IR 05000123/2024201

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Board of Curators of the University of Missouri – U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Safety Inspection Report 05000123/2024201
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Rolla
Issue date: 07/01/2024
From: Travis Tate
To: Taber E
Univ of Missouri
Arellano J
IR 2024201
Download: ML24169A852 (1)




Dear Mr. Taber:

From May 14-17, 2024, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff conducted an inspection at the Missouri University of Science and Technology Research Reactor. The enclosed report documents the inspection results, which were discussed on May 17, 2024, with you and members of your staff.

The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commissions rules and regulations and with the conditions of your license.

The inspector reviewed selected procedures and records, observed various activities, and interviewed personnel. Based on the results of this inspection, no findings of significance were identified. No response to this letter is required.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 2.390, Public inspections, exemptions, requests for withholding, a copy of this letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records component of the NRCs document system (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC website at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

July 1, 2024 If you have any questions concerning this inspection, please contact Juan Arellano at (301) 415-0477, or by email to

Sincerely, Travis L. Tate, Chief Non-Power Production and Utilization Facility Oversight Branch Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-123 License No. R-79 Enclosure:

As stated cc w/enclosure: GovDelivery Subscribers Signed by Tate, Travis on 07/01/24

ML24169A852 NRC-002 OFFICE NRR/DANU/UNPO NRR/DANU/UNPO/LA NRR/DANU/UNPO/BC NAME JArellano NParker TTate DATE 6/18/2024 6/26/2024 7/1/2024


50-123 License No.:

R-79 Report No.:

05000123/2024201 Licensee:

Board of Curators of the University of Missouri Facility:

Missouri University of Science and Technology Research Reactor Location:

Rolla, MO Dates:

May 14 - 17, 2024 Inspector:

Juan Arellano Approved by:

Travis L Tate, Chief Non-Power Production and Utilization Facility Oversight Branch Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board of Curators of the University of Missouri Missouri University of Science and Technology Research Reactor Inspection Report No. 05000123/2024201 The primary focus of this routine announced inspection was the onsite review of selected aspects of the Board of Curators of the University of Missouris (the licensee) Class II research reactor facility program, including: (1) operations logs and records; (2) requalification training; (3) surveillance and limiting conditions for operation (LCO); (4) design changes; (5) emergency planning; (6) maintenance logs and records; and (7) fuel handling logs and records. The U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff determined that the licensees program was acceptably directed toward the protection of public health and safety, and in compliance with NRC requirements.

Operations Logs and Records

The inspector determined that the operations logs and records were maintained in accordance with the applicable technical specification (TS) and the licensees procedural requirements.

Requalification Training

The inspector determined that the operator requalification program was conducted and completed in accordance with the NRC-approved program and regulatory requirements.

Surveillance and Limiting Conditions for Operation

The inspector determined that surveillances were conducted and LCO were maintained in accordance with TS requirements.

Design Changes

The inspector determined that design changes were conducted in accordance with TS and regulatory requirements.

Emergency Planning

The inspector determined that the emergency preparedness program was conducted in accordance with the emergency plan.

Maintenance Logs and Records

The inspector determined that the maintenance activities were performed and documented in accordance with TS requirements.

Fuel Handling Logs and Records

The inspector determined that the fuel movements and inspections were conducted in accordance with TS and the licensees procedural requirements.

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REPORT DETAILS Summary of Facility Status The licensees 200-kilowatt research reactor continues to be operated in support of education, experiments, training, and surveillance. During this inspection, the reactor was operated for demonstration purposes.


Operations Logs and Records a.

Inspection Scope (IP 69001, Section 02.02)

To ensure that the requirements were met, the inspector observed the performance of a pre-start checklist, reactor startup, and reviewed the following:

reactor logbook number 19

reactor logbook number 20

reactor logbook number 21

reactor logbook number 22

standard operating procedure (SOP) 102, Pre-Startup Checklist Procedure, dated February 20, 2024

SOP 103, Reactor Startup to Low Power, dated December 9, 2022

select pre-startup checklists performed from 2023 - present


Observations and Findings The inspector found that TS items were entered in the console logbook, including the names of licensed operators during reactor operations, location of fuel during movement, changes in reactor power and operations, and maintenance items as required by procedures.


Conclusion The inspector determined that the licensees logbook entries and records were maintained as required by facility procedures and TSs.


Requalification Training a.

Inspection Scope (IP 69001, Section 02.04)

To ensure the requirements of the requalification program were met, the inspector reviewed the following selected aspects of the requalification program:


select operator licenses

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select medical examination records

select annual on-the-job training requirements checklists

Operator License Reactivation, memorandums for select individuals

reactor logbook number 19

reactor logbook number 20

Changes of Operating Procedures for the MSTR, signoff sheets b.

Observations and Findings The inspector noted that there were 13 NRC licensed operators at the facility consisting of 3 senior reactor operators and 10 reactor operators. The inspector found that licensed operator training was conducted in accordance with the licensees NRC-approved requalification and training program and was documented. The inspector confirmed that the licensed operators completed all the reactor operations and examinations required by the program, with the exception of one inactive operator, and requalification records were maintained as required by TS 6.8.2.

The NRC issued a Severity Level IV Notice of Violation (NOV)05000123/2022202-01 in the previous inspection report dated July 25, 2022 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML22174A404), due to findings that three operators were determined to have not met the conditions of their license.

Specifically, the licensed operators had not received a medical examination from a physician every 2 years as required by 10 CFR 55.21 and continued to operate the reactor. The inspector verified the licensee implemented corrective actions as stated in the response to the NOV (ADAMS Accession No. ML22235A787). The inspector found a tracking sheet was created by the licensee to track operators qualification status. The inspector found that, since the prior inspection, operator medical examinations were completed every 2 years as required by the regulations. Based upon the discussion above, this issue is closed.


Conclusion The inspector determined that the operator requalification program was conducted and completed in accordance with the NRC-approved program and that the medical evaluations were completed in accordance with regulatory requirements.


Surveillance and Limiting Conditions for Operation a.

Inspection Scope (IP 69001, Section 02.05)

The inspector observed the performance of a pre-start checklist and reviewed the following to verify compliance with TS 3, and to determine if surveillance tests were performed as required by TS 4:

SOP 102, Pre-Startup Checklist Procedure, dated February 20, 2024

select weekly checklists performed in 2023

SOP 108, Weekly Check, dated February 20, 2024

SOP 816, MSTR Power Calibration, dated March 31, 2016

MSTR Power Calibration Report, dated November 23, 2022

MSTR Power Calibration Report, dated February 26, 2024

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rod drop time measurements performed 2022 - present

SOP 813, Rod Drop Time Measurement, dated September 5, 2013

reactor logbook number 19

reactor logbook number 21

SOP 802, Linear Channel Calibration, dated January 8, 2024

SOP 804, Safety Channel Calibration, dated January 8, 2024

Linear Channel Calibration Form, dated January 12, 2024

Radiation Safety Committee minutes dated September 14, 2022

Radiation Safety Committee minutes dated June 13, 2022 b.

Observations and Findings The inspector found that surveillance tests and LCO verifications were completed on schedule as required by the TSs and in accordance with the licensees procedures. The inspector observed the verification of TS 3.2.2, TS 4.2.2(1), and TS 4.6.1(1).

The NRC issued a Severity Level IV NOV 05000123/202201-02 in the previous inspection report dated July 25, 2022, due to a finding that the licensee operated the reactor after changing core configurations without measuring excess reactivity, control rod worth, and shutdown margin as required by the TSs. The inspector verified the licensee implemented corrective actions as stated in the response to the NOV (ADAMS Accession No. ML22235A787). The inspector found that the licensee updated the facility procedures to perform the measurements. Based upon the discussion above, this issue is closed.

On December 4, 2023, the licensee notified (Event Report #56878) the NRC that on December 1, 2023, with the reactor operating at 180 kilowatts (kW), 90% full power, a 150% Full Power scram signal was received on one safety amplifier, and the reactor scrammed automatically as expected. All shim rods fully inserted, and the reactor shutdown rapidly as expected following initiation of a scram signal. During the event, the operators observed all other nuclear instrumentation channels indicated that reactor power was stable at 180 kW until the scram. The licensee determined that at no time was reactor power in excess of the licensed power limit nor were any limiting safety system settings exceeded. Follow-up testing revealed that triggering the shutdown of the internal power supply replicated the behavior observed during the scram. The licensee determined that an age-related, intermittent failure of the power supply was concluded to be the cause. During this inspection, the inspector assessed the event, root cause, and corrective actions. The inspector found the licensees root cause to be adequate and that the licensees corrective actions were implemented as stated in the 14-day written report (ADAMS Accession No. ML23349A206). The inspector found that the licensee replaced the power supply and created a preventive maintenance item to replace power supplies in the existing amplifiers every 10 years of operation based upon operational experience of the power supply after 22 years of operation. The inspector found that the preventative maintenance item above is adequate to prevent reoccurrence.

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Conclusion The inspector determined that the surveillances were conducted and LCO were maintained in accordance with TS requirements.


Design Changes a.

Inspection Scope (IP 69001, Section 02.08)

The inspector reviewed the following to ensure that modifications to the facility were made in accordance with the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 50.59, Changes, tests and experiments, and TSs:

SOP 310, 10 CFR 50.59 Changes, Tests, and Experiments, dated July 17, 2017

SOP 310 screening form 22-02 dated April 5, 2022

SOP 310 screening form 22-03 dated June 17, 2022

SOP 310 screening form 22-04 dated July 20, 2022

SOP 310 screening form 23-01 dated January 20, 2023

SOP 310 screening form 23-02 dated January 31, 2023

SOP 310 screening form 23-03 dated March 9, 2023

SOP 310 screening form 23-04 dated May 10, 2023

SOP 310 screening form 23-06 dated October 31, 2023

SOP 310 screening form 24-01 dated January 10, 2024

SOP 310 screening form 24-03 dated April 16, 2024

safety evaluation report 2024-03 dated April 16, 2024

safety evaluation report 2024-02 dated February 16, 2024

SOP 310 screening form 24-04 dated April 16, 2024

SOP 110, Calibration of Control Rods by Positive Period Method, dated June 19, 2014

SOP 111, Measurement of Core Excess Reactivity and Determination of Shutdown Margin, dated February 9, 2012

Safety Analysis for the Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor, revision 3 dated February 19, 2021 b.

Observations and Findings The inspector found design changes were reviewed and approved as required by 10 CFR 50.59. The inspector also found that the performance of design reviews and the procedures and drawings related to that equipment met regulatory and TS requirements.


Conclusion The inspector determined that design changes were conducted in accordance with TS and regulatory requirements.

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Emergency Planning a.

Inspection Scope (IP 69001, Section 02.10)

The inspector reviewed the following selected portions of the licensees emergency preparedness program to verify compliance with Appendix E, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities, to 10 CFR, Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, and the licensees emergency plan:

Emergency Plan for the Missouri S&T Nuclear Reactor Facility, revision 9 dated March 2, 2022

reactor emergency box inventory records from 2022 - present

emergency plan review memorandum for 2023 and 2024

annual emergency response training records

evacuation drill records from 2022 - present

SOP 501, Emergency Procedures for Reactor Building Evacuation, dated August 1, 2017

SOP 507, Emergency Procedures - Administrative Responsibilities, dated March 8, 2022

Missouri S&T Reactor Emergency Phone List, dated March 11, 2024

fall 2022 emergency plan review PowerPoint

fall 2023 emergency plan review PowerPoint

Proposed Reactor Facility Modification (Replacement of Linear Recorder, Log and Linear [Period] Recorder, Picoammeter, and Linear Power Supply), memorandum dated June 9, 2022

safety evaluation report 2022-01 dated July 8, 2022 b.

Observations and Findings The inspector found that training was conducted, drills were performed, and emergency response call lists were maintained and posted as required by the emergency plan and licensee procedures. The inspector toured the facility and verified the emergency support center was readily available and the emergency box was maintained as required by the emergency plan. The inspector also visited the City of Rolla Fire and Rescue station to verify that in the event of a contaminated individual, the fire station could decontaminate individuals as specified in the emergency plan.


Conclusion The inspector determined that the emergency preparedness program was conducted in accordance with the emergency plan.


Maintenance Logs and Records a.

Inspection Scope (IP 69001, Section 02.11)

The inspector reviewed the following selected maintenance logs and records to verify compliance with the requirements of TSs:

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SOP 308, Restoration of AC Power Following a Power Outage, dated August 15, 2023

installation and testing plan 2024-02 dated February 16, 2024

installation and testing plan 2024-03 dated April 18, 2024

select equipment discrepancy reports performed 2023 - present b.

Observations and Findings The inspector found that the scheduled and unscheduled preventive and corrective maintenance activities were performed and documented in accordance with TS requirements and the licensees administrative procedures. The inspector observed a scheduled facility power outage and observed the operators respond with the corresponding procedures.


Conclusion The inspector determined that the maintenance activities were performed and documented in accordance with TS requirements.


Fuel Handling Logs and Records a.

Inspection Scope (IP 69001, Section 02.12)

The inspector reviewed the following fuel handling logs and activities to verify compliance with TS requirements:

SOP 207, Fuel Handling, dated September 30, 2022

MSTR Core and Rack Storage Form, dated August 10, 2022

MSTR Core and Rack Storage Form, dated August 15, 2023

core loading and fuel rack maps

SOP 205, Fuel Management, dated February 19, 2021

select, Transfer Order Form, performed from 2022 - present

reactor logbook number 19

reactor logbook number 21 b.

Observations and Findings The inspector found that fuel handling activities were conducted and documented in accordance with TS requirements and the licensees procedural requirements. The inspector observed that the irradiated fuel elements in the core and storage racks aligned with the location of fuel elements documented in the logbooks, reactor bay core map, and fuel binder.


Conclusion The inspector determined that the fuel movements and inspections were conducted in accordance with TS and the licensees procedural requirements.

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Exit Interview The inspection scope and results were summarized on May 17, 2024, with members of licensee management and staff. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed the inspection results.

Attachment PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee Personnel J. Graham Facility Director Reactor Manager M. Bresnahan Director of Environmental Health and Safety INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 69001 Class II Non-Power Reactors ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED Opened None Closed 05000123/2022202-01 Contrary to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 55.21, Medical examination, three operators failed to meet the conditions of their license by not receiving a biannual medical examination from a physician.05000123/2022202-02 Contrary to surveillance requirement 4.1.1, the licensee changed core configurations multiple times without measuring excess reactivity, control rod worth, and shutdown margin afterwards.

Discussed None