05000416/LER-1983-171, Updated LER 83-171/03X-1:on 831028,fuel Oil Leak & Broken Connector Pushrod Discovered.Caused by Crack in Oil Tubing & Difficulty in Welding Pushrod.Tubing & Pushrod Replaced. W/840316 Ltr

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Updated LER 83-171/03X-1:on 831028,fuel Oil Leak & Broken Connector Pushrod Discovered.Caused by Crack in Oil Tubing & Difficulty in Welding Pushrod.Tubing & Pushrod Replaced. W/840316 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1984
From: Byrd R, Dale L
To: James O'Reilly
AECM-84-0146, AECM-84-146, LER-83-171-03X, LER-83-171-3X, NUDOCS 8403260244
Download: ML20087K596 (4)

LER-2083-171, Updated LER 83-171/03X-1:on 831028,fuel Oil Leak & Broken Connector Pushrod Discovered.Caused by Crack in Oil Tubing & Difficulty in Welding Pushrod.Tubing & Pushrod Replaced. W/840316 Ltr
Event date:
Report date:
4162083171R00 - NRC Website


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ses Update Report - Previous Report-Date 11/28/83 u.s.nanmens m emmam aveev enaanamen. ass 477b Attachment to AECM-84/0146 t arsanE55 EVENT MPORT Page 1 of 2 Comnet etoCie I i i l l I

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GWGAff DeeC IPTION AND PnOSABLE COMetA3WeuCES.h E lun Octobeer 2F. 1983. while nesluhing D/G 11- am fum1 mit i mmle i.im a d i ur nv-!

Q lered at a 90 de'aree connection in the #5 rioht bank cylinder line. Th e __j

~5TEIleubcever head caskat at the same evlinder was also damaned and imaking. I M IDurina maintenanc= work on these failures. a connector oushrod wg.g_foundl .

to E lbroken between the ball weld and the red. The D/G was declared l

'M linoperable and an LCD was entered oursuant to T.S. when the oil  !

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CAast OtsCn.RTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS h d6") (The lube oil leak was due to a crack in the tubina which occurred whilej Q] lloosening and tightening the fittina durino maintenance work. The cush-1 i 2 l rod failure was due to.the ball material being difficult to weld. A newI Q lreplacement connector _ pushrod design developed by TDI has been installeti y l_in both Division 1 and Division 2 Diesel Generators. l 7 8 2 80

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2 o issu$f@l" L, ,. i .L.J l i i i i i i i i .s i Ii q y,,,,g, ,, ,, Ron Byrd

Attachment to AECM-84/0146 Page 2 of 2 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION TO LER 83-171/03 K-1 Mississippi Power & Light Company Grand Gulf Nuclear Station - Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 Technical Specification '.u olved : Reported Undar Technica'i 3pecification: Event Narrative:

On October 28, 1983, while prelubing Diesel Generator 11 a fuel oil leak was discovered at a 90 degree connection in the line to the number 5 right bank cylinder. The subcover gasket at the same cylinder was also found damaged and leaking. The diesel generator was declared inoperabla and removed from service to make repairs. An LCO was entered pursuant to Technical Specification The diesel generator remained icoperable for 12.2'i hours.

During this time Diesel Generator 12 was also inoperable. Two hours after entrance into the LCO, shutdown preparations were initiated in accordance with Technical Specification The shutdown was not completed as Diesel Generator 11 was restored 10.25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br /> later.

The leaking tubing and fitting were replaced. The blown gasket was also replaced. During this maintenance work a connector pushrod was found broken between the ball weld and the rod. The pushrod was replaced.

During subsequent inspections,14 of 16 connector pushrods were discovered with cracked or separated welds on the Division 1 Diesel Generator and 13 of 16 on the Division 11 Diesel Generatcr. A metallurgical evaluation concluded tha?. the bal t uaterial is difficult to weld (details of this evaluation were provided in che Diesel Generator Comprehensive Reliability Report, AECM-84/0103). Also, the discovery of a cracked connector pushrod ball demonstrated that the underbead cracks induced during the welding operation

. could propagate through the ball material, causing ft to break into pieces which could potentially disable the diesel generator.

.Further discussion of these failures is included in the Diesel Generator Comprehensive Reliability Report (AECM-84/0103) and PRD 84/03 (AECM-84/0105).

Initially the defective pushrods in both Division l'and Division Il diesels vare replaced with spares and an interim inspection program was implemented.

These pushrods have now been replaced with new rods designed by Transamerica Delaval, Inc. The new design consists of a tubular steel shaft which is friction welded to cylinders of alloy steel on each end. The ends are then machine finished and' hardened. The changes in materials and manufacturing processes should prevent recurrence. This is submitted as a final report.

l 12spl.


Helping Build Mississippi ,

P. O. B OX 184 0, J A C K S O N, MIS SIS SIP PI 3 9 2 05

" A 9 :h01 Marc 16, 1984 NUCLEAR PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta St. , N.W. , Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Attention: Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-13 File: 0260/L-835.0 Update Report - Diesel Generator 11 Declared Inoperable After j Discovery of a Fuel Oil Leak l LER 83-171/03 X-1 AECM-84/0146 This letter submits an update to a previous report submitted on November 28, 1983. The event for which the report was submitted occurred on October 28, 1983, while prelubing Diesel Generator 11, when a fuel oil leak was discovered at a connection in the number 5 right bank cylinder line. The subcover head gasket at the same cylinder was also damaged and leaking. The diesel generator was declared inoperable and a Limiting Condition for Operation was entered pursuant to Technical Specification when the oil leak was discovered. This was reported pursuant to Technical Specification

Our investigation and corrective action associated with the above event is complete. This is a final report. Attached is LER 83-171/03 X-1 with Supplementary Information.

Yours truly, L. F. Dale Manager of Nuclear Services EBS/SHH:rg Attachment cc: See next page Alhy,7fg'g.

pfY Member Middle South Utilities System

AECM-84/0146 MISSISSIPPI POWER Q LI2HT COMPANY Pege 2 cc: Mr. J. B. Richard (w/a)

Mr. R. B. McGehee (w/o)

Mr. T. B. Conner (w/o)

Mr. G._B. Taylor (w/o)

Mr. Richard C. DeYoung, Director (w/a)

Office of Inspection & Enforcement

. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Document Control Desk (w/a)

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555