L-16-166, Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 20, Revision 20

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Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 20, Revision 20
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/27/2016
From: Boles B
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16152A006 (31)


FENOC-' -.\ 5501 North State Route 2 Oak Harbor,Ohio 43449 FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company Brian D. Boles 419-321-7676 VicePresident,Nuclear May27,2016 L-16-166 ATTN: Document ControlDesk U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, DC20555-0001


Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation,UnitNo. 1 DocketNo.50-346,LicenseNo.NPF-3 CoreOperating LimitsReport.Cycle20. Revision0 Pursuant to the requirements of Davis-BesseNuclearPowerStation(DBNPS)

TechnicalSpecification 5.6.3,"Core OperatingLimitsReport(COLR),"FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company, herebysubmitsthe DBNPSCycle20 COLR,Revision 0.

Thereare no regulatory commitments contained lf thereare any in thissubmittal.

questions or if additional information please is required, contact ThomasA. Lentz, Mr.

Manager FleetLicensing, at (330)315-6810.



BrianD. Boles


FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company,Davis-Besse Unit1 Cycle20, CoreOperating LimitsReport,Revision0 cc. NRCRegionlllAdministrator NRCResidentInspector NRCProjectManager UtilityRadiological SafetyBoard

Enclosure L-16-166 FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company, Davis-BesseUnit1, Cycle20, LimitsReport,Revision0 CoreOperating (29 Pages Follow)


LISTOF EFFECTIVEPAGES Page 1 through29 Rev.0

Davis-BesseCycle20 COLR Page2 ot 29 Revision0 1.0 CoreOperatingLimits This GOREOPERATINGLIMITSREPORTfor DB-1Cycle20 has beenpreparedin accordance with the requirements of TechnicalSpecification5.6.3. The CoreOperatingLimitshavebeen developedusingthe methodology providedin Reference2.0 (1). The licensedlengthof Cycle20 is 680 EFPDS.

The followingcycle-specific coreOperatingLimits,ProtectiveLimitand Flux-A Flux-FlowReactor ProtectionSystemAllowableValuesare includedin this report:

1. S L 2 . 1. 1 . 1 ReactorCoreSafetyLimits 2 . L C O3 . 1 . 1 SHUTDOWN MARGTN (SDM)
3. LCO3.1.3 ModeratorTemperature Coefficient(MTC) 4 . L C O3 . 1 . 7 Positionlndicator Channels
s. Lco3.1.8 PHYSICS TESTSExceptions - MODE1 6 . L C O3 . 1 . 9 PHYSICS TESTSExceptions - MODE2 7 . L C O3 . 2 . 1 Regulating RodInsertion Limits
9. LCO3.2.3 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Operating Limits 1 0 . L C O3 . 2 . 4 QUADRANT POWERTlLT(OPT) 1 1 . L C O3 . 2 . 5 PowerPeakingFactors
12. LCO3.3.1 ReactorProtection Systems(RPS)Instrumentation Function8: (Flux- AFlux- Flow)Allowable Values 1 3 . L C O3 . 9 . 1 BoronConcentration 1 4 .T R M8 . 1 . 3 RodProgram 2.0 References
1) BAW-10179P-A, Rev.8, "SafetyCriteriaandMethodology forAcceptable CycleReload Analyses", May2010.

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page3 of 29 Revision 0 Tableof Contents ReactorGoreSafetyLimits Figure1 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE ProtectiveLimits Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 SHUTDOWN MARGTN (SDM)

Table1 Shutdown MarginRequirements ModeratorTemperatureCoefficient(MTG)

Table2 Moderator Temperaturb Limit Coefficient PositionIndicatorChannels Table3 AbsolutePositionIndicator (RPl)

(APl)/ RelativePositionIndicator Agreement Limit RegulatingRod InsertionLimits Figure2a Regulating GroupPositionOperating Limits 0 to 300t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Fis ure2b its ff:issi ?;"JFJ;:ff; Rt"Sil3,Lim Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure2c Regulating GroupPositionOperating Limits 0 to 300t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure2d Regulating GroupPosition Operating Limits After300t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 AXIALPOWERSHAPINGROD(APSR)InsertionLimits Figure3 APSRPositionOperating Limits AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits Figure4a AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Operating Limits 0 to 50 t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure4b AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Operating Limits 50 t 10to 400t 10EFPD,FourRGPumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure4c AXIALPOWERIMBA1SNCE Operating Limits 400t 10to 550t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure4d AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Operating Limits 550t 10to EOC,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page4 of 29 Revision0 Tableof Contents Paqe Figure4e AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 0 to 50 r 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 18 Figure4f AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 50 t 10to 400t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 19 Figure49 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 400t 10to 550r 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 20 Figure4h AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 550t 10to EOC,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 21 QUADRANTPOWERTlLT(OPT)

Table4 QUADRANT POWERTILTLimits 22 PowerPeakingFactors Table5 PowerPeakingFactors- Fo 23 Table6 PowerPeakingFactors- FNaH 25 Figure5 Maximum Allowable RadialPeakfor FNau 25 Table7 Maximum Allowable RadialPeakfor FNan 26 ReactorProtectionSystem(RPS)Instrumentation Figure6 Flux-AFlux-Flow (or Power/lmbalance/Flow) Values Allowable 27 Boron Goncentration Table8 Refueling BoronConcentration Limlt 28 Rod Program Figure7 ControlRodCoreLocations andGroupAssignments 29

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page5 of 29 Revision 0

Figure1 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Protective Limits Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 ThisFigureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 120

(-44.70,110.2) (32.11,110.2) 110 4 P U M PL I M I T

(-48.81, 99.5) 100

(-44.70,90.0) (32.11,90.0) 3 P U M PL I M I T (41.70,87.4)

( - 4 8 . 8 17,9 . 3 )

tr (41.70,67.2) ul o

(L 60 J





-30 10 0 10 20 30 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE,  %

RequiredMeasured 4 Pumo 3 Pump Pumps ReactorCoolant Flowto Ensure Power Negatiw Positiw Porrver Negatiw Positiw Lerel lmbalance lmbalance Ler,el lmbalance lmbalance Ooeratino Flow. oom Comoliance.oDm 110.2 44.70 32.11 90.0 4.70 32.11 4 380.000 389.500 99.5 48.81 79.3 -48.81 3 283.860 290.957 87.4 -48.81 41.70 67.2 48.81 41.70 0.0 -48.81 41.70 0.0 -48.81 41.70

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page6 of 29 Revision 0

Table1 Shutdown MarginRequirements VerifySHUTDOWN MARGINperthetablebelow.


. 5. 3

. .9 MODE3 >- 1 o/o\klk 3 . 1 . 13,. 3 . 9 M O D E4 >- 1 o/oLVk MODE5 >- 1 o/o\Wk 3.1.1,3.3.9 MODE1 PHYSICSTESTS

> 1 %LWk 3.1.8 Exceptions**

MODE2 PHYSICSTESTS >-1 %Lklk 3.1.9 Exceptions

  • The requiredShutdownMargincapabilityof 'l olodlvkin MODE1 and MODE2 is preservedby the Regulating RodInsertionLimitsspecifiedin Figures2a through2d as requiredby TechnicalSpecification 3.2.1.

.* EntryintoMode1 PhysicsTestsExceptions is not supportedby existinganalyses.For example,Regulating RodShutdownMarginInsertionLimitsassumptions maynot be met andas suchrequiresactualshutdownmargin to be > 1 %AUkvia alternateverification or calculation.

  • '*Forthe periodfrom0 to 300 EFPDand for powerlevels60 %FPand above,rodinsertionlimitsare established that reservean additional0.5 %Aldkrequiredrodworthto accommodate the futureimDlementation of an update to theSBLOCAmodel.

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page7 of 29 Revision 0 Table2 Moderator Temperature CoefficientLimit Theselimitsarereferred to by Technical 3.1.3 Specifications

1. LowerLimit:

MTCat HFP> -3.638x10-4 AUU'F (-36.38pcm/'F)

2. Thefollowinq UpperLimitsmaynotbe exceeded withoutpriorNRCapproval:

MTC<0.9x 104Ak/ld'FwhenThermalPower<95%RTP MTC<0.0x 104 Aklkl"FwhenThermalPower295o/o RTP

3. The followinqUpper Limitsmav not be exceededfor operationin Modes 1 and 2:

1 0E-04


g.0E-05 F


(, 8 0E-05 IF o

o 7 0E-05 u


= 6.0F-05 d l ro...

tr b{ 5.0E-05 o.x F

{' 4.0E-05 F


{J o 3 0E-05 (E

l-o 2 0E-05 T'

o E 1.0E-05 0.0E+00 40 60 PercentFull Power

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page8 of 29 Revision0 Table3 AbsolutePositionIndicator (RPl)

(APl)/ RelativePositionIndicator Agreement Limit This limitis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.1.7 The absolutepositionindicatorchannelsand the relativepositionindicatorchannelsagreewithin3.00%.

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page9 of 29 Revision 0

Figure2a RegulatingGroupPositionOperatingLimits 0 to 300 +10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.1 110 100 90 fr' 80


o rL 70 d

ffi60 I

F fF i 5 0 E.

b40 c

o g

B30 t-

=20 (L

10 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index,%Withdrawn P 7P 1q0 Group5 o Group6 o Group7 Note1: A RodGroupoverlapof 25 +/- 5%betweensequential withdrawngroups5 and6, and6 and7, shallbemaintained.

Note2: lnstrument erroris accounted for in theseOperating Limits.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37%RTP.

SDM Limit RlLimit Power RI Poruer RI 100.37 2 1 5 . 9 0 100.37 300.00 58.00 164.50 100.37 277.40 33.00 72.50 90.00 266.50 2.70 0.00 78.00 251.50 58.00 246.50 33.00 72.50 2.70 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page10of29 Revision 0

Figure2b RegulatingGroupPositionOperatingLimits After300 +10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.1 110 100 90 fr' Bo


R7a ffi60 I

ffso E.

b40 c

o g

E30 l-

=20 (L

10 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index,%Withdrawn P 7p 1q0 Group5 o Group6 g 1u '90 Group 7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlapof 25 +l- 5% betweensequentialwithdrawngroups5 and 6, and 6 and 7, shall be maintained.

Note2: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in these OperatingLimits.

Note 3: Maximumplottedpower level is 100.37%RTP.

SDM Limit RlLimit Power RI PovYer RI 100.37 272.80 100.37 300.00 58.00 202.50 100.37 277.40 33.00 172.50 90.00 266.50 1.90 0.00 78.00 251.50 58.00 246.50 33.00 172.50 1.90 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page11of 29 Revision 0

Figure2c RegulatingGroupPositionOperatingLimits 0 to 300 +10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.1 110 100 90 mBo


Rro tr60 T

ftso t

b40 c

o) g E30 t-

=20 (L

10 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index.%Withdrawn P 7p 1q0 Group5 o Group6 g 1u '90 Group7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlapof 25 +l- 5% betweensequentialwithdrawngroups5 and 6, and 6 and 7, shall be maintained.

Note2: lnstrumenterror is accountedfor in these OperatingLimits.

Note 3: Maximumplottedpower level is 75.37 %RTP, however,steamgeneratoranalyseslimitspowerto 73.46 %RTP.

SDM Limit RlLimit Poryer RI Ponrcr RI 75.37 216.70 75.37 300.00 43.10 164.50 75.37 278.10 24.30 72.50 67.00 266.50 1.60 0.00 58.00 251.50 43.00 246.50 24.30 72.50 1.60 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page12of 29 Revision 0

Figure2d Regulating GroupPositionOperating Limits After300 +10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.1 110 100 90 frBo


870 fr60 I

ffso E.

b40 c

o g

$30 t-

=20 (L

10 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index,%Withdrawn P 7p 1q0 Group5 o Group6

? 1u 'qo Group7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlapof 25 +l- 5% betweensequentialwithdrawngroups5 and 6, and 6 and 7, shall be maintained.

Note2: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in these OperatingLimits.

Note 3: MaMaximumplottedpower level is 75.37 %RTP, however,steamgeneratoranalyseslimitspowerto 73.46 %RTP.

SDM Limit RlLimit Power RI Poraler RI 75.37 273.90 75.37 300.00 43.10 202.50 75.37 278.10 24.30 172.50 67.00 266.50 1.00 0.00 58.00 251.50 43.00 246.50 24.30 172.50 1.00 0.00

Davis-BesseCycle20 COLR Page13of 29 0

Revision Figure3 APSRPosition Limits Operating ThisFigureis referredto by Technical 3.2.2 Specifications BeforeAPSRPull: 0 EFPDto 605t 10 EFPD, Threeor Four RC pumpsoperation*

LowerLimit:0 %WD UpperLimit:100%WD After APSRPull: 605t 10 EFPDto End-of-Cycle Threeor Four RC pumpsoperation*

Insertion Prohibited (maintain> 99%WD)**

Powerrestricted to 75.37o/o for 3-pumpoperation,however,steamgenerator analyseslimits power to 73.46%RTP.

Reinsertionis allowedonlyduringthe endof cycleshutdown whenthe reactor poweris equalto, or lessthan,30%RTP.

Davis-BesseCycle20 COLR Page14of 29 Revision 0

Figure4a AXTALeOWERTMBALANCE OperatingLimits 0 to 50 t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3 Restricted Region Permissible Operating Region

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 30 40 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCEo/o Note 1. Instrumenterror is accountedfor in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The ExcorelmbalanceOperatingLimitsare availablefor use when the Full Incore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37%RTP.

Full lncorc Excore l.legatiw Positirc Negatire Positiw Poupr lmbalance lmbalance Power lmbalance lmbalance 100.37 -19.E7 11.85 100.37 -12.29 4.78 92.OO -25.51 20.92 92.OO -17.81 13 . 5 1 EO.OO 3.E9 29.13 EO.OO -25.9E 21.52 60.oo -34.09 31.OO 60.oo -26.64 29.66 o.oo 4.09 31.OO o.oo -26.u 29.66

Davis-BesseCycle20 COLR Page15of 29 0

Revision Figure4b AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 50 t 10 EFPDto 400t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-50 -30 -20 -10 20 AXIALPOWERIMBALAN CE o/o Note 1: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The ExcorelmbalanceOperatingLimitsare availablefor use when the Full Incore systemis non-functional.

Note 3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37%RTP.

Full Incore Excore Negatitr Posititp Negatiw Positiw Porrcr lmbalancc lmbalance Poupr lmbalance lmbalance 1q).37 -20.87 18.50 100.37 -13.23 11.O1 92.OO -27.65 24.8 92.OO -19.81 17.30 80.oo 34.87 30.06 EO.OO -26.90 25.12 60.0o 7.OO 31.0O 60.o0 -30.16 31.OO o.oo 7.OO 31.OO o.oo o.16 31.OO

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page16of 29 0

Revision Figure4c AXTALPOWERTMBALANCE OperatingLimits 400t 10 EFPDto 550t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-50 -40 -20 -10 60 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCEo/o Note 1: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The ExcorelmbalanceOperatingLimitsare availablefor use when the Full Incore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37o/oRTP.

Full lncore Excore Negatiw Pogitirc Negatiw Positiw Poupr lmbalance lmbalance Pouer lmbalance lmbalance 100.37 -17.14 14.E0 100.37 -9.73 7.il 92.O0 -23.27 20.4 92.O0 -15.72 13.06 80.o0 1.13 28.25 80.oo -23.39 20.70 60.oo 5.25 31.OO 60.oo -27.73 28.66 o.oo 5.25 31.OO o.oo -27.73 2E.66

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page17of 29 Revision 0

Figure4d AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 550t 10 EFPDto EOC,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-60 -50 60 AXIALPOWERIMBALAN CE o/o Note 1: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The ExcorelmbalanceOperatingLimitsare availablefor use when the Full Incore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37o/oRTP.

Full lncorc Excore Ncgatirc Pogitiw Negatite Positiw Poupr lmbalance knbalance Pourcr lmbalance lmbalance 100.37 -16.60 13.90 100.37 -9.23 6.70 92.OO -22.30 19.64 92.OO -14.80 12.31 EO.OO -30.64 27.51 EO.OO -22.% 20.o1 60.00 -32.49 31.OO 60.oo -25.15 27.il o.oo -32.4s 31.OO o.oo -25.15 27.il

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page18of 29 Revision 0

Figure4e AXTALeOWERTMBALANCE OperatingLimits 0 to 50 t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 40 50 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE o/o Note'l: Instrumentenor is accounted for in theseOperatingLimits.

Nole2: TheExcorelmbalance Operating Limitsareavailable for usewhenthe FullIncore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 75.37%RTP,however, steamgeneratoranalyseslimitspol,ver to 73.46%RTP.

Full krcore Excore Negatiw Positi\r Negatirc Positiw Poupr lmbalancc lmbalance Power lmbalance lmbalance 75.37 -20.12 12.10 75.37 -13.14 5.62 69.0O -25.71 21.15 69.OO -18.56 14.26 60.0o -34.09 26.65 60.00 -26.57 22.11 45.0O A'4.23 31.OO 45.OO -26.% 29.95 o.oo -34.23 31.00 o.oo -26.% 29.95

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page19of 29 0

Revision Figure4f AXIALPOWERIMBALANCEOperatingLimits 50 t 10 EFPDto 400 t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3 Restricted Region Permissible Operating Region

-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE o/o Note1: Instrument is enor accounted for in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The Excorelmbalance Operating Limitsareavailable for usewhenthe FullIncore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpoler levelis75.37%RTP,however,steam generatoranalyseslimitspower to 73.46%RTP.

Full lncorc Excore t{cgatiw Positirc Negatirc Positire Ponler lmbalance Inbalance Power lmbalance lmbalance 75.37 -21.12 18.75 75.37 -14.OE 11.E5 69.0O -27.88 22.15 69.OO -20.56 18.05 60.0o 5.07 26.65 60.00 -27.49 25.72 45.OO -37.OO 31.OO 45.OO -30.45 31.OO o.o0 -37.OO 31.OO o.oo -30.45 31.OO

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page20 of 29 Revision0 Figure49 AXTALeOWERTMBALANCE OperatingLimits 400 t 10 EFPDto 550t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-50 -30 -20 -10 50 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

Note1: Instrumentenoris accounted for in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: TheExcorelmbalance OperatingLimitsareavailablefor usewhenthe FullIncore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedporverlevelis 75.37%RTP,horrrrever,steam generatoranalyseslimitspower to 73.46%RTP.

Full hcore Excore hlegatiw Positiw Negatiw Positirc Poupr lmbalance lmbalance Power lmbalance lmbalance 75.37 -17.39 15.05 75.37 -10.5E 8.36 69.OO -23.50 20.67 69.0O -16.46 13.80 60.oo 1.33 26.65 60.0o -23.99 21.29 45.OO 5.40 31.OO 45.OO -28.O3 28.96 o.oo 5.40 31.OO o.oo -28.03 28.96

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page21 of 29 Revision0 Figure4h AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE operatingLimits 550t 10 EFPDto EOC,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3 Restricted Region Permissible Operating Region

-50 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40 50 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

Note1: Instrumentenoris accounted for in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The Excorelmbalance OperatingLimitsareavailable for usewhenthe FullIncore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 75.37%RTP,horryever,steam generatoranalyseslimilspower to 73.46%RTP.

Fudl Incore Excore Nlegatiw Positip Nlegatirc Positiw Pourcr lmbalance knbalance Pourer lmbalance lmbalance 75.37 -16.85 14.15 75.37 -10.08 7.il 69.00 -22.53 19.87 69.OO -15.55 13.05 60.00 -30.E4 26.65 60.oo -23.53 20.60 45.00 -32.U 31.OO 45.OO -25.4 27.U o.oo -32.64 31.OO o.oo -25.4 27.U

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page22 of 29 Revision0 Table4 QUADRANT POWERTILTLimits This Table is referredto by TechnicalSpecifications3.2.4 From0 EFPDto EOC Steady-stateLimit Steady-stateLimit QUADRANT for THERMAL for THERMAL POWERTILT as POWER< 60% POWER >60% Transient Limit Maximum Limit measuredby: (%) ("/") ("/"') (%)

SymmetricIncore 20.00 7.90 4.54 10.03 DetectorSystem

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page23 of 29 Revision 0

Table5 PowerPeakingFactors- Fo This Table is referredto by TechnicalSpecifications3.2.5 Heat Flux Hot ChannelFactorFa Fo shallbe limitedby the followingrelationships:

Fo S LHRailow (Bu)/ [LHR"ug " p] (for P < 1.0) alpdtow(Bu) = see the followingtables LHRaus = 6.4209kW/ftat2817MWtfor all fuel P = Tatioof THERMALPOWER/ RATEDTHERMALPOWER Bu = fuelburnup(MWd/mtU)

Note:Themeasured Fo shallbe increased by 1.4o/o to accountfor manufacturing tolerances andfurther increased by 7.5o/o to accountfor measurement beforecomparing uncertainty to the limits.

UO2Fuel(Mark-B-HTP) - All BatchesLHR&rylVl/lftG) 0 34,000 62,000 CoreElevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 17.4 15.0 10.9 2.506 17.4 15.0 10.9 4.264 17.3 14.9 10.9 6.021 16.8 14.8 11.1 7.779 17.0 14.7 11.1 9.536 16.2 14.3 11.1 12.000 15.4 13.5 10.4 (a) Linearinterpolationfor allowableLHR betweenspecifiedburnuppointsis validfor thesetables.

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page24 ot 29 Revision0 Table5 (continued) 4 wt% Gad Fuel (Mark-B-HTP)- All Batchesexcept21B LHRnuowkWfttal 0 34,000 62,000 CoreElevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 15.6 13.5 9.6 2.506 15.6 13.5 9.6 4.264 15.5 13.3 9.6 6.421 15.1 13.2 9.8 7.779 15.3 13.2 9.8 9.536 14.6 12.8 9.8 12.000 13.8 12.1 9.2 6 wt% Gad Fuel (Mark-B-HTP)- Batch218 LHRnttowkWfUa) 0 34,000 62,000 Core Elevation(ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 15.1 13.2 9.2 2.506 15.1 13.2 9.2 4.264 15.0 13.2 9.2 6.021 14.5 13.1 9.4 7.779 14.8 13.0 9.4 9.536 14.1 12.7 9.4 12.000 13.3 12.0 8.8 8 wt% Gad Fuel (Mark-B-HTP)- All BatchesLHRnuowkWftG) 0 34,000 62,000 CoreElevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 14.7 12.7 8.8 2.506 14.7 12.7 8.8 4.264 14.6 12.7 8.8 6.021 14.2 12.5 9.0 7.779 14.4 12.5 9.0 9.536 13.7 12.2 9.0 12.000 13.0 11.5 8.4 for allowableLHRbetweenspecifiedburnuppointsis validfor thesetables.


Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page25ol29 Revision0 Table6 PowerPeakingFactors- FNax ThisTableis referred to by Technical 3.2.5 Specifications EnthalovRiseHotChannelFactors- FNu FNax3 MARP[1 + (1/RH)(1 - P/Pm)] (seenotebelow)

MARP = MaximumAllowableRadialPeak,see MARPFiguresanddataTables P = THERMALPOWER/ RATEDTHERMALPOWERand P < 1.0 P. = 1.00for 4-RCPoperation Pm = 0.75for 3-RCPoperation 1/RH = 0.3 Note:The measuredFNaxshallbe increasedby 5.0%to accountfor measurement uncertainty priorto comparingto the limits.

Figure5 MaximumAllowableRadialPeakfor FNan 2.2 2.7, 2.O A



iJ f;1.8 o



Er-7 E

g E1.5

=5 E1-s



['"L.4 1.3 7..70 1.80 1.90

" Linearinterpolationis acceptable.

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page26 of 29 Revision0 Table7 Maximum AllowableRadialPeakfor FNrur Axial Axial Axial Height Axial Height Peak xlL (inches) MARP Limit Peak xlL (inches) MARP Limit 0.0 0.00 1.88299 0.0 0.00 2.09189 0.1 14.30 1.88398 0.1 14.30 2.03919 0.14 20.02 1.88428 0.14 20.02 2.01827 0.2 28.60 1.88461 0.2 28.60 1.98801 0.4 57.20 1.88490 0.4 57.20 1.86840 1.1 0 .5 7 1 .5 0 1.88439 1.6 0.5 71.50 1.81257 0.6 85.80 1.88451 0.6 85.80 1.73794 0.8 114.40 1.88421 0.8 114.40 1.59754 0.88 125.84 1.85239 0.88 125.U 1.54331 0.9 128.70 1.83969 0.9 128.70 1.55084 1 .0 1 4 3 .0 0 1.73842 1.0 143.00 1.46874 0.0 0.00 1.96511 0.0 0.00 1.99604 0 .1 1 4 .3 0 1.96705 0.1 14.30 1.95702 0.14 20.02 1.96804 0.14 20.02 1.93661 0.2 28.60 1.96825 0_2 28.60 1. 9 0 6 1 5 0.4 57.2A 1.96936 0.4 57.20 1.79933 1.2 0.5 71.50 1.96984 1.7 0.5 71.50 1.74468 0.6 85.80 1. 9 6 9 1 9 0.6 85.80 1.67736 0.8 114.40 1.84278 0.8 114.40 1.54415 0.88 125.84 1.78287 0.88 125.84 1.49299 0.9 128.70 1.78220 0.9 128.70 1.50138 1.0 143.00 1.67994 1.0 143.00 1.42245 0.0 0.00 2.05580 0.0 0.00 1.90606 0 .1 1 4 .3 0 2.05912 0.1 14.30 1.87049 0.14 20.02 2.06036 0.14 20.02 1.85710 0.2 28.60 2.06155 0.2 28.60 1.82954 0.4 57.20 2.06343 0.4 57.20 1.73365 1.3 0.5 71.50 2.01583 1.8 0.5 71.50 1.67902 0.6 85.80 1.93900 0.6 85,80 1.62023 0.8 114.40 1.778U 0.8 114.40 1.49550 0.88 125.84 1.71670 0.88 125.84 1.44607 0.9 128.70 1.72105 0.9 128.70 1.45590 1.0 143.00 1.61890 1.0 143.00 1.37861 0 .0 0 .0 0 2.15314 0.0 0.00 1.82131 0.1 14.30 2.15758 0.1 14.30 1.78903 0j4 20.02 2.15910 0j4 20.02 1.78024 0.2 28.60 2.14648 0.2 28.60 1.75713 0.4 57.20 2.01712 0.4 57.20 1.67040 1.4 0.5 71.50 1.95015 1.9 0.5 71.50 1.61847 0.6 85.80 1.87083 0.6 85.80 1.56653 0.8 114.40 1.71630 0.8 114.40 1.44958 0.88 125.84 1.65545 0.88 125.84 1.40281 0.9 128.70 1.65903 0.9 128.70 1.41322 1.0 143.00 1.57207 1.0 143.00 1.33783 0 .0 0 .0 0 2.17667 0.1 14.30 2.12413 0j4 20.02 2.10403 0.2 28.60 2.07451 0.4 57.20 1.94104 1.5 0 .5 7 1 .5 0 1.88067 0.6 85.80 1.80330 0.8 114.40 1.65555 0.88 125.84 1.59706 0.9 128.70 1.60415 1 .0 1 4 3 .0 0 1. 5 1 8 5 9

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page27 of 29 Revision0 Figure6 Flux-AFlux-Flow (or Power/lmbalance/Flow)

AllowableValues This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.3.1 A)(ALPOVVER IMBATANCE,  %

The3 pumpexamplecurveshowsallowablevaluesfor an approximately 25o/onow reductionfor threepump operation(283,860gpm). Theactualsetpointwill be calculatedby the Reac{orProtection Systemandwill be to the actualreactorcoolantsystemflowwiththreepumps.

directlyproportional Theselimitsare basedon Cycle9 andare conservative relativeto the actualCycle20 limits.

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page28 of 29 Revision 0 Table8 Refueling BoronConcentration Limit This limitis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.9.1 The minimumrequiredboronconcentration for Mode6 shallbe sufficientto ensurea Kcr of 0.95or less,plus an additional1%Ak/kconservatism allowancefor uncertainties.

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page29 of 29 Revision0 Figure7 ControlRodCoreLocations andGroupAssignments ThisFigureis referredto by Technical Requirements Manual8.1.3 N (x) 1 6 7 8 I {0 11 12 13 14 {5 lrtll A

B c



(w) H (Y)



o P

R I x lcroupNumber (zl Group No of Rods Function Group No of Rods Function 1 4 Safety 5 12 Control 2 I Safety 6 I Control 3 4 Safety 7 8 Control 4 I Safety 8 I APSRs Total 61

FENOC-' -.\ 5501 North State Route 2 Oak Harbor,Ohio 43449 FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company Brian D. Boles 419-321-7676 VicePresident,Nuclear May27,2016 L-16-166 ATTN: Document ControlDesk U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, DC20555-0001


Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation,UnitNo. 1 DocketNo.50-346,LicenseNo.NPF-3 CoreOperating LimitsReport.Cycle20. Revision0 Pursuant to the requirements of Davis-BesseNuclearPowerStation(DBNPS)

TechnicalSpecification 5.6.3,"Core OperatingLimitsReport(COLR),"FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company, herebysubmitsthe DBNPSCycle20 COLR,Revision 0.

Thereare no regulatory commitments contained lf thereare any in thissubmittal.

questions or if additional information please is required, contact ThomasA. Lentz, Mr.

Manager FleetLicensing, at (330)315-6810.



BrianD. Boles


FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company,Davis-Besse Unit1 Cycle20, CoreOperating LimitsReport,Revision0 cc. NRCRegionlllAdministrator NRCResidentInspector NRCProjectManager UtilityRadiological SafetyBoard

Enclosure L-16-166 FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company, Davis-BesseUnit1, Cycle20, LimitsReport,Revision0 CoreOperating (29 Pages Follow)


LISTOF EFFECTIVEPAGES Page 1 through29 Rev.0

Davis-BesseCycle20 COLR Page2 ot 29 Revision0 1.0 CoreOperatingLimits This GOREOPERATINGLIMITSREPORTfor DB-1Cycle20 has beenpreparedin accordance with the requirements of TechnicalSpecification5.6.3. The CoreOperatingLimitshavebeen developedusingthe methodology providedin Reference2.0 (1). The licensedlengthof Cycle20 is 680 EFPDS.

The followingcycle-specific coreOperatingLimits,ProtectiveLimitand Flux-A Flux-FlowReactor ProtectionSystemAllowableValuesare includedin this report:

1. S L 2 . 1. 1 . 1 ReactorCoreSafetyLimits 2 . L C O3 . 1 . 1 SHUTDOWN MARGTN (SDM)
3. LCO3.1.3 ModeratorTemperature Coefficient(MTC) 4 . L C O3 . 1 . 7 Positionlndicator Channels
s. Lco3.1.8 PHYSICS TESTSExceptions - MODE1 6 . L C O3 . 1 . 9 PHYSICS TESTSExceptions - MODE2 7 . L C O3 . 2 . 1 Regulating RodInsertion Limits
9. LCO3.2.3 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Operating Limits 1 0 . L C O3 . 2 . 4 QUADRANT POWERTlLT(OPT) 1 1 . L C O3 . 2 . 5 PowerPeakingFactors
12. LCO3.3.1 ReactorProtection Systems(RPS)Instrumentation Function8: (Flux- AFlux- Flow)Allowable Values 1 3 . L C O3 . 9 . 1 BoronConcentration 1 4 .T R M8 . 1 . 3 RodProgram 2.0 References
1) BAW-10179P-A, Rev.8, "SafetyCriteriaandMethodology forAcceptable CycleReload Analyses", May2010.

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page3 of 29 Revision 0 Tableof Contents ReactorGoreSafetyLimits Figure1 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE ProtectiveLimits Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 SHUTDOWN MARGTN (SDM)

Table1 Shutdown MarginRequirements ModeratorTemperatureCoefficient(MTG)

Table2 Moderator Temperaturb Limit Coefficient PositionIndicatorChannels Table3 AbsolutePositionIndicator (RPl)

(APl)/ RelativePositionIndicator Agreement Limit RegulatingRod InsertionLimits Figure2a Regulating GroupPositionOperating Limits 0 to 300t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Fis ure2b its ff:issi ?;"JFJ;:ff; Rt"Sil3,Lim Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure2c Regulating GroupPositionOperating Limits 0 to 300t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure2d Regulating GroupPosition Operating Limits After300t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 AXIALPOWERSHAPINGROD(APSR)InsertionLimits Figure3 APSRPositionOperating Limits AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits Figure4a AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Operating Limits 0 to 50 t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure4b AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Operating Limits 50 t 10to 400t 10EFPD,FourRGPumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure4c AXIALPOWERIMBA1SNCE Operating Limits 400t 10to 550t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 Figure4d AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Operating Limits 550t 10to EOC,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page4 of 29 Revision0 Tableof Contents Paqe Figure4e AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 0 to 50 r 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 18 Figure4f AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 50 t 10to 400t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 19 Figure49 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 400t 10to 550r 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 20 Figure4h AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 550t 10to EOC,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 21 QUADRANTPOWERTlLT(OPT)

Table4 QUADRANT POWERTILTLimits 22 PowerPeakingFactors Table5 PowerPeakingFactors- Fo 23 Table6 PowerPeakingFactors- FNaH 25 Figure5 Maximum Allowable RadialPeakfor FNau 25 Table7 Maximum Allowable RadialPeakfor FNan 26 ReactorProtectionSystem(RPS)Instrumentation Figure6 Flux-AFlux-Flow (or Power/lmbalance/Flow) Values Allowable 27 Boron Goncentration Table8 Refueling BoronConcentration Limlt 28 Rod Program Figure7 ControlRodCoreLocations andGroupAssignments 29

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page5 of 29 Revision 0

Figure1 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE Protective Limits Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 ThisFigureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 120

(-44.70,110.2) (32.11,110.2) 110 4 P U M PL I M I T

(-48.81, 99.5) 100

(-44.70,90.0) (32.11,90.0) 3 P U M PL I M I T (41.70,87.4)

( - 4 8 . 8 17,9 . 3 )

tr (41.70,67.2) ul o

(L 60 J





-30 10 0 10 20 30 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE,  %

RequiredMeasured 4 Pumo 3 Pump Pumps ReactorCoolant Flowto Ensure Power Negatiw Positiw Porrver Negatiw Positiw Lerel lmbalance lmbalance Ler,el lmbalance lmbalance Ooeratino Flow. oom Comoliance.oDm 110.2 44.70 32.11 90.0 4.70 32.11 4 380.000 389.500 99.5 48.81 79.3 -48.81 3 283.860 290.957 87.4 -48.81 41.70 67.2 48.81 41.70 0.0 -48.81 41.70 0.0 -48.81 41.70

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page6 of 29 Revision 0

Table1 Shutdown MarginRequirements VerifySHUTDOWN MARGINperthetablebelow.


. 5. 3

. .9 MODE3 >- 1 o/o\klk 3 . 1 . 13,. 3 . 9 M O D E4 >- 1 o/oLVk MODE5 >- 1 o/o\Wk 3.1.1,3.3.9 MODE1 PHYSICSTESTS

> 1 %LWk 3.1.8 Exceptions**

MODE2 PHYSICSTESTS >-1 %Lklk 3.1.9 Exceptions

  • The requiredShutdownMargincapabilityof 'l olodlvkin MODE1 and MODE2 is preservedby the Regulating RodInsertionLimitsspecifiedin Figures2a through2d as requiredby TechnicalSpecification 3.2.1.

.* EntryintoMode1 PhysicsTestsExceptions is not supportedby existinganalyses.For example,Regulating RodShutdownMarginInsertionLimitsassumptions maynot be met andas suchrequiresactualshutdownmargin to be > 1 %AUkvia alternateverification or calculation.

  • '*Forthe periodfrom0 to 300 EFPDand for powerlevels60 %FPand above,rodinsertionlimitsare established that reservean additional0.5 %Aldkrequiredrodworthto accommodate the futureimDlementation of an update to theSBLOCAmodel.

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page7 of 29 Revision 0 Table2 Moderator Temperature CoefficientLimit Theselimitsarereferred to by Technical 3.1.3 Specifications

1. LowerLimit:

MTCat HFP> -3.638x10-4 AUU'F (-36.38pcm/'F)

2. Thefollowinq UpperLimitsmaynotbe exceeded withoutpriorNRCapproval:

MTC<0.9x 104Ak/ld'FwhenThermalPower<95%RTP MTC<0.0x 104 Aklkl"FwhenThermalPower295o/o RTP

3. The followinqUpper Limitsmav not be exceededfor operationin Modes 1 and 2:

1 0E-04


g.0E-05 F


(, 8 0E-05 IF o

o 7 0E-05 u


= 6.0F-05 d l ro...

tr b{ 5.0E-05 o.x F

{' 4.0E-05 F


{J o 3 0E-05 (E

l-o 2 0E-05 T'

o E 1.0E-05 0.0E+00 40 60 PercentFull Power

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page8 of 29 Revision0 Table3 AbsolutePositionIndicator (RPl)

(APl)/ RelativePositionIndicator Agreement Limit This limitis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.1.7 The absolutepositionindicatorchannelsand the relativepositionindicatorchannelsagreewithin3.00%.

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page9 of 29 Revision 0

Figure2a RegulatingGroupPositionOperatingLimits 0 to 300 +10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.1 110 100 90 fr' 80


o rL 70 d

ffi60 I

F fF i 5 0 E.

b40 c

o g

B30 t-

=20 (L

10 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index,%Withdrawn P 7P 1q0 Group5 o Group6 o Group7 Note1: A RodGroupoverlapof 25 +/- 5%betweensequential withdrawngroups5 and6, and6 and7, shallbemaintained.

Note2: lnstrument erroris accounted for in theseOperating Limits.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37%RTP.

SDM Limit RlLimit Power RI Poruer RI 100.37 2 1 5 . 9 0 100.37 300.00 58.00 164.50 100.37 277.40 33.00 72.50 90.00 266.50 2.70 0.00 78.00 251.50 58.00 246.50 33.00 72.50 2.70 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page10of29 Revision 0

Figure2b RegulatingGroupPositionOperatingLimits After300 +10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.1 110 100 90 fr' Bo


R7a ffi60 I

ffso E.

b40 c

o g

E30 l-

=20 (L

10 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index,%Withdrawn P 7p 1q0 Group5 o Group6 g 1u '90 Group 7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlapof 25 +l- 5% betweensequentialwithdrawngroups5 and 6, and 6 and 7, shall be maintained.

Note2: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in these OperatingLimits.

Note 3: Maximumplottedpower level is 100.37%RTP.

SDM Limit RlLimit Power RI PovYer RI 100.37 272.80 100.37 300.00 58.00 202.50 100.37 277.40 33.00 172.50 90.00 266.50 1.90 0.00 78.00 251.50 58.00 246.50 33.00 172.50 1.90 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page11of 29 Revision 0

Figure2c RegulatingGroupPositionOperatingLimits 0 to 300 +10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.1 110 100 90 mBo


Rro tr60 T

ftso t

b40 c

o) g E30 t-

=20 (L

10 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index.%Withdrawn P 7p 1q0 Group5 o Group6 g 1u '90 Group7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlapof 25 +l- 5% betweensequentialwithdrawngroups5 and 6, and 6 and 7, shall be maintained.

Note2: lnstrumenterror is accountedfor in these OperatingLimits.

Note 3: Maximumplottedpower level is 75.37 %RTP, however,steamgeneratoranalyseslimitspowerto 73.46 %RTP.

SDM Limit RlLimit Poryer RI Ponrcr RI 75.37 216.70 75.37 300.00 43.10 164.50 75.37 278.10 24.30 72.50 67.00 266.50 1.60 0.00 58.00 251.50 43.00 246.50 24.30 72.50 1.60 0.00

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page12of 29 Revision 0

Figure2d Regulating GroupPositionOperating Limits After300 +10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.1 110 100 90 frBo


870 fr60 I

ffso E.

b40 c

o g

$30 t-

=20 (L

10 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Rod Index,%Withdrawn P 7p 1q0 Group5 o Group6

? 1u 'qo Group7 Note 1: A Rod Group overlapof 25 +l- 5% betweensequentialwithdrawngroups5 and 6, and 6 and 7, shall be maintained.

Note2: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in these OperatingLimits.

Note 3: MaMaximumplottedpower level is 75.37 %RTP, however,steamgeneratoranalyseslimitspowerto 73.46 %RTP.

SDM Limit RlLimit Power RI Poraler RI 75.37 273.90 75.37 300.00 43.10 202.50 75.37 278.10 24.30 172.50 67.00 266.50 1.00 0.00 58.00 251.50 43.00 246.50 24.30 172.50 1.00 0.00

Davis-BesseCycle20 COLR Page13of 29 0

Revision Figure3 APSRPosition Limits Operating ThisFigureis referredto by Technical 3.2.2 Specifications BeforeAPSRPull: 0 EFPDto 605t 10 EFPD, Threeor Four RC pumpsoperation*

LowerLimit:0 %WD UpperLimit:100%WD After APSRPull: 605t 10 EFPDto End-of-Cycle Threeor Four RC pumpsoperation*

Insertion Prohibited (maintain> 99%WD)**

Powerrestricted to 75.37o/o for 3-pumpoperation,however,steamgenerator analyseslimits power to 73.46%RTP.

Reinsertionis allowedonlyduringthe endof cycleshutdown whenthe reactor poweris equalto, or lessthan,30%RTP.

Davis-BesseCycle20 COLR Page14of 29 Revision 0

Figure4a AXTALeOWERTMBALANCE OperatingLimits 0 to 50 t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3 Restricted Region Permissible Operating Region

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 30 40 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCEo/o Note 1. Instrumenterror is accountedfor in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The ExcorelmbalanceOperatingLimitsare availablefor use when the Full Incore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37%RTP.

Full lncorc Excore l.legatiw Positirc Negatire Positiw Poupr lmbalance lmbalance Power lmbalance lmbalance 100.37 -19.E7 11.85 100.37 -12.29 4.78 92.OO -25.51 20.92 92.OO -17.81 13 . 5 1 EO.OO 3.E9 29.13 EO.OO -25.9E 21.52 60.oo -34.09 31.OO 60.oo -26.64 29.66 o.oo 4.09 31.OO o.oo -26.u 29.66

Davis-BesseCycle20 COLR Page15of 29 0

Revision Figure4b AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 50 t 10 EFPDto 400t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-50 -30 -20 -10 20 AXIALPOWERIMBALAN CE o/o Note 1: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The ExcorelmbalanceOperatingLimitsare availablefor use when the Full Incore systemis non-functional.

Note 3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37%RTP.

Full Incore Excore Negatitr Posititp Negatiw Positiw Porrcr lmbalancc lmbalance Poupr lmbalance lmbalance 1q).37 -20.87 18.50 100.37 -13.23 11.O1 92.OO -27.65 24.8 92.OO -19.81 17.30 80.oo 34.87 30.06 EO.OO -26.90 25.12 60.0o 7.OO 31.0O 60.o0 -30.16 31.OO o.oo 7.OO 31.OO o.oo o.16 31.OO

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page16of 29 0

Revision Figure4c AXTALPOWERTMBALANCE OperatingLimits 400t 10 EFPDto 550t 10 EFPD,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-50 -40 -20 -10 60 AXIALPOWERIMBALANCEo/o Note 1: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The ExcorelmbalanceOperatingLimitsare availablefor use when the Full Incore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37o/oRTP.

Full lncore Excore Negatiw Pogitirc Negatiw Positiw Poupr lmbalance lmbalance Pouer lmbalance lmbalance 100.37 -17.14 14.E0 100.37 -9.73 7.il 92.O0 -23.27 20.4 92.O0 -15.72 13.06 80.o0 1.13 28.25 80.oo -23.39 20.70 60.oo 5.25 31.OO 60.oo -27.73 28.66 o.oo 5.25 31.OO o.oo -27.73 2E.66

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page17of 29 Revision 0

Figure4d AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE OperatingLimits 550t 10 EFPDto EOC,FourRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-60 -50 60 AXIALPOWERIMBALAN CE o/o Note 1: Instrumenterror is accountedfor in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The ExcorelmbalanceOperatingLimitsare availablefor use when the Full Incore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 100.37o/oRTP.

Full lncorc Excore Ncgatirc Pogitiw Negatite Positiw Poupr lmbalance knbalance Pourcr lmbalance lmbalance 100.37 -16.60 13.90 100.37 -9.23 6.70 92.OO -22.30 19.64 92.OO -14.80 12.31 EO.OO -30.64 27.51 EO.OO -22.% 20.o1 60.00 -32.49 31.OO 60.oo -25.15 27.il o.oo -32.4s 31.OO o.oo -25.15 27.il

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page18of 29 Revision 0

Figure4e AXTALeOWERTMBALANCE OperatingLimits 0 to 50 t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 40 50 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE o/o Note'l: Instrumentenor is accounted for in theseOperatingLimits.

Nole2: TheExcorelmbalance Operating Limitsareavailable for usewhenthe FullIncore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 75.37%RTP,however, steamgeneratoranalyseslimitspol,ver to 73.46%RTP.

Full krcore Excore Negatiw Positi\r Negatirc Positiw Poupr lmbalancc lmbalance Power lmbalance lmbalance 75.37 -20.12 12.10 75.37 -13.14 5.62 69.0O -25.71 21.15 69.OO -18.56 14.26 60.0o -34.09 26.65 60.00 -26.57 22.11 45.0O A'4.23 31.OO 45.OO -26.% 29.95 o.oo -34.23 31.00 o.oo -26.% 29.95

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page19of 29 0

Revision Figure4f AXIALPOWERIMBALANCEOperatingLimits 50 t 10 EFPDto 400 t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3 Restricted Region Permissible Operating Region

-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE o/o Note1: Instrument is enor accounted for in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The Excorelmbalance Operating Limitsareavailable for usewhenthe FullIncore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpoler levelis75.37%RTP,however,steam generatoranalyseslimitspower to 73.46%RTP.

Full lncorc Excore t{cgatiw Positirc Negatirc Positire Ponler lmbalance Inbalance Power lmbalance lmbalance 75.37 -21.12 18.75 75.37 -14.OE 11.E5 69.0O -27.88 22.15 69.OO -20.56 18.05 60.0o 5.07 26.65 60.00 -27.49 25.72 45.OO -37.OO 31.OO 45.OO -30.45 31.OO o.o0 -37.OO 31.OO o.oo -30.45 31.OO

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page20 of 29 Revision0 Figure49 AXTALeOWERTMBALANCE OperatingLimits 400 t 10 EFPDto 550t 10 EFPD,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3

-50 -30 -20 -10 50 60 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

Note1: Instrumentenoris accounted for in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: TheExcorelmbalance OperatingLimitsareavailablefor usewhenthe FullIncore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedporverlevelis 75.37%RTP,horrrrever,steam generatoranalyseslimitspower to 73.46%RTP.

Full hcore Excore hlegatiw Positiw Negatiw Positirc Poupr lmbalance lmbalance Power lmbalance lmbalance 75.37 -17.39 15.05 75.37 -10.5E 8.36 69.OO -23.50 20.67 69.0O -16.46 13.80 60.oo 1.33 26.65 60.0o -23.99 21.29 45.OO 5.40 31.OO 45.OO -28.O3 28.96 o.oo 5.40 31.OO o.oo -28.03 28.96

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page21 of 29 Revision0 Figure4h AXIALPOWERIMBALANCE operatingLimits 550t 10 EFPDto EOC,ThreeRC Pumps Davis-Besse 1, Cycle20 This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3 Restricted Region Permissible Operating Region

-50 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40 50 AXIAL POWER IMBALANCE %

Note1: Instrumentenoris accounted for in theseOperatingLimits.

Note2: The Excorelmbalance OperatingLimitsareavailable for usewhenthe FullIncore systemis non-functional.

Note3: Maximumplottedpowerlevelis 75.37%RTP,horryever,steam generatoranalyseslimilspower to 73.46%RTP.

Fudl Incore Excore Nlegatiw Positip Nlegatirc Positiw Pourcr lmbalance knbalance Pourer lmbalance lmbalance 75.37 -16.85 14.15 75.37 -10.08 7.il 69.00 -22.53 19.87 69.OO -15.55 13.05 60.00 -30.E4 26.65 60.oo -23.53 20.60 45.00 -32.U 31.OO 45.OO -25.4 27.U o.oo -32.64 31.OO o.oo -25.4 27.U

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page22 of 29 Revision0 Table4 QUADRANT POWERTILTLimits This Table is referredto by TechnicalSpecifications3.2.4 From0 EFPDto EOC Steady-stateLimit Steady-stateLimit QUADRANT for THERMAL for THERMAL POWERTILT as POWER< 60% POWER >60% Transient Limit Maximum Limit measuredby: (%) ("/") ("/"') (%)

SymmetricIncore 20.00 7.90 4.54 10.03 DetectorSystem

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page23 of 29 Revision 0

Table5 PowerPeakingFactors- Fo This Table is referredto by TechnicalSpecifications3.2.5 Heat Flux Hot ChannelFactorFa Fo shallbe limitedby the followingrelationships:

Fo S LHRailow (Bu)/ [LHR"ug " p] (for P < 1.0) alpdtow(Bu) = see the followingtables LHRaus = 6.4209kW/ftat2817MWtfor all fuel P = Tatioof THERMALPOWER/ RATEDTHERMALPOWER Bu = fuelburnup(MWd/mtU)

Note:Themeasured Fo shallbe increased by 1.4o/o to accountfor manufacturing tolerances andfurther increased by 7.5o/o to accountfor measurement beforecomparing uncertainty to the limits.

UO2Fuel(Mark-B-HTP) - All BatchesLHR&rylVl/lftG) 0 34,000 62,000 CoreElevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 17.4 15.0 10.9 2.506 17.4 15.0 10.9 4.264 17.3 14.9 10.9 6.021 16.8 14.8 11.1 7.779 17.0 14.7 11.1 9.536 16.2 14.3 11.1 12.000 15.4 13.5 10.4 (a) Linearinterpolationfor allowableLHR betweenspecifiedburnuppointsis validfor thesetables.

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page24 ot 29 Revision0 Table5 (continued) 4 wt% Gad Fuel (Mark-B-HTP)- All Batchesexcept21B LHRnuowkWfttal 0 34,000 62,000 CoreElevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 15.6 13.5 9.6 2.506 15.6 13.5 9.6 4.264 15.5 13.3 9.6 6.421 15.1 13.2 9.8 7.779 15.3 13.2 9.8 9.536 14.6 12.8 9.8 12.000 13.8 12.1 9.2 6 wt% Gad Fuel (Mark-B-HTP)- Batch218 LHRnttowkWfUa) 0 34,000 62,000 Core Elevation(ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 15.1 13.2 9.2 2.506 15.1 13.2 9.2 4.264 15.0 13.2 9.2 6.021 14.5 13.1 9.4 7.779 14.8 13.0 9.4 9.536 14.1 12.7 9.4 12.000 13.3 12.0 8.8 8 wt% Gad Fuel (Mark-B-HTP)- All BatchesLHRnuowkWftG) 0 34,000 62,000 CoreElevation (ft) MWd/mtU MWd/mtU MWd/mtU 0 14.7 12.7 8.8 2.506 14.7 12.7 8.8 4.264 14.6 12.7 8.8 6.021 14.2 12.5 9.0 7.779 14.4 12.5 9.0 9.536 13.7 12.2 9.0 12.000 13.0 11.5 8.4 for allowableLHRbetweenspecifiedburnuppointsis validfor thesetables.


Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page25ol29 Revision0 Table6 PowerPeakingFactors- FNax ThisTableis referred to by Technical 3.2.5 Specifications EnthalovRiseHotChannelFactors- FNu FNax3 MARP[1 + (1/RH)(1 - P/Pm)] (seenotebelow)

MARP = MaximumAllowableRadialPeak,see MARPFiguresanddataTables P = THERMALPOWER/ RATEDTHERMALPOWERand P < 1.0 P. = 1.00for 4-RCPoperation Pm = 0.75for 3-RCPoperation 1/RH = 0.3 Note:The measuredFNaxshallbe increasedby 5.0%to accountfor measurement uncertainty priorto comparingto the limits.

Figure5 MaximumAllowableRadialPeakfor FNan 2.2 2.7, 2.O A



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['"L.4 1.3 7..70 1.80 1.90

" Linearinterpolationis acceptable.

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page26 of 29 Revision0 Table7 Maximum AllowableRadialPeakfor FNrur Axial Axial Axial Height Axial Height Peak xlL (inches) MARP Limit Peak xlL (inches) MARP Limit 0.0 0.00 1.88299 0.0 0.00 2.09189 0.1 14.30 1.88398 0.1 14.30 2.03919 0.14 20.02 1.88428 0.14 20.02 2.01827 0.2 28.60 1.88461 0.2 28.60 1.98801 0.4 57.20 1.88490 0.4 57.20 1.86840 1.1 0 .5 7 1 .5 0 1.88439 1.6 0.5 71.50 1.81257 0.6 85.80 1.88451 0.6 85.80 1.73794 0.8 114.40 1.88421 0.8 114.40 1.59754 0.88 125.84 1.85239 0.88 125.U 1.54331 0.9 128.70 1.83969 0.9 128.70 1.55084 1 .0 1 4 3 .0 0 1.73842 1.0 143.00 1.46874 0.0 0.00 1.96511 0.0 0.00 1.99604 0 .1 1 4 .3 0 1.96705 0.1 14.30 1.95702 0.14 20.02 1.96804 0.14 20.02 1.93661 0.2 28.60 1.96825 0_2 28.60 1. 9 0 6 1 5 0.4 57.2A 1.96936 0.4 57.20 1.79933 1.2 0.5 71.50 1.96984 1.7 0.5 71.50 1.74468 0.6 85.80 1. 9 6 9 1 9 0.6 85.80 1.67736 0.8 114.40 1.84278 0.8 114.40 1.54415 0.88 125.84 1.78287 0.88 125.84 1.49299 0.9 128.70 1.78220 0.9 128.70 1.50138 1.0 143.00 1.67994 1.0 143.00 1.42245 0.0 0.00 2.05580 0.0 0.00 1.90606 0 .1 1 4 .3 0 2.05912 0.1 14.30 1.87049 0.14 20.02 2.06036 0.14 20.02 1.85710 0.2 28.60 2.06155 0.2 28.60 1.82954 0.4 57.20 2.06343 0.4 57.20 1.73365 1.3 0.5 71.50 2.01583 1.8 0.5 71.50 1.67902 0.6 85.80 1.93900 0.6 85,80 1.62023 0.8 114.40 1.778U 0.8 114.40 1.49550 0.88 125.84 1.71670 0.88 125.84 1.44607 0.9 128.70 1.72105 0.9 128.70 1.45590 1.0 143.00 1.61890 1.0 143.00 1.37861 0 .0 0 .0 0 2.15314 0.0 0.00 1.82131 0.1 14.30 2.15758 0.1 14.30 1.78903 0j4 20.02 2.15910 0j4 20.02 1.78024 0.2 28.60 2.14648 0.2 28.60 1.75713 0.4 57.20 2.01712 0.4 57.20 1.67040 1.4 0.5 71.50 1.95015 1.9 0.5 71.50 1.61847 0.6 85.80 1.87083 0.6 85.80 1.56653 0.8 114.40 1.71630 0.8 114.40 1.44958 0.88 125.84 1.65545 0.88 125.84 1.40281 0.9 128.70 1.65903 0.9 128.70 1.41322 1.0 143.00 1.57207 1.0 143.00 1.33783 0 .0 0 .0 0 2.17667 0.1 14.30 2.12413 0j4 20.02 2.10403 0.2 28.60 2.07451 0.4 57.20 1.94104 1.5 0 .5 7 1 .5 0 1.88067 0.6 85.80 1.80330 0.8 114.40 1.65555 0.88 125.84 1.59706 0.9 128.70 1.60415 1 .0 1 4 3 .0 0 1. 5 1 8 5 9

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page27 of 29 Revision0 Figure6 Flux-AFlux-Flow (or Power/lmbalance/Flow)

AllowableValues This Figureis referredto by TechnicalSpecification 3.3.1 A)(ALPOVVER IMBATANCE,  %

The3 pumpexamplecurveshowsallowablevaluesfor an approximately 25o/onow reductionfor threepump operation(283,860gpm). Theactualsetpointwill be calculatedby the Reac{orProtection Systemandwill be to the actualreactorcoolantsystemflowwiththreepumps.

directlyproportional Theselimitsare basedon Cycle9 andare conservative relativeto the actualCycle20 limits.

Davis-Besse Cycle20 COLR Page28 of 29 Revision 0 Table8 Refueling BoronConcentration Limit This limitis referredto by TechnicalSpecifications 3.9.1 The minimumrequiredboronconcentration for Mode6 shallbe sufficientto ensurea Kcr of 0.95or less,plus an additional1%Ak/kconservatism allowancefor uncertainties.

Cycle20 COLR Davis-Besse Page29 of 29 Revision0 Figure7 ControlRodCoreLocations andGroupAssignments ThisFigureis referredto by Technical Requirements Manual8.1.3 N (x) 1 6 7 8 I {0 11 12 13 14 {5 lrtll A

B c



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o P

R I x lcroupNumber (zl Group No of Rods Function Group No of Rods Function 1 4 Safety 5 12 Control 2 I Safety 6 I Control 3 4 Safety 7 8 Control 4 I Safety 8 I APSRs Total 61