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Summary of 851105 Meeting W/B&W Owners Group in Bethesda,Md Re Action Plan Developed in Response to Davis-Besse 850609 Loss of Feedwater Event.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/1985
From: Paulson W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8512050067
Download: ML20137P640 (20)



November 20, 1985 fl,[ 'h LICENSEE: B&W Owners Group



OF NOVEMBER 5, 1985 MEETING TO DISCUSS B&W 0WNERS GROUP ACTIONS RELATIVE TO THE DAVIS-BESSE JUNE 9, 1985 EVENT On November 5, 1985 the staff met with representatives of the B&W Owners Group (B&WOG) in Bethesda, Maryland. The purpose of the meeting, which was requested by the B&WOG, was to discuss the Action Plan developed by the Owners Group in response to the June 9, 1985 Davis-Besse loss of all feedwater event. Enclosure 1 is a list of the attendees. Enclosure 2 is a copy of the material presented by the B&WOG at the meeting.

In the opening remarks, the staff summarized the increased NRR staffing relative to B&W plants that will be implemented in the forthcoming reorganization; for example, two NRR project managers will be assigned to each B&W plant. The staff stressed that the B&W plants need more attention because of the relatively short steam generator dryout time for these plants. The staff stated that reducing challenges to the mitigation systems, configuration control, maintenance, and adequate staffing are areas which should be considered for improved performance. The B&WOG indicated that, on the other hand, there were operating performance records being set by B&W plants.

The B&WOG Executive Committee established a course of action in response to the Davis-Besse June 9, 1985 event to achieve the following objectives:

Improve the safety and availability of the B&W units through close evaluation and implementation of lessons learned from the June 9 event.

Establish a mechanism to ensure strong communication between all of the B&WOG utilities regarding the issues and concerns identified during the review of the Davis-Besse transient.

Establish an executive level forum to identify, track, and ensure completion of plant specific and generic P recommendations that result from the review of the Davis-Besse transient.

Maintain a proactive relationship with the NRC.

l l A special Task Forr.e was established, with representatives from each i operating B&W reactor, to review the results of the investigation by Toledo Edison Company and by the NRC to determine if any of the issues raised are applicable to the other B&W plants. The Task Force Action Plan has 14 action i item areas, as delineated in Enclosure 2, which the B&WOG noted are based on NUREG-1154 findings and the ED0's staff action plan.

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- The NRC staff then discussed areas that it considered should be addressed with regard to B&W plants as a result of the Davis-Besse June 9 event and the October 2,1985 Rancho Seco event.

t In conclusion, the NRC staff indicated that it would like to interact with the B&WOG Task Force and Comittees with respect to the Action Plan discussed at this meeting.

I li)dtA.aubos Walter A. Paulson, Project Manager Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Licensing


} As Stated i cc w/ enclosures:

See next page l

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l OR I I WP d;cr i 11/10/85 l

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. Enclosure 1 NOVEMBER 5, 1985 MEETING

, B&W OttNERS GROUP AND NRC STAFF ATTENDANCE LIST NAME AFFILIATION H. Denton NRR W. A. Paulson NRC/ ORB #4 D. Crutchfield NRC/NRR/DL F. Schroeder NRC/NRR J. F. Stolz NRC/NRR F. J. Miraglia NRC/NRR R. H. Vollmer NRC/IE G. E. Edison NRC/0RB#4 H. B. Tucker Duke Power Co./BWOG N. Rutherford Duke Power Co.

- B. Simpson Fla. Power Corp.

J. H. Taylor B&W C. McCracken NRC/NRR/DL R. Weller NRC/TMIPO

3 of ENCLOSURE 2 Summary Presentation of the B&WOG Action Plan in Response to The Davis-Besse Event of June 9, 1985 6

4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RESPONSE On September 12, the B&W Owners Group Executive Committee decided on a course of action in response to the Davis-Besse June 9 event to achieve the following objectives.

e Improve the safety and availability of the B&W units through close evaluation and implementation of lessons learned from the June 9 event.

e Establish a mechanism to ensure strong communication between all of the B&WOG utilitites regarding the issues and concerns identified during the review of the Davis-Besse transier.t.


, o Establish an executive level forum to identify, track, and _ ensure completion of plant specific and generic recommendations that result from the review of the Davis-Besse transient.

e Maintain a proactive relationship with the NRC.

l To achieve the first three objectives, the B&WOG Executive Committee directed the Chairman of the B&WOG Steering Committee to form a special Task Force. The Task Force was to be comprised of representatives from each of the operating plants with a mission to thoroughly review the results of the investigation by Toledo Edison and the NRC to determine if any of the issues raised are applicable to the other B&W plants.

The fourth objective of the Executive Committee is being achieved i through this presentation and presentations to be made later to the NRC staff.


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l TASK FORCE ORGANIZATION e The Task Force organization meeting was held on September 25 and 26, 1985 in Toledo, Ohio.

l Bert Simpson - Florida Power Corp. (Acting Chairman) l Jim McWilliams - Arkansas Power & Light Neal Rutherford - Duke Power Co.

G. Ridgeway - Duke Power Co.

, Jim Kraiker - Florida Power Corp.

Jim P. Moore - GPU Nuclear Pierre cubre' - Sacramento Municipal Utility District Bill Rowles - Toledo Edison Co.

Bob Turner - Babcock & Wilcox Co.

e The Task Force is developing an action plan to address generic and plant specific hardware issues and program-matic concerns identified by the NRC and Toledo Edison in their reviews of the June 9 event.

e The Task Force membership is comprised of representa-tives from each of the utilities with operating plants. Those uti.1ities currently in the process of obtaining an operating license will address the Davis-Besse June 9 avant in the normal OL process.

O 2

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i TASK FORCE REVIEW PROCESS Documents reviewed by the Task Force to determine the issues and concerns were e [[letter::IA-85-445, Responds to FOIA Request for Vol III of Evaluation of Transient Behavior & Small RCS Breaks in 177 Fuel Assembly Plant, Re Facility.Document Available in PDR for Insp|August 5, 1985 letter]] from Mr. Dircks (including NUREG-1154) describing actions related to Davis-Besse

,e Toledo Edison's report entitled " Davis-Besse - Course of Action," Vols. 1 and 2, dated September 10, 1985 e August 14, 1985 letter from Mr. Denton to Mr. Joe Williams, Jr.

Four action levels were used to categorize each of the issues or concerns.

1. No Action Needed by B&WOG Members -

issue is Davis-Besse Event applicable only.

2. Comrunication Amone B&WOG Members - issue is generic to other plants and B&WOG will stimulate communication on

. key aspects and solutions to the issue.

3. B&WOG Monitor and Document Resolution of Issue - the
issue will be reviewed and resolved by individual utilities, and the B&WOG will monitor the status of l implementation of the resolution, document the imple-mentation, and report on completion.


4. B&WOG ResDonsible for Resolution - an entity within the

, Task Force or other B&WOG Committees will be respons-l ible for generically resolving the issue and reporting ,

to the member utilities the recomr.cndations as a result of this effort.


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References D.B. Course Mr. Dircks' Mr. Denton's Action Item No: Title of action Aua. 5 ltr. Aua. 14 ltr.

I 1 Root Cause Determination II.C.1 la,1b,8b, III.A 9b,12b l Obiective: Improve root cause determination and the effectiveness of corrective actions to reduce the number of plant trips and thereby reduce the challenges to safety systems.

2 Review of Systems Performance II.C.7 l and Testing App. C.l.1

  1. 27

! Obiective: Identify applicable recommendations from the Davis-Besse systems review effort.

3 Reliability of Selected Safe- App. C.l.2 6c,6f ty Related Valves App. C.1.4 Obiective: Ensure that selected motor operated safety related valves are capable of performing their safety related function.

! 4 Review of Control Room II.C.5 10b II.A.9 Improvement Program Obiective: Confirm adequacy of CRDR relative to the Davis-Besse June 9, 1985 event.

i 5 ' The Role of the Shift II.C.6 5 II.A.4 ,

Technical Advisor (STA) i Obiective: Exchange information on the availability and role of the STA.


References D.B. Course Mr. Dircks' Mr. Denton's Action Item No: Title of action Auc. 5 ltr. Auu. 14 ltr.

6 Turbine Bypass Valve and App. C.l.1 Steam Trap Failures # 9A,91 App. C 41. 4 Obiective: Exchange and evaluate infornation on individual utility methods to improve the reliability of turbine bypass valves and steam traps.

l 7 Reliability of the PORV App. C.1.3 9c,9d,9e II.A.8 App. C.l.4 i

Obiective: Determine if additional actions are needed regarding the reliability of PORVs.

8 Evaluation of AFW System App. C.1.1 6d,6f,6g II.A.5,II.A.7, Reliability flA,1B,1C 8c,8d,8e,8f II.B.1,II.B.2 App. C.l.1

  1. 10 App. C.1.4 App. C.2.3 App. C.7.1 l Obiective: Review AFW system and identify any changes needed to preclude these problems at j other B&WOG plants.

m ____-__________________________-______________

! 9 Review of Transient App. C.3.1 2 II.A.1 l Analysis Results II.C.3 l

Obiective: Evaluate the applicability of the Davis-Besse RELAP-5 model and method of

) __-

analysis to a LOFW calculation in a lowered loop plant.

l 10 Actions Related to SFRCS App. c.1.1 3,10a II.A.2 05,6,7 App. C.2.2 l Obiective: Evaluate the applicability of the Toledo Edison actions to systems performing SFRCS typa functions.

l 1




References D.B. Course Mr. Dircks' Mr. Denton's i

Action Item No: Title of action Auc. 5 ltr. Aua. 14 lt'r .

11 Effect of Physical Security App. C.4.2 4 II.A.3 and Administrative Restric-

tions on Operations Obiective
Considering high and low probability events optimize methods used to prevent unauthorized or inadvertent operation of equipment.

I 12 Actions Related to Operating App. C.4.1 6e,7b,7c II.A.12 i Procedures and Training II.C.4 10c,13 II.B.1 Obiective: Identify deficiencies in operations, training, and procedures to respond to j events similar to the June 9, 1985 event.

m ----_---------_----_--___--__-----_------------

13 ICS Module Maintenance App. C.1.1

  1. 16 i Obiective: Ensure that lessons learned from the Davis-Besse event of June 9, 1985 are incorpor-ated as applicable into ICS preventative maintenance procedures at the other B&WOG member plants.

i 14 Reducing Feedwater Initiated 8c II.A.7 3

Trips Obiective: 1. Reduce the challenges to safety systems by focusing on prevention of feedwater i transients.

2. , Improve availability of B&WOG member plants.

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Four examples of the items in the B&WOG 1154 Task Force Action  !

Plan are presented to demonstrate the actions to be taken.

e Root Cause Determination e Actions Related to SFRCS e Reducing Feedwater Initiated Trips )

l e Reliability of Selected Safety Related Valvas l

7 s

e g&W owners Group 1154 Task Force Action Plan AcQfon Item No: _1.

Tf?te Root Cause Determination Statement of Concern: Analyses of equipment f at tures and system transients are not always sufficient to initiate Cppropriate corrective action to prevent recurrence.

Obieettve: Improve root cause determination and the ef fectiveness of corrective actions to reduce the number of plant trips, and thereby reduce the chattenges to safety systems.

. Scheduled Work (no Plan Action Responsibility Comotetton Status / Comments

1. Provide descriptions of root Each Utility JAN 1 Provide Letter report to 1154 T.F.

cause determination and c'orrection methods in current use.

2. Review root cause determination 1154 T.F. FEB 1 methods used by B&WOG members.


3. Solicit input from INPD regarding 1154 T.F. FEB 1 root cause determination methods.
6. Identify the essentist elements of 1154 T.F. MAY 1 effective root cause determination methods ano provide guidance to 82WOG members.

l eeferences:

l DB Course Mr. Dircks' letter Mr. Denton's letter of Action of Aunust 5. 1985 of Aunust 14.1985 l II.C.1 1a, 6b, 8b, III.A 9b, 12b l

t e

-1 1

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B&W Owners Ceeuo 1154 Task Force Action plan Acticn Item No: 10 TItte: Actions Related to SFRCS Statement of concern: The adequacy of the design and operation of systems performing almilar functions to the Davis-BIssa SFRCS.

Objective: Evaluate the applicability of the Toledo Edison actions to systems performing SFRCS type functions.

Scheduled Worktha plan Action Resoonsibility completion Status / Comments

i. Review and confirm design infor- B&WOG I&C DEC 15 Letter report to 1154 T.F.

cation compiled on the systems Worklag Group at att other plants which perform the functions of the 08 SFRCS.

2. Compare changes made by TED to B&WOG IRC JAN 15 Letter report to 1154 T.F.

these systems to determine if Working Group cny functional changes are appro-priate in other plants.

3. Review operating records for spurious Each Utility FEB 15 Letter report to 1154 T.F.

trips and half-trips of systems performing functions similar to the DB SFRCS. Determine the cause of the trips and half trips.

a) Address the effects of main steam pressure oscittations following turbine trip on the output of sensors connected to the secondary side of the OTSGs and the main steam lines.

b) Address the lack of seal in on a safety related actuation signals (for SFRCS similar functions) such that the actuation may not 90 to l

completion, and the plant may be left in en unpredicted and unenalyzed condition.

4. Rsview DB evaluation of root causes Each Utility FEB 15 Letter report to 1154 T.F.

far spurious SFRCS trips and compare to item 3 results.

5. Rsview letter reports and determine 1154 T.F. MAR 15 If further action is needed.



DB Course Mr. Dircks' letter Mr. Denton's letter of Action of Aunust 5. 1985 of Auaust 14.1985 App. C.1.1 3,1Da II.A.2

  1. 5,6,7 App. C.2.2 9

. B&W owners Group 1154 Task Force Action Plan Acticn Item No: 14 Titte Reducing Feedwater Initiated Trips statement of concern: Feedwater transients resulting in plant trips are occurring too frequently.

obleetive: 1. Reduce chattenges to safety systems by focusing on prevention of feedwater transients.

2. Improve avaltability of S& Woc member plants.

Scheduled Workina Plan Action Responsibility Comotetion Status / Comments

1. Review 1984-85 experience on Steering FEs 15 feedwater transients for Committee adequacy of corrective actions.
2. Re assess the scope and priority Steering JAN 15 of existing R&WOG and utility Committee projects.
3. Consistent with overall NUMARC Steering MAR 15 scram reduction goals and based Committee cn findings of actions 1 and 2 develop a plan for reducing screes caused by feedwater transients.


DB Course Mr. Dircks' Letter Mr. Denton's letter of Action of Avaust 5. 1985 of Aunust 14.1985 8e II.A.7 10

a B&W owners Grato 1154 Task Force Action Plan Action Item No: _1_

Titte: Reliability of Selected Safety Related valves Statement of ' Concern: Adequacy of maintenance, testing and operability checks of selected motor operated safety rotcred valves.

Obiective: Ensure that selected motor operated safety related valves are capable of performing their safety related i function. ,

6 l

. Scheduled Workina Plan Action R33; r s ibil ity Comotetton Status / Comments

-1. Evaluate adequacy of maintenance, faci Utility JAN 15 Provide a letter report to 1154 T.F.

- testing and operability checks for motor operated NPI and AFW injec-tion valves and AFPT steam supply valves which must stroke to perform a safety function.

2. Review DB course of action report, 1154 T.F. FEB 15 test results, and corrective actions


for applicabillty to each plant.

3. Using Toledo Edison recommendations 1154 T.F. MAR 15 and results of utility reviews, develop a list of recommendations for addressing generic concerns.
4. B&WoG will initiate discussions wit- 1154 T.F. Continuing B&WOG will initiate a follow up other owners groups and industry Effort effort in conjunction with other organizations to investigate the Owners Groups and industry
  • maintenance, testing, and setting organizations, of motor operated valves.

i l


DB Course Mr. Dire cs' letter Mr. Denton's letter of Action of Aucu*t 5. 1985 of Aunust 14.1985 App. C.1.2 6c,6f App. C.1.4


l l



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, 1 ACTION PLAN SCHEDULE e Finalize Action Plan.................... November 30, 1985 e Presentation to Mr. Denton on B&W'OG 1154 Task Force Action Plan.............. November 5, 1985 e Complete Identified Action Plan work............ June 1986 l

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CONCLUSIONS The B&W Owners Group has concluded that the Action Plan developed by the 1154 Task Force clearly demonstrates a proactive and aggressive approach aimed at enhancing the safety and avail-ability of the B&W operating units.

It is further concluded that the implementation of this action plan will substantially reduce the likelihood that an event similar to the one that occurred at Davis-Besse on June 9, 1985 will not occur at another B&W unit.





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Consider Davis-Besse 6/9/85 Event and Rancho Seco 10/2/85 Event and Evaluate Loss of All Feedwater Event Resulting in Core Melt.

I. Expand Program to Evaluate / Improve Feedwater Reliability A. Main Feedwater o Reduce Challenges to AFW, i.e., transients

- ICS/SG trip limits and setpoints

- Failure experience feedback o Evaluate Recovery of MFW as Alternative to Failed AFW B. Auxiliary Feedwater - Initiate Program to Evaluate / Improve Reliability o Auto initiation of Flow to S/G

- Signal (safety grade, eliminate CCF modes, parameters sensed)

- Valves and pumps, etc.

o Control of Flow to S/G (Safety Grade)


- Effects of NNI

- Evaluate Provisions to Auto-isolate SGs from AFW o II.E.1.1 and II.E.1.2 completion of implementation o SRP 10.4.9 Reliability Goals

- P dC 10-4

- D,iversity

- Evaluate unavailability, Design Reliability (configurations) vs. Operational Reliability (operating data) o Recovery of Failed AFW II. Evaluate Need for Enhancement of Bleed and Feed Capability A. HPI at Reactor Operating Pressure B. Capacity to Depressurize Primary System (PORV, other) to HPI Capability

- Adequacy of test programs C. Criteria / Procedures to Initiate i

e t l *

. l III. Adequacy o# existing maintenance programs and their impact on operationa l reliability of safety-related systems. ,

o Basis for Adjustment of saety-related valve settings, e.g., torque  !

switch bypass j i

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l Licensee: B&W Owners Group

  • Copies also sent to those people on service (cc) list for subject plant (s).

Docket File NRC PDR L PDR ORB #4 Rdq Project Manager - WPaulson JStolz BGrimes (Emerg. Preparedness only)

OELD EJordan, IE ACRS-10 NRC Meeting


HDenton DCrutchfield FSchroeder JStolz FMiraglia RVollmer GEdison CMcCracken RWeller l


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