IR 05000057/1989002

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Safety Insp Rept 50-057/89-02 on 890818.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness Program Conducted on 890818
Person / Time
Site: University of Buffalo
Issue date: 09/14/1989
From: Amato C, Lazarus W
Shared Package
ML20247N299 List:
50-057-89-02, 50-57-89-2, NUDOCS 8909260187
Download: ML20247N307 (4)


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n-i 1 U.S. IUCLEAR RRUIA'IORY CENMISSION REGICH I Report N /89-02 Docket N License No. R-77 Licensee: State Univ:rsity of New York at Buffalo Rotary Road, South Canpus Buffalo, New York 1426 Facility Name: Buffalo Material Research Center Inspection Conducted: August 18, 1989 IrLWe: [ M by,M I/ '

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C. G. Amato/ Emergency Preparedness < dats Specialist, EPS, FRSSB, DRSS Ah k F 89 Approved By: E Chief, Emergency date ion, FRSSB, DRSS Inspection Summary: Inspection on August 18, 1989 (Inspection Report 50-57/89-02 Areas Inspected: Routine, announced safety inspection of the licensee's emergency preparedness program conducted on August 18, 198 Results: 'No violations were identifie C


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DETAIIS 1.0 hm Cbntacted me following Buffalo Materials Research Center pelmuel were contacte L. Henry, General Manager, Buffalo Material Research Center J. Griffin, Senior Health mysicist D. Rennie, M.D., Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies

'Ihe inspector also observed the actions of, aM interviewed, other licensee pumuua .0. Emergency Response Organization (ERO)

Se inspector reviewed the normal operating and emugwsry response organizations and interviewa$ personnel to determine if the requirements of Section IV A of Appendix E to 10 CFR 50 and 10 CFR 50.47(b) (1) are me 'Ihere has been one change in the organizational structure of the Buffalo Materials Research Cbnter (IERC). 'Ihe position of General ManacJer (GM) has been created and filled by the former Director. 'Ihe GM will concentrate on business develornent. 'Ihe Director's position has been abolished. An engineer with Navy reactor experience has W the IHRC Reactor Ergineer (RE) . 'Ibe RE will take over many of the technical functions discharged by the former Director and will be qJalified as an Emergency Dirccto 'Ihe GM of the private sector firm khich operates the INRC is involved in emergency preparedness (EP). Officials of the licensee (the State University) are aware of EP and maintain contact with EP by j membership on review committees.


Based on the above, this part of the licensee's emergency Preparedness program is acceptabl .0 Emergency Preparedness Training (EPT)

EPI activities, trainir9 records, lesson plans, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) cJur.11fication roster, and the training matrix were reviewed, ard Training Department ('ID) staff interviewed in order to i verify that emergency preparedness trainirg is in capliance with 10

! CPR 50.47(b)(15) and Section IV.F of Appendix E to 10 CFR 50.

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'Ihere have been no changes in the training organization since the last ins officer.pectio 'Ihe Senior Health Ihysicist is the training '

Based on walk-throughs with operators and discussions with IHRC management, one area for improvement was identified. Although the operators were able to properly classify given events, they experienced some difficulty in relating initiating conditions and spyb to Limpcy Action Isvels. Accident classification training shoald be enhanced to include this area, ard written as well as practical examinations should be given. 'Ibe licensee agreed to . {

evaluate this are A check of Emergency Response Organization records showed acceptable levels of qualified p=u=u uel for all positions. Training of off-site personnel who will come on canpus to support the IMRC will be given In the fourth calendar quarter of this yea Except as noted above, this area is acceptabl .0 Limwrce Action levels (EAls)

EAls were reviewed and M=maad with reactor operators and Enhw cy Preparedness Department staff. 'Ihis was done to determine if the EAls meet the standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4), and the requirements of Section IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR 5 'Ihree w=twcy classes have been developed and are listed in Table


5.1.1 of the Emergency Plan. 'Ibe definition of these classes is consistant with those given in USNRC Regulatory Guide Response and notification procedures are in plac Based on the above firxiings, this area is acceptabl .0 Protective Action R9 " 1s1ations (PARS) --

'Ihe standards and requirements for PARS are given in 10 GR 50.47(b)(10) ard Section IV.B of Appendix E to 10 GR 50. 'Ihe Emergency Plan was reviewed to determine the basis for developire PAR h and dose comitments off-site followirg a credible accident do not approact1 the lower Protective Action Guide values established by the U S. Envitu-uial Protection Agency. PARS are, therefore, not needed. 'Ihis conclusion is based on an analysis in the licensee's


Final Safety Analysis Report ard the NRC's Safety Evaluation Repor Based on the above findings, this area is acceptabl ,

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6.0 Notification and Communication Canmunication systems were evaluated to ascertain if the requirements of 10 CPR 50.47(b)(5) ard (b)(6) aM Sections IV.D.1 ard E.9 of I Apperdix E to 10 CFR 50 are me I

Primary engurcy cxxmunication is provided by telepione. 'Ibe Public I Safety D3partment ocumunicators man the Carpu e acrmunications center on a 24-hour basis. 'Ihere was rudurdant ard diverse system capability at the Center. Walkie-talkies are availabl Based on the above, this area is acceptabl .0 Ibse Am awmt

'Ihe standards, requirements, and guidance for dose - -Mit are given in 10 CPR 50.47(b)(9), and Sections IV.B ard IV.E. of Appendix E to 10 CFR 50. Facilities here inspected, records were checked ard personnel interviewed to verify that these requirements sere me Survey meters, air samplers ard the Reactor's fixed radiation monitoring systems were checked on a sarpling basis for operability ard calibration. 'Ihe moient checked was found to be within the prescribed calibration period ard operabl Based on the above, this area is acceptabl .0 Public Information Personnel of the University Office of Public Affairs were interviewed to determine if the requhnts of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(7) are me Procedures are in place to establish an emergency press center at one of two locations rear the reactor buildirxJ. Carpus Public Safety would control access. No information would be released until checked for technical accuracy and approved for release. Provisions will be made for a m m miating NPC's Public Affairs Office Based on the above, this area is acceptabl .

9.0 Exit Meetirg An exit meeting was held with the licensee personnel identified in

, Section 1 of this report. '1he licensee was advised no violations were identified. 'Ihe Inspector also diesW some areas for improvemnt. Licensee management acknowledged these firdings ard irdicated they would evaluate them ard tais appropriate wuuctive action regardirrJ the items identifie At no time during the course of the inspection did the inspector provide any written material to the licerse !

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