CNL-20-082, Partial Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Application to Revise Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Regarding Changes to Hydrologic Analysis (TS-19-02)

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Partial Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Application to Revise Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Regarding Changes to Hydrologic Analysis (TS-19-02)
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 11/10/2020
From: Polickoski J
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CNL-20-082, EPID L-2020-LLA-0004, TS-19-02
Download: ML20328A093 (17)



. . . WITHHOLD UNDER 10 CFR 2.390 _

This lette.r ~ d~ntrolled when separated from Enclosure 2 um Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 CNL-20-082 November 1o, 2020 10 CFR 50.90 .

ATTN: Document Control Desk u:s. Nuqlear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-000'1 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility License Nos. DPR:-77 and. DPR-79 NRG Docket Nos. 50-327 and 50-328 *


Partial Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Application to Revise Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Updated Final

. Safety Analysis Report Regarding Changes to Hydrologlc Analysis (TS-19-02) (EPID L-2020-LLA-0004) .


1. TVA Letter to NRG, CNL-19-066, "Application to Revise Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Regarding -
Changes to .Hydrologlc Analysis (TS-19-02)," dated January 14, 2020 * *

(ML20016A396 and ML20016A397}

2. TVA Letter to NRG, CNL-20-026, "Supplement to Application to Revise -

Sequoyah Nuclear Plant L)nits 1 and 2 Wpdated Final Safety Analysis Report Regarding Changes to Hydrologic *Analysis, (TS-19-02)

(EPID L-2020-LLA-0004)," dated February 18, 2020 (ML20049H184)

3. TVA Letter to NRG, CNL~20-032, "Application to Revise Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Regarding Changes to Hydrologic Analysis - Response to Request for Additional Information (TS-19-02) (EPID L-2020-LLA-0004)," d~ted May 14, 2020 (ML20135H.067) - -


..  : ** WITHHOLQ UNDER 10 CFR 2.390 .

This l~r Is_ deco~lled when-separat~ from Enclosure 2


. - WITHHOLD UNDER 10* CFR 2.390 This *letter is decontrolled when se~rated :from Enclosure 2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission CNL-20-082 Page2 November 1.0, 2020

5. NRC Electronic Mail to TVA, "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 -

Request for Additional Information Regarding Hydrologic UFSAR _Update (EPIO L-2020-LLA-0004 }, " dated September 14, 2020 (ML20261. H417}

6. NRC letter to TVA, *summary of October 13, 2020, Closed Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Responses to Requests for Additional Information ~egarding Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Hydrologi*c
  • Analysis License Amendment Request '(EPID L-2020-LLA-0004}," dated October 27, 2020 (ML20293A080} .
7. NRC Electronic Mail to TVA, "RE: Sequoyah Hydrologic UFSAR LAR-Proposed Schedule for EXHB RAI responses," dated November 3~ 2020 In Reference .1, Tennesse.e V~lley Authority (TVA} submitted a requ~st for an amendment to Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-77 and DPR-79 for Sequoyah Nuclear _

Plant (SQN} Units 1 and 2, respectively: This license amendment request (LAR} revises the SQN Units 1 a_nd 2, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR} to reflect the results from the new hydrologic analysis. TVA determined that the propc:,sed changes to the SQN UF$AR require prior Nu.clear Regulatory Commission (NRC} approval.

In References 2, 3, and _4, TVA provided supplements to Reference 1. In Reference 5, the NRC provided a request for additional information (RAI}. Following receipt of Reference 5, TVA determined that there was an unyerifled assumption in the calculations COJ"!cemlng the Apa_lachia barn* failure analysis and entered this issue into the TVA corrective action program.

TVA communicated this information to the NRC during a closed public meeting on -

October 13, 2020 (Reference 6). Because this Apalachla barn unverified assumption affects some of the flies requested by the NRC in Reference 5, TVA Is providing a partial response to Reference 5. Specifically, *Enclosure 1 -to this letter provides the responses to the RAI in Reference 5 with ~he exception of RAI 2.4-2.3.b and RAI 2A-4. For RAI 2.4-2.3.b, the parent calculation that provides the requested information Is affected by the Apalachia Dam Issue and will ~ revised. However, the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP} Basin pepth is not affected. Therefore, a partial response for RAI 2.4-2.3.b has been provided in Enclosure 1 that addresses PMP Basin depth. The remaining response to RAI 2.4-2.3.b and the response to RAJ- 2.4-4 will be provided at a later date..

  • In Reference 5, the NRC requested that TVA respond to the RAI by October 14, 2020 ..

However, as noted in Reference 7, the partial response date for this RAI was extended to November 11, 2020.


. WITHHOLD UtilDER 10 CFR 2.390 This letter Is decontrol_led when-separated ~m. Enclosure 2


. . WITHHOLD UNDER 10 CFR 2.390 .

This letter Is decontrolled *when separated from Enclosure 2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission CNL-20--082 Page 3 November 10, 2020 As indicated in Enclosure 1, the information requested by the NRQ Is contained in Enclosure 2, which contains a digital versatile disc (DVD). Enclosure 2 contains security related-information that TVA Is requesting be withheld from public disclosur~ in accordance with 1b CFR 2.390. . provides *a flowchart aid to facilitate :µie understanding of the Interactions of the.

various TVA calculations U,at make up the SQN hydrology analyses. In support of the.

RAI 2.4-2.2.c response, Enclosure 2 also contains the Barge Design Solutions (Barge) Software Dedication Report (SDR), PMP Evaluation Tool Package, SDR 16-01, Revision 2. The ~DR, in Its entirety, contains information that Barge considers to be proprietary pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federaf Regulations (1 0 CFR) 2.390, RPublic fnspectlon.s, exemptions, requests for*

withholding,R paragraph (a)(4). Enclosure 4 provides the Barge affidavit supporting this proprietary withholding request. The affidavit sets forth the'basis on which the information

  • may be.withheld from public disclosure by the NRC and addresses with specificity the
  • considerations listed in paragraph (b)(4) of 10 CFR 2.390. Accordingly, TVA requests that the information Which Is proprietary to Barge be withheld from public. disclosure In accordance with 10 CF.R 2.390. Correspondence with respect to the copyright or proprietary aspects of the items listed above or the supporting Barge Design Solutions* affidavit should reference*

SDR 16--01, dated September 2020, and should be addressed to Ms. Carrie Stokes, Senior Vice President, Barge Design Solutions Inc., 615 3 rd _Avenue South, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37210.

T,his letter does not change the no significant-hazard considerations nor the environmental

~nsiderations contained in Reference 1. *Additionally, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1),

TVA is sending a copy of this letter and the enclosure to the Tennessee Department <;>f Environment and Conservation.

  • There are no new regulatory commitments associated with this submittal,. Please address any questions regarding this submittal to Gordon Williams, Senior Manager, Fleet Licensing (Acting), at 423-751-2687. * *
  • I declare under penalty of perjury thaf the foregoing is true and correct: Executed on this 10th day of November 2020.



James T. Polickoski Director; Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Enclosures cc: See Page 4 SECURITY RELATED INFORMATION AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION -


This letter Is decontrolled when separated from Enclosure 2


This letter is. decontrolled when separated ~m 'Encl0$ure 2 U.S. Nuclear R~gulatory Commission CNL-20-082 Page4 November 10, 2020


1. Response to. NRG Additional Request for Additional Information
2. DVD Co.ntaining the lnfonnation Requested in Enclosure 1 (Security Related and Proprietary Information) .
3. Flowchart of Calculations
4. Barge Design Solutions Affidavit cc (w/o Enclosure 2):

NRG Regional Administrator - Region .II .

NRG Senior Resident ln.spector- Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 NRG Project Manager - Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Director, Division of Radiological Health - Tennessee State Department of Environment

  • and Conservation. .


. WITHHOLD UND.ER:10 QFR 2:390 .

This letter is decontrolled when separated from Enclosure .2

Enclosure 1 Response to NRC Additional Request for Additional Information (RAI)

RAJ 2.4-2: PMP Input/Output Files Section 2.4.3, "PMP [Probable Maximum Precipitation] on Streams and Rivers* of the proposed Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) revision present the revised flood hazard estimations at the plant site due to riverine flooding. NUREG-0800, *Standard Review Plan

[SRP] for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR [Ught-water Reactor] Edition," Revision 4, Section 2.4.3, "Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) on Streams and Rivers* (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML070730405), and Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.59, "Design Basis Floods for Nuclear Power Plants" (ADAMS Accession No. ML003740388), provide guidelines for estimating this flood causing mechanism. After reviewing the license amendment request (LAR) and enclosed documents, the NRG staff has determined that it needs additional information related to estimating this flood causing mechanism to independently verify the licensee's proposed change. Therefore, the NRG staff requests all PMP input/output files be provided, as summarized in Figure No. 1 of "Response to NRG IQVB Request for Additional Information" (ADAMS Accession No. ML20135H067), including:

1. Input Information
a. User input (including storm types, durations, basins of interest)
b. ArcG/S base Python script
c. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Project sub-basins shapefi/e
d. Sub-basin geographic information system (GIS) encapsulating shapefi/e of TVA subbasins, shapes, area; and positions
2. Gridded PMP Point Data Development - Dedicated Software
a. Sub-basin text file of user input
b. Event specific Python script
c. Modified PMP Evaluation Tool scripts and associated documentation
d. Gridded PMP Point Data used for local intense precipitation (LIP) and PMF
3. Non-QA GIS Software Tools - Alternate ArcGIS Calculations
a. Python scripts for creating Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) and utilizing Polygon Volume Tool
b. ArcG/S sub-basin weighted average PMP depths for controlling PMF scenario CNL-20-082 E1-1 of 4

Enclosure 1 TVA Response to RAJ 2.4-2 The requested information is provided in the following files on the digital versatile disc (DVD) In to this submittal.

1.a User Input

  • Storm Types are located in calculation CDQ0000002016000041, Section 3.3.
  • Duration is located in calculation CDQ0000002015000034, Temporal Distribution Calculation.
  • Basins are located in calculation CDQ0000002016000044, Appendix A-A.

1.b ArcGIS Base Python Script is located in calculation CDQ0000002016000044 Appendix A-F.

1.c Project sub-basins are located in calculation CDQ0000002016000044, Appendix A-A.

1.d The full TVA basin Information is located in calculation CDQ0000002016000044, Appendix A-B.

2.a Sub-basin Text File is located in calculation CDQ0000002016000044, Appendix A-D.

2.b The Event Specific Python Script is located in calculation CDQ0000002016000044, Appendix A-D.

2.c The Modified PMP Tool Script is located in the PMP Tool software dedication report (SOR) Revision 2, Attachment 9.

2.d. PMP data used for LIP is located in calculation CDQ0000002016000041, Section 5.4.4, Table 14. PMP data used for PMF is found in calculation CDQ0000002016000044, Appendix A.

3.a. The script for generating the TIN and utilizing the polygon volume tool, which are part of the process to calculate primary basin rainfall, is located in CDQ0000002016000044 Appendix A-D.

3.b. PMP Basin Depth for the Controlling PMF is located in calculation CDQ0000002017000059. This calculation is affected by the dam safety issue at Apalachia Dam; however, the PMP basin depth is not affected. The precipitation files for each of the four Chickamauga simulations is provided In Enclosure 2. These files are labeled as CHH_01_HourlyDistributions.csv, CHH_02_HourlyDistributions.csv, CHH_03_Hourly Distributions.csv, and CHH_04_HourlyDistributions for Chickamauga simulations 1 through 4, respectively, on Enclosure 2 DVD.

Calculation CDQ0000002017000059 will be formally transmitted to the NRC in its entirety once the Apalachia dam issue is resolved. to this submittal provides a flowchart aid to facilitate the understanding of the interactions of the various TVA calculations that make up the SQN hydrology analyses. Page three of Enclosure 3 details the sources of the requested information, lists the RAI number for which the data are being provided, and illustrates the predecessor and successor relationships between calculations that present the PMP analysis. The flow chart should be reviewed before utillzlng the data on the DVD.

CNL-20-082 E1-2 of 4

Enclosure 1 RA/ 2.4:3: LIP Modeling Input/Output Flies Section 2.4. 2, "Floods" of the proposed UFSAR revision presents the revised flood hazard estimations at the plant site due to LIP flooding. SRP Section 2.4.2, "Floods" (ADAMS Accession No. ML070100647), provides guidelines for estimating this flood causing mechanism.

After reviewing the submitted LAR and enclosed documents, the NRG staff has determined that it needs additional Information related to estimating this flood causing mechanism to Independently verify the 1/censee's proposed change. Therefore, the NRG staff requests all UP mode/Ing input/output files be provided, including:

  • LIP hydrodynamic model input/output files for slmula'flng local intense precipitation surface ronoff, routing, and flooding.

TVA Response to BAI 2,4:3 The requested lnfonnation is provided In the following files on the DVD in Enclosure 2.

  • The LIP model input/output files for simulating LIP surface runoff, routing, and flooding are located in calculation GDQ0000002013000057, Appendix F.
  • The LIP rainfall depth input information used in the model is contained in calculation CDQ0000002016000041, Section 5.4.4, Table 14.

RAJ 2.4--4: PMF Modeling Input/Output Files Section 2.4.3, "PMF Flood In Rivers and Streams" of the proposed UFSAR revision presents the revised flood hazard estimations at the plant site due to LIP flooding. SRP Section 2.4.3 provides guidelines for estimating this flood causing mechanism. After reviewing the license amendment request (LAR) and enclosed documents, the NRG staff determined that it needs additional information related to estimating this flood causing mechanism to independently verify the licensee's proposed change. Therefore, the NRG staff requests all modeling input/output data files be provided for controlling PMF (with hydro/ogic dam failures) scenario, including:

1. Tabular data associated with "the controlling primary and secondary area nesting sequence and the controlling PMP rainfall depth spatial distribution over the watershed" (LAR Enclosure, Section 2.4.3. 1) as well as executable version of the tools (If any) used to distribute the gridded PMP values Into subbasln space and time:
a. LAR Enclosure 3, Figure 2.4.3-1
b. LAR Enclosure 3, Figure 2.4.3-5a (as provided in LAR Enclosure 4, Table 2.4.3-1)
2. Executable version of sub-basin unit hydrograph calculations (as referenced in LAR Enclosure 4, Section, as well as electronic version of data shown in LAR Enclosure 3, Figure 2.4.3-6.
3. Executable version of calculation files (if applicable) for estimating precipitation excess (as referenced In LAR Enclosure 4, Section
4. Shapeflles (or similar locational data) for HEC-RAS model limits, river gage, Sequoyah plant site and dam locations, as shown in LAR Enclosure 3, Figure 2.4.3-4 and Figure 2.4.3-5 (as referenced in LAR Enclosure 4, Section

CNL-20-082 E1-3 of 4

Enclosure 1

5. Executable version of the runoff and HEC-RAS model files, including HEC-RAS Inputs such as calibrated geometry, unsteady flow rules and inflows (as referenced in LAR Enclosure 4, Section

TVA Response to RAI 2.4-4 The requested information is provided in calculations that are affected by the Apalachia Dam safety issue. Therefore, TVA will provide a response to this RAI at a later date.

RA/ 2.4-5: Seismic Dam Failure Modeling Input/Output Files Section 2.4.4, "Potential Dam Failures, Seismically lnducedn of the proposed UFSAR revision in the application presents the revised flood hazard estimations at the plant site due to seismic dam failure flooding. SRP Section 2.4.3 provides guidelines for estimating this flood causing mechanism. After reviewing the license amendment request (LAR) and enclosed documents, the NRG staff detennined that It needs additional infonnation related to estimating this flood causing mechanism to independently verify the licensee's proposed change. Therefore, the NRG staff requests all modeling input/output data files be provided for controlling seismic dam failure scenario, including:

1. Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System simulation setup, input and output files for four potentially critical seismic-flood event combinations (as referenced in LAR Enclosure 4, Section
2. Calculations for 25-year and 500-year flood inflows (as referenced in LAR Enclosure 4, Section 2.4.4. 1)

TVA Response to RAI 2.4-5 The requested information is provided in the following files on the DVD in Enclosure 2.

1. The Seismic Hydraulic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) files for the input and output files for the four potentially critical seismic-flood event combinations (as referenced in LAR Enclosure 4, Section are located In calculation CDQ0000002014000024, "Seismic Dam Failure Simulations Calculation."
2. The 25-year and 500-year flood inflow calculations (as referenced in LAR Enclosure 4, Section are contained in calculations, CDQ0000002014000029, "Inflow Volume Analysis for Seismic Events Calculation," and CDQ0000002014000030, "Inflow Hydrograph Development for Seismic Events."

CNL-20-082 E1-4 of 4

SECURITY RELATED INFORMATION AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION-WITHHOl:-D UNDER 10 CFR 2.390 Enclosure 2 DVD Containing the Information Requested In Enclosu*re 1 (Security Related Information)

Barge Design Solutions (Barge) Software Dedication Report (SOR), PMP Evaluation Tool Package, SOR 16-01, Revision 2 (For RAI 2.4-2.2*.c) .

  • (Proprietary Information) .


WITflHOLD.UNDER 10 CFR 2.390 -

Enclosure 3 Flowchart of Calculations CNL-20-082

HEC-HMS/HEC-RAS 2012 LAR Ca lculations 2014 LAR Calculations 2015 FHRR Calculations WBU tocal lrtense PredpitationAnatysis EXCE L HEC-RAS CIXl.2013-163 n

Main Stem lnitQI Main Stem Unsteady Dam Rath-g ClJr.e Flow RUe Calwlatioo None Cak:Uation cocuon-01*

r-+ CDQ20U-05 ° I Flood Operational

~ '---.----'J-EXCEL Guide s Calwlation Initial Dam Rating CDQ2008-50

, -~

Cl.lVt! Ctlrulations


HEC-RAS HEC-RAS HEC-RAS HEC-RAS crxuooe-01 tlYu n EXCEL HEC-RAS HEC-RASPMF Uncertaintv Seisnic Dam Failure Sunny Day Dam


Trib utary lnit~I Dam SinUations SinUatiora smtJattons Failure Simulations

-- I -

Rating Curve Tributary Unsteady Flow RUe Calrulation Cak:uiation - Cak:Uation CabJation - Cak:ulations ~

Cak:Uation I---+ CDQ2014- t9*

HEC-RAS CDQ2014-23 CDQ2014-32 CDQ2014-24 CDQ2014-25 & 28



~ ~ HEC-RAS f.ltodel Setup Calw lat ion I-+ C00.20 14-21'"

ArcGIS/EXCH ArcGIS/EXCH HEC-RAS HEC-RASTribJtary Exa,I Exa,I Ard:31S/Excel Reservoir Ster age HEC-RASTributary Exa.l Ca~bration Tab~s Calculation Geometry Calculation I---+ Cak:Uation Unit H'l(lrccraph Inflow 1-tfdrograph

-*,:::,-.--;r-COQ.2003-51 C0Q2014-17 \Vind Wave l CDQ2014-18 Adjustment lnfk>ws Calct.fation Deve6opment for calculation



Seismic Events

~ calculation CDQ2014-15 CDQ.2014-33 CDQ2014-12 r+ calc.Uation






Verification SOCH calibration ArcGIS/EXCEL HEC~RA.S calculations calculations


HEC-RA.SMainStem CDQ2008-24 ttru 26 CDQ.2008-36 tt-r-u 42 HEC-RAS Main Stem CDQ2008-29 ttru 30 L+ Geomet ry Calculat ion Calibration Arc.GIS/Excel Exa. l I---+ Cak:ulation




CDQ.2012-06 CU"ve t,i.imber


EXCEL Precipitat ion HEC-HMS/FLOHD'tRO UnitH',dr~raphs ~

Determination calculation CDCl.2014-14 - ~

Basefk>w r.a lcUation CDQ.20 14-13 f---

Exa. l cak:ulations COQ2008-S6 ttru 73, lnfk>wVolume CDQ.2008-49 & 55 91 Anatvsls For Seismic Events calculation





EXCEL FlDHYDRO/EXCEL PMFlnflow API f.alcUation Determinat ion CDQ2008-S2 . calculation CDQ2008-S3

~ ~

  • calculation re'w'ised to inck.lde adcftional info rmation for FHRR

{no LAR irTl)act) 2020 LAR Calculations CNL-20-082 E3-1of3

2012 LAR Calculations 2014 LAR Calculations 2015 FHRR Calculations HEC-HMS/FlDHOVRO HEC-RAS Unit H',drcaraphs COQ20Q3-56 th'u 73, HEC-RAS Model trtlows Cak:Uation 91 Set~ Calrulation CDQ2014- 15 COQ.2014-21*

2020 LAR Calcu lations U HT~~~~~~n for 1------....L--~~ ChictamaLga Drain BFNWa m ingTlme CDQ.2016-47 Down CCXl.2017-72 CDQ.2017-81 Basin PMP and UP CDQ201&-41

\VON 9:l.N Warning Time CIXl.2017-76 PCAT "'1ode1Set-op CDQ.2017-80 ProjectPMF Calc:Uations PMF Slrnma ry Desie n Storm Coo.2017-SS-62, 64, Cak:ulation Tel1l)oral Rarlfall 64, 67-69, 71, 73-75, CDQ2017-70 DlstriblA:ion n .78 CDQ2015-34 API Dell!rmination WndWavesfor Combined Effect CDQ20 1&-4S Fbods CDQ2014-33 Week~ Baseflow Dete rm ination CDQ201&-42 CN L-20-082 E3-2 of3

Topical Report Calrulation Gridded PMP Development Controlling PMF Calculation CDQ2017-59 CDQ2016-41 Calculation Item IR 2.4-2 (la)

COQ2016-44 ltem lR 2.4-2 (3b)

SPAS Data User Input (D...-ation) ltemlR 2.4-4 (1)

ControNing PMFTabular Sub-Basin PMP Rainfall PMP Basin Depths for COQ2017-80 Controling PMF COQ2016-41 Telll)oral Output :


Appendix F & H Dist ribution COQ.2017-59 COQ2017-S9 Tool ls located in cak:Uation Appendix B-A Appendix 8 COQ2017-80

~ ~

Append~ B Table6.2.l

~I ~ ~

Item IR 2.4-2 (le) ltem lR 2.4-2 (la) User Input (Sasins)

Item IR 2.4-4 (S)

User Input (sta,m twes) ltemlR 2.4-4 (3)

NatiDnat lnwntoryof Dam s Dat;,i Application CCXl.2016-44 Exczss Precipitation calwlatlons CCXU016-41 SectiCll 3.3 Appendix A-A Output:



calcUation Tool is located ii COQ2017-59


cak:ulation Tool is k>cated in COQ.2017.SO CIXl.2017-59 Appendix 8 -A ....... COQ2017-80 Appendix 8-A 06_NID


Appendix( 01 API cak.llation

~ i~

ltemlR2.4-2 (1d)

User Input (Fu l Basin)

CCXl.201644 ltem lR2.4-4 (2)

AppendixA-8 Unit H','d rOHraph (.alcul atlons ltemlR 2.4-4 (S)

Inflow t-tvdrograph Di stribution



COQ2017-59 Output:

Appendix 8 ...

Calculation Tool is klcated ii CDQ.2017*59 ltemlR 2.4-2 (2a) 02_HEC-HMS_unit_h-,drographs COQ2017-80 Appendix B*A Sub-basin Text FIie ~ Appe nd~ I PMFSummary CDQ.20 16-44 1 ~


Calculation (00,2017 *70


Item IR 2.4-4 (S) ltemlR 2.4-4 (SJ Con troling PMF Ral'l-on--Rese rvoir Calwlations Stream Cot.l'se Model ltemlR 2.4* 2 (l b)

Output :

PMP Scenario Autanatim CDQ.2017-S9 Calculation Tool is loalled r1 COQ20l7-S9 Base Python Saipt Appendix B-A COQ20 17-80 Appendix 8-A OB_HEC-RAS 03_ROR_calculation

-r CIXl,2016-44 Appendi,c E


AppendiJCA-F Topical Report PMP Tool ltemlR 2.4-2 {2c)

Modfied PMP Tool

~ Item IR 2.4-2 (2b) Item IR 2.4-4 (S) ltemlR2.4-4(S)

CootroNing PMF PMP Scenario Autanatim Surface R~df and Baseflow Calctiaticm Resu lts Data COQ2016-41 PMPTool SOR Event Specific: Pythoo Script AppendiJCO Attachment 9 CDQ.2017-S9 COQ20 16--44 COQ2017-59 calciJation Tool is located i Appendi,c 8-A Appendi,c 8-A


~ ~

COQ2017*80 04_Surfa01!_n,ioff_scalirg_

09_0utputGra~ics AppendiJC F and baseflow


ltemtR 2.4-2 (3a)

Saipt for generatSlg TI N and calculatirw primary basin rainfan 1temlR 2.4-4 (S)

Tributary Inflow Routing COQ2016-44


Output :

Calculation Tool is located i"I COQ2017-59 COQ.2017-80 Appendi,c 8-A ,___

AppendbtG OS_Routing ltem lR 2.4-2 (2d) l R2.4-3 Item IR 2.4-2 (2d)

'--- ____,,,,---.. ~

UP Rainfall UP Model File s lte m 2.4-S{2) Item 2.4-5{2) ltem2 .4-S(l)

Rainfall Q lru latioo Resul ts Seismic lnftows Seisrnk ln ftows Seisrric HEC-RAS Files COQ2016-41 CDQ2013-S7 lrtlow l+{drograph Section S.4.4 Seisrric Dam Failure Appendix F CDQ.2016-44 Development for Table 14 Ana¥sis For Seismic

- Si-nulat ions


Seismic Events Events Calculation CalciJation

~ ~ COQ2014-29 CalciJation CDQ20 14-30 (00,20 14-24 E3 -3 of3 ~ ~ ~


Enclosure 4 Barge Design Solutions Affidavit CNL-20-082




1. My nam.e is Carrie Stokes. I am Senior Vice President, for Barge Design Solutions, rnc. and as such I am authorized to execute this Affidavit.
2. I am familiar with the criteria applied by Barge Design Solutions, Inc. to determine
  • whether certain Barge Design Solutions, lnc. information is a trade secret, proprietary, and commercially sensitive. I am familiar with the policies established by Barge Design SoJutions, Inc.

to ensure the proper application of these criteria.*

3. I am familiar with the Barge Design Solutions, Inc. information contained !n the report:

"Software Dedication Report, PMP Evaluation Tool Package, SOR 16-01" dated September 2020 and referred to herein as "Dedication Report." lnformatio_n regarding the dedication methodology and test problem suite has b~en *classified by Ba_rge Design Solution.s, Inc.

as proprietary and a trade secret in accordance with. the policies established by Barge Design Solutions, Inc. for the .control and protection of proprietary information in furtherance of the busin~ss of Barge Design Solutions, Inc ..

4. This Dedication Report contains trade secrets and information of a proprietary nature of the type cu.stomarily held In c:onfidence by Barge Desigr:i Solutions, Inc. and not made availal?le tc;, the public. f3a'sep on my experience! I am aware that other companies regard information of the kind contained in this Dedication Report as oommerdally sensitive, trade secrets, proprietary, and confidential.
5. This Dedication Report has been made available to the U.S: Nuclear Regulatory Commission .in confidence with the request th~t the information contained lri this Document be withheld ~rom public disclosure. The request for withholding of prqprifltary Information is made

in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390. The Information for which withholding from disclosure is requested qualifies under 10 CFR 2.390(a)(4). "Trade secrets and commercial or financial information."

6. The following criteric! are customarily c.)pplied by Barge Design Solutlo~s! Inc. to determine whether information should be classified as proprietary:

(a) The lnformatio_n reveals *details of Barge Design Sol.utions, lnc.'s research and development processes or their results.

(b) Use of the information by a competitor would permit the competitor to significantly reduce its expenditures, in time or resources, to design, produce, or market a similar product or service.

(c) The infqrmation ,nclu.des test data or analytical techniques concerning a process, meth9dology,.or component.

  • (d) The information reveals certain distinguishing aspects of a process, methodology, or component, the exclusive use of which provides *a competitive advantage for B-arge Design Solutions, inc. in product optimization or marketability:

(e) The information is vital to a competitive advantage held by.Barge Design Solutions, Inc., would be helpful to competitors; and would likely cause substantial harm to the competitive position of Barge Design Solutions, Inc.

The information in the Dedication Report is considered proprietary for the re~s9ns set forth In paragraphs G(a) - G(e) above.

7. In accordance with Barge c;>esign Solutions, lnc.'s policies governing the protection:

and control of Information, trade secrets and confidential or proprietary information contained in this Dedication Report have been *made* available, on a limited basis, to others outside Barge

  • Design Solutions, Inc. only as requirE:;d and under suitable agreement providing for nondisclosure and limited use of the information.
8. Barge Desig,:i Solutions, Inc. policy requires t_hat proprietary Information be kept in a secu'red file or ar~a and distributed on a n~ed-to-know basis.
9. The foregoing statements are true and correct to the b.est of my knowledge, information, and belief.


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