CPSES-200500578, February 2005 Monthly Operating Report for Comanche Peak, Units 1 and 2

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February 2005 Monthly Operating Report for Comanche Peak, Units 1 and 2
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 03/17/2005
From: Madden F
TXU Power
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CPSES-200500578, RP-84, TXX-05060
Download: ML050840408 (4)


  • wTXr adsCqw Pow er TXU Power Mike Blevins Comanche Peak Steam Senior Vice President &

Bectric Station Chief Nuclear Officer P. O. Box 1002 (E01)

Glen Rose. TX 76043 Ref: #10CFR50.36 Tel: 254 897 5209 Fax: 254 897 6652 mike.blevinsbtxu.com CPSES-200500578 Log # TXX-05060 RP-84 March 17,2005 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555




Attached is the Monthly Operating Report for February 2005, prepared and submitted pursuant to Technical Specification 5.6.4 contained in Appendix A to the CPSES Units 1 and 2 Operating License, Nos. NPF-87 and NPF-89 respectively. During this reporting period, there have been no failures or challenges to the Power Operated Relief Valves or Safety Valves for CPSES Unit 1 and Unit 2.

A member of the STARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) Alliance Callaway

  • Comanche Peak
  • Diablo Canyon
  • Palo Verde
  • Wolf Creek

TXX-05060 Page 2 of 2 This communication contains no new licensing basis commitments regarding CPSES Units 1 and 2. Should you have any questions, please contact Douglas Snow at (254) 897-8448.

Sincerely, TXU Generation Company LP By: TXU Generation Management Company LLC Its General Partner Mike Blevins By: DI&L Director, Regulatory Affairs DWS Attachment c- B. S. Mallett, Region IV W. D. Johnson, Region IV M. C. Thadani, NRR Resident Inspectors, CPSES

Attachment to TXX-05060 Page 1 of 2 OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 50-445 UNIT NAME Comanche Peeak 1 DATE March 09, 2005 COMPLETED BY Gary Lytle TELEPHONE 254-897-5455 REPORTING PERIOD: February 2005

1. Design Electrical Rating 1,150.00
2. Maximum Dependable Capacity (MWe-Net) 1,1 50.00 This Month Yr-to-Date Cumulative
3. Number of Hours the Reactor was Critical 658.47 1,402.47 112,504.90
4. Number of Hours Generator On-line 652.47 1,396.47 111,590.57
5. Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00
6. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWHrs) 777,223.00 1,651,092.00 119,654,341.0 UNIT SHUTDOWNS Type Method of F: Forced Duration Shutting Cause & Corrective Action No. Date S: Scheduled (Hours) Reason 1 Down 2 Comments 02103/2005 S 19.53 B 1 On 2/03/05 at 0359 tripped reactor per procedure and entered MODE 3. At 0412, entered containment to repair Steam Generator secondary tube sheet drain valve leak, 1MS-0664. At 0556 completed repairs.

Reactor critical at 1731 on 2/03/05.


Unit 1 began the month at full power, 1220 MWe (gross). On 2/03/05 at 0302 commenced unit shutdown to enter containment and repair leaking Steam Generator #3 secondary side tube sheet drain leak, 1MS-0664. On 2/03/05 at 0359 tripped the reactor per procedure and entered MODE 3. On 2/03/05 at 1702 entered MODE 2 after completing repairs. On 2/03/05 at 1731 reactor is critical. On 2/03/05 at 2104 entered MODE 1. On 2/03/05 at 2331 synchronized to the grid. On 2/05 at 0023 Unit reached full power, 1214 MWE (gross). Unit 1 completed the month at full power, 1218 MWe (gross).

1 2 Reason: Method:

A Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 Manual Trip/Scram C Refueling 3 Automatic Trip/Scram D Regulatory Restriction 4 Continuation E Operator Training & License Examination 5 Other (Explain)

F Administration G Operational Error (Explain)

H Other (Explain)

Attachment to TXX-05060 Page 2 of 2 OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 50-446 UNIT NAME Comanche Peak 2 DATE March 09, 2005 COMPLETED BY Gary Lytle - .

TELEPHONE 254-897-5455 REPORTING PERIO February 2005

1. Design Electrical Rating 1,150.00
2. Maximum Dependable Capacity (MWe-Net) 1,150.00 This Month Yr-to-Date Cumulative
3. Number of Hours the Reactor was Critical 672.00 1,416.00 91,036.05
4. Number of Hours Generator On-line 672.00 1,416.00 90,486.28
5. Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00
6. Net Electrical Energy Generated (M.WHrs) 761,950.00 1,619,173.00 98,713,326.00 UNIT SHTDWS Date Type Duration Reason Method of F: Forced (Hours) Shutting Cause & Corrective Action S: Scheduled _ Down Comments



Unit 2 began the month at full power,1194 MVe (gross). On 02/23/05 at 0153 operators reduced power to -92% reactor power, 1100 MWe (gross), to maintain reactor operating parameters when a blackout signal caused the startup of the auxiliary feedwater system. A lightning strike on a 138 Kv switchyard feeder caused loss of the primary electrical power source (startup transformer XST1) to the Unit 2, 6.9 Kv safeguards busses 1EM1 and 1EA2.

The busses transferred to the alternate power supply as designed. During the load reduction it was discovered that the 2B main feedwater pump (MFP) turbine control was not responding as designed and would require repair. On 2/23/05 at 0425 commenced ramp to 98% reactor power, 1170 MWe (gross). On 2/23/05 at 0545 Unit stable at 98% reactor power, 1170 MWe (gross). On 2/23/05 at 2210 commenced power reduction to -54% reactor power, 650 MWe (gross). On 2124/05 at 0425 Unit stable at 650 MWe (gross). On 2/24/05 at 0510 commenced ramp to -50% reactor power, 600 MWe to commence 2B MFP repair. On 2/24/05 at 0544 unit stable at 600 MWe (gross). On 2/24/05 at 0555 tripped the 2B MFP for repair. On 2/24/05 at 1847 completed repair and restarted the 2B MFP. On 2/24/05 at 2100 commenced ramp to full power. On 2/25/05 at 0521 Unit 2 is stable at full power, 1196 MWe (gross). On 2/28/05 at 2400 Unit 2 ended the month at full power, 1199 MWe (gross).

2 1 Method:

Reason: 1 Manual A Equipment Failure (Explain) 2 Manual Trip/Scram B Maintenance or Test 3 Automatic Trip/Scram C Refueling 4 Continuation D Regulatory Restriction 5 Other (Explain)

E Operator Training & License Examination F Administration G Operational Error (Explain)

H Other (Explain)