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Insp Rept 70-1201/97-02 on 970224 & 970306.Deviation Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Plan
Person / Time
Site: 07001201
Issue date: 03/11/1997
Shared Package
ML20136J502 List:
70-1201-97-02, 70-1201-97-2, NUDOCS 9703200140
Download: ML20136J565 (5)



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Docket No.
70 1201 1
License No.
SNM 1168 l t


! Report No.: 70 1201/97 02


.i l Licensee: B&W Fuel Company 3 d/b/a Framatome Cogema Fuels l i

! 1 i Facility: Commercial Nuclear Fuel Plant j I i

Location: Lynchburg, VA i '


! Dates: February 24 and March 6, 1997 Inspector: W. J. Tobin, Senior Safeguards Inspector Approved by: E. J. McAlpine, Chief fuel Facilities Branch Division of Nuclear Materials Safety Enclosure 2 f

9703200140 970311 PDR ADOCK 07001201 C PDR , .. k




i B&W FUEL COMPANY NRC Inspection Report No. 70-1201/97 02 i l


The licensae's corrective actions to the prior violation (96 0101) were verified as being adequate as is witnessed by Physical Security Plan changes i dated April 1 and April 26, 1996. The licensee's effort to clarify the L accuracy of security patrol records (Inspector Followup Item 96 01-02) was j also acceptable.

A Deviation (97 02-01) was issued in that the licensee did not meet the -

commitment that a procedure would be completed by April 30, 1996.



Persons Contacted  ;

Inspection Procedures Used List of Items Closed and Opened l

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-II SAFEGUARDS A. . Previously Identified Violations and Inspector Followup Items (IPs 92701 and 92702)

1. VIO: 70 1201/96 01 01
a. Summary of Concern The licensee failed to notify the NRC that it had made three changes to its Physical Security Plan (PSP).
b. Observations and Findings By letter dated March 4,1996, the licensee responded to this violation and informed the NRC of its proposed corrective actions.

The licensee proposed to update the PSP expeditiously as well as to clarify and correct several commitments in the PSP which were incorrectly worded. A procedure was to be created which would serve as a reference document that defined NRC notification requirements such as 10 CFR 70.32(e). This procedure was to be completed by April 30, 1996.

Since the March 4.1996 response, the licensee has submitted Revision (Rev.) 1, dated April 1, and Rev. 2. dated April 26, to the PSP under the provisions of 10 CFR 70.32(e). These revisions clarified several commitments, and made the PSP a current and accurate document. With the exception of escort commitments, the NRC accepted these two revisions to the PSP, and, by letter dated May 17, notified the licensee of their acceptability.

During this inspection, a review of the procedure, which serves as the reference document to define NRC notification requirements, was conducted. The procedure was titled, " Regulatory Requirements for License Changes and Incident Reporting" and Paragraph 9.

" Security Plan Requirements," stated that the NRC is to be notified within two months of making a change to the PSP which does not reduce effectiveness. Rev. 0 of this procedure was dated July 21,1996. The inspector noted that several managers did not concur in the procedure until the middle of August. The newly a) pointed Manager of Safety and Safeguards could not explain why t1e April 30, 1996, completion deadline for this procedure was not met. The failure of the licensee to adhere to the commitment in their corrective action letter of March 4 is considered a Deviation (97-02 01).

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c. Conclusion Through interview and review of applicable documents, the inspector concluded that the licensee had corrected the violation and now has in place a procedure and a program to notify the NRC of revisions to its PSP. However, the licensee failed to meet the commitment concerning when this procedure would be completed.
2. IFI: 70 1201/95-01 02
a. Summary of Concern Patrol records of security officers making random tours of this i

facility were not complete in that the records could not account

for all patrol locations as having been toured.

k b. Observations and Findings 6

The inspector chose several random dates to review the patrol records of the security force. It was noted that the actual quality of the paper and the printing of the records has been improved. The tours appeared to be random in terms of time and routes. All patrol locations were accounted for and complete.

The Caatain of the security force informed the inspector that a more t1orough monitoring of these records is being done at his level.

c. Conclusion Through interview and document review, the inspector determined that the patrol records of the security tours throughout this facility are now accurate and complete.
2. Exit Meeting The Exit Meeting was held telephonically on March 6,1997. The licensee was informed of the inspector's findings relative to the closure of the prior items. Additionally, the Deviation was discussed with the licensee and no dissenting comments were expressed.

The licensee was informed that the inspector's report would be written in a manner to release it to the public.

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{ 1. PERSONS CONTACTED j Licensee Personnel i C. Carr, Vice President, Manufacturing and Services

  • G.'Elliott, Manager, Safety and Licensing i
  • Denotes those present at the exit meeting on March 6, 1997
2. INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 92701 Followup on Inspector Followup Items IP 92702 Followup on Corrective Actions for Violations and Deviations 1

! Item Number Status Description 70 1201/96-01 01 Closed VIO Failure to notify the NRC of changes to the PSP.

70 1201/96 01 02 Closed IFI Review and verify the accuracy of security patrol records.

70 1201/97 02 01 Open DEV Corrective actions for Item 70-1201/96 01 01 included a procedure to be completed by April 30, 1996. The procedures was not completed until July 21,1996.

4. LIST OF ACRONYMS CFR Code of Federal Regulations DEV Deviation IFI Inspector Followup Item IP Inspection Procedure PSP Physical Security Plan NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rev. Revision VIO Violation