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Seabrook Station, Submittal of 2013 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/2014
From: Ossing M H
NextEra Energy Seabrook
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14126A094 (262)


NEXTeramENERGYVEAROKApril 28, 2014Docket No.50-443SBK-L-14082 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control DeskWashington, D.C. 20555-0001 Seabrook Station2013 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReportPursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36a(a)(2) and Seabrook Station Technical Specification, NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC submits the 2013 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. The report summarizes the implementation of the NextEraEnergy Seabrook, LLC Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). Attachment 1 to the report is the complete data set for the REMP samples.A copy of this report is also being provided to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Health; and the State of New Hampshire, Bureau of Radiological Health.Should you require further information regarding this matter, please contact David Robinson, Chemistry Department

Manager, at (603) 773-7496.

Sincerely, NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLCLicensing Manage/NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC, P.O. Box 300, Lafayette Road, Seabrook, NH 03874 tU. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-14082

/ Page 2cc: with enclosure NRC Region I Administrator NRC Project Manager, Project Directorate 1-2NRC Senior Resident Inspector NH DHHS Office of Community

& Public HealthBureau of Radiological Health29 Hazen DriveConcord, NH 03301-6527 Massachusetts Department of Public HealthRadiation Control ProgramSchrafft Center, Suite 1M2A529 Main StreetCharlestown, MA 02129NH Fish & Game Department NEXTeraENEAROOK2013 AnnualRadiological Environmental Operating ReportApril 2014 SEABROOK STATIONANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORTFor the PeriodJanuary -December 2013Docket No. 50-443Prepared By:NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLCChemistry Department Seabrook StationAndAREVA INCRadiological, Environmental

& Performance AnalysisMarlborough, Massachusetts 01752Prepared By:Mark Strum -AREVA INCDate:Reviewed By: 0e"- Date:Andreas Giotas, NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLCApproved By: eo _ --Date:David Robinson, NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLCy<-//- //Q4L~/~

SEABROOK STATIONANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORTFor the PeriodJanuary -December 2013April 2014Docket No. 50-443Prepared By:NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLCChemistry Department Seabrook StationAndAREVA INC.Radiological, Environmental

& Performance AnalysisMarlborough, Massachusetts 01752ii TABLE OF CONTENTSEXECUTIVE SUM M A RY ...........................................................................................................................................................

IVLIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................................................................

VIILIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................................................



12.0 PLANT OPERATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM .................................................................




143.2 CHARCOAL FILTERS .....................................................................................................................................................

233.3 M ILK ............................................................................................................................................................................

263.4 SURFACE W ATER .........................................................................................................................................................

323.5 G ROUND W ATER ..........................................................................................................................................................



423.7 FISH .............................................................................................................................................................................

463.8 LOBSTE RS ....................................................................................................................................................................



543.10 IRISH M OSS ..................................................................................................................................................................

593.11 FOOD CROP ..................................................................................................................................................................





704.0 DRY FUEL STORA GE REM P & D ATA SUM M AR Y ................................................................................................

924.1 D IRECT RADIATION FROM DFS ....................................................................................................................................

925.0 PROGRAM DEVIA TION S AND REPORTIN G ............................................................................................................





1035.3 COMPARISON OF RESULTS AGAINST REPORTING LEVELS ..........................................................................................

1046.0 QUALITY ASSURAN CE PROGRAM ...........................................................................................................................

1076.1 GEL LABORATORIES QA ...........................................................................................................................................

1076.2 Environm ental TLD Q A ...........................................................................................................

1437.0 LAND U SE CEN SU S ......................................................................................................................................................

146ATTACHM EN T 1: SAM PLE AN ALY SIS DA TA LIST FOR 2013 ........................................................................................

148iii Executive SummaryBoth the plant operations and Dry Fuel Storage Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs (REMP) forSeabrook Station operated successfully for the period of January through December 2013. This reportdescribes the REMP and its implementation as required by Technical Specifications and as defined in theOffsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). It also contains analytical

results, data evaluation, doseassessment (as needed),

and data trends for each environmental sample medium. Also included are theresults of the Land Use Census, historical data, and the environmental laboratory performance in the QualityAssurance Inter-comparison Program required by the ODCM.Radioactivity levels in the vicinity of Seabrook Station from January 1 through December 31, 2013 in air,water, sediment, milk, fish, food crops, and vegetation, as well as direct radiation measurements have beenanalyzed, evaluated, and summarized.

The results of the REMP are intended to supplement the results of theradiological effluent monitoring by verifying that the measurable concentration of radioactive materials andlevels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurement and modeling of theenvironmental exposure pathways.

Radiation and radioactivity in the environment is monitored within a 10-mile radius of the site. Two types ofsamples are taken. The first type, control samples, is collected from areas that are beyond measurable influence of Seabrook Station.

These samples are used as reference data. Normal background radiation levels, or radiation present due to causes other than Seabrook

Station, can thus be compared to theenvironment surrounding the nuclear power station.

Indicator samples are the second sample type obtained.

These samples show how much measureable radiation or radioactivity (if any) is contributed to theenvironment by the site. Indicator samples are taken from areas close to the station where any plantcontribution will be at the highest concentration.

The ODCM minimum required plant operations REMPincluded the collection for 2013 of at least 524 samples, with a total of 2322 individual measurement analyses.

In 2013, the total number of sample analysis sets (both required and non-required) equaled 845taken from 102 locations around Seabrook Station.

These were collected from aquatic, atmospheric, andterrestrial environments.

An estimated 4995 individual measurement analyses were performed on thesesamples.

The plant operations radiological environmental monitoring program is outlined in Table 2.0-1.Radiation environmental monitoring associated with Dry Fuel Storage (DFS) in 2013 included an additional 32TLD direct radiation measurements beyond those listed as being part of the REMP. The DFS environmental monitoring program is shown on Table 4.0-1.Prior to station operation, samples were collected and analyzed to determine the amount of radioactivity present in the area. The resulting values are used as a "pre-operational baseline."

Current analysis resultsfrom the indicator samples are compared to both current control sample values and the pre-operational baseline to determine if changes in radioactivity levels are attributable to station operations.

A report is required to be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission when the level of radioactivity as aresult of plant operations in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceeds the reporting level limits specified in the ODCM when averaged over any calendar quarter.

Also, when more than one ofthe radionuclides is detected in the sampling medium, this report shall be submitted if:Concentration (1) + Concentration (2) + ... 1.0Limit Level (1) Limit Level (2)Based on the analytical results of environmental samples during 2013, Seabrook Station reporting levels werenot exceeded.

All off-site radioactivity detected was attributable to either naturally occurring radionuclides, previous nuclearweapons tests, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in Japan on March 11, 2011, or other man-madesources.In 2013, the maximum whole body dose to the hypothetically exposed individual due to Seabrook Stationeffluents and operations was estimated to be 0.057 mrem. This whole body dose is the sum of all theexposure pathways for liquid and gaseous effluents, plus the direct whole body dose from station sources.This total represents approximately 0.23% of the whole body dose limits for a member of the public as setforth in 40CFR190.

iv The average effective dose per individual in the U.S. population from ubiquitous or background radiation sources is about 3.11 mSv/yr. (311 mrem/yr.),

with another 3.00 mSv/yr. (300 mrem/yr.)

resulting frommedical procedures and imaging (NCRP Report No. 160, "Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population ofthe United States" (2009)).

The estimate for natural background includes radon gas which has always beenpresent but has not always been included in previous estimates.

In some regions of the country, the amountof natural radiation is significantly higher. Residents of Colorado, for example, receive an additional 60mrem/yr.

due to the increase in cosmic and terrestrial radiation levels. In fact, for every 100 feet above sealevel, a person will receive an additional 1 mrem/yr.

from cosmic radiation.

In several regions of the world,naturally high concentrations of uranium and radium deposits result in doses of several thousand mrem/yr.

totheir residents (CRC Handbook.


Nuclear Energy and the Environment",

F. Ward Whicker andVincent Schultz, Volume 1, 1982).Analytical results are divided into four categories based on exposure pathways:

Airborne, direct radiation, ingestion, and waterborne.

Each of these pathways is described below:" The airborne exposure pathway includes airborne iodine and airborne particulate.

The 2013 resultswere similar to previous years, excluding the Fukushima Daiichi event in 2011. There was no notableincrease in natural products and no detectable fission products or other plant-related radionuclides inthe airborne particulate media during the year." The direct exposure pathway measures environmental radiation exposures by use ofthermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). TLD results have indicated a trend that compares withprevious years which reflect the natural variability of background radiation from one location toanother.

The exposure rate response at some individual monitoring stations has exhibited stepchanges at some point in the past that appear to be related to changes in local conditions in the areaof the dosimeter measurement.

These step observations have been noted at various locations (bothcontrol and indicator stations) with no correlation with distance from Seabrook

Station, leading to theconclusion that the changes in local TLD responses are not related to Seabrook operations.

As aresult, no significant radiation contribution from Seabrook Station sources was identified via TLDenvironmental measurements off-site during the course of 2013 from either plant operations or fromthe spent fuel in the Dry Fuel Storage Facility.

  • The ingestion exposure pathway includes milk, fish, shellfish, terrestrial food products and leafyvegetation samples.

The gamma spectroscopy analyses indicated the most prominent positive resultswere for potassium-40 (K-40) at average environmental levels. Other naturally occurring radionuclides were also periodically detected.

However, past world-wide nuclear events such asatmospheric testing of nuclear weapons and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident did result indetectable fallout of fission related radioactivity (Cs-1 37) in leafy vegetation (including at a ControlStation) and milk. Neither fish, shellfish nor terrestrial food products (strawberries, green beans andlettuce) had any detectable fission product related radioactivity.

No radionuclides related to planteffluents were detected in any of these sample media during 2013. For the one fission product (Cs-137) detected in vegetation and milk, plant effluent records indicate that no Cs-1 37 was released ingaseous effluents to the environment in 2013.* The waterborne exposure pathway includes surface (ocean) water, drinking water supply, shallowwell water, sea algae (Irish Moss) and sediment.

Water samples were analyzed for tritium, gross-beta and gamma-emitting radionuclides.

Irish Moss was analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuclides.

Tritium was not identified in the water samples analyzed.

For groundwater, the gross beta activitydetected at all locations is similar to what was detected in the pre-operational program and isconsistent with results from previous years of commercial operations.

Gamma analysis of samplesindicated no plant-related gamma-emitting radionuclides above detection limits. There was also no I-131 detected in sea algae samples at the control sample location as there had been in past years(2006, 2008, 2009, and 2012). Previous evaluations concluded that the low level of 1-131 in controlsamples of sea algae in the past were not related to Seabrook due to the distance (water bornedilution),

short half-life of the radionuclide, and lack of any indication that Seabrook had released anydetectable 1-131 in liquid releases during the years when it was observed in algae.v The results of the 2013 REMP continue to clearly demonstrate that there is no significant short term orchronic long-term radiological impact on the environment in the vicinity of Seabrook Station from plantoperations and that there is no detectable impact to members of the public associated with the DFS facility.

The REMP monitoring did detect local area fallout related to past global nuclear events, such as atmospheric weapons testing and the Japanese nuclear accident in March 2011, thereby demonstrating the sensitivity andcapability of the REMP to detect low level radiological changes in the environment and the likely source. TheREMP confirmed that plant effluents in 2013 did not contribute measurable radiation exposure to the generalpublic. This finding is consistent with previous years' monitoring conclusions.

As a result, no increasing orchanging trends in plant related radiological impacts on the environment are LIST OF TABLESNumber Title PaQe2.0-1 Plant Operations Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program .................................

32.0-2 Plant Operations Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations


43.1-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

Air Particulates)


213.2-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

Charcoal Cartridge)


243.3-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

Milk) .......................................................................

303.4-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

Sea Water) ..............................................................

333.5-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

Ground Water) ........................................................

393.6-1 REMP Summary (Medium:



433.7-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

Fish) .....................................................................

.473.8-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

American Lobster)


513.9-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

Mussel Body) ...........................................................

553.9-2 REMP Summary (Medium:

Mussel Shell) ...........................................................

583.10-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

Irish Moss) ..............................................................

603.11-1 REMP Summary (Medium:

Food Crops) ............................................................

643.12-1 REMP Summary (Medium:



673.13-1 Environmental TLD Measurements


713.13-2 Pre-Operational Environmental TLD Measurements


734.0-1 Dry Fuel Storage (DFS) TLD Monitoring Locations


944.1-1 DFS Environmental TLD Measurements (2013) ...................................................

955.2-1 Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis


1055.3-1 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples ...............

1066.1-1 2013 Inter-Lab Radiological Proficiency Testing Results and Acceptance Criteria


1136.1-2 2013 Eckert & Ziegler Analytics Performance Evaluation Results ..................................

1256.1-3 REMP Intra-Laboratory Data Summary:

Bias & Precision by Matrix ................

1286.1-4 All Radiological Intra-Lab Data Summary:

Bias and Precision Matrix .........................

1306.1-5 2013 Corrective Action Report Summary ..............................................................

1386.2-1 Percentage of Individual Dosimeters That Passed EDC Internal Criteria


1436.2-2 Mean Dosimeter Analyses (N=6) ........................................................................

1446.2-3 Summary of Independent Dosimeter Blind Spike Testing .......................................

1446.2-4 Summary of Independent Blind Duplicate Dosimeter Testing ..................................

1457.0-1 2013 Land Use Census Results .........................................................................

147vii LIST OF FIGURESNumberTitlePageFigure 2.1Figure 2.2Figure 2.3Figure 2.4Figure 2.5Figure 2.6Figure 3.1Figure 3.1.1Figure 3.1.2Figure 3.1.3Figure 3.1.4Figure 3.2Figure 3.3Figure 3.3.1Figure 3.3.2Figure 3.5Figure 3.5.1Figure 3.6Figure 3.6.1Figure 3.7Figure 3.7.1Figure 3.8Figure 3.8.1Figure 3.9Figure 3.9.1Figure 3.10Figure 3.10.1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations within 4 Km of Seabrook Station ...........................................

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations Between 4 & 12 Km of Seabrook Station ................................

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations Outside 12 Km of Seabrook Station ......................................

Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Within4 K m of S eabrook Station ..................................................................

Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Between 4 & 12K m of S eabrook S tation ...................................................................

Direction Radiation Monitoring Locations Outside12 K m of Seabrook Station ...............................................................

Gross-Beta Measurements of Air Particulate Filters ...............................

Gross-Beta Measurements of Air Particulate FiltersQ ua rte rly A ve ra ge s .........................................................................

Gross-Beta Measurements of Air Particulate FiltersQ ua rte rly A ve ra ges .........................................................................

Gross-Beta Measurements of Air Particulate FiltersQ ua rte rly A ve ra ges .........................................................................

Gross-Beta on Air Particulate Filters Quarterly Averages


1-131 Measurements of Air Charcoal Cartridges


C e s iu m -1 3 7 in M ilk ........................................................................

Cesium-1 37 in Milk Annual Average Concentrations


Cesium-1 37 in Milk Annual Average Concentrations


Gross-Beta Measurements of Ground Water .......................................

Gross-Beta Measurements of Ground WaterS em i-A nnual A verages .......................................................................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ...............................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..............................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .............................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .............................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..............................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ................................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..............................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..............................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..............................

Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..............................

789101112161718192025272829373874757677787980818283viii LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)

Figure 3.11Figure 3.11.1Figure 3.12Figure 3.12.1Figure 3.13Figure 3.13.1Figure 3.14Figure 3.14.1Figure 4.0.1Figure 4.1Figure 4.2Figure 4.3Figure 4.4Figure 4.5Figure 4.6Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .........................

84Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .........................

85Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..........................

86Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..........................

87Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..........................

88Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..........................

89Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .........................

90Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ..........................

91Dry Fuel Storage TLD Environmental Monitoring Locations


93DFS Control Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .............................

96DFS Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) ......................

97DFS Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .....................

98DFS Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .....................

99DFS Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .....................

100DFS Environmental Radiation Measurements (Using TLDs) .....................

101ix ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT1.0 Introduction NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) consists oftwo interconnected sample collection and measurement schedules that look for environmental influences from: (1) plant operations which release to the environment radioactive materials in liquid and gaseouseffluents, and direct radiation from plant facilities inside the power block Protected Area, and (2) directradiation from used fuel placed in the Dry Fuel Storage (DFS) facility located in the West Southwest sector approximately 0.38 miles from the Containment Building.

Several monitoring locations providedata that are shared or used in the assessment of both plant and DFS operations.

The plant operations REMP at Seabrook Station has been designed and carried out to achieve thefollowing specific objectives:

  • To provide an indication of the appearance or accumulation of any radioactive material in theenvironment caused by the operation of the nuclear power station.* To provide assurance to regulatory agencies and the public that the station's environmental impact is known and within anticipated limits.* To verify the adequacy and proper functioning of station effluent controls and monitoring systems." To provide standby monitoring capability for rapid assessment of risk to the general public in theevent of unanticipated or accidental releases of radioactive material.

In July 2008, the plant operations REMP was supplemented with the DFS environmental monitoring fordirect radiation when used nuclear fuel assemblies were for the first time transferred to the on-site DFSfacility located WSW of the power block.NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC staff collected the terrestrial samples.

Normandeau Associates, Inc.collected the marine and sediment samples.

After initial sample preparation for shipment, the sampleswere sent to GEL Laboratories, Inc. of Charleston, SC for analysis.

The Environmental Dosimetry Company located in Sterling, MA processed the environmental TLDs for the entire year.This report is a summary of the findings of the REMP for 2013. It is being provided in compliance withPart A of Seabrook Station's ODCM and Technical Specification

2.0 Plant Operations Environmental Monitoring ProgramTable 2.0-1 outlines the plant operations monitoring program as specified in the Seabrook Station ODCM,Part B, Section 4. Table 2.0-2 lists the operational sampling stations and their specific locations (distances are measured from the center of the Unit 1 Containment Building).

The sampling locations areshown on maps in Figures 2.1 through 2.6. The sampling and analysis program as described abovefulfills the minimum requirements for environmental sample collection and analysis as contained in ODCMTable A.9.1-1, and includes additional sampling of various pathways and locations beyond the minimumrequirements.

Below are listed the two-letter media codes and what they represent:

AP Air Particulate CF Charcoal FilterTM MilkWG Ground WaterWS Surface (Sea) WaterSE SedimentFH FishHA LobstersMU Mussels (Shellfish

-edible portion only)MS Mussels (Shellfish

-shell portion only)TL Direct Radiation (TLD)AL Irish Moss (algae)TF Food CropTG Vegetation (broad-leaf)

Table 2.0-1Plant Operations Radioloaical Environmental Monitorina ProaramMediaAir Particulate (AP)Charcoal Filter (CF)Milk (TM)Surface (Sea) Water (WS)Sediment (SE)Fish & Invertebrates (FH, HA, MU)Direct Radiation (TL)Irish Moss (AL)Ground Water (WG)Food Crops (TF)Vegetation (TG)Samplingq Frequency


-Quarterly Composite


-Monthly (Semimonthly when animalsare on pasture)-Monthly-Quarterly Composite


-Quarterly or-Semiannually




-Monthly/Growing Season-Monthly/Growing SeasonRequired AnalysesGross BetaGamma spectroscopy 1-131Gamma spectroscopy 1-131Gamma spectroscopy H-3 (composite)

Gamma spectroscopy Gamma spectroscopy Integrated gamma exposureGamma spectroscopy Gamma spectroscopy Gross BetaH-3Gamma spectroscopy Gamma spectroscopy 1-131* Note that broad leaf vegetation is substituted for milk due to insufficient number of required milksampling locations in the site area.

Table 2.0-2Plant Operations Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations(a)

(b)2013Approx.DistanceFrom Direction Station Code Station Plant From(Media -Sta. No.) Description Zone (km) PlantAP/CF-01+

PSNH Barge Landing Area 1 2.6 ESEAP/CF-02+

Hampton Marina (Harbor Rd) 1 2.5 EAP/CF-03+

Southwest Boundary (Rock Pile) 1 1.0 SWAP/CF-04+

West Boundary (Plate Yard) 1 1.2 WAP/CF-05 Winnacunnet High School 1 4.0 NNEAP/CF-07+

PSNH Substation 1 5.7 NNWAP/CF-08 E&H Substation 1 3.4 SSEAP/CF-09+

Georgetown Electric Light Co. 2 21.4 SSWTM-15 Hampton Falls, NH 1 6.9 NWWG-01 Seabrook Town Wells 1 5.6 WWG-13 Seabrook Station Well No.13 1 1.0 NWG-14 Brimmer's Lane 1 1.3 NNWWS-01+ Hampton-Discharge Area 1 5.3 EWS-51+ Ipswich Bay 2 26.2 SSEWS-02 Seabrook Marsh 1 0.18 SSESE-02 Hampton-Discharge Area 1 5.3 ESE-07 Hampton Beach 1 3.1 ESE-08+ Seabrook Beach 1 3.2 ESESE-52 Ipswich Bay 2 26.2 SSESE-57 Plum Island Beach 2 22.4 SSEFH-03+ Hampton-Discharge Area 1 4.5 ESEFH-53+ Ipswich Bay 2 23.3 SSEFH-1 9 Hampton-Discharge Area 1 5.2 E(not used in 2013)HA-04+ Hampton-Discharge Area 1 5.5 EHA-54+ Ipswich Bay 2 27.9 SSEMU-06+ Hampton-Discharge Area 1 5.2 EMU-09 Hampton Harbor 1 2.6 EMU-56+ Ipswich Bay 2 28.6 SSEMU-59 Plum Island 2 22.0 SSEMS-06 Hampton-Discharge Area 1 5.2 EMS-56 Ipswich Bay 2 28.6 SSEAL-05 Hampton-Discharge Area 1 5.2 EAL-55 Ipswich Bay 2 28.7 SSETF-02 Hampton Falls, NH 1 5.0 WNWTF-03 Salisbury, MA 1 5.1 SWTF-06 Ipswich, MA 2 26.0 S Table 2.0-2 (Cont'd)Plant Operations Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations(a)

(b)2013Approx.DistanceFrom Direction Station Code Station Plant From(Media -Sta. No.) Description Zone (km) PlantTG-08+ North Access Rd, Site Boundary 1 1.05 WTG-09+ General Office Bid. Site Boundary 1 0.97 SWTG-10+ Georgetown Electric Light Co. 2 21.4 SSWTL-01+ Brimmer's Lane, Hampton Falls 1 0.97 NTL-02+ Landing Road, Hampton 3.0 NNETL-03+ Glade Path, Hampton Beach 1 2.9 NETL-04+ Island Path, Hampton Beach 1 2.3 ENETL-05+ Harbor Road, Hampton Beach 1 2.5 ETL-06+ PSNH Barge Landing Area 1 2.7 ESETL-07+ Cross Road, Seabrook Beach I 2.6 SETL-08+ Farm Lane, Seabrook 1.3 SSETL-09+ Farm Lane, Seabrook 1.3 STL-10+ Site Boundary Fence 1.1 SSWTL-11+ Site Boundary Fence 1.0 SWTL-12+ Site Boundary Fence 1.2 WSWTL-13+ Inside Site Boundary 1.2 WTL-14+ Trailer Park, Seabrook 1.3 WNWTL-15+ Brimmer's Lane, 1.4 NWHampton FallsTL-16+ Brimmer's Lane 1.2 NNWHampton FallsTL-17+ South Road, North Hampton 0 7.8 NTL-18+ Mill Road, North Hampton 0 7.6 NNETL-19+ Appledore Avenue, 0 7.7 NENorth HamptonTL-20+ Ashworth Avenue, 0 3.2 ENEHampton BeachTL-21+ Route 1A, Seabrook Beach 0 3.7 SETL-22+ Cable Avenue, Salisbury 0 7.6 SSEBeachTL-23+ Ferry Road, Salisbury 0 8.1 STL-24+ Ferry Lots Lane, 0 7.2 SSWSalisbury TL-25+ Elm Street, Amesbury 0 7.6 SWTL-26+ Route 107A, Amesbury 0 8.1 WSWTL-27+ Highland St. S. Hampton 0 7.5 WTL-28+ Rte. 150, Kensington 0 7.5 WNWTL-29+ Frying Pan Ln., Hampton Falls 0 7.2 NWTL-30+ Route 27, Hampton 0 7.6 NNW Table 2.0-2 (Cont'd)Plant Operations Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations(a)

(b)2013Approx.DistanceFrom Direction Station Code Station Plant From(Media -Sta. No.) Description Zone (km) PlantTL-31+ Alumni Drive, Hampton S 3.8 NNETL-32+ Seabrook Elementary School S 2.0 STL-33+ Dock Area, Newburyport S 9.8 STL-34+ Bow Street, Exeter S 12.0 NWTL-35+ Lincoln Ackerman School S 2.3 NNWTL-36+ Route 97, Georgetown 2 22.6 SSWTL-37+ Post Office Plaistow, NH 2 21.5 WSWTL-38+ Emerson St. Hampstead, NH 2 27.7 WTL-39+ Fremont, NH 2 27.0 WNWTL-40+ Newmarket, NH 2 21.6 NNWTL-41 Portsmouth, NH 2 21.0 NNETL-42 Ipswich, MA 2 22.8 SSETL-43 Rocks Road Landing S 0.3 ENETL-44 Education (Science

& Nature) Center S 0.6 SWTL-45 Hampton Fire Station S 4.4 NETL-46 Seabrook Beach (near Police Station)

S 2.8 ESETL-47 Hampton Falls, NH S 4.1 WNWZone indices are: 1 = Indicator Stations; 2 = Control Stations; 0 = Outer Ring TLD;I = Inner Ring TLD; S = Special Interest TLD+ = Sample Locations required by the Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)(a) Dry Fuel Storage (DFS) locations are listed on Table 4.0-1.(b) Table reflects those locations included in the 2013 sample collection program.

Figure 2.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations Within 4 Kmn of Seabrook StationU-NZ .<H99-all U.0 OzS 00 Al.17 ~

Figure 2.2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations Between 4 & 12 Kmn of Seabrook StationI-J-U- O20V1 Figure 2.3 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations Outside 12 Km of Seabrook Station'l-CoC104 C1SI \ oCICD _'

Figure 2.4 Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Within 4 Km of Seabrook StationCOx-S24, Z -, .x X, 4<x x I Figure 2.5 Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Between 4 & 12 Km of Seabrook StationaxE".~ mX I o ,.01'* -_t p,,

Figure 2.6 Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Outside 12 Km of Seabrook Station-0C-0z00I-_to 3.0 Summary of Plant Operations Radiological Environmental Monitoring DataThe following pages summarize the analytical results of the plant operations environmental samplescollected in 2013. Each environmental media category is presented as a separate subsection.

A tablethat summarizes the data follows a discussion of the sampling requirements and results for each mediatype. Listed at the top of each table are the units of measurement for each medium. The left-hand column contains the radionuclide which is being reported, total number of analyses of that radionuclide, and the number of measurements that exceed the required reporting level as documented in Table A.9.1-3 of the ODCM. The latter are classified as "non-routine" measurements.

The next column lists theLower Limit of Detection (LLD) for those radionuclides that have detection capability requirements specified in the ODCM.Those sampling stations which are adjacent to the plant and which could conceivably be affected by theoperation of Seabrook Station are called "Indicator" or "Zone 1" stations.

Distant stations, which arebeyond potential plant influences, are called "Control" or "Zone 2" stations.

A set of statistical parameters is calculated for each radionuclide.

This set of statistical parameters includes separate analyses for (1) the indicator

stations, (2) the station having the highest annual meanconcentration for that radionuclide, and (3) control stations.

For each of the three groups of data, theseparameters areas follows:* The mean value of all concentrations a

  • The range of values" The number of positive measurements (a concentration which is greater than the MDC for themeasurement) divided by the total number of measurements Each radioactivity measurement datum in this report is based on a single measurement and is reportedas a concentration plus or minus a one standard deviation uncertainty.

The quoted uncertainty termrepresents only the random uncertainty associated with the radioactive decay process (counting statistics),

and not the propagation of all possible uncertainties in the analytical procedure.

Attachment 1 contains the data for the samples collected in 2013. The results are organized as follows:(1) by sample type; (2) within each sample type the data are alphabetical by nuclide; and (3) within eachradionuclide listing the data are chronologically arranged by end date (date of sample collection).

The radionuclide value concentrations have been corrected for radioactive decay. For composite

samples, such as air particulates and airborne iodine, the GEL laboratory uses the mid-point of thecollection period as the reference for decay correction until time of analysis.

3.1 Air Particulate Air monitoring stations were established at a total of eight locations, five locations required by the ODCM,Table A.9.1-1, and three additional sites included to supplement the program.

Seven of the locations areindicators, while the remaining one is a control station located more than 21 km away from the plant.Airborne particulates (AP) are collected by passing the air through a glass-fiber filter. In 2013, thesefilters were typically collected bi-weekly and held for a period (typically 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> or more) before beinganalyzed for gross-beta activity (indicated as BETA in Table 3.1-1) to allow for the decay of Radon andThoron daughter products.

Continuous automated and real-time remote monitoring of vital air samplingsystem parameters is performed with telemetry that detects power outages, pump failures, filterdegradation, tubing failures and excessive filter loading.

The telemetry communicates by cellulartransmission to a web server that communicates to a shift technician's pager when set-point thresholds are reached, providing 24/7 alert notification.

This capability provides for timely identification of problemsand corrective actions that reduce the potential loss of air sampling.

If periods of high dust loading duringthe collection period cause a higher than normal differential pressure drop across the collection

filters, thecollection period may be reduced to weekly cycles to reduce the dust loading.

There were no recordedcollection cycle reductions due to dust loading in 2013. For the year, 208 particulate filters were collected and analyzed for gross beta activity.

The 2013 gross beta activity analyses for the indicator locations were found to be statistically equivalent to that seen at the control station.

The gross beta results are also similar to what was seen in the pre-operational program and for the last twenty-four years of commercial operation, with the exception of theFukushima Daiichi related spike in 2011. All filter samples from all stations showed similar trends lines(see Figure 3.1) over the course of the year and from previous years (see Figures 3.1.1, 3.1.2, and 3.1.3).Figure 3.1.4 compares the quarterly average gross beta response of all indicator air sampling stations tothe control location over the last 20 years, and shows no significant difference in the two data sets. It isalso noted that no plant-related radionuclides (by gamma spectroscopy) were identified in any of thequarterly filter composite samples for 2013. The overall fluctuations at all stations seen in the gross betaactivity throughout the year can be attributed to changes in environmental conditions unrelated to plantoperations.

Natural environmental processes such as wind direction, precipitation, snow cover, and soiltemperature and moisture affect concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides in the atmosphere directly above land.Gamma isotopic analyses of particulate filters are summarized on Table 3.1-1. The only radionuclides detected were naturally occurring Be-7 which indicated positive in all air particulate

samples, and K-40which was positive in two samples.

Be-7 is of cosmogenic origin, and its presence is consistent withprevious years in both the pre-operational and operational periods.Near the end of 2010, analysis of environmental samples was changed from the AREVA Environmental Laboratory to GEL Laboratory after the AREVA lab discontinued operations.

In comparing long termtrends in gross beta activity, the results since 2011 appear to reflect a step increase at the time of thetransition between labs. The reason for the step increase is related to the change in the gross betacounting equipment configurations and reference calibration standards used by the AREVA lab and GEL.Both labs use(d) gas proportional counting of the filter element.

However, AREVA applied a Cs-1 37calibration source while the GEL lab uses a Tc-99 calibration source. In the case of the AREVA datarecord, the Cs-137 detection efficiency (typically 34%) was applied to the "gross" counts to determine theapparent activity.

This inherently presumes that the radioactivity in a field sample is all Cs-137. In thecase of the GEL data record, the Tc-99 efficiency (20.6%),

is applied to the same "gross" counts as if allthe radioactivity in this case is Tc-99. The end result is two different gross beta radioactivity determinations for the same level of environmental activity.

In application, this is not an adverse condition in that the gross beta counting is used as a qualitative indicator of changes in environmental conditions, not as a quantitative measure of the actual radioactivity.

Since the comparison of the response curves foreach monitoring

station, including the control station, are similar over time, the curves indicate that thereis no detectable influence from a single nearby point source such as Seabrook Station.The air particulate sampling program demonstrated no off-site dose to the public or impact to theenvironment from this pathway as the result of plant operations.

This is consistent with previous yearsand the pre-operational program.

The REMP Summary Table 3.1-1 lists the range of analysis results byradionuclide for Indicator and Control Stations for the air particulate environmental media. Attachment 1

to this report lists the individual analysis results for each measurement of air particulates under theSample Type code AP.Air particulate sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required program are described in Section 5.

FIGURE 3.1GROSS-BETA MEASUREMENTS OF AIR PARTICULATE FILTERSSEABROOK STATION0.12 0.120.11 0.110.10 0.100.09 0.09a) 0.08 0.08E.0.07 0.07-0.06 0.060.05 0.050.04 0.040.03 0.030.02 0.020.01 0.010.00 0.00January February March April May June July August September October November December2013-3-AP-01 Barge Landing Area-.--AP-02 Hampton Marina-a--AP-03 SW Boundary-AP-04 W Boundary.-- AP-05 Winnacunnet High Schoolx AP-09 Georgetown (Control)

--*-AP-07 PSNH Substation, Hampton-.-AP-08 Exeter & Hampton Electric Co.

FIGURE 3.1.1GROSS-BETA MEASUREMENTS OF AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS QUARTERLY AVERAGESSEABROOK STATION0.160.14 Chernobyl May, 19860.12a)6 0.1ES0.0800.06 5% Criticality June, 1989Full Power0.04 May, 19900.021986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 20082010 2012 2014o AP-01 Barge Landing Area-3-- AP-02 Hampton Marina--- AP-03 SW Boundary-x- AP-06/09 Georgetown Substation (Control)

FIGURE 3.1.2GROSS-BETA MEASUREMENTS OF AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS QUARTERLY AVERAGESSEABROOK STATION0.160.140.12"$ 0.1E-0.08G0.060.040.020 8 i I I 1 2 2 2 2 2 11986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014-o- AP-04 W Boundary-o- AP-05 Winnacunnet High School-*--AP-06/09 Georgetown Substation (Control) qFIGURE 3.1.3GROSS-BETA MEASUREMENTS OF AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS QUARTERLY AVERAGESSEABROOK STATION0.160.140.12.~0.1E0.0800.060.040.0201986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014--- AP-06/09 Georgetown Substation (Control)AP-07 PSNH Substation, Hampton-.-AP-08 Exeter & Hampton Electric Co.

FIGURE 3.1.4GROSS-BETA ON AIR PARTICULATE FILTERSQUARTERLY AVERAGESSEABROOK STATION0.08 0.080.06 Fukushima-0.06Daichii EventMarch 2011a)E.Y 0.04 0.04t-o0.02 0.020 -,01994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014-a- Indicators o Control Table 3.1-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Air Particulates (AP) UNITS: pCilcubic meterRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

BETA (208)(0)Be-7 (32)(0)K-40 (32)(0)Cr-51 (32)(0)Mn-54 (32)(0)Co-57 (32)(0)Co-58 (32)(0)Fe-59 (32)(0)Co-60 (32)(0)Zn-65 (31)(0)Se-75 (32)(0)Nb-95 (32)(0)Zr-95 (32)(0)Ru-103 (32)(0)Ru-106 (32)(0)0.012.6E -29.2 -45.2)E -3(182/ 182)1.OE -17.4 -13.6)E -2(28/ 28)1.7E 4.4 -5.6)E -3(2/ 28)-1.3E 1.7 -1.1)E -2(0/ 28)2.7E 2.9 -6.1)E -4(0/ 28)1.9E 9.8 -17.2)E -5(0/ 28)-2.7E 7.4 -6.9)E -4(0/ 28)-2.7E 2.3 -4.0)E -3(0/ 28)0.OE 0-2.1 -2.5)E -4(0/ 28)-4.6E 1.0 -1.5)E -3(0/ 27)2.5E 6.6 -6.1)E -4(0/ 28)1.4E 9.5 -7.2)E -4(0/ 28)1.1E 8.8 -16.3)E -4(0/ 28)-8.9E 1.3 -2.2)E -3(0/ 28)-7.OE 3.0 -3.3)E -3(0/ 28)0402040907070308080303070308042.7E -29.5 -44.9)E -3(26/ 26)1.1E -19.3 -13.5)E -2(4/ 4)3.3E -32.1 -4.6)E -3(2/ 4)1.1E -27.0 -16.1)E -3(0/ 4)1.9E 1.4 -40.9)E -5(0/ 4)4.3E -53.1 -6.7)E -5(0/ 4)1.4E 1.4 -6.2)E -4(0/ 4)4.9E 1.6 -4.0)E -3(0/ 4)7.1E 4.8 -18.7)E -5(0/ 4)4.1E -41.9 -7.7)E -4(0/ 4)1.3E 9.9 -51.0)E -5(0/ 4)4.2E -42.5 -7.2)E -4(0/ 4)6.8E 4.7 -16.3)E -4(0/ 4)7.3E 3.0 -21.8)E -4(0/ 4)1.3E -35.8 -22.6)E -4(0/ 4)2.6E -2( 9.6 -47.3)E -3(26/ 26)9.7E -28.0 -12.0)E -2(4/ 4)2.1E -3( 7.8 -31.5)E -4(o/ 4)1.1E -2( 7.0 -16.1)E -3(0/ 4)7.5E 1.7 -2.5)E -4(0/ 4)-6.2E 1.1 -0.1)E -4(0/ 4)7.OE 1.7 -5.3)E -4(0/ 4)-6.4E 1.3 -0.1)E -3(0/ 4)-6.7E 2.2 -0.8)E -4(0/ 4)-3.OE 4.5 -4.5)E -4(o/ 4)5.4E 7.4 -21.6)E -5(0/ 4)2.9E -41.2 -3.9)E -4(0/ 4)3.4E 3.0 -6.4)E -4(0/ 4)-1.9E 1.0 -0.6)E -3(0/ 4)5.5E -4( 5.1 -1350.0)E

-6(0/ 4)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.1-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Air Particulates (AP) UNITS: pCilcubic meterRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Ag-108m (32)(0)Ag-110m (32)(0)Sb-124 (33)(0)Sb-125 (32)(0)1-131 (40)(0)Cs-134 (32)(0)Cs-137 (32)(0)Ba-140 (32)(0)La-140 (32)(0)Ce-141 (32)(0)Ce-144 (32)(0)Ac-228 (32)(0)Th-228 (32)(0)0.OE 0-1.3 -1.2)E -4(0/ 28)-4.5E 6.9 -3.3)E -4(0/ 28)-1.OE 2.4 -2.4)E -3(0/ 29)1.4E 5.0 -7.8)E -4(0/ 28)-1.4E 1.9 -0.1)E 0(0/ 35)1.4E 2.7 -4.6)E -4(0/ 28)0.050.06 -2.2E 3.7 -2.5)E -4(0/ 28)-1.OE 6.0 -3.1)E -1(0/ 28)-1.OE 1.2 -0.4)E -1(0/ 28)1.6E 3.1 -1.5)E -3(0/ 28)5.5E 1.3 -0.9)E -3(0/ 28)1.1E 1.7 -1.6)E -3(0/ 28)2.5E 7.5 -6.7)E -4(0/ 28)090904050904040309070405031.3E -4( 6.0 -281.0)E -6(0/ 4)9.7E 2.1 -27.6)E -5(0/ 4)4.1E 9.8 -15.6)E -4(0/ 4)3.3E 1.0 -7.8)E -4(0/ 4)1.OE 1.4 -1.9)E -1(0/ 5)1.3E 9.7 -46.2)E -5(0/ 4)6.2E -52.8 -15.4)E -5(0/ 4)9.9E -21.4 -30.6)E -2(0/ 4)2.6E 5.2 -85.7)E -3(0/ 4)4.9E 6.6 -83.2)E -5(0/ 4)4.4E -41.0 -6.3)E -4(o/ 4)5.8E -43.3 -10.3)E -4(0/ 4)3.4E -41.1 -6.7)E -4(0/ 4)1.3E -46.0 -281.0)E -6(0/ 4)9.7E 2.1 -27.6)E -5(0/ 4)3.1E -41.5 -43.5)E -5(0/ 4)8.7E 1.8 -4.1)E -4(0/ 4)1.OE 1.4 -1.9)E -1(0/ 5)3.6E 2.9 -2.0)E -4(0/ 4)4.3E 1.9 -2.9)E -4(0/ 4)1.6E 1.6 -4.2)E -2(0/ 4)2.6E 5.2 -85.7)E -3(0/ 4)-9.4E 1.8 --0.2)E -3(0/ 4)0.OE 0-6.9 -2.5)E -4(0/ 4)3.4E 3.6 -12.9)E -4(0/ 4)2.7E -47.1 -39.3)E -5(0/ 4)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.2 Charcoal FiltersCharcoal filter (CF) cartridges are placed in series behind the air particulate glass-fiber filters at each of the airsampling locations.

Monitoring stations were established at a total of eight locations.

Seven of these areindicators and one is a control.

Charcoal filters from the air sampling stations were collected and analyzed for1-131 activity to a lower limit of detection (LLD) of 0.07 pCi/m3 or lower.During 2013, a total of 208 charcoal cartridges from eight locations were analyzed.

As described for the airparticulate samplers (see Section 3.1), the collection cycles for the charcoal filters were biweekly during 2013.Off-normal conditions, such as observed high differential pressure across the associated particulate filter (nonedetected in 2013) which might be indicative of excessive dust loading, could prompt switching to a temporary weekly cycle (see Section 3.1).No sample analyses indicated a detectable level for 1-131 that was statistically relevant (positive) at any of theair sampling locations during the year. Figure 3.2 shows the 1-131 measurement responses in 2013 for all airsampling stations.

All analyses were below their respective measurement minimum detectable concentrations (MDC).From initial criticality in June 1989 to the Fukushima Daiichi accident in March 2011, the Seabrook REMPprogram had not detected 1-131 at any offsite air sample locations.

Following the March -April, 2011 airconcentration spikes of 1-131 related to the Fukushima Daiichi accident

releases, no detectable 1-131 has beenobserved.

The pre-operational data for 1-131 are consistent with present (2013) data. Therefore, there are noincreasing or decreasing trends related to Seabrook Station operations for airborne 1-131. The potential organdoses from 1-131 in gaseous effluents, if assumed to be released at the MDA, are well below the 1 OCFR50,Appendix I dose criteria.

The REMP Summary Table 3.2-1 list the range of analysis results for iodine (1-131) at both Indicator and ControlStations.

Attachment 1 to this report lists the individual analysis results for each air sample measurement underthe Sample Type code CF.Charcoal filter sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required program are described inSection 5.

Table 3.2-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Charcoal Cartridge (CF) UNITS: pCilcubic meterRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected-)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected-)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

1-131 (208) 0.07(0)-2.OE 2.0 -1.2)E -2(0/ 182)021.OE 8.5 -7.5)E -3(0/ 26)1.9E -4( -9.5 -8.4)E -3(0/ 26)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

FIGURE 3.21-131 MEASUREMENTS OF AIR CHARCOAL CARTRIDGES SEABROOK STATION0. data< MDCJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul2013----CF-01 Barge Landing Area---CF-03 SW Boundary--- CF-05 Winnacunnet High School* CF-09 Georgetown (Control)

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec----CF-02 Hampton Marina--CF-04 W BoundaryCF-08 Exeter & Hampton Electric Co.--CF-07 PSNH Substation, Hampton 3.3 MilkMilk samples (TM) were collected semi-monthly during the pasture season and monthly at other times. Samplesare analyzed for low level 1-131 and gamma-emitting radionuclides.

The ODCM (Table A.9.1-1) requires that milk samples be collected from three locations within 5 km of the planthaving the highest dose potential.

If there are none, then one sample is required from milking animals in each ofthree areas between 5 to 8 km distances where the doses are calculated to be greater than 1 mrem/yr.

Due tothe limited inventory of milk animals in the site area, as reconfirmed by the 2013 Land Use Census, the numberof available sample locations required by the ODCM sampling program could not be met (insufficient numbers ofmilk animals within 5 km, and only one milk location

[designated TM-15] between 5 and 8 km). The ODCMallows for broad leaf vegetation samples to be collected if milk sampling cannot be performed in accordance tothe REMP requirements.

As a result, two site boundary locations and one control vegetation location aresampled to compensate for the limited milk availability (see Section 3.12).The Land Use Census also documented that one milk location situated 8.1 km, NNE (TM-24) which had beenpart of the REMP sample program no longer has milking goats and had to be dropped from the samplingschedule (no milk collected in 2013).A total of 18 milk samples were collected during the year from one available location.

Each sample wasanalyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

In addition, all samples were evaluated for low levels of 1-131through an iodine extraction process.

The gamma analyses on samples indicated that naturally occurring K-40was detectable in all milk samples.

Natural occurring Ac-228 was detected in one sample. Also detected in 14milk samples was Cs-137 at an average concentration of 5.80 pCi/kg (positive measurements only) which fallsin the range of past and pre-operational measurements.

The highest single Cs-1 37 analysis result in 2013 was12.4 pCi/kg. Though the Fukushima Daiichi event in March 2011 may have contributed to the Cs-1 37 levelsobserved in milk in 2013, Cs-1 37 has historically been detected at similar levels in milk before the nuclearaccident in Japan. Residual Cs-1 37 from past weapons testing fallout has been the major contributor attributed to the currently observed values in milk. There was no detectable Cs-1 37 reported in plant gaseous effluents during 2013 or the recent past which supports the finding that Seabrook Station is not the source. Figures 3.3,3.3.1 and 3.3.2 illustrate the analysis results (without regard to whether individual analysis indicated detectable or statistically not detectable concentrations) for Cs-1 37 in milk over the current period (2013) and previousyears.Iodine-1 31 was not positively identified at any location for the year. This is consistent with previous years forboth the pre-operational and operational phases of the program.

The samples met the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) requirements (1 pCi/kg) for 1-131 in milk. No increasing or decreasing trends in the radioactivity content ofmilk were observed.

The REMP Summary Table 3.3-1 lists the range of analysis results by radionuclide for the Indicator station(Historical Control Stations for the milk have ceased operations).

Attachment 1 to this report lists the individual analysis results for each measurement of milk under the Sample Type code TM. Section 5 identifies anydeviations in the sample measurement

program, such as missed lower limits of detection (LLD) requirements.

FIGURE 3.3CESIUM-137 IN MILKSEABROOK STATION30252015105-0--5-10Cs-137 < MDCCs-137 < MDCJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul2013Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec* TM-15, Hampton Falls NH (Goats)

FIGURE 3.3.1CESIUM-137 IN MILKANNUAL AVERAGE CONCENTRATIONS 302520151050302520151050ýP "P 61 ýP 0Nq IV 1P--- TM-04, Salisbury MA-,>-TM-08, Hampton Falls NH (prior to 1995 TM-10)-0-- TM-09, Hampton NH-- TM-15, Hampton Falls NH FIGURE 3.3.2CESIUM-137 IN MILKANNUAL AVERAGE CONCENTRATIONS 3025200)C-,1050302520151050c---TM-16, Kensington NH-.--TM-21, North Andover MA (Control)


Newbury, MA--*-TM-24, North Hampton NH-o--TM-20, Rowley MA (Control)

Table 3.3-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Milk (TM) UNITS: pCilkcqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

Be-7 (18)(0)K-40 (18)(0)Cr-51 (18)(0)Mn-54 (18)(0)Co-57 (18)(0)Co-58 (18)(0)Fe-59 (18)(0)Co-60 (18)(0)Zn-65 (18)(0)Se-75 (18)(0)Nb-95 (18)(0)Zr-95 (18)(0)Ru-103 (18)(0)Ru-106 (18)(0)-2.1E 0-8.4 -5.2)E 0(0/ 18)1.6E 3( 1.1 -1.8)E 3(18/ 18)9.5E 1.4 -2.2)E 1(0/ 18)-5.OE 1.1 -1.5)E 0(0/ 18)5.9E 2.7 -1.3)E 0(0/ 18)-1.0E 1.4 -1.2)E 0(0/ 18)5.5E 3.1 -9.0)E 0(0/ 18)-7.1E 3.2 -1.9)E 0(0/ 18)-5.1E 4.3 -6.4)E 0(0/ 18)6.3E 1.9 -6.6)E 0(0/ 18)6.1E -1( -1.5 -2.3)E 0(0/ 18)-2.1E 1.1 -0.3)E 1(0/ 18)-5.OE 1.7 -0.8)E 0(0/ 18)-3.2E 0-1.7 -0.6)E 1(0/ 18)-2.1E 0-8.4 -5.2)E 0(0/ 18)1.6E 31.1 -1.8)E 3(18/ 18)9.5E 1.4 -2.2)E 1(0/ 18)-5.OE 1.1 -1.5)E 0(0/ 18)5.9E 2.7 -1.3)E 0(0/ 18)-1.0E 1.4 -1.2)E 0(0/ 18)5.5E 3.1 -9.0)E 0(0/ 18)-7.1E 3.2 -1.9)E 0(0/ 18)-5.1E 4.3 -6.4)E 0(0/ 18)6.3E 1.9 -6.6)E 0(0/ 18)6.1E 1.5 -2.3)E 0(0/ 18)-2.1E 1.1 -0.3)E 1(0/ 18)-5.OE 1.7 -0.8)E 0(0/ 18)-3.2E 0-1.7 -0.6)E 1(0/ 18)NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.3-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Milk (TM) UNITS: pCi/kqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Ag-108m (18)(0)Ag-110m (18)(0)Sb-124 (18)(0)Sb-125 (18)(0)1-131 (18)(0)Cs-134 (18)(0)Cs-137 (18)(0)Ba-140 (18)(0)La-140 (18)(0)Ce-141 (18)(0)Ce-144 (18)(0)Ac-228 (18)(0)Th-228 (18)(0)Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

-4.6E 2.3 -1.9)E 0(0/ 18)7.9E 1.3 -1.6)E 0(0/ 18)-8.6E 1.0 -0.1)E 1(0/ 18)-2.2E 5.9 -3.2)E 0(0/ 18)6.8E 1.4 -4.2)E -1(0/ 18)15 -6.9E 3.3 -1.4)E 0(0/ 18)18 5.OE 01.4 -12.4)E 0(14/ 18)15 3.3E 3.6 -2.8)E 0(0/ 18)15 3.3E 3.6 -2.8)E 0(0/ 18)4.3E 4.3 -4.9)E 0(0/ 18)3.3E 0-7.6 -17.9)E 0(0/ 18)8.4E 6.7 -20.6)E 0(1/ 18)1.OE 0-5.4 -7.0)E 0(0/ 18)Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

-4.6E 2.3 -1.9)E 0(0/ 18)7.9E 1.3 -1.6)E 0(0/ 18)-8.6E 1.0 -0.1)E 1(0/ 18)-2.2E 5.9 -3.2)E 0(0/ 18)6.8E 1.4 -4.2)E -1(0/ 18)-6.9E 3.3 -1.4)E 0(0/ 18)5.0E 01.4 -12.4)E 0(14/ 18)3.3E 3.6 -2.8)E 0(0/ 18)3.3E 3.6 -2.8)E 0(0/ 18)4.3E 4.3 -4.9)E 0(0/ 18)3.3E 0-7.6 -17.9)E 0(0/ 18)8.4E 6.7 -20.6)E 0(1/ 18)1.OE 0-5.4 -7.0)E 0(0/ 18)Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANon-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.4 Surface WaterSurface water (seawater

-WS) grab samples are required at two locations (control and indicator) monthly.

Theindicator (WS-01) is over the vicinity of the plant's submerged discharge structure.

The control location (WS-51) is situated in Ipswich Bay, MA, approximately 26.2 km from the plant. A gamma analysis is performed oneach sample. A tritium analysis is performed on the quarterly composite of samples from each ODCMrequired location.

Additional samples were collected from the Seabrook Marsh (WS-02) which borders theimmediate plant property.

The marsh samples are intended to provide indication of any ground watermovement across the site area that might carry contamination into the surface waters of the marsh. Each ofthese samples is analyzed for both gamma emitters and tritium.For 2013, a total of 26 gamma analyses were performed on surface water samples.

The only radionuclide detected was naturally occurring K-40. No plant-related nuclides were detected.

The present data for gammaemitters in seawater is consistent with that of the pre-operational program and previous years of operations.

Therefore, no increasing or decreasing trends were observed.

Quarterly composites for the required off-shore locations (Stations WS-01 and WS-51) were analyzed fortritium.

A total of 8 off-shore samples (composites) were analyzed in 2013, plus two additional samples fromthe non-ODCM required location (WS-02) situated approximately 600 feet SSE from the Containment Buildingin Seabrook Marsh. The quarterly composites and WS-02 samples showed no indication of tritium.

Allsamples met the required minimum LLD (3000 pCi/kg) for tritium in seawater.

These results are consistent with pre-operational tritium data. The achieved Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC) for the quarterly off-shore composite samples averaged 366 pCi/kg, while the marsh area samples from WS-02 had an averageMDC of 536 pCi/kg.The calculated dose as the result of plant effluents is not evaluated due to the fact that no plant-related radionuclides were or have been detected in the past. Therefore, no increasing or decreasing trends in dosewere observed.

This sampling program demonstrates that there is no impact to the public or environment, through this pathway from plant operations.

The REMP Summary Table 3.4-1 lists the range of analysis results by radionuclide for Indicator and ControlStations for the sea water environmental media. Attachment 1 to this report lists the individual analysis resultsfor each measurement of sea water under the Sample Type code WS.Any sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required program or reportable concentrations that may have occurred during the year are described in Section 5.

Table 3.4-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Sea Water (WS) UNITS: pCilkqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

H-3(10)(0)Be-7 (26)(0)K-40 (26)(0)Cr-51 (26)(0)Mn-54 (26)(0)Co-57 (26)(0)Co-58 (26)(0)Fe-59 (26)(0)Co-60 (26)(0)Zn-65 (26)(0)Se-75 (26)(0)Nb-95 (26)(0)Zr-95 (26)(0)3000 -7.5E 1-1.5 --0.1)E 2(0/ 6)2.4E 0-1.0 -1.8)E 1(0/ 14)3.1E 21.9 -3.5)E 2(12/ 14)-3.OE 0-1.3 -0.4)E 1(0/ 14)15 -5.7E 5.2 -3.8)E -1(0/ 14)5.4E 8.1 -7.9)E -1(0/ 14)15 -2.0E 1.3 -0.8)E 0(0/ 14)30 -6.1E 3.5 -3.1)E 0(0/ 14)15 2.4E 7.9 -12.3)E -1(0/ 14)30 2.3E 1.7 -1.9)E 0(0/ 14)2.4E 1.1 -5.0)E 0(0/ 14)15 1.1E 2.0 -1.1)E 0(0/ 14)15 -9.4E 5.8 -1.1)E 0(0/ 14)51010151010201010201020251-1.3E 1-1.3 -0.9)E 2(0/ 4)2.6E 0-1.0 -1.8)E 1(0/ 12)3.2E 2( 2.9 -3.5)E 2(10/ 12)-7.4E 6.4 -7.1)E 0(0/ 12)-4.3E 5.2 -3.8)E -1(0/ 12)5.9E -14.0 -7.8)E -1(0/ 2)-1.7E 1.3 -0.8)E 0(0/ 12)-5.1E 3.5 -3.1)E 0(0/ 12)8.0E -1( 3.6 -12.3)E -1(0/ 2)5.2E 1.7 -1.9)E 0(0/ 12)5.OE 4.5 -14.5)E -1(0/ 2)6.1E -1( 1.8 -10.4)E -1(0/ 2)3.3E 1.7 -1.9)E 0(0/ 12)-1.3E 1-1.3 -0.9)E 2(0/ 4)4.5E 5.7 -8.5)E 0(0/ 12)3.0E 2( 2.3 -3.5)E 2(11/ 12)-7.4E 6.4 -7.1)E 0(0/ 12)-1.4E 1.1 -2.6)E 0(0/ 12)3.6E 8.8 -13.6)E -1(0/ 12)-3.3E 1.1 -0.3)E 0(0/ 12)-6.7E 3.2 -3.8)E 0(0/ 12)-9.2E 2.3 -0.9)E 0(0/ 12)-5.7E 3.1 -0.9)E 0(0/ 12)2.6E 1.2 -2.0)E 0(0/ 12)2.3E 2.2 -1.0)E 0(0/ 12)3.3E 1.7 -1.9)E 0(0/ 12)Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.4-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Sea Water (WS) UNITS: pCi/kpRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Ru-103 (26)(0)Ru-106 (26)(0)Ag-108m (26)(0)Ag-110m (26)(0)Sb-124 (26)(0)Sb-125 (26)(0)1-131 (26)(0)Cs-134 (26)(0)Cs-137 (26)(0)Ba-140 (26)(0)La-140 (26)(0)Ce-141 (26)(0)Ce-144 (26)(0)-7.4E 1.4 -1.3)E 0(0/ 14)-1.3E 0-1.1 -0.8)E 1(0/ 14)6.1E 4.5 -12.8)E -1(0/ 14)-4.8E 3.0 -0.4)E 0(0/ 14)-3.6E 3.3 -3.5)E 0(0/ 14)-1.2E 0-3.0 -0.4)E 0(0/ 14)15 -1.5E 2.5 -2.8)E 0(0/ 14)15 2.2E 5.2 -10.5)E -1(0/ 14)18 5.3E 9.3 -19.0)E -1(0/ 14)15 1.3E 2.1 -3.5)E 0(0/ 14)15 1.3E 2.1 -3.5)E 0(0/ 14)4.5E 2.6 -2.3)E 0(0/ 14)3.8E 5.7 -7.3)E 0(0/ 14)010201025102012.5E 1.4 -1.3)E 0(0/ 12)4.4E 03.9 -4.9)E 0(0/ 2)8.9E 4.5 -12.8)E -1(0/ 12)-1.6E 2.7 --0.4)E -1(0/ 2)6.4E 1.4 -2.3)E 0(0/ 12)-1.8E 6.7 -3.1)E -1(0/ 2)1.1E 1.1 -2.8)E 0(0/ 12)2.9E 5.2 -10.5)E -1(0/ 12)6.OE 9.3 -19.0)E -1(0/ 12)3.4E -1( -1.8 -3.5)E 0(0/ 12)3.4E 1.8 -3.5)E 0(0/ 12)1.OE 0-8.5 -218.0)E -2(0/ 2)7.8E 5.7 -7.3)E 0(0/ 2)-5.2E 2.0 -0.4)E 0(0/ 12)-3.3E 2.7 -0.7)E 1(0/ 12)-7.4E 9.0 -6.4)E -1(0/ 12)-2.7E 2.8 -3.2)E 0(0/ 12)6.4E 1.4 -2.3)E 0(0/ 12)-2.4E 2.0 -3.1)E 0(0/ 12)-4.6E 1.1 -1.1)E 0(0/ 12)1.8E 7.9 -11.7)E -1(0/ 12)3.1E 5.3 -13.2)E -1(0/ 12)-3.7E 4.9 -1.6)E 0(0/ 12)-3.7E 4.9 -1.6)E 0(0/ 12)2.7E 2.4 -2.1)E 0(0/ 12)-3.2E 0-1.9 -0.3)E 1(0/ 12)010101010202* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses Table 3.4-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Sea Water (WS) UNITS: pCi/kqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

Pb-212 (26)(0)Pb-214 (26)(0)Bi-214 (26)(0)Ac-228 (26)(0)Th-228 (26)(0)8.6E -1( -4.7 -6.3)E 0(0/ 14)2.OE -1( -3.6 -7.2)E 0(0/ 14)1.9E 0( -3.3 -8.3)E 0(0/ 14)-2.6E -1( -7.2 -7.1)E 0(0/ 14)8.6E 4.7 -6.3)E 0(0/ 14)0101019.9E 4.7 -6.3)E 0(0/ 12)6.1E 3.6 -7.2)E 0(0/ 12)2.2E 0-3.3 -8.3)E 0(0/ 12)2.1E 0( 1.5 -2.7)E 0(0/ 2)9.9E 4.7 -6.3)E 0(0/ 12)7.3E -1( -2.9 -4.0)E 0(0/ 12)-1.2E 0( -6.1 -4.8)E 0(0/ 12)3.6E -1( -5.1 -7.6)E 0(0/ 12)5.8E -1( -3.7 -6.6)E 0(0/ 12)7.3E -1( -2.9 -4.0)E 0(0/ 12)0201* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.5 Ground WaterThere is no requirement in the ODCM to collect ground water (WG) samples.

For the year, quarterly groundwater samples were collected when available from three locations.

These samples were collected from thetown water line (WG-01) supplied to the Site (by the Town of Seabrook),

from an inactive well (WG-13) locatedapproximately 1 km north of the plant, and from a private well 1.3 km NNW (WG-14).

For 2013, a total of 12samples were collected.

All samples were analyzed for gross-beta

activity, gamma-emitters and tritium.Gross beta activity was detected in two of the twelve samples due to naturally occurring radium and itsdaughter products.

The gross beta activity is consistent with results from previous years of commercial operations.

Figures 3.5 and 3.5.1 indicate the current year (2013) and the long-term measurement history forgross beta in well waters. No tritium or plant-related gamma emitters were detected in any of the ground watersamples collected during the year. Table 3.5-1 identifies the results of the search for radionuclides of whichonly naturally occurring K-40 was detected in 1 of 12 samples.The dose potential to the public from drinking ground water is not evaluated due to the fact that plant-related radionuclides have not been detected.

Therefore, no increasing or decreasing trends were observed.

Thereis no impact to the public, through this pathway, from plant operations.

The REMP Summary Table 3.5-1 list the range of analysis results by radionuclide for all ground waterenvironmental samples.

Attachment 1 to this report lists the individual analysis results for each measurement of ground water under the Sample Type code WG.Any reportable sample concentrations that may have occurred during the year are described in Section 5.

FIGURE 3.5GROSS-BETA MEASUREMENTS OF GROUND WATERSEABROOK STATION201816141210C)C. 86420-2Feb Mar Apr May May JunJul Aug Sep Oct Oct Nov Dec Jan2013--a--WG-01 Seabrook Town Wells-x--WG-13 Seabrook Station Well No. 13----WG-14 Brimmers Lane FIGURE 3.5.1GROSS-BETA MEASUREMENTS OF GROUND WATERSEMI-ANNUAL AVERAGESSEABROOK STATION2015520151050k .1 ,, u01990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014-x-xWG-01 Seabrook Town Wells*-WG-14 Brimmers Lane-o--WG-13 Seabrook Station Well No. 13 Table 3.5-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Ground Water (WG) UNITS: pCilkqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

BETA (12)(0)4 2.3E 03.5 -34.0)E -1(2/ 12)H-3(12)(0)30005.3E 1-2.2 -3.2)E 2(0/ 12)Be-7 (12)(0)K-40 (12)(0)Cr-51 (12)(0)Mn-54 (12)(0)Co-57 (12)(0)Co-58 (12)(0)Fe-59 (12)(0)Co-60 (12)(0)Zn-65 (12)(0)Se-75 (12)(0)Nb-95 (12)(0)2.9E 0-1.0 -1.3)E 1(0/ 12)6.OE 0-1.6 -3.0)E 1(1/ 12)-1.2E 0-1.4 -0.9)E 1(0/ 12)15 -1.7E 1.5 -1.0)E 0(0/ 12)-2.6E 1.6 -0.7)E 0(0/ 12)15 2.6E 6.7 -14.5)E -1(0/ 12)30 5.8E 2.5 -5.6)E 0(0/ 12)15 -3.3E 1.3 -2.1)E 0(0/ 12)30 1.3E 0-1.2 -3.4)E 0(0/ 12)4.OE 7.7 -16.8)E -1(0/ 12)15 5.6E 8.3 -168.0)E -2(0/ 12)141413140114131414131414132.8E 0( 2.4 -3.1)E 0(0/ 4)6.8E 1( -7.5 -29.1)E 1(0/ 4)1.2E 1( 9.7 -12.9)E 0(0/ 4)1.3E 19.7 -16.1)E 0(0/ 4)-2.6E 1.4 -0.9)E 1(0/ 4)2.3E 4.1 -9.5)E -1(0/ 4)4.OE 2.5 -7.3)E -1(0/ 4)7.2E -1( 2.6 -145.0)E -2(0/ 4)1.8E 0( 2.1 -55.8)E -1(0/ 4)4.OE 9.2 -21.2)E -1(0/ 4)1.9E 0( 1.3 -3.4)E 0(0/ 4)6.5E 3.5 -16.8)E -1(0/ 4)1.1E 0( 6.8 -16.8)E -1(0/ 4)NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.5-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Ground Water (WG) UNITS: pCi/kgRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Zr-95 (12)(0)Ru-103 (12)(0)Ru-106 (12)(0)Ag-108m (12)(0)Ag-110m (12)(0)Sb-124 (12)(0)Sb-125 (12)(0)1-131 (12)(0)Cs-134 (12)(0)Cs-137 (12)(0)Ba-140 (12)(0)La-140 (12)(0)Ce-141 (12)(0)RequiredLLD151515181515Indicator StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

-4.0E 2.5 -2.0)E 0(0/ 12)-7.8E 2.9 -0.1)E 0(0/ 12)-3.5E 1.1 -1.2)E 1(0/ 12)-1.6E 1.7 -1.0)E 0(0/ 12)-3.4E 1.4 -0.9)E 0(0/ 12)-1.1E 4.8 -2.7)E 0(0/ 12)6.5E 2.9 -3.3)E 0(0/ 12)-6.2E 6.2 -1.9)E 0(0/ 12)4.7E 2.3 -0.9)E 0(0/ 12)1.9E 2.5 -1.9)E 0(0/ 12)5.7E 3.0 -4.4)E 0(0/ 12)5.7E 3.0 -4.4)E 0(0/ 12)7.4E 2.7 -3.8)E 0(0/ 12)Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

7.9E -11.1 -20.2)E -1(0/ 4)-3.OE 1.1 -0.1)E 0(0/ 4)2.9E 0-2.6 -11.6)E 0(0/ 4)-3.3E 6.3 -4.8)E -1(0/ 4)-2.3E 7.8 -9.0)E -1(0/ 4)9.2E 2.8 -16.6)E -1(0/ 4)1.3E 01.5 -33.2)E -1(0/ 4)2.7E 1.7 -1.1)E 0(0/ 4)3.6E 2.6 -9.1)E -1(0/ 4)6.5E 4.6 -18.8)E -1(0/ 4)1.9E 0-9.9 -44.2)E -1(0/ 4)1.9E 0-9.9 -44.2)E -1(0/ 4)1.9E 0-3.6 -35.8)E -1(0/ 4)Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., >3 standard deviations with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.5-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Ground Water (WG) UNITS: pCi/kqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected-)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

Ce-144 (12)(0)Pb-212 (12)(0)Pb-214 (12)(0)Bi-214 (12)(0)Ac-228 (12)(0)Th-228 (12)(0)-8.3E 1.2 -0.4)E 1(0/ 12)1.6E 0-1.2 -5.8)E 0(0/ 12)7.2E 1-2.9 -286.0)E 0(0/ 12)6.7E 17.8 -2550.0)E

-1(0/ 12)-8.2E 1.2 -0.6)E 1(0/ 12)1.6E 0-1.2 -5.8)E 0(0/ 12)0114141413141.OE 0-8.8 -182.0)E -2(0/ 4)3.OE 0( 2.2 -58.1)E -1(0/ 4)1.9E 2( 3.0 -286.0)E 0(0/ 4)1.7E 2( 7.8 -2550.0)E

-1(0/ 4)6.2E 3.1 -5.1)E 0(0/ 4)3.0E 0( 2.2 -58.1)E -1(0/ 4)NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.6 SedimentSemiannual sediment sampling is required at one indicator

location, although a total of five locations, three indicators and two controls, are collected.

The indicator stations are comprised of two sets of beachsediment cores from Hampton Beach (SE-07) and Seabrook Beach (SE-08),

plus one sub-tidal sedimentcore taken from near the discharge structure (SE-02).

The control locations, Plum Island Beach (SE-57)and sub-tidal Ipswich Bay (SE-52),

are both located within Ipswich Bay. A total of 10 samples werecollected for the year from all locations.

All cores were analyzed as single or whole samples withoutsegmenting.

A gamma analysis was performed on each core.Table 3.6-1 identifies the results of the search for radionuclides of which several naturally occurring weredetected.

The naturally occurring radionuclides include K-40 and nuclides of the Uranium-238 decaychain (Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-214 and Bi-214) and the Thorium-232 decay chain (Ac-228, Th-228, Pb-212,and TI-208).

No plant-related radionuclides were detected in any core. No increasing or decreasing trends were observed.

This is consistent with the pre-operational program and with previous years ofplant operations.

There is no plant related dose to the public or impact to the environment from anypathways associated with this media.The REMP Summary Table 3.6-1 list the range of analysis results by radionuclide for Indicator andControl Stations for the sediment environmental media. Attachment 1 to this report lists the individual analysis results for each measurement of sediment under the Sample Type code SE.Any sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required

program, or reportable concentrations that may have occurred during the year are described in Section 5.

Table 3.6-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Sediment (SE) UNITS: pCilkaRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Be-7 (10)(0)K-40 (10)(0)Cr-51 (10)(0)Mn-54 (10)(0)Co-57 (10)(0)Co-58 (10)(0)Fe-59 (10)(0)Co-60 (10)(0)Zn-65 (10)(0)Se-75 (10)(0)Nb-95 (10)(0)Zr-95 (10)(0)Ru-103 (10)(0)-7.5E 1-3.0 -1.0)E 2(0/ 6)1.7E 41.3 -2.1)E 4(6/ 6)-7.5E 1-2.1 -1.2)E 2(0/ 6)5.7E 0-9.7 -33.3)E 0(0/ 6)4.8E 0-7.4 -23.7)E 0(0/ 6)-3.7E 0-3.2 -1.4)E 1(0/ 6)-2.3E 1-9.6 -3.9)E 1(0/ 6)-4.5E 0-1.7 -1.5)E 1(0/ 6)2.3E 1-7.2 -52.2)E 0(0/ 6)3.OE 0-1.3 -2.4)E 1(0/ 6)2.5E 12.1 -62.8)E 0(0/ 6)6.8E 0-1.6 -2.5)E 1(0/ 6)9.6E 0-1.5 -26.1)E 0(0/ 6)2.9E 1-1.6 -2.1)E 2(0/ 2)2.OE 4( 1.9 -2.1)E 4(2/ 2)1.4E 2-5.8 -32.8)E 1(0/ 2)2.3E 1( 1.3 -3.3)E 1(0/ 2)1.1E 1( 3.8 -17.7)E 0(0/ 2)5.OE 0-1.7 -2.6)E 1(0/ 2)1.6E 1( 1.5 -1.7)E 1(0/ 2)2.1E 1( 1.4 -2.8)E 1(0/ 2)5.5E 1( 4.3 -6.6)E 1(0/ 2)1.5E 1( 2.5 -27.3)E 0(0/ 2)5.5E 1( 4.8 -6.3)E 1(0/ 2)4.OE 1( 1.3 -6.8)E 1(0/ 2)2.4E 1( 2.2 -2.6)E 1(0/ 2)1.7E 1-1.6 -2.1)E 2(0/ 4)1.4E 41.2 -1.5)E 4(4/ 4)1.OE 2-5.8 -32.8)E 1(0/ 4)-5.3E 0-1.9 -2.1)E 1(0/ 4)-1.8E 0-1.7 -1.8)E 1(0/ 4)-1.3E 2.3 -2.6)E 1(0/ 4)3.OE 0-2.9 -1.7)E 1(0/ 4)7.3E 0( -9.5 -28.0)E 0(0/ 4)5.1E 1( 2.9 -6.7)E 1(0/ 4)1.OE 1-2.4 -3.6)E 1(0/ 4)4.OE 1( 8.4 -56.3)E 0(0/ 4)2.9E 1( 1.3 -6.8)E 1(0/ 4)-1.8E 1-2.5 --0.9)E 1(0/ 4)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.6-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Sediment (SE1 UNITS: oCi/kaRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Ru-106 (10)(0)Ag-108m (10)(0)Ag-110m (10)(0)Sb-124 (10)(0)Sb-125 (10)(0)1-131 (10)(0)Cs-134 (10)(0)Cs-137 (10)(0)Ba-140 (10)(0)La-140 (10)(0)Ce-141 (10)(0)Ce-144 (10)(0)Tl-208 (10)(0)-2.3E 1-1.3 -0.7)E 2(0/ 6)-2.9E 0-1.3 -0.4)E 1(0/ 6)1.2E 2.4 -4.0)E 1(0/ 6)-1.4E 1-6.0 -3.4)E 1(0/ 6)1.1E 1-1.1 -4.0)E 1(0/ 6)-1.1E 2-3.1 -0.1)E 2(0/ 6)1.7E 10.0 -4.4)E 1(0/ 6)1502.9E 22.1 -3.6)E 2(0/ 2)9.4E 07.6 -11.3)E 0(0/ 2)8.OE 0-2.4 -4.0)E 1(0/ 2)4.6E 0-3.4 -96.2)E -1(0/ 2)2.8E 11.4 -4.2)E 1(0/ 2)-1.6E 1-7.0 -3.9)E 1(0/ 2)4.4E 10.0 -8.9)E 1(0/ 2)8.5E 0-1.1 -2.8)E 1(0/ 2)1.1E 26.9 -14.9)E 1(0/ 2)1.OE 25.9 -14.5)E 1(0/ 2)1.3E 1-1.1 -3.7)E 1(0/ 2)7.2E 16.0 -8.4)E 1(0/ 2)7.5E 24.9 -10.1)E 2(2/ 2)1.2E 2-1.6 -3.6)E 2(0/ 4)4.2E 8.6 -11.3)E 0(0/ 4)-1.1E 0-1.8 -2.1)E 1(0/ 4)-3.1E 1-6.6 -0.0)E 1(0/ 4)1.2E 1-4.8 -4.2)E 1(0/ 4)-2.6E 1-2.5 -1.8)E 2(0/ 4)2.9E 10.0 -8.9)E 1(0/ 4)6.1E 0-1.1 -2.8)E 1(0/ 4)-2.5E 2-5.0 --0.4)E 2(0/ 4)3.5E 1-7.2 -9.7)E 1(0/ 4)-9.1E 0-2.6 -2.1)E 1(0/ 4)2.7E 0-8.5 -8.4)E 1(0/ 4)4.3E 29.2 -101.0)E 1(4/ 4)180 -6.9E 0-3.3 -1.3)E 1(0/ 6)6.6E 0-1.6 -1.5)E 2(0/ 6)1.1E 1-1.2 -1.5)E 2(0/ 6)5.9E 0-1.1 -3.7)E 1(0/ 6)2.2E 1-9.3 -20.0)E 1(0/ 6)2.OE 21.2 -3.5)E 2(6/ 6)5752* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.6-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Sediment (SE) UNITS: pCi/kqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected-)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

Pb-212 (10)(0)Pb-214 (10)(0)Bi-214 (10)(0)Ra-226 (10)(0)Ac-228 (10)(0)Th-228 (10)(0)Th-230 (10)(0)6.8E 2( 3.4 -12.6)E 2(6/ 6)3.8E 2( 0.0 -9.9)E 2(5/ 6)4.1E 2( 2.2 -7.6)E 2(6/ 6)4.1E 2( 2.2 -7.6)E 2(6/ 6)5.8E 21.9 -11.4)E 2(6/ 6)6.8E 23.4 -12.6)E 2(6/ 6)4.1E 22.2 -7.6)E 2(6/ 6)525252525252522.5E 3( 1.7 -3.3)E 3(2/ 2)6.2E 2( 0.0 -1.2)E 3(1/ 2)1.3E 3( 8.6 -18.3)E 2(2/ 2)1.3E 3( 8.6 -18.3)E 2(2/ 2)2.3E 3( 1.6 -3.0)E 3(2/ 2)2.5E 3( 1.7 -3.3)E 3(2/ 2)1.3E 3( 8.6 -18.3)E 2(2/ 2)1.5E 33.8 -33.4)E 2(4/ 4)3.8E 20.0 -1.2)E 3(2/ 4)8.2E 22.2 -18.3)E 2(4/ 4)8.2E 22.2 -18.3)E 2(4/ 4)1.3E 31.7 -29.9)E 2(3/ 4)1.5E 33.8 -33.4)E 2(4/ 4)8.2E 22.2 -18.3)E 2(4/ 4)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.7 FishSemiannual fish (FH) and invertebrate samples are required by the ODCM REMP from two locations.

Quarterly collections are attempted to ensure the sampling requirements are met. This section presentsthe results for fish sampling only. Invertebrate results may be found in Sections 3.8 and 3.9, entitledLobsters and Shellfish, respectively.

During the year, a total of 9 fish samples were collected.

The fish species available from Station FH-03(indicator station) and Station FH-53 (control station) were dominated by Winter Flounder (catches alsoincludes yellow tail and windowpane flounder) which are bottom dwelling species.

Two samples ofcunner fish were also collected from sample location FH-03 (Hampton Bay in the area of the plant'sdischarge).

One sample of whiting fin fish was also taken in trawls from location FH-03.A gamma analysis was performed on the edible portion of each sample collected.

In 2013, the onlyradionuclide detected was naturally occurring K-40 (all samples).

Table 3.7-1 summarizes the results forradionuclides in fish. Similar to past years, no plant-related radionuclides were detected in any samples.As a result, no increasing or decreasing trends were observed.

Subsequently, there is no dose to thepublic or impact to the environment through this pathway due to plant operations.

This is consistent withprevious years of plant operations, as well as the pre-operational program.In addition to the required program for fish as defined in the ODCM, sampling was attempted to collect alocal fish species (cunner fish) that resides in the upper regions of the water column using an alternate collection method from that used for the more prevalent bottom species (flounder).

For 2013, two cunnersamples were collected from Hampton Bay. The results are listed in Attachment 1 as laboratory numbers332456001 (08/27/2013) and 338542002 (12/02/2013).

The results for the one sample of whiting fish arelisted under laboratory number 338542001 (11/25/2013).

No plant radionuclides were detected in thecunner or whiting fish samples, with only naturally occurring K-40 being found.The REMP Summary Table 3.7-1 also lists the range of analysis results by radionuclide for Indicator andControl Stations for all fish environmental media. Attachment 1 to this report lists the individual analysisresults for each measurement of fish under the Sample Type code FH.Any sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required

program, or reportable concentrations that may have occurred during the year are described in Section 5.

Table 3.7-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Fish (FH) UNITS: pCilkgRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanControl StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

Be-7 (9)(0)K-40 (9)(0)Cr-51 (9)(0)Mn-54 (9)(0)Co-57 (9)(0)Co-58 (9)(0)Fe-59 (9)(0)Co-60 (9)(0)Zn-65 (9)(0)Se-75 (9)(0)Nb-95 (9)(0)Zr-95 (9)(0)Ru-103 (9)(0)2.OE 1-8.0 -115.0)E 0(0/ 6)2.9E 3( 2.2 -3.7)E 3(6/ 6)4.1E 0-1.9 -1.4)E 2(0/ 6)130 -1.OE 0-1.5 -0.6)E 1(0/ 6)-5.8E 5.8 -5.2)E 0(0/ 6)130 1.5E 0-4.2 -11.6)E 0(0/ 6)2601302601.9E 9.6 -21.0)E 0(0/ 6)2.3E 0-1.5 -7.3)E 0(0/ 6)9.3E 1.2 -3.3)E 1(0/ 6)-2.8E 0-6.9 -2.7)E 0(0/ 6)3.2E 0-3.0 -9.1)E 0(0/ 6)3.4E 0-6.4 -10.8)E 0(0/ 6)1.8E 0-1.2 -1.7)E 1(0/ 6)2.OE 1-8.0 -115.0)E 0(0/ 6)3.5E 3( 3.5 -3.5)E 3(3/ 3)4.1E 0-1.9 -1.4)E 2(0/ 6)-1.OE 0-1.5 -0.6)E 1(0/ 6)8.5E 5.7 -25.0)E -1(0/ 3)1.5E 0-4.2 -11.6)E 0(0/ 6)2.2E 0-2.8 -5.0)E 0(0/ 3)2.3E 0-1.5 -7.3)E 0(0/ 6)9.3E 1.2 -3.3)E 1(0/ 6)-6.4E 2.9 -0.5)E 0(0/ 3)3.2E 0-3.0 -9.1)E 0(0/ 6)3.4E 0-6.4 -10.8)E 0(0/ 6)1.8E 0-1.2 -1.7)E 1(0/ 6)7.6E 0-1.4 -2.0)E 1(0/ 3)3.5E 33.5 -3.5)E 3(3/ 3)-1.8E 1-2.8 --1.1)E 1(0/ 3)-2.5E 0-8.7 -0.7)E 0(0/ 3)8.5E 5.7 -25.0)E -1(0/ 3)-3.8E 0-7.7 --0.4)E 0(0/ 3)2.2E 0-2.8 -5.0)E 0(0/ 3)-1.2E 0-2.5 --0.3)E 0(0/ 3)-5.7E 1.3 -0.8)E 1(0/ 3)-6.4E 2.9 -0.5)E 0(0/ 3)-4.6E 5.0 -1.8)E 0(0/ 3)1.6E 0-2.1 -7.1)E 0(0/ 3)-9.1E 2.4 -1.4)E 0(0/ 3)Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.7-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Fish (FH) UNITS: pCilkcqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

Ru-106 (9)(0)Ag-108m (9)(0)Ag-ll0m (9)(0)Sb-124 (9)(0)Sb-125 (9)(0)1-131 (9)(0)Cs-134 (9)(0)Cs-137 (9)(0)Ba-140 (9)(0)La-140 (9)(0)Ce-141 (9)(0)Ce-144 (9)(0)TI-208 (9)(0)2.1E 1-2.6 -57.2)E 0(0/ 6)-4.8E 6.2 -7.7)E 0(0/ 6)5.3E 0-6.4 -19.7)E 0(0/ 6)-1.OE 1-4.6 -0.7)E 1(0/ 6)1.OE 1-3.6 -53.6)E 0(0/ 6)-1.4E 1-5.6 -0.8)E 1(0/ 6)130 5.OE 0-1.6 -14.5)E 0(0/ 6)150 8.7E 0-1.9 -3160.0)E

-2(0/ 6)-2.9E 0-1.3 -0.6)E 2(0/ 6)-6.5E 0-3.7 -0.5)E 1(0/ 6)-4.5E 0-1.8 -0.5)E 1(0/ 6)6.2E 0-2.7 -6.2)E 1(0/ 6)7.OE 00.0 -2.2)E 1(0/ 6)035303530353030303535353032.1E 1-2.6 -57.2)E 0(0/ 6)1.3E 0-2.6 -31.0)E -1(0/ 3)5.3E 0-6.4 -19.7)E 0(0/ 6)3.5E 0-8.6 -92.2)E -1(0/ 3)1.OE 1-3.6 -53.6)E 0(0/ 6)-2.4E 0-9.8 -4.3)E 0(0/ 3)5.OE 0-1.6 -14.5)E 0(0/ 6)8.7E 0-1.9 -3160.0)E

-2(0/ 6)-2.9E 0-1.3 -0.6)E 2(0/ 6)-3.6E 0-1.0 -0.2)E 1(0/ 3)9.3E 4.4 -4.4)E 0(0/ 3)9.OE 0( 4.5 -244.0)E -1(0/ 3)7.OE 0( 0.0 -2.2)E 1(0/ 6)1.4E 1-6.1 -37.9)E 0(0/ 3)1.3E 0-2.6 -31.0)E -1(0/ 3)-5.6E 0-9.0 --1.2)E 0(0/ 3)3.5E 0-8.6 -92.2)E -1(0/ 3)-1.5E 0-4.4 -1.7)E 0(0/ 3)-2.4E 0-9.8 -4.3)E 0(0/ 3)-2.2E 1.9 -2.3)E 0(0/ 3)1.OE 00.0 -1.5)E 0(0/ 3)-5.4E 0-2.5 -1.2)E 1(0/ 3)-3.6E 0-1.0 -0.2)E 1(0/ 3)9.3E 4.4 -4.4)E 0(0/ 3)9.OE 04.5 -244.0)E -1(0/ 3)-2.5E 1.3 -0.6)E 0(0/ 3)Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.7-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Fish (FH) UNITS: pCilkgRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

Pb-212 (9)(0)Pb-214 (9)(0)Bi-214 (9)(0)Ra-226 (9)(0)Ac-228 (9)(0)Th-228 (9)(0)Th-230 (9)(0)2.OE 0-8.2 -10.1)E 0(0/ 6)-4.4E 1.4 -1.4)E 1(0/ 6)-4.2E 0-7.1 -2.4)E 1(0/ 6)-4.2E 0-7.1 -2.4)E 1(0/ 6)-5.2E 8.2 -3.6)E 1(0/ 6)2.OE 0-8.2 -10.1)E 0(0/ 6)-4.2E 0-7.1 -2.4)E 1(0/ 6)530353535353536.4E 0( 4.5 -10.2)E 0(0/ 3)-4.4E 1.4 -1.4)E 1(0/ 6)8.1E 07.3 -194.0)E -1(0/ 3)8.1E 07.3 -194.0)E -1(0/ 3)1.5E 14.0 -34.6)E 0(0/ 3)6.4E 04.5 -10.2)E 0(0/ 3)8.1E 07.3 -194.0)E -1(0/ 3)6.4E 04.5 -10.2)E 0(0/ 3)-2.OE 0-7.2 -2.8)E 0(0/ 3)8.1E 07.3 -194.0)E -1(0/ 3)8.1E 07.3 -194.0)E -1(0/ 3)1.5E 14.0 -34.6)E 0(0/ 3)6.4E 04.5 -10.2)E 0(0/ 3)8.1E 07.3 -194.0)E -1(0/ 3)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.8 LobstersSemiannual fish and invertebrate samples were required from two locations.

This section provides the resultsfor one type of invertebrate

-Homarus americanus (American lobsters) which is an important commercial foodspecies from local waters. Lobsters (HA) were collected from an indicator location near the discharge (HA-04)and from a control location (HA-54) within Ipswich Bay. A total of four samples were collected for the year.Fish and shellfish results may be found in Sections 3.7 and 3.9, respectively.

A gamma analysis was performed on each sample. The only radionuclide detected in lobster samples in 2013was naturally occurring K-40 (all samples).

Similar to past years, no plant-related radionuclides were detectedin any sample. Therefore, no increasing or decreasing trends were observed.

Consequently, there is no doseto the public or impact to the environment from this pathway due to plant operations.

This is consistent withprevious years as well as the pre-operational program.The REMP Summary Table 3.8-1 also lists the range of analysis results by radionuclide for Indicator andControl Stations for all lobster samples.

Attachment 1 to this report lists the individual analysis results for eachmeasurement of lobsters under the Sample Type code HA.Any sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required

program, or reportable concentrations that may have occurred during the year are described in Section 5.

Table 3.8-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)-ani 11. A..;.. iIMAm "I IlTo 1' __ .: -mencan ODSLer I j : P qRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

Be-7 (4)(0)K-40 (4)(0)Cr-51 (4)(0)2.4E 11.8 -3.1)E 1(0/ 2)2.2E 32.0 -2.4)E 3(2/ 2)-3.6E 1-1.0 -0.3)E 2(0/ 2)Mn-54 (4) 130 -3.OE -2(0) -4.4 --1.6)E -2(0/ 2)Co-57 (4)(0)Co-58 (4)(0)Fe-59 (4)(0)Co-60 (4)(0)Zn-65 (4)(0)Se-75 (4)(0)Nb-95 (4)(0)Zr-95 (4)(0)Ru-103 (4)(0)-5.4E 1.9 -0.8)E 0(0/ 2)130 1.9E 01.4 -2.5)E 0(0/ 2)260 -4.8E 8.5 -7.5)E 0(0/ 2)130 -3.9E 2.1 -1.3)E 0(0/ 2)260 -7.4E 0-9.9 --4.9)E 0(0/ 2)-3.OE 0-3.9 --2.2)E 0(0/ 2)6.1E 03.4 -8.7)E 0(0/ 2)-2.7E 3.6 --1.8)E -1(0/ 2)-6.4E 0-6.5 --6.3)E 0(0/ 2)045454040404540454540454542.4E 1( 1.8 -3.1)E 1(0/ 2)2.8E 3( 2.6 -3.1)E 3(2/ 2)-1.8E 0-5.6 -2.0)E 0(0/ 2)-3.OE 4.4 --1.6)E -2(0/ 2)-5.4E 1.9 -0.8)E 0(0/ 2)1.9E 01.4 -2.5)E 0(0/ 2)2.OE 01.9 -2.2)E 0(0/ 2)-3.9E 2.1 -1.3)E 0(0/ 2)-3.4E 0-6.3 --0.5)E 0(0/ 2)3.5E 9.7 -705.0)E -3(0/ 2)6.1E 03.4 -8.7)E 0(0/ 2)3.5E 2.2 -2.9)E 0(0/ 2)-6.1E 6.2 --5.9)E -1(0/ 2)9.6E 0( 3.4 -15.7)E 0(0/ 2)2.8E 3( 2.6 -3.1)E 3(2/ 2)-1.8E 0-5.6 -2.0)E 0(0/ 2)-1.9E 8.4 -4.6)E -1(0/ 2)-8.5E 9.4 --7.6)E -1(0/ 2)-1.2E 4.3 -2.0)E -1(0/ 2)2.OE 01.9 -2.2)E 0(0/ 2)-5.7E 1.5 -0.3)E 0(0/ 2)-3.4E 0-6.3 --0.5)E 0(0/ 2)3.5E 9.7 -705.0)E(0/ 2)-32.4E 3.7 -8.5)E -1(0/ 2)3.5E 2.2 -2.9)E 0(0/ 2)-6.1E 6.2 --5.9)E -1(0/ 2)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.8-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: American Lobster (HA) UNITS: pCilkaIndicator StationsStation With Highest MeanRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


MeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

Station MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Ru-106 (4)(0)Ag-108m (4)(0)Ag-ll0m (4)(0)Sb-124 (4)(0)Sb-125 (4)(0)1-131 (4)(0)Cs-134 (4)(0)Cs-137 (4)(0)Ba-140 (4)(0)La-140 (4)(0)Ce-141 (4)(0)Ce-144 (4)(0)Tl-208 (4)(0)4.1E 12.2 -5.9)E 1(0/ 2)-8.5E 1.9 -1.7)E 0(0/ 2)-7.1E 5.3 -3.9)E 0(0/ 2)1.4E 03.0 -24.8)E -1(0/ 2)5.3E 04.1 -6.6)E 0(0/ 2)4.7E 02.7 -6.7)E 0(0/ 2)130 1.1E 0( 9.7 -11.8)E -1(0/ 2)150 1.5E 0-2.5 -5.6)E 0(0/ 2)2.8E 11.2 -4.3)E 1(0/ 2)9.6E 03.2 -16.0)E 0(0/ 2)4.2E 02.9 -5.5)E 0(0/ 2)1.2E 1-1.2 -3.6)E 1(0/ 2)-3.OE 0-8.5 -2.5)E 0(0/ 2)045454540404545404040404544.1E 12.2 -5.9)E 1(0/ 2)2.3E 4.9 -9.6)E -1(0/ 2)5.6E 2.7 -114.0)E -2(0/ 2)3.OE 02.0 -4.0)E 0(0/ 2)5.3E 04.1 -6.6)E 0(0/ 2)4.7E 02.7 -6.7)E 0(0/ 2)2.1E 05.3 -35.9)E -1(0/ 2)2.7E 01.8 -3.5)E 0(0/ 2)2.8E 11.2 -4.3)E 1(0/ 2)9.6E 03.2 -16.0)E 0(0/ 2)4.2E 02.9 -5.5)E 0(0/ 2)1.2E 1-1.2 -3.6)E 1(0/ 2)-5.5E 1.1 -0.0)E 0(0/ 2)-1. 9E 1.3 -0.9)E 0(0/ 2)2.3E 4.9 -9.6)E -1(0/ 2)5.6E 2.7 -114.0)E -2(0/ 2)3.OE 02.0 -4.0)E 0(0/ 2)9.3E -12.1 -16.5)E -1(0/ 2)-1.OE 0-6.8 -4.7)E 0(0/ 2)2.1E 05.3 -35.9)E -1(0/ 2)2.7E 01.8 -3.5)E 0(0/ 2)6.2E 04.4 -7.9)E 0(0/ 2)1.1E 0-1.8 -3.9)E 0(0/ 2)-1.3E 0-1.5 --1.0)E 0(0/ 2)-3.5E 7.3 -0.2)E -1(0/ 2)-5.5E 1.1 -0.0)E 0(0/ 2)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.8-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)no"KA A I ýLUA% I

...r li...,uvul flv: nherncan, 0 LULer Inn I ~ l :~ UtIWIndicator StationsStation With Highest MeanRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


MeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*-)

Station MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Pb-212 (4)(0)Pb-214 (4)(0)Bi-214 (4)(0)Ra-226 (4)(0)Ac-228 (4)(0)Th-228 (4)(0)Th-230 (4)(0)1.9E 01.5 -2.3)E 0(0/ 2)1.1E 18.0 -13.2)E 0(0/ 2)-5.OE 6.5 -6.4)E 0(0/ 2)-5.0E 6.5 -6.4)E 0(0/ 2)8.5E 0-1.4 -18.4)E 0(0/ 2)1.9E 0( 1.5 -2.3)E 0(0/ 2)-5.OE 6.5 -6.4)E 0(0/ 2)540454545454542.5E 02.3 -2.7)E 0(0/ 2)1.1E 18.0 -13.2)E 0(0/ 2)6.OE 05.2 -6.9)E 0(0/ 2)6.OE 05.2 -6.9)E 0(0/ 2)1.4E 11.2 -1.7)E 1(0/ 2)2.5E 02.3 -2.7)E 0(0/ 2)6.OE 05.2 -6.9)E 0(0/ 2)2.5E 02.3 -2.7)E 0(0/ 2)2.4E 04.4 -44.5)E -1(0/ 2)6.OE 05.2 -6.9)E 0(0/ 2)6.OE 05.2 -6.9)E 0(0/ 2)1.4E 11.2 -1.7)E 1(0/ 2)2.5E 02.3 -2.7)E 0(0/ 2)6.OE 05.2 -6.9)E 0(0/ 2)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.9 Shellfish

Semiannual fish and invertebrate samples are required by the ODCM from two locations.

This sectionprovides the results for shellfish (MU) samples only. In 2013, four locations (two indicators and two controls) were included in the sample collections.

Fish and lobster results may be found in the Sections 3.7 and 3.8,entitled Fish and Lobsters, respectively.

During the year there were two species of mussels (MU) harvested for analysis.

Modiolus (horse mussels)was collected by divers from near the discharge outfall (indicator station MU-06) and from Ipswich Bay (controlMU-56). Mytilus (blue mussels) were collected from the intertidal areas of Hampton Harbor (indicator MU-09)and Plum Island (control MU-59). A total of eight samples were collected in 2013 and analyzed forradioactivity in the edible portion or meat of the shellfish.

The only radionuclides detected in edible shellfish body samples in 2013 were naturally occurring, including K-40 (all 8 samples),

Be-7 (1 sample),

Pb-212 (1 sample),

Bi-214 (2 samples),

Ra-226 (2 samples),

Ac-228 (2samples),

Th-228 (1 sample) and Th-230 (2 samples).

Similar to past years, no plant-related gamma emittingradionuclides were detected in any sample. Therefore, no increasing or decreasing trends were observed.

Consequently, there is no dose to the public or impact to the environment from this pathway due to plantoperations.

This is consistent with the pre-operational program and with previous years of plant operations.

Additional analyses were conducted on the May and November shellfish collections from both indicator (MS-06) and control (MS-56) locations.

Mussel shells (MS) were analyzed for Strontium 89 and 90 (four samples)to see if there was any indication of strontium uptake into the shell. For 2013, no Sr-89/90 was detected in anysample. No shell analyses are required by the REMP as defined in the ODCM.The REMP Summary Table 3.9-1 (mussel bodies) and Table 3.9-2 (mussel shells) list the range of analysisresults by radionuclide for Indicator and Control Stations for all shellfish samples.

Attachment 1 to this reportlists the individual analysis results for each measurement of shellfish under the Sample Type code MU for theedible portions and MS for shells only.Any sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required

program, or reportable concentrations that may have occurred during the year, are described in Section 5.

Table 3.9-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MFflIIIM: RndvIMUI IINITR5 nrilkn... .. ...... .. .. Mu se Body t .. .. r...Indicator StationsStation With Highest MeanRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


MeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected-)

Station MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Be-7 (8)(0)K-40 (8)(0)Cr-51 (8)(0)Mn-54 (8)(0)Co-57 (8)(0)Co-58 (8)(0)Fe-59 (8)(0)Co-60 (8)(0)Zn-65 (8)(0)Se-75 (8)(0)Nb-95 (8)(0)Zr-95 (8)(0)Ru-103 (8)(0)1.9E 1-1.8 -4.8)E 1(1/ 4)1.3E 31.0 -1.5)E 3(4/ 4)-2.3E 0-1.6 -1.0)E 1(0/ 4)130 -3.8E 1.1 -0.2)E 0(0/ 4)8.1E 6.3 -136.0)E -2(0/ 4)130 1.2E 0-6.8 -43.1)E -1(0/ 4)260 -2.8E 0-6.5 -0.3)E 0(0/ 4)130 -9.8E 6.6 -5.9)E 0(0/ 4)260 1.1E 0-1.8 -5.2)E 0(0/ 4)-1.3E 0-7.6 -2.5)E 0(0/ 4)-1.2E 2.0 -2.0)E 0(0/ 4)4.7E 1.5 -2.4)E 0(0/ 4)4.7E 8.6 -16.2)E -1(0/ 4)565656560606095659565609068.3E 17.9 -8.7)E 1(0/ 2)1.8E 31.6 -1.9)E 3(2/ 2)3.6E 1-2.7 -9.8)E 1(0/ 2)6.7E 0( 5.3 -8.1)E 0(0/ 2)9.7E -1( 6.0 -13.4)E -1(0/ 2)2.7E 0( 1.1 -4.3)E 0(0/ 2)-9.5E 2.2 -0.3)E 0(0/ 2)4.4E 01.2 -7.6)E 0(0/ 2)7.1E 03.8 -10.5)E 0(0/ 2)4.3E 03.1 -5.4)E 0(0/ 2)1.1E 18.5 -12.6)E 0(0/ 2)4.8E 1.5 -2.4)E 0(0/ 2)5.5E 2.5 -13.6)E -1(0/ 2)4.8E 1( 1.2 -8.7)E 1(0/ 4)1.6E 31.4 -1.9)E 3(4/ 4)1.1E 1-3.5 -9.8)E 1(0/ 4)3.4E 01.1 -81.1)E -1(0/ 4)5.OE 7.3 -12.7)E -1(0/ 4)-3.1E 0-6.6 --0.6)E 0(0/ 4)-3.2E 0-5.8 --0.9)E 0(0/ 4)1.7E 0-2.2 -7.6)E 0(0/ 4)3.3E 0-1.1 -10.5)E 0(0/ 4)3.1E 01.4 -5.4)E 0(0/ 4)5.6E 06.9 -1260.0)E-2 (0/ 4)-3.7E 0-1.4 -0.1)E 1(0/ 4)-3.7E 0-9.9 -1.0)E 0(0/ 4)Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.9-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Mussel Body (MU) UNITS: pCi/kaIndicator StationsRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Ru-106 (8)(0)Ag-108m (8)(0)Ag-110m (8)(0)Sb-124 (8)(0)Sb-125 (8)(0)1-131 (8)(0)Cs-134 (8)(0)Cs-137 (8)(0)Ba-140 (8)(0)La-140 (8)(0)Ce-141 (8)(0)Ce-144 (8)(0)Tl-208 (8)(0)MeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

-2.5E 0-2.7 -0.8)E 1(0/ 4)1.1E 0-5.7 -25.9)E -1(0/ 4)1.5E 0-5.6 -46.5)E -1(0/ 4)-2.2E 0-8.7 -6.4)E 0(0/ 4)-3.6E 3.2 -3.1)E 0(0/ 4)-3.4E 0-1.4 -0.2)E 1(0/ 4)130 -8.5E 2.0 -0.5)E 0(0/ 4)150 5.7E 9.5 -19.7)E -1(0/ 4)1.5E 1-8.7 -50.2)E 0(0/ 4)2.3E 0-4.8 -6.3)E 0(0/ 4)1.2E 00.0 -2.8)E 0(0/ 4)-3.2E 0-8.8 -6.2)E 0(0/ 4)7.2E 2.1 -4.1)E 0(0/ 4)Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected-)

59 2.3E 11.8 -2.8)E 1(0/ 2)06 1.8E 01.0 -2.6)E 0(0/ 2)56 5.6E 00.0 -1.1)E 1(0/ 2)56 1. 1E 14.3 -17.3)E 0(0/ 2)56 3.OE 07.6 -53.0)E -1(0/ 2)56 1.4E 14.9 -22.1)E 0(0/ 2)56 5.7E 01.2 -10.1)E 0(0/ 2)56 3.1E 0-8.4 -69.8)E -1(0/ 2)06 3.3E 11.7 -5.0)E 1(0/ 2)06 5.9E 05.5 -6.3)E 0(0/ 2)56 3.5E 0-2.5 -9.5)E 0(0/ 2)56 1.3E 1-1.5 -4.0)E 1(0/ 2)06 2.5E 08.3 -41.2)E -1(0/ 2)Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected*)

-5.3E 5.1 -2.8)E 1(0/ 4)3.7E 1.2 -1.9)E 0(0/ 4)2.OE 0-2.5 -11.2)E 0(0/ 4)4.2E 0-3.0 -17.3)E 0(0/ 4)2.9E 0( 3.9 -53.0)E -1(0/ 4)1.2E 1( 4.9 -22.1)E 0(0/ 4)2.7E 0-2.2 -10.1)E 0(0/ 4)2.8E 0-8.4 -69.8)E -1(0/ 4)-1.5E 1-4.0 -0.7)E 1(0/ 4)-2.7E 0-1.2 -0.9)E 1(0/ 4)2.7E 0-2.5 -9.5)E 0(0/ 4)6.1E 0-1.5 -4.0)E 1(0/ 4)-3.1E 3.3 -2.4)E 0(0/ 4)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.9-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Mussel Body (MU) UNITS: pCilkcqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Pb-212 (8)(0)Pb-214 (8)(0)Bi-214 (8)(0)Ra-226 (8)(0)Ac-228 (8)(0)Th-228 (8)(0)Th-230 (8)(0)5.8E 0( 2.5 -14.2)E 0(1/ 4)9.5E 0( 4.7 -16.5)E 0(0/ 4)8.8E 0( 6.4 -229.0)E -1(1/ 4)8.8E 0( 6.4 -229.0)E -1(1/ 4)1.OE 1-7.6 -20.4)E 0(2/ 4)5.8E 0( 2.5 -14.2)E 0(1/ 4)8.8E 0( 6.4 -229.0)E -1(1/ 4)060956560906569.1E 0( 3.9 -14.2)E 0(1/ 2)1.1E 1( 4.7 -16.5)E 0(0/ 2)4.1E 18.5 -74.5)E 0(1/ 2)4.1E 1( 8.5 -74.5)E 0(1/ 2)1.7E 11.4 -2.0)E 1(1/ 2)9.1E 0( 3.9 -14.2)E 0(1/ 2)4.1E 1( 8.5 -74.5)E 0(1/ 2)2.OE 0( -2.4 -9.0)E 0(0/ 4)-1.1E 1( -4.3 -1.2)E 1(0/ 4)2.1E 1(-8.6 -745.0)E -1(1/ 4)2.1E 1(-8.6 -745.0)E -1(1/ 4)4.9E 0(-2.5 -123.0)E -1(0/ 4)2.OE 0-2.4 -9.0)E 0(0/ 4)2.1E 1(-8.6 -745.0)E -1(G/ 4)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.9-2Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Mussel Shell (MS) UNITS: pCi/kqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Sr-89 (4)(0)Sr-90 (4)(0)-6.1E 1-1.2 -0.0)E 2(0/ 2)-6.1E 1-1.1 --0.2)E 2(0/ 2)0656-6.1E 1-1.2 -0.0)E 2(0/ 2)-3.7E 1-8.3 -0.9)E 1(0/ 2)-1.6E 2-3.2 -0.0)E 2(0/ 2)-3.7E 1-8.3 -0.9)E 1(0/ 2)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.10 Irish MossThere is no REMP technical requirement defined in the ODCM to collect Irish Moss (algae) samples.

Asa supplement to the required REMP, semiannual Chondrus (Irish Moss) samples were collected from anindicator area (AL-05) near the plant discharge and a control location (AL-55) within Ipswich Bay. If plant-related radionuclides were re-concentrating in the aquatic environment, an early indication of this mightbe shown in this type of environmental species.

Four routine samples (two indicators and two controls) were collected for the year.A gamma analysis was performed on each sample. Naturally occurring K-40 was detected in all samplesfor both indicator and control stations.

Other naturally occurring radionuclides detected include Be-7 (3samples),

Th-228 (2 samples) and Ac-228 (2 samples).

No plant-related radionuclides were detected inany sample from either the indicator or control stations.

Unlike past years which included the occasional detection of 1-131 in control location samples due to sources unrelated to plant operations, no 1-131 wasseen in Irish Moss in 2013.Therefore, no plant-related increasing or decreasing trends were observed.

Subsequently, there is nodose or impact to the environment from plant operations.

This is consistent with the pre-operational program and previous years of plant operations.

The REMP Summary Table 3.10-1 lists the range of analysis results by radionuclide for Indicator andControl Stations for Irish Moss samples.

Attachment 1 lists the individual analysis results for eachmeasurement of Irish Moss under the Sample Type code AL.Any sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM defined program, or reportable concentrations that may have occurred during the year, are described in Section 5.

Table 3.10-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Irish Moss (AL) UNITS: pCi/kiqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Be-7 (4)(0)K-40 (4)(0)Cr-51 (4)(0)Mn-54 (4)(0)Co-57 (4)(0)Co-58 (4)(0)Fe-59 (4)(0)Co-60 (4)(0)Zn-65 (4)(0)Se-75 (4)(0)Nb-95 (4)(0)Zr-95 (4)(0)Ru-103 (4)(0)1.7E 25.2 -27.8)E 1(1/ 2)6.7E 33.6 -9.8)E 3(2/ 2)-2.OE 1-2.8 --1.1)E 1(0/ 2)-3.7E 1.7 -0.9)E 0(0/ 2)3.2E 09.3 -55.6)E -1(0/ 2)3.3E 0-3.2 -9.8)E 0(0/ 2)4.5E 01.2 -7.9)E 0(0/ 2)1.OE 01.3 -19.2)E -1(0/ 2)3.3E 03.1 -3.6)E 0(0/ 2)-6.7E 0-1.5 -0.1)E 1(0/ 2)1.3E 0( 0.0 -2.6)E 0(0/ 2)4.6E 0( 8.4 -84.5)E -1(0/ 2)2.1E 0-1.4 -44.2)E -1(0/ 2)550555550505050555550505051.9E 27.8 -30.9)E 1(2/ 2)6.7E 33.6 -9.8)E 3(2/ 2)7.4E 0-5.2 -20.0)E 0(0/ 2)8.7E 4.7 -22.1)E -1(0/ 2)3.2E 09.3 -55.6)E -1(0/ 2)3.3E 0-3.2 -9.8)E 0(0/ 2)4.5E 01.2 -7.9)E 0(0/ 2)1.OE 01.3 -19.2)E -1(0/ 2)3.9E 01.6 -6.1)E 0(0/ 2)-8.6E 1.8 -0.0)E 0(0/ 2)1.3E 0( 0.0 -2.6)E 0(0/ 2)4.6E 08.4 -84.5)E -1(0/ 2)2.1E 0-1.4 -44.2)E -1(0/ 2)1.9E 27.8 -30.9)E 1(2/ 2)4.8E 33.4 -6.1)E 3(2/ 2)7.4E 0-5.2 -20.0)E 0(0/ 2)8.7E 4.7 -22.1)E -1(0/ 2)-1.3E 0-1.3 --1.3)E 0(0/ 2)1.6E 02.6 -29.3)E -1(0/ 2)-4.3E 0-5.0 --3.6)E 0(0/ 2)-3.4E 4.3 --2.4)E -1(0/ 2)3.9E 01.6 -6.1)E 0(0/ 2)-8.6E 1.8 -0.0)E 0(0/ 2)-8.6E 1.7 -0.0)E 0(0/ 2)2.OE 09.4 -30.5)E -1(0/ 2)6.9E 6.1 -20.0)E -1(0/ 2)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.10-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Irish Moss (AL) UNITS: pCilkqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Ru-106 (4)(0)Ag-108m (4)(0)Ag-l10m (4)(0)Sb-124 (4)(0)Sb-125 (4)(0)1-131 (4)(0)1.9E 1-2.0 -5.8)E 1(0/ 2)2.5E 0-4.8 -9.8)E 0(0/ 2)-2.6E, 0-3.1 --2.1)E 0(0/ 2)-6.8E 0-1.5 -0.1)E 1(0/ 2)1.5E 14.3 -25.3)E 0(0/ 2)60 1.7E 11.5 -1.9)E 1(0/ 2)05055555050555055555051.9E 1-2.0 -5.8)E 1(0/ 2)2.5E 0-4.8 -9.8)E 0(0/ 2)2.6E 0-1.5 -6.7)E 0(0/ 2)1.1E 0-2.9 -5.2)E 0(0/ 2)1.5E 1( 4.3 -25.3)E 0(0/ 2)1.7E 1( 1.5 -1.9)E 1(0/ 2)3.3E 03.2 -3.4)E 0(0/ 2)9.OE -1( 3.6 -176.0)E -2(0/ 2)-1.6E 6.0 -5.7)E 0(0/ 2)-3.2E 0-3.6 --2.8)E 0(0/ 2)4.5E 02.2 -6.9)E 0(0/ 2)-1.9E 1-2.8 --1.0)E 1(0/ 2)9.OE 1.8 -2.0)E 0(0/ 2)2.6E 0-1.5 -6.7)E 0(0/ 2)1.1E 0-2.9 -5.2)E 0(0/ 2)-3.1E 0-6.6 -0.4)E 0(0/ 2)7.1E 06.2 -8.0)E 0(0/ 2)3.3E 03.2 -3.4)E 0(0/ 2)-1.4E 0-2.0 --0.8)E 0(0/ 2)-1.6E 6.0 -5.7)E 0(0/ 2)-3.2E 0-3.6 --2.8)E 0(0/ 2)-1.1E 2.2 -0.0)E -1(0/ 2)Cs-134 (4) 60 2.6E 0(0) -1.4 -6.7)E 0(0/ 2)Cs-137 (4)(0)Ba-140 (4)(0)La-140 (4)(0)Ce-141 (4)(0)80 9.OE -13.6 -176.0)E -2(0/ 2)-3.2E 1-4.3 --2.2)E 1(0/ 2)-4.7E 0-6.2 --3.2)E 0(0/ 2)4.5E 02.2 -6.9)E 0(0/ 2)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.10-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Irish Moss (AL) UNITS: pCi/kcqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected-)

Ce-144 (4)(0)Ac-228 (4)(0)Th-228 (4)(0)-9.6E 0-1.1 --0.8)E 1(0/ 2)4.3E 1( 4.0 -4.6)E 1(1/ 2)3.5E 1( 1.3 -5.7)E 1(1/ 2)5505051.3E 0( -4.4 -29.6)E -1(0/ 2)4.3E 1( 4.0 -4.6)E 1(1/ 2)3.5E 1( 1.3 -5.7)E 1(1/ 2)1.3E 0( -4.4 -29.6)E -1(0/ 2)1.7E 1( 4.5 -29.8)E 0(1/ 2)1.9E 1( 4.7 -33.6)E 0(1/ 2)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.11 Food CropThere is no requirement for food crop or vegetation samples as long as the required milk locations areavailable.

As noted in Section 3.3, milk sampling at the minimum required number of locations in 2013 wasnot possible due to the limited inventory of milk animal sites in the plant vicinity.

To compensate for this,vegetation samples were collected as part of the REMP. Section 3.12 describes the alternate broad leafyvegetation (TG) collections.

In addition to the broad leafy vegetation

sampling, nine food crop (TF) samples were collected from threelocations listed on Table 2.0-2 (two indicator
stations, TF-02 and TF-03, and one control station, TF-06) duringthe growing season months (June, July and August).

These included strawberries in June (Lab numbers328694001, 2, & 3), green beans in July (Lab numbers 330576001, 2, & 3) and a second set of green beans inAugust from location TF-06 (Lab number 332176003),

plus lettuce from location TF-02 (Lab number332176001) and swiss chard from TF-03 (Lab number 332176002).

A gamma analysis was performed on each sample. Naturally occurring K-40 was detected in all samples forboth indicator and control stations.

The only other naturally occurring radionuclide detected was Be-7 (5 out of9 samples).

Similar to past years, no plant-related radionuclides were detected in any samples.

Therefore, noincreasing or decreasing trends are identified.

Subsequently, there is no dose to the public or impact on theenvironment through this pathway due to plant operations.

This is consistent with the pre-operational programand with previous years of plant operations.

The following REMP Summary (Table 3.11-1) lists the range of analysis results by radionuclide for indicator and control stations for the Food Crop environmental media. Attachment 1 to this report lists the individual analysis results for each measurement of Food Crops under the Sample Type code TF.Any sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM defined program, or reportable concentrations that may have occurred during the year, are described in Section 5.

Table 3.11-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Food Crop (TF) UNITS: pCi/kqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected-)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Be-7 (9)(0)K-40 (9)(0)Cr-51 (9)(0)Mn-54 (9)(0)Co-57 (9)(0)Co-58 (9)(0)Fe-59 (9)(0)Co-60 (9)(0)Zn-65 (9)(0)Se-75 (9)(0)Nb-95 (9)(0)Zr-95 (9)(0)Ru-103 (9)(0)5.1E 10.0 -1.3)E 2(4/ 6)2.3E 31.1 -4.4)E 3(6/ 6)7.3E 0-2.3 -2.9)E 1(0/ 6)-7.3E 2.3 -1.3)E 0(0/ 6)5.3E -12.2 -8.1)E -1(0/ 6)-2.2E 2.1 -1.9)E 0(0/ 6)-1.2E 0-4.4 -2.2)E 0(0/ 6)-6.5E 2.1 -0.6)E 0(0/ 6)-5.9E 5.9 -4.2)E 0(0/ 6)6.3E 8.2 -34.9)E -1(0/ 6)1.5E 0-2.8 -23.9)E -1(0/ 6)9.3E 1.2 -2.4)E 0(0/ 6)-2.3E 2.8 -3.5)E 0(0/ 6)030302020302030603020203026.7E 1( 1.4 -12.6)E 1(2/ 3)2.5E 3( 1.1 -4.4)E 3(3/ 3)8.3E 0( 5.4 -13.3)E 0(0/ 3)-5.5E 2.0 -1.3)E 0(0/ 3)5.5E -1( 2.2 -7.7)E -1(0/ 3)5.OE 2.5 -18.6)E -1(0/ 3)4.6E 1.7 -2.2)E 0(0/ 3)3.2E 03.0 -52.1)E -1(0/ 3)3.OE 01.3 -4.2)E 0(0/ 3)1.1E 0-4.8 -34.9)E -1(0/ 3)1.5E 01.4 -1.6)E 0(0/ 3)1.7E 08.7 -23.8)E -1(0/ 3)9.9E 9.5 -35.2)E -1(0/ 3)4.5E 13.4 -123.0)E 0(1/ 3)2.OE 31.2 -2.5)E 3(3/ 3)-8.2E 0-2.6 -1.6)E 1(0/ 3)-9.5E 2.7 -1.0)E 0(0/ 3)-6.6E 1.6 --0.1)E 0(0/ 3)-2.9E 1.6 -0.6)E 0(0/ 3)-1.2E 0-4.2 -1.1)E 0(0/ 3)3.2E 03.0 -52.1)E -1(0/ 3)-3.1E 0-8.6 -2.2)E 0(0/ 3)-6.4E 2.7 -1.6)E 0(0/ 3)-1.3E 0-3.1 --0.2)E 0(0/ 3)6.7E 9.1 -26.8)E -1(0/ 3)4.3E 1.4 -1.9)E 0(0/ 3)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.11-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Food Crop (TF) UNITS: pCi/kgRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected-)

Ru-106 (9)(0)Ag-108m (9)(0)Ag-ll0m (9)(0)Sb-124 (9)(0)Sb-125 (9)(0)1-131 (9)(0)Cs-134 (9)(0)Cs-137 (9)(0)Ba-140 (9)(0)La-140 (9)(0)Ce-141 (9)(0)Ce-144 (9)(0)Ac-228 (9)(0)Th-228 (9)(0)5.4E 0-1.7 -4.1)E 1(0/ 6)-4.3E 2.7 -0.9)E 0(0/ 6)1.9E 1.5 -2.6)E 0(0/ 6)2.3E 0-3.0 -4.5)E 0(0/ 6)1.OE 0-1.9 -4.8)E 0(0/ 6)60 3.4E 4.9 -6.5)E 0(0/ 6)60 5.8E 1.3 -2.7)E 0(0/ 6)80 8.4E 1.7 -2.7)E 0(0/ 6)7.7E 1.1 -2.4)E 1(0/ 6)4.3E 1.5 -4.0)E 0(0/ 6)1.5E 4.7 -4.5)E 01.1E 0-3.0 -4.1)E 0(0/ 6)1.8E 0-1.8 -2.0)E 1(0/ 6)-6.3E 2.6 -3.2)E 0(0/ 6)9.5E 0-1.7 -4.1)E 1(0/ 3)5.1E 1.6 -12.9)E -1(0/ 3)1.8E 04.5 -37.7)E -1(0/ 3)4.2E 03.5 -4.5)E 0(0/ 3)1.6E 0-3.5 -10.1)E 0(0/ 3)1.OE 0-4.9 -6.5)E 0(0/ 3)2.2E 01.6 -2.8)E 0(0/ 3)8.5E 1.2 -2.7)E 0(0/ 3)3.3E 0-7.2 -23.9)E 0(0/ 3)1.5E 0-1.4 -4.0)E 0(0/ 3)1.OE 0-4.7 -4.5)E 02.2E 0( 7.6 -41.0)E -1(0/ 3)7.5E 0-4.0 -20.2)E 0(0/ 3)2.4E 0( 1.3 -571.0)E -2(0/ 3)-3.9E 0-1.8 -0.7)E 1(0/ 3)5.1E 1.6 -12.9)E -1(0/ 3)1.8E 04.5 -37.7)E -1(0/ 3)9.1E 2.2 -3.3)E 0(0/ 3)1.6E 0-3.5 -10.1)E 0(0/ 3)-4.2E 0-7.1 --0.6)E 0(0/ 3)2.2E 01.6 -2.8)E 0(0/ 3)-4.2E 2.7 -1.7)E 0(0/ 3)-1.7E 1-2.2 --1.2)E 1(0/ 3)1.5E 0-1.4 -4.0)E 0(0/ 3)5.1E 4.2 -6.2)E 0-6.5E 0-1.8 --0.1)E 1(0/ 3)-1.2E 1-2.4 -0.4)E 1(0/ 3)2.4E 0( 1.3 -571.0)E -2(0/ 3)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.12 Vegetation In lieu of milk sampling, the ODCM, Table A.9.1-1, requires that broad leafy vegetation (TG) samplesgrown in the nearest of two different offsite locations with the highest D/Q, and from one control location15-30 km distant in the least prevalent wind direction, be collected when available (growing season).Offsite locations are defined in the UFSAR as the land beyond a 3000-foot radius of the two Containment Building centerlines.

The analysis of garden locations in the Land Use Census provides a ranking ofpotential sampling sites for use in determining sampling locations in the general population.

Sincesampling of broad leaf garden vegetables at high D/Q locations is not feasible due to uncertain availability, other types of broad leafy vegetation were utilized.

Two locations at the site boundary with a maximum D/Q (higher values than determined in the 2013 LandUse Census garden listing) were selected over ranked D/Q gardens in the general population.

These twoIndicator locations (TG-08 and TG-09) are on site property in areas with available sample media. A thirdfar-field control location (TG-10) was selected in Georgetown, MA. Samples consisted of tree leaves, asbroad leaf vegetation provides increased reliability for sample availability.

For 2013, a total of 18 monthly(growing season) broad leaf vegetation samples were collected and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.

A gamma analysis was performed on each sample. Naturally occurring K-40 and Be-7 were detected inall samples for both indicator and control stations.

The other naturally occurring radionuclides detectedwere Ac-228 (5 samples) and Th-228 (5 samples).

Fission product related Cs-1 37 was detected positivein 3 of the 18 samples (2 from control location TG-10 at an average concentration of 25.5 pCi/kg, and 1sample from indicator location TG-09 at 13.8 pCi/kg).

Cesium-1 37 has been detected in broad leafyvegetation in past years at comparable activity levels as detected in 2013, and evaluated as to thesource. The conclusion of the assessment was that world-wide fallout from events un-related toSeabrook operations, such as the March 11, 2011 Fukushima Daiichi accident in Japan and pastatmospheric nuclear weapons testing, have led to Cs-1 37 being deposited on the ground surface in thenortheast United States with subsequent root uptake into leaves of long-lived vegetation.

This conclusion continues to be supported by the fact that Seabrook Station had no detectable Cs-1 37 in any gaseouseffluents in recent years, including 2013, and by the prevalence of detectable Cs-1 37 at the controllocation compared to in-close indicator sampling points. Utilizing the results of broad leaf vegetation sampling for broad leaf food products, it is concluded that there was no dose impact to the public or to theenvironment through this food ingestion pathway from Seabrook plant operations.

The following REMP Summary (Table 3.12-1) lists the range of analysis results by radionuclide forindicator and control stations for the broad leaf vegetation environmental media. Attachment 1 to thisreport lists the individual analysis results for each measurement of broad leaf vegetation under theSample Type code TG.Any sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required

program, or reportable concentrations that may have occurred during the year, are described in Section 5.

Table 3.12-1Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Vegetation (TG) UNITS: pCilkgRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected*)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Be-7 (18)(0)K-40 (18)(0)Cr-51 (18)(0)Mn-54 (18)(0)Co-57 (18)(0)Co-58 (18)(0)Fe-59 (18)(0)Co-60 (18)(0)Zn-65 (18)(0)Se-75 (18)(0)Nb-95 (18)(0)Zr-95 (18)(0)1.4E 3( 5.1 -31.1)E 2(12/ 12)3.9E 3( 2.9 -4.9)E 3(12/ 12)-2.6E 1-8.3 -5.1)E 1(0/ 12)-3.7E 6.8 -5.4)E 0(0/ 12)2.8E 3.5 -4.5)E 0(0/ 12)-1.1E 0-1.1 -0.2)E 1(0/ 12)4.BE 6.5 -9.5)E 0(0/ 12)-5.7E 5.9 -3.2)E 0(0/ 12)2.8E 0-1.9 -3.3)E 1(0/ 12)1.2E 7.9 -5.9)E 0(0/ 12)2.OE 0-4.3 -9.3)E 0(0/ 12)1.2E 9.9 -8.9)E 0(0/ 12)081.8E 3( 5.9 -31.1)E 2(6/ 6)4.OE 3( 2.9 -4.8)E 3(6/ 6)6.3E 0-2.8 -2.8)E 1(0/ 6)1.4E 0-2.8 -3.9)E 0(0/ 6)2.1E 0-2.8 -75.9)E -1(0/ 6)6.1E 2.2 -2.5)E 0(0/ 6)1.2E 1-9.2 -311.0)E -1(0/ 6)1.2E 00.0 -3.2)E 0(0/ 6)4.2E 0-1.9 -3.3)E 1(0/ 6)1.8E 0-7.9 -5.9)E 0(0/ 6)3.6E 0-4.3 -9.3)E 0(0/ 6)3.4E 0-6.5 -8.6)E 0(0/ 6)1.2E 34.3 -20.3)E 2(6/ 6)3.2E 32.5 -4.3)E 3(6/ 6)6.3E 0-2.8 -2.8)E 1(0/ 6)6.OE 8.0 -23.3)E -1(0/ 6)2.1E 0.-2.8 -75.9)E -1(0/ 6)-1.9E 0-4.7 -1.4)E 0(0/ 6)1.2E 1-9.2 -311.0)E -1(0/ 6)5.6E 1.1 -0.6)E 1(0/ 6)2.3E 0-5.5 -12.8)E 0(0/ 6)-1.4E 0-1.2 -0.5)E 1(0/ 6)-2.7E 4.1 -4.4)E 0(0/ 6)3.4E 0-6.5 -8.6)E 0(0/ 6)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.12-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Vegetation (TG) UNITS: pCi/kqRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected*)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected**)

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected**)

Ru-103 (18)(0)Ru-106 (18)(0)Ag-108m (18)(0)Ag-110m (18)(0)Sb-124 (18)(0)Sb-125 (18)(0)1-131 (18)(0)1.6E 0-3.5 -9.5)E 0(0/ 12)5.5E 0-1.0 -0.9)E 2(0/ 12)-1.1E 0-7.2 -3.5)E 0(0/ 12)-3.4E 0-1.2 -0.3)E 1(0/ 12)-2.1E 1.3 -1.0)E 1(0/ 12)1.2E 0-8.5 -9.5)E 0(0/ 12)60 -1.4E 1.3 -1.4)E 1(0/ 12)0808101009091009100908102.9E 0-1.1 -9.5)E 0(0/ 6)2.5E 1-3.1 -9.2)E 1(0/ 6)1.8E 04.8 -467.0)E -2(0/ 6)4.0E 0-2.6 -10.6)E 0(0/ 6)1.7E 0-5.2 -5.2)E 0(0/ 6)1.8E 0-3.6 -9.5)E 0(0/ 6)8.4E 01.1 -222.0)E -1(0/ 6)6.3E 0-1.4 -12.8)E 0(0/ 6)1.1E 1-4.5 -26.5)E 0(2/ 6)1.1E 1-6.0 -37.3)E 0(0/ 6)1.7E 0-1.4 -1.7)E 1(0/ 6)4.4E 0-2.8 -12.9)E 0(0/ 6)1.3E 0-2.3 -3.3)E 0(0/ 6)9.9E 0-3.0 -5.4)E 1(0/ 6)1.8E 04.8 -467.0)E -2(0/ 6)4.OE 0-2.6 -10.6)E 0(0/ 6)-3.5E 0-7.1 -8.6)E 0(0/ 6)-2.9E 0-2.3 -1.0)E 1(0/ 6)8.4E 01.1 -222.0)E -1(0/ 6)1.4E 0-5.3 -6.3)E 0(0/ 6)1.1E 1-4.5 -26.5)E 0(2/ 6)2.9E 0-2.5 -3.3)E 1(0/ 6)2.7E 8.2 -14.6)E 0(0/ 6)4.4E 0-2.8 -12.9)E 0(0/ 6)Cs-134 (18) 60 3.OE 0(0) -5.2 -12.8)E 0(0/ 12)Cs-137 (18)(0)Ba-140 (18)(0)La-140 (18)(0)Ce-141 (18)(0)80 9.8E 1.4 -1.4)E 1(1/ 12)8.1E 0-1.7 -3.7)E 1(0/ 12)-1.4E 0-1.4 -1.7)E 1(0/ 12)-3.4E 0( -3.1 -0.7)E 1(0/ 12)* Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

Table 3.12-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program SummarySeabrook Nuclear Power Station,

Seabrook, NH(January

-December 2013)MEDIUM: Vegetation (TG) UNITS: pCilkq wetRadionuclides (No. Analyses)


Indicator StationsMeanRequired RangeLLD (No. Detected**)

Station With Highest MeanStation MeanRange(No. Detected"")

Control StationsMeanRange(No. Detected"")

Ce-144 (18)(0)Ac-228 (18)(0)Th-228 (18)(0)-5.2E 0( -5.4 -2.9)E 1(0/ 12)5.2E 1( 0.0 -2.1)E 2(4/ 12)1.4E 1-6.1 -27.4)E 0(4/ 12)0908103.2E -1( -2.5 -2.9)E 1(0/ 6)6.1E 1( 0.0 -2.1)E 2(2/ 6)1.6E 1-1.9 -27.6)E 0(1/ 6)-6.5E 0-4.2 -1.2)E 1(0/ 6)4.4E 1( 0.0 -7.9)E 1(1/ 6)1.6E 1-1.9 -27.6)E 0(1/ 6)"Non-Routine refers to those radionuclides that exceeded the Reporting Levels in ODCM Table A.9.1-3.** The fraction of detectable measurements (i.e., > MDC with no uncertain identification) is shown in parentheses.

3.13 Direct Radiation Direct gamma radiation exposure was measured with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). Two TLDbadges are placed at each of the designated monitoring stations.

Each TLD badge has three CaSO4:Tmelements.

A location result is an average of six independent readings per quarter.

A total of forty-seven stations are located offsite, forty of which are required by the ODCM. The badges were collected andread on a quarterly schedule.

The exposure rates were normalized to a standard 91-day quarter so that quarterly results from anymonitoring location can be compared to another location based on an equivalent time period of exposure.

A summary of the 2013 data for the plant operational REMP is shown in Table 3.13-1. Figures 3.6through 3.14 provide a comparison of quarterly TLD location responses in 2013 and illustrate the naturally variation in exposure rates quarter to quarter.

Figures 3.6.1 through 3.14.1 provide a long term trend linefor each of the environmental TLD locations.

The exposure rate response at individual monitoring stations have on occasion exhibited step changes atsome point in the past that are related to changes in local conditions in the area of the dosimeter measurement.

As an example, the outer ring TL-33 (a parking lot located 9.8 km south of the plant) wasobserved for several quarters in the recent past to approach or exceed the normal expectedenvironmental fluctuations base on observed history.

The average TLD exposure rate from the 2ndquarter 2011 through the 4th quarter of 2013 is reported as 21.8 mR/quarter.

For the 7 prior quarters (2rdquarter 2010 to the 1st quarter 2011), the average TLD response was 18.6 mR/quarter, or approximately 17% lower than the most recent trend history.

Since no other TLDs in the same sector or closer to theplant showed an average increase in measured response above the expected, the change at TL-33 wasattributed to a local change in the background radiation associated with parking lot modifications and notwith Seabrook Station operations.

Field investigations of TL-33 indicated that the parking lot appeared tobe re-graded with new fill/gravel material which could have increased the natural concentration ofbackground radiation that the TLD measures.

The expected background exposure level for location TL-33was re-indexed to 20.6 mR/quarter in 2013 to reflect the observed change in background radiation.

Twoother locations (TL-01 and TL-69) also indicated changes in background exposure rates trends over time(un-related to Seabrook operations) and had there expected background exposure levels re-indexed to17.4 mR/quarter and 13.7 mR/quarter, respectively, in 2013.Overall, the REMP direct radiation program showed no statistically significant indication of increased direct radiation above the variable background measured exposure rate in unrestricted areas. This isdemonstrated by the fact that indicator location results (as a group) are statistically the same as controllocations.

The 2013 annual mean of all indicator locations was 16.2 mR/91-day quarter while the mean ofall control locations was 17.6 mR/91-day quarter.

This indicates that collectively there is no statistical difference in the annual direct dose as a function of distance from the plant. In addition, all 2013observed differences in individual TLD location average quarterly measurements when compared withpre-operational (background)

TLD average measurements (see Table 3.13-2 for pre-operational history)indicate no increase in exposure rates greater than 20% (normal random fluctuations).

As a result, nodirect radiation dose beyond the site boundary was attributed to station operation during 2013.The direct radiation-monitoring program demonstrated that no increasing or decreasing trends weredetected.

Therefore, there was no offsite dose to the public or impact to the environment from theoperation of the plant.Any TLD collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required program that may have occurredduring the year are described in Section 5.

TABLE 3.13-1Environmental TLD Measurements Net Exposure in mR/Standard Quarter (91 days)2013Qtr AveSta. 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Over YrNo. Description Exp. S.D. Exp. S.D. Exp. S.D. Exp. S. D. Exp.TL-01 Brimmer's Lane 17.5 + 0.8 17.5 + 0.8 18.3 + 0.7 20.2 + 0.8 18.4TL-02 Landing Road 13.0 + 0.5 12.9 0 .7 13.5 + 0.6 14.8 + 0.6 13.6TL-03 Glade Path 14.0 + 0.8 13.6 + 0.6 14.3 + 0.7 15.2 + 0.6 14.3TL-04 Island Path 15.5 + 0.7 14.7 + 0.8 15.7 + 0.6 17.3 + 0.8 15.8TL-05 Harbor Road 14.4 + 0.7 13.6 + 0.5 14.7 + 0.5 16.0 + 0.8 14.7TL-06 Barge Landing 13.7 + 0.7 13.9 + 0.7 15.1 + 0.6 16.0 + 0.8 14.7TL-07 Cross Road 11.7 + 0.7 12.0 + 0.8 12.3 + 0.7 13.7 + 0.7 12.4TL-08 Farm Lane 14.6 + 0.6 14.6 + 0.6 16.2 + 0.6 17.4 + 0.9 15.7TL-09 Farm Lane 15.5 + 1.5 15.4 + 0.7 16.7 + 0.6 17.7 + 0.8 16.3TL-10 Site Boundary 16.6 + 1.0 16.2 + 0.7 15.5 + 0.7 16.8 + 0.8 16.3TL-11 Site Boundary 15.9 + 0.8 17.1 + 0.8 17.9 + 0.7 19.0 + 0.7 17.5TL-12 Site Boundary 16.7 + 0.9 17.3 + 0.7 18.9 + 0.8 18.4 + 0.9 17.8TL-13 Inside Site Boundary 17.9 + 0.9 17.1 + 0.8 18.2 + 1.0 20.1 + 1.2 18.3TL-14 Trailer Park 14.9 + 0.9 15.1 + 1.0 16.1 + 0.5 17.4 + 1.1 15.9TL-15 Brimmer's Lane 16.4 + 0.8 17.5 + 0.7 18.7 + 0.7 20.2 + 1.1 18.2TL-16 Brimmer's Lane 15.8 + 0.8 14.9 + 0.6 16.8 + 0.7 17.3 + 0.7 16.2TL-17 South Road 16.0 + 0.7 15.8 +/- 0.7 17.4 + 0.7 17.3 + 0.9 16.6TL-18 Mill Road 14.5 + 0.7 14.5 + 0.7 16.4 + 0.8 16.6 + 0.8 15.5TL-19 Appledore Avenue 15.6 + 0.6 14.4 + 0.6 15.9 + 0.6 16.4 + 0.6 15.6TL-20 Ashworth Avenue 17.2 + 0.8 16.3 + 0.7 16.8 + 0.7 18.1 + 0.8 17.1TL-21 Route IA 16.3 + 0.7 16.8 + 0.8 17.7 + 0.8 18.3 + 0.8 17.3TL-22 Cable Avenue 14.3 + 0.7 15.7 + 1.0 16.0 + 0.8 16.4 + 0.7 15.6TL-23 Ferry Road 15.5 + 0.8 15.0 + 0.6 16.1 + 0.8 16.5 + 0.7 15.8TL-24 Ferry Lots Lane 14.0 + 0.6 14.0 + 0.8 14.7 + 0.6 15.8 + 0.7 14.6TL-25 Elm Street 14.7 + 0.6 14.5 + 0.7 15.4 + 0.6 15.1 + 0.5 14.9TL-26 Route 107A 14.4 + 1.1 14.7 + 0.7 15.8 + 0.8 16.6 + 1.0 15.4TL-27 Highland Street 16.9 + 0.8 15.5 + 0.7 17.4 + 0.6 17.0 + 0.9 16.7TL-28 Route 150 16.1 + 0.7 16.1 + 0.9 16.7 + 0.7 17.0 + 0.7 16.5TL-29 Frying Pan Lane 15.6 + 0.8 14.5 + 0.5 16.0 + 0.9 15.7 + 0.8 15.5TL-30 Route 27 15.9 + 0.6 16.4 + 0.8 17.3 + 0.9 17.1 + 0.7 16.7TL-31 Alumni Drive 12.8 + 0.8 14.3 + 0.7 14.6 + 0.6 14.5 + 0.7 14.1TL-32 SB Elementary School 16.9 + 0.8 17.5 + 0.9 18.0 + 0.8 19.5 + 0.8 18.0TL-33 Dock Area 21.5 + 0.9 20.7 + 1.0 20.8 + 0.8 21.3 + 0.9 21.1TL-34 Bow Street 18.5 + 1.0 18.7 + 0.8 20.5 + 0.8 20.1 + 0.8 19.5TL-35 Lincoln Ack. School 17.5 + 0.8 18.1 + 0.6 19.1 + 0.9 19.6 + 0.9 18.6TL-36 Route 97(Control) 15.2 + 0.9 14.1 + 0.7 15.1 + 0.6 15.8 + 0.7 15.1TL-37 Plaistow, NH (Control) 17.0 + 1.1 18.0 + 0.7 18.1 + 0.9 19.3 + 1.2 18.1TL-38 Hampstead, NH (Control) 19.0 + 0.9 19.3 + 0.9 20.4 + 1.0 21.4 + 1.1 20.0TL-39 Fremont, NH (Control)

  1. + # 20.7 + 1.1 21.9 + 1.0 22.1 + 1.6 21.6TL-40 Newmarket, NH (Control) 15.5 + 0.7 17.1 + 0.6 18.5 + 1.1 17.8 + 0.7 17.2 TABLE 3.13-1 (Continued)

Environmental TLD Measurements Net Exposure in mR/Standard Quarter (91 days)2013Sta.No. Description 1st QuarterEx _ s-D.2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th QuarterEx_ S.D. Exp S.D. Exp. S.D.Qtr AveOver Yr4 4,'% ,BTL-41TL-42TL-43TL-44TL-45TL-46TL-47Portsmouth,NH (Control)

+/-0.0 + U./ +/-0.1 + U.0 17.5 + V.Ipswich,MA (Control) 14.8 + 0.6 13.4 + 0.5 14.8 + 0.Rocks Road Landing 13.2 + 0.6 12.3 + 0.5 13.7 + 0.SB Education Center 14.5 + 0.7 14.1 + 0.6 15.3 + 0.Hampton Fire Station 15.7 + 0.8 15.3 + 0.7 16.9 + 0.SB Police Station 15.3 + 0.8 16.4 + 0.7 17.0 + 0.Route 84 13.9 + 0.8 14.7 + 0.5 15.7 + 0.Mean of Indicators 15.5 15.5 16.5Mean of Controls 16.4 17.0 18.0# TLD reported wet at change-out, results are therefore suspect and not included.

767588617.215.013.415.916.816.416.117.118.4+++++++ Table 3.13-2Pre-Operational Environmental TLD Measurements Net Exposure in mR/Standard Quarter (91 days)Qtr Ave1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Over Yr1982Mean of Indicators

-- 17.1 18.1 17.5 17.6Mean of Controls

-- 16.9 18.1 17.9 16.81983Mean of Indicators 16.7 17.1 18.8 17.9 17.6Mean of Controls 16.9 17.5 18.7 18.4 17.91984Mean of Indicators 16.1 17.1 16.9 17.5 17.0Mean of Controls 17.6 17.4 15.8 18.7 17.41985Mean of Indicators 16.9 18.0 18.9 16.1 17.4Mean of Controls 16.8 17.7 18.9 16.1 17.41986Mean of Indicators 14.0 15.5 15.3 15.0 15.0Mean of Controls 13.9 18.0 16.8 15.1 16.01987Mean of Indicators 12.7 14.8 15.0 14.4 14.2Mean of Controls 13.0 14.8 15.3 15.0 14.61988Mean of Indicators 13.5 14.1 14.7 14.9 14.3Mean of Controls 13.3 14.4 18.1 14.6 15.11989Mean of Indicators 14.4 14.3 .. 14.4Mean of Controls 14.0 14.4 -- -- 14.2All Pre-Operational Mean of Indicators 14.9 16.0 16.8 16.2 15.9Mean of Controls 15.1 16.4 17.4 16.5 16.2 FIGURE 3.6ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs) SEABROOKSTATION40 4030 30tu020 20E10 100 0Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 Qtr. 3 Qtr. 42013-B-TL-01 Brimmer's Lane-e--TL-02 Landing Road--.-- TL-03 Glade Path-x--TL-04 Island PathI TL-05 Harbor Road FIGURE 3.6.1ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION30 3020 20oE10 101986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014-3 TL-01 Brimmer's Lane--TL-02 Landing Road-h-- TL-03 Glade Path-aTL-04 Island Path-x--- TL-05 Harbor Road 4030()v-0 201(DE100FIGURE 3.7ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION] ......-. ..S403020100Qtr-1Qtr-2Qtr-3Qtr-42013---- TL-06 Barge Landing 9--- TL-07 Cross Road--- TL-08 Farm Lanex TL-10 Site Boundary-) TL-09 Farm Lane FIGURE 3.7.1ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION3020cuE103020100 I-19862004 2006 2008 2010 2012 20141988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002-E-- TL-06 Barge Landing-e--TL-07 Cross Road* TL-08 Farm Lanea---TL-09 Farm Lane-x-- TL-10 Site Boundary FIGURE 3.8ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION4030O 20E10040302010...... ..... .... ........0Qtr. 1Qtr. 2Qtr. 3Qtr. 42013---TL-11 Site Boundarye-TL-12 Site Boundary-.--TL-13 Inside Site Boundary-a--TL-14 Trailer Parkm TL-15 Bdmmer's Lane FIGURE 3.8.1ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION30203020100)CDE100419861988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014-- TL-1 1 Site Boundary---- TL-12 Site Boundary--- TL-13 Inside Site Boundarya TL-14 Trailer Park-)K- TL-15 Brimmer's Lane FIGURE 3.9ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs) SEABROOKSTATION40 4030 30C 20 200.E10 100 0Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 Qtr. 3 Qtr. 42013-a--TL-16 Brimmer's Lane-e-TL-17 South Road:s TL-18 Mill Roadm TL-19 Appledore Avenue-i- TL-20 Ashworth Avenue FIGURE 3.9.1ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs) SEABROOK STATION3020a,E103020100419861988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002o TL-16 Brimmer's Laneo TL-17 South Road.TL-18 Mill Road* TL-19 Appledore Avenuex TL-20 Ashworth AvenueSII102004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 FIGURE 3.10ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION40 4030 30cao 20 20U)E10 100 0Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 Qtr. 3 Qtr. 42013-3-TL-21 Route 1A8 TL-22 Cable Avenue-N-- TL-23 Ferry Road-a---TL-24 Ferry Lots Lanew --TL-25 Elm Street FIGURE 3.10.1ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION30 3020 20E10 100 01986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014-e- TL-21 Route 1lA--o-- TL-22 Cable Avenue--.- TL-23 Ferry Road-.- TL-24 Ferry Lots Lane-u- TL-25 Elm Street FIGURE 3.11ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs) SEABROOKSTATION40 4030 30020 20E10 1000Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 Qtr. 3 Qtr. 42013-*----TL-26 Route 107Ao TL-27 Highland Street---- TL-28 Route 150TL-29 Frying Pan Lane-TL-30 Route 27 FIGURE 3.11.1ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION30203020(DE.E10100 4-1986020141988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012--- -TL-26 Route 107A TL-27 HFgland Street-.- TL-28 Route 150--- TL-29 Frying Pan Lane-TL-30 Route 27 FIGURE 3.12ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION40 4030 30020 20E10 100 0Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 Qtr. 3 Qtr. 42013*-TL-31 Alumni Drive-eTL-32 SB Elementarty School-TL-33 Dock Area-TL-34 Bow Street-TL-35 Lincoln Ackerman School FIGURE 3.12.1ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION3020Caa)E103020100 1-1986I I I I I I ' 1 01988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014-TL-31 Alumni Drive9-TL-32 SB Elementary School-t, TL-33 Dock Area-a-- TL-34 Bow Streetx TL-35 Lincoln Ackerman School FIGURE 3.13ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs) SEABROOKSTATION40 4030 30020 20E10 100 0Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 Qtr. 3 Qtr. 42013-E- TL-36 Route 97 (Control)

TL-37 Plaistow, NH (Control)

  • TL-38 Hampstead NH (Control)

---TL-39 Fremont NH (Control)

-*--)-TL-40 Newmarket, NH (Control)

FIGURE 3.13.1ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION3020I-E103020100 4-1986I IJI I I I I I i II I I 01988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014-B- TL-36 Route 97 (Control)

-e-- TL-37 Plaistow, NH (Control)

-"TL-30 I lampstead N I I (Control)

-e-- TL-39 Fremont, NH (Control) x TL-40 Newmarket, NH (Control)

FIGURE 3.14ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION4030CIDO 20T-E100403020100Qtr. 1Qtr. 2Qtr. 3Qtr. 42013--TL-41 Portsmouth, NH (Control)

  • TL-42 Ipswich, MA (Control)

-.-- TL-43 Rocks Road Landing-* TL-44 SB Education Centerof TL-45 Hampton Fire Station0 TL-46 SB Beach Police Station-i- TL-47 Hampton Falls, Route 84 FIGURE 3.14.1ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION30 3020 20CL..E 1010 01986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014-E- TL-41 Portsmouth, NH (Control)

--G- TL-42 Ipswich, MA (Control)

.i TL-43 Rocks Road Landing,, TL-44 SB Education Center* TL-45 Hampton Fire Station* TL-46 SB Beach Police Station-TL-47 Hampton Falls, Route 84 4.0 Dry Fuel Storage REMP & Data SummaryThe Dry Fuel Storage (DFS) radiological environmental monitoring program required by ODCM ControlC.9.4.1 provides representative measurements of direct (including scattered) radiation exposure at thoselocations that have the highest potential for dose to members of the public resulting from dry fuel storageoperations.

The design of the storage facility is such that there are no liquid or gaseous effluents releasedto the environment from DFS and, therefore, no associated exposure pathways for liquids and gasesrequiring the collection and analysis of such sample media. As a result, only direct (including scattered) radiation from the DFS modules need to be monitored for integrated exposures in areas where doses tomembers of the public need to be limited.At locations near the DFS where members of the public might be present (off-site areas near the siteboundary and on-site special use locations, i.e., the Science and Nature Center, the old Fitness Centersouth of the DFS pad, and a new Fitness Center located in the High Rise office building east of the DFSfacility),

TLDs were placed at least 1 year (4 quarterly measurements) prior to used fuel being placed intostorage.

The DFS received its first load of fuel for storage on July 28, 2008. A total of 6 fuel canisters were placed in the NUHOMS© Horizontal Storage Modules (HSM) on the DFS pad during 2008 with thelast one being loaded on September 4, 2008. A second fuel transfer campaign was conducted duringAugust and September, 2013, with an additional 8 fuel canisters placed into storage, bring the total to 14canisters in storage.The DFS radiological environmental monitoring stations are listed in Table 4.0-1., The measurement locations with respect to the Seabrook site area are shown on Figure Direct Radiation from DFSAs with the plant operations TLD program described in Section 3.13, the DFS TLD exposure rates werenormalized to a standard 91-day quarter.

A summary of the 2013 data for the DFS REMP is shown inTable 4.1-1. Figures 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 show the quarterly 2013 TLD trend lines for the control andindicator monitoring locations.

Figures 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 provide a comparison of long term trend lines (12years) for the same control locations, site boundary and special use sites.Overall, the direct radiation program showed no statistically significant indication of increased directradiation above the variable background measured exposure rate in unrestricted areas. This is illustrated by the comparison of indicator location results with control locations which showed no significant difference (of greater than 20%). The 2013 annual mean of all indicator locations for the DFS was 16.9mR/91-day quarter with the mean of all control locations also calculated as 17.6 mR/91-day quarter.There was no notable difference detected in the annual exposure rates in areas were members of thepublic could occupy (site boundary and inside special use locations) and the control locations.

The on-site environmental area TLD location which exhibited the highest single annual TLD response (TL-67, alow occupancy outside transit area next to the parking lot associated with the old Fitness Center),indicated an apparent 14.1% increase in exposure rate above the average background when the fourquarters of pre-operational TLD data are compared to the 2013 quarterly average TLD data at thislocation.

The 4t quarter measurement at TL-67 (28.2 mR/quarter) did indicate a notable singlemeasurement increase in exposure rate following the expansion of fuel storage in the DFS facility in thethird quarter of 2013. However, by late November, 2013, the fitness center operations had beentransferred from its original location south of the DFS to the High Rise Office Building east of the DFS,thereby ending use of the original fitness center facility and its parking lot by members of the public.The DFS radiation monitoring program in 2013 demonstrated that there was no offsite dose to themembers of the public or detectable on-site exposures where members of the public are permitted (Science and Nature Center and Fitness Center) from the operations of the DFS.Any sample collection and analysis deviations from the ODCM required

program, or reportable concentrations that may have occurred during the year are described in Section 5.

Figure 4.0.1Dry Fuel Storage TLD Environmental Monitoring Locations IU -~z Table 4.0-1Dry Fuel Storage (DFS) TLD Monitoring Locations TLDSamle ocaionDistance From Direction FromSite Designation Code TLD Sample Location DeFS Pad DeFS PadDescription (km)TL-44 On-site, outside Science & Nature Center (1) 0.21 ESESB-36 On-site, inside Science & Nature Center 0.24 SETL-67 On-site, outside near old Fitness Center parking (1) 0.05 SSB-35 On-site, inside old Fitness Center 0.08 SSB-32 High-Rise

Building, 3' Floor(')

0.23 ESB-33 High-Rise

Building, 1st Floor (new Fitness Center)(1) 0.23 ETL-68 Nearby site boundary (firing range) to DFS 0.45 WTL-69 Nearby site boundary (Rocks Rd) to DFS 0.47 WTL-10 Site Boundary Fence (2) 0.77 STL-1 1 Site Boundary Fence (2) 0.52 SSWTL-12 Site Boundary fence (2) 0.53 WSWTL-13 Inside Site Boundary (2) 0.61 WNWTL-14 Trailer Park, Seabrook (2) 0.94 NWTL-36 Rt 97, Georgetown (Control)

(2) 22 SSWTL-37 Plaistow, NH (Control)

(2) 21 WSWTL-38 Hampstead, NH (Control)

(2) 27 WTL-39 Fremont, NH (Control)

(2) 27 WNWTL-40 Newmarket, NH (Control)

(2) 22 NNWTL-41 Portsmouth, NH (Control)

(1)(2) 22 NNETL-42 Ipswich, MA (Control)

(1)(2) 22 SSE(1) This location is not part of the required DFS radiological monitoring program as defined in Table A.9.4-1 of theSeabrook ODCM.(2) Shared environmental monitoring locations for both Seabrook Station REMP and DFS monitoring.

TABLE 4.1-1DFS Environmental TLD Measurements Net Exposures in mR/Standard Quarter (91 days)2013QtrSta. 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter AveNo. Description Exp. S.D. Exp. S.D. Exp. S.D. Exp. S.D. Exp.TL-44 Outside Science & Nature(i) 14.5 + 0.7 14.1 + 0.6 15.3 + 0.5 15.9 + 0.7 15.0SB-36 Inside Science & Nature C. 17.5 + 0.9 16.3 + 0.8 16.1 + 0.7 18.2 + 0.8 17.0TL-67 Outside old Fitness Cntr(1) 19.6 + 0.9 19.9 + 0.7 21.5 + 1.1 28.2 + 2.4 22.3SB-35 Inside old Fitness Center 16.1 + 0.5 16.1 + 1.1 16.1 + 0.8 20.5 + 1.2 17.2SB-32 High-Rise 3rd Floor (1) 14.1 + 0.6 12.5 + 0.6 12.6 + 0.6 12.9 + 0.6 13.0SB-33 High-Rise 1st Floor (1) 17.6 + 0.8 16.1 + 0.7 15.8 + 0.7 16.7 + 0.7 16.6TL-68 Nearby Site Boundary to DFS 16.6 + 0.7 18.5 + 0.8 18.7 + 0.6 18.6 + 0.7 18.1TL-69 Nearby Site Boundary to DFS 14.5 + 0.9 14.4 + 0.6 15.3 + 0.8 14.8 + 0.8 14.8TL-10 Site Boundary Fence (2) 16.6 + 1.0 16.2 + 0.9 15.5 + 0.7 16.8 + 0.8 16.3TL-11 Site Boundary Fence (2) 15.9 + 0.8 17.1 + 0.8 17.9 + 0.7 19.0 + 0.7 17.5TL-12 Site Boundary Fence (2) 16.7 + 0.9 17.3 + 0.8 18.9 + 0.8 18.4 + 0.9 17.8TL-13 Inside Site Boundary (2) 17.9 + 0.9 17.1 + 0.6 18.2 + 1.0 20.1 + 1.2 18.3TL-14 Trailer Park Seabrook (2) 14.9 + 0.9 15.1 + 0.7 16.1 + 0.5 17.4 + 1.1 15.9TL-36 Rt 97,Georgetown(control)

(2) 15.2 + 0.9 14.1 + 0.7 15.1 + 0.6 15.8 + 0.7 15.1TL-37 Plaistow, NH (Control)

(2) 17.0 + 1.1 18.0 + 1.0 18.1 + 0.9 19.3 + 1.2 18.1TL-38 Hampstead, NH (Control)(2) 19.0 + 0.9 19.3 + 1.1 20.4 + 1.0 21.4 + 1.1 20.0TL-39 Fremont, NH (Control)(2)

  1. + # 20.7 + 0.9 21.9 + 1.0 22.1 + 1.6 21.6TL-40 Newmarket, NH (Control)(2) 15.5 + 0.7 17.1 + 0.7 18.5 + 1.1 17.8 + 0.7 17.2TL-41 Portsmouth,NH(Control)(1)(2) 16.8 + 0.7 16.1 + 0.8 17.5 + 0.7 17.2 + 1.1 16.9TL-42 Ipswich, MA (Control)

(1) (2) 14.8 + 0.6 13.4 + 0.6 14.8 + 0.6 15.0 + 0.6 14.5Mean of Indicators 16.3 16.2 16.8 18.3 16.9Mean of Controls 16.4 17.0 18.0 18.4 17.6(1) This location is not part of the DFS required program defined by the ODCM.(2) Shared environmental monitoring locations for both plant REMP and DFSmonitoring.

  1. TLD reported wet at change-out, results are suspect.

FIGURE 4.1DFS CONTROL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION40 4030 30020 20E10 100 0Qtr. 1 Qtr.2 Qtr. 3 Qtr. 42013--.--TL-41 Portsmouth, NH (Control)


Ipswich, MA (Control)

TL-36 Route 97 (Control)


Plalstow, NH (Control)

TL-38 Hampstead NH (Control)

--TL-39 Fremont.

NH (Control)

Control Average 7 stations---ý--TL-40 Newmarket, NH (Control)

FIGURE 4.2DFS ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION40 4030 30020 20E10 100 0Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 Qtr. 3 Qtr. 42013-TL-10 Site Boundary Fence-h---- TL-12 Site Boundary FenceTL-13 Inside Site BoundaryTL-14 Trailer Park--- Control Average 7 stationsTL-1I Site Boundary Fence FIGURE 4.3DFS ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION40300102010-0'4403020100Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 Qtr. 3 Qtr. 42013-u TL-44 Outside Science & Nature Center-SB-35 Inside Old Fitness Center----- TL-69 Near Site Boundary to DFS TL-67 Outside Old Fitness CenterA- -SB-33 High-Rise 1st Fl (new Fitness Cntr.)SB-36 Inside Science & Nature Center-TL-68 Near Site Boundary to DFS-- -Control Average 7 stations-- SB-32 High-Rise 3rd Fl.

FIGURE 4.4DFS CONTROL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION30 30First DFS loading,July 200820 200.E10 102nd DFS loading,Completed Sept.20132000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013years* TL-41 Portsmouth.

NH (Control)

  • ---- TL-42 Ipswich.

MA (Control)

  • TL-36 Route 97 (Control)

-TL-37 Plaistow.

NH (Control)

TL-38 Hampstead NH (Control)

--e---- TL-39 Fremont.

NH (Control)

Control Average 7 stations-TL-40 Newmarket, N H (Control)

FIGURE 4.5DFS RADIATION MEASUREMENTS TRENDS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION30 30First DFS loading,July 200820 20IE10 2nd DFS loading, 10Completed Sept.20130 ....... 02000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013years-TL-10 Site Boundary FenceTL-11 Site Boundary Fence-TL-12 Site Boundary Fence-TL-13 Inside Site Boundary-TL-14 Trailer Park-TL-39 Fremont, NH (Control)

Control Average 7 stationsTL-40 Newmarket, N H (Control)

-100-FIGURE 4.6DFS RADIATION MEASUREMENTS TRENDS (USING TLDs)SEABROOK STATION3020a.E3020100102000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013years-TL-44 Outside Science & Nature Center-TL-67 Outside Old Fitness Center-TL-68 Near Site Boundary to DFS--- Control Average 7 stations-TL-39 Fremont.

NH (Control)

--0-- SB-33 High-Rise 1st Fl (new Fitness Cntr.)--SB-36 inside Science & Nature Center-SB-35 Inside Old Fitness Center-TL-6g Near Site Boundary to DFS--TL-40 Newmarket, NH (Control)

SB-32 High-Rise 3rd F1-101-5.0 Program Deviations and Reporting 5.1 Sampling Program Deviations Table A.9.1-1 of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) allows for deviations in the REMP samplingschedule "if specimens are unobtainable due to circumstances such as hazardous conditions, seasonalunavailability and malfunction of automatic sampling equipment."

All deviations from the samplingschedule shall be documented each year in the Radiological Environmental Operating Report. Thedeviations for 2013 are as follows:* On 02/10/2013, a loss of power to air sampling station AP/CF-07 (duration approximately 2minutes) was recorded between 5:37 pm and 5:39 pm. The unit was returned to service afterlocal power was restored.

The out of service time did not impact the ability to collect sufficient sample volume over the collection cycle for analysis.

  • On 02/18/2013, a loss of power to air sampling station AP/CF-07 (duration approximately 7minutes) was recorded between 11:13 am and 11:20 am. The unit was returned to service whenlocal power was restored.

The out of service time did not impact the ability to collect sufficient sample volume over the collection cycle for analysis.

  • On 03/19/2013, a loss of power to four air sampling stations (listed below) was recorded due toan area wide power outage not related to the air sampling equipment.

Location Date/Time power Date/Time power Duration of losslost restoredAP/CF-01 03/19/13 17:55 03/19/13 19:05 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 10 min.AP/CF-02 03/19/13 17:48 03/20/13 06:27 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> 39 min.AP/CF-03 03/19/13 17:56 03/19/13 19:05 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 9 min.AP/CF-04 03/19/13 17:54 03/20/13 11:33 17 hour1.967593e-4 days <br />0.00472 hours <br />2.810847e-5 weeks <br />6.4685e-6 months <br /> 39 min.AP/CF-08 03/19/13 17:55 03/19/13 19:05 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 10 min.The units were returned to service when the utility restored power to the area. The out of servicetime did not impact the ability to collect sufficient sample volume over the collection cycle foranalysis.

" On 05/01/2013, a loss of power to air sampling station AP/CF-04 (duration approximately 4minutes) was recorded between 13:17 and 13:21. The unit was returned to service when thepower was restored.

The out of service time had no impact on the ability to collect sufficient sample volume over the collection cycle for analysis.

  • On 06/15/2013, a loss of power to air sampling station AP/CF-02 (duration approximately 1 hour36 minutes) was recorded between 11:46 and 13:22. The unit was returned to service when thepower was restored.

The out of service time had no impact on the ability to collect sufficient sample volume over the collection cycle for analysis.

" On 06/18/2013, it was reported that the first quarter 2013 REMP TLD results for control locationTL-39 (Fremont, NH) were unexpected high apparently to precipitation having found its wayinside the badge holder and wetting the dosimeter.

TL-39 results for the first quarter were notincluded in the Control TLD averaging.

Past environmental TLDs have occasionally been foundwet due to adverse weather during the quarter.

Over TLD Control averages were not significantly impacted by this data loss." On 04/26/2013, it was discovered during routine maintenance of air sampling station AP/CF-07that the exhaust muffler jar on the pump was leaking due to a deteriorated gasket causing therecorded flow on the dry gas meter to be less than the true flow through the sampling filter-102-assembly (apparent over sampling condition leading to conservative results).

The actual air flowthrough the filter was measured and used to estimate the total flow for the sampling cycle. Thegasket was replaced and the pump flow rate reset to normal 1.8 cfm.* On 06/18/2013, a loss of power to air sampling station AP/CF-02 (duration approximately 42minutes) was recorded between 15:06 and 15:48. The unit was returned to service when electricpower was restored.

There was no impact on the collection of normal sample volume over thecollection cycle.* On 08/16/2013, air sampling station AP/CF-04 was out of service (duration approximately 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />s23 minutes) due to blown pump fuse between 08:11 and 10:34. The air sampling station wasreturned to service when the fuse was replaced.

The out of service time did not impact the abilityto collect sufficient sample volume over the collection cycle for analysis.

  • On 10/27/2013, a loss of power to air sampling station AP/CF-04 (duration approximately 26 hour14 minutes) was recorded due to a blown pump fuse between 08:30 on the 27th and 10:44 on the28th. The cause of the blown pump fuse was likely due to a momentary power spike. The airsampling station was returned to service when the fuse was replaced.

The out of service time didnot impact the ability to collect sufficient sample volume over the two week collection cycle foranalysis.

5.2 Comparison Of Achieved LLDs With Requirements Table A.9.1-2 of the ODCM indicates the required Lower Limits of Detection (LLDs) for environmental sample analyses.

(This table is duplicated in Table 5.2-1 of this report.)

Occasionally an LLD for short-lived radionuclides is not achieved due to low sample volume or delays between sample collection andtime of analysis.

In such cases, ODCM Table A.9.1-2 requires a discussion of the event in the annualRadiological Environmental Operating Report..For each analysis having an LLD requirement in ODCM Table A.9.1-2, the a posteriori (after the fact)Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC) calculated for that analysis was compared with the requiredLLD. During 2013, 1328 analyses had an LLD requirement listed in Table 5.2-1, and in all cases the LLDrequirements were met.-103-5.3 Comparison of Results Against Reporting LevelsSeabrook Station ODCM Section 10.1 requires the notification of the NRC by special report within 30days of receipt from the environmental laboratory whenever a Reporting Level in Table 5.3-1 is exceeded.

Reporting Levels are the environmental concentrations that relate to the ALARA design dose objectives of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I. It should be noted that environmental concentrations are averaged overcalendar quarters for the purposes of this comparison, and that Reporting Levels apply only to measuredlevels of radioactivity due to plant effluents.

During 2013, no Reporting Levels were exceeded.

-104-Table 5.2-1DETECTION CAPABILITIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLE ANALYSISa Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)Fish andWater Airborne Particulate or Invertebrates Milk Food Products SedimentAnalysis (pCi/kg)

Gas (pCi/m3) (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/kg)

(pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/kg, dry)Gross BetaH-3Mn-54Fe-59Co-58, 60Zn-65Zr-Nb-951-131Cs-1 34Cs-1 37Ba-La-140 43,0001530153015c15151815c0.011302601302600.070.050.0613015011518156080150180a. Reference Seabrook Station ODCM, Table A.9.1-2 for clarifications.

b. Broad leaf vegetation only.c. Parent only.-105-Table 5.3-1REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLESaAnalysis Water Airborne Particulate or Gas Fish and Milk Food Products(pCi/kg)

(pCi/m3) Invertebrates (pCi/kg)

(pCi/kg, wet)(pCi/kg, wet)H-3Mn-54Fe-59Co-58Co-60Zn-65Zr-Nb-951-131Cs-1 34Cs-1 37Ba-La-1 4030,0001,0004001,000300300400100305020030,00010,00030,00010,00020,0000.910201,0002,000360703001,00b1,0002,000a. Reference Seabrook Station ODCM Table A.9.1-3 for clarifications.

b. Broad leaf vegetation only.-106-6.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM6.1 GEL Laboratories QAGEL's primary goals are to ensure that all measurement data generated are scientifically and legallydefensible, of known and acceptable quality per the data quality objectives (DQOs), and thoroughly documented to provide sound support for environmental decisions.

In addition, GEL continues to ensurecompliance with all contractual requirements, environmental standards, and regulations established bylocal, state and federal authorities.

GEL administers the QA program in accordance with their Quality Assurance Plan, GL-QS-B-001.

TheQuality Systems include all quality assurance (QA) policies and quality control (QC) procedures necessary to plan, implement, and assess the work that GEL performs.

GEL's QA Program establishes aquality management system (QMS) that governs all of the activities of the organization.

The results of GEL's assessment of their laboratory activities listed in this section entails their qualityassurance program for the proficiency testing and environmental monitoring aspects of GEL for 2013.GEL's QA Program is designed to monitor the quality of analytical processing associated withenvironmental, radiobioassay, effluent (10 CFR Part 50), and waste (10 CFR Part 61) sample analysis.

This summary was extracted from GEL Laboratories report entitled "2013 Annual Quality Assurance Report for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP)",

dated February 11, 2014, andincludes:

  • Intra-laboratory QC results analyzed during 2013.* Inter-laboratory QC results analyzed during 2013 where known values were available.

Quality Assurance Programs for Inter-laboratory, Intra-laboratory and Third Party Cross CheckIn addition to internal and client audits, GEL's laboratory participates in annual performance evaluation studies conducted by independent providers.

GEL routinely participates in the following types ofperformance audits:* Proficiency testing and other inter-laboratory comparisons

  • Performance requirements necessary to retain Certifications
  • Evaluation of recoveries of certified reference and in-house secondary reference materials usingstatistical process control data.* Evaluation of relative percent difference between measurements through statistical processcontrol (SPC) data.GEL also participate in a number of proficiency testing programs for federal and state agencies and asrequired by contracts.

It is GEL's policy that no proficiency evaluation samples be analyzed in any specialmanner. GEL's annual performance evaluation participation generally includes a combination of studiesthat support the following:

US Environmental Protection Agency Discharge Monitoring Report, Quality Assurance Program(DMR-QA).

Annual national program sponsored by EPA for laboratories engaged in the analysisof samples associated with the NPDES monitoring program.

Participation is mandatory for allholders of NPDES permits.

The permit holder must analyze for all of the parameters listed on thedischarge permit. Parameters include general chemistry, metals, BOD/COD, oil and grease,ammonia,

nitrates, etc.-107-
  • Department of Energy Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP).

A semiannual program developed by DOE in support of DOE contractors performing waste analyses.

Participation is required for all laboratories that perform environmental analytical measurements in support of environmental management activities.

This program includes radioactive isotopes inwater, soil, vegetation and air filters.* ERA's MRAD-Multimedia Radiochemistry Proficiency test program.

This program is for labsseeking certification for radionuclides in wastewater and solid waste. The program is conducted instrict compliance with USEPA National Standards for Water Proficiency study.* ERA's InterLab RadChem Proficiency Testing Program for radiological analyses.

This programcompletes the process of replacing the USEPA EMSL-LV Nuclear Radiation Assessment Divisionprogram discontinued in 1998. Laboratories seeking certification for radionuclide analysis indrinking water also use the study. This program is conducted in strict compliance with the USEPANational Standards for Water Proficiency Testing Studies.

This program encompasses Uraniumby EPA method 200.8 (for drinking water certification in Utah/Primary NELAP), gamma emitters, Gross Alpha/Beta, Iodine-1 31, naturally occurring radioactive

isotopes, Strontium-89/90, andTritium.* ERA's Water Pollution (WP) biannual program for waste methodologies includes parameters forboth organic and inorganic analytes.

" ERA's Water Supply (WS) biannual program for drinking water methodologies includesparameters for organic and inorganic analytes.

  • Environmental Cross-Check Program administered by Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, Inc. Thisprogram encompasses radionuclides in water, soil, milk, naturally occurring radioactive isotopesin soil and air filters.GEL procures single-blind performance evaluation samples from Eckert & Ziegler Analytics to verify theanalysis of sample matrices processed at GEL. Samples are received on a quarterly basis. GEL's Third-Party Cross-Check Program provides environmental matrices encountered in a typical nuclear utilityREMP. The Third-Party Cross-Check Program is intended to meet or exceed the inter-laboratory comparison program requirements discussed in NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15. Once performance evaluation samples have been prepared in accordance with the instructions provided by the program test(PT) provider, samples are managed and analyzed in the same manner as environmental samples fromGEL's clients.Quality Assurance Program for Internal and External AuditsDuring each annual reporting period, at least one internal assessment of each area of the laboratory isconducted in accordance with the pre-established schedule from Standard Operating Procedure for theConduct of Quality Audits, GL-QS-E-001.

The annual internal audit plan is reviewed for adequacy andincludes the scheduled frequency and scope of quality control actions necessary to GEL's QA program.Internal audits are conducted at least annually in accordance with a schedule approved by the QualitySystems Director.

Supplier audits are contingent upon the categorization of the supplier, and may or maynot be conducted prior to the use of a supplier or subcontractor.

Type I suppliers and subcontractors, regardless of how they were initially qualified, are re-evaluated at least once every three years.In addition, prospective customers audit GEL during pre-contract audits. GEL hosts several externalaudits each year for both our clients and other programs.

These programs include environmental monitoring, waste characterization, and radiobioassay.

The following list of programs may audit GEL atleast annually or up to every three years depending on the program.-108-

  • NELAC, National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program* DOECAP, U.S. Department of Energy Consolidated Audit Program* DOELAP, U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditation Program* DOE QSAS, U.S. Department of Energy, Quality Systems for Analytical Services" ISO/IEC 17025:2005
  • A2LA, American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
  • DOD ELAP, US Department of Defense Environmental Accreditation Program* NUPIC, Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee

-South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC)The annual radiochemistry laboratory internal audit (13-RAD-001) was conducted in August 2013. Three(3) findings, two (2) observations, and one (1) recommendation resulted from this assessment.

ByOctober, 2013, each finding was closed and appropriate laboratory staff addressed each observation andrecommendation.

Performance Evaluation Acceptance Criteria for Environmental Sample AnalysisGEL utilized an acceptance protocol based upon two performance models. For, those inter-laboratory programs that already have established performance criteria for bias (i.e., MAPEP, and ERA/ELAP),

GELwill utilize the criteria for the specific program.

For intra-laboratory or third party quality control programsthat do not have a specific acceptance criteria (i.e. the Eckert-Ziegler Analytics Environmental Cross-check Program),

results will be evaluated in accordance with GEL's internal acceptance criteria.

Performance Evaluation SamplesPerformance Evaluation (PE) results and internal quality control sample results are evaluated inaccordance with GEL acceptance criteria.

The first criterion concerns bias, which is defined as thedeviation of any one result from the known value. The second criterion concerns precision, which dealswith the ability of the measurement to be replicated by comparison of an individual result with the mean ofall results for a given sample set.GEL also evaluates its analytical performance on a regular basis through statistical process control (SPC)acceptance criteria.

Where feasible, this criterion is applied to both measures of precision and accuracyand is specific to sample matrix. GEL establishes environmental process control limits at least annually.

For Radiochemistry

analysis, quality control evaluation is based on static limits rather than those that arestatistically derived.

Current process control limits are maintained in GEL's AlphaLIMS.

GEL alsomeasures precision with matrix duplicates and/or matrix spike duplicates.

The upper and lower controllimits (UCL and LCL respectively) for precision are plus or minus three times the standard deviation fromthe mean of a series of relative percent differences.

The static precision criteria for radiochemical analyses are 0 -20%, for activity levels exceeding the contract required detection limit (CRDL).Quality Control Program for Environmental Sample AnalysisGEL's internal QA Program is designed to include QC functions such as instrumentation calibration checks (to insure proper instrument response),

blank samples, instrumentation backgrounds, duplicates, as well as overall staff qualification analyses and statistical process controls.

Both quality control andqualification analyses samples are used to be as similar as the matrix type of those samples submitted foranalysis by the various laboratory clients.

These performance test samples (or performance evaluation samples) are either actual samples submitted in duplicate in order to evaluate the precision of laboratory measurements, or fortified blank samples, which have been given a known quantity of a radioisotope thatis in the interest to GEL's clients.Accuracy (or Bias) is measured through laboratory control samples and/or matrix spikes, as well assurrogates and internal standards.

The UCLs and LCLs for accuracy are plus or minus three times the-109-standard deviation from the mean of a series of recoveries.

The static limit for radiochemical analyses is75 -125%. Specific instructions for out-of-control situations are provided in the applicable analytical SOP.GEL's Laboratory Control Standard (LCS) is an aliquot of reagent water or other blank matrix to whichknown quantities of the method analytes are added in the laboratory.

The LCS is analyzed exactly like asample, and its purpose is to determine whether the methodology is in control, and whether the laboratory is capable of making accurate and precise measurements.

Some methods may refer to these samples asLaboratory Fortified Blanks (LFB). The requirement for recovery is between 75 and 125% for radiological analyses excluding drinking water matrix.Bias (%) = (observed concentration)

  • 100 %(known concentration)

Precision is a data quality indicator of the agreement between measurements of the same property, obtained under similar conditions, and how well they conform to themselves.

Precision is usuallyexpressed as standard deviation, variance or range in either absolute or relative (percentage) terms.GEL's laboratory duplicate (DUP or LCSD) is an aliquot of a sample taken from the same container andprocessed in the same manner under identical laboratory conditions.

The aliquot is analyzedindependently from the parent sample and the results are compared to measure precision and accuracy.

If a sample duplicate is analyzed, it will be reported as Relative Percent Difference (RPD). The RPD mustbe 20 percent or less, if both samples are greater than 5 times the MDC. If both results are less than 5times MDC, then the RPD must be equal to or less than 100%. If one result is above the MDC and theother is below the MDC, then the RPD can be calculated using the MDC for the result of the one belowthe MDC. The RPD must be 100% or less. In the situation where both results are above the MDC but oneresult is greater than 5 times the MDC and the other is less than 5 times the MDC, the RPD must be lessthan or equal to 20%. If both results are below MDC, then the limits on % RPD are not applicable.


(%) = (high duplicate result -low duplicate result)

  • 100 %(average of results)Summary of Data ResultsDuring 2013, forty-four (44) radioisotopes associated with seven (7) matrix types were analyzed underGEL's Performance Evaluation program in participation with ERA, MAPEP, and Eckert & ZieglerAnalytics.

Matrix types were representative of client analyses performed during 2012. Of the fourhundred twenty-three (423) total results reported, 97% (410 of 423) were found to be acceptable.

The listbelow contains the type of matrix evaluated by GEL.* Air Filter* Cartridge

  • Water* Milk* Soil* Liquid* Vegetation A summary list of all Inter-laboratory radiological proficiency test results and there evaluation against theiracceptance criteria is provided in Table 6.1-1. This list reflects GEL's participation in the MAPEPMonitoring
Program, the ERA MRaD PT Program, the ERA PT Program, and the Eckert & ZieglerAnalytics Environmental Cross-Check Program.Summaries of GEL's Intra-laboratory test result for bias and precision by sample matrix are provided inTable 6.1-3 (REMP Related) and Table 6.1-4 (All Samples).

-110-Summary of Participation in the Eckert & Ziegler Analytics Environmental Cross-Check ProgramEckert & Ziegler Analytics provided samples for eighty-nine (89) individual environmental analyses.

Theaccuracy of each result reported to Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, Inc. is measured by the ratio of GEL'sresult to the known value. All results fell within GEL's acceptance criteria (100%). Table 6.1-2 list theresults specific to the Eckert & Ziegler Analytics sample provided in 2013. No corrective action reportswere noted for these results.Summary of Participation in the MAPEP Monitorinq ProgramMAPEP Series 27, 28 and 29 were analyzed by the laboratory.

Of the one hundred thirty-eight (138)analyses, 96% (133 out of 138) of all results fell within the PT provider's acceptance criteria.

Fiveanalytical failures occurred:

Uranium-238/235 and Total Uranium in vegetation by ICP/MS, and Uranium-234/233, and Urabuyn-238 by Alpha Spectroscopy.

For the corrective actions associated with MAPEP Series 28, refer to CARR1 30513-789 which is detailedin Table 6.1-5.Summary of Participation in the ERA MRaD PT ProgramThe ERA MRad program provided samples (MRAD-18 and MRAD-19) for one hundred fifty (150)individual environmental analyses.

One hundred forty-five (145) of the 150 analyses fell within the PTprovider's acceptance criteria (97%). Five analytical failures occurred:

Cesium-134, Cesium-137 andZinc-65 in soil, and Uranium-234 and Total Uranium in vegetation.

For the corrective actions associated with MRAD-1 8 and MRAD-1 9, refer to CARR1 30522-791 andCARR131205-845 which are detailed in Table 6.1-5.Summary of Participation in the ERA PT ProgramThe ERA program provided samples (RAD-92 and RAD-94) for forty-six (46) individual environmental analyses.

Of the 44 analyses, 93% (43 out of 44) of all results fell within the PT provider's acceptance criteria.

Two analytical failures occurred:

Gross Alpha and Strontium-89 in water.For the corrective actions associated with RAD-92 refer to corrective actions CARR1 30826-810 (Table6.1-5).Corrective Action Request and Report (CARR)There are two categories of corrective action at GEL. One is corrective action implemented at theanalytical and data review level in accordance with the analytical standard operating procedures (SOP).The other is formal corrective action documented by the Quality Systems Team in accordance with GEL'sstandard operating procedure GL-QS-E-002.

A formal corrective action is initiated when anonconformance reoccurs or is so significant that permanent elimination or prevention of the problem isrequired.

Formal corrective action investigations include root cause analysis.

GEL includes quality requirements in most analytical standard operating procedures to ensure that dataare reported only if the quality control criteria are met or the quality control measures that did not meet theacceptance criteria are documented.

A formal corrective action is implemented according to GEL'sstandard operating procedure GL-QS-E-002 for Conducting Corrective/Preventive Action and Identifying Opportunities for Improvement.

Recording and documentation is performed following guidelines stated inGEL's standard operating procedure GL-QS-E-012 for Client NCR Database Operation.

-111-Any employee at GEL can identify and report a nonconformance and request that corrective action betaken. Any .GEL employee can participate on a corrective action team as requested by the QS team orGroup Leaders.

The steps for conducting corrective action are detailed in GEL's standard operating procedure GL-QS-E-002.

In the event that correctness or validity of the laboratory's test results in doubt,the laboratory will take corrective action. If investigations show that the results have been impacted, affected clients will be informed of the issue in writing within five (5) calendar days of the discovery.

Table 6.1-5 provides the status of CARRs for radiological performance testing during 2013. GEL hasdetermined that causes of the failures did not impact any data reported to its clients.-112-TABLE 6.1-12013 INTER-LAB RADIOLOGICAL PROFICIENCY TESTING RESULTS AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIAPT Quarter I Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte / Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation MAPEP 1st/ 2013 02/27/13 GENE01-13-RdFRI Filter Bq/sample Uranium-234/233 0.0143 0.0155 0.0109-0.0202 Acceptable MAPEP 1st/ 2013 02/27/13 GENE01-13-RdFR1 Filter Bq/sample Uranium-238 0.0999 0.098 0.069-0.127 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10323 Cartridge pCi Iodine-131 7.31E+01 7.29E+01 1.00 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10324 Milk pCi/L Strontium-89 9.89E+00 1.38E+01 0.72 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10324 Milk pCi/L Strontium-90 9.83E+00 1.48E+01 1.02 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L lodine-131 9.57E+01 9.OOE+01 1.06 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Chromium-51 3.67E+02 3.48E+02 1.06 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cesium-134 1.54E+02 1.65E+02 0.93 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cesium-137 1.18E+02 1.17E+02 1.01 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-58 9.85E+01 9.85E+01 1 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Manganese-54 1.16E+02 1.16E+02 1 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Iron-59 1.33E+02 1.16E+02 1.15 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Zinc-65 3.19E+02 2.91E+02 1.09 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-60 1.73E+02 1.70E+02 1.02 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cesium-141 5.38E+01 5.10E+01 1.05 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 7.47E+01 7.25E+01 1.03 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Chromium-51 3.81E+02 3.62E+02 1.05 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 1.57E+02 1.73E+02 0.91 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 1.25E+02 1.22E+02 1.03 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Cobalt-58 1.02E+02 1.03E+02 0.99 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Manganese-54 1.28E+02 1.21E+02 1.06 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Iron-59 1.38E+02 1.21E+02 1.14 Acceptable EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 2.13E+02 1.94E+02

1.1 Acceptable

EZA 4th/2012 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 1.80E+02 1.77E+02 1.01 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Barium-133 55.4 54.4 44.9-60.2 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 27.2 29.9 23.4-32.9 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 74.3 75.3 67.8-85.5 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 89.0 97.7 87.9-110 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 126 114 103-136 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Gross Alpha 26.0 24.8 12.5-33.0 Acceptable ERA 1 st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Gross Beta 19.4 19.3 11.3-27.5 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Gross Alpha 31.4 24.8 12.5-33.0 Acceptable

-113-PT Quarter I Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte I Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Radium-226 10.4 9.91 7.42-11.6 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Radium-228 4.84 5.22 3.14-6.96 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Uranium (Nat) 6.43 5.96 4.47-7.13 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water ug/L Uranium (Nat) mass 9.59 8.69 6.50-10.4 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Radium-226 11.60 9.91 7.42-11.6 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Radium-228 5.13 5.22 3.14-6.96 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Uranium (Nat) 5.95 5.96 4.47-7.13 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water ug/L Uranium (Nat) mass 9.95 8.69 6.50-10.4 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Tritium 1430 1320 1040-1480 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Strontium-89 47.5 48 37.6-55.3 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Strontium-90 35.9 39.8 29.2-45.8 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Strontium-89 42.9 48 37.6-55.3 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Strontium-90 34.6 39.8 29.2-45.8 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 23.6 22.7 18.8-27.0 Acceptable ERA 1st/ 2013 02/28/13 RAD -92 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 27 22.7 18.8-27.0 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10469 Cartridge pCi Iodine-131 9.38E+01 9.27E+01 1.01 Acceptable EZA Ist/2013 04/25/13 E10470 Milk pCi/L Strontium-89 1.07E+02 9.97E+01 1.07 Acceptable EZA 1st/2013 04/25/13 E10470 Milk pCi/L Strontium-90 1.18E+01 1.10E+01 1.07 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L lodine-131 3.54E+00 1.67E+00 1.12 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cerium-141 2.OOE+01 1.87E+01 1.07 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Chromium-51 5.09E+01 4.72E+01 1.08 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cesium-134 2.06E+02 2.14E+02 0.96 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cesium-137 2.83E+02 2.66E+02 1.07 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-58 2.19E+02 2.08E+02 1.05 Acceptable EZA 1st/2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Mn-54 2.21E+02 2.08E+02 1.06 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Iron-59 2.78E+02 2.52E+02

1.1 Acceptable

EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Zinc-65 3.39E+02 3.01E+02 1.13 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-60 4.02E+02 4.00E+02 1.01 Acceptable EZA 1st] 2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 1.12E+02 9.28E+01 1.21 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Cerium-141 1.88E+02 1.79E+02 1.05 Acceptable EZA 1st/2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Chromium-51 4.84E+02 4.52E+02 1.07 Acceptable EZA 1st/2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 1.96E+02 2.05E+02 0.96 Acceptable EZA 1st/2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 2.71E+02 2.54E+02 1.07 Acceptable EZA 1st/2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Cobalt-58 2.03E+02 1.99E+02 1.02 Acceptable

-114-PT Quarter I Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte I Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Mn-54 2.15E+02 1.99E+02 1.08 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Iron-59 2.67E+02 2.41E+02 1.11 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 3.14E+02 2.88E+02 1.09 Acceptable EZA 1st/ 2013 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 3.92E+02 3.83E+02 1.02 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-27-GrF28 Filter Bq/sample Gross Alpha 0.656 1.20 0.36-2.04 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-27-GrF29 Filter Bq/sample Gross Beta 0.954 0.85 0.43-1.28 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Americium-241 118 113 79-147 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Cesium-134 829 887 621-1153 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Cesium-137 623 587 411-763 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Cobalt-57 1.04 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Cobalt-60 737 691 484-898 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Iron-55 -0.380 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Manganese-54 0.760 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Nickel-63 719 670 469-871 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Plutonium-238 0.571 0.52 Sens. Eval. Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Plutonium-239/240 77.70 79.5 55.7-103.4 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Potassium-40 713 625 438-813 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Strontium-90 693.0 628 440-816 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Technetium-99 419.0 444 311-577 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Uranium-234/233 60.0 62.5 43.8-81.3 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Uranium-238 274 281 197-365 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaS28 Soil mg/kg Zinc-65 1130 995 697-1294 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Americium-241 0.690 0.689 0.428-0.896 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Cesium-134 21.1 24.4 17.1-31.7 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Cesium-1 37 0.10 0.0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Cobalt-57 31.0 30.9 21.6-40.2 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Cobalt-60 19.4 19.6 13.7-25.4 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Hydrogen-3 517 507 355-659 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Iron-55 39.7 44.0 30.8-57.2 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Manganese-54 28.0 27.4 19.2-35.6 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Nickel-63 32.9 33.4 23.4-43.4 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Plutonium-238 0.825 0.884 0.619-1.149 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Pu-239/240 0.0162 0.0096 Sens. Eval. Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Potassium-40

-0.471 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Strontium-90 12.5 10.5 7.4-13.7 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Technetium-99 12.9 13.1 9.2-17.0 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Uranium-234/233 0.289 0.315 0.221-0.410 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Uranium-238 1.81 1.95 1.37-2.54 Acceptable

-115-PT Quarter / Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte I Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-MaW28 Water Bq/L Zinc-65 32.8 30.4 21.3-39.5 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-GrW28 Water Bq/L Gross Alpha 2.60 2.31 0.69-3.93 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-GrW28 Water Bq/L Gross Beta 14.2 13.0 6.5-19.5 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-XaW28 Water Bq/L Iodine-129 5.94 6.06 4.24-7.88 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter ug/sample Uranium-235 0.036 0.036 0.025-0.047 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter ug/sample Uranium-238 18.0 18.6 13.0-24.2 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter ug/sample Uranium-Total 17.7 18.6 13.0-24.2 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13113 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter ug/sample Americium-241 0.106 0.104 0.073-0.135 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Cesium-134 1.75 1.78 1.25-2.31 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Cesium-137 2.71 2.60 1.82-3.38 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Cobalt-57 2.51 2.36 1.65-3.07 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Cobalt-60 0.005 0.00 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Manganese-54 4.43 4.26 2.98-5.54 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Plutonium-238 0.124 0.127 0.089-0.165 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Pu-239/240 0.118 0.1210 0.085-0.157 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Strontium-90 1.54 1.49 1.04-1.94 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Uranium-234/233 0.0342 0.0318 0.0223-0.0413 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Uranium-238 0.230 0.231 0.162-0.300 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Zinc-65 3.38 3.13 2.19-4.07 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-GrF28 Filter Bq/sample Gross Alpha 0.656 1.20 0.36-2.04 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-GrF28 Filter Bq/sample Gross Beta 0.95 0.85 0.43-1.28 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdF28 Filter Bq/sample Americium-241 0.106 0.104 0.073-0.135 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation ug/sample Uranium-235 0.0029 0.001 0.0009-0.0017 Not Accept.CARR130513-789 Not Accept.MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation ug/sample Uranium-238 0.419 0.180 0.13-0.23 CARR130513-789 MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation ug/sample Uranium-Total 0.4219 0.180 0.13-0.23 Not Accept.______________CARR130513-789 MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation ug/sample Americium-241 0.1350 0.140 0.098-0.182 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Cesium-134 0.0525 0.00 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Cesium-137 7.13 6.87 4.81-8.93 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-1 3-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Cobalt-57 8.86 8.68 6.08-11.28 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Cobalt-60 6.07 5.85 4.10-7.61 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Manganese-54

-0.002 0.00 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Plutonium-238 0.110 0.110 0.077-0.143 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Pu-239/240 0.113 0.123 0.086-0.160 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Strontium-90 1.358 1.64 1.15-2.13 Acceptable MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Uranium-234/233 0.0081 0.0038 Sens. Eval. Not Accept.CARR130513-789 MAPEP 2nd/2013 05113/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Uranium-238 0.00489 0.002 Sens. Eval. Not Accept.I I ICARR130513-789 MAPEP 2nd/2013 05/13/13 MAPEP-13-RdV28 Vegetation Bq/sample Zinc-65 6.59 6.25 4.38-8.13 Acceptable

-116-PT Quarter I Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte I Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Actinium-228 1500 1240 795-1720 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Americium-241 225 229 134-297 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Bismuth-212 1250 1240 330-1820 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Bismuth-214 4410 3660 2200-5270 Acceptable Not Accept.ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Cesium-134 7850 6370 4160-7650 CARR130522-791 Not Accept.ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Cesium-137 8070 6120 4690-7870 CARR130522-791 ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Cobalt-60 10300 7920 5360-10900 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Lead-212 1290 1240 812-1730 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Lead-214 4690 3660 2140-5460 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Manganese-54

<63.4 <1000 0-1000 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Plutonium-238 651 788.00 474-1090 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Plutonium-239 320 366.00 239-506 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Potassium-40 10300 10300 7520-13800 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Strontium-90 6730 8530 3250-13500 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Thorium-234 3290 1900 601-3570 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Zinc-65 1910 1400 1110-1860 Not Accept._______ _______CARR130522-791 ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Strontium-90 6730 8530 3250-13500 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Uranium-234 1210 1920 1170-2460 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Uranium-238 1630 1900 1180-2410 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil pCi/kg Uranium-Total 2840 3920 2130-5170 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Soil ug/kg Uranium-Total(mass) 4150 5710 3150-7180 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Americium-241 629 553 338-735 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Cesium-134 1400 1240 797-1610 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Cesium-137 687 544 394-757 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Cobalt-60 2410 1920 1320-2680 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Curium-244 1420 1340 657-2090 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pci/kg Manganese-54

<47.4 <300 0.00-300 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Plutonium-238 2060 1980 1180-2710 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Plutonium-239 2230 2260 1390-3110 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Potassium-40 35600 31900 23000-44800 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Strontium-90 3720 3840 2190-5090 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Uranium-234 2650 2460 1620-3160 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Uranium-238 2580 2440 1630-3100 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Uranium-Total 5361 5010 3390-6230 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation ug/kg U ranium-Total(mass) 7740 7310 4900-9280 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Vegetation pCi/kg Zinc-65 1150 878 633-1230 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Americium-241 62.9 66.8 41.2-90.4 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Cesium-134 1080 1110 706-1380 Acceptable

-117-PT Quarter I Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte / Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Cesium-137 971 940 706-1230 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Cobalt-60 217 214 166-267 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Iron-55 224 225 69.8-440 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Manganese-54

<5.27 <50.0 0-50.0 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Plutonium-238 48.0 50.1 34.3-65.9 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Plutonium-239 62.7 65.2 47.2-85.2 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Strontium-90 139 138 67.4-207 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Uranium-234 54.5 59.4 36.8-89.6 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Uranium-238 58.5 58.9 38.1-81.4 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Uranium-Total 117 121 67.0-184 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter ug/Filter Uranium-Total(mass) 176 176 113-248 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Zinc-65 222 199 142-275 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Gross Alpha 55.5 42.3 14.2-65.7 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Filter pCi/Filter Gross Beta 31 25.1 15.9-36.6 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Americium-241 118 118 79.5-158 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 1320 1400 1030-1610 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 1900 1880 1600-2250 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 2370 2270 1970-2660 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Iron-55 812 712 424-966 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Manganese-54

<7.6 <100 0.00-100 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Plutonium-238 91 99 73.1-123 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Plutonium-239 161 185 144-233 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Strontium-90 144 137 89.2-181 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Uranium-234 47.3 48.8 36.7-62.9 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Uranium-238 50.8 48.4 36.9-59.4 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Uranium-Total 98.1 99.5 73.1-129 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water ug/L Uranium-Total(mass) 152 145 116-175 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 428 384 320-484 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Gross Alpha 138.0 130 46.2-201 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Gross Beta 87 78.9 45.2-117 Acceptable ERA 2nd/2013 05/22/13 MRAD-18 Water pCi/L Tritium 13100 12300 8240-17500 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10577 Cartridge pCi Iodine-131 9.16E+01 9.55E+01 1.02 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10578 Milk pCi/L Strontium-89 9.27E+01 9.04E+01 0.98 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10578 Milk pCi/L Strontium-90 1.20E+01 1.70E+01

0.7 Acceptable

EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Iodine-131 9.86E+01 9.55E+01 1.03 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cerium-141 9.44E+01 9.04E+01 1.04 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Chromium-51 2.58E+02 2.50E+02 1.03 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cesium-134 1.21E+02 1.25E+02 0.97 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cesium-137 1.49E+02 1.51E+02 0.99 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-58 9.44E+01 9.40E+01 1.00 Acceptable

-118-PT Quarter / Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte I Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Manganese-54 1.80E+02 1.72E+02 1.05 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Iron-59 1.36E+02 1.20E+02 1.14 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Zinc-65 2.39E+02 2.17E+02 1.10 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-60 1.77E+02 1.75E+02 1.01 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L lodine-131 9.33E+01 9.54E+01 0.98 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Cerium-141 1.15E+02 1.10E+02 1.04 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Chromium-51 3.40E+02 3.06E+02 1.11 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 1.48E+02 1.53E+02 0.97 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 1.83E+02 1.84E+02 0.99 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Cobalt-58 1.13E+02 1.15E+02 0.99 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Manganese-54 2.09E+02 2.10E+02 1.00 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Iron-59 1.51E+02 1.46E+02 1.03 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 2.86E+02 2.65E+02 1.08 Acceptable EZA 2nd/2013 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 2.25E+02 2.14E+02 1.05 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Barium-1 33 76.4 740.5 62.4-82.0 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 68.7 72.4 59.1-79.6 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 154 155 140-172 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 85.3 82.3 74.1-92.9 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 297 260 234-304 Acceptable Not Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Gross Alpha 74.3 57.1 29.8-71.2 CARR130826-810 ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Gross Beta 34.3 41.8 27.9-49.2 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Gross Alpha 67.7 57.1 29.8-71.2 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Radium-226 16.9 17.2 12.8-19.7 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Radium-226 17 17.2 12.8-19.7 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Radium-228 3.53 3.86 2.18-5.4 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Uranium (Nat) 20.4 21.4 17.1-24.1 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water ug/L Uranium (Nat) mass 30.4 31.2 25.0-35.2 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Radium-226 14.6 17.2 12.8-19.7 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Uranium (Nat) 21.6 21.4 17.1-24.1 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water ug/L Uranium (Nat) mass 33.7 31.2 25-35.2 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Tritium 12500 13300 11600-14600 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Strontium-89 48.9 36.5 27.4-43.4 Not Acceptable


________CARR130826-810 ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Strontium-90 14.3 19.8 14.1-23.4 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Strontium-89 44.3 36.5 27.4-43.4 Not Acceptable

______________CARR130826-810 ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Strontium-90 17.3 19.8 14.1-23.4 Acceptable ERA 3rd / 2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 26.1 24.3 20.2-28.8 Acceptable ERA 3rd/2013 08/22/13 RAD -94 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 23.3 24.3 20.2-28.8 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10625 Cartridge pCi Iodine-131 8.57E+01 7.96E+01 1.08 Acceptable

-119-PT Quarter I Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte I Nuclide Value value Rangel Ratio Evaluation EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10626 Milk pCi/L Strontium-89 9.33E+01 9.60E+01 0.97 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10626 Milk pCi/L Strontium-90 1.09E+01 1.32E+01 0.83 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Iodine-131 1.OOE+02 9.83E+01 1.02 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Chromium-51 3.09E+02 2.77E+02 1.11 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Cesium-134 1.46E+02 1.72E+02 0.85 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Cesium-137 1.33E+02 1.31E+02 1.02 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-58 1.04E+02 1.08E+02 0.97 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Manganese-54 1.44E+02 1.39E+02 1.04 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Iron-59 1.43E+02 1.30E+02

1.1 Acceptable

EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Zinc-65 2.86E+02 2.66E+02 1.07 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-60 2.01E+02 1.96E+02 1.03 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L lodine-131 1.01E+02 9.79E+01 1.03 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Chromium-51 2.80E+02 2.51E+02 1.12 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 1.42E+02 1.56E+02 0.91 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 1.19E+02 1.18E+02 1.01 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Cobalt-58 9.80E+01 9.73E+01 1.01 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Manganese-54 1.29E+02 1.25E+02 1.05 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Iron-59 1.23E+02 1.18E+02 1.04 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 2.62E+02 2.41E+02 1.09 Acceptable EZA 3rd/2013 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 1.87E+02 1.77E+02 1.06 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-GrF29 Filter Bq/sample Gross Alpha 1.090 0.900 0.3-1.5 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-GrF29 Filter Bq/sample Gross Beta 1.730 1.630 0.82-2.45 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Americium-241 0.00 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Cesium-134 1090 1172 820-1524 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Cesium-137 1010 977 684-1270 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Cobalt-57 0.0 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Cobalt-60 462.00 451.00 316-586 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Iron-55 887 820 574-1066 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Manganese-54 692 674 472-876 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Nickel-63 525.0 571 400-742 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Plutonium-238 60.8 62 43.1-80.0 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Plutonium-239/240 1.33 0.4 Sens. Eval. Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Potassium-40 638 633 443-823 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Strontium-90 458.0 460 322-598 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Technetium-99 0.0 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Uranium-234/233 26.1 30 21.0-39.0 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Uranium-238 30.0 34 23.8-44.2 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaS29 Soil mg/kg Zinc-65 0.0 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Americium-241 0.0001 0.000 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Cesium-134 27.20 30.0 21.0-39.0 Acceptable

-120-PT Quarter / Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte / Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Cesium-137 31.8 31.6 22.1-41.1 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Cobalt-57 0 0.0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Cobalt-60 23.60 23.6 16.51-30.65 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Hydrogen-3

-3.5 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Iron-55 53.00 53.3 37.3-69.3 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Manganese-54

-0.009 0.0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Nickel-63 27.7 26.4 18.5-34.3 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Plutonium-238 1.070 1.216 0.851-1.581 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Plutonium-239/240 0.907 0.996 0.697-1.295 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Potassium-40 0.339 0 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Strontium-90 6.65 7.22 5.05-9.39 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Technetium-99 15.4 16.20 11.3-21.1 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Uranium-234/233 0.065 0.07 Sens. Eval. Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Uranium-238 0.031 0.034 Sens. Eval. Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Zinc-65 36.500 34.60 24.2-45.0 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Gross Alpha 0.793 0.701 0.201-1.192 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-MaW29 Water Bq/L Gross Beta 6.220 5.94 2.97-8.91 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter ug/sample Uranium-235 0.034 0.032 0.0227-0.0421 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter ug/sample Uranium-238 15.8 16.5 11.6-21.5 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter ug/sample Uranium-Total 15.80 16.5 11.6-21.5 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter ug/sample Americium-241 0.0002 0.000 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Cesium-134

-0.0016 0.00 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Cesium-137 3.010 2.70 1.9-3.5 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Cobalt-57 3.530 3.40 2.4-4.4 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Cobalt-60 2.440 2.30 1.6-3.0 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Manganese-54 3.720 3.50 2.5-4.6 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Plutonium-238 0.128 0.124 0.087-0.161 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Plutonium-239/240 0.092 0.0920 0.064-0.12 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Strontium-90 1.690 1.81 1.27-2.35 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Uranium-234/233 0.027 0.0292 0.0204-0.038 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Uranium-238 0.020 0.021 0.144-0.267 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdF29 Filter Bq/sample Zinc-65 3.050 2.70 1.9-3.5 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Americium-241 0.226 0.19 0.135-0.251 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Cesium-134 4.750 5.20 3.64-6.67 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Cesium-137 6.910 6.60 4.62-8.58 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12W13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Cobalt-57

-0.002 0.00 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Cobalt-60 0.008 0.00 False Pos Test Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Manganese-54 7.980 7.88 5.52-10.24 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Plutonium-238 0.001 0.001 Sens. Eval. Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Plutonium-239/240 0.1510 0.171 0.120-0.222 Acceptable

-121-PT Quarter / Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte / Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Strontium-90 2.330 2.32 1.62-3.02 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Uranium-234/233 0.046 0.047 0.0326-0.0606 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Uranium-238 0.332 0.324 0.227-0.421 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-RdV29 Vegetation Bq/sample Zinc-65 2.850 2.63 1.84-3.42 Acceptable MAPEP 4th/2013 11/12/13 MAPEP-13-XaW29 Water Bq/L Iodine-129 3.62 3.79 2.65-4.93 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Actinium-228 1200 1240 795-1720 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Americium-241 186 164 95.9-213 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Bismuth-212 1760 1220 325-1790 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Bismuth-214 4350 3740 2250-5380 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Cesium-134 2690 2820 1840-3390 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Cesium-137 3960 4130 3160-5310 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Cobalt-60 5490 5680 3840-7820 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Lead-212 1260 1220 799-1700 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Lead-214 4700 3740 2180-5580 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Manganese-54

<55.2 <1000 0-1000 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Plutonium-238 576 658 396-908 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Plutonium-239 400 397 260-548 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Potassium-40 11200 12400 9080-16700 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Strontium-90 8220 6860 2620-10800 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Thorium-234 2870 3080 974-5790 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Zinc-65 3400 3160 2520-4200 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Uranium-234 2870 3080 974-5790 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Uranium-238 2979 3080 1910-3910 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil pCi/kg Uranium-Total 6870 6320 3430-8340 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Soil ug/kg Uranium-Total(mass) 8460 9220 5080-11600 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Americium-241 3800 3630 2220-4830 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Cesium-134 907 859 552-1120 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Cesium-137 1220 1030 747-1430 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Cobalt-60 2100 1880 1300-2630 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Curium-244 1230 1250 612-1950 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Manganese-54

<53.3 <300 0-300 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Plutonium-238 1280 1290 769-1770 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Plutonium-239 2580 2770 1700-3810 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Potassium-40 33600 33900 24500-47600 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Strontium-90 5870 6360 3630-8430 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Uranium-234 674 654 430-840 Acceptable Not Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Uranium-234 1050 654 430-840 CARR131205-845 ERA 4th/2013 11/2613 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Uranium-238 655 648 432-823 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Uranium-Total 1364 1330 901-1660 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Uranium-Total 1773 1330 901-1660 Not Acceptable

-122-PT Quarter I Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte / Nuclide Value value Rangel Ratio Evaluation CARR131205-845 ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation ug/kg Uranium-Total(mass) 1960 1940 1300-2460 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Vegetation pCi/kg Zinc-65 1990 1540 1110-2160 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Americium-241 75.2 66.4 40.9-89.9 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Cesium-134 845 868.0 552-1080 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Cesium-137 641 602 452-791 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Cobalt-60 534 494 382-617 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Iron-55 466 389.0 121-760 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Manganese-54

<3.9 <50 0.00-50.0 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter ug/Filter Plutonium-238 72.8 68.5 46.9-90.1 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Plutonium-239 56.5 53.4 42.4-93.1 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11126/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Strontium-90 130 125 61.1-187 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Uranium-234 56 87 35.6-86.6 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Uranium-238 58 56.90 36.8-78.7 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Uranium-Total 116 117 64.8-178 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter ug/Filter Uranium-Total(mass) 172 171 109-241 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Zinc-65 514 419 300-578 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter ug/Filter Uranium-Total(mass) 169 171 109-241 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter ug/Filter Uranium-Total(mass) 150 171 109-241 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Gross Alpha 100 83 27.8-129 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Filter pCi/Filter Gross Beta 65.7 56.3 35.6-82.2 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Americium-241 126 126 84.9-169 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 2060.0 2180 1600-2510 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 2730 2760 2340-3310 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 1960 1890 1640-2210 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Iron-55 721 689 411-935 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Manganese-54

<7.24 <100 0.00-100 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Plutonium-238 133 138 102-172 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Plutonium-239 98.7 109 84.6-137 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Strontium-90 726 788 513-1040 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Uranium-234 93 99 74.3-128 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Uranium-238 93 98.00 74.7-120 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Uranium-Total 186 201 148-260 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water ug/L Uranium-Total(mass) 278 294 -234-355 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 1560 1370 1140-1730 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Gross Alpha 105.0 97 34.3-150 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11126/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Gross Beta 78.8 84.5 48.4-125 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Tritium 8740 9150 6130-13000 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Uranium-234 92.4 98.9 74.3-128 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Uranium-238 96.1 98.0 74.7-120 Acceptable

-123-PT Quarter / Analytical Sample GEL Known Acceptance Provider Year Date Sample Number Media Unit Analyte I Nuclide Value value Range/ Ratio Evaluation ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Uranium-Total 193 201 148-260 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water ug/L Uranium-Total(mass) 288 294 234-355 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Uranium-234 95.2 98.9 74.3-128 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Uranium-238 115 98.00 74.7-120 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water pCi/L Uranium-Total 215 201 148-260 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water ug/L Uranium-Total(mass) 344 294 234-355 Acceptable ERA 4th/2013 11/26/13 MRAD-19 Water ug/L Uranium-Total(mass) 258 294 234-355 Acceptable

-124-TABLE 6.1-22013 ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION RESULTSReport Sample Sample GEL Acceptance Date Number Media Unit Analyte I Nuclide Value Known value Range/ Ratio Evaluation 02/01/13 E10323 Cartridge pCi Iodine-131 7.31E+01 7.29E+01 1.00 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10324 Milk pCi/L Strontium-89 9.89E+00 1.38E+01 0.72 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10324 Milk pCi/L Strontium-90 9.83E+00 1.48E+01 1.02 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Iodine-131 9.57E+01 9.00E+01 1.06 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Chromium-51 3.67E+02 3.48E+02 1.06 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cesium-134 1.54E+02 1.65E+02 0.93 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cesium-137 1.18E+02 1.17E+02 1.01 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-58 9.85E+01 9.85E+01 1 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Manganese-54 1.16E+02 1.16E+02 1 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Iron-59 1.33E+02 1.16E+02 1.15 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Zinc-65 3.19E+02 2.91E+02 1.09 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-60 1.73E+02 1.70E+02 1.02 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10325 Milk pCi/L Cesium-141 5.38E+01 5.10E+01 1.05 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 7.47E+01 7.25E+01 1.03 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Chromium-51 3.81E+02 3.62E+02 1.05 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 1.57E+02 1.73E+02 0.91 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 1.25E+02 1.22E+02 1.03 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Cobalt-58 1.02E+02 1.03E+02 0.99 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Manganese-54 1.28E+02 1.21 E+02 1.06 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Iron-59 1.38E+02 1.21 E+02 1.14 Acceptable 02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 2.13E+02 1.94E+02

1.1 Acceptable

02/01/13 E10380 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 1.80E+02 1.77E+02 1.01 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10469 Cartridge pCi Iodine-131 9.38E+01 9.27E+01 1.01 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10470 Milk pCi/L Strontium-89 1.07E+02 9.97E+01 1.07 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10470 Milk pCi/L Strontium-90 1.18E+01 1.10E+01 1.07 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Iodine-131 1.12E+02 1.OOE+02 1.12 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cerium-141 2.00E+01 1.87E+01 1.07 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cr-51 5.09E+01 4.72E+01 1.08 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cesium-134 2.06E+02 2.14E+02 0.96 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cesium-137 2.83E+02 2.66E+02 1.07 Acceptable 04/25113 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-58 2.19E+02 2.08E+02 1.05 Acceptable

-125-Report Sample Sample GEL Acceptance Date Number Media Unit Analyte I Nuclide Value Known value Range/ Ratio Evaluation 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Mn-54 2.21 E+02 2.08E+02 1.06 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Iron-59 2.78E+02 2.52E+02

1.1 Acceptable

04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Zinc-65 3.39E+02 3.01 E+02 1.13 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10471 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-60 4.02E+02 4.OOE+02 1.01 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 1.12E+02 9.28E+01 1.21 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Cerium-141 1.88E+02 1.79E+02 1.05 Acceptable 04/25/13 El 0472 Water pCi/L Cr-51 4.84E+02 4.52E+02 1.07 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 1.96E+02 2.05E+02 0.96 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 2.71 E+02 2.54E+02 1.07 Acceptable 04/25/13 El 0472 Water pCi/L Cobalt-58 2.03E+02 1.99E+02 1.02 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Mn-54 2.15E+02 1.99E+02 1.08 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Iron-59 2.67E+02 2.41E+02 1.11 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 3.14E+02 2.88E+02 1.09 Acceptable 04/25/13 E10472 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 3.92E+02 3.83E+02 1.02 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10577 Cartridge pCi Iodine-131 9.16E+01 9.55E+01 1.02 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10578 Milk pCi/L Strontium-89 9.27E+01 9.04E+01 0.98 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10578 Milk pCi/L Strontium-90 1.20E+01 1.70E+01

0.7 Acceptable

08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Iodine-131 9.86E+01 9.55E+01 1.03 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cerium-141 9.44E+01 9.04E+01 1.04 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Chromium-51 2.58E+02 2.50E+02 1.03 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cesium-134 1.21 E+02 1.25E+02 0.97 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cesium-137 1.49E+02 1.51E+02 0.99 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-58 9.44E+01 9.40E+01 1.00 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Manganese-54 1.80E+02 1.72E+02 1.05 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Iron-59 1.36E+02 1.20E+02 1.14 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Zinc-65 2.39E+02 2.17E+02 1.10 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10579 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-60 1.77E+01 1.75E+02 1.01 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 9.33E+01 9.54E+01 0.98 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Cerium-141 1.15E+02 1.10E+02 1.04 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Chromium-51 3.40E+02 3.06E+02 1.11 Acceptable 08/02/13 El 0178 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 1.48E+02 1.53E+02 0.97 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 1.83E+02 1.84E+02 0.99 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Cobalt-58 1.13E+02 1.15E+02 0.99 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Manganese-54 2.09E+02 2.1OE+02 1.00 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Iron-59 1.51E+02 1.46E+02 1.03 Acceptable 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 2.86E+02 2.65E+02 1.08 Acceptable

-126-Report Sample Sample GEL Acceptance Date Number Media Unit Analyte / Nuclide Value Known value Range/ Ratio Evaluation 08/02/13 E10178 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 2.25E+02 2.14E+02 1.05 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10625 Cartridge pCi Iodine-131 8.57E+01 7.96E+01 1.08 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10626 Milk pCi/L Strontium-89 9.33E+01 9.60E+01 0.97 Acceptable 10/25/13 E 10626 Milk pCi/L Strontium-90 1.09E+01 1.32E+01 0.83 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Iodine-131 1.OOE+02 9.83E+01 1.02 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Chromium-51 3.09E+02 2.77E+02 1.11 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Cesium-134 1.46E+02 1.72E+02 0.85 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Cesium-137 1.33E+02 1.31E+02 1.02 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-58 1.04E+02 1.08E+02 0.97 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Manganese-54 1.44E+02 1.39E+02 1.04 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Iron-59 1.43E+02 1.30E+02

1.1 Acceptable

10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Zinc-65 2.86E+02 2.66E+02 1.07 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10627 Milk pCi/L Cobalt-60 2.01 E+02 1.96E+02 1.03 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Iodine-131 1.01 E+02 9.79E+01 1.03 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Chromium-51 2.80E+02 2.51E+02 1.12 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Cesium-134 1.42E+02 1.56E+02 0.91 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Cesium-137 1.19E+02 1.18E+02 1.01 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Cobalt-58 9.80E+01 9.73E+01 1.01 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Manganese-54 1.29E+02 1.25E+02 1.05 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Iron-59 1.23E+02 1.18E+02 1.04 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Zinc-65 2.62E+02 2.41 E+02 1.09 Acceptable 10/25/13 E10628 Water pCi/L Cobalt-60 1.87E+02 1.77E+02 1.06 Acceptable


BIAS AND PRECISION BY MATRIXBias Criteria Precision CriteriaREMP 2013 (+ -25% (Note 1WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDECRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIAMILKGamma Iodine-131 41 0 131 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 46 0 49 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 35 0 35 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Ba, La 61 0 120 0SOLIDLSC Iron-55 5 0 5 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013 28 0 31 0LSC Nickel 63 5 0 5 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 4 0 4 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 8 0 8 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013 withBa, La 7 0 10 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013 withIodine 6 0 7 0FILTERGamma Spec Filter RAD A-013 4 0 4 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd Count 5 0 5 0Alpha Spec Am241Curium 3 0 3 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 3 0 3 0Gross A & B 526 0 527 0Gamma Spec Filter 45 0 51 0LIQUIDAlpha Spec Uranium 8 0 9 0Tritium 336 0 337 0Plutonium 1 0 1 0LSC Iron-55 40 0 42 0LSC Nickel 63 41 0 43 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013 7 0 7 0Gamma Iodine-131 33 0 33 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 10 0 10 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 20 0 20 0Alpha Spec Am241 Curium 17 0 17 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 161 0 163 0Gross Alpha Non Vol Beta 102 0 104 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Ba, La 129 0 209 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Iodine 56 0 85 0TISSUEGamma Spec Solid RAD A-013 45 0 48 0LSC Nickel 63 2 0 2 0128 Bias Criteria Precision CriteriaREMP 2013 (+ / -25%) (Note 1)WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDECRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIAGas Flow Sr 2nd count 10 0 10 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 17 0 17 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013 withBa, La 6 0 5 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013 withIodine 17 0 17 0SEA WATERLSC Iron-55 2 0 2 0LSC Nickel 63 2 0 2 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 1 0 1 0Gross Alpha Non Vol Beta 1 0 1 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Iodine 1 0 1 0VEGETATION Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 9 0 9 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013 withIodine 91 0 93 0AIR CHARCOALGamma Iodine 131 RAD A-013 623 0 645 0Carbon-14 (Ascarite/Soda LimeFilter per Liter) 46 0 47 0DRINKING WATERTritium 51 0 52 0LSC Iron-55 24 0 22 0LSC Nickel 63 23 0 21 0Gamma Iodine-131 38 0 38 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 16 0 16 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 31 0 31 0Gross Alpha Non Vol Beta 103 0 103 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013 0with Ba, La 44 0 98Total29963359Note 1: The RPD must be 20 percent or less, if both samples are greater than 5 times the MDC. If both resultsare less than 5 times MDC, then the RPD must be equal to or less than 100%. If one result is above the MDCand the other is below the MDC, then the RPD can be calculated using the MDC for the result of the one belowthe MDC. The RPD must be 100% or less. In the situation where both results are above the MDC but oneresult is greater than 5 times the MDC and the other is less than 5 times the MDC, the RPD must be less thanor equal to 20%. If both results are below MDC, then the limits on % RPD are not applicable.

-129-TABLE 6.1-4ALL RADIOLOGICAL INTRA-LABORATORY DATA SUMMARY:BIAS AND PRECISION BY MATRIXBias Criteria Precision Criteria(+ / -25% (Note 1)WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDEENVIRONMENTAL 2013 CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIAMILKGamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013 8 0 8 0Gamma Iodine-129 1 0 1 0Gamma Iodine-131 41 0 131 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 50 0 51 0Gas Flow Strontium 90 10 0 10 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 35 0 35 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Ba, La 61 0 120 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Iodine 5 0 3 0SOLIDGas Flow Radium 228 29 0 29 0Tritium 266 0 312 0Carbon-14 136 0 227 0LSC Iron-55 146 0 165 0Alpha Spec Polonium Solid 19 0 22 0Gamma Nickel 59 RAD A-022 138 0 157 0LSC Chlorine-36 in Solids 8 0 13 0Gamma Spec Ra226 RAD A-013 35 0 42 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013 701 0 893 0LSC Nickel 63 176 0 201 0LSC Plutonium 223 0 245 0Technetium-99 309 0 339 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013 4 0 4 0ICP-MS Technetium-99 in Soil 75 0 74 0LSC Selenium 79 5 0 5 0Total Activity, 2 0 3 0Tritium 5 0 5 0Alpha Spec Am243 33 0 42 0Gamma Iodine-129 172 0 199 0Gas Flow Lead 210 18 0 19 0Total Uranium KPA 10 0 18 0Alpha Spec Uranium 278 0 380 0LSC Promethium 147 4 0 4 0LSC, Rapid Strontium 89 and 90 106 0 120 0Alpha Spec Thorium 207 0 288 0Gas Flow Radium 228 2 0 2 0ICP-MS Uranium-233, 234 in Solid 6 0 5 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 242 0 263 0ICP-MS Technetium-99 Prep inSoil 78 0 74 0-130-Bias Criteria Precision Criteria(+/- 25% (Note 1)WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDEENVIRONMENTAL 2013 CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIALSC Calcium 45 2 0 2 0Alpha Spec Neptunium 234 0 256 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 157 0 195 0Alpha Spec Radium 226 7 0 8 0Gamma Spec Solid with Ra226,Ra228 5 0 6 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 15 0 18 0Gas Flow Strontium 90 187 0 207 0Gas Flow Total Radium 1 0 1 0Lucas Cell Radium 226 71 0 93 0Total Activity Screen 10 0 13 0Alpha Spec Am241 Curium 292 0 336 0Alpha Spec Total Uranium 5 0 6 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 40 0 44 0Gross Alpha Non Vol Beta 3 0 3 0ICP-MS Uranium-233, 234 Prep inSolid 5 0 5 0ICP-MS Uranium-235, 236, 238 inSolid 7 0 8 0Alpha Spec Polonium Solid 6 0 4 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013with Ba, La 7 0 10 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013with Iodine 6 0 7 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013(pCi/Sample) 0 0 2 0Tritium 3 0 3 0ICP-MS Uranium-234, 235, 236,238 in Solid 245 0 234 0ICP-MS Uranium-235, 236, 238Prep in Solid 5 0 5 0Gross Alpha/Beta 297 0 405 0Gross Alpha/Beta (Americium Calibration)

Solid 0 0 1 0ICP-MS Uranium-234, 235, 236,238 Prep in Solid 122 0 115 0Lucas Cell Radium 226 by DOEHASL 300 Ra-04 Solid 2 0 2 0FILTERAlpha Spec Uranium 18 0 24 0Alpha Spec Polonium 0 0 54 0Gamma 1-131, filter 4 0 4 0LSC Plutonium Filter 143 0 169 3Tritium 134 0 201 0Carbon-14 82 0 140 0Nickel-63 0 0 4 0LSC Iron-55 147 0 161 0Gamma Nickel 59 RAD A-022 140 0 159 0-131-Bias Criteria Precision Criteria(+ / -25/ (Note 1)WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDEENVIRONMENTAL 2013 CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIAGamma Iodine 131 RAD A-013 2 0 2 0LSC Nickel 63 138 0 162 0Technetium-99 103 0 137 0Gamma Spec Filter RAD A-013 195 0 245 0Alphaspec Np Filter per Liter 30 0 42 0Alphaspec Pu Filter per Liter 14 0 29 0Gamma Iodine-125 13 0 0 0Gamma Iodine-129 114 0 127 0Gross Alpha/Beta 0 0 1 0Alpha Spec Am243 13 0 42 0Gas Flow Lead 210 0 0 4 0LSC Plutonium Filter per Liter 36 0 43 0Total Uranium KPA 11 0 18 0Alpha Spec Uranium 83 0 114 0LSC, Rapid Strontium 89 and 90 144 0 168 0Alpha Spec Thorium 45 0 57 0Gas Flow Radium 228 0 0 2 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 107 0 123 0Alpha Spec Neptunium 112 0 129 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 142 0 183 0Alpha Spec Polonium,(Filter/Liter) 0 0 10 0Alpha Spec Radium 226 0 0 1 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd Count 93 0 101 0Gas Flow Strontium 90 59 0 78 0Gas Flow Total Radium 0 0 4 0Lucas Cell Radium-226 0 0 2 0Alpha Spec Am241Curium 157 0 198 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 5 0 5 0Total Activity in Filter, 0 0 7 0Alphaspec Am241 Curium Filterper Liter 33 0 42 0Tritium 106 0 108 0Gamma Spec Filter RAD A-013Direct Count 7 0 8 0Carbon-14 44 0 44 0Direct Count-Gross Alpha/Beta 72 0 0 0Gross Alpha/Beta 74 0 81 0ICP-MS Uranium-234, 235, 236,238 in Filter 8 0 4 0Alpha Spec U 31 0 60 0Gross A & B 639 0 584 0LSC Iron-55 39 0 51 0Technetium-99 37 0 55 0Gas Flow Sr-90 29 0 35 0LSC Nickel 63 37 0 44 0-132-Bias Criteria Precision Criteria(+ / -25% (No/e 1)WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDEENVIRONMENTAL 2013 CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIACarbon-14 (Ascarite/Soda LimeFilter per Liter) 2 0 2 0Gas Flow Pb-210 25 0 46 0Gas Flow Ra-228 24 0 35 0Gamma Iodine 129 47 0 47 0ICP-MS Uranium-234, 235, 236,238 Prep in Filter 6 0 3 0Gamma Spec Filter 142 0 163 0Lucas Cell Ra-226 32 0 47 0Alpha Spec Thorium 27 0 46 0LIQUIDAlpha Spec Uranium 418 0 607 0Alpha Spec Polonium 2 0 3 0Electrolytic Tritium 19 0 29 0Tritium 1415 0 1503 0Tritium by Combustion 1 0 1 0Carbon-14 181 0 204 0Plutonium 81 0 89 0Chlorine-36 in Liquids 2 0 3 0Iodine-131 6 0 3 0LSC Iron-55 290 0 347 0Gamma Nickel 59 RAD A-022 29 0 33 0Gamma Iodine 131 RAD A-013 3 0 3 0Gamma Radium 228 RAD A-013 1 0 1 0LSC Nickel 63 328 0 370 0LSC Radon 222 5 0 12 0Technetium-99 303 0 365 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013 874 0 875 0Alpha Spec Total U RAD A-011 0 0 2 0LSC Selenium 79 1 0 1 0Total Activity, 6 0 6 0Alpha Spec Am243 12 0 20 0Gamma Iodine-129 84 0 117 0Gamma Iodine-131 33 0 33 0ICP-MS Technetium-99 in Water 5 0 28 0Gas Flow Lead 210 83 0 94 0Total Uranium KPA 96 0 226 2LSC Promethium 147 3 0 3 0LSC, Rapid Strontium 89 and 90 15 0 15 0Alpha Spec Thorium 205 0 278 0Gas Flow Radium 228 244 0 318 0Gas Flow Radium 228 36 0 35 0Gas Flow Radium 228 1 0 1 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 317 0 436 0Alpha Spec Neptunium 110 0 127 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 61 0 86 0-133-Bias Criteria Precision Criteria(+ / -25/ (Note 1)WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDEENVIRONMENTAL 2013 CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIAAlpha Spec Radium 226 0 0 1 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 283 0 316 0Gas Flow Strontium 90 499 0 568 0Gas Flow Strontium 90 2 0 2 0Gas Flow Total Radium 92 0 129 0ICP-MS Technetium-99 Prep inWater 5 0 28 0ICP-MS Uranium-233, 234 inLiquid 1 0 1 0Lucas Cell Radium 226 372 0 487 0Lucas Cell Radium-226 17 0 21 0Total Activity Screen 3 0 3 0Chlorine-36 in Liquids 4 0 10 0Alpha Spec Am241 Curium 307 0 405 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 231 0 241 0Gross Alpha Non Vol Beta 1313 0 1554 0LSC Phosphorus-32 2 0 2 0Lucas Cell Radium 226 by MethodRa-04 3 0 3 0ICP-MS Uranium-233, 234 Prep inLiquid 1 0 1 0Tritium in Drinking Water by EPA906.0 11 0 14 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Ba, La 131 0 211 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Iodine 159 0 205 0Gas Flow Strontium 89 & 90 6 0 0 0ICP-MS Uranium-235, 236, 238 inLiquid 2 0 2 0Gas Flow Total Alpha Radium 13 0 11 0Gross Alpha Co-precipitation 7 0 9 0ICP-MS Uranium-235, 236, 238Prep in Liquid 1 0 1 0ICP-MS Uranium-234, 235, 236,238 in Liquid 22 0 98 0Gross Alpha Beta (Americium Calibration)

Liquid 16 0 21 0ICP-MS Uranium-234, 235, 236,238 Prep in Liquid 14 0 51 0Alpha/Beta (Americium Calibration)

Drinking Water 5 0 4 0TISSUECarbon-14 2 0 2 0LSC Iron-55 3 0 3 0Gamma Nickel 59 PAD A-022 2 0 2 0Gamma Spec Solid PAD A-013 71 0 79 0LSC Nickel 63 4 0 4 0-134-Bias Criteria Precision Criteria(+ / -25% (No0e 1)WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDEENVIRONMENTAL 2013 CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIALSC Plutonium 1 0 1 0Technetium-99 2 0 2 0Tritium 1 0 1 0Gamma Iodine-129 2 0 2 0Gas Flow Lead 210 2 0 2 0Alpha Spec Uranium 5 0 5 0Alpha Spec Thorium 2 0 2 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 10 0 10 0Alpha Spec Neptunium 4 0 4* 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 2 0 2 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 10 0 10 0Gas Flow Strontium 90 20 0 23 0Alpha Spec Am241 Curium 9 0 9 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 19 0 19 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013with Ba, La 6 0 5 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013with Iodine 17 0 17 0Gross Alpha/Beta 2 0 2 0SEA WATERLSC Iron-55 2 0 2 0LSC Nickel 63 2 0 2 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 1 0 1 0Gross Alpha Non Vol Beta 1 0 1 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Iodine 1 0 1 0VEGETATION Gamma Nickel 59 RAD A-022 3 0 3 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013 31 0 31 0LSC Nickel 63 3 0 3 0LSC Plutonium 1 0 1 0Technetium-99 6 0 6 0Tritium 9 0 9 0Gamma Iodine-129 1 0 1 0Gas Flow Lead 210 8 0 7 0Total Uranium KPA 4 0 4 0Alpha Spec Uranium 23 0 21 0Alpha Spec Thorium 7 0 7 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 15 0 12 0Alpha Spec Neptunium 1 0 1 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 1 0 1 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 9 0 9 0Gas Flow Strontium 90 19 0 18 0Gas Flow Total Radium 2 0 3 0Alpha Spec Am241 Curium 11 0 8 0-135-Bias Criteria Precision Criteria(+/-25% (Note 1)WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDEENVIRONMENTAL 2013 CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIAGamma Spec Solid RAD A-013with Iodine 91 0 93 0Gamma Spec Solid RAD A-013(pCi/Sample) 5 0 3 0Alpha Spec Am241 (pCi/Sample) 3 0 2 0ICP-MS Uranium-234, 235, 236,238 in Solid 9 0 7 0Alpha Spec Uranium 1 0 17 0Gross Alpha/Beta 4 0 4 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 2 0 2 0Gas Flow Strontium 90 4 0 2 0ICP-MS Uranium-234, 235, 236,238 Prep in Solid 7 0 5 0AIR CHARCOALGamma Iodine 131 RAD A-013 623 0 645 0Gamma Iodine-129 0 0 1 0Carbon-14 (Ascarite/Soda LimeFilter per Liter) 89 0 88 0DRINKING WATERAlpha Spec Uranium 7 0 8 0Tritium 51 0 52 0Iodine-131 1 0 2 0LSC Iron-55 24 0 22 0LSC Nickel 63 23 0 21 0LSC Radon 222 96 0 96 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013 24 0 24 0Total Activity, 2 0 2 0Gamma Iodine-129 2 0 2 0Gamma Iodine-131 38 0 38 0Total Uranium KPA 15 0 28 0Gas Flow Radium 228 42 0 42 0Alpha Spec Plutonium 6 0 6 0Gas Flow Sr 2nd count 16 0 16 0Gas Flow Strontium 90 25 0 24 0Lucas Cell Radium-226 58 6 78 0Alpha Spec Am241 Curium 6 0 6 0Gas Flow Total Strontium 31 0 31 0Gross Alpha Non Vol Beta 343 0 287 0Tritium in Drinking Water by EPA906.0 37 0 34 0Gamma Spec Liquid RAD A-013with Ba, La 44 0 98 0Gas Flow Strontium 89 & 90 20 0 13 0Gas Flow Total Alpha Radium 1 0 1 0Gross Alpha Co-precipitation 105 0 87 0Alpha/Beta (Americium Calibration)

Drinking Water130130-136-Bias Criteria Precision Criteria(+ / -25/ (Note 1)WITHIN OUTSIDE WITHIN OUTSIDEENVIRONMENTAL 2013 CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIAECLS-R-GA NJ 48 Hr Rapid GrossAlpha 8 0 8 0Total2014823892Note 1: The RPD must be 20 percent or less, if both samples are greater than 5 times the MDC. If both resultsare less than 5 times MDC, then the RPD must be equal to or less than 100%. If one result is above the MDCand the other is below the MDC, then the RPD can be calculated using the MDC for the result of the one belowthe MDC. The RPD must be 100% or less. In the situation where both results are above the MDC but oneresult is greater than 5 times the MDC and the other is less than 5 times the MDC, the RPD must be less thanor equal to 20%. If both results are below MDC, then the limits on % RPD are not applicable.

-137-TABLE 6.1-52013 CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT SUMMARYCORRECTIVE ACTION ID#& DISPOSITION PE FAILURECARR130513-789 Root Cause Analysis of MAPEP-13-RdV28 Uranium-2341233, Uranium-235, Uranium-238 and Total UraniumISO Documentation of PT Failures inMAPEP-1 3-RdV28 for Uranium in Following reviews of our process and data and conversations withVegetation by ICP/MS and Alpha Spec personnel from the affected laboratories, it was determined that allfailures were due to an analyst error during sample preparation.

Glass instead of Teflon beakers were used during the sampledigestion which contained Hydrofluoric (HF) acid. Per StandardOperating Procedure

( SOP) GL-RAD-A-015 section 11.2.4, thesample should have been transferred to a Teflon beaker. In thisinstance, this step was omitted.

The digestion was performed inglass beakers so trace amounts of Uranium were leached from theglass into the sample, resulting in high bias in the results.

Normalprocedure dictates that glass is not used when using HF in thedigestion process due to the presence of natural Uranium in theglassware.

In order to prove that this was an isolated incident and that ouroverall process is in control a series of digestions were performed inthe glass beakers to confirm our conclusion.

  • HCL /HNO3 only digestion

-Uranium was not detected.

  • HCL, HNO3, and HF digestion

-Enough Uranium activitywas detected to account for the high bias (as many as 70counts in a 16 hour1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> and 40 minute count).* HF only digestion

-Results similar to HCL, HNO3, and HFwere observedA second PT was successfully analyzed for this matrix.CARR130522-791 Following a review of our processes, the data and conversations with personnel from the affected laboratories, it was determined thatISO Documentation of PT Failures in -our normal procedure for preparing soil samples is not sufficient forMRAD-1 8 for Cesium-1 34, Cesium-1 37 this soil matrix. Per the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) GL-and Zinc-65 in Soil RAD-A-021, the sample was dried, homogenized, and passedthrough a 28 mesh sieve. However, approximately 20-30% of thesample consists of particles greater than the 28 mesh sieve size.These larger particles were not affected by our normalhomogenization process.

In accordance with the SOP, the largerparticles were removed prior to preparing the container for gammacounting.

Upon receipt of the graded report, the following steps were taken toprove that this was an isolated incident and that our overall processis in control.-138-

1. A recount of the initially prepared sample performed andconfirmed the originally reported results.2. A new container was then prepared from the original samplebut omitting the preparation step and counted.

Thisproduced acceptable results.3. A second sample was prepared per the SOP; however, onlya portion of the sample was removed during the sievingsteps. This sample produced similar high biased results.An aliquot of the sample was then pulverized prior to gammacounting.

This approach also produced acceptable results.Permanent Corrective/Preventive Actions or Improvements:

In the future, these samples will be pulverized to ensure that all thematerial passes through the 28 mesh sieve; thus, eliminating theneed to remove any of the original sample. A comment has beenadded to the set-up for the solid matrix.A second PT was successfully analyzed for this matrix.-139-CARR130826-810 For Failures of RAD-94 for Gross Alphaand Strontium 89 in WaterRoot Cause Analysis of Gross AlphaAfter a review of the data, an apparent reason for this discrepancy could not be determined.

The following steps were taken to provethat this high bias was an isolated occurrence and that our overallprocess is within control.1. The batch quality control samples were reviewed andfound to be compliant.

The LCS recovered at 110%.While the recovery is slightly

elevated, it is well within the80%-120%

acceptance range.2. Laboratory control data were also reviewed for trends.None were noted.3. The instrument calibrations were reviewed for positivebiases that could have attributed to this failure.

Nonewere noted.4. Two sample duplicates were also prepared and countedalong with the reported result. Both results fell within themethod's acceptance range for duplicate.

One of theresults also fell within the acceptance range of the study.5. The original sample was also recounted and theresults fell within the acceptance range.Root Cause Analysis of Strontium-89 (Sr-89)LAB PBMS A-004After a review of the data, an apparent reason for this discrepancy could not be determined.

The following steps were taken to provethat this high bias was an isolated occurrence and that our overallprocess is within control.1. The batch quality control samples were reviewed andfound to be compliant.

The LCS recovered at 98.1%.2. Laboratory control data were also reviewed for trends.None were noted.3. The instrument calibrations were reviewed for positivebiases that could have attributed to this failure.

Nonewere noted.4. Sample duplicates were also prepared and counted alongwith the reported result. Duplicate results fell within theacceptance range of the study.Root Cause Analysis of Strontium-89 (Sr-89)EPA 905.0After a review of the data, an apparent reason for this discrepancy could not be determined.

The following steps were taken to provethat this high bias was an isolated occurrence and that our overallprocess is within control.1. The batch quality control samples were reviewed andfound to be compliant.

The LCS recovered at 102%.2. Laboratory control data were also reviewed for trends.None was noted.3. The instrument calibrations were reviewed for positivebiases that could have attributed to this failure.

Nonewere noted.-140-

4. Sample duplicates were also prepared and counted alongwith the reported result. All results fell within the method'sacceptance range for duplicates.

Permanent Corrective/Preventive Actions or Improvements:

Gross AlphaThe laboratory must assume an unidentified random error causedthe high bias because all quality control criteria were met for thebatch. The lab will continue to monitor the recoveries of thisradionuclide to ensure that there are no issues.Strontium-89 (Sr-89)LAB PBMS A-004 and EPA 905.0To summarize our efforts (including the initial result),

the laboratory had 3 analysts, two different

methods, processed with 2 calibrations and two separate Y carriers used in the analysis of this sample andonly one acceptable result for Sr-89. All LCS results have metacceptance criteria.

This leads the laboratory to conclude that thereis possibly an error in the original make-up of the PT sample. Theinstructions list stable Sr and Y as being included but they are not atlevels greater than are normally listed so we suspect that themakeup of the sample was the cause. The laboratory will continueto monitor the recoveries from these two methods to ensure thatthere are no issues.-141-Root Cause AnalysisCARR131205-845 For failures of MRAD-1 9 for Uranium-234 and Total Uranium in Vegetation These elevated results were obtained following our routineprocedure.

The reported result for U-234 was less than the MDAand had an elevated uncertainty.

This high U-234 result alsoattributed to the high Total-U result.Upon receipt of the graded report, the following steps were taken toprove that this was an isolated incident and that our overall processis in control.* A recount of the initially prepared sample performed andconfirmed the originally reported results.* The sample was reanalyzed using a larger aliquot andresults that fell within the acceptance range were achieved.

Permanent Corrective/Preventive Actions or Improvements In the future when the result is below the MDA and are notcompatible with other analytical technologies, the laboratory willattempt to use a larger sample aliquot with hopes of achieve a resultabove the MDA or with a lower uncertainty.

If the matrix and largersample size do not provide useable data, the results may not bereport.-142-6.2 Environmental TLD QAEnvironmental dosimetry services for the reporting period of January -December, 2013 were providedthrough Stanford Dosimetry, with TLD processing by the Environmental Dosimetry Company (EDC), Sterling, Massachusetts.

The TLD systems at the Environmental Dosimetry Company (EDC) are calibrated andoperated to ensure consistent and accurate evaluation of TLDs. The quality of the dosimetric resultsreported to EDC clients is ensured by in-house performance testing and independent performance testing byEDC clients.The purpose of the dosimetry quality assurance program is to provide performance documentation of theroutine processing of EDC dosimeters.

Performance testing provides a statistical measure of the bias andprecision of dosimetry processing against a reliable

standard, which in turn points out any trends orperformance changes.

Dosimetry quality control tests are performed on EDC Panasonic 814 Environmental dosimeters.

These tests include:

(1) the in-house testing program conducted by the EDC QA Officer and (2)independent test perform by EDC clients.

In-house test are performed using six pairs of 814 dosimeters, apair is reported as an individual result and six pairs are reported as the mean result.Excluded from this report are instrumentation checks. Although instrumentation checks represent animportant aspect of the quality assurance

program, they are not included as process checks in this report.Instrumentation checks represent between 5-10% of the TLDs processed.

Table 6.2-1 provides a summary of individual dosimeter results evaluated against the EDC internalacceptance criteria for high-energy photons (Cs-1 37) only. The internal acceptance (tolerance) criteria forthe Panasonic Environmental dosimeters are: +/- 15% for bias and +/- 12.8% for precision.

During this period,100% (72/72) of the individual dosimeters, evaluated against these criteria met the tolerance limits foraccuracy and 100% (72/72) met the criterion for precision.

Table 6.2-2 provides the Bias + Standard deviation results for each group (N=6) of dosimeters evaluated against the internal tolerance criteria.

Overall, 100% (12/12) of the dosimeter sets evaluated against theinternal tolerance performance criteria met these criteria.

Table 6.2-3 presents the independent blind spike results for irradiated dosimeters provided by client utilities during this annual period. All results passed the performance acceptance criterion.

Table 6.2-4 presents the independent blind duplicate results for dosimeters co-located with field dosimeters provided by the client utility (Seabrook Station) during the annual period. All results passed the performance criteria of agreement to within 20% (within 3-sigma) of the field dosimeter.


(2)Number % Passed Precision Dosimeter Type Tested % Passed Bias Criteria CriteriaPanasonic Environmental 72 100 100(')This table summarizes results of tests conducted by EDC.(2)Environmental dosimeter results are free in air.143 TABLE 6.2-2MEAN DOSIMETER ANALYSES (N=6)JANUARY -DECEMBER 2013(1),

(2)Standard Tolerance Process Date Mean Bias % Dvan Tolimtnce Deviation

% Limit +/-15%4/22/2013 4.1 1.9 Pass4/24/2013 4.5 1.2 Pass523/2013

-1.1 1.9 Pass7/24/2013 0.8 1.0 Pass8/4/2013

-1.1 1.6 Pass8/6/2013 0.1 2.3 Pass10/31/2013 1.5 1.2 Pass11/10/2013 0.1 1.7 Pass11/15/2013

-1.8 1.0 Pass1/27/2014 3.7 2.3 Pass1/31/2014 2.6 0.9 Pass2/5/2014 0.7 0.6 Pass(1) This table summarizes results of tests conducted by EDC for TLDs issued in 2013.(2) Environmental dosimeter results are free in air.TABLE 6.2-3SUMMARY OF INDEPENDENT BLIND SPIKE DOSIMETER TESTINGJANUARY -DECEMBER 2013(1),

(2)Standard Pass / FailIssuance Period Client Mean Bias % Dvan P FallDeviation

%2nd Qtr. 2013 Millstone 0.7 1.5 Pass2nd Qtr. 2013 Seabrook

-2.3 2.7 Pass3rd Qtr. 2013 Millstone

-4.7 4.0 Pass4th Qtr. 2013 Seabrook

-0.9 0.9 Pass(1) Performance criterion is +/- 30%.(2) Blind spike irradiations using Cs-1 37-144-TABLE 6.2-4SUMMARY OF INDEPENDENT BLIND DUPLICATE DOSIMETER TESTINGJANUARY -DECEMBER 2013(1)Number, .M a is ..0 d .P,..e,Issuance C tb Mean Bias, St~on % Pa ted .r.iPeriodClient Tested %itlstQtr. 2013 Seabrook 12 -4.3 2.3 1002nd Qtr. 2013 Seabrook 6 -0.6 2.4 1003rd Qtr. 2013 Seabrook 11 -4.1 4.4 1004th Qtr. 2013 Seabrook 6 -2.3 4.7 100(1) Performance criterion is Bias % within + 20% for each test dosimeter.

-145-7.0 Land Use CensusThe Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM Control 9.2.1) requires that a Land Use Census beconducted annually to identify the location of the nearest residence, milk animal and nearest garden ofgreater than 50 square meters producing broad leaf vegetation in each of the 16 meteorological sectorswithin five miles of the plant. The 2013 census was completed in accordance with the requirements ofthe ODCM. In 2013, a global positioning system was used to determine locations in the off-site environswith respect to the center of the site (Unit 1 Containment).

The nearest resident, garden and milk animal locations identified in the 2013 Land Use Census and theirdistances are shown in Table 7.0-1. There were no changes in the identification of nearest residents fromlast year's census. There were three sectors which had a new nearest garden location different from lastyear's land use census. One garden was further away (WSW) and two new gardens were closer (W,NNW).There were no new milk producing locations identified within the required 8 km radius that were different from those reported in the 2012 land use census. One milk sampling location (TM-24) at 8.1 km, NNE ofthe plant, was reported to have discontinued milking goats and has dropped out of the REMP samplingprogram.The results of this year's census also showed that the sampling locations used in the REMP continue tohave the highest calculated dose commitments of available locations.

In 2013, broad leaf vegetation continued as part of the sample collection and analysis program due to the absence of sufficient milkproducing locations to provide REMP samples.

Sampling locations for broad leaf vegetation are at thesite boundary near points of highest predicted D/Q. This option continues, as opposed to public ownedvegetable gardens located by the land use census, in order to ensure adequate availability of samples forREMP analysis from locations with the highest potential for detecting plant effluents.

-146-Table 7.0-12013 Land Use Census Results(Within 5 Miles)N 2.73 3.97NNE 3.09 3.35 8NE 2.92 4.20ENE 2.31 2.44 aE 2.56 ---ESE 2.43 ---SE 2.36SSE 1.65 --S 1.21 1.25SSW 1.12 1.22SW 1.13 1.72 4.52WSW 1.87 4.55W 1.32 1.55WNW 1.11 1.52NW 1.22 1.27 a 6.93NNW 1.04 1.18a New locations in 2013.-147-Attachment 1: Sample Analysis Data List for 2013FLAGSA blank Flag field indicates that the measured activity is considered positive as it is greater than theMDC and has no other qualifiers noted.U: Target isotope was analyzed for but not detected above the MDC and LLD.UI: Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X: Lab-specific qualifier:

(1) False positive due to the presence of radon gas in the water.M: Reported result is less than the LLD and greater than the MDC.DL: Measured MDC is greater than the LLD.DL*: Near miss of MDC being within round-off difference of being greater than the LLD.-148-Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALAL326863001 5/22/2013 Ac-228326863001 5/22/2013 Ag-108m326863001 5/22/2013 Ag-I10m326863001 5/22/2013 Ba-140326863001 5/22/2013 Be-7326863001 5/22/2013 Ce-141326863001 5/22/2013 Ce-144326863001 5/22/2013 Co-57326863001 5/22/2013 Co-58326863001 5/22/2013 Co-60326863001 5/22/2013 Cr-51326863001 5/22/2013 Cs-134326863001 5/22/2013 Cs-137326863001 5/22/2013 Fe-59326863001 5/22/2013 1-131326863001 5/22/2013 K-40326863001 5/22/2013 La-140326863001 5/22/2013 Mn-54326863001 5/22/2013 Nb-95326863001 5/22/2013 Ru-103326863001 5/22/2013 Ru-106326863001 5/22/2013 Sb-124326863001 5/22/2013 Sb-125326863001 5/22/2013 Se-75326863001 5/22/2013 Th-228326863001 5/22/2013 Zn-65326863001 5/22/2013 Zr-95338255001 11/21/2013 Ac-228338255001 11/21/2013 Ag-108m338255001 11/21/2013 Ag-110m338255001 11/21/2013 Ba-140338255001 11/21/2013 Be-7338255001 11/21/2013 Ce-141338255001 11/21/2013 Ce-144338255001 11/21/2013 Co-57338255001 11/21/2013 Co-58338255001 11/21/2013 Co-60338255001 11/21/2013 Cr-51338255001 11/21/2013 Cs-134338255001 11/21/2013 Cs-137338255001 11/21/2013 Fe-59338255001 11/21/2013 1-131338255001 11/21/2013 K-40338255001 11/21/2013 La-140338255001 11/21/2013 Mn-54338255001 11/21/2013 Nb-95338255001 11/21/2013 Ru-103338255001 11/21/2013 Ru-106338255001 11/21/2013 Sb-124338255001 11/21/2013 Sb-125338255001 11/21/2013 Se-75CONC(pCi/kg)4.04E+01-4.82E+00

-3.11 E+00-4.29E+01 5.24E+016.90E+00-7.80E+00 9.26E-01-3.20E+00 1.25E-01-1.14E+01


-1.67E+00 2.62E+00-1.39E-01

-1.99E+01 1.1OE+004.32E+001.25E+001.27E+013.58E+008.35E-014.55E+019.79E+00-2.07E+00

-2.15E+01 2.78E+022.19E+00-1. 14E+015.56E+009.78E+001.92E+00-2.83E+01 6.67E+003.57E-021.1 8E+001.50E+013.55E+03-3.19E+00 9.31 E-010.OOE+004.42E+005.76E+01-1.46E+01 2.53E+01-1.47E+01 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.82E+01 3.23E+012.22E+00 5.64E+003.94E+00 1.07E+012.36E+01 6.52E+012.88E+01 7.07E+015.09E+00 1.42E+011.30E+01 4.10E+011.85E+00 5.34E+002.69E+00 8.29E+003.04E+00 8.83E+002.61E+01 8.54E+012.72E+00 8.33E+002.38E+00 8.03E+008.21E+00 2.44E+019.96E+00 3.53E+014.73E+02 6.92E+016.40E+00 1.96E+012.96E+00 8.15E+002.69E+00 8.98E+002.90E+00 9.37E+002.06E+01 6.61E+015.05E+00 1.69E+016.08E+00 1.99E+012.86E+00 9.60E+006.96E+00 1.49E+017.97E+00 2.26E+014.88E+00 1.64E+012.37E+01 6.31E+013.94E+00 1.23E+016.25E+00 2.OOE+013.14E+01 9.45E+017.74E+01 1.31E+028.04E+00 2.66E+012.61E+01 8.38E+013.59E+00 1.19E+013.73E+00 1.41E+013.19E+00 1.17E+014.72E+01 1.52E+025.63E+00 1.80E+015.03E+00 1.61E+011.15E+01 3.78E+011.34E+01 4.65E+012.67E+02 1.23E+028.49E+00 2.58E+017.55E+00 1.50E+017.13E+00 1.23E+014.96E+00 1.60E+014.13E+01 1.41E+021.07E+01 2.34E+011.79E+01 4.08E+016.89E+00 1.58E+01149 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALENDSTATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE338255001 338255001 338255001 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 326863002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 338255002 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-I08mAg-I l0mBa- 140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La-140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-110mBa- 140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-5 7Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru- 103Ru- 106CONC(pCi/kg)5.74E+013.11 E+008.45E+004.46E+001.99E+006.68E+00-5.98E+00 7.84E+01-2.18E-01


-1.25E+00 2.93E+00-4.29E-01 2.OOE+013.36E+00-2.OOE+00

-3.64E+00 8.01 E+006.14E+03-2.75E+00


-1.71E+00 2.OOE+00-2.84E+01 5.15E+004.29E-013.86E-024.65E+006.11E+003.05E+002.98E+01-1.8]E+00

-1.5]E+00 5.66E+003.09E+020.OOE+002.96E+00-1.32E+00 2.56E-01-2.42E-01

-5.20E+00 3.18E+00-8.32E-01

-5.01E+00 6.18E+003.40E+03-3.60E+00 2.2 1E+000.OOE+00-6.12E-01

-9.54E+00 1.24E+011.25E+018.14E+001.22E+011.87E+003.74E+001.92E+012.56E+013.76E+001.17E+011.4 1E+003.24E+002.70E+002.41 E+012.5 1E+002.15E+006.35E+001.43E+012.99E+025.70E+002.14E+002.82E+002.64E+002.OOE+014.79E+004.97E+002.50E+005.43E+006.13E+004.33E+008.70E+001.01E+001.59E+007.29E+002.24E+012.71 E+006.33E+008.76E-011.12E+001.23E+001.08E+011.40E+001.90E+004.46E+003.70E+001.64E+022.34E+001.34E+002.47E+001.19E+009.93E+002.27E+013.63E+012.90E+013.08E+015.43E+001.06E+016.13E+016.25E+011.22E+013.41E+014.43E+008.04E+009.01 E+008.05E+018.27E+006.89E+002.01E+013.72E+0 I6.39E+011.81E+017.04E+008.30E+008.63E+005.76E+011.64E+011.64E+018.46E+001.23E+012.OOE+011.46E+011.43E+012.87E+004.96E+002.34E+013.17E+016.26E+002.04E+012.60E+003.70E+004.04E+003.54E+014.12E+004.56E+008.95E+009.73E+003.24E+016.64E+003.73E+004.57E+003.77E+003.18E+01STD.DEV.




(pCi/kg)FLAGSALALALALALAL55 338255002 55 338255002 55 338255002 55 338255002 55 338255002 55 338255002 11/21/2013 Sb-12411/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95-2.87E+00 2.71E+00-6.55E+00 3.30E+00-1.75E+00 1.41E+003.36E+01 3.53E+001.63E+00 3.01E+009.39E-01 2.04E+008.12E+009.1 ]E+004.43E+005.74E+008.8 1E+006.77E+00UUUUU151 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)AP 01 318308001 1/9/2013 BETA 3.89E-02 1.59E-03 5.73E-04AP 01 319076001 1/23/2013 BETA 2.97E-02 1.41E-03 6.22E-04AP 01 320051001 2/6/2013 BETA 3.40E-02 1.50E-03 6.02E-04AP 01 320865001 2/20/2013 BETA 2.82E-02 1.38E-03 6.47E-04AP 01 321597001 3/6/2013 BETA 1.38E-02 9.68E-04 6.34E-04AP 01 322488001 3/20/2013 BETA 1.08E-02 8.64E-04 6.25E-04AP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Ac-228 7.35E-04 4.78E-04 1.58E-03 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Ag-108m 1.22E-04 8.46E-05 2.88E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Ag-I 10m 3.32E-04 1.60E-04 5.69E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Ba- 140 1.52E-02 3.37E-02 1.13E-01 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Be-7 7.41E-02 6.73E-03 7.01E-03AP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Ce-141 9.63E-05 6.30E-04 2.12E-03 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Ce-144 -9.26E-05 4.33E-04 1.44E-03 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Co-57 3.45E-06 5.67E-05 1.92E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Co-58 -3.39E-04 2.64E-04 6.34E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Co-60 -1.43E-04 1.23E-04 3.28E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Cr-51 1.70E-03 6.15E-03 2.11E-02 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Cs-134 4.21E-05 1.1OE-04 3.75E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Cs-137 -1.43E-04 1.05E-04 2.97E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Fe-59 -3.89E-04 9.15E-04 2.94E-03 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 1-131 -7.01E-02 1.90E-01 000E+00 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 K-40 1.13E-03 1.52E-03 2.70E-03 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 La-140 7.38E-03 1.44E-02 5.01E-02 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Mn-54 -6.72E-05 1.21E-04 3.13E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Nb-95 -6.68E-06 2.15E-04 7.13E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Ru-103 3.51E-04 4.05E-04 1.38E-03 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Ru-106 1.30E-04 1.01E-03 3.01E-03 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Sb-124 -1.32E-04 6.54E-04 2.12E-03 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Sb-125 2.29E-04 2.61E-04 8.93E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Se-75 2.78E-04 1.89E-04 6.14E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Th-228 2.52E-04 1.89E-04 4.52E-04 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Zn-65 1.76E-04 2.96E-04 1.03E-03 UAP 01 324991001 3/20/2013 Zr-95 4.68E-05 4.47E-04 1.50E-03 UAP 01 323113001 4/3/2013 BETA 1.83E-02 1.15E-03 6.76E-04AP 01 324220001 4/17/2013 BETA 2.44E-02 1.33E-03 6.90E-04AP 01 325184001 5/1/2013 BETA 2.75E-02 1.42E-03 6.57E-04AP 01 326051001 5/15/2013 BETA 1.88E-02 1.14E-03 6.53E-04AP 01 326792001 5/29/2013 BETA 1.22E-02 9.31E-04 6.96E-04AP 01 327670001 6/12/2013 BETA 2.1 IE-02 1.22E-03 6.93E-04AP 01 328687001 6/26/2013 BETA 2.88E-02 1.44E-03 7.17E-04AP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Ac-228 -2.15E-04 4.98E-04 1.63E-03 UAP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Ag-108m -1.43E-05 8.28E-05 2.51E-04 UAP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Ag-1I0m 1.66E-04 1.67E-04 5.92E-04 UAP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Ba-140 -2.16E-01 2.25E-01 6.69E-01 UAP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Be-7 1.12E-01 1.1OE-02 1.27E-02AP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Ce-141 4.94E-04 1.49E-03 4.61E-03 UAP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Ce-144 2.64E-04 5.39E-04 1.81E-03 UAP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Co-57 4.04E-05 7.10E-05 2.40E-04 UAP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Co-58 -3.07E-04 2.72E-04 7.81E-04 UAP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Co-60 -1.01E-04 1.24E-04 3.49E-04 UAP 01 332515001 6/26/2013 Cr-51 -4.95E-04 1.38E-02 4.12E-02 U152 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAP010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101332515001 6/26/2013 Cs-134332515001 6/26/2013 Cs-137332515001 6/26/2013 Fe-59332515001 6/26/2013 1-131332515001 6/26/2013 K-40332515001 6/26/2013 La-140332515001 6/26/2013 Mn-54332515001 6/26/2013 Nb-95332515001 6/26/2013 Ru-103332515001 6/26/2013 Ru-106332515001 6/26/2013 Sb-124332515001 6/26/2013 Sb-125332515001 6/26/2013 Se-75332515001 6/26/2013 Th-228332515001 6/26/2013 Zn-65332515001 6/26/2013 Zr-95329425001 7/10/2013 BETA330436001 7/24/2013 BETA331291001 8/6/2013 BETA332164001 8/21/2013 BETA332954001 9/4/2013 BETA333830001 9/18/2013 BETA334746001 10/2/2013 BETA336546001 10/2/2013 Ac-228336546001 10/2/2013 Ag-108m336546001 10/2/2013 Ag-1I1m336546001 10/2/2013 Ba-140336546001 10/2/2013 Be-7336546001 10/2/2013 Ce-141336546001 10/2/2013 Ce-144336546001 10/2/2013 Co-57336546001 10/2/2013 Co-58336546001 10/2/2013 Co-60336546001 10/2/2013 Cr-51336546001 10/2/2013 Cs-134336546001 10/2/2013 Cs-137336546001 10/2/2013 Fe-59336546001 10/2/2013 1-131336546001 10/2/2013 K-40336546001 10/2/2013 La-140336546001 10/2/2013 Mn-54336546001 10/2/2013 Nb-95336546001 10/2/2013 Ru-103336546001 10/2/2013 Ru-106336546001 10/2/2013 Sb-124336546001 10/2/2013 Sb-125336546001 10/2/2013 Se-75336546001 10/2/2013 Th-228336546001 10/2/2013 Zn-65336546001 10/2/2013 Zr-95335889001 10/16/2013 BETACONC(pCi/m3)-1.54E-05

-2.22E-05 1.86E-040.OOE+006.94E-04-7.64E-02

-1.09E-04 3.90E-042.06E-04-1.67E-03

-4.94E-04 4.88E-07-6.60E-05 3.27E-04-4.89E-04

-2.29E-04 2.42E-022.91 E-022.39E-021.21E-023.98E-022.96E-022.34E-02-3.81E-04 4.41E-05-1.98E-04

-6.31 E-049.79E-021.89E-04-7.43E-04



-5.78E-05 2.89E-03-7.91 E-050.OOE+00-1.19E-03

-1.25E-01 2.38E-031.67E-061.52E-041.79E-043.26E-04-8.54E-05

-8.81 E-041.16E-045.87E-052.90E-043.58E-040.OOE+003.26E-02STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)1.27E-04 4.23E-041.33E-04 4.13E-041.16E-03 3.76E-032.45E+00 0.OOE+001.80E-03 3.49E-037.11 E-02 1.89E-011.33E-04 4.06E-043.86E-04 1.35E-036.73E-04 2.25E-031.26E-03 3.11E-037.77E-04 2.23E-033.07E-04 8.96E-042.42E-04 6.72E-043.32E-04 6.24E-043.67E-04 9.72E-046.58E-04 2.03E-031.33E-03 6.90E-041.46E-03 7.49E-041.37E-03 6.90E-049.13E-04 6.16E-041.72E-03 6.74E-041.47E-03 7.22E-041.31E-03 7.20E-044.03E-04 1.26E-036.61E-05 2.19E-041.75E-04 4.22E-042.17E-02 7.27E-027.43E-03 5.94E-035.14E-04 1.55E-034.53E-04 1.31E-036.36E-05 1.80E-041.75E-04 5.32E-049.03E-05 2.73E-044.12E-03 1.38E-021.06E-04 3.21E-048.03E-05 2.34E-046.45E-04 1.40E-039.43E-02 0.OOE+001.66E-03 2.65E-037.94E-03 2.61E-021.22E-04 4.18E-041.98E-04 6.82E-042.83E-04 9.85E-047.25E-04 2.39E-035.75E-04 1.31E-032.17E-04 7.16E-041.46E-04 4.86E-041.74E-04 4.81E-042.94E-04 9.15E-040.OOE+00 1.13E-031.42E-03 6.18E-04UUUUlUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.UUU153 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN336705001 337650001 338356001 339378001 339984001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 341531001 318308002 319076002 320051002 320865002 321597002 322488002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 10/30/2013 11/13/2013 11/26/2013 12/11/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 1/9/20131/23/2013 2/6/20132/20/2013 3/6/20133/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 BETABETABETABETABETAAc-228Ag-108mAg-1 IOmBa-140Be-7Ce-I141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-5ICs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95BETABETABETABETABETABETAAc-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce-I141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137CONC(pCi/m3)2.77E-022.54E-022.78E-023.03E-023.55E-02-2.48E-04 3.24E-053.01E-05-6.55E-02 8.74E-021.34E-041.38E-049.15E-05-1.39E-04 4.27E-05-1.40E-03


-3.69E-04 6.35E-041.44E-012.95E-031.09E-02-2.92E-04 5.27E-040.OOE+00-1.07E-03

-1.26E-05 6.62E-04-2.37E-04 1.04E-04-7.40E-04 4.68E-044.17E-023.23E-023.14E-022.78E-021.36E-021.59E-020.OOE+000.OOE+00-6.91 E-04-6.40E-03 1.11E-011.01E-043.02E-04-2.41E-05 1.81 E-048.13E-05-1.74E-02


-1.77E-04 STD.DEV.

MDC(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)1.31 E-031.25E-031.35E-031.32E-031.42E-038.63E-041.19E-042.87E-044.16E-021.05E-026.89E-047.39E-048.81E-053.65E-042.59E-046.91 E-032.05E-042.58E-041.13E-038.69E-023.34E-031.35E-021.83E-044.23E-044.58E-042.OOE-039.48E-045.12E-042.77E-042.93E-045.20E-045.98E-041.71 E-031.51E-031.48E-031.40E-039.93E-041.09E-033.OOE-032.42E-043.88E-048.58E-021.05E-021.47E-039.05E-041.15 E-044.87E-042.05E-041.34E-022.4 1E-042.1OE-045.9 1E-045.94E-046.03E-045.68E-044.99E-042.94E-034.05E-049.65E-041.04E-019.75E-032.27E-032.48E-033.05E-041.16E-038.86E-042.30E-025.92E-046.35E-043.97E-033.09E-011.23E-025.05E-023.86E-041.54E-031.05E-035.75E-033.10E-031.78E-038.04E-041.01E-031.1 2E-032.18E-036.22E-046.54E-046.32E-046.79E-046.72E-046.86E-042.67E-035.27E-041.02E-032.79E-011.30E-024.19E-033.05E-033.56E-041.64E-036.95E-043.84E-027.89E-046.66E-04FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU154 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 324991002 323113002 324220002 325184002 326051002 326792002 327670002 328687002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 332515002 329425002 330436002 331291002 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 4/3/20134/17/2013 5/1/20135/15/2013 5/29/2013 6/12/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 7/10/2013 7/24/2013 8/6/2013Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95BETABETABETABETABETABETABETAAc-228Ag-108mAg-Il0mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144.Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95BETABETABETACONC(pCi/inm)

-1.78E-03 0.OOE+001.02E-04-7.86E-02 1.72E-042.OOE-05-1.3 1E-032.11 E-03-5.96E-04 8.1 7E-05-2.05E-04 2.63E-04-1.88E-04 3.05E-041.5 1E-022.42E-022.86E-022.27E-021.53E-022.38E-022.98E-023.08E-041.22E-04-1.17E-04

-1.67E-03 1.35E-015.38E-05-6.08E-04



-1.98E-06 1.79E-032.03E-048.23E-05-2.28E-03 0.OOE+002.52E-033.47E-023.02E-055.72E-043.74E-04-7.20E-05



-2.65E-04 2.67E-041.45E-041.75E-042.40E-022.69E-022.16E-02STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/n3) (pCi/m3)1.74E-033.72E-013.08E-033.41 E-022.47E-045.25E-049.16E-042.11 E-039.92E-046.14E-045.64E-044.29E-045.88E-049.58E-041.06E-031.35E-031.46E-031.27E-031.05E-031.30E-031.47E-034.13E-049.06E-051.49E-041.74E-011.11E-021.04E-034.81E-046.73E-052.62E-049.27E-051.05E-021.03E-048.63E-051.18E-031.90E+001.50E-036.56E-021.11E-043.29E-045.19E-049.27E-048.16E-042.03E-041.91E-041.88E-042.8 1E-045.17E-041.32E-031.40E-031.29E-034.95E-030.OOE+009.68E-036.73E-028.33E-041.75E-032.66E-036.93E-032.94E-031.78E-031.1OE-031.07E-031.86E-033.23E-036.94E-047.19E-046.66E-046.63E-047.07E-046.99E-047.27E-041.44E-032.47E-044.44E-045.35E-018.03E-033.4 1E-031.42E-032.01E-046.59E-043.09E-043.57E-023.6 1E-042.91 E-042.49E-030.OOE+003.08E-032.29E-013.30E-041.08E-031.76E-032.57E-032.41E-036.43E-045.23E-045.06E-049.53E-041.77E-036.88E-047.38E-046.83E-04UU'UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU'UUUUUUUUUUUU155 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/u3) (pCi/m3)AP 02 332164002 8/21/2013 BETA 1.22E-02 9.08E-04 6.09E-04AP 02 332954002 9/4/2013 BETA 4.52E-02 1.83E-03 6.63E-04AP 02 333830002 9/18/2013 BETA 3.04E-02 1.49E-03 7.20E-04AP 02 334746002 10/2/2013 BETA 2.24E-02 1.28E-03 7.23E-04AP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Ac-228 9.51E-04 5.32E-04 1.38E-03 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Ag-108m -1.09E-04 7.18E-05 2.01E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Ag-Irnm -7.20E-05 1.66E-04 4.36E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Ba-140 2.76E-02 2.22E-02 7.58E-02 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Be-7 9.25E-02 6.77E-03 5.97E-03AP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Ce-141 -1.48E-04 6.82E-04 1.88E-03 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Ce-144 -2.88E-04 4.88E-04 1.56E-03 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Co-57 3.83E-05 6.31E-05 2.11 E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Co-58 2.84E-04 1.90E-04 6.35E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Co-60 -1.83E-04 1.12E-04 2.83E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Cr-51 2.69E-03 4.74E-03 1.59E-02 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Cs-134 -6.47E-05 9.60E-05 2.96E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Cs-137 9.36E-05 8.64E-05 2.93E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Fe-59 6.88E-04 5.28E-04 1.84E-03 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 1-131 0.OOE+00 8.77E-02 0.OOE+00 UIAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 K-40 1.35E-03 1.53E-03 2.83E-03 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 La- 140 -2.17E-03 8.24E-03 2.38E-02 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Mn-54 9.31E-06 1.00E-04 3.27E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Nb-95 2.24E-05 1.75E-04 5.79E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Ru-103 3.24E-05 3.14E-04 1.02E-03 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Ru-106 7.12E-04 9.66E-04 2.88E-03 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Sb-124 5.86E-04 4.41E-04 1.60E-03 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Sb-125 -4.14E-04 2.27E-04 5.99E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Se-75 5.21E-05 1.50E-04 5.08E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Th-228 4.56E-04 2.80E-04 5.73E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Zn-65 6.28E-05 2.96E-04 8.51E-04 UAP 02 336546002 10/2/2013 Zr-95 -3.21E-06 3.09E-04 1.OIE-03 UAP 02 335889002 10/16/2013 BETA 3.23E-02 1.42E-03 6.25E-04AP 02 336705002 10/30/2013 BETA 2.54E-02 1.25E-03 5.89E-04AP 02 337650002 11/13/2013 BETA 2.39E-02 1.21E-03 5.96E-04AP 02 338356002 11/26/2013 BETA 2.53E-02 1.30E-03 6.16E-04AP 02 339378002 12/11/2013 BETA 2.79E-02 1.26E-03 5.66E-04AP 02 339984002 12/26/2013 BETA 3.47E-02 1.40E-03 4.97E-04AP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Ac-228 5.57E-04 6.95E-04 2.50E-03 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Ag-108m 5.25E-05 9.94E-05 3.33E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Ag-lr0m -1.99E-04 2.80E-04 8.31E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Ba-140 -2.60E-02 2.52E-02 7.41E-02 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Be-7 9.26E-02 8.71E-03 7.83E-03AP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Ce-141 3.71E-04 6.79E-04 2.33E-03 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Ce-144 -1.28E-04 6.67E-04 2.23E-03 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Co-57 -4.08E-05 8.72E-05 2.86E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Co-58 -5.95E-04 3.29E-04 7.51E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Co-60 1.09E-04 1.72E-04 6.13E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Cr-51 3.22E-03 5.94E-03 1.78E-02 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Cs-134 2.36E-04 1.64E-04 5.84E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Cs-137 4.94E-05 1.40E-04 4.79E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Fe-59 6.49E-04 5.38E-04 2.1OE-03 U156 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)AP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 1-131 -5.19E-02 7.12E-02 2.13E-01 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 K-40 2.23E-03 2.49E-03 9.37E-03 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 La-140 2.61E-04 9.74E-03 3.22E-02 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Mn-54 1.44E-04 1.65E-04 5.79E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Nb-95 5.64E-04 2.43E-04 8.34E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Ru-103 -1.78E-05 3.78E-04 1.27E-03 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Ru-106 -1.93E-03 1.36E-03 3.58E-03 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Sb-124 2.75E-04 6.59E-04 2.34E-03 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Sb-125 3.21E-04 2.99E-04 1.03E-03 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Se-75 9.06E-05 2.34E-04 7.85E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Th-228 0.OOE+00 3.24E-04 7.19E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Zn-65 -1.29E-04 2.38E-04 6.55E-04 UAP 02 341531002 12/26/2013 Zr-95 -2.46E-05 4.73E-04 1.55E-03 UAP 03 318308003 1/9/2013 BETA 4.19E-02 1.71E-03 6.20E-04AP 03 319076003 1/23/2013 BETA 2.89E-02 1.42E-03 6.49E-04AP 03 320051003 2/6/2013 BETA 2.90E-02 1.42E-03 6.32E-04AP 03 320865003 2/20/2013 BETA 2.82E-02 1.42E-03 6.80E-04AP 03 321597003 3/6/2013 BETA 1.20E-02 9.25E-04 6.62E-04AP 03 322488003 3/20/2013 BETA 1.66E-02 1.16E-03 7.38E-04AP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Ac-228 -6.82E-04 5.98E-04 1.75E-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Ag-108m 8.95E-05 9.43E-05 3.24E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Ag-I10m -8.85E-05 1.64E-04 5.12E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Ba-140 5.93E-02 5.1OE-02 1.74E-01 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Be-7 1.01E-01 8.51E-03 7.43E-03AP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Ce-141 6.34E-04 8.18E-04 2.76E-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Ce-144 3.83E-04 5.60E-04 1.90E-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Co-57 -6.91E-05 7.22E-05 2.26E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Co-58 -1.12E-04 3.07E-04 8.57E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Co-60 -2.07E-04 1.90E-04 5.27E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Cr-51 9.14E-03 1.17E-02 2.32E-02 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Cs-134 -1.28E-04 1.79E-04 4.79E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Cs-137 -2.19E-04 1.47E-04 3.93E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Fe-59 -1.97E-04 1.00E-03 3.22E-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 1-131 -2.33E-01 2.44E-01 0.OOE+00 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 K-40 1.63E-03 2.02E-03 7.25E-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 La-140 -3.61E-03 1.85E-02 5.99E-02 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Mn-54 1.99E-04 1.31E-04 4.65E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Nb-95 6.46E-05 3.12E-04 9.39E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Ru-103 -4.OOE-04 4.92E-04 1.51E-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Ru- 106 5.74E-04 1.23E-03 4.1OE-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Sb-124 -1.02E-03 9.42E-04 2.58E-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Sb-125 2.48E-04 3.OOE-04 1.03E-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Se-75 5.10E-04 2.80E-04 7.63E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Th-228 6.70E-04 3.46E-04 7.99E-04 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Zn-65 1.94E-04 3.33E-04 1.02E-03 UAP 03 324991003 3/20/2013 Zr-95 9.24E-04 4.78E-04 1.57E-03 UAP 03 323113003 4/3/2013 BETA 2.1 IE-02 1.39E-03 8.57E-04AP 03 324220003 4/17/2013 BETA 2.45E-02 1.34E-03 6.94E-04AP 03 325184003 5/1/2013 BETA 2.97E-02 1.48E-03 6.62E-04AP 03 326051003 5/15/2013 BETA 1.76E-02 1.12E-03 6.72E-04AP 03 326792003 5/29/2013 BETA 1.48E-02 1.03E-03 7.08E-04157 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAP030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303327670003 6/12/2013 BETA328687003 6/26/2013 BETA332515003 6/26/2013 Ac-228332515003 6/26/2013 Ag-108m332515003 6/26/2013 Ag-110m332515003 6/26/2013 Ba-140332515003 6/26/2013 Be-7332515003 6/26/2013 Ce-141332515003 6/26/2013 Ce-144332515003 6/26/2013 Co-57332515003 6/26/2013 Co-58332515003 6/26/2013 Co-60332515003 6/26/2013 Cr-51332515003 6/26/2013 Cs-134332515003 6/26/2013 Cs-137332515003 6/26/2013 Fe-59332515003 6/26/2013 1-131332515003 6/26/2013 K-40332515003 6/26/2013 La- 140332515003 6/26/2013 Mn-54332515003 6/26/2013 Nb-95332515003 6/26/2013 Ru-103332515003 6/26/2013 Ru- 106332515003 6/26/2013 Sb-124332515003 6/26/2013 Sb-125332515003 6/26/2013 Se-75332515003 6/26/2013 Th-228332515003 6/26/2013 Zn-65332515003 6/26/2013 Zr-95329425003 7/10/2013 BETA330436003 7/24/2013 BETA331291003 8/6/2013 BETA332164003 8/21/2013 BETA332954003 9/4/2013 BETA333830003 9/18/2013 BETA334746003 10/2/2013 BETA336546003 10/2/2013 Ac-228336546003 10/2/2013 Ag-108m336546003 10/2/2013 Ag-I l0m336546003 10/2/2013 Ba-140336546003 10/2/2013 Be-7336546003 10/2/2013 Ce-141336546003 10/2/2013 Ce-144336546003 10/2/2013 Co-57336546003 10/2/2013 Co-58336546003 10/2/2013 Co-60336546003 10/2/2013 Cr-51336546003 10/2/2013 Cs-134336546003 10/2/2013 Cs-137336546003 10/2/2013 Fe-59336546003 10/2/2013 1-131CONC(pCi/m3)2.28E-022.64E-02-2.93E-05


-1.81E-04 3.06E-011.10E-01-3.06E-03 4.08E-042.93E-056.18E-042.90E-051.06E-025.59E-051.13E-044.13E-04-1.9]E+00 3.42E-03-1.20E-01



-3.11 E-046.59E-041.41 E-03-1.90E-04 8.09E-053.33E-044.38E-041.63E-032.68E-023.04E-022.60E-029.70E-034.49E-023.12E-022.34E-028.66E-055.48E-05-1.67E-04 1.41 E-021.08E-011.02E-03-5.36E-04 8.40E-05-1.38E-04 6.20E-052.91 E-03-6.04E-06

-3.09E-05 1.41 E-05-1.90E-01 STD.DEV.

MDC(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)FLAGS1.29E-031.40E-035.90E-047.95E-052.08E-042.34E-011.11 E-021.50E-034.95E-047.02E-054.15E-041.47E-041.42E-021.71E-041.28E-041.42E-032.34E+002.03E-039.33E-021.35E-043.25E-047.50E-041.41E-031.17E-032.64E-042.41 E-041.90E-043.68E-047.53E-041.40E-031.50E-031.43E-038.19E-041.84E-031.52E-031.3 1E-034.14E-046.79E-051.61E-042.75E-027.57E-035.97E-047.12E-047.40E-041.95E-032.56E-046.12E-048.03E-011.11 E-023.72E-031.68E-032.37E-041.45E-035.03E-044.90E-025.84E-044.34E-044.78E-030.OOE+003.58E-032.28E-013.88E-041.05E-032.38E-034.16E-034.38E-038.16E-047.81 E-045.08E-041.21E-032.74E-036.90E-047.54E-046.95E-046.16E-046.76E-047.23E-047.18E-041.34E-032.50E-044.65E-049.02E-026.69E-031.89E-034.79E-04 I1.42E-03 6.09E-05 1.98E-041.73E-04 5.17E-049.55E-05 3.34E-045.07E-03 1.71E-021.23E-04 3.50E-049.20E-05 3.OOE-047.52E-04 2.19E-031.03E-01 0.OOE+00158 Seabrook REMIP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAP030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303040404040404336546003 10/2/2013 K-40336546003 10/2/2013 La-140336546003 10/2/2013 Mn-54336546003 10/2/2013 Nb-95336546003 10/2/2013 Ru-103336546003 10/2/2013 Ru-106336546003 10/2/2013 Sb-124336546003 10/2/2013 Sb-125336546003 10/2/2013 Se-75336546003 10/2/2013 Th-228336546003 10/2/2013 Zn-65336546003 10/2/2013 Zr-95335889003 10/16/2013 BETA336705003 10/30/2013 BETA337650003 11/13/2013 BETA338356003 11/26/2013 BETA339378003 12/11/2013 BETA339984003 12/26/2013 BETA341531003 12/26/2013 Ac-228341531003 12/26/2013 Ag-108m341531003 12/26/2013 Ag-Il0m341531003 12/26/2013 Ba-140341531003 12/26/2013 Be-7341531003 12/26/2013 Ce-141341531003 12/26/2013 Ce-144341531003 12/26/2013 Co-57341531003 12/26/2013 Co-58341531003 12/26/2013 Co-60341531003 12/26/2013 Cr-51341531003 12/26/2013 Cs-134341531003 12/26/2013 Cs-137341531003 12/26/2013 Fe-59341531003 12/26/2013 1-131341531003 12/26/2013 K-40341531003 12/26/2013 La-140341531003 12/26/2013 Mn-54341531003 12/26/2013 Nb-95341531003 12/26/2013 Ru-103341531003 12/26/2013 Ru-106341531003 12/26/2013 Sb-124341531003 12/26/2013 Sb-125341531003 12/26/2013 Se-75341531003 12/26/2013 Th-228341531003 12/26/2013 Zn-65341531003 12/26/2013 Zr-95318308004 1/9/2013 BETA319076004 1/23/2013 BETA320051004 2/6/2013 BETA320865004 2/20/2013 BETA321597004 3/6/2013 BETA322488004 3/20/2013 BETACONC(pCi/m3)0.OOE+003.43E-03-2.05E-04 2.98E-045.62E-04-9.66E-05

-8.28E-05 1.03E-041.34E-051.13E-042.27E-046.14E-043.44E-022.54E-022.61E-022.73E-022.75E-023.48E-02-6.60E-04 7.86E-063.10E-041.48E-021.01E-01-2.64E-04

-6.74E-04 7.81E-051.89E-04-2.62E-05


-1.44E-04 1.36E-04-1.75E-03 1.08E-012.82E-03-6.88E-03

-2.77E-04 3.19E-04-8.86E-04 2.44E-04-1.79E-03 2.62E-04-9.86E-05 2.63E-047.71 E-04-4.68E-04 4.49E-022.58E-023.28E-022.73E-021.38E-022.10E-02STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/mr3) (pCi/m3)1.91E-03 2.84E-039.52E-03 3.23E-021.21E-04 3.11E-042.40E-04 8.17E-043.79E-04 1.25E-031.06E-03 3.52E-035.63E-04 1.79E-032.23E-04 7.41E-041.56E-04 5.25E-041.84E-04 5.61E-042.25E-04 7.24E-044.06E-04 1.39E-031.47E-03 6.19E-041.24E-03 5.77E-041.26E-03 5.93E-041.34E-03 6.07E-041.26E-03 5.74E-041.41E-03 5.01E-046.63E-04 2.05E-031.20E-04 3.96E-042.50E-04 9.OOE-042.90E-02 9.75E-028.82E-03 7.98E-038.09E-04 2.53E-038.1OE-04 2.42E-031.01E-04 3.34E-042.26E-04 8.19E-041.54E-04 4.85E-046.83E-03 1.75E-022.05E-04 6.18E-041.37E-04 4.76E-049.71E-04 2.05E-038.18E-02 2.80E-013.22E-03 5.14E-038.98E-03 2.34E-021.94E-04 3.95E-042.87E-04 1.04E-035.24E-04 1.32E-031.61E-03 4.87E-039.76E-04 1.85E-034.22E-04 1.43E-032.39E-04 7.80E-043.01E-04 8.88E-044.87E-04 1.74E-035.63E-04 1.71E-031.80E-03 6.37E-041.36E-03 6.73E-041.54E-03 6.54E-041.42E-03 7.07E-041.01E-03 6.82E-041.29E-03 7.21E-04159 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAP040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404324991004 3/20/2013 Ac-228324991004 3/20/2013 Ag- 108m324991004 3/20/2013 Ag-110m324991004 3/20/2013 Ba-140324991004 3/20/2013 Be-7324991004 3/20/2013 Ce-141324991004 3/20/2013 Ce-144324991004 3/20/2013 Co-57324991004 3/20/2013 Co-58324991004 3/20/2013 Co-60324991004 3/20/2013 Cr-51324991004 3/20/2013 Cs-134324991004 3/20/2013 Cs-137324991004 3/20/2013 Fe-59324991004 3/20/2013 1-131324991004 3/20/2013 K-40324991004 3/20/2013 La-140324991004 3/20/2013 Mn-54324991004 3/20/2013 Nb-95324991004 3/20/2013 Ru-103324991004 3/20/2013 Ru-106324991004 3/20/2013 Sb-124324991004 3/20/2013 Sb-125324991004 3/20/2013 Se-75324991004 3/20/2013 Th-228324991004 3/20/2013 Zn-65324991004 3/20/2013 Zr-95323113004 4/3/2013 BETA324220004 4/17/2013 BETA325184004 5/1/2013 BETA326051004 5/15/2013 BETA326792004 5/29/2013 BETA327670004 6/12/2013 BETA328687004 6/26/2013 BETA332515004 6/26/2013 Ac-228332515004 6/26/2013 Ag-108m332515004 6/26/2013 Ag-IIOm332515004 6/26/2013 Ba-140332515004 6/26/2013 Be-7332515004 6/26/2013 Ce-141332515004 6/26/2013 Ce-144332515004 6/26/2013 Co-57332515004 6/26/2013 Co-58332515004 6/26/2013 Co-60332515004 6/26/2013 Cr-51332515004 6/26/2013 Cs- 134332515004 6/26/2013 Cs-137332515004 6/26/2013 Fe-59332515004 6/26/2013 1-131332515004 6/26/2013 K-40332515004 6/26/2013 La-140CONC(pCi/m3)1.56E-03-1.55E-06


-3.20E-02 9.56E-021.03E-035.18E-049.65E-05-1.23E-04 2.16E-04-8.40E-04 4.62E-042.77E-05-2.06E-04 0.OOE+002.14E-03-1.10E-02

-1.99E-04 2.63E-04-3.07E-04 2.26E-03-9.78E-04 3.60E-04-1.55E-04 2.5 1E-05-3.06E-04 2.61 E-041.73E-022.6 1E-023.06E-022.08E-021.37E-022.36E-022.99E-027.61 E-059.80E-052.33E-048.86E-021.36E-01-1.03E-03 5.05E-04-9.47E-06

-2.11 E-05-4.08E-05 9.64E-037.1OE-053.36E-05-1.04E-03 0.OOE+004.06E-03-2.19E-02 STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)7.48E-04 1.78E-038.17E-05 2.70E-042.27E-04 5.57E-043.65E-02 1.09E-017.33E-03 7.48E-039.28E-04 2.62E-036.05E-04 1.96E-038.3 1E-05 2.68E-042.44E-04 7.70E-041.37E-04 4.53E-046.83E-03 2.18E-022.15E-04 4.80E-041.04E-04 3.43E-048.56E-04 2.78E-031.78E-01 0.OOE+002.1 IE-03 4.07E-031.80E-02 5.56E-021.45E-04 4.1OE-042.63E-04 8.90E-044.58E-04 1.43E-039.03E-04 3.30E-036.33E-04 1.52E-032.63E-04 8.79E-041.89E-04 5.86E-042.71E-04 4.64E-043.05E-04 9.06E-044.29E-04 1.45E-031.16E-03 7.27E-041.44E-03 7.55E-041.49E-03 6.55E-041.20E-03 6.52E-049.78E-04 6.86E-041.28E-03 6.83E-041.46E-03 7.1OE-044.61E-04 1.56E-031.14E-04 2.40E-041.82E-04 6.08E-041.84E-01 6.10E-011.05E-02 9.06E-031.33E-03 4.03E-035.73E-04 1.86E-036.84E-05 2.19E-042.62E-04 8.52E-041.1OE-04 3.42E-041.14E-02 3.73E-021.09E-04 3.67E-041.14E-04 3.32E-041.17E-03 2.87E-032.11E+00 0.OOE+001.80E-03 3.59E-037.OOE-02 2.23E-01UUUUUUUUUUUUUUilUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU'U160 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/mr3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)AP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Mn-54 1.25E-04 1.24E-04 4.16E-04 UAP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Nb-95 2.43E-05 3.26E-04 1.08E-03 UAP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Ru-103 -3.84E-04 5.77E-04 1.80E-03 UAP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Ru-106 5.82E-04 1.17E-03 3.48E-03 UAP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Sb-124 5.65E-04 9.26E-04 3.16E-03 UAP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Sb-125 1.47E-04 2.37E-04 7.06E-04 UAP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Se-75 1.57E-04 1.94E-04 6.43E-04 UAP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Th-228 2.66E-04 2.13E-04 5.83E-04 UAP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Zn-65 -3.82E-04 3.04E-04 8.71E-04 UAP 04 332515004 6/26/2013 Zr-95 1.41E-04 5.62E-04 1.87E-03 UAP 04 329425004 7/10/2013 BETA 2.58E-02 1.35E-03 6.65E-04AP 04 330436004 7/24/2013 BETA 2.91E-02 1.44E-03 7.23E-04AP 04 331291004 8/6/2013 BETA 2.31E-02 1.32E-03 6.68E-04AP 04 332164004 8/21/2013 BETA 9.54E-03 7.97E-04 5.94E-04 MAP 04 332954004 9/4/2013 BETA 4.25E-02 1.74E-03 6.43E-04AP 04 333830004 9/18/2013 BETA 3.14E-02 1.49E-03 6.91E-04AP 04 334746004 10/2/2013 BETA 4.32E-02 2.31E-03 1.22E-03AP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Ac-228 -7.34E-04 4.65E-04 1.22E-03 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Ag-108m 9.34E-05 7.77E-05 2.61E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Ag-II0m -1.55E-05 1.85E-04 5.31E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Ba-140 -1.65E-02 2.33E-02 7.06E-02 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Be-7 1.03E-01 8.02E-03 5.98E-03AP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Ce-141 0.OOE+00 9.1OE-04 1.24E-03 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Ce-144 1.02E-04 4.92E-04 1.59E-03 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Co-57 -9.84E-05 6.87E-05 1.95E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Co-58 2.02E-04 2.12E-04 7.37E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Co-60 -1.12E-04 1.32E-04 3.74E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Cr-51 -3.35E-03 4.82E-03 1.53E-02 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Cs-134 8.77E-05 9.85E-05 3.46E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Cs-137 3.30E-05 1.07E-04 3.07E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Fe-59 1.72E-06 6.19E-04 2.04E-03 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 1-131 -7.85E-02 9.54E-02 0.OOE+00 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 K-40 4.61E-03 1.95E-03 2.35E-03AP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 La-140 -4.48E-03 1.06E-02 3.20E-02 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Mn-54 -1.34E-04 1.03E-04 2.91E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Nb-95 -8.62E-05 2.05E-04 6.68E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Ru-103 -5.03E-04 3.32E-04 8.98E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Ru-106 1.18E-03 9.23E-04 3.1OE-03 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Sb- 124 4.99E-04 6.07E-04 2.17E-03 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Sb-125 -1.81E-04 2.19E-04 6.70E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Se-75 -1.83E-05 1.56E-04 5.22E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Th-228 1.26E-04 2.65E-04 5.21E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Zn-65 4.55E-05 2.16E-04 7.27E-04 UAP 04 336546004 10/2/2013 Zr-95 2.58E-04 3.41E-04 1.19E-03 UAP 04 335889004 10/16/2013 BETA 3.31E-02 1.41E-03 5.94E-04AP 04 336705004 10/30/2013 BETA 2.44E-02 1.25E-03 6.06E-04AP 04 337650004 11/13/2013 BETA 2.58E-02 1.24E-03 5.77E-04AP 04 338356004 11/26/2013 BETA 2.88E-02 1.35E-03 5.86E-04AP 04 339378004 12/11/2013 BETA 2.77E-02 1.24E-03 5.59E-04AP 04 339984004 12/26/2013 BETA 3.61E-02 1.45E-03 5.13E-04AP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Ac-228 1. 15E-03 5.89E-04 2.39E-03 U161 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAM2LE END CONC STD.DEV.


(pCi/m3)AP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Ag-108m 9.80E-06 1.03E-04 3.36E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Ag-110rm

-6.62E-05 2.85E-04 7.73E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Ba-140 -1.36E-02 2.71E-02 8.66E-02 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Be-7 8.87E-02 9.25E-03 7.70E-03AP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Ce-141 8.56E-04 6.90E-04 2.33E-03 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Ce-144 6.28E-04 6.75E-04 2.34E-03 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Co-57 6.06E-06 8.94E-05 3.05E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Co-58 -1.68E-04 2.63E-04 7.85E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Co-60 -1.99E-04 1.73E-04 4.51E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Cr-51 9.53E-03 7.16E-03 2.41E-02 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Cs-134 -9.72E-05 1.63E-04 4.93E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Cs-137 1.54E-04 2.71E-04 4.47E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Fe-59 -5.63E-04 1.05E-03 3.11 E-03 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 1-131 1.79E-02 6.57E-02 2.18E-01 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 K-40 2.42E-03 2.20E-03 8.60E-03 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 La-140 1.35E-02 1.02E-02 3.91E-02 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Mn-54 -2.OOE-04 1.95E-04 5.52E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Nb-95 -3.76E-04 2.95E-04 7.76E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Ru-103 -4.58E-04 4.18E-04 1.23E-03 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Ru-106 1.01E-03 1.38E-03 4.84E-03 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Sb-124 1.56E-03 7.69E-04 3.15E-03 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Sb-125 3.71E-04 3.72E-04 1.15E-03 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Se-75 -1.05E-04 2.41E-04 7.68E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Th-228 3.22E-04 2.96E-04 8.33E-04 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Zn-65 -1.55E-04 4.67E-04 1.44E-03 UAP 04 341531004 12/26/2013 Zr-95 -4.54E-04 5.90E-04 1.76E-03 UAP 05 318308005 1/9/2013 BETA 4.51E-02 1.73E-03 5.85E-04AP 05 319076005 1/23/2013 BETA 2.76E-02 1.35E-03 6.17E-04AP 05 320051005 2/6/2013 BETA 3.26E-02 1.47E-03 6.01E-04AP 05 320865005 2/20/2013 BETA 2.44E-02 1.27E-03 6.30E-04AP 05 321597005 3/6/2013 BETA 1.45E-02 9.75E-04 6.1OE-04AP 05 322488005 3/20/2013 BETA 1.89E-02 1.13E-03 6.19E-04AP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Ac-228 1.03E-03 5.64E-04 1.72E-03 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Ag-108m -5.88E-05 7.34E-05 2.24E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Ag-110m 1.32E-04 1.92E-04 6.56E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Ba-140 1.15E-02 5.38E-02 1.55E-01 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Be-7 9.OOE-02 7.38E-03 7.56E-03AP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Ce-141 1.65E-04 5.97E-04 2.02E-03 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Ce-144 8.69E-04 5.30E-04 1.76E-03 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Co-57 -4.48E-05 5.61E-05 1.79E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Co-58 8.82E-05 2.48E-04 8.16E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Co-60 3.20E-05 1.31E-04 4.41E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Cr-51 1.05E-02 6.42E-03 2.19E-02 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Cs-134 -4.01E-05 1.30E-04 4.18E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Cs-137 4.06E-05 1.02E-04 3.52E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Fe-59 4.27E-04 7.96E-04 2.78E-03 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 1-131 0.OOE+00 1.88E-01 0.OOE+00 UIAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 K-40 3.33E-03 1.40E-03 3.92E-03 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 La-140 2.16E-02 2.05E-02 7.22E-02 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Mn-54 1.06E-04 1.23E-04 4.24E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Nb-95 3.91E-05 2.46E-04 8.27E-04 U162 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)AP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Ru-103 -4.05E-04 4.19E-04 1.23E-03 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Ru-106 -1.12E-03 1.06E-03 3.10E-03 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Sb-124 -9.1 IE-05 6.54E-04 2.14E-03 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Sb-125 6.69E-05 2.68E-04 8.99E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Se-75 -4.16E-05 1.59E-04 4.99E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Th-228 5.04E-04 2.25E-04 5.52E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Zn-65 -4.95E-05 3.33E-04 9.40E-04 UAP 05 324991005 3/20/2013 Zr-95 2.55E-04 5.19E-04 1.77E-03 UAP 05 323113005 4/3/2013 BETA 1.49E-02 1.03E-03 6.59E-04AP 05 324220005 4/17/2013 BETA 2.44E-02 1.32E-03 6.76E-04AP 05 325184005 5/1/2013 BETA 2.71E-02 1.43E-03 6.76E-04AP 05 326051005 5/15/2013 BETA 2.11E-02 1.20E-03 6.35E-04AP 05 326792005 5/29/2013 BETA 1.74E-02 1.09E-03 6.77E-04AP 05 327670005 6/12/2013 BETA 2.20E-02 1.23E-03 6.77E-04AP 05 328687005 6/26/2013 BETA 3.26E-02 1.51E-03 7.OOE-04AP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Ac-228 5.18E-04 3.94E-04 1.36E-03 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Ag- 108m 6.23E-05 6.44E-05 2.14E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Ag-110m -9.12E-05 1.50E-04 4.56E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Ba-140 4.15E-02 1.12E-01 3.87E-01 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Be-7 1.12E-01 1.01E-02 8.44E-03AP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Ce-141 -4.57E-04 1.12E-03 2.98E-03 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Ce-144 -6.41E-04 4.33E-04 1.28E-03 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Co-57 -7.14E-06 5.35E-05 1.80E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Co-58 -3.71E-05 2.17E-04 7.OOE-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Co-60 7.07E-05 9.82E-05 3.46E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Cr-51 -7.70E-03 1.03E-02 3.18E-02 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Cs-134 -5.86E-06 9.88E-05 2.92E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Cs-137 -1.97E-04 1.O1E-04 2.33E-04 UAP" 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Fe-59 2.02E-04 9.76E-04 3.21E-03 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 1-131 -1.60E-01 1.59E+00 0.OOE+00 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 K-40 2.17E-03 1.38E-03 2.74E-03 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 La-140 3.41E-02 6.66E-02 2.30E-01 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Mn-54 -7.17E-05 1.11 E-04 3.41E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Nb-95 -1.07E-04 2.46E-04 7.74E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Ru-103 -6.51E-05 4.36E-04 1.45E-03 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Ru-106 -1.23E-03 9.77E-04 2.84E-03 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Sb-124 1.41E-04 7.41E-04 2.49E-03 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Sb-125 -1.03E-04 2.OOE-04 6.16E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Se-75 3.08E-04 1.89E-04 5.61E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Th-228 2.40E-06 1.35E-04 4.28E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Zn-65 -3.77E-04 2.92E-04 7.71E-04 UAP 05 332515005 6/26/2013 Zr-95 -5.52E-04 4.44E-04 1.22E-03 UAP 05 329425005 7/10/2013 BETA 2.17E-02 1.23E-03 6.60E-04AP 05 330436005 7/24/2013 BETA 3.10E-02 1.48E-03 7.17E-04AP 05 331291005 8/6/2013 BETA 2.01E-02 1.23E-03 6.64E-04AP 05 332164005 8/21/2013 BETA 1.01E-02 8.13E-04 5.88E-04AP 05 332954005 9/4/2013 BETA 4.03E-02 1.70E-03 6.46E-04AP 05 333830005 9/18/2013 BETA 2.94E-02 1.45E-03 6.96E-04AP 05 334746005 10/2/2013 BETA 2.33E-02 1.28E-03 6.87E-04AP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Ac-228 4.41E-04 4.12E-04 1.37E-03 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Ag-108m -3.OOE-05 6.76E-05 2.1OE-04 U163 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)AP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Ag-110m 0.OOE+00 3.58E-04 6.1OE-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Ba-140 2.32E-02 2.26E-02 7.86E-02 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Be-7 9.25E-02 6.82E-03 6.28E-03AP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Ce-141 -1.75E-04 4.39E-04 1.45E-03 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Ce-144 3.07E-04 4.06E-04 1.39E-03 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Co-57 4.22E-06 5.08E-05 1.73E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Co-58 6.83E-05 1.61E-04 5.45E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Co-60 1.45E-04 1.07E-04 3.84E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Cr-5I -1.35E-02 6.42E-03 1.33E-02 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Cs-134 2.02E-05 1.25E-04 3.42E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Cs-137 -1.00E-04 1.04E-04 3.25E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Fe-59 -2.07E-04 5.39E-04 1.65E-03 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 1-131 -3.70E-02 8.39E-02 0.OOE+00 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 K-40 0.OOE+00 1.82E-03 2.60E-03 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 La-140 2.1OE-03 8.70E-03 2.94E-02 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Mn-54 -1.06E-04 1.32E-04 3.34E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Nb-95 3.64E-04 1.97E-04 6.77E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Ru-103 -6.84E-05 2.64E-04 8.75E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Ru-106 -1.44E-04 8.37E-04 2.76E-03 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Sb-124 -2.49E-05 5.23E-04 1.70E-03 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Sb-125 5.68E-04 2.59E-04 8.17E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Se-75 2.01E-04 1.47E-04 4.87E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Th-228 1.94E-04 1.64E-04 4.06E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Zn-65 4.52E-04 2.59E-04 8.99E-04 UAP 05 336546005 10/2/2013 Zr-95 3.79E-04 3.19E-04 1.1 IE-03 UAP 05 335889005 10/16/2013 BETA 3.31E-02 1.40E-03 5.91E-04AP 05 336705005 10/30/2013 BETA 2.76E-02 1.28E-03 5.61E-04AP 05 337650005 11/13/2013 BETA 2.37E-02 1.18E-03 5.68E-04AP 05 338356005 11/26/2013 BETA 3.05E-02 1.38E-03 5.77E-04AP 05 339378005 12/11/2013 BETA 2.69E-02 1.21E-03 5.47E-04AP 05 339984005 12/26/2013 BETA 3.11 E-02 1.31E-03 4.91E-04AP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Ac-228 3.31E-04 6.47E-04 2.44E-03 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Ag- 108m -8.20E-05 1.25E-04 3.87E-04 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Ag-1 10m -3.34E-04 2.69E-04 7.07E-04 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Ba-140 1.67E-02 2.94E-02 1.01E-01 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Be-7 8.87E-02 8.89E-03 8.94E-03AP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Ce-141 I.OIE-03 8.51E-04 2.88E-03 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Ce-144 4.76E-04 8.15E-04 2.52E-03 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Co-57 1.72E-04 1.13E-04 3.84E-04 iAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Co-58 3.29E-04 3.30E-04 1.19E-03 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Co-60 -1.43E-04 2.26E-04 6.47E-04 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Cr-51 2.05E-03 7.59E-03 2.61E-02 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Cs- 134 -4.67E-05 1.69E-04 5.46E-04 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Cs-137 1.21E-04 1.67E-04 5.20E-04 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Fe-59 -1.24E-04 1.1OE-03 3.54E-03 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 1-131 -1.73E-02 9.70E-02 3.22E-01 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 K-40 5.63E-03 2.91E-03 1.05E-02 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 La-140 -2.44E-02 1.30E-02 1.96E-02 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Mn-54 2.53E-04 1.86E-04 6.80E-04 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Nb-95 6.34E-05 3.37E-04 1.16E-03 UAP 05 341531005 12/26/2013 Ru-103 -7.55E-04 5.57E-04 1.50E-03 U164 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN341531005 341531005 341531005 341531005 341531005 341531005 341531005 318308006 319076006 320051006 320865006 321597006 322488006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 324991006 323113006 324220006 325184006 326051006 326792006 327670006 328687006 332515006 332515006 332515006 332515006 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 1/9/20131/23/2013 2/6/20132/20/2013 3/6/20133/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 4/3/20134/17/2013 5/1/20135/15/2013 5/29/2013 6/12/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95BETABETABETABETABETABETAAc-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru- 103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95BETABETABETABETABETABETABETAAc-228Ag-108mAg-110mBa-140CONC(pCi/m3)-6.88E-04 1.16E-057.79E-04-2.09E-05 5.29E-04-7.19E-04

-8.84E-04 4.42E-022.82E-022.97E-022.63E-021.27E-022.48E-02-7.16E-04



-8.08E-02 9.66E-027.95E-044.69E-043.28E-05-3.53E-04 2.46E-04-5.1 OE-031.37E-04-3.01E-04


-9.21 E-021.08E-032.38E-03-1.40E-05 7.17E-04-1.10E-03

-1.29E-03 8.35E-055.46E-04-6.60E-04


-1.00E-03-4.69E-04 1.80E-022.49E-023.08E-021.97E-021.35E-021.76E-022.97E-027.17E-05-9.31 E-05-6.34E-05 5.03E-02STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)1.90E-031.02E-034.70E-042.89E-043.87E-044.79E-045.59E-041.72E-031.38E-031.4]E-031.33E-039.35E-041.36E-038.62E-041.55E-043.52E-049.06E-029.64E-031.92E-038.48E-041.1 6E-045.3 1E-042.03E-041.47E-022.82E-042.06E-041.53E-034.07E-012.65E-033.27E-022.22E-045.68E-048.87E-042.28E-031.18E-035.13E-043.99E-043.42E-046.19E-041.08E-031. 14E-031.35E-031.50E-031.1 8E-039.8 1E-041.12E-031.46E-033.42E-048.44E-051.77E-041.63E-015.06E-033.38E-031.63E-039.15E-041.1OE-03L.IIE-031.34E-035.88E-046.26E-046.07E-046.42E-046.39E-046.75E-042.60E-034.84E-041.05E-032.77E-011.68E-023.98E-032.86E-033.67E-041.65E-037.03E-044.07E-028.27E-046.06E-044.72E-030.00E+008.39E-031.07E-017.33E-041.83E-032.64E-036.03E-033.84E-031.71E-031.02E-038.87E-041.62E-033.OOE-036.75E-046.98E-046.52E-046.6 1E-047.OOE-047.02E-047.19E-041.2 1E-032.05E-045.6 1E-045.39E-01165 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)AP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Be-7 1.15E-01 9.90E-03 7.92E-03AP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Ce-141 8.32E-04 9.97E-04 3.41E-03 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Ce-144 -2.71E-04 4.97E-04 1.58E-03 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Co-57 3.07E-05 6.31E-05 2.16E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Co-58 3.45E-04 3.58E-04 8.35E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Co-60 -1.42E-05 9.09E-05 2.97E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Cr-51 -1.37E-02 1.13E-02 3.29E-02 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Cs-134 -1.10E-06 1.23E-04 3.50E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Cs-137 -3.54E-05 1.11E-04 3.1OE-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Fe-59 -3.77E-04 1.22E-03 3.79E-03 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 1-131 -1.66E-01 1.81E+00 0.OOE+00 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 K-40 2.36E-03 1.34E-03 2.68E-03 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 La-140 -6.43E-02 7.05E-02 2.OOE-01 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Mn-54 1.29E-05 1.16E-04 3.85E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Nb-95 2.50E-04 2.57E-04 8.93E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Ru-103 -2.88E-04 5.1OE-04 1.65E-03 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Ru-106 1.80E-03 1.04E-03 3.54E-03 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Sb-124 -2.30E-04 4.88E-04 1.41E-03 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Sb-125 -1.03E-04 2.37E-04 6.35E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Se-75 6.08E-04 3.23E-04 6.29E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Th-228 4.42E-04 2.37E-04 4.93E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Zn-65 -1.65E-04 3.12E-04 9.49E-04 UAP 07 332515006 6/26/2013 Zr-95 3.19E-04 4.60E-04 1.59E-03 UAP 07 329425006 7/10/2013 BETA 2.48E-02 1.35E-03 6.97E-04AP 07 330436006 7/24/2013 BETA 3.15E-02 1.53E-03 7.57E-04AP 07 331291006 8/6/2013 BETA 2.30E-02 1.34E-03 6.92E-04AP 07 332164006 8/21/2013 BETA 1.09E-02 8.60E-04 6.09E-04AP 07 332954006 9/4/2013 BETA 4.18E-02 1.77E-03 6.74E-04AP 07 333830006 9/18/2013 BETA 2.80E-02 1.43E-03 7.17E-04AP 07 334746006 10/2/2013 BETA 2.57E-02 1.36E-03 7.13E-04AP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Ac-228 -2.89E-04 9.51E-04 2.34E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Ag-108m -9.80E-06 1.21E-04 3.90E-04 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Ag-Il0m 2.29E-05 3.37E-04 1.10E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Ba-140 -2.11E-02 4.52E-02 1.47E-01 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Be-7 9.36E-02 9.74E-03 1.09E-02AP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Ce-141 -6.56E-05 9.31E-04 2.85E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Ce-144 -3.23E-05 7.19E-04 2.33E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Co-57 4.32E-05 8.80E-05 2.91E-04 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Co-58 6.93E-04 3.89E-04 1.32E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Co-60 -3.38E-06 2.04E-04 6.67E-04 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Cr-51 -9.45E-03 9.11E-03 2.52E-02 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Cs-134 2.53E-04 2.02E-04 5.95E-04 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Cs-137 1.06E-04 1.71E-04 5.84E-04 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Fe-59 -1.00E-03 1.13E-03 3.35E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 1-131 0.OOE+00 1.83E-01 0.OOE+00 U1AP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 K-40 -2.34E-03 2.51E-03 8.18E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 La-140 2.58E-03 1.53E-02 5.23E-02 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Mn-54 4.09E-04 2.25E-04 7.58E-04 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Nb-95 3.60E-04 4.47E-04 1.52E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Ru-103 -3.63E-04 6.32E-04 1.93E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Ru-106 -2.97E-03 1.58E-03 3.89E-03 U166 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)AP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Sb-124 -1.31E-03 1.04E-03 2.63E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Sb-125 5.31E-05 4.45E-04 1.45E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Se-75 -8.30E-05 2.61E-04 8.59E-04 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Th-228 5.69E-04 5.68E-04 8.73E-04 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Zn-65 -5.27E-04 5.36E-04 1.58E-03 UAP 07 336546006 10/2/2013 Zr-95 -2.86E-05 7.16E-04 2.34E-03 UAP 07 335889006 10/16/2013 BETA 3.30E-02 1.44E-03 6.20E-04AP 07 336705006 10/30/2013 BETA 2.69E-02 1.28E-03 5.79E-04AP 07 337650006 11/13/2013 BETA 2.68E-02 1.28E-03 5.90E-04AP 07 338356006 11/26/2013 BETA 2.91E-02 1.37E-03 5.95E-04AP 07 339378006 12/11/2013 BETA 2.75E-02 1.24E-03 5.54E-04AP 07 339984006 12/26/2013 BETA 3.37E-02 1.37E-03 4.86E-04AP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Ac-228 -4.13E-04 6.61E-04 2.13E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Ag-108m 4.90E-05 1.24E-04 3.66E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Ag-I 10m 5.60E-05 2.04E-04 6.87E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Ba-140 2.70E-02 2.35E-02 8.18E-02 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Be-7 8.17E-02 8.92E-03 1.13E-02AP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Ce-141 4.08E-04 6.84E-04 2.26E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Ce-144 7.50E-04 7.53E-04 2.50E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Co-57 6.66E-05 8.52E-05 2.85E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Co-58 -7.39E-04 3.53E-04 7.35E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Co-60 5.52E-06 1.57E-04 5.24E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Cr-51 -2.20E-03 6.66E-03 2.16E-02 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Cs-134 -2.73E-04 1.80E-04 4.53E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Cs-137 -1.49E-04 1.39E-04 3.97E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Fe-59 -8.74E-04 8.04E-04 2.20E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 1-131 8.59E-02 7.97E-02 2.73E-01 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 K-40 3.51E-04 3.08E-03 5.24E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 La-140 2.80E-03 8.61E-03 2.97E-02 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Mn-54 3.40E-04 1.94E-04 5.79E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Nb-95 3.51E-04 2.30E-04 8.25E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Ru-103 3.50E-04 4.82E-04 1.62E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Ru-106 -1.30E-03 1.52E-03 4.63E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Sb-124 -3.41E-04 8.63E-04 2.59E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Sb-125 4.28E-04 4.01E-04 1.25E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Se-75 -4.5 1E-05 2.26E-04 7.49E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Th-228 2.44E-04 2.39E-04 8.23E-04 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Zn-65 -3.27E-04 4.67E-04 1.44E-03 UAP 07 341531006 12/26/2013 Zr-95 4.1OE-04 5.53E-04 1.74E-03 UAP 08 318308007 1/9/2013 BETA 4.27E-02 1.65E-03 5.57E-04AP 08 319076007 1/23/2013 BETA 2.84E-02 1.40E-03 6.42E-04AP 08 320051007 2/6/2013 BETA 2.96E-02 1.42E-03 6.16E-04AP 08 320865007 2/20/2013 BETA 2.70E-02 1.37E-03 6.59E-04AP 08 321597007 3/6/2013 BETA 9.45E-03 8.1OE-04 6.38E-04 MAP 08 322488007 3/20/2013 BETA 1.78E-02 1.11E-03 6.32E-04AP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Ac-228 -6.52E-04 5.57E-04 1.77E-03 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Ag-108m -8.13E-05 8.59E-05 2.62E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Ag- 110n 1.86E-04 1.70E-04 6.33E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Ba-140 1.51E-01 6.30E-02 1.81E-01 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Be-7 9.32E-02 8.25E-03 8.25E-03AP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Ce-141 -2.24E-04 8.13E-04 2.38E-03 U167 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)AP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Ce-144 -3.93E-04 5.67E-04 1.82E-03 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Co-57 -7.47E-05 6.94E-05 2.14E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Co-58 -2.08E-04 2.44E-04 7.46E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Co-60 -4.83E-05 1.43E-04 4.43E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Cr-51 -8.68E-03 8.53E-03 2.44E-02 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Cs-134 -2.98E-05 1.26E-04 4.05E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Cs-137 -3.97E-05 1.13E-04 3.38E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Fe-59 -8.83E-04 8.62E-04 2.41E-03 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 1-131 -4.90E-02 2.26E-01 0.OOE+00 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 K-40 1.88E-03 1.38E-03 5.28E-03 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 La-140 -1.06E-02 1.83E-02 5.51E-02 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Mn-54 -2.79E-04 1.43E-04 3.40E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Nb-95 0.OOE+00 5.95E-04 7.75E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Ru-103 9.88E-04 4.81E-04 1.61E-03 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Ru-106 -7.64E-04 1.12E-03 3.41E-03 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Sb-124 6.46E-04 7.16E-04 2.61E-03 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Sb-125 -1.64E-04 2.88E-04 9.21E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Se-75 2.81E-04 2.09E-04 6.82E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Th-228 2.31E-04 2.29E-04 6.85E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Zn-65 -2.52E-04 3.34E-04 9.94E-04 UAP 08 324991007 3/20/2013 Zr-95 -2.19E-05 4.89E-04 1.56E-03 UAP 08 323113007 4/3/2013 BETA 1.66E-02 1.08E-03 6.60E-04AP 08 324220007 4/17/2013 BETA 2.42E-02 1.31E-03 6.77E-04AP 08 325184007 5/1/2013 BETA 2.80E-02 1.41E-03 6.39E-04AP 08 326051007 5/15/2013 BETA 2.05E-02 1.19E-03 6.44E-04AP 08 326792007 5/29/2013 BETA 1.33E-02 9.72E-04 6.96E-04AP 08 327670007 6/12/2013 BETA 2.17E-02 1.24E-03 6.90E-04AP 08 328687007 6/26/2013 BETA 2.87E-02 1.43E-03 7.12E-04AP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Ac-228 4.40E-04 7.89E-04 2.64E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Ag-108m -1.27E-04 1.17E-04 3.37E-04 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Ag-110m 2.22E-04 3.53E-04 1.18E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Ba-140 -5.97E-01 3.65E-01 1.01E+00 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Be-7 1.34E-01 1.37E-02 1.73E-02AP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Ce-141 2.06E-04 2.63E-03 6.06E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Ce-144 -1.30E-03 8.05E-04 2.22E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Co-57 1.IIE-04 9.92E-05 3.26E-04 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Co-58 -1.50E-04 4.74E-04 1.50E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Co-60 1.87E-04 2.22E-04 7.71E-04 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Cr-51 -9.49E-03 1.87E-02 5.96E-02 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Cs-134 -2.58E-04 2.41E-04 6.83E-04 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Cs-137 2.50E-04 1.96E-04 6.09E-04 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Fe-59 4.01E-03 2.35E-03 8.13E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 1-131 0.OOE+00 3.68E+00 0.OOE+00 UIAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 K-40 0.OOE+00 2.29E-03 6.81E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 La-140 3.81E-02 9.87E-02 3.47E-01 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Mn-54 1.54E-04 2.45E-04 8.23E-04 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Nb-95 3.09E-05 5.53E-04 1.82E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Ru-103 2.18E-03 1.12E-03 3.15E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Ru-106 -6.47E-04 1.72E-03 5.55E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Sb-124 2.36E-03 1.60E-03 5.93E-03 UAP 08 332515007 6/26/2013 Sb-125 -4.95E-04 4.36E-04 1.26E-03 U168 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAP332515007 6/26/2013 Se-75332515007 6/26/2013 Th-228332515007 6/26/2013 Zn-65332515007 6/26/2013 Zr-95329425007 7/10/2013 BETA330436007 7/24/2013 BETA331291007 8/6/2013 BETA332164007 8/21/2013 BETA332954007 9/4/2013 BETA333830007 9/18/2013 BETA334746007 10/2/2013 BETA336546007 10/2/2013 Ac-228336546007 10/2/2013 Ag-108m336546007 10/2/2013 Ag-1 10m336546007 10/2/2013 Ba-140336546007 10/2/2013 Be-7336546007 10/2/2013 Ce-141336546007 10/2/2013 Ce-144336546007 10/2/2013 Co-57336546007 10/2/2013 Co-58336546007 10/2/2013 Co-60336546007 10/2/2013 Cr-51336546007 10/2/2013 Cs-134336546007 10/2/2013 Cs-137336546007 10/2/2013 Fe-59336546007 10/2/2013 1-131336546007 10/2/2013 K-40336546007 10/2/2013 La-140336546007 10/2/2013 Mn-54336546007 10/2/2013 Nb-95336546007 10/2/2013 Ru-103336546007 10/2/2013 Ru-106336546007 10/2/2013 Sb-124336546007 10/2/2013 Sb-125336546007 10/2/2013 Se-75336546007 10/2/2013 Th-228336546007 10/2/2013 Zn-65336546007 10/2/2013 Zr-95335889007 10/16/2013 BETA336705007 10/30/2013 BETA337650007 11/13/2013 BETA338356007 11/26/2013 BETA339378007 12/11/2013 BETA339984007 12/26/2013 BETA341531007 12/26/2013 Ac-228341531007 12/26/2013 Ag-108m341531007 12/26/2013 Ag-lIIm341531007 12/26/2013 Ba-140341531007 12/26/2013 Be-7341531007 12/26/2013 Ce-141341531007 12/26/2013 Ce-144CONC(pCi/m3)-4.56E-05 4.53E-041.53E-037.15 E-052.75E-022.96E-022.41 E-029.22E-034.16E-023.16E-022.29E-021.41 E-03-9.83E-05 1.1 7E-05-2.01E-02 9.37E-021.52E-035.44E-04-4.25E-05 6.06E-051.48E-047.48E-03-1.1 IE-04-2.OOE-04 4.69E-040.OOE+003.79E-03-1.75E-02 1.47E-042.48E-047.05E-05-1.42E-03


-8.20E-06 2.06E-045.98E-04-1.22E-04 9.70E-053.05E-022.76E-022.65E-022.86E-022.71E-023.3 1E-02-1.70E-03 2.48E-05-2.20E-04

-3.99E-02 9.24E-021.18E-055.80E-04STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)3.47E-04 1.01E-034.21E-04 6.94E-046.58E-04 2.08E-039.78E-04 3.23E-031.42E-03 6.89E-041.47E-03 7.36E-041.37E-03 6.87E-047.93E-04 6.06E-041.74E-03 6.57E-041.51E-03 7.04E-041.28E-03 7.01E-047.49E-04 1.92E-038.18E-05 2.39E-041.68E-04 5.62E-042.94E-02 9.01E-028.16E-03 6.95E-037.66E-04 1.84E-035.39E-04 1.81E-037.03E-05 2.26E-041.77E-04 6.1OE-041.03E-04 3.79E-045.88E-03 2.01E-029.95E-05 2.84E-041.17E-04 2.91E-046.45E-04 2.24E-031.09E-01 0.OOE+001.60E-03 3.93E-031.02E-02 2.OOE-021.34E-04 4.67E-042.69E-04 9.35E-043.41E-04 1.14E-031.32E-03 3.19E-036.55E-04 2.08E-032.64E-04 8.75E-042.01E-04 6.52E-042.64E-04 6.73E-042.93E-04 9.11E-044.21E-04 1.44E-031.37E-03 6.07E-041.29E-03 5.67E-041.26E-03 5.76E-04UUUUMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU1.36E-031.27E-031.38E-031.31E-032.14E-044.48E-044.81E-021.22E-021.13E-031.21E-035.97E-045.98E-045.08E-043.62E-036.99E-041.35E-031.46E-011.47E-023.66E-033.6 1E-03169 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSTYPE STATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)AP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Co-57 1.38E-04 1.49E-04 4.99E-04 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Co-58 1.69E-04 3.77E-04 1.31E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Co-60 -7.04E-07 2.75E-04 8.98E-04 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Cr-51 -4.62E-03 1.13E-02 3.62E-02 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Cs-134 3.69E-04 4.22E-04 9.66E-04 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Cs-137 1.17E-04 2.99E-04 1.02E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Fe-59 -1.62E-03 1.40E-03 3.51E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 1-131 7.55E-02 1.41E-01 4.76E-01 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 K-40 -4.35E-03 5.02E-03 1.56E-02 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 La-140 -1.14E-02 1.84E-02 5.39E-02 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Mn-54 6.05E-04 3.39E-04 1.21E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Nb-95 -9.46E-04 5.48E-04 1.19E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Ru-103 -3.03E-04 7.82E-04 2.39E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Ru-106 3.27E-03 2.95E-03 9.49E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Sb-124 -2.36E-03 2.15E-03 5.77E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Sb-125 4.65E-04 7.65E-04 2.56E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Se-75 -9.01E-05 3.65E-04 1.20E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Th-228 1.30E-06 5.96E-04 1.48E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Zn-65 1.27E-04 6.07E-04 2.08E-03 UAP 08 341531007 12/26/2013 Zr-95 -3.09E-05 1.04E-03 3.41E-03 UAP 09 318308008 1/9/2013 BETA 4.73E-02 1.80E-03 6.04E-04AP 09 319076008 1/23/2013 BETA 2.78E-02 1.38E-03 6.36E-04AP 09 320051008 2/6/2013 BETA 2.98E-02 1.42E-03 6.20E-04AP 09 320865008 2/20/2013 BETA 2.43E-02 1.30E-03 6.64E-04AP 09 321597008 3/6/2013 BETA 1.26E-02 9.47E-04 6.59E-04AP 09 322488008 3/20/2013 BETA 2.1OE-02 1.22E-03 6.47E-04AP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Ac-228 5.14E-04 9.1OE-04 1.77E-03 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Ag-108m 5.59E-05 1.05E-04 3.31E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Ag-1 10m 1.30E-04 1.97E-04 6.64E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Ba-140 2.83E-02 5.75E-02 1.95E-01 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Be-7 8.01E-02 7.84E-03 9.05E-03AP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Ce-141 -1.77E-03 1.00E-03 2.56E-03 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Ce-144 1.50E-04 5.67E-04 1.92E-03 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Co-57 -9.65E-05 7.52E-05 2.30E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Co-58 8.04E-05 2.51E-04 8.34E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Co-60 7.60E-05 1.12E-04 3.94E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Cr-51 1.15E-02 8.57E-03 2.80E-02 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Cs-134 -2.90E-04 1.84E-04 4.28E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Cs-137 1.72E-04 1.30E-04 4.41E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Fe-59 1.04E-04 7.13E-04 2.42E-03 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 1-131 -1.38E-01 2.72E-01 0.OOE+00 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 K-40 3.15E-03 1.34E-03 3.77E-03 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 La-140 7.54E-03 1.41E-02 4.94E-02 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Mn-54 2.49E-04 1.25E-04 3.55E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Nb-95 3.34E-04 2.75E-04 9.40E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Ru-103 -1.01E-03 5.43E-04 1.45E-03 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Ru-106 1.35E-03 1.29E-03 4.39E-03 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Sb-124 4.29E-04 6.82E-04 2.38E-03 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Sb-125 -1.42E-04 2.98E-04 9.51E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Se-75 2.36E-05 2.08E-04 6.83E-04 UAP 09 324991008 3/20/2013 Th-228 7.07E-05 3.07E-04 6.64E-04 U170 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909324991008 324991008 323113008 324220008 325184008 326051008 326792008 327670008 328687008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 332515008 329425008 330436008 331291008 332164008 332954008 333830008 334746008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 4/3/20134/17/2013 5/1/20135/15/2013 5/29/2013 6/12/2013 6/25/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 7/10/2013 7/24/2013 8/6/20138/21/2013 9/4/20139/18/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/20 1310/2/2013 Zn-65Zr-95BETABETABETABETABETABETABETAAc-228Ag-108mAg-I li0mBa- 140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs- 137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95BETABETABETABETABETABETABETAAc-228Ag-108mAg-I l0mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57CONC(pCi/m3)-4.52E-04 4.21 E-041.59E-022.45E-022.77E-022.13E-021.39E-021.93E-022.86E-021.29E-032.81 E-04-2.08E-05 8.87E-031.20E-01-2.25E-04



-1.65E-04 1.83E-059.33E-032.04E-04-1.05E-04

-1.33E-03 0.OOE+001.68E-038.57E-02-1.67E-04 3.93E-045.73E-043.97E-041.52E-05-1.78E-04

-7.43E-05 2.95E-044.5 1E-046.38E-043.OOE-023.06E-022.52E-029.64E-034.32E-023.20E-022.42E-02-3.57E-04 6.03E-062.76E-044.20E-029.36E-02-3.68E-04 2.5 1E-046.63E-06STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)3.14E-044.95E-041.08E-031.35E-031.42E-031.22E-039.82E-041.16E-031.47E-036.04E-041.70E-041.99E-042.1 IE-011.09E-021.54E-035.94E-047.96E-052.45E-041.36E-041.40E-021.28E-041.18E-041.29E-032.85E+001.70E-038.39E-021.56E-043.67E-047.38E-041.18E-031.02E-033.72E-042.60E-042.36E-043.84E-046.17E-041.41E-031.46E-031.38E-037.98E-041.76E-031.50E-031.30E-035.82E-048.14E-051.95E-043.29E-028.14E-034.87E-044.83E-045.35E-058.34E-041.69E-036.81E-047.05E-046.58E-046.56E-046.81 E-046.85E-047.53E-041.61E-033.OOE-046.55E-046.92E-011.10E-024.72E-031.80E-032.37E-047.53E-044.44E-044.81E-024.50E-043.30E-043.61E-030.OOE+003.04E-033.03E-014.65E-041. 17E-032.51 E-033.58E-033.37E-031.04E-037.20E-045.2 1E-041.21E-032.17E-036.2 1E-047.09E-046.63E-045.89E-046.43E-046.87E-046.84E-041.90E-032.52E-046.78E-041.13E-016.66E-031.53E-031.48E-031.80E-04UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIUUUUUUUUUUUUMUUUUUUU171 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPSTATION LSN09090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 336546008 335889008 336705008 337650008 338356008 339378008 339984008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 341531008 ENDDATE10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 10/16/2013 10/30/2013 11/13/2013 11/26/2013 12/11/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 NUCLIDECo-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95BETABETABETABETABETABETAAc-228Ag- 108mAg-I li0mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75CONC(pCi/m3)-1.65E-04

-2.20E-04 6.96E-031.18E-042.90E-04-7.37E-04 0.OOE+007.78E-041.66E-025.01E-051.16E-04-8.24E-05 5.14E-064.35E-044.07E-042.16E-043.39E-04-2.58E-05

-2.98E-04 3.09E-022.49E-022.58E-022.59E-023.07E-023.11E-02-7.65E-05 1.73E-042.97E-06-1.56E-02 9.47E-02-1.41E-03 2.48E-04-5.36E-05 5.30E-04-1.44E-04 1.61E-021.1OE-04-1.85E-04

-5.91 E-041.89E-012.95E-03-5.17E-03 1.66E-043.16E-04-2.38E-04 4.37E-043.65E-042.62E-044.87E-05STD.DEV.

MDC(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)1.96E-041.61E-045.14E-031.12E-041.59E-047.54E-041.01E-011.91E-031.44E-021.29E-042.41 E-044.08E-041.14E-034.5 1E-043.1OE-041.80E-041.99E-042.70E-044.56E-041.36E-031.21E-031.23E-031.28E-031.33E-031.29E-036.63E-041.47E-042.53E-042.87E-028.76E-038.90E-047.53 E-041. 1 3E-043.52E-041.61E-048.69E-031.49E-041.41E-048.89E-049.70E-022.63E-031.08E-022.06E-043.98E-045.44E-041.63E-036.32E-044.39E-042.55E-045.82E-044.08E-041.78E-024.02E-043.33E-042.08E-030.OOE+006.76E-035.23E-024.44E-048.35E-041.32E-033.69E-031.77E-039.65E-045.89E-044.36E-048.68E-041.43E-035.91 E-045.59E-045.63E-045.8 1E-045.73E-044.70E-042.37E-035.13E-048.43E-048.77E-029.66E-032.46E-032.54E-033.63E-041.27E-033.97E-042.95E-025.42E-043.39E-042.54E-033.33E-019.52E-033.22E-027.29E-041.41 E-031.71E-035.40E-032.39E-031.51E-038.23E-04FLAGSUUUUUUUIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU172 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATECONCNUCLIDE (pCi/m3)STD.DEV.

MDC(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)FLAGSSTATION LSNAP 09 341531008 AP 09 341531008 AP 09 341531008 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 12/26/2013 Th-228Zn-65Zr-953.93E-04-9.48E-05 5.88E-043.43E-046.26E-045.42E-049.98E-042.03E-031.99E-03UUU173 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCF010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010102020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202318308009 1/9/2013 1-131319076009 1/23/2013 1-131320051009 2/6/2013 1-131320865009 2/20/2013 1-131321597009 3/6/2013 1-131322488009 3/20/2013 1-131323113009 4/3/2013 1-131324220009 4/17/2013 1-131325184009 5/1/2013 1-131326051009 5/15/2013 1-131326792009 5/29/2013 1-131327670009 6/12/2013 1-131328687009 6/26/2013 1-131329425009 7/10/2013 1-131330436009 7/24/2013 1-131331291009 8/6/2013 1-131332164009 8/21/2013 1-131332954009 9/4/2013 1-131333830009 9/18/2013 1-131334746009 10/2/2013 1-131335889009 10/16/2013 1-131336705009 10/30/2013 1-131337650009 11/13/2013 1-131338356009 11/26/2013 1-131339378009 12/11/2013 1-131339984009 12/26/2013 1-131318308010 1/9/2013 1-131319076010 1/23/2013 1-131320051010 2/6/2013 1-131320865010 2/20/2013 1-131321597010 3/6/2013 1-131322488010 3/20/2013 1-131323113010 4/3/2013 1-131324220010 4/17/2013 1-131325184010 5/1/2013 1-131326051010 5/15/2013 1-131326792010 5/29/2013 1-131327670010 6/12/2013 1-131328687010 6/26/2013 1-131329425010 7/10/2013 1-131330436010 7/24/2013 1-131331291010 8/6/2013 1-131332164010 8/21/2013 1-131332954010 9/4/2013 1-131333830010 9/18/2013 1-131334746010 10/2/2013 1-131335889010 10/16/2013 1-131336705010 10/30/2013 1-131337650010 11/13/2013 1-131338356010 11/26/2013 1-131339378010 12/11/2013 1-131CONC(pCi/mr3)2.32E-03-3.41E-03 9.19E-04-3.56E-04

-5.39E-05 3.13E-03-3.44E-03 5.97E-03-2.40E-03



-2.57E-03 8.96E-03-1.33E-03 3.28E-033.49E-03-1.46E-04 7.10E-04-2.11 E-03-1.10E-03 1.60E-03-8.09E-03 4.79E-036.39E-041.22E-02-2.81 E-038.03E-042.7 1E-036.29E-036.12E-05-9.02E-05 2.05E-033.74E-032.02E-031.99E-036.98E-03-2.36E-03 4.3 1E-044.22E-03-3.31 E-037.46E-03-5.38E-03

-1.48E-03 3.12E-033.69E-031.21 E-03-5.09E-05 1.02E-03-8.49E-03 2.79E-03-2.42E-03 STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)2.52E-03 8.50E-032.54E-03 6.08E-032.37E-03 7.95E-033.44E-03 1.1OE-023.44E-03

1. 13E-021.98E-03 6.43E-032.87E-03 7.43E-034.55E-03 1.59E-023.56E-03 1.11 E-024.82E-03 1.42E-023.28E-03 9.94E-032.45E-03 6.47E-036.42E-03 2.25E-023.89E-03 1.24E-023.26E-03 1.29E-026.82E-03 2.3 1E-023.14E-03 1.05E-023.70E-03 1.23E-024.61E-03 1.35E-022.27E-03 7.OOE-032.47E-03 8.86E-035.49E-03 1.33E-024.23E-03 1.48E-023.72E-03 1.22E-026.60E-03 2.34E-024.24E-03 1.22E-021.35E-03 4.59E-032.71E-03 9.72E-032.62E-03 8.72E-032.17E-03 7.20E-032.3 1E-03 7.63E-031.87E-03 6.32E-033.22E-03 1.14E-023.71E-03 1.31E-022.07E-03 7.16E-036.66E-03 2.37E-022.52E-03 6.92E-033.68E-03 1.23E-024.46E-03 1.61E-025.59E-03 1.71E-026.38E-03 2.32E-024.09E-03 1.11 E-024.75E-03 1.49E-023.24E-03 1.23E-024.64E-03 1.62E-022.59E-03 8.58E-035.49E-03 1.76E-023.11E-03 1.07E-024.53E-03 1.03E-024.50E-03 1.42E-024.26E-03 1.14E-02174 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCF020303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404339984010 12/26/2013 1-131318308011 1/9/2013 1-131319076011 1/23/2013 1-131320051011 2/6/2013 1-131320865011 2/20/2013 1-131321597011 3/6/2013 1-131322488011 3/20/2013 1-131323113011 4/3/2013 1-131324220011 4/17/2013 1-131325184011 5/1/2013 1-131326051011 5/15/2013 1-131326792011 5/29/2013 1-131327670011 6/12/2013 1-131328687011 6/26/2013 1-131329425011 7/10/2013 1-131330436011 7/24/2013 1-131331291011 8/6/2013 1-131332164011 8/21/2013 1-131332954011 9/4/2013 1-131333830011 9/18/2013 1-131334746011 10/2/2013 1-131335889011 10/16/2013 1-131336705011 10/30/2013 1-131337650011 11/13/2013 1-131338356011 11/26/2013 1-131339378011 12/11/2013 1-131339984011 12/26/2013 1-131318308012 1/9/2013 1-131319076012 1/23/2013 1-131320051012 2/6/2013 1-131320865012 2/20/2013 1-131321597012 3/6/2013 1-131322488012 3/20/2013 1-131323113012 4/3/2013 1-131324220012 4/17/2013 1-131325184012 5/1/2013 1-131326051012 5/15/2013 1-131326792012 5/29/2013 1-131327670012 6/12/2013 1-131328687012 6/26/2013 1-131329425012 7/10/2013 1-131330436012 7/24/2013 1-131331291012 8/6/2013 1-131332164012 8/21/2013 1-131332954012 9/4/2013 1-131333830012 9/18/2013 1-131334746012 10/2/2013 1-131335889012 10/16/2013 1-131336705012 10/30/2013 1-131337650012 11/13/2013 1-131338356012 11/26/2013 1-131CONC(pCi/m3)-1.10OE-03 0.OOE+002.01E-03-1.51E-03 8.30E-035.18E-03-7.63E-04

-5.56E-03 1.09E-033.55E-031.66E-032.09E-033.3 1 E-03-5.011E-03 9.99E-03-3.73E-03

-2.80E-03 4.52E-032.89E-04-8.78E-04 6.2 1E-03-2.71E-03 4.03E-037.19E-04-6.32E-03



-1.74E-03 4.87E-04-5.26E-03




-5.37E-03 2.22E-03-2.96E-04 3.49E-03-1.57E-03

-1.43E-03 1.61 E-048.90E-03-1.96E-02

-9.02E-03 1.78E-03-8.85E-03






-8.71 E-04STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)4.25E-03 1.34E-024.09E-03 5.30E-032.35E-03 8.32E-032.14E-03 6.53E-035.711E-03 1.97E-024.79E-03 1.68E-023.45E-03 1.12E-024.08E-03 1.05E-022.86E-03 1.00E-023.78E-03 1.166E-02 3.74E-03 9.56E-032.69E-03 9.69E-033.34E-03 1.14E-024.911E-03 1.35E-021.25E-02 4.32E-024.92E-03 1.40E-022.311E-03 6.29E-032.96E-03 1.IIE-025.32E-03 1.73E-023.38E-03 1.04E-024.14E-03 1.09E-024.01E-03 1.22E-023.86E-03 1.35E-026.08E-03 2.02E-024.71E-03 1.21E-023.97E-03 1.25E-025.76E-03 1.44E-021.70E-03 5.10E-035.111E-03 1.70E-024.60E-03 1.40E-023.43E-03 1.122E-02 3.45E-03 8.85E-033.54E-03 1.144E-02 4.05E-03 1.04E-023.44E-03 1.20E-022.111E-03 6.84E-032.95E-03 1.01E-024.28E-03 1.35E-023.05E-03 9.24E-035.93E-03 2.OOE-025.17E-03 1.94E-028.96E-03 1.40E-024.49E-03 1.04E-023.66E-03 1.29E-024.89E-03 7.79E-034.5 1E-03 1.43E-024.30E-03 1.171E-02 3.02E-03 9.90E-032.86E-03 8.97E-033.26E-03 1.04E-023.73E-03

1. 16E-02175 Seabrook REMIP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCF040405050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707339378012 12/11/2013 1-131339984012 12/26/2013 1-131318308013 1/9/2013 1-131319076013 1/23/2013 1-131320051013 2/6/2013 1-131320865013 2/20/2013 1-131321597013 3/6/2013 1-131322488013 3/20/2013 1-131323113013 4/3/2013 1-131324220013 4/17/2013 1-131325184013 5/1/2013 1-131326051013 5/15/2013 1-131326792013 5/29/2013 1-131327670013 6/12/2013 1-131328687013 6/26/2013 1-131329425013 7/10/2013 1-131330436013 7/24/2013 1-131331291013 8/6/2013 1-131332164013 8/21/2013 1-131332954013 9/4/2013 1-131333830013 9/18/2013 1-131334746013 10/2/2013 1-131335889013 10/16/2013 1-131336705013 10/30/2013 1-131337650013 11/13/2013 1-131338356013 11/26/2013 1-131339378013 12/11/2013 1-131339984013 12/26/2013 1-131318308014 1/9/2013 1-131319076014 1/23/2013 1-131320051014 2/6/2013 1-131320865014 2/20/2013 1-131321597014 3/6/2013 1-131322488014 3/20/2013 1-131323113014 4/3/2013 1-131324220014 4/17/2013 1-131325184014 5/1/2013 1-131326051014 5/15/2013 1-131326792014 5/29/2013 1-131327670014 6/12/2013 1-131328687014 6/26/2013 1-131329425014 7/10/2013 1-131330436014 7/24/2013 1-131331291014 8/6/2013 1-131332164014 8/21/2013 1-131332954014 9/4/2013 1-131333830014 9/18/2013 1-131334746014 10/2/2013 1-131335889014 10/16/2013 1-131336705014 10/30/2013 1-131337650014 11/13/2013 1-131CONC(pCi/m3)0.OOE+008.76E-032.59E-032.64E-031.33E-03-3.81E-04 3.10E-038.52E-05-1.07E-03


-2.13E-03 8.06E-05-3.34E-03

-3.30E-03 6.49E-04-5.57E-03


-2.05E-04 4.99E-04-4.38E-03


-8.24E-04 2.27E-03-5.03E-03 4.88E-03-5.84E-03

-4.54E-03 4.33E-03-2.35E-05 3.93E-03-4.46E-03




-3.92E-03 1.38E-041.14E-03-I.10E-03 2.12E-031.14E-031.97E-039.57E-05-3.58E-03 2.3 1E-035.53E-03-5.32E-03 1.39E-03-1.91E-03

-6.24E-03 4.42E-032.80E-03STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)4.08E-03 9.39E-034.24E-03 1.62E-021.96E-03 6.74E-032.55E-03 9.11E-031.98E-03 6.84E-031.90E-03 6.16E-032.81E-03 9.85E-031.43E-03 4.80E-031.99E-03 6.13E-036.29E-03 1.67E-022.71E-03 8.06E-032.57E-03 8.68E-033.12E-03 9.01E-032.94E-03 8.33E-033.58E-03 1.22E-023.44E-03 9.37E-034.23E-03 1.05E-023.56E-03 1.15E-024.OOE-03 1.35E-024.11E-03 1.06E-025.95E-03 1.73E-022.OOE-03 6.31E-033.70E-03 1.32E-024.69E-03 1.28E-023.05E-03 1.06E-024.50E-03 1.13E-023.95E-03 1.13E-024.12E-03 1.53E-021.57E-03 5.24E-033.38E-03 1.19E-023.76E-03 1.07E-023.59E-03 I .lIE-023.99E-03 1.24E-023.60E-03 1.17E-023.66E-03 1.02E-024.16E-03 1.35E-022.16E-03 7.45E-032.92E-03 9.31E-033.06E-03 1.09E-022.58E-03 8.81E-034.60E-03 1.59E-026.03E-03 2.02E-023.98E-03 1.13E-022.96E-03 1.03E-023.26E-03 1.15E-025.15E-03 1.30E-023.55E-03 1.25E-022.71E-03 6.75E-036.67E-03 1.78E-022.89E-03 1.07E-023.50E-03 1.25E-02176 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCF070707080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080809090909090909090909090909090909090909090909338356014 11/26/2013 1-131339378014 12/11/2013 1-131339984014 12/26/2013 1-131318308015 1/9/2013 1-131319076015 1/23/2013 1-131320051015 2/6/2013 1-131320865015 2/20/2013 1-131321597015 3/6/2013 1-131322488015 3/20/2013 1-131323113015 4/3/2013 1-131324220015 4/17/2013 1-131325184015 5/1/2013 1-131326051015 5/15/2013 1-131326792015 5/29/2013 1-131327670015 6/12/2013 1-131328687015 6/26/2013 1-131329425015 7/10/2013 1-131330436015 7/24/2013 1-131331291015 8/6/2013 1-131332164015 8/21/2013 1-131332954015 9/4/2013 1-131333830015 9/18/2013 1-131334746015 10/2/2013 1-131335889015 10/16/2013 1-131336705015 10/30/2013 1-131337650015 11/13/2013 1-131338356015 11/26/2013 1-131339378015 12/11/2013 1-131339984015 12/26/2013 1-131318308016 1/9/2013 1-131319076016 1/23/2013 1-131320051016 2/6/2013 1-131320865016 2/20/2013 1-131321597016 3/6/2013 1-131322488016 3/20/2013 1-131323113016 4/3/2013 1-131324220016 4/17/2013 1-131325184016 5/1/2013 1-131326051016 5/15/2013 1-131326792016 5/29/2013 1-131327670016 6/12/2013 1-131328687016 6/25/2013 1-131329425016 7/10/2013 1-131330436016 7/24/2013 1-131331291016 8/6/2013 1-131332164016 8/21/2013 1-131332954016 9/4/2013 1-131333830016 9/18/2013 1-131334746016 10/2/2013 1-131335889016 10/16/2013 1-131336705016 10/30/2013 1-131CONC(pCi/m3)-1.67E-03 1.28E-03-9.09E-04 1.06E-033.77E-030.OOE+00-3.07E-03 1.99E-032.58E-03-2.18E-03 2.20E-031.20E-031.02E-032.04E-03-1.49E-03

-1.43E-03 1.20E-04-9.53E-03

-5.18E-03 2.06E-031.73E-03-6.07E-03

-1.98E-03 2.77E-03-1.28E-03

-8.94E-04 1.72E-033.8 1E-04-1.55E-03 3.91 E-04-1.85E-03

-2.63E-03 1.46E-041.25E-038.42E-04-2.50E-03

-5.88E-04 4.74E-047.49E-03-3.02E-03

-6.53E-04 4.99E-03-2.91E-05 8.43E-03-1.80E-04 1.10E-03-7.1 OE-033.62E-03-1.38E-03 2.96E-03-7.03E-03 STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)2.57E-03 7.98E-033.21E-03 1.07E-022.98E-03 9.18E-031.85E-03 6.17E-032.81E-03 8.08E-032.96E-03 7.06E-032.53E-03 7.20E-032.41E-03 7.38E-032.OOE-03 6.89E-032.25E-03 6.12E-033.38E-03 1.21E-023.96E-03 1.34E-022.15E-03 7.43E-035.48E-03 1.85E-022.2 1E-03 6.62E-035.60E-03 1.83E-029.52E-03 3.12E-026.36E-03 1.48E-023.32E-03 8.41E-032.35E-03 8.09E-033.78E-03 1.29E-023.76E-03 7.42E-032.64E-03 8.02E-033.81E-03 1.42E-022.64E-03 8.11 E-033.50E-03 1.11E-023.92E-03 1.37E-024.13E-03 1.40E-024.84E-03 1.56E-021.61E-03 5.35E-032.86E-03 8.64E-032.17E-03 5.84E-033.79E-03 1.23E-023.13E-03 1.03E-022.12E-03 7.26E-033.10E-03 8.96E-032.92E-03 9.38E-032.18E-03 7.36E-034.16E-03 1.31E-023.15E-03 9.1OE-032.66E-03 8.64E-035.OOE-03 1.76E-023.93E-03 1.30E-025.44E-03 2.05E-023.3 1E-03 1.09E-022.47E-03 7.38E-033.76E-03 5.73E-034.54E-03 1.65E-022.04E-03 6.37E-033.91E-03 1.44E-025.60E-03 1.59E-02177 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESTATION LSNEND CONC STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGSDATE NUCLIDE (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3) (pCi/m3)CFCFCFCF09090909337650016 11/13/2013 1-131338356016 11/26/2013 1-131339378016 12/11/2013 1-131339984016 12/26/2013 1-1311.92E-034.75E-033.07E-03-9.49E-03 2.66E-03 9.17E-033.02E-03 1.11E-023.27E-03 1.14E-027.20E-03 1.92E-02UUUU178 Seabrook REMiP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFH322292001 3/11/2013 Ac-228322292001 3/11/2013 Ag-108m322292001 3/11/2013 Ag-110m322292001 3/11/2013 Ba-140322292001 3/11/2013 Be-7322292001 3/11/2013 Bi-214322292001 3/11/2013 Ce-141322292001 3/11/2013 Ce-144322292001 3/11/2013 Co-57322292001 3/11/2013 Co-58322292001 3/11/2013 Co-60322292001 3/11/2013 Cr-51322292001 3/11/2013 Cs-134322292001 3/11/2013 Cs-137322292001 3/11/2013 Fe-59322292001 3/11/2013 1-131322292001 3/11/2013 K-40322292001 3/11/2013 La-140322292001 3/11/2013 Mn-54322292001 3/11/2013 Nb-95322292001 3/11/2013 Pb-212322292001 3/11/2013 Pb-214322292001 3/11/2013 Ra-226322292001 3/11/2013 Ru-103322292001 3/11/2013 Ru-106322292001 3/11/2013 Sb-124322292001 3/11/2013 Sb-125322292001 3/11/2013 Se-75322292001 3/11/2013 Th-228322292001 3/11/2013 Th-230322292001 3/11/2013 TI-208322292001 3/11/2013 Zn-65322292001 3/11/2013 Zr-95326868001 5/20/2013 Ac-228326868001 5/20/2013 Ag- 108m326868001 5/20/2013 Ag-I1Oni326868001 5/20/2013 Ba-140326868001 5/20/2013 Be-7326868001 5/20/2013 Bi-214326868001 5/20/2013 Ce-141326868001 5/20/2013 Ce-144326868001 5/20/2013 Co-57326868001 5/20/2013 Co-58326868001 5/20/2013 Co-60326868001 5/20/2013 Cr-51326868001 5/20/2013 Cs-134326868001 5/20/2013 Cs-137326868001 5/20/2013 Fe-59326868001 5/20/2013 1-131326868001 5/20/2013 K-40326868001 5/20/2013 La-140CONC(pCi/kg)2.19E+00-2.26E+00


-6.87E+00 6.15E-016.5 1E-014.45E+006.28E-011.61E-01-1.19E+00 2.64E+001.02E+013.99E+00-1.92E-02

-8.30E+00 8.OOE+002.35E+035.19E+001.62E+004.87E+002.44E+00-1.41E+01 6.5 1E-018.63E-014.OOE+0 16.60E+00-1.19E+00 6.38E-012.44E+006.51E-014.11E+00-5.13E+00 5.OOE+000.OOE+00-7.57E-01

-2.14E+00 1.16E+017.46E+000.OOE+000.OOE+004.64E+00-1.01E+00 1.87E+007.87E-012.3 1E+01-1.99E-01 1.73E+001.19E+00-8.OOE-01 3.45E+032.50E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.49E+01 2.73E+011.97E+00 6.15E+003.33E+00 9.33E+001.39E+01 4.47E+012.36E+01 6.75E+018.62E+00 1.57E+014.06E+00 1.16E+011.17E+01 3.87E+011.46E+00 4.85E+002.36E+00 7.75E+002.42E+00 8.08E+002.16E+01 7.26E+012.47E+00 7.92E+002.44E+00 7.88E+005.44E+00 1.58E+015.64E+00 1.82E+011.35E+02 6.90E+014.01E+00 1.33E+012.22E+00 7.39E+002.59E+00 8.12E+006.43E+00 1.37E+018.75E+00 1.66E+018.62E+00 1.57E+012.85E+00 8.15E+002.24E+01 6.85E+015.88E+00 1.70E+015.93E+00 1.96E+012.90E+00 9.33E+006.43E+00 1.37E+018.62E+00 1.57E+015.28E+00 7.48E+005.37E+00 1.67E+014.22E+00 1.40E+018.03E+00 1.44E+019.34E-01 2.94E+001.61E+00 4.85E+001.04E+01 3.33E+011.12E+01 3.65E+014.30E+00 7.29E+003.20E+00 6.92E+006.90E+00 2.20E+019.58E-01 2.93E+001.34E+00 4.03E+001.23E+00 4.02E+001.52E+01 4.07E+011.19E+00 3.96E+001.18E+00 3.87E+003.25E+00 1.07E+014.68E+00 1.53E+011.65E+02 3.27E+012.88E+00 9.78E+00179 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFH326868001 5/20/2013 Mn-54326868001 5/20/2013 Nb-95326868001 5/20/2013 Pb-212326868001 5/20/2013 Pb-214326868001 5/20/2013 Ra-226326868001 5/20/2013 Ru-103326868001 5/20/2013 Ru-106326868001 5/20/2013 Sb-124326868001 5/20/2013 Sb-125326868001 5/20/2013 Se-75326868001 5/20/2013 Th-228326868001 5/20/2013 Th-230326868001 5/20/2013 TI-208326868001 5/20/2013 Zn-65326868001 5/20/2013 Zr-95332271001 8/20/2013 Ac-228332271001 8/20/2013 Ag-108m332271001 8/20/2013 Ag-I l0m332271001 8/20/2013 Ba-140332271001 8/20/2013 Be-7332271001 8/20/2013 Bi-214332271001 8/20/2013 Ce-141332271001 8/20/2013 Ce-144332271001 8/20/2013 Co-57332271001 8/20/2013 Co-58332271001 8/20/2013 Co-60332271001 8/20/2013 Cr-51332271001 8/20/2013 Cs-134332271001 8/20/2013 Cs-137332271001 8/20/2013 Fe-59332271001 8/20/2013 1-131332271001 8/20/2013 K-40332271001 8/20/2013 La-140332271001 8/20/2013 Mn-54332271001 8/20/2013 Nb-95332271001 8/20/2013 Pb-212332271001 8/20/2013 Pb-214332271001 8/20/2013 Ra-226332271001 8/20/2013 Ru-103332271001 8/20/2013 Ru-106332271001 8/20/2013 Sb-124332271001 8/20/2013 Sb-125332271001 8/20/2013 Se-75332271001 8/20/2013 Th-228332271001 8/20/2013 Th-230332271001 8/20/2013 TI-208332271001 8/20/2013 Zn-65332271001 8/20/2013 Zr-95332456001 8/27/2013 Ac-228332456001 8/27/2013 Ag-108m332456001 8/27/2013 Ag-lr0mCONC(pCi/kg)2.56E-01-1.59E-01 0.OOE+007.29E+000.OOE+00-4.37E-01 1.41E+01-2.79E+00

-3.46E+00 2.73E+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+00-2.21 E+00-1.00E+00 1.12E+01-1.89E+00 3.60E-01-1.15E+01 7.95E+001.50E-014.72E+001.05E+01-3.56E-01 2.67E+002.76E+001.15E+014.06E+004.05E+003.95E+002.48E+003.65E+03-6.76E+00

-1.38E+00 4.62E+002.23E+005.88E+001.50E-016.82E-011.96E+01-1.43E+00


-3.24E+00 2.23E+001.50E-011.83E+00-1.47E+002.83E+003.55E+015.49E-013.69E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.16E+00 3.88E+001.45E+00 4.19E+003.66E+00 7.01E+003.57E+00 8.24E+004.30E+00 7.29E+001.34E+00 4.29E+001.04E+01 3.26E+012.75E+00 8.42E+003.42E+00 9.21E+001.56E+00 4.91E+003.66E+00 7.01E+004.30E+00 7.29E+001.72E+00 3.43E+003.05E+00 9.59E+002.14E+00 7.03E+002.07E+01 2.90E+011.67E+00 4.98E+002.88E+00 9.58E+001.56E+01 4.78E+011.82E+01 6.OOE+014.64E+00 1.41E+013.81E+00 1.20E+011.20E+01 3.83E+011.50E+00 4.75E+002.11 E+00 7.14E+002.42E+00 8.08E+002.24E+01 7.51E+012.38E+00 7.87E+002.22E+00 7.33E+007.05E+00 2.05E+017.42E+00 2.47E+011.96E+02 5.36E+014.13E+00 1.00E+012.12E+00 5.73E+002.33E+00 7.58E+004.76E+00 1.14E+016.31E+00 1.58E+014.64E+00 1.41E+012.16E+00 7.08E+001.84E+01 6.OOE+014.05E+00 1.29E+015.25E+00 1.65E+012.66E+00 8.22E+004.76E+00 1.14E+014.64E+00 1.41E+012.38E+00 7.3 1E+005.72E+00 1.58E+014.03E+00 1.37E+012.85E+01 5.21E+012.74E+00 9.13E+004.55E+00 1.53E+01180 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESTATION LSNEND CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCiikg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)FHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFH030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303332456001 8/27/2013 Ba-140 5.87E+01332456001 8/27/2013 Be-7 -1.83E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Bi-214 2.10E+01332456001 8/27/2013 Ce-141 -9.77E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Ce-144 -1.40E+01 332456001 8/27/2013 Co-57 -1.61E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Co-58 -1.69E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Co-60 -1.52E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Cr-51 3.10E+01332456001 8/27/2013 Cs-134 -1.55E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Cs-137 6.78E+00332456001 8/27/2013 Fe-59 -7.12E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 1-131 -9.25E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 K-40 2.55E+03332456001 8/27/2013 La-140 -4.79E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Mn-54 2.77E+00332456001 8/27/2013 Nb-95 -3.0]E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Pb-212 -8.15E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Pb-214 1.42E+01332456001 8/27/2013 Ra-226 2.1OE+01332456001 8/27/2013 Ru-103 4.45E+00332456001 8/27/2013 Ru-106 -1.64E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Sb-124 -1.82E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Sb-125 9.21E+00332456001 8/27/2013 Se-75 -3.34E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Th-228 -8.15E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Th-230 2.10E+01332456001 8/27/2013 TI-208 3.26E+00332456001 8/27/2013 Zn-65 -6.73E+00 332456001 8/27/2013 Zr-95 -6.43E+00 338542001 11/25/2013 Ac-228 2.95E+01338542001 11/25/2013 Ag-108m 7.69E+00338542001 11/25/2013 Ag-I l0m 1.97E+01338542001 11/25/2013 Ba-140 -1.27E+02 338542001 11/25/2013 Be-7 -7.99E+00 338542001 11/25/2013 Bi-214 2.43E+01338542001 11/25/2013 Ce-141 -8.43E+00 338542001 11/25/2013 Ce-144 6.22E+01338542001 11/25/2013 Co-57 5.16E+00338542001 11/25/2013 Co-58 1.16E+01338542001 11/25/2013 Co-60 7.29E+00338542001 11/25/2013 Cr-51 1.40E+02338542001 11/25/2013 Cs-134 1.45E+01338542001 11/25/2013 Cs-137 8.29E+00338542001 11/25/2013 Fe-59 -9.57E+00 338542001 11/25/2013 1-131 -5.62E+01 338542001 11/25/2013 K-40 2.18E+03338542001 11/25/2013 La-140 1.60E+00338542001 11/25/2013 Mn-54 5.85E+00338542001 11/25/2013 Nb-95 3.61E+00338542001 11/25/2013 Pb-212 5.22E+003.12E+01 7.84E+012.82E+01 9.27E+011.50E+01 2.94E+017.93E+00 1.86E+011.78E+01 5.71E+012.33E+00 7.55E+003.38E+00 1.1OE+013.55E+00 1.11E+014.62E+01 1.21E+023.21E+00 1.05E+013.67E+00 1.15E+018.20E+00 2.12E+011.25E+01 3.19E+011.65E+02 1.22E+027.01E+00 2.19E+013.75E+00 1.12E+013.49E+00 1.12E+018.91E+00 2.24E+011.35E+01 2.79E+011.50E+01 2.94E+013.67E+00 1.21E+012.74E+01 8.83E+016.96E+00 2.25E+018.96E+00 2.98E+014.62E+00 1.43E+018.91E+00 2.24E+011.50E+01 2.94E+016.75E+00 9.61E+007.93E+00 2.44E+016.15E+00 1.93E+013.57E+01 1.24E+026.92E+00 2.44E+011.10E+01 3.76E+016.62E+01 1.60E+026.83E+01 2.28E+022.28E+01 6.73E+011.48E+01 4.15E+015.06E+01 1.33E+025.31E+00 1.83E+017.37E+00 2.69E+011.00E+01 3.53E+018.30E+01 2.81E+028.OOE+00 2.91E+019.OOE+00 3.13E+011.83E+01 5.71E+012.75E+01 6.07E+012.65E+02 1.40E+021.30E+01 4.37E+018.80E+00 3.01E+019.37E+00 2.80E+011.45E+01 4.88E+01181 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEEND CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCi/kg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)STATION LSNFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFH338542001 11/25/2013 Pb-214 -5.41E+00 338542001 11/25/2013 Ra-226 2.43E+01338542001 11/25/2013 Ru-103 -1.18E+01 338542001 11/25/2013 Ru-106 5.72E+01338542001 11/25/2013 Sb-124 -1.52E+01 338542001 11/25/2013 Sb-125 8.14E+00338542001 11/25/2013 Se-75 -6.89E+00 338542001 11/25/2013 Th-228 5.22E+00338542001 11/25/2013 Th-230 2.43E+01338542001 11/25/2013 TI-208 1.04E+01338542001 11/25/2013 Zn-65 -1.16E+01 338542001 11/25/2013 Zr-95 9.30E+00338542002 12/2/2013 Ac-228 -8.15E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 Ag-108m -6.24E+00 338542002 12/2/2013 Ag-I 10m 1.64E+01338542002 12/2/2013 Ba-140 5.77E+01338542002 12/2/2013 Be-7 1.15E+02338542002 12/2/2013 Bi-214 -7.12E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 Ce-141 -1.80E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 Ce-144 -2.67E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 Co-57 -5.82E+00 338542002 12/2/2013 Co-58 -4.19E+00 338542002 12/2/2013 Co-60 2.12E+00338542002 12/2/2013 Cr-51 -1.91E+02 338542002 12/2/2013 Cs-134 9.15E+00338542002 12/2/2013 Cs-137 3.16E+01338542002 12/2/2013 Fe-59 2.10E+01338542002 12/2/2013 1-131 -2.91E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 K-40 3.21E+03338542002 12/2/2013 La-140 -3.65E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 Mn-54 -1.52E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 Nb-95 9.05E+00338542002 12/2/2013 Pb-212 1.01E+01338542002 12/2/2013 Pb-214 -1.05E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 Ra-226 -7.12E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 Ru-103 1.70E+01338542002 12/2/2013 Ru-106 -2.57E+00 338542002 12/2/2013 Sb-124 -4.56E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 Sb-125 5.36E+01338542002 12/2/2013 Se-75 -6.90E+00 338542002 12/2/2013 Th-228 1.01E+01338542002 12/2/2013 Th-230 -7.12E+01 338542002 12/2/2013 TI-208 2.21E+01338542002 12/2/2013 Zn-65 3.27E+01338542002 12/2/2013 Zr-95 1.08E+01326868002 5/21/2013 Ac-228 4.02E+00326868002 5/21/2013 Ag-108m -2.59E-01 326868002 5/21/2013 Ag-Ib0m -1.15E+00 326868002 5/21/2013 Ba-140 1.19E+01326868002 5/21/2013 Be-7 2.03E+01326868002 5/21/2013 Bi-214 4.12E+001.81E+01 5.87E+012.28E+01 6.73E+019.76E+00 2.83E+016.40E+01 2.26E+022.03E+01 5.55E+012.29E+01 7.49E+019.84E+00 3.02E+011.45E+01 4.88E+012.28E+01 6.73E+019.32E+00 3.19E+011.94E+01 6.02E+011.59E+01 5.47E+017.24E+01 2.24E+021.39E+01 4.36E+011.90E+01 6.48E+017.49E+01 2.43E+021.25E+02 4.20E+024.19E+01 1.19E+022.43E+01 6.94E+018.48E+01 2.75E+029.85E+00 3.13E+011.56E+01 4.99E+011.5]E+01 4.96E+011.65E+02 4.13E+021.81E+01 6.06E+011.93E+01 5.95E+012.73E+01 9.50E+012.70E+01 7.97E+013.90E+02 5.5 1E+021.94E+01 2.92E+011.47E+01 4.16E+011.58E+01 4.70E+013.13E+01 1.08E+023.38E+01

1. I OE+024.19E+01 1.19E+021.77E+01 5.28E+011.25E+02 4.13E+023.50E+01 8.60E+014.22E+01 1.42E+021.75E+01 5.73E+013.13E+01 1.08E+024.19E+01 1.19E+022.12E+01 4.53E+013.20E+01 1.11E+022.83E+01 9.47E+015.95E+00 1.34E+018.01E-01 2.29E+001.31E+00 4.13E+008.1OE+00 2.56E+019.14E+00 2.70E+013.48E+00 5.43E+00182 Seabrook REMIP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHSTATION LSN326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 326868002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 ENDDATE5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 NUCLIDECe-141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag- 108mAg-I li0mBa- 140Be-7Bj-214Ce- 141Ce-144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103CONC(pCi/kg)2.8 1E+002.18E+00-5.70E-01




-1.05E+00 1.49E+00-2.83E+00

-1.64E+00 3.47E+032.20E+006.29E-011.77E+004.46E+00-1.50E+00 4.12E+001.44E+00-6.09E+00 2.05E+001.67E+004.42E-014.46E+004.12E+000.OOE+003.70E+00-3.04E-01 5.62E+003.1OE+00-6.56E+00

-2.83E+00 1.65E+017.34E-014.37E+004.47E-016.07E-01-3.3 1E+00-2.53E+00

-2.82E+01 2.32E+001.50E+004.57E+004.30E+003.5 1E+03-2.98E+00 7.17E-011.84E+001.02E+012.76E+007.34E-01-2.39E+00 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.86E+004.85E+006.58E-019.72E-011.02E+001.00E+011.05E+001.60E+002.78E+003.50E+001.64E+022.37E+009.38E-011.11 E+002.79E+002.77E+003.48E+001.08E+008.32E+002.46E+002.22E+001.09E+002.79E+003.48E+001.93E+002.72E+001.66E+001.42E+011.58E+003.09E+001.50E+011.63E+014.58E+003.44E+009.86E+001.24E+002.02E+002.01E+002.1OE+012.02E+001.95E+005.95E+007.25E+001.91E+024.62E+001.76E+002.48E+005.70E+006.64E+004.58E+002.33E+005.22E+001.59E+012.10E+003.19E+003.39E+003.19E+013.34E+002.88E+008.55E+001.1 5E+0 12.31E+017.97E+003.14E+003.56E+004.54E+006.53E+005.43E+003.47E+002.59E+017.25E+007.32E+003.69E+004.54E+005.43E+002.64E+008.66E+005.55E+002.96E+015.03E+007.70E+004.82E+015.4 1E+011.41E+011.1IE+013.24E+014.13E+005.61 E+005.90E+006.38E+016.87E+006.38E+001.89E+012.45E+017.07E+011.42E+015.95E+007.74E+001.12E+011.44E+011.41E+016.02E+00FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU183 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFHENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 332271002 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 338252001 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95CONC(pCi/kg)9.44E+00-8.56E-01

-1.72E+00 5.22E-0 I1.02E+017.34E-015.64E-0 I7.50E+00-2.06E+00 3.46E+011.02E+00-9.02E+00


-1.40E+01 1.94E+01-4.39E+00 2.44E+012.50E+00-7.66E+00



-1.93E+000.OOE+004.95E+00-9.82E+00 3.45E+03-1.01E+01


-4.99E+00 4.63E+00-7.16E+00 1.94E+01-1.79E+00 3.79E+019.22E+00-4.39E+00

-2.88E+00 4.63E+001.94E+01-1.3 1E+00-1.29E+01 7.11E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.80E+013.15E+004.63E+002.18E+005.70E+004.58E+002.17E+005.19E+003.39E+002.02E+014.52E+007.38E+003.77E+013.40E+011.26E+018.77E+002.78E+013.39E+005.63E+006.OOE+005.05E+0 I5.90E+007.80E+001.53E+011.87E+012.88E+021.08E+017.42E+005.84E+001.02E+011.04E+011.26E+019.13E+004.77E+011.11 E+011.32E+016.6 1E+001.02E+011.26E+015.58E+001.01E+011.01E+015.88E+019.98E+001.50E+017.46E+001.12E+011.41E+016.66E+001.70E+011.09E+017.28E+011.47E+011.92E+011.18E+021. I OE+024.40E+012.70E+019.14E+011.12E+011.43E+011.92E+011.62E+021.85E+011.44E+015.21E+014.98E+0 I1.64E+022.83E+011.66E+011.70E+013.20E+0I3.27E+0 I4.40E+011.71E+011.65E+024.17E+014.10E+012.06E+0 I3.20E+014.40E+011.87E+012.40E+013.47E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU184 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA0404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404326889001 5/30/2013 Ac-228326889001 5/30/2013 Ag-108m326889001 5/30/2013 Ag-110m326889001 5/30/2013 Ba-140326889001 5/30/2013 Be-7326889001 5/30/2013 Bi-214326889001 5/30/2013 Ce-141326889001 5/30/2013 Ce-144326889001 5/30/2013 Co-57326889001 5/30/2013 Co-58326889001 5/30/2013 Co-60326889001 5/30/2013 Cr-51326889001 5/30/2013 Cs-134326889001 5/30/2013 Cs-137326889001 5/30/2013 Fe-59326889001 5/30/2013 1-131326889001 5/30/2013 K-40326889001 5/30/2013 La- 140326889001 5/30/2013 Mn-54326889001 5/30/2013 Nb-95326889001 5/30/2013 Pb-212326889001 5/30/2013 Pb-214326889001 5/30/2013 Ra-226326889001 5/30/2013 Ru-103326889001 5/30/2013 Ru-106326889001 5/30/2013 Sb-124326889001 5/30/2013 Sb-125326889001 5/30/2013 Se-75326889001 5/30/2013 Th-228326889001 5/30/2013 Th-230326889001 5/30/2013 TI-208326889001 5/30/2013 Zn-65326889001 5/30/2013 Zr-95338260001 11/13/2013 Ac-228338260001 11/13/2013 Ag-108m338260001 11/13/2013 Ag-Il0m338260001 11/13/2013 Ba-140338260001 11/13/2013 Be-7338260001 11/13/2013 Bi-214338260001 11/13/2013 Ce-141338260001 11/13/2013 Ce-144338260001 11/13/2013 Co-57338260001 11/13/2013 Co-58338260001 11/13/2013 Co-60338260001 11/13/2013 Cr-5S338260001 11/13/2013 Cs-134338260001 11/13/2013 Cs-137338260001 11/13/2013 Fe-59338260001 11/13/2013 1-131338260001 11/13/2013 K-40CONC(pCi/kg)1.84E+011.68E+00-5.28E+00 1.23E+013.07E+016.35E+002.88E+003.58E+01-1.88E+00 2.47E+001.31 E+002.80E+011.18E+00-2.48E+00 7.54E+002.73E+002.42E+033.16E+00-4.44E-02 3.39E+002.27E+001.32E+016.35E+00-6.47E+00 2.22E+013.02E-016.58E+00-2.16E+00 2.27E+006.35E+00-8.54E+00




-1.85E+00 3.86E+004.27E+011.80E+01-6.45E+00 5.49E+00-1.23E+01 7.94E-011.42E+00-2.09E+00

-9.95E+01 9.72E-0 I5.57E+00-8.49E+00 6.71 E+002.OOE+031.76E+01 4.42E+012.44E+00 8.14E+003.86E+00 1.15E+011.43E+01 4.70E+012.50E+01 8.16E+011.38E+01 2.44E+016.98E+00 1.48E+011.73E+01 5.22E+012.OOE+00 6.39E+002.70E+00 9.09E+003.41E+00 1.I1E+012.76E+01 9.24E+013.OOE+00 1.02E+013.11E+00 9.58E+006.81E+00 1.95E+015.16E+00 1.74E+011.49E+02 9.30E+015.15E+00 1.53E+012.68E+00 8.95E+003.12E+00 1.05E+011.04E+01 1.61E+011.52E+01 2.56E+011.38E+01 2.44E+013.26E+00 8.88E+002.68E+01 8.72E+016.74E+00 2.23E+017.61E+00 2.53E+013.65E+00 1.14E+011.04E+01 1.61E+011.38E+01 2.44E+015.58E+00 1.24E+016.62E+00 1.88E+015.15E+00 1.73E+011.52E+01 5.12E+012.83E+00 9.01E+005.56E+00 1.89E+013.85E+01 1.36E+023.32E+01 1.15E+027.78E+00 2.39E+017.19E+00 2.45E+011.84E+01 5.90E+012.50E+00 8.52E+005.31E+00 1.55E+013.13E+00 9.79E+005.07E+01 1.23E+023.25E+00 1.10E+014.38E+00 1.51E+011.05E+01 3.17E+011.88E+01 6.23E+011.83E+02 1.15E+02STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)185 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAENDSTATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 338260001 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 326889002 338260002 338260002 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 5/24/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg- 10mBa-140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru- 103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mCONC(pCi/kg)1.60E+01-1.58E-02 8.72E+001.46E+008.02E+00-6.45E+00

-6.33E+00 5.88E+012.48E+004.06E+00-3.85E+00 1.46E+00-6.45E+00 2.52E+00-4.87E+00

-3.62E-0 I1.72E+019.58E-011.14E+007.92E+001.57E+016.92E+00-1.48E+00


-7.63E-01 1.95E-01-1.46E+00 2.01E+003.59E+003.54E+001.87E+004.70E+002.59E+03-1.81 E+004.59E-01-3.71E-01 2.34E+004.45E+006.92E+00-6.22E-01 9.37E-014.03E+002.09E-01-9.69E-03 2.34E+006.92E+000.OOE+00-4.95E-01 2.93E+001.16E+01-4.92E-01 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.44E+013.60E+004.48E+006.22E+009.55E+007.78E+004.86E+003.44E+016.97E+009.89E+004.91 E+006.22E+007.78E+003.67E+007.06E+007.80E+008.6 1E+009.61E-011.75E+007.97E+001.09E+015.05E+002.46E+005.43E+007.31E-011.27E+001.57E+001.06E+011.62E+001.41 E+003.29E+003.54E+001.33E+022.97E+001.22E+001.23E+003.60E+005.06E+005.05E+001.3 1E+009.91 E+003.13E+002.66E+001.28E+003.60E+005.05E+002.46E+003.66E+002.35E+007.39E+008.14E-015.25E+011.18E+011.56E+012.08E+012.32E+012.39E+011.40E+011.1 9E+022.45E+013.24E+011.5 1E+012.08E+012.39E+011.27E+012.14E+012.55E+011.78E+013.11E+005.76E+002.69E+013.43E+019.15E+005.65E+001.75E+012.26E+004.18E+004.75E+003.52E+014.88E+004.11 E+001.11E+011.14E+013.63E+019.22E+004.02E+004.02E+006.67E+008.50E+009.15E+004.12E+003.32E+011.04E+018.66E+004.27E+006.67E+009.15E+003.32E+001.05E+017.70E+001.47E+012.61 E+00FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU186 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAENDSTATION LSN DATECONCNUCLIDE (pCilkg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 338260002 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 11/14/2013 Ag-I li0mBa- 140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru- 106Sb- 124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95-2.74E-02 4.43E+003.42E+005.15E+00-1.02E+00 2.27E-02-9.42E-01

-4.26E-01 3.25E-01-5.58E+00 5.34E-011.81E+002.18E+00-6.76E+00 3.05E+033.93E+00-8.41E-01 8.50E-012.67E+004.44E-015.15E+00-5.89E-01

-1.32E+00 2.04E+001.65E+007.05E-012.67E+005.15E+00-1.1OE+00


-2.24E+00 1.39E+009.18E+009.71E+004.25E+002.95E+005.39E+007.51E-011.1OE+001.11E+001.15E+011.09E+001.08E+003.16E+005.45E+001.46E+023.63E+009.84E-011.14E+003.37E+004.07E+004.25E+001.26E+008.95E+002.60E+002.51E+001.25E+003.37E+004.25E+001.59E+003.15E+002.09E+004.58E+002.99E+013.18E+017.94E+006.16E+001.75E+012.29E+003.60E+003.73E+003.77E+013.66E+003.49E+001.03E+011.69E+013.30E+011.01E+013.12E+003.82E+005.08E+006.46E+007.94E+004.02E+002.85E+018.73E+008.24E+004.20E+005.08E+007.94E+003.58E+008.36E+006.54E+00FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU187 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESTATION LSNEND CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCi/kg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)MSMSMSMSMSMSMSMS0606060656565656326867004 5/21/2013 Sr-89326867004 5/21/2013 Sr-90338259004 11/21/2013 Sr-89338259004 11/21/2013 Sr-90326867005 5/21/2013 Sr-89326867005 5/21/2013 Sr-90338259005 11/21/2013 Sr-89338259005 11/21/2013 Sr-90-3.22E+00 2.13E+01 6.17E+01 U-1.75E+01 1.14E+01 4.35E+01 U-1.19E+02 6.15E+01 1.40E+02 U-1.05E+02 5.42E+01 1.86E+02 U-2.30E+00 2.34E+01 6.54E+01 U9.05E+00 1.36E+01 4.16E+01 U-3.21E+02 6.73E+01 1.68E+02 U-8.30E+01 5.64E+0I 1.92E+02 U188 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMU060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606326867001 5/21/2013 Ac-228326867001 5/21/2013 Ag-108m326867001 5/21/2013 Ag-I 10m326867001 5/21/2013 Ba-140326867001 5/21/2013 Be-7326867001 5/21/2013 Bi-214326867001 5/21/2013 Ce-141326867001 5/21/2013 Ce-144326867001 5/21/2013 Co-57326867001 5/21/2013 Co-58326867001 5/21/2013 Co-60326867001 5/21/2013 Cr-51326867001 5/21/2013 Cs-134326867001 5/21/2013 Cs-137326867001 5/21/2013 Fe-59326867001 5/21/2013 1-131326867001 5/21/2013 K-40326867001 5/21/2013 La-140326867001 5/21/2013 Mn-54326867001 5/21/2013 Nb-95326867001 5/21/2013 Pb-212326867001 5/21/2013 Pb-214326867001 5/21/2013 Ra-226326867001 5/21/2013 Ru-103326867001 5/21/2013 Ru-106326867001 5/21/2013 Sb-124326867001 5/21/2013 Sb-125326867001 5/21/2013 Se-75326867001 5/21/2013 Th-228326867001 5/21/2013 Th-230326867001 5/21/2013 TI-208326867001 5/21/2013 Zn-65326867001 5/21/2013 Zr-95338259001 11/21/2013 Ac-228338259001 11/21/2013 Ag-108m338259001 11/21/2013 Ag-110m338259001 11/21/2013 Ba-140338259001 11/21/2013 Be-7338259001 11/21/2013 Bi-214338259001 11/21/2013 Ce-141338259001 11/21/2013 Ce-144338259001 11/21/2013 Co-57338259001 11/21/2013 Co-58338259001 11/21/2013 Co-60338259001 11/21/2013 Cr-51338259001 11/21/2013 Cs-134338259001 11/21/2013 Cs-137338259001 11/21/2013 Fe-59338259001 11/21/2013 1-131338259001 11/21/2013 K-40338259001 11/21/2013 La-140CONC(pCi/kg)1.42E+019.97E-011.14E+001.65E+011.87E+012.40E+000.OOE+00-1.30E+00 1.34E+001.08E+00-1.65E+00 3.02E+00-7.11 E-01-9.54E-01


-1.75E+00 1.15E+035.51E+006.56E-02-1.47E+00 3.94E+006.72E+002.40E+00-2.54E-01 8.05E+001.13E+00-4.35E-01

-2.38E-01 3.94E+002.40E+008.30E-011.5 1E+005.56E-01-7.62E+00 2.59E+00-5.61E-01 5.02E+014.84E+012.29E+012.78E+00-8.70E+00 6.03E-014.3 1E+00-6.58E+00


-1.97E+00 1.97E+00-2.68E+00 2.67E-011.00E+036.33E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)6.68E+00 1.I1E+017.80E-01 2.51E+001.27E+00 4.16E+008.68E+00 2.63E+011.02E+01 2.77E+013.84E+00 6.11E+002.27E+00 5.76E+005.08E+00 1.67E+017.22E-01 2.2 1E+009.70E-01 3.19E+001.68E+00 3.19E+001.00E+01 3.36E+011.29E+00 3.31E+009.17E-0I 2.93E+003.57E+00 7.17E+003.56E+00 1.17E+016.05E+01 2.55E+012.83E+00 8.87E+008.54E-01 2.83E+001.60E+00 3.42E+002.32E+00 4.90E+003.94E+00 6.82E+003.84E+00 6.11E+001.09E+00 3.56E+008.46E+00 2.71E+012.26E+00 7.48E+002.3 1E+00 7.60E+001.20E+00 3.82E+002.32E+00 4.90E+003.84E+00 6.1 IE+002.03E+00 2.76E+002.37E+00 6.66E+001.78E+00 5.96E+001.53E+01 3.41E+012.04E+00 6.63E+003.20E+00 1.04E+012.06E+01 5.29E+012.39E+01 7.11E+019.21E+00 1.44E+013.57E+00 1.07E+011.07E+01 3.48E+011.33E+00 4.51E+002.16E+00 8.52E+005.14E+00 8.39E+002.15E+01 7.07E+012.49E+00 7.88E+002.67E+00 7.92E+005.48E+00 1.80E+015.90E+00 1.98E+018.73E+01 6.20E+015.28E+00 1.74E+01FLAGS189 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMvlUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUENDSTATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 338259001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 326864001 338254001 338254001 338254001 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Bi-214Ce-141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-I137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mCONC(pCi/kg)-1.12E+00 9.01E-011.42E+011.02E+012.29E+0 11.36E+00-2.67E+01

-7.65E+00 3.05E+00-7.57E+00 1.42E+012.29E+014.12E+00-6.36E-01 3.89E-011.40E+01-5.65E-01 6.60E-0 I3.68E+002.48E+016.43E-011.57E+006.16E+00-6.25E-02

-4.47E-02 1.93E+009.68E+005.09E-015.33E-012.72E-011.60E+001.54E+032.04E+00-7.OOE-01 2.04E+002.5 1E+004.67E+006.43E-01-8.57E-01 4.16E+00-8.73E+00


-5.35E-02 2.5 1E+006.43E-01-2.09E+00




(pCi/kg)2.2 1E+002.49E+006.48E+001.11 E+019.21 E+002.63E+002.19E+016.34E+005.83E+004.40E+006.48E+009.21 E+004.75E+005.68E+004.16E+005.40E+006.60E-011.1OE+001.18E+018.67E+002.67E+001.54E+004.62E+005.83E-018.71E-0I9.58E-018.90E+001.41 E+008.13E-012.15E+003.3 1E+007.83E+012.49E+007.551E-01 1.01E+002.62E+003.62E+002.67E+009.18E-016.97E+005.58E+002.11E+009.92E-012.62E+002.67E+001.73E+002.11 E+001.56E+001.77E+012.02E+003.45E+007.10E+008.3 1E+001.05+/-E+01 1.88E+011.44E+018.OOE+006.88E+011.91E+011.94E+019.25E+001.05E+011.44E+017.13E+001.63E+011.39E+019.80E+002.1OE+003.66E+002.29E+0 I2.40E+016.06E+005.00E+001.48E+011.94E+002.74E+003.05E+002.97E+013.01E+002.63E+007.01 E+001.11]E+01 2.63E+017.34E+002.39E+002.88E+004.09E+005.96E+006.06E+002.87E+002.26E+016.94E+006.3 1E+003.16E+004.09E+006.06E+002.91 E+006.55E+004.97E+002.60E+016.7 1E+001.13E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU190 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMU338254001 11/12/2013 Ba-140338254001 11/12/2013 Be-7338254001 11/12/2013 Bi-214338254001 11/12/2013 Ce-141338254001 11/12/2013 Ce-144338254001 11/12/2013 Co-57338254001 11/12/2013 Co-58338254001 11/12/2013 Co-60338254001 11/12/2013 Cr-51338254001 11/12/2013 Cs-134338254001 11/12/2013 Cs-137338254001 11/12/2013 Fe-59338254001 11/12/2013 1-131338254001 11/12/2013 K-40338254001 11/12/2013 La-140338254001 11/12/2013 Mn-54338254001 11/12/2013 Nb-95338254001 11/12/2013 Pb-212338254001 11/12/2013 Pb-214338254001 11/12/2013 Ra-226338254001 11/12/2013 Ru-103338254001 11/12/2013 Ru-106338254001 11/12/2013 Sb-124338254001 11/12/2013 Sb-125338254001 11/12/2013 Se-75338254001 11/12/2013 Th-228338254001 11/12/2013 Th-230338254001 11/12/2013 TI-208338254001 11/12/2013 Zn-65338254001 11/12/2013 Zr-95326867002 5/21/2013 Ac-228326867002 5/21/2013 Ag-108m326867002 5/21/2013 Ag-Il0m326867002 5/21/2013 Ba-140326867002 5/21/2013 Be-7326867002 5/21/2013 Bi-214326867002 5/21/2013 Ce-141326867002 5/21/2013 Ce-144326867002 5/21/2013 Co-57326867002 5/21/2013 Co-58326867002 5/21/2013 Co-60326867002 5/21/2013 Cr-51326867002 5/21/2013 Cs-134326867002 5/21/2013 Cs-137326867002 5/21/2013 Fe-59326867002 5/21/2013 1-131326867002 5/21/2013 K-40326867002 5/21/2013 La-140326867002 5/21/2013 Mn-54326867002 5/21/2013 Nb-95326867002 5/21/2013 Pb-212CONC(pCi/kg)-8.69E+00

-1.76E+01 9.37E+004.24E-01-8.79E+00 1.36E+00-6.75E-01 5.91 E+00-5.52E+00

-1.23E+00 7.47E-0 1-2.18E+00

-1.37E+01 1.44E+03-4.76E+00 2.15E-01-1.96E+00 2.64E+001.65E+019.37E+001.62E+004.69E+006.39E+00-8.49E-01 2.48E+002.64E+009.37E+000.OOE+005.17E+002.43E+007.53E+001.10E+001.12E+01-2.68E+01 8.67E+017.45E+019.45E+003.98E+01-7.31E-01

-6.27E-01 1.19E+00-2.71E+01 1.01E+01-8.36E-01

-2.95E+00 4.93E+001.93E+03-1.15E+01 8.1 ]E+001.26E+018.96E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)2.83E+01 7.99E+012.41E+01 7.70E+011.14E+01 1.58E+019.13E+00 1.49E+011.31E+01 4.25E+011.66E+00 5.47E+002.43E+00 8.06E+002.84E+00 7.96E+002.99E+01 1.01E+022.38E+00 7.80E+002.36E+00 7.65E+006.98E+00 1.94E+011.75E+01 4.99E+019.56E+01 6.96E+019.24E+00 2.52E+012.17E+00 7.27E+004.65E+00 9.30E+007.48E+00 1.30E+011.30E+01 2.19E+011.14E+01 1.58E+013.02E+00 9.96E+002.22E+01 6.68E+016.21E+00 2.09E+016.07E+00 2.01E+013.76E+00 1.07E+017.48E+00 1.30E+011.14E+01 1.58E+015.69E+00 6.99E+005.79E+00 1.67E+014.53E+00 1.54E+013.95E+01 7.38E+015.76E+00 1.39E+017.70E+00 2.42E+014.05E+01 1.33E+025.02E+01 1.53E+022.37E+01 3.18E+011.18E+01 2.72E+012.18E+01 7.24E+012.84E+00 9.39E+005.53E+00 1.80E+014.98E+00 1.63E+015.16E+01 1.69E+026.04E+00 1.88E+015.84E+00 1.66E+011.13E+01 3.71E+011.78E+01 5.89E+011.47E+02 1.47E+021.18E+01 3.66E+015.43E+00 1.71E+016.48E+00 1.97E+011.44E+01 2.91E+01191 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUSTATION LSN326867002 326867002 326867002 326867002 326867002 326867002 326867002 326867002 326867002 326867002 326867002 326867002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 338259002 326864002 326864002 326864002 326864002 326864002 326864002 ENDDATE5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 NUCLIDEPb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag- 108mAg-1 10mBa-140Be-7Bi-214CONC(pCi/kg)-4.28E+01 7.45E+01-4.15E+00

-5.14E+01 1.73E+017.60E-013.06E+008.96E+007.45E+01-3.25E+00

-1.23E-01 1.08E+000.OOE+001.87E+000.OOE+001.69E+007.93E+018.45E+00-2.46E+00

-1.47E+01 1.27E+00-6.57E+00 7.61 E+009.82E+011.24E+006.98E+00-3.18E+00 2.21 E+011.61E+03-7.83E+00 5.30E+008.52E+007.53E-011.21E+018.45E+00-9.92E+00 3.18E+004.25E+005.30E+005.44E+007.53E-018.45E+00-1.47E+00

-1.1 1E+00-1.41E+01




-4.02E+01 1.16E+01-8.59E-01 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.75E+012.37E+015.91 E+004.63E+011.1 8E+0 I1.24E+015.85E+001.44E+012.37E+017.71E+001.25E+019.96E+003.53E+013.01E+000.OOE+003.11 E+016.49E+0 I1.03E+016.13E+001.93E+012.19E+004.76E+005.38E+004.86E+0 I4.26E+005.77E+009.20E+001.54E+011.93E+029.87E+004.17E+005.63E+007.14E+001.3]E+011.03E+015.OOE+003.03E+011.18E+018.5 1E+004.97E+007.14E+001.03E+014.43E+001.09E+017.27E+005.72E+008.29E-0 I1.50E+001.73E+011.38E+012.97E+003.52E+013.18E+011.86E+011.46E+023.87E+014.06E+011.97E+012.91E+013.18E+011.85E+013.54E+013.28E+018.99E+011.05E+012.07E+011.02E+021.11 E+023.72E+011.99E+016.06E+017.49E+001.24E+012.01E+011.64E+021.47E+011.98E+012.83E+014.92E+011.5 1E+022.62E+011.52E+012.01E+012.3 1E+013.38E+013.72E+011.09E+019.92E+014.12E+012.70E+011.66E+012.3 1E+013.72E+011.49E+013.51E+011.41E+011.39E+012.57E+004.19E+003.39E+013.05E+017.35E+00FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU192 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMU595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959595959326864002 5/20/2013 Ce-141326864002 5/20/2013 Ce-144326864002 5/20/2013 Co-57326864002 5/20/2013 Co-58326864002 5/20/2013 Co-60326864002 5/20/2013 Cr-51326864002 5/20/2013 Cs-134326864002 5/20/2013 Cs-137326864002 5/20/2013 Fe-59326864002 5/20/2013 1-131326864002 5/20/2013 K-40326864002 5/20/2013 La-140326864002 5/20/2013 Mn-54326864002 5/20/2013 Nb-95326864002 5/20/2013 Pb-212326864002 5/20/2013 Pb-214326864002 5/20/2013 Ra-226326864002 5/20/2013 Ru-103326864002 5/20/2013 Ru-106326864002 5/20/2013 Sb-124326864002 5/20/2013 Sb-125326864002 5/20/2013 Se-75326864002 5/20/2013 Th-228326864002 5/20/2013 Th-230326864002 5/20/2013 TI-208326864002 5/20/2013 Zn-65326864002 5/20/2013 Zr-95338254002 11/22/2013 Ac-228338254002 11/22/2013 Ag-108m338254002 11/22/2013 Ag-1I0m338254002 11/22/2013 Ba-140338254002 11/22/2013 Be-7338254002 11/22/2013 Bi-214338254002 11/22/2013 Ce-141338254002 11/22/2013 Ce-144338254002 11/22/2013 Co-57338254002 11/22/2013 Co-58338254002 11/22/2013 Co-60338254002 11/22/2013 Cr-51338254002 11/22/2013 Cs-134338254002 11/22/2013 Cs-137338254002 11/22/2013 Fe-59338254002 11/22/2013 1-131338254002 11/22/2013 K-40338254002 11/22/2013 La-140338254002 11/22/2013 Mn-54338254002 11/22/2013 Nb-95338254002 11/22/2013 Pb-212338254002 11/22/2013 Pb-214338254002 11/22/2013 Ra-226338254002 11/22/2013 Ru-103CONC(pCi/kg)1.91E+008.74E+002.95E-01-2.91 E+000.OOE+005.73E+001.54E+003.06E+00-5.80E+00 1.45E+011.54E+03-4.01E-01 2.51E-011.37E+005.62E-01-3.93E+00


-1.87E+00 1.83E+01-1.64E+00 3.90E-011.35E+005.62E-01-8.59E-01 2.37E+003.76E+004.28E-011.23E+01-3.22E-01

-8.28E-01 7.03E+001.37E+013.26E+002.04E+00-9.43E+00 1.17E+00-2.39E+00



-2.15 E+001.81E+00-8.93E-01 6.75E+001.43E+038.87E+001.13E-016.87E-02-2.38E+00

-8.17E+00 3.26E+009.72E-01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)2.08E+00 6.86E+005.84E+00 1.87E+016.83E-01 2.30E+001.52E+00 3.25E+001.72E+00 3.59E+001.27E+01 4.12E+011.06E+00 3.41E+001.74E+00 3.18E+003.54E+00 8.75E+007.33E+00 2.19E+018.27E+01 3.11E+013.50E+00 1.14E+019.42E-01 3.09E+001.22E+00 3.78E+003.26E+00 5.87E+003.10OE+00 6.79E+002.97E+00 7.35E+001.29E+00 3.93E+009.44E+00 2.94E+012.42E+00 7.50E+002.47E+00 7.91E+001.30E+00 4.22E+003.26E+00 5.87E+002.97E+00 7.35E+001.57E+00 2.93E+002.70E+00 7.79E+002.OOE+00 6.59E+001.50E+01 2.67E+011.44E+00 4.76E+002.42E+00 7.74E+001.46E+01 3.69E+011.66E+01 5.42E+018.68E+00 1.25E+015.59E+00 9.50E+001.02E+01 3.19E+011.30E+00 4.18E+001.85E+00 5.57E+001.86E+00 5.78E+002.25E+01 5.69E+011.93E+00 5.94E+001.83E+00 5.93E+003.80E+00 1.24E+014.90E+00 1.60E+019.18E+01 5.77E+014.81E+00 1.32E+011.78E+00 5.81E+001.87E+00 6.14E+005.19E+00 1.16E+017.73E+00 1.47E+018.68E+00 1.25E+011.94E+00 6.36E+00193 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUENDSTATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE595959595959595959338254002 338254002 338254002 338254002 338254002 338254002 338254002 338254002 338254002 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95CONC(pCi/kg)2.78E+01-3.02E+00 5.03E+002.63E+00-2.38E+00 3.26E+001.13E+001.05E+01-2.27E+00 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.74E+014.56E+004.69E+002.47E+005.19E+008.68E+003.77E+005.21 E+003.29E+005.55E+011.43E+011.54E+017.41E+001.16E+011.25E+015.87E+001.35E+011.05E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUU194 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESTATION LSN020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 326866001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 ENDDATE NUCLIDE5/21/2013 Ac-2285/21/2013 Ag-108m5/21/2013 Ag-1Orn5/21/2013 Ba-1405/21/2013 Be-75/21/2013 Bi-2145/21/2013 Ce-1415/21/2013 Ce-1445/21/2013 Co-575/21/2013 Co-585/21/2013 Co-605/21/2013 Cr-515/21/2013 Cs-1345/21/2013 Cs-1375/21/2013 Fe-595/21/2013 1-1315/21/2013 K-405/21/2013 La-1405/21/2013 Mn-545/21/2013 Nb-955/21/2013 Pb-2125/21/2013 Pb-2145/21/2013 Ra-2265/21/2013 Ru-1035/21/2013 Ru-1065/21/2013 Sb-1245/21/2013 Sb-1255/21/2013 Se-755/21/2013 Th-2285/21/2013 Th-2305/21/2013 TI-2085/21/2013 Zn-655/21/2013 Zr-9511/21/2013 Ac-22811/21/2013 Ag-108m11/21/2013 Ag- l0m11/21/2013 Ba-14011/21/2013 Be-711/21/2013 Bi-21411/21/2013 Ce-14111/21/2013 Ce-14411/21/2013 Co-5711/21/2013 Co-5811/21/2013 Co-6011/21/2013 Cr-5111/21/2013 Cs-13411/21/2013 Cs-13711/21/2013 Fe-5911/21/2013 1-13111/21/2013 K-4011/21/2013 La-140CONC(pCi/kg)1.14E+033.95E+00-1.56E+01


-1.56E+02 6.38E+02-1.09E+01


-7.36E+00 3.68E+00-6.38E+00

-1.48E+02 0.OOE+005.40E+00-5.52E+01

-1.91E+01 1.34E+045.88E+011.29E+014.76E+011.26E+039.92E+026.38E+025.08E+001.26E+013.40E+01-6.95E+00

-1.26E+01 1.26E+036.38E+023.27E+025.22E+012.05E+011.03E+03-3.38E+00 1.62E+011.17E+028.91E+017.55E+023.67E+012.OOE+022.37E+01-3.17E+01

-1.68E+01 3.46E+010.OOE+00-3.27E+01


-2.58E+02 1.34E+041.45E+021.39E+021.08E+011.64E+011.08E+021.15E+026.46E+012.52E+017.29E+018.47E+001.25E+011.48E+011.35E+022.33E+011.58E+013.15E+014.37E+018.1 IE+023.46E+011.32E+011.89E+017.90E+018.5 1E+016.46E+011.36E+011.26E+022.94E+013.25E+011.63E+017.90E+016.46E+013.58E+013.73E+012.25E+011.40E+029.87E+001.89E+012.75E+021.35E+027.49E+013.05E+018.74E+011.42E+011.73E+011.67E+011.87E+022.50E+011.59E+014.92E+011.89E+028.17E+027.46E+01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.48E+023.84E+0 I5.19E+013.23E+023.58E+028.73E+017.86E+0 I2.46E+022.98E+014.39E+014.66E+014.55E+025.04E+014.73E+018.28E+011.53E+024.62E+021.14E+024.65E+015.55E+016.99E+019.65E+018.73E+014.79E+013.74E+021.05E+021.14E+025.37E+016.99E+018.73E+014.26E+018.12E+018.07E+011.71 E+023.43E+015.83E+018.36E+024.76E+028.09E+0 I1.1OE+022.60E+022.87E+014.83E+014.24E+0 I6.45E+025.61E+014.21E+011.28E+025.76E+023.81 E+022.44E+02FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU195 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESEENDSTATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 338258001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 326865001 338253001 338253001 338253001 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013, 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru- 103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru- 103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108niAg-I li0mCONC(pCi/kg)3.33E+016.28E+011.1 9E+030.OOE+007.55E+02-1.53E+00



-1.14E+01 2.40E+011.19E+037.55E+023.51E+023.59E+010.OOE+003.57E+02-6.79E+00 3.99E+01-1.07E+02 4.14E+012.94E+022.60E+00-1.49E+00




-3.22E+01 3.21E+011.31E+01-1.67E+01 1.07E+011.78E+044.84E+004.14E+009.48E+004.46E+023.33E+022.94E+022.39E+00-1.25E+02 9.62E+004.04E+01-4.34E+00 4.46E+022.94E+021.26E+028.63E+002.54E+014.59E+021.46E+00-2.40E+01 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.17E+012.50E+017.OOE+016.70E+017.49E+011.85E+011.11 E+023.98E+013.23E+011.95E+017.00E+017.49E+013.28E+013.93E+015.45E+016.52E+017.07E+003.58E+017.62E+018.40E+014.01E+011.66E+015.06E+016.56E+009.55E+001.09E+019.67E+0 I1.42E+018.98E+002.33E+013.14E+011.00E+032.08E+019.49E+001.12E+013.52E+014.29E+014.0]E+019.99E+008.33E+012.03E+012.59E+011.21E+013.52E+014.01E+011.70E+012.83E+011.92E+011.06E+029.74E+002.01E+014.41E+017.08E+016.63E+011.99E+028.09E+016.42E+013.64E+021.04E+021.12E+026.02E+016.63E+018.09E+014.13E+011.17E+021.04E+021.07E+022.32E+014.70E+012.30E+022.93E+026.65E+015.79E+011.77E+022.25E+013.09E+013.40E+013.26E+023.83E+013.11E+017.48E+011.13E+022.64E+026.04E+013.24E+013.40E+014.89E+016.OOE+016.65E+013.46E+012.57E+026.90E+017.93E+013.86E+0 I4.89E+016.65E+012.74E+018.27E+016.57E+011.65E+023.34E+016.27E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU196 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESEENDSTATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 338253001 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 Ba-140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I li0mBa-140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95 -Pb-212CONC(pCi/kg)-2.39E+01

-2.23E+02 2.75E+021.71E+01-4.86E+01 1.17E+011.30E+01-1.58E+01

-2.10E+02 4.43E+01-5.19E+00 3.90E+0 I-7.60E+01 1.91E+04-1.21E+02

-3.68E+00 1.99E+014.76E+023.21 E+022.75E+023.84E+006.82E+01-3.40E-01 4.04E+001.20E+014.76E+022.75E+021.39E+021.40E+01-1.58E+01 2.89E+022.05E-013.91 E+006.85E+019.96E+012.16E+02-1.67E+00



-1.54E+01 4.91 E+001.16E+020.OOE+00-7.47E+00 5.09E+00-2.45E+01 2.1OE+047.11E-01-9.70E+00 7.90E+003.8 1E+02STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)3.49E+021.56E+025.66E+013.52E+015.96E+018.39E+001.59E+011.62E+012.15E+021.93E+011.30E+015.45E+013.24E+021.06E+031.21E+021.47E+012.08E+014.15E+015.15E+015.66E+012.01E+011.15E+023.59E+012.88E+011.70E+014.15E+015.66E+012.52E+013.74E+013.14E+016.87E+017.53E+001.38E+017.45E+018.61E+013.98E+011.87E+015.18E+016.64E+001.21E+011.21E+011.02E+022.04E+018.95E+002.79E+014.04E+011.22E+032.09E+011.05E+011.08E+013.91E+011.22E+034.57E+027.74E+011.13E+022.04E+022.97E+015.49E+014.84E+017.07E+025.61E+014.25E+011.88E+021.11E+034.36E+023.54E+024.82E+017.04E+015.93E+017.67E+017.74E+017.19E+014.05E+021.19E+029.89E+015.73E+015.93E+017.74E+014.14E+011.11E+021.02E+021.29E+022.61E+014.69E+0 I2.56E+022.96E+026.24E+016.64E+011.85E+022.40E+0 I3.24E+013.54E+013.62E+023.64E+012.94E+019.06E+011.19E+022.73E+027.07E+0 I3.35E+013.73E+014.82E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU197 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808525252525252326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 326865002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 338253002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 5/20/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 11/12/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa- 140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs- 137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Bi-214CONC(pCi/kg)2.02E+022.16E+022.19E+013.13E+01-3.61E+01 9.18E+009.39E+003.81E+022.16E+021.34E+023.47E+014.22E+001.89E+02-1.26E+01

-1.97E+01 1.49E+02-3.OOE+02 2.67E+02-8.14E+00 1.01E+027.56E+001.43E+011.54E+01-2.1 OE+022.58E+01-1.43E+01


-3.07E+02 1.89E+04-2.45E+01

-2.86E+00 2.06E+003.39E+024.22E+022.67E+022.61 E+0 I-5.93E+01

-3.30E+01 3.19E+0 I-1.04E+01 3.39E+02.

2.67E+021.17E+02-7.17E+00 6.52E+001.55E+037.58E+00-1.84E+01


-1.56E+02 8.62E+024.06E+013.98E+011.61E+017.83E+012.27E+012.26E+011.41E+013.91E+013.98E+011.96E+012.03E+011.99E+018.42E+019.56E+001.79E+012.64E+021.58E+024.74E+012.78E+016.22E+017.87E+001.76E+011.37E+012.15E+021.40E+011.13E+014.74E+013.40E+021.06E+031.09E+021.38E+011.70E+013.69E+015.25E+014.74E+011.99E+011.05E+023.64E+012.85E+011.46E+013.69E+014.74E+012.20E+013.93E+012.93E+011.82E+021.71E+012.82E+011.71 E+021.86E+021.03E+02STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)6.77E+0 I6.24E+013.19E+012.76E+026.04E+017.92E+014.27E+014.82E+016.24E+012.87E+017.89E+016.85E+011.49E+022.94E+015.47E+019.25E+024.26E+027.88E+019.74E+012.09E+022.85E+016.22E+014.40E+017.18E+024.83E+013.5 1E+011.55E+021.11E+032.80E+023.53E+024.03E+015.94E+016.30E+016.56E+017.88E+016.97E+013.35E+021.04E+021.01E+025.07E+016.30E+017.88E+0 I3.66E+011.IIE+021.03E+022.69E+025.70E+018.97E+015.15E+025.96E+021.39E+02FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU198 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 326866002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 338258002 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 11/21/2013 Ce-141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru- 103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-ll0mBa-140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103CONC(pCi/kg)-2.56E+01

-4.82E+01 3.79E+00-1.65E+01

-3.84E+00 3.28E+028.88E+01-1.13E+01 1.47E+011.76E+021.28E+045.64E+01-1.49E+01 5.63E+011.66E+031.24E+038.62E+02-2.53E+01 3.62E+022.77E-014.21E+012.73E+011.66E+038.62E+024.88E+024.34E+011.90E+012.99E+031.13E+012.13E+01-5.03E+02 2.13E+021.83E+03-1.94E+01

-8.5]E+01 1.77E+012.64E+01-9.50E+00

-5.79E+01 0.OOE+002.83E+011.74E+01-2.48E+02 1.18E+049.70E+012.07E+015.20E+013.34E+030.OOE+001.83E+03-2.06E+0 ISTD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)3.57E+011.14E+021.22E+012.24E+011.99E+012.48E+024.32E+012.15E+014.79E+018.35E+018.35E+025.55E+012.12E+013.28E+011.06E+021.1 8E+021.03E+022.36E+011.66E+024.81E+015.1 OE+0 I2.98E+011.06E+021.03E+024.76E+015.24E+014.49E+012.58E+021.30E+012.17E+013.23E+022.3 1E+021.19E+024.21 E+011.09E+021.29E+012.09E+011.57E+012.59E+025.1OE+011.97E+015.05E+012.26E+027.63E+021.14E+022.09E+0 I2.77E+011.66E+021.29E+021.19E+022.43E+011.21E+023.50E+024.37E+017.16E+0 I6.47E+0 17.5 1E+029.55E+017.18E+011.63E+022.67E+027.17E+021.69E+026.78E+019.42E+019.95E+011.35E+021.39E+027.38E+015.95E+021.36E+021.75E+028.22E+019.95E+011.39E+026.20E+011.55E+021.53E+021.70E+024.51 E+0 I7.48E+019.53E+026.08E+021.08E+021.47E+023.36E+024.52E+016.45E+015.10E+019.17E+029.24E+015.81 E+0 I1.69E+027.46E+024.46E+023.46E+026.34E+018.22E+0 I9.37E+013.14E+021.08E+027.86E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU199 Seabrook REMIP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDECONC STD.DEV.



(pCi/kg)STATION LSNSESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESE338258002 11/21/2013 Ru-106338258002 11/21/2013 Sb-124338258002 11/21/2013 Sb-125338258002 11/21/2013 Se-75338258002 11/21/2013 Th-228338258002 11/21/2013 Th-230338258002 11/21/2013 TI-208338258002 11/21/2013 Zn-65338258002 11/21/2013 Zr-95326865003 5/20/20 13 Ac-228326865003 5/20/2013 Ag-108m326865003 5/20/2013 Ag-1 10m326865003 5/20/2013 Ba-140326865003 5/20/2013 Be-7326865003 5/20/2013 Bi-214326865003 5/20/2013 Ce-141326865003 5/20/2013 Ce-144326865003 5/20/2013 Co-57326865003 5/20/2013 Co-58326865003 5/20/2013 Co-60326865003 5/20/2013 Cr-5I326865003 5/20/2013 Cs-134326865003 5/20/2013 Cs-137326865003 5/20/2013 Fe-59326865003 5/20/2013 1-131326865003 5/20/2013 K-40326865003 5/20/2013 La-140326865003 5/20/2013 Mn-54326865003 5/20/2013 Nb-95326865003 5/20/2013 Pb-212326865003 5/20/2013 Pb-214326865003 5/20/2013 Ra-226326865003 5/20/2013 Ru-103326865003 5/20/2013 Ru-106326865003 5/20/2013 Sb-124326865003 5/20/2013 Sb-125326865003 5/20/2013 Se-75326865003 5/20/2013 Th-228326865003 5/20/2013 Th-230326865003 5/20/2013 TI-208326865003 5/20/2013 Zn-65326865003 5/20/2013 Zr-95338253003 11/22/2013 Ac-228338253003 11/22/2013 Ag-108m338253003 11/22/2013 Ag-l10m338253003 11/22/2013 Ba-140338253003 11/22/2013 Be-7338253003 11/22/2013 Bi-214338253003 11/22/2013 Ce-141338253003 11/22/2013 Ce-144338253003 11/22/2013 Co-572.08E+02-3.54E+01 1.41E+012.48E+003.34E+031.83E+031.01E+036.63E+011.54E+011.67E+02-8.58E+00 5.21E+00-4.42E+01 1.61E+023.54E+02-I.19E+01 8.40E+0 I-1.71E+01

-2.30E+01 2.80E+011.37E+021.83E+011.88E+01-2.90E+01 3.85E+011.51E+04-7.17E+01

-7.60E+00 4.14E+014.65E+022.60E+023.54E+02-8.71E+00 6.57E+01-6.60E+01 4.08E+013.56E+014.65E+023.54E+021.47E+026.68E+016.78E+013.92E+02-8.61 E+00-1.25E+01


-1.52E+02 2.24E+022.06E+016.OOE+01-1.15E+01 1.53E+02 5.08E+024.75E+01 1.45E+024.14E+01 1.45E+022.33E+01 7.48E+011.66E+02 9.37E+011.19E+02 1.08E+026.33E+01 5.70E+015.81E+01 1.25E+023.73E+01 1.30E+021.30E+02 2.26E+021.50E+01 4.81E+012.57E+01 8.64E+011.58E+02 4.71E+021.53E+02 5.23E+026.OOE+01 1.14E+022.74E+01 9.48E+017.84E+01 2.79E+021.00E+01 3.18E+012.07E+01 6.41E+011.99E+01 6.71E+011.79E+02 6.33E+021.98E+01 6.76E+011.81E+01 6.26E+014.79E+01 1.49E+026.28E+01 2.21E+029.18E+02 5.25E+024.42E+01 1.18E+021.81E+01 5.92E+012.16E+01 7.07E+015.06E+01 8.15E+016.91E+01 1.20E+026.OOE+01 1.14E+021.99E+01 6.58E+011.57E+02 5.48E+024.77E+01 1.02E+024.33E+01 1.49E+022.01E+01 6.90E+015.06E+01 8.15E+016.OOE+01 1.14E+023.67E+01 5.79E+014.45E+01 1.49E+023.93E+01 1.31E+027.59E+01 1.60E+021.16E+01 3.18E+012.09E+01 5.54E+011.89E+02 6.16E+021.19E+02 3.74E+024.81E+01 7.64E+012.95E+01 1.03E+026.60E+01 2.3 1E+028.42E+00 2.67E+01200 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESESEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN575757575757575757575757575757575757575757575757338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 338253003 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 11/22/2013 Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ra-226Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Th-230TI-208Zn-65Zr-95CONC(pCi/kg)1.26E+01I1.44E+01

-5.55E+00 1.06E+01-1.13E+01 8.89E+00-7.04E+01 1.54E+045.69E+01-1.94E+01 8.40E+003.77E+020.OOE+002.24E+02-1.65E+01




-2.36E+01 3.77E+022.24E+029.20E+012.85E+011.29E+01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.55E+011.49E+011.89E+021.46E+011.28E+014.93E+011.48E+029.04E+027.22E+011.58E+011.55E+014.01E+015.63E+014.81E+011.81E+011.12E+023.13E+013.78E+011.67E+014.01E+014.81E+012.38E+013.56E+012.94E+015.35E+014.74E+0 I6.57E+025.01E+014.09E+011.51E+024.93E+023.89E+022.56E+023.83E+015.35E+016.27E+011.43E+027.64E+015.98E+013.34E+029.44E+019.66E+015.07E+016.27E+017.64E+013.43E+011.16E+021.01E+02FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU201 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTF02020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202328694001 6/25/2013 Ac-228328694001 6/25/2013 Ag-108m328694001 6/25/2013 Ag- 110m328694001 6/25/2013 Ba-140328694001 6/25/2013 Be-7328694001 6/25/2013 Ce-141328694001 6/25/2013 Ce-144328694001 6/25/2013 Co-57328694001 6/25/2013 Co-58328694001 6/25/2013 Co-60328694001 6/25/2013 Cr-51328694001 6/25/2013 Cs-134328694001 6/25/2013 Cs-137328694001 6/25/2013 Fe-59328694001 6/25/2013 1-131328694001 6/25/2013 K-40328694001 6/25/2013 La-140328694001 6/25/2013 Mn-54328694001 6/25/2013 Nb-95328694001 6/25/2013 Ru-103328694001 6/25/2013 Ru-106328694001 6/25/2013 Sb-124328694001 6/25/2013 Sb-125328694001 6/25/2013 Se-75328694001 6/25/2013 Th-228328694001 6/25/2013 Zn-65328694001 6/25/2013 Zr-95330576001 7/26/2013 Ac-228330576001 7/26/2013 Ag-108m330576001 7/26/2013 Ag-I 10m330576001 7/26/2013 Ba-140330576001 7/26/2013 Be-7330576001 7/26/2013 Ce-141330576001 7/26/2013 Ce-144330576001 7/26/2013 Co-57330576001 7/26/2013 Co-58330576001 7/26/2013 Co-60330576001 7/26/2013 Cr-51330576001 7/26/2013 Cs-134330576001 7/26/2013 Cs-137330576001 7/26/2013 Fe-59330576001 7/26/2013 1-131330576001 7/26/2013 K-40330576001 7/26/2013 La-140330576001 7/26/2013 Mn-54330576001 7/26/2013 Nb-95330576001 7/26/2013 Ru-103330576001 7/26/2013 Ru-106330576001 7/26/2013 Sb-124330576001 7/26/2013 Sb-125330576001 7/26/2013 Se-75330576001 7/26/2013 Th-228CONC(pCi/kg)2.50E+00-1.86E+00 1.49E-01-7.15E÷00 5.90E+014.53E+001.67E+004.36E-011.86E÷00-2.05E+00 5.38E+006.81E-012.69E+00-4.42E+00

-3.05E+00 1.36E+036.70E-011.28E+001.64E+00-9.45E-0 16.53E+00-3.76E-01




-5.92E+00 1.74E+00-1.76E+01 1.99E-015.55E-01-6.86E+00 0.OOE+00-4.74E+00 7.57E-013.03E-01-1.08E-01

-1.37E+00 6.35E+00-1.28E+00 1.07E+009.15E-018.37E-012.19E+03-6.32E-03

-9.78E-01 1.52E+003.96E-0 I5.30E+004.46E+00-4.73E-01 2.27E-01-2.27E+00 STD.DEV.


(pCilkg)8.57E+00 2.18E+011.33E+00 3.39E+001.75E+00 5.79E+008.92E+00 2.75E+011.71E+01 3.68E+012.64E+00 7.2 1E+007.40E+00 2.38E+019.73E-01 3.14E+001.53E+00 4.48E+002.59E+00 5.22E+001.27E+01 4.23E+011.39E+00 4.66E+002.09E+00 4.07E+003.20E+00 9.23E+003.83E+00 1.22E+018.38E+01 4.14E+012.93E+00 9.82E+001.26E+00 4.18E+001.39E+00 4.63E+001.61E+00 4.40E+001.12E+01 3.82E+012.84E+00 9.28E+003.19E+00 1.04E+011.62E+00 5.38E+003.73E+00 8.54E+003.48E+00 9.61E+002.52E+00 8.48E+007.92E+00 1.62E+011.07E+00 3.08E+001.65E+00 5.49E+007.59E+00 2.33E+011.57E+01 3.70E+013.14E+00 6.76E+007.13E+00 2.28E+019.80E-01 3.15E+001.19E+00 3.95E+001.43E+00 4.31E+001.17E+01 3.90E+011.27E+00 3.96E+001.24E+00 3.83E+003.56E+00 1.02E+012.87E+00 9.48E+001.13E+02 3.54E+012.17E+00 7.22E+001.20E+00 3.81E+001.26E+00 4.19E+001.37E+00 4.46E+001.10E+01 3.53E+012.79E+00 9.4 1E+003.05E+00 9.90E+001.51E+00 5.05E+003.05E+00 7.35E+00202 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFSTATION LSN330576001 330576001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 332176001 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 328694002 ENDDATE7/26/2013 7/26/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 NUCLIDEZn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-i l0mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-110mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru-106Sb-124CONC(pCi/kg)-7.23E-01

-1.24E+00 3.15E+009.36E-012.56E+002.39E+014.33E+013.35E+004.1OE+008.11 E-0I-2.54E-01 5.70E-011.33E+011.20E+00-1.2]E+00

-4.1 OE+001.1 8E+003.03E+03-1.49E+00

-1.96E+00 1.37E+003.52E+00-7.92E+00

-2.96E+00 4.84E+003.49E+003.23E+00-5.89E+00 0.OOE+006.27E+00-2.68E+00

-1.52E+00 1.99E+001.26E+02-4.67E+00

-5.06E-01 2.16E-01-2.1 OE+003.08E-031.29E+011.34E+002.16E+002.2 1E+006.46E+001.13E+03-1.79E-01


-2.82E-01 2.33E-014.50E+004.52E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)2.9 1E+002.17E+007.22E+001.23E+002.12E+001.58E+011.90E+012.50E+009.52E+001.18E+001.34E+001.57E+001.34E+011.53E+001.7]E+003.67E+002.75E+001.54E+022.1OE+001.43E+001.49E+002.86E+001.30E+012.61E+003.82E+002.02E+003.74E+004.02E+004.58E+008.32E+001.17E+001.62E+007.82E+001.98E+012.48E+006.70E+008.1OE-011.47E+001.25E+001.19E+011.38E+001.21E+002.55E+003.61 E+006.77E+012.93E+001.1 5E+001.48E+001.25E+009.99E+003.63E+009.40E+007.08E+002.08E+014.05E+007.03E+002.43E+014.OOE+017.78E+002.90E+013.79E+004.43E+005.14E+004.4 1E+015.15E+004.78E+001.1OE+019.1OE+004.78E+016.56E+004.24E+005.01 E+004.59E+004.01E+017.49E+001.24E+016.40E+009.33E+001.15E+019.17E+001.38E+013.01E+005.01E+002.55E+012.97E+015.78E+001.95E+012.66E+003.68E+004.20E+003.93E+014.09E+003.94E+008.43E+001.14E+013.96E+018.28E+003.70E+003.76E+004.09E+003.24E+019.09E+00FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU203 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTF328694002 6/25/2013 328694002 6/25/2013 328694002 6/25/2013 328694002 6/25/2013 328694002 6/25/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 330576002 7/26/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 332176002 8/20/2013 Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-110mBa- 140Be-7Ce-I141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95CONC(pCi/kg)7.57E-011.26E+00-2.30E+00 4.2 1E+008.67E-01-3.98E+00 4.75E-01-1.09E+00 3.62E+001.39E+01-6.53E-01 3.49E+007.72E-018.01E-01-8.93E-02 2.92E+01-1.17E+00 2.02E+00-1.67E+00 1.46E+001.95E+034.02E+002.65E-012.33E+00-2.78E+00

-1.70E+01 4.50E+00-1.87E+00


-2.63E+00 1.33E+002.38E+002.02E+013.56E-014.71 E-0 I-1.09E+01 6.18E+012.27E+00-3.02E+00 6.64E-01-1.50E+00


-2.33E+01 2.71E+00-1.67E+00


-4.87E+00 4.38E+03-4.13E-01

-2.27E+00 2.39E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)2.98E+00 9.85E+001.35E+00 4.54E+002.85E+00 6.86E+002.89E+00 9.33E+001.97E+00 6.66E+009.71E+00 2.03E+011.23E+00 4.OOE+002.27E+00 6.42E+008.86E+00 2.99E+011.32E+01 4.20E+012.29E+00 7.40E+008.12E+00 2.38E+019.86E-01 3.22E+001.51E+00 4.94E+001.51E+00 4.88E+001.49E+01 4.56E+011.55E+00 4.85E+002.75E+00 4.49E+004.08E+00 1.13E+013.77E+00 1.24E+011.06E+02 4.31E+0I3.OOE+00 1.00E+011.37E+/-00 4.44E+002.55E+00 5.70E+001.58E+00 4.65E+001.27E+01 3.85E+013.58E+00 1.20E+014.15E+00 1.15E+011.68E+00 5.57E+003.47E+00 7.85E+003.60E+00 1.03E+012.82E+00 9.22E+001.14E+01 2.58E+011.33E+00 4.09E+002.33E+00 7.77E+008.82E+00 2.63E+012.27E+01 4.14E+012.66E+00 7.78E+008.1OE+00 2.63E+011.13E+00 3.72E+001.57E+00 4.90E+001.77E+00 5.74E+001.40E+01 4.13E+011.87E+00 6.16E+001.79E+00 5.42E+004.23E+00 1.18E+013.58E+00 9.25E+002.19E+02 4.75E+012.58E+00 8.05E+001.75E+00 5.32E+003.20E+00 5.16E+00204 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFENDSTATION LSN DATE332176002 332176002 332176002 332176002 332176002 332176002 332176002 332176002 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 328694003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 330576003 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 NUCLIDERu-103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-1 IOmBa- 140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La-140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg- l0mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs- 137Fe-591-131K-40CONC(pCi/kg)-1.79E+00 4.09E+013.50E+003.1OE+008.04E-021.98E+003.43E+001.85E+00-1.53E+01 3.95E-013.77E+00-2.24E+0 I1.23E+02-4.20E+00


-2.96E-0 I6.04E-015.2 1E+00-2.60E+01 2.07E+001.66E+001.07E+00-4.98E+00 1.20E+03-1.36E+00


-3.12E+00 7.26E-01-1.80E+01

-2.18E+00 1.01E+01-2.70E+00 5.7 1E+002.15E+00-9.12E-01 4.02E+001.29E+004.48E-01-1.56E+01 8.67E+006.20E+00-1.75E+01

-7.81E-02 1.64E-014.09E+00-1.47E+01 2.77E+00-2.12E-01


-6.47E-01 2.54E+03STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.86E+001.72E+012.94E+003.88E+001.83E+004.12E+004.26E+003.18E+009.70E+001.38E+002.27E+001.56E+012.67E+014.39E+008.91 E+001.13E+001.69E+002.26E+001.83E+013.19E+001.47E+003.55E+004.75E+008.14E+013.67E+002.21E+001.88E+001.74E+001.43E+013.83E+004.88E+002.37E+005.28E+004.41E+002.90E+008.92E+001.28E+002.03E+009.46E+001.29E+013.08E+009.62E+001.06E+001.59E+002.20E+002.42E+011.78E+001.47E+003.69E+003.90E+001.32E+024.96E+004.29E+011.02E+011.29E+016.23E+008.03E+001.40E+019.43E+002.30E+014.46E+007.16E+003.20E+014.87E+018.87E+002.85E+013.62E+005.5 1E+006.17E+005.48E+015.42E+004.93E+001.19E+011.46E+014.82E+0 I1.20E+015.30E+005.30E+005.86E+004.36E+011.22E+011.37E+016.82E+001.01E+011.28E+019.33E+002.09E+014.08E+006.58E+002.78E+014.34E+017.95E+002.70E+013.42E+005.16E+005.80E+004.85E+015.66E+004.80E+001.22E+011.26E+I01 4.85E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU205 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFITTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTF0606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606330576003 7/26/2013 La-140330576003 7/26/2013 Mn-54330576003 7/26/2013 Nb-95330576003 7/26/2013 Ru-103330576003 7/26/2013 Ru-106330576003 7/26/2013 Sb-124330576003 7/26/2013 Sb-125330576003 7/26/2013 Se-75330576003 7/26/2013 Th-228330576003 7/26/2013 Zn-65330576003 7/26/2013 Zr-95332176003 8/20/2013 Ac-228332176003 8/20/2013 Ag-108m332176003 8/20/2013 Ag-I l0m332176003 8/20/2013 Ba-140332176003 8/20/2013 Be-7332176003 8/20/2013 Ce-141332176003 8/20/2013 Ce-144332176003 8/20/2013 Co-57332176003 8/20/2013 Co-58332176003 8/20/2013 Co-60332176003 8/20/2013 Cr-51332176003 8/20/2013 Cs-134332176003 8/20/2013 Cs- 137332176003 8/20/2013 Fe-59332176003 8/20/2013 1-131332176003 8/20/2013 K-40332176003 8/20/2013 La-140332176003 8/20/2013 Mn-54332176003 8/20/2013 Nb-95332176003 8/20/2013 Ru-103332176003 8/20/2013 Ru-106332176003 8/20/2013 Sb-124332176003 8/20/2013 Sb-125332176003 8/20/2013 Se-75332176003 8/20/2013 Th-228332176003 8/20/2013 Zn-65332176003 8/20/2013 Zr-95CONC(pCi/kg)4.02E+00-2.70E+00

-1.54E-01 1.91E+006.62E+001.60E+00-1.66E+00

-7.70E-01 1.32E-02-8.59E+00 2.43E-01-2.40E+0 I-1.57E-01 1.06E+00-1.24E+01 3.44E+00-4.79E-01



-1.64E+00 2.95E-011.62E+011.64E+00-2.71 E+00-4.24E+00

-7.1 ]E+002.16E+031.70E+009.51E-01-5.65E-01


-2.57E-01 3.30E+00-3.50E+00 1.56E+001.58E+00-2.94E+00 2.68E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)3.1OE+00 9.41E+001.60E+00 4.44E+001.67E+00 4.90E+001.78E+00 5.22E+001.22E+01 4.05E+013.45E+00 1.17E+013.81E+00 1.21E+011.87E+00 6.13E+003.44E+00 9.14E+004.29E+00 1.15E+012.70E+00 8.84E+001.15E+01 2.19E+011.39E+00 4.47E+002.30E+00 7.59E+001.44E+01 3.82E+011.56E+01 5.03E+013.08E+00 9.13E+008.87E+00 2.99E+011.24E+00 3.91E+002.04E+00 5.99E+001.97E+00 6.61E+001.71E+01 5.60E+011.83E+00 6.07E+002.26E+00 5.61E+004.53E+00 1.36E+015.42E+00 1.61E+011.22E+02 4.98E+013.65E+00 1.23E+011.61E+00 5.34E+001.67E+00 5.42E+001.84E+00 6.OOE+001.47E+01 4.91E+013.87E+00 1.32E+014.40E+00 1.36E+012.16E+00 7.13E+004.50E+00 8.70E+004.84E+00 1.28E+013.14E+00 1.05E+01FLAGS206 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEEND CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCi/kg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)STATION LSNTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTG326835001 5/30/2013 Ac-228 9.88E+00326835001 5/30/2013 Ag-108m -2.35E+00 326835001 5/30/2013 Ag-1 10m -6.12E+00 326835001 5/30/2013 Ba-140 -1.67E+01 326835001 5/30/2013 Be-7 5.91E+02326835001 5/30/2013 Ce-141 4.35E+00326835001 5/30/2013 Ce-144 2.36E+01326835001 5/30/2013 Co-57 -5.19E-01 326835001 5/30/2013 Co-58 2.45E+00326835001 5/30/2013 Co-60 -2.03E+00 326835001 5/30/2013 Cr-51 -6.20E+01 326835001 5/30/2013 Cs-134 -2.65E-01 326835001 5/30/2013 Cs-137 -1.82E+00 326835001 5/30/2013 Fe-59 -1.38E+00 326835001 5/30/2013 1-131 -9.56E+00 326835001 5/30/2013 K-40 3.53E+03326835001 5/30/2013 La-140 2.45E-01326835001 5/30/2013 Mn-54 -5.25E+00 326835001 5/30/2013 Nb-95 -9.42E-01 326835001 5/30/2013 Ru-103 4.OOE+00326835001 5/30/2013 Ru-106 9.21E+01326835001 5/30/2013 Sb-124 3.50E+00326835001 5/30/2013 Sb-125 1.01E+00326835001 5/30/2013 Se-75 3.01E+00326835001 5/30/2013 Th-228 1.00E+01326835001 5/30/2013 Zn-65 2.53E+00326835001 5/30/2013 Zr-95 3.05E+00328695001 6/26/2013 Ac-228 2.05E+02328695001 6/26/2013 Ag-108m -7.23E+00 328695001 6/26/2013 Ag-1I1m -3.85E+00 328695001 6/26/2013 Ba-140 2.24E+01328695001 6/26/2013 Be-7 2.27E+03328695001 6/26/2013 Ce-141 -9.83E+00 328695001 6/26/2013 Ce-144 -1.60E+01 328695001 6/26/2013 Co-57 -8.68E-01 328695001 6/26/2013 Co-58 -2.20E+00 328695001 6/26/2013 Co-60 -3.49E+00 328695001 6/26/2013 Cr-51 -2.59E+01 328695001 6/26/2013 Cs-134 0.OOE+00328695001 6/26/2013 Cs-137 -1.19E+00 328695001 6/26/2013 Fe-59 -3.73E+00 328695001 6/26/2013 1-131 -5.34E+00 328695001 6/26/2013 K-40 3.63E+03328695001 6/26/2013 La-140 -1.42E+01 328695001 6/26/2013 Mn-54 -6.82E+00 328695001 6/26/2013 Nb-95 2.84E+00328695001 6/26/2013 Ru-103 -1.46E-01 328695001 6/26/2013 Ru-106 -2.31E+01 328695001 6/26/2013 Sb-124 -1.27E+01 328695001 6/26/2013 Sb-125 1.93E+00328695001 6/26/2013 Se-75 -4.09E-01 2.26E+01 5.51E+013.13E+00 1.00E+016.63E+00 1.58E+011.70E+01 5.25E+015.94E+01 1.01E+028.25E+00 1.67E+011.98E+01 6.38E+012.65E+00 8.04E+003.38E+00 1.15E+014.07E+00 1.29E+013.43E+01 1.00E+023.81E+00 1.28E+014.84E+00 1.16E+017.39E+00 2.42E+016.17E+00 1.85E+012.13E+02 1.00E+025.27E+00 1.77E+013.42E+00 1.00E+013.54E+00 1.13E+013.35E+00 1.iOE+013.72E+01 1.08E+027.61E+00 2.59E+019.33E+00 3.11 E+014.64E+00 1.49E+019.35E+00 2.32E+018.23E+00 2.74E+016.51E+00 2.12E+012.37E+01 3.88E+013.03E+00 7.89E+004.36E+00 1.37E+012.OOE+01 6.54E+011.14E+02 8.58E+015.14E+00 1.40E+011.59E+01 4.59E+011.79E+00 5.66E+003.48E+00 1.07E+013.60E+00 1.12E+013.05E+01 9.16E+016.43E+00 1.24E+013.42E+00 1.09E+019.05E+00 2.45E+018.04E+00 2.5 1E+012.13E+02 1.07E+028.80E+00 1.95E+013.59E+00 1.00E+016.20E+00 1.16E+013.03E+00 1.01E+012.93E+01 9.18E+011.03E+01 2.15E+017.31E+00 2.46E+014.28E+00 1.23E+01207 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGENDSTATION LSN DATE328695001 328695001 328695001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 330578001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 6/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 7/26/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 NUCLIDETh-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-1 10mBa- 140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag- 108mAg-1 10mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce-I144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106CONC(pCi/kg)1.92E+01-4.88E+00 8.88E+002.68E+01-1.21E+00 8.69E-011.56E+018.12E+022.10E+00-1.20E+01 1.19E+001.40E+00-7.32E-02

-3.13E+01 9.75E+00-1.38E+01 9.81E-014.06E+003.22E+032.3 1E+005.35E+002.27E+009.52E+003.18E+01-1.12E+01 2.78E-01-7.89E+00


-6.12E+00 0.OOE+000.OOE+00-2.99E+00 3.37E+001.93E+003.11 E+034.13E+00-5.40E+01


-1.28E-01 8.71E-01-4.66E+01

-5.18E+00 2.49E+009.5 11E+004.73E+003.3 11E+031.67E+018.78E-01-9.19E-01 1.52E+006.58E+01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)6.91E+009.52E+006.40E+003.10E+013.14E+005.12E+002.46E+016.60E+018.43E+002.01E+012.48E+004.48E+004.01E+003.72E+016.33E+007.46E+009.11E+009.68E+002.07E+027.83E+003.67E+003.94E+004.66E+003.59E+019.38E+009.59E+004.98E+001.01E+011.13E+011.26E+012.70E+013.4 11E+005.04E+002.59E+011.64E+027.91 E+002.60E+012.88E+003.52E+004.16E+003.68E+014.2 1E+004.04E+008.97E+007.49E+002.09E+029.49E+003.49E+003.87E+003.82E+003.89E+011.46E+012.55E+012.11E+016.01E+011.04E+011.71E+018.16E+011.07E+021.78E+016.25E+017.92E+001.25E+011.34E+011.16E+021.47E+011.41E+012.99E+013.12E+011.3 1E+022.611E+01 1.21E+011.34E+011.43E+011.188E+02 2.74E+013.22E+011.47E+012.35E+013.00E+012.44E+0 14.38E+011.07E+011.70E+016.53E+011.111E+02 1.90E+016.95E+019.23E+001.18E+011.37E+011. 14E+021.29E+011.31E+012.97E+012.49E+011.211E+02 2.16E+011.18E+011.29E+011.26E+011.21E+02FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU208 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGSTATION LSN332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 332175001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 333718001 335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 ENDDATE8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 NUCLIDESb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-I08mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce-144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La-140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-1 IOmBa-140Be-7Ce-141CONC(pCi/kg)1.95E+001.41E+005.89E+001.07E+012.55E+00-5.25E+00 3.06E+011.15E+000.OOE+003.75E+002.78E+037.41E+002.48E-014.48E+006.99E-02-3.50E+00 3.18E+01-1.70E+00 7.97E-013.89E+002.87E-014.93E+031.57E-01-5.92E+00



-3.09E+01 1.01E+017.20E+005.08E+001.90E+011.31 E+0 I8.89E+009.53E+011.34E+00-1.95E+00 5.03E+001.09E+03-2.25E+00 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)9.08E+009.92E+005.14E+001.26E+018.3 1E+006.73E+002.49E+013.18E+001.38E+011.52E+011.5 1E+025.90E+002.39E+013.14E+003.92E+004.50E+003.33E+014.96E+006.82E+007.58E+005.05E+002.66E+025.03E+004.15E+003.62E+003.47E+003.53E+019.07E+009.83E+005.09E+001.5 1E+019.24E+006.88E+002.36E+013.31E+003.86E+006.22E+008.25E+015.40E+002.67E+013.27E+011.70E+012.58E+012.76E+012.17E+014.90E+011.08E+011.66E+015.09E+019.95E+011.89E+017.18E+019.63E+001.27E+011.40E+011.08E+021.36E+011.73E+012.54E+011.63E+011.15E+021.59E+011.20E+011.17E+011.15E+011.IIE+022.74E+013.33E+011.66E+012.55E+013.01E+012.23E+014.47E+011.03E+011.07E+011.85E+019.74E+011.81 E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU335730001 10/15/2013 Ce-144 -5.92E+00 1.92E+01 6.47E+01 U335730001 10/15/2013 Co-57 4.27E+00 2.97E+00 8.54E+00 U335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 335730001 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-542.04E+00-5.94E+00


-4.25E+00 2.67E+00-6.54E+00 1.41E+013.98E+035.03E+00-9.80E-01 3.66E+007.83E+003.79E+014.08E+007.44E+007.80E+008.15E+002.22E+026.22E+003.68E+001.20E+011.21E+011.05E+021.24E+011.17E+012.47E+011.92E+011.07E+021.85E+011.18E+01UUUUUUUUU209 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESTATION LSNEND CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCi/kg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)TGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTG335730001 10/15/2013 Nb-95 -1.90E-01 335730001 10/15/2013 Ru-103 3.79E+00335730001 10/15/2013 Ru-106 1.48E+01335730001 10/15/2013 Sb-124 -4.07E+00 335730001 10/15/2013 Sb-125 -8.52E+00 335730001 10/15/2013 Se-75 5.12E+00335730001 10/15/2013 Th-228 2.74E+01335730001 10/15/2013 Zn-65 1.05E+00335730001 10/15/2013 Zr-95 1.83E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Ac-228 1.66E+01326835002 5/30/2013 Ag-108m -1.92E+00 326835002 5/30/2013


-1.64E+00 326835002 5/30/2013 Ba-140 2.03E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Be-7 5.14E+02326835002 5/30/2013 Ce-141 -6.67E+00 326835002 5/30/2013 Ce- 144 8.99E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Co-57 -2.20E+00 326835002 5/30/2013 Co-58 -1.12E+01 326835002 5/30/2013 Co-60 5.32E-01326835002 5/30/2013 Cr-51 8.73E-01326835002 5/30/2013 Cs-134 4.25E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Cs-137 1.69E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Fe-59 3.19E+00326835002 5/30/2013 1-131 -3.50E+00 326835002 5/30/2013 K-40 2.88E+03326835002 5/30/2013 La-140 -8.38E+00 326835002 5/30/2013 Mn-54 2.33E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Nb-95 2.65E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Ru-103 4.12E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Ru-106 -2.26E+01 326835002 5/30/2013 Sb-124 5.21E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Sb-125 -3.63E+00 326835002 5/30/2013 Se-75 -6.42E-01 326835002 5/30/2013 Th-228 6.93E+00326835002 5/30/2013 Zn-65 -1.04E+01 326835002 5/30/2013 Zr-95 -1.49E+00 328695002 6/25/2013 Ac-228 5.50E+01328695002 6/25/2013 Ag-108m -2.32E+00 328695002 6/25/2013 Ag-Il0m -I.10E+01 328695002 6/25/2013 Ba-140 3.73E+01328695002 6/25/2013 Be-7 1.14E+03328695002 6/25/2013 Ce-141 -1.97E+01 328695002 6/25/2013 Ce-144 6.86E+00328695002 6/25/2013 Co-57 -2.55E+00 328695002 6/25/2013 Co-58 -2.30E+00 328695002 6/25/2013 Co-60 1.40E+00328695002 6/25/2013 Cr-51 -9.98E+00 328695002 6/25/2013 Cs-134 4.47E+00328695002 6/25/2013 Cs-137 3.06E+00328695002 6/25/2013 Fe-59 -4.34E+00 328695002 6/25/2013 1-131 7.02E+005.72E+00 1.20E+013.62E+00 1.20E+013.14E+01 1.04E+027.85E+00 2.53E+019.49E+00 3.08E+015.06E+00 1.53E+011.17E+01 1.98E+019.34E+00 2.67E+015.92E+00 1.94E+011.56E+01 3.36E+012.77E+00 7.26E+003.38E+00 1.07E+011.21E+01 4.04E+014.02E+01 6.94E+014.72E+00 1.20E+011.65E+01 4.16E+011.65E+00 5.17E+004.94E+00 8.54E+002.30E+00 7.65E+002.25E+01 7.30E+013.30E+00 9.39E+002.46E+00 8.17E+004.96E+00 1.68E+014.92E+00 1.54E+011.55E+02 6.41E+013.73E+00 8.26E+002.52E+00 8.44E+002.52E+00 8.23E+003.16E+00 8.34E+001.97E+01 6.04E+014.66E+00 1.58E+016.64E+00 2.OOE+013.13E+00 1.02E+016.07E+00 1.24E+015.53E+00 1.51E+014.29E+00 1.38E+012.51E+01 3.44E+013.10E+00 8.39E+006.57E+00 1.30E+012.36E+01 6.77E+018.04E+01 8.80E+011.06E+01 1.90E+011.84E+01 5.90E+012.35E+00 7.18E+003.65E+00 9.88E+003.41E+00 1.14E+013.34E+01 1.09E+023.84E+00 1.19E+016.87E+00 1.12E+017.47E+00 2.42E+019.20E+00 3.01E+01210 Seabrook REMIP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTG328695002 6/25/2013 K-40328695002 6/25/2013 La-140328695002 6/25/2013 Mn-54328695002 6/25/2013 Nb-95328695002 6/25/2013 Ru-103328695002 6/25/2013 Ru-106328695002 6/25/2013 Sb-124328695002 6/25/2013 Sb-125328695002 6/25/2013 Se-75328695002 6/25/2013 Th-228328695002 6/25/2013 Zn-65328695002 6/25/2013 Zr-95330578002 7/26/2013 Ac-228330578002 7/26/2013 Ag-108m330578002 7/26/2013 Ag-Il0m330578002 7/26/2013 Ba-140330578002 7/26/2013 Be-7330578002 7/26/2013 Ce-141330578002 7/26/2013 Ce-144330578002 7/26/2013 Co-57330578002 7/26/2013 Co-58330578002 7/26/2013 Co-60330578002 7/26/2013 Cr-51330578002 7/26/2013 Cs-134330578002 7/26/2013 Cs-137330578002 7/26/2013 Fe-59330578002 7/26/2013 1-131330578002 7/26/2013 K-40330578002 7/26/2013 La-140330578002 7/26/2013 Mn-54330578002 7/26/2013 Nb-95330578002 7/26/2013 Ru-103330578002 7/26/2013 Ru-106330578002 7/26/2013 Sb-124330578002 7/26/2013 Sb-125330578002 7/26/2013 Se-75330578002 7/26/2013 Th-228330578002 7/26/2013 Zn-65330578002 7/26/2013 Zr-95332175002 8/20/2013 Ac-228332175002 8/20/2013 Ag-108m332175002 8/20/2013 Ag-Il0m332175002 8/20/2013 Ba-140332175002 8/20/2013 Be-7332175002 8/20/2013 Ce-141332175002 8/20/2013 Ce-144332175002 8/20/2013 Co-57332175002 8/20/2013 Co-58332175002 8/20/2013 Co-60332175002 8/20/2013 Cr-51332175002 8/20/2013 Cs-134CONC(pCi/kg)4.48E+03-8.61E+00 1.87E+00-4.33E+00


-3.38E+01 3.74E+004.18E+00-5.21E+00 1.03E+01-1.94E+01

-9.89E+00 1.17E+01-1.27E+00

-5.60E+00 2.99E+016.57E+022.57E+00-1.93E+00

-3.52E+00 1.38E+004.15E-01-8.25E+01 8.3 1E+004.82E+00-3.59E+00 6.76E+003.71E+034.68E+003.25E+007.60E+00-6.13E-01 2.26E+004.29E+005.52E+00-1.50E+00 0.OOE+003.32E+014.81E-016.45E+013.5 1E+00-4.49E-01

-1.43E+00 1.02E+035.29E+00-1.57E+01 2.34E+00-1.23E+00 0.OOE+00-7.81E+01 1.28E+01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)2.40E+02 9.15E+017.38E+00 2.15E+013.33E+00 1.10E+015.38E+00 1.26E+013.51E+00 1.06E+012.87E+01 8.92E+017.77E+00 2.56E+018.06E+00 2.62E+014.37E+00 1.37E+019.07E+00 2.02E+011.01E+01 2.29E+016.21E+00 1.79E+013.22E+01 5.23E+013.23E+00 1.07E+015.70E+00 1.79E+012.55E+01 8.38E+017.12E+01 1.13E+026.49E+00 2.19E+012.14E+01 7.22E+013.74E+00 9.59E+004.19E+00 1.23E+014.46E+00 1.45E+014.44E+01 1.23E+024.74E+00 1.45E+014.24E+00 1.38E+019.72E+00 3.14E+011.05E+01 3.38E+012.21E-E+02 1.23E+028.56E+00 2.89E+014.03E+00 1.36E+015.92E+00 1.48E+014.3 1E+00 1.43E+013.56E+01 1.17E+021.00E+01 3.30E+019.81E+00 3.31E+015.16E+00 1.61E+011.49E+01 3.01E+011.32E+01 3.41E+016.96E+00 2.25E+013.88E+01 7.51E+013.70E+00 1.20E+017.OOE+00 1.97E+012.10E+01 7.06E+017.78E+01 1.16E+026.36E+00 2.14E+012.37E+01 7.84E+012.99E+00 1.01E+014.69E+00 1.31E+011.33E+01 1.77E+014.44E+01 1.26E+026.76E+00 1.56E+01211 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGSTATION LSN332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 332175002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 333718002 335730002 335730002 335730002 335730002 335730002 335730002 335730002 335730002 335730002 ENDDATE8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 NUCLIDECs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs- 137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58CONC(pCi/kg)-1.38E-02 1.31E+00-4.08E+00 4.82E+03-4.1IE-01 3.91 E+009.27E+001.38E+008.36E+01-5.20E+00 9.53E+00-1.08E+00 1.83E+012.48E+00-3.53E+00 0.OOE+001.65E-02-1.20E+01 3.68E+001.56E+032.41 E+002.88E+016.22E-017.16E-013.19E+001.70E+01-1.38E+00 1.38E+01-8.85E-01

-2.90E+00 3.61E+03-8.26E+00

-2.79E+00 3.18E+003.08E+00-1.03E+01 7.06E-02-3.1 OE+006.85E-012.49E+018.55E+005.37E-021.06E+023.12E-02-2.60E+00

-5.97E+00 1.17E+03-3.07E+0 1-2.5 1E+01-2.65E+00

-3.95E+00 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)4.33E+009.36E+008.44E+002.85E+028.30E+004.29E+005.86E+004.24E+003.07E+011.07E+011.15E+015.32E+001.19E+011.18E+018.23E+002.13E+012.22E+004.96E+001.25E+018.58E+014.17E+001.69E+012.03E+002.37E+002.79E+002.38E+012.86E+004.45E+004.97E+004.2 1E+002.05E+024.62E+002.57E+003.01E+005.40E+002.71E+015.18E+006.67E+003.26E+007.68E+006.60E+004.24E+001.98E+013.25E+003.73E+005.94E+007.94E+011.17E+0I2.35E+012.99E+005.64E+001.44E+013.03E+012.69E+011.33E+022.33E+011.42E+011.51 E+0 I1.44E+011.23E+022.81 E+0 I3.72E+011.74E+012.3 1E+0I3.30E+012.28E+012.86E+017.30E+001.01E+014.07E+017.01E+011.33E+015.09E+016.55E+007.99E+009.17E+007.90E+019.43E+008.54E+001.63E+011.36E+017.84E+011.21E+018.05E+008.89E+008.60E+007.47E+011.74E+012.16E+011.10E+011.43E+011.90E+011.43E+014.26E+011.07E+011.16E+011.76E+011.04E+021.92E+017.16E+019.24E+001.18E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU212 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESTATION LSNEND CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCi/kg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)TGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTG335730002 10/15/2013 Co-60 1.84E+00335730002 10/15/2013 Cr-51 5.11E+01335730002 10/15/2013 Cs-134 9.14E+00335730002 10/15/2013 Cs-137 -7.83E-01 335730002 10/15/2013 Fe-59 7.34E+00335730002 10/15/2013 1-131 -1.33E+01 335730002 10/15/2013 K-40 4.21E+03335730002 10/15/2013 La-140 -5.97E+00 335730002 10/15/2013 Mn-54 -2.17E-01 335730002 10/15/2013 Nb-95 3.05E+00335730002 10/15/2013 Ru-103 -3.12E+00 335730002 10/15/2013 Ru-106 -1.04E+02 335730002 10/15/2013 Sb-124 1.83E+00335730002 10/15/2013 Sb-125 -1.82E+00 335730002 10/15/2013 Se-75 -1.66E+00 335730002 10/15/2013 Th-228 2.64E+01335730002 10/15/2013 Zn-65 1.10E+01335730002 10/15/2013 Zr-95 -1.62E+00 326835003 5/30/2013 Ac-228 0.OOE+00326835003 5/30/2013 Ag-108m 2.13E+00326835003 5/30/2013 Ag-1 l0m 2.44E+00326835003 5/30/2013 Ba-140 -7.15E+00 326835003 5/30/2013 Be-7 4.27E+02326835003 5/30/2013 Ce-141 8.07E+00326835003 5/30/2013 Ce-144 -3.45E+00 326835003 5/30/2013 Co-57 2.37E-01326835003 5/30/2013 Co-58 -3.52E+00 326835003 5/30/2013 Co-60 -6.71E-01 326835003 5/30/2013 Cr-51 -2.77E+01 326835003 5/30/2013 Cs-134 8.90E-01326835003 5/30/2013 Cs-137 -4.46E+00 326835003 5/30/2013 Fe-59 4.10E+00326835003 5/30/2013 1-131 2.78E+00326835003 5/30/2013 K-40 2.70E+03326835003 5/30/2013 La-140 4.61E+00326835003 5/30/2013 Mn-54 1.55E+00326835003 5/30/2013 Nb-95 -1.40E+00 326835003 5/30/2013 Ru-103 3.33E+00326835003 5/30/2013 Ru-106 -2.97E+01 326835003 5/30/2013 Sb-124 8.56E+00326835003 5/30/2013 Sb-125 7.14E-01326835003 5/30/2013 Se-75 5.38E+00326835003 5/30/2013 Th-228 2.56E+01326835003 5/30/2013 Zn-65 -1.39E+00 326835003 5/30/2013 Zr-95 3.56E+00328695003 6/26/2013 Ac-228 7.85E+01328695003 6/26/2013 Ag-108m 3.43E+00328695003 6/26/2013 Ag-I10m 1.97E+00328695003 6/26/2013 Ba-140 -2.47E+01 328695003 6/26/2013 Be-7 1.12E+03328695003 6/26/2013 Ce-141 -2.76E+00 4.14E+00 1.19E+013.63E+01 1.17E+026.48E+00 1.36E+013.89E+00 1.24E+018.61E+00 2.51E+016.89E+00 1.95E+012.40E+02 1.09E+025.94E+00 1.76E+013.56E+00 1.19E+013.66E+00 1.23E+013.95E+00 1.24E+014.94E+01 1.07E+027.57E+00 2.57E+019.96E+00 3.26E+014.82E+00 1.60E+011.14E+01 2.13E+019.74E+00 2.81E+017.62E+00 2.22E+012.56E+01 5.11E+012.55E+00 8.47E+003.81E+00 1.29E+011.35E+01 4.32E+014.09E+01 7.73E+015.45E+00 1.52E+011.68E+01 5.49E+012.19E+00 7.22E+002.75E+00 8.34E+002.89E+00 9.29E+002.50E+01 7.90E+013.22E+00 1.09E+014.36E+00 1.20E+016.31E+00 2.11E+014.61E+00 1.55E+011.63E+02 7.28E+014.63E+00 1.56E+012.78E+00 9.40E+002.96E+00 9.30E+002.42E+00 9.75E+002.69E+01 7.90E+016.22E+00 2.14E+017.29E+00 2.42E+013.93E+00 1.23E+018.37E+00 1.58E+016.87E+00 1.92E+015.20E+00 1.69E+012.52E+01 4.36E+013.35E+00 9.47E+004.97E+00 1.64E+012.22E+01 7.OOE+017.75E+01 9.55E+015.54E+00 1.84E+01213 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTG328695003 6/26/2013 Ce- 144328695003 6/26/2013 Co-57328695003 6/26/2013 Co-58328695003 6/26/2013 Co-60328695003 6/26/2013 Cr-51328695003 6/26/2013 Cs-134328695003 6/26/2013 Cs-137328695003 6/26/2013 Fe-59328695003 6/26/2013 1-131328695003 6/26/2013 K-40328695003 6/26/2013 La-140328695003 6/26/2013 Mn-54328695003 6/26/2013 Nb-95328695003 6/26/2013 Ru-103328695003 6/26/2013 Ru-106328695003 6/26/2013 Sb-124328695003 6/26/2013 Sb-125328695003 6/26/2013 Se-75328695003 6/26/2013 Th-228328695003 6/26/2013 Zn-65328695003 6/26/2013 Zr-95330578003 7/26/2013 Ac-228330578003 7/26/2013 Ag-108m330578003 7/26/2013 Ag-I 10m330578003 7/26/2013 Ba-140330578003

.7/26/2013 Be-7330578003 7/26/2013 Ce-141330578003 7/26/2013 Ce-144330578003 7/26/2013 Co-57330578003 7/26/2013 Co-58330578003 7/26/2013 Co-60330578003 7/26/2013 Cr-51330578003 7/26/2013 Cs-134330578003 7/26/2013 Cs-137330578003 7/26/2013 Fe-59330578003 7/26/2013 1-131330578003 7/26/2013 K-40330578003 7/26/2013 La-140330578003 7/26/2013 Mn-54330578003 7/26/2013 Nb-95330578003 7/26/2013 Ru-103330578003 7/26/2013 Ru-106330578003 7/26/2013 Sb-124330578003 7/26/2013 Sb-125330578003 7/26/2013 Se-75330578003 7/26/2013 Th-228330578003 7/26/2013 Zn-65330578003 7/26/2013 Zr-95332175003 8/20/2013 Ac-228332175003 8/20/2013 Ag-108m332175003 8/20/2013 Ag- 10mCONC(pCi/kg)3.45E+00-7.41 E-02-4.66E+00 6.03E+002.81E+014.01E+002.65E+011.18E-015.45E+002.82E+031.46E+012.33E+002.60E+002.21 E+006.93E-01-3.80E+00 5.03E-01-4.51 E-012.14E+017.42E+001. 19E+003.86E+014.22E-0 I1.02E+012.57E+011.1 6E+033.76E+001.23E+01-2.78E-01

-4.27E+00 3.33E+001.01E+00-5.26E+00 6.26E+001.22E+011.32E+012.47E+03-1.58E+00


-4.11E+00 3.22E+001.64E+01-7.08E+00

-6.96E+00 1.68E+00-1.88E+00


-6.48E+00 6.65E+011.56E-011.06E+01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)2.08E+01 6.24E+012.41E+00 8.16E+003.67E+00 1.10E+014.51E+00 1.33E+013.64E+01 1.19E+026.18E+00 1.22E+015.11E+00 1.16E+017.67E+00 2.47E+019.69E+00 3.16E+011.76E+02 9.51E+011.33E+01 2.46E+013.36E+00

.I1IE+013.65E+00 1.21E+013.59E+00 1.22E+013.14E+01 1.05E+028.60E+00 2.73E+018.54E+00 2.75E+014.41E+00 1.45E+011.24E+01 2.24E+017.55E+00 2.57E+018.46E+00 2.24E+012.09E+01 4.02E+012.38E+00 7.9 1E+005.94E+00 1.32E+011.83E+01 6.18E+018.19E+01 7.72E+015.51E+00 1.63E+011.83E+01 5.44E+012.1OE+00 6.97E+003.23E+00 9.77E+003.13E+00 1.03E+012.89E+01 9.78E+015.70E+00 1.06E+015.23E+00 9.48E+007.76E+00 2.48E+018.33E+00 2.69E+011.56E+02 9.23E+015.62E+00 1.82E+013.13E+00 8.91E+004.98E+00 1.08E+013.19E+00 1.05E+012.70E+01 8.79E+017.90E+00 2.40E+019.51E+00 2.54E+013.99E+00 1.28E+017.1OE+00 1.82E+011.21E+01 2.12E+015.37E+00 1.65E+014.87E+01 1.02E+025.75E+00 1.85E+019.82E+00 3.03E+01FLAGS214 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGENDSTATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE10 332175003 8/20/2013 Ba-14010 332175003 8/20/2013 Be-710 332175003 8/20/2013 Ce-14110 332175003 8/20/2013 Ce-14410 332175003 8/20/2013 Co-5710 332175003 8/20/2013 Co-5810 332175003 8/20/2013 Co-6010 332175003 8/20/2013 Cr-5110 332175003 8/20/2013 Cs-13410 332175003 8/20/2013 Cs-13710 332175003 8/20/2013 Fe-5910 332175003 8/20/2013 1-13110 332175003 8/20/2013 K-4010 332175003 8/20/2013 La-14010 332175003 8/20/2013 Mn-5410 332175003 8/20/2013 Nb-9510 332175003 8/20/2013 Ru-10310 332175003 8/20/2013 Ru-10610 332175003 8/20/2013 Sb-12410 332175003 8/20/2013 Sb-12510 332175003 8/20/2013 Se-7510 332175003 8/20/2013 Th-22810 332175003 8/20/2013 Zn-6510 332175003 8/20/2013 Zr-9510 333718003 9/17/2013 Ac-22810 333718003 9/17/2013 Ag-108m10 333718003 9/17/2013 Ag-IIOm10 333718003 9/17/2013 Ba-14010 333718003 9/17/2013 Be-710 333718003 9/17/2013 Ce-14110 333718003 9/17/2013 Ce-14410 333718003 9/17/2013 Co-5710 333718003 9/17/2013 Co-5810 333718003 9/17/2013 Co-6010 333718003 9/17/2013 Cr-5110 333718003 9/17/2013 Cs-13410 333718003 9/17/2013 Cs-13710 333718003 9/17/2013 Fe-5910 333718003 9/17/2013 1-13110 333718003 9/17/2013 K-4010 333718003 9/17/2013 La-14010 333718003 9/17/2013 Mn-5410 333718003 9/17/2013 Nb-9510 333718003 9/17/2013 Ru-10310 333718003 9/17/2013 Ru-10610 333718003 9/17/2013 Sb-12410 333718003 9/17/2013 Sb-12510 333718003 9/17/2013 Se-7510 333718003 9/17/2013 Th-22810 333718003 9/17/2013 Zn-6510 333718003 9/17/2013 Zr-95CONC(pCi/kg)3.08E+009.01E+021.29E+01-4.18E+01 7.59E+000.OOE+00-1.05E+01 1.59E+012.77E+000.OOE+002.34E+012.22E+013.79E+03-3.98E+00

-7.95E-01 5.58E-012.52E+001.25E+01-6.90E+00


-1.22E+01 2.76E+012.81E-017.35E+009.22E+004.78E-021.23E+003.25E+012.03E+033.95E+00-1.40E+01 4.15E+001.40E+004.39E+001.79E+01-1.18E-01 2.45E+01-9.22E-01 1.07E-013.12E+03-8.24E+00

-5.37E-02 4.38E+00-2.27E+00 5.40E+01-6.40E+00 1.42E+00-6.36E+00 1.34E+011.28E+018.58E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)3.17E+01 1.06E+021.14E+02 1.68E+021.05E+01 3.27E+013.72E+01 1.12E+025.04E+00 1.56E+018.96E+00 1.96E+017.94E+00 2.28E+016.20E+01 2.04E+026.96E+00 2.16E+011.40E+01 1.88E+011.57E+01 5.17E+011.52E+01 4.29E+012.71E+02 1.77E+021.19E+01 3.72E+016.27E+00 2.02E+016.32E+00 2.07E+016.62E+00 2.24E+015.61E+01 1.87E+021.42E+01 4.52E+011.84E+01 5.43E+019.67E+00 2.58E+011.87E+01 3.60E+011.35E+01 4.46E+011.13E+01 3.74E+012.17E+01 4.60E+012.75E+00 8.85E+004.03E+00 1.33E+011.67E+01 5.28E+011.06E+02 8.41E+015.26E+00 1.57E+011.76E+01 5.80E+012.43E+00 7.75E+003.21E+00 1.06E+014.10E+00 1.21E+012.97E+01 9.71E+013.53E+00 1.16E+015.67E+00 1.06E+016.84E+00 2.19E+015.17E+00 1.68E+011.85E+02 1.00E+021.38E+01 1.65E+013.04E+00 9.97E+003.16E+00 1.03E+013.07E+00 1.00E+013.13E+01 9.99E+017.1OE+00 2.15E+018.61E+00 2.78E+014.60E+00 1.28E+019.26E+00 1.73E+011.21E+01 2.39E+015.81E+00 1.89E+01215 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 335730003 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I li0mBa-140Be-7Ce-141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95CONC(pCi/kg)7.21E+014.67E+00-2.62E+00

-1.23E+01 1.46E+035.99E-014.68E+001.05E+00-6.OOE-01 7.86E-012.70E+006.34E+001.48E+013.1 1E+016.65E+004.28E+03-5.25E+00 1.38E+00-3.65E+00

-1.11 E+005.54E+00-5.62E+00 1.02E+013.35E+008.03E+004.43E-016.36E+003.72E+013.55E+005.55E+002.27E+011.04E+026.68E+002.14E+012.72E+004.41E+004.64E+003.77E+014.67E+005.82E+001.29E+018.54E+002.43E+028.02E+003.76E+004.45E+004.13 E+003.60E+019.26E+001.08E+015.28E+001.36E+019.97E+007.74E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)7.38E+011.15E+011.79E+017.15E+011.15 E+021.93E+016.99E+018.92E+001.26E+011.45E+011.26E+021.54E+011.56E+013.41E+012.84E+011.35E+022.10E+011.26E+011.42E+011.33E+011.16E+022.88E+0 I3.53E+011.73E+012.20E+013.24E+012.61 E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU216 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATESTATION LSNCONCNUCLIDE (pCi/kg)TMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTM318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013318309001 1/9/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-5ICs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce-141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-753.82E+001.93E-013.03E-025.63E-01-6.29E+00

-2.OOE+00 2.55E+006.37E-01-9.77E-01

-1.17E-01 2.23E+011.25E+005.13 E+00-8.78E-01 1.07E-011.54E+035.63E-01-4.89E-01


-6.77E-01 4.03E+00-1.76E+00

-1.68E+00 1.24E+001.21E-013.80E-01-1.75E+00


-8.OOE-02 2.96E-015.18E-012.23E+00-8.28E-01 8.24E-01-1.58E-01 1.00E+00-1.31E-01

-2.59E+00 7.25E-012.22E+00-1.52E+00 2.60E-011.66E+035.18E-01-1.07E+00 1.76E+004.41E-013.23E+00-2.16E+00 2.95E+00-1.41E+00 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)4.71E+00 1.06E+016.06E-01 2.05E+001.14E+00 2.17E+009.78E-01 3.34E+006.23E+00 1.99E+011.64E+00 4.18E+004.70E+00 1.60E+016.68E-01 2.10E+007.88E-01 2.35E+008.15E-01 2.65E+008.62E+00 2.37E+018.68E-01 2.77E+001.63E+00 2.24E+001.80E+00 5.84E+002.20E-01 7.23E-017.77E+01 2.14E+019.78E-01 3.34E+007.61E-01 2.39E+008.29E-01 2.31E+007.70E-01 2.48E+006.74E+00 2.24E+011.52E+00 4.54E+001.99E+00 6.12E+001.06E+00 3.32E+002.19E+00 4.44E+002.OOE+00 5.73E+001.47E+00 4.45E+004.36E+00 1.15E+016.54E-01 2.21E+007.69E-01 2.22E+001.02E+00 3.46E+005.70E+00 1.93E+011.89E+00 4.25E+004.83E+00 1.59E+016.51E-01 2.06E+007.81E-01 2.51E+008.31E-01 2.70E+007.02E+00 2.26E+018.59E-01 2.80E+008.52E-01 2.49E+002.45E+00 5.99E+001.59E-01 5.13E-018.26E+01 2.20E+011.02E+00 3.46E+007.82E-01 2.29E+008.36E-01 2.53E+007.30E-01 2.45E+006.40E+00 2.13E+011.65E+00 4.88E+002.15E+00 6.73E+001.04E+00 3.16E+00FLAGS217 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMSTATION LSNEND CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCi/kg)320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013320046001 2/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013321558001 3/6/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013323166001 4/3/2013Th-228 4.33E-01Zn-65 -3.92E+00 Zr-95 2.40E+00Ac-228 5.75E+00Ag-108m 1.94E+00Ag-I10m 1.57E+00Ba-140 2.27E-01Be-7 -8.36E+00 Ce-141 3.57E-01Ce-144 1.09E+01Co-57 -5.57E-01 Co-58 2.02E-01Co-60 -1.13E+00 Cr-51 -2.63E+00 Cs- 134 -1.03E+00 Cs-137 3.20E+00Fe-59 4.46E-011-131 -9.88E-02 K-40 1.51E+03La-140 2.27E-01Mn-54 -1.77E-01 Nb-95 -1.14E+00 Ru-103 -1.49E+00 Ru-106 -1.45E+01 Sb-124 -4.03E-01 Sb-125 1.62E+00Se-75 -4.95E-01 Th-228 0.OOE+00Zn-65 -2.38E-01 Zr-95 -5.46E-01 Ac-228 1.18E+00Ag-108m -1.17E-01 Ag-I10m 1.48E+00Ba-140 -2.11 E+00Be-7 -7.30E+00 Ce-141 -1.76E+00 Ce-144 -1.51E+00 Co-57 1.I0E-01Co-58 4.55E-01Co-60 -1.53E-01 Cr-51 1.57E+01Cs-134 -1.31E-01 Cs-137 4.92E+00Fe-59 -3.08E+00 1-131 1.55E-01K-40 1.47E+03La-140 -2.1 IE+00Mn-54 -2.61E-01 Nb-95 -4.83E-01 Ru-103 -3.87E-01 Ru-106 -1.08E+01 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)2.47E+00 5.12E+002.03E+00 5.62E+001.63E+00 4.58E+005.41E+00 1.45E+019.42E-01 2.92E+001.02E+00 3.06E+001.29E+00 3.52E+008.55E+00 2.60E+012.07E+00 5.20E+006.74E+00 2.08E+019.01E-01 2.62E+009.45E-01 3.16E+001.29E+00 3.99E+008.70E+00 2.85E+011.11E+00 3.23E+001.30E+00 3.96E+002.37E+00 7.77E+001.88E-01 6.22E-018.28E+01 2.58E+011.29E+00 3.52E+009.37E-01 3.07E+009.89E-01 3.OOE+009.96E-01 2.8 1E+008.34E+00 2.36E+012.OOE+00 6.47E+002.65E+00 8.76E+001.44E+00 4.19E+003.59E+00 7.06E+002.62E+00 7.29E+001.77E+00 5.82E+003.69E+00 1.05E+015.84E-01 1.95E+007.70E-01 2.11E+001.12E+00 2.81E+005.93E+00 1.84E+011.73E+00 4.03E+004.43E+00 1.49E+015.96E-01 2.03E+006.76E-01 2.29E+008.20E-01 2.63E+007.31E+00 2.14E+017.55E-01 2.53E+009.90E-01 2.31E+001.78E+00 5.02E+001.63E-01 5.47E-017.41E+01 2.29E+011.12E+00 2.81E+006.74E-01 2.23E+009.81E-01 2.30E+007.68E-01 2.16E+006.65E+00 1.91E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMUUUUUUU218 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMENDSTATION LSN DATE151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515323166001 323166001 323166001 323166001 323166001 323166001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 324224001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 325182001 4/3/20134/3/20134/3/20134/3/20134/3/20134/3/20134/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 5/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/2013511120135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/20135/1/2013NUCLIDESb- 124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa- 140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54CONC(pCi/kg)1.39E+00-3.06E+00

-7.46E-0 I-3.19E+00 2.54E+003.32E+002.06E+01-5.83E-01




-8.73E-01 9.85E-011.22E+00-4.52E-01 1.21 E+001.51E+00-7.03E-01 2.80E+00-2.20E+00 4.18E-011.51E+03-5.20E-01 1.11E+00-3.42E-01

-7.1 IE-02-1.4]E+01 2.36E-012.60E+00-1.31E-02 2.85E+00-1.32E+00 7.33E-016.29E+008.85E-027.68E-011.52E+005.20E+000.OOE+00-5.15E+00

-6.20E-01 2.13E-01-1.06E-01

-3.53E+00 1.42E+001.41E+001.90E+00-3.84E-02 1.58E+031.52E+00-4.14E-01 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.54E+002.47E+009.53E-012.50E+002.05E+004.14E+003.92E+005.OOE-016.3 1E-017.34E-014.8 1E+001.01E+003.65E+005.59E-015.83E-018.48E-015.19E+007.74E-011.IIE+001.65E+002.17E-017.37E+017.34E-015.95E-015.45E-015.78E-016.83E+001.09E+001.65E+007.78E-011.86E+001.44E+001.02E+004.92E+005.50E-017.29E-019.20E-015.68E+001.63E+004.46E+005.91E-016.45E-017.34E-016.92E+007.6 1E-011.30E+001.61E+001.72E-017.66E+019.20E-016.41E-015.18E+005.81 E+003.02E+005.39E+005.81 E+004.14E+006.68E+001.59E+001.75E+002.29E+001.46E+013.16E+001.23E+011.65E+001.83E+002.18E+001.69E+012.07E+001.97E+004.24E+006.67E-011.61E+012.29E+001.84E+001.74E+001.93E+001.56E+013.59E+005.09E+002.54E+003.92E+004.60E+003.35E+008.03E+001.83E+002.06E+003.07E+001.87E+013.94E+001.39E+011.87E+002.18E+002.38E+001.99E+012.42E+002.28E+005.23E+005.76E-0 I1.77E+013.07E+002.09E+00FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU219 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTM325182001 5/1/2013 Nb-95325182001 5/1/2013 Ru-103325182001 5/1/2013 Ru-106325182001 5/1/2013 Sb-124325182001 5/1/2013 Sb-125325182001 5/1/2013 Se-75325182001 5/1/2013 Th-228325182001 5/1/2013 Zn-65325182001 5/1/2013 Zr-95325993001 5/15/2013 Ac-228325993001 5/15/2013 Ag-108m325993001 5/15/2013 Ag-lr0m325993001 5/15/2013 Ba-140325993001 5/15/2013 Be-7325993001 5/15/2013 Ce-141325993001 5/15/2013 Ce-144325993001 5/15/2013 Co-57325993001 5/15/2013 Co-58325993001 5/15/2013 Co-60325993001 5/15/2013 Cr-51325993001 5/15/2013 Cs-134325993001 5/15/2013 Cs-137325993001 5/15/2013 Fe-59325993001 5/15/2013 1-131325993001 5/15/2013 K-40325993001 5/15/2013 La-140325993001 5/15/2013 Mn-54325993001 5/15/2013 Nb-95325993001 5/15/2013 Ru-103325993001 5/15/2013 Ru-106325993001 5/15/2013 Sb-124325993001 5/15/2013 Sb-125325993001 5/15/2013 Se-75325993001 5/15/2013 Th-228325993001 5/15/2013 Zn-65325993001 5/15/2013 Zr-95327669001 6/12/2013 Ac-228327669001 6/12/2013 Ag-108m327669001 6/12/2013 Ag-11nm327669001 6/12/2013 Ba-140327669001 6/12/2013 Be-7327669001 6/12/2013 Ce-141327669001 6/12/2013 Ce-144327669001 6/12/2013 Co-57327669001 6/12/2013 Co-58327669001 6/12/2013 Co-60327669001 6/12/2013 Cr-51327669001 6/12/2013 Cs-134327669001 6/12/2013 Cs-137327669001 6/12/2013 Fe-59327669001 6/12/2013 1-131CONC(pCi/kg)8.14E-01-1.34E+00 2.52E+007.10E-01-1.99E+00 9.47E-011.63E+001.29E+00-2.17E-01

-3.96E+00 6.83E-01-9.03E-01 4.29E-013.01E+003.37E+006.75E+001.65E-011.17E+003.30E-013.65E+00-1.95E-01 7.25E+006.45E-01-9.38E-02 1.53E+034.29E-011.5]E+005.39E-01-1.72E+00 5.95E-015.59E-01-2.89E+00

-1.91E+00 3.83E+00-3.56E+00

-6.42E-01 5.09E+00-2.99E-01 5.12E-01-8.10E-01

-7.14E-01 2.60E+00-7.62E+00


-1.11E+00 1.45E-01-8.99E-01

-1.03E-01 3.58E+004.56E-01-4.46E-02 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)7.11E-01 2.27E+007.51E-01 2.16E+005.75E+00 1.88E+011.36E+00 4.61E+001.99E+00 5.42E+009.19E-01 2.91E+001.96E+00 4.45E+001.81E+00 5.18E+001.39E+00 3.83E+004.36E+00 1.01E+016.84E-01 2.23E+008.31E-01 2.25E+001.01E+00 3.44E+006.43E+00 2.10E+012.05E+00 4.86E+005.48E+00 1.71E+016.86E-01 2.20E+008.48E-01 2.66E+009.98E-01 2.82E+007.22E+00 2.40E+019.64E-01 2.64E+001.41E+00 2.43E+001.75E+00 5.78E+002.26E-01 7.49E-018.03E+01 2.47E+011.01E+00 3.44E+007.98E-01 2.54E+007.43E-01 2.50E+008.91E-01 2.41E+006.32E+00 2.03E+011.63E+00 5.42E+002.09E+00 6.18E+001.08E+00 3.15E+002.33E+00 5.18E+002.03E+00 5.59E+001.22E+00 3.97E+003.58E+00 7.02E+004.94E-01 1.59E+006.17E-01 1.75E+008.08E-01 2.39E+005.68E+00 1.62E+011.36E+00 3.57E+004.50E+00 1.29E+015.58E-01 1.70E+006.20E-01 1.79E+005.90E-01 1.93E+005.47E+00 1.81E+016.25E-01 2.09E+008.14E-01 1.90E+001.33E+00 4.42E+002.84E-01 9.36E-01220 Seabrook REMiP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTM327669001 6/12/2013 K-40327669001 6/12/2013 La-140327669001 6/12/2013 Mn-54327669001 6/12/2013 Nb-95327669001 6/12/2013 Ru-103327669001 6/12/2013 Ru-106327669001 6/12/2013 Sb-124327669001 6/12/2013 Sb-125327669001 6/12/2013 Se-75327669001 6/12/2013 Th-228327669001 6/12/2013 Zn-65327669001 6/12/2013 Zr-95329160001 6/26/2013 Ac-228329160001 6/26/2013 Ag-108m329160001 6/26/2013 Ag- 110m329160001 6/26/2013 Ba-140329160001 6/26/2013 Be-7329160001 6/26/2013 Ce-141329160001 6/26/2013 Ce-144329160001 6/26/2013 Co-57329160001 6/26/2013 Co-58329160001 6/26/2013 Co-60329160001 6/26/2013 Cr-51329160001 6/26/2013 Cs-134329160001 6/26/2013 Cs- 137329160001 6/26/2013 Fe-59329160001 6/26/2013 1-131329160001 6/26/2013 K-40329160001 6/26/2013 La-140329160001 6/26/2013 Mn-54329160001 6/26/2013 Nb-95329160001 6/26/2013 Ru-103329160001 6/26/2013 Ru-106329160001 6/26/2013 Sb-124329160001 6/26/2013 Sb-125329160001 6/26/2013 Se-75329160001 6/26/2013 Th-228329160001 6/26/2013 Zn-65329160001 6/26/2013 Zr-95329424001 7/10/2013 Ac-228329424001 7/10/2013 Ag-108m329424001 7/10/2013 Ag-110m329424001 7/10/2013 Ba-140329424001 7/10/2013 Be-7329424001 7/10/2013 Ce-141329424001 7/10/2013 Ce-144329424001 7/10/2013 Co-57329424001 7/10/2013 Co-58329424001 7/10/2013 Co-60329424001 7/10/2013 Cr-51329424001 7/10/2013 Cs-134CONC(pCi/kg)1.69E+03-8.10E-01 7.45E-029.55E-018.15E-015.83E+002.27E-012.25E+00-5.25E-01 1.38E+006.16E-014.21E-010.OOE+006.54E-010.OOE+00-3.57E+00


-1.64E+00 5.03E-016.88E-025.23E-02-5.70E-01

-5.49E+00 2.89E-017.84E+002.70E-021.77E-011.73E+03-3.57E+00 9.60E-011.73E+00-2.72E-01 2.01E+00-2.74E+00 1.53E+00-3.07E-01 2.63E+00-1.63E+00


-2.44E+00 7.34E-014.59E-012.80E+002.52E+00-1.27E+00 1.39E+001.30E+00-1.2]E+00


-9.26E-0 I3.94E-01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)8.05E+01 1.43E+018.08E-01 2.39E+005.44E-01 1.83E+006.04E-01 1.96E+006.92E-01 1.95E+004.86E+00 1.55E+019.43E-01 3.20E+001.60E+00 5.12E+007.81E-01 2.56E+001.68E+00 4.08E+001.51E+00 4.36E+009.61E-01 3.26E+004.50E+00 1.01E+015.91E-01 1.95E+001.18E+00 2.44E+001.99E+00 5.33E+006.72E+00 2.09E+011.32E+00 3.93E+003.97E+00 1.27E+014.92E-01 1.58E+008.20E-01 2.74E+008.23E-01 2.63E+007.5 1E+00 2.36E+017.81E-01 2.62E+001.10E+00 2.30E+002.07E+00 6.73E+002.46E-01 8.19E-018.51E+01 2.18E+011.99E+00 5.33E+007.68E-01 2.52E+009.13E-01 2.88E+008.19E-01 2.69E+005.99E+00 1.96E+012.52E+00 5.57E+001.78E+00 5.95E+008.59E-01 2.80E+002.08E+00 3.52E+002.1 IE+00 6.59E+001.39E+00 4.61E+005.36E+00 1.69E+019.37E-01 3.16E+001.24E+00 3.56E+001.99E+00 6.46E+001.01E+01 3.34E+012.37E+00 6.59E+007.17E+00 2.36E+019.95E-01 3.25E+001.17E+00 3.55E+001.14E+00 3.80E+001.03E+01 3.44E+011.26E+00 4.26E+00221 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTM329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 329424001 7/10/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 330434001 7/24/2013 331286001 8/7/2013331286001 8/7/2013331286001 8/7/2013331286001 8/7/2013331286001 8/7/2013331286001 8/7/2013331286001 8/7/2013331286001 8/7/2013331286001 8/7/2013Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La-140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag- 108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7Ce-I141Ce-144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag- 108mAg- 10mBa-140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58CONC(pCi/kg)6.24E+00-2.41E-01

-4.51 E-021.68E+032.80E+004.90E-015.55E-01-1.39E+00


-1.03E+00 3.20E+003.26E+00-5.43E+00


-2.91 E+00-5.81 E+00-2.29E+00



-8.06E+00 2.37E+002.55E+00-5.93E-01 6.09E-011.91E+005.10E+005.61E-015.40E+00-8.13E-01 3.43E-031.68E+03-3.51E-01

-7.17E-01 1.1OE+00-1.04E+00 9.79E-01-1.8]E+00

-2.94E+00 1.06E+000.OOE+003.40E-012.19E-012.98E+00-4.75E-01 3.31E-011.17E+00-1.58E+00 1.07E+001.05E+018.58E-01-1.42E+00 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)2.09E+00 4.28E+003.05E+00 8.96E+002.93E-01 9.55E-019.56E+01 2.92E+011.99E+00 6.46E+001.28E+00 3.79E+001.37E+00 4.54E+001.14E+00 3.32E+001.05E+01 3.04E+012.22E+00 6.85E+003.03E+00 1.02E+011.78E+00 4.89E+002.87E+00 7.52E+003.25E+00 9.88E+002.14E+00 6.25E+005.37E+00 1.46E+011.06E+00 2.71E+001.15E+00 2.82E+001.43E+00 4.59E+008.59E+00 2.63E+011.84E+00 5.20E+006.19E+00 2.05E+018.74E-01 2.81E+001.03E+00 3.48E+001.13E+00 3.29E+008.98E+00 3.05E+011.12E+00 3.81E+001.71E+00 3.33E+002.43E+00 7.73E+001.13E-01 3.81E-019.19E+01 2.50E+011.43E+00 4.59E+001.07E+00 3.40E+001.09E+00 3.30E+001.1OE+00 3.35E+001.12E+01 3.16E+012.19E+00 6.50E+002.96E+00 9.14E+001.37E+00 4.38E+002.93E+00 7.29E+002.67E+00 8.71E+003.12E+00 6.15E+004.54E+00 8.95E+005.57E-01 1.77E+006.73E-01 1.97E+008.73E-01 2.87E+005.11E+00 1.66E+011.16E+00 3.51E+004.31E+00 1.34E+015.53E-01 1.74E+007.21E-01 2.02E+00FLAGS222 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMSTATION LSN331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 331286001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332177001 332963001 332963001 332963001 332963001 332963001 332963001 ENDDATE8/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/7/20138/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 9/4/20139/4/20139/4/20139/4/20139/4/20139/4/2013CONCNUCLIDE (pCi/kg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-I137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru- 103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-110mBa- 140Be-7Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Ru- 103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-ll0mBa-140Be-7Ce-I141-2.08E-01


-8.69E-01 2.17E+00-2.05E+00 1.42E-031.67E+031.17E+001.27E-027.98E-012.46E-01-4.22E+00


-1.73E+00 1.56E+006.17E-01-2.33E+00 1.50E+00-4.15E+00

-2.48E-01 7.45E-01-7.55E-01


-1.16E+00 1.72E+00-4.09E-01 4.51E-01-3.21E+00 2.83E+003.61E-012.85E+003.88E+00-1.43E-02 1.74E+03-7.55E-01

-6.90E-02 2.32E+00-1. 17E+00-3.95E+00 2.06E-01-1.72E+00 1.96E+003.20E+00-4.33E+00 1.06E+002.26E-021.81E-011.55E-011.16E+001.09E+00-4.29E+00 6.52E-015.64E+007.32E-018.14E-011.58E+001.17E-018.56E+018.73E-016.09E-017.06E-017.47E-015.76E+001.20E+001.69E+009.09E-011.82E+001.93E+001.27E+004.35E+006.55E-018.OOE-011.01E+006.45E+001.81E+004.5 1E+005.88E-017.68E-0 I1.37E+006.25E+008.07E-011.38E+002.02E+001.33E-018.64E+011.01E+007.33E-019.05E-018.79E-016.34E+001.43E+001.94E+001.06E+002.31 E+002.13E+001.30E+004.3 1E+005.32E-017.09E-012.06E+006.05E+002.23E+002.14E+001.81E+012.27E+002.19E+004.71 E+003.77E-011.82E+012.87E+002.02E+002.01E+002.12E+001.80E+013.81E+005.30E+002.74E+003.59E+005.17E+003.64E+001.07E+012.09E+002.30E+003.17E+001.98E+013.80E+001.47E+011.89E+002.50E+002.69E+002.07E+012.64E+002.55E+006.19E+004.45E-012.16E+013.17E+002.36E+002.54E+002.36E+002.05E+014.73E+006.01E+003.20E+004.52E+005.78E+004.24E+009.33E+001.79E+002.01E+006.90E+002.02E+014.82E+00FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU223 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPETMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMEND CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCi/kg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)STATION LSN151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013332963001 9/4/2013333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 333831001 9/18/2013 335883001 10/16/2013 335883001 10/16/2013 335883001 10/16/2013 Ce-144 -5.02E-01 Co-57 1.13E+00Co-58 4.69E-01Co-60 -2.06E-02 Cr-51 -1.79E+00 Cs-134 5.30E-01Cs-137 6.90E+00Fe-59 2.23E-011-131 1.68E-01K-40 1.72E+03La-140 1.16E+00Mn-54 -1.05E+00 Nb-95 5.09E-02Ru-103 8.07E-01Ru-106 -1.99E+00 Sb-124 -2.65E-01 Sb-125 9.57E-01Se-75 -1.26E-01 Th-228 1.57E+00Zn-65 2.08E-01Zr-95 8.10E-01Ac-228 -3.95E+00 Ag-108m 8.76E-02Ag-In0m -2.11E-01 Ba-140 -1.31E+00 Be-7 3.08E+00Ce-141 4.55E-01Ce-144 8.19E-01Co-57 -2.23E-01 Co-58 -5.78E-01 Co-60 1.77E-01Cr-51 2.79E+00Cs-134 -7.28E-01 Cs-137 1.24E+01Fe-59 -7.26E-01 1-131 2.06E-01K-40 1.09E+03La-140 -1.31E+00 Mn-54 1.09E-01Nb-95 1.62E-01Ru- 103 1.26E-01Ru-106 3.98E+00Sb-124 -5.87E-01 Sb-125 -8.02E-01 Se-75 3.56E-01Th-228 -5.37E-01 Zn-65 -2.19E-01 Zr-95 1.23E-01Ac-228 -6.67E+00 Ag-108m 7.05E-01Ag-I 10m -9.3 1E-014.13E+00 1.39E+015.88E-01 1.82E+006.95E-01 2.34E+007.03E-01 2.27E+009.5 1E+00 2.67E+017.83E-01 2.30E+001.12E+00 2.05E+001.96E+00 6.44E+001.30E-01 4.18E-018.28E+01 1.80E+012.06E+00 6.90E+007.89E-01 2.07E+007.78E-01 2.51E+009.22E-01 2.67E+005.65E+00 1.83E+011.54E+00 5.04E+001.60E+00 5.36E+008.68E-01 2.83E+002.37E+00 4.72E+001.86E+00 5.24E+001.37E+00 4.45E+002.07E+00 4.22E+002.87E-01 8.21E-013.06E-01 8.62E-016.45E-01 1.66E+003.04E+00 8.60E+008.42E-01 1.67E+001.97E+00 5.63E+002.35E-01 7.29E-013.38E-01 9.75E-013.51E-01 1.18E+003.09E+00 1.01E+015.38E-01 9.80E-018.02E-01 9.39E-018.47E-01 2.62E+001.97E-01 6.57E-015.08E+01 8.76E+006.45E-01 1.66E+002.86E-01 9.49E-013.12E-01 1.04E+003.72E-01 1.06E+002.58E+00 8.35E+007.OOE-01 2.16E+007.88E-01 2.45E+003.78E-01 1.25E+008155E-01 1.83E+007.92E-01 2.54E+005.63E-01 1.88E+005.23E+00 1.33E+019.96E-01 2.48E+009.75E-01 2.61E+00224 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTM335883001 10/16/2013 Ba-140335883001 10/16/2013 Be-7335883001 10/16/2013 Ce-141335883001 10/16/2013 Ce-144335883001 10/16/2013 Co-57335883001 10/16/2013 Co-58335883001 10/16/2013 Co-60335883001 10/16/2013 Cr-51335883001 10/16/2013 Cs-134335883001 10/16/2013 Cs-137335883001 10/16/2013 Fe-59335883001 10/16/2013 1-131335883001 10/16/2013 K-40335883001 10/16/2013 La-140335883001 10/16/2013 Mn-54335883001 10/16/2013 Nb-95335883001 10/16/2013 Ru-103335883001 10/16/2013 Ru-106335883001 10/16/2013 Sb-124335883001 10/16/2013 Sb-125335883001 10/16/2013 Se-75335883001 10/16/2013 Th-228335883001 10/16/2013 Zn-65335883001 10/16/2013 Zr-95337655001 11/13/2013 Ac-228337655001 11/13/2013 Ag-108m337655001 11/13/2013 Ag-110m337655001 11/13/2013 Ba-140337655001 11/13/2013 Be-7337655001 11/13/2013 Ce-141337655001 11/13/2013 Ce-144337655001 11/13/2013 Co-57337655001 11/13/2013 Co-58337655001 11/13/2013 Co-60337655001 11/13/2013 Cr-51337655001 11/13/2013 Cs-134337655001 11/13/2013 Cs-137337655001 11/13/2013 Fe-59337655001 11/13/2013 1-131337655001 11/13/2013 K-40337655001 11/13/2013 La-140337655001 11/13/2013 Mn-54337655001 11/13/2013 Nb-95337655001 11/13/2013 Ru-103337655001 11/13/2013 Ru-106337655001 11/13/2013 Sb-124337655001 11/13/2013 Sb-125337655001 11/13/2013 Se-75337655001 11/13/2013 Th-228337655001 11/13/2013 Zn-65337655001 11/13/2013 Zr-95CONC(pCi/kg)-1.22E+00

-4.82E+00 2.32E+001.46E+007.53E-01-3.40E-01

-2.95E-0 I-2.81E+00 5.56E-014.17E+00-1.4]E+00 7.73E-021.77E+03-1.22E+00 2.24E-012.01E+001.91E-01-5.70E+00 1.38E+002.30E+00-3.62E-01 1.71E+00-3.34E+00 1.09E+00-6.92E-01


-1.18E+009.06E-01-1.86E+00 4.93E+001.62E+01-2.46E-01 7.27E-022.60E-01-1.35E+01

-3.34E+00 5.02E+008.95E+00-1.39E-01 1.52E+039.06E-01-7.46E-03 3.5 1E-01-1.67E+00 3.67E+00-1.00E+01

-5.92E+00 2.85E-011.02E+002.61E+002.16E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.20E+00 3.63E+007.41E+00 2.31E+011.62E+00 4.56E+005.41E+00 1.77E+017.25E-01 2.35E+008.90E-01 2.84E+001.07E+00 3.41E+007.50E+00 2.45E+011.12E+00 3.18E+002.08E+00 2.99E+001.99E+00 6.32E+001.93E-01 6.55E-019.04E+01 2.50E+011.20E+00 3.63E+001.08E+00 3.03E+001.05E+00 3.24E+008.56E-01 2.90E+007.83E+00 2.5 1E+011.90E+00 6.42E+002.46E+00 7.93E+001.09E+00 3.63E+002.22E+00 5.42E+002.39E+00 7.09E+001.57E+00 5.15E+006.17E+00 2.12E+011.40E+00 4.37E+001.53E+00 4.06E+002.OOE+00 6.82E+001.23E+01 3.94E+013.46E+00 7.06E+001.02E+01 3.24E+011.27E+00 4.07E+001.50E+00 4.97E+001.60E+00 5.39E+001.30E+01 3.96E+011.95E+00 5.18E+002.67E+00 4.2 1E+003.21E+00 1.08E+011.64E-01 5.20E-011.04E+02 5.49E+012.OOE+00 6.82E+001.55E+00 5.1OE+001.52E+00 5.09E+001.90E+00 5.3 1E+001.29E+01 4.38E+014.34E+00 7.77E+004.41E+00 1.26E+011.94E+00 6.53E+004.73E+00 1.02E+013.71E+00 1.21E+012.64E+00 9.03E+00225 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESTATION LSNEND CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCi/kg)STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)TMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTM339376001 12/11/2013 Ac-228 2.25E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Ag-108m -1.15E+00 339376001 12/11/2013 Ag-110m 3.26E-02339376001 12/11/2013 Ba-140 1.95E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Be-7 4.33E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Ce-141 4.03E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Ce-144 1.79E+01339376001 12/11/2013 Co-57 -2.67E+00 339376001 12/11/2013 Co-58 -4.83E-01 339376001 12/11/2013 Co-60 7.23E-01339376001 12/11/2013 Cr-51 3.13E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Cs-134 -2.20E-01 339376001 12/11/2013 Cs-137 6.70E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Fe-59 6.37E+00339376001 12/11/2013 1-131 1.16E-01339376001 12/11/2013 K-40 1.70E+03339376001 12/11/2013 La-140 1.95E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Mn-54 -1.13E+00 339376001 12/11/2013 Nb-95 1.24E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Ru-103 -4.23E-01 339376001 12/11/2013 Ru-106 -1.68E+01 339376001 12/11/2013 Sb-124 1.04E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Sb-125 1.32E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Se-75 6.59E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Th-228 6.96E+00339376001 12/11/2013 Zn-65 6.40E00339376001 12/11/2013 Zr-95 -1.1 IE+016.37E+00 2.16E+011.22E+00 3.63E+001.86E+00 5.47E+002.82E+00 9.90E+001.50E+01 4.94E+012.93E+00 9.47E+001.16E+01 3.73E+011.54E+00 4.22E+001.73E+00 5.61E+001.77E+00 6.13E+001.52E+01 5.12E+011.75E+00 5.77E+002.44E+00 6.55E+004.79E+00 1.61E+011.22E-01 4.OOE-01L.I1E+02 3.09E+012.82E+00 9.90E+001.68E+00 5.23E+001.68E+00 5.81E+001.64E+00 5.24E+001.46E+01 4.06E+013.85E+00 1.31E+014.32E+00 1.44E+013.46E+00 7.57E+004.38E+00 9.40E+004.38E+00 1.49E+014.07E+00 7.44E+00226 Seabrook REMIP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGSTATION LSN01 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 322489001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 ENDDATE NUCLIDE3/21/2013 Ac-2283/21/2013 Ag-108m3/21/2013 Ag-Il0m3/21/2013 Ba-1403/21/2013 Be-73/21/2013 BETA3/21/2013 Bi-2143/21/2013 Ce-1413/21/2013 Ce-1443/21/2013 Co-573/21/2013 Co-583/21/2013 Co-603/21/2013 Cr-513/21/2013 Cs-1343/21/2013 Cs-1373/21/2013 Fe-593/21/2013 H-33/21/2013 1-1313/21/2013 K-403/21/2013 La-1403/21/2013 Mn-543/21/2013 Nb-953/21/2013 Pb-2123/21/2013 Pb-2143/21/2013 Ru-1033/21/2013 Ru-1063/21/2013 Sb-1243/21/2013 Sb-1253/21/2013 Se-753/21/2013 Th-2283/21/2013 Zn-653/21/2013 Zr-956/25/2013 Ac-2286/25/2013 Ag-108m6/25/2013 Ag-Il0m6/25/2013 Ba- 1406/25/2013 Be-76/25/2013 BETA6/25/2013 Bi-2146/25/2013 Ce-1416/25/2013 Ce-1446/25/2013 Co-576/25/2013 Co-586/25/2013 Co-606/25/2013 Cr-516/25/2013 Cs-1346/25/2013 Cs-1376/25/2013 Fe-596/25/2013 H-36/25/2013 1-1316/25/2013 K-40CONC(pCi/kg)6.48E+00 2.89E+00 7.80E+00-6.22E-01


-4.88E-01 7.56E-013.40E+001.77E+01-3.55E-01



-2.26E-01 2.03E-014.66E+00-4.25E-02 6.46E-017.69E-011.62E+01-6.92E-01 1.66E+01-4.88E-01

-1.51 E+005.56E-010.OOE+002.13E+01-6.95E-01 3.93E+00-4.09E-01 1.17E+00-5.38E-01 0.OOE+003.39E+00-2.02E+00


-4.95E-01 2.43E-01-3.03E+00

-1.72E+00 1.37E+001.79E+002.13 E+001.82E+00-5.42E-01 6.67E-017.49E-01-1.44E+01 5.91E-01-3.85E-01 3.16E+00-1.53E+02


-1.55E+01 STD.DEV.

MDC FLAGS(_pCi/kg)

(pCi/kg)5.48E-01 1.65E+005.37E-01 1.59E+008.55E-01 2.75E+004.65E+00 1.57E+011.29E+00 3.63E+002.16E+00 3.62E+009.94E-01 3.13E+003.90E+00 1.25E+014.88E-01 1.56E+005.27E-01 1.67E+005.94E-01 1.95E+005.22E+00 1.69E+015.58E-01 1.80E+005.77E-01 1.88E+001.05E+00 3.49E+001.38E+02 4.51E+029.OOE-01 2.82E+007.61E+00 2.36E+018.55E-01 2.75E+006.49E-01 1.60E+005.74E-01 1.86E+001.25E+00 3.45E+002.62E+00 4.19E+006.OOE-01 1.89E+004.78E+00 1.58E+011.34E+00 4.37E+001.56E+00 5.OOE+007.55E-01 2.43E+001.25E+00 3.45E+001.40E+00 3.74E+001.01E+00 2.70E+004.47E+00 7.16E+005.85E-01 1.60E+004.98E-01 1.70E+002.12E+00 6.OOE+005.94E+00 1.92E+018.39E-01 2.25E+002.30E+00 3.64E+001.15E+00 3.99E+003.70E+00 1.21E+015.1OE-01 1.58E+006.27E-01 2.10E+007.06E-01 2.12E+008.57E+00 2.3 1E+015.75E-01 1.93E+005.24E-01 1.70E+001.62E+00 5.12E+001.21E+02 4.13E+023.76E+00 1.1OE+011.20E+01 2.49E+01UUUUUUX(I)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX(l)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU227 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 328691001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 333719001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/1 0/2013La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru- 103Ru-106Sb- 124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I 10mBa- 140Be-7BETABi-214Ce- 141Ce-144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs-137Fe-59H-31-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag- 108mAg-Il0mBa-140Be-7BETACONC(pCi/kg)-3.03E+00 9.25E-019.27E-032.19E+004.53E+00-5.90E-01

-1.27E+00 2.67E+003.32E+00-7.71E-01 2.19E+00-5.65E-01 5.37E-01-4.59E+00


-3.75E-01 1.14E+001.40E-013.47E-011.81 E+012.1OE+001.79E+00-6.41E-01 5.16E-01-4.85E-01




-7.43E-01 3.15E+02-3.34E-01 3.02E+011.14E+00-2.54E-01

-4.77E-03 2.26E+000.OOE+00-1.08E+00


-3.85E-01 3.66E-015.83E-012.26E+00-1.48E-01 1.07E+001.09E+009.65E-019.OOE-011.32E-01-1.02E+01 2.66E+002.12E+006.03E-016.33E-012.12E+002.25E+007.76E-014.80E+001.85E+001.80E+008.89E-012.12E+001.39E+001.16E+003.64E+009.OOE-014.36E-017.93E-014.03E+001.13E+002.67E+001.07E+003.25E+004.40E-0 I5.20E-015.14E-014.57E+005.56E-014.67E-011.04E+001.82E+027.24E-011.31E+017.93E-0 I4.66E-015.57E-011.86E+002.67E+005.79E-014.50E+001.19E+001.29E+006.60E-0 I1.86E+001.22E+008.43E-0 I4.14E+008.03E-017.40E-011.93E+009.18E+004.86E-0 I6.OOE+001.7]E+002.12E+003.32E+003.82E+002.43E+001.52E+014.81E+004.85E+002.53E+003.32E+003.78E+003.91 E+007.14E+001.36E+001.36E+002.63E+001.3 1E+013.65E+003.OOE+002.87E+001.06E+011.3 1E+001.53E+001.61E+001.53E+011.65E+001.57E+003.24E+005.42E+022.36E+001.55E+012.63E+001.51E+001.61 E+002.82E+005.91 E+001.61E+001.40E+013.85E+004.26E+002.21E+002.82E+003.39E+002.79E+001.26E+012.69E+002.48E+005.50E+002.36E+011.15E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)FLAGSUUUUX(1)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUX(l)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM228 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESTATION LSNWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWG339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 339392001 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 322489002 ENDDATE NUCLIDE12/10/2013 Bi-21412/10/2013 Ce-14112/10/2013 Ce-14412/10/2013 Co-5712/10/2013 Co-5812/10/2013 Co-6012/10/2013 Cr-5112/10/2013 Cs-13412/10/2013 Cs-13712/10/2013 Fe-5912/10/2013 H-312/10/2013 1-13112/10/2013 K-4012/10/2013 La-14012/10/2013 Mn-5412/10/2013 Nb-9512/10/2013 Pb-21212/10/2013 Pb-21412/10/2013 Ru-10312/10/2013 Ru-10612/10/2013 Sb-12412/10/2013 Sb-12512/10/2013 Se-7512/10/2013 Th-22812/10/2013 Zn-6512/10/2013 Zr-953/21/2013 Ac-2283/21/2013 Ag-108m3/21/2013 Ag-110m3/21/2013 Ba-1403/21/2013 Be-73/21/2013 BETA3/21/2013 Bi-2143/21/2013 Ce-1413/21/2013 Ce-1443/21/2013 Co-573/21/2013 Co-583/21/2013 Co-603/21/2013 Cr-513/21/2013 Cs-1343/21/2013 Cs-1373/21/2013 Fe-593/21/2013 H-33/21/2013 1-1313/21/2013 K-403/21/2013 La-1403/21/2013 Mn-543/21/2013 Nb-953/21/2013 Pb-2123/21/2013 Pb-2143/21/2013 Ru-103CONC(pCi/kg)1.13E+013.58E+006.71E-01-1.55E+00


-5.12E-01 8.76E+003.70E-01-1.23E+00 1.23E-02-3.12E+01

-1.20E+00 0.OOE+001.32E-01-7.17E-01 2.70E-016.53E-010.OOE+00-1.48E+00 1.1 6E+0 I-4.83E+00 1.54E-014.88E-016.53E-012.90E+00-2.49E+00




-1.37E+00 9.70E+002.41 E+005.12E+011.39E+00-4.16E-01


-5.41 E-02-9.21E-01 5.13E-011.99E-01-4.62E-01 6.42E-013.02E+021.05E+00-3.85E+00

-1.37E+00 4.54E-011.68E+001.90E+005.25E+015.14E-02STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)4.42E+00 4.95E+001.91E+00 5.46E+006.01E+00 2.OOE+018.37E-01 2.36E+008.58E-01 2.68E+008.63E-01 2.72E+009.18E+00 3.04E+018.58E-01 2.93E+008.75E-01 2.37E+002.03E+00 6.60E+001.73E+02 5.73E+021.80E+00 5.80E+001.09E+01 0.OOE+001.93E+00 5.50E+008.37E-01 2.58E+009.47E-01 3.21E+001.74E+00 5.88E+004.86E+00 9.56E+001.06E+00 3.04E+008.08E+00 2.67E+012.69E+00 6.50E+002.17E+00 7.23E+001.24E+00 4.OOE+001.74E+00 5.88E+002.35E+00 7.08E+001.52E+00 4.17E+003.47E+00 7.15E+004.47E-01 1.47E+004.92E-01 1.44E+001.64E+00 2.50E+005.30E+00 1.47E+011.20E+00 3.48E+003.61E+00 3.12E+001.03E+00 2.97E+003.37E+00 1.14E+014.48E-01 1.41E+005.08E-01 1.64E+005.69E-01 1.60E+004.71E+00 1.53E+015.52E-01 1.75E+005.25E-01 1.65E+009.69E-01 3.22E+001.61E+02 4.59E+028.70E-01 2.75E+001.21E+01 2.21E+011.64E+00 2.50E+005.09E-01 1.64E+007.25E-01 1.86E+001.56E+00 3.58E+003.60E+00 3.92E+005.12E-01 1.71E+00X(l)UUUUUUUUUUUU'UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX(1)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX(1)U229 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWG322489002 3/21/2013 Ru-106322489002 3/21/2013 Sb-124322489002 3/21/2013 Sb-125322489002 3/21/2013 Se-75322489002 3/21/2013 Th-228322489002 3/21/2013 Zn-65322489002 3/21/2013 Zr-95328691002 6/25/2013 Ac-228328691002 6/25/2013 Ag-108m328691002 6/25/2013 Ag-I l0m328691002 6/25/2013 Ba-140328691002 6/25/2013 Be-7328691002 6/25/2013 BETA328691002 6/25/2013 Bi-214328691002 6/25/2013 Ce-141328691002 6/25/2013 Ce-144328691002 6/25/2013 Co-57328691002 6/25/2013 Co-58328691002 6/25/2013 Co-60328691002 6/25/2013 Cr-51328691002 6/25/2013 Cs-134328691002 6/25/2013 Cs-137328691002 6/25/2013 Fe-59328691002 6/25/2013 H-3328691002 6/25/2013 1-131328691002 6/25/2013 K-40328691002 6/25/2013 La-140328691002 6/25/2013 Mn-54328691002 6/25/2013 Nb-95328691002 6/25/2013 Pb-212328691002 6/25/2013 Pb-214328691002 6/25/2013 Ru-103328691002 6/25/2013 Ru- 106328691002 6/25/2013 Sb-124328691002 6/25/2013 Sb-125328691002 6/25/2013 Se-75328691002 6/25/2013 Th-228328691002 6/25/2013 Zn-65328691002 6/25/2013 Zr-95333719002 9/17/2013 Ac-228333719002 9/17/2013 Ag-108m333719002 9/17/2013 Ag-Irnm333719002 9/17/2013 Ba-140333719002 9/17/2013 Be-7333719002 9/17/2013 BETA333719002 9/17/2013 Bi-214333719002 9/17/2013 Ce-141333719002 9/17/2013 Ce-144333719002 9/17/2013 Co-57333719002 9/17/2013 Co-58333719002 9/17/2013 Co-60CONC(pCi/kg)5.68E-01-2.83E-01

-4.26E-01 3.71E-011.90E+002.05E+00-1.01E+00 1.34E+004.63E-015.58E-02-1.43E+00 1.26E+011.48E+003.35E+00-1.18E+00 1.79E+007.32E-016.44E-01-1.38E-01

-2.OOE+00 7.04E-011.88E+00-2.54E-01 1.43E+011.06E+003.75E+00-1.43E+00

-4.81E-01 6.78E-018.67E-01-2.94E+00


-5.51 E+001.29E+003.52E-01-3.18E-01 8.67E-013.46E-024.35E-01-8.81E-01


-8.92E-01 8.12E-011.13E+012.66E+002.73E+01-2.72E+00


-2.49E-0 I-3.24E-01 5.37E-01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)4.27E+00 1.41E+011.08E+00 3.55E+001.34E+00 4.49E+007.08E-01 2.25E+001.56E+00 3.58E+001.33E+00 3.75E+008.95E-01 2.71E+003.67E+00 9.54E+005.77E-01 1.86E+006.60E-01 1.89E+002.45E+00 7.88E+007.73E+00 2.10E+019.OOE-01 2.52E+002.42E+00 3.77E+002.37E+00 5.07E+004.45E+00 1.43E+015.92E-01 1.86E+007.30E-01 2.39E+006.52E-01 2.1OE+008.75E+00 2.85E+016.71E-01 2.20E+009.16E-01 1.96E+001.86E+00 5.25E+001.26E+02 4.14E+023.75E+00 1.22E+011.14E+01 2.84E+012.45E+00 7.88E+006.73E-01 2.09E+007.75E-01 2.54E+002.29E+00 4.OOE+002.53E+00 5.07E+009.37E-01 2.74E+005.58E+00 1.74E+011.87E+00 6.34E+001.93E+00 5.45E+009.41E-01 3.09E+002.29E+00 4.00E+001.50E+00 4.27E+001.20E+00 3.95E+003.72E+00 7.92E+005.34E-01 1.60E+005.47E-01 1.59E+007.90E-01 2.67E+004.73E+00 1.33E+011.23E+00 3.60E+003.11E+00 3.79E+001.55E+00 3.15E+004.26E+00 1.25E+015.05E-01 1.60E+006.29E-01 1.71E+005.94E-01 1.96E+00UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX( 1)UUUUU230 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESTATION LSNWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWG333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 333719002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 339392002 END CONCDATE NUCLIDE (pCiikg)9/17/2013 Cr-51 -5.76E+00 9/17/2013 Cs-134 1.36E-019/17/2013 Cs-137 1.18E+009/17/2013 Fe-59 -2.47E+00 9/17/2013 H-3 1.18E+029/17/2013 1-131 -1.74E+00 9/17/2013 K-40 -5.19E+00 9/17/2013 La-140 8.12E-019/17/2013 Mn-54 -4.21E-01 9/17/2013 Nb-95 1.07E+009/17/2013 Pb-212 3.17E-019/17/2013 Pb-214 2.76E+019/17/2013 Ru-103 -6.57E-02 9/17/2013 Ru-106 2.05E+009/17/2013 Sb-124 1.01E+009/17/2013 Sb-125 -2.93E+00 9/17/2013 Se-75 8.09E-019/17/2013 Th-228 3.17E-019/17/2013 Zn-65 -1.24E+00 9/17/2013 Zr-95 7.64E-0112/10/2013 Ac-228 5.09E+0012/10/2013 Ag-108m 4.75E-0112/10/2013 Ag-IIOm 9.02E-0112/10/2013 Ba-140 -2.62E+00 12/10/2013 Be-7 1.29E+0112/10/2013 BETA 1.94E+0012/10/2013 Bi-214 5.05E+0012/10/2013 Ce-141 3.43E+0012/10/2013 Ce-144 3.87E+0012/10/2013 Co-57 -1.65E-01 12/10/2013 Co-58 -3.72E-01 12/10/2013 Co-60 2.12E+0012/10/2013 Cr-51 -1.42E+00 12/10/2013 Cs-134 -2.34E+00 12/10/2013 Cs-137 7.17E-0312/10/2013 Fe-59 -1.56E+00 12/10/2013 H-3 -2.17E+02 12/10/2013 1-131 6.94E-0112/10/2013 K-40 -7.80E+00 12/10/2013 La-140 -2.62E+00 12/10/2013 Mn-54 -9.92E-01 12/10/2013 Nb-95 1.17E+0012/10/2013 Pb-212 -1.15E+00 12/10/2013 Pb-214 3.46E+0012/10/2013 Ru-103 -1.13E+00 12/10/2013 Ru-106 -1.12E+01 12/10/2013 Sb-124 1.66E+0012/10/2013 Sb-125 3.08E+0012/10/2013 Se-75 1.57E+0012/10/2013 Th-228 -1.15E+00 12/10/2013 Zn-65 1.44E+005.38E+00 1.67E+016.03E-01 1.97E+006.38E-01 1.99E+001.61E+00 3.57E+001.71E+02 5.43E+021.36E+00 2.59E+009.05E+00 2.35E+017.90E-01 2.67E+005.93E-01 1.86E+006.53E-01 1.81E+001.95E+00 3.91E+003.11E+00 4.22E+005.48E-01 1.84E+004.87E+00 1.62E+011.31E+00 4.42E+001.73E+00 4.89E+007.80E-01 2.55E+001.95E+00 3.91E+001.40E+00 3.73E+009.31E-01 3.05E+004.92E+00 1.58E+018.56E-01 2.90E+009.76E-01 3.28E+001.83E+00 4.87E+009.49E+00 3.17E+015.12E-01 1.40E+002.94E+00 6.45E+002.3 1E+00 6.56E+007.13E+00 2.28E+019.55E-01 3.12E+009.82E-01 3.11E+001.24E+00 4.03E+009.67E+00 3.25E+011.26E+00 3.20E+001.04E+00 3.43E+002.14E+00 6.77E+001.70E+02 5.93E+022.45E+00 6.38E+001.42E+01 4.41E+011.83E+00 4.87E+001.15E+00 2.92E+001.06E+00 3.55E+002.30E+00 6.25E÷002.95E+00 8.07E+001.15E+00 3.56E+009.62E+00 2.86E+012.75E+00 9.35E+002.90E+00 9.77E+001.42E+00 4.58E+002.30E+00 6.25E+001.81E+00 5.61E+00UUUUUUUUUUUX(1)UUUUUUUUUUUUUMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSTD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)231 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPESTATION LSNWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWG339392002 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 322489003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 ENDDATE NUCLIDE12/10/2013 Zr-953/21/2013 Ac-2283/21/2013 Ag-108m3/21/2013 Ag-1 10m3/21/2013 Ba-1403/21/2013 Be-73/21/2013 BETA3/21/2013 Bi-2143/21/2013 Ce-1413/21/2013 Ce-1443/21/2013 Co-573/21/2013 Co-583/21/2013 Co-603/21/2013 Cr-513/21/2013 Cs-1343/21/2013 Cs-1373/21/2013 Fe-593/21/2013 H-33/21/2013 1-1313/21/2013 K-403/21/2013 La-1403/21/2013 Mn-543/21/2013 Nb-953/21/2013 Pb-2123/21/2013 Pb-2143/21/2013 Ru-1033/21/2013 Ru-1063/21/2013 Sb-1243/21/2013 Sb-1253/21/2013 Se-753/21/2013 Th-2283/21/2013 Zn-653/21/2013 Zr-956/25/2013 Ac-2286/25/2013 Ag- 108m6/25/2013 Ag-Il0m6/25/2013 Ba-1406/25/2013 Be-76/25/2013 BETA6/25/2013 Bi-2146/25/2013 Ce- 1416/25/2013 Ce-1446/25/2013 Co-576/25/2013 Co-586/25/2013 Co-606/25/2013 Cr-516/25/2013 Cs- 1346/25/2013 Cs-1376/25/2013 Fe-596/25/2013 H-36/25/2013 1-131CONC(pCi/kg)-9.10E-01

-1.92E+00 2.24E-01-1.40E+00 1.56E+00-7.21 E+003.08E+001.93E+02-1.50E+00 2.OOE+00-1.1 IE-012.64E-02-6.43E-01


-2.63E-01 9.90E-012.10E-015.50E+01-7.15E-01 9.74E+001.56E+00-4.13E-01 1.37E+002.18E+002.30E+02-8.49E-01 1.61E-01-1.21E+00

-7.98E-01 2.79E-012.18E+001.48E+002.90E-014.57E+002.79E-01-1.40E+00 4.42E+003.52E+003.09E+007.76E-013.82E+00-3.95E+00 9.62E-024.32E-011.57E-013.85E+007.43E-01-2.52E+00 1.01E+000.OOE+001.90E+001.73E+00 5.40E+003.21E+00 6.87E+004.88E-01 1.59E+005.54E-01 1.41E+008.80E-01 2.80E+007.62E+00 1.45E+011.24E+00 3.54E+008.7 1E+00 3.37E+001.49E+00 3.41E+004.03E+00 1.29E+014.98E-01 1.60E+005.43E-01 1.57E+007.25E-01 1.84E+005.17E+00 1.65E+016.81E-01 1.71E+006.12E-01 1.74E+009.85E-01 3.21E+001.17E+02 3.70E+028.46E-01 2.70E+001.20E+01 1.61E+018.80E-01 2.80E+005.72E-01 1.58E+006.65E-01 1.79E+001.87E+00 3.51E+001.10E+01 4.04E+005.78E-01 1.71E+004.12E+00 1.39E+011.36E+00 3.58E+001.53E+00 4.92E+008.26E-01 2.57E+001.87E+00 3.51E+001.23E+00 3.46E+008.82E-01 2.95E+003.06E+00 6.73E+004.90E-01 1.63E+006.53E-01 1.70E+002.25E+00 7.30E+005.74E+00 1.90E+/-011.21E+00 3.22E+002.19E+00 3.76E+001.77E+00 4.61E+004.54E+00 1.26E+015.72E-01 1.66E+006.13E-01 2.07E+006.80E-01 1.92E+007.35E+00 2.48E+016.1OE-01 2.04E+001.13E+00 1.86E+001.60E+00 4.64E+001.21E+02 3.99E+023.41E+00 1.14E+0ISTD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)UUUUUUUX(1)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX(1)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU232 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 328691003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 333719003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru-103Ru- 106Sb- 124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag- 108mAg-I 10mBa-140Be-7BETABi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-59H-31-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru-103Ru- 106Sb- 124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-110mBa-140Be-7CONC(pCi/kg)1.32E+014.42E+003.47E-01-8.33E-02 2.20E-013.01E+00-2.94E+00 4.95E+00-2.98E+00 5.50E-01-3.49E-0 I2.20E-0 I1.28E+002.02E+005.39E+00-7.23E-01

-2.80E-01 2.55E+00-2.11 E+002.44E+002.55E+02-1.03E-01


-5.86E-01 9.80E-01-2.04E-01 5.45E-019.06E-011.48E+005.72E-012.91 E+02-5.34E-01 1.61E+012.55E+009.5 1E-010.OOE+003.96E+002.86E+02-5.59E-01 7.85E-01-I.41E-01 1.11E+001.68E+003.96E+001.61E+001.05E-01-1.10E+01 1.57E-01-3.04E-01

-9.94E-01 5.35E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.15E+012.25E+005.46E-0 I6.70E-012.05E+002.12E+001.25E+005.06E+001.66E+001.53E+008.62E-012.05E+001.35E+001.44E+004.48E+006.19E-016.79E-011.12E+005.59E+001.06E+001.15E+011.20E+004.86E+007.15E-017.14E-0I6.46E-016.21 E+009.07E-015.68E-011.23E+001.74E+021.12E+001.46E+011.12E+007.24E-012.20E+002.27E+001.34E+017.23E-015.63E+001.56E+001.89E+001.07E+002.27E+001.59E+001.16E+006.99E+001.23E+001.26E+002.1OE+001.33E+012.70E+017.30E+001.84E+002.15E+004.20E+004.87E+002.46E+001.65E+014.49E+005.09E+002.73E+004.20E+003.91 E+004.04E+009.17E+001.96E+001.88E+003.37E+001.85E+012.85E+004.2 1E+004.07E+001.53E+011.96E+002.04E+002.14E+002.01E+012.20E+001.94E+004.05E+005.20E+023.07E+002.09E+013.37E+002.06E+002.89E+004.13 E+005.22E+002.01E+001.84E+015.08E+006.3 1E+003.09E+004.13E+004.46E+003.73E+001.71E+014.07E+003.64E+006.58E+003.83E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX(I)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX(1)UUUUUUUUUUUUU233 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGWGENDSTATION LSN DATE NUCLIDE339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 339392003 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 BETABi-214Ce- 141Ce-I144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-59H-31-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru-103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95CONC(pCi/kg)2.43E+002.19E+02-1.68E+00

-1.22E+01 1.25E-011.45E+00-1.26E+00

-8.OOE+00 7.01 E-028.08E-015.58E+00-7.47E+01

-7.32E-01 1.46E+01-9.94E-01 2.5 1E-020.OOE+005.81 E+002.34E+02-2.98E-03

-7.60E+00 2.26E+001.87E+009.72E-015.81 E+003.39E+007.33E-011. 16E+001.20E+013.04E+001.14E+011.44E+001.37E+001.40E+001.39E+011.36E+001.39E+002.48E+001.69E+022.56E+001.65E+012.1OE+001.32E+002.55E+003.70E+001.24E+011.51 E+001.17E+012.61 E+003.88E+002.13E+003.70E+003.19E+002.38E+003.16E+008.13E+009.62E+003.48E+014.67E+003.97E+004.27E+004.53E+014.38E+004.01 E+008.66E+005.67E+028.42E+005.52E+016.58E+004.26E+005.99E+008.22E+001.03E+014.29E+003.68E+018.94E+001.29E+016.76E+008.22E+009.51 E+007.76E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)FLAGSUX(l)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX(1)UUUUUUUU234 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNwSwSwSwSwswSwSwswswSWSwSwswSwSwSwsWSwswSwSwswswswSwswswswSwswSwSwswswswswswswswSwswswSWSwswswswSwSwsws319591001 1/28/2013 Ac-228319591001 1/28/2013 Ag-108m319591001 1/28/2013 Ag-1I1m319591001 1/28/2013 Ba-140319591001 1/28/2013 Be-7319591001 1/28/2013 Bi-214319591001 1/28/2013 Ce-141319591001 1/28/2013 Ce-144319591001 1/28/2013 Co-57319591001 1/28/2013 Co-58319591001 1/28/2013 Co-60319591001 1/28/2013 Cr-51319591001 1/28/2013 Cs-134319591001 1/28/2013 Cs-137319591001 1/28/2013 Fe-59319591001 1/28/2013 1-131319591001 1/28/2013 K-40319591001 1/28/2013 La-140319591001 1/28/2013 Mn-54319591001 1/28/2013 Nb-95319591001 1/28/2013 Pb-212319591001 1/28/2013 Pb-214319591001 1/28/2013 Ru-103319591001 1/28/2013 Ru-106319591001 1/28/2013 Sb-124319591001 1/28/2013 Sb-125319591001 1/28/2013 Se-75319591001 1/28/2013 Th-228319591001 1/28/2013 Zn-65319591001 1/28/2013 Zr-95320917001 2/19/2013 Ac-228320917001 2/19/2013 Ag-108m320917001 2/19/2013 Ag-Il0m320917001 2/19/2013 Ba-140320917001 2/19/2013 Be-7320917001 2/19/2013 Bi-214320917001 2/19/2013 Ce-141320917001 2/19/2013 Ce-144320917001 2/19/2013 Co-57320917001 2/19/2013 Co-58320917001 2/19/2013 Co-60320917001 2/19/2013 Cr-51320917001 2/19/2013 Cs-134320917001 2/19/2013 Cs-137320917001 2/19/2013 Fe-59320917001 2/19/2013 1-131320917001 2/19/2013 K-40320917001 2/19/2013 La-140320917001 2/19/2013 Mn-54320917001 2/19/2013 Nb-95320917001 2/19/2013 Pb-212CONC(pCi/kg)-2.02E+00 1.86E-012.44E-011.22E+006.85E+001.45E+001.09E+00-1.04E+00 4.21E-01-3.41E-02


-4.83E+00 5.11 E-01-2.74E-01


-6.32E-01 3.28E+021.22E+00-1.91E-02 4.54E-012.37E+00-1.87E+00


-8.25E+00 8.48E-03-1.06E+00

-3.88E-02 2.37E+00-5.64E-01



-1.95E-01 3.69E-012.84E-01-4.86E+00

-1.12E+00 5.04E-021.72E+00-5.28E-02

-2.07E-01 1.82E-01-2.57E+00 5.79E-011.16E+009.73E-01-1.14E+00 3.37E+022.84E-0 I-3.87E-01 4.33E-012.60E-01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)3.25E+00 6.99E+004.32E-01 1.43E+004.48E-01 1.52E+008.67E-01 2.90E+004.39E+00 1.39E+012.20E+00 3.97E+009.91E-01 2.84E+003.22E+00 1.04E+014.75E-01 1.38E+005.46E-01 1.57E+005.56E-01 1.65E+005.58E+00 1.57E+015.55E-01 1.86E+004.68E-01 1.54E+001.16E+00 3.43E+009.78E-01 3.17E+002.35E+01 1.54E+018.67E-01 2.90E+004.91E-01 1.63E+005.67E-01 1.67E+001.71E+00 3.43E+002.1OE+00 3.96E+006.18E-01 1.68E+004.95E+00 1.38E+011.28E+00 4.22E+001.50E+00 4.16E+006.58E-01 2.22E+001.71E+00 3.43E+001.06E+00 3.34E+008.12E-01 2.71E+003.14E+00 6.66E+004.05E-01 1.30E+004.70E-01 1.39E+007.78E-01 2.58E+004.33E+00 1.32E+011.61E+00 3.49E+008.74E-01 2.84E+003.12E+00 1.02E+013.95E-01 1.29E+004.48E-01 1.45E+004.84E-01 1.62E+004.43E+00 1.45E+015.41E-01 1.69E+008.19E-01 1.56E+001.15E+00 3.27E+009.69E-01 3.01E+002.22E+01 1.35E+017.78E-01 2.58E+004.56E-01 1.44E+004.58E-01 1.52E+001.55E+00 3.19E+00235 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNwswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswsws320917001 2/19/2013 Pb-214320917001 2/19/2013 Ru-103320917001 2/19/2013 Ru-106320917001 2/19/2013 Sb-124320917001 2/19/2013 Sb-125320917001 2/19/2013 Se-75320917001 2/19/2013 Th-228320917001 2/19/2013 Zn-65320917001 2/19/2013 Zr-95322541001 3/21/2013 Ac-228322541001 3/21/2013 Ag-108m322541001 3/21/2013 Ag-11nm322541001 3/21/2013 Ba-140322541001 3/21/2013 Be-7322541001 3/21/2013 Bi-214322541001 3/21/2013 Ce-141322541001 3/21/2013 Ce-144322541001 3/21/2013 Co-57322541001 3/21/2013 Co-58322541001 3/21/2013 Co-60322541001 3/21/2013 Cr-51322541001 3/21/2013 Cs-134322541001 3/21/2013 Cs-137322541001 3/21/2013 Fe-59322541001 3/21/2013 1-131322541001 3/21/2013 K-40322541001 3/21/2013 La-140322541001 3/21/2013 Mn-54322541001 3/21/2013 Nb-95322541001 3/21/2013 Pb-212322541001 3/21/2013 Pb-214322541001 3/21/2013 Ru-103322541001 3/21/2013 Ru-106322541001 3/21/2013 Sb-124322541001 3/21/2013 Sb-125322541001 3/21/2013 Se-75322541001 3/21/2013 Th-228322541001 3/21/2013 Zn-65322541001 3/21/2013 Zr-95324992001 3/21/2013 H-3324222001 4/16/2013 Ac-228324222001 4/16/2013 Ag-108m324222001 4/16/2013 Ag-Il0m324222001 4/16/2013 Ba-140324222001 4/16/2013 Be-7324222001 4/16/2013 Bi-214324222001 4/16/2013 Ce-141324222001 4/16/2013 Ce-144324222001 4/16/2013 Co-57324222001 4/16/2013 Co-58324222001 4/16/2013 Co-60CONC(pCi/kg)-1.43E+00

-9.74E-02 5.53E+00-7.22E-02 1.22E-01-1.38E-01 2.60E-011.89E+00-4.23E-01 1.54E+005.07E-01-2.96E+00 1.92E+001.79E+006.42E-01-6.91E-01 1.48E+006.1OE-02-4.95E-01 1.14E-01-9.31E-01 2.46E-01-9.28E-01 2.11E-02-3.09E-01 3.2 1E+021.92E+003.81E-012.90E-01-2.1 OE+00-3.63E+00 4.96E-01-4.74E+00




-2.1 OE+00-1.52E-01 6.31E-01-1.26E+01 2.74E-01-4.46E-01


-4.52E-01 6.OOE+00-3.28E+00 3.95E-01-4.84E+00 3.82E-01-1.26E-01 3.06E-0 ISTD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.69E+00 3.48E+005.87E-01 1.65E+004.28E+00 1.41E+011.08E+00 3.50E+001.21 E+00 3.96E+005.88E-01 1.97E+001.55E+00 3.19E+001.80E+00 3.60E+007.74E-01 2.51E+002.92E+00 5.91E+004.11E-01 1.30E+008.19E-01 1.23E+008.55E-01 2.34E+003.60E+00 1.16E+012.11E+00 3.24E+001.17E+00 2.611E+00 2.98E+00 9.55E+003.93E-01 1.27E+005.16E-01 1.37E+005.34E-01 1.53E+004.04E+00 1.32E+014.74E-01 1.56E+008.24E-01 1.84E+009.09E-01 3.05E+007.16E-01 2.31E+002.OOE+01 1.39E+018.55E-01 2.34E+004.16E-01 1.36E+004.94E-01 1.42E+001.56E+00 3.07E+002.09E+00 3.3 11E+005.16E-01 1.45E+003.99E+00 1.24E+011.101E+00 3.09E+001.27E+00 3.53E+005.61E-01 1.86E+001.56E+00 3.07E+009.141E-01 3.04E+007.22E-01 2.38E+001.50E+02 4.93E+023.211E+00 5.91E+004.65E-01 1.46E+005.10E-01 1.57E+008.13E-01 2.58E+004.95E+00 1.61E+011.88E+00 3.96E+001.51E+00 2.86E+003.51E+00 1.07E+014.45E-01 1.47E+004.79E-01 1.58E+005.911E-01 2.OOE+00236 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNwswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswswsws324222001 4/16/2013 Cr-51324222001 4/16/2013 Cs-134324222001 4/16/2013 Cs-137324222001 4/16/2013 Fe-59324222001 4/16/2013 1-131324222001 4/16/2013 K-40324222001 4/16/2013 La-140324222001 4/16/2013 Mn-54324222001 4/16/2013 Nb-95324222001 4/16/2013 Pb-212324222001 4/16/2013 Pb-214324222001 4/16/2013 Ru-103324222001 4/16/2013 Ru-106324222001 4/16/2013 Sb-124324222001 4/16/2013 Sb-125324222001 4/16/2013 Se-75324222001 4/16/2013 Th-228324222001 4/16/2013 Zn-65324222001 4/16/2013 Zr-95326955001 5/22/2013 Ac-228326955001 5/22/2013 Ag-108m326955001 5/22/2013 Ag-Il0m326955001 5/22/2013 Ba-140326955001 5/22/2013 Be-7326955001 5/22/2013 Bi-214326955001 5/22/2013 Ce-141326955001 5/22/2013 Ce-144326955001 5/22/2013 Co-57326955001 5/22/2013 Co-58326955001 5/22/2013 Co-60326955001 5/22/2013 Cr-51326955001 5/22/2013 Cs-134326955001 5/22/2013 Cs-137326955001 5/22/2013 Fe-59326955001 5/22/2013 1-131326955001 5/22/2013 K-40326955001 5/22/2013 La-140326955001 5/22/2013 Mn-54326955001 5/22/2013 Nb-95326955001 5/22/2013 Pb-212326955001 5/22/2013 Pb-214326955001 5/22/2013 Ru-103326955001 5/22/2013 Ru-106326955001 5/22/2013 Sb-124326955001 5/22/2013 Sb-125326955001 5/22/2013 Se-75326955001 5/22/2013 Th-228326955001 5/22/2013 Zn-65326955001 5/22/2013 Zr-95328137001 6/18/2013 Ac-228328137001 6/18/2013 Ag-108mCONC(pCi/kg)-9.37E+00 3.94E-011.03E+00-7.69E-02 3.17E-013.53E+02-4.52E-01 3.61E-011.72E-01-4.21 E-023.07E-02-1.85E-01

-1.IIE+01 3.50E+00-6.61E-01


-4.2 1 E-021.63E+003.55E-01-7.19E+00

-4.22E-01 2.47E-01-5.OOE-01 1.96E+00-8.28E-01 7.03E-01-1.26E+00 3.39E-019.96E-022.62E-01-5.8]E+00

-2.08E-01 7.25E-01-2.91 E+002.79E+003.11 E+02-5.OOE-01 2.44E-021.11E+00-4.71E+00







-4.71 E+001.32E+00-1.23E+00 1.92E+007.53E-02STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)5.21E+00 1.53E+015.85E-01 1.97E+005.82E-01 1.81E+001.13E+00 3.67E+008.78E-01 2.95E+002.28E+01 1.59E+018.13E-01 2.58E+005.20E-01 1.74E+005.04E-01 1.70E+001.62E+00 3.80E+002.OOE+00 4.11 E+005.62E-01 1.82E+005.49E+00 1.44E+011.44E+00 3.80E+001.38E+00 4.49E+007.31E-01 2.31E+001.62E+00 3.80E+001.11E+00 3.60E+008.99E-01 3.04E+003.24E+00 6.65E+004.49E-01 1.41E+005.16E-01 1.67E+001.59E+00 5.16E+005.40E+00 1.79E+011.76E+00 4.OOE+001.28E+00 3.80E+003.48E+00 1.14E+014.62E-01 1.54E+005.30E-01 1.78E+005.56E-01 1.89E+006.47E+00 2.10E+015.25E-01 1.72E+005.52E-01 1.76E+001.5 1E+00 3.98E+002.67E+00 8.88E+002.15E+01 1.57E+011.59E+00 5.16E+005.03E-01 1.68E+006.68E-01 2.12E+001.89E+00 3.42E+001.90E+00 3.66E+007.48E-01 2.12E+004.66E+00 1.46E+011.45E+00 4.28E+001.36E+00 4.25E+008.89E-01 2.42E+001.89E+00 3.42E+009.33E-01 4.12E+001.20E+00 3.25E+003.66E+00 6.48E+005.08E-01 1.67E+00237 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNwSWSWSwSwSWSWSwswSWSwSWSWSWSWSwSwSwSWSwSWSWSwswSwSWSwSWSwSWSWSWSWSWSWSwSWSWSwSwSWSWSwSWSWSWSwSWSwSwsWS328137001 6/18/2013 Ag-Il0m328137001 6/18/2013 Ba-140328137001 6/18/2013 Be-7328137001 6/18/2013 Bi-214328137001 6/18/2013 Ce-141328137001 6/18/2013 Ce-144328137001 6/18/2013 Co-57328137001 6/18/2013 Co-58328137001 6/18/2013 Co-60328137001 6/18/2013 Cr-51328137001 6/18/2013 Cs-134328137001 6/18/2013 Cs-137328137001 6/18/2013 Fe-59328137001 6/18/2013 1-131328137001 6/18/2013 K-40328137001 6/18/2013 La-140328137001 6/18/2013 Mn-54328137001 6/18/2013 Nb-95328137001 6/18/2013 Pb-212328137001 6/18/2013 Pb-214328137001 6/18/2013 Ru-103328137001 6/18/2013 Ru-106328137001 6/18/2013 Sb-124328137001 6/18/2013 Sb-125328137001 6/18/2013 Se-75328137001 6/18/2013 Th-228328137001 6/18/2013 Zn-65328137001 6/18/2013 Zr-95332520001 6/18/2013 H-3329947001 7/16/2013 Ac-228329947001 7/16/2013 Ag-108m329947001 7/16/2013 Ag-1 10m329947001 7/16/2013 Ba-140329947001 7/16/2013 Be-7329947001 7/16/2013 Bi-214329947001 7/16/2013 Ce-141329947001 7/16/2013 Ce-144329947001 7/16/2013 Co-57329947001 7/16/2013 Co-58329947001 7/16/2013 Co-60329947001 7/16/2013 Cr-51329947001 7/16/2013 Cs-134329947001 7/16/2013 Cs-137329947001 7/16/2013 Fe-59329947001 7/16/2013 1-131329947001 7/16/2013 K-40329947001 7/16/2013 La-140329947001 7/16/2013 Mn-54329947001 7/16/2013 Nb-95329947001 7/16/2013 Pb-212329947001 7/16/2013 Pb-214CONC(pCi/kg)-1.29E+00 1.15E-01-6.72E+00 2.16E+001.67E+00-1.95E+00

-8.10E-01 1.28E-02-5.47E-01

-1.40E+00 2.45E-013.15E-01-5.26E-01

-3.60E-01 3.06E+021.15E-01-2.64E-01

-7.05E-01 1.92E+000.OOE+009.02E-01-1.15E+00


-6.07E-02 6.74E-011.92E+00-9.47E-01


-5.85E+01 7.09E+001.28E+00-5.3 1E-013.02E-017.22E+003.2 1E+002.3 1E+001.77E-01-1.97E-01 7.36E-031.84E-02-3.13E+00 1.05E+004.36E-01-8.35E-02 2.30E+002.96E+023.02E-011.88E-01-1. 15E+000.OOE+002.68E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)6.20E-01 1.60E+001.00E+00 3.24E+005.34E+00 1.61E+012.44E+00 3.32E+001.30E+00 3.62E+004.15E+00 1.31E+015.71E-01 1.69E+006.15E-01 1.80E+005.93E-01 1.80E+005.55E+00 1.83E+015.25E-01 1.78E+005.65E-01 1.83E+001.26E+00 3.51E+001.11E+00 3.63E+002.19E+01 1.61E+011.00E+00 3.24E+005.10E-01 1.67E+005.63E-01 1.74E+002.16E+00 4.31E+002.1OE+00 4.47E+006.OOE-01 1.91E+004.73E+00 1.51E+011.15E+00 3.80E+001.75E+00 5.05E+007.72E-01 2.58E+002.16E+00 4.31E+001.17E+00 3.67E+009.66E-01 3.19E+004.91E+01 1.83E+025.28E+00 1.43E+011.04E+00 3.01E+009.31E-01 3.03E+001.80E+00 5.12E+009.53E+00 2.89E+013.77E+00 6.60E+001.96E+00 5.92E+006.27E+00 2.08E+018.40E-01 2.77E+009.79E-01 3.25E+009.18E-01 3.06E+008.96E+00 2.97E+011.08E+00 3.63E+009.81E-01 3.34E+002.05E+00 6.64E+001.81E+00 5.98E+002.75E+01 3.04E+011.80E+00 5.12E+009.03E-01 3.02E+009.49E-01 2.85E+003.29E+00 6.92E+003.75E+00 8.44E+00238 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNwSWSwSWSwSwSwSWSWSwSwSwSWSwSWSwSwSwSwSWSwSwSwswswSwswswswSWSwSWSwSWSwswSwswswSwSwSwSwSwSWSWSwSwSwSwSwS329947001 7/16/2013 Ru-103329947001 7/16/2013 Ru-106329947001 7/16/2013 Sb-124329947001 7/16/2013 Sb-125329947001 7/16/2013 Se-75329947001 7/16/2013 Th-228329947001 7/16/2013 Zn-65329947001 7/16/2013 Zr-95332161001 8/20/2013 Ac-228332161001 8/20/2013 Ag-108m332161001 8/20/2013 Ag-1r0m332161001 8/20/2013 Ba-140332161001 8/20/2013 Be-7332161001 8/20/2013 Bi-214332161001 8/20/2013 Ce-141332161001 8/20/2013 Ce-144332161001 8/20/2013 Co-57332161001 8/20/2013 Co-58332161001 8/20/2013 Co-60332161001 8/20/2013 Cr-51332161001 8/20/2013 Cs-134332161001 8/20/2013 Cs-137332161001 8/20/2013 Fe-59332161001 8/20/2013 1-131332161001 8/20/2013 K-40332161001 8/20/2013 La-140332161001 8/20/2013 Mn-54332161001 8/20/2013 Nb-95332161001 8/20/2013 Pb-212332161001 8/20/2013 Pb-214332161001 8/20/2013 Ru-103332161001 8/20/2013 Ru-106332161001 8/20/2013 Sb-124332161001 8/20/2013 Sb-125332161001 8/20/2013 Se-75332161001 8/20/2013 Th-228332161001 8/20/2013 Zn-65332161001 8/20/2013 Zr-95334040001 9/18/2013 Ac-228334040001 9/18/2013 Ag-I08m334040001 9/18/2013 Ag- r0m334040001 9/18/2013 Ba-140334040001 9/18/2013 Be-7334040001 9/18/2013 Bi-214334040001 9/18/2013 Ce-141334040001 9/18/2013 Ce-144334040001 9/18/2013 Co-57334040001 9/18/2013 Co-58334040001 9/18/2013 Co-60334040001 9/18/2013 Cr-51334040001 9/18/2013 Cs-134CONC(pCi/kg)1.27E+00-7.93E+00 7.31E-01-2.87E+00

-1.12E+00 0.OOE+001.71 E+00-1.77E+00

-2.15E+00 8.50E-022.80E-011.53E+007.28E+008.33E+003.70E-011.60E+00-3.16E-01

-8.41E-01 3.59E-01-3.64E+00

-5.15E-01 9.42E-01-3.48E+00 1.74E-013.46E+021.53E+001.98E-014.71E-011.98E+003.12E+00-1.41E+00 3.69E+00-1.21E+00


-9.82E-01 1.98E+001.88E+001.10E+00-5.26E+00




-I.01E+01 1.67E+003.57E-011.19E+00-3.13E-01 7.19E-014.56E-01-2.68E-01 2.20E-01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.08E+00 3.56E+008.89E+00 2.69E+012.13E+00 7.11E+002.74E+00 8.44E+001.38E+00 4.23E+003.29E+00 6.92E+002.34E+00 6.76E+001.98E+00 5.54E+003.30E+00 8.72E+005.57E-01 1.82E+007.06E-01 2.08E+001.01E+00 3.38E+006.90E+00 1.97E+012.28E+00 4.13E+001.17E+00 3.75E+004.29E+00 1.39E+015.70E-01 1.81E+006.61E-01 1.97E+006.55E-01 2.21E+008.2 1E+00 2.03E+017.04E-01 2.23E+001.23E+00 2.29E+002.17E+00 4.38E+001.06E+00 3.49E+002.57E+01 1.92E+011.01E+00 3.38E+006.38E-01 2.12E+006.50E-01 2.17E+001.78E+00 4.OOE+002.12E+00 5.44E+007.84E-01 2.15E+005.83E+00 1.97E+011.67E+00 5.13E+001.77E+00 5.36E+009.05E-01 2.86E+001.78E+00 4.OOE+001.90E+00 4.57E+001.17E+00 3.83E+003.46E+00 7.19E+004.67E-01 1.52E+007.54E-01 1.56E+001.18E+00 2.74E+005.33E+00 1.48E+011.74E+00 4.08E+001.03E+00 3.03E+003.43E+00 1.13E+015.07E-01 1.47E+005.31E-01 1.76E+005.67E-01 1.85E+005.03E+00 1.69E+016.52E-01 1.91E+00UUUUUUUUUUUUUX(l)UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU239 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEwSWSWSwSwSwSwSwSwsWSwSWSWSWSwswswSwSWSWSwSwswSwSwSwSwSWSWSwSwSwSwSwswSwSwSwSwSWSWSwswSWSWSWSwSwSwswSwSENDSTATION LSN DATE334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 334040001 336547001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 336325001 337912001 337912001 337912001 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 9/18/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 NUCLIDECs-137Fe-591-131K-40La-140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95H-3Ac-228Ag-108mAg-110mBa- 140Be-7Bi-214Ce-141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134Cs- 137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru-103Ru- 106Sb- 124Sb- 125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-1 10mCONC(pCi/kg)1.08E+003.08E+00-2.82E-01 3.21E+02-1.75E+00 2.21 E-0 16.5 1E-011.61E+00-2.57E+00 1.04E+00-6.46E-01 1.70E+00-1.60E+00 5.37E-011.61E+009.99E-02-6.28E-02




-5.08E-0 I-5.83E-01 3.67E+004.40E+00-1.32E-01

-7.22E-01 7.86E-01-7.OOE-01 1.16E+003.98E+003.40E-011.90E+001.96E-01-5.58E-01 2.9 1E+02-5.83E-01


-3.68E-01 3.43E-018.75E-01-4.78E-0 17.71 E+00-1.02E+00

-1.60E+00 4.21E-013.43E-011.1 4E+00-1.42E+00 1.80E+004.29E-01-1.63E-01 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)6.40E-011.43E+001.06E+002.33E+011.18E+005.11 E-015.16E-011.79E+002.05E+006.72E-014.74E+001.36E+001.45E+007.36E-011.79E+001.32E+009.33E-011.17E+025.07E+005.62E-017.49E-011.22E+005.69E+002.65E+001.38E+003.34E+004.62E-017.3 1E-015.95E-016.05E+007.75E-018.05E-011.56E+001.19E+002.37E+011.22E+006.74E-016.95E-012.03E+002.83E+008.11E-016.47E+001.89E+001.76E+008.23E-012.03E+001.88E+001.26E+002.87E+006.09E-016.65E-011.98E+003.92E+003.5 1E+001.72E+012.74E+001.71E+001.72E+003.57E+004.01E+001.91 E+001.52E+014.55E+004.49E+002.33E+003.57E+003.88E+003.12E+003.96E+021.02E+011.86E+002.OOE+003.91E+001.89E+016.08E+003.21E+001.1 IE+011.46E+002.30E+002.51E+002.05E+012.62E+002.05E+005.12E+003.93E+002.12E+013.91E+002.18E+002.28E+003.68E+005.52E+002.26E+002.08E+0 I5.99E+005.59E+002.64E+003.68E+005.40E+003.91E+009.61 E+002.05E+002.13E+00FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU240 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNwSWSWSwSwSwSwswSWSWSWSwSwSwSwSwSwSWSWSwSWSwSwswSwSwswsWSwSwSWSWSwSwSwSwSWSWSWSwSwswSwSwSwSWSWSwSwSWSwS337912001 11/13/2013 Ba-140337912001 11/13/2013 Be-7337912001 11/13/2013 Bi-214337912001 11/13/2013 Ce-141337912001 11/13/2013 Ce-144337912001 11/13/2013 Co-57337912001 11/13/2013 Co-58337912001 11/13/2013 Co-60337912001 11/13/2013 Cr-51337912001 11/13/2013 Cs-134337912001 11/13/2013 Cs-137337912001 11/13/2013 Fe-59337912001 11/13/2013 1-131337912001 11/13/2013 K-40337912001 11/13/2013 La-140337912001 11/13/2013 Mn-54337912001 11/13/2013 Nb-95337912001 11/13/2013 Pb-212337912001 11/13/2013 Pb-214337912001 11/13/2013 Ru-103337912001 11/13/2013 Ru-106337912001 11/13/2013 Sb-124337912001 11/13/2013 Sb-125337912001 11/13/2013 Se-75337912001 11/13/2013 Th-228337912001 11/13/2013 Zn-65337912001 11/13/2013 Zr-95339507001 12/13/2013 Ac-228339507001 12/13/2013 Ag-108m339507001 12/13/2013 Ag-IlOm339507001 12/13/2013 Ba-140339507001 12/13/2013 Be-7339507001 12/13/2013 Bi-214339507001 12/13/2013 Ce-141339507001 12/13/2013 Ce-144339507001 12/13/2013 Co-57339507001 12/13/2013 Co-58339507001 12/13/2013 Co-60339507001 12/13/2013 Cr-51339507001 12/13/2013 Cs-134339507001 12/13/2013 Cs-137339507001 12/13/2013 Fe-59339507001 12/13/2013 1-131339507001 12/13/2013 K-40339507001 12/13/2013 La-140339507001 12/13/2013 Mn-54339507001 12/13/2013 Nb-95339507001 12/13/2013 Pb-212339507001 12/13/2013 Pb-214339507001 12/13/2013 Ru-103339507001 12/13/2013 Ru-106CONC(pCi/kg)-1.54E+00

-2.02E-01 1.45E+007.71E-011.76E+00-4.59E-01 8.20E-01-3.38E-01 3.71E+00-2.39E-01 6.81E-01-1.04E+00 9.63E-023.06E+02-1.54E+00

-5.15E-01 1.01E+003.89E+003.16E+006.14E-01-1.1 IE+01-1.58E-01 3.78E-01-1.13E+00 3.89E+00-1.69E+00

-2.65E+00 4.42E+00-1.75E-01 5.76E-023.53E+001.82E+018.18E+00-2.63E+00 8.54E-01-2.56E-01

-1.27E+00 6.45E-01-1.34E+01 8.80E-011.15E-01-8.38E-01

-1.05E+00 3.38E+023.53E+00-3.21E-01

-2.01E+00 6.34E+007.15E+00-1.15E+00 3.55E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.27E+00 3.63E+005.71E+00 1.90E+012.42E+00 4.37E+001.1OE+00 3.73E+004.10E+00 1.31E+015.20E-01 1.60E+008.01E-01 2.69E+008.30E-01 2.70E+007.54E+00 2.16E+018.22E-01 2.72E+007.29E-01 2.39E+001.69E+00 5.28E+001.50E+00 4.83E+002.80E+01 2.27E+011.27E+00 3.63E+008.07E-01 2.21E+007.88E-01 2.64E+002.26E+00 4.40E+002.04E+00 5.21E+007.60E-01 2.53E+007.96E+00 1.96E+011.94E+00 6.27E+001.87E+00 5.94E+001.I5E+00 2.90E+002.26E+00 4.40E+001.75E+00 5.29E+001.42E+00 3.95E+007.52E+00 2.54E+011.39E+00 4.61E+001.65E+00 4.71E+002.59E+00 9.26E+001.34E+01 4.56E+015.61E+00 1.07E+012.92E+00 9.05E+001.07E+01 3.51E+011.36E+00 4.42E+001.45E+00 4.24E+001.35E+00 4.69E+001.26E+01 3.88E+011.55E+00 5.23E+001.68E+00 4.82E+002.65E+00 8.58E+002.38E+00 7.78E+004.59E+01 4.72E+012.59E+00 9.26E+001.40E+00 4.47E+001.71E+00 4.88E+003.44E+00 9.89E+004.29E+00 1.37E+011.55E+00 4.82E+001.54E+01 5.13E+01241 Seabrook REMvP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNWSwsWSWSWSwswSWSWSwSwSwSWSWSwSwSwSWSWSwSWSwsWSwsWSWSWSWSWSWSWSwSWSwSwSwSwSWSwSwsWSWSWSwSWSwSWSwSWSwsWSWSws010101010101010202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202339507001 12/13/2013 Sb-124339507001 12/13/2013 Sb-125339507001 12/13/2013 Se-75339507001 12/13/2013 Th-228339507001 12/13/2013 Zn-65339507001 12/13/2013 Zr-95341532001 12/13/2013 H-3326955004 5/22/2013 Ac-228326955004 5/22/2013 Ag-108m326955004 5/22/2013 Ag-1 l0m326955004 5/22/2013 Ba-140326955004 5/22/2013 Be-7326955004 5/22/2013 Bi-214326955004 5/22/2013 Ce-141326955004 5/22/2013 Ce-144326955004 5/22/2013 Co-57326955004 5/22/2013 Co-58326955004 5/22/20i3 Co-60326955004 5/22/2013 Cr-51326955004 5/22/2013 Cs- 134326955004 5/22/2013 Cs-137326955004 5/22/2013 Fe-59326955004 5/22/2013 H-3326955004 5/22/2013 1-131326955004 5/22/2013 K-40326955004 5/22/2013 La-140326955004 5/22/2013 Mn-54326955004 5/22/2013 Nb-95326955004 5/22/2013 Pb-212326955004 5/22/2013.

Pb-214326955004 5/22/2013 Ru-103326955004 5/22/2013 Ru-106326955004 5/22/2013 Sb-124326955004 5/22/2013 Sb-125326955004 5/22/2013 Se-75326955004 5/22/2013 Th-228326955004 5/22/2013 Zn-65326955004 5/22/2013 Zr-95338089001 11/20/2013 Ac-228338089001 11/20/2013 Ag-108m338089001 11/20/2013 Ag-1 10m338089001 11/20/2013 Ba-140338089001 11/20/2013 Be-7338089001 11/20/2013 Bi-214338089001 11/20/2013 Ce-141338089001 11/20/2013 Ce-144338089001 11/20/2013 Co-57338089001 11/20/2013 Co-58338089001 11/20/2013 Co-60338089001 11/20/2013 Cr-51338089001 11/20/2013 Cs-134CONC(pCi/kg)-3.29E+00

-2.97E+00 5.03E+006.34E+00-1.27E-01


-1.13E+02 1.54E+008.93E-02-2.69E-0 I-2.13E+00 5.23E-01-8.19E-01 2.18E+007.29E+003.97E-01-1.26E+00 1.23E+00-5.95E+00 9.86E-020.OOE+00-2.27E+00


-2.54E+00 1.85E+02-2.13E+00

-2.91E-01 1.04E+001.11 E-02-2.83E+00

-7.06E-01 3.87E+00-7.15E-01

-6.72E-01 1.45E+001.11E-02-1.35E+00

-1.98E+00 2.71E+00-3.06E-0 I-4.19E-02

-1.62E-01 1.37E+008.20E-01-8.50E-02

-5.73E+00 7.80E-015.21E-013.64E-012.14E+00-4.74E-01 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)3.90E+00 1.13 E+014.33E+00 1.38E+012.45E+00 6.93E+003.44E+00 9.89E+002.90E+00 8.34E+003.33E+00 6.44E+001.12E+02 3.83E+023.80E+00 5.59E+004.34E-01 1.47E+005.44E-01 1.52E+001.96E+00 4.90E+005.04E+00 1.70E+011.66E+00 3.96E+001.30E+00 3.98E+003.87E+00 1.20E+014.52E-01 1.51E+007.92E-01 1.80E+006.35E-01 2.02E+006.61E+00 2.06E+015.39E-01 1.77E+008.16E-01 1.62E+001.61E+00 3.96E+001.78E+02 5.90E+022.75E+00 8.47E+001.64E+01 1.62E+011.96E+00 4.90E+004.81E-01 1.52E+006.27E-01 1.99E+001.86E+00 3.63E+001.89E+00 4.09E+006.91E-01 2.20E+004.64E+00 1.54E+011.33E+00 4.18E+001.40E+00 4.39E+008.31E-01 2.56E+001.86E+00 3.63E+001.20E+00 3.75E+001.11E+00 3.11E+004.20E+00 6.41E+006.57E-01 1.80E+006.29E-01 1.81E+008.98E-01 2.92E+005.27E+00 1.70E+012.53E+00 3.94E+001.08E+00 3.64E+004.23E+00 1.33E+015.64E-01 1.85E+005.74E-01 1.91E+006.43E-01 2.18E+005.56E+00 1.83E+016.72E-01 2.12E+00242 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNWSWSwSwSWSWSwSWSwswSWSwswSwSWSwSwswsWSwSwSwSwSwSwSwswSWSwSwswsWSWSwSwswswsWSwSwSwSwSwswSWSWSwSwSwSwSwS020202020202020202020202020202020202515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151338089001 11/20/2013 Cs-137338089001 11/20/2013 Fe-59338089001 11/20/2013 1-131338089001 11/20/2013 K-40338089001 11/20/2013 La- 140338089001 11/20/2013 Mn-54338089001 11/20/2013 Nb-95338089001 11/20/2013 Pb-212338089001 11/20/2013 Pb-214338089001 11/20/2013 Ru-103338089001 11/20/2013 Ru-106338089001 11/20/2013 Sb-124338089001 11/20/2013 Sb-125338089001 11/20/2013 Se-75338089001 11/20/2013 Th-228338089001 11/20/2013 Zn-65338089001 11/20/2013 Zr-95343595001 11/20/2013 H-3319591002 1/29/2013 Ac-228319591002 1/29/2013 Ag-108m319591002 1/29/2013 Ag- l0m319591002 1/29/2013 Ba-140319591002 1/29/2013 Be-7319591002 1/29/2013 Bi-214319591002 1/29/2013 Ce-141319591002 1/29/2013 Ce-144319591002 1/29/2013 Co-57319591002 1/29/2013 Co-58319591002 1/29/2013 Co-60319591002 1/29/2013 Cr-51319591002 1/29/2013 Cs-134319591002 1/29/2013 Cs-137319591002 1/29/2013 Fe-59319591002 1/29/2013 1-131319591002 1/29/2013 K-40319591002 1/29/2013 La-140319591002 1/29/2013 Mn-54319591002 1/29/2013 Nb-95319591002 1/29/2013 Pb-212319591002 1/29/2013 Pb-214319591002 1/29/2013 Ru-103319591002 1/29/2013 Ru-106319591002 1/29/2013 Sb-124319591002 1/29/2013 Sb-125319591002 1/29/2013 Se-75319591002 1/29/2013 Th-228319591002 1/29/2013 Zn-65319591002 1/29/2013 Zr-95320917002 2/19/2013 Ac-228320917002 2/19/2013 Ag-108m320917002 2/19/2013 Ag-1I0mCONC(pCi/kg)1.78E-01-1.81E-01 9.80E-0 I2.34E+02-1.62E-01 1.25E-021.82E-019.88E-02-1.65E+00

-6.34E-01 4.92E+00-9.58E-01 3.08E-01-4.53E-01 9.88E-02-1.64E+00 6.48E-01-1.51E+02

-5.31 E-03-1.81E-01


-9.18E-01 5.80E+007.85E-013.47E-01-5.22E+00 3.73E-012.97E-01-2.38E-01

-5.16E+00 1.17E+001.28E+003.82E+00-1.79E-01 3.48E+02-9.18E-01

-3.21E-01 1.94E-013.95E+00-4.09E+00 2.28E-01-1.47E+00-4.87E-01

-3.39E-01 2.77E-013.95E+00-3.55E-01

-7.59E-03 2.33E+00-3.96E-01

-4.47E-01 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)8.93E-01 2.01E+001.29E+00 4.11E+001.15E+00 3.30E+002.18E+01 1.65E+018.98E-01 2.92E+005.59E-01 1.83E+005.78E-01 1.92E+001.73E+00 4.28E+002.17E+00 5.02E+006.44E-01 2.06E+005.21E+00 1.75E+011.44E+00 3.89E+001.78E+00 5.77E+008.17E-01 2.64E+001.73E+00 4.28E+001.52E+00 3.74E+009.96E-01 3.33E+001.41E+02 4.82E+023.63E+00 8.42E+004.88E-01 1.63E+006.14E-01 1.59E+009.09E-01 2.83E+004.95E+00 1.64E+012.32E+00 3.42E+001.69E+00 3.30E+003.82E+00 1.21E+015.13E-01 1.62E+003.95E-01 1.62E+005.93E-01 1.90E+005.62E+00 1.76E+016.49E-01 2.02E+007.60E-01 1.74E+002.02E+00 3.99E+001.05E+00 3.38E+002.40E+01 1.81E+019.09E-01 2.83E+005.34E-01 1.68E+005.45E-01 1.79E+002.24E+00 4.07E+002.83E+00 4.67E+006.50E-01 1.91E+005.64E+00 1.60E+011.18E+00 3.82E+001.61E+00 5.12E+007.88E-01 2.60E+002.24E+00 4.07E+001.35E+00 3.80E+009.44E-01 3.07E+003.71E+00 6.09E+004.03E-01 1.27E+004.36E-01 1.33E+00UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUu243 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNWSwsWSWSWSWSWSWSWSwSWSwsWSwSWSwswswSwswSwSWSwSWSWSWSwswswsWSWSWSWSWSWSwsWSWSWSwSWSwsWSWSwSWSWSWSWSWSWSWS320917002 2/19/2013 Ba-140320917002 2/19/2013 Be-7320917002 2/19/2013 Bi-214320917002 2/19/2013 Ce-141320917002 2/19/2013 Ce-144320917002 2/19/2013 Co-57320917002 2/19/2013 Co-58320917002 2/19/2013 Co-60320917002 2/19/2013 Cr-51320917002 2/19/2013 Cs-134320917002 2/19/2013 Cs-137320917002 2/19/2013 Fe-59320917002 2/19/2013 1-131320917002 2/19/2013 K-40320917002 2/19/2013 La-140320917002 2/19/2013 Mn-54320917002 2/19/2013 Nb-95320917002 2/19/2013 Pb-212320917002 2/19/2013 Pb-214320917002 2/19/2013 Ru-103320917002 2/19/2013 Ru-106320917002 2/19/2013 Sb-124320917002 2/19/2013 Sb-125320917002 2/19/2013 Se-75320917002 2/19/2013 Th-228320917002 2/19/2013 Zn-65320917002 2/19/2013 Zr-95322541002 3/21/2013 Ac-228322541002 3/21/2013 Ag-108m322541002 3/21/2013 Ag-1I1m322541002 3/21/2013 Ba-140322541002 3/21/2013 Be-7322541002 3/21/2013 Bi-214322541002 3/21/2013 Ce-141322541002 3/21/2013 Ce-144322541002 3/21/2013 Co-57322541002 3/21/2013 Co-58322541002 3/21/2013 Co-60322541002 3/21/2013 Cr-51322541002 3/21/2013 Cs-134322541002 3/21/2013 Cs-137322541002 3/21/2013 Fe-59322541002 3/21/2013 1-131322541002 3/21/2013 K-40322541002 3/21/2013 La-140322541002 3/21/2013 Mn-54322541002 3/21/2013 Nb-95322541002 3/21/2013 Pb-212322541002 3/21/2013 Pb-214322541002 3/21/2013 Ru-103322541002 3/21/2013 Ru-106CONC(pCi/kg)-6.78E-01 1.55E+00-6.25E-01 1.48E+001.70E-011.1 7E+00-1.21E-01 7.28E-01-4.84E+00 6.3 1E-018.82E-02-2.83E-01

-7.32E-01 3.45E+02-6.78E-01

-1.34E-01 6.65E-017.47E-01-2.50E+00 3.14E-013.1OE+003.72E-01-1.44E-01 2.11E-017.47E-013.94E-017.91E-012.87E+00-5.62E-01

-5.38E-01 1.56E-01-6.03E-01

-2.OOE+00 2.07E+00-3.47E+00

-2.01E-02 2.11E-01-8.84E-02

-6.41 E+002.21E-011.32E-01-1.11E+00

-1 .09E+002.58E+021.56E-010.OOE+004.27E-01-1.55E+00


-1.17E+00 1.16E+00STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)7.84E-01 2.50E+003.97E+00 1.30E+011.69E+00 3.27E+001.06E+00 2.93E+003.33E+00 1.02E+015.53E-01 1.38E+003.94E-01 1.31E+004.81E-01 1.54E+004.67E+00 1.49E+015.20E-01 1.52E+004.58E-01 1.48E+009.08E-01 2.96E+009.64E-01 3.11E+002.07E+01 1.16E+017.84E-01 2.50E+003.99E-01 1.32E+004.60E-01 1.51E+001.52E+00 3.21E+001.96E+00 3.48E+005.32E-01 1.53E+003.90E+00 1.26E+019.03E-01 3.06E+001.23E+00 4.06E+006.23E-01 2.1OE+001.52E+00 3.21E+009.64E-01 2.79E+007.83E-01 2.63E+002.32E+00 6.OOE+004.63E-01 1.29E+004.03E-01 1.24E+007.13E-01 2.39E+003.91E+00 1.27E+012.23E+00 3.50E+001.43E+00 2.72E+003.44E+00 1.05E+014.53E-01 1.45E+004.29E-01 1.44E+004.89E-01 1.56E+004.61E+00 1.41E+014.60E-01 1.55E+004.15E-01 1.41E+001.12E+00 2.92E+008.18E-01 2.49E+001.85E+01 1.46E+017.13E-01 2.39E+004.79E-01 1.2 1E+004.40E-01 1.47E+001.49E+00 3.14E+001.85E+00 3.64E+005.78E-01 1.56E+004.11E+00 1.32E+01244 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEwsWSwswSwSwSwswswswSwSWSwSwSwswSwswswswSwSWSwSwswsWSwswswSwswsWSwswswswswswswswswsWSwswSwSwSwSwSwSwSENDSTATION LSN DATE322541002 322541002 322541002 322541002 322541002 322541002 324992002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 324222002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 326955002 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 NUCLIDESb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95H-3Ac-228Ag-108mAg-h 10mBa-140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru- 103Ru- 106Sb- 124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag- 108rnAg-I 10mBa- 140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce- 144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs- 134CONC(pCi/kg)5.36E-02-1.98E+00 1.18E+00-1.55E+00

-9.53E-01 7.83E-019.04E+01-3.13E+00 6.39E-01-5.74E-01

-2.87E-01 1.19E+000.OOE+008.83E-012.65E+004.25E-02-1.08E+00


-2.1 OE+004.14E-015.44E-01-1.13E+00

-3.26E-01 2.32E+02-2.87E-01

-5.20E-01 1.80E-01-2.89E+00

-1.93E+00 1.11E-025.13E+002.26E+00-1.03E-01

-6.74E-0 I-2.89E+00

-1. 1OE+00-1.65E+00 1.1 8E+006.32E-01-2.82E+00



-5.05E+00 1.69E+00-3.45E+00

-2.11 E-0I-9.24E-01

-3.26E-0 I2.73E+00-1.15E-03 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.06E+001.30E+006.79E-011.49E+001.1 OE+007.56E-011.58E+023.73E+004.64E-015.06E-018.53E-014.1OE+002.28E+008.87E-013.27E+004.97E-016.88E-016.23E-014.73E+006.21 E-0 I5.30E-011.12E+008.32E-012.07E+0 I8.53E-015.09E-014.94E-011.64E+001.67E+005.34E-014.61 E+001.32E+001.29E+007.05E-011.64E+001.25E+009.59E-013.53E+005.20E-018.98E-012.14E+005.62E+002.12E+002.07E+004.12E+005.29E-017.63E-015.99E-017.28E+007.48E-013.52E+003.84E+002.13E+003.14E+002.90E+002.52E+005.06E+027.04E+001.52E+001.51 E+002.63E+001.36E+013.27E+002.92E+001.09E+011.50E+001.58E+001.69E+001.59E+011.85E+001.72E+003.42E+002.77E+001.79E+012.63E+001.59E+001.68E+003.3 1E+003.99E+001.76E+001.45E+014.38E+004.28E+002.15E+003.3 1E+003.24E+002.77E+007.01 E+001.70E+001.73E+005.30E+001.84E+013.85E+004.38E+001.31E+011.73E+001.89E+001.89E+002.45E+011.79E+00FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU245 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNWSwSWSwSwSWSWSwSwSWSWSwSwSwSwSwSWSwSwSwSWSWSwSWSWSWSWSwsWSWSwSwSWSwSwSwSWSWSwsWSwSWSwSwSwSWSwSWSWSWSwS326955002 5/21/2013 Cs-137326955002 5/21/2013 Fe-59326955002 5/21/2013 1-131326955002 5/21/2013 K-40326955002 5/21/2013 La-140326955002 5/21/2013 Mn-54326955002 5/21/2013 Nb-95326955002 5/21/2013 Pb-212326955002 5/21/2013 Pb-214326955002 5/21/2013 Ru-103326955002 5/21/2013 Ru-106326955002 5/21/2013 Sb-124326955002 5/21/2013 Sb-125326955002 5/21/2013 Se-75326955002 5/21/2013 Th-228326955002 5/21/2013 Zn-65326955002 5/21/2013 Zr-95328137002 6/18/2013 Ac-228328137002 6/18/2013 Ag-108m328137002 6/18/2013 Ag-Il0m328137002 6/18/2013 Ba-140328137002 6/18/2013 Be-7328137002 6/18/2013 Bi-214328137002 6/18/2013 Ce-141328137002 6/18/2013 Ce-144328137002 6/18/2013 Co-57328137002 6/18/2013 Co-58328137002 6/18/2013 Co-60328137002 6/18/2013 Cr-51328137002 6/18/2013 Cs-134328137002 6/18/2013 Cs-137328137002 6/18/2013 Fe-59328137002 6/18/2013 1-131328137002 6/18/2013 K-40328137002 6/18/2013 La-140328137002 6/18/2013 Mn-54328137002 6/18/2013 Nb-95328137002 6/18/2013 Pb-212328137002 6/18/2013 Pb-214328137002 6/18/2013 Ru-103328137002 6/18/2013 Ru-106328137002 6/18/2013 Sb-124328137002 6/18/2013 Sb-125328137002 6/18/2013 Se-75328137002 6/18/2013 Th-228328137002 6/18/2013 Zn-65328137002 6/18/2013 Zr-95332520002 6/18/2013 H-3329947002 7/16/2013 Ac-228329947002 7/16/2013 Ag-108m329947002 7/16/2013 Ag-1I0mCONC(pCi/kg)-5.33E-01


-8.87E-01 3.03E+02-4.89E+00

-1.03E+00 6.13E-011.40E+001.31E+00-9.19E-01 6.3 1E+001.59E+00-1.68E+00 7.64E-011.40E+008.72E-014.23E-01-1.39E+00


-2.09E-01 4.14E-018.52E+001.73E+001.86E-01-3.67E+00 4.43E-01-6.3 1E-012.51E-01-5.51E+00




-5.54E-01 2.70E+024.14E-011.69E-015.58E-012.76E+001.37E+00-4.77E-01

-8.57E+00 1.30E+00-4.06E-0 I-1.22E+00 2.76E+00-3.21E-01 1.86E+005.93E+016.59E+00-3.75E-01 6.86E-01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)9.24E-01 2.34E+001.53E+00 4.63E+003.12E+00 1.04E+012.05E+01 1.51E+012.14E+00 5.30E+006.97E-01 1.76E+007.90E-01 2.11E+001.69E+00 3.43E+001.47E+00 4.28E+009.17E-01 2.46E+005.32E+00 1.72E+011.41E+00 4.34E+001.69E+00 5.01 E+008.65E-01 2.75E+001.69E+00 3.43E+001.34E+00 3.87E+001.15E+00 3.54E+002.95E+00 7.84E+007.38E-01 1.60E+005.16E-01 1.69E+008.74E-01 2.93E+004.99E+00 1.55E+011.52E+00 4.23E+001.05E+00 3.43E+003.73E+00 1.21E+015.04E-01 1.69E+005.49E-01 1.66E+005.13E-01 1.74E+005.59E+00 1.74E+016.27E-01 1.88E+005.79E-01 1.89E+001.27E+00 3.95E+001.13E+00 3.61E+002.17E+01 1.66E+018.74E-01 2.93E+005.34E-01 1.77E+005.78E-01 1.92E+001.88E+00 3.88E+001.59E+00 4.47E+005.85E-01 1.90E+005.43E+00 1.60E+011.29E+00 4.35E+001.49E+00 4.76E+008.08E-01 2.41E+001.88E+00 3.88E-001.14E+00 3.61E+001.55E+00 3.19E+005.95E+01 1.75E+023.38E+00 1.11E+018.68E-01 2.51E+009.07E-01 2.72E+00246 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.



(pCi/kg)WS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Ba-140 -1.43E+00 1.46E+00 4.19E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Be-7 2.30E+00 7.61E+00 2.47E+01 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Bi-214 4.69E+00 3.47E+00 7.13E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Ce-141 -7.67E-01 1.59E+00 4.97E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Ce-144 -1.85E+00 6.51E+00 1.83E+01 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Co-57 -8.76E-01 8.29E-01 2.51E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Co-58 -4.0]E-01 8.39E-01 2.65E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Co-60 2.69E-01 9.09E-01 3.05E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Cr-51 7.14E+00 8.33E+00 2.77E+01 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Cs-134 -6.19E-01 9.18E-01 2.85E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Cs-137 1.32E+00 1.58E+00 2.86E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Fe-59 -1.76E+00 1.90E+00 5.85E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 1-131 7.09E-01 1.54E+00 5.09E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 K-40 3.12E+02 2.73E+01 2.72E+01WS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 La-140 -1.43E+00 1.46E+00 4.19E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Mn-54 -9.98E-01 8.99E-01 2.65E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Nb-95 -5.98E-01 8.52E-01 2.65E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Pb-212 1.18E+00 2.81E+00 6.39E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Pb-214 -1.52E+00 2.38E+00 6.62E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Ru-103 -6.50E-01 9.13E-01 2.78E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Ru-106 6.01E+00 9.14E+00 2.73E+01 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Sb-124 2.16E+00 2.36E+00 7.99E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Sb-125 1.96E+00 2.36E+00 7.75E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Se-75 1.46E+00 1.17E+00 4.OOE+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Th-228 1.18E+00 2.81E+00 6.39E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Zn-65 -3.09E+00 2.1 IE+00 6.05E+00 UWS 51 329947002 7/16/2013 Zr-95 -1.01E+00 1.60E+00 5.03E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Ac-228 -4.23E-01 3.47E+00 9.89E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Ag-108m -5.41E-01 6.42E-01 1.76E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Ag-1 10m -6.38E-01 6.36E-01 1.90E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Ba-140 -6.65E-01 9.68E-01 3.01E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Be-7 4.76E+00 5.56E+00 1.83E+01 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Bi-214 2.69E+00 2.18E+00 5.14E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Ce-141 -1.47E+00 1.52E+00 3.49E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Ce-144 -2.89E-01 4.03E+00 1.33E+01 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Co-57 1.36E+00 6.95E-01 1.73E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Co-58 -8.05E-01 7.22E-01 1.88E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Co-60 1.81E-01 6.40E-01 2.17E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Cr-51 -1.60E+00 5.92E+00 1.98E+01 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Cs-134 9.71E-01 7.47E-01 2.49E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Cs-137 2.59E-01 7.78E-01 2.20E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Fe-59 -7.73E-01 1.24E+00 3.86E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 1-131 9.09E-01 1.15E+00 3.85E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 K-40 3.11E+02 2.67E+01 1.83E+01WS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 La-140 -6.65E-01 9.68E-01 3.01E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Mn-54 -9.01E-01 6.45E-01 1.90E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Nb-95 8.40E-01 6.87E-01 2.30E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Pb-212 -2.09E-01 1.86E+00 4.48E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Pb-214 1.23E+00 2.38E+00 5.03E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Ru-103 3.76E-01 7.42E-01 2.16E+00 UWS 51 332161002 8/19/2013 Ru-106 6.93E+00 5.86E+00 1.89E+01 U247 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSNWSwSWSwSWSwSwSWSwSwSWSwSWSwSWSwSWSWSwSwSwSWSwSWSwSWSwSWSwswSwSwSWSwSWSwSWSWSwSwsWSwSWSWSWSWSwSwswSwSwS332161002 8/19/2013 Sb-124332161002 8/19/2013 Sb-125332161002 8/19/2013 Se-75332161002 8/19/2013 Th-228332161002 8/19/2013 Zn-65332161002 8/19/2013 Zr-95334040002 9/18/2013 Ac-228334040002 9/18/2013 Ag-108m334040002 9/18/2013 Ag-Ib0m334040002 9/18/2013 Ba-140334040002 9/18/2013 Be-7334040002 9/18/2013 Bi-214334040002 9/18/2013 Ce-141334040002 9/18/2013 Ce-144334040002 9/18/2013 Co-57334040002 9/18/2013 Co-58334040002 9/18/2013 Co-60334040002 9/18/2013 Cr-51334040002 9/18/2013 Cs-134334040002 9/18/2013 Cs-137334040002 9/18/2013 Fe-59334040002 9/18/2013 1-131334040002 9/18/2013 K-40334040002 9/18/2013 La-140334040002 9/18/2013 Mn-54334040002 9/18/2013 Nb-95334040002 9/18/2013 Pb-212334040002 9/18/2013 Pb-214334040002 9/18/2013 Ru-103334040002 9/18/2013 Ru-106334040002 9/18/2013 Sb-124334040002 9/18/2013 Sb-125334040002 9/18/2013 Se-75334040002 9/18/2013 Th-228334040002 9/18/2013 Zn-65334040002 9/18/2013 Zr-95336547002 9/18/2013 H-3336325002 10/21/2013 Ac-228336325002 10/21/2013 Ag-108m336325002 10/21/2013 Ag-bl0m336325002 10/21/2013 Ba-140336325002 10/21/2013 Be-7336325002 10/21/2013 Bi-214336325002 10/21/2013 Ce-141336325002 10/21/2013 Ce-144336325002 10/21/2013 Co-57336325002 10/21/2013 Co-58336325002 10/21/2013 Co-60336325002 10/21/2013 Cr-51336325002 10/21/2013 Cs-134336325002 10/21/2013 Cs-137CONC(pCi/kg)9.75E-014.84E-01-3.49E-01


-1.98E+00 1.68E+003.54E+001.63E-01-4.87E-02 1.15E+00-4.05E+00



-3.77E-0 13.14E-021.46E-019.24E-01-2.09E+00


-3.88E-01 6.59E-01-9.06E-01 2.79E+021.15E+001.38E-035.55E-01-8.79E-01



-3.80E+00 9.37E-01-1.53E-02


-8.79E-01 8.78E-015.46E-01-1.28E+02

-1.29E+00 2.96E-02-5.90E-01 1.62E+00-4.26E+00 0.OOE+00-2.68E-01

-2.55E+00 9.04E-0 I-3.61E-01

-2.26E+00 1.41E+003.27E-018.95E-01STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.53E+00 5.14E+001.66E+00 5.53E+008.51E-01 2.65E+001.86E+00 4.48E+001.89E+00 4.35E+001.17E+00 3.88E+003.39E+00 6.80E+004.42E-01 1.50E+004.65E-0.1 1.53E+009.51E-01 3.16E+004.71E+00 1.52E+011.72E+00 3.92E+001.62E+00 3.25E+003.40E+00 1.14E+015.05E-01 1.50E+005.05E-01 1.66E+005.64E-01 1.84E+005.13E+00 1.64E+015.75E-01 1.85E+007.27E-01 1.76E+001.15E+00 3.88E+001.16E+00 3.62E+002.19E+01 1.59E+019.51E-01 3.16E+004.74E-01 1.55E+005.53E-01 1.81E+001.55E+00 3.37E+002.04E+00 4.03E+005.90E-01 1.88E+004.64E+00 1.48E+011.25E+00 4.17E+001.41E+00 4.51E+007.28E-01 2.37E+001.55E+00 3.37E+001.16E+00 3.42E+009.56E-01 3.16E+001.18E+02 4.05E+023.31E+00 7.1OE+004.65E-01 1.58E+004.99E-01 1.53E+009.17E-01 2.97E+004.54E+00 1.46E+012.34E+00 3.50E+001.08E+00 3.15E+003.48E+00 1.14E+014.91E-01 1.53E+005.09E-01 1.60E+009.79E-01 1.71E+005.20E+00 1.69E+015.47E-01 1.81E+005.72E-01 1.84E+00248 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLETYPEwSwSwSwswswSWSwSWSwSWSwSwSWSwSwSwSWSwSWSwSWSWSwSwSwSwsWSWSwSwswswsWSwSwSWSWSWSwsWSwSwSWSwswswSwSWSWSwSENDDATE NUCLIDESTATION LSN336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 336325002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 337912002 339507002 339507002 339507002 339507002 339507002 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 12/11/2013 12/11/2013 12/11/2013 12/11/2013 12/11/2013 Fe-591-131K-40La-140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru-103Ru-106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag-108mAg-I l0mBa-140Be-7Bi-214Ce- 141Ce-I144Co-57Co-58Co-60Cr-51Cs-134Cs-137Fe-591-131K-40La- 140Mn-54Nb-95Pb-212Pb-214Ru-103Ru- 106Sb-124Sb-125Se-75Th-228Zn-65Zr-95Ac-228Ag- 108mAg-I li0mBa-140Be-7CONC(pCi/kg)1.02E-015.9 1E-013.01E+021.62E+004.60E-016.04E-012.36E+000.OOE+00-2.84E-0 I2.08E+00-4.30E-01


-I.30E-01 2.36E+008.71E-011.00E+00-3.67E+00 9.20E-02-5.46E-01 5.90E-01-2.63E+00

-3.79E+00 1.23E+00-5.82E-01 1.05E+001.54E-018.22E-015.30E+00-3.59E-01 5.78E-01-1.76E+00 8.44E-013.22E+025.90E-01-1.09E+00 9.54E-012.11E+00-6.08E+00

-2.01 E+006.11 E+003.59E-01-1.94E+00-2.OOE-0 12.11E+00-1.29E+00 1.05E+003.26E-015.14E-013.19E+004.39E-01-5.71E+00 STD.DEV.


(pCi/kg)1.07E+001.05E+002.16E+019.17E-015.06E-015.72E-011.56E+002.4 1E+006.24E-014.74E+001.18E+001.56E+007.05E-011.56E+001.19E+001.09E+003.46E+005.69E-015.92E-019.94E-015.29E+002.01E+001.IIE+004.46E+006.65E-016.13E-017.42E-015.88E+006.82E-016.29E-011.28E+001.13E+002.39E+019.94E-016.77E-016.77E-011.75E+002.49E+008.27E-015.60E+001.46E+001.72E+007.89E-011.75E+001.35E+001.06E+006.60E+001.39E+001.56E+002.47E+001.38E+013.58E+003.39E+001.42E+012.97E+001.66E+001.77E+003.12E+004.58E+001.79E+001.58E+013.75E+004.65E+002.30E+003.12E+003.5 1E+003.15E+008.50E+001.86E+001.88E+003.3 1E+001.67E+014.68E+003.53E+001.28E+011.53E+002.03E+002.19E+001.94E+012.19E+002.11 E+003.84E+003.74E+001.95E+013.3 1E+001.94E+002.2 1E+004.26E+004.65E+002.01E+001.87E+014.80E+005.24E+002.63E+004.26E+004.26E+003.52E+002.04E+014.09E+005.14E+008.23E+004.40E+01FLAGSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU249 Seabrook REMP Summary of 2013 DataSAMPLE END CONC STD.DEV.



(pCi/kg)WS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Bi-214 7.64E+00 4.22E+00 1.34E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Ce-141 1.83E-01 3.26E+00 9.68E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Ce-144 -1.93E+01 1.17E+01 3.25E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Co-57 9.96E-03 1.41E+00 4.56E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Co-58 -4.07E-01 1.41E+00 4.41E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Co-60 -8.87E-01 1.65E+00 5.1OE+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Cr-51 2.23E+00 1.48E+01 4.95E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Cs-134 4.66E-01 1.60E+00 5.27E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Cs-137 -2.40E-01 1.5]E+00 4.84E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Fe-59 -3.23E+00 3.14E+00 9.20E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 1-131 1.07E+00 3.19E+00 1.07E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 K-40 2.73E+02 3.82E+01 4.29E+01WS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 La-140 4.39E-01 2.47E+00 8.23E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Mn-54 2.63E+00 1.37E+00 4.68E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Nb-95 -2.18E+00 1.74E+00 4.87E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Pb-212 -2.49E-01 3.1OE+00 1.02E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Pb-214 4.76E+00 4.05E+00 1.14E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Ru-103 -9.98E-01 1.63E+00 5.10E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Ru-106 -2.69E+01 1.45E+01 3.58E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Sb-124 -1.44E+00 3.54E+00 1.09E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Sb-125 3.12E+00 3.80E+00 1.29E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Se-75 2.02E+00 2.09E+00 7.09E+00 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Th-228 -2.49E-01 3.10E+00 1.02E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Zn-65 -7.71E-01 3.13E+00 1.02E+01 UWS 51 339507002 12/11/2013 Zr-95 -1.50E+00 2.92E+00 9.01E+00 UWS 51 341532002 12/11/2013 H-3 -7.54E+01 1.14E+02 3.84E+02 UU: Target isotope was analyzed for but not detected above the MDC and LLD.UI: Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X: Lab-specific qualifier:

(1) False positive due to the presence of radon gas in the water.M: Reported result is less than the LLD and greater than the MDC.DL: Measured MDC is greater than the LLD.250