IR 05000057/1992004

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Insp Repts 50-057/92-04 & 70-0267/92-01 on 921116-18.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Nuclear Matl Control & Accounting & Physical Security, Including,Organization & Operation,Shipping & Receiving
Person / Time
Site: University of Buffalo, 07000267
Issue date: 12/10/1992
From: Della Ratta A, Keimig R
Shared Package
ML20126A457 List:
50-057-92-04, 50-57-92-4, 70-0267-92-01, 70-267-92-1, NUDOCS 9212210079
Download: ML20126A481 (5)



U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION 1 50-57/92-04 Report Nos. 20-267/92-01 50-57 Docket Nos. 20aC R-77 License Nos. SNhh223 Licensee: State Univenity__ tEciv York at lloffalo Retary_ Read HuHaldsw York 14214 Facility Name: lluffalo Matejials_Rc3cani, Certtet inspection At: lluffalo. New York inspection Conducted: November 16 18. 1992 ,

Type of Inspection: AnnouDrrUlaltrial ContIDLand_6CCounliDe (htC6:A). and Physical Security


Inspector: [b [/ <<I$ [dk[

A. Della Ratta, PhysYeal Security inspector M -'c'-FA Date



Approvea by: . ' '? 2' ' /, / ) , f' d'# ' " Y # '" W

.Al. R. KeimFg, Cl'ef Date Safeguards Sect' .n Facilities Radiological Safety and Safeguards 13 ranch McasInspec1gd; Followup on a Previously identined Unresolved Physical Security item; Nuclear Material Control and Accounting, and Physical Security, Including: Organization and Operation; Shipp;ng and Receiving; Storage and Internal Controls; Inver. tory; Records and Reports; and Physical Protection Measures for Special Nuclear Material of Low Strategic Significanc Results The licensee's programs were directed toward the protection of public health and safety and were found to be in compliance with the NRC requirements in the areas inspected. One unresolved physical security item was closed. No safety concerns or violations of regulatory requirements were identi6ed.

9212210079 921214 PDR ADOCK 05000057 G PDR

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Utiltih KcEl'etML!tLCuti1Itticil 1,. llenry, Director, Buffalo hiaterials Research Center (BhiRC)

  • hi. Adams, Operations hianager, IlhiRC
  • E. Psyk, Project and accountability hianager, Ilh1RC
  • hi. liehun, Jr., Employee Representative, BhiRC
  • denotes presence at exit interview lilhnvpp_00 PrevinullLillrn11tle1L11cn1

_ [ClustilLU' Itch 91Le11_Iletu 50-57/89-03-01: Failure of the containment building security alarms to annunciate due to an inadvertent wiring proble During this inspection, the inspector reviewed the licensee's documented investigation of this item, and the corrective measures taken to prevent its recurrence. The inspector found tho>e measures to be adequate. Additionally, the inspector witnessed a test of the alarm system and was satisGed with the results.

? hlultrini Control nBIL6ccounting Grgilniza119B_tutd Open111en The insivector veriGed through a review of records that the licensee maintained nuclear material control procedures that are required by its Specia; Nuclear hiaterials (SNhi) Accountability hianual Amendment No. 2, dated January 199 Written statements of responsibility and authority were established for those positions with responsibility for SNhi Custody and management of the nuclear material control and accountability program was the responsibility of the BhiRC Project and Accountability hianage .2 Sitippirig nnd Receiving The inspector determined through a review of records that the licensee maintained procedures to assure that all nuclear material shipped or received was accurately aceoanted fo The inspector p . armed a review of all DOE /NRC Form 741's generated from October 1,1989 through September 30,1992 to assure tha; each was properly signed, dispatched in a timely manner, and that the data was accurat _ .

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3 3.3 Sigrage and Internni Control l The inspector determined through observations and review of records that the licensee was maintaining a system of storage and internal controls that indicated '

the quantity, identity, and current location of all SNh1 within the facilit Perpetual inventory records were maintained for au SN Storage and accountability of SNM was being accomplished through item contro All SNM at the facility was stored in designated areas. The designated areas are:

ICA-IC: the control deck level fuel storage vault, ICA-lG: the gamma deck level fuel storage vault, ICA-2: the reactor core and pool storage facilities, ICA-3: the suberitical reactor tank, ICA-4: the balance of the facility, including the hot cell and approved campus laboratories, and ICA-5H: the Parker Buildin .4 Inventory The licensee conducted a physical inventory of all SNM in its possession at intervals not exceeding 12 months. This was con 0rmed by the inspector through a review of the physical inventory results for the years 1990 through 199 The inventories consisted of enriched uranium in the form of: a Gssion plate, fuel elements, element sections, fission chambers, pellets, uranium oxides, and plutonium beryllium neutron source On November 17 and 18,1992, the inspector verined certain selected items in the '

licensee's inventory by piece count, compared the results to the licensee's inventory listing, and reconciled them to the control record .5 Records nnd Reputs The inspector reviewed the licensee's records, reports, and source data. All Material Balance Reports (DOE /NRC Form-742) submitted by the licensee for the period October 1,1989 to September 30,1992 were reviewed for compliance with 10 CFR 70.53. Total uranium and uranium-235 depletion records were also l

l reviewe '

The material balance summary for the period covered by this inspection is shown


in Exhibit 1, l

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There were no deficiencies identified in the licensee's Material Control and Accounting Progra .0 . General ItysicaLSrntrity Recutrements for Snecial Nuclear Material of Im S_tnttegic SignlucaDIs The licensee's program for the physical protection of special nuclear material of low strategic signi6cance was reviewed by the inspector for conformance to the NRC-approved physical security plan. The inspecter examined physical barriers, access controls, procedures, and key control and observed a licensee test of alarm system features. The inspector found that the licensee's program and its implementation met the _

general performance requirements and objectives of the governing regulations. There were no deficiencies identified in the licensee's physical protection program, Exit Meethig The inspector met with the licensee representatives denoted in Paragraph 1.0 on November 18,1992 and summarized the scope and findings of this inspection.



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liX111 BILI STATE UNIVEllSITY OF NEW YORK AT 11UFFALO Docket N License No. R-77 Docket N License No. SNM2Il llUFFALO MATERIALS RESEARClf CENTER Material llalance for Period: Oc10her 1.1989 - Sepleniber 30.1492 Reporting IdsntifGcation Symbol: ZYL Remrting Units: grams _

limiched uranium Flutonium Element IsateDC Illement b21000 Physical Inventory:

(October 1,1989) 657,923 33,868 1,904 1,722 Receipts: 27 *

0 0 Production: 0 0 41 38 Material to Account for: 657.950 3,8f63 1 145 IJfg


Shipments: 27 *

0 0 Fi 'on and Transmutation: 128 100 0 0 inventory Difference: 0 0 0 0 Decay: ._Q 0 _8 8 Total Removals: 155 100 8 8 Physical Inventory: 657.795 33.768 1.937 1.752 (September 30, 1992)

Material Accounted for: 657.450 33.868 LM L760


  • = Less than 1 gram l



