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Rev 2 to Technical Rept TR-20422(837), Installation Procedure for Temporary Frames for Structural Integrity Test of Primary Containment Structure,Public Svc of New Hampshire Seabrook Station - Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/05/1986
From: Ellis R, Wallace L
Shared Package
ML20209E304 List:
FOIA-86-678 TR-20422(837), NUDOCS 8610230079
Download: ML20211E591 (10)


ATTACHMENT 9 3 1-PT(I)-36 REV. 1 Faga 1 of 10 R2 i




Written By Approved By l /T S2

' rlerne F. Wallace Richard L. Ellis l

February 10, 1986 Revised February 18, 1986 Revised March 5. 1986 B610230079 PDR FOIA 861014 CURRANB6-678 PDR



l POST OFFICE BOX 288 WALTHAM. MASSACHUSETTS 02254 M A AION. MASSACHUSETTS 02738 617-890-3350 617-748-0103



ATTACHMENT 9 3 1-PT(I)-36 REV. 1

?aga 2 of 10 Technical Report

.TR-20422(837) R2 February 10, 1986


TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Description Page


1 2.0 PURPOSE 1 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 1 3.1 SIT Contractor (BEL /TES) 1 3.2 Engineering (UE8C) 2 3.3 Construction (Ut&C) 2 4.0 METHODS OF INSTALLATION 2 5.0 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 3 5.1 Locations R1, R2, RS, R6, R9 and R10 3

, 5.2 Locations R4, R8, R12 and IG10 3 5'. 3 Locations R3,~ R7 and R11 4 5.4 Locations R13, R17 and R21 4 5.5 Locations R14, R18 and R22 4 5.6 Locations RIS, R19 and R23 4 5.7 Locations R16, R20, R24 and IG11 5 5.8 Locations IG1 through IG8 5 l

5.9 Locations IG9A and IG98 5 5.10 Locations IG12. IG13. IG14 and IG15 5 5.11 Locations IG16. IG17. IG18 and IG19 5 5.12 Locations (12 Total) at Elevation 115'4" 6 i

5.13 Locations IG22 and IG23 6 I

5.14 Locations IG3A and IG3B 7 5.15 Locations IG24-9 and IG24-10 7 5.15 Locations IG25 through IG28 7 6.0 PERSONNEL CERTIFICATIONS 8 I

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ATTACHMENT 9 3 1-PI(I)-36 REU. 1 Page 3 of so Technical Repor2 Y TR-20422(837) M gg February 10, 1986 i

1.0 IMTR000CTION 1.1 The structural integrity test (SIT) for the containment structure is performed to demonstrate that t.he containment can

. withstand the postulated internal pressure loads in conformance with Appendix A of 10 CFR 50. The SIT for the Unit I containment will be performed in accordance with the requirements (nonprototype) of USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.136 (Revision 2), ASME Section III. . Division 2 Article CC6000 (1986 edition), and United Engineers and Constructors (UE8C) Specification 9763.006-5.5. The code requires that the containment growth be recorded at intervals during the pressurizing and depressurizing of the containment. The purpose of the growth measurements during the SIT is to demonstrate that the containment response to the pressure load is in agreement with predictions.

2.0 PURPOSE 2.1 The plan addresses the procedure for installation of -the temporary frames used for the support of.the 64 displacement transducers (DCDT's) required for monitoring of the containment g ree.9 3.0 RESMNSIBILITIES 3.1 5IT Contractor (BEL /TES) 3.1.1 Brewer Engineering Laboratories, a unit of Teledyne Engineering Services (BEL /TES), shall design, fabricate or purchase, and deliver to the construction site all temporary

( frames, hardware and other material required for the

AITACHMENT 9 3 1-PT(I>-36 REv. 1 Paga 4 of 10 Technical Report TR-20422(837)

February 10, 1986 N M ES i

installation of the frames. The drawings of the temporary frames and this procedure shall be submitted to UE8C for review and approval.

3.1.2 BEL /TES will install the temporary frames with limited assistance by the construction forces.

3.2 Engineering (UE8C) 3.2.1 UE&C shall review the frame designs and this procedure.

Engineering shall provide approval and/or recommendations for modifications or coments as necessary.

3.3 Construction (UEAC) 3.3.1 Al1 access facilities (i ncl uding 1ighting, power, scaffol ding,' etc.) required for the installation shall be provided by UE&C construction. Construction shall carry out any welding and removal of permanent plant equipment necessary for the installation of the temporary frames.

4.0 METHODS OF INSTALLATION 4.1 The majority of the frames shall be installed using beam clamps or 'C' clamps affixed to existing structures within the containment.

J..  : mes shalI be installed by epoxy bonding to the containment I t v, wherever no alternative method exists. The liner plate steel shall be ground clear of paint and cleaned using a cleaning agent prior to the epoxy bonding. The selected and approved epoxy material shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's g instructions.


ATTACHMENT 9 3 Faga 5 of to 1-PT(I)-36 arv. 3 Technical Report Y TR-20422(837) February 10, 1986 k

4.3 Existing bolting patterns shall be used for installation of the frames wherever easy access allows. Construction shall conduct the unbolting of existing attachments and install the temporary frames or provide guidance and approval for BEL /TES to carry out the work.

4.4 Welding shalI be used as the method of instal 1ation for two locations.

5.0 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Locations R1, R2, RS, R6, R9 and RIO 5.1.1 T.he temporary frames required for the equipment hatch locations R1, R2, RS, R6, R9 and R10 (Drawing Nos. 12007-2 and 12008-2) are installed on one vertical leg a'nd the horizontal girder at one end of the polar crane. The polar crane is positioned such that the south end of the horizontal girder projects 9-1/2 inches (south) past the vertical centerline of the equipment hatch. In this position the crane leg is used as an attachment point for locations R1, R5 and R9 and the horizontal girder is used for locations R2, R6 and R10. The emporary frames are installed on the crane structure using beam


5.: .] cations R4, R8, R12 and IG10 5.2.1 Temporary frames for equipment hatch locations R4, R8, 1

R12 and IG10 are installed on the pressurizer exterior steel surface. The attachment method for R4 and R8 is by four (4),

( 1/4-inch fi11et welds one inch Iang. R12 and IG10 frames shalI use external bolt patterns on the pressurizer structures.

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ATTACHMENT 903 1-PT(I)-36 REV. 1 Pago 6 of 10 Technical Report Y TR-20422(837)

February 10, 1986 M gg l I

5.3 Locations R3, R7 and R11 )

5.3.1 Beam clamps installed on existing 'I' beams locateo below the equipment hatch opening shall be used for frames R3, R7 and R11 (Orawing Nos. 12009-2, 12011-2 and 12013-2). Two beam clamps shall be used at each location.

5.4 Locations R13, R17 and R21 5.4.1 The personnel hatch frame (Drawing No. 12015-2) for locations above the opening (R13, R17 and R21) shall be installed using beam clamps attached to the vertical 'I' beam immediately to the right of the opening. Eight clamps are used to attach the two horizontal frame members to the 'I' beam. The 4 . .

vertical frame member with steel collars is assembled 'onto the horizontal member using two bolts.

5.5 Locations R14, R18 and R22 5.5.1 The personnel frame (Orawing No. 12016-2) for locations to the right of the opening (R14, R18 and R22) shall be ,

installed using beam clamps attached to the vertical 'I' beam (same as Paragraph 5.4.1). Two beam clamps are required.

5.4 '.1 cations RIS, R19 and R23 5.6.1 A single frame (Drawing No. 12017-2) shal l be installed for Locations RIS, R19 and R23 below the personnel hatch. Four beam clamps are required for attachment to. an existing 'I' beam below the opening.


.i ATTACHMENT 9 3 1-PT(I)-36 REv. 1 i Paga 7 of 10  :

Technical Report TR-20422(837)

February 10, 1986 6 gg I

5.7 Locations R16, R20, R24 and IG11 _

5.7.1 A single frame (Drawing No. 12018-2) shall be install'ed for locations R16 R20, R24 and IG11 to the right of the personnel hatch. Four beam clamps are required for attachment to an existing six-inch by six-inch box support.

5.8 Locations IG1 through IG8 5.8.1 Taut wire device installations IG1 through IG8 at elevations 131'0",114','7", 89'2" and 59'5" shal l be instal l ed using an epoxy bond at each end of the taut wires. The dead end or fixed end of the wire shall be a flat plate with hookeye (Drawing No. 12020-2). The moving end of the taut wire and the I

taut wire device shall be supported by a frame (Drawing No. 12019-2) with two flat plates epoxy bonded to the liner.

5.9 Locations IG9A and IG98 5.9.1 The frames (Drawing Nos. 12021-2 and 12022-2) for locations IG9A and IG99 shall be installed on existing temporary supports adjacent to the location using beam clamps and bolting.

5.10 Locations IG12. IG13. IG14 and IG15 5.10.1 The individual frames (Drawing Nos. 12024-2, 12025-2,

' 2026-2 and 12027-2) for locations IG12 through IG15 shall be installed on existing structural steel. Each frame shall use two beam clamps or two two-inch 'C' clamps (for IG13).

5.11 Locations IG16, IG17, IG18 and IG15 5.11.1 The individual frames (Drawing No. 12028-2) required for I

locations IG16 through IG19 shall se installed by epoxy bonding to the floor concrete at elevation -25'.


. 1 ATTACHMENT 9.3 1-PT(I)-36 REV. 1 i Paga 8 of 10 l Technical Report Y TR-20422(837) R2 M ,

February 10, 1986 Y:

' 5.12 Locations (12 Total) at Elevation 115'4" 5.12.1 Two temporary frames (Drawing No. 12029-2) shalI be installed by bolting to existing liner plate connections located at elevation 115'4", azimuths 0* and 180*. Prior to installation of the frames, it shall be necessary to remove two containment floodlights at each location. The same connection points used for the floodlights and the floodlight safety chain shall be used for the temporary frames. The two frames shall be used for the dome measurement locations IG24-a3, IG24-a4, IG24-bl, IG24-b2, IG24-c9, IG24-c10, IG24-d7, IG24-d8, IG24-5, IG24-6. IG20 and IG21. The individual taut wire devices or wire fixed ends shall- be attached to the temporary frames. The taut wire devices for mesurement points IG20 and IG21 will be epoxy bonded to the concrete at elevation 25'.

5.12.2 The connection points at the dome one-third elevation shall be made by clamping in place the f rame (Drawing No. 1203 2 - 2 ) onto the existing support structure at the l ocation. The dome two-thirds elevation connection point shall be made by use of a beam clamp affixed to an existing plate welded to the liner. The dome apex connection points shall be made by epoxy bonding four individual plates to the liner.

5.13 Locations IG22 and IG23 5.13.1 Two temporary frames (Orawing 12030-2) shalI be bolted to the unistrut already in place on the liner at elevation

( 117.3' for measurement locations IG22 and IG23. These frames shall be used to suppor?. vertical taut wires.


AriACHMENT 9 3 1-PT U )-36 asy, i Paga 9 or to Technical Report YM TR-20422(837) R2 6 gg February 10, 1986

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5.13.2 The taut wire devices for measurement locations IG22 and IG23 will be located at elevation 25' and attached to existing structures using c1 amps and bolting.

- 5.14 Locations IG3A and IG3B 5.14.1 A temporary frame for IG3A will be attached to the polar crane by clamping to the girder at the 110' elevation and extending up 4'7" and over to the containment wall. IG3B will use a taut wire arrangement extending from the 114'7" elevation at 0* azimuth to a temporary frame on the polar crane.

5.15 Locations IG24-9 and IG24-10 5.15.1 The taut wire devices for the apex vertical wires IG24-9 i and I'G24-10 shalI be bolted in place at the top of the steam generator shield wall (at elevation 33'). A flat plate (Drawing No. 12031-2) shall be installed by bolting to the existing embedded unistruts at the location.

5.16 Locations IG25 through IG28 5.16.1 Taut wire devices sh' a ll be used for the horizontal and vertical diametral measurements at the equipment hatch locations

'G25 and IG26. The taut wire fixed ends shall be located at the top and at one side of the barrel and shall be epoxy bonded in place. The taut wire devices shall be located at the bottom and at the opposite side of the barrel and shall be epoxy bonded in place. .

5.16.2 Taut wire devices shall be used for the horizontal and

( vertical diametral measurement at the personnel hatch opening.

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The instal 1ation shall be conducted simi1ar to the equipment hatch locations.

6.0 PERSONNEL CERTIFICATIONS 6.1 A minimum level II Inspector assisted by a level II or Level I Inspector shall conduct the installation of the temporary frames. The Inspectors shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirements of ANSI N45.2.6.

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