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Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1997 for TMI-1
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1997
From: Heysek W, Langenbach J
6710-97-2492, GL-97-02, GL-97-2, NUDOCS 9711210168
Download: ML20199E340 (3)


{{#Wiki_filter::: -{ .~ GPU 'iucleer, inc. - Rosw 441 South (. - Po.,:Off ce Box 480 NUCLEAR M,ddletown, PA 17057-0480 Tel717 944 7621 November 13, 1997 6710-97-2492-U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Contiol Desk ' Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit I (TMI-1) i Operating License Nc. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Monthly Operating Report for October 1997 Enclosed are two copies of the October 19)7 Monthly Operating Report for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1. The content and format ofinformation submitted in thi.e report is in accordance with the guidance provided by Generic Letter 97-02, Sincerely, [gh gf ..W. Langenbach Vice President and Director, TMI .WGH. L i l l-L cc: Administrator, Region 1 l-TMI Senior Resident inspector 97001 l!Risislalspig P'"a w m m, PDR:-

a APPENDIX A OPERATI G DATA REPORT 4 DOCKET NO. 50 289 DATE November 13, 1997 COMPLETED BY W HEYSEK TELEPHONE (717)948 8191 REPORTING PERIOD: OCTOBER 1997 YEAR TO MONTH DATE CUMULATIVE 1. DESIGN ELECTRICAL RATING (MWe 819.0 NET). De nommal net electrical output of the urut specified by the utility and use.d for the purpose of plant design 2. MAXIMUM DEPENDABLE CAPACITY 786.0 (MWeNET). The gross electrical output as n casured at the output termmals of the turbine generator durmg the most restrictive seasonal conditions minus the normal station senice loads. 3. NUMBER OF HOURS REACTOR WAS 318.6 6,088.8 124,415.9 CRITICAL. De total number of horrs during the gross hours of the reporting period that the reactor was cri" - 4. HOURS GENERATOR ON LINE, 291.9 6,055.1 123,220.4 (Service llours) ne total number of hours durmg the gross hours of the reportmg period that the umt operated with the tweakers closed to the station bus. l The sum of the hours that the generator un on ime plus the total outage hours in the reportmg period. 5. UNIT RESERVE SHUTDOWN HOURS. 0.0 0.0 0.0 The total number of hours during the gross hours of the reportmg period that the unit was removed from i service for economic or similar reasons but was at ailable for operation. 6. NET ELECTRICAL ENERGY (MWH), 219,222.0 4,862,884.0 96,006,548.1 ne gross electncal output of the unit measured at the output terminals of the turbine generator nunus I the normal station senice loads dunng the gross hours of the reporting period, expressed in megawatt hours Negative quantities should not te used.

  • Design values have no " Year tc Date" or ' Cumulative" significance.


APPENDIX B UNIT SHUTDOWNS DOCKET NO. 50-289 DATE November 13, 1997 COMPLETED BV W. IEYSEK TF1 FPilONE (717) 948-8191 REPORTING PERIOD: OCTOBER 1997 -.c c a c-- Dans Type' Dwalum' im.o w 10/1-S 453.13 C

  • See None g

10/19/97 summary below. I 2 3 Fw n u.s.a 3 s.ww AE. - Fakse (5 =Wn 844snuel E-' a Tess 3 Maned Ezann c% r-% kangw.wy F-== MMihm(ExplanQ E 4 W= Tinsens & 1mmesg 8 -= F? % E, a.,- es< mans 4EW


The plant entered the shutdown for the 12R outage. The plant remained shutdown until 0533 hours on October 17,1997 when plant hea: up was unnm.euced The reactor was made critical at iN25 hours on October 18.1997. The 12R outage was considered complete wah the closure of,the generator breakers at 2 tux lacn on ( Atober 19. Iw7 The plant achiesed Ims". power at 0100 hours on October 22,1997 and remained at that power lesel through the end of the month.

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