IA-86-383, Partially Withheld Transcript of 850619 Interview W/Alleger in Granbury,Tx.Pp 1-28

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Partially Withheld Transcript of 850619 Interview W/Alleger in Granbury,Tx.Pp 1-28
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/1985
Shared Package
ML20215E668 List:
FOIA-86-383, FOIA-86-A-127 NUDOCS 8610150450
Download: ML20215E690 (28)



  1. ' ~

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. - = .. 2 3 In the Matter of:



7 8

9 PLANTATION INN, 1451 E. Pearl Street, 10 Granbury, Texas, n -

Wednesday, June 19th, 1985 12 is Met pursuant to notice at 1:15 o' clock 14 p.Ei.






22 8610150450 861003 FoTA-86 583 25 PP7 FOIA G Ait DE86- A- 127 PDR EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (3C1) 666 0064 D

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p.* -* e.

P_ R E E E E E 3, 9,, E E

.c, 2 1:15 p.m.

3 MR. POSLUSNY: On the record.


g. d The f ollowi ng is an interview with an n . . .

?#- 5 new alleger, initial designated as 6

The discussion is beino conducted at the 7

Plantation Inn, in Granbury, Texas, on Wednesday, 8

June 19th, at approximately 1:15 p.m.

1 I 9 could you state what your position was, 10 and how long you worked for the applic. ant, or its il contractors?

12 I started for Brown 13

, & Root, Incorporated, my name is to be used as 14 in this investigation.

15 I began as a 16 I continued as a for a litt e 17 over one year, at which time I transferred into 19 Shortly thereafter, I became an 20 after that, I took the place of a 21 Iand did 22 23 MR. POSLUSNY: What was the date of the 24 last position, 25 It'would have been --

+ - - . .


.aa 3

. s. .

. I Was that aroun MR. POSLUSNY: l 4 2 3 MR. POSLUSNY: Okay.


xOn the I voluntarily

'., 5 resigned from Brown & Root, by direction of Mr. Gordon 6 purdy.

7 The facts leading up to that, a day prior 8

to that, I had been asked to meet vith some -- well, 1

9 I have the statement, let me just read the statement 1 i

10 to you okay? ,

a t ' 3 : 0 0 p .m .) ' I ' wa s "toId ' .to 11 -

12 go to Mr. J. D. Turner's office, for some questioninc '

13 by Mr. Gordon Purdy. This questioning was performed


I'd by three gentlemen, hired to investigate personnel, 15 and to insure the security of the plant. These people 16 were Mr. Lesley D. Montgomery, of Corporate security 17 Pertusie.-

  • 18 . Mr. Robert L. Studebaker, Corporate Security ,

19 Pertusie.

20 And Mr. Robert Hardin, Hardin Security 21 Consultants, in Dallas, Texas. ,

22 They performed the questioning, I was told 23 that I had been accused of selling drugs, and of buying 24 drugs.

25 Mr. Lesley Montgomery informed me that the EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 666 0064 i

,' ' _ ' ' . 1 only way to cloer myecif, and cove my job, was to j- 2 successfully pass a lie detector test, with a poly-3 graph machine.

4 I felt that a polygraph is not an accurate 5 machine that will judge me fairly enough to prove 6 my innocence.

7 If subjected to this interrogation, I further


8 feel that my civil rights would be violated, and that 9 my future livelihood would be placed in jeopardy.

10 They have already slandered my name by n- accusing,'me., f r o m t e s t i m o n y' t h'a t c.ould well have'. b'een


12 made by some person or persons, that felt that I had 13 become a jeopardy to their safety.

14 I have been threatened on separate occasions

,. is for the safety of my family and myself, on three 16 separate occasions, and I fear for the welfare of my 17 children.

is .

- I have had three telephone conversations 19 .with some person, that spoke direct threats to me.

20 On I took the place of 21 my imm'ediate supervisor, and assumed his responsibiliti er 22 After approximately four weeks, I began to 23 notice a trend in the personnel that came in and out 24 of my office.

5 25 People in question became more and more EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 666-0064


e. 5 I obvious of their activition."
2 I am not going to read the next statement.

l 3 It just briefly says that I had found some management d

personnel doing some illegal activities, and I had i

5 threatened them, that I would report them, if they 6 didn't stop, and I was told at that time, that I had 7 better keep my mouth shut, and they wouldn't do it I l

8 around me any more.  ;

9 MR. POSLUSNY: Off the record for a minute. l


10 (Discussion off the record.). i 11 MR. POSLUSNY: On the record.

12 "Since that time, I was removed from 13 my status, and was not given any job assignments, nor

~  !

14 any responsibilities, I was denied a raise, and now ,

i 15 I've been threatened with my family safety, and my i l

16 job is now threatened." 1 17 I wrote this at that-time, speaking past is tense. .

19 My question now, is has the management of 20 this organization set me up in such a way, to take 21 the blame for these " actions , a nd pos,sibly insure their l

22 own safety, or to protect certain individuals in the 23 organization.

24 If so, what recourse has the top management 25 given me?


6 l 1

1 Io it to loco my job, and foar for the 1

2 safety of my family, or fight the organization, like fm 3 so many other people, and wind up blackballed throughout 4 the industry.  !

5 These aren't much of an alternative for an 6 upright man, either way I lose.

7 This has caused me much mental anguish, and 8 nervousness and fear for my own safety.

9 Then I've got some statements from 10CFR 50

, io that real1y areft. pertinent, except for a court of law


11 At't'he' time of my reslanation, I.was asked 12 to write a three part memo, to my superintendent, 13 stating that I was resignina and what not, and I wrote 14 them a very nice three part, and left voluntarily, wel] ,

15 voluntarily, involuntarily, let's say.

16 I was given three choices.

17 I was told-by Mr. Purdy, to either be is subjected to the lie' detect'or test, which no one --

19 there had been some twenty some odd people prior to 20 me, that had taken the test, and none had passed.

21 All had been fired and placed on their .

22 records, was a statement saying, " Fired due to drug 23 related activities."

24 The choice given to me by Mr. Purdy was


25 either take the test, clear yourself, or go home and EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301)5664064

.. 7


1 think about it, and como back tomorrow, and give mo 2

an answer, which I did, I already knew my answer, 3

I had already given it to him, or voluntarily resign, d

and that's all that would be in my records.

5 And that's just what I did.

6 MR. POSLUSNY: What did you state in the 7 letter?


,In the three part, you are welcome 9 to read it, if you would like.

10 '

>(Pause ~in. proceedings.)

11 "

M R '. POSLUSNY:'Before you became 12 you had no problems with your nanage-13 ment, either in performance or any negative vibes,


i4 in your environment?

15 Only when I presented certain problems 16 to them.

17 MR. POSLUSNY: Did you feel that there were 18 any repercussions p.rior to "that?

19 No.

20 MR. POSLUSNY: Maybe they would just give 21 you a hard time or '- .

22 They would just give me a hard time, 23 and pass it on.

24 MR. POSLUSNY: But you still thought you 25 were doing the job that you felt you.needed to?


.. 8

. t




=; 2 MR. POSLUSNY: Then we get to March.

3 okay.

d MR. POSLUSNY: Did you notice any change, 5

when you started finding problems in March, as far as 6

the way your reports were handled, and the way your '.

7 I NCR's or whatever?  !

8 < -

Well, the first, approximately the 9

first month, no, I was given the green light, and told 10 to.go ahead, with al.1 th~at I.was.doing, which 11 12 for Brown & Root, to find out if we had 13 any discrepancies inhouse, or see any problems, and to 14 report'them to management.

15 The problems that I found, I would report, 16 okay, it would be left in their hands, or they would l 17 give dir,e~ctives, as to what was to be done to correct e .

18 such problems, okay, 19 Everything went real well, like I said 20 for about a month, I stayed real busy, worked mostly 21 six, seven days per* week, gave all the inspectors 22 directives, and everything went well.

23 And then, like I said, things from that i

l 24 point, they started removing responsibility from me, 1

-I 25 and we changed engineers three times, moved offices a i


(301) 666-0064


. I couple of times.

.=_=_ 2 MR. POSLUSNY: Okay, now, nothing has 3 happened, other than the fact, that you are finding d problems?

5 Right.

6 MR. POSLUSNY: This drug business, nothing

-7 has happened in that area?

8 No.

9 MR. POSLUSNY: Okay, so they start removing l

10 your responsibilities, what else, narrowing.down your j 11 activities basically? i l

12 Um hmm.

13 MR. POSLUSNY: Okay, when do you start  ;

i4 seeing things going on, that you don't like, now we 15 are talking in the personnel area? l 16 I had begun seeing it even before 17 taking over the. position, okay..

18 Then when I did'come into the position, where 19 I could more or less control the activities, within i 20 the office, that's when I started taking control then, l 21 and like I said, shortly thereafter, things started 22 going gradually downhill.

23 MR. POSLUSNY: Off the record for a minute, j

24 (Discussion off the record.) l 25 MR. POSLUSNY: On the record.


.. 10 ,

  • l


I One morning, at work, I ontorod my 2

"3 office, and there were four individuals, and they were 3

in the process of using some drugs, on one of the desks, I got very irate, and told them, to get that 5

stuff out of here, get it out of the office, that I 6

didn't want to have anything to do with it.

7 I was told to keep my mouth shut about it, a

and they wouldn't do it around me any more, and then after that, I talked to the manager about it, and not '

IO mentioning any names to..them,.just told them that 11 certaih' things were going on, that I did'n't appreciate, 12 and I didn't want to be involved, I felt that it might 13

._ jeopardize my life.

Id And then from that point it led on up to --

15 MR. POSLUSNY: Did he give you any reaction, 16 what was his answer?

17 His reaction was just, run them off,


18 run them'out of your office'.

19 MR. VOSLUSNY: Okay, so he said the right 20 thing, but he didn't say, I want to know their names, 21 or I want to report them, or anything like that, he -

22 just said, get them out of your area?



24 MR. POSLUSNY: Okay, then what happened 25 next?



' l

[ '

1 Then aftor that, my job just slowly gg 2 proceeded on, and then the drug investigation became 3

pretty heavy, and they started investigating quality  ;

d control personnel and --


5 MR. POSLUSNY: This wasft triggered by your 6 discussion?


( Oh, no, that didn't trigger it.

8 MR. POSLUSNY: This is an overall --


) That was happening prior to my knowinc 10 anything.

11 - And the next t'hing that I knew they had asked me to come down for an investigation, which I 12 13 made the statement about.

i4 MR. POSLUSNY: Did they say why they wanted is to talk to you, did they say somebody gave them your 16 name?

17 The investigators told me that I had is been accised of sell'ing drugs, and of buying drugs.

39 MR. POSLUSNY: By some unknown individual?

20 Right, and I asked names, and they ,

21 wouldn't tell me an names. .

22 MR. POSLUSNY: Did you ask them if they 23 could substantiate the allegation?

a, asked them, I said can you sub-lI 25 stantiate this, do you have proof, and they said, oh, EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 5e W O64


1 wo have proof all right, but your not being willing

.-75 2 to take a lie detector test proves you are guilty, 3

which at that time, I became very irate, and I said d

okay, they asked me to name names in the investigation, 7

and I said, now, if someone can name my name, through 8

an accusation by word of mouth, and you can pull my -

9 job on the line through an accusation, then certainly, 10 I have.the same rights this other individual has, I'll 11 name the names, and you. investigate them, as you'h' ave 12 been investigating me.

13 At that time, they went and got the project 14 superintendent, Mr. J. D. Turner, or assistant project 15 superintendent, brought him in, and he told me, he j 16 said, son, you are going to have to cooperate with 17 these gentlemen, and settle down, and cool off, and then 18 he wanh-and called Mr. Purdy, and Mr. Purdy came down, 19 and Mr. Blixt, and took me back to the office.

20 MR. POSLUSNY: Okay, and then what followed 21 that?

22 After that, I was placed under guard, 23 my records were s.ealed, I.was told to go.home,, they l 24 asked me to think about it, and come back the next

_j 25 day, and give Mr. Pu'rdp a decision, whether I would EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 665 0064

13 I tako the lic datoctor test, or voluntary resignment,

,3- 2 MR. POSLUSNY: Okay, and we know what 3 happened, you resigned?

d Yes.

5 MR. POSLUSNY: And to your knowledge, are 6 your records still intact, or do you think they have 7 been tampered with, or could we --

8 I doubt seriously, you will find any 9 of my records, other than my personnel record.

10 And I do not know what my personnel record 11 entails, I do not know what's in it.


12 I know that since that time, I applied for 13 Unemployment immediately thereafter, and it was denied, 14 on'two' separate occasions, from the Texas Employment 15 Commission.

16 I spoke with Mr. Purdy, per telephone, and 17 he told.me to send the appea.1 to him, at his home is address, which I did, and he would help me get 19 uneraployment.

20 He never gave me any satisfaction, so fAom 21 the period of March', until October, or the very last .

22 .of. September, I received no unemployment compensation, 23 nor was I.able to find suitable employment.

24 Finally, on a Monday, I did finally win 25 the court decision, in Court, with Texas Employment EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 666 0064

.. 14 1 Commission, and Brown & Roots personnel manager, and

,g 2 their Texas Employment findings, when I made the 3 statements that I've made here, was that I would be 4 awarded unemployment, and they sent me somethino like 5 three checks at one time, and the following day, I 6 went to work for a company called which 7 is subcontracting the maintenance on the nuclear projec t l 8 out there.

9 MR. POSLUSNY: Has there been any other

.10 fall.out from the situation with Brown'& Roots, in the l

12 I started with in a 13 group called g as I was doing contract labor, for )

l 14 probably one month, that was during the time, that the) 15 could investigate me, and find out about getting me I

j 16 a security clearance, okay.

17 j 18 19 on or about March I

20 the 5th, I was in the field worki g with two of my 21 people, and I was catlled on the gytronic system, the .

22 intercom system, and asked to come to the personnel 23 office, which is outside the security fence, and when 1 24 I went through the security fence, and went to the l

i j 25 personnel office, I.was told by Mr. Ken Crevy, personne l EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (30 0 666 4064 L--- -_ --- _ - - - _ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - _

I manager, that my security clearance had been pulled,

. _ 2 and that I was to be sent home, until an investigation 3 could be performed, that I was not fired at the time, 4 but I would be on temporary suspension, and be paid l i:

! S to sit at home, and wait, until they investigated the i 6 incident, and then I would be told at a later date, 7 what their findings were.

8 9 I received a call to come back to the v

to plant,.and at that time, I was fired., and .was. gi*ren 1 11 a lettir, by that I 12 was released from employment, and gave me a letter 13 stating that the purpose of this letter, is to document.

14 our discussion today, regarding your release as an

  • l 15 employee of Corporation.

16 This action is being taken as a result of 17 our inability to certify for unescorted access, at 18 the Commanche Peak. Steam Electric Station.

19 It also states that you will be compensated 20 for the time that you were on temporary suspension, 21 signed by ,

- 22 l l

23 I had prior to being called out the gate, 24 I had taken all radiation l

25 worker's training, all the necessary tests, all the l


.. 16

~ '

I nocennary physicals, had passed all the tests, and

,r 2 was placed as a supervisor, with a security clearance, 3

and that I had access, unescorted access anywhere d

within commanche Peak, and I wore the badges attesting 5 to such.

6 And then suddenly, it was pulled, I was 7

given no exact explanation, but that I was told that a

Tugcohadordered{ to pull my badge, and 9

that I was to be sent home, and they told me off the 10 record,.that it was possibly due.to.my not.being willir g .

11 to cooperate in the drug investigation, that was at 12 13 MR. POSLUSNY: And doe have


14 any responsibility, to give you anything in writing, 15 a reason?

16 j I approached --

17 MR. POSLUSNY: Other '-than that , other than is this, thi's doesn't really say -- I guess when you work 19 for part of the employment criteria, is 20 that you will pass the security clearance, so by that, 21 on those grounds, they are legally able to fire you, l

l l

22 but my question is, do they owe you further e'xplana' tion , I 23 you said informally you found out why, but did' you 24 try requesting from them in writing?

25 At the time, on March the 19th, I EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 64M064

.. 17 1

rc qucstod at that timo, that thov put it in writing,

.qg 2 of the exact nature, why they were releasing me, and 3

they said that is the exact nature why we can't get i

d you unescorted access.

5 And I said back to them, that I had unescort ei 6 access anywhere within the plant site, and I have 7

. passed all your security test, and your security 8

clearances, and your physical, and I've worn the badge, i 9 the security badge, and the radiation badge, and 10 suddenly you pull this from me, for'no apparent reason, 11 will y'bu give me a reason in writing, and they said, 12 this is the only reason that we can give you, right 13 here, that's all that they could give me, and I was i4 escorted off the plant site.

15 MR. POSLUSNY: Can I keep this?

16 j j Yes, sir, I made that strictly for 17 you. ,

Is I have this for'you too.

19 MR. POSLUSNY: What's that?

20 I don't know if you want to read that, ,

21 put it on the recora or not, but it is for you. ,

22 Here's something you might be interested 23 in.

24 This is off the record.

) 25 MR. POSLUSNY: Off the record.



18 )

l 1

(Discussion off the record.)

1 2 MR. POSLUSNY: On the record.


( Okay, where was I?

4 MR. POSLUSNY: You were talking about the 5 repercussions of you'being laid off, in these two 6 instances.

7 At the time of my leaving, I had been a

told by management that I would be given a good 9 reference, if I decided to apply at any job anywhere, 10 that I would.not.be blackballed., in the industry, or 33 for a lack'of a better term,.I'm going to cal'1 it 12 blackballed, okay.

13 Since that time,, I've applied to every major

[4 - defbnse contractor, and almost every place that require s 15 any type of clearance, or security clearance, and have 16 not been able to obtain employment.

37 When I went to and applied, which


's ig I knew required security clharances, I sat down with 3, the interviewers and explained to them, the entire 20 aspect of the drug bust, that had taken place at Brown 21 & Root.and*what my involvement had been in 1t, I told

g. my: manager exactly what happened,- and how I felt about-it, and he told me at that time, he said, okay, yeah, we,are aware of it, we know what happened, we need you,

_- 25 I had worked hand.in hand with most of them, for the EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 6664064 .

1 19

. ..~. .

I past few years anyway, and they said, we feel that

!.: 2 you were innocent also, we vill hire you on that i

3 aspect, you have been honest with us, and truthful d

with us, which I had been, and they hired me, to put 5 me to vork.

6 Of course, like I say, four, five months l 7 down the road, I vas released fror active empicyment 8

r again, and told verbally, that it was due to my not l 9 i

cooperating in the drue investigation that took place 10 in '

11' i

2 MR. POFLUS Y: Do you think, goine back to l i

12 Brown and Root, was the drug situation, the only 4

13 reason why they fired you, or do you think that there l

14 was another reason, or any other reason?

15 I think that was the only reason that i,

16 they fired me, they could have gotten me for absenteel ,!;


17 because I did have a lot of absenteeism, '

l 18 l

i i

19 l 20 21

) !

22 l 23 fir . POSLUSNY: What about the fact that you l

2a vere finding things in your supervisory role that were 1

25 negative in aspects, you tce r e d c i r.c a conscientious j ,


(301)f 6 0064 '

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2n I

. job you think, maybe that wasn't --

,- ,;, 2 tTell, when I started doing my job, as 3

I had been taught to do, like I said, some of the older d

inspectors, and just stating the facts of what I found 5

to management, I always got a hard tirne about it, I 6

.never got any results, you know, of what we were goino 7

, to do, to take this plan forward, and correct it, or 8

anything like that, it was always shifted around me, 9

to someone else, and like I said before, things within 10 my office jus't went downhill from that point forward..

11 MR. POSLUSNY: Do you think the fact that 12 you were doing a good job, in your definition, also 13

,_ contributed to your firing, or pseudo firing?


14 May I make a comment in here.

15 I 16 worked with people worked with, I handled the

. 17 documentation before,it went to.-the boss, when


18 took over the group that he took over, was finding 19 discrepancies in travelers missing, I helped ( look 1

20 for them.

21 It was causing quite a s t,i r , believe me, .

l 22 and it wasn't the popular thing to do, and I feel from  !

23. what I observed, and from what I sav, and what-I heard,


24 that the mainreasonwhytheyterminate{ vas

.- 25 because was causing too many problems, this is my EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 66fLO064 s

.. 21 I

opinion, this is what I said when they fired and

." =- 2 this is what I say now, didn't play ball, and you 3

have to play ball.

4 4

MR.-POSLUSNY: I appreciate that.

5 Is there anything else? '

6 I can't say much to add to that 7


8 But I do know that that is 9

when their attitude toward started changina, it 10 was obvious, everybody could see, that the attitude 11 towar was changing.

12 MR. POSLUSNY: Were there any other fellow 13 workers in a similar position, who didn't seem to find


14 that kind of problem, to the extent that you did, or 15 that tended not to make waves, and didn't have the 16 same problem that you did?


, That are still there?

l l


N St'ill there?

i 19 Yes, sir.

20 Four engineers.

21 i In fact, I ,would like to make .

22 accomment on the record, they had a gentleman out there, 23 they called him a headhunter, when they got ready to 24 terminate somebody, because they were making -- causing

/ 25 too many problems, a'nd they turned him loose on them, EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS l (mo sesas4

22 I

Ond within a very short time, they were out the gate,

-_ 2 under falsification of documentation, or they had used 3

drug earlier, not as a big drug bust, but they used it ,

d to get ridoff where'there were two guys 5

with him involved, and one of them being the headhunter, 6

they found it in the car, they fired him, but kept-7 them.

8 In the case of \they 9

planted, or found marijuana cigarette in his ashtray, 10 ' in the. parking, lot. -


- 11 In the case.of they couldn't 12 get rid of him any other way, and he told them, that 13 if they did terminate him, he would go to'the NAACP,


14 so they told him that they were going have to -- that '

15 he was going to have to find another job on the site, 16 they didn't want him out there any more, so he starts i

l' packing :the documents togeth'er,"and he gets them all


17 is in two b' oxes, they told to carry a box up 19 the hill for him, drop it and leave, because he couldn' t I a

20 carry them both.

21 plan:.id classi,fied documents in -

22 that box, when he got to the car and the 23 security guards were waiting for him, they went through 24 the box, found the documentation that had

) 25 Put in there, and they fired him for theft of EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 6e M 064

.. 23 t i documentation.

_ 2 now works for Corporate 3 two.

4 Now, I know this fo,r a fact, 5 now, I went in to his personnel file, and I read what 6 was in there, I had access to the personnel files, 7 that's how they found out who I was, I did take some a letters, and made copies of them, out of 9 file, and when it fell into the hands of the lawyers, to they knew there was only.one. place that it could come- .

n from. (nd that was me.

12 The reason that I know that they finally 13 decided that I was the leak in the office, was because i4 whiiinever Tony Roseman told them that witness B was 15 going public, and that was Bruce Downir g 16 said I had -- the other attorney, that I knew, said i7 he'd lost ten dollars, that he had bet I was witness 18 B, and he' bet I wasn't.

i, So you see, they knew who I was, before they 20 terminated me.

i 2

21 So that's why I'm saying, this is just a plcy .

22 that they used, just like they did with

{and 23 it's standard practice, you either play ball, or you 24 did like that's why quit.

That's why quit.


1 r Because they know it was a mattor of timo, e: 2 they refused to do what they were told to do, when it 3 come to outright falsification of the records, and 4 from that point on, they were on the " hit list," I 5 called it.

6 MR. POSLUSNY: Had you told this --

7 I've told this to the OI, and 8 I've told it to the NRC in Bethesda, I've told it to 9 everybody that I've talked to, I'm just saying in 10 defense of 11- e MR..POSLUSNY: Okay, I understand.

12 Working as closely as I did,


13 I knew that time was limited, because we spent 14 toci might time trying to find that documentation that 15 was missing, and was having such a fit about it.

16 MR. POSLUSNY: Off the record, for a minute.

17 (Discussion off the record.)

18 MR. POSLUSNY: On the record.

39 previously you. mentioned that you had i

20 received some threatening phone calls, would you briefl y 21 go ove'r that again,'what you did following that? ,

22 On the day that I,was asked to come 23 down for the drug investigation, that evening when I l

24 went home, late at night, about eleven or twelve o'cloc t

) 25 at night, I had received three different phone calls EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 66M064


,' ' I that ovoning, of I couldn't recognize the voice, somo 2

-9i person just stating to me, that if I didn't keep my 3

mouth shut, or said anything, that I would be sorry, d

and if that didn't work, that my family would be*

I 5

sorry, then they would hang up, there would be a lot 6

of nasty words, cuss words, things like that, threats 7

more or less, and --

but it was enough to make feared 8

you knew, it would be the personal safety of my 9

family if I said anything to anyone.

10 Because I did know numerous, and a lot.of


11 individuals who were involved, I had talked to manage-12 ment about them, on various occasions, and said, hey, 13 I don't want to be around this kind of stuff, if it's 14 going to go on, get it away from me, like that.

15 MR. POSLUSNY: Okay, and what did you do 16 following receipt of that call?

17 Or those calls, who did you tell?

18 19 MR. POSLUSNY: But you didn't report it to 20 the authorities?

21 N o ,' I didn't. ,

22 MR. POSLUSNY: Is there anything else that 23 you would like to add for the record?

24 I don't think so.

25 MR. POSLUSNY: Have you provided this EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301)66fM064

. - _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ - ~ _ _ . _ .

- . 1 information today, frooly and voluntarily?

2 Yes, I have.

3 MR. POSLUSNY: I would like to thank you for 4

your time, and participation, and as I said, we dill 5

provide you with a copy of this transcript, and we 6 will keep in touch.

7 While you are still on the 8

record, I have one point I would like to make, if 9 possible.

10 Let's assume that there was a legitimate 11-

~ ' drug bust, and that.there'were' legitimate iIispectors 12 who were terminated, this creates an issue for the NRC, ' '

13 as to the inspections made by those people, in the 14 plint, the key plant, parts of the plant, like 15 was in the heart of the reactor itself, now 16 this would create a problem, as to their ability to 17 perform their job, while they were working there, if is in fact,'.'they were g'uilty.

19 So I say, the majority of them, like 2a were not guilty, but let's assume that they convince 21 everybody that they'are guilty, then we've got another .

22 serious problem that needs to be investigated into, 23 and that is the ability of that inspector, and what 24 documentation he did delve into or while he was out 25 th'ere, and to find out what has h'appened to that I


(301) 8e W O64

i' *.

P. -

I gonoric NCR that was writton by Vincent McDarmott, 2

g which Vince Neuman has a copy of it, I furnished him

, 3 with a copy of it.

d MR. POSLUSNY: Okay, thank you for your 5 time, and we will be talking to you.

1 6

Off the record.

7 (Whereupon at 2:09 o' clock p.m., the 8 hearing in the above matter was closed.)

9 10 12 13

. 14 15 16 17 g* .

18 '

19 20 21

  • 22 23 2A 25 EXECUTIVE COURT REPORTERS (301) 806 4064

r * '

' 28 2 1

.q C EETlF [CAllOE 3

d' This is to certify that the attached 5

proceedings before the NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, 6 in the matter of:

7 Brown & Root, Inc.

8 TU9CO 9


10 June 19t,h, 1985 11 ,s Granbury, Texas,-

i 12 whe're had as therein appears, and that this is the .

13 original transcript thereof for the files of the (4 NUC' LEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION.


15 16 17 1


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(301) 6864064 h,