MONTHYEARIR 05000057/20150012016-01-0606 January 2016 IR 05000057/2015001, Buffalo Materials Research Center, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York IR 05000057/20140012015-01-26026 January 2015 IR 05000057/2014001 on 8/27/14, 11/3-5/14 and 12/30/14, Buffalo Materials Research Center, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, Ny IR 05000057/20130032014-08-0606 August 2014 IR 05000057-13-003 on 10/28/13 - 08/06/14, Buffalo Materials Research Center, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York IR 05000057/20130022013-07-23023 July 2013 IR 05000057-13-002, on 5/7/13 - 7/9/13, Buffalo Materials Research Center, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York IR 05000057/20130012013-04-15015 April 2013 IR 05000057-13-001, on 01/21/13 - 03/20/13, Buffalo Materials Research Center, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York IR 05000057/20072012007-04-13013 April 2007 IR 05000057-07-201, on 04/02-04/2007; State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo Materials Research Center; and Notice of Violation ML0710103992007-04-13013 April 2007 IR 05000057-07-201, on 04/02-04/2007; State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo Materials Research Center; and Notice of Violation IR 05000057/20032012003-08-19019 August 2003 IR 05000057-03-201 on 07/22-24/03 for Buffalo Materials Research Center, Review of Licensees Programs Concerning Operations, Emergency Preparedness, Security & Safeguards, and Radiation Protection IR 05000057/19992011999-08-19019 August 1999 Insp Rept 50-057/99-201 on 990802-04.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Review of Selected Aspects of Organizational Structure & Functions Program,Radiation Protection Program & Surveillance Program IR 05000057/19972011997-07-24024 July 1997 Insp Rept 50-057/97-201 on 970707-10.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Rp & Chemistry Controls, Security & Safeguards Activities IR 05000057/19930021993-09-21021 September 1993 Insp Rept 50-057/93-02 on 930901-03.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Health Physics Oversight & Safety Limits Compliance During Reactor Operations IR 05000057/19930011993-04-23023 April 1993 Insp Rept 50-057/93-01 on Stated Dates.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Implementation of Emergency Plan,Conduct of Annual Emergency Drills & Reactor Operator Training IR 05000057/19920041992-12-10010 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-057/92-04 & 70-0267/92-01 on 921116-18.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Nuclear Matl Control & Accounting & Physical Security, Including,Organization & Operation,Shipping & Receiving IR 05000057/19900041991-01-14014 January 1991 Insp Rept 50-057/90-04 on 901218.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Licensee Plans & Activities Re Repair & Mod of Reactor Tank IR 05000057/19900031990-12-0505 December 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/90-03 on 901022-25 & 1108.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Licensee Plans & Activities Re Repair & Mod of Reactor Tank IR 05000057/19900021990-07-27027 July 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/90-02 on 900621 & 0718.Violation Noted But Not Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Procedures & Actions Taken to Transfer Irradiated Fuel Assemblies from Reactor Tank Into Adjacent Hot Cell IR 05000057/19900011990-03-23023 March 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/90-01 on 900212-13.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Controls Program ML19354D9241990-01-16016 January 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/89-04 on 901108-1212.Major Areas Inspected: Reactor Pool Liner Leak,Facility Operations & 891212 Mgt Meeting.Overall Actions Taken in Response to Reactor Pool Liner Leak Conservative & Safe IR 05000057/19890031990-01-0909 January 1990 Insp Repts 50-057/89-03 & 70-0267/89-01 on 891113-15.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Nuclear Matl Control, Physical Security,Including Organization & Operation, Shipping & Receiving,Storage & Internal Controls IR 05000057/19890021989-09-14014 September 1989 Safety Insp Rept 50-057/89-02 on 890818.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness Program Conducted on 890818 IR 05000057/19890011989-03-30030 March 1989 Exam Rept 50-057/89-01OL on 890130-0202.Exam Results:Senior Reactor Operator Candidate Passed Both Portions of Exam & Reactor Operator Candidate Did Not Pass Either Portion of Exam IR 05000057/19880031988-11-28028 November 1988 Insp Rept 50-057/88-03 on 881017.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness Exercise IR 05000057/19880021988-09-26026 September 1988 Safety Insp Rept 50-057/88-02 on 880725.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness IR 05000057/19880011988-03-24024 March 1988 Exam Rept 50-057/88-01OL on 880209-10.Exam Results:Two Reactor Operator Candidates Passed Written & Operating Exams IR 05000057/19870021987-10-0909 October 1987 Exam Rept 50-057/87-02OL on 870810-12.Exam Results:All Four Candidates Passed Exams.Two Major Generic Weaknesses Noted Re How to Use Scott Air-Pac for Emergency Entry Into Containment Bldg & How to Start Emergency Generator IR 05000057/19870031987-09-10010 September 1987 Emergency Preparedness Insp Rept 50-057/87-03 on 870824-25. No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Observation of Annual Action Drill & Open Items Identified in 1985 Appraisal IR 05000057/19870011987-04-28028 April 1987 Requalification Program Evaluation Rept 50-057/87-01-OL on 870213.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Facility Licensee Administration of 1987 Requalification Written Exam to Ten Licensed Operators IR 05000057/19860021986-10-24024 October 1986 Exam Rept 50-057/86-02 on 860818-22.Exam Results:Three Senior Operator Candidates Passed Written & Oral Exams IR 05000057/19860011986-07-29029 July 1986 Insp Rept 50-057/86-01 on 860324-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Allegation Followup,Facility Operations,Logs,Records,Surveillance Testing,Review & Audit, Radiation Controls & Fuel Specs IR 05000057/19850021985-12-13013 December 1985 Emergency Preparedness Appraisal Insp Rept 50-057/85-02 on 850826-29.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Implementation of Emergency Preparedness Program IR 05000057/19850031985-10-0808 October 1985 Exam Rept 50-057/85-03 on 850904-05.Exam Results:One Reactor Operator Candidate Failed Written Exam & One License Issued.Some Ref Matl Provided for Preparation of Exam Found Outdated IR 05000057/19820011983-06-0101 June 1983 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-057/82-01 & 70-0267/82-01 IR 05000057/19830011983-03-28028 March 1983 IE Insp Rept 50-057/83-01 on 830214-17.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Implement Instruction in Radiation Protection for Security Force,Failure to Review Safety & Nuclear Safety Committee Did Not Meet Twice Per Yr Since Sept 1981 IR 05000057/19790021979-07-30030 July 1979 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violation Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-057/79-02 IR 05000057/19790011979-06-0606 June 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-057/79-01 on 790226-28.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Provide Notice to Radiation Workers & to Post Radiation Areas ML19225A8481979-04-16016 April 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-057/79-02 on 790313-15.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Provide NSC Review of Operating Procedures 2016-01-06
[Table view] Category:NRC-GENERATED
MONTHYEARIR 05000057/19992011999-08-19019 August 1999 Insp Rept 50-057/99-201 on 990802-04.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Review of Selected Aspects of Organizational Structure & Functions Program,Radiation Protection Program & Surveillance Program IR 05000057/19972011997-07-24024 July 1997 Insp Rept 50-057/97-201 on 970707-10.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Rp & Chemistry Controls, Security & Safeguards Activities IR 05000057/19930021993-09-21021 September 1993 Insp Rept 50-057/93-02 on 930901-03.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Health Physics Oversight & Safety Limits Compliance During Reactor Operations IR 05000057/19930011993-04-23023 April 1993 Insp Rept 50-057/93-01 on Stated Dates.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Implementation of Emergency Plan,Conduct of Annual Emergency Drills & Reactor Operator Training IR 05000057/19920041992-12-10010 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-057/92-04 & 70-0267/92-01 on 921116-18.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Nuclear Matl Control & Accounting & Physical Security, Including,Organization & Operation,Shipping & Receiving IR 05000057/19900041991-01-14014 January 1991 Insp Rept 50-057/90-04 on 901218.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Licensee Plans & Activities Re Repair & Mod of Reactor Tank IR 05000057/19900031990-12-0505 December 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/90-03 on 901022-25 & 1108.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Licensee Plans & Activities Re Repair & Mod of Reactor Tank IR 05000057/19900021990-07-27027 July 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/90-02 on 900621 & 0718.Violation Noted But Not Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Procedures & Actions Taken to Transfer Irradiated Fuel Assemblies from Reactor Tank Into Adjacent Hot Cell IR 05000057/19900011990-03-23023 March 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/90-01 on 900212-13.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Controls Program ML19354D9241990-01-16016 January 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/89-04 on 901108-1212.Major Areas Inspected: Reactor Pool Liner Leak,Facility Operations & 891212 Mgt Meeting.Overall Actions Taken in Response to Reactor Pool Liner Leak Conservative & Safe IR 05000057/19890031990-01-0909 January 1990 Insp Repts 50-057/89-03 & 70-0267/89-01 on 891113-15.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Nuclear Matl Control, Physical Security,Including Organization & Operation, Shipping & Receiving,Storage & Internal Controls IR 05000057/19890021989-09-14014 September 1989 Safety Insp Rept 50-057/89-02 on 890818.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness Program Conducted on 890818 IR 05000057/19880031988-11-28028 November 1988 Insp Rept 50-057/88-03 on 881017.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness Exercise IR 05000057/19880021988-09-26026 September 1988 Safety Insp Rept 50-057/88-02 on 880725.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness IR 05000057/19870031987-09-10010 September 1987 Emergency Preparedness Insp Rept 50-057/87-03 on 870824-25. No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Observation of Annual Action Drill & Open Items Identified in 1985 Appraisal IR 05000057/19870011987-04-28028 April 1987 Requalification Program Evaluation Rept 50-057/87-01-OL on 870213.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Facility Licensee Administration of 1987 Requalification Written Exam to Ten Licensed Operators IR 05000057/19860011986-07-29029 July 1986 Insp Rept 50-057/86-01 on 860324-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Allegation Followup,Facility Operations,Logs,Records,Surveillance Testing,Review & Audit, Radiation Controls & Fuel Specs IR 05000057/19850021985-12-13013 December 1985 Emergency Preparedness Appraisal Insp Rept 50-057/85-02 on 850826-29.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Implementation of Emergency Preparedness Program IR 05000057/19830011983-03-28028 March 1983 IE Insp Rept 50-057/83-01 on 830214-17.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Implement Instruction in Radiation Protection for Security Force,Failure to Review Safety & Nuclear Safety Committee Did Not Meet Twice Per Yr Since Sept 1981 IR 05000057/19790011979-06-0606 June 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-057/79-01 on 790226-28.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Provide Notice to Radiation Workers & to Post Radiation Areas ML19225A8481979-04-16016 April 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-057/79-02 on 790313-15.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Provide NSC Review of Operating Procedures 1999-08-19
MONTHYEARML20211A7841999-08-19019 August 1999 Notice of Violation from Insp on 990802-04.Violation Noted: Rept Not Submitted for Balance of 1997 & CY98 IR 05000057/19992011999-08-19019 August 1999 Insp Rept 50-057/99-201 on 990802-04.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Review of Selected Aspects of Organizational Structure & Functions Program,Radiation Protection Program & Surveillance Program IR 05000057/19972011997-07-24024 July 1997 Insp Rept 50-057/97-201 on 970707-10.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Rp & Chemistry Controls, Security & Safeguards Activities PNO-I-93-065, on 931124,SRO Secured Flow Re Reactor Pool But Failed to Secure make-up Feed from Demineralizer to M/U Tank.Licensee Operating Committee Will Meet to Review Event & Determine If Addl Corrective Action Required1993-11-30030 November 1993 PNO-I-93-065:on 931124,SRO Secured Flow Re Reactor Pool But Failed to Secure make-up Feed from Demineralizer to M/U Tank.Licensee Operating Committee Will Meet to Review Event & Determine If Addl Corrective Action Required IR 05000057/19930021993-09-21021 September 1993 Insp Rept 50-057/93-02 on 930901-03.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Health Physics Oversight & Safety Limits Compliance During Reactor Operations ML20035H7601993-04-28028 April 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on Stated Dates.Violations: No Reviews of Emergency Plan & Procedures Conducted by Facility Operating Committee for 1989 Through 1992 & Only One Required Emergency Drill Conducted from 1989-1992 IR 05000057/19930011993-04-23023 April 1993 Insp Rept 50-057/93-01 on Stated Dates.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Implementation of Emergency Plan,Conduct of Annual Emergency Drills & Reactor Operator Training IR 05000057/19920041992-12-10010 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-057/92-04 & 70-0267/92-01 on 921116-18.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Nuclear Matl Control & Accounting & Physical Security, Including,Organization & Operation,Shipping & Receiving IR 05000057/19900041991-01-14014 January 1991 Insp Rept 50-057/90-04 on 901218.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Licensee Plans & Activities Re Repair & Mod of Reactor Tank IR 05000057/19900031990-12-0505 December 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/90-03 on 901022-25 & 1108.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Licensee Plans & Activities Re Repair & Mod of Reactor Tank IR 05000057/19900021990-07-27027 July 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/90-02 on 900621 & 0718.Violation Noted But Not Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Procedures & Actions Taken to Transfer Irradiated Fuel Assemblies from Reactor Tank Into Adjacent Hot Cell IR 05000057/19900011990-03-23023 March 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/90-01 on 900212-13.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Controls Program ML19354D9241990-01-16016 January 1990 Insp Rept 50-057/89-04 on 901108-1212.Major Areas Inspected: Reactor Pool Liner Leak,Facility Operations & 891212 Mgt Meeting.Overall Actions Taken in Response to Reactor Pool Liner Leak Conservative & Safe IR 05000057/19890031990-01-0909 January 1990 Insp Repts 50-057/89-03 & 70-0267/89-01 on 891113-15.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Nuclear Matl Control, Physical Security,Including Organization & Operation, Shipping & Receiving,Storage & Internal Controls PNO-I-89-089, on 891105,approx 360 Gallons of Pool Water Lost Over Weekend & 2-gallon Per H Leak Noted from tell-tail Drain Under Reactor.Possibly Caused by Weld Flexure or Weld Inclusion.On 891107,leak Rate Appeared to Decrease1989-11-0707 November 1989 PNO-I-89-089:on 891105,approx 360 Gallons of Pool Water Lost Over Weekend & 2-gallon Per H Leak Noted from tell-tail Drain Under Reactor.Possibly Caused by Weld Flexure or Weld Inclusion.On 891107,leak Rate Appeared to Decrease IR 05000057/19890021989-09-14014 September 1989 Safety Insp Rept 50-057/89-02 on 890818.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness Program Conducted on 890818 IR 05000057/19890011989-03-30030 March 1989 Exam Rept 50-057/89-01OL on 890130-0202.Exam Results:Senior Reactor Operator Candidate Passed Both Portions of Exam & Reactor Operator Candidate Did Not Pass Either Portion of Exam IR 05000057/19880031988-11-28028 November 1988 Insp Rept 50-057/88-03 on 881017.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness Exercise IR 05000057/19880021988-09-26026 September 1988 Safety Insp Rept 50-057/88-02 on 880725.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness IR 05000057/19880011988-03-24024 March 1988 Exam Rept 50-057/88-01OL on 880209-10.Exam Results:Two Reactor Operator Candidates Passed Written & Operating Exams IR 05000057/19870021987-10-0909 October 1987 Exam Rept 50-057/87-02OL on 870810-12.Exam Results:All Four Candidates Passed Exams.Two Major Generic Weaknesses Noted Re How to Use Scott Air-Pac for Emergency Entry Into Containment Bldg & How to Start Emergency Generator IR 05000057/19870031987-09-10010 September 1987 Emergency Preparedness Insp Rept 50-057/87-03 on 870824-25. No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Observation of Annual Action Drill & Open Items Identified in 1985 Appraisal IR 05000057/19870011987-04-28028 April 1987 Requalification Program Evaluation Rept 50-057/87-01-OL on 870213.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Facility Licensee Administration of 1987 Requalification Written Exam to Ten Licensed Operators IR 05000057/19860021986-10-24024 October 1986 Exam Rept 50-057/86-02 on 860818-22.Exam Results:Three Senior Operator Candidates Passed Written & Oral Exams IR 05000057/19860011986-07-29029 July 1986 Insp Rept 50-057/86-01 on 860324-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Allegation Followup,Facility Operations,Logs,Records,Surveillance Testing,Review & Audit, Radiation Controls & Fuel Specs IR 05000057/19850021985-12-13013 December 1985 Emergency Preparedness Appraisal Insp Rept 50-057/85-02 on 850826-29.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Implementation of Emergency Preparedness Program IR 05000057/19850031985-10-0808 October 1985 Exam Rept 50-057/85-03 on 850904-05.Exam Results:One Reactor Operator Candidate Failed Written Exam & One License Issued.Some Ref Matl Provided for Preparation of Exam Found Outdated ML20204F9391983-04-18018 April 1983 Notice of Violation from Insp on 830214-17 ML20204F9521983-04-18018 April 1983 Notice of Deviation from Insp on 830214-17 IR 05000057/19830011983-03-28028 March 1983 IE Insp Rept 50-057/83-01 on 830214-17.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Implement Instruction in Radiation Protection for Security Force,Failure to Review Safety & Nuclear Safety Committee Did Not Meet Twice Per Yr Since Sept 1981 IR 05000057/19790011979-06-0606 June 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-057/79-01 on 790226-28.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Provide Notice to Radiation Workers & to Post Radiation Areas ML19253C8001979-06-0606 June 1979 Notice of Violation from Insp on 790226-28 ML19225A8481979-04-16016 April 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-057/79-02 on 790313-15.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Provide NSC Review of Operating Procedures ML19225A8471979-04-16016 April 1979 Notice of Violation from Insp on 790313-15 ML20151Y1161977-10-13013 October 1977 PNO-77-182:on 771004,leakage from Pulsar Reactor Increased to Rate in Excess of 500 Gallons Per Day.No Media Interest So Far,But Due to Similar Occurance Year Ago,Interest May Develop ML20249B8391976-10-0808 October 1976 PNO-76-167:Region I Was Informed That Primary Exit Pipe Leakage at State Univ of New York at Buffalo Pulstar Reactor Has Step Increase to Approx 700 Gallons Per Day on 761006. Facility Was Shut Down.Plug Was Placed in Core to Stop Leak 1999-08-19
[Table view] |
Report No.
50-57/90-03 Docket'No.
50-57 License No. R-77 Category
Licensea: State University of New York at Buffalo Rotary Road, South Campus Buffalo, New York 14260 Facility Name:
Buffalo Materials Researen Center
Inspection At:
Buffalo, New York Inspection Conducted: October 22-25'and November 8, 1990 Inspector:
k. A. Austin, Radiation SpeE:ialist,
/ data / '
Ef fluents Radiation Protection Section, Facilities Radiological Safety and Safeguards Branch, Divisi n of Radiation Safety and Safeguards l
Approyed by:
12. Ip.7/9@
R..J. Bo Ws, Chief, date Effluents Radiation Protection Section.
I Facilities Radiological Safety
and Safeguards Branch, Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards p
Inspection Summary:
Inspection Conducted on October 22-25 and November 8, 1990 Areas Inspected:
Special inspection by one region-based inspector to review the status of the licensee's plans and activities pertaining..to the repair and modification of the reactor tank.
Results: No violations were identified..The. licensee was effectively using outside consultants to plan the reactor tank repair activities, The lack of.
qualified individuals in key positions was' identified as' a concern that could l
become more significant after repairs were completed and restart of the reactor was being considered'(Section 2.0),
9012170211 901209
PDR ADOCK 05000057[
y a
DETAILS 1.0 Individuals Contacted
- L. Henry, General Manager, Buf falo Material Research Center (BMRC) ~
- M. Adams, Acting Operations Manager, BMRC
- J. Slawson, Acting Senior Health Physicist, BMRC D. Sullivan, Reactor Engineer, BMRC R. Jones, Reactor Operator A. Bloomquist, H.alth Physics Technician
- Denotes those present at the October 25 exit. interview.
. _
- Denotes those present at both the October 25 and= November 8 exit interviews.
The inspector also. interviewed other ' licensee employees during the inspection.
2.0 Organization
q The inspector interviewed the General Manager ofithe Buffalo Materials.
Research Center (BMRC), who has over fif teen years of operating' experience; at the facility, to determine.the current status of staffing ~within the licensee's organization. The inspector was informed that the; individual
who had been assigned to=be the Director of BMRC had returned to his:
previous position as Reactor Engineer, and this individual had recently announced his intention to resign from BMRC by the end-of calendar year
., '
1990. Also, the Operations Manager, an individual-with over thirty years.
experience at BMRC, had resigned about.one month prior to-the current inspection.
The inspector also noted that the; individual.in'the position of Senior Health Physicist had resigned.in February 1990.
The inspector determined that currently no individuals'had been identified
as permanent replacements to fill the vacated positions of Director,and Senior Health Physicist.
The inspector observed'that individuals with
apparently limited knowledge and/or experience were-being utilized in an l
acting capacity.
The General Manager indicated.that an effort was underway to recruit a qualified health physicist and a' reactor engineer for these positions.
The inspector noted that BMRC was currently utilizing consultants', under the direct supervision of the General Manager of BMRC, to assist in'the.
planning and preparation for the upcoming outage activities relating to
reactor tank repairs.
The inspector encouraged the continued use'.of-
consultants during the outage repairs.
The inspector stated -that the' lack of qualified individuals who were permanently assignedito key positions
could become a more significant concern after the repairs were completed and restart'of routine reacto.r operations ~ began.
The General' Manager acknowledged the inspector's comments and reiterated his intention to -
recruit the personnel necessary to appropriately staff the BMRC organizatio r
3.0 Operations The inspector toured the facility to observe the current stati.s of licensee activities in preparation for the outage repairs to the reactor-tank.
The licenst was in the process of draining.the reactor tank to the shelf level above the core. The inspector reviewed a " Pool Drainage Authorization" that was issued by the Operations supervisor to document and control the drainage based on either a total allowable decrease-in tank water level or a maximum allowable millirem / hour level.
The inspector observed that.the drainage rate and the~ radiation dose rate.in the reactor tank were constantly monitored by the shift Reactor. Operator.-
When the reactor tank was drained to'a level just below the shelf level, the licensee planned to remove certain equipment (e.g., fuel racks, beam tubes, etc.) that were still underwater..Following this underwater equipment removal, the remainder of the tank was planned to be drained, and the remaining equipment would be removed-using cutting torches'or grinding tools, as necessary. After all the equipment in the tank was removed and the ',ank drained, the licensee planned to weld the crack that
had caused the leak. The-tank bottom and walls below the shelf level will then be lined with aluminum plate.
The dismantlement and' removal of..
equipment within the reactor tank and the repairs to the tank were planned to be done by a combination of BMRC and outside contractor personnel, depending upon which special-skills (e.g., welding) were required.
While the licensee was planning the details of the upcoming repairs-and modifications to the reactor tank, the inspector observed that adequete management controls were being implemented to assure safe drainage of the reactor tank water. No deviations or violations were identified.
4.0 Re_spiratory Protection (RP) Program
The inspector reviewed the licensee's newly developed Respiratory Protection Program to determine how it was being implemented for the i
outage repair ac*'vities.
l 4.1 Program Manual The: inspector reviewed the BMRC RP Program Manual during an interview with the acting Senior. Health Physicist.(SHP).
The acting SHP was the principal author of the Program Manual and was the coordinator of-the Program implementation. 'The inspector determined:that the.
Program Manual met the minimum NRC requirements for an acceptable RP program in compitance with 10 CFR 20.103(c)(2)&(3),
The final draft of this Program Manual had been completed just a few weeks' prior to the current-inspection, and the inspector reviewed a letter: from the
BMRC to the NRC Document Control Desk, dated October 8, 1990, which notified the NRC of the licensee's intention to-use respiratory-protective equipment under the provisions of 10 CFR 20.103.
Based upon a review of records and discussions with the acting SHP and General Manager of BMRC, the inspector determined that, prior._to establishing this_ formal RP program, the licensee had mainly used respiratory protective equipment for Hot-Cell entries. During these Hot Cell entries, the licensee had used respiratory protective equipment as a precaution to keep personnel exposures _ as -low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), and no-credit had been_taken.for'the protection factor provided by the equipment'being worn by the worker.
All Hot Cell entries had been done under the conditions'of a Radiation Work Permit (RWP).
The inspector reviewed some of the most recent RWps for Hot Cell entries, which were done in_' August-1989.
The licensee had taken surveys for removable contamination
for these Hot Cell entries, and the results indicated that airborne contamination due to resuspension of loose surface contamir.ation should not be a concern.
However,'the licensee had not collected-any air samples during these' Hot Cell entries to confirm-that airborne radioactivity levels we" not a concern.
The inspector suggested that continuous, repre>entative air. samples be collected during future Hot Cell entries to confirm that respiratory-protection is being used only for ALARA purposes and is not being used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR 20.103(b)(2).-
The acting SHP acknowledged the inspector's comment and committed'to collect air samples in future Hot Cell entries for this purpose.
No violations or deviations were identified.
4.2 Records The inspector was informed that the Director of Health Services, who was a medical doctor, performed the physical examinations.of the BMRC employees in the licensee's respiratory protection program.
The inspector examined reports maintained by the acting SHP, which documented the physician's determination that selected individuals were able to use respiratory protective equipment.
The inspector examined records of baseline in-vivo body counts of'
BMRC employees involved in the respiratory protection program.
The acting SHP stated that in-vivo body counting was the primary bioassay measurement technique planned to be used, and that baseline and post-outage in-vivo coun'.; were planned for all individuals using respirators during the outage repair activities.
l I
The inspector reviewed a written form RPP-1 developed by the licensee that is used for each individual-in.the respiratory protection program. This form consolidates the completion dates for medical examinations, training, respirator fit testing and in-vivo counts into one document. 'The inspector observed-that the licensee used this form as an effective administrative control to assure.each individual had satisfied all the various requirements of.
the respiratory protection program.
No vioh tions or deviations were identified.
4.3 Training On October 22, 1990, the inspector attended a portion of the BMRC.
Operator and Health Physics Requalification Training sessions, which included a segment on the Respiratory Protection Program. The inspector ot,aerved that the training for use of respiratory protection equipment in emergency conditions was complete and'well done, however, the use of respiratory protection equipment for extended periods during planned, non-routine operations was given relatively less time at the end of the session.
Because the upcoming reactor tank repairs would require such planned, extended use of respiratory protection, the. inspector questioned.why more-attention had not been given to this activity.
The General Manager stated that this annual retraining on the use of respiratory.
j protection would be supplemented by more job-specific training before the reactor tank repair activities began.
4.4 Use of protection Factors The inspector observed that three of the Reactor Operators (R0s),
who were receiving the training-in use of respiratory protection equipment, had beards.
The training session attc @ d by the inspector only addressed the use and handling of full-face ma:,ks.
l The inspector noted that the Protection Factor./PF) given in i
Appendix A of 10 CFR 20 for any-particular resp rator is applicable to only shaven faces where'nothing interferes vith.the seal of
tightfitting facepieces against the skin; hoods and suits are l
excepted, The inspector was informed that if any of the bearded R0s used respiratory protection equipment for the reactor tank repairs, they would~use hoods or suits, and the use of this equipment would be covered in the above-mentioned job-specific training before the repairs began.
4.5 Contractor Participation
The inspector stated that all contractor personnel. employed by.the licensee and using-respiratory protection during the planned outage l
repair activities would be subject to the respiratory protection program requirements in 10 CFR 20.103.
The inspector stated that proper documentation was required to document that'such outside
contractor personnel had satisfied all minimum requirements,'such as i
medical examinations and training, before they used respiratory protection to perform.the outage repairs.- The General Manager
acknowledged the inspector's comments and stated that a two-day training session was planned for all contractor personnel, which t
would include training in the use of respiratory protective equipment.
5.0 Radiological Controls The inspector reviewed selected elements of the licensee's radiological control program to determine how it would be inplemented during the outage repair activities.
5.1 Procedures The inspector reviewed Draft #5 of Health Physics Procedure (HPP):
- 15, dated 10/90, entitled " Reactor Tank Entry".
The inspector was:
informed that HPP #15 was patterned after.an established procedure'
for Hot Cell entrie.. The HPP #15 draft reviewed by the inspector appeared to address most of-the radiological controls,'however, the inspector stated that the optional, five-minute high-volume " grab" air sample described in the procedure was not adequate.
The-inspector stated that, in compliance with 10 CFR 20.103(a)(3), the licensee must "use suitable measurements of concentrations of.
.l radioactive materials in air for detecting and evaluating airborne radioactivity in restricted areas".
Because.the licensee planned.
to employ individuals using respirators in potentially high airborne radioactivity conditions for extended time periods (e.g.', hours),
the proposed " grab" sample was not considered " suitable".
in:pector stated some type of continuous and more representative air sampling would be required during these repair activities inside the'
l tank.
The licensee representatives acknowledged this and stated.the
procedure vould be revised to reflect a more appropriate air sampling method.
5.2 Exposure Control and Monitoring The licensee planned to use grinding, cutting or welding equipment,.
as appropriate, to remove equipment from the reactor. tank after all the water was drained and the tank.was dry.
The inspector noted that this planned activity had~the potential ~to create elevated-levels of airborne-contamination surrou'nding the workers at the.
bottom of the reactor tank.
The inspector' asked what additional-ventilation, if any, would be used during this phase of th.e
. equipment removal.
The licensee replied that. equipment was in place-
that would allow a flexible duct to be lowered into the reactor tank.
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to provide localized ventilation and reduce airborne radioactivity
levels in the area surrounding the worker._ The licensee planned to-use this temporary ventilation system, as necessary, when equipment was being removed from the dry reactor tank.-
The inspector reviewed the licensee's plans for monitoring external I
radiktion levels inside the reactor tank after it was.. dry.= The L
licensee planned to lower an ion chamber,'. wrapped in plastic, L to
the reactor tank to monitor radiation levels before the first entry.
In addition, workers entering the reactor tank would have a i
plastic-bagged survey rneter for use during their activities.
licensee planned to. remove any debris from the tank that contributed
to elevated radiation levels and perform a thorough dose rate survey inside the reactor tank before outside contractor _ personnel made their first entry, i
The inspector examined various forms that the licensee had prepared-and planned to use to document and: track' personnel exposures during the tank repair activities.
The licensee had developed a
"High-Volume Air Sample Screening" form to record the results of
high-volume baseline and grab samples collected during the work.
The licensee planned to use an " Air Sample Filter Daily Evaluation-
Record" to document the results of low-voiume (20!11ters/ minute) air
samples that would be collected while work was being performed.
I licensee planned to use a " Personnel MPC-HR Tracking Log", which
included an allowance for Protection Factors for respiratory i
l protection, to document internal exposures; and, a " Daily Dose Tracking Record" would be used to document external exposures.
inspectur determined that the licensee had established a good
documentation system to monitor and control personnel exposures i
during the planned reactor tank repair activities.
- No violations or deviations were identified.
6.0 Status of Previously Identified Items
'.P 6.1 (Closed) Violation (50-57/83-01-02) Failure of the Nuclear Safety Committee (NSC) to meet at least semi-annually; (Closad) Violation (50-57/83-03-01) Failure of the NSC to exist and function properly.
The inspector interviewed the General Manager of BMRC and reviewed t
the documented meeting minutes of the NSC from 19881to the time of.
l the current inspection.
The inspector determined that the NSC does currently exist and effectively function,- and that the NSC ut twice j
in 1988, five times in 1989, and three times in 1990, -These itemst are closed.
'I 6.2 (Closed) Violation (50-57/83-03-02) Fa11ure of the Reactor Radiation, j
Safety Function to report to the Manager of the<Radiat_ ion Protection.
.l The inspector reviewed Amendment No. 20lto the licensee's Facility.-
i Operating License No~. R-77, which,was approved by the NRC in a
letter, dated August. 19. 1985.
The-inspector confirmed that thisL
. amendment approved the assignment of the. Reactor. Health Physics j
Department to the Director of BMRC ;and the BMRC staff was currently
organized in. compliance with this amendment'. !This'1 tem is closed.:
7.0 Exit Interview
The inspector met with the licensee personnel: den'oted in Section 1.0 on.
i October 25 and November 8, 1990.
The. scope and findings of the j
inspection were discussed at that time.
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