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Forwards Endorsements 2 & 4 to Maelu Certificates M-89 & M-59 & Nelia Certificates N-89 & N-59,respectively, Endorsements 40 & 39 to Maelu Policy MF-88 & Endorsements 50 & 49 to Nelia Policy NF-227
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/1983
NUDOCS 8312300155
Download: ML17214A614 (19)



NO FACIL:50-335 St, Lucie Planti Unit 1<Flor ida Power 8 Light Co~50 389 St, Lucie Plant<Unit 2<Florida Power 8 Light Co.AUTH~NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION FIELDER, J, Marsh 8 McLennani Inc.'REC IP~NAt1E RECIPIENT AFFILIATION SAI TZt'IANi J~Assistant Director for State tt Licensee Relations


Forwards Endorsements 2 L<t to MAELU Certificats M-89 8, M-59iEndorsements 40 8 39 to'MAELU Policy MF-88 Endorsements 50&09 to NELIA Policy NF-227irespectivelye DI'STRIBUTION CODE: M001S COPIES RECEIVED:LTR ENCL SIZEe TITLE: Insurance:

Indemnity/Endorsement Agreements NOTES'OCKET 05000335 05000389 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME, INTERNAL: NRR/DL/ADL 07 SP COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 0 1 1 RECIPIENT ID CODF/NAME EG F ILE 0 1 COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 EXTERNAI: LPDR NTIS 03 0'1 1 1 NRC PDR 02 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 6 ENCL 5 P r lf H h~q'I'~'1~M~~~'II Marsh 81 Mclennan, Incorporated 1300 San lacinto Tower 2121 San lacinto Street Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone 214 742-1941 December 23, 1983 Mr.Jerome Saltzman Assistant Director State 5 Licensee Relations Office of State Programs U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Florida Power 5 Light Company Plant St.Lucie Nuclear Liability Insurance ANI/MAELU Policies NF-227/MF-88 Endorsements 49, 50, 39 and 40 Secondary Financial Protection ANI/MAELU Certificates N-59/M-59 Endorsements 84 ANI/MAELU Certificates N-89/M-89 Endor sements t2

Dear Mr.Saltzman:

Enclosed for your records are eight certified copies of the following for the Florida Power 8 Light Company Plant St.Lucie: ANI Policy NF-227 MAELU Policy MF-88 Endorsements 049 and 850 Endorsements f39 and 840 Listed below are two cerfied copies each of the Secondary Financial Protection Certificates for Plant St.Lucie: ANI/MAELU Certificates N-59 and M-59 Endorsements 84 ANI/MAELU Certificates N-89/M-89 Endorsements 82 Sincerely, Jean Fielder MEM Nuclear Consultants o>cc: R.E.Hinds J.P.Beyer A.R.Swain jf/enclosure 2312300155 831223 PDRIADQCK 05000335 J PDR

'EM NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year!984 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:$1,350.00 This is to oertifg that this is a true oopy oZ the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part oL ue Huolear Energy Liability Polioy (Faoility Form)as des-ignated hereon.No Insuranoe s afTorded hereunder.

John L Quattrocchi, Vice Pres!dent Liability Underwriting American Nuclear fnsurers itive Date of January I, 1984 this Endorsement To form a part of Certificate No.H-89 Issue to Fl orida Power and Light Company December 14, 1983 Date of Issu For the Su!ascribing Comlmnies MU UAL A'f04II0 EiVRRGY LIABILITY U'DRII\VIIITERQ

--j 0 y v L Endorsement No: Cpuntursignu>T>>>>>>IxsII u>>I"'-"""'

r (I*7 IL t I.,h'/'ll,l:, A a ,;v~J Nuclear Energy Liability Inaurttnco NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1984 ANNUAL P REMI UM: I t is agreed that the Annual P remi um due the companies for the period designated above is:$4,650.00 if thaw this is a craw bony of%he orig1nal 0nurbm ndb i d P lio (Paoilkty Form)as des-e is afforded hereunder fgnated hereon.No Insuranoe s John L Quaurocchl, Vtco President LhbNty Underwriting American'Nuctear Insurera Effective Date of tnis Enoorsement Januar 1, 1984~Florida Power'ncftigRP 55lnPQ$issued to pate of tss<<December 14, 1983 N" 89 Taiorma pea of Certificaee No.For the su cribing co panies By Generat Manager Enoorsement No Countersigned by t~'P,i II 4 w, g$)~>><<y~~~I 4~ff g I,~L I I, NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1984 ANNUAL PREM)UM: It is agreed that the Annuai Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:$1,350.00 This is to oertify that this is a true oopy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Nuoleax Energy Liability Polioy (Faoility Form)as des-ignated hereon.Mo Xnsuranoe is afforded hereunder.

John L Quat trocchi, Vice President.Liabulty Underwriting American Nuclear insurers EEmtive Da e of J I 1984 this Endorsement To form n part of.-Cert i f i cate No.Florida Power 6 Li ht Company December)4, 1983 Date of Issu For the Sul>scribing Companies UAL ATOMIC BNBROY LIABILITY U'R'iYIIITBRB Endorsement No.Countorsignc<l hy A IITI I oI((aalu I tsrlIILInII TAT I Yn'I

,I ,I'I I~', II,1'II I/I II (rltjb'uclear Energy Lleblllly Inauranco NUCLEAR ENERQY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1984 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:$4,650.00 This is to certify that this is a, true copy of the original Endorsement having tho endorsement number and being made part of tho Huolear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-ignated hereon.No Insurance ie afforded hereunder.

John L Quattrocchl, Vice President Liabifity Underwriting

.American Nuclear Inaurers January 1, 1984 t2:01 A.M.Stancard Time<ssu04 to Li ht Com an N-59 To form a part of Ce r t i f i cate No.Date of Issue Decmeber 14, 1983 For tho su crlbl ng co pantoa Endorsement No By Countersigned by Generat Manaper r,Q~, ve ,, 8,~lt"c I.W 1I 4 n I Hi$'J NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILlTY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMiC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS

&fENDMENT OF DEFINITION OF INSURED Tennessee Uallev Authoritv)

It is agreed that regardless of the provisions of the second paragraph of Insuring Agreement TI, part (b)of the Definition of Insured includes as an insured the Tennessee Valley Authority with respect to its legal responsibility for damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard.a~this is>>rue"'~y'" the original~is to certify tha~ment number and being made y a~ent h vi g the endo P u 7 (Facility Form)as des of'e IIuc1ear~~g e.iO aggorded hereunder'gnat.go Insurance.cs.I~y gedszvfT405 Jehnl Qa American Nuclear I~Effective Date of this Endorsement To form a part of Policy Ho.Florida Power and Light Company Date of Issu For the Suhscriliinv, Companies M4 UAL A'I'OMIC ENERGY LIAI3ILITY O'DEBiVI<IYI.;R Endorsement No, ME-63 Countersigned hy A uTIIUaIXKII Isa'aLWe 4TATIre l*lt kI 4 c lf~l9 ,i J fr' MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM CALENDAR YEAR 1984 ENDORSEMENT 1.ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: ll3 677.87 2.STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: S 85 720.9'1'his is to oertiiy that this is a True oopy'X the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part oX the Nuolear Energy Liability Polkoy (Faoility Form)as disi'gnated, hereon.Ho Insurance is afforded hereunder.

h alecky Vice premde t t~John L.Qg~t aerican Nuclear dna~n erwn'n<Effective Date of This Endorsement January 1, 1984 12:01 A.M.Standard Time Florida Power and Li ht Com a To form a part of Policy No.Date of Issue December 14.1983 or the s cribing corn anies Endorsement No.3 Countersigned by General Manager

~4 tl t e)~I', II e."~f(~M Nuclear Energy Llablllly Insurance NUCI.EAa EHEaQV LlAOiLin lNSURANCE ASSOCiATiao A.IENDMENT OF DEFINITION OF INSURED Tennessee Valley Authority)

It is agreed that regardless of the provisions of the second paragraph of Insuring Agreement II, part (b)of the Definition of Insured includes as an insured the Tennessee Valley Authority with respect to its legal responsibility for damages because of botiily injury or property damage'aused by the nuclear energy hazard.hat thie 1S a tr8ti uugy OX the Or3.ginal This is to certi~q that ent having the endorsement number and.being made p art Endorsement having e e of tQe Nuclear Energy Liability o oy P lio (Facility Form)as des-ignated hereon.o No Insurance is afforded hereunder.

John L.Quattrocchi, Vice PresMent Ualfty Underwridug American Nuclear Insurets E f f ectire pate of tnis Enaarsement J 1984 t2:Ol A.M.Stenaard Time issued to Florida Power and Li ht Com an pate c(tssue December'4, 1 983 Ta form a part of Policy Ho-7 Far the su criblng cai panies Enaarsement No NE-63 Qyv Countersigned by Genarat Qenjuef S L W F'i 4 1'g l g I 1 lear Energy Liability Insuranc NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM CALENDAR YEAR 1984 ENDORSEMENT 1.ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 391,557.13 STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 295,258.42 og the Nuolear E ergy Lj.ability P li (and being made part lgaated hereon.Iio Insuranoe is~d m)as des-reunder e~0 John I Quattrocchi, Vice President LiabTiity Underwriting Amedcan Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of This Endorsement January I, 1984 12:01 A.M.Standard Time Issued to Florida Power and Li ht Com an To form a part of Policy No December 14, 1983 Date of Issue For the s cribing corn anies General Manager Endorsement No.Countersigned by f a~~I'W P 61 1 t'Q,.I~IF~,'Jf J<<fA-1~'T l