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Motion Requesting Adoption of Encl Proposed Schedule & Mod of 790223 Special Prehearing Conference Order Accordingly.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 06/20/1979
From: Gibbs M, Mark Miller
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8007290960
Download: ML19344A082 (7)


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Before the Atomic-Safety And Licensing Board



In the Matter of )



) 50-330 (Midland Plant, Units 1.and-2) )



1. On February 23, 1979, this Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (" Licensing Board") issued a Special Prehear-ing Conference Order in the:above-captioned proceeding which, among other things, established a schedule for the conduct of

-the operating license proceeding for the Midland Plant based on_certain~ assumed dates for issuance of Nuclear Regulatory ,

Commission (the "NRC" or the " Commission") Staff documents.

At that time, the scheduled issuance dates for the NRC Staff

-documents were as follows:

DES -February 9, 1979 SER_- May-1, 1979 FES - June 27, 1979 SER Supp - August 1, 1979 The Order provided that "A determination by the Board as to


whether or not. environmental and health and safety matters


will be heard at separate hearings will' abide further prog-ress in issuance of the Staff. documents."

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2. .As a result of the Th'ree Mile Island accident,- g the NRC Staff has reallocated its resources so as to defer


-most' licensing review-of the Midland Plant application, which in~ turn will defer issuance of the foregoing documents to dates-that have'not yet been established. Deferral of the review process was also based on an NRC Staff estimate that construction of Unit 2 of the Midland Plant (i.e., the first-unit-to come on line) would-not be completed until November, 1981. The NRC Staff advised the Licensing Board of this es-

'timate by letter dated May 21, 1979. Thai astimate was made without consultation with Consumers Power Company (" Consumers Power" or " Applicant") and was not based on any new informa-

' tion or data supplied by Applicant. Applicant does not agree with~the NRC Staff estimate. However, as Consumers Power is ,

s advising the Licensing Board and the partic: by letter of today's date, Applicant has revised its project schedule so as to delay its Unit 2 target fuel load date from/ November

'1980, to June 1981. The Unit 1 target fuel load date re- ~

-mains November, 1981.

3. The NRC Staff has advised Consumers Power that, notwithstanding the announced licensing review deferral of the Midland Plant, the DES -is expected to be . issued in

' September or October, 1979. Also, NRC Staff work on the diesel generator building settlement issue is proceeding and the NRC: Staff 'should be able to make a safety analysis of

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1 that issue in'the same~ approximate time frame now'contem- o o

plated for issuance of.the DES.

4. Accordingly,-Applicant believes that separate-

. hearings should be held on environsental and radiological health and' safety matters, a possibility which the Licensing

. Board' recognized in its Order. A proposed. schedule for en-vironmental issues and the diesel generator building settle--

ment issuecis attached. The schedule also proposes >that a prehearing conference be held on October 23,-1979, to estab-lish a schedule for the remaining issues to be tried.

S '. clearly within a Licensing-Board's power to regulate the course.of'a hearing and to consider a partic-

-ular issue or-issues separately from, and prior to, other issues. _stomac Electric Power-Company (Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1.and 2), ALAB-277, 1-NRC-539 (1975);-10 C.F.R. S2. 718 (e) ; 10 C.F.R. Part 2, Appendix

'A, par. I(c) . As the Atomic Safety-and Licensing Appeal Board stated in' Douglas Point, the principal factors to be ~

considered by~the Licensing-Board in deciding whether hear-

=ings on specific issues ~are appropriate are:- .

(1) the degree of likelihood that any early findings on the^ issue (s) would-retain'their vslidity; (2) the advantage, if any, to the public interest:and'to the litigants in having an early, if not. necessarily~ conclusive, resolution of the issues (s) ; .and (3) the~ extent to which the. hearing of the issue'(s) at an t-,-.


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.ea'rly. stage would,-particularly'.if the issue (s) were-later

.reopenednbecause of supervening developments, occasion prej-udice'to one.or.more of the litigants. 1 NRC at 547.

6. Early resolution of environmental issdes and.

the diesel-generator building settlement issue wotid enhance the possibility that licensing review and hearings will be-completed;by the time: Unit 2 is ready for-fuel loading. If.

those portions'of the licensing process are not completed and fuel loading-is delayed, a significant increase in inter-est charges and other costs to Consumers Power and its rate--

payers would result. .In-addition, the delay would adversely

-affect'The Dow Chemical. Company which has an urgent need for the process steam to be supplied from the Midland Plant co-generation facility. Finally, resolution of these issues at an early. stage would better enable. Applicant,to make any modifications to the nuclear plant required as a resultiof 5

-the Li~ censing Board's findings. -

7, .For the reasons set forth above, Applicant re-quests that the Licensing Board adopt the attached-schedule for further proceedings in this matter, and modify the February 23, 1979 Special Prehearine Conference Order accord-ingly.-

Respectfully. submitted, O cN IW bk~

Michael I. Miller i lh f ; h'}

h 61 b -( G I p5'A Martha E. Gibbs' g

ISHAM, LINCOLN & BEALE One First National: Plaza 4200- .

Chicago, Illinois:



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-3 2/23/79 - Special Prehearing Conference Order. Dis-covery begins.



-Issuance of' partial SER on diesel generator building settlement.


-9/03/79 . Issuance of DES.

10/23/79 Prehearing conference.

12/03/79 - Discovery related to Environmental and diesel generator building settlement issues ends.

12/14/79 Restatement of contentions due.

12/24/79 Responses to restatement of contentions, if i

necessary, due.

2/01/80 Issuance of FES.

2/18/80 Supplemental environmental discovery request due.

3/07/80 Supplemental' environmental discovery, if re-quested, ends. . <

3/17/80 Restatement of contentions due.

3/27/80' Responses to restatement of contentions, if necessary, due..

4/07/80 Deadline for filing motions for summary '


5/02/80 Answers to motions for summary disposition due.

-5/09/80 Prehearing: conference.

5/30/80 Deadline for filing written testimony.

6/17/80 . Hearings.begin.

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-NUCLEAR ~ REGULATORY COMMISSION-g Before the Atomic Safety T And Licensing Board

. )

'In the Matter of ~ ).


. CONSUMERS' POWER COMPANY ) Docket Nos. 50-329

) 50-330

-(Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) )


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify.that copies of the attached-

" MOTION OF CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY TO ESTABLISH. SCHEDULE" in the above-captioned proceeding have been served upon the l' ~following parties by? United States Mail, first-class postage

~ prepaid,'this 20th day-of June, 1979


-Ivan W.- Smith, E Jg. Ms. Mary Sinclair Atomic Safety-.and Licensing Board 5711LSummerset Street U.S.. Nuclear Regulatory Comn.

Midland, Michigan 48640 'l


- Washington, D.C. 20555 Colleen P. Woodhead, Esq. 'j

~ Counsel *for the NRC Scaff Mr._Lester Kornblith, Jr. '

~ Atomic. Safety and Licensing-Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comn. . )

U.S.. Nuclear Regulatory Comn; Washington, D.C. .20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 i

Atomic Safety and Licensing: ~

.l Dr. Frederick-P. Cow n ~ Board Panel.



Apt.?B-125 . .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comn.

6152 North Verde Trail' Washington, D.C. 20555 Boca Raton,-Florida--33433.

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Atomic Safety and Licensing Frank J. Kelly, Esq.

-Appeal Panel' Attorney. General of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comn. State of Michigan

-Washington, D.C. 20555 Stewart H. Freeman, Esq.

. Assistant Attorney General-Gregory T. Taylor, Esq.- ~

+ Myron M. Cherry, Esq. Assistant Attorney General i


1 IBM Plaza - 4501 Environmental Protection Div.

Chicago, Illinois 60611 720 Law Building Lansing, Michigan -48913 Mr. C. R. Stephens Chief, Docketing and Service Mr. Wendell H. Marshall

Section 4645 South Saginaw Road Office of the Secretary -

Midland, Michigan 48640 j

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comn. l Washington, D.C. 20555  !

Grant J. Merritt, Esq. .

Thompson, Nielsen,  !

! Klaverkamp & James 4444 IDS Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 l

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L @h L- .. ( n) , % t i Martha E. Gibbs One of the Attorneys for l CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY j ISHAM, LINCOLN &'BEALE One-First National Plaza - 4200 Chicago,. Illinois '60603 u 312/786-7500 l June 20, 1979

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