U-602664, Responds to GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves

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Responds to GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/18/1996
From: Connell W
GL-89-10, GL-96-05, GL-96-5, L30-96(11-18)LP, U-602664, WC-350-96, NUDOCS 9611260319
Download: ML20134N400 (3)


- -. .. . . - - .

Illinois Power Company -

~ Clinton Power Station {'

'* P.O. Box 678

.- Clinton,IL 61727 7 Tel 217 935-5623 Fax 217 935-4632


) Wilfred Connell '

l l- Vice President ILLIN 91S u-6o2m P&WER uo-96at -18 e

.. 8G.120 WC-350-96 i

November 18 1996

, Docket No. 50-461 I I



Document Control Desk


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 1



Illinois Power's (IP's) Response to Generic Letter ]

(GL) 96-05, " Periodic Verification of Design-Basis i Capability of Safety-Rehted Motor-Onerated Valves"

Dear Madam or Sir:

This letter is responding to GL 96-05. GL 96-05 requires that addressees 3 establish a program, or to ensure the effectiveness of its current program, to verify on a l periodic basis that safety-related Motor-Operated Valves (MOVs) continue to be capable of performing their safety functions within the current licensing bases of the facility. The program should ensure that changes in required performance resulting from degradation (such as those caused by age) can be properly identified and accounted for. In addition, addressees that have developed periodic verification programs in response to GL 89-10 should review those programs to determine whether ,

any changes are appropriate in light of the information in this generic letter.  !

Addressees are required to respond with the following information within sixty days from the date of this generic letter.

la) Indicating whether or not the addressee will implement the action (s) requested herein.

In accordance with the recommendations of Generic Letter 89-10, Clinton Power Station (CPS) established and implemented an MOV Periodic Verification Program. This program is designed to ensure that the long term i performance capability of GL 89-10 MOVs is maintained. This program incorporates an appropriate mix of diagnostic testing in conjunction with a comprehensive trending program. It is the intent that this combination of diagnostic testing and trending program will be sufficient to detect potential degradations which could possibly result in increased thrust / torque requirements or decreases in actuator output.

I 9611260319 961118 PDR P

ADOCK 05000461 PDR

. U-602664

/ Page 2 l

lb) If the addressee intends to implement the requested action (s), the addressee l shall submit a schedule for completing implementation. I IP will review the CPS MOV Periodic Verification Program to determine if any changes may be appropriate in light ofinformation contained in this generic letter. l 1

A written summary of the program will be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as requested in Required Response Item 2 of the generic letter.

Attachment 1 provides an affidavit supporting the facts set forth in this letter.


Sincerely yours,  ;

fd' 0" Wilfred Connell Vice President I

JSP/csm i Attachment cc: NRC Clinton Licensing Project Manager -

NRC Resident Office, V-690 l Regional Administrator, Region III, USNRC Illinois Department ofNuclear Safety l


9 '

- 1 Attachment 1 I to U-602664 i l

Wilfred Connell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Vice President of t

the Nuclear Program at Illinois Power; that this letter supplying information for Generic Letter 96-05 has been prepared under his supervision and direction; that he knows the contents thereof; and that to the best of his knowledge and belief said letter and the facts contained therein are tme and correct.

I Date: This /8 day ofNovember 1996.  !

Signed: /tdd/m/ O/w M hilfred Connell STATE OF ILLINOIS l SS. '0FFOAL

% , SEAL

  • R umm. 1 A4/[57 COUNTY J ,

My 1 7 c:::::::::::::::::.. :,,,

Subscribed and sworn to before me this /8 day ofNovember 1996.

^:- ANw s3 Yw

'/(Notary Publicj l