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Surry, 2014-301 Section 11
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/22/2016
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
Download: ML16089A392 (134)


Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 1 of 8 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure APE001.AA2.05 (4.4/4.6) [Alternate Path]

Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________ Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Respond to Continuous Rod Withdrawal K/A: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Continuous Rod Withdrawal: Uncontrolled rod withdrawal, from available indications. Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 3 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. Plant is at 100% power with all systems in AUTO. 1-MS-PT-1446, Channel III Turbine First Stage Pressure has failed low. 0-AP-53.00 actions have been completed with 1-MS-PT-1447, Channel IV Turbine First Stage Pressure selected. All components have been returned to Automatic with the exception of Rod Control. Standards Trip the Reactor in accordance with AP-1.00. Initiating Cues Continuous rod withdrawal motion indicated. Terminating Cues Unit 1 manual reactor trip implemented. Procedures 0-AP-1.00, Rod Control System Malfunction, Rev. 26. 1-OP-ZZ-002, Maintenance of Plant Operations, Rev. 30. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 2 of 8 Simulator Setup Reset to IC 271 OR Recall 100% IC. Load the following malfunctions: MS1401, 1st Stage PRSR TRNSMTR PT-446 FAILURE, -2 DEG, Trigger 1. RD0102, CONT ROD WITHDRAWL ALL MODES, Trigger 3. Load the following Switch Override: RD, ROD_MOD_SEL_MAN, ON, Trigger 1, 8 second delay. Place the Simulator in RUN. Place the Main Feed Reg Valves in MANUAL. Actuate Trigger 1. Select PT-447. Return the Main Feed Reg Valves to AUTO. Acknowledge all alarms, place Rod Control Mode Selector Switch in MANUAL, place a "Pink" Ring on the Rod. Switch, and allow conditions to stabilize. Place pink magnet on PT-1446. Freeze and store until ready to RUN. Initial Conditions Plant is at 100% power with all systems in AUTO. 1-MS-PT-1446, Channel III Turbine First Stage Pressure has failed low. 0-AP-53.00 actions have been completed with 1-MS-PT-1447, Channel IV Turbine First Stage Pressure. selected. All components have been returned to Automatic with the exception of Rod Control. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 Reactor Operator. Restore Control Bank "D" to 228 steps in three (3) step increments. When complete, return Rod Control to AUTO. When you have completed this task, please inform me. Notes After the Candidate has completed the second 3-Step rod movement, Actuate Trigger 3.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 3 of 8 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME: ___________ STEP 1: WITHDRAW CONTROL RODS IN THREE (3) STEP INCREMENTS. (Step 1) STANDARD a) Checks ROD CONTROL MODE SEL switch in the MAN position. b) Check ROD SPEED indicator (S1-1-408) indicates approximately 48 steps per minute. c) WITHDRAW control rods in 3-step increments.

  • Move ROD MOTION IN/OUT/HOLD switch in the OUT direction. This is a critical step. Check ROD DIRECTION OUT light is LIT. Release switch when rods are at desired height (3 steps). Check rod motion has stopped. EVALUATOR NOTE: Operator may have to step in/out Rods 1/2 step to equalize group step counter indication. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT


STANDARD a) Checks ROD CONTROL MODE SEL switch in the MAN position. b) Check ROD SPEED indicator (S1-1-408) indicates approximately 48 steps per minute. c) WITHDRAW control rods in 3-step increments.

  • Move ROD MOTION IN/OUT/HOLD switch in the OUT direction. This is a critical step. Check ROD DIRECTION OUT light is LIT. Release switch when rods are at desired height (3 steps). Check rod motion has stopped. EVALUATOR NOTE: After rods have moved in the OUT direction, the malfunction will be entered to cause continuous outward rod motion in all ROD Control Modes. _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 4 of 8 COMMENTS: STEP 3: CHECKS FOR CONTINUOUS ROD INSERTION OR WITHDRAWAL (Step 3) STANDARD: a) Checks continuous outward rod motion by examining the following: ROD DIRECTION OUT lamp lit, CERPIs and/or step counters indicate motion. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 4: ATTEMPTS TO STOP ROD MOTION BY SWITCHING RODS TO MANUAL. (Step 2) STANDARD: a)

  • Rotates ROD CONT MODE SEL Switch from AUTO to MANUAL. This is a critical step. b) Determines that rod motion has not stopped by: serving ROD DIRECTION OUT lamp lit, and/or observing rod step counters showing outward motion, and/or step counters making an audible "clicking" noise EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Placing ROD CONT MODE SEL Switch to MANUAL is only a critical step if switch is in AUTO. ROD CONT MODE SEL switch may be placed in AUTO. This is acceptable by OP-ZZ-002 if Tave is within 1 degree of Tref. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 5 of 8 STEP 5: INITIATES UNIT REACTOR TRIP. (Step 2-RNO) STANDARD: a) *Manually initiates reactor trip by depressing the Benchboard 1-1 and/or Benchboard 1-2 Reactor Trip pushbutton. This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 6: REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR. (Step 2-RNO) STANDARD: a) Performs immediate actions of 1-E-0. Check Rx. Trip by verifying all rods on bottom, Reactor trip and bypass breakers open, and neutron flux decreasing. Checks Turbine Trip by manually tripping the turbine, checking all turbine stop valves are closed, isolating reheaters by closing 1-MS-SOV-104 and checking the generator output breakers are open. Checks both AC Emergency busses energized. Checks if SI is actuated or if it is required. b) Verbal status report made that immediate actions completed (with tripping of reactor). EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If operator continues with actions of verifying reactor trip by performing E-0 immediate operator actions, let the operator continue E-0 immediate action steps until completion. When the candidate completes this step then inform the candidate that the task is complete COMMENTS: ** JPM COMPLETE ** _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STOP TIME:

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Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 6 of 8 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Task Task is to be performed in the simulator. Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task. Initial Conditions Plant is at 100% power with all systems in AUTO. 1-MS-PT-1446, Channel III Turbine First Stage Pressure has failed low. 0-AP-53.00 actions have been completed with 1-MS-PT-1447, Channel IV Turbine First Stage Pressure selected. All components have been returned to Automatic with the exception of Rod Control. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 Reactor Operator. Restore Control Bank "D" to 228 steps in three (3) step increments. When complete, return Rod Control to AUTO. When you have completed this task, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 7 of 8 Reference for Evaluator Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Plant is at 100% power with all systems in AUTO. 1-MS-PT-1446, Channel III Turbine First Stage Pressure has failed low. 0-AP-53.00 actions have been completed with 1-MS-PT-1447, Channel IV Turbine First Stage Pressure selected. All components have been returned to Automatic with the exception of Rod Control. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 Reactor Operator. Restore Control Bank "D" to 228 steps in three (3) step increments.

When complete, return Rod Control to AUTO. When you have completed this task, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 1 of 13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 004A4.07 3.9/3.7] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Perform an Alternate Dilution of the RCS. K/A: Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Boration/dilution 3.9 / 3.7 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 10 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be Performed in the simulator. A ramp increase in power is occurring which requires a dilution. Standards 1-OP-CH-021, Alternate Dilution Using Blender. Initiating Cues Reactivity SRO Direction. A ramp increase in power requires a Dilution. Terminating Cues Report to Shift Supervision, blender returned to automatic. Procedures 1-OP-CH-021, Alternate Dilution Using Blender, Rev 16 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 2 of 13 Simulator Setup Reset to IC 272 OR Call up 25% power IC and initialize. Place simulator in RUN. Ramp the Unit to 30% power and match Tave and Tref. Shift Station Service bus power from RSSTs to SSTs. Set PG Flow Control 1-CH-FC-1114A to 4.0 on the pot. Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 30% power. The 30% hold for a flux map on Unit 1 is complete. Power escalation to 100% in accordance with 1-GOP-1.5, Unit Startup, 2% to Reactor Power to Max Allowable Power, is about to recommence. Initiating Cues You are to perform a 200 gallon Alternate Dilute only to the suction of the charging pump in accordance with 1-OP-CH-021. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this task, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 3 of 13 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator This JPM may be Pre-briefed as directed by the Chief Examiner. Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME_______: STEP 1: 1-OP-CH-021, Initial Conditions. Check Primary Grade water is available to the Blender. STANDARD: a) Candidate checks PG pressure normal on Boron Recovery Panel. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: 1-OP-CH-021, Precautions and Limitations.

Candidate reviews and initials Precautions and Limitations. STANDARD: a) Candidate Reviews and initials P&L 4.1 through 4.8. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 4 of 13 STEP 3:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.1) Candidate acknowledges two (2) NOTES prior to Step 5.1. Candidate Notifies Shift Supervision of Impending Dilution. STANDARD: a) Candidate acknowledges this subsection is used for the first dilution of the shift. Attachment 1 is used for subsequent dilutions. b) Candidate identifies excess letdown NOT in service, 1-OP-CH-007 not required. c) Candidate Notifies Shift Supervision/Evaluator of impending Alternate Dilution. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

When notified: Acknowledge Candidate will be performing an Alternate Dilution. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 4: 1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.2) Notify STA of impending Alternate Dilution. STANDARD: a) Candidate notifies STA/Evaluator of impending Alternate Dilute. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

When notified: Acknowledge Candidate will be performing an Alternate Dilution.


_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 5 of 13 STEP 5:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.3) Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in STOP STANDARD: a) Candidate places Blender Mode Control switch in STOP position. b) Candidate Checks RED Light out and GREEN light illuminates. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

If asked: Acknowledge Candidates request for a peer check.


_______ UNSAT STEP 6: 1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.4) Adjust PG Flow Rate and Total gallons for the Dilution.

STANDARD: a) Checks 1-CH-FC-1114A, PG Flow CNTRL set at 100 gpm (refers to Attachment 2, as necessary. b) Determines required integrator setpoint by filling in blank for desired dilution, subtracting anticipated additional flow using P&L 4.7 as required, and writing 196 in GPM blank. c) Enter value in 1-YS-1114 PRI WATER SUP BATCH INTEGRATOR.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked concerning a) above: PG Flow Control not previously set. If asked concerning IV for Steps a) and b) above: State that the Candidate may assume an IV has been performed, please continue with the Task.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 6 of 13 STEP 7:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.5) Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the ALT DIL position. STANDARD: *a) Places the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the ALT DIL position. This is a critical step.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: 1-CH-FCV-1113A automatically CLOSES. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 8: 1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.6) Place 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, in the CLOSE position. STANDARD: a) Candidate remembers from Directions that PG flow is to be aligned to the charging pump suction. *b) Places 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, in the CLOSE position. This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: PG flow is to be aligned to the charging pump suction.


_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 7 of 13 STEP 9:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.7 and 5.1.8) Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position. STANDARD: *a) Places the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position. This is a critical step b) Checks the following conditions: a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER, is closed. b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP, is open. c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO c) Checks flow indicated on 1-CH-FR-1113, PG Flow, equals desired flow rate. d) Checks Integrator counting to desired total gallons. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 10: 1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.9 and 5.1.10) Stopping dilution. STANDARD: a) Candidate monitors Dilution and Stops the dilution by: Placing MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position, OR Observing 1-CH-FCV-1113B closes and Integrator total gallons settles on 200 gallons (199-201). EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Candidate may perform either bulleted item listed above.

  • Ceasing of the Dilution is critical for this step. (Range of 199-201 due to blender overshoot or undershoot) COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 8 of 13 STEP 11:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.11, 5.1.12, 5.1.13) Return the Blender to Automatic. STANDARD: a) Places the control switch for 1-CH-FCV-1114B to AUTO position. b) Places the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position. *c) Places the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL to START. This is a critical step.


_______ UNSAT Notify Shift Supervision/Evaluator of Blender status. END OF JPM. STOP TIME: _______________________________________

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Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 30% power. The 30% hold for a flux map on Unit 1 is complete. Power escalation to 100% in accordance with 1-GOP-1.5, Unit Startup, 2% to Reactor Power to Max Allowable Power, is about to recommence. Initiating Cues You are to perform a 200 gallon Alternate Dilute only to the suction of the charging pump in accordance with 1-OP-CH-021. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this task, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 30% power. The 30% hold for a flux map on Unit 1 is complete. Power escalation to 100% in accordance with 1-GOP-1.5, Unit Startup, 2% to Reactor Power to Max Allowable Power, is about to recommence. Initiating Cues You are to perform a 200 gallon Alternate Dilute only to the suction of the charging pump in accordance with 1-OP-CH-021. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this task, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 1 of 12 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR09301 Simulator Job Performance Measure WE14EA1.3 (3.3/3.8)

Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________

Examiner_______________________________ Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title CONFIGURE SPRAY SYSTEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ECA-1.1 (LOSS OF EMERGENCY RECIRCULATION). K/A: WE14EA1.3 Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the (High Containment Pressure). Desired operating results during abnormal and emergency situations. Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 10 Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. A LBLOCA has occurred and both LHSI pumps are inoperable. 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, has been performed up to step 8. Standards 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, steps 8 and 9 are complete which result in 1-RS-P-2B in service to 1-RS-E-1D (with service water aligned) and 1-CS-P-1A and 1B in service. Initiating Cues 1-ECA-1.1 step 8. Shift Manager direction Terminating Cues 1-ECA-1.1 steps 8 and 9 complete. Procedures 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, Rev. 37.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 2 of 12 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Simulator Setup Call up 100% power IC and initialize (or IC-270). Enter the following malfunctions: o RS1001- TRN A HI HI CLS FAILS TO ACTIVATE- INSERT o RS1002- TRN B HI HI CLS FAILS TO ACTIVATE- INSERT o RC0102- RCS COLD LEG B PIPE RUPTURE- INSERT o RS0702- LOSS OF INSIDE RECIRC SPR PP 1B - Trigger 4 o SI0901- LHSI PUMP SI-P-1A OVERCURRENT TRIP- Trigger 1 o SI0902- LHSI PUMP SI-P-1B OVERCURRENT TRIP- Trigger 1 Setup the following event trigger- Event action- rsp1b_amp>0.1 - Event 4 Set up the following switch override- MOVSW104A_OPEN- OFF - INSERT Set up the following MOV override - SWMOV105C_BKR - set to OPEN and INSERT. Place the simulator in RUN and perform 1-E-0 steps, then transition to 1-E-1 and perform steps 1 on step 18 insert trigger 1 and transition to 1-ECA-1.1. Do not worry about stopping unloaded EDGs in E-1. Start 1-CS-P-1A and open 1-CS-MOV-101A/B and 1-CS-MOV-102A. Open 1-CS-MOV-101C, and 1-CS-MOV-101D. Ensure containment sump level is >4'. On recall of JPM, activate/check activated Trigger 4. Initial Conditions A LBLOCA has occurred with the failure of Hi-Hi CLS to function and failure of both LHSI pumps. 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, has been performed up to step 8. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Align Recirc Spray and Containment Spray in accordance with 1-ECA-1.1, steps 8 and 9. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Notes Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 3 of 12 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and noted at the end of the step as CRITIAL STEP. An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME: STEP 1: CAUTION AND NOTE PRIOR TO STEP 8 CAUTION: Operation of an OSRS pump without the associated CS pump could cause cavitation as indicated by fluctuating amperage. NOTE: If CLS can NOT be reset, local breaker operation will be required to stop CS and ISRS pumps. STANDARD: Acknowledges caution and note. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: Check for EITHER of the following (Step 8a): - RUNNING OR REQUIRED OR - LESS THAN 20%

STANDARD: Observes 1-CS-P-1A running and continues to substep b. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 4 of 12 STEP 3: Check CTMT sump level - GREATER THAN 4.0 ft (Step 8b). STANDARD: Verifies containment sump level >4'. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 4: Check SW aligned to at least two RS HXs (Step 8c). STANDARD: Observes that service water is not aligned to ANY RS HXs and goes to step 8c RNO. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 5 of 12 STEP 5: Align SW to at least two RS HXs (Step 8c RNO). STANDARD:

  • Opens 1-SW-MOV-103A- either this valve or 103B must be opened- one valve must be open as a critical step.
  • Opens 1-SW-MOV-103B- either this valve or 103A must be opened- one valve must be open as a critical step. Opens 1-SW-MOV-103C. Opens 1-SW-MOV-103D. Opens 1-SW-MOV-104A - Determines that valve will not open. Opens 1-SW-MOV-104B. Opens 1-SW-MOV-104C.
  • Opens 1-SW-MOV-104D - This is a critical step. Opens 1-SW-MOV-105A. Opens 1-SW-MOV-105B. Opens 1-SW-MOV-105C - Determines that valve will not open.
  • Opens 1-SW-MOV-105D - This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A BOOTH NOTE: If asked: Trainee may dispatch operator to investigate supply breaker to 1-SW-MOV-104A. Report time compression has occurred and there are no abnormal indications on 1-SW-MOV-104A (1H1-2N-7B) supply breaker. If asked: Trainee may dispatch operator to investigate supply breaker for 1-SW-MOV-105C. Report time compression has occurred and that the supply breaker (1H1-2N-8C) has tripped. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 6 of 12 STEP 6: Start RS pumps associated with aligned RS HXs (Step 8d) STANDARD: Trainee starts 1-RS-P-1B ("B" RS HX) Trainee observes that 1-RS-P-1B tripped and continues.
  • Trainee starts 1-RS-P-2B ("D" RS HX) - This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A BOOTH NOTE: If directed to investigate breaker for 1-RS-P-1B (14J4), report that breaker is tripped as indicated by a 'Bell Lockout'.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 7: CAUTIONS PRIOR TO STEP 9 CAUTION: CHG and LHSI pumps taking suction from the RWST must be stopped when level decreases to 6%. CS pumps taking suction from the RWST must be stopped when level decreases to 3%. STANDARD: Acknowledges cautions EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 7 of 12 STEP 8:

Determine number of CS pumps required (Step 9a): STANDARD: Determines that containment pressure is between 14 psia and 60 psia, fewer than two RS pumps are running, and determines that 2 CS pumps are required. EVALUATOR'S CUE: If asked, there are no abnormalities noted on either containment spray pump.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 9: CS pumps running - EQUAL TO NUMBER REQUIRED (Step 9b) STANDARD: Determines that 2 CS pumps are required, but only 1 currently in service. Goes to step 9 RNO. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 8 of 12 STEP 10:

Do the following (Step 9b RNO): 1) Manually operate CS pump(s). 2) Close associated CS pump discharge MOVs for stopped pump(s): -CS-P-1A, 1-CS-MOV-101A and 1-CS-MOV-101B -CS-P-1B, 1-CS-MOV-101C and 1-CS-MOV-101D STANDARD:

  • Trainee starts 1-CS-P-1B. This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 11:

REPORT TO SHIFT SUPERVISOR (EVALUATOR). STANDARD: Verbal status report that CS and RS have been aligned in accordance with ECA-1.1 steps 8 & 9.


_______ UNSAT STOP TIME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Task Task is to be performed in the simulator. Perform Steps 8 and 9 of 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, to align Recirc Spray and Containment Spray systems. Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task Initial Conditions A LBLOCA has occurred with the failure of Hi-Hi CLS to function and failure of both LHSI pumps. 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, has been performed up to step 8. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Align Recirc Spray and Containment Spray in accordance with 1-ECA-1.1, steps 8 and 9. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions A LBLOCA has occurred with the failure of Hi-Hi CLS to function and failure of both LHSI pumps. 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, has been performed up to step 8. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Align Recirc Spray and Containment Spray in accordance with 1-ECA-1.1, steps 8 and 9. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 1 of 20 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure EPEE02.EK3.3 (3.9/3.9) Alternate Path Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Re-establish Normal Letdown Following SI K/A: EPEEE02.EK3.3 Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the (SI Termination): Manipulation of controls required to obtain desired operating results during abnormal, and emergency situations. 3.9 / 3/9 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/ 35 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. A spurious SI has occurred. E-0 has been performed, SI reduction criteria are satisfied, transition made to ES-1.1, and it has been performed through Step 14. Standards Excess letdown placed in service. Initiating Cues 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination, Step 15. Shift Manager direction. Terminating Cues Report received that excess letdown is in service per 1-OP-CH-006. Procedures 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination, Rev. 48. 1-OP-CH-006, Shifting or Increasing/Decreasing Letdown Flow, Rev.20.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 2 of 20 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 3 of 20 Simulator Setup Call up 100% power IC and initialize (IC 268). Place simulator in RUN. Initiate SI. Perform E-0, reset SI, verify SI reduction criteria satisfied, transition to ES-1.1 and perform it through Step 14. Allow simulator until SR energize, place in freeze and snap until ready to run JPM. Close 1-CH-LCV-1460A & B. Initiate failure 1-CH-LCV-1460A shut; Switch O/R, CHLCV460A_CLOSE, ON, INSERT; CHLCV-460A_OPEN, OFF, INSERT. Open 1-CC0TV-109B. Press Green Pushbutton on 1-DG-TV-108A/B and pump down the PDTT. Set seal injection at 8 gpm. Verify PRZR Level Control Channel Select Switch is in the III/II position. Freeze simulator at these conditions for JPM performance. Initial Conditions Plant was at 100% power with all systems operating normal and in automatic. The crew is currently recovering from a spurious SI initiation. 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination has been completed up to Step 15. SI has been reset. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Re-establish letdown by performing step 15 of 1-ES-1.1. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Notes Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 4 of 20 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Operator is given a copy of 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination, Step 15. When Operator determines the need to place excess letdown in service, give them a copy of 1-OP-CH-006, Shifting or Increasing/Decreasing Letdown Flow. Task critical elements are bolded and noted at the end of the step as CRITIAL STEP. START TIME:_______________: STEP 1: Adjust charging line flow to establish > 40 gpm. (Step 15a of ES-1.1) STANDARD: Checks that indicated CHG line flow is greater than 40 gpm by observing flow on 1-CH-FI-1122A. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 2: Open Letdown Line pressure control valve. (Step 15 b of ES-1.1) 1-CH-PCV-1145 STANDARD: *(a) Places 1-CH-PCV-1145 controller into MANUAL. This is a critical step. *(b) Adjusts demand increase button until 1-CH-PCV-1145 indicates open (zero demand indicated). This is a critical step.


Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 5 of 20 STEP 3:

Check closed or close letdown orifice isolation valves. (Step 15 c of ES-1.1) 1-CH-HCV-1200A 1-CH-HCV-1200B 1-CH-HCV-1200C STANDARD: a) Checks 1-CH-HCV-1200A closed. b) Checks 1-CH-HCV-1200B closed. c) Checks 1-CH-HCV-1200C closed. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:


COMMENTS: b STEP 4: Open letdown isolation valves. (Step 15 d of ES-1.1) STANDARD: *a) Opens 1-CH-TV-1204A. This is a critical step. *b) Opens 1-CH-TV-1204B. This is a critical step. *c) Attempts to open 1-CHLCV-1460A, Valve will not open. *d) Goes to Step 15 RNO, Establish excess letdown IAW 1-OP-CH-006, Shifting or Increasing/Decreasing letdown Flow. This is a critical step.


[This step is the Fault] The Operator should determine the letdown isolation valve 1-CH-LCV-1460A has failed and apply the RNO for placing excess letdown in service. Operator may reduce charging at this point to minimize it to attempt to maintain PRZR level. When Operator determines the need to perform 1-OP-CH-006, hand him/her a copy of the procedure.


_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 6 of 20 STEP 5: 1-OP-CH-006.

OBTAINS COPY OF 1-OP-CH-006 FROM EVALUATOR STANDARD: (a) Reviews initial conditions, precautions and limitations. (b) Determines Section 5.1 is to be used. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 6: 1-OP-CH-006. (Steps 5.1.1 thru 5.1.4) CHECK ALL LOOP DRAINS AND EXCESS LETDOWN ISOLATIONS ARE SHUT STANDARD: (a) Verifies all loop drains are shut (1-RC-1557A, B, and C) using control board indicator lights. (b) Verifies excess letdown HX isolation is shut (1-CH-HCV-1201) using control board indicator lights. (c) Verifies excess letdown flow setpoint is at zero (1-CH-HCV-1137). (d) Verifies excess letdown divert valve (1-CH-HCV-1389) is set to VCT.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 7 of 20 STEP 7: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.5 and 5.1.6) OPENS RCP SEAL RETURN, 1-CH-MOV-1381. Check running at least one CCW pump. STANDARD: *(a) Opens RCP seal return isolation (1-CH-MOV-1381) using control board controls. This is a critical step. (b) Checks at least one CC pump running using control board indications. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Step 5.1.7 is N/A.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 8: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.8 thru 5.1.12)

VERIFIES LETDOWN HX TEMPERATURE CONTROL AND EXCESS LETDOWN READY FOR SERVICE. STANDARD: (a) Checks 1-CC-FI-109, LETDOWN HX OUTLET FLOW is ~ 160 gpm. (b) Applies note concerning 1-CC-HCV-108. (c) Checks 1-CC-TI-108, LETDOWN HX OUTLET TEMP, is indicating ambient. (d) Checks 1-CH-PI-1138, EXCESS LETDOWN HX OUTLET PRESS, is approximately 50 psig. (e) Checks 1-CH-TI-1139, EXCESS LETDOWN HX OUTLET TEMP, is indicating ambient. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 8 of 20 STEP 9: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.13 thru 5.1.23) ESTABLISH EXCESS LETDOWN FLOW PATH. STANDARD: (a) Acknowledges note on first directing excess letdown to the PDTT. *(b) Places 1-CH-HCV-1389, EXCESS LETDOWN DIVERT, to the PDTT. Verifies position by board indications. This is a critical step. (c) Verifies 1-CH-PI-1138, EXCES LETDOWN HX OUTLET PRESS, indicates ~ 10 psig. *(d) Opens 1-CH-HCV-1201, EXCESS HX LETDOWN ISOLATION, and verifies position by board indications. This is a critical step. (e) Records charging flow. (f) Acknowledges note on excess letdown effect on calorimetric. (g) N/A's step for calorimetric being performed. (h) Acknowledges cautions on opening loop drains. *(i) Opens one and only one loop drain (1-RC-HCV-1557A, B, or C). Verifies position by board indications. This is a critical step. (j) Acknowledges notes on excess letdown flow rate and use of Attachment 1. *(k) Slowly opens 1-CH-HCV-1137, EXCESS LETDOWN FLOW, until 15 gpm to PDTT. This is a critical step. (l) Place 1-CH-FC-1122C, CHARGING FLOW CONTROL, in Manual and raise charging flow 15 gpm from initial value. (m) Verifies excess letdown temperature 1-CC-TI-108 is < 150°F and 1-CH-TI-1139 is < 195°F. (m) Records pot setting for 1-CH-HCV-1137. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: A calorimetric is not being performed If asked: As the Shift Manager, direct the Operator to use the "A" loop drain path.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 9 of 20 STEP 10: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.24 thru 5.1.26) ESTABLISH EXCESS LETDOWN FLOW PATH THROTTLES EXCESS LETDOWN AND TRANSFERS TO VCT. STANDARD: (a) Throttles 1-CH-HCV-1137 to 5 gpm. (b) Acknowledges Notes. *(c) When PDTT increases 10% (1-DG-LI-107) selects "VCT" on 1-CH-HCV-1389. This is a critical step. (d) Increase 1-CH-HCV-1137 to previous recorded setpoint. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: To expedite JPM, Evaluator may time compress and direct Operator PDTT level has increased by at least 10% from the original point. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 11: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.27 thru 5.1.31)

Checks Parameters.

STANDARD: (a) Checks RCP seal leakoff is in normal band (approx. 2 -3 gpm). (b) Checks 1-CH-PI-1138 ~ 65 psig. (c) Acknowledges CAUTION concerning CH flow greater than expected, a leak on excess letdown flowpath is a possibility. (d) Verifies charging flow stable at ~ 15 gpm greater than previously recorded value. (e) Verifies 1-CC-TI-108 < 150F, and 1-CH-TI-1139 < 195F. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: When Excess Letdown is in service, you can inform the Operator someone else will finish the procedure and terminate the JPM. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 10 of 20 Step 12 REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR). Standards Verbal status report made that Step 15 completed and letdown has been re-established. Evaluator's Comments STOP TIME:________________ STOP TIME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task. Initial Conditions Plant was at 100% power with all systems operating normal and in automatic. The crew is currently recovering from a spurious SI initiation. 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination has been completed up to Step 15. SI has been reset. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Re-establish letdown by performing step 15 of 1-ES-1.1. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. .

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Plant was at 100% power with all systems operating normal and in automatic. The crew is currently recovering from a spurious SI initiation. 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination has been completed up to Step 15. SI has been reset. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Re-establish letdown by performing step 15 of 1-ES-1.1. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 1 of 8 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure APE054.AA1.01 (4.5 / 4.4)

Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________ Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Cross-Connect AFW from Unit 1 to Unit 2. K/A: APE054.AA.01: Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Loss of Main Feedwater (MFW) - AFW controls, including the use of alternate AFW sources (RO 4.5/SRO 4.4.) Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I) 10 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the Simulator. Unit 1 is at 100% power with all systems normal and in AUTO. Unit 2 is experiencing a loss of all Feed Water. Standards 2-FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, step 3d RNO, steps d3 through d5, Revision 34. Initiating Cues Shift Manager Direction. 2-FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, step 3d RNO, steps d3 through d5. Terminating Cues 2-FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, step 3d RNO, step d5 complete. Confirmation of AFW to Unit 2 from Unit 2 Operator. Procedures 2-FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, Revision 36 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None Standard Personal Safety Equipment Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 2 of 8 Simulator Setup Reset to IC 269 OR Call up 100% power IC and initialize. Trip Unit 2, Remotes, Station Protection Unit 2, RXTRIP_UNIT2, and wait for swapover. Secure Unit 2 RCPs: Remotes, EL2, EL25A3_bkr / EL25B3_bkr / EL25C3_bkr, Open. Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 100% power with all systems normal and in AUTO. Unit 2 is experiencing a loss of all Feed Water. Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of all feedwater. They are in 2-FR-H.1 at step 3d RNO and need Aux Feed flow from both Unit 1 motor-driven AFW pumps. All Unit 2 RCPs have been secured. 1J bus will remain on its current (normal) power supply. Initiating Cues You are to cross-connect Aux Feedwater from Unit 1 to Unit 2 in accordance with 2-FR-H.1 3d RNO. RNO steps d. 1) and d. 2) are complete. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Evaluator Notes Operator is provided with a copy of 2-FR-H.1, step 3 during directions. Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*).

Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 3 of 8 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee, and respond as the Unit 2 Reactor Operator. START TIME: STEP 1: (Step 3d RNO, d 3), 2-FR-H.1)

CLOSES THE UNIT 1 AFW MOVs STANDARD: Closes and verifies closed indication (green light on - red light off) the following AFW MOVs: *(a) 1-MOV-FW-151A. This is a critical step. *(b) 1-MOV-FW-151B. This is a critical step. *(c) 1-MOV-FW-151C. This is a critical step. *(d) 1-MOV-FW-151D. This is a critical step. *(e) 1-MOV-FW-151E. This is a critical step. *(f) 1-MOV-FW-151F. This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: 1) 2-handed operation is allowed. 2) Not sequence dependant. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: (Step 3d RNO, d4, 2-FR-H.1) OPENS THE AFW CROSS-CONNECT VALVES TO SUPPLY UNIT 2.


  • (a) Places control switch for 2-MOV-FW-260A to the OPEN position. *(b) Places control switch for 2-MOV-FW-260B to the OPEN position. (c) Checks 2-MOV-FW-260A open indication received (red on & green off). (d) Checks 2-MOV-FW-260B open indication received (red on & green off). (e) Acknowledges annunciator D-D-4, AFW X-TIE MOVS NOT FULLY CLOSED. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 4 of 8 STEP 3: (Step 3d RNO, d5, 2-FR-H.1) STARTS THE UNIT 1 MOTOR DRIVEN AFW PUMPS. STANDARD: (a) Announces AFW pump start over Gai-tronics system. *(b) Starts 1-FW-P-3A by placing control switch to START. (c) Verifies start indications (red light on & amps indicated), *(d) Starts 1-FW-P-3B by placing control switch to START. (e) Verifies start indications (red light on & amps indicated). (f) Checks no Unit 1 AFW flow indicated on 1-FW-FI-100A, B & C. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

Unit 2: Following Start of 1-FW-P-3A and 1-FW-P-3B, report that AFW flow is indicated on Unit 2. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 5: REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR). STANDARD: Reports to the Shift Manager (Evaluator) TASK COMPLETE. . EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Operator may throttle AFW to restore S/G level.Evaluator option to stop JPM at any time after AFW pumps are started. COMMENTS: JPM COMPLETE _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 5 of 8 STOP TIME:






____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Task Task is to be performed in the Simulator. Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task. Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 100% power with all systems normal and in AUTO. Unit 2 is experiencing a loss of all Feed Water. Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of all feedwater. They are in 2-FR-H.1 at step 3d RNO and need Aux Feed flow from both Unit 1 motor-driven AFW pumps. All Unit 2 RCPs have been secured. 1J bus will remain on its current (normal) power supply. Initiating Cues You are to cross-connect Aux Feedwater from Unit 1 to Unit 2 in accordance with 2-FR-H.1 3d RNO. RNO steps d. 1) and d. 2) are complete. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. .

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 100% power with all systems normal and in AUTO. Unit 2 is experiencing a loss of all Feed Water. Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of all feedwater. They are in 2-FR-H.1 at step 3d RNO and need Aux Feed flow from both Unit 1 motor-driven AFW pumps. All Unit 2 RCPs have been secured. 1J bus will remain on its current (normal) power supply. Initiating Cues You are to cross-connect Aux Feedwater from Unit 1 to Unit 2 in accordance with 2-FR-H.1 3d RNO. RNO steps d. 1) and d. 2) are complete. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 1 of 14 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 015A4.03 3.8 / 3.9] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Remove Source Range NIs From Service During a Reactor Startup. K/A: 015A4.03 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Trip bypasses 3.8 / 3.9 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I) 10 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. Reactor power is at approximately 1.2 x 10-10 amps during a startup, and the SR high voltage cannot be removed from either N-31 or N-32. Standards 1-AP-4.00, Nuclear Instrumentation Malfunction Initiating Cues Shift manager Direction. Terminating Cues 1-AP-4.00, Nuclear Instrumentation Malfunction, Step 38 complete. Procedures 1-AP-4.00, Nuclear Instrumentation Malfunction, Rev 30. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 2 of 14 Simulator Setup Call up IC-14, S1C26 10-8 Amps D-131 Steps MSTV Shut, and initialize. Place simulator in RUN. Perform the startup to obtain power at 1.2 x 10-10 amps (or slightly greater), then implement switch overrides (SRTRP_BLK_TRA_PB, and SRTRP_BLK_TRB_PB, override OFF, Insert), Flux Level Trip Cutout Pushbuttons. Freeze the simulator until ready for operator to perform JPM. Do not allow the SUR to be greater than +0.1 dpm. Initial Conditions During a Reactor startup, when P-6 was reached the Operator pushed 1/N-33A TR A and 1/N-33B TR B to de-energize the Source Range NIs. Both N-31 and N-32 failed to de-energize. Initiating Cues You are the RO. Respond to a failure of both Source Range NIs in accordance with 1-AP-4.00, NI Malfunction. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 3 of 14 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME: _________________________. STEP 1: AP-4.00, (Step 1) Check NI Malfunction - Power Range Failure. STANDARD: (a) Enters 1-AP-4.00 at Step 1. (b) Determines failure not in Power Range NI and goes to Step 10. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: NONE COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: AP-4.00, (Step 10) Check NI Malfunction - Intermediate Range Failure. STANDARD: (a) Determines failure not in Power Range NI and goes to Step 19. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: NONE COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 3: AP-4.00, (Step 19) Check NI Malfunction - Source Range Failure.

STANDARD: (a) Determines failure is in Source Range NIs and continues. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: NONE COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 4 of 14 STEP 4: AP-4.00, Step 20 STABILIZE UNIT CONDITIONS. STANDARD: (a) Verifies Unit conditions stable with a zero startup rate. (b) Maintains power with zero startup rate.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: A manual Reactor trip is NOT an acceptable action.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 5: AP-4.00. (Step 21) CHECK REACTOR POWER GREATER THAN P-6 (1X10-10). STANDARD: a) Checks Reactor power level greater than P-6 (1x 10-10 amps) by: observing INT RNG FLUX meters NI-1-35B and NI-1-36B, Benchboard 1-2, ~ 1.2 x 10-10 amps Meters on the IR CH 1 and CH2 Drawers ~ 1.2 x 10-10 amps. Permissive Status Light on Vertical Board 1-2, B-3, LIT. Trip Status Lights on Vertical Board 1-2, C-2 and D-2 LIT Bistable Light, Power Above Permissive P6, on IR CH-1 and CH2 Drawer, LIT. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: Indications and lights status is "as found". COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 5 of 14 STEP 6:

AP-4.00. (Step 22) CHECK BOTH SOURCE RANGE CHANNELS- HIGH VOLTAGE OFF STANDARD: (a) Determine that both SRNI Channels are still energized. (b) Pushes "1/N 33A TR A" pushbutton and "1/N 33B TR B" pushbutton. (c) Notes that N-31 and N-32 still have high voltage applied to the detectors. *(d) Places LEVEL TRIP switch for N-31 in BYPASS. This is a critical step. *(e) Removes INSTRUMENT POWER fuses for N-31. This is a critical step. *(f) Places LEVEL TRIP switch for N-32 in BYPASS. This is a critical step. *(g) Removes INSTRUMENT POWER fuses for N-32. This is a critical step. (h) Notes requirement to refer to Tech Spec Table 3.7-1 Item 4. (i) Notes requirement to make entry in PSL and Shift Turnover to reinstall fuses. (j) Goes to Step 38 of 1-AP-4.00. (k) Informs the Shift Manager that I&C and the OMOC must be notified EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

When Notified: Acknowledge that Tech Spec Table 3.7-1, item 4 requires review. When Notified: Acknowledge that I&C and OM on Call must be notified. When the Instrument Power fuses are pulled on the first channel, annunciator 1G-A3, "NIS SOURCE RNG LOSS OF DET VOLT" is received. It is acceptable to place both SRNI in LEVEL TRIP BYPASS before removing the INSTRUMENT POWER fuses.


_______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 7 REPORT TO NUCLEAR SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR). Standards Verbal status report that N-31 and N-32 have been removed from service IAW AP-4.00. Evaluator's Comments STOP TIME: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 6 of 14 COMMENTS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task. Initial Conditions During a Reactor startup, when P-6 was reached the Operator pushed 1/N-33A TR A and 1/N-33B TR B to de-energize the Source Range NIs. Both N-31 and N-32 failed to de-energize. Initiating Cues You are the RO. Respond to a failure of both Source Range NIs in accordance with 1-AP-4.00, NI Malfunction. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions During a Reactor startup, when P-6 was reached the Operator pushed 1/N-33A TR A and 1/N-33B TR B to de-energize the Source Range NIs. Both N-31 and N-32 failed to de-energize. Initiating Cues You are the RO. Respond to a failure of both Source Range NIs in accordance with 1-AP-4.00, NI Malfunction. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 1 of 13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 075A2.02 2.5 / 2.7] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Respond to a Low Level Transient K/A: 075A2.02 2.5/2.7, Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the circulating water system; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of circulating water pumps Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 14 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. Both units are at 100% power when a lightning strike trips 2G screenwell transformer. Standards Circ Water Pumps restored in accordance with AP-12.01, Loss of Intake Canal Level "prior to automatic protective actions." Initiating Cues LLIS TROUBLE annunciator. 500 KV HSE TROUBLE annunciator. Unit Two Circ Water Pumps secured. Terminating Cues 0-AP-12.01, Loss of Intake Canal Level, completed. Procedures 0-AP-12.01, Loss of Intake Canal Level, completed. Rev 30. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 2 of 13 Simulator Setup Call up 100% power IC and initialize. Place simulator in RUN. Implement EL0802, Loss of Screenwell Transformer 2, and place simulator in RUN. Acknowledge all annunciators and place simulator in FREEZE. Initial Conditions Both units are at 100% power when a lightning strike trips 2G screenwell transformer. Alarm VSP L-7 "LLIS TROUBLE" and VSP-K6 "500KV HSE TRBL" have alarmed eight (8) minutes ago. Security reports a lightning strike in the vicinity of the low level intake. All Unit 2 Circulating Water Pumps were initially running. Unit One and Unit Two Reactor Operators are currently throttling CW MOVs to conserve intake canal level. Initiating Cue You are the Unit 1 BOP. You are to respond to the loss of Circulating Water Pumps. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 3 of 13 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator When candidate identifies AP-12.01 as the guiding procedure, then provide a copy to the candidate. Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME_______: STEP 1: 0-AP-12.01 (Step 1) NOTE: EPIPs may be applicable. CHECKS ENTRY INTO THIS PROCEDURE -FROM AN EOP OR AN AP TO RESTORE SW FLOW TO THE CCHXs. STANDARD:

a) Acknowledges Note prior to Step 1. b) Identifies entry into this procedure is not from EOP or AP to restore SW. c) Goes to Step 3. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If Asked: Entry into this procedure not an attempt to restore SW. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 4 of 13 STEP 2:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 3) TRY TO MAINTAIN INTAKE CANAL LEVEL STANDARD: (a) Acknowledges CAUTIONs prior to step 3 regarding turbine stall flutter and reference to AP-14, if vacuum cannot be maintained. (b) Acknowledges NOTE prior to step 3 regarding potential need to trip one unit to reduce rate of intake canal drawdown. (c) Recalls that initial conditions revealed that Unit ROs were throttling waterboxes as required. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: Both units are currently throttling waterbox outlet MOVs as required due to loss of circ water pumps. If asked: Unit SRO will direct unit ramping as required. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 3: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 4) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL- DECREASING. STANDARD: a) Candidate identifies that 3 CW pumps are insufficient to supply two units CW requirement. (b) Candidate reads intake canal level indicator and determines downward trend. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 5 of 13 STEP 4:



_______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 5: 0-AP-12.01, Attachment 3. (Step 1) ATTACHMENT 3- REMOTE START OF CIRCULATING WATER PUMPS. STANDARD: (a) Candidate acknowledges NOTE prior to step (a) that requires 5-minute coastdown of CW pumps prior to starting. (b) Candidate checks 1G-2G Bus Tie Bkr Closed using "LLIS Electrical" PCS screen. (c) Trainee verifies that CW pumps are not in local by noting no white box around Unit 2 CW pumps on CW Pump PCS screen. *(d) Candidate calls up soft control box pumps to start CW pump by clicking on CW pump ICON on PCS CW screen. This is a critical step. *(e) Candidate enables soft control box for pump to be started by clicking on mark number box and verifies red border. This is a critical step. *(f) Candidate clicks "Start" button for pump to control that is active. This is a critical step. (g) Candidate verifies proper amp indication for pump started. *(h) Candidate completes steps (c) through (e) of attachment 3 for remaining Unit 2 CW pumps to be started. This is a critical step. (i) Candidate directs outside operator to perform post-start checks IAW respective OP 48.1.1. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: Greater than 5 minutes have elapsed since loss of transformer. If asked: 2A, 2B, 2C and 2D circ water pumps were previously in service. When Directed: Acknowledge as Outside Operator to perform post start checks of CW pumps IAW op-48.1.1. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 6 of 13 STEP 6:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 6) SEND OPERATOR TO LOW LEVEL INTAKE TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES. STANDARD: (a) Candidate acknowledges Note prior to step 6 regarding PIN number for ESW pump house and statement regarding CW pump restrictions when 1G-2G busses are cross-tied. (b) Sends an Operator to Low Levels to perform Attachment 2 and OP-48.1.1. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None.

Booth Operator: When directed: Acknowledge Direction to perform 0-AP-12.01, Attachment 2, Low Level Intake Responses; 0-OP-SW-002, Emergency Service Water Pump Operation; and OP-48.1.1. Starting any CW Pump. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 7: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 7) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL - GREATER THAN TRIP SETPOINT. STANDARD: Candidate determines that Intake canal level is greater than 23.5 feet and annunciator 1F-G-1, INTK CANAL LO LVL TRIP not lit. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: 2F-G1 not lit on Unit Two.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 7 of 13 STEP 8:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 8) CHECK CW LOSS - SUSTAINED WITH NO EXPECTATION OF RECOVERY STANDARD: a) Candidate identifies Canal Level Stable or increasing b) Candidate goes to Step 10 EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None.


_______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 9: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 10) CONTINUES TO REDUCE UNIT LOAD AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN VACUUM. STANDARD: Candidate determines that no actions are required based on number of CW pumps running EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Both unit's Reactor Operators have stopped throttling CW MOVs. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 8 of 13 STEP 10:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 11) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL - STABLE OR INCREASING. STANDARD: (a) Trainee evaluates canal level indication and/or trend recorder to verify canal level increasing. (b) Trainee then goes to Step 27 EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 11: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 27) NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING. STANDARD: (a) Candidate notifies Evaluator that the OM on Call, Manager Nuclear Operations and STA need to be notified. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Respond: Notifications will be made.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 9 of 13 STEP 12:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 28) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL- INCREASING. STANDARD: (a) Candidate acknowledges NOTE concerning Intake Canal Level must be maintained >17.2 feet. (b) Candidate evaluates canal level indication and/or trend recorder to and identifies canal level >17.2 feet, and increasing.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 13: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 29) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL - GREATER THAN 17.2 FT. STANDARD: (a) Candidate identifies canal level greater than 17.2 feet. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 10 of 13 STEP 14:


(a) Acknowledges NOTE regarding restoration of CCHX SW flow. (b) Candidate recognizes that no throttling of CCHW SW flow was performed, so no actions required on this step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: No actions were taken to reduce CCHX SW flow. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 15: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 31) CHECK CAUSE OF LEVEL DECREASE -CORRECTED. STANDARD: (a) Candidate identifies that restoration of CW pumps corrects cause of level decrease.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: Control Ops group will be notified to initiate troubleshooting on 2G transformer.


_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 11 of 13 STEP 16:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 32) RESTORE CW AND SW COMPONENTS (INCLUDING CW CHEMICAL INJECTION BY OPENING 1-SA-285 AND 2-SA-274) TO SUPPORT PLANT CONDITIONS. STANDARD: (a) Candidate reports that CW MOVs may be returned to previous position. (b) Candidate recognizes that chemical injections systems require no action. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 17 Candidate Reports completion of Task to Shift Manager END OF JPM STOP TIME: ____________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions Both units are at 100% power when a lightning strike trips 2G screenwell transformer. Alarm VSP L-7 "LLIS TROUBLE" and VSP-K6 "500KV HSE TRBL" have alarmed eight (8) minutes ago. Security reports a lightning strike in the vicinity of the low level intake. All Unit 2 Circulating Water Pumps were initially running. Unit One and Unit Two Reactor Operators are currently throttling CW MOVs to conserve intake canal level. Initiating Cue You are the Unit 1 BOP. You are to respond to the loss of Circulating Water Pumps. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Both units are at 100% power when a lightning strike trips 2G screenwell transformer. Alarm VSP L-7 "LLIS TROUBLE" and VSP-K6 "500KV HSE TRBL" have alarmed eight (8) minutes ago. Security reports a lightning strike in the vicinity of the low level intake. All Unit 2 Circulating Water Pumps were initially running. Unit One and Unit Two Reactor Operators are currently throttling CW MOVs to conserve intake canal level. Initiating Cue You are the Unit 1 BOP. You are to respond to the loss of Circulating Water Pumps. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 1 of 7 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 064.A4.06] [Alternate Path] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Respond to a Failure of #3 EDG to Start and Load on 1J 4160V Bus. K/A: 064.A4.06; Manual start, loading, and stopping of the ED/G, RO 3.9 / SRO 3.9 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO 20 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. A Loss of the "A" RSS Transformer has occurred. #3 EDG has failed to start and load. Standards

  1. 3 EDG started and loaded on the 1J Emergency Bus IAW 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations. Initiating Cue Shift Manager Direction. Terminating Cues Report of #3 EDG loaded on the 1J Emergency Bus. Procedures 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations, Revision 22. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 2 of 7 Simulator Setup Call up 100% power IC and initialize (IC 280). Place simulator in RUN. Load the following Malfunctions/Overrides: EL0501, Loss of reserve Station Service XMFMR A, TRUE ED0503, EDG3 Voltage Regulator Failure, -1 VSPC5 EMERG DIESEL 3 Auto Start Disabled, Trigger 15 Remotes, EDG3, AUTO_EXERCISE, EMERG GEN 3 AUTO EXERCISE, EXERCISE When #3 EDG placed in AUTO implement Trigger 15. When STOP buttons pushed delete VSPC5 malfunction. Acknowledge Alarms. Freeze and Snap IC until ready for evaluation. Initial Conditions Unit 1 operating at 100% power. The Loss of the "A" RSST has occurred and #3 EDG has failed to start and load on 1J 4160V Bus. Starting and loading #3 EDG on the 1J 4160V bus IAW 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations is in progress and is complete through step 3 of Attachment 2. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 2 BOP and are to continue with starting and loading of #3 EDG per 0-AP-17.05, starting with Attachment 2 step 4. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Notes Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 3 of 7 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator This JPM may be Pre-briefed as directed by the Chief Examiner. Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee, and perform actions for Unit 2. START TIME _____: STEP 1: [Step 4, 5, and 6 of Attachment 2, AP-17.05] Check Load Limit at maximum, Start EDG 3, Check #3 EDG Speed at 900 RPM, Place #3 EDG AUTO EXERCISE Switch in Auto. STANDARD: *a) Candidate presses the EDG NO. 3 Engine Start pushbutton. This is a critical step. b) Candidate will check EDG started using RPM indication. *c) Candidate will place the AUTO-EXERCISE Switch for EDG #3 in AUTO position. This is a critical step. d) Candidate will note that #3 EDG has not energized the 1J Bus. e) Candidate returns to AP-17.05, Step 8. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: STEP 2: [Step 8, AP-17.05]

CHECK BOTH J BUSES - ENERGIZED BY OFFSITE POWER STANDARD: a) Candidate Identifies 1J Bus is still de-energized. b) Candidate Goes To Step 10. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 4 of 7 STEP 3: [Notes prior to Step 10 of AP-17.05] Acknowledges NOTES: If the B DC Bus is deenergized, the EDG output breaker and the J Bus load breakers must be closed manually. The following conditions must exist for the EDG output breaker to close automatically: EDG speed greater than 870 rpm EDG INCOMING voltage greater than 113 volts J8 breaker open Control switch for the J3 breaker in AUTO AFTER TRIP DC control power available to the J3 breaker STANDARD: EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 4: [Step 10, AP-17.05]

CHECK EDG 3 - SUPPLYING J BUS STANDARD: a) Candidate Identifies 15J3 - NOT Closed. b) Candidate performs RNO. Identifies that loads are already stripped per Attachment 3. c) Candidate goes to step 15 EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 5: [Step 15, AP-17.05] CHECK EDG 3 INCOMING VOLTAGE GREATER THAN 113 VOLTS. STANDARD: a) *Candidate turns SYNC-ACB-15J3 key switch to ON. This is a critical step. b) *Candidate identifies no generator voltage and momentarily depresses EMERG GEN NO 3 FIELD FLASS pushbutton. Identifies Voltage established. This is a critical step. c) *Candidate attempts to raise incoming voltage to 120 volts using the EMERG GEN NO 3 VOLT ADJ control switch. This is a critical step. d) Candidate determines there is no Voltage increase, and goes to 15.c RNO.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 5 of 7 COMMENTS: STEP 6: [Step 15.c RNO, AP-17.05] SECURES #3 EDG. STANDARD: a) Candidate notifies Electrical Department. b) *Candidate secures #3 EDG by momentarily pressing the EMERG GEN NO.3 ENGINE STOP pushbuttons. This is a critical step. c) Candidate notifies Shift Manager. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked to notify the Electrical department: Acknowledge request. *Both ENGINE STOP pushbuttons must be depressed simultaneously. COMMENTS: JPM ENDS _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STOP TIME_______:

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 6 of 7 Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions Unit 1 operating at 100% power. The Loss of the "A" RSST has occurred and #3 EDG has failed to start and load on 1J 4160V Bus. Starting and loading #3 EDG on the 1J 4160V bus IAW 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations is in progress and is complete through step 3 of Attachment 2. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 2 BOP and are to continue with starting and loading of #3 EDG per 0-AP-17.05, starting with Attachment 2 step 4. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Unit 1 operating at 100% power. The Loss of the "A" RSST has occurred and #3 EDG has failed to start and load on 1J 4160V Bus. Starting and loading #3 EDG on the 1J 4160V bus IAW 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations is in progress and is complete through step 3 of Attachment 2. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 2 BOP and are to continue with starting and loading of #3 EDG per 0-AP-17.05, starting with Attachment 2 step 4. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 1 of 13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Job Performance Measure [KA APE068.AA1.21 3.9/4.1] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title LOCALLY TRANSFER INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS TO THE AUX SHUTDOWN PANEL K/A: APE068.AA1.21 Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Control Room Evacuation: Transfer of controls from control room to shutdown panel or local control 3.9 / 4.1 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 20 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be SIMULATED in the plant beginning at the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel. A limiting MCR fire has occurred. The MCR has been evacuated and attempts are being made to transfer plant control to the ASD Panel. Neither the H-Group nor the J-Group Transfer Switch will actuate its components. The crew is attempting to establish control from the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel. The H and J Group Transfer Switches have failed to function. Standards FCA-1.00, Attachment 2. Initiating Cues FCA-1.00, Limiting MCR Fire, Step 16 RNO Shift Manager direction. Terminating Cues Report received that FCA-1.00, Attachment 2 completed for Unit 1 components. Procedures FCA-1.00, Limiting MCR Fire, Attachment 2, Rev 48. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None Standard Personal Safety Equipment Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 2 of 13 Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. The MCR was evacuated due to a fire. The crew is attempting to establish control from the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel. The H and J Group Transfer Switches have failed to function. Initiating Cue Locally transfer the individual Unit 1 components to the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel in accordance with FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, Override Control to Auxiliary Shutdown Panel. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Notes to the Evaluator: Operator briefing should occur at the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel. This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT allow the operator to manipulate controls, operate switches or reposition valves. Task critical elements are denoted by an asterisk (*). If substeps of a critical element also have an asterisk (*), then only those asterisked substeps are critical to performance of that task element. Critical step sequencing requirements: None Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 3 of 13 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). START TIME_______: STEP 1: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2 (Caution Prior to Step 1) REVIEWS CAUTION PRIOR TO STEP 1. Standards Notes that this Attachment should not be performed if transfer failure is due to the emergency bus being de-energized Cues If asked: Both emergency buses are energized on Unit 1. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 2: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2 (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: Standards (a) Proceeds to H Bus 4160v breaker 15H4. *(b) Places 1-FW-P-3A's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43-15H4) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15H4) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-P-3A breaker indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 4 of 13 STEP 3:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-1A. Standards (a) Proceeds to H Bus 4160v breaker 15H5. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-1A's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43A-15H5) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15H5) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-1A breaker indicating lights, RED and GREEN OFF (control switch in PTL). Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 4: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-1C (NORM). Standards (a) Proceeds to H Bus 4160v breaker 15H6. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-1C's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43-15H6) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15H6) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FCH-P-1C breaker indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 5 of 13 STEP 5: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-1C (ALT). Standards (a) Proceeds to J Bus 4160v breaker 15J2. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-1C's (ALT) local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43-15J2) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15J2) to AUX P position.

Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-1C (ALT) breaker indicating lights, RED light and GREEN light OFF (switch in PTL). Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 6: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: 6. LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-P-3B. Standards (a) Proceeds to J Bus 4160v breaker 15J4. *(b) Places 1-FW-P-3B's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43-15J4) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15J4) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note:

If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-P-3B breaker indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 6 of 13 STEP 7:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-1B. Standards (a) Proceeds to J Bus 4160v breaker 15J5. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-1B's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43A-15J5) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15J5) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-1B breaker indicating lights, RED light and GREEN light OFF (switch in PTL).

Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 8: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-MS-SOV-102A. Standards (a) Proceeds to Aux SD Panel, locates Transfer Relay Cabinet 5. *(b) Places 1-MS-SOV-102A's local control box Mode switch (1-MS-43B-SMS102A) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-MS-43X-SMS102A) to AUX PANEL position. Cues If asked at ASP: RED Light LIT, GREEN light OFF, switch in CLOSE position. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 7 of 13 STEP 9:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-MS-SOV-102B. Standards (a) Locates Transfer Relay Cabinet #3 (left of Aux SD Panel). *(b) Places 1-MS-SOV-102B's local control box Mode switch (1-MS-43B-SMS102B) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-MS-43X-SMS102B) to AUX P position. Cues If asked at ASP: RED light ON, GREEN light OFF, switch in CLOSE position. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 10: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1, Page 2) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151A. Standards (a) Proceeds to Unit 1 Cable Vault Transfer Relay Cabinet 1. *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151A's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151A) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151A) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note:

If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151A indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 8 of 13 STEP 11:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151C. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet 1. *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151C's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151C) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151C) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151C indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 12: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151E. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet 1. *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151E's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151E) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151E) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note:

If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151EA indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 9 of 13 STEP 13:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-2A. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet 1. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-2A's local control box Mode switch (1-CH-43B-CH2A) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-CH-43X-CH2A) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-2A indicating lights, RED SLOW light LIT, switch in "A". Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 14: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151B. Standards (a) Proceeds to Unit 1 Cable Vault Transfer Relay Cabinet #2. *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151B's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151B) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151B) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151B indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 10 of 13 STEP 15:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151D. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet #2 *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151D's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151D) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151D) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151D indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 16: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151F. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet #2 *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151F's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151F) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151F) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151F indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 11 of 13 STEP 17:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-2B. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet #2 *(b) Places 1-CH-P-2B's local control box Mode switch (1-CH-43B-CH2B) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-CH-43X-CH2B) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-2B indicating lights, RED SLOW light LIT, GREEN light OFF, switch in "S".

Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 18: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-MOV-1350. Standards (a) Proceeds to Unit 1 Cable Vault Transfer Relay Cabinet 4. *(b) Places 1-CH-MOV-1350's local control box Mode switch (1-CH-43B-1350) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-CH-43X-1350) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-MOV-1350 indicating lights, GREEN light LIT, RED light OFF. IF Asked at the ASP: All components indicate shifted to ASP Control. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 12 of 13 REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR). Standards Verbal status report made that all affected Unit 1 components locally transferred to Aux Shutdown Panel. STOP TIME: ______ Evaluator's Comments Evaluator's Note If Asked: Components shown below indicate status. 1-FW-P-3A 1-MS-SOV-102A 1-MS-SOV-102B 1-FW-P-3B Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT Both Red Lites LIT Red Lite LIT 1-CH-P-1A 1-CH-P-1C 1-CH-P-1B 1-CH-P-1C (Alt) No Lites (PTL) Red Lite Lit No Lites (PTL) No Lites (PTL) 1-FW-MOV-151A 1-FW-MOV-151E 1-FW-MOV-151D 1-FW-MOV-151B Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT 1-FW-MOV-151C 1-FW-MOV-151F Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT 1-CH-P-2A 1-CH-P-2B Red SLOW LIT Red SLOW LIT Switch in "A" Switch in "S" Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 13 of 13 STOP TIME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. The MCR was evacuated due to a fire. The crew is attempting to establish control from the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel The H and J Group Transfer Switches have failed to function. Initiating Cue Locally transfer the individual Unit 1 components to the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel in accordance with FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, Override Control to Auxiliary Shutdown Panel. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. The MCR was evacuated due to a fire. The crew is attempting to establish control from the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel The H and J Group Transfer Switches have failed to function. Initiating Cue Locally transfer the individual Unit 1 components to the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel in accordance with FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, Override Control to Auxiliary Shutdown Panel.

When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 1 of 10 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Job Performance Measure 076A2.01 (3.5/3.7) [ALTERNATE PATH] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title ISOLATE SERVICE WATER TO #3 MER DURING FLOODING K/A: 076A2.01 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the SWS; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations; Loss of SWS. (3.5/3.7)

Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(D) 15 Minutes __________ Conditions Task is to be SIMULATED in the plant. Any plant mode/condition where a large SW leak in #3 MER has occurred. Standards Flooding isolated to #3 MER as indicated by decreasing water level in accordance with 0-AP-13.00 steps 38 and 39. Initiating Cues 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding, Step 38. Shift Manager direction. Terminating Cues 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding, Step 39 completed. Procedures 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding, Revision 28.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 2 of 10 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None Standard Personal Safety Equipment Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. There is a major Service Water leak in #3 MER. 1-SW-P-10B and 2-SW-P-10B have been secured.

1-VS-E-4A, 4B, and 4C have been secured. MER 3 Watertight Door has been checked closed. Initiating Cues The team has reached step 37 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding. You are to isolate Service Water to #3 MER in accordance with Steps 38 and 39 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding.

Notes to the Evaluator. Task briefing should occur in the pre-determined location.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 3 of 10 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). START TIME: STEP 1: [Step 38a, AP-13.00] ISOLATE SW TO MER 3: a) Fail 1-SW-263 closed by opening Circuit 8 on Lighting Panel 2T3 (located north of 2-FW-E-2A) STANDARD: Locates lighting panel 2T3 (located north of 2-FW-E-2A). *b) Opens circuit 8 on lighting panel 2-EP-LP-2T3- this is a critical step.


_______ UNSAT STEP 2:

STEP 38b- Verify open or open 1-SW-500, SW Header Crosstie (MER 4) STANDARD: (a) Proceeds to #4 MER. (b) Locates manual valve 1-SW-500 (halfway across room under smoke detector). (c) *Pulls pin from handwheel actuator. This is a critical step. (d) *Opens 1-SW-500 by rotating valve handwheel in the clockwise direction- This is a critical step. Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: Actual valve position in plant may be open or closed. Provide appropriate cue. Point at "CLOSED" indicator.


_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 4 of 10 STEP 3: Step 38c- Close 2-SW-476, Water Box 2C Isol (MER 4) STANDARD: (a) Locates 2-SW-476 (in #4 MER 2/3 of the way across the room on the right hand side. (b) Attempts to close 2-SW-476 by removing the locking pin and rotating the handwheel clockwise. (c) Recognizes that 2-SW-476 will not close and transitions to step 38c RNO column. Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: As operator attempts to close valve, the handwheel will not move. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 5 of 10 STEP 4: Step 38c RNO- Do the following: 1) Verify open or open 2-SW-533. 2) Close 2-SW-474, located in Unit 2 BC HX SW MOV pit. STANDARD: (a) *Opens 2-SW-533 (MER-5) - by rotating valve handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. This is a critical step. (b) Proceeds to Unit 2 BC HX SW MOV pit. (c) Locates manual valve 2-SW-474. (d) *Closes 2-SW-474 by removing the locking pin and rotating valve handwheel in the clockwise direction- this is a critical step. Evaluator's Cues For 2-SW-533, provide appropriate cue based on actual initial valve position in plant. If asked: After trainee identifies 2-SW-474, if expected mark number not verbalized, ask the trainee what they expect the label to read, then tell trainee the label reads 2-SW-474. If wrong valve identified, tell trainee that what they expected is not what it reads. If asked: Security has been notified for entry. Evaluator's Note Safety concern: Trainee does not have to travel down into the valve pits. He can identify which label he is looking at, tell the evaluator what he expects the label to read, and if correct (at the BC HX SW MOV PIT), the evaluator can then state the label reads 2-SW-474. The trainee can describe actions to complete valve manipulation from above. Security concern: Certain valve pits are now covered by grates. If the enclosure is to be opened, security should be contacted. It is acceptable for the trainee to describe the actions required to raise the grate(s) - utilize hand crank to raise the grating access door. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 6 of 10 STEP 5: Step 38d- Close 2-SW-478, SW Header Crosstie. (MER 4) STANDARD: (a) Locates 2-SW-478 (in #4 MER 2/3 of the way across the room on the right hand side). (b) Pulls pin from handwheel actuator. (c) *Closes 2-SW-478 by rotating valve handwheel in the clockwise direction- This is a critical step. Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: Provide appropriate cue for valve operation based on actual in plant valve position. Safety concern: Trainee does not have to crawl across pipes to check the valve labels at the east end of the #4 MER. He can identify which valve label he is looking at, and the evaluator can state the label reads "2-SW-478" if the correct label is identified. The trainee can then describe the required actions to complete valve manipulation from the west end of #4 MER. . COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 6: Step 38e- SECURE CHEMICAL INJECTION TO MER 3 SW SUPPLY HEADER IAW 0-OP-SW-006, MER 3 AND MER 4 SERVICE WATER CHEMICAL INJECTION OPERATION STANDARD: (a) Notifies Shift Manager (Evaluator) that Chemical Injection to MER 3 SW Supply Header needs to be secured IAW 0-OP-SW-006. Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: Unit 1 Turbine Building Operator will secure chemical injection.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 7 of 10 STEP 7: Step 39- CHECK WATER LEVEL IN MER 3 ON MER 4 GAUGE 2-PL-LI-201 - DECREASING STANDARD: (a) Locates MER 3 level gauge 2-PL-LI-201 in MER 4. (b) Checks that level in MER 3 is decreasing.

Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: After the operator locates MER 3 level gauge, tell him the level is 50" H2O and slowly decreasing. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 8: REPORT TO SHIFT SUPERVISOR (EVALUATOR). STANDARD: Verbal status report that steps 38 and 39 of 1-AP-13.00 are complete. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A STOP TIME: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STOP TIME: ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Surry SR14301 8 of 10 Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. There is a major Service Water leak in #3 MER. 1-SW-P-10B and 2-SW-P-10B have been secured. 1-VS-E-4A, 4B, and 4C have been secured. MER 3 Watertight Door has been checked closed. Initiating Cues The team has reached step 37 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding. You are to isolate Service Water to #3 MER in accordance with Steps 38 and 39 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. There is a major Service Water leak in #3 MER. 1-SW-P-10B and 2-SW-P-10B have been secured. 1-VS-E-4A, 4B, and 4C have been secured. MER 3 Watertight Door has been checked closed. Initiating Cues The team has reached step 37 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding. You are to isolate Service Water to #3 MER in accordance with Steps 38 and 39 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 1 of 16 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 061K4.01 4.1/4.2] [Alternate Path] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title LOCALLY SWAP THE AFW PUMP SUPPLY TO THE FIRE WATER ALTERNATE SOURCE (Faulted) K/A: Knowledge of AFW design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Water sources and priority of use. 4.1/4.2. Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 25 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be SIMULATED in the plant. A simulated loss of secondary heat sink is in progress. Both the ECST and underground tank levels are below 20% and it is desired to swap AFW pump suction to the Fire Main. Standards 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, part 4 Self-Checking (STAR) practices will be used throughout task performance. Operations Department Standards shall be adhered to. Terminating Cues Report received that alternate source aligned to AFW pumps. Any failure criteria listed under the Evaluation Criteria section above has been met. Candidate states "Task is complete." Procedures 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, part 4, Rev 36 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None Standard PPE Required.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 2 of 16 Initial Conditions Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of secondary heat sink and the team is currently at step 3 of 2-FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink. AFW cross-tie from Unit 1 is unavailable. An operator has attempted to open 2-CN-150 and the valve is stuck CLOSED. . Initiating Cues Align an alternate suction source to the Aux Feedwater pumps using the most preferred source available in accordance with 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1. Notes to the Evaluator: Brief of this JPM may be accomplished in the RP Briefing Room, outside of the RCA This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT allow the operator to manipulate controls, operate switches or reposition valves.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 3 of 16 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). START TIME_______: STEP 1: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 1 Select one of the following methods as an alternate source of Auxiliary Feedwater. Makeup to 2-CN-TK-1 from 2-CN-TK-2 Standards (a) Identifies this source is not available from initial conditions. Evaluator's Cues When attempts are made to open the valve, the handwheel will not turn with the chain. The valve is jammed closed. Evaluator's Notes 2-CN-150 is stuck closed. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 2 Alignment of AFW Booster Pump(s) DETERMINES AFW BOOSTER PUMPS ARE NOT AVAILABLE Standards (a) Check 2-CN-TK-3 level > 20%. Evaluator's Cues Inform operator that 2-CN-TK-3 level is < 10%. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 4 of 16 STEP 3: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 3. Cross-tie from Unit 1. Standards Based on directions given to operator, determines AFW crosstie from Unit 1 unavailable. Evaluator's Cues As the Shift Manager, I need you to determine an alternate method based on the information given. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 4: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part, (Step 4a) Fire Water Alignment to AFW Pumps. LOCALLY CLOSE THE FIRE MAIN ISOLATION VALVES TELL-TALE DRAIN, 2-FW-119 Standards (a) Proceeds to Unit 2 safeguards steam side. (b) Closes 2-FW-119 by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction. Evaluator's Cues When the valve is operated properly, the valve stem inserts until the handwheel will not turn. Evaluator's Notes 2-FW-119 is located between the fire main isolation valves near the stairway to the upper levels and is normally open. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 5 of 16 STEP 5: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step b.) Locally open fire main isolation valves: Standards *(a) Opens 2-FW-120 by turning handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. *(b) Opens 2-FW-185 by turning handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. Cues Provide cues valve stems rise as FW-120 & FW-185 are properly operated. Tell Operator: After both FW-120 & FW-185 opened, provide cues flow noise is momentarily heard through the valves. Tell Operator: If FW-119 NOT closed before opening FW-120 & FW-185, provide cues water is spraying out from 2-FW-119. Evaluator's Notes 2-FW-120 & -185 are located on ground level near stairway. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 6: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step 4 c.) Locally start diesel driven fire pump. STANDARD: a) Asks Shift Manager/Evaluator status of diesel driven fire pump. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: When asked: Diesel driven fire pump has been started. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 6 of 16 STEP 7: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step 4 d.) Locally open fire water suction valves to available AFW pump(s): STANDARD: a) Acknowledges NOTE prior to Step d: The following steps should be used as needed to align water to each AFW pump one at a time and the MCR informed after each pump alignment is complete. *b) Opens 2-FW-154, (for 2-FW-P-2) *c) Opens 2-FW-169, (for 2-FW-P-3A) *d) Opens 2-FW-184, (for 2-FW-P-3B) Evaluator's Cues Provide cues valve stems rise as each valve is properly operated.

If Notified: acknowledge opening 2-FW-154 / 169 / 184 as MCR Operator. If Asked: Inform Candidate that Unit 2 AFW Pumps have been secured due to cavitation. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Candidate informs MCR (Evaluator) following manipulation of each individual valve or wait until all valves for each pump have been manipulated. (Steps 8, 9, and 10 describe valve operations).

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 8: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step 4 d.) LOCALLY CHECK AFW PUMP SUCTION PRESSURE AVAILABLE Standards Checks each AFW pump suction pressure gauge to verify pressure available: (a) 2-FW-PI-256A (for 2-FW-P-2), (b) 2-FW-PI-256B (for 2-FW-P-3A), (c) 2-FW-PI-256C (for 2-FW-P-3B). Evaluator's Cues Provide cues each gauge indicates full range (> 30 psig). Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 7 of 16 STEP 9: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step 4 f.) LOCALLY CLOSE THE NORMAL AFW PUMP SUCTION VALVES Standards Closes/verifies closed the other AFW pump suction paths: *(a) Closes 2-FW-153 (ECST to 2-FW-P-2) by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction (b) Verifies 2-FW-283 closed (booster pps to 2-FW-P-2). *(c) Closes 2-FW-168 (ECST to 2-FW-P-3A) by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction (d) Verifies 2-FW-284 closed (booster pps to 2-FW-P-3A). *(e) Closes 2-FW-183 (ECST to 2-FW-P-3B) by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction (f) Verifies 2-FW-285 closed (booster pps to 2-FW-P-3B). Evaluator's Cues Provide cues valve stems go in as 2-FW-153, -168 & -183 are properly operated. Provide cues valve stems for 2-FW-283, -284 & -285 are as indicated (~1/2 inch showing). When notified: As each AFW pump valve alignment is complete, acknowledge completion of alignment as MCR Operator. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 8 of 16 STEP 10: REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR) Standards Verbal status report made that AFW pumps are on fire water suction per 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1. STOP TIME: ______________ Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT COMMENTS:

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of secondary heat sink and the team is currently at step 3 of 2-FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink. AFW cross-tie from Unit 1 is unavailable. An operator has attempted to open 2-CN-150 and the valve is stuck CLOSED. . Initiating Cues Align an alternate suction source to the Aux Feedwater pumps using the most preferred source available in accordance with 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of secondary heat sink and the team is currently at step 3 of 2-FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink. AFW cross-tie from Unit 1 is unavailable. An operator has attempted to open 2-CN-150 and the valve is stuck CLOSED. . Initiating Cues Align an alternate suction source to the Aux Feedwater pumps using the most preferred source available in accordance with 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 1 of 8 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure APE001.AA2.05 (4.4/4.6) [Alternate Path]

Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________ Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Respond to Continuous Rod Withdrawal K/A: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Continuous Rod Withdrawal: Uncontrolled rod withdrawal, from available indications. Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 3 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. Plant is at 100% power with all systems in AUTO. 1-MS-PT-1446, Channel III Turbine First Stage Pressure has failed low. 0-AP-53.00 actions have been completed with 1-MS-PT-1447, Channel IV Turbine First Stage Pressure selected. All components have been returned to Automatic with the exception of Rod Control. Standards Trip the Reactor in accordance with AP-1.00. Initiating Cues Continuous rod withdrawal motion indicated. Terminating Cues Unit 1 manual reactor trip implemented. Procedures 0-AP-1.00, Rod Control System Malfunction, Rev. 26. 1-OP-ZZ-002, Maintenance of Plant Operations, Rev. 30. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 2 of 8 Simulator Setup Reset to IC 271 OR Recall 100% IC. Load the following malfunctions: MS1401, 1st Stage PRSR TRNSMTR PT-446 FAILURE, -2 DEG, Trigger 1. RD0102, CONT ROD WITHDRAWL ALL MODES, Trigger 3. Load the following Switch Override: RD, ROD_MOD_SEL_MAN, ON, Trigger 1, 8 second delay. Place the Simulator in RUN. Place the Main Feed Reg Valves in MANUAL. Actuate Trigger 1. Select PT-447. Return the Main Feed Reg Valves to AUTO. Acknowledge all alarms, place Rod Control Mode Selector Switch in MANUAL, place a "Pink" Ring on the Rod. Switch, and allow conditions to stabilize. Place pink magnet on PT-1446. Freeze and store until ready to RUN. Initial Conditions Plant is at 100% power with all systems in AUTO. 1-MS-PT-1446, Channel III Turbine First Stage Pressure has failed low. 0-AP-53.00 actions have been completed with 1-MS-PT-1447, Channel IV Turbine First Stage Pressure. selected. All components have been returned to Automatic with the exception of Rod Control. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 Reactor Operator. Restore Control Bank "D" to 228 steps in three (3) step increments. When complete, return Rod Control to AUTO. When you have completed this task, please inform me. Notes After the Candidate has completed the second 3-Step rod movement, Actuate Trigger 3.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 3 of 8 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME: ___________ STEP 1: WITHDRAW CONTROL RODS IN THREE (3) STEP INCREMENTS. (Step 1) STANDARD a) Checks ROD CONTROL MODE SEL switch in the MAN position. b) Check ROD SPEED indicator (S1-1-408) indicates approximately 48 steps per minute. c) WITHDRAW control rods in 3-step increments.

  • Move ROD MOTION IN/OUT/HOLD switch in the OUT direction. This is a critical step. Check ROD DIRECTION OUT light is LIT. Release switch when rods are at desired height (3 steps). Check rod motion has stopped. EVALUATOR NOTE: Operator may have to step in/out Rods 1/2 step to equalize group step counter indication. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT


STANDARD a) Checks ROD CONTROL MODE SEL switch in the MAN position. b) Check ROD SPEED indicator (S1-1-408) indicates approximately 48 steps per minute. c) WITHDRAW control rods in 3-step increments.

  • Move ROD MOTION IN/OUT/HOLD switch in the OUT direction. This is a critical step. Check ROD DIRECTION OUT light is LIT. Release switch when rods are at desired height (3 steps). Check rod motion has stopped. EVALUATOR NOTE: After rods have moved in the OUT direction, the malfunction will be entered to cause continuous outward rod motion in all ROD Control Modes. _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 4 of 8 COMMENTS: STEP 3: CHECKS FOR CONTINUOUS ROD INSERTION OR WITHDRAWAL (Step 3) STANDARD: a) Checks continuous outward rod motion by examining the following: ROD DIRECTION OUT lamp lit, CERPIs and/or step counters indicate motion. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 4: ATTEMPTS TO STOP ROD MOTION BY SWITCHING RODS TO MANUAL. (Step 2) STANDARD: a)

  • Rotates ROD CONT MODE SEL Switch from AUTO to MANUAL. This is a critical step. b) Determines that rod motion has not stopped by: serving ROD DIRECTION OUT lamp lit, and/or observing rod step counters showing outward motion, and/or step counters making an audible "clicking" noise EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Placing ROD CONT MODE SEL Switch to MANUAL is only a critical step if switch is in AUTO. ROD CONT MODE SEL switch may be placed in AUTO. This is acceptable by OP-ZZ-002 if Tave is within 1 degree of Tref. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 5 of 8 STEP 5: INITIATES UNIT REACTOR TRIP. (Step 2-RNO) STANDARD: a) *Manually initiates reactor trip by depressing the Benchboard 1-1 and/or Benchboard 1-2 Reactor Trip pushbutton. This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 6: REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR. (Step 2-RNO) STANDARD: a) Performs immediate actions of 1-E-0. Check Rx. Trip by verifying all rods on bottom, Reactor trip and bypass breakers open, and neutron flux decreasing. Checks Turbine Trip by manually tripping the turbine, checking all turbine stop valves are closed, isolating reheaters by closing 1-MS-SOV-104 and checking the generator output breakers are open. Checks both AC Emergency busses energized. Checks if SI is actuated or if it is required. b) Verbal status report made that immediate actions completed (with tripping of reactor). EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If operator continues with actions of verifying reactor trip by performing E-0 immediate operator actions, let the operator continue E-0 immediate action steps until completion. When the candidate completes this step then inform the candidate that the task is complete COMMENTS: ** JPM COMPLETE ** _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STOP TIME:

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 6 of 8 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Task Task is to be performed in the simulator. Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task. Initial Conditions Plant is at 100% power with all systems in AUTO. 1-MS-PT-1446, Channel III Turbine First Stage Pressure has failed low. 0-AP-53.00 actions have been completed with 1-MS-PT-1447, Channel IV Turbine First Stage Pressure selected. All components have been returned to Automatic with the exception of Rod Control. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 Reactor Operator. Restore Control Bank "D" to 228 steps in three (3) step increments. When complete, return Rod Control to AUTO. When you have completed this task, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM a" Page 7 of 8 Reference for Evaluator Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Plant is at 100% power with all systems in AUTO. 1-MS-PT-1446, Channel III Turbine First Stage Pressure has failed low. 0-AP-53.00 actions have been completed with 1-MS-PT-1447, Channel IV Turbine First Stage Pressure selected. All components have been returned to Automatic with the exception of Rod Control. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 Reactor Operator. Restore Control Bank "D" to 228 steps in three (3) step increments.

When complete, return Rod Control to AUTO. When you have completed this task, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 1 of 13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 004A4.07 3.9/3.7] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Perform an Alternate Dilution of the RCS. K/A: Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Boration/dilution 3.9 / 3.7 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 10 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be Performed in the simulator. A ramp increase in power is occurring which requires a dilution. Standards 1-OP-CH-021, Alternate Dilution Using Blender. Initiating Cues Reactivity SRO Direction. A ramp increase in power requires a Dilution. Terminating Cues Report to Shift Supervision, blender returned to automatic. Procedures 1-OP-CH-021, Alternate Dilution Using Blender, Rev 16 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 2 of 13 Simulator Setup Reset to IC 272 OR Call up 25% power IC and initialize. Place simulator in RUN. Ramp the Unit to 30% power and match Tave and Tref. Shift Station Service bus power from RSSTs to SSTs. Set PG Flow Control 1-CH-FC-1114A to 4.0 on the pot. Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 30% power. The 30% hold for a flux map on Unit 1 is complete. Power escalation to 100% in accordance with 1-GOP-1.5, Unit Startup, 2% to Reactor Power to Max Allowable Power, is about to recommence. Initiating Cues You are to perform a 200 gallon Alternate Dilute only to the suction of the charging pump in accordance with 1-OP-CH-021. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this task, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 3 of 13 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator This JPM may be Pre-briefed as directed by the Chief Examiner. Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME_______: STEP 1: 1-OP-CH-021, Initial Conditions. Check Primary Grade water is available to the Blender. STANDARD: a) Candidate checks PG pressure normal on Boron Recovery Panel. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: 1-OP-CH-021, Precautions and Limitations.

Candidate reviews and initials Precautions and Limitations. STANDARD: a) Candidate Reviews and initials P&L 4.1 through 4.8. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 4 of 13 STEP 3:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.1) Candidate acknowledges two (2) NOTES prior to Step 5.1. Candidate Notifies Shift Supervision of Impending Dilution. STANDARD: a) Candidate acknowledges this subsection is used for the first dilution of the shift. Attachment 1 is used for subsequent dilutions. b) Candidate identifies excess letdown NOT in service, 1-OP-CH-007 not required. c) Candidate Notifies Shift Supervision/Evaluator of impending Alternate Dilution. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

When notified: Acknowledge Candidate will be performing an Alternate Dilution. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 4: 1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.2) Notify STA of impending Alternate Dilution. STANDARD: a) Candidate notifies STA/Evaluator of impending Alternate Dilute. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

When notified: Acknowledge Candidate will be performing an Alternate Dilution.


_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 5 of 13 STEP 5:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.3) Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in STOP STANDARD: a) Candidate places Blender Mode Control switch in STOP position. b) Candidate Checks RED Light out and GREEN light illuminates. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

If asked: Acknowledge Candidates request for a peer check.


_______ UNSAT STEP 6: 1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.4) Adjust PG Flow Rate and Total gallons for the Dilution.

STANDARD: a) Checks 1-CH-FC-1114A, PG Flow CNTRL set at 100 gpm (refers to Attachment 2, as necessary. b) Determines required integrator setpoint by filling in blank for desired dilution, subtracting anticipated additional flow using P&L 4.7 as required, and writing 196 in GPM blank. c) Enter value in 1-YS-1114 PRI WATER SUP BATCH INTEGRATOR.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked concerning a) above: PG Flow Control not previously set. If asked concerning IV for Steps a) and b) above: State that the Candidate may assume an IV has been performed, please continue with the Task.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 6 of 13 STEP 7:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.5) Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the ALT DIL position. STANDARD: *a) Places the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the ALT DIL position. This is a critical step.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: 1-CH-FCV-1113A automatically CLOSES. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 8: 1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.6) Place 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, in the CLOSE position. STANDARD: a) Candidate remembers from Directions that PG flow is to be aligned to the charging pump suction. *b) Places 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, in the CLOSE position. This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: PG flow is to be aligned to the charging pump suction.


_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 7 of 13 STEP 9:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.7 and 5.1.8) Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position. STANDARD: *a) Places the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position. This is a critical step b) Checks the following conditions: a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER, is closed. b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP, is open. c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO c) Checks flow indicated on 1-CH-FR-1113, PG Flow, equals desired flow rate. d) Checks Integrator counting to desired total gallons. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 10: 1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.9 and 5.1.10) Stopping dilution. STANDARD: a) Candidate monitors Dilution and Stops the dilution by: Placing MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position, OR Observing 1-CH-FCV-1113B closes and Integrator total gallons settles on 200 gallons (199-201). EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Candidate may perform either bulleted item listed above.

  • Ceasing of the Dilution is critical for this step. (Range of 199-201 due to blender overshoot or undershoot) COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM b" Page 8 of 13 STEP 11:

1-OP-CH-021. (Step 5.1.11, 5.1.12, 5.1.13) Return the Blender to Automatic. STANDARD: a) Places the control switch for 1-CH-FCV-1114B to AUTO position. b) Places the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position. *c) Places the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL to START. This is a critical step.


_______ UNSAT Notify Shift Supervision/Evaluator of Blender status. END OF JPM. STOP TIME: _______________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________



____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 30% power. The 30% hold for a flux map on Unit 1 is complete. Power escalation to 100% in accordance with 1-GOP-1.5, Unit Startup, 2% to Reactor Power to Max Allowable Power, is about to recommence. Initiating Cues You are to perform a 200 gallon Alternate Dilute only to the suction of the charging pump in accordance with 1-OP-CH-021. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this task, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 30% power. The 30% hold for a flux map on Unit 1 is complete. Power escalation to 100% in accordance with 1-GOP-1.5, Unit Startup, 2% to Reactor Power to Max Allowable Power, is about to recommence. Initiating Cues You are to perform a 200 gallon Alternate Dilute only to the suction of the charging pump in accordance with 1-OP-CH-021. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this task, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 1 of 12 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR09301 Simulator Job Performance Measure WE14EA1.3 (3.3/3.8)

Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________

Examiner_______________________________ Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title CONFIGURE SPRAY SYSTEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ECA-1.1 (LOSS OF EMERGENCY RECIRCULATION). K/A: WE14EA1.3 Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the (High Containment Pressure). Desired operating results during abnormal and emergency situations. Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 10 Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. A LBLOCA has occurred and both LHSI pumps are inoperable. 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, has been performed up to step 8. Standards 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, steps 8 and 9 are complete which result in 1-RS-P-2B in service to 1-RS-E-1D (with service water aligned) and 1-CS-P-1A and 1B in service. Initiating Cues 1-ECA-1.1 step 8. Shift Manager direction Terminating Cues 1-ECA-1.1 steps 8 and 9 complete. Procedures 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, Rev. 37.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 2 of 12 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Simulator Setup Call up 100% power IC and initialize (or IC-270). Enter the following malfunctions: o RS1001- TRN A HI HI CLS FAILS TO ACTIVATE- INSERT o RS1002- TRN B HI HI CLS FAILS TO ACTIVATE- INSERT o RC0102- RCS COLD LEG B PIPE RUPTURE- INSERT o RS0702- LOSS OF INSIDE RECIRC SPR PP 1B - Trigger 4 o SI0901- LHSI PUMP SI-P-1A OVERCURRENT TRIP- Trigger 1 o SI0902- LHSI PUMP SI-P-1B OVERCURRENT TRIP- Trigger 1 Setup the following event trigger- Event action- rsp1b_amp>0.1 - Event 4 Set up the following switch override- MOVSW104A_OPEN- OFF - INSERT Set up the following MOV override - SWMOV105C_BKR - set to OPEN and INSERT. Place the simulator in RUN and perform 1-E-0 steps, then transition to 1-E-1 and perform steps 1 on step 18 insert trigger 1 and transition to 1-ECA-1.1. Do not worry about stopping unloaded EDGs in E-1. Start 1-CS-P-1A and open 1-CS-MOV-101A/B and 1-CS-MOV-102A. Open 1-CS-MOV-101C, and 1-CS-MOV-101D. Ensure containment sump level is >4'. On recall of JPM, activate/check activated Trigger 4. Initial Conditions A LBLOCA has occurred with the failure of Hi-Hi CLS to function and failure of both LHSI pumps. 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, has been performed up to step 8. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Align Recirc Spray and Containment Spray in accordance with 1-ECA-1.1, steps 8 and 9. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Notes Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 3 of 12 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and noted at the end of the step as CRITIAL STEP. An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME: STEP 1: CAUTION AND NOTE PRIOR TO STEP 8 CAUTION: Operation of an OSRS pump without the associated CS pump could cause cavitation as indicated by fluctuating amperage. NOTE: If CLS can NOT be reset, local breaker operation will be required to stop CS and ISRS pumps. STANDARD: Acknowledges caution and note. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: Check for EITHER of the following (Step 8a): - RUNNING OR REQUIRED OR - LESS THAN 20%

STANDARD: Observes 1-CS-P-1A running and continues to substep b. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 4 of 12 STEP 3: Check CTMT sump level - GREATER THAN 4.0 ft (Step 8b). STANDARD: Verifies containment sump level >4'. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 4: Check SW aligned to at least two RS HXs (Step 8c). STANDARD: Observes that service water is not aligned to ANY RS HXs and goes to step 8c RNO. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 5 of 12 STEP 5: Align SW to at least two RS HXs (Step 8c RNO). STANDARD:

  • Opens 1-SW-MOV-103A- either this valve or 103B must be opened- one valve must be open as a critical step.
  • Opens 1-SW-MOV-103B- either this valve or 103A must be opened- one valve must be open as a critical step. Opens 1-SW-MOV-103C. Opens 1-SW-MOV-103D. Opens 1-SW-MOV-104A - Determines that valve will not open. Opens 1-SW-MOV-104B. Opens 1-SW-MOV-104C.
  • Opens 1-SW-MOV-104D - This is a critical step. Opens 1-SW-MOV-105A. Opens 1-SW-MOV-105B. Opens 1-SW-MOV-105C - Determines that valve will not open.
  • Opens 1-SW-MOV-105D - This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A BOOTH NOTE: If asked: Trainee may dispatch operator to investigate supply breaker to 1-SW-MOV-104A. Report time compression has occurred and there are no abnormal indications on 1-SW-MOV-104A (1H1-2N-7B) supply breaker. If asked: Trainee may dispatch operator to investigate supply breaker for 1-SW-MOV-105C. Report time compression has occurred and that the supply breaker (1H1-2N-8C) has tripped. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 6 of 12 STEP 6: Start RS pumps associated with aligned RS HXs (Step 8d) STANDARD: Trainee starts 1-RS-P-1B ("B" RS HX) Trainee observes that 1-RS-P-1B tripped and continues.
  • Trainee starts 1-RS-P-2B ("D" RS HX) - This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A BOOTH NOTE: If directed to investigate breaker for 1-RS-P-1B (14J4), report that breaker is tripped as indicated by a 'Bell Lockout'.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 7: CAUTIONS PRIOR TO STEP 9 CAUTION: CHG and LHSI pumps taking suction from the RWST must be stopped when level decreases to 6%. CS pumps taking suction from the RWST must be stopped when level decreases to 3%. STANDARD: Acknowledges cautions EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 7 of 12 STEP 8:

Determine number of CS pumps required (Step 9a): STANDARD: Determines that containment pressure is between 14 psia and 60 psia, fewer than two RS pumps are running, and determines that 2 CS pumps are required. EVALUATOR'S CUE: If asked, there are no abnormalities noted on either containment spray pump.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 9: CS pumps running - EQUAL TO NUMBER REQUIRED (Step 9b) STANDARD: Determines that 2 CS pumps are required, but only 1 currently in service. Goes to step 9 RNO. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM c" Page 8 of 12 STEP 10:

Do the following (Step 9b RNO): 1) Manually operate CS pump(s). 2) Close associated CS pump discharge MOVs for stopped pump(s): -CS-P-1A, 1-CS-MOV-101A and 1-CS-MOV-101B -CS-P-1B, 1-CS-MOV-101C and 1-CS-MOV-101D STANDARD:

  • Trainee starts 1-CS-P-1B. This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 11:

REPORT TO SHIFT SUPERVISOR (EVALUATOR). STANDARD: Verbal status report that CS and RS have been aligned in accordance with ECA-1.1 steps 8 & 9.


_______ UNSAT STOP TIME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Task Task is to be performed in the simulator. Perform Steps 8 and 9 of 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, to align Recirc Spray and Containment Spray systems. Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task Initial Conditions A LBLOCA has occurred with the failure of Hi-Hi CLS to function and failure of both LHSI pumps. 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, has been performed up to step 8. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Align Recirc Spray and Containment Spray in accordance with 1-ECA-1.1, steps 8 and 9. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions A LBLOCA has occurred with the failure of Hi-Hi CLS to function and failure of both LHSI pumps. 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, has been performed up to step 8. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Align Recirc Spray and Containment Spray in accordance with 1-ECA-1.1, steps 8 and 9. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 1 of 20 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure EPEE02.EK3.3 (3.9/3.9) Alternate Path Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Re-establish Normal Letdown Following SI K/A: EPEEE02.EK3.3 Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the (SI Termination): Manipulation of controls required to obtain desired operating results during abnormal, and emergency situations. 3.9 / 3/9 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/ 35 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. A spurious SI has occurred. E-0 has been performed, SI reduction criteria are satisfied, transition made to ES-1.1, and it has been performed through Step 14. Standards Excess letdown placed in service. Initiating Cues 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination, Step 15. Shift Manager direction. Terminating Cues Report received that excess letdown is in service per 1-OP-CH-006. Procedures 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination, Rev. 48. 1-OP-CH-006, Shifting or Increasing/Decreasing Letdown Flow, Rev.20.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 2 of 20 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 3 of 20 Simulator Setup Call up 100% power IC and initialize (IC 268). Place simulator in RUN. Initiate SI. Perform E-0, reset SI, verify SI reduction criteria satisfied, transition to ES-1.1 and perform it through Step 14. Allow simulator until SR energize, place in freeze and snap until ready to run JPM. Close 1-CH-LCV-1460A & B. Initiate failure 1-CH-LCV-1460A shut; Switch O/R, CHLCV460A_CLOSE, ON, INSERT; CHLCV-460A_OPEN, OFF, INSERT. Open 1-CC0TV-109B. Press Green Pushbutton on 1-DG-TV-108A/B and pump down the PDTT. Set seal injection at 8 gpm. Verify PRZR Level Control Channel Select Switch is in the III/II position. Freeze simulator at these conditions for JPM performance. Initial Conditions Plant was at 100% power with all systems operating normal and in automatic. The crew is currently recovering from a spurious SI initiation. 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination has been completed up to Step 15. SI has been reset. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Re-establish letdown by performing step 15 of 1-ES-1.1. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Notes Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 4 of 20 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Operator is given a copy of 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination, Step 15. When Operator determines the need to place excess letdown in service, give them a copy of 1-OP-CH-006, Shifting or Increasing/Decreasing Letdown Flow. Task critical elements are bolded and noted at the end of the step as CRITIAL STEP. START TIME:_______________: STEP 1: Adjust charging line flow to establish > 40 gpm. (Step 15a of ES-1.1) STANDARD: Checks that indicated CHG line flow is greater than 40 gpm by observing flow on 1-CH-FI-1122A. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 2: Open Letdown Line pressure control valve. (Step 15 b of ES-1.1) 1-CH-PCV-1145 STANDARD: *(a) Places 1-CH-PCV-1145 controller into MANUAL. This is a critical step. *(b) Adjusts demand increase button until 1-CH-PCV-1145 indicates open (zero demand indicated). This is a critical step.


Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 5 of 20 STEP 3:

Check closed or close letdown orifice isolation valves. (Step 15 c of ES-1.1) 1-CH-HCV-1200A 1-CH-HCV-1200B 1-CH-HCV-1200C STANDARD: a) Checks 1-CH-HCV-1200A closed. b) Checks 1-CH-HCV-1200B closed. c) Checks 1-CH-HCV-1200C closed. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:


COMMENTS: b STEP 4: Open letdown isolation valves. (Step 15 d of ES-1.1) STANDARD: *a) Opens 1-CH-TV-1204A. This is a critical step. *b) Opens 1-CH-TV-1204B. This is a critical step. *c) Attempts to open 1-CHLCV-1460A, Valve will not open. *d) Goes to Step 15 RNO, Establish excess letdown IAW 1-OP-CH-006, Shifting or Increasing/Decreasing letdown Flow. This is a critical step.


[This step is the Fault] The Operator should determine the letdown isolation valve 1-CH-LCV-1460A has failed and apply the RNO for placing excess letdown in service. Operator may reduce charging at this point to minimize it to attempt to maintain PRZR level. When Operator determines the need to perform 1-OP-CH-006, hand him/her a copy of the procedure.


_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 6 of 20 STEP 5: 1-OP-CH-006.

OBTAINS COPY OF 1-OP-CH-006 FROM EVALUATOR STANDARD: (a) Reviews initial conditions, precautions and limitations. (b) Determines Section 5.1 is to be used. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 6: 1-OP-CH-006. (Steps 5.1.1 thru 5.1.4) CHECK ALL LOOP DRAINS AND EXCESS LETDOWN ISOLATIONS ARE SHUT STANDARD: (a) Verifies all loop drains are shut (1-RC-1557A, B, and C) using control board indicator lights. (b) Verifies excess letdown HX isolation is shut (1-CH-HCV-1201) using control board indicator lights. (c) Verifies excess letdown flow setpoint is at zero (1-CH-HCV-1137). (d) Verifies excess letdown divert valve (1-CH-HCV-1389) is set to VCT.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 7 of 20 STEP 7: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.5 and 5.1.6) OPENS RCP SEAL RETURN, 1-CH-MOV-1381. Check running at least one CCW pump. STANDARD: *(a) Opens RCP seal return isolation (1-CH-MOV-1381) using control board controls. This is a critical step. (b) Checks at least one CC pump running using control board indications. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Step 5.1.7 is N/A.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 8: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.8 thru 5.1.12)

VERIFIES LETDOWN HX TEMPERATURE CONTROL AND EXCESS LETDOWN READY FOR SERVICE. STANDARD: (a) Checks 1-CC-FI-109, LETDOWN HX OUTLET FLOW is ~ 160 gpm. (b) Applies note concerning 1-CC-HCV-108. (c) Checks 1-CC-TI-108, LETDOWN HX OUTLET TEMP, is indicating ambient. (d) Checks 1-CH-PI-1138, EXCESS LETDOWN HX OUTLET PRESS, is approximately 50 psig. (e) Checks 1-CH-TI-1139, EXCESS LETDOWN HX OUTLET TEMP, is indicating ambient. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 8 of 20 STEP 9: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.13 thru 5.1.23) ESTABLISH EXCESS LETDOWN FLOW PATH. STANDARD: (a) Acknowledges note on first directing excess letdown to the PDTT. *(b) Places 1-CH-HCV-1389, EXCESS LETDOWN DIVERT, to the PDTT. Verifies position by board indications. This is a critical step. (c) Verifies 1-CH-PI-1138, EXCES LETDOWN HX OUTLET PRESS, indicates ~ 10 psig. *(d) Opens 1-CH-HCV-1201, EXCESS HX LETDOWN ISOLATION, and verifies position by board indications. This is a critical step. (e) Records charging flow. (f) Acknowledges note on excess letdown effect on calorimetric. (g) N/A's step for calorimetric being performed. (h) Acknowledges cautions on opening loop drains. *(i) Opens one and only one loop drain (1-RC-HCV-1557A, B, or C). Verifies position by board indications. This is a critical step. (j) Acknowledges notes on excess letdown flow rate and use of Attachment 1. *(k) Slowly opens 1-CH-HCV-1137, EXCESS LETDOWN FLOW, until 15 gpm to PDTT. This is a critical step. (l) Place 1-CH-FC-1122C, CHARGING FLOW CONTROL, in Manual and raise charging flow 15 gpm from initial value. (m) Verifies excess letdown temperature 1-CC-TI-108 is < 150°F and 1-CH-TI-1139 is < 195°F. (m) Records pot setting for 1-CH-HCV-1137. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: A calorimetric is not being performed If asked: As the Shift Manager, direct the Operator to use the "A" loop drain path.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 9 of 20 STEP 10: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.24 thru 5.1.26) ESTABLISH EXCESS LETDOWN FLOW PATH THROTTLES EXCESS LETDOWN AND TRANSFERS TO VCT. STANDARD: (a) Throttles 1-CH-HCV-1137 to 5 gpm. (b) Acknowledges Notes. *(c) When PDTT increases 10% (1-DG-LI-107) selects "VCT" on 1-CH-HCV-1389. This is a critical step. (d) Increase 1-CH-HCV-1137 to previous recorded setpoint. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: To expedite JPM, Evaluator may time compress and direct Operator PDTT level has increased by at least 10% from the original point. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 11: 1-OP-CH-006. (Step 5.1.27 thru 5.1.31)

Checks Parameters.

STANDARD: (a) Checks RCP seal leakoff is in normal band (approx. 2 -3 gpm). (b) Checks 1-CH-PI-1138 ~ 65 psig. (c) Acknowledges CAUTION concerning CH flow greater than expected, a leak on excess letdown flowpath is a possibility. (d) Verifies charging flow stable at ~ 15 gpm greater than previously recorded value. (e) Verifies 1-CC-TI-108 < 150F, and 1-CH-TI-1139 < 195F. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: When Excess Letdown is in service, you can inform the Operator someone else will finish the procedure and terminate the JPM. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM d" Page 10 of 20 Step 12 REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR). Standards Verbal status report made that Step 15 completed and letdown has been re-established. Evaluator's Comments STOP TIME:________________ STOP TIME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task. Initial Conditions Plant was at 100% power with all systems operating normal and in automatic. The crew is currently recovering from a spurious SI initiation. 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination has been completed up to Step 15. SI has been reset. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Re-establish letdown by performing step 15 of 1-ES-1.1. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. .

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Plant was at 100% power with all systems operating normal and in automatic. The crew is currently recovering from a spurious SI initiation. 1-ES-1.1, SI Termination has been completed up to Step 15. SI has been reset. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 1 RO. Re-establish letdown by performing step 15 of 1-ES-1.1. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 1 of 8 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure APE054.AA1.01 (4.5 / 4.4)

Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________ Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Cross-Connect AFW from Unit 1 to Unit 2. K/A: APE054.AA.01: Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Loss of Main Feedwater (MFW) - AFW controls, including the use of alternate AFW sources (RO 4.5/SRO 4.4.) Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I) 10 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the Simulator. Unit 1 is at 100% power with all systems normal and in AUTO. Unit 2 is experiencing a loss of all Feed Water. Standards 2-FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, step 3d RNO, steps d3 through d5, Revision 34. Initiating Cues Shift Manager Direction. 2-FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, step 3d RNO, steps d3 through d5. Terminating Cues 2-FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, step 3d RNO, step d5 complete. Confirmation of AFW to Unit 2 from Unit 2 Operator. Procedures 2-FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, Revision 36 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None Standard Personal Safety Equipment Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 2 of 8 Simulator Setup Reset to IC 269 OR Call up 100% power IC and initialize. Trip Unit 2, Remotes, Station Protection Unit 2, RXTRIP_UNIT2, and wait for swapover. Secure Unit 2 RCPs: Remotes, EL2, EL25A3_bkr / EL25B3_bkr / EL25C3_bkr, Open. Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 100% power with all systems normal and in AUTO. Unit 2 is experiencing a loss of all Feed Water. Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of all feedwater. They are in 2-FR-H.1 at step 3d RNO and need Aux Feed flow from both Unit 1 motor-driven AFW pumps. All Unit 2 RCPs have been secured. 1J bus will remain on its current (normal) power supply. Initiating Cues You are to cross-connect Aux Feedwater from Unit 1 to Unit 2 in accordance with 2-FR-H.1 3d RNO. RNO steps d. 1) and d. 2) are complete. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Evaluator Notes Operator is provided with a copy of 2-FR-H.1, step 3 during directions. Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*).

Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 3 of 8 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee, and respond as the Unit 2 Reactor Operator. START TIME: STEP 1: (Step 3d RNO, d 3), 2-FR-H.1)

CLOSES THE UNIT 1 AFW MOVs STANDARD: Closes and verifies closed indication (green light on - red light off) the following AFW MOVs: *(a) 1-MOV-FW-151A. This is a critical step. *(b) 1-MOV-FW-151B. This is a critical step. *(c) 1-MOV-FW-151C. This is a critical step. *(d) 1-MOV-FW-151D. This is a critical step. *(e) 1-MOV-FW-151E. This is a critical step. *(f) 1-MOV-FW-151F. This is a critical step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: 1) 2-handed operation is allowed. 2) Not sequence dependant. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: (Step 3d RNO, d4, 2-FR-H.1) OPENS THE AFW CROSS-CONNECT VALVES TO SUPPLY UNIT 2.


  • (a) Places control switch for 2-MOV-FW-260A to the OPEN position. *(b) Places control switch for 2-MOV-FW-260B to the OPEN position. (c) Checks 2-MOV-FW-260A open indication received (red on & green off). (d) Checks 2-MOV-FW-260B open indication received (red on & green off). (e) Acknowledges annunciator D-D-4, AFW X-TIE MOVS NOT FULLY CLOSED. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 4 of 8 STEP 3: (Step 3d RNO, d5, 2-FR-H.1) STARTS THE UNIT 1 MOTOR DRIVEN AFW PUMPS. STANDARD: (a) Announces AFW pump start over Gai-tronics system. *(b) Starts 1-FW-P-3A by placing control switch to START. (c) Verifies start indications (red light on & amps indicated), *(d) Starts 1-FW-P-3B by placing control switch to START. (e) Verifies start indications (red light on & amps indicated). (f) Checks no Unit 1 AFW flow indicated on 1-FW-FI-100A, B & C. EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

Unit 2: Following Start of 1-FW-P-3A and 1-FW-P-3B, report that AFW flow is indicated on Unit 2. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 5: REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR). STANDARD: Reports to the Shift Manager (Evaluator) TASK COMPLETE. . EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Operator may throttle AFW to restore S/G level.Evaluator option to stop JPM at any time after AFW pumps are started. COMMENTS: JPM COMPLETE _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM e" Surry SR 2014 - 301 Page 5 of 8 STOP TIME:






____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Task Task is to be performed in the Simulator. Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task. Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 100% power with all systems normal and in AUTO. Unit 2 is experiencing a loss of all Feed Water. Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of all feedwater. They are in 2-FR-H.1 at step 3d RNO and need Aux Feed flow from both Unit 1 motor-driven AFW pumps. All Unit 2 RCPs have been secured. 1J bus will remain on its current (normal) power supply. Initiating Cues You are to cross-connect Aux Feedwater from Unit 1 to Unit 2 in accordance with 2-FR-H.1 3d RNO. RNO steps d. 1) and d. 2) are complete. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. .

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Unit 1 is at 100% power with all systems normal and in AUTO. Unit 2 is experiencing a loss of all Feed Water. Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of all feedwater. They are in 2-FR-H.1 at step 3d RNO and need Aux Feed flow from both Unit 1 motor-driven AFW pumps. All Unit 2 RCPs have been secured. 1J bus will remain on its current (normal) power supply. Initiating Cues You are to cross-connect Aux Feedwater from Unit 1 to Unit 2 in accordance with 2-FR-H.1 3d RNO. RNO steps d. 1) and d. 2) are complete. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 1 of 14 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 015A4.03 3.8 / 3.9] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Remove Source Range NIs From Service During a Reactor Startup. K/A: 015A4.03 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Trip bypasses 3.8 / 3.9 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I) 10 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. Reactor power is at approximately 1.2 x 10-10 amps during a startup, and the SR high voltage cannot be removed from either N-31 or N-32. Standards 1-AP-4.00, Nuclear Instrumentation Malfunction Initiating Cues Shift manager Direction. Terminating Cues 1-AP-4.00, Nuclear Instrumentation Malfunction, Step 38 complete. Procedures 1-AP-4.00, Nuclear Instrumentation Malfunction, Rev 30. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 2 of 14 Simulator Setup Call up IC-14, S1C26 10-8 Amps D-131 Steps MSTV Shut, and initialize. Place simulator in RUN. Perform the startup to obtain power at 1.2 x 10-10 amps (or slightly greater), then implement switch overrides (SRTRP_BLK_TRA_PB, and SRTRP_BLK_TRB_PB, override OFF, Insert), Flux Level Trip Cutout Pushbuttons. Freeze the simulator until ready for operator to perform JPM. Do not allow the SUR to be greater than +0.1 dpm. Initial Conditions During a Reactor startup, when P-6 was reached the Operator pushed 1/N-33A TR A and 1/N-33B TR B to de-energize the Source Range NIs. Both N-31 and N-32 failed to de-energize. Initiating Cues You are the RO. Respond to a failure of both Source Range NIs in accordance with 1-AP-4.00, NI Malfunction. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 3 of 14 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME: _________________________. STEP 1: AP-4.00, (Step 1) Check NI Malfunction - Power Range Failure. STANDARD: (a) Enters 1-AP-4.00 at Step 1. (b) Determines failure not in Power Range NI and goes to Step 10. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: NONE COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: AP-4.00, (Step 10) Check NI Malfunction - Intermediate Range Failure. STANDARD: (a) Determines failure not in Power Range NI and goes to Step 19. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: NONE COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 3: AP-4.00, (Step 19) Check NI Malfunction - Source Range Failure.

STANDARD: (a) Determines failure is in Source Range NIs and continues. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: NONE COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 4 of 14 STEP 4: AP-4.00, Step 20 STABILIZE UNIT CONDITIONS. STANDARD: (a) Verifies Unit conditions stable with a zero startup rate. (b) Maintains power with zero startup rate.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: A manual Reactor trip is NOT an acceptable action.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 5: AP-4.00. (Step 21) CHECK REACTOR POWER GREATER THAN P-6 (1X10-10). STANDARD: a) Checks Reactor power level greater than P-6 (1x 10-10 amps) by: observing INT RNG FLUX meters NI-1-35B and NI-1-36B, Benchboard 1-2, ~ 1.2 x 10-10 amps Meters on the IR CH 1 and CH2 Drawers ~ 1.2 x 10-10 amps. Permissive Status Light on Vertical Board 1-2, B-3, LIT. Trip Status Lights on Vertical Board 1-2, C-2 and D-2 LIT Bistable Light, Power Above Permissive P6, on IR CH-1 and CH2 Drawer, LIT. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: Indications and lights status is "as found". COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 5 of 14 STEP 6:

AP-4.00. (Step 22) CHECK BOTH SOURCE RANGE CHANNELS- HIGH VOLTAGE OFF STANDARD: (a) Determine that both SRNI Channels are still energized. (b) Pushes "1/N 33A TR A" pushbutton and "1/N 33B TR B" pushbutton. (c) Notes that N-31 and N-32 still have high voltage applied to the detectors. *(d) Places LEVEL TRIP switch for N-31 in BYPASS. This is a critical step. *(e) Removes INSTRUMENT POWER fuses for N-31. This is a critical step. *(f) Places LEVEL TRIP switch for N-32 in BYPASS. This is a critical step. *(g) Removes INSTRUMENT POWER fuses for N-32. This is a critical step. (h) Notes requirement to refer to Tech Spec Table 3.7-1 Item 4. (i) Notes requirement to make entry in PSL and Shift Turnover to reinstall fuses. (j) Goes to Step 38 of 1-AP-4.00. (k) Informs the Shift Manager that I&C and the OMOC must be notified EVALUATOR'S NOTE:

When Notified: Acknowledge that Tech Spec Table 3.7-1, item 4 requires review. When Notified: Acknowledge that I&C and OM on Call must be notified. When the Instrument Power fuses are pulled on the first channel, annunciator 1G-A3, "NIS SOURCE RNG LOSS OF DET VOLT" is received. It is acceptable to place both SRNI in LEVEL TRIP BYPASS before removing the INSTRUMENT POWER fuses.


_______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 7 REPORT TO NUCLEAR SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR). Standards Verbal status report that N-31 and N-32 have been removed from service IAW AP-4.00. Evaluator's Comments STOP TIME: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM f" Page 6 of 14 COMMENTS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task. Initial Conditions During a Reactor startup, when P-6 was reached the Operator pushed 1/N-33A TR A and 1/N-33B TR B to de-energize the Source Range NIs. Both N-31 and N-32 failed to de-energize. Initiating Cues You are the RO. Respond to a failure of both Source Range NIs in accordance with 1-AP-4.00, NI Malfunction. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions During a Reactor startup, when P-6 was reached the Operator pushed 1/N-33A TR A and 1/N-33B TR B to de-energize the Source Range NIs. Both N-31 and N-32 failed to de-energize. Initiating Cues You are the RO. Respond to a failure of both Source Range NIs in accordance with 1-AP-4.00, NI Malfunction. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 1 of 13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 075A2.02 2.5 / 2.7] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Respond to a Low Level Transient K/A: 075A2.02 2.5/2.7, Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the circulating water system; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of circulating water pumps Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 14 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. Both units are at 100% power when a lightning strike trips 2G screenwell transformer. Standards Circ Water Pumps restored in accordance with AP-12.01, Loss of Intake Canal Level "prior to automatic protective actions." Initiating Cues LLIS TROUBLE annunciator. 500 KV HSE TROUBLE annunciator. Unit Two Circ Water Pumps secured. Terminating Cues 0-AP-12.01, Loss of Intake Canal Level, completed. Procedures 0-AP-12.01, Loss of Intake Canal Level, completed. Rev 30. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 2 of 13 Simulator Setup Call up 100% power IC and initialize. Place simulator in RUN. Implement EL0802, Loss of Screenwell Transformer 2, and place simulator in RUN. Acknowledge all annunciators and place simulator in FREEZE. Initial Conditions Both units are at 100% power when a lightning strike trips 2G screenwell transformer. Alarm VSP L-7 "LLIS TROUBLE" and VSP-K6 "500KV HSE TRBL" have alarmed eight (8) minutes ago. Security reports a lightning strike in the vicinity of the low level intake. All Unit 2 Circulating Water Pumps were initially running. Unit One and Unit Two Reactor Operators are currently throttling CW MOVs to conserve intake canal level. Initiating Cue You are the Unit 1 BOP. You are to respond to the loss of Circulating Water Pumps. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 3 of 13 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator When candidate identifies AP-12.01 as the guiding procedure, then provide a copy to the candidate. Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee. START TIME_______: STEP 1: 0-AP-12.01 (Step 1) NOTE: EPIPs may be applicable. CHECKS ENTRY INTO THIS PROCEDURE -FROM AN EOP OR AN AP TO RESTORE SW FLOW TO THE CCHXs. STANDARD:

a) Acknowledges Note prior to Step 1. b) Identifies entry into this procedure is not from EOP or AP to restore SW. c) Goes to Step 3. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If Asked: Entry into this procedure not an attempt to restore SW. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 4 of 13 STEP 2:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 3) TRY TO MAINTAIN INTAKE CANAL LEVEL STANDARD: (a) Acknowledges CAUTIONs prior to step 3 regarding turbine stall flutter and reference to AP-14, if vacuum cannot be maintained. (b) Acknowledges NOTE prior to step 3 regarding potential need to trip one unit to reduce rate of intake canal drawdown. (c) Recalls that initial conditions revealed that Unit ROs were throttling waterboxes as required. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: Both units are currently throttling waterbox outlet MOVs as required due to loss of circ water pumps. If asked: Unit SRO will direct unit ramping as required. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 3: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 4) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL- DECREASING. STANDARD: a) Candidate identifies that 3 CW pumps are insufficient to supply two units CW requirement. (b) Candidate reads intake canal level indicator and determines downward trend. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 5 of 13 STEP 4:



_______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 5: 0-AP-12.01, Attachment 3. (Step 1) ATTACHMENT 3- REMOTE START OF CIRCULATING WATER PUMPS. STANDARD: (a) Candidate acknowledges NOTE prior to step (a) that requires 5-minute coastdown of CW pumps prior to starting. (b) Candidate checks 1G-2G Bus Tie Bkr Closed using "LLIS Electrical" PCS screen. (c) Trainee verifies that CW pumps are not in local by noting no white box around Unit 2 CW pumps on CW Pump PCS screen. *(d) Candidate calls up soft control box pumps to start CW pump by clicking on CW pump ICON on PCS CW screen. This is a critical step. *(e) Candidate enables soft control box for pump to be started by clicking on mark number box and verifies red border. This is a critical step. *(f) Candidate clicks "Start" button for pump to control that is active. This is a critical step. (g) Candidate verifies proper amp indication for pump started. *(h) Candidate completes steps (c) through (e) of attachment 3 for remaining Unit 2 CW pumps to be started. This is a critical step. (i) Candidate directs outside operator to perform post-start checks IAW respective OP 48.1.1. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: Greater than 5 minutes have elapsed since loss of transformer. If asked: 2A, 2B, 2C and 2D circ water pumps were previously in service. When Directed: Acknowledge as Outside Operator to perform post start checks of CW pumps IAW op-48.1.1. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 6 of 13 STEP 6:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 6) SEND OPERATOR TO LOW LEVEL INTAKE TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES. STANDARD: (a) Candidate acknowledges Note prior to step 6 regarding PIN number for ESW pump house and statement regarding CW pump restrictions when 1G-2G busses are cross-tied. (b) Sends an Operator to Low Levels to perform Attachment 2 and OP-48.1.1. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None.

Booth Operator: When directed: Acknowledge Direction to perform 0-AP-12.01, Attachment 2, Low Level Intake Responses; 0-OP-SW-002, Emergency Service Water Pump Operation; and OP-48.1.1. Starting any CW Pump. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 7: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 7) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL - GREATER THAN TRIP SETPOINT. STANDARD: Candidate determines that Intake canal level is greater than 23.5 feet and annunciator 1F-G-1, INTK CANAL LO LVL TRIP not lit. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: 2F-G1 not lit on Unit Two.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 7 of 13 STEP 8:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 8) CHECK CW LOSS - SUSTAINED WITH NO EXPECTATION OF RECOVERY STANDARD: a) Candidate identifies Canal Level Stable or increasing b) Candidate goes to Step 10 EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None.


_______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 9: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 10) CONTINUES TO REDUCE UNIT LOAD AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN VACUUM. STANDARD: Candidate determines that no actions are required based on number of CW pumps running EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Both unit's Reactor Operators have stopped throttling CW MOVs. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 8 of 13 STEP 10:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 11) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL - STABLE OR INCREASING. STANDARD: (a) Trainee evaluates canal level indication and/or trend recorder to verify canal level increasing. (b) Trainee then goes to Step 27 EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 11: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 27) NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING. STANDARD: (a) Candidate notifies Evaluator that the OM on Call, Manager Nuclear Operations and STA need to be notified. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Respond: Notifications will be made.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 9 of 13 STEP 12:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 28) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL- INCREASING. STANDARD: (a) Candidate acknowledges NOTE concerning Intake Canal Level must be maintained >17.2 feet. (b) Candidate evaluates canal level indication and/or trend recorder to and identifies canal level >17.2 feet, and increasing.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 13: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 29) CHECK INTAKE CANAL LEVEL - GREATER THAN 17.2 FT. STANDARD: (a) Candidate identifies canal level greater than 17.2 feet. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 10 of 13 STEP 14:


(a) Acknowledges NOTE regarding restoration of CCHX SW flow. (b) Candidate recognizes that no throttling of CCHW SW flow was performed, so no actions required on this step. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: No actions were taken to reduce CCHX SW flow. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 15: 0-AP-12.01. (Step 31) CHECK CAUSE OF LEVEL DECREASE -CORRECTED. STANDARD: (a) Candidate identifies that restoration of CW pumps corrects cause of level decrease.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked: Control Ops group will be notified to initiate troubleshooting on 2G transformer.


_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM g" Page 11 of 13 STEP 16:

0-AP-12.01. (Step 32) RESTORE CW AND SW COMPONENTS (INCLUDING CW CHEMICAL INJECTION BY OPENING 1-SA-285 AND 2-SA-274) TO SUPPORT PLANT CONDITIONS. STANDARD: (a) Candidate reports that CW MOVs may be returned to previous position. (b) Candidate recognizes that chemical injections systems require no action. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: None. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 17 Candidate Reports completion of Task to Shift Manager END OF JPM STOP TIME: ____________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions Both units are at 100% power when a lightning strike trips 2G screenwell transformer. Alarm VSP L-7 "LLIS TROUBLE" and VSP-K6 "500KV HSE TRBL" have alarmed eight (8) minutes ago. Security reports a lightning strike in the vicinity of the low level intake. All Unit 2 Circulating Water Pumps were initially running. Unit One and Unit Two Reactor Operators are currently throttling CW MOVs to conserve intake canal level. Initiating Cue You are the Unit 1 BOP. You are to respond to the loss of Circulating Water Pumps. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Both units are at 100% power when a lightning strike trips 2G screenwell transformer. Alarm VSP L-7 "LLIS TROUBLE" and VSP-K6 "500KV HSE TRBL" have alarmed eight (8) minutes ago. Security reports a lightning strike in the vicinity of the low level intake. All Unit 2 Circulating Water Pumps were initially running. Unit One and Unit Two Reactor Operators are currently throttling CW MOVs to conserve intake canal level. Initiating Cue You are the Unit 1 BOP. You are to respond to the loss of Circulating Water Pumps. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 1 of 7 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 064.A4.06] [Alternate Path] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title Respond to a Failure of #3 EDG to Start and Load on 1J 4160V Bus. K/A: 064.A4.06; Manual start, loading, and stopping of the ED/G, RO 3.9 / SRO 3.9 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO 20 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator. A Loss of the "A" RSS Transformer has occurred. #3 EDG has failed to start and load. Standards

  1. 3 EDG started and loaded on the 1J Emergency Bus IAW 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations. Initiating Cue Shift Manager Direction. Terminating Cues Report of #3 EDG loaded on the 1J Emergency Bus. Procedures 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations, Revision 22. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 2 of 7 Simulator Setup Call up 100% power IC and initialize (IC 280). Place simulator in RUN. Load the following Malfunctions/Overrides: EL0501, Loss of reserve Station Service XMFMR A, TRUE ED0503, EDG3 Voltage Regulator Failure, -1 VSPC5 EMERG DIESEL 3 Auto Start Disabled, Trigger 15 Remotes, EDG3, AUTO_EXERCISE, EMERG GEN 3 AUTO EXERCISE, EXERCISE When #3 EDG placed in AUTO implement Trigger 15. When STOP buttons pushed delete VSPC5 malfunction. Acknowledge Alarms. Freeze and Snap IC until ready for evaluation. Initial Conditions Unit 1 operating at 100% power. The Loss of the "A" RSST has occurred and #3 EDG has failed to start and load on 1J 4160V Bus. Starting and loading #3 EDG on the 1J 4160V bus IAW 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations is in progress and is complete through step 3 of Attachment 2. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 2 BOP and are to continue with starting and loading of #3 EDG per 0-AP-17.05, starting with Attachment 2 step 4. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Notes Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 3 of 7 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator This JPM may be Pre-briefed as directed by the Chief Examiner. Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). An additional instructor may be needed to silence and acknowledge alarms for the examinee, and perform actions for Unit 2. START TIME _____: STEP 1: [Step 4, 5, and 6 of Attachment 2, AP-17.05] Check Load Limit at maximum, Start EDG 3, Check #3 EDG Speed at 900 RPM, Place #3 EDG AUTO EXERCISE Switch in Auto. STANDARD: *a) Candidate presses the EDG NO. 3 Engine Start pushbutton. This is a critical step. b) Candidate will check EDG started using RPM indication. *c) Candidate will place the AUTO-EXERCISE Switch for EDG #3 in AUTO position. This is a critical step. d) Candidate will note that #3 EDG has not energized the 1J Bus. e) Candidate returns to AP-17.05, Step 8. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: STEP 2: [Step 8, AP-17.05]

CHECK BOTH J BUSES - ENERGIZED BY OFFSITE POWER STANDARD: a) Candidate Identifies 1J Bus is still de-energized. b) Candidate Goes To Step 10. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 4 of 7 STEP 3: [Notes prior to Step 10 of AP-17.05] Acknowledges NOTES: If the B DC Bus is deenergized, the EDG output breaker and the J Bus load breakers must be closed manually. The following conditions must exist for the EDG output breaker to close automatically: EDG speed greater than 870 rpm EDG INCOMING voltage greater than 113 volts J8 breaker open Control switch for the J3 breaker in AUTO AFTER TRIP DC control power available to the J3 breaker STANDARD: EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 4: [Step 10, AP-17.05]

CHECK EDG 3 - SUPPLYING J BUS STANDARD: a) Candidate Identifies 15J3 - NOT Closed. b) Candidate performs RNO. Identifies that loads are already stripped per Attachment 3. c) Candidate goes to step 15 EVALUATOR'S NOTE: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 5: [Step 15, AP-17.05] CHECK EDG 3 INCOMING VOLTAGE GREATER THAN 113 VOLTS. STANDARD: a) *Candidate turns SYNC-ACB-15J3 key switch to ON. This is a critical step. b) *Candidate identifies no generator voltage and momentarily depresses EMERG GEN NO 3 FIELD FLASS pushbutton. Identifies Voltage established. This is a critical step. c) *Candidate attempts to raise incoming voltage to 120 volts using the EMERG GEN NO 3 VOLT ADJ control switch. This is a critical step. d) Candidate determines there is no Voltage increase, and goes to 15.c RNO.

EVALUATOR'S NOTE: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 5 of 7 COMMENTS: STEP 6: [Step 15.c RNO, AP-17.05] SECURES #3 EDG. STANDARD: a) Candidate notifies Electrical Department. b) *Candidate secures #3 EDG by momentarily pressing the EMERG GEN NO.3 ENGINE STOP pushbuttons. This is a critical step. c) Candidate notifies Shift Manager. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If asked to notify the Electrical department: Acknowledge request. *Both ENGINE STOP pushbuttons must be depressed simultaneously. COMMENTS: JPM ENDS _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STOP TIME_______:

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Surry 2014-301 "JPM h" Page 6 of 7 Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions Unit 1 operating at 100% power. The Loss of the "A" RSST has occurred and #3 EDG has failed to start and load on 1J 4160V Bus. Starting and loading #3 EDG on the 1J 4160V bus IAW 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations is in progress and is complete through step 3 of Attachment 2. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 2 BOP and are to continue with starting and loading of #3 EDG per 0-AP-17.05, starting with Attachment 2 step 4. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Unit 1 operating at 100% power. The Loss of the "A" RSST has occurred and #3 EDG has failed to start and load on 1J 4160V Bus. Starting and loading #3 EDG on the 1J 4160V bus IAW 0-AP-17.05, EDG 3 - Emergency Operations is in progress and is complete through step 3 of Attachment 2. Initiating Cues You are the Unit 2 BOP and are to continue with starting and loading of #3 EDG per 0-AP-17.05, starting with Attachment 2 step 4. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 1 of 13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Job Performance Measure [KA APE068.AA1.21 3.9/4.1] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title LOCALLY TRANSFER INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS TO THE AUX SHUTDOWN PANEL K/A: APE068.AA1.21 Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Control Room Evacuation: Transfer of controls from control room to shutdown panel or local control 3.9 / 4.1 Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 20 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be SIMULATED in the plant beginning at the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel. A limiting MCR fire has occurred. The MCR has been evacuated and attempts are being made to transfer plant control to the ASD Panel. Neither the H-Group nor the J-Group Transfer Switch will actuate its components. The crew is attempting to establish control from the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel. The H and J Group Transfer Switches have failed to function. Standards FCA-1.00, Attachment 2. Initiating Cues FCA-1.00, Limiting MCR Fire, Step 16 RNO Shift Manager direction. Terminating Cues Report received that FCA-1.00, Attachment 2 completed for Unit 1 components. Procedures FCA-1.00, Limiting MCR Fire, Attachment 2, Rev 48. Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None Standard Personal Safety Equipment Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 2 of 13 Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. The MCR was evacuated due to a fire. The crew is attempting to establish control from the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel. The H and J Group Transfer Switches have failed to function. Initiating Cue Locally transfer the individual Unit 1 components to the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel in accordance with FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, Override Control to Auxiliary Shutdown Panel. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me. Notes to the Evaluator: Operator briefing should occur at the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel. This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT allow the operator to manipulate controls, operate switches or reposition valves. Task critical elements are denoted by an asterisk (*). If substeps of a critical element also have an asterisk (*), then only those asterisked substeps are critical to performance of that task element. Critical step sequencing requirements: None Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 3 of 13 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). START TIME_______: STEP 1: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2 (Caution Prior to Step 1) REVIEWS CAUTION PRIOR TO STEP 1. Standards Notes that this Attachment should not be performed if transfer failure is due to the emergency bus being de-energized Cues If asked: Both emergency buses are energized on Unit 1. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 2: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2 (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: Standards (a) Proceeds to H Bus 4160v breaker 15H4. *(b) Places 1-FW-P-3A's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43-15H4) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15H4) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-P-3A breaker indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 4 of 13 STEP 3:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-1A. Standards (a) Proceeds to H Bus 4160v breaker 15H5. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-1A's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43A-15H5) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15H5) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-1A breaker indicating lights, RED and GREEN OFF (control switch in PTL). Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 4: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-1C (NORM). Standards (a) Proceeds to H Bus 4160v breaker 15H6. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-1C's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43-15H6) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15H6) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FCH-P-1C breaker indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 5 of 13 STEP 5: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-1C (ALT). Standards (a) Proceeds to J Bus 4160v breaker 15J2. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-1C's (ALT) local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43-15J2) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15J2) to AUX P position.

Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-1C (ALT) breaker indicating lights, RED light and GREEN light OFF (switch in PTL). Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 6: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: 6. LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-P-3B. Standards (a) Proceeds to J Bus 4160v breaker 15J4. *(b) Places 1-FW-P-3B's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43-15J4) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15J4) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note:

If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-P-3B breaker indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 6 of 13 STEP 7:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-1B. Standards (a) Proceeds to J Bus 4160v breaker 15J5. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-1B's local control box Mode switch (1-EP-43A-15J5) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-EP-43X-15J5) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-1B breaker indicating lights, RED light and GREEN light OFF (switch in PTL).

Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 8: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-MS-SOV-102A. Standards (a) Proceeds to Aux SD Panel, locates Transfer Relay Cabinet 5. *(b) Places 1-MS-SOV-102A's local control box Mode switch (1-MS-43B-SMS102A) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-MS-43X-SMS102A) to AUX PANEL position. Cues If asked at ASP: RED Light LIT, GREEN light OFF, switch in CLOSE position. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 7 of 13 STEP 9:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-MS-SOV-102B. Standards (a) Locates Transfer Relay Cabinet #3 (left of Aux SD Panel). *(b) Places 1-MS-SOV-102B's local control box Mode switch (1-MS-43B-SMS102B) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-MS-43X-SMS102B) to AUX P position. Cues If asked at ASP: RED light ON, GREEN light OFF, switch in CLOSE position. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 10: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1, Page 2) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151A. Standards (a) Proceeds to Unit 1 Cable Vault Transfer Relay Cabinet 1. *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151A's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151A) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151A) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note:

If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151A indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 8 of 13 STEP 11:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151C. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet 1. *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151C's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151C) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151C) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151C indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 12: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151E. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet 1. *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151E's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151E) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151E) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note:

If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151EA indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 9 of 13 STEP 13:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-2A. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet 1. *(b) Places 1-CH-P-2A's local control box Mode switch (1-CH-43B-CH2A) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-CH-43X-CH2A) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-2A indicating lights, RED SLOW light LIT, switch in "A". Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 14: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151B. Standards (a) Proceeds to Unit 1 Cable Vault Transfer Relay Cabinet #2. *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151B's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151B) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151B) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151B indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 10 of 13 STEP 15:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel:

LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151D. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet #2 *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151D's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151D) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151D) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151D indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 16: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-FW-MOV-151F. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet #2 *(b) Places 1-FW-MOV-151F's local control box Mode switch (1-FW-43B-FW151F) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-FW-43X-FW151F) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-FW-MOV-151F indicating lights, RED light LIT, GREEN light OFF. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 11 of 13 STEP 17:

0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-P-2B. Standards (a) Locates appropriate switch on Transfer Relay Cabinet #2 *(b) Places 1-CH-P-2B's local control box Mode switch (1-CH-43B-CH2B) to OVERRIDE position *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-CH-43X-CH2B) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-P-2B indicating lights, RED SLOW light LIT, GREEN light OFF, switch in "S".

Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 18: 0-FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, (Step 1) Locally select OVERRIDE position on Mode switch and rotate Transfer switch to AUX P position for equipment failing to transfer control to the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel: LOCALLY TRANSFERS 1-CH-MOV-1350. Standards (a) Proceeds to Unit 1 Cable Vault Transfer Relay Cabinet 4. *(b) Places 1-CH-MOV-1350's local control box Mode switch (1-CH-43B-1350) to OVERRIDE position. *(c) Rotates Transfer switch (1-CH-43X-1350) to AUX P position. Evaluator's Note: If Asked at the ASP: Following Step b) and c) above, 1-CH-MOV-1350 indicating lights, GREEN light LIT, RED light OFF. IF Asked at the ASP: All components indicate shifted to ASP Control. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 12 of 13 REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR). Standards Verbal status report made that all affected Unit 1 components locally transferred to Aux Shutdown Panel. STOP TIME: ______ Evaluator's Comments Evaluator's Note If Asked: Components shown below indicate status. 1-FW-P-3A 1-MS-SOV-102A 1-MS-SOV-102B 1-FW-P-3B Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT Both Red Lites LIT Red Lite LIT 1-CH-P-1A 1-CH-P-1C 1-CH-P-1B 1-CH-P-1C (Alt) No Lites (PTL) Red Lite Lit No Lites (PTL) No Lites (PTL) 1-FW-MOV-151A 1-FW-MOV-151E 1-FW-MOV-151D 1-FW-MOV-151B Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT 1-FW-MOV-151C 1-FW-MOV-151F Red Lite LIT Red Lite LIT 1-CH-P-2A 1-CH-P-2B Red SLOW LIT Red SLOW LIT Switch in "A" Switch in "S" Surry 2014-301 "JPM i" Page 13 of 13 STOP TIME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. The MCR was evacuated due to a fire. The crew is attempting to establish control from the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel The H and J Group Transfer Switches have failed to function. Initiating Cue Locally transfer the individual Unit 1 components to the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel in accordance with FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, Override Control to Auxiliary Shutdown Panel. When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. The MCR was evacuated due to a fire. The crew is attempting to establish control from the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel The H and J Group Transfer Switches have failed to function. Initiating Cue Locally transfer the individual Unit 1 components to the Unit 1 Aux Shutdown Panel in accordance with FCA-1.00, Attachment 2, Override Control to Auxiliary Shutdown Panel.

When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 1 of 10 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Job Performance Measure 076A2.01 (3.5/3.7) [ALTERNATE PATH] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title ISOLATE SERVICE WATER TO #3 MER DURING FLOODING K/A: 076A2.01 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the SWS; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations; Loss of SWS. (3.5/3.7)

Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(D) 15 Minutes __________ Conditions Task is to be SIMULATED in the plant. Any plant mode/condition where a large SW leak in #3 MER has occurred. Standards Flooding isolated to #3 MER as indicated by decreasing water level in accordance with 0-AP-13.00 steps 38 and 39. Initiating Cues 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding, Step 38. Shift Manager direction. Terminating Cues 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding, Step 39 completed. Procedures 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding, Revision 28.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 2 of 10 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None Standard Personal Safety Equipment Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. There is a major Service Water leak in #3 MER. 1-SW-P-10B and 2-SW-P-10B have been secured.

1-VS-E-4A, 4B, and 4C have been secured. MER 3 Watertight Door has been checked closed. Initiating Cues The team has reached step 37 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding. You are to isolate Service Water to #3 MER in accordance with Steps 38 and 39 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding.

Notes to the Evaluator. Task briefing should occur in the pre-determined location.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 3 of 10 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). START TIME: STEP 1: [Step 38a, AP-13.00] ISOLATE SW TO MER 3: a) Fail 1-SW-263 closed by opening Circuit 8 on Lighting Panel 2T3 (located north of 2-FW-E-2A) STANDARD: Locates lighting panel 2T3 (located north of 2-FW-E-2A). *b) Opens circuit 8 on lighting panel 2-EP-LP-2T3- this is a critical step.


_______ UNSAT STEP 2:

STEP 38b- Verify open or open 1-SW-500, SW Header Crosstie (MER 4) STANDARD: (a) Proceeds to #4 MER. (b) Locates manual valve 1-SW-500 (halfway across room under smoke detector). (c) *Pulls pin from handwheel actuator. This is a critical step. (d) *Opens 1-SW-500 by rotating valve handwheel in the clockwise direction- This is a critical step. Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: Actual valve position in plant may be open or closed. Provide appropriate cue. Point at "CLOSED" indicator.


_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 4 of 10 STEP 3: Step 38c- Close 2-SW-476, Water Box 2C Isol (MER 4) STANDARD: (a) Locates 2-SW-476 (in #4 MER 2/3 of the way across the room on the right hand side. (b) Attempts to close 2-SW-476 by removing the locking pin and rotating the handwheel clockwise. (c) Recognizes that 2-SW-476 will not close and transitions to step 38c RNO column. Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: As operator attempts to close valve, the handwheel will not move. COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 5 of 10 STEP 4: Step 38c RNO- Do the following: 1) Verify open or open 2-SW-533. 2) Close 2-SW-474, located in Unit 2 BC HX SW MOV pit. STANDARD: (a) *Opens 2-SW-533 (MER-5) - by rotating valve handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. This is a critical step. (b) Proceeds to Unit 2 BC HX SW MOV pit. (c) Locates manual valve 2-SW-474. (d) *Closes 2-SW-474 by removing the locking pin and rotating valve handwheel in the clockwise direction- this is a critical step. Evaluator's Cues For 2-SW-533, provide appropriate cue based on actual initial valve position in plant. If asked: After trainee identifies 2-SW-474, if expected mark number not verbalized, ask the trainee what they expect the label to read, then tell trainee the label reads 2-SW-474. If wrong valve identified, tell trainee that what they expected is not what it reads. If asked: Security has been notified for entry. Evaluator's Note Safety concern: Trainee does not have to travel down into the valve pits. He can identify which label he is looking at, tell the evaluator what he expects the label to read, and if correct (at the BC HX SW MOV PIT), the evaluator can then state the label reads 2-SW-474. The trainee can describe actions to complete valve manipulation from above. Security concern: Certain valve pits are now covered by grates. If the enclosure is to be opened, security should be contacted. It is acceptable for the trainee to describe the actions required to raise the grate(s) - utilize hand crank to raise the grating access door. COMMENTS:

_______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 6 of 10 STEP 5: Step 38d- Close 2-SW-478, SW Header Crosstie. (MER 4) STANDARD: (a) Locates 2-SW-478 (in #4 MER 2/3 of the way across the room on the right hand side). (b) Pulls pin from handwheel actuator. (c) *Closes 2-SW-478 by rotating valve handwheel in the clockwise direction- This is a critical step. Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: Provide appropriate cue for valve operation based on actual in plant valve position. Safety concern: Trainee does not have to crawl across pipes to check the valve labels at the east end of the #4 MER. He can identify which valve label he is looking at, and the evaluator can state the label reads "2-SW-478" if the correct label is identified. The trainee can then describe the required actions to complete valve manipulation from the west end of #4 MER. . COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 6: Step 38e- SECURE CHEMICAL INJECTION TO MER 3 SW SUPPLY HEADER IAW 0-OP-SW-006, MER 3 AND MER 4 SERVICE WATER CHEMICAL INJECTION OPERATION STANDARD: (a) Notifies Shift Manager (Evaluator) that Chemical Injection to MER 3 SW Supply Header needs to be secured IAW 0-OP-SW-006. Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: Unit 1 Turbine Building Operator will secure chemical injection.

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM j" Surry SR14301 7 of 10 STEP 7: Step 39- CHECK WATER LEVEL IN MER 3 ON MER 4 GAUGE 2-PL-LI-201 - DECREASING STANDARD: (a) Locates MER 3 level gauge 2-PL-LI-201 in MER 4. (b) Checks that level in MER 3 is decreasing.

Evaluator's Cues Tell operator: After the operator locates MER 3 level gauge, tell him the level is 50" H2O and slowly decreasing. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 8: REPORT TO SHIFT SUPERVISOR (EVALUATOR). STANDARD: Verbal status report that steps 38 and 39 of 1-AP-13.00 are complete. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: N/A STOP TIME: COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STOP TIME: ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Surry SR14301 8 of 10 Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. There is a major Service Water leak in #3 MER. 1-SW-P-10B and 2-SW-P-10B have been secured. 1-VS-E-4A, 4B, and 4C have been secured. MER 3 Watertight Door has been checked closed. Initiating Cues The team has reached step 37 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding. You are to isolate Service Water to #3 MER in accordance with Steps 38 and 39 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT turn switches, manipulate controls or reposition valves. There is a major Service Water leak in #3 MER. 1-SW-P-10B and 2-SW-P-10B have been secured. 1-VS-E-4A, 4B, and 4C have been secured. MER 3 Watertight Door has been checked closed. Initiating Cues The team has reached step 37 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding. You are to isolate Service Water to #3 MER in accordance with Steps 38 and 39 of 0-AP-13.00, Turbine Building or #3 MER Flooding.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 1 of 16 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR14301 Simulator Job Performance Measure [KA 061K4.01 4.1/4.2] [Alternate Path] Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________ Examiner_______________________________

Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________ Title LOCALLY SWAP THE AFW PUMP SUPPLY TO THE FIRE WATER ALTERNATE SOURCE (Faulted) K/A: Knowledge of AFW design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Water sources and priority of use. 4.1/4.2. Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time RO/SRO(I)/SRO(U) 25 Minutes ___ Minutes Conditions Task is to be SIMULATED in the plant. A simulated loss of secondary heat sink is in progress. Both the ECST and underground tank levels are below 20% and it is desired to swap AFW pump suction to the Fire Main. Standards 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, part 4 Self-Checking (STAR) practices will be used throughout task performance. Operations Department Standards shall be adhered to. Terminating Cues Report received that alternate source aligned to AFW pumps. Any failure criteria listed under the Evaluation Criteria section above has been met. Candidate states "Task is complete." Procedures 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, part 4, Rev 36 Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None Standard PPE Required.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 2 of 16 Initial Conditions Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of secondary heat sink and the team is currently at step 3 of 2-FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink. AFW cross-tie from Unit 1 is unavailable. An operator has attempted to open 2-CN-150 and the valve is stuck CLOSED. . Initiating Cues Align an alternate suction source to the Aux Feedwater pumps using the most preferred source available in accordance with 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1. Notes to the Evaluator: Brief of this JPM may be accomplished in the RP Briefing Room, outside of the RCA This task is to be SIMULATED. Do NOT allow the operator to manipulate controls, operate switches or reposition valves.

Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 3 of 16 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*). START TIME_______: STEP 1: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 1 Select one of the following methods as an alternate source of Auxiliary Feedwater. Makeup to 2-CN-TK-1 from 2-CN-TK-2 Standards (a) Identifies this source is not available from initial conditions. Evaluator's Cues When attempts are made to open the valve, the handwheel will not turn with the chain. The valve is jammed closed. Evaluator's Notes 2-CN-150 is stuck closed. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 2: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 2 Alignment of AFW Booster Pump(s) DETERMINES AFW BOOSTER PUMPS ARE NOT AVAILABLE Standards (a) Check 2-CN-TK-3 level > 20%. Evaluator's Cues Inform operator that 2-CN-TK-3 level is < 10%. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 4 of 16 STEP 3: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 3. Cross-tie from Unit 1. Standards Based on directions given to operator, determines AFW crosstie from Unit 1 unavailable. Evaluator's Cues As the Shift Manager, I need you to determine an alternate method based on the information given. Evaluator's Comments

_______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 4: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part, (Step 4a) Fire Water Alignment to AFW Pumps. LOCALLY CLOSE THE FIRE MAIN ISOLATION VALVES TELL-TALE DRAIN, 2-FW-119 Standards (a) Proceeds to Unit 2 safeguards steam side. (b) Closes 2-FW-119 by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction. Evaluator's Cues When the valve is operated properly, the valve stem inserts until the handwheel will not turn. Evaluator's Notes 2-FW-119 is located between the fire main isolation valves near the stairway to the upper levels and is normally open. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 5 of 16 STEP 5: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step b.) Locally open fire main isolation valves: Standards *(a) Opens 2-FW-120 by turning handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. *(b) Opens 2-FW-185 by turning handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. Cues Provide cues valve stems rise as FW-120 & FW-185 are properly operated. Tell Operator: After both FW-120 & FW-185 opened, provide cues flow noise is momentarily heard through the valves. Tell Operator: If FW-119 NOT closed before opening FW-120 & FW-185, provide cues water is spraying out from 2-FW-119. Evaluator's Notes 2-FW-120 & -185 are located on ground level near stairway. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT STEP 6: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step 4 c.) Locally start diesel driven fire pump. STANDARD: a) Asks Shift Manager/Evaluator status of diesel driven fire pump. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: When asked: Diesel driven fire pump has been started. COMMENTS: _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 6 of 16 STEP 7: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step 4 d.) Locally open fire water suction valves to available AFW pump(s): STANDARD: a) Acknowledges NOTE prior to Step d: The following steps should be used as needed to align water to each AFW pump one at a time and the MCR informed after each pump alignment is complete. *b) Opens 2-FW-154, (for 2-FW-P-2) *c) Opens 2-FW-169, (for 2-FW-P-3A) *d) Opens 2-FW-184, (for 2-FW-P-3B) Evaluator's Cues Provide cues valve stems rise as each valve is properly operated.

If Notified: acknowledge opening 2-FW-154 / 169 / 184 as MCR Operator. If Asked: Inform Candidate that Unit 2 AFW Pumps have been secured due to cavitation. EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Candidate informs MCR (Evaluator) following manipulation of each individual valve or wait until all valves for each pump have been manipulated. (Steps 8, 9, and 10 describe valve operations).

COMMENTS: _______ SAT _______ UNSAT STEP 8: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step 4 d.) LOCALLY CHECK AFW PUMP SUCTION PRESSURE AVAILABLE Standards Checks each AFW pump suction pressure gauge to verify pressure available: (a) 2-FW-PI-256A (for 2-FW-P-2), (b) 2-FW-PI-256B (for 2-FW-P-3A), (c) 2-FW-PI-256C (for 2-FW-P-3B). Evaluator's Cues Provide cues each gauge indicates full range (> 30 psig). Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 7 of 16 STEP 9: 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Part 4, (Step 4 f.) LOCALLY CLOSE THE NORMAL AFW PUMP SUCTION VALVES Standards Closes/verifies closed the other AFW pump suction paths: *(a) Closes 2-FW-153 (ECST to 2-FW-P-2) by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction (b) Verifies 2-FW-283 closed (booster pps to 2-FW-P-2). *(c) Closes 2-FW-168 (ECST to 2-FW-P-3A) by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction (d) Verifies 2-FW-284 closed (booster pps to 2-FW-P-3A). *(e) Closes 2-FW-183 (ECST to 2-FW-P-3B) by turning handwheel in the clockwise direction (f) Verifies 2-FW-285 closed (booster pps to 2-FW-P-3B). Evaluator's Cues Provide cues valve stems go in as 2-FW-153, -168 & -183 are properly operated. Provide cues valve stems for 2-FW-283, -284 & -285 are as indicated (~1/2 inch showing). When notified: As each AFW pump valve alignment is complete, acknowledge completion of alignment as MCR Operator. Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT

Surry 2014-301 "JPM k" Page 8 of 16 STEP 10: REPORTS TO SHIFT MANAGER (EVALUATOR) Standards Verbal status report made that AFW pumps are on fire water suction per 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1. STOP TIME: ______________ Evaluator's Comments _______ SAT _______ UNSAT COMMENTS:

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Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER) Initial Conditions Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of secondary heat sink and the team is currently at step 3 of 2-FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink. AFW cross-tie from Unit 1 is unavailable. An operator has attempted to open 2-CN-150 and the valve is stuck CLOSED. . Initiating Cues Align an alternate suction source to the Aux Feedwater pumps using the most preferred source available in accordance with 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1.

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT) Initial Conditions Unit 2 is currently experiencing a loss of secondary heat sink and the team is currently at step 3 of 2-FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink. AFW cross-tie from Unit 1 is unavailable. An operator has attempted to open 2-CN-150 and the valve is stuck CLOSED. . Initiating Cues Align an alternate suction source to the Aux Feedwater pumps using the most preferred source available in accordance with 2-FR-H.1, Attachment 1.