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Exam Rept 50-170/86-01 on 860107-08.Exam Results:Both Senior Reactor Operator Candidates Passed.Problems Identified W/ Housekeeping & Maint Controls Outside Reactor Area
Person / Time
Site: Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Issue date: 02/06/1986
From: Dudley N, Keller R, Kister H
Shared Package
ML20140A796 List:
50-170-86-01, 50-170-86-1, NUDOCS 8603210231
Download: ML20140A804 (37)

See also: IR 05000170/1986001



t .









LICENSEE: Defense Nuclear Agency

Bethesda, Maryland 20014

FACILITY: Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute

EXAMINATION DATES: January 7 and 8, 1986

CHIEF EXAMINER: /46 Ctp /~b Ib

N. Dudley, Lead R " tor Engineer Date

REVIEWED BY: If 2-[3[k

Rotiert M. Keller, Chief, Projects Section 1C Date


HarfyB.Kittyr, Chief, D6te I /

Projects Branch No. 1

SUMMARY: Examinations were administered to two Senior Reactor Operator Can-

didates and two licenses were issued. Problems were identified with house-

keeping and maintenance control for areas outside the reactor area.

hbh kD K




_ _ _ _ ____ __________

t 4







TYPE OF EXAMS: Replacement


l SR0 l

l Pass / Fail - l

l l

l l 1

l Written Examl 2/0 l

-1 I i

i l I

l Oral Exam l 2/0 l

l l l

l l

l Overall l 2/0 l

l l l


1. Summary of generic strengths or deficiencies noted on oral examinations:

Although candidates were knowledgeable' of reactor systems and operations

they did not display a strong working knowledge of the electrical distri-

bution system, the radiological waste disposal system, or the ventilation

system. Neither candidate was able to correctly determine whether the

discharge pressure of the supply fan to the reactor room was sufficient to

lift the building overpressure relief valve if the exhaust damper was

shut, and whether a release through the relief system would be unmoni-

tored. Neither candidate was able to locate up-to-date, as-built, draw-

ings to evaluate the consequences of the hypothesized malfunctions.

Candidates were unable to identify out of service equipment connected

with auxiliary and support systems not directly addressed by the Technt-

cal Specifications. Candidates stated that there is no management system

available to the operators to track out of service equipment which is not

directly under the cognizance of the operations department.

Housekeeping outside the reactor building is inadequate. In the Reactor

Control Area Room there was a hose which the operator was forced to step

on and over during completion of the startup check-list. There were

rusting cans and buckets on the floor, a fan belt hung from a valve stem,

and an overflowing trash barrel was in the middle of the room. In the

second floor ventilation room valve bodies and diaphragms were laying

loose on top of ventilation equipment.

__ ____-_ -


.O ~




>. 3-

. . .



'2. . Personnel Present at Exit. Interview:

, . .

NRC Personnel


I '

'N. Dudley

. .

-Facility Personnel

M. Moore,-React'or Facility Director

3. Summary of NRC Comments made at exit interview: i

A. discussion was. held concerning the details of facility operations to

clarify questions which. arose during the oral examinations. Also,'a

discussion of-facility comments on the written examination was conducted.


The examiner ques'tioned why f!re extinguishers had been checked monthly

i until August of 1985 and.had not been checked for five months. The'Reac- ~!

. tor Facility Director explained that the fire department had lengthened

the surveillance periodicity on the fire extinguishers to six months.


. The examiner noted that housekeeping outside the reactor area was unsatis-

, factory. The. Reactor Facility ' Director agreed but sta.ted he had no con-

trol over the cleanliness of those areas since they had been turned over l

to contractors'for facility modifications.




The examiner noted that there was an apparent' lack of management control

for facility maintenance and modifications. Indications of the lack of


management. control included unavailability prints and the lack

of an out of service equipment' tracking system. .The Reactor Facility

[, . Director stated 'that the operations department-does not track "non-re-

. quired systems" because there is no requirements and that it is too dif-


ficult to obtain information from the other. departments. He continued,-

that there is' no integrated control system at the facility to monitor and  ;

track maintenance being conducted by each department.



4. Unresolved Items:


-The status of housekeeping outside the reactor area will be evaluated i

during future inspections. (50-170-86-01-01) F

The apparent lack of management controls for facility maintenance and i

modifications may. result in the inability to identify the effects of

planned maintenance on the safety of the reactor area. This is an

unresol'v ed item pending further discussions between the licensee and NRC


Region I. (50-170/86-01-02)





_ _ . _ . , _ _ _ . . - _ . - _ _ , _ . . _ . - . _ , _ . - . ~ . - - . _ . . . _ . . . _ . _ . , . . . _ . , ___







'5. Changes made to written exam during examination review:

Consideration was made of facility comments. However, not all comments

resulted in change to the answer key.

Answer No. Change Reason

K.6 Change to "2, 4, 3,1" In practice, calibration of

the transient rod is

performed after a full core


K.10 Add " Presently one Statement of present plant

top and one center configuration is required

thermocouple are for full credit.


K.14 Add "for worth per rod; Allows answer for highest

D - most reactive ring". rod worth or highest ring


L.2 Add "4. Do not lock Corresponds to newly

reactor door". revised procedures.

L.7 Change "15 Watts" to Corresponds to newly

"above source level". revised procedures.

1. Written Examination and Answer Key (SRO)

2. Facility Comments on Written Examinations made af ter Exam Review


, . .,- Arrecipnen f A '












, Facility: AFRRI

Reactor Type:' TRIGA

Date Administered:

Examiner: ~ NOEL DUOLEY



Use separate paper for the answers. Write on one side only. ' Staple question

sheet on top of the' answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in

parentheses after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70% in each

category. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after the

examination starts. ~

Category  % of Candidate's _ % of-

Value Total Score Cat. Value Category -m - - -

20 20 H.. Reactor Theory

20 20 I. Radioactive Materials

Handling,. Disposal, and


20 20 J. Specific Operating



20 20 K. Fuel Handling and

Core Parameters

20 20 L. Administrative Procedures,

Conditions, and-



Final Grade  %

All work done on this examination is my own; I have neither given nor received

. aid.

Candidate's8 gnature


- .~ . -

, - - . - - - - =

,' .











H.1 Assume the reactor is critical at I watt. . What effect, if any,  ;

will be observed if the source is removed at this point?


(1.5) j

H.2 Calculate how long it will take to increase the reactor period *

from 15 W to l' MW on a stable 5 second period. (1.5)

H.3 Estimate the shutdown margin of a fully loaded AFRRI core using

given data. (1.5)  !

Rod worth

Trans $3.63 - -

Safe $1.88

Shim $1.90

Reg $1.87 _;

f' ,

Normal excess infinite H 2O = $4.25 i

H.4 Natural convection of the water in the reactor tank cools the

reactor core. Explain how natural convection takes place,


including how a doubling of power would affect the flow past the

elements and the change in temperature between the bottom.and ,

top of the core. (3.0)

H.5 A K excess is measured on Honday morning (no weekend



operations). The reactor is then operated at full power for 5

hrs, shut down, and K excess is measured 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> -later. ~ Would

you expect the K excess to be greater or less than that measured t

in the morning? WA? (2.0)


H.6 Explain where the large negative temperature coefficient of

reactivity comes from, give all three (3) components, and

briefly describe each one. List in order of importance. (4.0)

H.7 The following statements are concerned with subcritical

multiplication. Choose the one underlined word that will make

the sentence correct. ,

a. As K ff approaches unity, a larger / smaller change in neutron

'aveiresultsfromagivenchangeinK eff. (0.5)

b. As K ff approaches unity, a shorter / longer period of time is

required to reach the equilibrium neutron level for a given

change in Keff. (0.5)




- Section H Continued on Next Page -


_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ .

, _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


.' .








- H.8 Answer the following True or False: d

a. A week after a reactor shutdown,- a Xe-135-free core is also

. an I-135-free core. (0.5)

b. . The equilibrium Xe-135 reactivity at 70% power is less than

twice the equilibrium Xe-135 reactivity-at 35% power. (0.5)

H.9 The reactor is shut down by 6% delta K/K with a source range

neutron count rate indication of 50 CPS. How much reactivity

will have to be added through rod withdrawal to raise the source

range count rate indication to 300 CPS 7 (2.0)

H.10 J oes

Wh d Xenon peak later following a shutdown from high power

than it does when.following a shutdown from a low power level?- (2.0) (

H.11 According to Fuch's Pulse Model Equations, which parameter given

.below is the pulse power proportional to: Select one.

a. The initial temperature T

b. Thesquarerootofreact10ityinserted

c. The reactivity inserted

d. The square of reactivity inserted

e. Beta-effective (0.5)

- End of Category H -



, d



. ..

, ,





I.0 0


1.1 If the reactor was operating at 1 MW and a fuel element

developed a~ crack in the cladding, how would the operator first

receive an indication of the failure? As the senior reactor

operator on duty, what would be your immediate actions upon

suspecting the cladding had failed? (3.0) .

I.2 You are the SRO on duty. -You learn that an experimenter has

made the following changes in his experiment ~ after it had been

approved for irradiation in the Core Experiment Tube. (CET).

1. He will use an aluminum rabbit instead of plastic.

.. t

2. He will clean the experiment with acetone.(CH3)2C0 rather

than alcohol C 25 H 0H.

3. He will place the experiment in a gold-silver capsule with a

sodium chloride solution instead of a quartz ~ glass with a

distilled water solution.


4. The run will be reduced from 1 MW hr to 55 min at 1 MW.


a. Will you permit the experimenter to place this experiment in

the Core Experiment Tube (CET)? Briefly explain your

answer. (1.0)

b. For the changes 1-4 explain how and why each would affect

the radiological hazards associated with the experiment

(i.e., no significant change, or increase or decrease hazard

and reason for change). (3.0)

c. If the experiment as changed is eventually performed, what

precautions would you suggest for handling the rabbit after

exposure? (1.0)

1.3 Explain the operation of the N-16 Diffuser System and wA the

system is rarely used. (2.0)

I.4 True or False: The Remote Area Monitor (RAM) System consists of

detectors to measure neutron radiation levels in various areas

of the plant where radiation hazards may exist. (0.5)

- Section I Continued on Next Page -

, d


_ _ . .. .. .


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~ I.5 List the three (3) principal nuclides potentially present in the

gaseous effluent measured by the stack gas monitoring system.

Also state the primary source for each. (2.5)

I.6 Why are all six (6) surfaces of the exposure room lined with a

P oot thick wood lining? (2.0)

1.7 What prevents upward streaming of radiation from the Core

Experiment Tube (CET)? (1.0)

I.8 Two identical samples are irradiated in the same flux; one for

20 minutes, and the other for 10 minutes. What will determine

the ratio of activities .of the two samples T6TTowing

irradiation? Explain. (2.0) ,


I.9 The radiation level in a planned maintenance work area is 150


mrem /hr. Work in that area is expected to take three (3) people

. working 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> apiece. For each of the following options,

calculate the ex ected total man-rem exposure (including

maintenance work -

a. Temporary shielding is installed by two (2) worker d ho stay '

one hour in the 150 mrem /hr area, then the maintenance work

begins. A tenth thickness of shielding M installed. (1.0)

b. The radiation source is found to be a point source, where

the 150 mrem /hr is the exposure at four (4) feet. By using

extender tools, half the work is done at four (4) feet and

half the work is done at eight (8) feet. (1.0)

- End of Category I -

. d

.' -











J.1 Given the following rod configurations: safe-up, shim 60%,

reg-up, trans servoing at steady 800 KW - what changes, if any,

will occur if the shim rod up switch is depressed? If the safe

down switch is depressed? Explain. (2.0)

J.2 Explain the " isolation" capabilities of the air system in the

reactor room. (2.0)

J.3 List five (5) conditions that will cause a RWP (Rod Withdrawal

Permit) for one or all rods. (2.5)

J.4 What design feature minimizes the bottoming impact of a control

rod drive piston? ~


J.5 Explain the difference between Safety Channel 1 and Safety '

Channel 2. (1.5)

J.6 a. What is the range of the wide range log channel in the

nuclear instrumentation system? (1.0) ,

b. What two (2) techniques are used for covering the upper and

lower ranges? (1.0)

J.7 For the electrical loads listed below, indicate whether power

comes from Transformer 42A or 428.

a. Reactor Console

b. Cooling tower fan motors

c. Radiation Monitor Power Panel

d. Lighting. (2.0)

J.8 Briefly describe the differences in physical operation between

the regulating rod drive mechanism and that of the shim and

safety rod drives. (1.5)

J.9 Why is air pressure at 9 psi supplied to the shield door

bearings? (1.0)

J.10 On a loss of air pressure, what will happen to the supply

dampers (S1, S2, and S3) and to the exhaust damper (E1) located

in the heating and ventilating ducts of the Reactor Room? (1.0)

- Section J Continued on Next Page -

. d



.  : t- .










J.11 What are the three (3) basic functions of'the water purification C

. system? (1.5)


J.12 Two 1tems, frequently associated _with in-tank experimental


devices, are mercury thermometers and dosimetry devices. Why is


it important to ensure neither of these items are introducW

into the reactor coolant? (1.0)

J.13 What would happen if the rods failed to scram after a pulse?

Draw or describe'in detail the power response. (1.0)

- End of Category J -




, gd?


l .? .










K.1 Briefly describe the procedure to be used in detemining a

steady state power coefficient. of re~ activity? (3.0)

K.2 True or False: In-core experimer.ts shall not be placed in

- adjacent fuel positions of the B-ring and/or C-ring. (0.5)

K.3 a. What is the minimum number of nuclear instrument channels

! (with capability to detect' source neutrons) needed for fuel


movement during core loading? (0,5)

b. During unloading? (0.5)


! K4 a. In what order are the rings ~ loaded? (1.0)

b. How many elements are loaded per step until critical loading


1s achieved? (0.5)


K.5 What three (3) inspections and measurements must be conducted on

a new fuel element received at AFRRI prior to it being loaded

into the core?



K.6 The following steps are taken ff6m' the AFRRI operating procedure

for reactor core loading. Rearrange in the order that they will

- be performed.

l 1. Calibrate the transient rod

j' 2. Load elements until critical loading is achieved

3. Load core to full operational load

l 4. Load core to $2.00 excess reactivity. (2.0)

K.7 How does the operator ensure that the fuel element is properly

l seated in the lower grid plate during the loading of F28 during

Core Experiment Tube (CET) removal from the core? (1.0)



K.8 According to the AFRRI Reactor Core Loading and Unloading

Procedure (VII), who are the minimum personnel that must be

present for the core loading operation? (2.0)




- Section K Continued on Next Page -

. 6



.. ~ .





- -

. .




K.9 What is the purpose of the. graphite slugs at each end of the U

TueT-moderator rods? (1.0)

K.10 Which fuel temperature thermocouple readings are fed to fuel

safety ~ channels one and two? .(2.0)

K.11 What would happen if while operating at 1 MW the CET came loose


and popped out of the core? 37 W (2.0)

K.12 What is the maximum allowable K excess with a fully loaded

core? (0,5)

K.13 W

M is samarium included in each fuel element? (1.0)

K.14 Which fuel element ring has the. highest worth? (1.0) '

- End of Category K -






  • l .







L.1 List five (5) items that require daily checks for operation by (2.5)

the Technical Specifications.

L.2 List three (3) things an operator must do upon hearing a fire (1.5)


L.3 What conditions must be met for the reactor to be considered (3.5)


L.4 Who is allowed unescorted access to the reactor Controlled (1,0)

Access Area (CAA)?



L.5 What actions must an operator take on an AFRRI Complex Emergency

Evacuation according to Procedure VI (Emergency Procedures)? (2.0)

Include what actions are taken with reactor area doors.

L.6 Entries to the Reactor Operations Logbook are occasionally made

Give two (2) examples for each color '

in Red or Green colors.

(red, green) of an entries that might be designated by that (3.0)

color indication.

What is the maximum power limit for square wave operation? (0.5)

L.7 a.

b. What is the maximum power allowable before pulse (Mode III)


operation? What is the minimum power?

L.8 According to the AFRRI Emergency Plan, define _both Emergency (2.5)

Action levels (EAL's) and Emergency Classes?

L.9 What is the order of succession for.the Emergency Command Post (1.5) .

(ECP) Commander?

L.10 AccordingtoTechnicalSpectfications,whatarettEeminimum

number of fuel elements that are required in a closely packed

array to achieve criticality? Select one.

a. 12 elements

b. 33 elements

c. 67 elements (1.0)

d. 87 elements.

- End of Category L -


. d


? l



  • / l' :- '


j .





t .


_____.. __.......___________....... _______________.........___..___......


.____..._________________________________........__...______ ....... __....

. . +

l - Where mi = m2

(density)1(velocity)i(area)1 = (density)2(velocity)2(area)2


____.......____________________________.............____ ........._____ __

l ~ KE = mv2 PE = mgh PEi +KEi +Pi Yi = PE +KE where Y = specific

! - li 2 +P

2 Y22


P = Pressure

.. ______...... _______...... __...______...__ ......._____..__....____ ..

( Q = ic p(Tou t-Tin) Q = UA (Tave-Tstm) Q = m(hi -h2 ) *

____________ .______.. _______________..______ ..__ ..........___..__..... _


P = P e10(.SUR)(t) p p et/T SUR = 26.06 T = (B-p)t

I p

...__.u_. __.....___________.. ___.__..__._..___.......____.. .....____...

.- -

delta K = (Ke f f-1) CR1 (1-Keffi) =.CR 2 II-Keff2)

CR = S/(1-Keff) e r -

, M = (1-Keffi) SDM = (1.Keff) x 100%


(1-Keff2) K


__...___ ......____..______._____...__......._......._______........ __...

l decay constant =

in (2) = 0.693 A 1 = Ag e-(decay constant)x(t)-

-, t t

1/2 1/2

____.........._________________.___.........__..__.__ ____......___.._....

L Water Parameters Miscellaneous Conversions #



l 1 gallon = 8.345 lbs 1 Curie = 3.7 x 1010 dps



1 gallon = 3.78 liters 1 kg = 2.21 lbs

1 ft3 = 7.48 gallons 1 hp = 2.54 x 103Btu /hr

! 3

' Density =62.4lbg/ft 1 MW = 3.41 x 106 Btu /hr

Density = 1 gm/cm 1 Btu = 778 f t-lbf

Heat of Vaporization = 970 Dtu/lbm Degrees F = (1.8 x Degrees C) + 32

- Heat of Fusion = 144 Btu /lbm 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters -

1 Atm = 14.7' psia = 29.9 in Hg g = 32.174 f t-lbm/lbf-sec2

...__..__..___......___....______..............._.......______... _____...



9 m



k . g

  • . . .




- .









Facility: AFRRI

Reactor Type TRIGA


Da te Administered:


Candidates ANSWER KEY


Use separate paper for'the answers. Write on one side only. Staple question -

sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in


parentheses after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70% in each

category. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after the

examination starts.

Category  % of Candidate's  % of

Value Total Score Cat. Value Cateocry

20 20 H. Reactor Theory

20 20 1. Radioactive Materlaks .

Handling, Disposal,'and **

, . , Hazards

20 20 J. Specific Operating

Ch ar ac ter i st ics


20 20 K. Fue1 Handling and

. . . , g Core Parameters

20 20 L. Administrative Procedures,

Conditions, and ,.

Limitations '


Final Grade  %

All. work done on this examination is my own! I have neither given nor received

ai d.

Candidate's Signature

, d -


+ .

. . .

. .



- .




H.1 If source is removed when critical at 1 W, a slight positive period will

result due to the source having a negative reactivity (about 5 cents)

worth at this power level (source absorbs more neutrons than

producing) .

Referenc2: AFRRI Question Bank A.16


P = Poet /T

10' .5 sec = 55.5 sec


in . E


Reference: AFRRI Question Bank A.14


H.3 Total rod worth $9.28

K excess -4.25

Shutdown $5.03

Reference: AFRRI Question Bank K.8

H.4 Natural convection is caused by the principle that as water is heated it

becomes lighter and rises causing flow past the elements - 1.5 pts. The

heat removed is equal to mCp (Tto -Tc .75 pts. Therefore, as

the power is doubled, the heat reSovedttTi-)l

w .be doubled.

^ (Ttop-T '

will nearly double and m will increase, but not quite double 73ps.

.b tt{m)

Reference: Basic Fluid Theory / Equation Sheet


H.S K excess less (1 pt) due to:

1. heat up of core (because of increase in H O temp) .5 pts.

2. slight buildup of xenon .5 pts. 2

Reference: AFRRI Question Bank H.7

, cf"



[ .. - ,- ,





. 2

-H.6 7tH disadvantage factor. The heatup of the zirconium hydride prevents a

neutrons from scattering down to reach thermal energy.

Doppler broadening. T apparent increase in wW of de resonance

capture integrals of. Ugg8causes the loss of neutrons thru resonance


Density. The thermal expansion causes a loss of moderator effectiveness

.thereby decreasing the neutrons reaching thermal energy.

I pt each description

1 pt order


Reference: AFRRI Question Bank J.9


H.7 a. larger

b... longer -

Reference: Basic Reactor Theory


H.8 a. True - - - -

b. True

Reference: Basic Reactor Theory

H.9 Given (delta K) = - 6%, Cf = 50 cps,'Cf = 300 cps


.943 / Assumption- (del ta K) = K-1

K = 1-(de ta K)- 1

C 1-K '

1 2* 50 * 1-K2 -




300 1 .943 /


50 057) , y,g *

    • K,2 = .9905 -


'(delta K) = ~I =* ~

g- 5

= .00959 or about 1% S/D /

Reference: AFRRI Reference Package, p. 1

Formula Sheet-

. 6



.. . .

. ..





H.10 Equilibrium todine is proportional to power, while equilibrium xenon is g

not.- Therefore, you have a higher ratio of.I to Xe at higher power

levels. The greater the I-to Xe ratio, the longer it takes for

sufficient .I to decay to Xe such that an equilibrium production and

decay of Xe is occurring (i.e., the peak).

Reference: Basic Reactor Theory


.H.11 d. The square of the reactivity inserted.

Reference: AFRRI Reference Package, p. 1





j -..






, 9

i '.



A .,_


' *

. ,



. . 4





1.1 Reactor room CAM. Fission product gasses decay to particulate and

collect on the CAM filter. R1 would probably not alarm (unless levels

are greater than 500 mR/hr). Criticality monitor also would not alarm

(unless levels at room are greater than 10 mR/hr) -1pt.

Scram the reactor. Activate emergency plan. Isolate area. Insure CAM

alarm triggered close of dampers. Assess and evaluate situation - 2


Reference: AFRR1 Question Bank 1.8

I.2 a. No. It is not the same experiment. There will have to be a new


b. 1. Significant change, Al will activate but short lived so not a

large problem if allowed.


2. No significant' change as both will evaporate but they are very'

similan chemically.

3. The capsule will be a very significant change as the gold and

silver will activate. Although the gold is practically opaque

to neutrons, if the solution is exposed to any flux at all, it

will activate. Gold wil1~ ac tivate wi th a high cross sect ion.

4. No significant change.-

c. Leave experiment in CET for short lived isotopes to decay off.

Af terwards use Time / Distance / Shielding when~ working wi th rabbi t.

Have a lead rask nearby as necessary.


Reference: AFRRI Question Bank I.5

, ta '

I.3 'The diffuser system is a pump mounted on the carriage above the reactor


tank. The piping of the diffuser system, located on the inside of the

core-support structure, passes pool water through an opening in the side

approximately 4 feet from the top of the support cylinder. The wa ter,

discharged inside the support structure in a tangential direction,

causes the water.above the core to swirl. This action breaks up the

vapor formations, thereby increasing bubble rise time and reducing the

radiation level at the top'of the reactor poei. This system-does not

reduce the levels by more than about 25% and it is therefore rarely


1.5 pts - description of system

0.5 pts - why not used.


Reference: AFRR1 Hanual 82-1, p. 48

, Ci~



, ,



. .




I.4 False - measure gamma ,

Reference: AFRRI Manual 81-1, p. 111

I.5 AR-41 - Reactor

0 -15 LINAC.


0.5 for each gas; 1/3 point for each source.

Reference: AFRRI Manual-82-1, p. 139

I.6 'It is there to prevent activation of the-12-foot thick concrete

biological shield by4hermalizing the fast neutrons and thereby reducing #

the secondary gamma ra91ation emitted from the concrete.-


Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 157

I.7 The tube has a large "S" bend in it. ~



Reference:~ AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 188

-I.8 Activity is proportional to lambda, the ' decay constant for the material.

1 = lambda.

A = Ag e-AE +~(flux)'N (cross section) (1-e' )


If you double the time a material is irradiated, you will not double the

activation. Because it is a LN function. The' lower the lambda (higher

the half life), the closer you will come to. almost having a doubling. ,


Reference: AFRRI R'eference Package, p.1 '




, td~


L- #

  • '

. . .


, _

. .



I.9 a. EXP = (2 men)x(150 mrem /hr)x(1 hr)

.+ (.1)x(3 men)x(5 hrs)x(150 mrem /hr)

. = 300 mrem + 225 mrem I

= 525 mrem ~or .525 Man-Rem

b. EXP = (3 men)x(2.5 hrs)x(150 mrem /hr)

+ (.25)x(3 men)x(2.5 hrs)x(150 mrem /hr)'

= 1125 mrem + 281.25 mrem

= 1406.25 mrem or 1.40625 Man-Rem ~

Reference ALARA and Shielding / Attenuation Basic Theory






. .


. , * * -


, , d~ -



-. _ _ _ .

.. ..

' ~

. l


. .






J.1 If shim up switch is depressed, no change will. occur (in square wave the

trans rod will servo, all other rods up, movement' is prevented).

If safe down is depressed, trans will servo out further to compensate

since downward movement is allowed.

Reference: AFRRI Question Bank-A.17

J.2 During any alarm from the primary reactor room CAM, the. positive sealing

dampers of the reactor air system will close. .The dampers can also be

closed manually. The doors and hatch to the reactor room are sealed

with gaskets to prevent air leakage from the reactor room.

Reference: AFRRI Question Bank B.21

J.3 . HV-loss on fission chamber

. fast period 3 sec

. pool water temp 50 C

.. source level (RWP unless operational channel sees source level


. IKW interlock - no air to trans rod

. operational calibrate - if operational channel is in any mode-except

operate. . .

Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, pp. - 92-23

AFRRI Question Bank J.18

J.4 The upper portion of.the barrel is well ventilated by slotted vents, so

the piston moves freely in this range. However, when the- piston is

within 2 inches of the bottom of its travel', its movement is restrained

Hby a dashpot action of the graded vents in the lower end of the barrel.

This action reduces the bottoming impact. ,


Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 27

J.5 Safety channel two operates exactly like safety channel one in the -

steady-state modes. In pulse mode, however, the safety channel input is

changed so that a separate ion chamber or other detector is placed on


the. channel input. This channel reads the peak output on the console

recorder blue pen and the energy produced during the pulse on the NVT

meter in the right drawer, and supplies the scram signal based on a 110%

current signal from the detector.

' Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 89


. ed

. ._ .. - ._ -. - - . - _ . . . _

- -

. .







cJ.6 a. 10~3 watt to 1 MW (ten decades)


b. The lower six decades uses a pulse log-count technique; the upper

four decades uses a log campbelling technique.

Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 83

J.7 a. 42A

b. 428

c '. 428

d. 42A-

Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 70 + 74

J.8 The regulating rod has a unique drive motor and drive control circuitry.

A. tachometer feedback drive motor moves the regulating rod. This system

interacts with the servo controller circuit in the control console. The

tachometer feedback drive motor is actuated by a variable signal from

the output of the servo controller. The tachometer in turn feeds back -

information on its rate and direction of travel to the servo controller


Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 28

J.9 To minimize the likelihood of water leaking into the housing if the seal

should rupture.

Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 68



J.10 'The~ air dampers are spring-loaded with pneumatic solenoids. Air

pressure is required to hold them'open; when the air pressure is

removed, the dampers spring closed.

Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 68

J.11 . It maintains. low electrical conductivity of the reactor coolant to

minimize the corrosion of all reactor components.

. It reduces radioactivity in the water by removing particulates and

soluble. impurities. ,

. It helps to maintain the optical clarity of the water.

Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1, p. 41

, 6


.~ -

. ..



. .


. 9


J.12 Both are highly' corrosive agents on the ~ aluminum tank and components


Reference: AFRRI Question Bank, A.19

~J.13 The pulse'would terminate and convert to a steady state condition the .


_ power of which would be detenmined by the amount inserted to cause the

pulse. For example, a $3.40 pulse would convert to 1 MW steady state

run after a few seconds.

Reference: AFRRI Question Bank, J.13


I _





. SN




.-_ 4

. .

. .







K.1 The procedure to-determine a steady state power coefficient of

reactivity is as follows:


1. Bring the reactor to a cold critical condition.

2. Bring reactor- critical at desired higher power, measure' and record

the worth of control rod used to achieve this level or

2a. Using current control rod worth curves, insert a set amoun t of

reactivity (by withdrawing a rod to the appropriate ~ position).

3. Plot these values on a curve _ of power vs. reactivity in dollars.

Reference: AFRRI Exam Bank A.3

K.2' True

Reference: AFRRI SP 84-2, p. 27

K.3 a. 2

b. 1

Reference: AFRRI Operating Proced'sres VII, p. 1


K.4 a. B--------)5 ~~


b. '2 i



Reference: AFRRI Operating Procedure VII, p. 2

K.5 o

1. ' visual defects (af ter cleaning)

2. length measurement

3. bow measurement.


Reference: AFRRI Operating Procedures, Procedure VII

K.6- 2, 4, 4 T-9-t

3,: 1

Reference: AFRRI Operating Procedures, Procedure VII




9 .






., j .. *-



. 11

K.7 There should be an audible " double click." -


Reference: AFRRI Operating' Procedure, TAB B-


K.8 ~ a' . The-Reactor Facility Director- or the Reactor Operations Supervisor,

b. One other licensed SRO or R0.

Reference: AFRRI Operating Procedure, VII

K.9- They are reflectors.

Reference: AFRRI Operations Manual, p. 20 i

K.10 Instrumented fuel elements, with three thermocouples each, are located

at selected positions in the B and C rings. Generally, the center

thermocouple (the one physically located in the center of the fuel

section), of the hottest reading element from one B ring and one C ring,

is' fed to fuel safety channels one and two, respectively. I'4f5fva r ur

icp car cwice rnewc:ett Mr Snczrto, ,

Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1,,p. 89

K.11 Especially if experiment was in CET (usually neg) a pos insertion is

made. The position of the CET occupied is then replaced with water.

which is a reflector which is also positive worth. Therefore the power ' -*

would increase unless in servo whereby the reg rod would lower.

Reference: AFRRI Question ~ Bank, J.10

K.12 -$5.00 g 4

Reference: AFRRI Operating Procedures, VII


, d


, , , , , . , , - - - -$

.- ,

,, - .- .





, 12


K.13 As a burnable poison to minimize reactivity changes resulting'from



fission-product buildup and fuel burnup.

Reference: AFRRI Manual 82-1,'p. 20.


K.14 8 - all worths' decrea~se going from B to F. Fca weerre Nt /?ct,

D - Nsr Rentt<K Dn

Reference: AFRRI Reference Package. -Reactor Parameters





,. ~





9 .


s.- *-

[- ,


9 -







L.1 1. Functional performance check of the transient rod system


2. Measurement of core excess reactivi ty

3. Check of-the scram function of the high-flux safety channels

4. Check of the fuel temperature scrams

5. Pool water. temperature measured at inlet to the purification system

6.. Channel check of RAMS and CANS.

Reference: AFRRI Question Bank L.14

L.2- 1. Scram the reactor (if operating)

. 2. Secure any exposure facilities open or in use

3. Remove the: log book, keys, AFRRI Fire and Emergency Evacuation

Information Guide. Carry _them to the Emergency Action Station and g



Oc to M

gar L M support


acch actions as required.

Reference: .AFRRI Question Bank L.18


% __.

L.3 a. The reactor is shut down - 1 pt.


b. The console key switch is in the "off" position, and the key is

removed from the console and is under the control'of a licensed

operator, or is stored in a locked storage area - 1 pt.

c. No work is in progress involving in-core fuel handling or refueling

operations, maintenance of the reactor or its control mechanisms, or

insertion or withdrawal of in-cor(' experiments, unless sufficient

fuel is removed to insure a $0.50 (or greater) shutdown margin with

the most reactive control rod removed - 1.5 pts.

Reference: AFRRI Question Bank L.1

AFRRI SP84-2, p. 3

9 &

L.4 Reactor staff'and any~other person who is designated on the Reactor

Access Roster.



Reference: AFRRI Operating Procedure V

, sdI


b __

,  : ..






. ,


, 14

L.5 1. Scram reactor. 4

2. Secure any. exposure facilities which are in use.




Remove logbook, emergency guide and keys: 'and report to- EAS.


4. Do NOT lock reactor area doors.

Reference: AFRRI Operating Procedures VI

L.6 ' RED

.1. K-excess measurements, to include experiment worth determinations.


2. Actions which affect reactivity:

a. Core movement.

b. Fuel movement.

--c Control r,od physical removal for maintenance.

'd. Experiment' loading and removal from the CET, PTS, Pool, or

Core. ,


1. Reactor malfunction, to include the reactor systems and support

. equipment taken out of service for maintenance and returned to

service. .

2. Additional items entered at the discretion of the operator such as

addition of makeup water to the reactor pool, etc.

Reference: AFRRI Ope, rating Procedures, TAB A, p. 2,


L.7 a. ~900 KW

b. 1 KW / 15-Matts a cca . sc nc u s%

Reference: AFRRI Operating Procedure, TAB D (b). *

TAB E (a)

, si~


., .w

g .  ;.



, 15

L.8 Emergency Action ' Levels (EAL's). "EAL's" are specific. reactor-related i

instrument readings, or observations; radiological dose or dose. rates;

or specific contamination levels of airborne, waterborne, or

surface-deposited radioactive materials, which relate to the AFRRI

Reactor Facility, that are used as thresholds for establishing and

achieving emergency classes and initiating appropriate emergency.

measures or procedures under this Emergency Plan - 1 pt.

Emergency Classes. " Emergency classes" are generally accepted

classification labels for accident situations. grouped by severity level

for which predetermined emergency measures or procedures have been

addressed, considered, or provided .5 pts. The four emergency 'classes

are: (1) Notification of Unusual Event;.(2) Alert; '(3) Site Area

Emergency; and (4) General Emergency - 1 pt.

Reference: AFRRI Emergency Plan, p. 9 + 35


L.9 1. Director, AFRRI

2. Deputy Director, AFRRI

3. Senior Military Officer present in the AFRRI chain-of command.


Reference: AFRRI Emergency Plan, p. 22


L.10 c. 67 - other answers obviously wrong.

Reference: AFRRI Tech Specs, p. 28

, ..,_ -END of KEY-


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