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Notice of Violation from Insp on 790226-28
Person / Time
Site: University of Buffalo
Issue date: 06/06/1979
Shared Package
ML19253C794 List:
50-057-79-01, 50-57-79-1, NUDOCS 7912120149
Download: ML19253C800 (1)



APPENDIX A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Based upon the results of an NRC inspection conducted on February 26-28, 1979, it appears that certain of your activities were not conducted in accordance with the conditions of your NRC Facility License No. R-77 and NRC regulations as indicated below.

These items are infractions.


10 CFR 19.12 requires that all individuals working in or frequenting any portion of a restricted area shall be kept informed of the storage, transfer, or use of radioactive materials or of radiation in such portions of the restricted area; shall be instructed in the health protection problems associated with exposure to such radio-active materials or radiation, in precautions or procedures to minimize exposure and in the purposes and functions of protective devices employed; shall be instructed in and instructed to observe, to the extent within the worker's control, the applicable provisions of Commission regulations and licenses for protection of personnel from exposures to radiation or radioactive materials occurring in such areas; shall be instructed in the appropriate response to warnings made in the event of any unusual occurrence or malfunction that may involve exposure to radiation or radioactive material; and shall be advised as to the radiation exposure reports which workers may request pursuant to 10 CFR 19.13.

Contrary to the above, members of the State University of New York at Buffalo campus security force who perform routine unescorted entry into the licensees restricted area during periods when the facility is otherwise unoccupied,'have not been instructed in the above listed areas.


10 CFR 20.203(b) requires that each radiation area shall be conspicu-ously posted with a sign or signs bearing the radiation caution symbol and the words:


10 CFR 20.202(b)(2) defines a radiation area as any area, accessible to personnel, in which there exists such levels that a major portion of the body could receive in.any one hour a dose in excess of 5 millirem.

Contrary to the above, on February 27, 1979 two areas of the facility gamma deck (the operating bridge over the reactor pool and an equipment storage area) which were accessible to personnel and which exhibited dose rates of from 5 to 25 millirem per hour were not posted as radiation areas.

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