal agencies

will respond to any peacetime radiological incident. This plan, the Federal

Radiological Emergency Response Plan (FRERP), was published in the Federal

Register on November 8, 1985 (Attachment 1).

Utilities were invited to attend conferences on the Federal response to radio- logical emergencies which described the concept of the FRERP and demonstrated

the Federal equipment and capabilities available to respond to these emergen- cies. These conferences were held in Las Vegas (June 1984), Atlanta (December

1984) and Chicago (April 1985).

Description of Circumstances

Based on the designated NRC role and its responsibilities incorporated in the

FRERP, the NRC regional offices will initially respond to a major accident with

a team of about 12-18 individuals. The initial NRC site team will be located

at the Technical Support Center and Emergency Operations Facility as indicated

in NUREG-0696 and NUREG-0845. The NUREG-0696 guidance for NRC space is adequate

to satisfy initial site team needs. For some types of accidents the initial site

team will be the extent of NRC personnel needed in the vicinity of the site.

However, our experience has shown that for a major accident there will be

additional NRC personnel needed. After about 6-12 hours into a major accident, additional NRC site team members will begin arriving. This expanded site team

will provide more technical depth and backup personnel for the Initial site team

as well as individuals to carry out tasks at other organizations' facilities, such as the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center, State Emergencj,>

Operations Centers and the FEMA Federal Response Center. Attachment 2 is an

organization chart of an expanded site team which may be put in place within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of a major accident. It shows the locations where team members need to

interact. The team is composed of approximately 50 individuals per shift, about

half of whom are located at other organizations' facilities. We are aware that

many EOFs have, by design, limited space and cannot accommodate the number of

NRC individuals identified as having tasks that are closely related to activities

at the EOF. In those cases where sufficient space is not available in existing

facilities, we will place these individuals in alternate locations to carry out

their tasks. This may include the NRC obtaining, through the FRERP, other

accommodations. If existing facilities could accommodate additional personnel, these would be considered on a case by case basis. Accidents resulting in doses

offsite in excess of-EPA PAG and warranting full NRC site team response would

most likely be rare. Construction of additional facilities is not warranted for

such situations.

The NRC expanded site team concept has been developed as planning guidance for

NRC personnel to consider in responding to a major accident and requires no

backfit for increased facilities space to accommodate the NRC site team. The

NRC staff will need to consider with each licensee, ways of making more efficient

use of available space, of providing adequate communications, and of identifying

alternate space where relevant data could be made available in a timely, reliable

manner. NRC regional staff will be working with licensees on a case-by-case basis

to coordinate this effort and devise an approach that will ensure that the NRC

can perform its full role and functions adequately.

IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 Licensee cooperation is requested in meeting with NRC regional staff in the next

several months and determining the most effective means of satisfying NRC site

team logistics and communication needs. No specific action or written response

to this information notice or enclosure to it is required. If you have any

questions regarding this matter, please contact the Regional Administrator of

the appropriate NRC regional office or this office.

dward L. rdan, Director

Division i Emergency Preparedness

and En gneering Response

Office of Inspection and Enforcement

Technical Contact:

Bernard H. Weiss, IE

301-492-7053 Attachments:


2. Expanded NRC Site Team

3. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices

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November 8, 1985 Part III


Federal Emergency

Management Agency









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Federal Radiological Emergency

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Response Plan, Concurrency by All


_ _

Twelve Federal Agencies and Publication

as an Operational Plan; Notice

_ _ _


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Attachment 1



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IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 46542 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 1 Notices

FEDERAL EMERGENCY Agency. Washington, D.C. 20472Z based on specific authorities for

MANAGEMENT AGENCY Telephone: (202) 646-2854. responding to radiological emergencies:

Dated: October 30.1985. (2) outlines Federal policies and

Federal Radiological Emergency planning assumptions that underlie this

Response Plan (FRERP), Concurrence Samuel W. Speck.

Associate Director.Stute andLocal Prroms concept of operations and on which

by AU Twelve Federal Agencies and Federadl agency response plans (in

Publication as an Operational Plan andSupport Directorate.

addition to their agency-specific

Federal Radiological Emergency

AGENCY: Federal Emergency

Response Plan

policies) were based: and (3) specifies

Management Agency. authorities and responsibilities of each

ACTION Notice. PartA Federal agency that may have a

September 1985. significant role in such emergencies.i

The Federal Radiological Emergency The FRERP includes the Federal

Response Plan (FRERPJ is now fully Prepared by the Federal Emergency

operational for use in the Federal Management Agency and the other Radiological Monitoring and

response to a radiological emergency. Agencies on the Subcommittee on Assessment Plan (FRMAP) for use by

The Federal Radiological Emergency Federal Response of the Federal Federal agencies with radiological

Response Plan, referred to Radiological Preparedness Coordinating monitoring and assessment capabilities

interchangeably as the Federal Plan, has Committee. Part A of the FRERP also includes

been developed by the Federal Table of Contents summaries of Federal agency response

Emergency Management Agency 1.Introduction and Bdckground plans. Part B consists of individual

(FFMA) and eleven other Federal A.


agencies' response plans, which are

agencies and was published on B. Scope maintained by the respective agencies

September 1Z 1984 (Federal Register, C. Authorities These response plans provide specific

Vol. 49, No. 178. pp. 35896-35925). It was D. Planning Assumptions guidance to Federal agencies for

developed in response to E.O. 12241 and 11.Concept of Operations implementing Part I of the FRERP.

provides for Federal agencies to A. Response Overview and Summary

B. Notification. Activation, Recovery, and Part A of the FRERP will be revised

discharge their responsibilities during a Deactivation by FEMA. as necessary. in coordination

wide range of peacetime radiological C. General Response Roles of Principel with the Subcommittee on Federal

emergencies. It was published In interim Agencies and Officials Response of the Federal Radiological

but operational form pending formal D.Public Information and Congressional Preparedness Coordinating Committee

agency concurrences by each of the Relations (FRPCC). DoE will have primary

twelve agenices that cooperated in the E. International Response Coordination

Ill. Federal Radiological Monitonng and responsibility for proposing changes to

developement of this Plan. the FRMAP section of the FRERP to the

Since the September 12 1984 Assessment Plan (FRMAP)

A. Foreword Subcommittee. Agencies should provide

publication, FEMA presented this plan

to the management of the other eleven



updates of their offsite plans and

C. Authonty and Jurisdiction procedures to the Director. FENIA.

agencies for their concurrence. Each of D.Policy

these agencies has provided its written E. Organization FEMA will periodically exercise the \

concurrence in the Plan. The F. Responsibilities of Participating FRERP in coordination with the

Department of Transportationrs Agencies Subcommittee on Federal Response and

concurrence has been provided subject C. Types of Emergencies the Subcommittee on Training and

to a revision of the summary of the If. Operating Procedures Exercises of the FRPCC. The results of

Department of Transportation Response L Supporting Agreements such exercises will be used to update

IV.Federal Agency Interfaces and Response the FRERP and individual agency offsite

Plan as contained in the FRERP. The Plan Sumnmaries

Department of Defense concurrence also A. Federal Agency Interfaces response plans and procedures as

has been provided subject to a revision B.Summaries of Federal Agency Response necessary. The FRERP will be published

of the summary of the Department of Plans from time to time in the Federal

Defense Response Plan and to other Appendix A. Acronyms Register.

minor changes. Appendix 8- Definitions

FEMA and other members of the Appendix C. Federal Emergency Phone and B. Scope

Federal Response Subcommittee have Facsimile Numbers

The FRERP covers any peacetime

reviewed these changes and have List of Tables radiological emergency occurring within

determined that they are minor. clarify Tdble It-1: Response Overview the United States. its territories.

Federal agency roles and Table It-Z: Identification of Cognizant possessions, and territorial waters that

responsibilities and do not affect the Federal Agencies for Radiological could require a significant response by

basic organization or responsiveness of Emergencies several Federal agencies. Specifically.

the Plan. The Federal Radiological 1. Introduction and Background emergencies occurring at fixed nuclear

Emergency Response Plan, including the facilities or during the transportation of

changes provided by the Department of A.


radioactive materials. including nuclear

Transportation and the Department of Thc Federal Radiological Emergency weapons, may fall within the scope of

Defense, is hereby published as the Response Plan (FRERP) is to be used by the plan regardless of whether the

operational plan. Federal agencies in peacetime facility or radioactive materials are



radiological emergencies. It primarily publicly or privately owned. Federally

Mr. Vernon Adler. Chief. Response concerns the oftsite Federal response in regulated. or regulated by an Agreement

Planning & Exercise Branch. Disaster support of State and local governments

Assistance Programs. State and Local with jurisdiction for the emergency. The 'The irms *Vederatl genm y' and- Fedc'ral

Programs and Suppnrt Directorate. FRFRP: (1) Provides the Federal de~viwteni- are uqf d nmirchdi.vaizhl% throtighot

Federal Emergency Manaigement go%ernment's concept of operations

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 Page 2 Of 30

Federal Register / Vol. 50, No. 217 / Friday. November 8, 1985 / Notices 46543 State.'The time period during which the rather, they are considered a on site depending on which of these

FRERP is In effect encompasses the complicating dimension of the Incident agencies has custody of the material at

Federal response from Initial types listed above. In general. responses the time of the accident. For certain

notification of the Federal agencies to radiological emergencies do not spent fuel accidents DoE would be the

through providing assistance to the State depend on the Initiating event. Thus, for CFA under Pub. L 97-425 and have

and local governments In recovering example, a coordinated response to authority over the spent fuel material, from the emergency and deactivation of contain and mitigate a threatened or but the State or local government would

the Federal response. actual release of radioactive material define and control the onsute area. In

This plan applies to peacetime from a power reactor would be Agreement States, the State agency with

emergencies resulting from the following essentially the same whether It resulted regulatory authority will fulfill the onsiue

types of Incidents: from an accidental or deliberate act. As response role normally provided by the

  • Fixed Nuclear Facility Incidents; a practical matter, the cause of the CFA for all activities that the State
  • Transportation Incidents; and problem may not be known until post- regulates.
  • Other Incidents. e.g., nuclear. accident Investigations are completed. The plan is designed to accommodate

powered satellite re-entry. The Atomic Energy Act directs the all types of peacetime radiological

Each type of Incident presents Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to emergencies. However, the Federal

different types of response problems. Investigate all alleged or suspected response to different types of

Fixed nuclear facilities. including criminal violations of the Act. The radiological emergencies under the

nuclear power reactors, have the Attorney GeneraL operating through the FRERP will differ based on the type or

advantages of known locations and FBI and other appropriate personnel In amount of radioactive material Involved.

existing site-specific emergency plans. the Department of justice or In other the potential for public Impact, the size

Classifications of incident severity have Executive Departments, has the of the affected area. and the time

been developed for many of these authority to investigate any alleged or available to respond.

facilities, and the level of the Federal suspected violations. The FB Is also

response may be guided by those legally responsible for locating any C. Authorities

classifications. The Nuclear Regulatory nuclear weapon. device, or material and The following are the authorities for

Commission (NRC) Instituted a for restoring nuclear facilities to their the response of the malor Federal

classification scheme for licensed rightful custodlans. agencies participating in this plan:

nuclear power plants which has been In in view or the FBI's unique

use for several years. This scheme is responsibilities under The Atomic amended.Pub. L.03-703. This Act

being expanded to Include other NRC Energy Act. as amended by the Energy declares that the use of nuclear

licensed facilities, and DoD and DoE are Reorganization Act. It Is realistic to materials must be regulated In the

developing classification and reporting expect that the DoD, DoE, or NRC will national Interest In order to provide for

systems for their facilities which are assist the FBI In locating and the common defense and security, and

similar to the NRC classification subsequently rcutreilzing any nuclear to protect the health and safety of the

scheme. w eapon or device of unauthorized public.

Response to transportation accidents origin. The FBI also will Interface with e Executive Order12148. July 20.

Is more difficult to pInn, as such these agencies as needed In responding 1979. This Executive Order assigns the

accidents may occur anywhere, may to such acts. Director. FEMA. the responsibility for

Involve a variety of radioactive Another aspect of the scope of the establishing Federal policies for, and

materials, and may represent much less FRERP concerns the location of the coordinating, all civil defense and civil

of a radiological hazard or serious threat response to the emergency. The FRERP

emergency planning, management, to the public. In most cases. State Is concerned primarily with Federal mitigntion, and assistance functions of

resources or a limited Federal response support to State and local governments

beyond the Immediate site of the executive agencies.

will suffice.

  • NuclearRegulatory Commilsion

Nuclear weapons accidents, weapon. emergency, i.e.. "off site". For

emergencies occurred at fixed nuclear AppropriationAuthorization. Pub. L. 96- uignificant Incidents, and spent fuel 293. June 30. 1980, section 0W. This

Incidents are not significantly different facilities. "off site" generally refers to authorization requires the President to

from accidents at fixed facilities or the area beyond the facility boundary.

For a fixed nuclear facility owned. prepare and publish a National

accidents during transportation of Contingency Plan to provide for

ruldioactive materials, and consequently uuthorized. or regulated by a Federal

agency, the onsite Federal support Is the expeditious, efficient, and coordinated

are covered by these latter types of action by appropriate Federal agencies

Incidents. responsibility of that Federal agency, Ie., the CFA. For emergencies that do to protect the public health and safety In

The category of "other Incidents" not occur at fixed nuclear facilities and case of accidents at commercial nuclear

contains events that do not fit Into the power plants.

other two types of Incidents. These for which no physical boundary exists, the offsite area Is not defined. For

  • fEecutive Order 12241. September

Incidents are more closely related to 29. 1980. This Executive Order delegates

transportation incidents than to fixed example. In most transportation

accidents not Involving nuclear to the Director. FEMA. the responsibility

nuclear facility Incidents with regdrd to weapons the State or Iocal government for publishing the National Contingency

the nature of the Federml response that will define an area "on site" at the time Plan for accidents at nuclear power

can he expected. of the accident and manage all actions facilities and requires that It be

Sabotage and terrorism are not within that area. In such accidents published from time to time In the

treated Rs separate types of incidents: Federal agencies have no Independent Federal Register.

authority for defining the onsite srea.

  • 44 CMn Part.751. March 11. 1982.

'Under thOur A'.,u.: -irbiAt For a transportation accident involving This regul mtion establishes the Federal

t*I,11mLtori 274 oI I t %fR.RC

I s wiyl..,%hpil to Radiological Preparedness Coordinating

r1p. .S 1St --u. s f.iryCa ry awh.jnlv for I,. miog materials shipped by or for DoD. Dor.

,he eve of ^*srir-r-, tivpnelk t. m.1X. at. *'1L 1te. l- ar tiuos e;nencies. us CFAs. will define and Comnmittee. the parent of the

p-~., .1 il," I.g-ar mm1.g:.' ,1 n'tntrl the onsite ares and L.iko a..tiina S~l tiLmitt'.e- ) I' vlilerl Ilieilion-v that

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 46544 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November H. IqRS I Notices

has developed this plan. It also assigns minimize the offsite radiological S. Protocol for Federal Assistance

responsibility to the Department of consequences. Requests by Owners or Operators

Energy for the development or the

Federal Radiological Monitoring and 2. Federal Agency Authorities The owner or operator of a facility or

Assessmeni Plan. Notwithstanding the primacy of the radiological activity. either piivate or

Additional authorities for other State for protecting public health and authorized or regulated by the Federal

Federal agencies are presented in safety off site, some Federal agencies government. can ask for assistance

Section IV. have statutory or other authorities for directly from the appropriate Federal

responding to certain situations agency with which they have

0. PlanningAssumptiuns preexisting arrangements or

affecting public health and safety

The following broad assumptions and without a State request.Section IV of relationships. The State or local

policies have been used to prepare Part this plan cites those relevant legislative governments, as well as the CFA and

A of this plan and to develop the and executive authorities. This plan FEMIA. should be informed by the

individual agency response plans and Federal agency first contacted when

provides a framework for coordinating

procedures contained in Part B. such assistance is requested.

Federal actions within those authorities:

1. Public and Private Sector Response it does not create any new authorities. 6. Coordination of State and Local

The owner or operator of an afrected 3. fisis for a Federal Response Assistance Requests

nuclear facility has primary After notification of a radiological

responsibility for actions within the The Federal government will respond emergency that could significantly

boundaries of that facility for when: (1) A state, other governmental impact the public health and safety. . nd

minimizing the radiological hazard to entity with jurisdiction, or regulated dfter discussions with the CFA. or upon

the public. State or local governments entity requests Federal support: or. (2J a direct State request for assistance.

have primary responsibility for Federal agencies must respond to meet FEMA will designate and deploy a

determining and implementing any their statutory responsibilities. e g.. Senior FEMA Official (SF0) to provide a

measures to protect life. property. and when an emergency significantly affects single point of contact. as required. for

the environment in any areas not within Federal missions, property, or resources. State and local assistance requests.

the boundaries of a fixed nuclear facility Any Federal response will be closely Where possible. the SFO will co-locate

or otherwise not within the control of a coordinated with the State or local with the State representative at an

Federal agency. For example, in a governments concerned. offsite location. State and local

transportation accident (other than one Responses to incidents on or affecting government requests for assistance can

involving nuclear weapons) the State or Federal lands are to be coordinated with also be made directly to individual

local government has the responsibility Federal land management agencies to Federal agencies with which they have

for taking emergency actions both on ensure that response activities are preexisting arrangements or

site and off site. During an emergency. consistent with Federal statutes telationships. Federal agencies

appropriate Federal resources may be go'vcrning the use and occupancy of contacted directly will inform the SFO.

ued to support State and local these lands. In addition. Federally When State and local authorities dre

governments' response measures, if recognized Indian tribes have a special enable to obtain the required assistance.

requested. Federal agency response relationship with the United Statcs of they should direct requests for offsite

plans recognize the primacy of the America. and State and local Federal assistance to the SFO. or, in the

response roles of owners or operators governments may have limited or no absence of such a designated official. to

and State and local governments. authority on their reservations. The the appropriate FEMIA regional office.

If the owner or operator of a Bureau of Indian Affairs of the The Governor of the affected State

radiological activity is licensed or Department of the Interior (Doll is is ill be advised of the designation of tie

regulated by a State agency in an available to assist other agencies in SFO and will be asked to designate a

"Agreement State". that State agency consulting with these tribes about State representative as the State

would provide onsite monitoring. radiological emergency preparedness Coordinating Officer (SCO) to pro%ide a

ev.lutation. and advice. However, the and responses to incidents. principal point of State contact. The

Federal government will provide any

4. Federal Agency Resource SFO will promote effective operating

appropriate support requested by that relationships among Federal. State.

State agency or other State or local Commitments

local. volunteer. and private agencies.

agencies with jurisdiction. The resources of the Federdl agencies

Certain Federal agencies have onsite will be made available during 7. Federal and State Communications

response roles in a radiological radiological assistance operations. Emergency response requires a

emergency when a Federal agency subject to prior commitments to fulfill continuous flow of information among

owns, authorizes. or regulates a facility other operational requirements Federal and State agencies thoughout an

or radiological activity and has the considered essential based on statutory emergency. This plan does not restrict

authority to take action on site. That responsibilities. Agencies committing this flow. However, for the SFO to

Federal agency is primarily responsible resources under this plan do so with the coordinate response actions and

for monitoring the owner or operator's understanding that the duration of the maintain the most current information.

activities and for providing needed commitment of those resources will Federal agencies need to keep the SFO

assistance. For example, in the case of depend on the nature and extent of the informed of their mador response efforts

an emergency at a licensed commercial emergency. It is further understood that and activities that might impinge on the

nuclear power plant. the Nuclear subsequent emergencies that are more ad ions of other agencies.

Regulatory Commission monitors the serious or of higher priority (such as

situation, evaluates licensee actions. those that may jeopardize national 8 Federal Referrals of State and Local

and advises the licensee, as appropriate. security) may require Federal agencies Assistance Requests

(n the licensee's efforts to bring the to reassess resources previously State and local authorities will be

Peactor into a stable condition and committed under this plan. ens ouraged to coordinate their actions

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 Federal Register / Vol. 50 No. 217 l Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices 46545 with the SCO. Nevertheless. sonic state 11. Concept of Operations Human Services (IIHS). EPA, DoE, and

and local authorities may contact A. Rcsponse Overnieiv andSumnnary the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Federal agencies directly in accordance (USDA). in coordination with the

with established plans and procedures The CFA. FEMA. and DoE or EPA appropriate State agencies. will provide

or preexisting relationships. Federal rach has a specific coordination advice to the CFA. if requested.

agencies have response plans and function in relation to the State and the concerning possible public health

procedures that describe their owner or operator of the radiological impacts and associated protective

responsibilities in support of the State. activity as summarized in Table 11-1. measures for mitigating them. The CKA

Other Federal officials may arrive on the

Through the use of the FRERP and these scene prior to the arrival of the CFA. will use this advice, as required. to

pl.ais/procedures. the State can FEMA. and DoE/EPA and act under develop a coordinated Federal position

dirtermine the most appropriate Federal their own authorities to fulfill their on recommendations for public

agency to contact for the required responsibilities. During that brief period. protective action.

assistance. Whenever a question arises those agencies will coordinate their IF1'.A will remain informed of onsite

as to the appropriate agency to contact. datilities among themselves and with conditions that could have an offsite

the State should contact the FFNIA/ the CFA. FRMA. and DoE as soon as impact. through the CFA. FFMA's

SF0. they arrive concerning the status of overall coordination function is not

ongoing response efforts. The CFA. intended to replace or supplant existing

  • ..Coordination Among Federal FEMA. and DoE or EPA personnel on

Agem ies liaison and communication between

the scene will provide their regional or Federal agencies and their State

Fiederal agencies should coordinate headquarters offices with all relevant counterparts. If Federal agencies need

their actions with the SI'O. In addition. information available. assistance in exchanging information. or

Federal agencies will coommunicate TABLE tI-1.-RESPONSE OVERVIEW in acquiring or releasing public

freely and interact directly with other _

information. FFMA will help the

Federal agencies as required during


Reseomseaction Lead Federal agency agencies accomplish these tasks.

I _

emergencies. A CFA role will be assumed by a

to Conduct" admanage FederalI cFA.

10. Public Information Coordination Orville aci'ors lo su~pportVW Federal agency in accordance with the

~Wne or operawo

-Monetor Evalualer. scheme presented in Table 11-2 when a

Public information on the Adn~sG-Ass nceo.d ne- significant Federal response is

consequences of an emergency must be appropriate. Lesser events which do not

121 Co~d~nateiFederal ollilte to-

.accurat1'. timely. and edsilv understood. d0109ca frodeorwngad as- warrant such a response are not covered

Public information must bLe closely sessmenl by the FRERP. Specifically. a CFA role

-4-51.5 Re',portse DoE

coordinated with State and local EPA. will be assumed for major radiological

Twerm,.Responsea on

officials and dissenminated to the public emergencies at fixed nuclear facilites

from official government sources State t3) Oe.#ai, or onelusie eof"-_ CFA.

.r-andat-onsWdpubtlic proltsc- which are owned, authorized. or

lrficijls are responsible for keeping SC1,.01 ac*n"reaSutes 0415.1e regulated by a Federal agency, and for

their populace adequately informed. (Al Peseet recnnndtoSfor CFA,.n coord~nation, w..I

ot~s.e protect~e act'on. meas- FEIAAafterenerw major transportation accidents involving

Since the Federal government's role is to ures 10 theo opropowleSzate shipments by or for DoD or DoE. For

and/or lout olC.1?s

he.lp the State, the public information (5I P on~otl coard'-abon of Fed- FEVA major transportation accidents involving

officers or the responding Federal eral ass~anee Tins 'nclude nuclear materials other than DoD or

asvvsamce to Stata and local

agenices will. if requested. help State go~e-nrenits and 109VcCsuip- DoE material. no Federal agency has the

information officials prepare news po.1to Federal age..c-s. authority to become the CFA. In these

1(I..Coordeisiarelease of odor- CFA onrualtr FEMA alter

releases and hold press conferences mnat-o',to the puri*. ai to rrlital J1100illrnit instances. and in all other emergencies

concerning the health and safety of the not cited above which require

472) Coordinale release 04I dor. CFA c4W~y.FEMA

puolic. n :boo no While House oilereliter implementation of the FRERP. FFNA

When a multi-agency Federal will consult with other appropriate

response to an emergency occurs. all Federal agencies regarding the CFA role.

The Department of Energy. during the

l'ederal public information releases will initial phases of the emergency. and the

The result of such consultation will be

..e coordinated through the interagency either that a Federdl agency assumes the

EPA thereafter. will work with the CFA role. or that a decision is made that

public information organizations appropriate State and local agencies to

described in Section I1. coordinate offsite radiological the CFA role is not appropriate.

Close working relationships among monitoring and assessment activities. Whenever it is determined that a CFA is

the public information officials of DoE or EPA will assess monitoring data not appropriate. FEMA will coordinate

i; derail agencies. their State and local and present them to the CFA and the Federal response. relying on

tounterparts. and the owner or operator appropriate State agencies. The CFA agencies with the technical expertise to

.ire essential. To foster close working will use this informadtion, together with evaluate the situation and develop

relationships efforts Will be made to co- its assessment of the current condition advice for State and local governments.

locate Federal. State. local, and owner and prognosis of the emergency on site.

to develop or evaluate public protective TABLE 11-2.-IDENTiFICATION OF COGNIZANT

or operator public information officials


a1t d joint Information Center. The

- Federal departments and agencies EMERGENCIES

Federal government will coordinate U,,

with. and obtain concurrence as that have day-to'day contacts with State

counterparts will continue to use these Type al anergrinco Oenor or operator coqn~ss.-'

I I~Federal ilqenc

necessary from. the appropriate State or

local officials on any staterments to the contacts during an emergency. FEMA

will be informed of contacts that mav F..ed e,uclear lNC-ceised NlC.


public that bear on the responsibility of impinge on the actions of other Federal


Il.e SI it- Do Iod or OviE-r-aed DOoOor CoE. The Department of Health and or a'ronzed I lepocmftMy

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 Page 5 Of 30

46 Federal Register / VoL 50, No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices

TAaLA 1-2.-IOENTIFICATiON OF COGIzerm notification and response duties. The be deployed to establish an offaite base



of operation for coordinating the Federal

assessment of the emergency including response. i.e.. a Federal Response

location and nature of the accident. an Center (FRC). The FRC will be

TVoeof emweyrogmrt Onfo assessment of the severity of the

established at a location that has been at

problem as known, a description of the pre-selected together with the State. or

0o 1`104~luCirally None CFA's response. and any follow-on

owmd. otherwise will be established at the time

augurmed: or actions anticipated by the CFA. of the emergency at a location identified


FEMA will verify that the State has- in conjunction with the State. A Federal

DoD or OoE Oco or cC.

1%t byburor been notified of the emergency by Radiological Monitoring and

lot DoO or MELi contacting the State. FEMA and the CFA Assessment Center (FRMIAC) will be

lrlsporItl'on (al P.,.sl Slate. local. Non


will notify other appropriate Federal established by DoE, usually at a nearby


Al QO I do NRC. 0O. or agencies-of the emergency in airport, in a similar manner. The CFA. if

.no, or accordance with their notification any. iwill establish a local base of


procedures. pre-established interagency operations. FEMA. the CFA. and DoE

agreements, or interagency operational ivill exchange liaison representatives to

The CFA. in con junction with FEMA response procedures. If no Federal ensure that activities at the various

whenever possible. will present any agency has the authority to assume the

Federal recommendations to the State or CFA role. FEMA will make all centers are coordinated.

other appropriate offsite authority with notifications. In those cases where As a result of notification of d

jurisdiction for implementing or relaxing Federal lands could be affected. FFMA radiological emergency. and after

protective actions. In the case of a fixed will notify the Federal agency with discussions with the CFA. FEMA may

nuclear facility licensed by the NRC. the jurisdiction. The notifications will activate its headquarters Emergency

licensee is responsible for developing incorporate relevant information Support Team. As soon as an

appropriate protective action exchanged between the CFA. if any. and Emergency Support Team is activated.

recommendations and promptly FELMA. Individual agencies should FFMA will begin its coordinating

providing those recommendations to determine their specific requirements for activities. Prior to the arrival of the SF0

State and local authorities without subsequent information. whenever those or Deputy SF0 (DSFO) at the scene.

awaiting NRC's concurrence. NRC, in requirements have not been predefined FEMA will rely on the Cognizant

the role of CFA. will evaluate the with the CFA or FEMA. Federal Agency Official (CFAO). if at

licensee's protective action DoE will notify Federal agencies with the scene. as the point of contact

recommendations as time permits. and FRMAP responsibilities in accordance concerning Federal activities at the

will either concur in them or suggest with agreed-upon procedures. Federal scene.

modifications. as appropriate. FEMA is agencies that can provide radiological If an agency decides to initiate its

then responsible for promoting assistance may respond upon receiving response. that decision will be

coordination among Federal agencies a request for assistance from the State communicated to FEMA and will

providing assistance to the State in or owner or operator. Federal agencies include: (1) The name and location of

implementing those recommendations if so contacted will inform the DoE as the lkad agency official if one is

such assistance is requested by the soon as their response team arrives at designated: (2) the telephone number at- State. and for communicating those the scene. which he/she can be contacted at

recommendations to the responding headquarters or at the scene: (3) if

Federal agencies. 2. Activation

appropriate, the primary official to

B. Nrotificoton. Activation. flecovcry.

Upon receipt of notification. each deploy to the scene and his/her

and Deactivation

agency will assess the need to initiate estimated time of arrival at the

its response. The response decision will

The headquarters officials of FEMA be based on the situation reported and emergency site: and (4) intended

and each CFA will rollow a pre- location at the scene. Similarly. FEMA

may consist of several steps:

established system for notifying all

  • Alerting or activating appropriate will provide each Federal agency with

appropriate Federil agencies. Federal agency response components. the same information when FEMA

  • Determining whether State or local designates its SF0. F}EMiA will keep

1. Notification Federal agencies informed of the status

government requests for assistance have

The owner or operator of the facility been received (where appropriate): of Federal agencies' response actions.

or radiological activity is generally the

  • Activation of agency emergency flkrause of its singular responsibility

first to become aware of a radiological response teams and their deployment to for Federal support on site. the CFA will

emergency. and is responsible for the scene: and determine and implement an efficient

notifying the appropnate State and

  • Establishment of bases of operation means for coordinating Federal support

Federal authontiec at the scene of the emergency froi: on site with Federal response activities

Subsequent to Its receipt of a which to carry out a coordinated off site.

notification of an incident, the CFA will Federal response. a. Deployment of Emergency

notify FEMA headquarters in A full-scale Federal response begins Response Teams. Agency plans and

Washington. D.C. by contacting the with the execution of the notification procedures describe response team

FEMA Emergency Information dnd scheme and includes all the above four deployment and establishment of bases

Coordination Center (EICC). CFAs steps. Since many emergencies will not of operations at the scene- Ideally, the

maintain similar emergency operation require a full-scale response. the Federal SF0 add staff. other Federal agency

centers at their headquarters. regional. response might reach only the first or response teams, and State agency

or field offices. second step. When the Federal response reapiesentatives would be co-located at

A notification should include a reaches the third step. FEMA will so the scene. Accordingly. FEMA and CFA

description of the emergency situation notify the affected State. When the third site-specific emergency plans and

so that FEMA can carry out its further or fourth step is reached. an sro may procu'dures should be de viloped

Attachment 1, IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 l Friday. November 8, 1985 / Notices 46547 individually to accommodate State After the conditions on site have Each of these responsibilities is

operations. stabilized and the offsite contamination outlined in more detail below:

Some Federal agencies may  ; has been characterized and its extent - a. Receive Notificationof the

immediately deploy their teams to the determined. a CFA may or may not be Emergency. Initiate the CFA Response.

scene of the emergency to fulfill needed. The agency that performed the and Notify AppropriateFederal

statutory responsibilities. This plan is CFA role may decide to deactivate its Agencies. (1) Receive notification of the

not intended to restrict such activities: position as a CFA and focus primarily emergency from the owner or operator

however, when the SFO arrives at the on the recovery effort on site. The CFA of the facility or radiological activity

scene. the agencies that have already will discuss this deactivation with the causing the emergency, or from State or

responded will inform the SFO of the SFO and determine a mutually local authorities, and determine the

offsite actions they have taken. agreeable time to implement the significance of the emergency and the

b. SFO Designationand Deploymenit. deactivation. However, the agency that appropriate CPA response to it.

Upon activation. FEMA may deploy an served as CFA will continue to be (2) Notify FEMA and DoE of the

Emergency Response Team (ERT) available to provide required assistance emergency: include in the notification

headed by an SFO. The SFO. once at the to the State. in coordination with FEMA. the CFA's activation mode and actions.

scene. will be supported by an Each agency will discontinue a general assessment of the emergency.

Emergrncy Support Team at FEMA response operations when advised by and any necessary background

headquarters and the ERT. Prior to this the State that assistance is no longer information. Discuss with FEMA the

deployment. FEMA will inform the required or when its statutory need to deploy a SFO and Emergency

.iffected State and the CFA of the responsibilities or response roles have Response Team.

planned FEMA response. FEMA will been fulfilled. Prior to discontinuing its (3) Deploy a CFA team to the site.

also notify the other agencies of its ERT' response operation, each agency iall when appropriate.

deployment and activities. discuss its intent to do so with the CFA. b. Alanage FederalResponse Actions

UIpoza arrival at the scene. the SFO. or FFMA. and with DoE or EPA if that Onsite and Coordinatethese Actions. as

the OSFO if the SFO so authorizes, will agency is providing radiological support Necessary, With the SFO and

establish dn offsite base of operations. tinder the FRMAP.

i.e.. the Federal Response Center, for AMonitoring Activities Offsite. (1)

promoting coordination of the Federal C. GeneralResponse Roles of Principal Designate a lead CFAO at the site of the

response. The Deputy SFO who leads Agencies and Officials emergency who will coordinate with the

the regional component. is likely to General Response roles are those that SFO. as necessary, on any onsite

arrive at the scene prior to the arrival of I'are independent of the cause. type. or Federal actions that may have

the headquarters component and mdy location of the radiological emergency. significant impacts off site.

have initial responsibility for (2) Establish appropriate bases of

1. Role of the Cognizant Federal Agency operation to oversee the onsite

-stalbhshing and operating the FRC until

Jie SFO arrives. The CFA is the Federal agency that response. monitor owner or operator

The S170 will inform other Federal owns. authorizes. regulates. or is activities. provide technical support to

.agendie, at the emergency scene of the otherwise deemed responsible for the the owner or operator if requested. and

e'tbliishnient of the FRC and request facility or radiological activity causing serve as the principal source of

that they provide representation to it. the emergency. and that has authority lo information about onsite conditions for

Mhe SFO %ill establish contact with the take action on site. When it is necessary the Federal government.

CFA or responsible State agency to for a Federal agency to assume the CFA (3) Manage the onsite I'edcral

deternmine the status of onstte response role. and to deploy to the site. the CPA response to the emergency. including an

efforts. As soon as the SFO or DSFO will manage all Federal actions onsite. assessment of the conditions on site and

arrives at the scene and contacts the develop or evaluate offsite protective the meins for mitigating their

CFA. the SFO (or DSFOJ will serve as ~action and reentry recommendations. consequences off site.

the focal point for promoting the and help to implement those actions if (4) Keep other agencies informed of

coordination of the offsite Federal requested by the State and if the CFA's conditions and Federal actions on site.

riesponse with the onsite response. The resources permit. (5) Serve as a point of contact

StW( and the CFAO will work together Consistent with this role. the CFA has concerning Federal activities at the

diiectly and through their four general responsibilities: scene when the CFAO arrives at the

represvrntatives at the scene to ensure

  • Receive notification of the scene prior to the SFO or his designee.

that each has an accurate understanding emergency, initiate the CFA response. During this interim period. the CFA will

Of the situation throughout the and notify appropriate Federal. State. keep FEMA informed of Federal

vvilergency. and local agencies; activities at the scene.

  • Manage Federal response actions (6) Prepare the section of the White
3 Reouavery and Response Deactivation

on site and coordinate these actions. as House Executive Summary dealing with

Ili ior to the deactivation of the necessary. with the SFO and monitoring onsite related conditions and their

I'etderal response, the Federal activities off site; actual or potential offsite radiological

goiern ient may assist the State in

  • Assess owner or operator. State, or impacts and provide this section to

deve!oping its offsite recovery plan. locally recommended-protective action FEMA.

Rerovery planning will be initiated at measures and/or develop Federal c. Assess Owner or Operator.State or

the request of the State but generally recommendations for protective action Locally Recommnended Protective

after the cause of the emergency has and re-entry: help State and local Action Measures and/or Develop

been brought under control and authorities as resources permit: and PederalRecommendations for

immediate public health and safety and

  • Serve as the primary Federal source Protective Action and Re-entry: Help

property protective actions have been for information of a technical nature State and LocalAuthorities as

dccoimplishiid. The SFO will coordinate regarding the onsite emergency Resources P'ermit. One of the primary

F-ederal assistance to the State in conditions and the potential or actual areas where the Federal government

rei 4)oery planning offsite rafdiiilogical effects. in iy be able to assist State and loral

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 465L9 4654AFederal Register I VoL 50. No. 217 I Friday- a

. - -.


- J

I KY-1,-


govcrnMents is i advising them on as required. when the CFA has available (5) Provide staff support and other

initial protective action resources to help provide the needed

recommendations (PARs).'and other resources to the SFO as required.

assistance. b. Emergency Response Team Roke.

protective measures and reentry d. Serve as the PrimarySource for

recommendations (RERs) 2for the public At the scene of the Emergency. the

Technical Information Regarding the FEMA response is carried out through

that may be developed by the owner or Emergency Conditions Onsite and the

operator, or State or locar authorities. In its Emergency Response Teom. headed

Potentialor Real Offsite Radiological by the SFO. The SF0 coordinates

providing such advice. the CFA will use, Effects. (1) Make an initial report to the

to the extent applicable. appropriate Federal activities with State offsite

White Ilouse Situation Room covering, if activities and promotes the coordination

advice and input from other Federal possible, the condition of the

agencies with technical expertise on of Federal actions. information. and

radiological activity causing the recommendations. Free interaction

those matters. FEMA. upon rcquest. will emergency and the actual or potential

assist the CFA as required in developing among Federal. State. and local agencies

offsite radiological impact. After the is encouraged. The SFO can factlttate

such advice. initial report. prepare the section of

Whenever possible. the CFA will information flow among all response

coordinate its presentation of the FEMA s report dealing with onsite elements and help direct Federal

Federal evaluation of PARs with FEMA conditions and their actual or potential resources to the appropriate State and

either prior to. or at the time of. their impact off site. local government agencies. The SFO will

presentation to the State or other offsite (2) Review and concur in the release not intervene in the relationships and

authorities. When imminent penl of all Federally generated information communication channels that already

threatens the public health and safety. related to the onsite conditions and exist between Federal and State

the CFA will present the evaluation of remain informed of all information agencies: rather. the SFO provides an

PARs directly to the State or other related to offsite radiological effects. additional means for facilitating

offsite authorities without having to Where possible, the CFA should review Federal-State interactions.

coordinate with any other Federal - Federally provided offsite radiological Through the SFO. FEMA carries out

agency. With regard to developing or data before release. three major responsibilities:

evaluating RERs. the CFA will keep (3) Assist the State Public Information v Promote coordination among

FEMA informed of their development or Officer in developing coordinated public Federal agencies and their interactions

evaluation and coordinate presentation information releases. with the State. including, in conjunction

of such advice to the State with FEMA. (4) Protect national security by with the CFA. the provision of Federally

More specificalIly. the CFA's classifying sensitive technical developed or evaluated PARs and RERs

responsibilities related to PAR and RER information in a nuclear weapon to the State or other appropriate offsite

development or evaluation. and accident or weapon-significant incident. authorities responsible for implementing

presentation are: 2. Role of the Federal Emergency those recommendations.

(1) Serve. as a point of contact for .Management Agency

  • Coordinate offisitc nctivities with

State and local government technical onsite response activities of Federal or

information and. as required. for IETMA's primary responsibilities in the State agencies: and

technical assistance requests. Fe deral response are to immediately

  • Ser e as an information source on

(2) Provide staff liaison notify participating Federal agencies I of the status of the overall Federal

representatives to State authorities and the emergency and to serve as a focal response effort. (The public information

the SFO. to help interpret the technical point for promoting the coordination of function is described in Section It D.J

aspects of the emergency on site and its the Federal response activities at the Each of these responsibilities is

potential or real offsite radiological national level and at the scene of the outlined below:

consequences. emergency. The Director of FEMA will (a) Promote CoordinationAmong

(31 Work with DoE in its efforts to designate and deploy the SFO for FederaolAgenciesand Their Interactions

provide offsite monitoring datu and coordinating Federal response activities With the State. (1) Promote coordination

assessments to appropriate State and .at the scene of the emergency. of the provision of offsite assistance to

Federal agencies. a. Emersency Stipport Team Role. appropriate State and local government

(4) Prepare d coordinated Federal Through its Emergency Support Team at agencies by the Federal agencies.

position on PARs whenever possible. headquarters. FEMA will: including medical care. food. potable

Consult with HHS. DoE. EPA. USDA. (11 Notify participating agencies of the water, shelter, clothing. transportation.

and other Federal agencies as required. emergency situation and supply security. and any other assistance

(1 When appropriate. present the information they need to take needed to protect the public health and

F{-deral assessment of PARs. in appropriate actions. safety. This coordination function is to

coniunclion with IrEMA. to the State or (2) Coordinate Federal response be performed in addition to. and does

other offsite authorities. .ativities at the national level. not supplant. the specific coordination

(G)Develop or evaluate RERs to functions assigned to other Federal

protect the publtc and present such

(3) Receive uLformation at the

Emergency Infoinialion and agencies as part of their normal

ad%ice. in conjunction w-itlh the SFO. to Coordination Center (EICC) front the responsibility to provide these

the State. CFA headquarters or from other public

(7)1 tiHp Stlte and local government - spectalized forms of assistance.

agencies implement protective actions. and private organizations about the (2) Maintain a continuous overview of

impact of the emergency and the the total Federal response effort to

organizations' response. ensure that no necessary actions are

'Th1 de-rehupirent or vaaluawn orprotecl6e: omittedl and no unnecessary duplication

astion t'uommendittons %elt tak. ui:to (4) Prepare periodic reports on the

rinisideration Prot'ciil Action :ui-des IPi.t Federal response for the White House. occurs: any omissions or duplications

is.-med by -..iprpeiate Federal and State apmcxea will be brought to the attention of the

.44- Appteibdix it for drd or A4tive &c1ion agencies concerned.

'Fxcept the CfA (which is notified durecti bv th.e

fr -*' i and pnrat

indaetions d i m-f.t1t11n

. tes *,%.nef or operatorj .rwi WE (whidh it notified ha

-'9 v~~wi% 1fnr (31 Establish the Federal Response

lit Gi1.16'r

H8-<1sl the crA Or the. o%nearor operdtor cAthe St..tetl Center as a base of operations at an

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 I Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices 46549 offsite l.xtion identified in conjunction exchange of all other information among with the facility owner or operator and

with the State. The Federal Response c Federal agencies. State and local agencies with similar

Center serves as a focal point for (6)Participate in the presentation of a responsibilities and

Federal resplnie team interaictions with Federally coordinated assessment of

  • Provide all monitoring data.

the State. PARs amd RERs to the State or other assessments. and related evaluations to

(4) Provide a principal point of contact responsible olfsite authorities in the CFA and State and assist the CFA in

for requests for Federal assistance by conjunction with the CFAO. When the development of protective action

Stale or local governments. public health and safety are in imminent recommendations and other measures to

(5) Refer all Stite and local requests peril. the CFAO will present PARs protect the public. as required. Where

Io the must appropriate Federal agency. without consultation with the SF0 or possible. the CFA should review the

(6) Refer all Federal agencies to other Federal agencies. FRMAC monitoring data before release.

apiprI)prilrle points of contact in St.,te or (c) Serve as an Information Sorce for

local got ernments. After the initial phases of the

the rTotalFederalResponse. (13 The emergency. DoE will transfer these

(7) Prsvide informiation to the State or Sl'0. in coordination with the CFA. will gonsrninents concerning the status offsite coordination responsibilties to

maintain an executive level summary of EPA at a mutually agreeable time. EPA

of their assistance requests. the total Federal response and will

(8) Maintain contact with DoE or EPA will assume the lead agency

provide the FEMA Director with responsibility for coordinating the

to ensure that the offsite Federal inforniation. on a regular basis, on the

radiological monitoring and assessment intermediate and long-term offsite

staIus of the response that is radiation monitoring activities after

effort is coordinatled with other oftsile appropriate for the FEMA Director's

t'cderal aisistance to the State. receiving adequate assurance from the

overall executive summary to the Department of Energy and other Federal

(9) Facilitate the excharnge of all other President. Similarly. the FENMA Director

ilfoimnation aisng redoral anencies. agencies that they will commit the

will keep the White House Sittiation required resources. personnel and funds

(t) Mlake requests for additional Room advised daily of continuing

Il'dibrl reso)ume-es that cannot be for the duration of the Federal response

acquired by IJ r.diro aoencies at the

response activities. This FEMA activity effort.


does not preclude the White House from

(11] Retrcr.iil intergeLncy policy issues

contacting any agency for information. D. Public Inforimation and

and inleragcncy operational problems nor does it restrict an agency from Congressional Relotions

that cannot he resolved at the scene to responding to White Hlouse request. The

CfPA *ill remain the source for tei.hnical This section describes the

EMIA headquarters for resolution with responsibilities for Federal agency

Fed-ral a-encies at the national level. information on the emergency, i.e.. the

onsite conditions and the potential or public information and Congressional

(12) Piomole the provision of relations that will be implemented under

infornivtion from Federal agenciei to the real oiffsite radiological impacts. anti

will orovide this technical information this plan. Provision of accurate.

St.lte regarding actions t.cnii oir consistent. well coordinaled information

anticipated by them to FMNA for inclusion in its summary.

(21 Provide pertinent information to to the public and to the Congress is

(13) t'roniate the coordiii ition of 11l recounizzed to be of utmost importance.

foni mnl recomnnienddlions and guidance tile Members of Congress and their

troni Federal agmncies blefort thev ar.-

staffs making inquiries at the scene. 1. Cenei al Public Information

presented to the State. voordir ating as necessary with the CFA Responsibilities

(b) Coohlietole the FederalOf;.ite adrl oher Federal agencies. FlM anad

the ClA will each lie responsible for Ihe major roles and responsibilities

Relsponse I tItah the Federal or State for public information release during a

Onsite Response. (1) Piomote the leepire their respective Congressional

Committees informed and %will radiological emergency are as follows:

.oordinaIton of the Feder.d offsite a. Facillty or RadiologicolActivity

response %ith the Federal or State coordinate this with each other.

Ow'ners or Operatorsare responsible for

onsite response so that any Federal 3. Role of DoE and EPA

.actionsoft site are taken with information concerning onsite status

knowledle of current or anticipated

The Department of Energy aonr] tih. .and conditions.

,'ctiolls all site.

Envirionmental Protectioni Ager:cy havr b The State is responsible for

a major role in the Federal respon% liy e!ealsirig information relating to the

(2) Assist and support tile CFA. if anv.

with;n- needed logistical support roorilinating Federal radiological iipa.ct of the emergency on the health

throi-gh oihv.- Feder.d agencies is moniloring and assessment act:x ;!iX and sotety of its citizens and relating to

i Leqiired. There are three responsibilities its e"n.. gency response operations.

(3) Assisi the CFA. as required. in its 'nzolved. which initially fall to t)oF. c.. I hc CM. if any. through the

dIe.:al-opment or evAlutlion of l"PARs and They are: (:FAOs PuLblic Information Officer

RI-Rs includui-g ih.' pro%ision of n'eded

  • Coordinate the ofrsite radiiologicial (110)'.and in close coordination with the

irformnit:(m to o. from othor monitoring. assessment. evalahtion. aind owner or operator. and the State. is

.qeflciis having the required expeitise. reporting of all Federal agencies dLiring iesponsible for information related to (a)

(I) Ensure that the CFA is informed of the initial phases of the emcrgency. the onsite conditions of the radiological

the calpabilitiCb dand resources of ofisite includina notification of Federal .ietivity and (b) the offsite radiological

Federal dgencies for assisting with the agencies in accordance with the effects. The CFA is responsible for tile

implementation of Federal developed or provisions of the FRMAP; security cIlssIficdtion of all onsite

evaluated l'AR3 and RERs by the State

  • Maiintain liaison and a common set information in accidents or significant

or other offsite authornties. of offsite radiological monitoring data incidents involving nuclear weapons.

(5) Assist the C(A. .;nd DoE or EPA in d. Each ErIlerulagency is responsible

their roles as FRNIAP coordinators. in 4UoA: %%outdalso sare ji the CFA if tht- for the piepardtion of public information

  • vmi.*;i- :1. in:-heJ t)- nedtor juthoirnz.

Ni tN n-tn!m1A rele.ised related to its own response

disseminatin; iniformation to. and

". . it fciritei. , 111n.!l1.41 I3tet, obtaiuting informn.twin from. other 1."1#1 t4 MOinM an.! sp.u1i nUl. I-Jr ft . i-It 1F. .acti ities. Prior to release, information

le'.Ii r.lI . igi'n,.ies lI.'cilit. tc the , O"! .1. i ;1I

I. coordinated through the public

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 46550 Federal Register l Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8 1985 / Notices

information organizations described in authorities. If FEMA's PlO or any other and serve as a platform for carefully

the remainder of this section. participating agency's PIO arrives at the selected. Washington-based specialists

C.FEMA. through the SF0's P10, will scene of the emergency before the to supply background information. as

work with the CFAO's PlO to promote CFAO. the FEMA P10 or another required.

coordination among all Federal agencies agency's PLO may establish and manage

regarding public information generated Federal operations at the JIC until the 4. Coordinated Release of Information to"

by them and to promote the CFAO arrives. Upon arrival. the CFAO Congress

coordination of press release with the or his/her P10 shall assume primary Responses to Congressional requests

State. Coordination does not mean that responsibility for Federal operations at for information will be coordinated

the Idnguage of all releases must be the )IC. If there is no CFAO for the among the Federal agencies whenever

approved by the SFO and CFAO PlOs. emergency. the SFO's PIO shall assume possible. The CFA Congressional

hut rather that the information content primary responsibility for Federal Liaison Officer (CLO) at the

is to be reviewed by them prior to operations at the JIC. When there Is a headquarters Congressional Affairs

release to ensure its consistency with CFAO. the SFO's PIO will assume Office will provide a single point of

the total information available. In cases responsibility for coordinating Federal

%lhen the public health and safety are in contact for all Federal agency

public information at the JIC from the headquarters CLOs and Congressional

imminent peril. the CFAO's PIO may CFAO's PIO at a mutually agreeable staffs seeking site-specific emergency

review and release public information time. FEMA PlOs at the scene will information. As time and circumstances

independently. The SFO's P10 will provide support to the CFA during the

ansume responsibility from the CFAO's permit. all agency CLOs will either

period that the CFA has Federal channel Congressional requests to this

1'10 at a mutually agreeable time when operational responsibility for the IfC.

recovery efforts are initiated by the single point of contact. or coordinate

FEMA's support will include their intended responses with it.

State or other appropriate offsite coordinating public information

authority. When no Federal agency activities of other Federal. Stale. or If no Federal agency assumes the CFA

assumes the CFA role. the SFO's PIO volunteer agencies at the scene but not role for the emergency. the FEMiA

will coordinate Federally generated located at the JIC with which FEMA has headquarters CLO will coordinate

public information. a pre-established relationship. Congressional information as described


2. Coordinated Release of Public 3. Coordinated Release of Public A FEMA CLO will be the point of

Information at the Scene of the Information at the Headquarters Level contact at the scene of the emergency

Emergency for all Federal agency CLOs and

For some emergency situations it may

Upon arrival at the emergency scene. be necessary to release public Congressional staff seeking information

the CFAO's PlO or. if none. the SFO's information prior to the establishment of regarding the emergency and actions

PIO. will ensure the establishment of Federal operations at the JIC. When this being taken to assist offsite authorities.

Federal public information operations at is the case. Federal agencies must The FEMA CLO will keep in frequent

the joint Information Center (JIC) in coordinate the release of public contact with the CFA CLO. if any. who

cooperation with the owner or information through their headquarters will continue to be the primary point of

operator's pre-established information with the CFA headquarters PIO. The contact in the Washington. D.C. area.

center. or separately. if necessary. Most CFA headquarters PIO serves as the The FEMA CLO will provide

nuclear power plant owners or single point of contact at the national appropriate information to Members of

operators have designated JIC locations headquarters level for all Federal Congress and/or their field staffs with

and have made arrangements to agency PlOs as well as for the media. assistance as necessary from the CFA

establish and operate these centers in The CFA headquarters P10. in and other Federal agencies. This formal

an emergency. The JIC at the scene of conjunction with FEMA headquarters. procedure does not preclude

the emergency will provide the public will establish procedures for communication and information

and the media with adequate. accurate. coordinating the release of Federal exchange between Congressional

and timely public information regarding public information with the State prior representatives and Federal agencies.

a radiological emergency. Efforts will be to release to the media. If no Federal However. Federal responses will be

made to colocate all Federal. State. local agency assumes the CFA role for the coordinated among Federal agencies in

and owner or operator public emergency, then the FEMA the manner described above. The CFA

information officials in the JIC. headquarters PIO will coordinate CLO and the FEMA CLO will coordinate

However. if space limitations at a Federal public information as described with each other on the information

nuclear power plant's designated above. provided to the Congress as well as on

information center preclude its use as a Prior to the establishment of Federal information being provided to the public

l1C and/or if the State designates operations at the IIC. Federal agencies through operations at the JIC.

another location for its public will coordinate releases of public

information activities, special efforts information both at the regional level E. InternotionalResponse Coordination

will be necessary to maintain close and near the site of the emergency Although the geographic scope of the

coordination between the Federal JiC through their Washington. D.C. FRERP is limited to the United States. its

and these other press centers. If the headquarters offices. territories. possessions. and territorial

Federal PlOs and the State PiOs cannot The agency headquarters points of waters. it is recognized that radiological

co-locale at the JIC. FEMA will notify contact for public information will emergencies occurring near

the State when and where the Federal continue to operate throughout the international borders (i.e.. near Canada

JIC has been established. emergency. but once the 1IC is and Mexico) could require international

Whenever practical. the establishment established all Wdshington-based cooperative response efforts.

of Federal operations at the JIC will be information must be coordinated Therefore. the CFA and FEMA. in

undertaken by the CFA in coordination through the JIC prior to release. The consultation with the Department of

with FEMA. other appropriate Federal Washington centers may. however. State and other Federal agencies as

agencies. and State and local handle overflow news media inquirics appropriate. should coordinate and

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 I z--:1 r


Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday, November 8, 1985 I. Notices 46551i

  • .ooperale at the time of the emergency -* *lo make needed radiological responsibilities. Existing radiological

with affected countries in accordance monitaring and assessment assistance monitoring and assessment capabilities

.vith already established protocols (o.q.. uvailable to Federal agencies. State and developed to carry out those -

treaties, bilateral agreements). If nny local governments with jurisdiction, and responsibilities will be made available

contacts are made between iredrral the general public through appropriate to State and local authorities with

agencies anti foreign governments State and local agencies; jurisdiction, and 4o other Federal

dluring an emergency, this should be

  • To pro6ide a framework through agencies in an emergency if other

reported to the Department of Stlate and whici Federal agencies will coordinate resources are not available.

i EMA. It is also desirable that requests their cmergency radiological monitoring 3. Thc Federal agencies will make

foi assistduce from United States h1urder iand! assessment activities in support of their resources available on request. An

cuuittrics as d tiesult of dmrestic Federal. State. and local governments' agency may decline to provide any

radiological io'nerg.evcies should hie radiological monitoring and assessment needed resources only if doing so would

..oordinated with the Dtepartment of activities: and prevent that agency from carrying out its

State and FEMA.

  • ro assist State and local essential mission and emergency

goveiniments with jurisdiction in functions.

l1t. Federal Radiological Monitwing;and preparing for radiological emergencies

Assessment (FRMAP) 4. During the emergency phase ofthe

tby describing Federal assistance Federal response. the DoE will

A. Foreivtrd responsibilities. coordinate all Federal offsite

't1e Fe deral!.di I \l-ifl

Mohni'tring (. A-l:dhoriti aind lur;sdirtin radiological monitoring and assessment

.i:.1 Assessnient PIoin wa s delt h!oped to operations and integrate the data

D)oE is assigned thc responsibility for derived from those activities. EPA will

t.oi)rdinale Federal ra.-ological do veloping the FRMAP under attihorily

.assistance. Althot.1ii the FRNIAl is part of t4 CrR Part 31. 'the FR.MAP is assume the lead agency responsibility

of the FRERP. it may lie impl-m'r.nted in.iludtod in the FRERP to provide a for coordinating the intermedidte and

separately. 1 hr- tFRMAP noighnilly single. comprehensive document that long-term offsite radiation monitoring

required under a FCMA regulation descrilCs all Federal offsite assistance oictivities after receiving adequate

issued on March 1I1. 19812. is a re\ised r sponsibilities. The agencies assurance from the Department of

and update verbion of tle pl.aning aind participating in the FRMAP. including Energy and other Federal agencies that

response concepts of the Initeragencry agencies that joined FRMAP subsequent they will commit the required resources.

Radiological Assistance Plan (tRAP) and to 44 CFR Part 351. are: FEMA. the personnel. and funds for the duration of

supersedes that plan. I'RMAP and IRAP Nurlear Regulatory Commission (NRC). the rederal response effort The full

.a:e very similar in concept. with the the Environmental Protection Agency FRMAP response will be terminated

mitst notable changes occciiiing ia ti1e ([PA). the Department of le3lth and when the EPA Administrator

dtesignatieoi of p irti.:p .eeral

l', Jto lInian Services (HiS)-: the Department determines. after consultation with the

.gercies and. in soinme tses. their (f l'rerg1 (DoE): the Dcpartment of CEA and State and local officials. that:

expa-nded or revised responrsibilities. Agriculture (USDA): the Department of (aI) There is no longer a threat to the

" S FEMA. 11hu FRM6AP deals with the l1cfense {l~oD): the Department of public hacilth and sdfety or to the

initikLtion and coordination of Federal Commere-n (DoC): and the D-ppartraent of environment. or (b) State and local

raidiological nonitoring and assessment the Interior (l)ol). resources are adequate for the situation.

.Nszistanice. not each Feduetl anevncy's I'he IRMAAP recognizes that the above or (c) the Federal agencies are carrying

individal~ response. .tq.nicies may have other radiological out only non-emergency statutory

rThe FRMIAP est.olhishes: ])A flieu~ls plar'unr a.nId emergency responsibilities responsibilities, or (d) there is mutual

oif requesting and proi;ding Fe.l' .1s part of their statutory authority. as agreement of the agencies involhed to

r.irliolo-ical aisistanre from e\;btin., well .is established working terminate their response.

Federal reso)urces and ({) an oJ.-r vitiril relationships with State counlerpait 5. An tigency that makes its resources

raimework for cuoidinialin,; th.- .aogrnr.ies. The pro isions of the FRMAP .ivall.blo. although under the general

n~~i!,fihiicanlsln-unitodrigng~id .S:w~^ ol not limirt those responsibilities. but dirtution of DoE (or later. EPA). does

Ictivities of l'edural agencies ohniql. romplement them by previding for a not place itself under the duthority of

'.1diologicil eniergencies ot:nUI r;,:x roordin-ited Federal response when the coordinating agency.

.itlohn the lnited St.ates anwl it emergoncy radinlogicdl assistance is G. DoE (or later. EPA) will maintain a

':rritories. The operational algitdt:imns iequirestt:d. All FIRMAP artiflies will Loinmon and consistent set of all offsite

Ir esented hero' apply to all rdihr.)logic.l '.nipport the monitoring and asessimnnt radio!ogical monitoring data drnd

4-nierorgecies in % ht.hh I edlr.dl . ss'.t.orluc pr.ograms of the State. the owner of the pi o%ide it. vith interpretation. to the

b requested. radooactive material involved or th. CI'A. to the States. aiid to groups that

AlI on. end *C tbii!range off..I ,, t-. opernitor of the nuclear fd lli:'y. the tl1-.:

-. t;encies designate. as well as to


,;.rgel(cies. th. FHlAP na% o be .ossssnt.inl needs of the CFA. or be otheli 'ederal agencies involved in the

9 iiplotrented v 'iI'a',t the lt'IFRI. .A!the *arihd nut to meet st.,tutory evn arg4,n(.y rer-ponse. The principal

thie.'r end of 1w t..nge. Ilhe r. dil. .pl .il r.wi1.31llons ities. d.s-c-ription of the combined offsite and

ossiSt.kllcel d thipiugli 11MAP

'il4! unsite radiological conditions *ill come

n.iy 6e only a ,,'ii.oll portion ofthi' total I). I'Adu;y the CtA and the State.

I ederal rcsponse to a major mnlergenry. 1. Federdl agency plans ania 7. Ihe Federal radiological monitoring

FRIMAP applies primarily to offsite procedures for implementing the FRMAP .nMd.issessment response will be in

l'ederal radiologi-al monitorin- and will bne consistent with any Federdl stiport of. and coordinated with, that of

.issessinent assistance and the tp'.hnical r.idiologieal emergency platning the State and local governments with

-.upport for these activities. requii ementits for State and locral jurisdiction. The resources of DoE and

g-ivernments and specific fLcilities. the participating agencies will be used

1?P111pO.' 2. The participating Federdl agencies only *whenState and local resources are

tllic purpose-s of the FR N1I :mr.o .nt will mnintdin fdcilities. equipmet.-i. and not .ilequate. All ofrsite activities will

!. lows: tp-sorinfIi to carry out th-ir so tlitorv those of t[li S! tto.

l1i, oo rt inio ted w tto

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1936 46552 Federal Register / Vol. 50, No. 217 / Friday, November 8. 1985i-/Notices

a Federal assistance will be initiated 2. Involvement of Non-Participating reporting activities of all Federal

when the Federal Radiological Agencies I agencies during the initial phases of an

Emergency Response Plan is in effect. or In some cases. other Federal agencies emergency while maintaining technical

through a request from a State or local may become involved with FRMAP liaison with State and local agencies

government. another Federal agency or activities. The State Department would iith similar responsibilities.

private entity. or (in rare cases) when be involved if an incident occurring b. Maintain a common set of all offsite

DoE, afier notification of an incident. within the United Slates or its territories radiological monitoring data and

but in the absence of implementation of affected areas outside United States provide these data and interpretation.

the FRERP or formal State request. territory or if monitoring efforts needed including any Federal dose projections.

believes it must respond to meet to be coordinated across an to the CFA and the State on an

statutory requirements to protect public international border. The Federal expedited basis to assist in developing

safety. Whenever DoE responds without Bureau of Investigation (FBI) would other protective measures and re-entry

a State request, the State will be notified have the principal role in the re.ommendations for the public. The

by DoE. Requests from private entities investigation of all emergencies where CFA wdill provide these data to other

will be referred to the State before any terrorism or deliberate release of appropriate Federal agencies requiring

decision on response is made to ensure radioactive materials is suspected. or in direct knowledge of radiological

there will not be a duplication of effort. cases of threats against nuclear facilities conditions.

or materials. The major FBI interfaces. c. With other appropriate agencies.

9. Agencies carrying out statutory

however, are expected to be with the including those agencies with

responsibilities related to radiological

CFA and FEMA. Even when the FBI is responsibilities for the ingestion

monitoring and ^ssessment during a involved. DoE/EPA will coordinate

Federal response will also coordinate pathway (e.g.. EPA. IltIS, and USDA).

monitoring functions with their State help the CFA to assess the accident

their activities through DoE (or later. counterparts.

EP'A). This coordination will not limit potential and to develop technical

3. Coordination of a Limited Response recommendations on protecti%e actions.

the normal working relationship arnd assist the State in preparing re-entry

between a Federal agency and its State The FRMAP recognizes that the recommendations and in recovery

counterpart nor restrict the flow of appropriate response to a request for planning.

information from that agency to the Federal radiological assistance may d. Provide the personnel and

State. take many forms. ranging from advice equipment required to coordinate and. in

10. Federal agencies, as their given by telephone to a large Federal cooperation with other Federal

resources permit. will assist other monitoring and assessment operation at components. to perform the offsite

Federal agencies and State and local the scene of a serious emergency. Most radiological monitoring and evaluation

governments with planning and training of the following guidelines for activities.

activities designed to improve local participating agencies are designed for

the latter situation. but the FRMAP is e. Request supplemental radiological

response capabilities. and will monitoring assistance from other

cooperate in drills. tests. and exercises. also applicable to lesser incidents where

a limited response. possibly by DoE Federal agencies when needed. whcn

11. Appropriate independent alone. is sufficient. requested to do so by the State. or if ,

emergency actions may be taken by the considered necessary to maintain the

participating Federal agencies on their F. Responsibilitiesof Participating ciedibility of the offsite assessment.

own authority to save lives, minimize Agencies f. Request meteorological.

immediate hazards. and gather 1. Responsibilities During Emergencies hydrological. geographical. etc.. data

information about the emergency that Cognizant Federal Agency.-The CFA's needed for monitoring and assessment

might be lost by delay. Such action wlU primary emergency response r fforts.

not preempt later implementation of the responsibilities are stated in the g. Provide consultation and support

FRIAP. previous chapter at C.I. The CFA will services to all other entities fe g.. private

12. Funding for each agency's also contribute to the FRMAP as contractors) with radiological

participation in support of the FRMAP is follows: monitoring functions and capabilities.

the responsibility of that agency unless a. Ensure that DoE. Federal. State. and h. Assist HHS and other Federal.

provided for by other agreements. local officials are notified quickly of a State. and local agencies by providing

radiological emergency: technical and medical advice on the

F.. Orgonization methods of handling radiological

b. Provide pertinent onsite technical

1. General Principles and radiological data to the DoE or EPA contamination.

Offsite Technical Director (OSTD) and i. Assist the other Federal. State. and

The FRMAP addresses the State and local officials. and local agencies in early planning for

coordination of the participating c. Utilize FRMAP data. as appropriate. decontamination and recovery of the

agencies' support of offslte monitoring to develop the Federal technical offsite area and make recommendations

and assessment efforts. Tle recommendations on protective to avoid the spread of contamination by

organization of the FRMAP emergency measures and evaluate the facility or improper emergency operations.

response and the roles of some agencies radiological activity owner or operator's j. Provide telecommunications support

tinder FRMAP will depend on the recommendations. The presentation of to Federal agencies assisting in offsite

specific emergency. but will follow the these recommendations to the State or radiological monitoring. if necessary.

principles outlined in the Federal other offsite authority will be ek. Ensure the orderly transfer of

Radiological Emergency Response Plan. coordinated with FEMA. responsibility for coordinating the

Information generated from the FRMAP Deportment of Energy. DoEs offsite intermediate and long-term radiological

response is provided to the CFA and to responsibilities are: monitoring function to EPA at a

the appropriite State aithonties. a. Coordinate the offsite radiological mutually agreeable time after the initial

monitoring. assessment. evaluation. and phases of the emergency if the need for

Attachment 1 I

IN 86-18 Mearch 26, 1986 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. Novernber 8. 1985 I Notices 46553R.

Federal radiological assistance authorities who need to work with State of a radiological hazard or serious threat

continues. and Federal emergency radiological to the public. In most cases. State

EnvironmentalProtectionAuency. assistance personnel. Federal assistance resources or a limited Federal response

EPA will assume the lead agency in training State and local governmenIt will suffice.

responsibility for coordinating the personnel is available through FEMA

intermediate and long-term offsite (under 44 CFR Part 351). using the IS.OperatingProcedures

radiation monitoring activities after technical expertise and resources of 1. Notification and Activation

icceiving adequate assurance from the other FRMAP agencies.

licp.irtmer't of Energy and other Fcderal Exercises of the FRMAP aspect of the Notification of DoE and other

a;!gncies that they will commit the I'RFRP are encouraged among Federal. participating agencies may occur

wiiiested resources. personnel. and State. and local agencies. Exercises may through an alert to a possible problem or

finids for the duration of the Fcderal occur independently or in conjunction a request for radiological assistance.

response effort. Once the coordin.atiou with other exercises. such as State/ DoE will maintain national and regional

re-ponsibilities are transferred from facility emergency plan exercises or coordination offices as points of access

D)uE and EPA. EPA will assunic the DoE exercises of the FRERP. Each agency to Federal radiological emergency

role described above. Prior to assuming should coordinate its training programs assistance and response. Requests for

t nordination responsibility, EPA will .ind exercises through the Federal Federal radiological assistance will

funiction as one of the other participating Radiological Preparedness Coordinating generally be directed to the appropriate

.igencies. Committee (FRPCC) Subcommittee on DoE Radiological Assistance Regional

I 'edJ-rIlEm4'rjencl no'Wngeinent Training and Exercises to avoid Coordinating Office. An exception to

  • l';r'nc FEMA has a major role in all duplication and to make its training this is a request from the DoD. which

.Rituatins Iivoli ing- a multi-agency availablle to other agencies. Each agency will be made through the DoD-DoE joint

.; bponse. In addition to coordinating the is encouraged to furnish training Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center

offsitc (non-tcchnicall response under materials and training assistance, as its (JNACCJ at Kirtland AFIB in

the FRIE'RP. ITNIA may contribute to xesources permit. when requested to do Albuquerque, New Mexico. Requests

U'RN'IA by obtaining so by other agencies. might also go directly to DoE's

telecommunications and logistical Emergency Operating Center (EOC) in

support for agencies participating in G. Types of Emcrgencies

Germantown. Maryland.

radiological monitoring and assessment Three types of emergencies have been

as requested by l)oE or EPA as FRMiAP

Requests for radiological assistance

previously described in the FRERP. Each may come from other Federal agencies.

I)ordinators. type of emergency may present different State or local governments, licensees for

OtilerPorcticipatma A gencws. Each types of response problems. radioactive materials. industries. or the

pai ticipating agency will carry out its Fixed nuclear facilities, including

statutory responsibilities and any other nuclear power reactors. have the

general public. Requests from the

responsibilities under the FRERP. if the advantages of known locations and general public will be referred to the

FRHRP is implemented. during the existing site-specific emergency plans.

State before any decision on response is

coutse of the radiological emergency. Classifications of incident severity have

made to ensure there will not be a

All radiological monitoring and been development for many of these

duplication of effort. Although

.asiessment actiuties conducted as part facilities, and the level of FRMAP activation of a response under the

of the statutory respon'sibilities will be response may be guided by these FRMAP can occur at the request of other

oerdinalt-d with the other participating classifications. The NRC has adopted agencies. authorities. and coordinating

.u *n ies through DuE and liter. E'A. four classifications for incidents at centers. a State request for assistance agency %%ill make its radiological commercial nuclear power plants: will be obtained before major offsite

risouires a.ld capibilhties avail.ible to Notification of Unusual Event: Alert: operations begin.

ttIe 1'ederil assistance opera tions as Site Area Emergency: and General The DoE regional office may respond

resoun es pernLt. Emergency. DoD and DoE have chosen by dispatching a Radiological

the same foumr classifications for their Assistance Program (RAP) team. by

2 Responsibilities for Training and requesting assistance from a regional

E\e.L_"STS nuclear facilities. although the type of

possible incident would depend on the office of another participating agency. or

To impro%c the recspnse capability of type of facility. In general. for facilities by referring the request to an

the p.articipatinig .geiuicis and the State U'sing these classifications. offsite appropriate State agency that can

and local personnel A ith w ho n they monitoring and assessment activities provide prompt assistance. The State

intorat. the FR.MlA' encour.iocs the would be expectPd only during a Site will be notified when a RAP team is

do velopment of training materials and Area Emeigencv or a General being sent. In addition. the DoE regional

presentation of training sessions by all Emergency. Substantial offsite office will notify the Director of DoE's

a.cincies and at dil le%els Radiological radiological problems vould be Emergency Action and Coordination

Xia.'rge-icy response training should be c\pecti-d only during or following a Team (EACI) through the Emergency

oriented toward ensuring proper Genprai Emergency condition. Operating Center (EOC) when the DoE

ermergency actions at the scene of a Mobilization and activation could occtir regional office needs assistance or has

radiological emergency. informing the tinder aln Alert if degradation of the responded to a request for assistance.

public. and effecting a prompt return to level of safety at the facility or other EACT may choose to alert or activate

normalcy. In addition to agency conditions (public concern, unfavorable major DoE response resources. If the

personnel, personnel who may be weather. lack of resources) warrant such initial request comes directly to the

trained include those likely to be at the action. tOC. its staff will alert or dispatch a

scene of the accident. such as personnel Response to transportation acuidents RAP team from the appropnate regional

of a fixed nuclear facility. personnel is more difficult to plan. as such office.

providing emergency services. those accidents may occur anvwhere. may The DoE EOC will notify. as

experts iesponding to calls for involve a variety of radioactive necessary. DoC/NOAA. DoD. Dol. EPA.

r.adillogil:a1a.ssistan(e. .nd lic I nimtrin;ls. and miay represent much less FEIMA, IIIIS. NRC. and tISDA in

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 46554 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices

accordance with agreed-upon FRMAP UoE official who coordinates the total responsible for prepa ration of press

notification procedures. to request their DoE response.) releases about its own response

assistance if significant Federal The OSTD is responsible for activities in support of FRIMAP.

involvement may be required. DoE in its establishing a Federal Radiological How ev er. information for'the public

role as coordinator. may choose to Monitoring and Assessment Center about the results of the Federal

contact, or may be contacted by. any of (FRMAC) to be used as a coordination radiological monitoring should be J

the participating agencies, but unless center for Federal monitoring efforts. coordinated through the CFA and

DoE is also the CFA. DoE will not be the This center need not be located near the FENA. I he participating agencies may

primary source of general information emergency si:e or the Federal Response supply public information personnel or

aiout the incident. Center (FRC) as long dS its actions can technuLal experts to assist the CFA.

Notification of FRMtAP agencies may be coordinated with those centers. In I EMA. or State in their public

be delayed or omitted if necessary to some instances. the FRNtAC location information efforts.

avoid interfering with investigations of mav have already been determined and

included as part of a Federal agency. Security considerations may iestrict

threats against nuclear facilities or a'.allable information wyhen classified

ma.terials. In some cases. notification Slate, or local emergency plan. When

the FRMAC location has not been nuclear material or facilities are

may be made. hut information not :ai.ohed. Information may also be

critical to the monitoring and previously determined. a location wil;

lie selected after conferring with the temporarily withheld front the public in

assessment activities can be restricted

br an ongoing criminal investigation. State. The location of the FRhtAC will emergencies invol'. ing terrorism or

be reported to the CFA. FF£MA dnd sabot.,oe to avoid interfering with an

Rctrictions on classificd information

Sta.te offikials at the scene. and DoE ongoin- criminal in Cestigdtion.

m..y dlso prevent total disclosure to

other participdting agencies. hcadquarters will inform the hluen the Federal response is limEccl.

Agencies responding under FRMAP headquarters of other appropriate public information may lie handled

-,ill usisally arrive in stages. with p.mrticipating agencies. When the £'RC locally 1bv appropriate Federal or local

.advance teams preced;ng more fully and FEMA and not louited together. the officials.

equipped tcams. Agencies will OS1' will designate a liaison to the

FRC and FEMA will designate a liaison 4. Convresbional Information

anticipate State needs to the maximum

extent possible and respond as quickly to the FRMAC to facilitate coordination Responses to Congressional requests

as practical. However, it should be between centers. Representatives of all for information will be coordinated

reLognized that the logistics of any agencies participating in the FRMAP among the Federal agencies as pro%. ided

major response operation make the response should be present in the for ti the FRERP.

expectation of an inimediate response to FRMAC. if possible.

The DoE OSTD will work closely with 5. Reimbursement

.11 State requests unrealistic.

the EPA Radiological Response As stated in Section D. funding for each

2. Coordination at the Emergency Scene Coordinator to facilitate a smooth agenecys participation mi support of

t)-,Es Emergency Action and transition of the coordination FRNMAI' is the responsibility of that

Coordination Team (PACT) at responsibility to EPA at a mutually a-encc.. unless other agreements are in

heddquldrters will designate an initial dgrceable time and after consultation effect. This will be the case regardless c

Off Site Technical Diiector (OSTD) fo'r *with the State. It is difficult to specify in  %%hetherthe activities were initiated b \,

.aiy emergency requiring more than a ddvauice when this transfer could occur. statutory responsibilities or by the

limited Federal response. The OSTD but it would generally be expected to request of another agency

ensures that the DoE responsibilitv for Like place after the immediate

Louirdinating offsute monmtoring and eme-rgency situation is stabilized. offsite I S:ipportmgn .4yreczni'ts

assessment is met. Upon arrival at the releases of radioactive material ha%e

(eased. and the offsite radiological Several interagency agreements ha%e

st ene of the emergency. the OSTD will been signed that pertain to the offsite

cont.ict the State or local agency conditions have been documented and

their consequences have been assessed. inonutor;nn and dssessment acti'ities

responsible for radiological monitoring. covet ed by FRNIAP. Authority for each

In the case of an accident at a nuc(lear

and the senior officials of the CFA. dgeCIL% s role during a rddiological

FEMA. and EPA present at the power plant, for instance, the transfer of

responsibility might take place at a emergency is contained %%ithinthe

emergcncy scene. authorities cited in eacdh agencyvs

mutually agreeable tinie after NRC has

The person designated is OS'D may determined the plant to be in stable re-ponse plan summary in the fillowing

s.,rV as the nature and degree of chapter.


rebponse change. For example. the After this transfer. a perion

OS1D will generally be the RAP team IV. Federal Agency Interfaces and

Ieign.ted by EPA's Office of Radiation Response Plan Summaries

captlain during the eady response. As PIlonrains will serve as the OSTI) and

aIdditiondl resources or addilional RAP  %%dl.ussume the coordination To facilitate the coordinl-tion of

teinis arnve, EACT may designate a resronsibiluties of the DoE OSTD. Other Fvldt ral .agency response actions, this

higher-level official fronm a regional pdrticipating agencies will be settion dehines and summarizes Federal

office of an official from DoE responsible for coordinating their .ig ncyv interfaces-those activities for

headquarters as OSTID. DoE will notif( monitoring activities through the EPA '.i hich two or more agencies have

.he appropriate participating agencies OCSI1) as long as the FRMAP response related responsililities. hlie interfaces

%% hen these designations are made. In continues. dmong Federal agencies are determined

emergencies where DoE is also the CFA in laite part by the nature and severity

or has onsite responsibilities by 1.Public. Infor.natior ofgiven emergencies. This section also

agreement. the (STl will coordinate Public information activities relati%e cnnttmins summaries of the response

'hle FRNIAP actzities. reporting to the to I'RN1AI' operations will be plilans of the participating Federal

(1 AO through the designated floE Te.imn uordinauted in accordilance with the ,.g.'s.11'5, which provide agency mission

I * .i. r (1 he luE lTeam Leader is the I [iERI'. Fach puiticidting agency is i., i *.u' ots. s ~olidLt poiunts for

Attachment I

IN 86-18 \

March 26, 1986 Federal Register / Vol. 50, No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices 46555 Feea eitrIVl 0 o 1 riaNvme .18 oie 65 notification. Federal interfaces. plan may impinge on the actions of other FRMAP (Notification)

references. and sources of authority. agencies. DoE will notify Federal agencies that

A. FederalAgency Interfaces Coordination (Onsite/Offsile) have FRMAP responsibilities in

accordance with agreed-upon

Federal agency interfaces are The SFO and the CFAO will work notification procedures.

necessary for a coordinated Federal together directly and through their

response. These interfaces, describing representatives at the scene, whether FRMAP (Resources)

how various Federal agencies will work co-located or located at separate In making their resources avildable to

together, are the planning elements that response centers. to coordinate the support the FRMAP. all participating

promote coordination in the Federal response efforts of the Federal agencies Federal agencies will coordinate their

response. Some of these interfaces were offsite with the response efforts of the activities with DoE. When EPA has

described explicitly in the preceding CFA and owner or operator onsite. assumed the coordination

sections; others are in the individual responsbilities from DoE, participating

agency response plans and procedures. Designation of Agency Lead Official Federal agencies will coordinate their

The interfaces are summarized and ities with EPA.

Each agency will exchange with dCti

catalogued alphabetically in this section

to provide a comprehensive reference FEMA appropriate information about its FRMAI (Transition)

list for participating agencies and other designateditead official and personnel at

the scene. if any. After the emergency phase of the

offsite authorities. This catalogue also response, DoE will transfer FRMAP

serves as a glossary, since only the titles Emergency Shelter Availability coordination responsibilities to EPA at a

of these interfaces are used in the mutually agreeable time.

agency response plan summaries that HUD and HIHS will coordinate their

follow. assistance to State and local Food/Feed Avai!Lbility

government officials in providing

Activation and Deployment USDA and 11S1 will coordinate their

emergency shelter for relocated persons.

(Procedures) assistance to State and local

Federal Lands government officials to ensure the

FEMA will execute operational availability of food and feed duriig

response procedures as agreed to with The CFA and FEMA will coordinate emergencies.

each potential CFA to ensure that with any affected Federal land

notification, activation. and deployment management agencies (Dol. USDA. DoD. Food/Feed Safety Recommendations

of Federal agencies take place in a TVA) about response activities to 111IS and USDA, in coordination with

timiely. efficient, and mutually agreeable ensure that they are consistent with the CFA. will jointly develop

manner and in accordance with governing Federal statutes. recommendations concerning the safety

procedures in their agency plans. of food and animal feed.

Federal Response Center

Advise on Transportation of and to Imp ict Assessment (Agriculture)

Emergency Ilousing Upon notification by FEMA of the

location and establishment of the USDA will coordiiate with HISS and

[IIUD may consult with DoT for advice Federal Response Center. each Federal EPA to assist State and local officials.

on the best means for transporting agency with representatives at the scene as requested, in the disposition of

dislocated persons to emergency of the emergency will provide contaminated livestock and poultry.

housing or on transporting emergency representation to the Center if possible.

housing to dislocated persons. Impact Assessment (Health)

FRMAP (Coordination With FRERP) I IIS will assist the CFA. FEMA. EPA

Congressional Information

DoE or EPA will coordinate FRMAP DoE as FRMAP coordinator. and, if

Agency Congressional Liaison requested. the State in assessing the

monitoring and assessment activities

Officers (CLOs) will coordinate impact of the radiological emergency on

with other Federal offsite assistance

Congressional requests with the CFA the health of persons in the affected

Congressional Liaison Officer at being provided to the State through the

SFO. area.

headquarters or the FEMA CLO who

will be the Congressional point of Indian Tribes

FRMAP (Liaison)

contact at the scene of the emergency. Dot (tribal government and trust

The CFA Iheadquarters CLO and FEMA Upon arrival at the scene. the DoE resources issues) and III IS (health and

CL.O will keep in frequent contact. Offsite Technical Director (OSTD) will safrtv issues) are availdbli- to assist tile

establish liaison with State and local CFA and FEMA in Lonsulting and

Coordination (Liaison) officials. the CFA. FEMA. and EPA. coordinating with Federally recognized

Agencies will provide or exchange IURMAP (Monitoring Results) Indian tribes about incidents. responses.

liaison representatives. as necessary.ito and protective measures affecting them

assist in the exchange of information DoE will coordinate Federal

anmong agencies. monitoring activities for the CFA and in Information Exchange

support of the State during the initial FEMA will establish a mechanism to

Coordination (Offsite) stages of the emergency. The CFA. other faeilitate the timely exchange of

Federal agencies providing offsite Federal agencies. and the State will information among responding Federal

assistance to State and local work with DoE to develop a agencies.

government agencies will coordinate comprehensive assessment of the offsite

radiological monitoring data The results Information Requirements

this assistance through the SFO

whenever Federal agencies share the of the assessment will be provided to CFA. DoE/EPA, and FE.MA will

implementation of certain the CFA and the State for further satisfy the mutually agreed-upon

responsibilities or when their activities evaluation and distribution. information requirements soecified by

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 46556 Federal Register

- / Vol. 50. No. 217 / 1-- Fr/dtv N.v . ' 0 LA .- 1

. - __ --- I 0,.JLZP" f Notices -

edch participating Federal agency during advice for the Stlate regarding other

the planning process. Public Information Releases from

protective measures and re-entry Headquarters

Iitertuitional Cooperation (CFA) recommendations for the public.

Federal agencies' headquarters PlOs

Trhe (CI'A. in consultation with FEMA. Other Protective Measures and Re-entry will either channel media information

the- Department of Slate, and other Recommendations (RERs) (Presentation) requests to the CFA's PIO at the CFA

l'tederal agencies -s appropriate. will headquarters or coordinate their

The CFA. in conjunction with FEMA

(*ouper.ate with government counterparts and other appropriate Federal agencies. intended public information releases

III Canada and Mexico as agreed to in through him/her prior to release.

will present a coordinated Federal

.1iradly established protocols in position on other protective measures

responding to radiological emergencies Public Information Releases from the JIC

and re-entry recommendations for the

III 4 urring near U S. borders. The CFA Federal agencies' PlOs will work

public to the State or other appropriate

Will also provide appropriate and timely offsile authorities. together to promote the coordinated

information directly to its counterparts release of public information through the

iii Mvmtc 0 andl Canada at the tinie of Protective Action Recommendations JlC.

vinlivrgency. (Development)

Radiation Victim Care advice

Inf ern.ationiial Coopetat ivn (FF.MA) Unless the public health and safety

-ire in imminent penl. the CFA will DoE wilt provide OHIIS and other

I IAIA will woik iWith the Department Federal. State. and local agencies with

of State and other Federal agencies at consult as appropriate with FEMA.

I1I IS. EPA. USDA. DoE, and other advice and medical resources to the

the lime or an emergency to ensure that extent available to assist in the handling

.ilfic-ted or powtnt;ally arrecled countries Federal agencies in preparing a

cooidinated Federal position on and care of radiation accident victims if

.izV kept fully infornied. requested.

protective action recommendations.

I igiitical Support for Federal Agencies taking into consideration appropriate Recovery Planning

E[MTA will assist in obtaining Federal and State Protective Action

Guides when such recommendations are Prior to the Deactivation of the

resources needed by the CFA and other Federal response. FEMA will coordinate

l'ecderal agencies at the emergency necessary.

Federal assistance to the State, as

st'iene. Protective Action Recommendations requested, in planning for offsite

Mannrilie Fishery lhoduct Safety (Presentation) recovery.

I he Department of Commerce will Unless the public health and safety Status Updates

prnide support to I IHS/FDA at its are in imminent peril. the CFA. in Agencies at the scene of the

reiiiieat on matters of fishery product conjunction I ith FEMA. will present an emergency prior to the arrival of the

surety (marine areas only). evaluation of protective action CFA. FEMA. and DoE will provide a

recommendations (PARs) to the State or status update on their activities when

.h-"Woring Resources (EPA) other appropriate offsite authority. as each of these agencies arrives at the

EPA will provide resources to assist requested. scene of the emergency. Subsequent

Dor in monitoring radioactivity levels in Protective Action and Re-entry agency status updates will be provided

the cnvironment during the emergency >

Recommendations Dissemination (CFA) to the CFA. FEMA. and DoE on a

plhae of the incident and. during the recurring basis as requested and to EPA

intermediate and long-term phase. will The CFA will inform DoE or EPA. as upon transfer of the FRNMAP

ciordinate Federal radiological coordinators of Federal offsite coordination responsibility from DoE

monitoring and the evaluation of actual radiological monitoring. of protective

eut ironmenital imipact. action and re-entry and other protective Water Projects

measures recommendations made to the Federal water resources project

Notification (CFAl State. and of any decisions or actions mar.sgers (DoD. Dol. TVA) will

'I he CFA. after receiving notification taken by the State based on those coordinate the operation of their

Of the emergency. %%ill notify FEMA and recommendations projects with the appropriate agencies

other Federal agencies in accordance to ensure protection of municipal (EPA)

%vilhthe CFA's notification procedures. Protective Action and Re-entry

Recommendations Dissemination and agricultural (USDA) water supplies

1his notification %%illinclude a a d fish and wildlife (DoC. Dol) during


di scription of the CFA's response status r: l'ological emergencies.

and current actisities. a general FEMA shall inform Federal agencies DoC and DoD will provide weather

assessment of the emergency. and any at the national level and at the Federal support capabilities for radiological

other inform.ition as.ilable. Response Center of protecti%e action emergencies, backing up one another

Notification (FEMAJ utid re-entry recommendations made to vhen required, and may call on

the State and of any decisions or actions additional support from other agencies.

K-S:IA will notify Federal agencies of taken by the State based on those

tIu* emergency situation and supply as necessary.


thent with atl releant information White House Information

as ailable. Protective Action Implementation

(Food) The CFA will notify the White House

Other Protective Measures and Re-entry of the incident. After the initial report.

Recommendalioins (RERs1 USDA. in coordination with IllIS. will the GFA will prepare the section of

(ID"velopmenl I assist State and local officials in the FEMA's White House reports dealing

implementation of protective measure to with onsite conditions and their actual

Ihe CFA will consult as appropriate minimi7e radiation exposure to the

wvith FEMA. DoE. EPA. IHHS. USDA. and or potential offsite impacts. Based on

public through food ingestion, and will information provided by the SFO and

isher Federal agencies in developing inform FEAIA of such assistance. the other Federal agencies, FF.MA will

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 Federal Register / Vol.50; No. 217 ZlFriday. November 8. M195 /, Nntires . Ar!Zr'

- - . - , . . - - - ---- - 1 provide periodic executive summaries to Department of Transportation (DoT) local organizations responding to a

the President and advise the White Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) radiological emergency. NOAA's

House daily of the overall Federal Federal Emergency Management responsibilities include: Acquiring

response. Agency (FEMA) weather data and providing weather

National Communications System (NCS) forecasts in connection with the

White House Responses

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) emergency: disseminating weather and

All responses to the White House sill U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) emergency information: and ensuring

be coordinated with FEMA. The agency Each summary provides a mission that marine fishery products available to

receiving the inquiry will have lead statement. the agency contact point for the public are not contaminated

responsibility for preparing and notification. Federal agency interfaces.

transmitting the response. assistance responsibilities to Federal. . Po.r 2&tof Aotification at DooC

State. and local governments. agency fit elrquarters

B Summaries of Frdcral Akncy

Response Plans response plan and procedure references Contact Person's 1 i'le. Chief. Applied

and sources of agency authority. For Services Branch.

This section provides summaries of ease of updating, emergency telephone

the response plans prepared by Contact Person's Organizatioa- and facsimile numbers are pro6ided in National Weather Ser%ice

p.irticipating Federal agencies. Appendix C. lieadquarters.

Department of Commerce (DoC) Department of Commerce Responz.. Alternate Emergency Point of Contact

Department of Defense (DoD) Plan Summary NOAA/NVS Communications Branch

Department of Energy (DoE). CFA and

FRMAP 1. Sumimary, of Respon-ze AIs-,s n .: FederalDepartmentor .,-tnrc-t

Department of Health and Human The National Oceanic and interfaces

Services (IIIIS) Atmospheric Administration INOAA) is Listed below are DoC's interfaces

Department of Housing and Urban the primary agent within the Department ie ith other Federal departments and

Development (HUD) of Commerce responsible for providing a gencies in responding to a radiological

Department of the Interior (Doi) assistance to the Federal. State. and emrrgency.


Interface tdescvpicon]Aoca Respons-I:Ae 0cC c.e~s.

Sltai.s %J[AatesinfOlrmatisce(werincents. and,prAsC.10ralrr DoG (CFA) DoE (CFAI NRC 4CFAi FEVA .--

tnroea0. ionn-s

s - .0FE A o lMan Fnnres . - .VS

Fedora roicsasione Jcnte CA- FEfonrro

Fecdrs- paZrsonnvc4ie %iJk

- FE00A . ..- i.

t-- XCl. a- Fsv-sSc N~l

P.Ai.c Wvnlorr,o., from Iwkadnea1-s &,d CON gscScral mc'- Du (crA, DOE (CfrA) NRC (CFAi dsN~ emrngorr~cy pes NlIAgk

matson. D`EKJA ds~rngreccowqrt casa a ------- FEMA NFIC N06- 41inlWefc '0-s .V.% S,

F-st'e.VPIEoduci !Saloty -- - AHS W..- 6:C'A

irnlOlmatso. CxChanoo icpsjscal suonei IO, oitr* FeraI i F[P-A INA

.genccs. COatnaLon (Otoleai and deS~na'KnrOf agjency

kad offkal

Wale. VsOIeCtS - - - DOD(As-V Cc.iSs Of DC4 USDA 'A4 n':

Weathersucpporf - D - NsO.S

FRMAP inootstcaeon) DE

c- I ."

FRIAP isesowcesi o EPA N.OS

Woee H-o~sprrspEMA t.CENA

4. )Iesponsibilitwes for A.,sslaznce to

  • Provide support to H11IS/IDA at its Department of Defcnse R."sponse t'lan

Federal. State. and Local Governmcnts tequest. through the National Marine Summarv

  • Prepare and disseminate forecasts Fisheries Sei vice (N.MFSJ. in order to

avoid human consumption of 1 Seminnaryof'espon'....e.ijis

and warnings for sever saedther such as

hurricanes. tornadoes. severe contaminated commercial fishery d. The Department of Defense is

thunderstorms. floods, extreme vtinter products. (Marine areas only) chargrd %iiththe safe h.ndllinlg storage

iseadher. and Isunamis to local officials maintenance. assemblSI. ..,:d

s5DoC Resp-nnse Par; ,nd Procedure

and the general public. ir.inspJi t.ation of nuiloed :,eatpiotle.


  • Broddcas., watches and warnings of nuclear we.ipoi cuniponents. andll other

natural disasters prtepare(l by NOAA. Agentcy Response Plan r .d o.1rtii c m.ri"teli. I Doil csiutsdx .

nd radiological emergenov warnings .,
:d %s ith hesfu saeJ ration of Dol)

1 I'ationalPlan for Rtadtolhtvzral

approved by the State-. NOAA Efinergencics at Comnierrial Nuiclear nuclear fociltie%. Inhert.ut In this

Weather Radio and other NOAA responisdiilzs is the requiiei:ent to

l'ouer Plants Federal Coordinator for

dissemination systems p.otect lifi' and properto. fiom an. hc..lth

Meteorological Services and Supporting

  • Provide to the CFA. floE and the or safety hazards that could en:sue finn'

Research. National Oceanic and

Sadte. current and forecast .0:1 accudent or significant incident

Atmospheric Administration. !'overnher

meteorological inlormation dabout wind associaded with thesc m.uterials or

1182. 1 *.CIII itUes. To fulfill these

speed and direction. low le.el stabtilti

precipitation. and olla:r n-el.orologit..l 6. l)OCSpeculicAatlhorities responsibilities. the DUD) [hds issued

tl.ans .nd policy guidance requiring the

and h drological IdttUIS affe cting tlhe

  • felportment aof Cinm mere e ila xek-pment Ofda sell-trdined and

transport or disper:ion ul radiactiet1 o .rguanilofjon Order,25.r-a.a almended equipped niideai *icdident response

rii.,teri. I% (d.aeotIs IIii(I . j la.

t ;Cl I


5i7r i(1 11It %hould b.e .oouted Ihd! in

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 46558 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices

order to protect national security ship, or assigned geographic area where to provide information and support as

information, policy guidance prohihits the accident or incident occurs. required.

public release of information that (2) The Service or Agency having

identifies storage locations of nuclear custody of the material at the time of the 2. Point of Notificationat DoD

materials, schedules of transportation of accident or significant incident if the

nuclear materials. or the schedules of Contact Person's Title: Deputy

accident occurs beyond the boundaries Director of-Operations (DDO).

nuclear-powered vessels. For a non-DoD of a DoD installation. DoE facility, naval

radiological emergency. the DoD will ship. or geographic area. Contact Person's Organization:

support the CFA and FEMA within the c. The National Military Command National Military Command Center.

constraints of national security. as Center (NMCC) is responsible for initial Organization of the joint Chiefs of Stiff.

approved by DoD policy or OSD. ndtional-level command and control and 3. FeŽderalDepartmcntor Agency

b. For foD radiological emergencies. rcsponse of DoD resources and

the responsibility for onsite Command Interfaces

personnel until conditions have

and Control at the scene of a nuclear stabilized. Command and Control will Listed below are Dolls interfaces

accident or significant incident is be transferred to the responsihle Service with other Federal departments and

assigned to: Operations Center. as Directed by the agencies in responding to a radiological

(1)I lie Sers ice or Agenn-y in charge of Secretary of Defense or his authorized emergency.

a DoD i.istaltatioin. DoE facility. naval representative. The NMCC will cononue


'r, Agonca rtabri o

0"(7) at

_t`__ es nst -i r--.-.


Notd"Wn.,.(CPA) DOE.FEE'A-

AcAbeat-orfand i.dp",mc4P' r,OC.&jt,,cs)- FEWI . --

Slat.,, kuoates WEhdO HWW,.Sat at.,n ,OO,,, EPA. M~IA, USUA. Hi-S. DOE.


..,iO al Lands DOE 00i USOA


FfltMAP tcold."alo, .wtirFRERPj DOF


1 . INMCC.

Reco,.-.',paraw.,g ~ ~

IDoDE1CFAI. NRC (CPA) 6~.'g ns~ F~.cEMA NMCC.

JIC V-1CA". N. ).,eT.($ 'eease6 Ito., he3.4aflcrS d...,,ngec~.oy ph.asc

PA9 (de,,elop-ncnl FEMA EPA HH-S USOA. DOE(FW.'AP) EPA (FRMAP) Se~" ymat~orsCene. OSC.

"An fdeo3o.-¶,'i


RER jp-.s-s'ot.O.,i FEWA-

PAR 3nd '5CR d,~S,,t-at_'- jCPAI Se-c-ce Operators Center OSC

DOE(FRMAD) EPA IFPAP) Se',.e Operatons Cent., OSC

CONsC.Os~nai '-.?OmaIhon. - FEMA DOE(CPA) NRC OSO o Setvci puflic ara.S cong,e,.o'.af 'a-son o'~e

Nk.' C 0' Scs-,,caOpera:,ons Ceotoer

FEPAA S.,s,:* Ope-a'o-'s Cem-.' OSC.

Fork-A Se..'cq Opo-at~os Centte OSC.

Dossrlaha..Of W.gsCl aad 0DICaI FtS:t'A

Fede~alrcsoo.'.a cc. te, IJMqCC)r-t-aI'y. Ser'ce Opemo:ns Center "S.PDa'5trti


wjici P0);-.~s Ooil A-v' Ceps of Erl9neers

A': de H,.-2 'ntor-al,&, W1, '.l2 3,se rj.sW,i FtF.IA 0ZoO

_ _ _ _ ____

4 fl"Sp.tnslnhues r. lssi,,u~u r to offcI1als. It is important to J. DoD l1esponse Plan tifd Procedures

Ilr*i 04. S;Ut',. and L.orCl Go1 er:n nbiPts recognize that for nuclear weapons or References

a. 1hIl DoD h .s th! reLsponsbil)ity t) weapon component accidents, land may

be temporarily placed under effective Agency Response plan

assist State and

authorities in the r-.ent or a Dol) Federal control by the establishment of 1. Nuclear tlVeapon Accident

ridiological oinei gency. An 'lu-scene .ANational Defense Area (NDA] or Response Procedures(fAlRPIPManual- commdnder wvilt be assigned and imill National Security Area (NSA] to protect January 1984.

.issist the offsite responr,,( in U S. government classiflied mdterials. 2. DoD Instruction 5100 52 coordmnain oo wih. FENMA. to ensure the rhese lands will revert back to State Hodiologircol.1ssistoncein the Event of

public is protected onltrol upon d'sestablishmrit of the Accident Involving Radiological

The State :Gov-rror is rsoisililt for NIDA or.NSA At1I4erinlb-10 March 1981.

ihe health. s.itftv .inI "elrf.rt! of 1). lhe- Dol will provide .ssistaince to 3. Dot Directive 52.30.13 Nuclear

ndivIduJIs wtlii'm the Iorrilw(i it h!imtS .I.cidentand Incident PublicAffairv

l'vderail, Stdte and loCIal goveinments in

of the State during period)S of em'egmnCy 'ihe ee ent ofa nn-DolloD

Gutdonce-7 February 1983.

or crisis and( may be expected to direCt 4. DoD Directive 30 '5.1 Use of

eiawergency in dccordance with DUoL . l.litory Resources During Peacetime, measurets must be taknn to s.utisfy JIul.c y or as approved by OSDl subjt'ct to

'hft responsibilily The D)ol) shall .ils':ss Ciii dEnn-rgoencics Within the United

esiintial operational requirements.

[he n..ture and omtent of the radiological States. its 7tri toiies andPossessions- Aisistance in the form of mdnpouwer. 23 .May 190.

  • -mergency and the potential offsite logistics and telecommunications.

'ffects on the public health and safely including airlift services may he 6. DonD .peciftc Authorities

.ind. in coordination with FR:MA. advise provided. uhen aa.uilable. upon the

the State and lotal agencies of request of the [Ar.or FE.MA. Requests .enlcllded.

.pl)propriate response measilres. for ass.istance must be diiected to the

  • Pub. L.97-311 "Convention on the

Offsite .itiiority anol ra.nd nsliiohitylt N \ICC or through dianmvls * .1 iblished flh-,sir.i! Prrotedtoii of Nuclear Malerial wt i.1.'mt rot fvnli SI.,.. 111.1 Iby pi~ll : *1" tglantaw l ,p'emlor.i ion At of 1t 3f.

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 F l V .

Federal Register / Vol 50. No 21 / Frdy Noeme B. 198 / Notices 4655i9 Department or Encrgy Response Plan emergency shutdown operations. or resources for deployment Uinder the

Summary (CFA) place in sare condition the nuclear FR1AI'.

1. Summary of Respso ' At.s iun', f[cilities and activities under their

rAgni7ance. DoE is the Cognizant 2. Pouint of iValificatoni ut DuoE

The Department of Energy owns and lederal Agency (CFA) for nuclear l1 odaquarlcrs

operales a variety of fixed nuclear activities under its junsdiction. All field

facililies and activities throughout the Contact Person's 1 ille' Ewergenc3 emergency activities are coordinated

United Stales. Most of these fdcilities Coordinator.

with appropriale headquarters officials.

arc located on large. goernment-owncd iniluding the Director. Emergency Contact Person's Office, [liF.

reserv.tions. and art operated by Ad:tion and Coordination Team (EACT) F-wergenry Operations Cenil-r l(FOi

extensive technical stfrs unnder the

direcion of DUF. Subl cl lutoreiew and

I)oE fielid officils are also required to Contact 1'crson's r'mergvii t.( .%


.issist State and local authorities. within

.onc.urrenc.e by DoE he.atqualrters. )ol: the constraints of national security and

(irfl(-ilis at thesc field fI( ilati0s ;re in coordination with FF.MA. in the  : I'sleralDelport.uiat sit 1 o .. t

respirisible for the prepar.tion of preparation of those portions of their lalvrfmr s

emergency plans and procedures for all radiological ernergenmv plans rela ted to listed below .irv the Dil s t:.!t rfni I

nuclear activities under their DoE nuclear facilitics. with other Federal d'partrvments nr

jurisdliction. DoE field taf icials h.ive the As part of its preparedness activities. agenrcies in responding to a radliliagit al

auathorily to initiate immediate DoE maintains extensive. field-based (emeTrgi n( at a l)ol- ft ait%

cilerg('ncy response prn P(tliors. dirert radiological emergency response



stobcaim0u Id-Alm .-










. oC OcO NRC EPA FEWA HiS HUD ol cs 007. Ee...e,<y aclii oed'n.'*la. TSC',e


Fodes,talbdS .-- - DCoD Vol USDA

ERMAP Ipeso.,.c(n -~ - NRC EPA DoC. DoD. ood _

EAC-7 leid

i-LiACI S8-, heaftt-I-

(See HHS EPA _ _ _ _ F~-.d EACT

led-a.. t..bcp¶ i Dd HHS

F....d FACT

Weon~I~o e.cthaqe~ ro DoD Wic. EPA FEMA HI'S HUD WV NCS DoT,


D>D ICFAl NFRC (CFAI dreeq (f eecy phaso FEMA EACT Alv-.sIan* S,,veta.- 4~.(,.,'... ac .-

tn ,eieason Hoe. Jl d-ee *c~.. peas., I..' a51Af.,*i. aftws. tASCP, .Ia

Co'..jeswo,eai .eo-nal~o Doc DrD EPA FEMA HHS " 1,20D toI ts r;G



PAR a,.. REA cld~ - iCtA,

0t.eeao --- . [`reE (rFRUAIP EPA IFRUAPI rF.. FACI

PAR (p~eseela14" lorseCal 5o4lrW IC,.F. 5 'l Ai.-~ I zMA t-r f ,, C'ACT

C("'6IW.On l0e$4"10"S4el8t0 i~~ a WIIIA

eAlifotal COOVOR-o*.- (C Al r,c. 1~ co w

REIS Woesoeatoei


FELl - - _ - I

Recc,,m Pla-.,no FEA . - - --- --- - - J As o  %-ga

VVWe.Cie-~ao o1 .5.eiW' FE _-

- _ . I EACE

__ ___ __________ . _.I

4 rf espf nsibillties fior As'istancc t? emergency. except for the release or

  • Re'spnisc to ALUideL-s (111d

lt-dorall. State. and Lerl-Governments information classified for national Significant Incidents Involi,wg ,`Viclear

I Assess the ndturc arid extent of the srcurity purposes. Coordinate such W'eapons. Order DUE 5530 1. I ianar%

radiological emergency and its potential releases to the extent possible with the 1q83.

offstle effects on public health and Senior FEMA Official. other Federal 6 DIo.Specifi A rilhorities

safety Advise the State and local and the State to provide

agencies based on this assessment. consistent and accurate information to

  • Atonic Energy A( I isf J. -54 as
  • Develop Federal recommendations the public by the most expeditious . mended.

on protective actions for State and local means.

  • Energy Reconrgauea~u .l,1 o tf 19, 4 goernments that (:rioSider, dS
  • Departetent of Loran'Or;'anrlz':un

appropriate. all subsitantive views of .5 DoE Respunse P'lan and P'rocedurre A.lInf 1977.

other Fedcral agencies n.eff.rer-es

  • Nu'clear Waste Polu, .lu A tf ;'I;"

possible. coordinate presentation of

  • Enerugency Planmnng. Preparedness (',tuh/ Lai, 97-425/.

protective action recommendations witth and Response for Operations. Order Department of Energy Response plan

FEMA pnor to or during their DoF 5500 2 August 1981. Summary (FRMAP)

presentation to appropriate State and

  • Reactor and NonreoctorFacility I Sumnmary of Response Mlssilw

local officials (the Staie Governor or

Emergency Planning. Preparedness.and

designeel. except in situations of aIndependent of its responslalltlles iS

imminent peril to the public health and

Response Program for Deportment of

Energy Operations. Order DoE 5500 3. a CFA. the Department of Energs (DoE)

safety where the DoE may be required maintains and implements. during the

to make independent conltat with State August 1981.

iniltidl phase of a radiolog .at

and local officials.

  • Public Affairs Policy and Planning

emergency. the Radiologi. ..d

  • Provide for the release of public Requirements for Emergencies. Order Monitoring and Assessment 1I)l:i

foi niation concerning the radiological [DoE 5500 4. August 19131 (FRMAPI Under FRMAP [)(ilt ICC rn d -.

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 46560 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November R 198R5 t NInti'n.

.ind :oordinjltes Federal offsite 2. Point of Notification at floE 3. FcdcralDepartment r Ageency

radiologt~ic.l monitoring antl dssessmnlct hena(ldquarters Interfaces

Supp)ort to the CFAI and to the Stae and

local governments. DoE's support is Contact l'erson's Title: Duty Ofliccr. l.isted below are the DoEs interfaires ,

.augmcnted ly se-cral other Federal Contact Person's Organization: with other Federal agencies andl

.Agencies including FFMA. NRC. rPA. Emergency Action and Coordination departmcnts in rcsponding to a J

11IS. USDA. DoC. I)oD. aind Dot. The 'I eam. radiological emergency. Dor.s

FRMAI' est.iblishes the framework for Contar.t Person's Fnergerncy lor.aitionl: Radiological Control Division is largely

c.oordin.thing the monitoring andi :mergency Operations Ccnter. responsible for *coordinating DoE's

Iss-e'S.annt ai tivities of the Feder.l reponse effort within animong

  • .. )+blX s the 1 rder.alalgcIc;Cs.


___ _ __I. r0.,,Aild DOEorganizscton


N! 11 40 Al EPA FEMA. DoC. USOA. II0S rDOoO jCFA) Ra.'lf,,.j"ca assVanc,, pi."am (PAP) team, OoF (CFAI

PA. IllS USDA DoC DoT. Doi. OnO (CrA) NnC (CFAL

E.lri,1'-Cy J1-o., and Coo..doaln lea~n(CACTI


MIA.' 3ld( rl'A 1I,1S, USOA Oo.. Od eO (CFA. NRC (CrAl. fDoE

PAP IC-Im'ol1Isle t0ClCr'..Ca

dieclor tOSTDI

(C>Al 1CMA

LIPA rLMA. NR(: 00 OJfor jrAl EPA

-1(MA.' flAP ip~mi')sro

.o Nht: (CIAl OoO icrAl DE lCFAl FPA FlAPbteamosru


IEMA_ (AWl IlAPt,,ae,OSlfl

'I l3Ik~

0.1.1 joc n,(omnul..v rom fto JRC ol0,O

f4a. Jr$Al NRC (CFAI dutg r." enc, plsa:e


r OoOA oo FPse

PA:' Iea.n OSTOl

t-tMA W4;CtFAI r6oo tcrAl Doll (CFAL FPA EACrr

Ass.sta,,f S'crtlar 10, Co",ns.osal a-4,1a90in-mceal &M.

INI1C (CfrAl Publi.cOa"i

IIJ Vimv.1,' Ale 1Jv'~.


Ral*DOj-t'd emoge,,cy aqss~tame cyt,.. stee

Nfcc,,.o,,Io VNI...1 I FEMA (SEAC, TS)

RAP teae,/OSrD

~I'V .2,40 l1,ja'



oar,. r,." FEMA EACT

0 RAP leit-,'STo

rru EACt

Pbli~.'il(.an I, I rrti.*,

v !'i WW'14t °l POIIJIII". Mi'rfare(hietss.antd humain 'wrv lcc. IIl IS pro, ides trchnical

,lJ p s.'1., Ea'.,'fenrje%* Mfarch S. 1977 and riontecl'lical assistance in the form

'.~()p>er. SImonal !anp.te.;palse Pm a4)ceum of aldvic. guid.ince. and resources It

~r~ ,I t~lil eti'~0 G :e.1durning'l f()ilt'/J t)el tIoepedl Betweeun lIIS. Do)l.t Federa!. Statc. and local governmcnts.

.1'. airt the ,WtC 1983

'hemo..) pha.. P," Of, lIn11, OihIIt. Ind J. IDalh-EI'AI Letter of Ap oefuCmI on 2. l'.Pit, ofVoiefiretwinl at /I.,1

.Vo)tir., Wimn (f Incident,;s at DoE Itcuiqua-te -Is

Im ildtie S lJanuary 13. 1978 (' Ile'rsoi's l'I1e: Fmergt'ncy

  • NI iIl~'iIonlil~loni '(,' 0 f o~ffslIIC 4. '\ntionml Plait ft Yr Radioloh,',col Coordina to~r.

h-tid'iM,',ulcies at Comnniercial Nuclear

JorIrl/lonts. DoC-NOAA.

Contlct l'ertons Division: D)i%,ision of

xIovldt. it xvilh intierpret..tiun to) he t November Emergency Coordination.'

1)1(dto 1ppiao pria tc State . IjILI?,u. 1'382.

-11n~~q roquiring dliri't t Inow h'dlge! of Contzl.t Pcrson's Emergency Location:

ti IoEStpecifaic ,ttlhoritic. Emergency Operating Center. Room 313-

.l~,tI4tcondi tlions.

  • *e &Eteirgy Reom5 'anizoiltonAct of 10. Htubert II. Ifuinphrcy Building,

17174 (Pub. L 93-4138). W.ashington. D.C 20201.

(lld Ilhvlru'.Ia~l l ire con'ro-flig

  • 7hDeUpatou-14itaf Enwej,,y .J rt'lderolDepartnuen, or Ar'enr y

O  ::,11Zutin .,Ctof

Ac 19,7 (Pub. L 9591). Intr-rfoaes

[Jepartivnent of Health and Human l.sttld Inelov are Ill IS's interfaces

Services Response Plan Summary with other Federal departments and

  • i i It I'.t

dt("il .:s in reponding to a radio!ogirdl

I .'nUftlirw:y )f1?4l.qj)o1?se lAhssiom, eawlrgi.rlzcy.

to a r..dio'ogical emergency, the

Doepartment of I lealth and I htman

II. l*lq

,l,- rl n. y 10.1 iIl.-ti'tl.ll4z at (Jpa-rul ins

'ip.lItI of the MRERV Ser% lc.'s itll IS) assists wvith the

alscsssment. prescration. and (0111 1 iit l l)n, Ainiinis:railn 11t,)At. I',ltl~ic

I 1orage.' fl v Proceditlles I t.-,ilh -rs%,.,-. h e..- n.,d, sp.,.d arrmi gentenl, protection of human health and helps dth: 1-g.(tir *iuni FISe l Aglenies l(.FAr

I Uri-nent

,., bentoi.en, VWl. Iaind e I ro

enure the availability of essential ,mon -4#III~rudaiohlogicil

lsn eni-rg,,ncv.

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 Federal Register / Vol. SO. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 { Notices 46561 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HU4AN SERVICES FEDERAL AGENCY INTERFACES

keu e -

elrlo Respoo'sv 0HS on;"zalSon

S 1- Nofaicalmon (FEMA)__ - ......... . - FESAA_____ ___ __ - - __ __ ___ _ ___ - - - -_ EmerW9*cyw00d-Malo 109g0,,3 energeney, cmod-vc,.

FEMA. DoD ICFA) DoE (Not as (CFAp. DoE (CFAI NPC E--egeney CoMd.ralor oeg0o'ai emerqe~cv cha.1, -o


1fortnaioe, whertage ob"Cal sWpovi ior Fawi agww .... FE _

- -_ EtWgefty Coordeoattr, regoraf a iCy cooIdC r

OX r0.

Coo'*dalJon Jonse.w ._ FEUReal e9merrgencycoord-nalo, (OS). Putsc "emin Scarce



Ins,fmenon Feqwllnnenis- . ____ 000 (CFA). DoE (CFA). NWrCFEMA _ __ PubhcHeafth Sense OMCreof the Secaet31p

Desqwbaon of agency load elf .c.M FEMA __


_ ... ...... 0.CO O.....

Of the Sea*lary JOS)

Putcinforistaaon releases frorn headquarters paftc eforme. 0oO (CFAL WOE(CFAJ NRC (CFA). dunng emergency phase I Clt.Ce of putWlC atfa.sOS

Ien releases from WseJIC FEMA g cecosely phase I

ConqWessonal eslrmat~on .. -- DO0 (CFA) DOE(CFA) NRC (CFA) FEMA _ Ofce of leg 1ite I aIson/OS

Aeco'ey plarer ..... FEMA_ _ - _- - P eath Serae. (COCIFO AHRbAI SSA



Fedarel response Cer . - - - FEAA __ _ _ _a e__gern

e COwdm-.a

PAR (duwikomere) REERldeselopier DoD0CrA) DOE(CFA) NRC (CFA) EPA USDA- _ __ P.s.e meant, Sepice (C-Ct/'OA'haSA)

"'wad easeSsnrWA (health. --- . DoO (CFA) DoE (CfA) NRC (CFA) EPA _ PUtk.cHealth Sauyce (CDC/FODAH;IRSAI

kwvad -ssr"n (agncu- ---- -- U.SOA.EPA _- _ Pol c Health Sexce (FCA)

DO (CFAPDoE (CFA) NRC (CFA) FEMA - _ PJ46CHealth Sare.ce(COC/F-A H14SAJ

FRVAP (rescuon~e)... ..- . ...- - DoE. EPA _ _. _ _

Pubic Health Sernce (FUAJ

DoE__ _ _ . Pjte Health Seduce (HAS. CCC)

DoC . __ _ __.-P_ lubkc Health Serne. (FDA)

USDA. _. _ _ i - Pubtlc Health Sernce (FDA) See..l Secary A

I (OFA). Hun'an ee;opent S-e es (OFl

Food/fted safety tecennrendal-ons prosecbe actorsenPie USDA DoD (CFA) DOE(CFA) NRC (CFA) __ , Prtc Health Serfs (FOAl


Emer~gency shelle S4abaa.iMs - NJO. - .. * - - - H.rar0.-,ekoent SersC.s

wftle Hos response FEMA -. - - ---. OffeCeoWthe Secretary4MS

4. Responsibilitiesfor Assistance to

  • Assist. in coordination with the U.S.
  • Food. Drug and Cosneac. 4cc,'of

Federal.State, and Locol Governments Department of Agriculture. in 1.938

  • Assist State and local government developing technical recommendations
  • SnyderAct. 25 USC. l ((I42i

officials with jurisdiction in evacuating for State and local officials with

and relocating persons from the affected jurisdiction regarding protective

  • Indian Health Care and

area as requested. Ensure the measures related to food and animal

Itimprovement Act. (Pub L. 1i4-43 availability of health and medical care. feed:

  • Federatl Civil Defense .4et ~tf :-73.:

food. emergency shelter. clothing. and

  • Provide guidance to State and local

other human services, especially for the governments on protective action guides

  • DisasterRelief.-It of 1974. (Pu't i.

aged, the poor. the infirm. the blind. and for food and animal feeds: and 91-2888)-Section 413. Cr:sis Citinse.' n

others most in need.

  • Provide guidance to State and local Administration. Trainino
  • Provide grants for crisis counsel.g health officials with jurisdiction when Department of Housing and Urban

to victims in affected geographic areas: requested on disease control measures Development Response Plan Stimmar,

  • Provide guidance to State and local and epidemiological surveillance of

officials with jurisdiction on the use of exposed populations. 1.Swnmmry of Response Mlss'w, radio-protective substances (e g . thyroid The Department of Housing and

blocking agents), including doasage and 5. HHS Response Plan and Procedure

References Urban Development (HUD) provides

also projected radiation doses that information on available housing for

warrant the use of such drugs: Agency Response Plan disaster victims or displaced persons

  • Based on informaltion from DoE's

1. The Department of Health and [IUD assists in planning for and placing

REACS/TS personnel. advice medical

Human Services Response Plon for homeless victims by providing

care personnel regarding proper medical emergency housing and technical and

treatment of people exposed to or RadiologicalEmergencies (Draft)

Division of Emergency Coordination support staff within available resources

contaminated by radioactive materials:

  • Provide advice and guidance to March 14. 1983. 2 Point of Notificatiorn at HUt)

State and local officials with jurisdiction Interagency Procedures ifeocluuarters

and the CFA. if requested. in assessing

the impact of the effects of radiological '1. Delegation of Authority- Contact Person's I iltl. EmvrsenJ.

incidents on the health of persons in the Emergency PreparednessFunctions (:oordinator.

affected area. Division of EmergenLy Coordination Contact Person's Office. EmrriigcuL

  • Provide advice and guidance to December 21. 1981. Prepdredness Staff (EPSI.

State and local officials with jurisdiction 2. Emergency Planningand Contact Person's Emergency l.ocation:

and the CFA. if requested. in assessing OperationsManual Division of Emergency Preparedness Staff.

the impact of the effects of radiological Emergency Coordination July 1. 1983.

incidents on the health of persons in the 3 DisasterResponseguider Operatiuig  : FederalDepartmentor A,\ encx

affected area: Divisions Various Ddaes Interfaces

.- Provide resources. in coordination L.isted below are HIUD's interfaces

with the US Department of Agriculture. 6. HHS Specific Authorities

sith other Federal departments or

to ensure that food and animal feeds are

  • Olde1 A'Americans Act. agencies in responding to a radiological

safe for consumption:

  • Public Health Ser-ice Act. emergency.

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 4056 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices




A9 w c. IROIsonr..tW NWD go'q4mion

_e._ __ i

(FEMA. C0t',2UlronE Iad4.tli. dos5eat.on1 of FEMA - . Ernuw'.cy preaawednesti sialt.

4Jf !,.Ild O ogllt"~ *ugvo l r1JC +/-- a sg.'ti et


"Jemrnwxi,xcnith~a r40..Ma 'ossoo". eN'er

FEMA..NRC (CFAI, DoO (CFAJ. DWE(CFAI .- Erergwrcvy pveaaredinmSUNf

'..' -Vmaw.n roisases forri mcadti..ara pkfrc ino~mrr. COO(CFAi. DOE(CFAI. NRC (CFAi, du" 4 m e~y~I

I'M) rowsjus ftom the j~c

O4fc. of PtMC MmL

FEMA duringrc.o~awypla*G

wd~ri.'ormaeai Do0 (CFAI VoE ICFA). NRC(CFAI. FEMA -.. Ofteo. f Le~atiUof VW~C n~visrWa Relairova

Hitis - ---- - - - . Emoenarcypreoa~dr*" aSUN

M~crr on. 'VA.CrQ'3too. of a.3 to e~mrc;7-'cyV" uSKJq DoT ... - Erngw'ecy propmedee stAf.

rEMA . "c prepmecidnmsunl

1.flelyusuiubilities for.4 9sistance to Departmcnt of the Interior Reponse Plan request. The Department also

1edrirr;l. Stute. acd Lrcal Cov'ennienlt., Summary administers the Federal government's

  • Fte%hvw and report on available 1. Summary of Reponse Mission trust responsibility for 488 Federally

nousing for disaster victims and recognized Indian tribes and villages

  • lisplaced persons. The Department of the Interior and about 50 million acres of Indian
  • Assist in planning for and placing manages over 500 million acres of

l'ederal lands and thousands of Federal lands. It also has certain responsibilities

houneles victims in available housing. for the island territories of the Unired

  • l'ronide emergency housing support natural resouzces facilities. and 1i

responsible for these lands and facilities States.

st..ff within aa.ilablh' resources.

  • Provide technical housing when they are thredtenEd bv a 2. lfeadquortcrs Point of Notification

assistance and advisory personnel to radiological emergency. In addition. the

Department coordinates emergency Contact Person's Title: Director.

Sltate and local authoritics with Office of Environmental Project Review

jurisdiction. response plans for Interior-managed

park and recreation areas with State (OEPR).

11 iID !lesponscl'lan and Procetoure and local authorities. and operates Contact Person's Office: Office of the

,7efcrcn1ces Interior water resources projects to Secretary. Department of the Interior.

Agenc.y Response Pl-n protect municipal and agricultural water Room 4256. Interior Building.

suipplis in cases of radiological Washington. D.C. 20240.

1. HIUI) FRER. Office of Emergency eniergencies. The Department provides

Preparedness. September 30.1983. advice and assistance concerning 3. FederalDepartment or Agency

hydrologic and natural tesouces. Interfaces

o3. IIUD.',ecific.luthorities

including fish and wildlife, to Federal.

INone. Stnte. dnd local governments upon


____. a s.-~Own FREqP igorcV Rt%-4~

R.sonsab. Doi etptlazaon

- - .

Dot woarszzbon

'%otrf-C;H.,rt (FEVAJ coorst~or. t~ffisdell eilo-avo'n FYMA OEPM

Char'gqs. k)7SI CalXKK5~p~10t 9 dW64AgeMOCrL

DIIS-.¶lOr 04 105 Otfcal. SntrO updalMt Mitd.tror. DOD (CFAI oE61OC.A).NRC (CFAI OEPR

Meal rot 11uern~r~ttee


-%b..bC iniO'Mt~on rfteasel torv PFeadquartr,'s phil0 rtor'l.ti Doo fCF.0 I ooC (cr AI %RC(C:Aj

tonfr044a-jS fromJJC - - . I Off"c Of "uaCtifsoa.m

'^703%,Jra nforimairor DID (:CA). DjE (C$FAi.14RC(CFApdunqme-gency acast.IOff"-. of cmveirwstW karso.


FEMA durr'n -covq phase

. 00)E. EPA..

  • a ,. 0.thG'ets
  • - - - US. Geolo~acilSw~ey

0-00iA v.r CrQy s En.?neosrnEI'A. USOA .. - _... OEPR (rMattyi

_ _ _ _ _ . _ _. - _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ .

1. JtbponrsjlZilitiesfor. ssistance to

  • Provide coordination and liaison 6. Do Specific Authorities

.etk-n,'. State. and Local Gotn ernmnents bet'Aeen Federal. State. and local

,13endies and Federally zecognized

  • Act of 1S94 providing for gauging
  • Pro%ide hydrologirc advice and streams and determining the water

.I~sist.aiiri. including monitoring Indian tribal governments.

supplies of the U.S. (28 Stat. 398).

ersonnel. eiquipment. and hliboratony ., Dvl IR'bpulse lIu,, und 1'ra ,'tfur,'
  • The R'clanmation Act of 190Z as

.upport. 1.?fcrer Iccs amended (43 U.S.C. 3911. and project

  • P'rovidle advice and assistance in authorization acts.

assessilig and minimizing offsite Agency Response Plan

  • Abtional Park Service Act of 1919

49onsefltL:c:I'es on iatural resources. 1. 910 DMt 5 (Draft)-Interior (16 U.S C. 1). and park enabling acts.

including fish and wildlife. Emergency Operations. Federal

  • The Snyder Act if 1921. as amended
  • Prride economic, social, and Radiological Emergency Response [Ilan.

political advice and assistance to the (25 U.S.C. 13). including assistance to

2. 21)6 M) 3 (Draftl-Inteiior Indian tribes.

lrritories of Guam. American Samoa. lEmergenLy lDelegations.

  • Nationol Wildhlfe ltogc System

.ind the Virgin Islands and the Trust Eoirrl-goiiieqs.

4dintistration Act of 196G. is .amninded

ri:.iti v if thl: Pacific slalndI finterim. (16 J S C. I6-iJ. .mnd refuge enihliiig actq.

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 19 Federal Register / Vol. 50, No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices 46563

  • FederalLand Policy and adversely affected any one or more of Contact Person's Ofrice: Officc of

Management Act of 1978 (43 US.C. the several transportation modes. The Emergency Transportation.

1701). assistance will be in response to a Contact Person's Emergency Location:

request from a state or local jurisdiction Headquarters. U.S. Department of

Department of Transportatono Response when a determination has been made

Plan Summary Transportation. Washington. D.C. 20590.

that their civil transportation technical

1.Summary of Response Mission or logistical resources are Insufficient to 3. FederalDepartmentor Agency

adequately handle the requirements Interfaces

The Department of Transportation created by a radiological emergency.

Radiological Emergency Response Plan Listed below are Dots interfaces

for Non-Defense Emergencies (the plan) I Pointof Notification at DoT with other Federal agencies aind

provides for assistance to State and Headquarters departments in responding to a non- local governments when a non-defense defense radiological emergency.

Contact Person's Title: Director of

radiological emergency occurs that has Emergency Transportation.


ir,4ca Ocean A9ae De49poneoie DoT otgemn

Slybj i_____ DoO fCFAI OcEfC'AL NAC (CFAI, FEMA__ D.ecio of eAetgencbybrns>pwtaton c.s cooHdnatoP (.c.

Noticabon (TEAL .iom'eeen e. -ua FEMA ofCe coemergency krpotaiof

kw Fed cTne.on Aloow) and des~gebon

df agency ted o d

ktnrao~men r_ _ne

___ -- _ _ FEMA. Do0 (CFAL ODE (CFAL NP_ _ _ _____bce coergency bwpotn

Pubbc *_t mom relee k" the JrC pubc wmaton 0oO (CFFA.DoE 1FAL NAC tFAJ 6g emergency pvt' Offce of PAic anfam

reles korm -sdeW FE)AAd- sca-V 0

CongeeOnd einekon._ oO CAL DoE #CFAJ NEC CAL FEMA- _ 01lice a#cwneod detu

Fedepee A . FEV


c_ n_ coodte,. egd eergency tai.l.on coo.*a- tot (RET001 Advc on srrpacin of eN to emWgency Amg -. NWO _ _ Office of emergency kaonaton (RETCOI

WYle House _espor- FEMA__ _ n to

4. Responsibilitiesfor Assistance to

  • Code of Federal Regulations. 44 Part emergencies in environmental and water

Federal. State. and Local Governments 351, Radiological Emergency Planning supply monitoring. consequence

Provide civil transportation and Preparedness Final Regulations. assessment, and protective action

§ 351.25. the Department of decisions. These sen. ices may be

assistance and support as appropriate Transportation. provided at the request of the Federal or

and consistent with statutory a Public Law 93-288. the Disaster State government through FRMAP. or

responsibilities to State and local Relief Act of 1974. as amended. EPA may respond unilaterally to an

governments on request. Ia Executive Order 12241. emergency in order to fulfill its statutory

  • Coordinate the Federal civil Development and Promulgation of a rencyliest

transportation response in support of National Contingency Plan for responsibilities.

emergency transportation plans and - Radiological Emergencies. 2. Point of Notificotion at FEPA

actions to State and local governments. 7. PertinentDOT Orders Headquarters

-Provide, through Regional

Emergency Transportation Coordinators e DOT Order 1900.8. Department of Contact Person's Title: Radiological

(RETCO), representation and assistance Transportation Civil Emergency Response Coordinator.

to State and local authorities. Preparedness Policies and Program(s). Contact Person's Officc: Office of

  • DOT Order 19007C. Crisis Action Radiation Programs (ORP).

5 Do T Response Plan and Procedure Pla a - Contact Person's Emergency Location

Reference *, DOT Order 1950.IA. Reports on Emergency Operations Center.

Agerncy Response Plan Non-Defense Transportation3. Feerl eprtment or Agency

Emergencies. 3.nFeerfalcepatetorAsc

a Department of Transportation Environmental Protection Agency Interfaces

Radiological Emergency Response Plan Response Plan Summary Listed below are EPA's interfaces

for Non-Defense Emergencies. August . with other Federal departments or

S. S y of Response Mission agencies in responding to a radiological

Authorities - The Environmental Protection Agency emergency.

(EPA) assists State and local

Section 301. Title 49. U.S. Code. governments during radiological


I Amc RsCe

Ae.tA EPA orgeeaton

0300 (CFA) DOEfCFA). NRC (CFAL.~U oft e of fecatd~ pmogem"On)

FRMAP (re~atlcaon FAMAP (rcsow~ceetFAMAP tnIcow"'l iNHS. Dor 000. DoE. 0d. NA. USDA___ ORP.

re~jsl FRtjAAP 4coordewaton w~lhFRERP). FRAMP prn

FAMAP 4ikaeon)


Wae, erproects .. ... .

-__ Oc (Am.


n 1 coree of Engrneers Dot. USDA.

_ - A _ ___


OAP Attachment 1 PAR (d~i~~RE)AE qde~ctrn~onij - - - 0.

Oo CFAI 0oE ICSAL WIC OOA H445.USDA _ . ORP IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 46564 Federal Register / VoL 50. No. 217 / Friday. November L 19s85 I Notices


I1- wwTas o.fln..



I ~ AE

lain...4 Ca





1_______ 0c0 tCFA) DOE(CFAL NRC #CAL.FEMA- ___-

A momrniton

rh releases krm hhedquarwser p'i~c &to,~ 00ofIFA). DoE 1CFAL.NAC 1CFA1*" emegency p-g. offfc. of Press Servces

Wnfreieases "rMJiC. 0Ogre~ss~on. woromraean FEMAdurignicomr phrae, inofovmabon eahange. 'Io I 4 SPOrt for Federa agenma. FEMA--.... __ _ __-

coord,'afofl 4offstfoi.desigaton of agency leadgotadA. OAP.

Federal response cener

Rkootwy ptalw"n Whifl Hose iresp os _ _____ FEMA - - -. __ - ___. Opp.


- - . - - J - - . - - - __ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __I

4. Responsibilities ForAssistanceto Rodioactivity Releases into the Federal Emergency Management

Federal4 State. and Local Covernments En vironnment from DoE Facilities. Agency Response Plan Summary

  • Provide resources including January 8. 1978.

personnel. equipment. and laboratory I. Summary of Response Mission

3. OperationalResponse Proceduires- support to assist DoE in monitoring Developed among the Nuclear FEMA is responsible for coordinating

radioactivity Ievels in the environment Regulatory Commission. Environmental the Federal response to all radiological

during the emergency phase of the Protection Agency. Department of emergencies that require a significant.

incident. Health and Human Services. and the multi-agency Federal presence. FEMA's

  • Assume responsibility front DoE for Department of Energy. November 30. coordination role promotes an effective

coordinating Federal intermediate and 1982 and efficient response by Federal

long-term radiological monitoring after agencies at both the national level and

the initial phase of the emergency after Interagency Procedures at the scene of the emergency.

receiving adequate assurance from the 1. Manualof Protective Action Guides Coordination is achieved at the national

Department of Energy and other Federal and ProtectiveActions for .N'uclear level by FEMA through use of FEMA's

agencies that they will commit the Incidents. Office of Radiation Programs. Emergency Support Team (EST) and at

required resources. personnel and funds September 1975. the scene of the emergency between

for the duration of the Federal response Federal, State. and local agencies by

effort. 2. StandardOperatingProceduresfor

Radiological Emergency Response. FEMA's Emergency Response Team

  • Assess the ndture and extent of the (ERT). FEMA's ERT includes a FEMA

environmental radiation hazard. Appendix 3 to the EPA Radiological

Emergency Response Plan. Office of Air. Regional Communications Manager.

  • Provide guidance to Federal who is responsible for providing

agencies and State and local Noise. and Radiation. January 1981.

communications management support to

governments with jurisdiction on 3. Memorandum of Understanding the Senior FEMA Official.

.aiceptable emergency levels of Between the FederalEmergency

radioact:vity and radiation in the Mlanangement Agency and the Z Point of Notification at FEMA

environment. Environmental ProtectionAgencvy Ifeadquarters

  • Assist the Cognizant Federal Concerning the Use of High Frequency Contact Person's Title: Emergency

Agency (CFA). as requested, in Radiofor RsdiologicalEmnegency Action Officer.

developing recommended measures to Response (under development). Office of

protect the public health and safety. Contact Person's Office: Emergency

Radiation Programs. Environmental

Operations Directorate.

.5 EP.4 Respon'ie Plant end Procediure Protection Agency.

Contact Person's Emergency Location:

References 6. EPA Specific Authorities Emergency Information and

Agency Response Plan Coordination Center (EICC).

  • President'sReorganization Ploat No.

1. US. Environmental Protection 3. December 2. 1970. 3. FederalDepartmentor Agency

  • Xe'ncyRadiologicalEmergency
  • Public Health', Service Act. as Interfaces

Response Plan. Olfice of Radiation amended. 42 U.S.C. 241. Section 301. and Listed below are FEMA's interfaces

Programs. January 30. 1981. 42 U.S.C. 243. section 311. with other Federal departments or

2. l.etter Agrrement between DoE and

  • Safe Drinking WaterAct (Pub. IL agencies in responding to a radiological

EPA for Notificatiaon ofAccidental 93-523). emergency.



'e-race aesalrpbn I.

a-W~f-1 cru

I4. ICMP t.N9.nalbolS,

"Nc'ltat-j" (FEMAI DuC. Doi. DoT. DoD (CFA. DoE (CFA). EPA. I4S. HUD. E.CC iemeigenzy S eortteam (EST. Hen acttae1


ACb..s',n a'd dO~orne (loced~,eSi DoD ICFA). DoE CFXALNAC (CFAI. - . EKIC IEST. ~ *entatacd)

Status, L4u4ats DOC.Do0.DoT.EPA.HaHS. HU. NCS. USoa. DoE.. C.'egency rese leam,(EATi. EST


Federal Respon.seCenter 0OC. ot DoT. DoD fCFAI. DOE (CfA. NARC.EPA. HfS,


OoCr 006. DOT. GoD (CPAL DoE (CFAI EPA, HHS hU0.


Logq-cAl Wp~,-Orl fOrFe.Ieraiagerces oOC D0e. Dot. 0oD (CfAL DoE (CPAL EPA. HlS, HUG.



PAR Wdefom*-4na. PAA (presenubon)


PAR ard REA .)sse-afo3.O (FEMAI - rC.& DoD. DoE Doi. DoT EPA. HFS. HUD. NCS. NiC. ER?. EST


FRMa.P4,,"Odmnat.n -Mt.lrR~Pl





DaO(CFA). DoE (CFA3.NRC . CER Attachment 1 ER,

IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 "-"

Federal Register / VoL- 50. No. 217 1 Friday. November a 1985 I Notices 4656S;


Inefc doscriti* *g Rrroorwii FEmAtOgwbrrnr

Coo tot")ieruatori-. Doc. GOrtOoT. EPA. HHS HUO NCS. USDA EAT ESt

knlurrmMon remenui __ _ -C Got DoT. DOD fCFPA)DOE (CFA). EPA. HlS. HUD EICC ard EST


ian bOd, . "HS -- - - EAT

D0aignalwn of agency Officil

oad _ -, _, _COC Or4. DoT. DOo rCFA) DoE (CFA) EPA. HHS HUD. EST


Prkkc nlomabon rrails kom theaquarios puiiic imtorvv. DooD4CFA) DoE (CFAI NAC (CFA)diurngemgerncy _IasEST S EnT lrespecre~ t

ton rebleasgarom JC.

Cogrw.n" rnhaon _ _ __ _ Doc. Dot. DoT DOD (CFA) DOE (CFA). EPA HHS HUG FSr ERT


While Hous or__.-_- -- - - ____


Whil Hmui. ilonnation _ __ _ _ _ DOGD 1CFPAI DOE(CFAI. NRC (CFA) r .y.. _ _ EST

RER (deIrkpment) RER Epreserilaion).- _

..(c DOD(CFAL DOE(CFA) NlC (CFA)- _ _ - EAT

Rcmerey plant"--- _ _ DoD (CFA? DoE 4CFAI NAC DoC,DoE (non-CPA.tODOoTIECT?


Inimatonil coowpnalon-_ - _ ._ OoS, DoD (CFAL. DOE(CFA) NRC___ ___.__ . EST ET

4. Responsibilitiesfor Assistance Lo Proceduresfor Response to a support to the FEMA Regional Director

Federal.State. and LocalGovernments CommercialNuclear ReactorAccident during the pre-emergency or emergency

  • Coordinate assistance to State anId (NUREG-098t; FEMA-Si). Rev. 1. planning phase. The GSA also assigns.

local governments among the Federal January 1984. . on request. a Federal Emergency

agencies. 2. Mlcmnorandum of Understandingfor Communications Coordinator (FECC) to

  • Coordinate among the Federal Incident Response between the Federal the FEMA Regional Director or Senior

agencies all offsite response activities. Emergency Management Agency and FEMA Official (SFO) to head an

except those pertaining to the FRMAP the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Emergency Communications Staff (ECS).

and coordinate these with the onsite October 22 1980. assess the availability of

activities of the Cognizant Federal 6. FEA M Specific Authorities telecommunications means,. and take

Agency. necessary action to satisfy essential

  • Work with the CFA to coordinate
  • Eccutive Order11490. June 15. telecommunications requirements in the

the dissemination of public information 1976. as amended. cmergency area. The Emergency

concerning Federal emergency response

  • Exerutive Order12148. July 20. 1979. Communications Stdff is made up of a

activities. Promote the coordination of

  • Executive Order 12241. September F}.MA-appointed Radio

public information releases with State 29. 1980. Communications Coordinator (RCC). a

and local governments, appropriate Military Communications

Federal agencies, and appropriate National Communications Svstem Representative (NICR).

private sector authorities. Response Plan Summary telecommunicdtions industry

  • I Ielp obtain logistical support for 1. Sumitmary of Response M1ission representatives and others as nced.

Federal agencies. Under the current Nationdl Plan for 2 Point of Notifrwntimn ot NCS

5. FEMA Response Plan and Procedure Communications Support in Ifleadcuo tterr

I-efervnces Emergencies and Major Disasters. July Contact Person's Title: Operations

Response Plan 1983.2 the National Communications Officer

System (NCS) coordinates and manages Cont.ct Pcrson's Ortlce: Office of

1. FrMA Enjergency ResponlSe telecommunications support for Federal Emergency PreparednIess (Operations)

OpwerzionsforExtraordinary agencies during radiological Contact Person's Emergency Location:

Sdtiations:Emergency,Support Team emergencies. The General Services NCS/DCA Operations Center. 8th St.

Policy and Operations Response Administration (GSA) appoints a and South Court Ilouse Rd. Arlington.

Pro-rdures.February 8. 1984. Regional Emergency Communications VA 22204.

2. Cuidancefor EntergencyResponse Coordinator (RECC) to provide technical

.eao Plans, August 17, 1982. - 3. Fedeoal Departiment or;l teec',

3. Emergency Rcsponse Teorm Plans ihe N mtn tur Cooarrancmuiq Subiprir Interfaces

for FEMA Regions L II. ill. IV. V. VL VI. in Fmrergpneie" and Malor Um.steri. d.-ied Itldy l.Isled below aie NCS's interfaces

Vill. IX. and X. Various (fates. i',. it. tiing re ised and %alltx- pullmh.hed ditnit

Interagency Procedures 11 t- renLI Lendnge-m in I!.. ritle ot lbe HIb1A with other Federal departments or

Reqiwintt Cuinnaun.iutionq Msnutger Ceasmtent nh i agednie'i in responding lo a radiological

1 AVRCI/FEAfi OperritionalfResponse theFRlRI oftl- concet emergency.


Inerlace dr l rFsponsoe NCS ovgarwraton

FEMA IE-I y propwedress

L09Wi-calSuP100.kio Federal agencies - --

lruv,,n&I.O., .eclange - - - ---...- ---

FEMAR .___ __ E epwodnePh

__- FEMA ,_c ----- ----- . Eney Preparodas

DOagnaion or agoncyload oftWc~ __ ---

FrderaI .eiplara crell . _ _- _ _- . FEMA _ ._FwaCio emegency co-nuncaixm coofdwator (MECCAgr

Status updafto -- - - ~ I FEMA - __ ._ _ _ _ _ * . . 4IECCi .ild Stan

lsrI(nrequirerme'lirs- ODOJCfAi DOE (CFAL NaC 'AL- __ _ _ _ _ Em p..area.

Co~vcs~sonaI lo0rmnato - - - I Deon4CFAI DOC(CPA4NRG. FEMA. - . pep -es Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 46566 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Fridav. Nnvemha.r a ,ota/ m#;r--


IRAWlo doeeaI Aq- oe Rosportsoo NCS wrgwaor

P..kk kdorwrmson releasses"mr~ hedgwaers. put kirw~afa DoD (CFAL DOEtCFAJ,

NRC fCFA),dbiq eme-gencyph'ase EmergenCy prepwedst&

lin releases korn to Jor- FEMA 4-N recurey p0se

Reoo-w £S-ww9. Vv,4 Mousert~rs FEOAA-.- \

______ -- -. - .. __ - --- FECC an staff

4. Responsibilitiesfor Assistance to 6. NCS Specific Authorities licensees and offsite authorities.

Federal.State and Local Covernnments including confirming the licensee's

  • Executive Order1247Z Assignment
  • Provide and coordinate, in response of National Security and Emergency recommendations to offsite authorities, to a FEMA request, the necessary Preparedness Telecommunications and will keep the media informed of the

communications for the Federal Functions. April 3.1984. NRC's knowledge of the status of the

government response in accordance

  • Executive Order11490, October 30. incident. The NRC is also responsible

with the NationalPlanfor 1969. for the development. coordination. and

CommunicationsSupport in

  • Executive Order 12046. March 27. presentation (in conjunction with

Emergencies andMajor Disasters July 1978 FEMA) of Federal protective action

1983. Be prepared to provide this

  • White House Memorandum. recommendations and for keeping other

support prior to a formal declaration of NationalSecurity andEmergency Federal agencies and entities informed

an emergency or major disaster. Preparedness:Telecommunicationsand of the status of the incident

Management and Coordination Consistent with NRCs agreement to

  • Provide representation to participate in FRMAP. the NRC may

Responsibilities.July 5.1978.

appropriate State agencies to assist in also be called upon to assist in Federal

meeting their communications U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission radiological monitoring and assessment

requirements. Response Plan Summary activities during incidents for which it is

S. NCS Response Planand Procedure 1. Summary of Response Mission not the CFA.

References The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 2. Poiatof Notification at NRC

Agency Response Plan Commission (NRC) regulates the use of Headquarters

byproduct. source. and special nuclear Contact Person`s Title: Headquarters

I. NationalPlanfor Commmunirutions material, including activities at Operations Officer.

Support in Emergencies and Afojor commercial and research nuclear Contact Person's Office: Inspection

Disasters,Office of Emergency facilities. If an incident involving NRC- and Enforcement (I&E).

Preparedness (Operations). July 1983. regulated activities poses a significant Contact Person's Emergency Location:

threat to the public health or safety or NRC Operations Center. Bethesda.

interagency Procedures environmental quality, the NRC would Mlaryland.

1. Manmorandum of Understanding. be the Cognizant Federal Agency (CFAj).

CSA and FENM. January 29.1!)80. In such an incident, the NRC is 3. FederalDepartmentor Agency

responsible for monitoring the licensee Interfaces

Z. Executive Order12046 (Relates to

the transfer of telecommunications to ensure that appropriate protective Listed below are the NRC's interfaces

action recommendations are being made with other Federal departments or

functions). The White House. Mldrch 27.

to offsite authorities in a timely manner. agencies in responding to a radiological

1978. In addition, the NRC will support its emergency.


~~eface oescnp~on IAge,,le I noons~eNRC orgerezawin, (CFAl - - - - -- - -- FEMZ DodEEPA. 1* S

AOl'eeo -i daP1o0VenWrooe~dw~,4 - FEMA.. For an nierlaces Nstod:

SteamlLvdates ____--- DCOc.DOOD. Do, EPA. FEMA. S. MOO. Do. NM Dor. a. oretCotr

of *..e-a.* teamn fd.a"r "t-w acifrbo,,I.

Ikform~a~r req~agomorti.. USDA.

_______ 0oC. 000. DoE. EPA. FEMA, Me4 HUD. Ot, NCS. DoT. I b O,,ector

0f ite opera",r4 (duairg espahded acitNt

Pucec wwonWuon reewaaes USOA. -

Oromheadquarlew.pA*C roorme. 000, tCFA). 00E, (CFAL dAVS aWqcr

Wmrcoeas"sfrom ifC, phaSe: FEMA

Cwv"7 ,a~.,tlnfnu - -. -- - 0orC 000. DoE. EPA. FEMA. *5. HUD. 0ol, NCS. DoT.

I,,< -.. v - -o.



Whi~lMouseedor`matn WN~d Mousere3po4,50 - -










.- % r-,... s"M ir




. --

..- - -

PAR ER fdei.I"Om~ l-l

Adedpe~ --.- FEMA. DOEEPA.HM5 IJSOA...-- -

PAR ael RER dwaiWlgt~on (CFAp )..... ---- DoE (FRUiAPI, EPA UWAP7.. -

Federal ow d......O. DOE,DoG.USDA . -

Foodleedso eor wtUDab__ - -- -

FRMAP (.esoacftl 00---D oR ...

FAMA (reo.,asi -

... ... . . - ...... DOE,(VRMAPL EPA. IFR#AAP). .... . -

VW aec m " Wer 1"0*m6. 4*S, EPA _ _ _ _ -. _ _ _ _ - -

PAR tWresrUa'oL Lo~shcad 0 Fedw

f~orl emci. FEA ~ .. . ...-

co-d- (Iftoftet.ft- I- o agency lead 0oKlo4 koomal*e Co.weo, CALI S Dremfof aeautr- ft team (durq enlaided acterelio.

b (>eWciof ciOd operatorns(&"w~ espartdd actrreorrl

RER Wre-v~a"~n. PAR and RER S6aeme,-2on 4CFA3 FEMA. DoE, EPA. WS.5USDA. DOE(FRAP4. EPA IFRMAPI

R-&-y piww-FE#AA-


Ped~ C ernbU1Cabor, .4 be 0 -M% .t tP*os agercMe.. ll ..fe NRC h4b fomal agreernons, i . FEMA WE. EVA I

  • '.'S ntm,,1ceS -thtl O~r 49OMS1 .4 OCCi*at ,e4(Wed

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 Federal Register f Vol. 50.No. '217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices 46ise7

4. ReslponsibilitiesforAssixatix-eto the public by the most expeditious U.S. Department of Agriculture

F'eduro. State. and L/"xl Government.s means. Response Pran Summary

  • AqsCss the nature and extent of the 5. A'IG: Responiim Planand Procetlure 1. Summary of Response AMission

radintngical emergency and Its potential

Ihe United States Department of

offsite effects on public hl'alth and Response Ilan Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for

safely. Advise the State and local - --

- 1. N1?C hccilert Rosporsc'Plar Hssisting State and local governments in

agencies with Jurisdiction based on this developing agricultural protective

.mssessmesn!. Rovision I (NUREG-07(Z2. NRC Office

(if Inspection and rfntoreement. April measures and damage assessmenls.

  • Assess the fadility operator's Other radiological emergency

rco.mmendalions and.if needed, responsibilities of the USDA include:

develop Federal recomnendations on Ilti,'i'iy PRocedures providing for the procurement of food

protective actions for State and local for emergency feeding programs:

governments with jurisdiction that 1. ,I.zenr Proceduresfor the NRC

l1chidont lbesponse Plan (NUREG-0845). ensuring that meat and meat products.

cosidsiel'r, as required. all substantive poultry and poultry products, and rgg'

vievws of other Federal ugencies.

NRl Office of Inspection and

Frnforo cmntnt. February 1953. and egg products are safe for public

Whenever possible. coordinate consumption: and providing technical

2 ANRC/1'ENM Operational Response

presentation of protective action 'rot

n duresfor Response to a information and advice to farmers to aid

rCLOlnimendations with rEMA prior to or in their recovery from the emergency.

GonmnmerrialNuclear ReuctorAccident.

during their presentation to appropriate

(NUREG-81: FFMA-S1). Rev. 1. z PointIof Notifri6cction at USDA

State and local officidis (the State

fanUary 1984. Il'oadquorters

(overnor or designee). except in 3. Oprratiotol Itespoinfe Procedures

sittiations of imminent petil to the public Contact Person's 1itle: USDA

VLvinop.d Rclt Pen XRC EPA. 1111$S.

health and safety where the NRC may and DOE. 198L. Emergency Coordinator. Director.

be required to make independent 4. Memorandum of Understanding for Intergovernmental Affairs. Room 102-A.

contact with State officials. Incident Response Between the Federal Administration Building. Washington.

  • Provide for the reluase of public Emergency Management Agency and D.C. 20250.

information concerning the radiological the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Contact Person's Office. Office of

emergency. except for the release of October 22 1980. Intergovernmental Affairs. USDA.

information classified for national

security purposes. Coordinate such fi NRCSpecificAuthorities 3 FfderalDepartmentor Agency

releases to the extent possible with the Interfaces

  • Atonic. Energy Art of 1954, as

Senior FEMA Official. other Federal orneinded. l.isted below are USDA's interfacies

ngenriqs, and the State to provide

  • Energy ReorganizationAct of 1974. with other Federal agencies in

consistent and accurate information to

  • 10 CFR Parts U to 199. responding to a radiological emergcncy.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

wmacc descIVINis Aqqnacs USDA Leganutlozna

Notftatlon (FEMAj - rkMA-- ... ..JGosc-."vonial an Pubi. Atla.- IGPA)/Otfrce of iniogo.m.-

Szaulsupujaos......- - CioD(CFAi DOE 1CVA1.NRC (CVAl. FEAA .. .. ... .- C PA.olA Food So"el kfr alon Serse. (FSISI, Olfce o'

ksiO.,,aibon re**Smwf Lgevrcy PivwsgtOEPJ

t - 0cC ((,FA.: 0DE 4CVAj NRC (CFA1 FEMA...- .. GPACI"A, F5tI~MOP

PAR tdm~oiomwnu. PER t.Je,.cnpenl DODICFA) DcE jILFAI.NAC (CFA) EPA. W*S-- . . GPA:OIA F~lS/OEP

Pubihcmnlotfhalsm telese& from,r4'ad1quarlS. pu*'A ailormes oODICFAI DoE (CFAi. NPC (OfAJ dunng o..Wqt'Cy psaso *GPAC'tV-e of@ kinorn~iOwn


1Ionriekai Somm-e uo"fo~t~on Cono IJQ FEMA larw.9 te.try ~~

Congressora inlointmbon - 000 fCFALDoE 4CFA4.NRC tCFAI FEMA ... - .I.4GiA.O GPAICong'm"onal..iai"ons CF~

cocwtaal'of onto"- -- FEMA MUS EPA -G.. .. PA'CIA FS'SIOEP

intoma,aqon . Chnge dvmgn~~w of agency 1esd i

W4I FEMA .~. - -GAO¶ SOOP PII SIS, Off"c of CV~810o-5 F.-

Ogs"a bepo. for Flideraf agmcis

FC,.a* twids ... - DoC DoE. Doi.... ..- GP^ 01A FS1S/OEP

FHUAP I 0toelaftm,ifewamrces ff~aonj. VcE EPA .--. IGPAOC A. FS&S/OEP. USDA State/county nirsoIMca as

U'V0act asso5fwnen tI.,cultii.) . _ __ -- _ _I

miS. FEPA .... . .. I.GPA'OIA FSISIOEP. USDA Staielcou..ty fosocim~as n

P~owcf.e &olon, w"W,,towniaon tfod). -- _ - -

Food/bled Vea',Aly&I lotd-11" safely tocoi'wtfdatem. -- 1I*4S FEM4 CoO (CFAL DoE (CFAs NRC (CFA i G'A, OIA, FSIStOEP. USDA State/Cou.'ty ft.'rOSec SS fo

ICk'J 4A~f,, Co.pC

R-ooeY piarom

WNICeMo."m .o~e



___- __ .- -1 FEMA




Eg.,.enst Dcil EPA__... -G-



..- -.






USDA Statelcounty MtS.aIe- as

_ _- _ _-

4 Responsibilities for Assistance to sulficiently viable to accommodate the Jnd poultry affected by radiation

Federal. State. and Local Governments use of food coupons. Coordinate this action with the EPA and

  • Provide emergency food coupon
  • Assist in providing livestock feed. III IS.

assistance in officially designated

  • Provide assistance through regular " Ensure the purity and

disaster areas whenever a USDA programs if legally adaptable to wholesomeness of meat and meat

predetermined thr"Whold of need is radiological emergencies. products, poultry and poultry products.

redched and the commercial system is

  • Advise and assist State and local dnd eggs and egg products. -

offir:ials on the disposition of livestock Provide for the procurement of food

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 Mlarch 26, 1986 46568 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Notices

  • Assist Statc and local officials,.in FEMA Fcderal Emergency . Cognizant FederalAgency (CFAf- coordination with HHS and EPA. in the Management Agency rlre Federal agency that owns, implementation of protective measures FRC Federal Response Center authorizes. regulates, or is otherwise

to minrimize contamination throuah food FRERP Federal Radiological deemed responsible for the radiologica

Ingestion. >

Emergency Response Plan activity causing the emergency and that

  • Assist in coordination with IIIIS lRMAC Federal Radiological has the authority to take action on site.

and EPA in the emergency production, Monitoring and Assessment Center. Cognizant FederalAgeacyOfficial

processing. and distribution of food DoR or EPA (CFPA0J-The lead official designated

dluriug a radiological emergency. and FRMAP Federal Radiological by the CFA to manage its response at

.IsseiSS d.amage to agricultural resources. Monitoring and Assessnient Plan the site of a radiological emergency.

  • Provide advice to State and local (DoE)

officials on how to minimize losses to Coordinate-Tobring into common

FRPCC Federal Radiological aection so as not to unnecessarily

agri culturdl resources from radiation Preparedness Coordinating Committee dfuplicate or omit important actions.

14ffects. I IIIS Departmcnt of lealth and Coordination does not involve direction

  • I'rovide infoimation and assistance I [uman Services

to farmers and others to aid them in [IUD Dcpartment of [lousing dnd of one agency by another.

rpturning to normal after a radiologicdl Urban Development DoEEmergency Operations center

enlcigeii:y. [RAP Interagency Radiological (EOCJ-The center located at DoE

  • Assist in rcalloc.ation of USDA Assistance Plan headquarters through which DoF's

don.ited food supplies from Commodity ltC joint Information Center lACT coordinates a FRMAP multi- C redit Corporation stocks stored in agency response to a radiological

INACC Joint Nuclear Accident

'warchouseS. local sChools. and othCr Coordinating Center emergency.

ul'tleti to eniergency care centers. LAO Lead Agenuy Official DoE Teanm leader-The individual

  • Provide a liaison to State LNO Liaison Officer designated by the Director of the

v.nricultural agencies to keep Statc and NCS National Communications System Emergency Action and Coordination

local officials informed of Federal NOAA National Oceanic and Team (EACT) to manage all DoE field

efforts. Atmospheric Administration. DoC activities in response to an accident/

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission incident if DoE has onsite

5. (JSI).DA Respolnse Plan#and Procedure NWS National Weather Scrvice responsibilities. Thle DoE Teamn Leader

Rfeferences OSTD Offsite Technical Director. DoE primarily supervises onsite operations.

t. U151.A fladiotogical Erersency PAG Protective Action Guide Emergency-Any natural or man- (levpannse lan. April 1984. PAR Protective Action caused situation that results in or may

Recommendation result in substantial injury or harm to

iL I ;SIX1 SpocifJ`c A u!i'in jic PlO Public Information Officer the population or substantial damage to

  • Title 7. U-S.C. RAC Regional Assistance Conmiitte.. or loss of property.

Appendix A-Acron% ins' RAP Radiological As-istance Program. Encrgency Action and Coordinat.on

AR-*(C Atinospl'eric Relc iso-dvisory DoE eam*(24¶AC77--Tie DoE senior

RHR Other Protecti~ c Mcasure and Re- management teanm at headquarters that,_>


C(FA Co.-nizant Federal Agciicv entry Recommendation coordinates the initial FRMAP response

CFAO Co-nizant Federal Agency SCO State Coordinating Officer to radiological emergencies.

OMfi.iat SFO Senior FEXiA Official Emergencj Response Team (ERTJ-

FR Code of FIderal Regulations USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture The FEIA teani deployed to a

CI EMTREC Chemical Transportation USGS U.S. Geological Survey radiological emergency scene by the

mlimei-ncy Center FEMA Director to mnike an initial

Appendix B-Definitions

CLO Con3ressional Liaison Officer assessment of the situation and then

l)oC Department of Commerce Accident Response Group IARGJ-A provide FEM..4s primary response

lo)o DeJ'partment of Defense DoE team of scientists. engineers. and capability.

lDog Department of Energy technicians that is trained, organized. EmergencySupport 7ean, (ES77-The

Dol Department of the Interior and equipped to respond to a nuclear FENMA headquarters team that carries

l)nJ/FBI Department of lustice/Federal weapons accident/incident. out notification, activation. and

Lluleaiu of hvestigation Agency Leod Official-The coordination procedures from the FF.NIA

UoS Department of State designated official in each participating EICC. The EST is responsible for

l)o T Depaitmient of Transportationi agency authorized to direct that Federal agency headquarters

DSFO Deputy Senior FENIA Official agency s response to the radiological coordination. stiff support of the FEMNIA

)SO l)ii ect)r *f Sito Operations. NRC emergency. l)irector. and support of the SFO.

EAGI' Emnergency Action and .Ai'rement State-A State that has Federal RfadtologicalMonitoring and

C.orldji.ltion ream. DoE entered into an Agreement under the Assessment PPlan (FRAIAP1-A center

EIC(' Eniorgen-v Informatiom and ttomnic Enenyvylct of 1954. dS aeninded. usually established at an airport near

Coozdinatioti Center. rEMA in which NRC has relinquished to such the scene of a radiological emergency

EOC Emergency Operaltions Center, Stites the majority of its regulatory from whkh the DoE Offsite Technical

DoF authority over source, byproduct, and Director conducts the FRMAP response.

EOF Emergency Operations Facility. special nuclear material in quantities lTis center generally need not be

Licensee not sufficient to form a critical mass. located near the onsite or Federal-State

EPA Environmentat Protection Agency Assessment-The evaluation and operations centers as long as its

FDA Iood and Drug Administration iaterpretation of radiological operations can be coordinated with

measurements and other information to them.

rl; .Appe.ndtix does not indude acra, mt thit provide a basis for decision-making. FederalRadiologicalMtonitoring and

ire .thineaic in the- g.en, R.'iI rs' III ii Assessment can include projections of Assessment Center(FRMACI-A plan

semon. r.- 4S-,m Ilno IV) off'site radiological impact. to proide coordinated radiological

Attachment I "-

IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 -, + , . f

-- {v- I _-

- Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 IFia.Nvme 8. 1985 / Notices 46569 monitoring and assessment assistance unincorporated town or village or any

  • Radioactive contamination;

to the State and local governments in other public entity.

  • Seizure. theft. loss. or destruction of

response to radiological emergencies. Monitoring-The use of sampling and a nuclear weapon or radiological

This plan. authorized by 44 CFR Part radiation detection equipment to nuclear weapon component. including

351. is a revised version of the determine the levels of radiation. jettisoning: and

Interagency Radiological Assistance NationalContingency Plan-An

  • Public hazard, actual or implied.

Plan. operations plan required to outline the - Nuclear Weapon Significant

Federal Response Center-A center Federal response to radiological Incident-An unexpected event

established by FEMA at a location emergencies at commercial nuclear involving nuclear weapons or

identified in conjunction with the State power plants. In Executive Order 12241. radiological nuclear weapon

that serves as a focal point for Federal the President delegated to FEMA the components which does not fall in the

response team interactions with the responsibility for the development and nuclear weapon accident category but:

State. promulgation of such a plan in response

  • Results in evident damage to a

Fixed NuclearFacilities-Stdtionary to Pub. L 96-295. .xuclear weapon or radiological nuclear

nuclear installations that use oi produce NationalDefense Area (NDA)-An weapon component to the extent that

radioactive materials in their normal area established by a DoD official on

operations. blcse facilities include major rework. complete replacement. or

non-Federal lands located within the examination or recertification by DoE is

commercial nuclear power plants and United States. its possessions. or its

other fixed facilities required:

territories for the purpose of

Interagency RndiolojsicalAs..i. tontce

  • Requires immediate action in the

safeguarding classified defense interest of safety or nuclear %eapons

Rlan (IRAP1-A Plan iriginally information or protecting DoD

published in 196f5 hy an interagenci, seruritl:

equipment or material. Establishment of

committee of Federal agency a National Defense Area temporarily

  • Msay result in aderse public

representatives as a mearis for providing places such non-Federal lands under the reaction (national or international) or

rapid and effccti.c radiologicdl effective control of DoD and results onli premature release of classified

assistance in the event of a peacetime from an emergency event. The senior information. and

radiological incident This plan has heen DoD representative at the scene will

  • Could lead to a nuclear weapon

superseded by the FRMAP. define the boundary. mark it with a accident and warrants high officials of

Joint Information Center U1f2-A physical barrier. and post warning signs. the signatory agencies being informed or

central point of contact for all news NationalRadiologicalEmergency taking action

media at the scene of the incident News Preparedness/ResponsePlan For Off Site-The area outside the

media representatives arc kept informed ComnmercialNuclearPower Plant boundary of the onsite area.

of activities and events Vid public A ccidents (Master Plan)-Common!y Off Site FederalSupport-Federal

infoiniation officials from all referred to as the Master Plan. this assistance in mitigating the offsite

pidrlicipating Fedrral. Stal.e and local document was pyblished by FEMA for consequences of an emergency and

agencies. who. ideAIlv. arc L.o-iocdte(l at interim use in December 1980 and protecting the public health and safetv.

the JIC. reptesented the first step lowards inciuding assistance with determining

joint Nuclear Accrdi at Gco.urhnlti!n developing Federal radiological and implementing public protective

Cen!erffJVACG)-A toint DloE/DoD emergency response plans and action measures.

Lapability at Kirtlandl Ar Foree Base. procedures. Off Site TechnicalDirector(OST0)]-

Albuquerque. New Mexiro. responsible NationalSecurity Area (A'SA)-An The DoE or EPA official designated to

for maintaining current information on ared established by DoE on non-Federal coordinate the Federal radiological

the location of speidlized DoE and DoV lands located within the United States. monitoring and assessment activities

leams or organizatilns Ldpdble of its possessions, or territories. for the undei the Federal Radiological

providing nuclear weapons accident purpose of safeguarding classified or N1onitoring and Assessment Plan.

assistance. restricted information, or protecting DoE On Site-The area within (a) the

Liaison Officer (LNA')-A Federal equipment or material. Establishment of boundary established by the owner or

agency official sent to another agency to a NSA temporanly places such non- operator of a fixed nuclear facility: or

facilitate interagency coinr1iunscdtions Federal lands under the effectii e control (bl the boundary established at the time

and coordination of DoE and results only from an of the emergency by the State or local

License-A license issned to a facility' emergency event. The senior DoE government with jurisdiction for a

owner or operator hv the NRC pursuant representative having custody of the transportdihon accident not occurring at

to the conditions of the Atornm Enwrgy miaterial at the scene will define the .i fixed nuclear facility and not involving

ArJ of 1954 (as amekndedjl or iscued b; bonndary. mark it 1ith a physical nclear wedpons: or ((.) the area

a1nAgreement State punsuwant to b.irrier. and post warning signs. established by the CFA as dffined by a

appropridte SttAte 1.iw. NRPC licen'i-s .Vitclear 11' etipoii Accident-An National Defense Are.i or National

cert.iin acti ities utnder ci tlion 17o)la) otf unexpected event involving nucleac Security Area in a nuClear weapons

that Act. weapons or radiological nuclear w accident or weapon significant incident.

Li~nitcd Rle~spon.%n-Keslzo.ic to a ccomponents that results in an! of the On-Scene Comniander-The military

rt quest for radiological assistance that fnillo.. ing- Offl~er of senior DoE official who

iniolves limited DoE or other agencv

  • Accidential or unauthori7ed commands DoD and DoE forces and

resources and does not re-quire the launching. firing, or use by U.S. for es or supervises all DoD and DoE operations

formal field management structure. U.S -supported allied foices of a nuclear at the scene of a DoD/DoE nuclear

Local Covernment-Any county. city. capable weapons system that could .weapon accident or weapon significant

village, town. district. or political create the risk of an outbreak of war: incident.

subdivision of anv Stale. any Indian

  • Nuclear detonation; Onst;c FederalSupport-Federal

tribe or authorized tril.,l organization.

  • Noii-nuclear delonation or lbuinmng assistance that is the primary

or Alaska Native vill.age or org.iniz.titn. Of a nuclear weapon or radiologie.t r-sponsibility of the Federal agency that

iiz luding inn iearail (vimminiitvy o- nm1I.-ar tvvapnn componient. 41wos. authori7es. reguil.ites. or iS

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 40570 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Fridav. Nnvembhr IL IOA I Ninth'e.


otherwise deomed responsible for the Public Information Officers (P/Os)- Appendix C-Federal Emergency Phone

radiological facility or material being Federal agency officials at headquarters and Facsimile Numbers

transported. L.a. the CPA. This response and In the field responsible for

supports State and local efforts by preparing and coordinating the l

supporting the owner or operator's dissemination of public Information In


efforts to bring the Incident under o~f.

cooperation with other responding d'0-I c tda

orSo's wa Pi* A4 NM Wedteacois

contro! and thereby prevent or minimize Federal, State. and local agencies.

Ofsilto consequences.

Radiological Assistance PJogram - __ f

OtherPiviectiva Measures and Re- (RAP) Team-A teanm dispatched to the Ch4.~ A4Nfld Servicas (301) '27-767?.

urntry lWoamnendations(RERs)- &aelcM(A113 NOA/ t301176341N (24-NL

Advice provided to the State concerning site of a radiological Incident by the DoE NW$ Cor'm~nAACortn

regional office responding to a

guidance on actions necessary to avoid radiological Incident.

0O0 - Occu Orient of (2021457-6340 (24.

or minimize exposure to residual OpeuatI.3r (000). rM.

radiation or exposure through the Radiological Enwrgency-A type of (AIht 227-410

radiological Incident that poses an iFT5) s741340

Ingistion pathway. Also advice Oo. .. E mg".CY


(f T11 230I"s

provided to the State concerning actual or potential hazard to public (FTS) 233-5555.

guidance that may be Issued to members health or safety or loss of property. H41.:d-0. .do-- - - -- (202) 475.074.

of'tha public on returning to an area fiadioalogicat Transportation (202)7554417 (O202 751-4020.r (AfMe

Incident-Any Incident that Involves a Houes)

iffected by a radiological emergency. DOI Dk ectcr. Oft*c of (2021343-ti.

ither permanently or for short-term transportation vehicle or shipment IFYS) 34324451.

(20212444255 (eIJ.

emergency actions. containing radioactive materials. (202) 53-0U (ANt

Otvnor or Operator-Thaorganizatiot Recovery l'lon-A plan.doveloped by N.'),

(2021426-4000 124.

U S. POAn polle

that owns or operates the nuclear the State to restore the affected area

facility or carrier. or cargo that causes with Federal assistance If needed. (F751 4264000 (24 tHowol.

the radiological emergency. The owner Seniork-MA Offirial (SFO)-Official o0r ... 04.elsor of E"WgeeiY (2023426-424 (Ofe).

or operator may be a Federal agency, a appointed by the Director of FEMA, or (2022 426-10w.

State or local government. or a private his representative, to direct the FEMA

(Owlus0 O t Cer

ifer dr~wdufV

business. response at the scene of a radiological (703a557-720

PNrticipatingAgencies-44 CFR Part emergency. Coordalmov. (FT) 157.7390.

35t establishes the Federal Radiological .State CoordinatingOfficer (SCOJ-An (FAX)22S-5027 IOGX.

Properedness Coordinating Committee offlciul designated by the Covernor of 4100).


PEMA Erw~qewey Aellen

(FRPCC). which hus approvad the the affected State to work with the Oftier.

eastablish.mont of thc Sbcomnitttwu on CFAO and SF0 in uoordinating the

(202) 65-2714.

Fuederal Response. Tho 12 agenclies response etforts of Federal. State. local.


represented on this Suluonnimtltee are volunteer. and private agencies. $51-3740.

reforred to as the parliciputing agencies  ! pris J12.261 (Ot0.

In the F}RP. They are: FEMA. NRC. S :b.cominnilune on Federal Response- (Autet222-261J rOtte ). y

A Subcommittee of the Federal (FAX)O52-2714 ITA. 1IfiS, lJoE. USDA. DuC. OoTl Ual).

Dol, IfU). and NCS. R:adliogical Preparedness Coordinating N14C. la11,ftr = 161osso

Committeo formed to develop and test (..qAors Officer. jFA.XI

Pratlew:!ive Action Guide (PetGJ-A (2i0 452-.726 (eouo

radilaton exposure level or range the Federal Radiological meragency I. II.II).

nstablished by appropriate Federal or Response Plan. Most agencies that 1301)492-437 (OMO


Sltala ugenclus beyond which protective would participate In the Federal (201) 412.7576 (Of"

actioin should be considered. radiological emergency response nre (1ou

t, II.Ill).


2 ProtoctivaAction 161en(vnmn7clglation reprosented on this Subcommittee. Cveen"Uonl.

l.5SOA USODA Ernl-.3-v (FT31A4744423 (0)ll.

(/JAIR-Advice to the Stalt: on Transportation of Rddloactiva (7031401.sS51 ((1.)

.mer~ency measures it shoo1d consider .%fut.rlals-Refors to the loading, (¶01) 441-2237.

In determining action for the public to unloading. movement, or temporary

taka to avoid or reduce their exposure to storage on routo of radioactive

mnintrfuls. IFtR Dec. (13-21158Fliad1 11-7-0.1: 0:434nill

radiation. .ILUP4G 0001 67161-Cll

Attachment 1 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 C C C


Attachment 2 ORGANIZATION CHART IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 DIRECTOR



I- I -, I_

- I--



















_ __ _ _ _

HTech Assistant *

ENS Communicator *

Onsite Coordinator * Response Assistant*

Resource Coordinator*

5 Technical Briefer IENCI

(Reactor Systemsl

SEOC Coordinator (State Capitol)

Assistant ISEOCI

PN Communicator*


Technical Briefer IENCI Communicator* II

-RSL Communicator * Typist I 1 * FRC Coordinator WFRCI

IProtective Measuresl TI inchnical I


-Operations Coordinator 0 Typist 12 *

Assistant (FRCI

EOF Media Coordinator *

Current Status Coordinator* SFEOC Coordinator ISFEOC)

Runner t 1 * -Public Affairs Communicator*

IPonrbubbie) AssIstant ISFEOCI ,III I

Control Room Coordinator Runnerr2*


IResidentlS -Public Affairs Communicator ._

IPortabubble ENC) I

ENS Monitor* I.1 ENS CommunlcatorO Environmental Dose Assessment FRodbtlon Safety Coordinator 6 Coordinator *

Reactor Analysis Coordinator 0 IPN Communicator 0

ISystems Analysti Dos Assessor*

nplant Coordinator 0

Effluent Assessment Coordinator0@

OSC Lialson (OSCI

FRMAC Communicator*


Environmental Measurements

Coordinator *

FRMAC Coordinator ^

Assessment SpeciaitA

Field Measurements Coordinator A

Van Analyst 4 No. of staff

at locations TLD Anlyst (Reader)A

  • EOF =- ----- The EOF usually TLD Analyst IChangeoutl 4
  • TSC = 7 has room for 9 S CR - 2 NRC employee-. Boise Communicatora

A FRMAC = 7 All additional

ENC = 3 NRC staff Indicated

FRC - 2 as working out of

SEOC = 2 the EOF will staff

SFEOC = 2 an alternate area

OSC - I based on the space

RCA = 1 limitations of the

S @Location Optional EOF and proximity

of the alternate

_ _ 4 _ area to the sito.

Attachment 3 IN 86-18 March 26, 1986 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED


Information Date of

Notice No. Subject Issue Issued to

86-17 Update Of Failure Of Auto- 3/24/86 All power reactor

matic Sprinkler System Valves facilities holding

To Operate an OL or CP

86-16 Failures To Identify Contain- 3/11/86 All power reactor

ment Leakage Due To Inadequate facilities holding

Local Testing Of BWR Vacuum an OL or CP

Relief System Valves

86-15 Loss Of Offsite Power Caused 3/10/86 All power reactor

By Problems In Fiber Optics facilities holding

Systems an OL or CP

86-14 PWR Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 3/10/86 All power reactor

Turbine Control Problems facilities holding

an OL or CP

86-13 Standby Liquid Control 2/21/86 All BWR facilities

System Squib Valves Failure holding an OL or CP

To Fire

86-12 Target Rock Two-Stage SRV 2/25/86 All power reactor

Setpoint Drift facilities holding

an OL or CP

86-11 Inadequate Service Water 2/25/86 All power reactor

Protection Against Core Melt facilities holding

Frequency an OL or CP

84-69 Operation Of Emergency Diesel 2/24/86 All power reactor

Sup. 1 Generators facilities holding

an OL or CP

86-10 Safety Parameter Display 2/13/86 All power reactor

System Malfunctions facilities holding

an OL or CP

86-09 Failure Of Check And Stop 2/3/86 All power reactor

Check Valves Subjected To facilities holding

Low Flow Conditions an OL or CP

OL = Operating License

CP = Construction Permit