IR 015000042/2024001

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Radiation Technology, Inc., NRC Forms 591M and 592M, Inspection Report 15000042/2024001(DRSS)
Person / Time
Site: 15000042, 015000042
Issue date: 07/08/2024
From: Ryan Craffey
To: Krieger K
Radiation Technology
IR 2024001
Download: ML24212A297 (1)


NRC FORM 591M (04-2022)

Materials Inspection Report U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Page 1 of 1

Add Continuation Page Licensee/Location Inspected:

Radiation Technology, In North Bermuda Street Waco, TX 76705 Location Insp.: Job Site in Marquette County, MI Report Number(s) 2024-001 NRC/Regional Office Region III U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2443 Warrenville Road, Suite 210 Lisle, IL 60532-4352 Docket Number(s)

150-00042 License Number(s)

GL per 10 CFR 150.20 / TX-L04633 Date(s) of Inspection 06/12/24; exit 07/08/24 LICENSEE:

The inspection was an examination of the activities conducted under your license as they relate to radiation safety and to compliance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules and regulations and the conditions of your license. The inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector. The inspection findings are as follows: Based on the inspection findings, no violations were identifie. Previous violation(s) closed. During this inspection, certain of your activities, as described below and/or attached, were in violation of NRC requirements, and were assessed at Severity Level IV, in accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy. The following violation(s) is/are being cited in accordance with NRC Enforcement Policy. This form is a NOTICE OF VIOLATION, which may be subject to posting in accordance with 10 CFR 19.1 (Violations and Corrective Actions)

Statement of Corrective Actions I hereby state that, within 30 days, the actions described by me to the Inspector will be taken to correct the violations identifie This statement of corrective actions is made in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 2.201 (corrective steps already taken, corrective steps which will be taken, date when full compliance will be achieved). I understand that no further written response to NRC will be required, unless specifically requested. The violation(s), specifically described to you by the inspector as non-cited violations, are not being cited because they were self-identified, non-repetitive, corrective action was or is being taken, and the remaining criteria in the NRC Enforcement Policy were satisfie (Non-cited violation(s) was/were discussed involving the following requirement(s)


Digitally signed by RHEX EDWARDS Date: 2024.07.29 15:36:25 -05'00'

NRC FORM 592M (10-04-2022)

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Materials Inspection Record Page 1 of 1 NRC Form 592M (10-04-2022) Licensee Name:

Radiation Technology, Inc. Docket Number(s):

150-00042 License Number(s)

TX-L04633 Amendment No. 40 Report Number(s):

2024-001 Date(s) of Inspection:

June 12, 2024; exit July 8, 2024 Inspector(s):

Ryan Craffey Program Code(s):

03225 Priority:

5 Inspection Guidance Used:

IP 87126 1 Licensee Contact Name(s):

Kenneth Krieger - RSO 1 Licensee E-mail Address: 1 Licensee Telephone Number(s):

512-688-5019 1 Inspection Type:

Initial Routine Announced


Unannounced 1 Locations Inspected:

Hybrid Main Office Field Office Temporary Job Site

Remote 1 Next Inspection Date (MM/DD/YYYY):

TBD Normal Reduced Extended No change

1 Location(s) Inspected List:

Tilden Mine - County Road PPE, Marquette County, MI 1 Scope and Observations:

Radiation Technology was authorized by the State of Texas to perform a variety of activities involving byproduct material, including but not limited to installation, maintenance, relocation, and redistribution of gauging systems, sealed source leak test analysis, and instrument calibration at facilities in Waco and Odessa and at temporary job sites in state jurisdiction. The company conducted these activities at temporary job sites in NRC jurisdiction per a reciprocity request approved in June 2024 for the remainder of the calendar year. The scope of this inspection was limited to an evaluation of licensed activities (relocation of a sealed neutron source) at the Tilden Mine in Marquette County, Michiga The inspector accompanied the licensee's RSO to the job site in Marquette County and observed the RSO, under the supervision of the mine's RSO and assistant RSO, safely dismantle the neutron on-line analyzer (NOLA) and remove the neutron source from the device. The licensee used long-handled tools and appropriately shielded containers to perform the removal and subsequent relocation of the source to a secure temporary storage location on the premises of the mine, and utilized appropriate personnel monitoring devices and survey instrumentation throughout. The licensee's RSO was knowledgeable of radiation protection principles, regulatory requirements, and the design and operation of the NOLA and its neutron sourc During a short period of in-office review, the inspector reviewed instrument calibration records and personnel monitoring results not available on-sit No violations of NRC requirements were identified as a result of this inspectio Signature and Date - Branch Chief Digitally signed by RHEX EDWARDS Date: 2024.07.29 15:36:00 -05'00'