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Nine Mile Point Unit 2 - Letter Regarding Final Report on Geologic Features in the Unit 2 Excavation and a Request That Niagara Mohawk Document Conclusions in a Letter
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1978
From: Varga S A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Rhode G K
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp
Download: ML17037B909 (6)


DISTRIB N Docket fi e NRC PDR Local PDR LEIR-4 Reading January 12, 1978 DBVassa1lo FJHi1liams Docket Ho.50-410 RSBoyd SAVarga Niagara Mohawk Power Corpobation l~Kane ATTN: Mr.Gerald K.Rhode MService Vice President-Engineering OELD 300 Erie Boulevard West IE-(3)Syracuse, Nevi York 13202-HSmith Gentlemen:

bcc: ACRS (16)TBABernathy JRBuchanan SUMECT: FINAL REPORT ON GEOLOGIC FEATURES AT flIHE MILE POIHT-2 SITE The staff vias advised on January 5, 1978 by members of your licensing staff that you anticipated an additional delay in the submittal of your final report on the geologic features in the Nine Mile Point-2 excavation.

We were also advised that this delay would result from the additional time needed to assemble the information to support the conclusions contained in the report.In order to maintain an up-to-date record on our review of this matter, we require that you document your conclusions in a letter to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation within two weeks and provide us with the final report by tlarch 17, 1978.Should any of these conclusions change prior to the submittal of the final report, you should notify the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation immediately.

Sincer ely, Steven A.Varga, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch 4 Division of Project Management ccs: Listed on following page OPPIC23P SURNAMC3P'ATS

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4 S rga 1.,$,./78, NRC FORM 318 (9.76)NRCM 0240 6 U, 8, OOVRRNMRNT PRINTINO OPPICRI 1070 528 624 N 0I gag RKCI (4~o~+**+UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C.20555 January 12, 1978 Oocket No.50-410 Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation ATTN: Mr.Gerald K.Rhode Vice President-Engineering 300 Erie Boulevard West Syracuse, New York, 13202 Gentlemen:

SUBJEC: FINAL REPORT ON GEOLOGIC FEATURES AT NINE MILE POINT-2 SITE The staff was advised on January 5, 1978 by members'of your licensing staff that you anticipated an additional delay in the submittal of your final report on the geologic features in the Nine Mile Point-2 excavation.

We were also advised that this delay would result from the additional time needed to assemble the information to support the conclusions contained in the report.In order to maintain an up-to-date record on our review of this matter, we require that you document your conclusions in a letter to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation within two weeks and provide us with the final report by March 17, 1978.Should any of these conclusions change prior to the submittal of the final report, you should notify the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation immediately.

Sincerely, even A.V rga, Chse Light Water Reactors ranch 4 Oivision of Project Management ccs: Listed on following page

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation ccs: Eugene B.Thomas~Jr.LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby&MacRae 1757 N Street, N.W.Washington, D.C.20036 Anthony Z.Roisman,'Esq.

Roisman, Kessler&Cashdan 1025 15th Street, NW Washington, D.C.20036 Mr.Richard Goldsmith Syracuse University College of Law E.I.White Hall Campus Syracuse, New York 13210.T.K.DeBoer, Director Technological Development Programs New York State Energy Office Swan Street Building Core 1-2nd Floor , Eapire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 I h