CNL-22-009, Request for Relief from American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, In.

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Request for Relief from American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, In.
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry, Watts Bar, Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/2022
From: Polickoski J
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML22115A235 (188)


1101 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 CNL-22-009 April 25, 2022 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)

ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-33, DPR-52, and DPR-68 NRC Docket Nos. 50-259, 50-260, and 50-296 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-77 and DPR-79 NRC Docket Nos. 50-327 and 50-328 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-90 and NPF-96 NRC Docket Nos. 50-390 and 50-391


Request for Relief from American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler &

Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, In Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.55a, Codes and Standards, paragraphs (g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is submitting for Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval, requests for relief for the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3; Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; from the requirements of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC),Section XI, examination requirements for Tables IWB-2500-1, Category B-D, IWC-2500-1, Categories C-A and C-B, and N-716-1, Category R-A, as identified in Enclosures 1, 2, and 3 to this letter.

Specifically, TVA requests relief for the welds listed in these requests from Code requirements of achieving essentially 100 percent examination coverage. ASME BPVC,Section XI, IWA-2200(c) states that when the entire volume or surface area cannot be examined due to interference by another component or part geometry, essentially 100 percent coverage is achieved when the applicable examination coverage is greater than 90 percent. The

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission CNL-22-009 Page 2 April 25, 2022 component examinations in the scope of these relief requests are those for which greater than 90 percent of the required examination volume or surface area could not be achieved.

The enclosures to this letter provide relief requests BFN-0-ISI-31, SQN-19-ISI-1, and WBN-19-ISI-1, which request relief from the requirements of the ASME BPVC,Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, ASME Code Classes 1 and 2. The relief requests provide information to support the determination that achieving essentially 100 percent coverage of the listed welds is impractical.

TVA requests approval of this request for relief within one year of the date of this letter.

There are no new regulatory commitments associated with this submittal. Please address any questions regarding this request to Stuart L. Rymer, Senior Manager, Fleet Licensing, at

Respectfully, Digitally signed by Rymer, Stuart Loveridge for Date: 2022.04.25 15:34:33 -04'00' James T. Polickoski Director, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs


1. Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Request for Relief Number BFN-0-ISI-31
2. Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Request for Relief Number SQN-19-ISI-1
3. Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Request for Relief Number WBN-19-ISI-1 cc: (without Enclosures):

NRC Regional Administrator - Region II NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Sequoyah Nuclear Plant NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant NRC Project Manager - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant NRC Project Manager - Sequoyah Nuclear Plant NRC Project Manager - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant

Enclosure 1 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI Request for Relief Number BFN-0-ISI-31

Enclosure 1 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI Request for Relief Number BFN-0-ISI-31 Introduction This request, in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), is applicable to examinations performed during the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 first period of the third interval, BFN Unit 2 first period of the fifth interval, and BFN Unit 3 first period of the fourth interval, for which limited examination coverage was obtained. For all three units, the first period ended on January 31, 2019. This enclosure contains the figures and tables that depict the limitations and calculations used to determine obtained-coverage, materials and product forms, ultrasonic examination angles and wave modes used, and the examination results for the welds associated with this request for relief, including any applicable previous examination history used. The following tables (Tables 1, 2, and 3 for BFN Units 1, 2, and 3, respectively) identify the welds within the scope of this request and summarize the extent of examination coverage achieved for each weld.

Frequently, ultrasonic testing (UT) scan numbers were used in the original nondestructive examination (NDE) data sheets to determine and describe the examinations performed and coverage percentages obtained. In the detailed examination data that follows, UT scan number identifiers have been omitted for clarity, and replaced with specific descriptions of weld configurations and scan directions. When referring to NDE datasheets, the scan numbers, if used, have been applied as described in Figure I-1 for Piping and Figure I-2 for Vessels.

I. ASME Code Components Affected The BFN Units 1, 2, and 3, Class 1 and 2 welds with limited examinations requiring relief during the first period of the applicable 10-year inservice inspection (ISI) interval are listed in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 of this enclosure. The content of this request includes the insights gained from guidance provided in Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) presentation, Coverage Relief Requests, Reference 1. The following Code Classes, Examination Categories, and Item Numbers apply.

Code Classes: 1 and 2 Examination Categories: B-D and R-A Item Numbers: B3.90, R1.16, and R1.20 II. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda During the Unit 1 third 10-year ISI interval, the Unit 2 fifth 10-year ISI interval, and the Unit 3 fourth 10-year ISI interval, the applicable American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) of Record (Code) is ASME Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 2007 Edition through 2008 Addenda, as modified by 10 CFR 50.55a, Codes and Standards. The Appendix VIII requirements and use of the performance demonstration initiative (PDI) requirements at BFN were in accordance CNL-22-009 E1-1 of 124

Enclosure 1 with the 2007 Edition through 2008 Addenda of Section XI, as modified by 10 CFR 50.55a for the limited examinations contained in this request.

For all three units, the first period of the current 10-year ISI interval ended on January 31, 2019.

The limited examinations contained in this request are required to be submitted to the NRC within 12 months of the end of the current interval, currently scheduled for January 31, 2026.

III. Applicable Code Requirements In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is requesting relief from weld examination coverage requirements specified in the ASME BPVC,Section XI for the following examination categories.

Exam Item No.

Class 1 Weld Examination Coverage Requirements Cat.

B-D B3.90 100% examination of the reactor vessel nozzle-to vessel welds per Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1.

Exam Item No.

Class 1 and Class 2 Piping Welds / Risk-Informed Inservice Cat.

Inspection Program Coverage Requirements R-A R1.16 100% examination per figure IWB-2500-8(c) or IWB-2500-9, -10,

-11, as applicable, plus an additional 1/2 beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore.

R1.20 100% examination per figure IWB-2500-8(c) or IWB-2500-9, -10,

-11, as applicable.

ASME Section XI, IWA-2200(c) states that when performing VT-1 surface, radiographic, or ultrasonic examination on a component with defined surface or volume, essentially 100 percent of the required surface or volume shall be examined. Essentially 100 percent coverage is achieved when the applicable examination coverage is greater than 90 percent. The component examinations in the scope of this relief request are those for which greater than 90 percent of the required examination volume or surface area could not be achieved.

Limited Class 1 Nozzle Welds Examinations performed per Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in Vessels, Item No. B3.90, Reactor Vessel Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds, encountered limitations on various nozzle to vessel welds on each unit. These welds included Reactor Water Recirculation Outlet (N1), Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet (N2), Steam Outlet (N3), Core Spray (N5), Head Spray (N6), Vent (N7), Jet Pump (N8), Control Rod Drive (N9),

and Standby Liquid Control (N10) nozzles. The welds were examined to meet the applicable volumetric requirements depicted in Figure IWB-2500-7. Limited UT examinations have been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented below when performing examinations of these nozzle welds.

Limited Class 1 Piping Welds / Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Programs Class 1 piping welds were selected for examination under the BFN Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISI) Program in accordance with ASME Code Case N-716-1 (Reference 2).

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Enclosure 1 During performance of these Category R-A Risk-Informed ISI piping examinations, coverage limitations were encountered on the following two components:

x R-A R1.16, 12-inch Pipe to Valve weld in the Core Spray System on Unit 2 x R-A R1.20, 6-inch Pipe to Valve weld in the Reactor Water Cleanup System on Unit 3 IV. Reason for Request Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), TVA has determined that compliance with the code requirements of achieving essentially 100 percent coverage of the welds listed in this request is impractical. This request is based on actual demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with the code requirements in the performance of the examinations listed in this request.

V. Impracticality of Compliance The construction permit applications for BFN Unit 1 and Unit 2 were issued on May 10, 1967.

The construction permit application for BFN Unit 3 was issued on July 31, 1968. All three units fall under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(1). Under these provisions, Code Class 1 and 2 components and their supports need not meet the design and access provisions of ASME Section XI.

The design of BFN Units 1, 2, and 3 provide access for examinations to the extent practical.

However, component design configurations with conditions resulting in examination limitations (for example, those from support interference, geometric configurations of welds and materials such as fitting or valve bodies made of cast stainless steel) may not allow the full required examination volume or surface area coverage with the latest techniques available. Therefore, this relief request addresses those conditions. Details of examination restrictions and reductions in required examination coverage are provided in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 of this enclosure.

When examined, the welds listed in this enclosure of this request did not receive the required code volume coverage due to their component design configurations or interference by other items. These conditions resulted in scanning access limitations that prohibited obtaining essentially 100 percent examination coverage (greater than 90 percent) of the required examination volumes. When this situation occurred, 100 percent of the accessible volumes of each weld were covered to the extent practicable.

Every weld was examined as required by applicable procedures and regulations to the extent practicable. In those cases where UT examinations could potentially have interrogated additional area, such as the inside surface of cast stainless valves by looking through a stainless steel weld, these were considered a best effort examination. These are shown on the figures in the attachment to this enclosure by the represented angles. However, no additional coverage is credited.

Burden Caused by Compliance For each weld in the scope of this request, it is not possible to obtain UT interrogation of greater than 90 percent of the required code examination volume or surface areas without extensive weld or component design modifications. Examinations have been performed to the maximum CNL-22-009 E1-3 of 124

Enclosure 1 extent possible. Using radiography as an alternative would result in numerous work-related stoppages and increased radiation exposure due to the shutdown and startup of other work in the areas. The water may need to be drained from some systems or components where radiography is performed, which increases the radiation dose rates over a much broader area than the weld being examined. There is significant impracticality associated with the performance of weld or area modifications or the use of radiography in order to increase the examination coverage.

The UT examination techniques used for welds in this request for relief were reviewed to determine if additional coverage could be achieved by improving those techniques. No improvements could be identified, and the examinations have been performed to the maximum extent possible. Therefore, TVA has determined that obtaining essentially 100 percent coverage is not feasible and is impractical without adding additional burden consisting of significant redesign work, increased radiation exposure, and/or potential damage to the plant or the component itself.

VI. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative

1) Periodic system pressure tests and VT-2 visual examinations will continue to be performed on Class 1 pressure retaining welds and items during each refueling outage in accordance with Examination Category B-P of Table IWB-2500-1.
2) Class 2 pressure retaining welds and items will continue to receive system pressure tests and VT-2 visual examinations during each inspection period in accordance with Examination Category C-H of Table IWC-2500-1.
3) UT examinations are conducted to the maximum extent possible using demonstrated techniques as required by ASME Section XI or the RI-ISI Programs.

Basis for Use Regulation 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) recognizes that throughout the service life of a nuclear power facility, components which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must meet the requirements, except design and access provisions and preservice examination requirements, set forth in the ASME Code to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry, and materials of construction. This request for relief has been written to address areas where a component is found to have conditions that limit the required examination volume or surface area and, thus, the amount of coverage was reduced below the minimum acceptable.

TVA has performed the weld examinations listed in this request to the maximum extent possible for each of the welds identified with limitations in the attachment to this enclosure.

Many of the welds in the scope of this request are located inside the containment. Even though their examination did not meet the essentially 100 percent Code required volume coverage requirement, each of these locations is subject to a system pressure test as described above.

In addition, there is continuous monitoring instrumentation in place to assure that early detection of any reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure boundary leakage is identified. This is accomplished by monitoring of the following parameters: (a) pressure and temperature in the primary containment, (b) flow in the equipment drain sump and floor drain sump, (c) cooling CNL-22-009 E1-4 of 124

Enclosure 1 water temperature to and from the drywell coolers, and (d) drywell atmosphere for airborne activity. The unidentified leakage rate limit for BFN is based, with an adequate margin for contingencies, on the crack size large enough to propagate rapidly. The established limit is sufficiently low so that, even if the entire unidentified leakage rate were coming from a single crack in the nuclear system process barrier, corrective action could be taken before the integrity of the barrier is threatened with significant compromise. RCS leakage detection instrumentation is required to be operable by BFN Technical Specification (TS) 3.4.5, RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation. BFN TS 3.4.5 requires that the following RCS leakage detection instrumentation shall be operable:

x Drywell floor drain sump monitoring system; and x One channel of either primary containment atmospheric particulate or atmospheric gaseous monitoring system.

The above instruments are used to quantify any unidentified leakage from the RCS and to meet BFN TS 3.4.4, RCS Operational Leakage, that states that RCS operational leakage shall be limited to:

a) No pressure boundary leakage; b) Five gallon per minute (gpm) unidentified leakage; c) 30 gpm identified leakage; and d) Two gpm increase in unidentified leakage within the previous 24-hour period in Mode 1.

Based upon the extent of the required UT examination volume achieved for each of the welds within this request for relief and coupled with applicable leakage monitoring and required system pressure tests with VT-2 visual examinations, no further action can be taken by TVA at this time to improve these examinations without applying impractical options. The proposed alternative in this request for relief will provide assurance of an acceptable level of quality and safety by providing reasonable assurance of structural integrity.

VII. Duration of Proposed Alternative This request for relief is for the limited coverage examinations performed during the first period of the third interval for BFN Unit 1, the first period of the fifth interval for BFN Unit 2, and the first period of the fourth interval for BFN Unit 3. The current 10-year intervals for all three units began on February 1, 2016, and are scheduled to end on January 31, 2026.

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Enclosure 1 VIII. Precedents Industry requests for relief due to impracticality associated with limited weld examinations are common and are filed by all licensees. Some of the more recent NRC approvals of requested relief that are aligned with Reference 1 are:

x NRC Letter to TVA, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Relief Request No. 17-ISI-1 Regarding the Requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (CAC Nos. MF9690 and MF9691; EPID L-2017-LLR-0025), dated January 26, 2018 (ML18008A068) x NRC Letter to Virginia Electric & Power Company, Surry Power Station, Unit No 2 -

Requests for Relief LMT-R01, LMT-SS01, LMT-CS01, LMT-P01, LMT-C01, LMT-C02, LMT-C03, and LMT-C04 - For Limited Coverage Examinations Performed in the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos. MF7718, MF7719, MF7720, MF7721, MF7722, MF7723, MF7724 and MF7725), dated February 17, 2017 (ML16365A118) x NRC Letter to Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit No. 1 -

Relief Request NDE-SIF-U1 to Allow Use of Alternate American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Examination Requirements for the Third Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC No. MF7552), dated July 27, 2016 (ML16207A397) x NRC Letter to Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2 -

Relief Requests for Limited Coverage Examinations Performed in the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos. MF6567, MF6568, and MF6569), dated July 13, 2016 (ML16172A135) x NRC Letter to PPL Susquehanna, LLC, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2

- Relief Requests for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC NOS. MF6302, MF6303, MF6304, MF6305, MF6306, and MF6307), dated May 10, 2016 (ML16069A199)

IX. References

1. NRC presentation, Coverage Relief Requests, Industry and NRC NDE Technical Information Exchange Public Meeting, January 13-15, 2015 (ML15013A266).
2. ASME Code Case N-716-1, Alternative Classification and Examination Requirements, January 27, 2013.

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Enclosure 1 FIGURE I SCANNING NOMENCLATURE IDENTIFICATION FOR PIPING FIGURE I SCANNING NOMENCLATURE IDENTIFICATION FOR PIPING 1 = Visual 2 = Base Material When Required Reference Arrow Flow 3-14 = Angle Beam 15-17 = 0° Weld and HAZ CNL-22-009 E1-7 of 124


Vertical Vessel Horizontal Vessel CNL-22-009 E1-8 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 1 - BFN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained Figures Cycle Form Form 1.1 1 28 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 35.6% Geometric Nozzle Table 1.1-1 N1A-NV B-D Recirculation Outlet Nozzle A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U1R12 B3.90 to Shell Weld Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Steel Plate with Indications 1.1-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Forging Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) with Stainless 1.1-5 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding 1.2 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 38.5% Geometric Nozzle Table 1.2-1 N2D-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U1R12 B3.90 Shell Weld Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Steel Plate with Indications 1.2-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Forging Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) with Stainless 1.2-5 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding 1.3 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 38.5% Geometric Nozzle Table 1.3-1 N2E-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U1R12 B3.90 Shell Weld Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Alloy Plate with Indications 1.3-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Steel Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) Forging Stainless 1.3-5 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding CNL-22-009 E1-9 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 1 - BFN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained Figures Cycle Form Form 1.4 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 38.5% Geometric Nozzle Table 1.4-1 N2G-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U1R12 B3.90 Shell Weld Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Alloy Plate with Indications 1.4-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Steel Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) Forging Stainless 1.4-5 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding 1.5 1 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 39.9% Geometric Nozzle Table 1.5-1 N3D-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U1R12 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Shell TNOM = 6.125 Alloy Plate with Indications 1.5-1 Cladding = 0.125 (min) Steel Austenitic through Forging Stainless 1.5-5 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding to approx.

2-3/4 of ext. end CNL-22-009 E1-10 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 1 - BFN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained Figures Cycle Form Form 1.6 1 10 Core Spray Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 26.8% Geometric Nozzle Table 1.6-1 N5A-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U1R12 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Shell TNOM = 6.125 Alloy Plate with Indications 1.6-1 Cladding = 0.125 (min) Steel Austenitic through Forging Stainless 1.6-6 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding 1.7 1 6 Head Spray Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Head: 54.1% Geometric Nozzle Table 1.7-1 N6A-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U1R12 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Head TNOM = 4.0 Alloy Plate Indications 1.7-1 Steel through Forging 1.7-5 1.8 1 4 Vent Nozzle to Shell Weld Nozzle: Weld: Head: 73.6% Geometric Nozzle Table 1.8-1 N7-NV B-D A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U1R12 B3.90 Head TNOM = 4.0 Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Alloy Plate Indications 1.8-1 Steel through Forging 1.8-5 CNL-22-009 E1-11 of 124

Enclosure 1 1.1 Weld N1A-NV - 28 Reactor Water Recirculation Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 1.1-1 Weld N1A-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 1-CHM-0992-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the third 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U1R12 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-094. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 35.6 percent as described in Table 1.1-1 and combined with Figures 1.1-2 through 1.1-5.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U1R08, UT-10-037 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

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Enclosure 1 Figure 1.1-2 Weld N1A-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 1.1-3 Weld N1A-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Required Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-13 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.1-4 Weld N1A-NV, Upper 85% Coverage Limitation Figure 1.1-5 Weld N1A-NV, Lower 15% Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-14 of 124

Enclosure 1 Table 1.1-1 Weld N1A-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 9384.4 1182.4 8202 9384.4 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 5304.6 1182.4 175.2 1357.6 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 56.5 100 2.14 (B) 14.5 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 35.5%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 43°, 50°, 55° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

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Enclosure 1 1.2 Weld N2D-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 1.2-1 Weld N2D-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 1-CHM-0992-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the third 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U1R12 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-062A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 38.5 percent as described in Table 1.2-1 and combined with Figures 1.2-2 through 1.2-5.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U1R08, UT-10-038 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

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Enclosure 1 Figure 1.2-2 Weld N2D-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 1.2-3 Weld N2D-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Required Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-17 of 124

Enclosure 1

Figure 1.2-4 Weld N2D-NV, Upper 85% Coverage Limitation Figure 1.2-5 Weld N2D-NV, Lower 15% Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-18 of 124

Enclosure 1 Table 1.2-1 Weld N2D-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3095.8 421.3 2674.5 3095.8 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1894.8 421.3 69.3 490.6 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 61.21 100 2.59 (B) 15.85 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 38.5%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR-2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

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Enclosure 1 1.3 Weld N2E-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 1.3-1 Weld N2E-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 1-CHM-0992-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the third 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U1R12 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-063A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 38.5 percent as described in Table 1.3-1 and combined with Figures 1.3-2 through 1.3-5.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U1R08, UT-10-039 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

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Enclosure 1 Figure 1.3-2 Weld N2E-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 1.3-3 Weld N2E-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Required Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-21 of 124

Enclosure 1

Figure 1.3-4 Weld N2E-NV, Upper 85% Coverage Limitation Figure 1.3-5 Weld N2E-NV, Lower 15% Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-22 of 124

Enclosure 1 Table 1.3-1 Weld N2E-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3095.8 421.3 2674.5 3095.8 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1894.8 421.3 69.3 490.6 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 61.21 100 2.59 (B) 15.85 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 38.5%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-23 of 124

Enclosure 1 1.4 Weld N2G-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 1.4-1 Weld N2G-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 1-CHM-0992-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the third 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U1R12 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-068A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 38.5 percent as described in Table 1.4-1 and combined with Figures 1.4-2 through 1.4-5.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U1R08, UT-10-040 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-24 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.4-2 Weld N2G-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 1.4-3 Weld N2G-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Required Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-25 of 124

Enclosure 1

Figure 1.4-4 Weld N2G-NV, Upper 85% Coverage Limitation Figure 1.4-5 Weld N2G-NV, Lower 15% Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-26 of 124

Enclosure 1 Table 1.4-1 Weld N2G-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3095.8 421.3 2674.5 3095.8 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1894.8 421.3 69.3 490.6 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 61.21 100 2.59 (B) 15.85 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 38.5%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Modeling Report IR- 2013-535. Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-27 of 124

Enclosure 1 1.5 Weld N3D-NV - 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 1.5-1 Weld N3D-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 1-CHM-0992-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the third 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U1R12 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-102A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 39.9 percent as described in Table 1.5-1 and combined with Figure 1.5-2 through 1.5-5.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U1R08, UT-10-041 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-28 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.5-2 Weld N3D-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 1.5-3 Weld N3D-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Required Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-29 of 124

Enclosure 1

Figure 1.5-4 Weld N3D-NV, Upper 85% Coverage Limitation Figure 1.5-5 Weld N3D-NV, Lower 15% Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-30 of 124

Enclosure 1 Table 1.5-1 Weld N3D-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 6168.7 866.7 5302 6168.7 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 3896 866.7 151.9 1018.6 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 63.2 100 2.86 (B) 16.5 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 39.9%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 50°, 70°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-31 of 124

Enclosure 1 1.6 Weld N5A-NV - 10 Core Spray Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 1.6-1 Weld N5A-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 1-CHM-0992-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the third 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U1R12 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-090. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration and permanent insulation support ring resulting in total UT coverage of 26.8 percent as described in Table 1.6-1 and combined with Figure 1.6-2 through 1.6-6.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U1R08, UT-10-042 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-32 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.6-2 Weld N5A-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 1.6-3 Weld N5A-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Required Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-33 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.6-4 Weld N5A-NV, Upper 85% Coverage Limitation Figure 1.6-5 Weld N5A-NV, Lower 15% Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-34 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.6-6 Weld N5A-NV, Support Ring Obstruction Table 1.6-1 Weld N5A-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 2824.8 375.4 2449.4 2824.8 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1197.3 258.6 57.0 315.6 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 42.4 68.9 2.33 (B) 11.2 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 26.8%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-35 of 124

Enclosure 1 1.7 Weld N6A-NV - 6 Head Spray Nozzle to Shell Weld (RPV Head)

Figure 1.7-1 Weld N6A-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 1-CHM-2102-A-1)

This weld was UT examined in the third 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U1R12 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-088A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 54.1 percent as described in Table 1.7-1 and combined with Figure 1.7-2 through 1.7-5.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U1R08, UT-10-044 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-36 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.7-2 Weld N6A-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 1.7-3 Weld N6A-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Required Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-37 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.7-4 Weld N6A-NV, Upper 85% Radial Coverage Achieved Figure 1.7-5 Weld N6A-NV, Tangential Volume of Upper 85% Achieved CNL-22-009 E1-38 of 124

Enclosure 1 Table 1.7-1 Weld N6A-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 760.5 99.2 661.3 760.5 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 556.8 99.2 167.6 266.8 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 73.21 100.0 25.34 (B) 35.08 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 54.1%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 22°, 26°, 35°, 40°, 50°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-39 of 124

Enclosure 1 1.8 Weld N7-NV - 4 Vent Nozzle to Shell Weld (RPV Head)

Figure 1.8-1 Weld N7-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 1-CHM-2102-A-1)

This weld was UT examined in the third 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U1R12 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-096A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 73.6 percent as described in Table 1.8-1 and combined with Figure 1.8-2 through 1.8-5.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U1R06, Report Nos: R0278 and R0285 were reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-40 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.8-2 Weld N7-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 1.8-3 Weld N7-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Required Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-41 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 1.8-4 Weld N7-NV, Upper 85% Coverage Achieved Figure 1.8-5 Weld N7-NV, Lower 15% Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-42 of 124

Enclosure 1 Table 1.8-1 Weld N7-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 486.8 74.7 412.1 486.8 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 439.0 74.7 202.8 277.5 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 90.2 100.0 49.2 (B) 57.0 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 73.6%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 35°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-43 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 2 - BFN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 2.1 1 28 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 42.2% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.1-1 N1B-NV B-D Recirculation Outlet Nozzle A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U2R19 B3.90 to Shell Weld Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Alloy Plate with Indications 2.1-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Steel Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) Forging Stainless 2.1-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding 2.2 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 45.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.2-1 N2A-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U2R19 B3.90 Shell Weld Class 2 Steel Steel Limitation. Figures Alloy Plate with No Recordable 2.2-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Steel Austenitic Indications through Cladding = 0.125 (min) Forging Stainless 2.2-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding 2.3 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 45.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.3-1 N2C-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U2R19 B3.90 Shell Weld Class 2 Steel Steel Limitation Figures Alloy Plate with No Recordable 2.3-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Steel Austenitic Indications through Cladding = 0.125 (min) Forging Stainless 2.3-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding CNL-22-009 E1-44 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 2 - BFN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 2.4 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 45.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.4-1 N2H-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U2R19 B3.90 Shell Weld Class 2 Steel Steel Limitation Figures Alloy Plate with No Recordable 2.4-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Steel Austenitic Indications through Cladding = 0.125 (min) Forging Stainless 2.4-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding 2.5 1 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 42.3% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.5-1 N3B-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U2R19 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel Limitation Figures Shell TNOM = 6.125 Alloy Plate with No Recordable 2.5-1 Cladding = 0.125 (min) Steel Austenitic Indications through Forging Stainless 2.5-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding to approx.

2-3/4 of ext. end CNL-22-009 E1-45 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 2 - BFN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 2.6 1 10 Core Spray Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 36.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.6-1 N5B-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U2R19 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel and Insulation Support Figures Shell TNOM = 6.125 Alloy Plate with Ring Limitation 2.6-1 Cladding = 0.125 (min) Steel Austenitic No Recordable through Forging Stainless Indications 2.6-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding 2.7 1 4 Vent Nozzle to Head Nozzle: Weld: Head: 50.9% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.7-1 N7-NV B-D Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U2R19 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel Limitation Figures Closure Head TNOM = 4.0 Alloy Plate No Recordable 2.7-1 Steel Indications through Forging 2.7-4 2.8 1 4 Control Rod Drive Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 54.2% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.8-1 N9-NV B-D Hydraulic System Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U2R19 B3.90 Shell Weld Class 2 Steel Steel Limitation Figures Alloy Plate with Previously Recorded 2.8-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Steel Austenitic Indication Observed With through Cladding = 0.125 (min) Forging Stainless No Changes 2.8-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding CNL-22-009 E1-46 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 2 - BFN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 2.9 1 1.5 Standby Liquid Control Nozzle: Weld: Head: 89.9% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.9-1 N10-NV B-D System Nozzle to Head A 508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U2R19 B3.90 Weld Class 2 Steel Steel Limitation Figures Alloy Plate with No Recordable 2.9-1 Bottom Head TNOM = 6.125 Steel Inconel Indications through Cladding = 0.125 (min) Forging Cladding 2.9-4 with Austenitic Stainless Steel Cladding 2.10 1 12 Core Spray System Pipe: Weld: Valve: 48.5% Valve Side Configuration Table 2.10-1 TCS-2-406 R-A Pipe to Valve Weld Carbon Stainless Stainless Limitation U2R19 R1.16 Steel Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Pipe TNOM = .687 SA 333 A351 Gr. Indications 2.10-1 Gr. 6 CF8M through 2.10-3 CNL-22-009 E1-47 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.1 Weld N1B-NV - 28 Reactor Water Recirculation Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld

Figure 2.1-1 Weld N1B-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-CHM-2046-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-067. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 42.2 percent as described in Table 2.1-1 and combined with Figure 2.1-2 through 2.1-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R14, UT R-137 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-48 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.1-2 Weld N1B-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 2.1-3 Weld N1B-NV, Achievable Radial Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-49 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.1-4 Weld N1B-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Achieved Tangential Coverage Table 2.1-1 Weld N1B-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 8780.6 1092 7688.7 8780.7 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 3750.29 1092 2657.9 3749.9 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 42.7 100 34.6 (B) 42.7 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 42.7%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 43°, 50°, 55° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-50 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.2 Weld N2A-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 2.2-1 Weld N2A-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-CHM-2046-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-058A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 45.0 percent as described in Table 2.2-1 and combined with Figure 2.2-2 through 2.2-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R14, UT R-138 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-51 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.2-2 Weld N2A-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 2.2-3 Weld N2A-NV, Inner 15% Radial Coverage Achieved CNL-22-009 E1-52 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.2-4 Weld N2A-NV, Upper 85% Tangential and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 2.2-1 Weld N2A-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3124.0 449.8 2674.1 3124.0 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1958.5 449.9 400.1 850.0 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 62.7% 100% 15.0% (B) 27.2%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 45.0 Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-53 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.3 Weld N2C-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 2.3-1 Weld N2C-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-CHM-2046-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-059A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 45.0 percent as described in Table 2.3-1 and combined with Figure 2.3-2 through 2.3-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R14, UT R-139 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-54 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.3-2 Weld N2C-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 2.3-3 Weld N2C-NV, Inner 15% Radial Coverage Achieved CNL-22-009 E1-55 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.3-4 Weld N2C-NV, Upper 85% Tangential and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 2.3-1 Weld N2C-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3124.0 449.8 2674.1 3124.0 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1958.5 449.8 400.1 850.0 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 62.7% 100% 15.0% (B) 27.2%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 45.0 Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-56 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.4 Weld N2H-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 2.4-1 Weld N2H-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-CHM-2046-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-091A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 45.0 percent as described in Table 2.4-1 and combined with Figure 2.4-2 through 2.4-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R14, UT R-143 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-57 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.4-2 Weld N2H-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 2.4-3 Weld N2H-NV, Inner 15% Radial Coverage Achieved CNL-22-009 E1-58 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.4-4 Weld N2H-NV, Upper 85% Tangential and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 2.4-1 Weld N2H-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3124.0 449.8 2674.1 3124.0 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1958.5 449.8 400.1 850.0 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 62.7% 100% 15.0% (B) 27.2%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 45.0 Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-59 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.5 Weld N3B-NV - 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 2.5-1 Weld N3B-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-CHM-2046-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-125A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 42.3 percent as described in Table 2.5-1 and combined with Figure 2.5-2 through 2.5-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R14, UT R-175 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-60 of 124

Enclosure 1

Figure 2.5-2 Weld N3B-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 2.5-3 Weld N3B-NV, Inner 15% Coverage Achieved CNL-22-009 E1-61 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.5-4 Weld N3B-NV, Upper 85% Tangential and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 2.5-1 Weld N3B-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 5149.5 673.2 4476.3 5149.5 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 3051.1 673.2 631.2 1304.4 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 59.3 100 14.1 (B) 25.3 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 42.3%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 50°, 70°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-62 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.6 Weld N5B-NV - 10 Core Spray Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 2.6-1 Weld N5B-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-CHM-2046-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-141A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration and insulation support ring resulting in total UT coverage 36.0 percent as described in Table 2.6-1 and combined with Figure 2.6-2 through 2.6-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R14, UT R-157 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-63 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.6-2 Weld N5B-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 2.6-3 Weld N5B-NV, Inner 15% Coverage Achieved CNL-22-009 E1-64 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.6-4 Weld N5B-NV, Upper 85% Tangential and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 2.6-1 Weld N5B-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 2855.9 378.8 2477.2 2855.9 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1275.7 378.8 398.7 777.5 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 44.7% 100.0% 16.1% (B) 27.2%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 36.0%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-65 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.7 Weld N7-NV - 4 Vent Nozzle to Head Weld Figure 2.7-1 Weld N7-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-ISI-0408-C-1)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-071A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 50.9 percent as described in Table 2.7-1 and combined with Figure 2.7-2 through 2.7-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R14, UT R-080 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-66 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.7-2 Weld N7-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 2.7-3 Weld N7-NV, Inner 15% Coverage Achieved CNL-22-009 E1-67 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.7-4 Weld N7-NV, Upper 85% Tangential and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 2.7-1 Weld N7-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 571.0 78.9 492.2 571.0 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 440.7 78.9 61.7 140.6 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 77.2% 100.0% 12.5% (B) 24.6%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 50.9%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 35°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-68 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.8 Weld N9-NV - 4 Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 2.8-1 Weld N9-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-CHM-2046-C-1)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-122A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 54.2 percent as described in Table 2.8-1 and combined with Figure 2.8-2 through 2.8-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R14, UT R-117 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. One reportable flaw indication that exceeded the acceptance criteria of IWB-3500 was evaluated per IWB-3610 and was determined to be acceptable. The same acceptable flaw was detected during the U2R19 outage with no observable change.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-69 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.8-2 Weld N9-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 2.8-3 Weld N9-NV, Inner 15% Coverage Achieved CNL-22-009 E1-70 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.8-4 Weld N9-NV, Upper 85% Tangential and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 2.8-1 Weld N9-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 1360.5 198.3 1162.2 1360.5 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1053.7 198.3 223.3 421.6 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 77.4% 100.0% 19.2% (B) 31.0%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 54.2%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 20°, 35°, and 45° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-71 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.9 Weld N10-NV - 1.5 Standby Liquid Control System Nozzle to Head Weld Figure 2.9-1 Weld N10-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-ISI-0444-C-1)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-121. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 89.9 percent as described in Table 2.9-1 and combined with Figure 2.9-2 through 2.9-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R16, UT VE-11-019 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-72 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.9-2 Weld N10-NV, Full Volume Required Coverage Figure 2.9-3 Weld N10-NV, Achievable Radial Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-73 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 2.9-4 Weld N10-NV, Upper 85% & Lower 15% Achieved Tangential Coverage Table 2.9-1 Weld N10-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 404.7 58.9 345.7 404.6 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 391.7 58.9 277.2 336.1 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 96.8 100 80.2 (B) 83.0 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 89.9%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-74 of 124

Enclosure 1 2.10 Weld TCS-2-406 - 12 Core Spray System Pipe to Valve Weld Figure 2.10-1 Weld TCS-2-406 (Extracted from Reference Drawing 2-ISI-0271-C-1)

This weld was UT examined in the fifth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2017 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No: R1.16, Welds Subject to Intergranular or Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC or TGSCC), degradation mechanisms.

The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-079. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam volume C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 0.5 inch beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. The UT examination was limited from the valve side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 48.5 percent as described in Table 2.10-1 and combined with Figure 2.10-2 through 2.10-3.

Examination of an alternate risk informed selection was not practical. Each of the possible alternative welds are similar in design and materials (carbon steel piping to stainless steel valve) such that similar coverage limitations are expected. Instead, three additional examinations were performed on similar components subject to the same degradation mechanism in the Residual Heat Removal and Reactor Water Recirculation systems. Although not examined for Code Case N-716-1 credit, these representative examinations provide additional assurance that IGSCC is not occurring in a similar operating environment. For each of the three additional exams, essentially 100 percent coverage was obtained, and no indications were recorded.

CNL-22-009 E1-75 of 124

Enclosure 1 A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U2R10, UT R-136 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

Figure 2.10-2 Weld TCS-2-406, Weld Profile Axial Scan Figure 2.10-3 Weld TCS-2-406, Weld Profile Circumferential Scan Table 2.10-1 Weld TCS-2-406 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Axial Coverage 53.36%

Circ CCW 43.59%


96.95% ÷ 2 SCANS = 48.48% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 48.5%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 35° to 65° Shear and 25° to 70° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-76 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 3 - BFN UNIT 3 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 3.1 1 28 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 44.9% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.1-1 N1A-NV B-D Recirculation Outlet Nozzle A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R17 B3.90 to Shell Weld Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Steel Plate with Indications 3.1-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Forging Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) with Stainless 3.1-4 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding 3.2 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 45.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.2-1 N2B-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R17 B3.90 Shell Weld Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Steel Plate with Indications 3.2-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Forging Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) with Stainless 3.2-4 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding 3.3 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 45.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.3-1 N2D-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R17 B3.90 Shell Weld Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Steel Plate with Indications 3.3-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Forging Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) with Stainless 3.3-4 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding CNL-22-009 E1-77 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 3 - BFN UNIT 3 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 3.4 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 45.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.4-1 N2F-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R17 B3.90 Shell Weld Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Steel Plate with Indications 3.4-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Forging Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) with Stainless 3.4-4 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding 3.5 1 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 42.3% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.5-1 N3B-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R17 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Shell TNOM = 6.125 Alloy Plate with Indications 3.5-1 Cladding = 0.125 (min) Steel Austenitic through Forging Stainless 3.5-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding to 2-3/4 of ext.

end CNL-22-009 E1-78 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 3 - BFN UNIT 3 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 3.6 1 10 Core Spray Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 33.7% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.6-1 N5A-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R17 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel and Insulation Support Figures Shell TNOM = 6.125 Alloy Plate with Ring 3.6-1 Cladding = 0.125 (min) Steel Austenitic No Recordable through Forging Stainless Indications 3.6-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding 3.7 1 4 Jet Pump Instrumentation Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 81.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.7-1 N8A-NV B-D Nozzle to Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R17 B3.90 Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Shell TNOM = 6.125 Steel Plate with Indications 3.7-1 Cladding = 0.125 (min) Forging Austenitic through with Stainless 3.7-5 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding 3.8 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 45.8% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.8-1 N2G-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R18 B3.90 Shell Weld Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Steel Plate with Indications 3.8-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Forging Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) with Stainless 3.8-4 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding CNL-22-009 E1-79 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 3 - BFN UNIT 3 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 3.9 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 45.8% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.9-1 N2H-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R18 B3.90 Shell Weld Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Steel Plate with Indications 3.9-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Forging Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) with Stainless 3.9-4 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding 3.10 1 12 Reactor Water Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 45.8% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.10-1 N2J-NV B-D Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R18 B3.90 Shell Weld Alloy Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Steel Plate with Indications 3.10-1 Shell TNOM = 6.125 Forging Austenitic through Cladding = 0.125 (min) with Stainless 3.10-4 Austenitic Steel Stainless Cladding Steel Cladding CNL-22-009 E1-80 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 3 - BFN UNIT 3 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 3.11 1 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 42.3% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.11-1 N3C-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R18 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Shell TNOM = 6.125 Alloy Plate with Indications 3.11-1 Cladding = 0.125 (min) Steel Austenitic through Forging Stainless 3.11-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding to 2-3/4 of ext.

end 3.12 1 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Shell: 42.3 % Geometric Nozzle Table 3.12-1 N3D-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R18 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Shell TNOM = 6.125 Alloy Plate with Indications 3.12-1 Cladding = 0.125 (min) Steel Austenitic through Forging Stainless 3.12-4 with Steel Austenitic Cladding Stainless Steel Cladding to 2-3/4 of ext.

end CNL-22-009 E1-81 of 124

Enclosure 1 TABLE 3 - BFN UNIT 3 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 3.13 1 6 Head Spray Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Head: 44.9% Geometric Nozzle Table 3.13-1 N6A-NV B-D Shell Weld A-508 Carbon MN-MO Design Configuration U3R18 B3.90 Class 2 Steel Steel No Recordable Figures Shell TNOM = 4 Alloy Plate Indications 3.13-1 Steel through Forging 3.13-4 3.14 1 6 Reactor Water Cleanup Pipe: Weld: Valve: 37.6% Geometric Valve Table 3.14-1 RWCU-3-001- R-A Pipe to Valve Weld SA-376 Stainless SA-351 Configuration 042 R1.20 316NG Steel Gr. CF8M No Recordable Figures U3R18 Sch. 80 Pipe TNOM = 0.432 Indications 3.14-1 through 3.14-2 CNL-22-009 E1-82 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.1 Weld N1A-NV - 28 Reactor Water Recirculation Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld

Figure 3.1-1 Weld N1A-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R17 refueling outage in 2016. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-071A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 44.9 percent as described in Table 3.1-1 and combined with Figure 3.1-2 through 3.1-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-079 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

Figure 3.1-2 Weld N1A-NV, Required Exam Full Volume Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-83 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.1-3 Weld N1A-NV, Inner 15%

Achieved Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-84 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.1-4 Weld N1A-NV, Outer 85%

Tangential (Transverse) and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 3.1-1 Weld N1A-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 8780.6 1092.0 7688.7 8780.7 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 5981.4 1092.0 800.6 1892.6 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 68.1% 100.0% 10.4% (B) 21.6%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 44.9%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 43°, 50°, 55° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-85 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.2 Weld N2B-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.2-1 Weld N2B-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R17 refueling outage in 2016. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-072A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 45.0 percent as described in Table 3.2-1 and combined with Figure 3.2-2 through 3.2-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R14, UT R-080 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-86 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.2-2 Weld N2B-NV, Required Exam Full Volume Coverage Figure 3.2-3 Weld N2B-NV, Inner 15%

Achieved Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-87 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.2-4 Weld N2B-NV, Outer 85%

Tangential (Transverse) and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 3.2-1 Weld N2B-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3124.0 449.9 2674.1 3124.0 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1958.5 449.9 400.1 850.0 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 62.7% 100.0% 15.0% (B) 27.2%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 45.0%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-88 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.3 Weld N2D-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.3-1 Weld N2D-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R17 refueling outage in 2016. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-073A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 45.0 percent as described in Table 3.3-1 and combined with Figure 3.3-2 through 3.3-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-081 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-89 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.3-2 Weld N2D-NV, Required Exam Full Volume Coverage Figure 3.3-3 Weld N2D-NV, Inner 15%

Achieved Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-90 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.3-4 Weld N2D-NV, Outer 85%

Tangential (Transverse) and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 3.3-1 Weld N2D-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3124.0 449.9 2674.1 3124.0 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1958.5 449.9 400.1 850.0 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 62.7% 100.0% 15.0% (B) 27.2%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 45.0%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-91 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.4 Weld N2F-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.4-1 Weld N2F-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R17 refueling outage in 2016. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-074A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 45.0 percent as described in Table 3.4-1 and combined with Figure 3.4-2 through 3.4-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-082 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-92 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.4-2 Weld N2F-NV, Required Exam Full Volume Coverage Figure 3.4-3 Weld N2F-NV, Inner 15%

Achieved Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-93 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.4-4 Weld N2F-NV, Outer 85%

Tangential (Transverse) and Radial Coverage Achieved Table 3.4-1 Weld N2F-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3124.0 449.9 2674.1 3124.0 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1958.5 449.9 400.1 850.0 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 62.7% 100.0% 15.0% (B) 27.2%

Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 45.0%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-94 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.5 Weld N3B-NV - 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.5-1 Weld N3B-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R17 refueling outage in 2016. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-078A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 42.3 percent as described in Table 3.5-1 and combined with Figure 3.5-2 through 3.5-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-083 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-95 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.5-2 Weld N3B-NV, Calculated Full Volume Coverage Figure 3.5-3 Weld N3B-NV, Achievable Inner 15% Tangential Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-96 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.5-4 Weld N3B-NV, Radial and Tangential Achieved Coverage Table 3.5-1 Weld N3B-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 5149.5 673.2 4476.3 5149.5 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 3051.1 673.2 631.2 1304.4 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 59.3 100 14.1 (B) 25.3 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 42.3%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, 50°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.3.6 CNL-22-009 E1-97 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.6 Weld N5A-NV - 10 Core Spray Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.6-1 Weld N5A-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R17 refueling outage in 2016. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-086A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration and permanent insulation support ring interference resulting in total UT coverage 33.7 percent as described in Table 3.6-1 and combined with Figure 3.6-2 through 3.6-6.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-088 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-98 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.6-2 Weld N5A-NV, Achievable Radial Coverage Figure 3.6-3 Weld N5A-NV, Inner 15%

Achieved Tangential (Transverse) Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-99 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.6-4 Weld N5A-NV, Restricted Radial and Tangential Coverage Due to Insulation Support Ring Table 3.6-1 Weld N5A-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 2855.9 378.8 2477.2 2855.9 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 1105.0 378.8 442.1 820.9 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A)38.7 100 17.8 (B) 28.7 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 33.7%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-100 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.7 Weld N8A-NV - 4 Jet Pump Instrumentation Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.7-1 Weld N8A-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R17 refueling outage in 2016. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-060. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 81.0 percent as described in Table 3.7-1 and combined with Figure 3.7-2 through 3.7-5.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-089 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-101 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.7-2 Weld N8A-NV, Achievable Radial Coverage Figure 3.7-3 Weld N8A-NV, Radial Modeling Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-102 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.7-4 Weld N8A-NV, Radial and Tangential Achieved Coverage Upper 85%

Figure 3.7-5 Weld N8A-NV, Achieved Upper 85%Tangential (Transverse) Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-103 of 124

Enclosure 1 Table 3.7-1 Weld N8A-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 355.6 53.6 302.6 356.2 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 349.9 53.6 172.9 226.5 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A)98.4 100.0 57.1 (B) 63.6 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 81.0%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-104 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.8 Weld N2G-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.8-1 Weld N2G-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R18 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-093A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 45.8 percent as described in Table 3.8-1 and combined with Figure 3.8-2 through 3.8-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-070 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-105 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.8-2 Weld N2G-NV, Calculated Full Volume Figure 3.8-3 Weld N2G-NV, Achievable Radial Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-106 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.8-4 Weld N2G-NV, Upper 85% Achieved Tangential (Transverse) Coverage Table 3.8-1 Weld N2G-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3111.2 437.2 2674.1 3111.3 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 2062.85 437.2 351.3 788.5 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 66.30 100 13.14 (B) 25.34 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 45.8%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-107 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.9 Weld N2H-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.9-1 Weld N2H-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R18 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-124A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 45.8 percent as described in Table 3.9-1 and combined with Figure 3.9-2 through 3.9-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-071 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-108 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.9-2 Weld N2H-NV, Calculated Full Volume Figure 3.9-3 Weld N2H-NV, Achievable Radial Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-109 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.9-4 Weld N2H-NV, Upper 85% Achieved Tangential (Transverse) Coverage Table 3.9-1 Weld N2H-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3111.2 437.2 2674.1 3111.3 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 2062.85 437.2 351.3 788.5 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 66.3 100 13.14 (B) 25.34 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 45.8%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-110 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.10 Weld N2J-NV - 12 Reactor Water Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.10-1 Weld N2J-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R18 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-127A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 45.8 percent as described in Table 3.10-1 and combined with Figure 3.10-2 through 3.10-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-072 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-111 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.10-2 Weld N2J-NV, Calculated Full Volume Figure 3.10-3 Weld N2J-NV, Achievable Radial Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-112 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.10-4 Weld N2J-NV, Upper 85% Achieved Tangential (Transverse) Coverage Table 3.10-1 Weld N2J-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 3111.2 437.2 2674.1 3111.3 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 2062.85 437.2 351.3 788.5 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 66.3 100 13.14 (B) 25.34 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 = 45.8%

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 45°, Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-113 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.11 Weld N3C-NV - 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.11-1 Weld N3C-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R18 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-087A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 42.3 percent as described in Table 3.11-1 and combined with Figure 3.11-2 through 3.11-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-074 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-114 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.11-2 Weld N3C-NV, Calculated Full Volume Figure 3.11-3 Weld N3C-NV, Achievable Inner 15% Tangential Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-115 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.11-4 Weld N3C-NV, Radial and Outer 85% Tangential Achieved Coverage Table 3.11-1 Weld N3C-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 5149.5 673.2 4476.3 5149.5 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 3051.06 673.2 631.2 1304.4 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 59.2 100 14.1 (B) 25.3 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 =42.3 %

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 50°, 70° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-116 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.12 Weld N3D-NV - 26 Steam Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.12-1 Weld N3D-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0220-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R18 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-085A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 42.3 percent as described in Table 3.12-1 and combined with Figure 3.12-2 through 3.12-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R12, UT R-075 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-117 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.12-2 Weld N3D-NV, Calculated Full Volume Figure 3.12-3 Weld N3D-NV, Achievable Inner 15% Tangential Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-118 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.12-4 Weld N3D-NV, Radial and Outer 85% Tangential Achieved Coverage Table 3.12-1 Weld N3D-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 5149.5 673.2 4476.3 5149.5 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 3051.1 673.2 631.2 1304.4 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 59.3 100 14.1 (B) 25.3 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 =42.3 %

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 40°, 50°, 70° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-119 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.13 Weld N6A-NV - 6 Head Spray Nozzle to Shell Weld Figure 3.13-1 Weld N6A-NV (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0295-A-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-Year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R18 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-048A. The required examination volume was based on Code Case N-613-1 Figure 1, exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited based on the joint configuration resulting in total UT coverage 44.9 percent as described in Table 3.13-1 and combined with Figure 3.13-2 through 3.13-4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R13, UT R-054 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-120 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.13-2 Weld N6A-NV, Calculated Full Volume Figure 3.13-3 Weld N6A-NV, Achievable Radial Coverage CNL-22-009 E1-121 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.13-4 Weld N6A-NV, Upper 85%/Lower 15%

Achieved Tangential (Transverse) Coverage Table 3.13-1 Weld N6A-NV, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Radial Scans Tangential Scans 100% Inner 15% Outer 85% Sub-Totals Thickness (Note 1) Tangential Required Exam 783.6 109.3 674.3 783.6 Volume (in3)

Exam Volume 475.2 109.3 119.8 229.1 Achieved (in3)

% Coverage (A) 60.6 100 17.77 (B) 29.2 Achieved TOTAL Coverage (A + B)/2 =44.9 %

Claimed Note:

1) Examination angles and coverage areas based on EPRI Modeling Report IR- 2013-535.

Wave Modes Used = 22°, 26°, 35°, 40°, 50° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E1-122 of 124

Enclosure 1 3.14 Weld RWCU-3-001-042 - 6 Reactor Water Cleanup Pipe to Valve Weld

Figure 3.14-1 Weld RWCU-3-001-042 (Extracted from Reference Drawing 3-ISI-0332-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the fourth 10-year ISI Interval, first period, during the U3R18 refueling outage in 2018 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No: R1.20, Welds Not Subject to a Degradation Mechanism. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-094. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam volume C-D-E-F. The UT examination was limited on the downstream side due to the cast stainless steel valve configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 37.6 percent as described in Table 3.14-1 and combined with Figure 3.14-2.

Examination of an alternate Risk Informed selection was not practical. There are three similar welds in the same Risk Informed grouping. However, each of them has exam history with limited coverage or were not examined because of similar configuration limitations. During U3R18, there were two additional welds examined on the same line of piping as RWCU-3-001-042 that obtained 100 percent coverage with zero indications identified. These two welds were examined for Code Case N-716-1 credit (R1.20) and provide additional assurance that IGSCC is not occurring in a similar operating environment.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U3R8, UT R-087 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E1-123 of 124

Enclosure 1 Figure 3.14-2 Weld RWCU-3-001-042, Weld Profile Axial Scan Table 3.14-1 Weld RWCU-3-001-042 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Upstream Side 50.12%

Downstream Side 0%

Circ CW 50.12%

Circ CCW 50.12%


150.36% ÷ 4 SCANS = 37.59% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 37.6%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45°, 70° Shear.

CNL-22-009 E1-124 of 124

Enclosure 2 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 and 2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI Request for Relief Number SQN-19-ISI-1

Enclosure 2 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI Request for Relief Number SQN-19-ISI-1 Introduction This request, in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), is applicable to examinations performed during the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Unit 1 and Unit 2 first period of the fourth interval, for which limited examination coverage was obtained. For both units, the first period ended on July 3, 2019.

This enclosure contains the figures and tables that depict the limitations and calculations used for obtained coverage, materials and product forms, ultrasonic examination angles and wave modes used, and the examination results for the welds associated with this request for relief, including any applicable previous examination history used. The following Tables (Table 1 for SQN Unit 1 and Table 2 for SQN Unit 2) identify the welds within the scope of this request and summarize the extent of examination coverage achieved for each weld.

Frequently, ultrasonic testing (UT) scan numbers were used in the original nondestructive examination (NDE) data sheets to determine and describe the examinations performed and coverage percentages obtained. In the detailed examination data that follows, UT scan number identifiers have been omitted for clarity, and replaced with specific descriptions of weld configurations and scan directions. When referring to NDE datasheets, the scan numbers, if used, have been applied as described in Figure I-1 for Vessels as extracted from Procedure N-GP-18.

I. ASME Code Components Affected The SQN Units 1 and 2, Class 1 and 2 welds with limited examinations requiring relief during the first period of the fourth 10-year inservice inspection (ISI) interval are listed in Table 1 and Table 2 of this enclosure. The content of this request includes the insights gained from guidance provided in Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) presentation, Coverage Relief Requests, Reference 1. The following Code Classes, Examination Categories, and Item Numbers apply.

Code Classes: 1 Examination Categories: B-D Item Numbers: B3.110 II. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda During the fourth 10-year ISI interval, the applicable American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) of Record (Code) is ASME Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 2007 Edition through 2008 Addenda, as modified by 10 CFR 50.55a, Codes and Standards. The Appendix VIII requirements and use of the performance demonstration initiative (PDI) requirements at SQN CNL-22-009 E2-1 of 18

Enclosure 2 were in accordance with the 2007 Edition through 2008 Addenda of Section XI, as modified by 10 CFR 50.55a for the limited examinations contained in this request.

For both units, the first period of the SQN fourth 10-year ISI interval ended on July 3, 2019. The limited examinations contained in this request are required to be submitted to the NRC within 12 months of the end of the interval, currently scheduled for September 3, 2025.

III. Applicable Code Requirements In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is requesting relief from weld examination coverage requirements specified in the ASME BPVC,Section XI for the following examination categories.

Exam Item No.

Class 1 Weld Examination Coverage Requirements Cat.

B-D B3.110 100% examination of the pressurizer nozzle-to vessel welds per figure IWB-2500-7(a) through (d) as applicable.

ASME Section XI, IWA-2200(c) states that when performing VT-1 surface, radiographic, or ultrasonic examination on a component with defined surface or volume, essentially 100 percent coverage is achieved when the applicable examination coverage is greater than 90 percent.

The component examinations in the scope of this relief request are those for which greater than 90 percent of the required examination volume or surface area could not be achieved.

Limited Class 1 Nozzle Welds Examinations performed per Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in Vessels Item No. B3.110, Pressurizer Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds, encountered limitations on two welds during the first period of the fourth ten-year ISI interval at SQN. The welds were the Unit 1 Pressurizer Surge Nozzle to Head Shell Weld and the Unit 2 Pressurizer Spray Nozzle to Head Shell Weld. These welds were examined to meet the volumetric requirements depicted in Figure IWB-2500-7(b). Limited UT examinations have been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in the attachment to this enclosure when performing examinations of these two welds.

IV. Reason for Request Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), TVA has determined that compliance with the code requirements of achieving essentially 100 percent coverage of the welds listed in this request is impractical. This request is based on actual demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with the code requirements in the performance of the examinations listed in this request.

V. Impracticality of Compliance The construction permit application for SQN Unit 1 and Unit 2 were issued on May 27, 1970 and falls under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(1). Under these provisions, Code Class 1 and 2 components and their supports need not meet the design and access provisions of ASME Section XI.

CNL-22-009 E2-2 of 18

Enclosure 2 The design of SQN Unit 1 and Unit 2 provides access for examinations to the extent practical.

However, component design configurations with conditions resulting in examination limitations (for example, those from support interference, geometric configurations of welds and materials such as fitting, or valve bodies made of cast stainless steel) may not allow the full required examination volume or surface area coverage with the latest techniques available. Therefore, this relief request addresses those conditions. Details of examination restrictions and reductions in required examination coverage are provided in Table 1 and Table 2 of this enclosure.

When examined, the welds listed in this enclosure of this request did not receive the required code volume coverage due to their component design configurations. This condition resulted in scanning access limitations that prohibited obtaining essentially 100 percent examination coverage (greater than 90 percent) of the required examination volumes. When this situation occurred, 100 percent of the accessible volumes of each weld were covered to the extent practicable.

Burden Caused by Compliance For each weld in the scope of this request, it is not possible to obtain UT interrogation of greater than 90 percent of the required code examination volume without extensive weld or component design modifications. Examinations have been performed to the maximum extent possible.

Using radiography as an alternative would result in numerous work-related stoppages and increased radiation exposure due to the shutdown and startup of other work in the areas. The water may need to be drained from systems or components where radiography is performed, which increases the radiation dose rates over a much broader area than the weld being examined. There is significant impracticality associated with the performance of weld or area modifications or the use of radiography in order to increase the examination coverage.

The UT examination techniques used for welds in this request for relief were reviewed to determine if additional coverage could be achieved by improving those techniques. No improvements could be identified, and the examinations have been performed to the maximum extent possible. Therefore, TVA has determined that obtaining essentially 100 percent coverage is not feasible and is impractical without adding additional burden consisting of significant redesign work, increased radiation exposure, and/or potential damage to the plant or the component itself.

VI. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative

1) Periodic system pressure tests and VT-2 visual examinations will continue to be performed on Class 1 pressure retaining welds and items during each refueling outage in accordance with Examination Category B-P of Table IWB-2500-1.
2) UT examinations are conducted to the maximum extent possible using demonstrated techniques as required by ASME Section XI or the RI-ISI Programs.

Basis for Use Regulation 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) recognizes that throughout the service life of a nuclear power facility, components which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must CNL-22-009 E2-3 of 18

Enclosure 2 meet the requirements, except design and access provisions and preservice examination requirements, set forth in the ASME Code to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry, and materials of construction. This request for relief has been written to address areas where a component is found to have conditions that limit the required examination volume or surface area and, thus, the amount of coverage was reduced below the minimum acceptable.

TVA has performed the weld examinations listed in this request to the maximum extent possible for each of the welds identified with limitations in the attachment to this enclosure.

Both welds in the scope of this request are located inside the containment. Even though their examination did not meet the essentially 100 percent Code required volume coverage requirement, each of these locations is subject to a system pressure test as described above.

In addition, there is continuous monitoring instrumentation in place to assure that early detection of any reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure boundary leakage is identified. This is accomplished by leakage detection instrumentation inside containment, where the RCS leakage detection instrumentation is required to be operable by SQN Technical Specification (TS) 3.4.15, RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation,. SQN TS 3.4.15 requires that the following RCS leakage detection instrumentation shall be operable:

x one containment pocket sump level monitor x one lower containment atmosphere particulate radioactivity monitor The instruments listed above are used to quantify any unidentified leakage from the RCS and to meet SQN TS 3.4.13, RCS Operational LEAKAGE, that states that RCS operational leakage shall be limited to:

a) No pressure boundary leakage; b) One gallon per minute (gpm) unidentified leakage; c) 10 gpm identified leakage; and d) 150 gallons per day primary-to-secondary leakage through any one steam generator Based upon the extent of the required UT examination volume achieved for each of the welds within this request for relief and coupled with applicable leakage monitoring and required system pressure tests with VT-2 visual examinations, no further action can be taken by TVA at this time to improve these examinations without applying impractical options. The proposed alternative in this request for relief will provide assurance of an acceptable level of quality and safety by providing reasonable assurance of structural integrity.

VII. Duration of Proposed Alternative This request for relief is for the limited coverage examinations performed during the first period of the SQN Unit 1 and Unit 2 fourth 10-Year ISI interval. The fourth interval began on May 1, 2016 and is scheduled to end on September 3, 2025.

CNL-22-009 E2-4 of 18

Enclosure 2 VIII. Precedents Note: Industry requests for relief due to impracticality associated with limited weld examinations are common and are filed by all licensees. Some of the more recent NRC approvals of requested relief that are aligned with Reference 1 are:

x NRC Letter to TVA, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Relief Request No. 17-ISI-1 Regarding the Requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (CAC Nos. MF9690 and MF9691; EPID L-2017-LLR-0025), dated January 26, 2018 (ML18008A068) x NRC Letter to Virginia Electric & Power Company, Surry Power Station, Unit No 2 -

Requests for Relief LMT-R01, LMT-SS01, LMT-CS01, LMT-P01, LMT-C01, LMT-C02, LMT-C03, AND LMT-C04 - For Limited Coverage Examinations Performed in the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos. MF7718, MF7719, MF7720, MF7721, MF7722, MF7723, MF7724 and MF7725), dated February 17, 2017 (ML16365A118) x NRC Letter to Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit No. 1 -

Relief Request NDE-SIF-U1 to Allow Use of Alternate American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Examination Requirements for the Third Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC NO. MF7552), dated July 27, 2016 (ML16207A397) x NRC Letter to Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2 -

Relief Requests for Limited Coverage Examinations Performed in the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC NOS. MF6567, MF6568, and MF6569), dated July 13, 2016 (ML16172A135) x NRC Letter to PPL Susquehanna, LLC, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2

- Relief Requests for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC NOS. MF6302, MF6303, MF6304, MF6305, MF6306, and MF6307), dated May 10, 2016 (ML16069A199)

IX. References

1. NRC presentation Coverage Relief Requests, Industry/NRC NDE Technical Information Exchange Public Meeting January 13-15, 2015 (ML15013A266)
2. ASME Code Case N-716-1, Alternative Classification and Examination Requirements, January 27, 2013 CNL-22-009 E2-5 of 18


Vertical Vessel Horizontal Vessel CNL-22-009 E2-6 of 18

Enclosure 2 TABLE 1 - SQN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained Figures Cycle Form Form 1.1 1 14 Pressurizer Surge Nozzle: Weld: Head: 56.7% Geometric Nozzle Table 1.1-1 RCW-21 B-D Nozzle to Head Shell Weld A-508 Ferritic SA-533 Design Configuration U1R21 B3.110 Class 2 Steel Class 2 No Recordable Figures Head TNOM = 3.0 Alloy Alloy Steel Indications 1.1-1 Cladding TNOM = 0.190 Steel Plate with through Forging Austenitic 1.1-7 Stainless Steel Cladding CNL-22-009 E2-7 of 18

Enclosure 2 1.1 Weld RCW 14 Pressurizer Surge Nozzle to Head Shell Weld Figure 1.1-1 Weld RCW-21 (Extracted from Reference Drawing ISI-0394-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the fourth interval during the U1R21 refueling outage in 2016. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-0090A. The ASME Code required volume was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b), exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 56.7 percent as described in Table 1.1-1 and combined with Figures 1.1-2 thru 1.1.4.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from Cycle 15, UT report R-0073 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations on the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E2-8 of 18

Enclosure 2 Figure 1.1-2 Weld RCW-21, 45º Nozzle Side Axial Scan Figure 1.1-3 Weld RCW-21, 60°Nozzle Side Axial Scan CNL-22-009 E2-9 of 18

Enclosure 2 Figure 1.1-4 Weld RCW-21, 45°Head Side Axial Scans Figure 1.1-5 Weld RCW-21, 60°Head Side Axial Scans CNL-22-009 E2-10 of 18

Enclosure 2 Figure 1.1-6 Weld RCW-21, 45° and 60° CW and CCW Scans Figure 1.1-7 Weld RCW-21, Required Examination Volume CNL-22-009 E2-11 of 18

Enclosure 2 Table 1.1-1 Weld RCW-21 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Scan Full Volume Actual (Cubic- In.) Percent (Cubic. In) Achieved Achieved 45 º Axial From Nozzle 1124.7 444.1 39.49 60 º Axial From Nozzle 1124.7 272.3 24.21 45 º Axial From Head 1124.7 829.8 73.78 60 º Axial From Head 1124.7 485.0 43.12 45 º Circ CW 1124.7 768.4 68.32 45 º Circ CCW 1124.7 768.4 68.32 60 º Circ CW 1124.7 768.4 68.32 60 º Circ CCW 1124.7 768.4 68.32 TOTALS 8997.6 5104.8 453.88 CUMULATIVE % COVERAGE =

453.88% ÷ 8 SCANS = 56.74% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 56.7%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-22-009 E2-12 of 18

Enclosure 2 TABLE 2 - SQN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained Figures Cycle Form Form 2.1 1 4 Pressurizer Spray Nozzle Nozzle: Weld: Head: 78.4% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.1-1 RCW-15 B-D to Head Shell Weld A-508 Ferritic SA-533 Design Configuration U2R22 B3.110 Class 2 Steel Class 2 No Recordable Figures Head TNOM ~ 2.5 Alloy Alloy Indications 2.1-1 Cladding TNOM ~ 0.190 Steel Steel through Forging Plate with 2.1-7 Austenitic Stainless Steel Cladding CNL-22-009 E2-13 of 18

Enclosure 2 2.1 Weld RCW 4 Pressurizer Spray Nozzle to Head Shell Weld Figure 2.1-1 Weld RCW-15 (Extracted from Reference Drawing ISI-0396-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the fourth interval during the U2R22 refueling outage in 2018. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-0204. The ASME Code required volume was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b), exam volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 78.4 percent as described in Table 2.1-1 and combined with Figures 2.1-2 thru 2.1.7.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from Cycle 15, UT report R-0071 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations on the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E2-14 of 18

Enclosure 2 Figure 2.1-2 Weld RCW-15, 45º Nozzle Side Axial Scans Figure 2.1-3 Weld RCW-15, 60º Nozzle Side Axial Scans CNL-22-009 E2-15 of 18

Enclosure 2 Figure 2.1-4 Weld RCW-15, 45º Head Side Axial Scans Figure 2.1-5 Weld RCW-15, 60º Head Side Axial Scans CNL-22-009 E2-16 of 18

Enclosure 2 Figure 2.1-6 Weld RCW-15, 45º & 60º CW Circumferential Scans Figure 2.1-7 Weld RCW-15, 45º & 60º CCW Circumferential Scans CNL-22-009 E2-17 of 18

Enclosure 2 Table 2.1-1 Weld RCW-15 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE 45° Axial Nozzle Side 50.4 60° Axial Nozzle Side 30.5 45° Axial Head Side 95.6 60° Axial Head Side 97.0 45° Circ CW 88.5 60° Circ CW 88.5 45° Circ CCW 88.5 60° Circ CCW 88.5 TOTALS 627.5 CUMULATIVE % COVERAGE =

627.5% ÷ 8 SCANS = 78.44% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 78.4%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-22-009 E2-18 of 18

Enclosure 3 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 and 2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI Request for Relief Number WBN-19-ISI-1

Enclosure 3 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI Request for Relief Number WBN-19-ISI-1 Introduction This request, in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), is applicable to examinations performed during the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 1 first period of the third interval and WBN Unit 2 first period of the first interval, for which limited examination coverage was obtained. For both units, the first period ended May 26, 2019. This Enclosure contains the figures and tables that depict the limitations and calculations used for obtained coverage, materials and product forms, ultrasonic examination angles and wave modes used, and the examination results for the welds associated with this request for relief, including any applicable previous examination history used. The following Tables (Table 1 for WBN Unit 1 and Table 2 for WBN Unit 2) identify the welds within the scope of this request and summarize the extent of examination coverage achieved for each weld.

Frequently, ultrasonic testing (UT) scan numbers were used in the original nondestructive examination (NDE) data sheets to determine and describe the examinations performed and coverage percentages obtained. In the detailed examination data that follows, UT scan number identifiers have been omitted for clarity, and replaced with specific descriptions of weld configurations and scan directions. When referring to NDE datasheets, the scan numbers, if used, have been applied as described in Figure I-1, as extracted from Procedure N-GP-18.

I. ASME Code Components Affected The WBN Units 1 and 2, Class 1 and 2 welds with limited examinations requiring relief during the first period of the applicable 10-year inservice inspection (ISI) interval are listed in Table 1 and Table 2 of this enclosure. The content of this request includes the insights gained from guidance provided in Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) presentation, Coverage Relief Requests, Reference 1. The following Code Classes, Examination Categories, and Item Numbers apply.

Code Classes: 1 and 2 Examination Categories: B-D, C-A, C-B, and R-A Item Numbers: B3.110, C1.30, C2.21, R1.11, R1.16, and R1.20 II. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda During the Unit 1 third 10-year ISI interval and the Unit 2 first 10-year ISI interval, the applicable American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) of Record (Code) is ASME Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 2007 Edition through 2008 Addenda, as modified by 10 CFR 50.55a, "Codes and Standards." The Appendix VIII requirements and use of the performance demonstration initiative (PDI) requirements at WBN were in accordance with the 2007 Edition through 2008 CNL-22-009 E3-1 of 41

Enclosure 3 Addenda of Section XI, as modified by 10 CFR 50.55a for the limited examinations contained in this request.

For both units, the first period of the current 10-year interval ended on May 26, 2019. The limited examinations contained in this request are required to be submitted to the NRC within 12 months of the end of the current interval, currently scheduled for May 26, 2026.

III. Applicable Code Requirements In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is requesting relief from weld examination coverage requirements specified in the ASME BPVC,Section XI for the following examination categories.

Exam Item No.

Class 1 Weld Examination Coverage Requirements Cat.

B-D B3.110 100% examination of the pressurizer nozzle-to vessel welds per figure IWB-2500-7(a) through (d) as applicable.

Exam Item No.

Class 2 Weld Examination Coverage Requirements Cat.

C-A C1.30 100% examination of the circumferential Tubesheet to Shell weld per figure IWC-2500-2.

C-B C2.21 100% examination of the nozzle to shell welds per figure IWC-2500-4(a), (b), or (d) as applicable.

Exam Item No.

Class 1 and Class 2 Piping Welds / Risk-Informed Inservice Cat.

Inspection Program Coverage Requirements R-A R1.11, 100% examination per figure IWB-2500-8(c) or IWB-2500-9, -10, R1.16 -11, as applicable, plus an additional 1/2 beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore.

R1.20 100% examination per figure IWB-2500-8(c) or IWB-2500-9, -10,

-11, as applicable.

ASME Section XI, IWA-2200(c) states that when performing VT-1 surface, radiographic, or ultrasonic examination on a component with defined surface or volume, essentially 100 percent of the required surface or volume shall be examined. Essentially 100 percent coverage is achieved when the applicable examination coverage is greater than 90 percent. The component examinations in the scope of this relief request are those for which greater than 90 percent of the required examination volume or surface area could not be achieved.

Limited Class 1 Nozzle Welds Examinations performed per Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in Vessels Item No. B3.110, Pressurizer Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds, encountered limitations on two welds. The welds were the pressurizer spray nozzle-to-head weld and one pressurizer relief head-to-nozzle weld. These welds were examined to meet the volumetric requirements depicted in Figure IWB-2500-7(b). Limited UT examinations have been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in the attachment to this enclosure when performing examinations of these two welds.

CNL-22-009 E3-2 of 41

Enclosure 3 Limited Class 2 Welds Examinations performed per Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-A, Pressure Retaining Welds in Pressure Vessels, Item No. C1.30, Head Circumferential Welds, encountered a limitation on the shell-to-tubesheet weld on a WBN Unit 2 Steam Generator.

This weld was UT examined to meet the volume requirements of Figure IWC-2500-2. Limited UT examination coverage has been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in the attachment to this enclosure when performing examinations of this weld.

Examinations performed per Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-B, Pressure Retaining Nozzle Welds in Vessels, Item No. C2.21, Nozzle-to-Shell (Nozzle to Head or Nozzle to Nozzle) Weld, encountered a limitation on the Main Steam Nozzle to Head weld on a Unit 2 Steam Generator. This location was examined to meet the volume requirements defined by Figure IWC-2500-4(b) for nozzle-to-shell welds. A limited UT examination has been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in the attachment to this enclosure when performing the examination of this weld. The surface examination of this nozzle-to-head weld, required by Table IWC-2500, was completed with no limitations.

Limited Class 1 and Class 2 Piping Welds / Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Programs Class 1 and Class 2 piping welds were selected for examination during the third ten-year ISI interval under the Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISI) Program in accordance with ASME Code Case N-716-1.

During performance of these Category R-A Risk-Informed ISI piping examinations, coverage limitations were encountered on the following eight components:

x Two 10 Pipe to Valve Welds in the safety injection system on Unit 1 x One 6 Elbow to Pipe Weld in the safety injection system on Unit 1 x Two 6 Pipe to Valve Welds in the safety injection system on Unit 1 x One 1.5 Pipe to Nozzle Weld in the safety injection system on Unit 2 x Two 3 Valve to Pipe Welds in the Reactor Coolant System on Unit 2.

IV. Reason for Request Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), TVA has determined that compliance with the code requirements of achieving essentially 100 percent coverage of the welds listed in this request is impractical. This request is based on actual demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with the code requirements in the performance of the examinations listed in this request.

V. Impracticality of Compliance The construction permit applications for WBN Unit 1 and Unit 2 were issued on January 23, 1973 and fall under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(2)(i). Under these provisions, Code Class 1 and 2 components and their supports must be designed and be provided with the access necessary to perform the required preservice and inservice examinations set forth in ASME Section III and Section XI.

CNL-22-009 E3-3 of 41

Enclosure 3 Although the design of WBN has provided access for examinations to the extent practical, component design configurations with conditions resulting in examination limitations (e.g., those from support interference, geometric configurations of welds and materials such as fitting, or valve bodies made of cast stainless steel) may not allow the full required examination volume or surface area coverage with the latest techniques available. Therefore, this relief request addresses those conditions. An example of such a condition is a valve to pipe weld where essentially 100 percent of the code-required volume cannot be examined from the valve side of the weld and where a plant modification would be needed to provide this coverage. Details of examination restrictions and reductions in required examination coverage are provided in Table 1 and Table 2 of this enclosure.

When examined, the welds listed in this enclosure of this request did not receive the required code volume coverage due to their component design configurations or interference by other items. These conditions resulted in scanning access limitations that prohibited obtaining essentially 100 percent examination coverage (greater than 90 percent) of the required examination volumes. When this situation occurred, 100 percent of the accessible volumes of each weld were covered to the extent practicable.

Every weld was examined as required by applicable procedures and regulations to the extent practicable. In those cases where UT examinations could potentially have interrogated additional area, such as the inside surface of cast stainless valves by looking through a stainless steel weld, these were considered a best effort examination. These are shown on the figures in the attachment to this enclosure by the represented angles. However, no additional coverage is credited.

Burden Caused by Compliance For each weld in the scope of this request, it is not possible to obtain UT interrogation of greater than 90 percent of the required code examination volume or surface areas without extensive weld or component design modifications. Examinations have been performed to the maximum extent possible. Using radiography as an alternative would result in numerous work-related stoppages and increased radiation exposure due to the shutdown and startup of other work in the areas. The water may need to be drained from systems or components where radiography is performed, which increases the radiation dose rates over a much broader area than the weld being examined. There is significant impracticality associated with the performance of weld or area modifications or the use of radiography in order to increase the examination coverage.

The UT examination techniques used for welds in this request for relief were reviewed to determine if additional coverage could be achieved by improving those techniques. No improvements could be identified, and the examinations have been performed to the maximum extent possible. Therefore, TVA has determined that obtaining essentially 100 percent coverage is not feasible and is impractical without adding additional burden consisting of significant redesign work, increased radiation exposure, and/or potential damage to the plant or the component itself.

CNL-22-009 E3-4 of 41

Enclosure 3 VI. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative

1) Periodic system pressure tests and VT-2 visual examinations will continue to be performed on Class 1 pressure retaining welds and items during each refueling outage in accordance with Examination Category B-P of Table IWB-2500-1.
2) Class 2 pressure retaining welds and items will continue to receive system pressure tests and VT-2 visual examinations during each inspection period in accordance with Examination Category C-H of Table IWC-2500-1.
3) UT examinations are conducted to the maximum extent possible using demonstrated techniques as required by ASME Section XI or the RI-ISI Programs.

Basis for Use Regulation 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) recognizes that throughout the service life of a nuclear power facility, components which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must meet the requirements, except design and access provisions and preservice examination requirements, set forth in the ASME Code to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry, and materials of construction. This request for relief has been written to address areas where a component is found to have conditions that limit the required examination volume or surface area and, thus, the amount of coverage was reduced below the minimum acceptable.

TVA has performed the weld examinations listed in this request to the maximum extent possible for each of the welds identified with limitations in the attachment to this enclosure.

Many of the welds in the scope of this request are located inside the containment. Even though their examination did not meet the essentially 100 percent Code required volume coverage requirement, each of these locations is subject to a system pressure test as described above.

In addition, there is continuous monitoring instrumentation in place to assure that early detection of any reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure boundary leakage is identified. This is accomplished by leakage detection instrumentation inside containment, where the RCS leakage detection instrumentation is required to be operable by WBN Technical Specification (TS) 3.4.15, RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation. WBN TS 3.4.15 requires that the following RCS leakage detection instrumentation shall be operable:

x one containment pocket sump level monitor; and x one lower containment atmosphere particulate radioactivity monitor The above instruments are used to quantify any unidentified leakage from the RCS and to meet WBN TS 3.4.13, RCS Operational LEAKAGE, that states that RCS operational leakage shall be limited to:

a) No pressure boundary leakage; b) One gallon per minute (gpm) unidentified leakage; c) 10 gpm identified leakage; and d) 150 gallons per day primary-to-secondary leakage through any one steam generator CNL-22-009 E3-5 of 41

Enclosure 3 Based upon the extent of the required UT examination volume achieved for each of the welds within this request for relief and coupled with applicable leakage monitoring and required system pressure tests with VT-2 visual examinations, no further action can be taken by TVA at this time to improve these examinations without applying impractical options. The proposed alternative in this request for relief will provide assurance of an acceptable level of quality and safety by providing reasonable assurance of structural integrity.

VII. Duration of Proposed Alternative This request for relief is for the limited coverage examinations performed during the WBN Unit 1 first period of the third interval and WBN Unit 2 first period of the first interval, for which limited examination coverage was obtained. For both units, the first period ended on May 26, 2019.

VIII. Precedents Note: Industry requests for relief due to impracticality associated with limited weld examinations are common and are filed by all licensees. Some of the more recent NRC approvals of requested relief that are aligned with Reference 1 are:

x NRC Letter to TVA, Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 - Relief Request 1-ISI-21 from the Requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (EPID L-2018-LLR-0090), dated April 12, 2019 (ML19071A009) x NRC Letter to TVA, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Relief Request No. 17-ISI-1 Regarding the Requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (CAC Nos. MF9690 and MF9691; EPID L-2017-LLR-0025), dated January 26, 2018 (ML18008A068) x NRC Letter to Virginia Electric & Power Company, Surry Power Station, Unit No 2 -

Requests for Relief LMT-R01, LMT-SS01, LMT-CS01, LMT-P01, LMT-C01, LMT-C02, LMT-C03, AND LMT-C04 - For Limited Coverage Examinations Performed in the Fourth 10 Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos. MF7718, MF7719, MF7720, MF7721, MF7722, MF7723, MF7724 and MF7725), dated February 17, 2017 (ML16365A118) x NRC Letter to Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit No. 1 -

Relief Request NDE-SIF-U1 to Allow Use of Alternate American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Examination Requirements for the Third Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC No. MF7552), dated July 27, 2016 (ML16207A397) x NRC Letter to Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2 -

Relief Requests for Limited Coverage Examinations Performed in the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos. MF6567, MF6568, and MF6569), dated July 13, 2016 (ML16172A135) x NRC Letter to PPL Susquehanna, LLC, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2

- Relief Requests for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos. MF6302, MF6303, MF6304, MF6305, MF6306, and MF6307), dated May 10, 2016 (ML16069A199)

IX. References

1. NRC presentation, Coverage Relief Requests, Industry/NRC NDE Technical Information Exchange Public Meeting January 13-15, 2015 (ML15013A266)
2. ASME Code Case N-716-1, Alternative Classification and Examination Requirements, January 27, 2013 CNL-22-009 E3-6 of 41

Enclosure 3 FIGURE I SCANNING NOMENCLATURE IDENTIFICATION FOR PIPING 1 = Visual 2 = Base Material When Required Reference Arrow Flow 3-14 = Angle Beam 15-17 = 0° Weld and HAZ CNL-22-009 E3-7 of 41

Enclosure 3 TABLE 1 - WBN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 1.1 1 10 Pipe to Valve Weld Pipe: Weld: Valve: 75.0% Valve Configuration Table 1.1-1 SIF-D090-08 R-A SA-376 Stainless SA-182 No Recordable U1R15 R1.16/ Schedule 140 TP 316 Steel F316 Indications Figures R1.11 TNOM = 1.0 Forged 1.1-1 Body through 1.1-2 1.2 1 10 Pipe to Valve Weld Pipe: Weld: Valve: 75.0% Valve Configuration Table 1.2-1 SIF-D092-10 R-A SA-376 Stainless SA-182 No Recordable U1R15 R1.16/ Schedule 140 TP 316 Steel F316 Indications Figures R1.11 TNOM = 1.0 Forged 1.2-1 Body through 1.2-2 1.3 2 6 Elbow to Pipe Weld Pipe: Weld: Elbow: 87.5% Welded Nameplate on Table 1.3-1 SIS-075 R-A SA-376 Stainless SA-403 Pipe Side U1R15 R1.20 Schedule 160 TP 316 Steel WP 316S No Recordable Figures TNOM = 0.719 Indications 1.3-1 through 1.3-2 1.4 1 6 Valve to Elbow Weld Elbow: Weld: Valve: 75% Valve Configuration Table 1.4-1 SIF-D091-04 R-A SA-403 Stainless SA-182 No Recordable U1R15 R1.20 Schedule 160 WP 316 Steel F316 Indications Figures TNOM = 0.719 Forged 1.4-1 (PSI) Body through 1.4-2 1.5 1 6 Pipe to Valve Weld Pipe: Weld: Valve: 75% Valve Configuration Table 1.5-1 SIF-D087-21 R-A SA-376 Stainless SA-182 No Recordable U1R15 R1.20 Schedule 160 TP 316 Steel F316 Indications Figures TNOM = 0.719 Forged 1.5-1 (PSI) Body through 1.5-2 CNL-22-009 E3-8 of 41 

Enclosure 3 1.1 Weld SIF-D090 10 Pipe to Valve Weld Figure 1.1-1 Weld SIF-D090-08 (Extracted from Reference Drawing CHM-2758-C-08)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the third interval, during the U1R15 refueling outage in 2018 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item Nos: R1.11 and R1.16, Welds Subject to Thermal Fatigue and Welds Subject to Intergranular or Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC or TGSCC) degradation mechanisms. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-026. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam Volume C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 inch beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. The UT examination was limited from the valve side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.0 percent as described in Table 1.1-1 and combined with Figure 1.1-2.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. No prior examinations had been performed; therefore, no previous examination data was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-9 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 1.1-2 Weld SIF-D090-08, Weld Profile Axial Scan Table 1.1-1 Weld SIF-D090-08 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Upstream Side 100.00%

Downstream Side 0%

Circ CW 100.00%

Circ CCW 100.00%


300.00% ÷ 4 SCANS = 75.00% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 75%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E3-10 of 41 

Enclosure 3 1.2 Weld SIF-D092 10 Pipe to Valve Weld Figure 1.2-1 Weld SIF-D092-10 (Extracted from Reference Drawing CHM-2758-C-10)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the third interval, during the U1R15 refueling outage in 2018 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item Nos: R1.11 and R1.16, Welds Subject to Thermal Fatigue and Welds Subject to Intergranular or Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC or TGSCC) degradation mechanisms. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-029. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam Volume C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in. beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. The UT examination was limited from the valve side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.0 percent as described in Table 1.2-1 and combined with Figure 1.2-2.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. No prior examinations had been performed; therefore, no previous examination data was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-11 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 1.2-2 Weld SIF-D092-10, Weld Profile Axial Scan Table 1.2-1 Weld SIF-D092-10 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Upstream Side 100.00%

Downstream Side 0%

Circ CW 100.00%

Circ CCW 100.00%


300.00% ÷ 4 SCANS = 75.00% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 75%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E3-12 of 41 

Enclosure 3 1.3 Weld SIS-075 - 6 Elbow to Pipe Weld Figure 1.3-1 Weld SIS-075 (Extracted from Reference Drawing CHM-2758-C-05 This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the third interval, during the U1R15 refueling outage in 2018 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.20 Welds Not Subject to a Degradation Mechanism. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-028. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam Volume C-D-E-F. The UT examination was limited from the pipe side of the weld due to a welded name plate, resulting in total UT coverage of 87.5 percent as described in Table 1.3-1 and combined with Figure 1.3-2.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from U1R09, UT R1682 report was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-13 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 1.3-2 Weld SIS-075, Weld Profile Axial Scan Table 1.3-1 Weld SIS-075 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Upstream Side 100.00%

Downstream Side 71.1%

Circ CW 89.4%

Circ CCW 89.4%


349.9% ÷ 4 SCANS = 87.475% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 87.5%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° and 60° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E3-14 of 41 

Enclosure 3 1.4 Weld SIF-D091 6 Valve to Elbow Figure 1.4-1 Weld SIF-D091-04 (Extracted from Reference Drawing CHM-2758-C-09)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the third interval, during the U1R15 refueling outage in 2018 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.20 Welds Not Subject to a Degradation Mechanism. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. 087. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam Volume C-D-E-F. The UT examination was limited from the valve side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.0 percent as described in Table 1.4-1 and combined with Figure 1.4-2.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. No prior examinations had been performed; therefore, no previous examination data was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted. Weld SIF-D091-04 was examined as a result of a Repair Replacement Activity in accordance with the Pre-service Examination Requirements of ASME Code Case N-716-1. As such, alternative weld selections were not possible.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-15 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 1.4-2 Weld SIF-D091-04, Weld Profile Axial Scan Table 1.4-1 Weld SIF-D091-04 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Upstream Side 0%

Downstream Side 100.00%

Circ CW 100.00%

Circ CCW 100.00%


300.00% ÷ 4 SCANS = 75.00% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 75%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° and 60° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E3-16 of 41 

Enclosure 3 1.5 Weld SIF-D087 6 Pipe to Valve Figure 1.5-1 Weld SIF-D087-21 (Extracted from Reference Drawing CHM-2758-C-05)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the third interval, during the U1R15 refueling outage in 2018 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.20 Welds Not Subject to a Degradation Mechanism. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-088. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam Volume C-D-E-F. The UT examination was limited from the valve side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.0 percent as described in Table 1.5-1 and combined with Figure 1.5-2.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. No prior examinations had been performed; therefore, no previous examination data was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted. Weld SIF-D087-21 was examined as a result of a Repair Replacement Activity in accordance with the Pre-service Examination Requirements of ASME Code Case N-716-1. As such, alternative weld selections were not possible.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-17 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 1.5-2 Weld SIF-D087-21, Weld Profile Axial Scan Table 1.5-1 Weld SIF-D087-21 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Upstream Side 100.00%

Downstream Side 0%

Circ CW 100.00%

Circ CCW 100.00%


300.00% ÷ 4 SCANS = 75.00% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 75%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° and 60° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-22-009 E3-18 of 41 

Enclosure 3 TABLE 2 - WBN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 2.1 1 4 Pressurizer Spray Nozzle: Weld: Head: 63.8% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.1-1 WP-11 B-D Nozzle to Head Weld SA-508 Carbon SA-533 Design Configuration U2R2 B3.110 Class 2 Steel Gr. A No Recordable Figures Head TNOM ~ 1.9 Alloy Class 2 Indications 2.1-1 Cladding TNOM ~ 0.190 Steel Alloy through Forging Steel 2.1-6 2.2 1 6 Pressurizer Relief Nozzle: Weld: Head: 63.7% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.2-1 WP-12 B-D Nozzle to Head Weld SA-508 Carbon SA-533 Design Configuration U2R2 B3.110 Class 2 Steel Gr. A No Recordable Figures NOM Alloy Class 2 Indications 2.2-1 Head T ~ 1.9 Cladding TNOM ~ 0.190 Steel Alloy through Forging Steel 2.2-6 2.3 2 Steam Generator Shell to Shell: Weld: Tube 88.8% Obstructions from Table 2.3-1 SG-2-3-2 C-A Tube Sheet Weld SA-533 Carbon Sheet: Sludge Lance Ports, U2R2 C1.30 Gr. A Steel SA-508 Bottom Blowdowns and Figures Shell TNOM = 3.31 Class 2 Class 2 Shell Drains 2.3-1 Alloy Alloy No Recordable through Steel Steel Indications 2.3-5 Forging 2.4 2 32 Main Steam Nozzle to Nozzle: Weld: Head: 75.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.4-1 SGMS-2 C-B Head Weld SA-508 Carbon SA-533 Design Configuration U2R2 C2.21 Class 2 Steel Gr. A No Recordable Figures NOM Alloy Class 2 Indications 2.4-1 Head T = 3.82 Steel Alloy through Forging Steel 2.4-3 2.5 1 1.5 Pipe to Nozzle Weld Pipe: Weld: Nozzle: 75.0% Geometric Nozzle Table 2.5-1 SIF-B-T095-01 R-A SA-376 Stainless SA-182 Design Configuration U2R2 R1.11 Schedule 160 TP 304 Steel F-304 No Recordable Figures TNOM = 0.281 Indications 2.5-1 through 2.5-2 CNL-22-009 E3-19 of 41 

Enclosure 3 TABLE 2 - WBN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Description Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Code Examination Limitations Applicable Weld Category Coverage and Results Tables and Identification Item No. Product Weld Product Obtained2 Figures Cycle Form Form 2.6 1 3 Valve to Pipe Weld Valve: Weld: Pipe: 75.0% Valve Configuration Table 2.6-1 RCF-D144-07 R-A SA-182 Stainless SA-376 No Recordable U2R2 R1.11 Schedule 160 F316 Steel TP 304 Indications Figures TNOM = 0.438 2.6-1 through 2.6-2 2.7 1 3 Valve to Pipe Weld Valve: Weld: Pipe: 75.0% Valve Configuration Table 2.7-1 RCF-D144-03 R-A SA-182 Stainless SA-376 No Recordable U2R2 R1.11 Schedule 160 F316 Steel TP 304 Indications Figures TNOM = 0.438 2.7-1 through 2.7-2 CNL-22-009 E3-20 of 41 

Enclosure 3 2.1 Weld WP 4 Pressurizer Spray Nozzle to Head Weld Figure 2.1-1 Weld WP-11 (Extracted from Reference Drawing ISI-2068C-E-01)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the first interval during the U2R2 refueling outage in 2019. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-108. The ASME Code required volume was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b), exam Volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 63.8 percent as described in Table 2.1-1 and combined with Figures 2.1-2 thru 2.1.6.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from pre-service, UT report P1283 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations on the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-21 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.1-2 Weld WP-11, 45º Head Side Axial Scans Figure 2.1-3 Weld WP-11, 45º Nozzle Side Axial Scans CNL-22-009 E3-22 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.1-4 Weld WP-11, 60º Head Side Axial Scans Figure 2.1-5 Weld WP-11, 60º Nozzle Side Axial Scans CNL-22-009 E3-23 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.1-6 Weld WP-11, 45º & 60º CW-CCW Scans Table 2.1-1 Weld WP-11 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Scan Full Volume (in3) Actual (in3) 60 º Axial From Head 628.59 596.97 45 º Axial From Head 628.59 575.95 60 º Axial From Nozzle 628.59 96.45 45 º Axial From Nozzle 628.59 180.60 60 º Circ CW 628.59 439.99 45 º Circ CCW 628.59 439.99 60 º Circ CW 628.59 439.99 45 º Circ CCW 628.59 439.99 TOTALS 5028.72 3209.93 TOTAL COVERAGE= 63.83%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-22-009 E3-24 of 41 

Enclosure 3 2.2 Weld WP 6 Pressurizer Relief Nozzle to Head Weld Figure 2.2-1 Weld WP-12 (Extracted from Reference Drawing ISI-2068C-E-01)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the first interval during the U2R2 refueling outage in 2019. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-093. The ASME Code required volume was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b), exam Volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 63.7 percent as described in Table 2.2-1 and combined with Figures 2.2-2 thru 2.2-6.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from pre-service, UT report P1282 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations on the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-25 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.2-2 Weld WP-12, 45º Head Side Axial Scans Figure 2.2-3 Weld WP-12, 45º Nozzle Side Axial Scans CNL-22-009 E3-26 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.2-4 Weld WP-12, 60º Head Side Axial Scans Figure 2.2-5 Weld WP-12, 60º Nozzle Side Axial Scans CNL-22-009 E3-27 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.2-6 Weld WP-12, 45º & 60º CW-CCW Scans Table 2.2-1 Weld WP-11 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Scan Full Volume (in3) Actual (in3) 60 º Axial From Head 824.11 780.38 45 º Axial From Head 824.11 752.01 60 º Axial From Nozzle 824.11 122.24 45 º Axial From Nozzle 824.11 232.32 60 º Circ CW 824.11 578.31 45 º Circ CW 824.11 578.31 60 º Circ CCW 824.11 578.31 45 º Circ CCW 824.11 578.31 TOTALS 6592.88 4200.19 TOTAL COVERAGE= 63.71%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-22-009 E3-28 of 41 

Enclosure 3 2.3 Weld SG-2-3 Steam Generator Shell to Tube Sheet Weld Figure 2.3-1 Weld SG-2-3-2 (Extracted from Reference Drawing ISI-2001-E-01)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the first interval during the U2R2 refueling outage in 2019. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-079. The ASME Code required volume was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-2, exam volume E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited due to obstructions associated with the sludge lance ports, bottom blowdowns, and shell drains resulting in total UT coverage of 88.8 percent as described in Table 2.3-1 and combined with Figures 2.3-2 thru 2.3-5.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from pre-service, UT report P2455 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations on the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.


CNL-22-009 E3-29 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.3-2 Weld SG-2-3 60º Scan Limitation (1.0 in3)

Figure 2.3-3 Weld SG-2-3 Sludge Lance Port, Bottom Blowndown, Shell Drain Limitations CNL-22-009 E3-30 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.3-4 Weld SG-2-3 Sludge Lance Port, Bottom Blowndown, Shell Drain Limitations (Plan View)

Figure 2.3-5 Weld SG-2-3-2, 45º & 60º Axial and Circ Scans CNL-22-009 E3-31 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Table 2.3-1 SG-2-3-2, Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Scan Full Volume (in3) Actual (in3) 45 º Axial From Tubesheet 7011.81 6224.41 45 º Axial From Shell 7011.81 6224.41 60 º Axial From Tubesheet 7011.81 6224.41 60º Axial From Shell 7011.81 6223.35 60 º Circ CW 7011.81 6224.41 60 º Circ CCW 7011.81 6224.41 45 º Circ CW 7011.81 6224.41 45 º Circ CCW 7011.81 6224.41 TOTALS 56094.48 49794.22 TOTAL COVERAGE= 88.8%


1) 48 Nozzle Obstruction (12 4 places) all scans 787.40 in 3
2) 60°Limitation Shell Side - 1.01 in 3 Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.


CNL-22-009 E3-32 of 41 

Enclosure 3 2.4 Weld SGMS 32 Main Steam Nozzle to Head Weld Figure 2.4-1 Weld SGMS-2 (Extracted from Reference Drawing ISI-2001-E-01)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the first interval during the U2R2 refueling outage in 2019. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-121. The ASME Code required volume was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-4(a), exam Volume C-D-E-F. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.0 percent as described in Table 2.4-1 and combined with Figures 2.4-2 thru 2.4-3. No scans from the nozzle side were credited for Code coverage based on the nozzle taper. However, 45 and 60 degree scans were performed on the nozzle side that resulted in less than optimum ID impingement angles. A supplemental 70 degree shear wave achieved an optimum impingement angle, but only a limited portion of the Code volume could be scanned due to access limitations.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from pre-service, UT report P-2453 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations on the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-33 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.4-2 Weld SGMS-2, 45º & 60º Shell Side Axial Scans Figure 2.4-3 Weld SGMS-2, 45º, 60º, and 70º Nozzle Side Axial Scans - Supplemental Exams CNL-22-009 E3-34 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Table 2.4-1 SGMS-2 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Scan Full Volume (in3) Actual (in3) 60 º Axial From Nozzle 1283.20 0.00 45 º Axial From Nozzle 1283.20 0.00 60 º Axial From Shell 1283.20 1283.20 45 º Axial From Shell 1283.20 1283.20 45 º Circ CW 1283.20 1283.20 60 º Circ CW 1283.20 1283.20 45 º Circ CCW 1283.20 1283.20 60 º Circ CCW 1283.20 1283.20 TOTALS 10265.6 7699.2 TOTAL COVERAGE= 75.0%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-22-009 E3-35 of 41 

Enclosure 3 2.5 Weld SIF-B-T095 1.5 Pipe to Nozzle Weld Figure 2.5-1 Weld SIF-B-T095-01 (Extracted from Reference Drawing ISI-2063-W-12)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the first interval during the U2R2 refueling outage in 2019 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No: R1.11, Welds Subject to Thermal Fatigue degradation mechanisms. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-026. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam Volume C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 inch beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.0 percent as described in Table 2.5-1 and combined with Figure 2.5-2.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. Previous examination data from pre-service, UT report P0588 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-36 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.5-2 Weld SIF-B-T095-01, Weld Profile Axial Scan Table 2.5-1 Weld SIF-B-T095-01Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Upstream Side 100.00%

Downstream Side 0%

Circ CW 100.00%

Circ CCW 100.00%


300.00% ÷ 4 SCANS = 75.00% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 75%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 70° Shear.

CNL-22-009 E3-37 of 41 

Enclosure 3 2.6 Weld RCF-D144 3 Valve to Pipe Weld Figure 2.6-1 Weld RCF-D144-07 (Extracted from Reference Drawing ISI-2068-W-04)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the first interval during the U2R2 refueling outage in 2019 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No: R1.11, Welds Subject to Thermal Fatigue degradation mechanisms. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-104. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam Volume C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 inch beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. The UT examination was limited from the valve side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.0 percent as described in Table 2.6-1 and combined with Figure 2.6-2.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. No prior examinations had been performed; therefore, no previous examination data was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-38 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.6-2 Weld RCF-D144-07, Weld Profile Axial Scan Table 2.6-1 Weld RCF-D144-07 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Upstream Side 0%

Downstream Side 100.00%

Circ CW 100.00%

Circ CCW 100.00%


300.00% ÷ 4 SCANS = 75.00% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 75%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45°, 60°, and 70° Shear.

CNL-22-009 E3-39 of 41 

Enclosure 3 2.7 Weld RCF-D144 3 Valve to Pipe Weld Figure 2.7-1 Weld RCF-D144-03 (Extracted from Reference Drawing ISI-2068-W-04)

This weld was UT examined in the first inspection period of the first interval during the U2R2 refueling outage in 2019 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under ASME Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No: R1.11, Welds Subject to Thermal Fatigue degradation mechanisms. The NDE data can be found on UT Report No. R-106. Per Code Case N-716-1, the required volume was determined based on ASME Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), exam Volume C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 inch beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. The UT examination was limited from the valve side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.0 percent as described in Table 2.7-1 and combined with Figure 2.7-2.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. No prior examinations had been performed; therefore, no previous examination data was reviewed for the UT examination per TVA procedures. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-22-009 E3-40 of 41 

Enclosure 3 Figure 2.7-2 RCF-D144-03, Weld Profile Axial Scan Table 2.7-1 Weld RCF-D144-03 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE Upstream Side 0%

Downstream Side 100.00%

Circ CW 100.00%

Circ CCW 100.00%


300.00% ÷ 4 SCANS = 75.00% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 75%

Notes: Wave Modes Used = 45°, 60°, and 70° Shear.

CNL-22-009 E3-41 of 41