ML16145A378 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle, Farley ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/16/2016 |
From: | Southern Nuclear Operating Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML16145A378 (59) | |
LAN LE NU l ADIOL GICA ENVIRON ME APPENDIX A Maps 2015 FNP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix A
r VI Legend:
Indicator Stations * !.
.I 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report REMP Stations in Plant Vicinity 1--D-r_*_w_n_b_y_:..&.-C_._G_ro_c_*_.... ::P*:~~x A
April 30, 2016 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant
Indicator Stations - !.
Control Stations - !,
1--D-r_a_w_n_b_y_:..... _c_. -G-ro_c_e_...,, ::Pe:~~x A
April 30, 2016 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report REMP Stations within 10 miles
Control Stations - A Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report Extended REMP Stations
Drawn by:
C. Groce April 30, 2016 Appendix A MapA-3
Groundwater Wells *
"Removed from GWPP 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report Facility Groundwater Wells
.__o_,_*_w_n_b_y_:..... _c_._G_ro_c_* _ _. ::P*:~~xA April 30, 2016 Legend:
Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant
LA T fA LE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL ENVIRO APPENDIX B Errata 2015 FNP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
LANT fA LE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL 3.8 Groundwater To ensure compliance with NEI 07-07, Southern Nuclear developed the Nuclear Management Procedure, Radiological Groundwater Protection Program. The procedure contains detailed site-specific monitoring plans, program technical bases, and communications protocol (to ensure that radioactive leaks and spills are addressed and communicated appropriately}. In an effort to prevent future leaks of radioactive material to groundwater, SNC plants have established robust buried piping and tanks inspection programs. No changes were made to the Groundwater Protection Program in 2014.
Plant Farley maintains the following wells (Table 3-8}, which are sampled at a frequency that satisfies the requirements of NEI 07-07. The analytical results for 2014 were all within regulatory limits specified within this report. Table3-9 contains the results of the Groundwater Protection Program tritium results (in pCi/L}.
Rl Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R2 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R3 Major Shallow aquifer Unit 2 RWST R4 Major Shallow aquifer Unit 1 RWST RS Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R6 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R7 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R8 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R9 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line RlO Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R11 Major Shallow aquifer Background 1 R13 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R14 Major Shallow aquifer Background 2 PW#2 Drinking water Production Well #2 Supply PW#3 Drinking water Production Well #3 Supply PW#4 Drinking water Production Well #4 Supply CW West Drinking water Construction Well West Supply CW East Drinking water Construction Well East Supply FRW Drinking water Firing Range Well Supply SW-1 N/A Background 3, Service Water Pond 2015 FNP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
LA T FA LE Rl NDM R2 NDM R3 1570 R4 NDM RS NDM R6 NDM R7 NDM R8 NDM R9 NDM RlO NDM Rll NDM R13 NDM R14 NDM PW#2 NDM PW#3 NS - Out of Service PW#4 NDM CW West NS - Out of Service CW East NDM FRW NDM SW-1 NDM NDM - No Detectable Measurements NS - Not Sampled NDM NDM 1990 NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NNUAL ADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL PERATING REPO T NDM 156 NDM 166 2030 1860 NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM 166 NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM 178 NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NS - Out of Service NS - Out of Service NS - Out of Service NDM NDM NDM NDM NS - Out of Service NS - Out of Service NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM 2015 FNP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Units 1 & 2 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant-Units 1 & 2 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant-Units 1 & 2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports for 2015 Vogtle Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports for 2015
lntroduction.................................................................................................. l 2
REMP Description......................................................................................... 2 3
Results Summary.......................................................................................... 9 3.1 Airborne Particulates............................................................................................ 19 3.1.1 Gross Beta............................................................................................................ 19 3.1.2 Gamma Particulates............................................................................................. 20 3.2 Direct Radiation.................................................................................................... 21 3.3 Biological Media.................................................................................................... 24 3.3.1 M ilk...................................................................................................................... 24 3.3.2 Vegetation............................................................................................................ 25 3.3.3 Fish....................................................................................................................... 25 Anadromous Species............................................................................................ 25 Commercially or Recreationally Important Species............................................ 26 3.3.4 Biological Media Summary.................................................................................. 26 3.4 Drinking Water...................................................................................................... 27 3.5 River Water........................................................................................................... 28 3.6 Sediment............................................................................................................... 29 3.7 lnterlaboratory Comparison Program.................................................................. 30 3.8 Groundwater......................................................................................................... 34 4
Survey Summaries...................................................................................... 36 4.1 Land Use Census................................................................................................... 36 4.2 Savannah River Survey.......................................................................................... 36 5
Conclusions................................................................................................. 38 Tables Table 2-1. Summary Description of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program............................... 3 Table 2-2. Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations........................................................................ 6 Table 3-1. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summary........................................ 11 Table 3-2. Reporting Levels (RL)................................................................................................................. 17 Table 3-3. Anomalies and Deviations from Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program................. 18 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report i i Page
LANT OGTLE N UAL RADIOLOGICAL Table 3-4. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration......................................................................... 19 Table 3-5. Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation................................................................. 22 Table 3-6. lnterlaboratory Comparison limits........................................................................................... 31 Table 3-7. lnterlaboratory Comparison Summary..................................................................................... 32 Table 3-8. Groundwater Protection Program Locations............................................................................ 34 Table 3-9. Groundwater Protection Program Results................................................................................ 35 Table 4-1. Land Use Census Results........................................................................................................... 36 Figures Figure 3-1. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration................................................................ 20 Figure 3-2. Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation.......................................................... 23 Figure 3-3. 2015 Average Exposure from Direct Radiation................................................................ 24 Figure 3-4. 2015 Biological Media Average Cs-137 Concentrations.................................................... 26 Figure 3-5. 2015 Average Gross Beta Concentration in Raw and Finished Drinking Water.................... 28 Figure 3-6. 2015 Average Tritium Concentrations in River, Raw Drinking, and Finished Drinking Water.29 Appendix A - Maps A REMP Stations in Plant Vicinity A REMP Stations within 5 Miles A Extended REMP Stations A Facility Groundwater Wells Appendix B - Errata Groundwater Protection Results from 2014 Report 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report ii IP age
LANTV G LE AREOR ASTM CL EPA GA EPD GPC GPCEL ICP MDC MDD MWe NA NDM NEI NRC ODCM OSL Po PWR REMP RL RM SNC SRS TLD TS VEGP ANNUAL ADtOLOGtC L NVIRONMENTAL LIST OF ACRONYMS Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report American Society for Testing and Materials Confidence Level Environmental Protection Agency State of Georgia Environmental Protection Division Georgia Power Company Georgia Power Company Environmental Laboratory lnterlaboratory Comparison Program Minimum Detectable Concentration Minimum Detectable Difference Megawatts Electric Not Applicable No Detectable Measurement(s}
Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Regulatory Commission Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Optically Stimulated Luminescence Preoperation Pressurized Water Reactor Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Reporting Level River Mile Southern Nuclear Operating Company Savannah River Site Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Technical Specification Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report EPORT iii jPage
LANTVOGTLE NNU L ADIOLOGICAL ON MENTAL 1 INTRODUCTION The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is conducted in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). The REMP activities for 2015 are reported herein in accordance with Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.2 and ODCM 7.1.
The objectives of the REMP are to:
- 1) Determine the levels of radiation and the concentrations of radioactivity in the environs and;
- 2) Assess the radiological impact (if any) to the environment due to the operation of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP).
The assessments include comparisons between results of analyses of samples obtained at locations where radiological levels are not expected to be affected by plant operation (control stations), areas of higher population (community stations), and at locations where radiological levels are more likely to be affected by plant operation (indicator stations), as well as comparisons between preoperational and operational sample results.
VEGP is owned by Georgia Power Company (GPC), Oglethorpe Power Corporation, the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and the City of Dalton, Georgia. It is located on the southwest side of the Savannah River approximately 23 river miles upstream from the intersection of the Savannah River and U.S. Highway 301. The site is in the eastern sector of Burke County, Georgia, and across the river from Barnwell County, South Carolina. The VEGP site is directly across the Savannah River from the Department of Energy Savannah River Site (SRS). Unit 1, a Westinghouse Electric Corporation Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), with a licensed core thermal power of 3626 Megawatts (MWt), received its operating license on January 16, 1987 and commercial operation started on May 31, 1987.
Unit 2, also a Westinghouse PWR rated for 3626 MWt, received its operating license on February 9, 1989 and began commercial operation on May 19, 1989. Both units were relicensed on June 3, 2009.
The pre-operational stage of the REMP began with initial sample collections in August of 1981.
The transition from the pre-operational to the operational stage of the REMP occurred as Unit 1 reached initial criticality on March 9, 1987.
A description of the REMP is provided in Section 2 of this report Section 3 provides a summary of the results and an assessment of any radiological impacts to the environment as well as the results from the interlaboratory comparison A summary of the land use census and the river survey are included in Section 4 Conclusions are included in Section 5 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report l lPage
PLANT VOGTLE ONMENTAL 2 REM P DESCRIPTION The following section provides a description of the sampling and laboratory protocols associated with the REMP. Table 2-1 provides a summary of the sample types to be collected and the analyses to be performed in order to monitor the airborne, direct radiation, waterborne and ingestion pathways, and also summarizes the collection and analysis frequencies (in accordance with ODCM Section 4.2). Table 2-2 provides specific information regarding the station locations, their proximity to the plant, and exposure pathways.
Additionally, the locations of the sampling stations are depicted on Maps A-1 through A-4 of the station locations included in Appendix A of this report.
Georgia Power Company's Environmental Laboratory (GPCEL), located in Smyrna, Georgia collects and analyzes REMP samples.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2 1Page
PLANT VOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L OPERATING Table 2-1. Summary Description of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Number of Representative Samples and Sample Sampling/Collection Frequency Type/Frequency of Analysis Pathway and/or Locations Direct Radiation 40 routine monitoring stations with two or more Quarterly Gamma dose, quarterly dosimeters placed as follows:
An inner ring of stations, one in each compass isector in the general area of the site boundary; IAn outer ring of stations, one in each compass sector at approximately five miles from the site; and
- .pecial interest areas, such as population centers, nearby recreation areas, and control stations
- .amples from seven locations:
Continuous sampler operation Radioiodine canister: 1-131 analysis, weekly Radioiodine and with sample collection weekly, or Particulates Five locations close to the site boundary in different more frequently if required by Particulate sampler: Gross beta analysis1 sectors; dust loading
~ollowing filter change and gamma isotopic analysis 2 of composite (by location),
A community having the highest calculated annual
~uarterly average ground level D/Q; A control location near a population center at a distance of about 14 miles
~urface.:1 One sample upriver Composite sample over one K;amma isotopic analysis 2
, monthly Two samples downriver month period4 K:omposite for tritium analysis, quarterly 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 3 I Page
OPERATING REPO T Table 2-1. Summary Description of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Number of Representative Samples and Sample Sampling/Collection Frequency Type/Frequency of Analysis Pathway and/or Locations Drinking
!Two samples at each of the three nearest water Composite sample of river water 1-131 analysis on each sample when the dose
~reatment plants that could be affected by plant near the intake of each water k:alculated for the consumption of the water is discharges treatment plant over two week
~reater than 1 mrem per year5. Composite period 4 when 1-131 analysis is
~or gross beta and gamma isotopic analysis 2
Two samples at a control location required for each sample; monthly ion raw water, monthly. Gross beta, gamma composite otherwise; and grab isotopic and 1-131 analyses on grab sample of
!sample of finished water at each
'inished water, monthly. Composite for water treatment plant every two ritium analysis on raw and finished water, weeks or monthly, as appropriate quarterly Groundwater
~ee Table 3-8 and Map A-4 for well locations ISee Table 3-8 and Map A-4 for Tritium, gamma isotopic, and field r.t;ell locations. Quarterly sample; parameters (pH, temperature, conductivity, pump used to sample GW wells; dissolved oxygen, oxidation/reduction
!grab sample from yard drains and potential, and turbidity) of each sample ponds quarterly; Hard to detect radionuclides as necessary based on results of tritium and gamma Shoreline
- One sample from downriver area with existing !Semiannually Gamma isotopic analysis', semiannually Sediment or potential recreational value
- One sample from upriver area with existing or potential recreational value Ingestion Milk
!Two samples from milking animals6 at control Bimonthly amma isotopic analysis 2.7, bimonthly locations at a distance of about 10 miles or more 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 4 1Page
PLA TVOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L OPERATING EPOR Table 2-1. Summary Description of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Number of Representative Samples and Sample P h d/
Samphng/Collect1on Frequency Type/Frequency of Analysis at way an or Locations Fish Grass or Leafy Vegetation Notes:
At least one sample of any commercially or
~em1annually recreationally important species near the plant discharge At least one sample of any commercially or recreationally important species in an area not influenced by plant discharges At least one sample of any anadromous species near the plant discharge During spring spawning season l:lamma 1sotop1c ana ys1s on edible portions, semiannually Gamma isotopic analysis 2 on edible portions, annually.
One sample from two onsite locations near the Monthly during growing season Gamma isotopic analysis 2
, monthly site boundary in different sectors One sample from a control location at a distance of about 17 miles 1Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron k!aughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate samples is greater than 10 times the yearly mean of control samples, gamma isotopic analysis
?hall be performed on the individual samples.
Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from he facility.
3upriver sample is taken at a distance beyond significant influence of the discharge. Downriver samples are taken beyond but near the mixing zone.
~Composite sample aliquots shall be collected at time intervals that are very short (e.g., hourly) relative to the compositing period (e.g., monthly) to assure obtaining a representative sample.
~The dose shall be calculated for the maximum organ and age group, using the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.
f7A milking animal is a cow or goat producing milk for human consumption.
If the gamma isotopic analysis is not sensitive enough to meet the Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC) for 1-131, a separate analysis for 1-131 may be performed.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report SI Page
LA TVOGTLE NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING Table 2-2. Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations Station Station Type Descriptive Location Direction 1
Distance Radiation Sample Type Number (miles) 1 1
Indicator River Bank N
1.1 Direct 2
Indicator River Bank NNE 0.8 Direct 3
Indicator Discharge Area NE 0.6 Airborne 3
Indicator River Bank NE 0.7 Direct 4
Indicator River Bank ENE 0.8 Direct 5
Indicator River Bank E
1.0 Direct 6
Indicator Plant Wilson ESE 1.1 Direct 7
Indicator Simulator Building SE 1.7 Airborne, Direct, Vegetation 8
Indicator River Road SSE 1.1 Direct 9
Indicator River Road s
1.1 Direct 10 Indicator Met Tower SSW 0.9 Airborne 10 Indicator River Road SSW 1.1 Direct 11 Indicator River Road SW 1.2 Direct 12 Indicator River Road WSW 1.2 Airborne, Direct 13 Indicator River Road w
1.3 Direct 14 Indicator River Road WNW 1.8 Direct 15 Indicator Hancock Landing Road NW 1.5 Direct, Vegetation 16 Indicator Hancock Landing Road NNW 1.4 Airborne, Direct 17 Other Sav. River Site (SRS), River Road N
5.4 Direct 18 Other SRS, D Area NNE 5.0 Direct 19 Other SRS, Road A.13 NE 4.6 Direct 20 Other SRS, Road A.13.1 ENE 4.8 Direct 21 Other SRS, Road A.17 E
5.3 Direct 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 6 1Page
PLANT OGTLE Station Station Type Number 22 Other 23 Other 24 Other 25 Other 26 Other 27 Other 28 Other 29 Other 30 Other 31 Other 32 Other 35 Other 36 Control 37 Control 43 Other 47 Control 48 Control 51 Control 52 Control 80 Control 81 Control 82 Control 83 Indicator ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMEN L
OPERATING REPO T Table 2-2. Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations Descriptive Location Direction 1
Distance Radiation Sample Type (miles) 1 River Bank ESE 5.2 Direct River Road SE 4.6 Direct Chance Road SSE 4.9 Direct Chance Road near Highway 23 s
5.2 Direct Highway 23 and Ebenezer Church Road SSW 4.6 Direct Highway 23 opposite Boll Weevil Road SW 4.7 Direct Thomas Road WSW 5.0 Direct Claxton-Lively Road w
5.1 Direct Nathaniel Howard Road WNW 5.0 Direct River Road at Allen's Chapel Fork NW 5.0 Direct River Bank NNW 4.7 Direct Girard SSE 6.6 Airborne, Direct GPC Waynesboro Op. HQ WSW 13.9 Airborne, Direct Substation, Waynesboro, GA WSW 16.7 Direct, Vegetation Employee's Rec. Center SW 2.2 Direct Oak Grove Church SE 10.4 Direct McBean Cemetery NW 10.2 Direct SGA School, Sardis, GA s
11.0 Direct Oglethorpe Substation; Alexander, GA SW 10.7 Direct Augusta Water Treatment Plant NNW 29.0 Drinking Water 2
Sav. River N
2.5 Fish 3 Sediment 4
Sav. River (RM 151.2)
NNE 0.8 River Water Sav. River (RM 150.4)
ENE 0.8 River Water Sediment 4
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 7 1Page
PLANT VOGTLE NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING EPORT Table 2-2. Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations Station Station Type Descriptive Location Direction 1
Distance Radiation Sample Type Number (miles) 1 84 Other Sav. River (RM 149.5)
ESE 1.6 River Water 85 Indicator Sav. River ESE 4.3 Fish3 87 Indicator Beaufort-Jasper County Water Treatment Plant SE 76 Drinking Water5 88 Indicator Cherokee Hill Water Treatment Plant, Port Wentworth, GA SSE 72 Drinking Water 6 89 Indicator Purrysburg Water Treatment Plant; Purrysburg, SC SSE 76 Drinking Water 7
98 Control W.C. Dixon Dairy SE 9.8 Milks 101 Indicator Girard Dairy s
5.5 Milks 102 Control Seven Oaks Dairy/Milky Way Dairy w
7.5/16.0 Milks Notes:
11Direction and distance are determined from a point midway between the two reactors.
12The intake for the Augusta Water Treatment Plant is located on the Augusta Canal. The entrance to the canal is at River Mile (RM) 207 on the
!savannah River. The canal effectively parallels the river. The intake to the pumping station is about 4 miles down the canal.
13 A 5-mile stretch of the river is generally needed to obtain adequate fish samples. Samples are normally gathered between RM 153 and 158 for upriver lc:ollections and between RM 144 and 149.4 for downriver collections.
14sediment is collected at locations with existing or potential recreational value. Because high water, shifting of the river bottom, or other reasons could lea use a suitable location for sediment collections to become unavailable or unsuitable, a stretch of the river between RM 148.5 and 150.5 was ldesignated for downriver collections while a stretch between RM 153 and 154 was designated for upriver collections. In practice, collections are normally made at RM 150.2 for downriver collections and RM 153.3 for upriver collections.
Is DELETED THIS SAMPLE LOCATION IN 2014 (LDCR 2014004)The intake for the Beaufort-Jasper County Water Treatment Plant is located at the end of lcanal that begins at RM 39.3 on the Savannah River. This intake is about 16 miles by line of sight down the canal from its beginning on the Savannah River.
"The intake for the Cherokee Hill Water Treatment Plant is located on Abercorn Creek which is about one and a quarter creek miles from its mouth on lthe Savannah River at RM 29.
17The intake for the Purrysburg Water Treatment Plant is located on the same canal as the Beaufort-Jasper Water Treatment Plant. The Purrysburg intake is closer to the Savannah River at the beginning of the canal.
18Girard Dairy is considered an indicator station since it is the closest dairy to the plant C5.5 miles). Dixon Dairy went out of business in June 2009 and
!seven Oaks Dairy (-7.s miles) was added as a replacement and is considered a control station even though a control station is typically 10 miles or
!greater. Milky Way Dairy as identified and added to the ODCM in 2015 to replace Seven Oaks since it is at 16.0 miles from the plant.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 8I Page
Included in this section are statistical evaluations of the laboratory results, comparison of the results by media, and a summary of the anomalies and deviations. Overall, 1,195 analyses were performed across nine exposure pathways. Tables and figures are provided throughout this section to provide an enhanced presentation of the information.
In recent history, man-made nuclides have been released into the environment and have resulted in wide spread distribution of radionuclides across the globe. For example, atmospheric nuclear weapons tests from the mid-1940s through 1980 distributed man-made nuclides around the world. The most recent atmospheric tests in the 1970s and in 1980 had a significant impact upon the radiological concentrations found in the environment prior to and during pre-operation, and through early operation. Some long lived radionuclides, such as Cs-137, continue to be detected and a portion of these detections are believed to be attributed to the nuclear weapons tests.
Additionally, data associated with certain radiological effects created by off-site events have been removed from the historical evaluation, this includes: the nuclear atmospheric weapon test in the fall of 1980; the Chernobyl incident in the spring of 1986; and abnormal releases from the Savannah River Site (SRS) during 1987 and 1991.
As indicated in ODCM, the results for naturally occurring radionuclides that are also found in plant effluents must be reported along with man-made radionuclides. Historically, the radionuclide Be-7, which occurs abundantly in nature, is often detected in REMP samples, and occasionally detected in the plant's liquid and gaseous effluents. When it is detected in effluents and REMP samples, it is also included in the REMP results. In 2015, Be-7 was not detected in any plant effluents and therefore is not included in this report. The Be-7 detected in select REMP samples likely represents naturally occurring and/or background conditions.
As part of the data evaluation process, SNC considered the impact of the non-plant associated nuclides along with a statistical evaluation of the REMP data. The statistical evaluations included within this report include the Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC}, the Minimum Detectable Difference (MOD}, and Chauvenet's Criterion as described below.
Minimum Detectable Concentration The minimum detectable concentration is defined as an estimate of the true concentration of an analyte required to give a specified high probability that the measured response will be greater than the critical value.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 9 /Page
LANT OGTLE Minimum Detectable Difference NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENTAL PERATING E ORT The Minimum Detectable Difference (MDD) compares the lowest significant difference (between the means) of a control station, versus an indicator station or a community station, that can be determined statistically at the 99% Confidence Level (CL). A difference in mean values which was less than the MDD was considered to be statistically indiscernible.
ChauvenefsCriterion All results were tested for conformance with Chauvenet's criterion (G. D. Chase and J. L.
Rabinowitz, Principles of Radioisotope Methodology, Burgess Publishing Company, 1962, pages 87-90) to identify values which differed from the mean of a set by a statistically significant amount. Identified outliers were investigated to determine the reason(s) for the difference. If equipment malfunction or other valid physical reasons were identified as causing the variation, the anomalous result was excluded from the data set as non-representative.
The 2015 results were compared with past results, including those obtained during pre-operation. As appropriate, results were compared with their MDC (listed in Table 3-1) and RL which is listed in Table 3-2. The required MDCs were achieved during laboratory sample analysis. No data points were excluded for violating Chauvenet's criterion.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report lO IPage
PLANT VOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING Table 3-1. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summary Medium or Indicator Pathway Type and Total Minimum Locations Location with the Highest Sampled Number of Detectable Mean (b},
Annual Mean Other Stations (f}
Control Locations (Unit of Analyses Concentration Range Name Distance Mean (b}, Range Mean (b), Range Mean (b}, Range Measurement)
Performed (MDC) (a)
(Fraction) and Direction (Fraction)
Airborne Gross Beta 10 21.5 Hancock Landing 22.3 20.8 20.8 Particulates 350 2.9-38.6 Road NNW 1.4 3.8-36.2 1-40.4 3.5-34.2 (fCi/m3)
(247/248) mi.
Gamma Isotopic 28 1-131 70 NDM(c)
NDM NDM NDM Cs-134 so NDM NDM NDM NDM Cs-137 60 NDM NDM NDM NDM Airborne 1-131 70 NDM NDM NDM NDM Radioiodine 350 (fCi/m3)
Direct Radiation Gamma Dose 12.5 16.9 12.6 12.3 (mR/91 days) 159 7.3-19 SRS, Road A.13.1 15.4-18.8 7.7-18.8 9.8-16.2 (64/64)
ENE4.8 mi.
Milk (pCi/I)
Gamma Isotopic 46 1-131 1
NDM NDM NDM Cs-134 15 NDM NDM NDM Cs-137 18 1.4 Girard Dairy S 1.4 1
0.8-1.8 5.5 mi 0.8-1.8 1-1.1 (11/24)
Ba-140 60 NDM NDM NDM La-140 15 NDM NDM NDM 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 11 [Page
PL NTVOGTLE Medium or Pathway Type and Total Sampled Number of (Unit of Analyses Measurement)
Performed Vegetation Gamma Isotopic (pCi/kg-wet) 30 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 River Water Gamma Isotopic (pCi/I) 33 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Tritium 12 Indicator Minimum Locations Detectable Mean (b),
Concentration Range (MDC) (a)
(Fraction) 60 NDM 60 NDM 80 NDM 124(d)
NDM 15 NDM 30 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 30 NDM 30 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 18 NDM 60 NDM 15 NDM 2000 1087 389-2000 (4/4)
ANNUAL RADI l GtCAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING EPORT Location with the Highest Annual Mean Other Stations (f)
Control Locations Name Distance Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range and Direction (Fraction)
(4/4) 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 12 1P age
LANTVOGTLE Water Near Gross Beta Intakes to Water 43 Treatment Plants (pCi/ I)
Gamma Isotopic 43 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Tritium 15 4
3.0 Beaufort-Jasper 1.1-5.5 County Water (31/31)
Treatment Plant SE 76 mi.
NDM 15 NDM 30 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 30 NDM 30 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 18 NDM 60 NDM 15 NDM 2000 374 Purrysburg 71-792 Water Treatment (11/11)
- Plant, Purrysburg, SC, SSE, 76 miles ANNUAL ADIOL GICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING EPORT 3.63 3.14 2.4-5.5 1.3-7.5 (12/12)
(4/4) 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 13 IP age
PLANT VOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOL GICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPO T Table 3-1. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summary Medium or Indicator Pathway Type and Total Minimum Locations Location with the Highest Sampled Number of Detectable Mean (b),
Annual Mean Other Stations (f)
Control Locations (Unit of Analyses Concentration Range Name Distance Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range Measurement)
Performed (MDC) (a)
(Fraction) and Direction (Fraction)
Finished Water Gross Beta 4
3.0 Augusta Water 3.3 3.1 at Water 43 1.1-5.5 Treatment Plant 2.5-4.1 1.2-7.5 Treatment Plants (31/36)
NNW 29 mi.
Gamma Isotopic 43 Be-7 124(d)
NDM NDM NDM Mn-54 15 NDM NDM NDM Fe-59 30 NDM NDM NDM Co-58 15 NDM NDM NDM Co-60 15 NDM NDM NDM Zn-65 30 NDM NDM NDM Zr-95 30 NDM NDM NDM Nb-95 15 NDM NDM NDM 1-131 15 NDM NDM NDM Cs-134 15 NDM NDM NDM Cs-137 18 NDM NDM NDM Ba-140 60 NDM NDM NDM La-140 15 NDM NDM NDM Tritium 2000 375 Purrysburg 392 102 15 71-792 Water Treatment 173-556 54-167 (11/11)
Plant; (4/4)
Purrysburg, SC SSE 76 mi.
Anadromous Fish Gamma Isotopic (pCi/kg-wet) 3 Be-7 655(d)
NA NA 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 14 IP age
PLANT VOGTLE Medium or Pathway Type and Total Sampled Number of (Unit of Analyses Measurement)
Performed Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fish Gamma Isotopic (pCi/kg-wet) 6 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Sediment Gamma Isotopic (pCi/kg-dry) 4 Indicator Minimum Locations Detectable Mean (b),
Concentration Range (MDC} (a)
(Fraction) 130 260 130 130 260 130 150 655(d)
NDM 130 NDM 260 NDM 130 NDM 130 NDM 260 NDM 130 NDM 150 36.6 23.5-49.5 (3/3)
NNUAL ADIOL GICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT Location with the Highest Annual Mean Other Stations (f)
Control Locations Name Distance Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range and Direction (Fraction)
NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Savannah River, 127 127 N, 2.5 Miles15-238 15-238 (2/3)
NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM Savannah River, 126.8 126.8 N, 2.5 Miles 15.4-238.1 15.4-238.1 (2/3)
(2/3) 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report lS IPage
LANTVOGTLE Co-60 70(e) 21 21-21 (1/2)
Cs-134 150 NDM Cs-137 180 96.l 56.4-135.8 (2/2)
Savannah River (RM 150.4) ENE 0.8mi.
Savannah River (RM 150.4), ENE, 0.8 miles ANNUAL ADIOLOGIC L ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPO T 21 NDM 21-21 (1/2)
NDM 99.7 99.7 91.9-107.5 91.9-107.5 (2/2)
(a)The MDC is defined in ODCM 10.1. Except as noted otherwise, the values listed in this column are the detection capabilities required by ODCM Table 4-3.
The values listed in this column are a priori (before the fact) MDCs. In practice, the a posteriori (after the fact) MDCs are generally lower than the values listed.
(b) Mean and range are based upon detectable measurements only. The fraction of all measurements at a specified location that are detectable is placed in parenthesis.
(c) No Detectable Measurement(s) (NDM).
(d) The Georgia Power Company Environmental Laboratory has determined that this value may be routinely attained under normal conditions. No value is provided in ODCM Table 4-3.
(e) Item 3 of ODCM Table 4-1 implies that an 1-131 analysis is not required to be performed on water samples when the dose calculated from the consumption of water is less then 1 mrem per year. However, 1-131 analyses have been performed on the finished drinking water samples.
(f) "Other" stations, as identified in the "Station Type" column ofTable 2-2, are "Community" and/or "Special" stations.
Not Applicable (sample not required) 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 16 IP age
LANTVOGTLE Analysis Water (pCi/I)
H-3 20000*
Mn-54 1000 Fe-59 400 Co-58 1000 Co-60 300 Zn-65 300 Zr-95 400 Nb-95 700 1-131 2"
Cs-134 30 Cs-137 so Ba-140 200 La-140 100 A NUAL ADIOLOGICAL NVIRONME T L OPERATING EPORT Table 3-2. Reporting Levels (RL)
Airborne Particulate Fish (pCi/kg-wet)
Milk Grass or Leafy or Gases (fCi/m3)
Vegetation (pCi/kg-wet) 30,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 20000 900 3
100 10,000 1000 60 1000 20000 2000 70 2000 300 400
- This is the 40 CFR 141 value for drinking water samples. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 30,000 may be used.
b If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 20 pCi/I may be used.
In accordance with ODCM, deviations from the required sampling schedule are permitted, if samples are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, unavailability, inclement weather, equipment malfunction or other just reasons. Deviations from conducting the REMP sampling (as described in Table 2-1) are summarized in Table 3-3 along with their causes and resolution.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 17 1Page
LANTVOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING Table 3-3. Anomalies and Deviations from Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Collection Period Affected Samples Anolmaly (A)* or Deviation Cause Resolution (D)**
03/10/15-04/21/15 Air I, Air Part.
(D) No samples obtained Late power bill to Planter's EMC led Power restored when bill was TE 914801 Stations 16 (Hancock) to disruption of power at station.
paid and switched to TE 919619 electronic billing (was previously paper billing).
First Quarter OSLO Badge (D) No sample obtained OSLO badge damaged by fire; could Replaced badge in same Badge V26 not be read.
Community Station 7 /13/15-7 /15/15 Air I, Air Part.
(A) Sample volume less than Power disruption to air sampler near Data was concluded to be CR 10103203 Station 10 (MET) typical met tower.
unaffected by low volume.
09/15/15 Air I, Air Part.
(D) No sample obtained Loss of power. Planter's EMC Power was restored to this Stations 16 (Hancock) performed work but did not close station by the end of the breaker to restore power to pole.
sampling period.
09/15/15-09/29/15 Milk (D) No samples obtained The dairy was not milking on these No milk samples were Milky Way Dairy dates.
obtained for these sampling periods.
2015 Fish (D) No sample obtained River was too high to be able to Other fish samples were CR 10079727 (Anadromous) access this fish habitat so no sample collected. Anadromous fish was obtained will be collected in 2016.
- An anomaly is considered a non-standard sample that still meets sampling criteria outlined in SNC and Georgia Power Labs procedures.
- A deviation is a sample result that is not recorded due to not meeting scheduling and/or procedural requirements as outlined by SNC and Georgia Power Labs 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 18 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENTAL 3.1 Airborne Particulates As specified in Table 2-1, airborne particulate filters and charcoal canisters are collected weekly at five indicator stations (Stations 3, 7, 10, 12 and 16} which encircle the plant at the site periphery, at a nearby community station (Station 35} approximately seven miles from the plant, and at a control station (Station 36} approximately 14 miles from the plant. At sampling locations containing a filter and cartridge series, air is continuously drawn through a glass fiber filter to retain airborne particulate and an activated charcoal canister is placed in series with the filter to adsorb radioiodine.
3.1.1 Gross Beta As provided in Table 3-1, the 2015 annual average weekly gross beta activity was 21.5 fCi/m3 for the indicator stations. It was 0.7 fCi/m3 more than the control station average of 20.8 fCi/m3 for the year. This difference is not statistically discernible, since it is less than the calculated MOD of 6.8 fCi/m3.
The 2015 annual average weekly gross beta activity at the Girard community station was 20.8 fCi/m3 which was equal to the control station average. This is not statistically discernible since it is less than the calculated MOD of 7.9 fCi/m3.
Average Air Gross Beta historical data (Table 3-4} is graphed to show trends associated with a prevalent exposure pathway (Figure 3-1}. In general, there is close agreement between the results for the indicator, control and community stations. This close agreement supports the position that the plant is not contributing significantly to the gross beta concentrations in air.
Table 3-4. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration Period Indicator Control Community {fCi/m3)
Pre-op 22.9 22.1 21.9 1987 26.3 23.6 22.3 1988 24.7 23.7 22.8 1989 19.1 18.2 18.8 1990 19.6 19.4 18.8 1991 19.3 19.2 18.6 1992 18.7 19.3 18.0 1993 21.2 21.4 20.3 1994 20.1 20.3 19.8 1995 21.1 20.7 20.7 1996 23.3 21.0 20.0 1997 20.6 20.6 19.0 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 19 I Page
LANT OGTLE Period 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL _PE TING REPO T Table 3-4. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration Indicator Control Community (fCi/m3)
(fCi/m3) 22.7 22.4 20.9 22.5 21.9 22.2 24.5 21.5 21.1 22.4 22.0 22.7 19.9 18.9 18.6 19.4 20.5 18.3 21.6 22.8 21.4 20.5 20.4 19.4 25.5 24.6 24.3 27.3 25.1 26.5 24.0 23.2 23.7 23.0 22.4 22.5 25.8 24.4 25.5 25.8 25.1 24.6 25.9 25.2 26.1 22.9 23.9 22.2 24.1 23.4 23.5 21.5 20.8 20.8 Figure 3-1. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 20 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL 3.1.2 Gamma Particulates During 2015, no man-made radionuclides were detected from the gamma isotopic analysis of the quarterly composites of the air particulate filters.
Historically, gamma isotopes have been detected as a result of offsite events. During pre-operation, Cs-134, Cs-137 and 1-131 were occasionally detected. In 1987, Cs-137 was found in one indicator composite at a concentration of 1.7 fCi/m3. Additionally, 1-131 was also detected after the Fukushima incident in 2011, the highest 1-131 result in 2011 was 93.8 fCi/m3, which is approximately 10% of the RL.
3.2 Direct Radiation In 2015, direct (external) radiation was measured with Optically Stimulated Luminescent (OSL) dosimeters by placing two OSL badges at each station. The gamma dose at each station is reported as the average reading of the two badges. The badges are analyzed on a quarterly basis. An inspection is performed near mid-quarter for offsite badges to assure that the badges are on-station and to replace any missing or damaged badges.
Two direct radiation stations are established in each of the 16 compass sectors, to form two concentric rings. The inner ring (Stations 1 through 16) is located near the plant perimeter as shown in Map A-1 in Appendix A and the outer ring (Stations 17 through 32) is located at a distance of approximately five miles from the plant as shown in Map A-2 in Appendix A. The 16 stations forming the inner ring are designated as the indicator stations. The two ring configuration of stations was established in accordance with NRC Branch Technical Position "An Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", Revision 1, November 1979. The six control stations (Stations 36, 37, 47, 48, 51 and 52) are located at distances greater than 10 miles from the plant as shown in Map A-3 in Appendix A. Monitored special interest areas include Station 35 at the town of Girard and Station 43 at the employee recreational area. The mean and range values presented in the "Other" column in Table 3-1 includes the outer ring stations (stations 17 through 32) as well as stations 35 and 43.
As provided in Table 3-1, the 2015 average quarterly exposure at the indicator stations (inner ring) was 12.5 mR with a range of 7.3 to 19.0 mR. The indicator station average was 0.20 mR more than the control station average (12.3 mR). This difference is not statistically discernible since it is less than the MDD of 1.3 mR. Over the operational history, the annual average quarterly exposures shows a variation of no more than 0.7 mR between the indicator and control stations.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 21 I Page
LANT OGTLE A NUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L The quarterly exposures acquired at the community/other (outer ring) stations during 2015 ranged from 7.7 to 18.8 mR with an average of 12.6 mR which was 0.3 mR more than that for the control stations. However, this difference is not discernible since it is less than the MOD of 1.1 mR. For the entire period of operation, the annual average quarterly exposures at the outer ring stations vary by no more than 1.2 mR from those at the control stations.
Average Direct Radiation historical data (Table 3-5) is graphed to show trends associated with a prevalent exposure pathway (Figure 3-2). The decrease between 1991 and 1992 values is attributed to a change in TLDs from Teledyne to Panasonic. It should be noted however that the differences between indicator and control and outer ring values did not change.
Table 3-5. Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation Period Indicator Control Outer Ring (mR)
Pre-op 15.3 16.5 14.7 1987 17.6 17.9 16.7 1988 16.8 16.1 16.0 1989 17.9 18.4 17.2 1990 16.9 16.6 16.3 1991 16.9 17.1 16.7 1992 12.3 12.5 12.1 1993 12.4 12.4 12.1 1994 12.3 12.1 11.9 1995 12.0 12.5 12.3 1996 12.3 12.2 12.3 1997 13.0 13.0 13.1 1998 12.3 12.7 12.4 1999 13.6 13.5 13.4 2000 13.5 13.6 13.5 2001 12.9 13.0 12.9 2002 12.8 12.9 12.6 2003 12.2 12.5 12.4 2004 12.4 12.2 12.3 2005 12.5 13.2 12.9 2006 13.1 12.9 13.0 2007 13.0 12.5 12.7 2008 13.3 13.0 13.1 2009 13.1 13.6 13.3 2010 16.2 16.7 16.6 2011 13.9 13.9 14.0 2012 14.4 14.3 14.2 2013 13.1 13.2 13.6 2014 11.6 12.3 12.0 2015 12.5 12.3 12.6 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 22 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPE A ING REPO T Figure 3-2. Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation The increase shown in 2010 reflects issues with the aging Panasonic TLD reader. The close agreement between the station groups supports the position that the plant is not contributing significantly to direct radiation in the environment. Figure 3-3 provides a more detailed view of the 2015 values. The values for the special interest areas detailed below indicate that Plant Vogtle did not significantly contribute to direct radiation at those areas.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 23 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENTAL Figure 3-3. 2015 Average Exposure from Direct Radiation 3.3 Biological Media Cs-137 was the only radionuclide detected in two of the three biological media. As indicated in Figure 3-4, the Cs-137 activity levels are below the respective MDCs and well below that of the respective Rls for each sample media for both the indicator and control stations.
3.3.1 Milk In accordance with Tables 2-1 and 2-2, milk samples are collected bimonthly from two locations, the Girard Dairy (Station 101) which is considered an indicator station because it is approximately 5.5 miles from Vogtle (ideally a milk indicator station is less than 5 miles from the plant), and the Seven Oaks Dairy (Station 102) at 7.5 miles from Vogtle is the control location (ideally control locations are greater than 10 miles from the plant). SNC identified Milky Way Dairy as a replacement control location. The ODCM was revised in 2015 to include 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 24 I Page
T the Milky Way Dairy for sampling instead of Seven Oaks. No milk animal was found within five miles of Plant Vogtle during the 2015 land use census.
Gamma isotopic (including 1-131 and Cs-137) analyses were performed on each collected milk sample and there were no detectable results for gamma isotopes, with the exception of a Cs-137, which was detected in 11 indicator samples (1.4 average) and two control samples (1.0 average. The difference is less than the MDD (0.48), therefore there is no statistical difference.
Figure 3-4 provides the 2015 Cs-137 concentration in milk.
3.3.2 Vegetation In accordance with Tables 2-1 and 2-2, vegetation samples are collected monthly for gamma isotopic analyses at two indicator locations near the site boundary (Stations 7 and 15) and at one control station located about 17 miles WSW from the plant (Station 37). Cs-137 was not detected in any of the sampled collected in 2015. The man-made radionuclide Cs-137 is periodically identified in vegetation samples, and is generally attributed to offsite sources (such as weapons testing, Chernobyl, and Fukushima).
While Cs-137 and 1-131 were periodically found and Co-60 was discovered once in vegetation samples during pre-operation, the historical trends and the relationship between the indicator and control stations demonstrate that plant operations are having no adverse impact to the environment. The sample results have consistently been well below the MDC and the RL for Cs-137 (80 and 2000 pCi/kg-wet, respectively).
During 2015, no gamma isotopes were detected in any Vogtle REMP vegetation samples.
3.3.3 Fish Fish samples were collected in accordance with the ODCM (as indicated in Table 2-1). For the semiannual collections, the control location (Station 81) extends from approximately two to seven miles upriver of the plant intake structure, and the indicator location (Station 85) extends from about 1.4 to seven miles downriver of the plant discharge structure. Anadromous Species For anadromous species, all fish sampled are considered indicator stations. Anadromous fish were sampled twice during 2015, on June 3 and October 28. No radionuclides were detected in the 2015 analyses, with the exception of Cs-137 (average of 126.7 pcl/L), which does occur occasionally, and is consistent with historical data.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 25 I Page
NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L Commercially or Recreationally Important Species For this year, as provided in Table 3-1, Cs-137 was found in the semiannual collections of commercially or recreationally important species of fish (indicator and control). The indicator station averaged a Cs-137 concentration of 36.6 pCi/kg-wet, and 126.8 pCi/kg-wet was the average Cs-137 detected at the control station. The MDD was not evaluated because the average at the indicator was lower than the control. No discernible difference between the indicator and control stations has occurred for any year of operation or during pre-operation.
No other gamma nuclides were discovered in 2015.
3.3.4 Biological Media Summary There were no statistical differences, trends, or anomalies associated with the 2015 biological media samples when compared to historical data. Figure 3-4 below, details the 2015 Cs-137 concentration compared to the Reportable Limits.
Figure 3-4. 2015 Biological Media Average Cs-137 Concentrations 2000
- Indicator 1500
' ~
1000 u
- Control MDC E:
0 500
- ~
.4 Reportable Limit
D c:
</) r 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 26 I Page
LANTVOGTLE NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L 3.4 Drinking Water Samples are collected at an upstream control location and at three downstream indicator locations (shown on Map A-3) and further described in Table 2-2.
Water samples are taken near the intake of each water treatment plant (raw drinking water) using automatic composite samplers, which are collected monthly. Additionally, monthly grab samples of the processed water effluent from the treatment plants (finished drinking water) are collected. Monthly aliquots from the raw and processed drinking water are analyzed for gross beta and gamma isotopic activity. The monthly aliquots are also combined to form quarterly composites, which are analyzed for tritium.
For 2015, the indicator station average gross beta concentration in the raw drinking water was 2.77 pCi/I which was 0.37 pCi/I less than the average gross beta concentration at the control station (3.14 pCi/I). Historically, there has been close agreement between the gross beta values at the indicator stations and the control station which supports that there is no significant gross beta contribution from the plant effluents. The required MDC for gross beta in water is 4.0 pCi/I. There is no RL for gross beta in water.
For 2015, the indicator station average gross beta concentration in the finished drinking water was 2.61 pCi/I which was 0.58 pCi/I less than the average gross beta concentration at the control station (3.19 pCi/I). The MDD was not calculated because the concentration at the control station was higher than the indicator station. Figure 3-5 show the relationship between the average indicator station and average control station for 2015 and the comparison to the MDC.
As provided in Table 3-1, there were no positive results during 2015 from the gamma isotopic analysis of the raw and finished drinking water samples. The 2015 raw drinking water indicator stations average tritium concentration was 375 pCi/I which was 272 pCi/I greater than the average concentration found at the control station (102 pCi/I). However, this difference is not discernible since it is less than the MDD of 318 pCi/L.
A statistically significant increase in the concentrations found in samples collected at the indicator station compared to those collected at the control station could be indicative of plant releases. Concentrations found at the special station are more likely to represent the activity in the river as a whole, which might include plant releases combined with those from other sources along the river.
The finished drinking water average tritium concentration at the indicator stations during 2015 was 290 pCi/I which was 188 pCi/I greater than the average concentration found at the control 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 27 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L station (102 pCi/I). The MDD was calculated as 227 pCi/I between the indicator and control stations, indicating no statistically discernible difference.
Figure 3-5. 2015 Average Gross Beta Concentration in Raw and Finished Drinking Water 3.5 River Water Composite river water samples are collected monthly at an upstream control location and at two downstream indicator locations (shown on Map A-3). The details of the sampling protocols are outlined in Tables 2-1 and Table 2-2. A gamma isotopic analysis is conducted on each monthly sample and the monthly aliquots are combined to form quarterly composite samples, which are analyzed for tritium.
As provided in Table 3-1, there were no positive results during 2015 from the gamma isotopic analysis of the river water samples. Also indicated in Table 3-1, the average tritium concentration found at the indicator station was 1087 pCi/I which was 983 pCi/I greater than the average at the control station (104 pCi/I). The River Water tritium MDD was calculated to be 779 pCi/I, which would indicate a value that is statistically discernible. Since the value is only 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 28 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENTAL EPORT slightly above the MDD and still below the MDC and the RL, no adverse environmental impact is indicated. The MDC for tritium in river water used to supply drinking water is 2000 pCi/I and the RL for tritium in drinking water is 20000 pCi/I.
At the "Other" river water sampling station (Station 84), the results ranged from 363 pCi/I to 654 pCi/I with an average of 478 pCi/I. The difference between the Station 84 and the control station was 374 pCi/I. The MDD was calculated to be 175 pCi/I, which would indicate a value that is statistically discernible. Since the value is only slightly above the MDD and below the MDC and the RL, no adverse environmental impact exists. Historically, the relationship between the indicator/control stations and Station 84 has remained consistent. Figure 3-6 below details the 2015 average tritium concentrations across the three water mediums.
Figure 3-6. 2015 Average Tritium Concentrations in River, Raw Drinking, and Finished Drinking Water 1'.!!!C.: __________ __
3.6 Sediment Sediment was collected along the shoreline of the Savannah River in the spring and fall at Stations 81 and 83. Station 81 is a control station located about 2.5 miles upriver of the plant intake structure while Station 83 is an indicator station located about 0.6 miles downriver of the plant discharge structure. A gamma isotopic analysis was performed on each sample. The radionuclides detected in 2015 samples were Be-7 and Cs-137. Even though Be-7 was detected in sediment, it will not be discussed within this report, because it was not detected in any plant effluents and likely represents naturally occurring and/or background conditions.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 29 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENT l For Cs-137, the average concentration at the indicator station during 2015 was 96.1 pCi/kg-dry which was 3.6 pCi/kg-dry less than that at the control station (99.7 pCi/kg-dry). The concentration of Cs-137 found at the indicator and control stations could be attributed to plant effluents or to other facilities that release radioactive effluents in the vicinity of the plant.
Co-60 was detected at a low level (21 pCi/kg) in a sediment sample collected in April, 2015, from station 83 (at River Mile 150.4, approximately 0.8 miles downstream of the plant discharge) and will be monitored in the future. A review of plant effluents indicates that Co-60 is regularly released at very low levels. Co-60 is currently measured in both water and fish samples; however, if this isotope is consistently observed in subsequent sediment samples, it will be added to the Vogtle ODCM for future inclusion on the REMP. There are no reporting levels for sediment results.
3.7 lnterlaboratory Comparison Program In accordance with ODCM 4.1.3, GPCEL participates in an lnterlaboratory Comparison Program (ICP) that satisfies the requirements of Regulatory Guide 4.15, Revision 1, "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent Streams and the Environment", February 1979.
The ICP includes the required determinations (sample medium/radionuclide combinations) included in the REMP.
The ICP was conducted by Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, Inc. (EZA) of Atlanta, Georgia. EZA has a documented Quality Assurance (QA) program and the capability to prepare Quality Control (QC) materials traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The ICP is a third party blind testing program which provides a means to ensure independent checks are performed on the accuracy and precision of the measurements of radioactive materials in environmental sample matrices. EZA supplies the crosscheck samples to GPCEL which performs routine laboratory analyses. Each of the specified analyses is performed three times.
The accuracy of each result is measured by the normalized deviation, which is the ratio of the reported average less the known value to the total error. An investigation is undertaken whenever the absolute value of the normalized deviation is greater than three or whenever the coefficient of variation is greater than 15% for all radionuclides other than Cr-51 and Fe-59. For Cr-51 and Fe-59, an investigation is undertaken when the coefficient of variation exceeds the values shown on Table 3-6 below:
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 30 I Page
LANT OGTLE NNUAL ADIOLOGIC L NVIRONMENT L Table 3-6. lnterlaboratory Comparison Limits Nuclide Concentration
- Total Sample Activity Percent Coefficient of (pCi)
<300 NA 25 Cr-51 NA
>1000 25
<1000 15
<80 NA 25 Fe-59
>80 NA 15
- For air filters, concentration units are pCi/filter. For all other media, concentration units are pCi/liter (pCi/I).
As required by ODCM and, a summary of the results of the GPCEL's participation in the ICP is provided in Table 3-7 for:
gross beta and gamma isotopic analyses of an air filter gamma isotopic analyses of milk samples gross beta, tritium and gamma isotopic analyses of water samples The 2015 analyses included tritium, gross beta and gamma emitting radio-nuclides in different matrices. The attached results for all analyses were within acceptable limits for accuracy (less than 15% coefficient of variation and less than 3.0 normalized deviations, except for Cr-51 and Fe-59, which are outlined in Table 3-6).
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 31 I Page
LANTVOGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL Table 3-7. lnterlaboratory Comparison Summary Analysis or Date Prepared Reported Known Value Standard Uncertainty Percent Coef of Normalized Radionuclide Average Deviation EL Analytics (35)
Variation Deviation 1-131 ANALYSIS OF AN AIR CARTRIDGE (pCi/cartridge) 1-131 9/10/2015 85.4 82.0 1.37 1.37 5.79 0.69 GAMMA ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS OF AN AIR FILTER (pCi/filter)
Ce-141 9/10/2015 92.7 85.5 4.36 1.43 7.5 1.03 Co-58 9/10/2015 114 106 5.28 1.76 5.6 0.9 Co-60 9/10/2015 139 132 5.38 2.21 5
0.37 Cr-51 9/10/2015 226 216 16.66 3.61 9.6 0.45 Cs-134 9/10/2015 85.3 84.9 3.37 1.42 5.4 0.08 Cs-137 9/10/2015 111 102 5
1.71 6.5 1.2 Fe-59 9/10/2015 96.7 90.5 5.5 1.51 6.2 0.91 Mn-54 9/10/2015 133 116 5.82 1.94 6
2.09 Zn-65 9/10/2015 164 142 8.46 2.37 7.3 1.85 GROSS BETA ANALYSIS OF AN AIR FILTER (PCl/FILTER)
Gross Beta 9/10/2015 103 96.3 3.66 1.61 5.9 1.44 GAMMA ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS OF A MILK SAMPLE PCl/LITER)
Co-58 6/11/2015 77.7 68.4 5.92 1.14 10.92 1.1 Co-60 6/11/2015 203 193 8.29 1.06 4.52 1.12 Cr-51 6/11/2015 295 276 33.19 4.61 12.3 0.53 Cs-134 6/11/2015 184 163 6.93 2.72 5.02 2.28 Cs-137 6/11/2015 144 125 7.77 2.09 7.38 1.75 Fe-59 6/11/2015 163 151 10.07 2.53 6.94 1.03 1-131 6/11/2015 105 95.9 6.91 1.6 8
1.04 Mn-54 6/11/2015 115 101 6.9 1.68 7.31 1.62 Zn-65 6/11/2015 282 248 15.62 4.15 7.3 1.64 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 32 I Page
PLANT VOGTLE Analysis or Date Prepared Radionuclide Gross Beta 3/19/2015 6/11/2015 Ce-141 3/19/2015 Co-58 3/19/2015 Co-60 3/19/2015 Cr-51 3/19/2015 Cs-134 3/19/2015 Cs-137 3/19/2015 Fe-59 3/19/2015 1-131 3/19/2015 Mn-54 3/19/2015 Zn-65 3/19/2015 H-3 3/19/2015 6/11/2015 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING EPORT Table 3-7. lnterlaboratory Comparison Summary Reported Known Value Standard Uncertainty Percent Coef of Normalized Average Deviation EL Analytics (35)
Variation Deviation GROSS BETA ANALYSIS OF WATER SAMPLE (PCl/LITER) 319 281 10.5 4.69 4.56 2.59 290 248 10.2 4.15 4.68 3.1 GAMMA ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS OF WATER SAMPLES (PCl/LITER) 135.7 139.2 8.44 2.32 7.97
-0.3 183 180 9.32 3
6.76 0.24 325.3 328 12.73 5.48 5.61
-0.15 399.1 366 38.04 6.11 17.12 0.48 131.1 126 5.81 2.1 9.49 0.41 175 167 9
2.78 7.49 0.6 203 195 11.63 3.25 7.01 0.56 100.5 96.7 7.16 1.61 9.24 0.41 170 159 8.97 2.65 7.78 0.8 328 299 17.26 4.99 7.61 1.15 TRITIUM ANALYSIS OF WATER SAMPLES (PCl/LITER) 12104 12600 140 210 3.14
-1.31 12700 13000 148 217 2.11
-0.95 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 33 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL EPORT 3.8 Groundwater To ensure compliance with NEI 07-07 (Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative -
Final Guidance Document), Southern Nuclear developed the Nuclear Management Procedure, Radiological Groundwater Protection Program. The procedure contains detailed site-specific monitoring plans, program technical bases, and communications protocol (to ensure that radioactive leaks and spills are addressed and communicated appropriately). In an effort to prevent future leaks of radioactive material to groundwater, SNC plants have established robust buried piping and tanks inspection programs. No changes were made to the Groundwater Protection Program in 2015.
Plant Vogtle maintains the following wells (Table 3-8), which are sampled at a frequency that satisfies the requirements of NEI 07-07. The analytical results for 2015 were all within regulatory limits specified within this report. Table 3-9 contains the results of the Groundwater Protection Program tritium results (in pCi/L).
LT-lB LT-7A LT-12 LT-13 802A 803A*
806B 808 Rl R2 R3 R4 RS R6 R7 Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table NSCW related tank NSCW related tank NSCW related tank NSCW related tank Southeastern potential leakage Up gradient to rad waste building Down gradient from rad waste building and NSCW related facilities Dilution line Up gradient; along Pen Branch Fault NSCW related tank; western potential leakage Southern potential leakage Eastern potential leakage Dilution line Dilution line Dilution line Dilution line R8 Water Table within Sav. River sediments Dilution line 1013*
Water Table Low level rad waste storage 1014 Tertiary Up gradient 101S Water Table ertically up gradient 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 34 I Page
Tertiary Down gradient tertiary 29**
Tertiary Down gradient tertiary MU-1 Tertiary /Cretaceous Facility water supply River N/A Surface water NSCW - Nuclear service cooling water
- Well abandoned due to construction activities with Vogtle Units 3&4
- Well no longer sampled due to structural issues LT-18 323 261 504 LT-7A 532 621 594 LT-12 799 797 919 LT-13 517 407 611 802A 329 451 310 8068 119 307 291 808 126 171 345 Rl 367 519 220 R2 156 357 117 R3 244 331 193 R4 303 325 87.9 RS 518 287 83.8 R6 123 246 319 R7 NDM 112 NDM R8 58.3 NDM 82.3 1014 NDM NDM NDM 1015 265 473 171 MU-1 267 NS NS River 116 108 50.2 NDM - No Detectable Measurement NNUAL RADIOL GICAL 430 737 1050 368 652 373 391 190 145 201 26.8 157 333 168 250 59.7 198 NS 135 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 35 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICA VIRONMENT 4 SURVEY SUMMARIES 4.1 Land Use Census In accordance with ODCM 4.1.2, a land use census was conducted on November 10, 2015 to verify the locations of the nearest radiological receptor within five miles. The census results, shown in Table 4-1, indicated no changes from 2014; therefore, no changes to the ODCM are required.
Table 4-1. Land Use Census Results Sector Residence Milk Animal*
Beef Cattle Garden**
Distance in Miles to the Nearest Location in Each Sector N
1.4 None None None NNE None None None None NE None None None None ENE None None None None E
None None None None ESE 4.2 None None None SE 4.3 None 4.9 None SSE 4.7 None 4.7 None s
4.4 None None None SSW 4.7 None None None SW 3.1 None 4.4 None WSW 2.6 None 2.7 None w
3.4 None 4.4 None WNW 1.9 None None None NW 1.5 None 1.8 None NNW 1.5 None None None
- A milk animal is a cow or goat producing milk for human consumption.
- A garden of greater than 500 square feet producing broad leaf vegetation.
Note: Land within SRS was excluded from the census.
4.2 Savannah River Survey A survey of the Savannah River downstream of the plant for approximately 100 miles (approximately river miles 44.7 to 151.2) was conducted on September 22, 2015 to identify any new withdrawal of water from the river for drinking, irrigation, or construction purposes. No 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 36 I Page
LANT OGTLE NNUAL ADIOLOGIC l NVIRONMEN new usage was visually identified. These results were verified with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DEHEC) on September 29, 2015, and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources on September 29, 2015. Each of these agencies confirmed that no water withdrawal permits for drinking, irrigation, or construction purposes had been issued for this stretch of the Savannah River. It should be noted that Vogtle Units 3 and 4 received a surface water withdrawal permit in December of 2015.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 37 I Page
5 CONCLUSIONS This report confirms SNCs conformance with the, requirements of Chapter 4 of the ODCM and the objectives were to:
- 1) Determine the levels of radiation and the concentrations of radioactivity in the environs and;
- 2) Assess the radiological impact (if any) to the environment due to the operation of the VEGP.
Based on the 2015 activities associated with the REMP, SNC offers the following conclusions:
Samples were collected and there were no deviations or anomalies that negatively affected the quality of the REMP Land use census and river survey did not reveal any changes Analytical results were below reporting levels These values are consistent with historical results, indicating no adverse radiological environmental impacts associated with the operation of VEGP 2015 V_EGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 38 I P-a g e
T OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOL GICAL ENVI ONMENTAL APPENDIX A Maps 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix A
Indicator Stations -
Control Stations -
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report REMP Stations in Plant Vicinity t--0-r-aw_n_b-y:_._c_. G_r_oc_e _... ::Pe:~~x A April 30, 2016 Other Stations -
2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report Control Stations.
REMP Stations within 10 miles
..... 1--D-r_a_w_n_b_y_: -L-C-. G-ro_c_e-~ ::pe:~~x A
April 30, 2016 Legend :
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Indicator Stations
- Other Stations -
Legend :
- Vogtle Electric Generating Plant A Drawn by:
C. Groce Appendix A Indicator Stations -*
2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report MapA-3 Control Stations -
- Extended REMP Stations April 30, 2016 Other Stations -
Surftcial Aquifer -
- Tertiary Aquifer -
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report Facility Groundwater Wells Drawn by:
C. Groce April 30, 2016 Appendix A Map A-4
PLANT OGTL N UAL ADIOLOGICAL APPENDIX B Errata 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
LANT OG LE NNUAL ADIOLOGICAL ENVIRON 3.8 Groundwater To ensure compliance with NEI 07-07 (Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative -
Final Guidance Document), Southern Nuclear developed the Nuclear Management Procedure, Radiological Groundwater Protection Program. The procedure contains detailed site-specific monitoring plans, program technical bases, and communications protocol (to ensure that radioactive leaks and spills are addressed and communicated appropriately). In an effort to prevent future leaks of rad ioactive material to groundwater, SNC plants have established robust buried piping and tanks inspection programs. No changes were made to the Groundwater Protection Program in 2014.
Plant Vogtle maintains the following wells (Table 3-8), which are sampled at a frequency that satisfies the requirements of NEI 07-07. The analytical results for 2014 were all within regulatory limits specified within this report. Table 3-9 contains the results of the Groundwater Protection Program t ritium results (in pCi/L).
LT-lB Water Table NSCW related tank LT-7A Water Table NSCW related tank LT-12 Water Table NSCW related tan k LT-13 Water Table NSCW related tank S02A Water Table Sout heastern potential leakage S03A*
Water Table Up gradient to rad waste building SOSA**
Water Table Down gradient from rad waste building and NSCW related faci lities S06B Water Table Dilution line sos Water Table Up gradient; along Pen Branch Fault Rl Water Table NSCW related tank; western potential leakage R2 Water Table Southern potential leakage R3 Water Table Eastern potential leaka ge R4 Water Table Dilution line RS Water Table Dilution line R6 Water Table Dilution line R7 Water Table Dilution line RS Water Table within Sav. River sediments Dilution line 1013*
Water Table Low level rad waste storage 1014 Tertiary Up gradient 101S Water Table ertically up gradient 1003*
Tertiary Up gradient
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
Tertiary Down gradient tertiary 29**
Tertiary Down gradient tertiary MU-1 Tertiary /Cretaceous Facility water supply River N/A Surface water NSCW - Nuclear service cooling water
- Well abandoned due to construction activities with Vogtle Units 3&4
- Well no longer sampled due to structural issues Table 3-9. Groundwater Protection Pro ram Tritium Results LT-lB 496 505 336 LT-7A 806 770 765 LT-12 688 842 710 LT-13 429 342 540 802A 370 307 429 806B 308 447 377 808 271 224 213 Rl 286 323 373 R2 210 282 163 R3 283 402 261 R4 232 367 215 RS 238 285 259 R6 289 398 292 R7 NDM NDM NDM R8 NS-Flooded NS - No Access NDM 1014 NDM NDM NDM 1015 358 262 346 MU-1 NDM NDM NDM River ND - Flooded 255 135 NDM - No Detectable Measurement 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report T
642 1020 859 673 512 583 NDM 386 489 224 NDM 424 NDM NDM NDM NDM 175 NS - Out of Service 180 Appendix B
LAN LE NU l ADIOL GICA ENVIRON ME APPENDIX A Maps 2015 FNP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix A
r VI Legend:
Indicator Stations * !.
.I 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report REMP Stations in Plant Vicinity 1--D-r_*_w_n_b_y_:..&.-C_._G_ro_c_*_.... ::P*:~~x A
April 30, 2016 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant
Indicator Stations - !.
Control Stations - !,
1--D-r_a_w_n_b_y_:..... _c_. -G-ro_c_e_...,, ::Pe:~~x A
April 30, 2016 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report REMP Stations within 10 miles
Control Stations - A Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report Extended REMP Stations
Drawn by:
C. Groce April 30, 2016 Appendix A MapA-3
Groundwater Wells *
"Removed from GWPP 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report Facility Groundwater Wells
.__o_,_*_w_n_b_y_:..... _c_._G_ro_c_* _ _. ::P*:~~xA April 30, 2016 Legend:
Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant
LA T fA LE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL ENVIRO APPENDIX B Errata 2015 FNP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
LANT fA LE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL 3.8 Groundwater To ensure compliance with NEI 07-07, Southern Nuclear developed the Nuclear Management Procedure, Radiological Groundwater Protection Program. The procedure contains detailed site-specific monitoring plans, program technical bases, and communications protocol (to ensure that radioactive leaks and spills are addressed and communicated appropriately}. In an effort to prevent future leaks of radioactive material to groundwater, SNC plants have established robust buried piping and tanks inspection programs. No changes were made to the Groundwater Protection Program in 2014.
Plant Farley maintains the following wells (Table 3-8}, which are sampled at a frequency that satisfies the requirements of NEI 07-07. The analytical results for 2014 were all within regulatory limits specified within this report. Table3-9 contains the results of the Groundwater Protection Program tritium results (in pCi/L}.
Rl Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R2 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R3 Major Shallow aquifer Unit 2 RWST R4 Major Shallow aquifer Unit 1 RWST RS Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R6 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R7 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R8 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R9 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line RlO Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R11 Major Shallow aquifer Background 1 R13 Major Shallow aquifer Dilution line R14 Major Shallow aquifer Background 2 PW#2 Drinking water Production Well #2 Supply PW#3 Drinking water Production Well #3 Supply PW#4 Drinking water Production Well #4 Supply CW West Drinking water Construction Well West Supply CW East Drinking water Construction Well East Supply FRW Drinking water Firing Range Well Supply SW-1 N/A Background 3, Service Water Pond 2015 FNP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
LA T FA LE Rl NDM R2 NDM R3 1570 R4 NDM RS NDM R6 NDM R7 NDM R8 NDM R9 NDM RlO NDM Rll NDM R13 NDM R14 NDM PW#2 NDM PW#3 NS - Out of Service PW#4 NDM CW West NS - Out of Service CW East NDM FRW NDM SW-1 NDM NDM - No Detectable Measurements NS - Not Sampled NDM NDM 1990 NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NNUAL ADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL PERATING REPO T NDM 156 NDM 166 2030 1860 NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM 166 NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM 178 NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NS - Out of Service NS - Out of Service NS - Out of Service NDM NDM NDM NDM NS - Out of Service NS - Out of Service NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM 2015 FNP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Units 1 & 2 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant-Units 1 & 2 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant-Units 1 & 2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports for 2015 Vogtle Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports for 2015
lntroduction.................................................................................................. l 2
REMP Description......................................................................................... 2 3
Results Summary.......................................................................................... 9 3.1 Airborne Particulates............................................................................................ 19 3.1.1 Gross Beta............................................................................................................ 19 3.1.2 Gamma Particulates............................................................................................. 20 3.2 Direct Radiation.................................................................................................... 21 3.3 Biological Media.................................................................................................... 24 3.3.1 M ilk...................................................................................................................... 24 3.3.2 Vegetation............................................................................................................ 25 3.3.3 Fish....................................................................................................................... 25 Anadromous Species............................................................................................ 25 Commercially or Recreationally Important Species............................................ 26 3.3.4 Biological Media Summary.................................................................................. 26 3.4 Drinking Water...................................................................................................... 27 3.5 River Water........................................................................................................... 28 3.6 Sediment............................................................................................................... 29 3.7 lnterlaboratory Comparison Program.................................................................. 30 3.8 Groundwater......................................................................................................... 34 4
Survey Summaries...................................................................................... 36 4.1 Land Use Census................................................................................................... 36 4.2 Savannah River Survey.......................................................................................... 36 5
Conclusions................................................................................................. 38 Tables Table 2-1. Summary Description of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program............................... 3 Table 2-2. Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations........................................................................ 6 Table 3-1. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summary........................................ 11 Table 3-2. Reporting Levels (RL)................................................................................................................. 17 Table 3-3. Anomalies and Deviations from Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program................. 18 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report i i Page
LANT OGTLE N UAL RADIOLOGICAL Table 3-4. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration......................................................................... 19 Table 3-5. Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation................................................................. 22 Table 3-6. lnterlaboratory Comparison limits........................................................................................... 31 Table 3-7. lnterlaboratory Comparison Summary..................................................................................... 32 Table 3-8. Groundwater Protection Program Locations............................................................................ 34 Table 3-9. Groundwater Protection Program Results................................................................................ 35 Table 4-1. Land Use Census Results........................................................................................................... 36 Figures Figure 3-1. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration................................................................ 20 Figure 3-2. Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation.......................................................... 23 Figure 3-3. 2015 Average Exposure from Direct Radiation................................................................ 24 Figure 3-4. 2015 Biological Media Average Cs-137 Concentrations.................................................... 26 Figure 3-5. 2015 Average Gross Beta Concentration in Raw and Finished Drinking Water.................... 28 Figure 3-6. 2015 Average Tritium Concentrations in River, Raw Drinking, and Finished Drinking Water.29 Appendix A - Maps A REMP Stations in Plant Vicinity A REMP Stations within 5 Miles A Extended REMP Stations A Facility Groundwater Wells Appendix B - Errata Groundwater Protection Results from 2014 Report 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report ii IP age
LANTV G LE AREOR ASTM CL EPA GA EPD GPC GPCEL ICP MDC MDD MWe NA NDM NEI NRC ODCM OSL Po PWR REMP RL RM SNC SRS TLD TS VEGP ANNUAL ADtOLOGtC L NVIRONMENTAL LIST OF ACRONYMS Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report American Society for Testing and Materials Confidence Level Environmental Protection Agency State of Georgia Environmental Protection Division Georgia Power Company Georgia Power Company Environmental Laboratory lnterlaboratory Comparison Program Minimum Detectable Concentration Minimum Detectable Difference Megawatts Electric Not Applicable No Detectable Measurement(s}
Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Regulatory Commission Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Optically Stimulated Luminescence Preoperation Pressurized Water Reactor Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Reporting Level River Mile Southern Nuclear Operating Company Savannah River Site Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Technical Specification Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report EPORT iii jPage
LANTVOGTLE NNU L ADIOLOGICAL ON MENTAL 1 INTRODUCTION The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is conducted in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). The REMP activities for 2015 are reported herein in accordance with Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.2 and ODCM 7.1.
The objectives of the REMP are to:
- 1) Determine the levels of radiation and the concentrations of radioactivity in the environs and;
- 2) Assess the radiological impact (if any) to the environment due to the operation of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP).
The assessments include comparisons between results of analyses of samples obtained at locations where radiological levels are not expected to be affected by plant operation (control stations), areas of higher population (community stations), and at locations where radiological levels are more likely to be affected by plant operation (indicator stations), as well as comparisons between preoperational and operational sample results.
VEGP is owned by Georgia Power Company (GPC), Oglethorpe Power Corporation, the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and the City of Dalton, Georgia. It is located on the southwest side of the Savannah River approximately 23 river miles upstream from the intersection of the Savannah River and U.S. Highway 301. The site is in the eastern sector of Burke County, Georgia, and across the river from Barnwell County, South Carolina. The VEGP site is directly across the Savannah River from the Department of Energy Savannah River Site (SRS). Unit 1, a Westinghouse Electric Corporation Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), with a licensed core thermal power of 3626 Megawatts (MWt), received its operating license on January 16, 1987 and commercial operation started on May 31, 1987.
Unit 2, also a Westinghouse PWR rated for 3626 MWt, received its operating license on February 9, 1989 and began commercial operation on May 19, 1989. Both units were relicensed on June 3, 2009.
The pre-operational stage of the REMP began with initial sample collections in August of 1981.
The transition from the pre-operational to the operational stage of the REMP occurred as Unit 1 reached initial criticality on March 9, 1987.
A description of the REMP is provided in Section 2 of this report Section 3 provides a summary of the results and an assessment of any radiological impacts to the environment as well as the results from the interlaboratory comparison A summary of the land use census and the river survey are included in Section 4 Conclusions are included in Section 5 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report l lPage
PLANT VOGTLE ONMENTAL 2 REM P DESCRIPTION The following section provides a description of the sampling and laboratory protocols associated with the REMP. Table 2-1 provides a summary of the sample types to be collected and the analyses to be performed in order to monitor the airborne, direct radiation, waterborne and ingestion pathways, and also summarizes the collection and analysis frequencies (in accordance with ODCM Section 4.2). Table 2-2 provides specific information regarding the station locations, their proximity to the plant, and exposure pathways.
Additionally, the locations of the sampling stations are depicted on Maps A-1 through A-4 of the station locations included in Appendix A of this report.
Georgia Power Company's Environmental Laboratory (GPCEL), located in Smyrna, Georgia collects and analyzes REMP samples.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2 1Page
PLANT VOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L OPERATING Table 2-1. Summary Description of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Number of Representative Samples and Sample Sampling/Collection Frequency Type/Frequency of Analysis Pathway and/or Locations Direct Radiation 40 routine monitoring stations with two or more Quarterly Gamma dose, quarterly dosimeters placed as follows:
An inner ring of stations, one in each compass isector in the general area of the site boundary; IAn outer ring of stations, one in each compass sector at approximately five miles from the site; and
- .pecial interest areas, such as population centers, nearby recreation areas, and control stations
- .amples from seven locations:
Continuous sampler operation Radioiodine canister: 1-131 analysis, weekly Radioiodine and with sample collection weekly, or Particulates Five locations close to the site boundary in different more frequently if required by Particulate sampler: Gross beta analysis1 sectors; dust loading
~ollowing filter change and gamma isotopic analysis 2 of composite (by location),
A community having the highest calculated annual
~uarterly average ground level D/Q; A control location near a population center at a distance of about 14 miles
~urface.:1 One sample upriver Composite sample over one K;amma isotopic analysis 2
, monthly Two samples downriver month period4 K:omposite for tritium analysis, quarterly 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 3 I Page
OPERATING REPO T Table 2-1. Summary Description of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Number of Representative Samples and Sample Sampling/Collection Frequency Type/Frequency of Analysis Pathway and/or Locations Drinking
!Two samples at each of the three nearest water Composite sample of river water 1-131 analysis on each sample when the dose
~reatment plants that could be affected by plant near the intake of each water k:alculated for the consumption of the water is discharges treatment plant over two week
~reater than 1 mrem per year5. Composite period 4 when 1-131 analysis is
~or gross beta and gamma isotopic analysis 2
Two samples at a control location required for each sample; monthly ion raw water, monthly. Gross beta, gamma composite otherwise; and grab isotopic and 1-131 analyses on grab sample of
!sample of finished water at each
'inished water, monthly. Composite for water treatment plant every two ritium analysis on raw and finished water, weeks or monthly, as appropriate quarterly Groundwater
~ee Table 3-8 and Map A-4 for well locations ISee Table 3-8 and Map A-4 for Tritium, gamma isotopic, and field r.t;ell locations. Quarterly sample; parameters (pH, temperature, conductivity, pump used to sample GW wells; dissolved oxygen, oxidation/reduction
!grab sample from yard drains and potential, and turbidity) of each sample ponds quarterly; Hard to detect radionuclides as necessary based on results of tritium and gamma Shoreline
- One sample from downriver area with existing !Semiannually Gamma isotopic analysis', semiannually Sediment or potential recreational value
- One sample from upriver area with existing or potential recreational value Ingestion Milk
!Two samples from milking animals6 at control Bimonthly amma isotopic analysis 2.7, bimonthly locations at a distance of about 10 miles or more 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 4 1Page
PLA TVOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L OPERATING EPOR Table 2-1. Summary Description of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Number of Representative Samples and Sample P h d/
Samphng/Collect1on Frequency Type/Frequency of Analysis at way an or Locations Fish Grass or Leafy Vegetation Notes:
At least one sample of any commercially or
~em1annually recreationally important species near the plant discharge At least one sample of any commercially or recreationally important species in an area not influenced by plant discharges At least one sample of any anadromous species near the plant discharge During spring spawning season l:lamma 1sotop1c ana ys1s on edible portions, semiannually Gamma isotopic analysis 2 on edible portions, annually.
One sample from two onsite locations near the Monthly during growing season Gamma isotopic analysis 2
, monthly site boundary in different sectors One sample from a control location at a distance of about 17 miles 1Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron k!aughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate samples is greater than 10 times the yearly mean of control samples, gamma isotopic analysis
?hall be performed on the individual samples.
Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from he facility.
3upriver sample is taken at a distance beyond significant influence of the discharge. Downriver samples are taken beyond but near the mixing zone.
~Composite sample aliquots shall be collected at time intervals that are very short (e.g., hourly) relative to the compositing period (e.g., monthly) to assure obtaining a representative sample.
~The dose shall be calculated for the maximum organ and age group, using the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.
f7A milking animal is a cow or goat producing milk for human consumption.
If the gamma isotopic analysis is not sensitive enough to meet the Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC) for 1-131, a separate analysis for 1-131 may be performed.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report SI Page
LA TVOGTLE NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING Table 2-2. Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations Station Station Type Descriptive Location Direction 1
Distance Radiation Sample Type Number (miles) 1 1
Indicator River Bank N
1.1 Direct 2
Indicator River Bank NNE 0.8 Direct 3
Indicator Discharge Area NE 0.6 Airborne 3
Indicator River Bank NE 0.7 Direct 4
Indicator River Bank ENE 0.8 Direct 5
Indicator River Bank E
1.0 Direct 6
Indicator Plant Wilson ESE 1.1 Direct 7
Indicator Simulator Building SE 1.7 Airborne, Direct, Vegetation 8
Indicator River Road SSE 1.1 Direct 9
Indicator River Road s
1.1 Direct 10 Indicator Met Tower SSW 0.9 Airborne 10 Indicator River Road SSW 1.1 Direct 11 Indicator River Road SW 1.2 Direct 12 Indicator River Road WSW 1.2 Airborne, Direct 13 Indicator River Road w
1.3 Direct 14 Indicator River Road WNW 1.8 Direct 15 Indicator Hancock Landing Road NW 1.5 Direct, Vegetation 16 Indicator Hancock Landing Road NNW 1.4 Airborne, Direct 17 Other Sav. River Site (SRS), River Road N
5.4 Direct 18 Other SRS, D Area NNE 5.0 Direct 19 Other SRS, Road A.13 NE 4.6 Direct 20 Other SRS, Road A.13.1 ENE 4.8 Direct 21 Other SRS, Road A.17 E
5.3 Direct 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 6 1Page
PLANT OGTLE Station Station Type Number 22 Other 23 Other 24 Other 25 Other 26 Other 27 Other 28 Other 29 Other 30 Other 31 Other 32 Other 35 Other 36 Control 37 Control 43 Other 47 Control 48 Control 51 Control 52 Control 80 Control 81 Control 82 Control 83 Indicator ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMEN L
OPERATING REPO T Table 2-2. Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations Descriptive Location Direction 1
Distance Radiation Sample Type (miles) 1 River Bank ESE 5.2 Direct River Road SE 4.6 Direct Chance Road SSE 4.9 Direct Chance Road near Highway 23 s
5.2 Direct Highway 23 and Ebenezer Church Road SSW 4.6 Direct Highway 23 opposite Boll Weevil Road SW 4.7 Direct Thomas Road WSW 5.0 Direct Claxton-Lively Road w
5.1 Direct Nathaniel Howard Road WNW 5.0 Direct River Road at Allen's Chapel Fork NW 5.0 Direct River Bank NNW 4.7 Direct Girard SSE 6.6 Airborne, Direct GPC Waynesboro Op. HQ WSW 13.9 Airborne, Direct Substation, Waynesboro, GA WSW 16.7 Direct, Vegetation Employee's Rec. Center SW 2.2 Direct Oak Grove Church SE 10.4 Direct McBean Cemetery NW 10.2 Direct SGA School, Sardis, GA s
11.0 Direct Oglethorpe Substation; Alexander, GA SW 10.7 Direct Augusta Water Treatment Plant NNW 29.0 Drinking Water 2
Sav. River N
2.5 Fish 3 Sediment 4
Sav. River (RM 151.2)
NNE 0.8 River Water Sav. River (RM 150.4)
ENE 0.8 River Water Sediment 4
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 7 1Page
PLANT VOGTLE NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING EPORT Table 2-2. Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations Station Station Type Descriptive Location Direction 1
Distance Radiation Sample Type Number (miles) 1 84 Other Sav. River (RM 149.5)
ESE 1.6 River Water 85 Indicator Sav. River ESE 4.3 Fish3 87 Indicator Beaufort-Jasper County Water Treatment Plant SE 76 Drinking Water5 88 Indicator Cherokee Hill Water Treatment Plant, Port Wentworth, GA SSE 72 Drinking Water 6 89 Indicator Purrysburg Water Treatment Plant; Purrysburg, SC SSE 76 Drinking Water 7
98 Control W.C. Dixon Dairy SE 9.8 Milks 101 Indicator Girard Dairy s
5.5 Milks 102 Control Seven Oaks Dairy/Milky Way Dairy w
7.5/16.0 Milks Notes:
11Direction and distance are determined from a point midway between the two reactors.
12The intake for the Augusta Water Treatment Plant is located on the Augusta Canal. The entrance to the canal is at River Mile (RM) 207 on the
!savannah River. The canal effectively parallels the river. The intake to the pumping station is about 4 miles down the canal.
13 A 5-mile stretch of the river is generally needed to obtain adequate fish samples. Samples are normally gathered between RM 153 and 158 for upriver lc:ollections and between RM 144 and 149.4 for downriver collections.
14sediment is collected at locations with existing or potential recreational value. Because high water, shifting of the river bottom, or other reasons could lea use a suitable location for sediment collections to become unavailable or unsuitable, a stretch of the river between RM 148.5 and 150.5 was ldesignated for downriver collections while a stretch between RM 153 and 154 was designated for upriver collections. In practice, collections are normally made at RM 150.2 for downriver collections and RM 153.3 for upriver collections.
Is DELETED THIS SAMPLE LOCATION IN 2014 (LDCR 2014004)The intake for the Beaufort-Jasper County Water Treatment Plant is located at the end of lcanal that begins at RM 39.3 on the Savannah River. This intake is about 16 miles by line of sight down the canal from its beginning on the Savannah River.
"The intake for the Cherokee Hill Water Treatment Plant is located on Abercorn Creek which is about one and a quarter creek miles from its mouth on lthe Savannah River at RM 29.
17The intake for the Purrysburg Water Treatment Plant is located on the same canal as the Beaufort-Jasper Water Treatment Plant. The Purrysburg intake is closer to the Savannah River at the beginning of the canal.
18Girard Dairy is considered an indicator station since it is the closest dairy to the plant C5.5 miles). Dixon Dairy went out of business in June 2009 and
!seven Oaks Dairy (-7.s miles) was added as a replacement and is considered a control station even though a control station is typically 10 miles or
!greater. Milky Way Dairy as identified and added to the ODCM in 2015 to replace Seven Oaks since it is at 16.0 miles from the plant.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 8I Page
Included in this section are statistical evaluations of the laboratory results, comparison of the results by media, and a summary of the anomalies and deviations. Overall, 1,195 analyses were performed across nine exposure pathways. Tables and figures are provided throughout this section to provide an enhanced presentation of the information.
In recent history, man-made nuclides have been released into the environment and have resulted in wide spread distribution of radionuclides across the globe. For example, atmospheric nuclear weapons tests from the mid-1940s through 1980 distributed man-made nuclides around the world. The most recent atmospheric tests in the 1970s and in 1980 had a significant impact upon the radiological concentrations found in the environment prior to and during pre-operation, and through early operation. Some long lived radionuclides, such as Cs-137, continue to be detected and a portion of these detections are believed to be attributed to the nuclear weapons tests.
Additionally, data associated with certain radiological effects created by off-site events have been removed from the historical evaluation, this includes: the nuclear atmospheric weapon test in the fall of 1980; the Chernobyl incident in the spring of 1986; and abnormal releases from the Savannah River Site (SRS) during 1987 and 1991.
As indicated in ODCM, the results for naturally occurring radionuclides that are also found in plant effluents must be reported along with man-made radionuclides. Historically, the radionuclide Be-7, which occurs abundantly in nature, is often detected in REMP samples, and occasionally detected in the plant's liquid and gaseous effluents. When it is detected in effluents and REMP samples, it is also included in the REMP results. In 2015, Be-7 was not detected in any plant effluents and therefore is not included in this report. The Be-7 detected in select REMP samples likely represents naturally occurring and/or background conditions.
As part of the data evaluation process, SNC considered the impact of the non-plant associated nuclides along with a statistical evaluation of the REMP data. The statistical evaluations included within this report include the Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC}, the Minimum Detectable Difference (MOD}, and Chauvenet's Criterion as described below.
Minimum Detectable Concentration The minimum detectable concentration is defined as an estimate of the true concentration of an analyte required to give a specified high probability that the measured response will be greater than the critical value.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 9 /Page
LANT OGTLE Minimum Detectable Difference NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENTAL PERATING E ORT The Minimum Detectable Difference (MDD) compares the lowest significant difference (between the means) of a control station, versus an indicator station or a community station, that can be determined statistically at the 99% Confidence Level (CL). A difference in mean values which was less than the MDD was considered to be statistically indiscernible.
ChauvenefsCriterion All results were tested for conformance with Chauvenet's criterion (G. D. Chase and J. L.
Rabinowitz, Principles of Radioisotope Methodology, Burgess Publishing Company, 1962, pages 87-90) to identify values which differed from the mean of a set by a statistically significant amount. Identified outliers were investigated to determine the reason(s) for the difference. If equipment malfunction or other valid physical reasons were identified as causing the variation, the anomalous result was excluded from the data set as non-representative.
The 2015 results were compared with past results, including those obtained during pre-operation. As appropriate, results were compared with their MDC (listed in Table 3-1) and RL which is listed in Table 3-2. The required MDCs were achieved during laboratory sample analysis. No data points were excluded for violating Chauvenet's criterion.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report lO IPage
PLANT VOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING Table 3-1. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summary Medium or Indicator Pathway Type and Total Minimum Locations Location with the Highest Sampled Number of Detectable Mean (b},
Annual Mean Other Stations (f}
Control Locations (Unit of Analyses Concentration Range Name Distance Mean (b}, Range Mean (b), Range Mean (b}, Range Measurement)
Performed (MDC) (a)
(Fraction) and Direction (Fraction)
Airborne Gross Beta 10 21.5 Hancock Landing 22.3 20.8 20.8 Particulates 350 2.9-38.6 Road NNW 1.4 3.8-36.2 1-40.4 3.5-34.2 (fCi/m3)
(247/248) mi.
Gamma Isotopic 28 1-131 70 NDM(c)
NDM NDM NDM Cs-134 so NDM NDM NDM NDM Cs-137 60 NDM NDM NDM NDM Airborne 1-131 70 NDM NDM NDM NDM Radioiodine 350 (fCi/m3)
Direct Radiation Gamma Dose 12.5 16.9 12.6 12.3 (mR/91 days) 159 7.3-19 SRS, Road A.13.1 15.4-18.8 7.7-18.8 9.8-16.2 (64/64)
ENE4.8 mi.
Milk (pCi/I)
Gamma Isotopic 46 1-131 1
NDM NDM NDM Cs-134 15 NDM NDM NDM Cs-137 18 1.4 Girard Dairy S 1.4 1
0.8-1.8 5.5 mi 0.8-1.8 1-1.1 (11/24)
Ba-140 60 NDM NDM NDM La-140 15 NDM NDM NDM 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 11 [Page
PL NTVOGTLE Medium or Pathway Type and Total Sampled Number of (Unit of Analyses Measurement)
Performed Vegetation Gamma Isotopic (pCi/kg-wet) 30 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 River Water Gamma Isotopic (pCi/I) 33 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Tritium 12 Indicator Minimum Locations Detectable Mean (b),
Concentration Range (MDC) (a)
(Fraction) 60 NDM 60 NDM 80 NDM 124(d)
NDM 15 NDM 30 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 30 NDM 30 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 18 NDM 60 NDM 15 NDM 2000 1087 389-2000 (4/4)
ANNUAL RADI l GtCAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING EPORT Location with the Highest Annual Mean Other Stations (f)
Control Locations Name Distance Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range and Direction (Fraction)
(4/4) 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 12 1P age
LANTVOGTLE Water Near Gross Beta Intakes to Water 43 Treatment Plants (pCi/ I)
Gamma Isotopic 43 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Tritium 15 4
3.0 Beaufort-Jasper 1.1-5.5 County Water (31/31)
Treatment Plant SE 76 mi.
NDM 15 NDM 30 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 30 NDM 30 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 15 NDM 18 NDM 60 NDM 15 NDM 2000 374 Purrysburg 71-792 Water Treatment (11/11)
- Plant, Purrysburg, SC, SSE, 76 miles ANNUAL ADIOL GICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING EPORT 3.63 3.14 2.4-5.5 1.3-7.5 (12/12)
(4/4) 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 13 IP age
PLANT VOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOL GICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPO T Table 3-1. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summary Medium or Indicator Pathway Type and Total Minimum Locations Location with the Highest Sampled Number of Detectable Mean (b),
Annual Mean Other Stations (f)
Control Locations (Unit of Analyses Concentration Range Name Distance Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range Measurement)
Performed (MDC) (a)
(Fraction) and Direction (Fraction)
Finished Water Gross Beta 4
3.0 Augusta Water 3.3 3.1 at Water 43 1.1-5.5 Treatment Plant 2.5-4.1 1.2-7.5 Treatment Plants (31/36)
NNW 29 mi.
Gamma Isotopic 43 Be-7 124(d)
NDM NDM NDM Mn-54 15 NDM NDM NDM Fe-59 30 NDM NDM NDM Co-58 15 NDM NDM NDM Co-60 15 NDM NDM NDM Zn-65 30 NDM NDM NDM Zr-95 30 NDM NDM NDM Nb-95 15 NDM NDM NDM 1-131 15 NDM NDM NDM Cs-134 15 NDM NDM NDM Cs-137 18 NDM NDM NDM Ba-140 60 NDM NDM NDM La-140 15 NDM NDM NDM Tritium 2000 375 Purrysburg 392 102 15 71-792 Water Treatment 173-556 54-167 (11/11)
Plant; (4/4)
Purrysburg, SC SSE 76 mi.
Anadromous Fish Gamma Isotopic (pCi/kg-wet) 3 Be-7 655(d)
NA NA 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 14 IP age
PLANT VOGTLE Medium or Pathway Type and Total Sampled Number of (Unit of Analyses Measurement)
Performed Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fish Gamma Isotopic (pCi/kg-wet) 6 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Sediment Gamma Isotopic (pCi/kg-dry) 4 Indicator Minimum Locations Detectable Mean (b),
Concentration Range (MDC} (a)
(Fraction) 130 260 130 130 260 130 150 655(d)
NDM 130 NDM 260 NDM 130 NDM 130 NDM 260 NDM 130 NDM 150 36.6 23.5-49.5 (3/3)
NNUAL ADIOL GICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT Location with the Highest Annual Mean Other Stations (f)
Control Locations Name Distance Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range Mean (b), Range and Direction (Fraction)
NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Savannah River, 127 127 N, 2.5 Miles15-238 15-238 (2/3)
NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM NDM Savannah River, 126.8 126.8 N, 2.5 Miles 15.4-238.1 15.4-238.1 (2/3)
(2/3) 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report lS IPage
LANTVOGTLE Co-60 70(e) 21 21-21 (1/2)
Cs-134 150 NDM Cs-137 180 96.l 56.4-135.8 (2/2)
Savannah River (RM 150.4) ENE 0.8mi.
Savannah River (RM 150.4), ENE, 0.8 miles ANNUAL ADIOLOGIC L ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPO T 21 NDM 21-21 (1/2)
NDM 99.7 99.7 91.9-107.5 91.9-107.5 (2/2)
(a)The MDC is defined in ODCM 10.1. Except as noted otherwise, the values listed in this column are the detection capabilities required by ODCM Table 4-3.
The values listed in this column are a priori (before the fact) MDCs. In practice, the a posteriori (after the fact) MDCs are generally lower than the values listed.
(b) Mean and range are based upon detectable measurements only. The fraction of all measurements at a specified location that are detectable is placed in parenthesis.
(c) No Detectable Measurement(s) (NDM).
(d) The Georgia Power Company Environmental Laboratory has determined that this value may be routinely attained under normal conditions. No value is provided in ODCM Table 4-3.
(e) Item 3 of ODCM Table 4-1 implies that an 1-131 analysis is not required to be performed on water samples when the dose calculated from the consumption of water is less then 1 mrem per year. However, 1-131 analyses have been performed on the finished drinking water samples.
(f) "Other" stations, as identified in the "Station Type" column ofTable 2-2, are "Community" and/or "Special" stations.
Not Applicable (sample not required) 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 16 IP age
LANTVOGTLE Analysis Water (pCi/I)
H-3 20000*
Mn-54 1000 Fe-59 400 Co-58 1000 Co-60 300 Zn-65 300 Zr-95 400 Nb-95 700 1-131 2"
Cs-134 30 Cs-137 so Ba-140 200 La-140 100 A NUAL ADIOLOGICAL NVIRONME T L OPERATING EPORT Table 3-2. Reporting Levels (RL)
Airborne Particulate Fish (pCi/kg-wet)
Milk Grass or Leafy or Gases (fCi/m3)
Vegetation (pCi/kg-wet) 30,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 20000 900 3
100 10,000 1000 60 1000 20000 2000 70 2000 300 400
- This is the 40 CFR 141 value for drinking water samples. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 30,000 may be used.
b If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 20 pCi/I may be used.
In accordance with ODCM, deviations from the required sampling schedule are permitted, if samples are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, unavailability, inclement weather, equipment malfunction or other just reasons. Deviations from conducting the REMP sampling (as described in Table 2-1) are summarized in Table 3-3 along with their causes and resolution.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 17 1Page
LANTVOGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING Table 3-3. Anomalies and Deviations from Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Collection Period Affected Samples Anolmaly (A)* or Deviation Cause Resolution (D)**
03/10/15-04/21/15 Air I, Air Part.
(D) No samples obtained Late power bill to Planter's EMC led Power restored when bill was TE 914801 Stations 16 (Hancock) to disruption of power at station.
paid and switched to TE 919619 electronic billing (was previously paper billing).
First Quarter OSLO Badge (D) No sample obtained OSLO badge damaged by fire; could Replaced badge in same Badge V26 not be read.
Community Station 7 /13/15-7 /15/15 Air I, Air Part.
(A) Sample volume less than Power disruption to air sampler near Data was concluded to be CR 10103203 Station 10 (MET) typical met tower.
unaffected by low volume.
09/15/15 Air I, Air Part.
(D) No sample obtained Loss of power. Planter's EMC Power was restored to this Stations 16 (Hancock) performed work but did not close station by the end of the breaker to restore power to pole.
sampling period.
09/15/15-09/29/15 Milk (D) No samples obtained The dairy was not milking on these No milk samples were Milky Way Dairy dates.
obtained for these sampling periods.
2015 Fish (D) No sample obtained River was too high to be able to Other fish samples were CR 10079727 (Anadromous) access this fish habitat so no sample collected. Anadromous fish was obtained will be collected in 2016.
- An anomaly is considered a non-standard sample that still meets sampling criteria outlined in SNC and Georgia Power Labs procedures.
- A deviation is a sample result that is not recorded due to not meeting scheduling and/or procedural requirements as outlined by SNC and Georgia Power Labs 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 18 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENTAL 3.1 Airborne Particulates As specified in Table 2-1, airborne particulate filters and charcoal canisters are collected weekly at five indicator stations (Stations 3, 7, 10, 12 and 16} which encircle the plant at the site periphery, at a nearby community station (Station 35} approximately seven miles from the plant, and at a control station (Station 36} approximately 14 miles from the plant. At sampling locations containing a filter and cartridge series, air is continuously drawn through a glass fiber filter to retain airborne particulate and an activated charcoal canister is placed in series with the filter to adsorb radioiodine.
3.1.1 Gross Beta As provided in Table 3-1, the 2015 annual average weekly gross beta activity was 21.5 fCi/m3 for the indicator stations. It was 0.7 fCi/m3 more than the control station average of 20.8 fCi/m3 for the year. This difference is not statistically discernible, since it is less than the calculated MOD of 6.8 fCi/m3.
The 2015 annual average weekly gross beta activity at the Girard community station was 20.8 fCi/m3 which was equal to the control station average. This is not statistically discernible since it is less than the calculated MOD of 7.9 fCi/m3.
Average Air Gross Beta historical data (Table 3-4} is graphed to show trends associated with a prevalent exposure pathway (Figure 3-1}. In general, there is close agreement between the results for the indicator, control and community stations. This close agreement supports the position that the plant is not contributing significantly to the gross beta concentrations in air.
Table 3-4. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration Period Indicator Control Community {fCi/m3)
Pre-op 22.9 22.1 21.9 1987 26.3 23.6 22.3 1988 24.7 23.7 22.8 1989 19.1 18.2 18.8 1990 19.6 19.4 18.8 1991 19.3 19.2 18.6 1992 18.7 19.3 18.0 1993 21.2 21.4 20.3 1994 20.1 20.3 19.8 1995 21.1 20.7 20.7 1996 23.3 21.0 20.0 1997 20.6 20.6 19.0 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 19 I Page
LANT OGTLE Period 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL _PE TING REPO T Table 3-4. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration Indicator Control Community (fCi/m3)
(fCi/m3) 22.7 22.4 20.9 22.5 21.9 22.2 24.5 21.5 21.1 22.4 22.0 22.7 19.9 18.9 18.6 19.4 20.5 18.3 21.6 22.8 21.4 20.5 20.4 19.4 25.5 24.6 24.3 27.3 25.1 26.5 24.0 23.2 23.7 23.0 22.4 22.5 25.8 24.4 25.5 25.8 25.1 24.6 25.9 25.2 26.1 22.9 23.9 22.2 24.1 23.4 23.5 21.5 20.8 20.8 Figure 3-1. Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 20 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL 3.1.2 Gamma Particulates During 2015, no man-made radionuclides were detected from the gamma isotopic analysis of the quarterly composites of the air particulate filters.
Historically, gamma isotopes have been detected as a result of offsite events. During pre-operation, Cs-134, Cs-137 and 1-131 were occasionally detected. In 1987, Cs-137 was found in one indicator composite at a concentration of 1.7 fCi/m3. Additionally, 1-131 was also detected after the Fukushima incident in 2011, the highest 1-131 result in 2011 was 93.8 fCi/m3, which is approximately 10% of the RL.
3.2 Direct Radiation In 2015, direct (external) radiation was measured with Optically Stimulated Luminescent (OSL) dosimeters by placing two OSL badges at each station. The gamma dose at each station is reported as the average reading of the two badges. The badges are analyzed on a quarterly basis. An inspection is performed near mid-quarter for offsite badges to assure that the badges are on-station and to replace any missing or damaged badges.
Two direct radiation stations are established in each of the 16 compass sectors, to form two concentric rings. The inner ring (Stations 1 through 16) is located near the plant perimeter as shown in Map A-1 in Appendix A and the outer ring (Stations 17 through 32) is located at a distance of approximately five miles from the plant as shown in Map A-2 in Appendix A. The 16 stations forming the inner ring are designated as the indicator stations. The two ring configuration of stations was established in accordance with NRC Branch Technical Position "An Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", Revision 1, November 1979. The six control stations (Stations 36, 37, 47, 48, 51 and 52) are located at distances greater than 10 miles from the plant as shown in Map A-3 in Appendix A. Monitored special interest areas include Station 35 at the town of Girard and Station 43 at the employee recreational area. The mean and range values presented in the "Other" column in Table 3-1 includes the outer ring stations (stations 17 through 32) as well as stations 35 and 43.
As provided in Table 3-1, the 2015 average quarterly exposure at the indicator stations (inner ring) was 12.5 mR with a range of 7.3 to 19.0 mR. The indicator station average was 0.20 mR more than the control station average (12.3 mR). This difference is not statistically discernible since it is less than the MDD of 1.3 mR. Over the operational history, the annual average quarterly exposures shows a variation of no more than 0.7 mR between the indicator and control stations.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 21 I Page
LANT OGTLE A NUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L The quarterly exposures acquired at the community/other (outer ring) stations during 2015 ranged from 7.7 to 18.8 mR with an average of 12.6 mR which was 0.3 mR more than that for the control stations. However, this difference is not discernible since it is less than the MOD of 1.1 mR. For the entire period of operation, the annual average quarterly exposures at the outer ring stations vary by no more than 1.2 mR from those at the control stations.
Average Direct Radiation historical data (Table 3-5) is graphed to show trends associated with a prevalent exposure pathway (Figure 3-2). The decrease between 1991 and 1992 values is attributed to a change in TLDs from Teledyne to Panasonic. It should be noted however that the differences between indicator and control and outer ring values did not change.
Table 3-5. Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation Period Indicator Control Outer Ring (mR)
Pre-op 15.3 16.5 14.7 1987 17.6 17.9 16.7 1988 16.8 16.1 16.0 1989 17.9 18.4 17.2 1990 16.9 16.6 16.3 1991 16.9 17.1 16.7 1992 12.3 12.5 12.1 1993 12.4 12.4 12.1 1994 12.3 12.1 11.9 1995 12.0 12.5 12.3 1996 12.3 12.2 12.3 1997 13.0 13.0 13.1 1998 12.3 12.7 12.4 1999 13.6 13.5 13.4 2000 13.5 13.6 13.5 2001 12.9 13.0 12.9 2002 12.8 12.9 12.6 2003 12.2 12.5 12.4 2004 12.4 12.2 12.3 2005 12.5 13.2 12.9 2006 13.1 12.9 13.0 2007 13.0 12.5 12.7 2008 13.3 13.0 13.1 2009 13.1 13.6 13.3 2010 16.2 16.7 16.6 2011 13.9 13.9 14.0 2012 14.4 14.3 14.2 2013 13.1 13.2 13.6 2014 11.6 12.3 12.0 2015 12.5 12.3 12.6 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 22 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPE A ING REPO T Figure 3-2. Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation The increase shown in 2010 reflects issues with the aging Panasonic TLD reader. The close agreement between the station groups supports the position that the plant is not contributing significantly to direct radiation in the environment. Figure 3-3 provides a more detailed view of the 2015 values. The values for the special interest areas detailed below indicate that Plant Vogtle did not significantly contribute to direct radiation at those areas.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 23 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENTAL Figure 3-3. 2015 Average Exposure from Direct Radiation 3.3 Biological Media Cs-137 was the only radionuclide detected in two of the three biological media. As indicated in Figure 3-4, the Cs-137 activity levels are below the respective MDCs and well below that of the respective Rls for each sample media for both the indicator and control stations.
3.3.1 Milk In accordance with Tables 2-1 and 2-2, milk samples are collected bimonthly from two locations, the Girard Dairy (Station 101) which is considered an indicator station because it is approximately 5.5 miles from Vogtle (ideally a milk indicator station is less than 5 miles from the plant), and the Seven Oaks Dairy (Station 102) at 7.5 miles from Vogtle is the control location (ideally control locations are greater than 10 miles from the plant). SNC identified Milky Way Dairy as a replacement control location. The ODCM was revised in 2015 to include 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 24 I Page
T the Milky Way Dairy for sampling instead of Seven Oaks. No milk animal was found within five miles of Plant Vogtle during the 2015 land use census.
Gamma isotopic (including 1-131 and Cs-137) analyses were performed on each collected milk sample and there were no detectable results for gamma isotopes, with the exception of a Cs-137, which was detected in 11 indicator samples (1.4 average) and two control samples (1.0 average. The difference is less than the MDD (0.48), therefore there is no statistical difference.
Figure 3-4 provides the 2015 Cs-137 concentration in milk.
3.3.2 Vegetation In accordance with Tables 2-1 and 2-2, vegetation samples are collected monthly for gamma isotopic analyses at two indicator locations near the site boundary (Stations 7 and 15) and at one control station located about 17 miles WSW from the plant (Station 37). Cs-137 was not detected in any of the sampled collected in 2015. The man-made radionuclide Cs-137 is periodically identified in vegetation samples, and is generally attributed to offsite sources (such as weapons testing, Chernobyl, and Fukushima).
While Cs-137 and 1-131 were periodically found and Co-60 was discovered once in vegetation samples during pre-operation, the historical trends and the relationship between the indicator and control stations demonstrate that plant operations are having no adverse impact to the environment. The sample results have consistently been well below the MDC and the RL for Cs-137 (80 and 2000 pCi/kg-wet, respectively).
During 2015, no gamma isotopes were detected in any Vogtle REMP vegetation samples.
3.3.3 Fish Fish samples were collected in accordance with the ODCM (as indicated in Table 2-1). For the semiannual collections, the control location (Station 81) extends from approximately two to seven miles upriver of the plant intake structure, and the indicator location (Station 85) extends from about 1.4 to seven miles downriver of the plant discharge structure. Anadromous Species For anadromous species, all fish sampled are considered indicator stations. Anadromous fish were sampled twice during 2015, on June 3 and October 28. No radionuclides were detected in the 2015 analyses, with the exception of Cs-137 (average of 126.7 pcl/L), which does occur occasionally, and is consistent with historical data.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 25 I Page
NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L Commercially or Recreationally Important Species For this year, as provided in Table 3-1, Cs-137 was found in the semiannual collections of commercially or recreationally important species of fish (indicator and control). The indicator station averaged a Cs-137 concentration of 36.6 pCi/kg-wet, and 126.8 pCi/kg-wet was the average Cs-137 detected at the control station. The MDD was not evaluated because the average at the indicator was lower than the control. No discernible difference between the indicator and control stations has occurred for any year of operation or during pre-operation.
No other gamma nuclides were discovered in 2015.
3.3.4 Biological Media Summary There were no statistical differences, trends, or anomalies associated with the 2015 biological media samples when compared to historical data. Figure 3-4 below, details the 2015 Cs-137 concentration compared to the Reportable Limits.
Figure 3-4. 2015 Biological Media Average Cs-137 Concentrations 2000
- Indicator 1500
' ~
1000 u
- Control MDC E:
0 500
- ~
.4 Reportable Limit
D c:
</) r 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 26 I Page
LANTVOGTLE NNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L 3.4 Drinking Water Samples are collected at an upstream control location and at three downstream indicator locations (shown on Map A-3) and further described in Table 2-2.
Water samples are taken near the intake of each water treatment plant (raw drinking water) using automatic composite samplers, which are collected monthly. Additionally, monthly grab samples of the processed water effluent from the treatment plants (finished drinking water) are collected. Monthly aliquots from the raw and processed drinking water are analyzed for gross beta and gamma isotopic activity. The monthly aliquots are also combined to form quarterly composites, which are analyzed for tritium.
For 2015, the indicator station average gross beta concentration in the raw drinking water was 2.77 pCi/I which was 0.37 pCi/I less than the average gross beta concentration at the control station (3.14 pCi/I). Historically, there has been close agreement between the gross beta values at the indicator stations and the control station which supports that there is no significant gross beta contribution from the plant effluents. The required MDC for gross beta in water is 4.0 pCi/I. There is no RL for gross beta in water.
For 2015, the indicator station average gross beta concentration in the finished drinking water was 2.61 pCi/I which was 0.58 pCi/I less than the average gross beta concentration at the control station (3.19 pCi/I). The MDD was not calculated because the concentration at the control station was higher than the indicator station. Figure 3-5 show the relationship between the average indicator station and average control station for 2015 and the comparison to the MDC.
As provided in Table 3-1, there were no positive results during 2015 from the gamma isotopic analysis of the raw and finished drinking water samples. The 2015 raw drinking water indicator stations average tritium concentration was 375 pCi/I which was 272 pCi/I greater than the average concentration found at the control station (102 pCi/I). However, this difference is not discernible since it is less than the MDD of 318 pCi/L.
A statistically significant increase in the concentrations found in samples collected at the indicator station compared to those collected at the control station could be indicative of plant releases. Concentrations found at the special station are more likely to represent the activity in the river as a whole, which might include plant releases combined with those from other sources along the river.
The finished drinking water average tritium concentration at the indicator stations during 2015 was 290 pCi/I which was 188 pCi/I greater than the average concentration found at the control 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 27 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT L station (102 pCi/I). The MDD was calculated as 227 pCi/I between the indicator and control stations, indicating no statistically discernible difference.
Figure 3-5. 2015 Average Gross Beta Concentration in Raw and Finished Drinking Water 3.5 River Water Composite river water samples are collected monthly at an upstream control location and at two downstream indicator locations (shown on Map A-3). The details of the sampling protocols are outlined in Tables 2-1 and Table 2-2. A gamma isotopic analysis is conducted on each monthly sample and the monthly aliquots are combined to form quarterly composite samples, which are analyzed for tritium.
As provided in Table 3-1, there were no positive results during 2015 from the gamma isotopic analysis of the river water samples. Also indicated in Table 3-1, the average tritium concentration found at the indicator station was 1087 pCi/I which was 983 pCi/I greater than the average at the control station (104 pCi/I). The River Water tritium MDD was calculated to be 779 pCi/I, which would indicate a value that is statistically discernible. Since the value is only 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 28 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENTAL EPORT slightly above the MDD and still below the MDC and the RL, no adverse environmental impact is indicated. The MDC for tritium in river water used to supply drinking water is 2000 pCi/I and the RL for tritium in drinking water is 20000 pCi/I.
At the "Other" river water sampling station (Station 84), the results ranged from 363 pCi/I to 654 pCi/I with an average of 478 pCi/I. The difference between the Station 84 and the control station was 374 pCi/I. The MDD was calculated to be 175 pCi/I, which would indicate a value that is statistically discernible. Since the value is only slightly above the MDD and below the MDC and the RL, no adverse environmental impact exists. Historically, the relationship between the indicator/control stations and Station 84 has remained consistent. Figure 3-6 below details the 2015 average tritium concentrations across the three water mediums.
Figure 3-6. 2015 Average Tritium Concentrations in River, Raw Drinking, and Finished Drinking Water 1'.!!!C.: __________ __
3.6 Sediment Sediment was collected along the shoreline of the Savannah River in the spring and fall at Stations 81 and 83. Station 81 is a control station located about 2.5 miles upriver of the plant intake structure while Station 83 is an indicator station located about 0.6 miles downriver of the plant discharge structure. A gamma isotopic analysis was performed on each sample. The radionuclides detected in 2015 samples were Be-7 and Cs-137. Even though Be-7 was detected in sediment, it will not be discussed within this report, because it was not detected in any plant effluents and likely represents naturally occurring and/or background conditions.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 29 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL NVIRONMENT l For Cs-137, the average concentration at the indicator station during 2015 was 96.1 pCi/kg-dry which was 3.6 pCi/kg-dry less than that at the control station (99.7 pCi/kg-dry). The concentration of Cs-137 found at the indicator and control stations could be attributed to plant effluents or to other facilities that release radioactive effluents in the vicinity of the plant.
Co-60 was detected at a low level (21 pCi/kg) in a sediment sample collected in April, 2015, from station 83 (at River Mile 150.4, approximately 0.8 miles downstream of the plant discharge) and will be monitored in the future. A review of plant effluents indicates that Co-60 is regularly released at very low levels. Co-60 is currently measured in both water and fish samples; however, if this isotope is consistently observed in subsequent sediment samples, it will be added to the Vogtle ODCM for future inclusion on the REMP. There are no reporting levels for sediment results.
3.7 lnterlaboratory Comparison Program In accordance with ODCM 4.1.3, GPCEL participates in an lnterlaboratory Comparison Program (ICP) that satisfies the requirements of Regulatory Guide 4.15, Revision 1, "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent Streams and the Environment", February 1979.
The ICP includes the required determinations (sample medium/radionuclide combinations) included in the REMP.
The ICP was conducted by Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, Inc. (EZA) of Atlanta, Georgia. EZA has a documented Quality Assurance (QA) program and the capability to prepare Quality Control (QC) materials traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The ICP is a third party blind testing program which provides a means to ensure independent checks are performed on the accuracy and precision of the measurements of radioactive materials in environmental sample matrices. EZA supplies the crosscheck samples to GPCEL which performs routine laboratory analyses. Each of the specified analyses is performed three times.
The accuracy of each result is measured by the normalized deviation, which is the ratio of the reported average less the known value to the total error. An investigation is undertaken whenever the absolute value of the normalized deviation is greater than three or whenever the coefficient of variation is greater than 15% for all radionuclides other than Cr-51 and Fe-59. For Cr-51 and Fe-59, an investigation is undertaken when the coefficient of variation exceeds the values shown on Table 3-6 below:
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 30 I Page
LANT OGTLE NNUAL ADIOLOGIC L NVIRONMENT L Table 3-6. lnterlaboratory Comparison Limits Nuclide Concentration
- Total Sample Activity Percent Coefficient of (pCi)
<300 NA 25 Cr-51 NA
>1000 25
<1000 15
<80 NA 25 Fe-59
>80 NA 15
- For air filters, concentration units are pCi/filter. For all other media, concentration units are pCi/liter (pCi/I).
As required by ODCM and, a summary of the results of the GPCEL's participation in the ICP is provided in Table 3-7 for:
gross beta and gamma isotopic analyses of an air filter gamma isotopic analyses of milk samples gross beta, tritium and gamma isotopic analyses of water samples The 2015 analyses included tritium, gross beta and gamma emitting radio-nuclides in different matrices. The attached results for all analyses were within acceptable limits for accuracy (less than 15% coefficient of variation and less than 3.0 normalized deviations, except for Cr-51 and Fe-59, which are outlined in Table 3-6).
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 31 I Page
LANTVOGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL Table 3-7. lnterlaboratory Comparison Summary Analysis or Date Prepared Reported Known Value Standard Uncertainty Percent Coef of Normalized Radionuclide Average Deviation EL Analytics (35)
Variation Deviation 1-131 ANALYSIS OF AN AIR CARTRIDGE (pCi/cartridge) 1-131 9/10/2015 85.4 82.0 1.37 1.37 5.79 0.69 GAMMA ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS OF AN AIR FILTER (pCi/filter)
Ce-141 9/10/2015 92.7 85.5 4.36 1.43 7.5 1.03 Co-58 9/10/2015 114 106 5.28 1.76 5.6 0.9 Co-60 9/10/2015 139 132 5.38 2.21 5
0.37 Cr-51 9/10/2015 226 216 16.66 3.61 9.6 0.45 Cs-134 9/10/2015 85.3 84.9 3.37 1.42 5.4 0.08 Cs-137 9/10/2015 111 102 5
1.71 6.5 1.2 Fe-59 9/10/2015 96.7 90.5 5.5 1.51 6.2 0.91 Mn-54 9/10/2015 133 116 5.82 1.94 6
2.09 Zn-65 9/10/2015 164 142 8.46 2.37 7.3 1.85 GROSS BETA ANALYSIS OF AN AIR FILTER (PCl/FILTER)
Gross Beta 9/10/2015 103 96.3 3.66 1.61 5.9 1.44 GAMMA ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS OF A MILK SAMPLE PCl/LITER)
Co-58 6/11/2015 77.7 68.4 5.92 1.14 10.92 1.1 Co-60 6/11/2015 203 193 8.29 1.06 4.52 1.12 Cr-51 6/11/2015 295 276 33.19 4.61 12.3 0.53 Cs-134 6/11/2015 184 163 6.93 2.72 5.02 2.28 Cs-137 6/11/2015 144 125 7.77 2.09 7.38 1.75 Fe-59 6/11/2015 163 151 10.07 2.53 6.94 1.03 1-131 6/11/2015 105 95.9 6.91 1.6 8
1.04 Mn-54 6/11/2015 115 101 6.9 1.68 7.31 1.62 Zn-65 6/11/2015 282 248 15.62 4.15 7.3 1.64 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 32 I Page
PLANT VOGTLE Analysis or Date Prepared Radionuclide Gross Beta 3/19/2015 6/11/2015 Ce-141 3/19/2015 Co-58 3/19/2015 Co-60 3/19/2015 Cr-51 3/19/2015 Cs-134 3/19/2015 Cs-137 3/19/2015 Fe-59 3/19/2015 1-131 3/19/2015 Mn-54 3/19/2015 Zn-65 3/19/2015 H-3 3/19/2015 6/11/2015 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING EPORT Table 3-7. lnterlaboratory Comparison Summary Reported Known Value Standard Uncertainty Percent Coef of Normalized Average Deviation EL Analytics (35)
Variation Deviation GROSS BETA ANALYSIS OF WATER SAMPLE (PCl/LITER) 319 281 10.5 4.69 4.56 2.59 290 248 10.2 4.15 4.68 3.1 GAMMA ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS OF WATER SAMPLES (PCl/LITER) 135.7 139.2 8.44 2.32 7.97
-0.3 183 180 9.32 3
6.76 0.24 325.3 328 12.73 5.48 5.61
-0.15 399.1 366 38.04 6.11 17.12 0.48 131.1 126 5.81 2.1 9.49 0.41 175 167 9
2.78 7.49 0.6 203 195 11.63 3.25 7.01 0.56 100.5 96.7 7.16 1.61 9.24 0.41 170 159 8.97 2.65 7.78 0.8 328 299 17.26 4.99 7.61 1.15 TRITIUM ANALYSIS OF WATER SAMPLES (PCl/LITER) 12104 12600 140 210 3.14
-1.31 12700 13000 148 217 2.11
-0.95 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 33 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICAL EPORT 3.8 Groundwater To ensure compliance with NEI 07-07 (Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative -
Final Guidance Document), Southern Nuclear developed the Nuclear Management Procedure, Radiological Groundwater Protection Program. The procedure contains detailed site-specific monitoring plans, program technical bases, and communications protocol (to ensure that radioactive leaks and spills are addressed and communicated appropriately). In an effort to prevent future leaks of radioactive material to groundwater, SNC plants have established robust buried piping and tanks inspection programs. No changes were made to the Groundwater Protection Program in 2015.
Plant Vogtle maintains the following wells (Table 3-8), which are sampled at a frequency that satisfies the requirements of NEI 07-07. The analytical results for 2015 were all within regulatory limits specified within this report. Table 3-9 contains the results of the Groundwater Protection Program tritium results (in pCi/L).
LT-lB LT-7A LT-12 LT-13 802A 803A*
806B 808 Rl R2 R3 R4 RS R6 R7 Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table Water Table NSCW related tank NSCW related tank NSCW related tank NSCW related tank Southeastern potential leakage Up gradient to rad waste building Down gradient from rad waste building and NSCW related facilities Dilution line Up gradient; along Pen Branch Fault NSCW related tank; western potential leakage Southern potential leakage Eastern potential leakage Dilution line Dilution line Dilution line Dilution line R8 Water Table within Sav. River sediments Dilution line 1013*
Water Table Low level rad waste storage 1014 Tertiary Up gradient 101S Water Table ertically up gradient 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 34 I Page
Tertiary Down gradient tertiary 29**
Tertiary Down gradient tertiary MU-1 Tertiary /Cretaceous Facility water supply River N/A Surface water NSCW - Nuclear service cooling water
- Well abandoned due to construction activities with Vogtle Units 3&4
- Well no longer sampled due to structural issues LT-18 323 261 504 LT-7A 532 621 594 LT-12 799 797 919 LT-13 517 407 611 802A 329 451 310 8068 119 307 291 808 126 171 345 Rl 367 519 220 R2 156 357 117 R3 244 331 193 R4 303 325 87.9 RS 518 287 83.8 R6 123 246 319 R7 NDM 112 NDM R8 58.3 NDM 82.3 1014 NDM NDM NDM 1015 265 473 171 MU-1 267 NS NS River 116 108 50.2 NDM - No Detectable Measurement NNUAL RADIOL GICAL 430 737 1050 368 652 373 391 190 145 201 26.8 157 333 168 250 59.7 198 NS 135 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 35 I Page
LANT OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOLOGICA VIRONMENT 4 SURVEY SUMMARIES 4.1 Land Use Census In accordance with ODCM 4.1.2, a land use census was conducted on November 10, 2015 to verify the locations of the nearest radiological receptor within five miles. The census results, shown in Table 4-1, indicated no changes from 2014; therefore, no changes to the ODCM are required.
Table 4-1. Land Use Census Results Sector Residence Milk Animal*
Beef Cattle Garden**
Distance in Miles to the Nearest Location in Each Sector N
1.4 None None None NNE None None None None NE None None None None ENE None None None None E
None None None None ESE 4.2 None None None SE 4.3 None 4.9 None SSE 4.7 None 4.7 None s
4.4 None None None SSW 4.7 None None None SW 3.1 None 4.4 None WSW 2.6 None 2.7 None w
3.4 None 4.4 None WNW 1.9 None None None NW 1.5 None 1.8 None NNW 1.5 None None None
- A milk animal is a cow or goat producing milk for human consumption.
- A garden of greater than 500 square feet producing broad leaf vegetation.
Note: Land within SRS was excluded from the census.
4.2 Savannah River Survey A survey of the Savannah River downstream of the plant for approximately 100 miles (approximately river miles 44.7 to 151.2) was conducted on September 22, 2015 to identify any new withdrawal of water from the river for drinking, irrigation, or construction purposes. No 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 36 I Page
LANT OGTLE NNUAL ADIOLOGIC l NVIRONMEN new usage was visually identified. These results were verified with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DEHEC) on September 29, 2015, and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources on September 29, 2015. Each of these agencies confirmed that no water withdrawal permits for drinking, irrigation, or construction purposes had been issued for this stretch of the Savannah River. It should be noted that Vogtle Units 3 and 4 received a surface water withdrawal permit in December of 2015.
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 37 I Page
5 CONCLUSIONS This report confirms SNCs conformance with the, requirements of Chapter 4 of the ODCM and the objectives were to:
- 1) Determine the levels of radiation and the concentrations of radioactivity in the environs and;
- 2) Assess the radiological impact (if any) to the environment due to the operation of the VEGP.
Based on the 2015 activities associated with the REMP, SNC offers the following conclusions:
Samples were collected and there were no deviations or anomalies that negatively affected the quality of the REMP Land use census and river survey did not reveal any changes Analytical results were below reporting levels These values are consistent with historical results, indicating no adverse radiological environmental impacts associated with the operation of VEGP 2015 V_EGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 38 I P-a g e
T OGTLE ANNUAL ADIOL GICAL ENVI ONMENTAL APPENDIX A Maps 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix A
Indicator Stations -
Control Stations -
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report REMP Stations in Plant Vicinity t--0-r-aw_n_b-y:_._c_. G_r_oc_e _... ::Pe:~~x A April 30, 2016 Other Stations -
2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report Control Stations.
REMP Stations within 10 miles
..... 1--D-r_a_w_n_b_y_: -L-C-. G-ro_c_e-~ ::pe:~~x A
April 30, 2016 Legend :
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Indicator Stations
- Other Stations -
Legend :
- Vogtle Electric Generating Plant A Drawn by:
C. Groce Appendix A Indicator Stations -*
2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report MapA-3 Control Stations -
- Extended REMP Stations April 30, 2016 Other Stations -
Surftcial Aquifer -
- Tertiary Aquifer -
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Report Facility Groundwater Wells Drawn by:
C. Groce April 30, 2016 Appendix A Map A-4
PLANT OGTL N UAL ADIOLOGICAL APPENDIX B Errata 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
LANT OG LE NNUAL ADIOLOGICAL ENVIRON 3.8 Groundwater To ensure compliance with NEI 07-07 (Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative -
Final Guidance Document), Southern Nuclear developed the Nuclear Management Procedure, Radiological Groundwater Protection Program. The procedure contains detailed site-specific monitoring plans, program technical bases, and communications protocol (to ensure that radioactive leaks and spills are addressed and communicated appropriately). In an effort to prevent future leaks of rad ioactive material to groundwater, SNC plants have established robust buried piping and tanks inspection programs. No changes were made to the Groundwater Protection Program in 2014.
Plant Vogtle maintains the following wells (Table 3-8), which are sampled at a frequency that satisfies the requirements of NEI 07-07. The analytical results for 2014 were all within regulatory limits specified within this report. Table 3-9 contains the results of the Groundwater Protection Program t ritium results (in pCi/L).
LT-lB Water Table NSCW related tank LT-7A Water Table NSCW related tank LT-12 Water Table NSCW related tan k LT-13 Water Table NSCW related tank S02A Water Table Sout heastern potential leakage S03A*
Water Table Up gradient to rad waste building SOSA**
Water Table Down gradient from rad waste building and NSCW related faci lities S06B Water Table Dilution line sos Water Table Up gradient; along Pen Branch Fault Rl Water Table NSCW related tank; western potential leakage R2 Water Table Southern potential leakage R3 Water Table Eastern potential leaka ge R4 Water Table Dilution line RS Water Table Dilution line R6 Water Table Dilution line R7 Water Table Dilution line RS Water Table within Sav. River sediments Dilution line 1013*
Water Table Low level rad waste storage 1014 Tertiary Up gradient 101S Water Table ertically up gradient 1003*
Tertiary Up gradient
2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix B
Tertiary Down gradient tertiary 29**
Tertiary Down gradient tertiary MU-1 Tertiary /Cretaceous Facility water supply River N/A Surface water NSCW - Nuclear service cooling water
- Well abandoned due to construction activities with Vogtle Units 3&4
- Well no longer sampled due to structural issues Table 3-9. Groundwater Protection Pro ram Tritium Results LT-lB 496 505 336 LT-7A 806 770 765 LT-12 688 842 710 LT-13 429 342 540 802A 370 307 429 806B 308 447 377 808 271 224 213 Rl 286 323 373 R2 210 282 163 R3 283 402 261 R4 232 367 215 RS 238 285 259 R6 289 398 292 R7 NDM NDM NDM R8 NS-Flooded NS - No Access NDM 1014 NDM NDM NDM 1015 358 262 346 MU-1 NDM NDM NDM River ND - Flooded 255 135 NDM - No Detectable Measurement 2015 VEGP Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report T
642 1020 859 673 512 583 NDM 386 489 224 NDM 424 NDM NDM NDM NDM 175 NS - Out of Service 180 Appendix B