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J. M. Farley - Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2014, Enclosure 2
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Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/2014
From: Brown K
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant;Vogtle Electric Generating PlantAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports for 2014Enclosure 2Farley Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF OWNERSHIPThe contents of this Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, contained herein, are true and accurateto the best of my knowledge. I understand that I am ultimately responsible for the Information that hasbeen captured within these pages.Chemistry ManagerI SOUTHERN NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANYFARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT NO. ONELICENSE NO. NPF-2ANDFARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT NO. TWOLICENSE NO. NPF-8ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORTCALENDAR YEAR 20142 FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANTANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTRELEASE REPORTSECTION TITLE PAGE1.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 11.1 Regulatory Requirements 11.1.1 Concentration Limits 11.1.2 Dose Limits 11.2 Effluent Concentration Limit (ECL) 11.3 Measurements and Approximation of Total Radioactivity 21.3.1 Total Radioactivity Determination 21.3.2 Total Error Estimation 31.4 Liquid Effluents -Release Data 31.5 Radiological Impact Due to Liquid Releases 31.6 Liquid Effluents -Batch Releases 31.7 Liquid Effluents -Abnormal Releases 32.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 272.1 Regulatory Requirements 272.1.1 Dose Rate Limits 272.1.2 Air Doses Due to Noble Gases in Gaseous Releases 272.1.3 Doses to a Member of the Public 272.2 Measurements and Approximation of Total Radioactivity 282.2.1 Sample Collection and Analysis 283 FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANTANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTRELEASE REPORTSECTION TITLE PAGE2.2.2 Total Quantities of Radioactivity, Dose Rates and Cumulative 28Doses2.2.2.1 Fission and Activation Gases Radioiodine, Tritium and Particulate Releases Gross Alpha Release 302.2.3 Total Error Estimation 302.3 Gaseous Effluent Release Data 302.4 Radiological Impact Due to Gaseous Releases 312.5 Gaseous Effluents -Batch Releases 312.6 Gaseous Effluents -Abnormal Releases 313.0 SOLID WASTE 573.1 Regulatory Requirements 573.1.1 Solid Radioactive Waste System 573.1.2 Reporting Requirements 573.2 Solid Waste Data 574.0 DOSES TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC INSIDE THE SITE 60BOUNDARY4.1 Regulatory Requirements 604.2 Demonstration of Compliance 604 FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANTANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTRELEASE REPORTSECTION TITLE PAGE5.0 TOTAL DOSE FROM URANIUM FUEL CYCLE (40CFR190) 645.1 Regulatory Requirements 645.2 Demonstration of Compliance 646.0 METEOROLOGICAL DATA 647.0 PROGRAM DEVIATIONS 647.1 Inoperable Liquid or Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 647.1.1 Regulatory Requirements 647.1.2 Description of Deviations 647.2 Effluent Sample Analysis Exceeding Minimum Detectable 65Concentration (MDC)7.2.1 Regulatory Requirements 657.2.2 Description of Deviations 657.3 Incorrect Compositing of Liquid or Gaseous Effluent Samples 657.3.1 Regulatory Requirements 657.3.2 Description of Deviations 658.0 CHANGES TO THE PLANT FARLEY ODCM 658.1 Regulatory Requirements 658.2 Description of Changes 655 SECTIONFARLEY NUCLEAR PLANTANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTRELEASE REPORTTITLEMAJOR CHANGES TO LIQUID, GASEOUS, OR SOLIDRADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMSRegulatory RequirementsDescription of Major ChangesAppendix A, Carbon-14 Supplement for 2014PAGE9.09.19.266666667App.A6 FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANTANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTRELEASE REPORTTABLE LIST OF TABLES PAGE1-1A Liquid Effluents -Summation of All Releases, Unit 1 (Quarters 41,2, 3 and 4)-1-B Liquid Effluents -Summation of All Releases, Unit 2 (Quarters 51,2, 3 and 4)1-iC Liquid Effluents -Summation of All Releases, Site (Quarters 1,2, 63 and 4)1-2A Liquid Effluents, Unit 1 (Quarters 1,2, 3 and 4) 71-2B Liquid Effluents, Unit 2 (Quarters 1,2, 3 and 4) 111-2C Liquid Effluents, Site (Quarters 1,2, 3 and 4) 151-3A Doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Due to Liquid Releases, 20Unit 1 (Quarters 1,2,3 and 4)1-3B Doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Due to Liquid Releases, 21Unit 2 (Quarters 1,2,3 and 4)1-4 Minimum Detectable Concentration -Liquid Sample Analyses 221-5A Liquid Effluents -Batch Release Summary, Unit 1 231-5B Liquid Effluents -Batch Release Summary, Unit 2 241-6A Liquid Effluents -Abnormal Release Summary, Unit 1 251-6B Liquid Effluents -Abnormal Release Summary, Unit 2 267 FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANTANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTRELEASE REPORTTABLE LIST OF TABLES PAGE2-1A Gaseous Effluents -Summation of All Releases, Unit 1 (Quarters 321,2, 3 and 4)2-1B Gaseous Effluents -Summation of All Releases, Unit 2 (Quarters 331,2, 3 and 4)2-1C Gaseous Effluents -Summation of All Releases, Site (Quarters 341,2, 3 and 4)2-2A Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level Releases, Unit 1 (Quarters 351,2, 3 and 4)2-2B Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level Releases, Unit 2 (Quarters 371,2, 3 and 4)2-2C Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level Releases, Site (Quarters 391,2, 3 and 4)2-3A Gaseous Effluents -Ground Level Releases, Unit I (Quarters 1,2, 423 and 4)2-3B Gaseous Effluents -Ground Level Releases, Unit 2 (Quarters 1,2, 443 and 4)2-3C Gaseous Effluents -Ground Level Releases, Site (Quarters 1,2, 3 46and 4)8 FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANTANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTRELEASE REPORTTABLE LIST OF TABLES PAGE2-4A Air Doses Due to Noble Gases in Gaseous Releases, Unit 1 48(Quarters 1,2, 3 and 4)2-4B Air Doses Due to Noble Gases in Gaseous Releases, Unit 2 49(Quarters 1,2, 3 and 4)2-5A Doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Due to Radioiodines, 50Tritium, and Particulates in Gaseous Releases, Unit 1 (Quarters1,2,3 and 4)2-5B Doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Due to Radioiodines, 51Tritium, and Particulates in Gaseous Releases, Unit 2 (Quarters1,2,3 and 4)2-6 Minimum Detectable Concentration -Gaseous Effluent Analyses 522-7A Gaseous Effluents -Batch Release Summary, Unit 1 532-7B Gaseous Effluents -Batch Release Summary, Unit 2 542-8A Gaseous Effluents -Abnormal Release Summary, Unit 1 552-8B Gaseous Effluents -Abnormal Release Summary, Unit 2 563-1 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments 584-1 Doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Due to Activities Inside 61the Site Boundary, Site9 1.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTSThis section contains applicable ODCM limits for liquid effluents as well as the quantities ofradioactive liquid effluents released during 2014. These quantities are summarized on a quarterlybasis and include any unplanned releases. A tabulation of the total body and organ doses whichwere calculated in accordance with ODCM 2.4 are presented to show conformance with the limitsof ODCM Regulatory Requirements1.1.1 Concentration LimitsTechnical Specifications 5.5.4.b and 5.5.4.c state that the concentration of radioactive materialreleased in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see ODCM Figure 10-1) shall be limited atall times to ten times the concentrations specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 forradionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noblegases, the concentration shall be limited to 1.0E-04 uCi/ml total activity.1.1.2 Dose LimitsTechnical Specifications 5.5.4.d and 5.5.4.e state that the dose or dose commitment to a MEMBEROF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released, from each unit, toUNRESTRICTED AREAS (see ODCM Figure 10-1) shall be limited:a. During any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 mrem to the total body and to lessthan or equal to 5 mrem to any organ, andb. During any calendar year to less than or equal to 3 mrem to the total body and to less than orequal to 10 mrem to any organ.1.2 Effluent Concentration Limit (ECL)ECL values used in determining allowable liquid radwaste release rates and concentrations, forprincipal gamma emitters, 1-131, tritium, Sr-89, Sr-90, and Fe-55, are taken from 10CFR Part 20,Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2. A tolerance factor of 10 is utilized to allow flexibility in establishingpractical monitor setpoints which can accommodate effluent releases at concentrations higherthan the ECL values stated in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2.For dissolved or entrained noble gases in liquid radwaste, the ECL is 1.OE-04 uCi/ml total activity.For gross alpha in liquid radwaste, the ECL is 2.OE-09 uCi/ml.Furthermore, for all the above radionuclides, or categories of radioactivity, the overall ECL fractionis determined in accordance with 10CFR Part 20, Appendix B.10 1.3 Measurements and Approximation of Total RadioactivityThe radionuclides listed below are specifically considered when evaluating liquid effluentsMN-54 CS-134FE-59 CS-137CO-58 CE-141CO-60 CE-144ZN-65 MO-99SR-89 FE-55SR-90 H-31-1311.3.1 Total Radioactivity DeterminationBatch Releases: Representative pre-release grab samples are obtained and analyzed inaccordance with ODCM Table 2-3. Isotopic analyses are performed using the computerized pulseheight analysis system utilizing high resolution germanium detectors. Isotopic values thusobtained are used for release rate calculations as specified in the ODCM. Only those nuclides thatare detected are used in the calculations. All Gross Alpha, Strontium, and Iron-55, samples aresent offsite to the Georgia Power Environmental Laboratory for analysis. Gross betadeterminations are made using 2 pi gas flow proportional counters. Tritium determinations aremade using liquid scintillation techniques. Dissolved gases are determined employing grabsampling techniques and then counting on the pulse height analyzer.The sample analyses results are used along with the ECL values to determine the ECL fraction forthe planned release. The ECL fraction is then used, with the appropriate safety factors, and theexpected dilution stream flow, to calculate the maximum permissible release rate and a liquideffluent monitor setpoint. The monitor setpoint is calculated to assure that the limits of the ODCMare not exceeded. A monitor reading in excess of the calculated setpoint will result in automatictermination of the liquid radwaste discharge.Radionuclide concentrations, safety factors, dilution stream flow rate, and liquid effluent radiationmonitor calibration factors are used by the computer to generate a pre-release printout. If therelease is not permissible, appropriate warnings will be displayed on the computer screen and onthe printout. If the release is permissible, it is approved by a Chemistry Technician. The releasepermit is transferred from the Chemistry Department to the Operations Department for release.When the release is completed, the actual release data are provided to the Chemistry Department.These release data, including release rate and release duration, are input into the computer and apost-release printout is generated. This printout contains the actual release rates, radionuclideconcentrations and quantities, dilution flow, and calculated doses to an individual.Continuous Releases: Continuous releases are analogous to batch releases except that they areanalyzed on a weekly composite basis in accordance with ODCM Table 2-3.Typically achieved liquid effluent sample analyses minimum detectable concentrations arereported in Table 1-4.

1.3.2 Total Error EstimationThe maximum error associated with volume and flow measurements, based upon plant calibrationpractice is estimated to be + or -10%. The average error associated with counting is estimated tobe less than + or -15%.1.4 Liquid Effluent Release DataSummaries of all radioactive liquid effluents released from Units 1 and 2 during 2014 arepresented in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.21 Tables 2A and 2B. Information required byTable 2A is found in this report in Tables 1-1A, 1-1B, and 1-IC; Table 2-B information is presentedin Tables 1-2A, 1-2B, and 1-2C. Data is presented on a quarterly basis as required by RegulatoryGuide 1.21 for all four quarters.1.5 Radiological Impact Due to Liquid ReleasesThe total body and organ doses for Units 1 and 2 are provided in the following tables in order toshow conformance with the limits of ODCM 2.1.3:Unit 1 2014 Doses to a Member of the Public due to Liquid Releases: Table 1-3AUnit 2 2014 Doses to a Member of the Public due to Liquid Releases: Table 1-3B1.6 Liquid Effluents -Batch ReleasesBatch release information for Units 1 and 2 is summarized in the following tables:Unit 1 2014 Liquid Effluents -Batch Release Summary: Table 1-5AUnit 2 2014 Liquid Effluents -Batch Release Summary: Table 1-5B1.7 Liquid Effluents -Abnormal ReleasesThere were no abnormal releases during 2014.Abnormal release information for Units 1 and 2 is summarized in the following tables:Unit 1 2014 Liquid Effluents -Abnormal Release Summary: Table 1-6AUnit 2 2014 Liquid Effluents -Abnormal Release Summary: Table 1-6B-3-12 Table 1-1AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid Effluents -Summation Of All ReleasesUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Type of EffluentA. Fission And Activation Products1. Total Release (not includingtritium, gases, alpha)2. Average diluted concentrationduring period3. Percent of Applicable LimitB. Tritium1. Total Release2. Average diluted Concentrationduring period3. Percent of Applicable LimitC. Dissolved and Entrained Gases1. Total Release2. Average diluted Concentrationduring period3. Percent of Applicable LimitD: Gross Alpha Radioactivity1. Total ReleaseE: Waste Vol Release (Pre-Dilution)F. Volume of Dilution Water UsedUnits 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesuCi/mLCuriesuCi/mLCuriesuCi/mLCuries1.84E-022.24E-088.31E-031.29E-085.16E-036. 1OE-092.81E-022.47E-081.06E+02 6.13E+011.65E+02 1.62E+021.30E-G43.40E-054.14E-119.54E-051.51E-052.36E-111.95E-042.82E-043.33E-101.42E-046.5 1E-045.72E-10O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+Oa1.11E+06 7.44E+05 9.94E+05 1.40E+068.20E+08 6.41E+08 8.45E+08 1.14E+09LitersLiters* Applicable limits are expressed in terms of dose. See Tables 1-3A and 1-3B of this report.-4 -13 Table 1-1BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid Effluents -Summation Of All ReleasesUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Type of EffluentA. Fission And Activation Products1. Total Release (not includingtritium, gases, alpha)2. Average diluted concentrationduring period3. Percent of Applicable LimitB. Tritium1. Total Release2. Average diluted Concentrationduring period3. Percent of Applicable LimitC. Dissolved and Entrained Gases1. Total Release2. Average diluted Concentrationduring period3. Percent of Applicable LimitD: Gross Alpha Radioactivity1. Total ReleaseE: Waste Vol Release (Pre-Dilution)F. Volume of Dilution Water UsedUnits 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesuCi/mLCuriesuCi/mLCuriesuCi/mLCuriesLitersLiters4.97E-025.38E-084.25E-023.18E-082.19E-021.60E-082.17E+02 1.95E+02 3.65E+024.96E-021.32E-081.31E+023.51E-059.49E-042.54E-102.35E-046.49E-057.02E-111.46E-041.33E-049.93E-112.67E-044.26E-043.11E-10O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO1.22E+06 1.46E+06 1.65E+06 1.95E+069.24E+08 1.33E+09 1.37E+09 3.74E+09* Applicable limits are expressed in terms of dose. See Tables 1-3A and 1-3B of this report.-5 -14 Table 1-ICJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid Effluents -Summation Of All ReleasesUnit:Starting: l-Jan- 2014Units 1ST QuarterSiteEnding: 31-Dec-2014Type of EffluentA. Fission And Activation Products1. Total Release (not indudingtritium, gases, alpha)2. Average diluted concentrationduring period3. Percent of Applicable LimitB. Tritium1. Total Release2. Average diluted Concentrationduring period3. Percent of Applicable LimitC. Dissolved and Entrained Gases1. Total Release2. Average diluted Concentrationduring period3. Percent of Applicable UmitD: Gross Alpha Radioactivity1. Total ReleaseE: Waste Vol Release (Pre-Dilution)F. Volume of Dilution Water Used2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesuCi/mLCuriesuCi/mLCuriesuCi/mLCuries6.81E-023.90E-085.08E-022.57E-08*k2.71E-021.22E-087.77E-021. 59E-083.24E+402 2.56E+025.30E+02 2.93E+021.85E-049.89E-055.66E-111.30E-041.48E-047.47E-112.39E-047.08E-043.19E-106.01E-051.60E-033.28E-10O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO2.33E+06 2.20E+06 2.64E+06 3.35E+061.74E+09 1.97E+09 2.21E+09 4.88E+s09UtersUters* Applicable limits are expressed in terms of dose. See Tables 1-3A and 1-3B of this report.-6 -15 Table 1-2AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Continuous ModeNuclides ReleasedFission & Activation ProductsNo Nuclides FoundUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCunesTritiumNo Nuclides Found CuriesO.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Dissolved And Entrained GasesNo Nuclides FoundGross Alpha RadioactivityNo Nudides FoundCunesCunesZeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-7-16 Table 1-2AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedFission & Activation ProductsCr-51Te-134Sr-93Cs-137Ta-182Sb-124Mo-99Y-94Te-133MY-91MSb-122Np-239Br-821-132Ba-140Te-127Ni-63Nb-97Zn-69MSb-1251-135Nd-149Zn-65Te-129MMn-54Unit 1ST Quarter2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuries1.05E-04O.OOE+000.OOE+009.20E-060.OOE+005.54E-050.OOE+001.32E-06O.OOE+00O.OOE+O0O.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+003.38E-052.95E-042.57E-060.OOE+001.60E-030.OOE+O00.OOE+008.01E-060.OOE+007.81E-061.83E-050.OOE+000.OOE+O01.36E-050.OOE-i008.45E-050.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+000.OOE+003.74E-077.57E-06O.001E+003.52E-070.OOE+000.00E+001.99E-042.87E-060.001E+001.86E-031.26E-05O.OOE+001.09E-060.OOE+001.26E-061.66E-040.OOE+OOO.OOE+001.52E-052.36E-061.09E-04O.OOE+00O.OOE+O0O.OOE+00O.OOE+000.OOE+000.OO1E+001.66E-06O.OOE+000.OOE+00O.OOE+005.0 1E-040.OO1E+000.OOE+008.32E-044.92E-060.OOE+O00.OOE+000.OOE+002.39E-066.46E-032.22E-051.50E-054.86E-064.22E-062.86E-043.81E-050.OOE+008.12E-062.79E-065.53E-060.001E+007.54E-064.11E-062.19E-060.OOE+001.34E-031.98E-051. 54E-075.20E-040.OOE+003.20E-061.27E-041.26E-051.56E-04Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations. 17 Table 1-2AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedCo-60La-140Co-57Cs-136Ag-1i10MFe-59Sb-126Mn-561-134Sr-91Co-58Ni-65Zr-95Nb-95Te-131MBe-7Fe-55Te-125MCs-138Total For PeriodUnitCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuries1ST Quarter1.13E-03O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+001.82E-05O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O02.98E-07O.OOE+00O.OOE+007.72E-040.00E+007.71E-051.92E-04O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O02.95E-041.38E-02O.OOE+O01.84E-022ND Quarter3.66E-04O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O01.26E-047.96E-065.48E-075.51E-06O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O09.97E-055.45E-035.25E-053RD Quarter6.08E-04O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O02.05E-061.12E-06O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+005.23E-04O.OOE+O01.73E-062.93E-05O.OOE+O03.15E-061.43E-042.16E-035.72E-054TH Quarter3.87E-033.97E-065.28E-068.27E-077.06E-056.70E-054.26E-06O.OOE+O01.17E-052.44E-051.11E-025.59E-047.13E-041.37E-032.82E-05O.OOE+O09.87E-04O.OOE+O03.01E-048.31E-03 5.16E-03 2.81E-02TritiumH-3Curies1.06E+02 6.13E+011.65E+02 1.62E+02Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.--9--18 Table 1-2AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedDissolved And Entrained GasesAr-41Xe-133Kr-87Xe-133MKr-88Xe-138Xe-135Total For PeriodGross Alpha RadioactivityNo Nuclides FoundUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuries6.02E-073.19E-051.47E-06O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.00E+00O.OOE+003.40E-05O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 4.52E-064.68E-06 2.60E-04 5.68E-04O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 1.58E-06O.OOE+O0 9.45E-06 O.OOE+O01.05E-05 1.19E-05 3.42E-05O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.29E-05O.OOE+00 5.67E-07 O.OOE+001.51E-05 2.82E-04 6.51E-04CuriesO.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations. 19 Table 1-2BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Continuous ModeUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuries O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+O0Curies O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Nuclides ReleasedFission & Activation ProductsNo Nuclides FoundTritiumNo Nuclides FoundDissolved And Entrained GasesNo Nuclides FoundGross Alpha RadioactivityNo Nuclides FoundCuriesCuriesO.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+00Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-11 -20 Table 1-2BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: 2Starting: l-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides Released Unit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterFission & Activation ProductsSb-126 Curies 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 5.89E-07 1.16E-06Mo-99 Curies 0.OOE+00 8.42E-06 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00Te-131 Curies 0.00E+00 5.80E-06 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00Cs-138 Curies 2.05E-06 1.79E-05 1.23E-04 2.84E-04Te-133 Curies 1.13E-06 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00La-142 Curies 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.16E-06 0.OOE+00Sr-93 Curies 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.81E-04Rb-86 Curies 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.52E-05 0.00E+00Co-60 Curies 1.27E-03 6.53E-04 1.03E-03 6.89E-03Ba-140 Curies 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 2.23E-06 1.02E-051-135 Curies 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.47E-05 7.16E-06Te-132 Curies 0.00E+00 1.07E-06 0.00F+00 0.OOE+00Te-129 Curies 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.18E-06 0.OOE+00Te-127 Curies 0.00E+00 1.22E-04 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00Te-131M Curies 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.74E-05Sb-125 Curies 8.41E-03 9.31E-03 3.06E-03 1.05E-03Hf-181 Curies 0.00E+00 5.03E-07 5.13E-07 0.00E+00Te-134 Curies 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.28E-04 1.52E-041-132 Curies 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.82E-07 3.04E-06La-140 Curies 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.94E-06Na-24 Curies 0.00E+00 2.07E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00Zn-65 Curies 2.59E-05 3.33E-06 3.55E-06 3.10E-04Co-58 Curies 8.88E-04 5.79E-04 1.09E-03 1.63E-02Zr-95 Curies 1.02E-04 2.71E-05 2.28E-05 2.18E-03Ba-139 Curies 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.80E-06 0.00E+00Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations. 21 Table 1-2BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedMn-56Ce-143Cr-51Nb-95Sr-91Ni-65Br-82Te-129MNi-63Mn-54Fe-59Co-57Cs-136W-187Nb-97Te-125MTc-99MCs-137Ta-182Zn-69MSn-117MSb-124Sb-122Ag-110MLa-1411-134UnitCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCunesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuries1ST QuarterO.OOE+00O.OOE+003.84E-042.42E-04O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+006.65E-042.80E-05O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+O0O.OOE+002.72E-053.65E-02O.OOE+001.18E-06O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+004.67E-044.67E-073.29E-05O.OOE+00O.OOE+002ND QuarterO.OOE+00O.OOE+001.40E-044.88E-05O.OOE+001.16E-050.00E+000.00E+003.15E-044.54E-067.66E-078.75E-07O.OOE+00O.OOE+009.24E-063.02E-024.47E-07O.OOE+O01.32E-06O.OOE+O01.36E-066.58E-04O.OOE+002.82E-051.58E-056.97E-073RD QuarterO.OOE+00O.OOE+004.07E-048.27E-052.08E-062.70E-051.37E-061.95E-055.51E-044.64E-06O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+004.12E-061.09E-061.46E-02O.OOE+004.OOE-06O.OOE+001.91E-06O.OOE+004.06E-04O.OOE+002.22E-06O.OOE+002.33E-064TH Quarter7.22E-071.22E-061.12E-023.96E-03O.OOE+001.57E-031.59E-061.52E-042.45E-033.33E-041.20E-043.42E-068.35E-075.28E-065.19E-055.97E-04O.OOE+004.25E-05O.OOE+00O.OOE+006.39E-062.93E-042.07E-061.45E-04O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations. _ 13 -22 Table 1-2BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: 2Starting: l-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Nuclides ReleasedFe-55Ce-144Total For PeriodUnitCuriesCuriesCuriesBatch Mode1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH Quarter6.56E-04 3.31E-04 2.52E-04 1.26E-03O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 2.OOE-06 O.OOE+O04.97E-02 4.25E-02 2.19E-02 4.96E-02TritiumH-3 Curies2.17E+02 1.95E+023.65E+02 1.31E+02Dissolved And Entrained GasesAr-41Xe-127Xe-133Kr-85MXe-138Xe-137Xe-133MKr-88Kr-87Total For PeriodCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuresO.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.28E-05O.OOE+OO 8.34E-07 O.OOE+OO5.13E-05 8.38E-05 3.08E-04O.OOE+OO O.OOEi-OO O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.05E-05O.OOE-i-O 2.57E-05 O.OOE+OO7.66E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO5.56E-06 2.22E-05 3.44E-053.94E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO6.49E-05 1.33E-04 42E04.27E-05O.OOE+OO8.50E-041.79E-061.53E-05O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO3.67E-052.77E-069.49E-04Gross Alpha RadioactivityNo Nuclides FoundCuriesO.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-14 -23 Table 1-2CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Continuous ModeNuclides ReleasedFission & Activation ProductsNo Nuclides FoundUnit 1ST Quarter2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesTritiumNo Nuclides Found CunesO.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Dissolved And Entrained GasesNo Nuclides FoundGross Alpha RadioactivityNo Nudides FoundCuriesCuriesZeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-15-24 Table 1-2CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedFission & Activation ProductsFe-55Rb-86Cs-137Np-239TC-99MCo-58Te-129La-142Te-131Cs-136Ni-65Ba-139Y-94La-140Te-133MTe-125MNb-97Fe-59Cr-51Cs-138Te-131M1-135Zn-69MMn-54Sb-124Unit 1ST Quarter2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCunesCunesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuries9.52E-04O.OOE+O01.04E-05O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O01.66E-03O.OOE+00O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O01.32E-06O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O05.03E-022.97E-05O.OOE+O04.88E-042.05E-06O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O03.59E-055.22E-044.31E-04O.OOE+O01.36E-057.57E-064.47E-077.05E-04O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O05.80E-06O.OOE+O01.95E-05O.OOE+00O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O03.56E-021.21E-057.66E-071.59E-047.05E-05O.OOE+O01.26E-05O.OOE+O05.80E-067.42E-043.96E-041.52E-051.92E-05O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO1.61E-038.18E-06.2. 16E-06O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO2.70E-051.80E-06O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO1.68E-021.09E-061. 12E-065.74E-041.80E-04O.OOE+OO3.96E-051.91E-067.03E-065.14E-042.25E-03O.OOE+0O4.74E-05O.OOE+OOO.OO1E+002.74E-02O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO1.66E-062.13E-03O.OO1E+00O.OOE+OO6.91E-068.12E-065.97E-047. 17E-051.87E-041.77E-025.85E-046.56E-057.16E-061.54E-074.89E-045.79E-04Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations. 25 Table 1-2CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedSb-126W-187Te-132La-141Hf-181Sn-117MZr-95Be-7Co-571-134Sb-125Na-24Ag-110MTe-134Ta-182Sr-93Ba-140Co-60Br-82Ce-143Ce-144Zn-65Te-129MSr-91Te-127Y-91MUnitCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCunesCuriesCuries1ST Quarter0.OOE+000.OOE+O00.00E+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+001.79E-040.OOE+000.OOE+O0O.001E+001.OOE-020.OOE+005.11E-050.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+002.40E-030.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+003.39E-05O.OOE+000.OOE+003.38E-050.OOE+002ND Quarter0.OOE+000.OOE+O01.07E-061.58E-055.03E-071.36E-062.76E-050.001E+008.75E-076.97E-071.12E-022.07E-062.82E-05O.00E+001.32E-060.OOE+O00.OOEi-001.02E-03O.OOE+000.001E+000.OOE+004.42E-060.OOE+000.OOE+0O1.22E-040.OOE+003RD Quarter5.89E-074. 12E-060.OOE+00O.OOE+005.13E-07O.OOE+002.45E-053. 15E-060,OOE+002.33E-063.89E-030.OOE+004.27E-061.28E-042.36E-06O.OOE+002.23E-061.63E-033.03E-06O.OOE+002.OOE-063.55E-061.95E-052.08E-060.OOE+O00.OOE+004TH Quarter5.42E-065.28E-060.001E+000.OOE+000.OOE+006.39E-062.90E-030.OOE+008.70E-061.17E-051.57E-030.OOE+002. 16E-041.74E-044.22E-061.96E-041.24E-051.08E-029.13E-061.22E-060.OOE+004.37E-041.65E-042.44E-050.OOE+002.79E-06Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations. 26 Table 1-2CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit: SiteStarting: l-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedNi-63Nd-149Mo-99Nb-95Mn-561-132Sb-122Te-133Total For PeriodUnitCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuries1ST Quarter9.60E-04O.OOE+00O.OOE+004.34E-042.98E-07O.OOE+O04.67E-071.13E-066.81E-022ND Quarter5.14E-04O.OOE+O08.42E-065.43E-05O.OOE+O03.52E-073.74E-07O.OOE+O05.08E-023RD Quarter 4TH Quarter1.05E-03 3.79E-03O.OOE+00 3.20E-06O.OOE+O0 3.81E-051.12E-04 5.32E-03OOOE+O0 7.22E-079.82E-07 7.15E-06O.OOE+O0 7.60E-06O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O02.71E-02 7.77E-02TritiumH-3Dissolved And Entrained GasesKr-88Xe-133MXe-127Kr-87Xe-133Xe-135Xe-137Kr-85MXe-138Ar-41Total For PeriodCuries3.24E+02 2.56E+02 5.30E+02 2.93E+02CuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuries5.56E-067.66E-06O.OOE+O01.87E-068.32E-05O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O06.02E-079.89E-053.27E-05O.OOE+O08.34E-07O.OOE+O08.85E-05O.OOE+O02.57E-05O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O01.48E-044.63E-05 7.09E-059.45E-06 O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO 4.36E-065.68E-04 1.42E-035.67E-07 O.OOE+UOO.OOE+OO O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO 1.79E-062.05E-05 5.83E-056.28E-05 4.73E-057.08E-04 1.60E-03Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations. 27 Table 1-2CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid EffluentsUnit:Starting: 1-Jan-2014SiteEnding: 31-Dec-2014Nuclides ReleasedUnit 1ST QuarterBatch Mode2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter4TH QuarterGross Alpha RadioactivityNo Nuclides FoundCuriesO.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 1-4 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-19 -28 Table 1-3AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Doses to a member of the public due to Liquid ReleasesUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Cumulative Doses Per QuarterOrgan ODCM Lmt UnitsBone 5.OOE+00 mRemGI-Ui 5.OOE+O0 mRemKidney 5.OOE+00 mRemLiver 5.OOE+00 mRemLung 5.OOE+00 mRemThyroid 5.OOE+O0 mRemTotal Body 5.OOE+00 mRemTotal Body 1.50E+00 mRem1ST Qr 0/ ODCM 2ND Qtr % ODCM 3RD Qtr % ODCM 4TH Qtr %/o ODCM6.94E-03 1.39E-01 2.66E-03 5.33E-02 1.55E-03 3.10E-02 1.81E-03 3.62E-022.79E-02 5.58E-01 1.08E-02 2.16E-01 5.81E-03 1.16E-01 5.76E-03 1.15E-012.69E-02 5.38E-01 9.84E-03 1.97E-01 5.07E-03 1.01E-01 1.56E-03 3.13E-023.80E-03 7.61E-02 1.53E-03 3.06E-02 1.93E-03 3.86E-02 1.92E-03 3.84E-021.06E-02 2.11E-01 1.06E-02 2.13E-01 5.84E-03 1.17E-01 4.30E-03 8.60E-023.27E-03 6.53E-02 1.32E-03 2.65E-02 1.77E-03 3.55E-02 1.46E-03 2.92E-022.34E-03 4.69E-02 1.01E-03 2.02E-02 1.71E-03 3.41E-02 1.86E-03 3.73E-022.34E-03 1.56E-01 1.01E-03 6.75E-02 1.71E-03 1.14E-01 1.86E-03 1.24E-01Cumulative Doses per YearOrgan ODCM Lmt Units Year to Ending Date % ODCM ReceptorBone 1.OOE+01 mRem 1.30E-02 1.30E-01 Maximum Individual LiquidGI-Ui 1.OOE+01 mRem 5.03E-02 5.03E-01 Maximum Individual LiquidKidney 1.OOE+01 mRem 4.34E-02 4.34E-01 Maximum Individual liquidLiver 1.00E+01 mRem 9.19E-03 9.19E-02 Maximum Individual LiquidLung 1.OOE+01 mRem 3.13E-02 3.13E-01 Maximum Individual LiquidThyroid 1.OOE+01 mRem 7.82E-03 7.82E-02 Maximum Individual LiquidTotal Body 1.00E+01 mRem 6.93E-03 6.93E-02 Maximum Individual LiquidTotal Body 3.OOE+00 mRem 6.93E-03 2.31E-01 Maximum Individual LiquidLimitLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent TB Annual-20 -29 Table 1-3BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Doses to a member of the public due to Liquid ReleasesUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Cumulative Doses Per QuarterOrganBoneGI-LiKidneyLiverLungThyroidTotal BodyTotal BodyODCM Lint Units5.OOE+OO mRem5.OOE+0O mRem5.00E+00 mRem5.OOE+0O mRem5.OOE+O0 mRem5.OOE+OO mRem5.OOE+O0 mRem1.50E+OO mRem1ST Qtr % ODCM 2ND QtW / ODCM 3RD Qtr % ODCM 4TH Qtr % ODCM1.68E-02 3.36E-01 1.09E-02 2.19E-01 6.50E-036.84E-02 1.37E+00 4.67E-02 9.35E-01 2.82E-026.41E-02 1.28E+00 4.27E-02 8.53E-01 2.61E-028.20E-03 1.64E-01 5.47E-03 1.09E-01 5.51E-034.85E-02 9.69E-01 4.33E-02 8.66E-01 1.89E-027.02E-03 1.40E-01 4.74E-03 9.49E-02 5.OOE-034.72E-03 9.45E-02 3.22E-03 6.43E-02 4.21E-034.72E-03 3.151E-01 3.22E-03 2.14E-01 4.21E-031.30E-01 3.79E-03 7,58E-025.65E-01 1.11E-02 2.23E-015.23E-01 3.75E-03 7.50E-021.10E-01 2.14E-03 4.28E-023.79E-01 6.65E-03 1.33E-011.OOE-01 1.33E-03 2.67E-028.42E-02 1.92E-03 3.83E-022.81E-01 1.92E-03 1.28E-01Cumulative Doses per YearOrgan ODCM Lint Units Year to Ending DateBone 1.OOE+01 mRem 3.80E-02GI-Li I.OOE+O1 mRem 1.54E-01Kidney 1.OOE+01 mRem 1.37E-01Liver 1.00E+O1 mRem 2.13E-02Lung 1.OOE+Ol mRem 1.17E-01Thyroid 1.OOE+Oi mRem 1.81E-02Total Body 1.OOE+01 mRem 1.41E-02Total Body 3.OOE+00 mRem 1.41E-02%/o ODCM Receptor3.80E-01 Maximum Individual Liquid1.54E+00 Maximum Individual Liquid1.37E+00 Maximum Individual Liquid2.13E-01 Maximum Individual Liquid1.17E+OO Maximum Individual Liquid1.81E-01 Maximum Individual Liquid1.41E-01 Maximum Individual Liquid4.69E-01 Maximum Individual LiquidLimitLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent Organ AnnualLiquid Effluent TB Annual-21 -30 TABLE 1-4Joseph M. Farley Nuclear PlantANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014MINIMUM DETECTABLE CONCENTRATION -LIQUID SAMPLE ANALYSESThe values in this table represent a priori Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC) that are typically achieved in laboratory analyses of liquidradwaste samples.Nuclide MDC(uCilML)MN-54 4.37E-08CO-58 3.79E-08FE-59 7.16E-08CO-60 1.76E-08ZN-65 1.19E-07MO-99 2.98E-071-131 3.05E-08CS-134 4.01E-08CS-137 3.84E-08CE-141 4.21E-08CE-144 1.51E-07-22 -31 Table 1-SAJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid Effluents -Batch Release SummaryUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Liquid Releases1. Number of batch releases2. Total time period for Batch releases3. Maximum time period for a batch release4. Average time period for a batch release5. Minimum time period for a batch release6. Average stream flow during periodsof release of liquid effluent intoa flowing stream *Units 1ST Quarter83Minutes) 8.70E+03(Minutes) 1.25E+02(Minutes) 1.05E+02(Minutes) 9.OOE+012ND Quarter 3RD Quarter58 755.78E+031.30E+029.97E+013.OOE+007.46E+031.35E+029.95E+018.70E+014TH Quarter1061.06E+041.26E+021.OOE+027.50E+01Year Totals3223.26E+041.35E+021.01E+023.00E+00(CFS)1.31E+04 1.30E+044.25E+i03 4.39E+03 8.69E+03*Average River Flow Rate, taken at Walter F. George Lock and Dam, located 30.7 miles above Farley Nuclear Plant.-23 -32 Table 1-55Joseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid Effluents -Batch Release SummaryUnit: 2Starting: l-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Liquid Releases1. Number of batch releases2. Total time period for Batch releases3. Maximum time period for a batch release4. Average time period for a batch release5. Minimum time period for a batch release6. Average stream flow during periodsof release of liquid effluent intoa flowing stream *Units 1ST Quarter92(Minutes) 9.28E+03(Minutes) 1.55E+02Minutes) 1.01E+02(Minutes) 8.50E+01(CFS ) 1.31E+042ND Quarter1101.09E+041.60E+029.91E+017.50E+013RD Quarter 4TH Quarter124 1461,22E+04 1.47E+041.25E+02 1.33E+029,83E+01 1.00E+028.60E+01 2.OOE+00Year Totals4724.70E+041.60E+029.96E+012.OOE+001.30E+04 4.25E+034.39E+03 8.69E+03*Average River Flow Rate, taken at Walter F. George Lock and Dam, located 30.7 miles above Farley Nudear Plant.-24 -33 Liquid Releases1. Number of Releases2. Total Time For All Releases3. Maximum Time For A Release4. Average Time For A ReleaseS. Minimum Time For A Release6. Total activity for all releasesTable 1-6AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid Effluents -Abnormal Release SummaryUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Units 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter0 0 0(Minutes) O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0(Minutes) O.OOOE+ 0. OO0 O.OOE+00(Minutes) O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00(Minutes) O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00(Curies ) 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+004TH Quarter00.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00Year Totals0O.OOE+000.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00-25 -34 Table 1-6BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Liquid Effluents -Abnormal Release SummaryUnit: 2Liquid Releases1. Number of Releases2. Total Time For All Releases3. Maximum Time For A Release4. Average Time For A Release5. Minimum Time For A Release6. Total activity for all releasesStarting: 1-Jan-2014Units 1ST Quarter0Ending: 31-Dec-2014Minutes)Minutes)Minutes)Minutes)( Curies )0.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.001E+002ND Quarter00.00E+00O.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+003RD Quarter 4TH Quarter0 0O.OOE+00 O.OOE+000.00E+00 0.OOE+000.OOE+0O 0.OOE+000.OOE+00 0.OOE+000.0OE+00 0.OOE+00Year Totals0O.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.00E+000.OOE+00-26 -35 2.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTSThis section contains applicable ODCM limits for gaseous effluents as well as the quantities of radioactivegaseous effluents released during 2013. These quantities are summarized on a quarterly basis andinclude any unplanned releases. Tabulations are provided of the offsite air doses calculated inaccordance with ODCM 3.4.2 to show conformance with the limits of ODCM 3.1.3, and the offsite organdoses to a member of the public calculated in accordance with ODCM 3.4.3 to show conformance withODCM Regulatory RequirementsThe requirements presented in this section are for Unit 1 and Unit Dose Rate LimitsThe dose rates due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at andbeyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited to the following:a. For noble gases: Less than or equal to 500 mrem/yr. to the whole body and less than or equal to3000 mrem/yr. to the skin, andb. For Iodine-131, Iodine-133,tritium and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-livesgreater than 8 days: Less than or equal to 1500 mrem/yr. to any organ.2.1.2 Air Doses Due to Noble Gases in Gaseous ReleasesTechnical Specifications 5.5.4.e and 5.5.4.h state that the air dose due to noble gases released ingaseous effluents, from each reactor unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see ODCMFigure 10-1) shall be limited to the following:a. During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 5 mrad for gamma radiation and less than orequal to 10 mrad for beta radiation, andb. During any calendar year: Less than or equal to 10 mrad for gamma radiation and less than orequal to 20 mrad for beta radiation.2.1.3 Doses to a Member of the PublicTechnical Specifications 5.5.4.e and 5.5.4.i state that the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from 1-131,1-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseouseffluents released, from each reactor unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see ODCMFigure 10-1) shall be limited to the following:a. During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to anyorgan, andb. During any calendar year: Less than or equal to 15 mrem to anyorgan.-27 -36 2.2 Measurements and Approximation of Total RadioactivityThe following noble gases are specifically considered in evaluating gaseous effluents:KR-87 XE-133KR-88 XE-135XE-133M XE-138The following radioiodines and radioactive materials in particulate form are specifically considered inevaluating gaseous effluents:MN-54 MO-99FE-59 1-131CO-58 CS-134CO-60 CS-137ZN-65 CE-141SR-89 CE-144SR-90 H-32.2.1 Sample collection and AnalysisPeriodic grab samples from plant effluent streams are analyzed by a computerized pulse height analyzersystem utilizing high resolution germanium detectors. Samples are obtained and analyzed in accordancewith ODCM Table 3-3. Isotopic values thus obtained are used for release rate calculations as specifiedin ODCM 3.4.2 and ODCM 3.4.3. Only those nuclides which are detected are used in calculations. Forradioiodines and particulates, in addition to the nuclides listed above other nuclides with half-livesgreater than 8 days which are identified are also considered.Continuous Releases: Continuous sampling is performed on the continuous release points (i.e. the PlantVent Stack, Containment Purge when in continuous mode, and the Turbine Building Vent). Particulatematerial is collected by filtration. At least weekly, these filters are removed and analyzed on the pulseheight analyzer to identify and quantify radioactive materials collected on the filters. Particulate filtersare then analyzed for gross alpha and strontium as required. All gross alpha, Sr-89 and Sr-90 samplesare sent offsite to the Georgia Power Environmental Laboratory for analysis.Batch Releases: The processing of batch type releases (from Containment when in batch mode, orWaste Gas Decay Tanks) is analogous to continuous releases, except that the release is not commenceduntil samples have been obtained and analyzed. Containment Purge batch releases were commenced atFNP beginning in 2006 in order to take advantage of additional decay time for short lived radionuclides.Typically achieved minimum detectable concentrations for gaseous effluent sample analyses arereported in Table 2- Total Quantities of Radioactivity, Dose Rates, and Cumulative DosesThe methods for determining release quantities of radioactivity, dose rates, and cumulative doses follow:-28 -37 Fission and Activation GasesThe released radioactivity is determined using sample analyses results collected as described in section2.2.1 and the average release flow rates over the period represented by the collected sample.Dose rates due to noble gases, radioiodines, tritium, and particulates are calculated (with computerassistance). The calculated dose rates are compared to the dose rate limits specified in ODCM 3.1.2 fornoble gases, radioiodine, tritium, and particulates. Dose rate calculation methodology is presented in theODCM.Beta and gamma air doses due to noble gases are calculated for the location in the unrestricted areawith the potential for the highest exposure due to gaseous releases. Air doses are calculated for eachrelease period and cumulative totals are kept for each unit for the calendar quarter and year. Cumulativeair doses are compared to the dose limits specified in ODCM 3.1.3. The current percent of the ODCMlimits are shown on the printout for each release period. Air dose calculation methodology is presentedin the ODCM. Radioiodine, Tritium, and Particulate ReleasesReleased quantities of radioiodines are determined using the weekly samples and release flow ratesfor the applicable release points. Radioiodine concentrations are determined by gammaspectroscopy.Release quantities of particulates are determined using the weekly (filter) samples and release flowrates for the applicable release points. Gamma spectroscopy is used to quantify the concentrationsof principal gamma emitters.After each quarter, the particulate filters from each applicable vent (plant vent stack andcontainment purge) are combined, fused, and a strontium separation is performed. Since sampleflows and vent flows are almost constant over each quarterly period the filters from each vent canbe dissolved together. Decay corrections are performed back to the middle of the quarterlycollection period. If Sr-89 or Sr-90 is not detected, MDCs are calculated. Strontium concentrationsare input into the composite file of the computer and used for release dose rate and individual dosecalculations.Tritium samples are obtained monthly from the Plant Vent Stack, the Containment Purge when inbatch mode, and the Turbine Building Vent (and weekly for Containment Purge when in continuousmode) by passing the sample stream through a cold trap or by using the bubble method. The gramsof water vapor/cubic meter are measured upstream of the cold trap in order to alleviate thedifficulties in determining water vapor collection efficiencies. The tritium samples are analyzedonsite and the results furnished in uCi/ml of water. The tritium concentration in water is convertedto the tritium concentration in air and this value is input into the composite file of the computer andused in release, dose rate,and individual dose calculations.Dose rates due to radioiodine, tritium and particulates are calculated for a hypothetical childexposed to the inhalation pathway at the location in the unrestricted area where the potential doserate is expected to be the highest. Dose rates are calculated, for each release point for each release-29 -38 period, and the dose rates from each release point is compared to the dose rate limits specified inODCM 3.1.2, allocated for each release point as described in ODCM 3.3.2.Doses to a Member of the Public (individual doses) due to radioiodine, tritium and particulates arecalculated for the controlling receptor, which is described in the ODCM. Individual doses arecalculated for each release period, and cumulative totals are kept for each unit, for the currentcalendar quarter and year. Cumulative individual doses are compared to the dose limits specified inODCM 3.1.4. The current percent of ODCM limits are shown on the printout for each release period. Gross Alpha ReleaseThe gross alpha release is computed each month by counting the particulate filters, for each weekfor gross alpha activity in a proportional counter. The highest concentration calculated for any ofthese weeks is used for the monthly value. This value is input into the composite file of thecomputer and used for release calculations.2.2.3 Total Error EstimationThe maximum errors associated with monitor readings, sample flow, vent flow, sample collection,monitor calibration and laboratory procedure are collectively estimated to be:Fission andActivation Gases Iodine Particulates Tritium75% 60% 50% 45%The average error associated with counting is estimated to be:Fission andActivation Gases Iodine Particulates Tritium19% 28% 20% 8%2.3 Gaseous Effluent Release DataRegulatory Guide 1.21 Tables 1A, 1B and 1C are found in this report as Tables 2-1A, 2-1B, 2-1C, 2-2A,2-2B, 2-2C, 2-3A, 2-3B, and 2-3C. Data are presented on a quarterly basis as required by RegulatoryGuide 1.21.To complete Tables 2-1A and 2-1B, the total release for each of the four categories (fission andactivation gases, radioiodines, particulates and tritium) was divided by the number of seconds in thequarter to obtain a release rate in uCi/second for each category. However, the percent of the ODCMlimits are not applicable because FNP has no curie limit for gaseous releases. Applicable limits areexpressed in terms of dose. Noble gases are limited as specified in ODCM 3.1.2. The other threecategories (tritium, radioiodines, and particulates) are limited as a group as specified in ODCM 3.1.2.Dose rates due to noble gas releases and due to radioiodines, tritium and particulate releases werecalculated as part of the pre-release and post-release permits. No limits were exceeded for this reportingperiod.Gross alpha radioactivity is reported in Tables 2-1A, 2-1B and 2-1C as curies released in each quarter.Limits for cumulative beta and gamma air doses due to noble gases are presented in Tables 2-4A and 2-4B along with the percent of ODCM limits.-30 -39 Limits for cumulative doses to an individual due to radioiodines, tritium and particulates are specified inODCM 3.1.4. Cumulative individual doses are presented in Tables 2-5A and 2-5B along with percent ofODCM limits.2.4 Radiological Impact Due to Gaseous ReleasesThe air doses due to noble gases and doses to a Member of the Public due to radioiodines, tritium andparticulates in gaseous effluents for Units I and 2 are provided in the following tables in order to showconformance with the limits of ODCM 3.1.3 and ODCM 3.1.4:Unit 1 2014 Air Doses Due to Noble Gases in Gaseous Releases: Table 2-4AUnit 2 2014 Air Doses Due to Noble Gases in Gaseous Releases: Table 2-4BUnit 1 2014 Doses to a Member of the Public Due to Radioiodines, Tritium,and Particulates in Gaseous Releases: Table 2-5AUnit 2 2014 Doses to a Member of the Public Due to Radioiodines, Tritium,and Particulates in Gaseous Releases: Table 2-5B2.5 Gaseous Effluents -Batch ReleasesBatch release information for Units 1 and 2 is summarized in the followingtables:Unit 1 2014 Gaseous Effluents -Batch Release Summary: Table 2-7AUnit 2 2014 Gaseous Effluents -Batch Release Summary: Table 2-7B2.6 Gaseous Effluents -Abnormal ReleasesThere were no abnormal releases on Unit 1 or Unit 2 during 2014.Abnormal release information for Units 1 and 2 is summarized in thefollowing tables:Unit 1 2014 Gaseous Effluents -Abnormal Release Summary: Table 2-8AUnit 2 2014 Gaseous Effluents -Abnormal Release Summary: Table 2-8B-31 -40 Table 2-1AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Summation Of All ReleasesUnit: 1Starting: 1-3an-2014Ending: 31-Dec-2014Type of EffluentA. Fission And Activation Gases1. Total Release2. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable LimitB. Radioiodines1. Total Iodine-1312. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable LimitC. Particulates1. Particulates ( Half-Lives > 8 Days)2. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable LimitD. Tritum1. Total Release2. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable LimitE. Gross Alpha1. Total Release2. Average Release rate for periodUnitsCuriesuCi/secCuriesuCi/sec1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesuCi/secCuriesuCi/secCuriesuCi/sec1.02E+001.29E-01O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O09.28E-011.18E-01O.OOE+O0O.OOE+008.07E-011.02E-01O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO1.43E+001.81E-015.83E-017.39E-02O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O03.02E+003.83E-015.93E-017.53E-02O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO3.64E-124.613E-131.89E+002.40E-01O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0* Applicable limits are expressed in terms of dose. See Tables 2-4A, 2-4B, 2-5A, 2-5B of this report.-32 -41 Table 2-1BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Summation Of All ReleasesUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan-2014Ending: 31-Dec-2014Type of EffluentA. Fission And Activation Gases1. Total Release2. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable LimitB. Radioiodines1. Total Iodine-1312. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable UmitC. Particulates1. Particulates ( Half-Lives > 8 Days)2. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable UmitD. Tritium1. Total Release2. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable UmitE. Gross Alpha1. Total Release2. Average Release rate for periodUnitsCuriesuCi/sec1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesuCi/secCuriesuCi/secCuriesuCi/secCuriesuCi/sec3.37E-014.28E-02O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+003.65E+004.63E-015.04E-016.39E-02O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO4.62E-075.86E-087.48E+009.49E-014.04E-015.12E-02O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+005.69E+007.22E-019.85E-011.25E-011.34E-071.70E-08O.OOE+OOO.OOOE+OO9.20E+001.17E+00O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00* Applicable limits are expressed in terms of dose. See Tables 2-4A, 2-4B, 2-5A, 2-5B of this report.-33 -42 Table 2-1CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Summation Of All ReleasesUnit: SiteStarting: l-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Type of EffluentA. Fission And Activation Gases1. Total Release2. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable LimitB. Radioiodines1. Total Iodine-1312. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable LimitC. Particulates1. Particulates ( Half-Lives > 8 Days)2. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable LimitD. Tritium1. Total Release2. Average Release rate for period3. Percent of Applicable LimitE. Gross Alpha1. Total Release2. Average Release rate for periodUnitsCuriesuCi/secCuriesuCi/sec1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH Quarter1.36E+001.72E-01O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+004.58E+005.81E-01*w1.31E+001.66E-01O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO4.62E-075.86E-088.91E+001.13E+009.87E-011.25E-01O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O08.71E+001.10E+001.58E+002.OOE-O11.34E-071.70E-083.64E-124.6 13E-131.11E+011.41E+00CuriesuCi/secCuriesuCi/secCuriesuCi/secO.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 0.00E+00 O.OOE+0OO.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00* Applicable limits are expressed in terms of dose. See Tables 2-4A, 2-4B, 2-5A, 2-5B of this report.-34 -43 Table 2-2AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level ReleasesUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Continuous ModeUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuries O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00Curies 0.00E+OO 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00Nuclides ReleasedFission GasesAr-41Total For PeriodIodines1-133Total For PeriodParticulatesNo Nuclides FoundTritiumH-3Gross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesO.OOE+00 O.OOE+00O.OOE+00 O.OOE+OOO.OOE+00 O.OOE+008.75E-01 1.36E+00O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO2.84E4-00O.OOE+OOO.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+001.81E+00O.OOE+00If Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-35 -44 Table 2-2AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level ReleasesUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedFission GasesAr-41Kr-85MKr-88Xe-131MXe-133MXe-133Xe-135Total For PeriodUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuries1.01E+00 7.88E-01 5.16E-019.58E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+001.92E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.88E-04O.OOE+00 8.79E-06 2.29E-044.21E-03 1.87E-02 6.63E-021.73E-03 O.OOE+00 8.79E-051.02E+00 8.07E-01 5.83E-01O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00O.OOE+00 O.00E+00 0.001E+000.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+005.41E-01O.OO1E+00O.OOE+OO5.82E-042.50E-045. 12E-029.24E-055.93E-01O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO0.00E+00lodines1-1311-133Total For PeriodParticulatesY-88Total For PeriodCuries O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 3.64E-12Curies O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 3.64E-12TritiumH-3Gross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundCuriesCuries5.24E-026.20E-021.83E-018.21E-02O.00E4-OO O.OOE-i-O O.OOE+00 O.OO1E+00If Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations. 45 Table 2-2BJoseph M Parley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level ReleasesUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Continuous ModeNuclides ReleasedFission GasesUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterAr-41Kr-90Total For PeriodCuriesCuriesCuriesO.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+00O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+005.95E-01O.OOE+005.95E-01Iodines1-131Total For PeriodCuries O.OOE+0O0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 1.34E-07Curies O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 1.34E-07ParticulatesMn-54Sr-90Total For PeriodCuriesCuriesCuriesO.OOE+00O.OOE+O0O.OOE+OOO.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 0.OOE+OO4.62E-07 O.OOE-i00 0.00E+004.62-07 .OOE+0O 0.00E+00TritiumH-3Gross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundCuriesCuries3.64E+00 7.47E+00 5.68E+00 9.19E+000.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00If Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-37 -46 Nuclides ReleasedFission GasesAr-41Xe-133Xe-135Xe-138Total For PeriodlodinesNo Nuclides FoundParticulatesMn-54Total For PeriodTritiumH-3Gross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundTable 2-2BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level ReleasesUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuries 3.37E-01 5.03E-01 4.03E-01 3.86E-01Curies 6.73E-04 7.54E-05 4.10E-04 5.16E-03Curies O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 1.42E-05Curies O.OOE+O0 1.16E-03 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Curies 3.37E-01 5.04E-01 4.04E-01 3.91E-01Curies O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Curies O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Curies 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00Curies 6.88E-03 7.43E-03 1.11E-02 1.20E-02Curies O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00If Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations. 47 Table 2-2CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level ReleasesUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Continuous ModeNuclides ReleasedFission GasesUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterAr-41Kr-90Total For Periodlodines1-1311-133Total For PeriodCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesO.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+00O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0O.OOE+00O.OOE+OOO.OOE+00O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+00O.OOE+OOO.OOE+0OO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO5.95E-01O.OOE+OO5.95E-011.34E-07O.00E4-OO1.34E-07O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+0OParticulatesMn-S4Sr-90Total For PeriodO.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 4.62E-07O.OOE+00 4.62E-07TritiumH1-3Gross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundCuriesCuries4.52E+00 8.84E+00O 8.52E+00 1.10E+01O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE-i-O O.OOE+OOIf Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-39 -48 Table 2-2CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level ReleasesUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterFission GasesAr-41Kr-85MKr-88Xe-131MXe-133MXe-133Xe-135Xe-138Total For PeriodCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCurieslodines1-1311-133Total For Period1.35E+009.58E-061.92E-05O.OOE+00O.OOE+004.88E-031.73E-03O.OOE+001.36E+O0O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+O0O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+005.93E-021.29E+00 9.19E-01O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO O.OOE+0OO.OOE+OO 6.88E-048.79E-06 2.29E-041.88E-02 6.67E-02O.OOE+OO 8.79E-051.16E-03 O.OOE+OO1.31E+OO 9.87E-01O.OOE+Oa O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO O.OOE+OOO.OOE+00 0.OOE+009.27E-01O.OOE+OOO.OOE+005.82E-042.50E-045.64E-021.07E-04O.OOE+OO9.84E-01O.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OOO.OOE+OO3.64E-123.64E-129.41E-02ParticulatesMn-54Y-88Total For PeriodO.OOE+00O.OOE+000.00E+006.94E-02O.OOE+OOO.OOE+0O1.94E-01TritiumH-3CuriesIf Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minrmum detectable concentrations. 49 Table 2-2CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Mixed Mode Level ReleasesUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedGross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundUnit 1ST Quarter2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4Th QuarterCuriesO.OOE-i-O O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OOIf Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-41 -50 Table 2-3AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Ground Level ReleasesUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014Ending: 31-Dec-2014Continuous Mode2ND Quarter 3RD QuarterNuclides ReleasedFission GasesNo Nuclides FoundUnit 1ST Quarter4TH QuarterlodinesNo Nuclides FoundParticulatesNo Nuclides FoundCuriesCuriesCunesCuriesCuriesO.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0TritiumNo Nuclides FoundGross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundIf Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-42 -51 Nuclides ReleasedFission GasesNo Nuclides FoundlodinesNo Nuclides FoundParticulatesNo Nuclides FoundTritiumNo Nuclides FoundGross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundTable 2-3AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Ground Level ReleasesUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuries O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00Curies O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Curies O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Curies O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00Curies O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00If Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-43 -52 Table 2-3BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Ground Level ReleasesUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Continuous ModeNuclides ReleasedFission GasesNo Nuclides FoundUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterIodinesNo Nuclides FoundParticulatesNo Nuclides FoundCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesCuriesO.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0TritiumNo Nuclides FoundGross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundIf Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-44 -53 Table 2-3BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Ground Level ReleasesUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan-2014Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeNuclides ReleasedFission GasesNo Nuclides FoundUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCurieslodinesNo Nuclides Found CuriesParticulatesNo Nuclides Found CuriesO.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0TritiumNo Nuclides Found CuriesGross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundCuriesIf Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-45 -54 Table 2-3CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Ground Level ReleasesUnit: SiteStarting: 1-3an-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Continuous ModeNuclides ReleasedFission GasesNo Nuclides FoundUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCurieslodinesNo Nuclides Found CuriesParticulatesNo Nuclides FoundTritiumNo Nuclides FoundCuriesCuriesCuriesO.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0O.OOE+00 0.00E4-OO O.OOE+00 0.00E+00O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O0OOE+00 O.OOE+00Gross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundIf Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-46-55 Nuclides ReleasedFission GasesNo Nuclides FoundlodinesNo Nuclides FoundParticulatesNo Nuclides FoundTritiumNo Nuclides FoundGross AlphaNo Nuclides FoundTable 2-3CJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Ground Level ReleasesUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Batch ModeUnit 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter 3RD Quarter 4TH QuarterCuries O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Curies O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Curies O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Curies O.OOE+0O O.OOE+0O O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0Curies O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00If Not Detected, Nuclide is Not Reported. Zeroes in this table indicates that no radioactivity was present at detectable levels.See Table 2-6 for typical minimum detectable concentrations.-47 -56 Table 2-4AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Air Doses Due to Gaseous ReleasesUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Cumulative Doses Per QuarterType of Radiation ODCM LmtGamma Air 5.00E+00Beta Air 1.00E+01UnitsmRadmRad1ST Qtr3.23E-041.14E-04% ODCM 2NDQtr6.45E-03 2.51E-041.14E-03 8.92E-05% ODCM5.03E-038.92E-043RD Qtr % ODCM1.65E-04 3.30E-036.04E-05 6.04E-044TH Qtr /b ODCM1.73E-04 3.46E-036.27E-05 6.27E-04Cumulative Doses Per YearType of Radiation ODCM LmtGamma Air 1.00E+01Beta Air 2.00E+01UnitsmRadmRadYear to End Date9.12E-043.26E-04%/ ODCM9.12E-031.63E-03ReceptorSite Boundary SSE Mixed Mode RSite Boundary SSE Mixed Mode RLimitAir Dose Gamma AnnualAir Dose Beta Annual-48 -57 Table 2-4BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Air Doses Due to Gaseous ReleasesUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Cumulative Doses Per QuarterType of Radiation ODCM LmtGamma Air 5.OOE+00Beta Air 1.OOE+01UnitsmRadmRad1ST Qtr1.07E-043.78E-05%/b ODCM2.14E-033.78E-042ND Qtr1.61E-045.67E-050/o ODCM3.21E-035.67E-043RD Qtr % ODCM1.28E-04 2.57E-034.53E-05 4.53E-044TH Qtr % ODCM3.12E-04 6.25E-031.10E-04 1.10E-03Cumulative Doses Per YearType of Radiation ODCM LmtGamma Air 1.00E+01Beta Air 2.OOE+01UnitsmRadmRadYear to End Date7.08E-042.50E-040/ ODCM7.08E-031.25E-03ReceptorSite Boundary SSE Mixed Mode RSite Boundary SSE Mixed Mode RLimitAir Dose Gamma AnnualAir Dose Beta Annual-49 -58 Table 2-5AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Doses To A Member Of The Public Due To Radioiodines, Tritium, and Particulates in Gaseous ReleasesUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Cumulative Doses Per QuarterOrgan ODCM Lmt Units 1ST Qtr % ODCM 2ND Qtr % 0/0CM 3RD Qtr % ODCM 4TH Qtr % ODCMBone 7.50E+00 mRem O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00Lung 7.50E+00 mRem 1.27E-04 1.69E-03 1.95E-04 2.60E-03 4.13E-04 5.51E-03 2.59E-04 3.45E-03Liver 7.50E+00 mRem 1.27E-04 1.69E-03 1.95E-04 2.60E-03 4.13E-04 5.51E-03 2.59E-04 3.45E-03Total Body 7.50E+00 mRem 1.27E-04 1.69E-03 1.95E-04 2.60E-03 4.13E-04 5.51E-03 2.59E-04 3.45E-03Thyroid 7.50E+00 mRem 1.27E-04 1.69E-03 1.95E-04 2.60E-03 4.13E-04 5.51E-03 2.59E-04 3.45E-03GI-Ui 7.50E+00 mRem 1.27E-04 1.69E-03 1.95E-04 2.60E-03 4.13E-04 5.51E-03 2.59E-04 3.45E-03Kidney 7.50E+00 mRem 1.27E-04 1.69E-03 1.95E-04 2.60E-03 4.13E-04 5.51E-03 2.59E-04 3.45E-03Cumulative Doses per YearOrgan ODCM Lmt units Year to Ending Date % ODCM Receptor LimitBone 1.500E+01 mRem O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualLung 1.500E+01 mRern 9.942E-04 6.628E-03 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualUver 1.500E+01 mRem 9.942E-04 6.628E-03 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualTotal Body 1.500E+01 mRem 9.942E-04 6.628E-03 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualThyroid 1.500E+01 mRem 9.942E-04 6.628E-03 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualGI-Uli 1.500E+01 mRem 9.942E-04 6.628E-03 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualKidney 1.500E+01 mRem 9.942E-04 6.628E-03 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose Annual-50 -59 Table 2-5BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Doses To A Member Of The Public Due To Radioiodines, Tritium, and Particulates in Gaseous ReleasesUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Cumulative Doses Per QuarterOrgan ODCM Lint Units 1ST Qtr % ODCM 2ND Qtr % ODCM 3RD Qtr % ODCM 4TH Qtr % ODCMBone 7.50E+00 mRem O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.94E-04 2.58E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.06E-09 1.07E-07Lung 7.50E+00 mRem 4.99E-04 6.66E-03 1.02E-03 1.36E-02 7.78E-04 1.04E-02 1.26E-03 1.68E-02Liver 7.50E+00 mRem 4.99E-04 6.66E-03 1.02E-03 1.36E-02 7.78E-04 1.04E-02 1.26E-03 1.68E-02Total Body 7.50E+00 mRem 4.99E-04 6.66E-03 1.07E-03 1.43E-02 7.78E-04 1.04E-02 1.26E-03 1.68E-02Thyroid 7.50E+00 mRem 4.99E-04 6.66E-03 1.02E-03 1.36E-02 7.78E-04 1.04E-02 1.26E-03 1.68E-02GI-Li 7.50E+00 mRem 4.99E-04 6.66E-03 1.03E-03 1.37E-02 7.78E-04 1.04E-02 1.26E-03 1.68E-02Kidney 7.50E+00 mRem 4.99E-04 6.66E-03 1.02E-03 1.36E-02 7.78E-04 1.04E-02 1.26E-03 1.68E-02Cumulative Doses per YearOrgan ODCM Lmt Units Year to Ending Date % ODCM Receptor LimitBone 1.500E+01 mRem 1.936E-04 1.291E-03 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualLung 1.500E+01 mRem 3.560E-03 2.373E-02 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualUver 1.500E+01 mRem 3.560E-03 2.373E-02 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualTotal Body 1.500E+01 mRern 3.609E-03 2.406E-02 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualThyroid 1.500E+01 mRem 3.562E-03 2.375E-02 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualGI-Ui 1.500E+01 mRem 3.562E-03 2.375E-02 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose AnnualKidney 1.500E+01 mRem 3.560E-03 2.373E-02 Gas Controlling Receptor Iodine/Part Dose Annual-51 -60 TABLE 2-6Joseph M. Farley Nuclear PlantANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014MINIMUM DETECTABLE CONCENTRATIONS -GASEOUS EFFLUENT ANALYSESThe values in this table represent a priori Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC) that are typically achieved in laboratory analyses ofgaseous radwaste samples.Nudide MDC(uCi/ML) Nuclide MDC(uCi/ML)MN-54 1.11E-14 KR-87 5.45E-08CO-58 1.29E-14 KR-88 5.71E-08FE-59 2.84E-14 XE-133 3.56E-08CO-60 1.50E-14 XE-133M 1.96E-07ZN-65 3.09E-14 XE-135 1.44E-08MO-99 1.51E-13 XE-138 1.06E-07CS-134 9.71E-151-131 1.15E-14CS-137 9.99E-15 1-133 5.83E-08CE-141 9.03E-15CE-144 2.37E-14-52 -61 Table 2-7AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Batch Release Summary.Unit: 1Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Gaseous Releases1. Number of batch releases2. Total time period for batch releases3, Maximum time period for a batch release4. Average time period for a batch release5. Minimum time period for a batch releaseUnits 1ST Quarter150(Minutes) 1.19E+04Minutes) 2.51E+03Minutes) 7.91E+01(Minutes) 2.OOE+002ND Quarter1231.02E+041.77E+038.31E+012.OOE+003RD Quarter1189.71E+037.60E+028.23E+014.OOE+004TH Quarter1251.08E+041.08E+038.62E+014.OOE+00Year Totals5164.26E+042.51E+038.25E+012.OOE+O0-53 -62 Table 2-7BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Batch Release SummaryUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Gaseous Releases Units1. Number of batch releases2. Total time period for batch releases (Minutes)3. Maximum time period for a batch release (Minutes)4. Average time period for a batch release (Minutes)5. Minimum time period for a batch release ( Minutes)1ST Quarter.769.06E+032.76E+031.19E+024.OOE+002ND Quarter896.78E+038.63E+027.62E+013.OOE+003RD Quarter854.36E+033.28E+025.13E+015.OOE+O04TH Quarter471.09E+042.88E+032.31E+021.OOE+00Year Totals2973.11E+042.88E+031.05E+021.OOE+O0-54 -63 Table 2-8AJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Abnormal Release SummaryUnit: 1Starting: 1-Jan- 2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Gaseous Releases1. Number of Releases2. Total Time For All Releases3. Maximum Time For A Release4. Average Time For A Release5. Minimum Time For A Release6. Total activity for all releasesUnits 1ST Quarter 2ND Quarter0 0(Minutes) 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00(Minutes) O.00E+00 O.OOE+00(Minutes) O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00(Minutes) O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00(Curies ) O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+003RD Quarter00.01E+000.OOE+000.00E+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+004TH Quarter00.OOE+000.00E+000.OOE+000.00E+00O.OOE+00Year Totals0O.OOE+00O.OOE+00O.OOE+000.OOE+00O.OOE+00-55 -64 Table 2-8BJoseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Gaseous Effluents -Abnormal Release SummaryUnit: 2Starting: 1-Jan-2014Ending: 31-Dec-2014Gaseous Releases1. Number of Releases2. Total Time For All Releases3. Maximum Time For A Release4. Average Time For A Release5. Minimum Time For A Release6. Total activity for all releasesUnits 1ST Quarter0(Minutes): 0.OOE+00(Minutes): 0.OOE+00(Minutes): 0.00E+00(Minutes): 0.OOE+00(Curies ) O.OOE+002ND Quarter0O.OOE+00O.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+003RD Quarter00.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+00O.OOE+004TH Quarter00.OOE+000.00E+000.00E+000.OOE+00O.OOE+00Year Totals00.00E+000.OOE+000.OOE+000.OOE+00O.OOE+00-56 -65 3.0 SOLID WASTE3.1 Regulatory Requirements3.1.1 Solid Radioactive Waste SystemFNP-0-M-30, PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, step B.3.1 states that the radwaste solidification system shallbe OPERABLE and used, as applicable in accordance with a PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, for theSOLIDIFICATION and packaging of radioactive wastes to ensure meeting the requirements of 10 CFR Part20 and 10 CFR Part 71 prior to shipment of radioactive wastes from the site.3.1.2 Reporting RequirementsFNP-0-M-30, PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, step B.5.1 states that the Annual Radioactive Effluent ReleaseReport, submitted in accordance with Technical Specifications 5.6.2 and 5.6.3, shall include a summary ofthe quantities of solid radwaste released from the units as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring,Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactive Material in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents and Solid Waste," Revision 2,issued June 2009, with data summarized on an annual basis following the format of Table A-3 thereof.3.2 Solid Waste DataRegulatory Guide 1.21 Revision 2 Table A-3 is found in the report as Table 3-1.-57 -66 TABLE 3-1Joseph M. Farley Nuclear PlantANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE SHIPPED FOR PROCESSING OR DISPOSALStarting 01-Jan-2014Ending 31 -Dec-2014Resins, Filters, and Volume Curies ShippedEvaporator BottomsWaste Class ft9 m_3A 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00B 2.26E+02 6.40E+00 5.20E+02C 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00ALL 2.26E+02 6.40E+00 5.20E+02Major Nuclides for the Above Table:Waste Class A N/AWaste Class B Co-60 51.158% Fe-55 19.349% NI-63 24.202% Zn-65 1.573%Mn-54 1.747%Waste Class C N/AALL Co-60 51.158% Fe-55 19.349% NI-63 24.202% Zn-65 1.573%Mn-54 1.747%Dry Active Waste Volume Curies ShippedWaste Class ft3 _ _3A 9.78E+03 2.77E+02 7.84E-02B 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00C 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00ALL 9.78E+03 2.77E+02 7.84E-02Major Nuclides for the Above Table:Waste Class A H-3 2.632% Fe-55 17.113% Co-60 16.164% Nb-95 17.399%Zr-95 12.282% NI-63 10.750% Co-58 8.366% C-14 7.291%Cr-51 3.662% Sb-125 1.951%Waste Class B N/AWaste Class C N/AALL H-3 2.632% Fe-55 17.113% Co-60 16.164% Nb-95 17.399%Zr-95 12.282% NI-63 10.750% Co-58 8.366% C-14 7.291%Cr-51 3.662% Sb-125 1.951%Irradiated Components Volume Curies ShippedWaste Class ft3 m3A 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00B 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00C O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00ALL O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00Major Nuclides for the Above Table:Waste Class A N/AWaste Class B N/AWaste Class C N/AALLN/A-58 -67 TABLE 3-1Joseph M. Farley Nuclear PlantANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE SHIPPED FOR PROCESSING OR DISPOSALStarting 01-Jan-2014 Ending 31-Dec-2014(Continued)Other Waste Volume Curies ShippedWaste Class ft m_3A 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00B 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00C 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00ALL 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00Major Nuclides for the Above Table:Waste Class A N/AWaste Class B N/AWaste Class C N/AALL N/ASum of All Low-Level Volume Curies ShippedWaste Shipped fromSiteWaste Class f 3A 9.78E+03 2.77E+02 7.84E-02B 2.26E+02 6.40E+00 5.20E+02C 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00ALL 1.OOE+04 2.83E+02 5.20E+02Major Nuclides for the Above Table:Waste Class A H-3 2.632%Zr-95 12.282%Cr-51 3.662%Waste Class B Co-60 51.158%Mn-54 1.747%Waste Class C N/AFe-55 17.113%NI-63 10.750%Sb-125 1.951%Fe-55 19.349%Co-60 16.164%Co-58 8.366%NI-63 24.202%Nb-95 17.399%C-14 7.291%Zn-65 1.573%ALLCo-60 51.153%Mn-54 1.747%Fe-55 19.348%Ni-63 24.200%Zn-65 1.573%-59 -68 4.0 DOSES TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC INSIDE THE SITE BOUNDARY4.1 Regulatory RequirementsCurrent FNP effluent controls as established by ODCM 6.1 do not require assessment of the radiation dosesfrom radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities inside theSITE BOUNDARY (ODCM Figure 10-1).4.2 Demonstration of ComplianceHowever, this assessment has been performed for 2014 using the methods described in ODCM 6.2 and isincluded in this section as Table 4-1.-60 -69 Table 4-1Joseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Doses to a Member of the Public Due to Activities Inside the Site BoundaryUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Location Name:Distance (kilometers):Sector:Occupancy Factor:Age Group:Ground Level ReleaseGround Level ReleaseMixed Mode ReleaseMixed Mode ReleaseVisitor Center3.06E-01N1.37E-03ChildParticulate and RadioiodineNoble GasNoble GasParticulate and RadioiodineX/Q (sec/m3): 1.04E-04X/Q (sec/m3): 1.04E-04X/Q (sec/m3): 8.80E-06X/Q (sec/rm3): 8.80E-06D/Q (m-2): 4.80E-07D/Q (m-2): 6.20E-08Total BodyKidneySkinUverBoneGI-LliThyroidLungUnitsmRemmRemrnRemmRemmRemmRemMRemmRem1ST Quarter1.96E-081.96E-08O.OOE+001.96E-08O.OOE+O01.96E-081.96E-081.96E-082ND Quarter3.82E-083.82E-08O.OOE+O03.82E-081.79E-103.82E-083.82E-083.82E-083RD Quarter3.74E-083.74E-08O.OOE+003.74E-08O.OOE+003.74E-083.74E-083.74E-084TH Quarter4.76E-084.76E-087.56E-144.76E-088.69E-144.76E-084.76E-084.76E-08Year1.43E-071.43E-077.56E-141.43E-071.79E-101.43E-071.43E-071.43E-076170 Table 4-1Joseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Doses to a Member of the Public Due to Activities Inside the Site BoundaryUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Location Name:Distance (kilometers):Sector:Occupancy Factor:Age Group:Ground Level ReleaseMixed Mode ReleaseMixed Mode ReleaseGround Level ReleaseService Water Pond9.66E-01N7.57E-03ChildParticulate and RadioiodineParticulate and RadioiodineNoble GasNoble GasX/Q (sec/m3): 4.74E-05X/Q (sec/m3): 9.75E-07X/Q (sec/m3): 9.75E-07X/Q (sec/m3): 4.74E-05D/Q (m-2): 1.31E-07D/Q (m-2): 2.78E-08LungGI-LUiTotal BodyBoneThyroidUverKidneySkinUnitsmRemmRemmRemmRemmRemrnRemmRemmRern1ST Quarter1.20E-081.20E-081.20E-08O.OOE+001.20E-081.20E-081.20E-08O.OOE+002ND Quarter2.34E-082.34E-082.34E-081.09E-102.34E-082.34E-082.34E-08O.OOE+003RD Quarter2.29E-082.29E-082.29E-08O.OOE+O02.29E-082.29E-082.29E-08O.OOE+O04TH Quarter2.91E-082.91E-082.91E-081.69E-132.91E-082.91E-082.91E-081.87E-13Year8.74E-088.74E-088.74E-081.10UE-108.74E-088.74E-088.74E-081.87E-136271 Table 4-1Joseph M Farley Nuclear PlantRADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2014Doses to a Member of the Public Due to Activities Inside the Site BoundaryUnit: SiteStarting: 1-Jan-2014 Ending: 31-Dec-2014Location Name:Distance (kilometers):Sector:Occupancy Factor:Age Group:Mixed Mode ReleaseGround Level ReleaseMixed Mode ReleaseGround Level ReleaseRiver Water Discharge -Air1.64E+00N1. 14E-02ChildNoble GasNoble GasParticulate and RadioiodineParticulate and RadioiodineX/Q (sec/m3): 7.05E-07X/Q (sec/m3): 1.63E-05X/Q (sec/m3): 7.05E-07X/Q (sec/m3): 1.63E-05D/Q (m-2): 1.39E-08D/Q (m-2): 4.55E-08Total BodyGI-LliSkinLungLiverBoneKidneyThyroidUnitsmRemmRemmRemmRemmRemmRemmRemmRem1ST Quarter1.31E-081.31E-08O.OOE+001.31E-081.31E-08O.OOE+0O1.31E-081.31E-082ND Quarter2.55E-082.55E-08O.OOE+002.55E-082.55E-081.19E-102.55E-082.55E-083RD Quarter2.49E-082.49E-08O.OOE+002.49E-082.49E-08O.OOE+002.49E-082.49E-084TH Quarter3.17E-083.17E-081.41E-133.17E-083.17E-081.32E-133.17E-083.17E-08Year9.52E-089.52E-081.41E-139.52E-089.52E-081.19E-109.52E-089.52E-086372 5.0 TOTAL DOSE FROM URANIUM FUEL CYCLE (40CFR190)5.1 Regulatory RequirementsTechnical Specification 5.5.4.j states that the dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THEPUBLIC over a calendar year, due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuelcycle sources, shall be limited to less than or equal to 25 mrem to the total body or to any organ,except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 mrem (as stated in ODCM5.1).With the calculated doses from the release of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluentsexceeding twice the limits of ODCM 2.1.3, 3.1.3, or 3.1.4, calculations shall be made according toODCM 5.2 methods to determine whether the above (ODCM 5.1) limits have been exceeded (asstated in ODCM 5.1.2).5.2 Demonstration of ComplianceSince none of the ODCM 2.1.3, 3.1.3, or 3.1.4 limits were exceeded during 2014, no calculationswere required.6.0 METEOROLOGICAL DATAMeteorological data are retained onsite; these data are available to the NRC upon request. Themeteorological data include annual summaries of hourly measurements of wind speed, winddirection and atmospheric stability in the form of joint frequency distribution tables.7.0 PROGRAM DEVIATIONS7.1 Inoperable Liquid or Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation7.1.1 Regulatory RequirementsODCM states in part that the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (the report) shallinclude deviations from the liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation operabilityrequirements included in Sections 2.1.1 and 3.1.1 of the ODCM. The report must also include anexplanation as to why the inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner.7.1.2 Description of DeviationsThere was one deviation during 2014. The Unit 1 liquid effluent radiation monitor, RE-18, wasinoperable for greater than thirty days due to an isolation valve which would not fully close, asdocumented in Condition Report 714825.7.2 Effluent Sample Analysis Exceeding Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC)-64 -73 7.2.1 Regulatory RequirementsODCM states in part that the report shall include deviations from the MDC requirementsincluded in ODCM Tables 2-3 and 3- Description of DeviationsThere were no deviations during 2014.7.3 Incorrect Compositing of Liquid or Gaseous Effluent Samples7.3.1 Regulatory RequirementsODCM states in part that the report shall include deviations from composite samplingrequirements included in ODCM Tables 2-3 and 3- Description of DeviationsThere were no deviations during 2014.8.0 CHANGES TO THE PLANT FARLEY ODCM8.1 Regulatory RequirementsPursuant to Technical Specification 5.5.1.c and ODCM, licensee initiated changes to theODCM shall be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as a part of or concurrent withthe Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which any changes were made.Included are changes to the radiological environmental monitoring program sampling locations ordose calculation locations or pathways, including any changes made pursuant to ODCM use census).8.2 Description of ChangesThere were no changes to the ODCM during 2014.-65 -74 9.0 MAJOR CHANGES TO LIQUID, GASEOUS, OR SOLID RADWASTETREATMENT SYSTEMS9.1 Regulatory RequirementsODCM states in part that, as required by ODCM 2.1.5 and 3.1.6, licensee initiated MAJORCHANGES TO RADIOACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS (liquid and gaseous) shall be reportedto the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the Annual Radioactive Effluents Release Report coveringthe period in which the change was reviewed and accepted for implementation.Process Control Program (PCP) B.5.1.2 states that licensee initiated major changes to the solidradioactive waste treatment system shall be reported to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in theAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the change was implemented.The discussion of each change shall include the information specified in PCP B. Description of Major ChangesThere were no changes to the Process Control Program during 2014.-66 -75 Farley Nuclear PlantAppendix ACARBON-14Carbon-14 (C-14) is a naturally-occurring radionuclide with a 5730 year half life. Nuclearweapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s significantly increased the amount of C-14 in theatmosphere. Nuclear power plants also produce C-14, but the amount is infinitesimalcompared to what has been distributed in the environment due to weapons testing andwhat is produced by natural cosmic ray interactions.As nuclear plants have improved gaseous waste processing systems and improved fuelperformance, the percentages of "principal radionuclides" in gaseous effluents havechanged, and C-14 has become a larger percentage. "Principal radionuclides" aredetermined based on public dose contribution or the amount of activity dischargedcompared to other radionuclides of the same effluent type. In Revision 2 (June 2009) ofRegulatory Guide 1.21 (RG 1.21), "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting RadioactiveMaterial in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents and Solid Waste," the NRC recommended re-evaluating "principal radionuclides" and reporting C-14 as appropriate. In 2010Radioactive Effluent Release Reports, virtually all U. S. nuclear power plants startedreporting C-14 amounts released and resulting doses to the maximally exposed member ofthe public.Because C-14 is considered a hard-to-detect radionuclide which must be chemicallyseparated from the effluent stream before it can be measured, RG 1.21 provides theoption of calculating the C-14 source term based on power generation. The Electric PowerResearch Institute (EPRI) developed an accepted methodology for calculating C-14, andpublished the results in Technical Report 1021106 (December 2010), "Estimation ofCarbon-14 in Nuclear Power Plant Gaseous Effluents." Evaluation of C-14 in radioactiveliquid effluents is not required because the quantity and dose contribution has beendetermined to be insignificant.At Plant Farley, the annual quantity of C-14 released in gaseous effluents was estimated tobe 9.28 Curies (per unit). Approximately 30% of the C-14 released is in the form of 14C02and is incorporated into plants through photosynthesis. Ingestion dose results from thispathway. The remaining 70% is estimated to be organic. Both the organic and inorganicforms of C-14 contribute to inhalation dose. A child is the maximally exposed individual,and bone dose is the highest organ dose. Using the dose calculation methodology fromthe Farley ODCM, the resulting bone dose to a child located at the controlling receptorlocation would be 4.11E-01 mrem in a year which is 2.74% of the regulatory limit of 15mrem per year (per unit) to any organ due to gaseous effluents. The resulting total bodydose to a child located at the controlling receptor location would be 8.21E-02 mrem in ayear which is 0.54% of the regulatory limit of 15 mrem per year (per unit) total body dosedue to gaseous effluents.-67 -76