WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 November 10, 1988 NRC INFORMATION
All holders of operating
licenses or construction
permits for. nuclear power reactors.
- This supplement
to Information
Notice (IN)86-106 is intended to provide ad-dressees with additional
about a potential
problem that resulted in thinning of secondary
system piping at both units of an operating
nuclear power station and the catastrophic
failure of a main feedwater
suction pipe.It is expected that recipients
will review the information
for applicability
to their facilities
and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems.
However, suggestions
in this information
notice do not constitute
NRC requirements;
therefore, no specific action or written response is required.Discussion:
IN 86-106, Supplement
1, was issued on February 13, 1987, to provide addi-tional information
the catastrophic
line break at Surry Power Station, Unit 2. Results of the licensee's
failure analysis and the NRC technical
panel conclusions
the pipe break failure mechanism were discussed
in Supplement
1. Supplement
2 addressed
system interactions.
During the September
1988 outage, the Surry licensee discovered
that pipe wall thinning had occurred more rapidly than expected.
On the suction side of one of the main feedwater
pumps, an elbow that was installed
during the 1987 re-fueling outage lost 20 percent of its 0.500 inch wall in 1.2 years. In ad-dition, wall thinning is continuing
in safety-related
main feedwater
piping and in other non-safety-related
piping.On the basis of partial inspection
results, the licensee indicated
that the broad area thinning rate for the replacement
piping, installed
during the last refueling
outage, is roughly 60 mils/year.
The maximum localized
thinning rate is 90 mils/year.
These rates were higher than the 20 to 30 mils/year rate estimated
The estimated
rate of 20 to 30 mils/year
was based on a single measurement
and an assumption
that wall thinning had been 1:; 1 CW^F D032 4 IN 86-106, Supplement
3 November 10, 1988 progressing
linearly since initial full-power
was achieved.
This new rate of wall thinning, which is based on a second data point, indicates that significant
wall thinning may have coincided
with a reduction
in feed-water dissolved-oxygen
to steam generator
The lower rate of wall thinning associated
with a higher feedwater
dissolved- oxygen concentration
is consistent
with the low rates of erosion/corrosion
reported in IN 88-17, "Summary of Responses
to NRCB 87-01, 'Thinning
of Pipe Walls in Nuclear Power Plants'," for boiling water reactors (BWRs), which typically
operate at a feedwater
of approxi-mately 30 ppb. The licensee is continuing
its failure analysis to determine the cause(s) of the increase in the estimated
pipe wall thinning rate. Because the measured rate of pipe wall thinning is in excess of the previously
esti-mated rate, the scheduled
of future inspections
may need to be reexamined
to ensure that code-allowable
wall thickness
is maintained.
to erosion/corrosion
in feedwater-condensate
system piping can be found in IE Information
Notice Nos.86-106; 86-106, Supple-ment 1; 87-36, "Significant
Erosion of Feedwater
Lines"; 88-17; and NRC Bulletin 87-01, "Thinning
of Pipe Walls in Nuclear Power Plants." No specific action or written response is required by this information
notice.If you have any questions
about this matter, please contact the technical
contact listed below or the Regional Administrator
of the appropriate
regional office.s'azt1 Charles E. Rossi, Director Division of Operational
Events Assessment
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Contact: Paul Wu, NRR (301)492-0826 Attachment:
List of Recently Issued NRC Information
IN 86-106, Supplement
NOTICES Information
Date of Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to 88-86 88-85 88-84 88-83 88-82 88-81 Operating
with Multiple Grounds in Direct Current Distribution
Systems Broken Retaining
Block Studs on Anchor Darling Check Valves Defective
Motor Shaft Keys in Limitorque
Motor Actuators Inadequate
Testing of Relay Contacts in Safety-Related
Logic Systems Torus Shells with Corrosion and Degraded Coatings in BWR Containments
Failure of Amp Window Indent Kynar Splices and Thomas and Betts Nylon Wire Caps During Environmental
Quali-fication Testing Unexpected
Piping Movement Attributed
to Thermal Stratification
Misuse of Flashing Lights for High Radiation
Area Controls 10/21/88 10/14/88 10/20/88 10/19/88 10/14/88 10/7/88 10/7/88 10/7/88 All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.
-All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for BWRs.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power, test, and research reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for PWRs.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.88-80 88-79 88-69, Supp 1 Movable Contact Finger Binding in HFA Relays Manufactured
by General Electric (GE)9/29/88 All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.OL = Operating
License CP = Construction
list | - Information Notice 1986-01, Failure of Main Feedwater Check Valves Causes Loss of Feedwater System Integrity and Water-Hammer Damage (6 January 1986, Topic: Feedwater Heater)
- Information Notice 1986-02, Failure of Valve Operator Motor During Environmental Qualification Testing (6 January 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-03, Potential Deficiencies in Enviromental Qualification of Limitorque Motor Valve Operator Wiring (14 January 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-04, Transient Due to Loss of Power to Intergrated Control System at a Pressurized Water Reactor Designed by Babcock & Wilcox (31 January 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-05, Main Steam Safety Valve Test Failures and Ring Setting Adjustments (31 January 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-06, Failure of Lifting Rig Attachment, While Lifting Upper Guide Structure at St. Lucie Unit 1 (3 February 1986, Topic: Control of Heavy Loads)
- Information Notice 1986-06, Failure of Lifting Rig Attachment, while Lifting Upper Guide Structure at St. Lucie Unit 1 (3 February 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-07, Lack of Detailed Instruction & Inadequate Observance of Precautions During Maintenance & Testing of Diesel Generator Woodward Governors (3 February 1986, Topic: Overspeed trip, Overspeed)
- Information Notice 1986-08, Licensee Event Report (LER) Format Modification (3 February 1986, Topic: GOTHIC)
- Information Notice 1986-09, Failure of Check & Stop Check Valves Subjected to Low Flow Conditions (3 February 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-10, Degradation of Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary Resulting From Boric Acid Corrosion. (5 January 1995, Topic: Boric Acid, Stress corrosion cracking)
- Information Notice 1986-10, Feedwater Line Break (10 November 1988, Topic: Coatings, Anchor Darling)
- Information Notice 1986-10, Degradation of Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary Resulting from Boric Acid Corrosion. (5 January 1995, Topic: Boric Acid, Stress corrosion cracking)
- Information Notice 1986-11, Anomalous Behavior of Recirculation Loop Flow in Jet Pump BWR Plants (31 December 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-13, Standby Liquid Control System Squib Valves Failure to Fire (21 February 1986, Topic: Squib)
- Information Notice 1986-13, Standby Liquid Control Squib Valves Failure to Fire (5 August 1986, Topic: Squib)
- Information Notice 1986-14, Overspeed Trips of AFW, HPCI & RCIC Turbines (26 August 1991, Topic: Fire Barrier, Overspeed trip, Overspeed, Water hammer)
- Information Notice 1986-14, Overspeed Trips of Afw, HPCI & RCIC Turbines (26 August 1991, Topic: Overspeed trip)
- Information Notice 1986-15, Loss of Offsite Power Caused by Problems in Fiber Optics Systems (10 March 1986, Topic: Squib)
- Information Notice 1986-16, Failures to Identify Containment Leakage Due to Inadequate Local Testing of BWR Vacuum Relief System Valves (11 March 1986, Topic: Squib, Local Leak Rate Testing, Integrated leak rate test)
- Information Notice 1986-17, Update of Failure of Automatic Sprinkler System Valves to Operate (24 March 1986, Topic: Squib)
- Information Notice 1986-18, NRC On-Scene Response During a Major Emergency (26 March 1986, Topic: Squib, Backfit)
- Information Notice 1986-19, Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Failure at Crystal River (21 March 1986, Topic: Squib)
- Information Notice 1986-20, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Scaling Factors, 10 CFR Part 61 (28 March 1986, Topic: Squib)
- Information Notice 1986-21, Recognition of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Accreditation Program for N Stamp Holders (31 March 1986, Topic: Squib)
- Information Notice 1986-22, Underresponse of Radiation Survey Instrument to High Radiation Fields (31 March 1986, Topic: High Radiation Area, Squib)
- Information Notice 1986-23, Excessive Skin Exposures Due to Contamination with Hot Particles (9 April 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-23, Excessive Skin Exposures due to Contamination with Hot Particles (9 April 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-24, Respirator Users Notice: Increased Inspection Frequency for Certain Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Air Cylinders (11 April 1986, Topic: Hydrostatic)
- Information Notice 1986-25, Traceability and Material Control of Material and Equipment, Particularly Fasteners (11 April 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-26, Potential Problems in Generators Manufactured by Electrical Products Incorporated (17 April 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-27, Access Control at Nuclear Facilities (21 April 1986, Topic: Contraband)
- Information Notice 1986-28, Telephone Numbers to the NRC Operations Center and Regional Offices (24 April 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-29, Effects of Changing Valve Moter-Operator Switch Settings (25 April 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-30, Design Limitations of Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Systems (29 April 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-31, Unauthorized Transfer and Loss of Control of Industrial Nuclear Gauges (14 July 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-32, Request for Collection of Licensee Radioactivity Measurements Attributed to Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Accident (2 May 1986, Topic: Chernobyl, Potassium iodide)
- Information Notice 1986-33, Information for Licensee Regarding the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Accident (6 May 1986, Topic: Chernobyl, Potassium iodide)
- Information Notice 1986-34, Improper Assembly, Material Selection, & Test of Valves & Their Actuators (13 May 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-34, Improper Assembly, Material Selection, & Test of Valves & their Actuators (13 May 1986)
- Information Notice 1986-35, Fire in Compressible Material at Dresden Unit 3 (15 May 1986, Topic: Chernobyl)
- Information Notice 1986-36, Change in NRC Practice Regarding Issuance of Confirming Letters to Principal Contractors (16 May 1986, Topic: Chernobyl)
- Information Notice 1986-37, Degradation of Station Batteries (16 May 1986, Topic: Chernobyl)
- Information Notice 1986-38, Deficient Operator Actions Following Dual Function Valve Failures (20 May 1986, Topic: Chernobyl)
- Information Notice 1986-39, Failures of RHR Pump Motors and Pump Internals (20 May 1986, Topic: Chernobyl)
- Information Notice 1986-40, Degraded Ability to Isolate the Reactor Coolant System from Low-Pressure Coolant Systems in Bwrs (5 June 1986, Topic: Chernobyl)
- Information Notice 1986-40, Degraded Ability to Isolate the Reactor Coolant System from Low-Pressure Coolant Systems in BWRs (5 June 1986, Topic: Chernobyl)
- Information Notice 1986-41, Evaluation of Questionable Exposure Readings of Licensee Personnel Dosimeters (9 June 1986, Topic: Chernobyl)
- Information Notice 1986-42, Improper Maintenance of Radiation Monitoring Systems (9 June 1986, Topic: Temporary Modification, Chernobyl)
- Information Notice 1986-43, Problems with Silver Zeolite Sampling of Airborne Radioiodine (10 June 1986, Topic: Chernobyl)
... further results |