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Audit of Environ Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment for South Texas Project Unit 1, Final Informal Rept
Person / Time
Site: South Texas STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1987
From: Magleby H, Trojovsky M
Shared Package
ML20235M369 List:
CON-FIN-A-6415 EGG-NTA-7661, NUDOCS 8707170175
Download: ML20235M380 (73)



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-t EGG-NTA-7661 l t June 1987 V

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. Laboratory [ <


,,l 1 Managed by tho u.Sl , s

' Department i : ':1 : # M. Trojovsky ofEnergy . ' H. L. Magleby d

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f i) 9%EGcG6 Prepared for the Work performed under _,


.c 870717 175 B70E30 PDR ADDCK 05000498 A PDR


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DISCLAIMER This book was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Govemment. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. References herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessanly constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring j by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessanly state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.


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EGG-NTA-7661 i




l Docket No. 50-498 5 M. Trojovsky H. L. Maglecy '

l l Published June 1987 l

i l Idaho National Engineering Laboratory EG&G Idaho, Inc.

Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415


Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Under DOE Contract No. DE-AC07-76ID01570 Fin No. A6415

ABSTRACT The South Texas Project Unit I was audited to determine the environ-mental qualification of safety-related electrical equipment. Results of the audit are summarized in this report.

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1 An audit of the environmental qualification of safety-related )

electrical equipment for the South Texas Project Unit I was conducted by a team comprised of representatives of the NRR and I&E Support Branch of EG&G Idaho, Inc., and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff.

Deficiencies found during the review of the applicant's equipment qualification submittal are provided in Appendix A. Summaries of the central file review are provided in Appendix B. As a result of the audit ,

I it was concluded that when the South Texas Project Unit I resolves the


concerns noted in this report, their electrical qualification program will {

be complete and in accordance with 10 CFR 50.49. I I

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This report. is supplied as part of the " Equipment Qualification Case  ;

Reviews" being conducted for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office l of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Pressurized Water Reactors Licensing-A. Electrical Instrumentation and Control System Branch, by EG&G )

Idaho, Inc., NRR and I&E Support Branch.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission funded the work under the authorization, B&R 20-19-40-41-2. )

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ABSTRACT .............................................................. 11 ]


.................. ............................................ iii FOREWORD .................. ............................................ iv. 1


1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1 l
2. BACKGROUND ................. . ................................... 2 4

1 3.

3. PURPOSE ....... ............ .....................................
4. SCOPE ...................... ..................................... 4 4
5. EVALUATION . . ....... .......................................... 5 i 4
6. CONCLUSION ........................................................ 12 I
7. REFERENCES ............... .............. ........................ 13 APPENDIX A--SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT UNIT 1 EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION l

1 SUBMITTAL REVIEW ... ......................... ................... A-1 APPENDIX B--


OF THE CENTRAL FILE REVIEW .................. .... B-1 a

V w_.__-__-_.__-__________ _ _ . _ _ _



1. INTRODUCTION Equipment which is used to perform a necessary safety function must be demonstrated to be capable of maintaining functional operability under all service conditions postulated to occur during its installed life for the time it is required to operate. This requirement, which is embodied in General Design Criteria 1 and 4 of Appendix A and Sections III, XI, and XVII of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50, is applicable to equipment located inside as well as outside containment. More detailed requirements and guidance relating to the methods and procedures for demonstrating this capability have been set forth in 10 CFR 50.49, " Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants," and NUREG-0588, " Interim Sta'ff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment" (References 1 and 2). This NUREG supplements IEEE Standards 323-1971 and 323-1974 (References 3 and 4), and various NRC Regulating Guides and industry standards.

On January 27-30, 1987, a team comprised of representatives of the NRR and I&E Support Branch of EG&G Idaho, Inc., and the NRC staff conducted an audit of the environmental qualification of safety-related electrical l

equipment for the South Texas Project Unit 1 (STP). The work effort consisted of: (a) a review of the licensee's submittal (Reference 5),

(b) an audit of the licensee's central files for selected equipment items, and (c) an on-site visual inspection of the equipment items for which the central files were audited. Deficiencies, found during the submittal review are provided in Appendix A. Summaries of the central file review

. are provided in Appendix B.


2. BACKGROUND NUREG-0588 was issued in December 1979 to promote a more orderly and systematic implementation of equipment qualification programs by the  :

industry and to provide guidance to the NRC staff for its use in ongoing licensing reviews. The positions contained in NUREG-0588 provide guidance l on (a) how to establish environmental service conditions, (b) how to select j methods which are considered appropriate for qualifying equipment in l different areas of the plant, and (c) other specific topics such as ma gin, aging, and documentation.

In February 1980 the NRC requested certain near-term Operating License (OL) applicants to review and evaluate the environmental qualification documentation for each item of safety-related electrical equipment and to identify the degree to which their qualification programs comply with the staff positions discussed in NUREG-0588. IE Bulletin 79-01B " Environmental l Qualification of Class 1E Equipment," issued January 14, 1980, and its supplements dated February 29, September 30, and October 24, 1980, established environmental qualification requirements for operating '

reactors. This bulletin and its supplements were provided to OL applicants for consideration in their review. A final rule on environmental l

qualification of electrical equipment important to safety for nuclear power plants became effective on February 22, 1983. This rule, Section 50.49 of 10 CFR part 50, specifies the requirements to be met for demonstrating the environmental qualification of electrical equipment important to safety located in a harsh environment. In accordance with 10 CFR 50.49, the electrical equipment at the South Texas Project Unit 1 may be qualified to the acceptance criteria specified in Category 1 of NUREG-0588.

The qualification requirements for mechanical equipment are principally contained in Appendix A and B of 10 CFR 50. The qualification -

methods defined in NUREG-0588 can also be applied to mechanical equipment.

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The purpose of this report evaluate the adequacy of the South  !

Texas Project Unit 1 environmental qualification program for electrical j equipment important to safety as defined in 10 CFR 50.49. A discussion of

- open items, as well as any unresolved issues, is provided in this report. I 1

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4. SCOPE The scope of this report includes an evaluation of the completeness of the list of equipment to be qualified, the criteria which they must meet, the environments in which they must function, and an assessment of the qualification documentation for the equipment. The principal area of review was the qualification of safety-related equipment which must ,

function in order to prevent or mitigate the consequences of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) or high energy line break (HELB) inside or outside of containment, while subjected to the harsh environments associated with these accidents. It is limited to electrical equipment important to safety within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49.

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5. EVALUATION The evaluation of the applicant's environmental qualification program included an on-site examination of electrical equipment, a review of the qualification documentation for these. components, and a review of the

, applicant's Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment Report (EQ submittal) for completeness and acceptability of systems and components, qualification methods, and accident environments.

The criteria described in NUREG-0800, Revision 2, Section 3.11 (Reference 6), NUREG-0588, Category 1, and Regulatory Guide 1.89, Revision 1 (Reference 7), form the basis for the evaluation of the adequacy of the applicant's qualification program.

An audit of the applicant's qualification documentation on selected equipment and a visual inspection of this equipment was performed by the staff on January 27-30, 1987. The audit consisted of a review of eleven files (three by the NRC staff and eight by EG&G Idaho) containing equipment qualification documentation. The staff's findings during the audit are discussed in detail in Section 5.4 and in Appendix B of this Technical Evaluation Report (TER).

5.1 Completeness of Equipment Imoortant to Safety The applicant was directed to (a) establish a list of systems and components that are required to prevent or mitigate a LOCA or HELB and (b) identify components needed to perform the function of safety-related display instrumentation, post-accident sampling and monitoring, and radiation monitoring.

Based upon information in the applicant's EQ submittal, systems and components included in the applicant's EQ program are those required to achieve and support: (a) emergency reactor shutdown, (b) containment

- isolation, (c) reactor core cooling, (d) containment heat removal, (e) core residual heat removal, and (f) prevention of significant release of radioactive material te the environment.

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Also supplied in the applicant's EQ submittal were those components that are needed to perform the function of safety-related display instrumentation, post-accident sampling and monitoring, and radiation monitoring (i.e., those components required to meet the guidelines of Regulator Guide 1.97, Reference 8). Note: STP has taken exception to the containment sump water temperature requirement of Regulatory Guide 1.97.

This is considered an open item (Reference 9) in regard to the applicant's ,

conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.97.

5.2 Qualification Methods Detailed procedures for qualifying safety-related electrical equipment in a harsh environment are defined in NUREG-0588. The criteria in NUREG-0588 are also applicable to other equipment important to safety as defined in 10 CFR 50.49 paragraphs B(2) and B(3). Type testing of equipment in a sequence consisting of pre-aging, seismic and dynamic l

loading, and exposure to LOCA/HELB conditions is the preferred method of qualification.

5.3 Service Conditions NUREG-0588 defines the methods to be utilized for determining the environmental conditions associated with loss of coolant accidents or high energy line breaks inside or outside of containment. The analytical methods used by the applicant to postulate environmental conditions were still under review by the NRC staff at the time of the on-site audit. The qualification documentation has been reviewed to ensure that the qualification conditions envelop the specified conditions established by the applicant as presented in their EQ submittal.  !


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5.3.1 Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity Conditions Inside the-Primary Containment The applicant provided the LOCA/HELB' profiles used for equipment qualification. There are several harsh environmental zones located inside I

- . containment. The peak values resulting from these profiles _are as follows: temperature, 323 F; pressure, 48.4 psia; and relative humidity, 100%/ steam.

t 5.3.2 Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity Conditions Outside the Primary Containment The applicant has provided the temperature, pressure and humidity conditions associated with normal / abnormal operation, and, high and moderate energy line breaks outside the containment. See Table 3-1 of the applicant's EQ submittal for the' peak environments resulting from these postulated events.

T 5.3.3 Submergence The flood level elevation inside the containment that would result 1

from a LOCA/HELB has'been established by the applicant to be -4 ft 9 in.

Flood levels resulting from a HELB/MELB outside containment have also been



established by the applicant. See Table 3-2 of the applicant's EQ j submittal for the flood levels established by the applicant in the various zones outside containment. In all cases the applicant.has evaluated the flood elevation and the component elevation. Where components may be submerged and the component is not qualified for submergence, the consequences of the component failure is documented in Section of the applicant's EQ submittal. It should be noted that the justification l

. presented in this section that addresses the qualification of cables at STP to submergence is not acceptable. -The applicant, when presented with this finding, committed to establish which cables may actually be submerged and j then to provide justification and/or qualification documentation for the l submerged cable.


5.3.4 ' Aging The aging requirements for the South-Texas Project Unit '1' electrical equipment are defined in Section 4, Category I of NUREG-0588.


The degrading influences of temperature, radiation, vibration' and mechanical stresses should be considered and included in the aging- .

program. This requires the establishment of a qualified life and maintenance and replacement senedules based on the findings.

5.3.5 Radiation (Inside and Outside Containment)

The applicant has provided values for the radiation levels postulated-to exist following a LOCA. The application and methodology employed by the applicant to determine these values are those methods found in,NUREG-0588.

The maximum value postulated for inside containment, based on'40 years


normal operation and 180 days post-DBA operation, is 1.4.x 107 rads TID gamma and beta.

9 Outside containment, values ranging from 1.1'x 103 to 2 x 10 rads gamma TID have been specified; for use in qualifying components. See-Table 3-1 of the applicant's EQ submittal for the TIDs established by the applicant for those zones outside containment.

5.3.6 Containment Spray

.i Chemical spray is used for containment heat removal following a' design j basis accident. The composition of this spray has been specified by the.

applicant to be 2000 to 4000 ppm boron with NaOH to maintain a pH between j


7.5 to 10.5.


l L 5.4 Environmental Qualification Audit '

An audit'was conducted of the. applicant's qualification documentation L and installed equipment on January 27-30, 1987.' Eleven files were reviewed. ,

(three by NRC personnel and eight by EG&G personnel) to determine if the )

- test data and analysis in the files supported the qualification status determined by the~ applicant.

The following files were. reviewed during the on-site audit:

1 EQCP- . .

Number: Component Description 4058 Okonite 600V Power Cable, EPR Insulation, Component Id. CAB 12-4058 i

o No specific comments. '

l j 4376 NDT International Flow Sensor and Connectors, Model 838-1,

( Component Id. N1RC-ZE-345001 o No specific comments.

4374 FCI Sump Level Indicator, Model 8-66MA, Component Id. AISI-LE-3925 i

o No specific comments. j 4103 Rockbestos TC Extension Wire, Firewall III, XLPE Insulation, Component Id. TA216-4103 o No specific comments.

4028 Limitorque Valve Actuation, Model SMB-00, Component Id. -i A1CC-MOV-001201. l o No specific comments.

4026 Valcor Solenoid Valve, Model 27700-77, Component Id. 81FW-FY-7142 o The elevation on the SCEW sheet was incorrect.  !


. 4027 Namco Limit Switch, Model EA180, Component Id. DICC-ZSC-4493 -1 o No specific comments. l 9



Number ' Component' Description j 4335 Barton DP Indicating Switch, Model 581A-0/199, Component Id.

NIHC-PDIS-9672-o Due to test anomalies found in the test report that formed the basis of qualification for these switches it was. -  ;

concluded that the documentation did not support  !

qualification for these switches for th~e. time duration "

specified at the South Texas Project Unit 1.

ESE-1B Veritrak Pressure Transmitter, Model 76PH2, Component Id. u BIRC-PT0457 1 o No specific comments.

HE-9 Garrett PORV, Model 3750014, Component Id. B1RC-PCV-0656A01 o- No specific comments.

WCAP-11216 .RHR G.E. Pump Motor, Component Id. 2R161NPA101B01 o Documentation found in this file did not support '

qualification for these cump motors for the specified 6 month post-0BA operability time requirement established by the applicant. During the course of the audit this time requirement was reduced to 100 days and concluded'that the documentation did support qualification to this reduced time requirement.

Qualified life basis for those RDF Corp RTDs in EQCP ESE-6 o It was concluded that the applicant needed to determine the air flow rate past the RTD head in order to establish the qualified life.

General Comments The 30 day post-accident operability time requirement specified by the applicant had rot b2en accepted by the NRC staff as of the time of the.

on-site audit. The current NRC position is that any post-DBA operability time less than 100 days must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. South .

Texas personnel acknowledged this position and agreed to schedule meetings to address this concern. -

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I Due to the relatively short time the staff had to review the applicant's EQ submittal it was noted during the exit meeting that this i review was still not complete. It was also noted at this time that the applicant was required to formally submit their EQ submittal consistent with the information provided to the staff prior to and during the on-site j audit. j l


As to date, all of the above concerns, with the exception of the 1

Barton OP indicating switch, have been addressed by the applicant and l accepted by the NRC staff. As a result of reviewing the applicant's EQ program formally submitted to the NRC staff via Houston Lighting and Power Letter No. ST-HL-AE-1889, dated February 27, 1987, one new open item  ;

(regarding qualification of cable to submergence) was identified for which the applicant must formally respond to.

Prior to the on-site audit approximately 1820 System Component Evaluation Work Sheets (SCEW sheets) supplied as an attachment to Houston  !

Lighting and Power Letter No. ST-HL-AE-1716, dated August 18, 1986, were reviewed. Many concerns were noted as a result of this review; however after having discussions with HLP personnel and performing a spot check during the on-site audit it was quite evident that many of the concerns pointed out during this review were resolved or not present on later revisions of the SCEW sheets. Because of this, the more recently revised SCEW sheets that were supplied after the on-site audit were reviewed with the results presented in Appendix A of this TER.

5.5 Outstanding Equipment The applicant is required to have all safety-related equipment qualified by the time their permit for fuel load is issued. As of the time

. of the on-site audit, the applicant identified six files that needed some additional documentation to support qualification for the components covered in the files. See Appendix A for a summary of the qualification status of the various files in the applicant's EQ program.


6. CONCLUSION The electrical equipment environmental qualification program for the South Texas Project Unit I has been reviewed. The review has included the systems and components selected for qualification, the environmental conditions resulting from design basis accidents, the methods used for qualification, and the documentation for specific items of equipment. ,

In conclusion, pending the satisfactory completion of the following corrective actions, compliance to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49 and relevant parts of General Design Criteria 1 and 4 of Appendix A;Section III, XI, and XVII of Appendix B,10 CFR 50.49; and the criteria specified in NUREG-0588, can be assured.

1. The outstanding items identified during the on-site audit by the staff are resolved,
2. The outstanding items identified by the staff in the applicant's submittal are resolved, and l
3. Full qualification status is obtained for all equipment items in the applicant's EQ program.


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1. " Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety _-

for Nuclear Power Plants," Code of Federal Regulations, 10 CFR 50.49, Februa ry 22, 1983.

, 2. Interim Staff Positior on Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment, NUREG-0588, Revision 1.


1 -

3. IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Eouipment'for Nuclear Power

. Generating Stations, IEEE Standard 323-1971.

4. IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class IE Equipment for Nuclear. Power Generating Stations, IEEE Standard 323-1974.
5. Houston Lighting and Power Company South Texas Project Unit 1 Environmental-Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Eouipment, Revision 1, February 1987.
6. " Environmental Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment, Revision 2," Standard Review Plan, NUREG-0800, Section 3.11, July 1981.


7. " Environmental Qualification of Certain Electrical Eqaipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 1," U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.89, June 1984.
8. " Instrumentation for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants .to Assess I Plant and Environs Conditions During and Following an Acc.ident, Revision 2," U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.97, December 1980.


9. Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.97, South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, EGG-ETA-7290, November 1986, Revision 1.

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TABLE A-1 Summary of the NSSS Components .............................. A-5 TABLE A-2 Summary of the BOP Components ...............................A-15 i l

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. The South Texas Project Unit 1.(STP) Environmental Qualification.-(EQ)

Program, as found in STP's FSAR, Section 3.11, Amendment 53, and STP's 1 EQ Submittal, Rev. O and Rev. 1, as submitted by the Houston Lighting and 1 Power Company (HL&P), was reviewed to determine compliance to 10 CFR 50.49. This review also included the evaluation of HL&P letter ST-HL-AE-1124, 9/28/84. As a result of the review it can be concluded that HL&P's methodology in achieving compliance to 10 CFR 50.49 is sound provided that the cables installed at STP are physically inspected so that an evaluation between the submergence level and cable elevation can be performed to determine any cables susceptibility to submergence. If this inspection results in any Lable being submerged the. applicant should provide adeouate justification or evidence that supports the statements found in Section of the applicants' EQ submittal in regard to the qualification of submerged cable at STP. Also, all Regulatory Guide 1.97 equipment items regardless of NUREG-0588 category, need to be qualified (See comments for EQCP No. 4335 on Table A-2 of this TER).

I The reviewer finds the methodology incorporated by the applicant in addressing the concerns of IEIN 84-90 (inpact of superheat on EQ components) to be sound provided that the criteria specified under Paragraph 2 under the basis for the review, under Section V of HL&P letter ST-HL-AE-1125, dated 9/28/84, included an analysis to ensure that no other components safety function was impaired due to the failure of those components that are assumed to have failed. Because of this' approach was taken by the applicant it was suggested that instead of the elevated temperatures that resulted from a HELB inside.the isolation valve cubicles be presented on the applicable SCEW sheets, that the actual conditions for

, the accidents which the component must function be presented on the SCEW sheet. A review of the SCEW sheets supplied with Rev. 1 of the applicant's EQ submittal indicates that some of the SCEW sheets have been revised in ]

this manner (see SCEW sheets for components in EQCP No. 4344) while others A-1

have not (see SCEW sheets for components in EQCP No. 4376). Another concern associated with the superheat issue which would be clarified by the above approach is that the actual definition of the peak temperature the applicant is using in the isolation valve cubicles is somewhat vague. The SCEW sheets and profiles supplied with the applicant's EQ submittal ,

typically have 335 F, HL&P letter ST-HL-AE-1124 implies a peak tempe,sture

of 450 F, and as stated earlier, some of the SCEW sheets now show _

temperatures equal to the maximum normal / abnormal temperature of the a

isolation valve cubicles.

Several NSSS component packages (EQCPs ESE-2, ESE-2C, ESE-2D, ESE-4 )

and ESE-4C) have demonstrated parameters that do not envelop the specified parameters found in Table 3-1 of the applicant's EQ submittal with a corresponding Interoffice Memo (IOM) being referenced as the apparent justification for these deficiencies. As in the case of those components affected by superheat, the actual environments these components are required to operate for should be presented on the SCEW sheet in order to provide the ability to verify the demonstrated parameters envelop the specified parameters.

Another area of concern is in regard to the accuracy of the method of qualification that is depicted on the SCEW sheets. In some cases it is quite obvicus that if " test analysis" was indeed the true method of qualifying the components the qualification of these components would not

.. .. meet the intent of NUREG-0588 Category I, Section 2, " Qualification Methods." The opposite is also true. There are some cases were test and analysis is usually required (i.e., in establishing post-accident

, operability times) to establish the qualification of a component where

" test" is presented for the qualification method.

, , Because of the applicant's methodology in assigning NUREG-0588 Categories and Regulatory Guide 1.97 equipment items, care should be taken ,

interpreting the Regulatory Guide 1.97 Master Listing supplied in the applicant's EQ submittal. This listing does not include all of the applicant's Regulatory Guide 1.97 equipment items, it only lists those that A-2

were not already listed under their NSSS or AE component listings. For a complete listing of the applicant's Regulatory Guide 1.97 equipment items see Table 7.5-1 of the applicant's FSAR.

Tables A-1 and A-2 of this TER summarizes the NSSS and BOP component a evaluations, by EQCP No., that resulted in the review of the SCEW sheets supplied with the applicant's EQ submittal. Included on these tables are I


the following.

o Because the 30 day post-accident operability time specified by 1 the applicant was considered an open item, the demonstrated )

operability time was noted on the table in all cases. Because 30 days was typically given as the specified operability time  ;

requirement, it is only noted in the tables when the specified operability time was not equal to 30 days. l l

1 o The NUREG-0588 Category (the numbers in parentheses following the l l \

l category represent the number of components in each category). l l o The general location of the components in each EQCP.

o The qualification status as found on the applicant's component j listings. If not all components had the same qualification i i

status the number of components in each qualification status is given in parentheses following the qualification status  !

designator. Most of the components in the STP EQ program are considered fully qualified (qualification status A) by the l applicant with the remaining components having a qualification status of S.


. o Because the reference test documents for the BOP supplied components were typically a Bechtel log number, no attempt was made to show what test reports were being used to establish the qualification of the components. The EQCP number for the NSSS A-3 l


i supplied components corresponds to the Westinghouse EQDPs associated with the component items within the Westinghouse WRD scope of supply, 1


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l TABLE A-1.



l AE-2 Westinghouse Pump Motor, 400-1000 hp, 4 kV l NUREG 0588 Category: A (11) location: Fuel Handling Building and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days  !

Qualification Status: A j NOTES:

Temperature margin deficiency.

AE-3 Crane Pump Motor, Model 6VE 20K 150#

NUREG 0588 Category: A (2)

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES: l Temperature margin deficiency.  !

ESB-1B Veritrak Pressure Transmitter, Model 76PH2 NUREG 0588 Category: A (6)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days Qualification Status: A i l NOTES:


ESE-1C Tobar Pressure Transmitter, Model 32PA1 NUREG 0588 Category: A (12), B (3), and RG 1.97 (6)

Location: Isolation Cubicle Area and Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


I A-5 l _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

TASLE A-1. (continued)

'E0CP N0. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ESE-2 Barton Pressure Transmitter,.Model 753 NUREG 0588 Category: ,B (2) .

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: N/A. -

Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Referencing IOM 41040, 2/10/86. Specified parameters not-given. Demonstrated parameters do not envelop Table 3-1 specified parameters. Post-DBA operability time,land NUREG 0588 category, taken together, need clarification.

l ESE-2C Tobar Pressure Transmitter, Model 32PA2 NUREG 0588 Category: B (1)

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: N/A Qualification Status: A NOTES:

l Referencing IOM 41040, 2/10/86. Specified-parameters not given. Demonstrated parameters do not envelop Table 3-1 specified parameters. Post-DBA operability time and NUREG l 0588 category, taken together, need clarification.

t ESE-2D Rosemount Pressure Transmitter, Model 1153 NUREG 0588 Category: A (1)

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: N/A Qualification Status: A )


Referencing IOM 41040, 2/10/86. Specified parameters not j given. Demonstrated parameters do not envelop Table 3-1  ;

specified parameters. Post-DBA operability-time and NUREG -i 0588 category, taken together, need clarification. j ESE-3A Barton DP Transmitter, Model 764 '!

NUREG 0588 Category: RG 1.97 (9) l Lo:ation: Containment '

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days i Qualification Status: A NOTES:


A-6 l


l i

l l. I TABLE A (continued)

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ESE-3B Veritrak DP. Transmitter, Model 76DP2 NUREG 0588 Category: .A (24) and RG 1.97 (8)

Location: . Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


ESE-3C Tobar Pressure Transmitter, Model 32DP1 NUREG 0588 Category: A (8) and RG 1.97 (6).

Location: Containment, Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Building i Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days Qualification Sta'tus: A  :

l l


Submergence deficiency for those components located in the, ,j

-fuel handling building. Notes 4 and 6.are referenced but not _j presented on the SCEW sheets for NISI-FT-0927, 0928, and 0929.

ESE-4 Barton DP Transmitter, Model 752 NUREG 0588 Category: B (30)

Location: Containment, Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling i Building

  • l Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: N/A Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Referencing IOM 41040, 2/10/86. Specified parameters not )

given. Demonstrated parameteri do not envelop Table 3-1 specified parameters. Post-DBA operability time and NUREG 0588 category, taken together, need clarification ESE-4C Tobar DP Transmitter, Model 32DP2 NUREG 0588 Category: RG 1.97 (2)

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: N/A

, Qualification Status: A A-7

TABLE A-1. (continued)


Referencing IOM 42268, 2/10/86. Specified parameters not given. Demonstrated parameters do not envelop Table 3-1 ,

specified parameters. Post-DBA operability-time and NUREG 0588 category, taken together, need clarification.

ESE-6 RDF Corp. RTD, Model P/N 21205 NUREG 0588 Category: A (8)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: .120 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Qualified life basis: During the course of the on-site audit it was determined that the applicant needed to determine the air flow past the installed RTDs in order to establish the temperature of the RTD head.

ESE-7 RFD Corp. RTD, Model 21232 NUREG 0588 Category: A (28) and RG 1.97 (3)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

See notes for EQCP ESE-6 ESE-8B Westinghouse PR NIs and Connectors, Model WL-24165 NUREG 0588 Category: A (8)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 80 min Specified Post-DBA Operability Time: 5 min Qualification Status: A NOTES:

The building designator is "EAB" for some of these.

e A-8

TABLE A-1. (continued)


l Revision 0 of the EQ submittal indicated that these were in the applicant's EQ program; however, these components were

. excluded from Revision 1.

ESE-21 Barton Pressure Sensor, Model 351 NUREG 0588 Category: A (6)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


ESE-42A Minco.RTD, Model S8809 NUREG 0588 Category: A (32)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


ESE-43A CKB Incore Thermocouple, Model Type K NUREG 0588 Category: A (50)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> l Qualification Status: A NOTES: l Justification presented for demonstrated post-accident operability time.

ESE-43B CKB Incore Thermocouple Connectors, Model LEMOA & LEM08

, NUREG 0588 Category: A (50)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A A-9

TABLE A-1. (continued)


It appears that the component description and EQCP No. for A1II-TE-000201 may be incorrect. -

ESE-43D CKB Incore Thermocouple Connectors (panel mounted), Model '

211145/211147  ;

NUREG 0588 Category: RG 1.97 (50)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year j Qualification Status: A l NOTES:


ESE-44A Westinghouse TC Reference Junction Box, Model WX-34794 NUREG 0588 Category: RG 1.97 (2)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A j NOTES:


ESE-48A Barton High Volume Sensor, Model 353 l NUREG 0588 Categcry: A (3)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 4 months Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Specified and demonstrated accuracy needs clarification.

ESE-49A Barton OP Indicating Switch, Model 581 NUREG 0588 Category: A (3)

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days

, Qualification Status: A NOTES: '

Demonstrated and specified accuracy not supplied. Do the concerns of IEIN 86-65 apply to these components? If so, how have the concerns been addressed?

l A-10

TABLE A-1. (continued)

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION HE-1 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SB, SBD, and SBDF NUREG 0588 Category: A (30)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 120 days

. Qualification Status: A NOTES:

It appears that the model for A1CV-LCV-0465 and CICV-LCV-0468 is incorrect. Some of these actuators have longer qualified i lives than those at lower ambient te.mperatures. Section of the applicant's EQ submittal identifies valves in the SI system as being submerged; however, the SCEW sheets for these valves do not indicate thatJthe valves are submerged.

HE-2/5 Asco Solen ^oid Valve, Model 206-381-6F and NP8316E i

NUREG 0588 Category: A (16)

Location: Containment and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A NOTES:


HE-3/6 Namco Limit Switch, Model EA180 and EA740 NUREG 0588 Category: A (68)

Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-0BA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A 1


Specified accident TID for A1CV-ZS0-8400A, B1CV-ZSC-84008, and B1CV-ZSO-8400B appears to be too high.

Six of these switches (located inside containment) appeared to be submerged based on the elevation (-11 ft) presented on the SCREW sheets.

HE-4 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SD and SMB


NUREG 0588 Category: A (11) and C (8)

. Location: Fuel Handling Building and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A i

A-11 l


TABLE A-1. (continued)

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION NOTES: s Redundancy being used to justify temperature deficiency (IOM j 42420,5/1/86). It appears that AICV-MOV-0025 and , i 1

B1CV-MOV-0024 should be in EQCP No. HE-1 (note the qualified parameters). Is reference 2 correct? Some of these actuators have an insufficient temperature margin with no apparent -

i justification presented or referenced. {

l HE-8 Conax ECSA, Model N-11007-76 and N-11007-33 NUREG 0588 Category: A (156) location: Containment, Auxiliary Building, and Isolation Cubicle Area Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: I hour to 1 year Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Model for CISB-FY-4152A 01 appears to be wrong. The room or building designator is wrong for AICM-FV-4128 01 and B1MS-FY 7432A 01. Some of these SCEW sheets have no room designator or elevation supplied on the SCEW sheets. Six of these seals (located inside containment) appear to be submerged based on-the elevation (-11 ft) presanted on the SCREW sheets.

HE-9 Garrett PORV, Modei .3760060 and 3750014 NUREG 0588 Category: A (6)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A-NOTES:


HE-10A Target Rock Solenoid Valve, Models IS88RA and IIS76RA NUREG 0588 Category: A (8)

Location: Containme.nt Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A NOTES:

( None.

I A-12

I i

i TABLE A-1. (continued) ,

1 EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION HE-10B Target Rock Electronic Control Module, Model 300592-1 NUREG 0588 Category: A (1)

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year

. Qualification Status: A

) NOTES: 1 Demonstrated temperature and radiation deficiencies. W-Letter l ST-WN-YB-2686 being used for temperature justification. IOM 42323 being used for normal radiation justification.

HE-10C Target Rock Solenoid Valve, Model 1RS78RA,1RS78RB and IRS 36RA NUREG 0588 Category: A (4)- .


, Location: Containment and Auxiliary Building j Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A l


None. J l

WCAP-11160 CFP MSIV Solenoid Valve, Model C-2233 l NUREG 0588 Category: (16)

Location: Isolation Cubicle Area Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A (8) and B (8)

NOTES: l None. I l

WCAP-11172 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Models SMB and SB NUREG 0588 Category: A (6)

Location: Fuel Handling Building l Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

, None.

1 5

1 A-13 l

l l

TABLE A-1. (continued)  ;

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION WCAP-11216 G.E. Pump Motor, Model 5K6328XJ108A NUREG 0588 Category: A (3) .

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time:

  • i Qualification Status: B l k

NOTES: l SCEW sheets not reviewed because the qualification status of these motors was B prior to the onsite audit. The qualification status of these motors was changed to A and consequently reviewed during the on-site audit. A summary of  !

this review can be found in Appendix B of this TER.

l SP-1 Westinghouse Hydrogen Recombiner, Model B ,

1 NUREG 0588 Category: A (2) l Location: Containment '

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A l


Temperature Margin deficiency.

1 l

l l

l 4


o TADLE A-2.



EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 0011 Conax Penetration, Model 7D17 i

NUREG 0588 Category: A (1) ]

Location: Containment  !

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days I

, Qualification Status: A 1

NOTES: l None.

l Marathon Terminal Block, Model 1512NUC NUREG 0588 Category: A (1) 1 Location: Auxiliary Building '

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year I Qualification Status: A I NOTES:


Amps Splice, Model PIDG I

NUREG 0588 Category: A(1) '

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: B NOTES:

Not reviewed.

1 Valcor Solenoid Valve, Model V526-5295-118 NUREG 0588 Category: A (4)

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


Sor Inc. Pressure Switch, Model 6 TAB 3NXCIAJJTTX NUREG 0588 Category: A (4)

(, Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A A-15

1 l

I l


How have the concerns of IEINs 83-72 and 87-16 been addressed?


4014 Reliance Fan Motor, 150 hp 480 V NUREG 0588 Category: A (6) -

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Demonstrated TID =1E9 by test and analysis?

4026 Namco Limit Switch, Model EA180 NUREG/0588 Category: A (42) )

l Location: Isolation Cubicle Area and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A l NOTES:

Temperature margin for those switches located inside the isolation valve cubicles. ]

Valccr Solenoid Valve, Model 27700-77 l

NUREG 0588 Category: A (8) j Location: Isolation Cubicle Area 1 Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 70 min.  ;

Qualification Status: A l

NOTES: I None.

Asco Solenoid Valve, Model NP8321E and HVA20638150 NUREG 0588 Category: A (21)

Location: Isolation Cubicle Area and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES: ,

Qualified life basis for those that are normally energized.  !

Temperature margin for those solenoid valves located inside -

the isolation valve cubicles. Room number appears to be wrong for B1MS-FY-7432A.

A-16 l



4027 Namco Limit Switch, Model EA180 j

.. i 1

NUREG 0588 Category: . A (8) .

1 Location: Containment and Auxiliary Building-Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days

. Qualification Status: A i NOTES:

Two of these have the component _ type instead of the manufacturer listed on the Master List.

Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SMB-00-10/H3BC ,

NUREG 0588 Category: A (3)

~ Location: Containment and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: .A NOTES: i None.

Asco Solenoid Valve, Model NP8316V and HVA2063816RF I NUREG 0588 Category: A (4) ,

Location: Containment and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A ,



4028 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SMB NUREG 0588 Category: A (46) i Location: Containment and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Building designator appears to be wrong for CICC-MOV-012901.

Four of tnese valves are presented in Section of the applicant's EQ submittal as being submerged; however, all four SCEW sheets have N/A for the submergence crit'eria. A i

. closer look at the elevation presented on the Master List for these four valves reveals that possibly only two of these are i actually submerged. Are the elevations for the other two i valves tnat appear to be not submerged correct? l 1

i A-17 .;

l _ _ - . - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ -

l TABLE A-2. (continued)


EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 4029 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SMB NUREG 0588 Category: A (4)

Location: Containment and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days ~

Qualification Status: A l NOTES:


l 4032 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SMB NUREG 0588 Category: A (26)

Location: Containment, Fuel Handling Building and Auxiliary

' Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


4038 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SMB NUREG 0588 Category: A (4)

Location: Containment and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 130 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


4046 Okonite 600 V Power Cable, EPR Insulation NUREG 0588 Category: A (72) location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 130 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Temperature margin deficiency. .

W A-18 i

l TABLE A-2. (continued)

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 4050 Target Rock Solenoid Valve, Mode 77CC NUREG 0588 Category: A(19)

Location: Containment and Isolation Cubicle Area i Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 142 days I Otalification Status: A (17), B (2) l NOTES:


4053 Westinghouse Pump Motor, 800 hp, 4 kV ,

NUREG 0588 Category: A (3)

Location: Isolation Cubicle Area Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 6 months Qualification Status: A NOTES: l None.  ;

Limitorque Valve Actuator i NUREG 0588 Category: A (1)

Location: Isolation Cubicle Area i Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 33 days i Qualification Status: A I NOTES:


Allen Bradley Terminal Block, Series 1492 NUREG 0588 Category: B (1) l Location: Isolation Cubicle Area Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 33 days Qualification Status: A l



4058 Okonite 600 V Control Cable, EPR Insulation NUREG 0588 Category: A (89)

. Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 130 days Qualification Status: A l


TABLE A-2. (continued)



Temperature margin deficiency. Resolved during the on-site audit. ,

4075 Rockbestos 600 V Power, Control and Instrument Cable, Firewall III, XLPE (IRR & CHEM) Insulation -

i NUREG 0588 Category: A (96) location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 130 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Temperature margin deficiency.

4099 Louis-Allis Fan Motor, 5 hp, 460 V NUREG 0588 Category: A (10)

Location: Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Suilding Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days

, Qualification Status: B t


Not Reviewed.

4103 Rockbestos TC Extension Extension Wire, Firewall III, XLPE (IRR & CHEM) Insulation NUREG 0588 Category: A (33)

Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 105 (CHEM) or 111 (IRR) days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Temperature margin deficiency. Resolved during on-site audit.

4119 Westinghouse Fan Motor, 5 hp, 460 V NUREG 0588 Category: A (3)

Location: Auxiliary Building .

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 76 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:



I TABLE A-2. (continued)

EOCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION-4120 Reliance Fan Motor, 7.5 to 20 hp, 460.V ,

1 NUREG 0588 Category: A (4) and'C (4) .

. Location: Containment and Isolation Cubicle Area Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability' Time: 30 days Qualification Status.: A 1

NOTES-None. )

4129 Nutherm Heater, 4.5 kW NUREG 0588 Categcry: A (3)'

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 157. days ,I Qualification Status: A l


None. -

.i l

1 4141 Westinghouse LV and MV Penetration NUREG 0588 Category: A (49) )

Location: Containment {

Specified Post-DBA Operability Time: 180 days l Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 261 days-  !

Qualification Status: A NOTES: .

l The Master List has *4 for the model number of these penetrations which apparently corresponds to Note 4 on the l SCEW sheets, which give the model number'of-the tested ,

penetration (B-2-P, B-2-C, and B-2-1) and a statement'of  !

similarity between those that were tested and those that are-installed. .

4168 Borg Warner Damper Actuator, Model RMH-FC-0040 NUREG 0588 Category: A (3) .l Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A l NOTES:

None. .

Namco Limit Switch, Model EA180

.o A-21 i

i l

TABLE A-2. (continued) l l


NUREG 0588 Category: A (10) i Location: Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Building I Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days -

l Qualification. Status: A l NOTES:

Namcos with test and analysis?

4181 Rockbestos Triaxial Cable, RSS-6-109 NUREG 0588 Category: A (5)

Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 108 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Temperature margin deficiency. Specified accident radiation -

appears to be too high.

l 4301 General Atomics Radiation Monitor Detector Assembly, Model RD-22 NUREG 0588 Category: A (2)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: B NOTES:

Not reviewed.

i Rockbestos Coaxial Cable, RSS-6-104-LE NUREG 0588 Category: A (2)

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-Operability Time: 108 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


4315 Reliance Fan Motor, I hp, 460 V .

NUREG 0588 Category: A (15)

Location: Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Building .

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A ,

i I


A-22 i

TABLE A-2. (continued)


4318 Hiller Damper Actuator, Model GSA-A048 NUREG 0588 Category: A (3)

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post.-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


Namco Limit Switch, Model EA750 NUREG 0588 Category: A (6)

Location: Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


Asco Solenoid Valve, Model NP8316 & 206-381-40V NUREG 0588 Category: A (3)

Location: Auxiliary Building .

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

None. i 4332 Rosemount Flw and Pressure Transmitters, Model 1153


NUREG 0588 Category: A (9), B (9), and Unknown (4)

Location: Containment, and Isolation Cubicle Area Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days and 1 year Qualification Status: A NOTES:

SCEW sheets not supplied for the four qualified nonsafety related transmitters. Category and specified parameters, )

, taken together, need clarification for those components j located inside the isolation valve cubieles. I I

A-23 l

_ -- -_ _ ___ -__ _ _ _ _-__-_-_-_-__-___ - --- -__-_- - - _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _-__ _____ A

TABLE A-2. (continued)

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 4335 Barton DP Indicating Switch, Model 581A-0/199 NUREG 0588 Category: RG 1.97 (6) -

Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 100 days ,

Qualification Status: A NOTES:

These were found not to be qualified for the time period specified for STP during the on-site audit. SCEW sheets for NIHC-PDlS-9663 and 9666 not supplied. These appear to be NUREG 0588 category 2A. ,

Tavis Flow Rate Transmitter, Model P8C(S)

NUREG 0588 Category: A (5)

Location: Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Building Demonstrated Post-Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


Fluid Components Flow Switch, Model FR72-4 l NUREG 0588 Category: A (9)

Location: Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

l None.

I Johnson Controls Temperature Switch, Model A19BAC-17 NUREG 0588 Category: A (19), B (24), and RG 1.97 (13)

Location: Isolaticn Cubicle Area, Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

All have the same function but different categories. All have .

a demonstrated post-DBA operability time of 30 days but many are not qualified to the specified temperature. There is a 1


TABLE A-2. (continued)

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION note on the SCEWS to address this. If these have a:

demonstrated post-DBA operability' time <1 hour, then how can the RG 1.97 components be considered qualified?  ;

4344 Paul-Munro Electro-Hydraulic Actuator, Model DF89270-500


NUREG 0588 Category: A (4)

Location: Isolation Cubicle Area 4 Specified Post-DBA Operability Time: N/A J Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: N/A Qualification Status: A NOTES.

The specified and post-DBA operating times require clarification.

Namco Limit Switch, Model EA180 NUREG 0588 Category: A (7) and B (1)

Location: Isolation Cubicle Area

-Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days 1 Qualification Status: A j


Is the category correct for the category B switch, D1MS-ZS0-7441? If it is correct, shouldn't the specified post-DBA operating time be 30 days? j.

4363 Gamma-Metrics Excore Neutron Detector, Junction Box, and. -l Triaxial Connectors, Model RCS


i NUREG 0588 Category: A (2) l Location: Containment J Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days l Qualification Status: A  !



A-25 L -______-__-__-_-__-__ _--- _ .-- -- _

TABLE A-2. (continued)

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 4374 FCI Sump Level Indicator, Model 8-66 and 8-66 MA NUREG 0588 Category: A (9) and B (E) ,

Location: Containment and Fuel Handling Building Demonstrated Post-0perability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A -



4376 NDT International Flow Sensors, Model 838-1 NUREG 0588 Category: RG 1.97 (23)

Location: Containment and Isolation Cubicle Area Specified Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days (inside the containment)

Specified Post-DBA Operability Time: N/A (inside the Isolation Cubicle Area)

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 33 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

The specified parameters for the accidents which these components are required to operate should be presented on the SCEW sheet for those components located in the isolation valve cubicles.

4379 Whittaker Corp. Custom HJTC Probe Assembly NUREG 0588 Category: A (2)

Location: Incore Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Operating experience being used to establish qualification.

G&H Technology Connector Model 1008-100-001 NUREG 0588 Category: A (16)

Location: Containment .

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A .


SCEW sheets have these as Category 2A; however, they are listed under the RG 1.97 component items.


i l

i i

TABLE A-2. (continued)'

1 EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Whittaker Corp. Cable and Connector, Model 126430-1,2 -

NUREG 0538 Category: A (64) '

  • Location: Throughout containment, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days (

Qualification Status: A NOTES: f The SCEW sheets for these components also have these as 1 Category 2A; however, they are listed under the RG 1.97 d components.

4388 Conax Thermocouple, Model 7F23-10000-01 NUREG 0588 Category: A (3)

Location: Auxiliary Building J Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year I Qualification Status: A fl0TES:


4407 Target Rock Solenoid Valve, Model 84DD NUREG 0588 Category: A (32)

Location: Containment, Isolation Cubicle Area and Auxiliary Building'


Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 142 days ,

Qualification Status: A l l


None, except for the solenoid valve located inside the isolation cubicle area (DIAF-FV-0143): shouldn't the specified parameters for the accidents which this valve is required to operate be presented en the SCEW sheet?

4409 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SMB-0-10 l

l NUREG 0588 Category: A (1) and B (3) l Location: Insulation Cubicle Area Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 cays Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Contains one DC actuator, tag number DIAF-FV-7526. Is the i category correct for this actuator? Inconsistent in the way the specified parameters are being presented. How have the concerns of IEIN 87-08 been addressed?



=i d

TABLE A-2. (continued)~

l L EOCF NO. '

COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Asco Solenoid Valve, Model NP8316E, NP8344V, 206-382-4FV d 206-382-4F, and 206-381-4U NUREG 0588: Category: - A (29) and 'B (1) .

Location: Isolation Cubicle Area and Auxiliary Building Specified Post-DBA Operability Time: I hour

-: i Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days- .J Qualification Status: .A (27) and B (2) J l

NOTES l For those-in the isolation valve cubicle, shouldn't th'e actual conditions for the accidents which these valves are required to operate be presented.

Namco Limit Switch, Model EA180 i'

NUREG 0588 Category: A (37) .. . .

Location: Isolation Cubicle' Area and Auxiliary Building Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A  ;

i NOTES: 1 For those in the isolation valve cubicle, shouldn't the actual conditions for the accidents which these valves are required'to.

operate be presented. g i 4446 Conax LV Instrument Penetration, 7H60-10000-01 NUREG 0588 Category: A (3)

Locatic.9: Containment .

Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days  !

Qualification Status: A. I NOTES:

None. .

Kulka. Terminal Block, Model 7 TB Series  !

NUREG 0588 Category: A (3) i' Location: Auxiliary Building or Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: N/A ..

Qualification Status: A

. NOTES: .

Location needs clarification. Master list has 'two in the l auxiliary building _and one in the containment. NUREG 0588 Category A component with N/A for both' the demonstrated and specified parameters?


A-28 l


1 I

I i

i TABLE A-2. (continued)

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 4452 Conax ECSA, Model 7H22 NUREG 0588 Category: A(41) o Location: Containment Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year  ;

, Qualification Status: A {

i 3



6041 Comsip Hydrogen Recombiner NUREG 0588 C'ategory: B (4)

Location: Containment and/or Auxiliary Building Specified Post-DBA Operability Time: 180 days 4 Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 180 days l Qualification Status: A j I

NOTES: 1 The location or specified parameters are wrong for two of thesa components.

6317 Raychem Splice Kits and Jacket Repair Sleeve, Models NJRS, NMCK, NPKV, and WCSF 4

NUREG 0588 Category: A (5)

Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days  !

Qualification Status: A 1 NOTES:

Temperature margin deficiency (tag number NMCK8-1L-2L-6317).

Note 3 for NMCK8-1L-2L-6317 also needs clarification.

6398 BIW 600 V Power Cable, Bostrad 7E Cable NUREG 0588 Category: A (53)

Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 111 days Qualification Status: A NOTES: -

Temperature margin deficiency.


TABLE A-2. (continued)

EQCP NO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 6399 Rockbestos 600 V Control Cable, Firewall III NUREG 0588 Category: A (52) .

Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year or 111 days -

Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Temperature margin deficiency.

6401 Brand-Rex Triaxial Cable, RG-11A/V NUREG 0588 Category: A (4) location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 150 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:


6415 Okonite 5 kV Power Cable, Okoguard EPR NUREG 0588 Category: A (11)

Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 130 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Bounding temperature given on SCEW sheets is the peak containment temperature. Does this mean there are none in the isolation cubicles?

6425 Marathon Terminal Block,1600 NUC Series NUREG 0588 Category: A (1)

Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 1 year Qualification Status: A NOTES:


6427 Amp Terminal Lug, Model PIDG/Plastigrip ,

NUREG 0588 Category: A (16)

Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-Operability Time: 1555 days Qualification Status: A A-30 I

E--________________ 1

TABLE A-2. (continued)


See notes for EQCP 6415.

6458 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SMB l ,

NUREG 0588 Category: A (5)

Location: Isolation Cubicle Area Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 30 days Qualification Status: A NOTES:

Inconsistent with how the specified parameters are being presented.

6488 Brand-Rex Instrument Cable NUREG 0588 Category: A (11)

' Location: Throughout the plant, submergence N/A Demonstrated Post-DBA Operability Time: 33 days Qualification Status: A NOTES: ,

Note 5 needs clarification. l A-31

l i

1 l . 1 APPENDIX B



l 1

l i

o B-1 l


i I

I l

1 CONTENTS Okonite 600V Control Cable, EPR Insulation, Component Id.

CAB 12-4058, EQCP No. 4058/8058 ............................ ...... B-1 Limitorque Valve Actuator, Model SMB-00, Component Id.

l A1CC-MOV-0012, EQCP No. 4028 ..................................... B-2 .

Barton DP Indicating Switch, Model 581A-0/199, Component Id.

  • NIHC-PDIS-9672, EQCP No. 4335 .................................... B-5 Garrett PORV, Model 3750014, Component Id. B1RC-PCV-0656A,  !

EQCP No. 4000 (HE-9) ..................................... ... ... B-6 l ROF Co rp . RTD , EQC P No . 4000 ( ES E-6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7 l

NOT International Flow Sensors, Model 838-1, EQCP No. 4376 . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8 FCI Sump Level Indicator, Model 8-66MA, Component Id.

A1SI-LE-3925, EQCP No. 4374 ...................................... B-10 RHR Pump Motor, General Electric Model 5K6328XJ108A, EQCP No. 4000 (WCAP-11216) ............................................ B-12 Rockbestos Thermocouple Extension Cable, Firewall III, XLPE i I (CHEM and IRR) Insulation, EQCP No. 4103 ........................ B-14 l

l l


1 1

. .1 l

B-ii i

I l

______ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____.U


. This cable is located throughout the plant (excluding the CRDM and Reactor Cavity areas), above flood level, and is used in 120Vac and 120Vdc control circuits. This cable is rated at 90 C (194 F) continuous, and is a multiconductor (7X), size No. 12 AGW, with a hypalon jacket. The I insulation thickness is greater than 30 mils and the hypalon jacket thickness is greater than 15 mils.

l l

l The maximum specified conditions for this cable at STP are:

l temperature, 335 F; pressure, 49 psig; radiation, 1.4 x 10 8rads; humidity, 100%; containment spray, 2000-4000 ppm Baron with pH = 10.5; with a post-DBA operability time requirement of 30 days. )

l Testing of similar cable, as documented in Okonite Report NQRN-1A,

" Nuclear Qualification Report for Okonite Insulated Cables," were thermally 8

aged for three weeks at 150 C (302 F), irradiated to 2 x 10 rads gamma l TID, then exposed to the following set of peak environmental parameters:

temperature, 345 F; pressure, 117 psig; humidity, 100%; and chemical spray, 3000 ppm Boron with pH = 10.5. The duration of the test was 130 days.

Although the temperature margin of IEEE Standard 323-1974 was not met

(+15 F), other test attributes, such as time at temperature (3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> demonstrated vs. 7 minutes specified at peak temperature) and high

! potential tests performed at 800% of rated voltage, were incorporated to l

show sufficient margin existed between the specified profile and tested l profile.

In conclusion, the Okonite 600V Control Cable is considered qualified

- for the conditions specified at STP and documentation is contained in the applicant's files to support this conclusion.


LIMITORQUE VALVE ACTUATOR MODEL SMB-00 COMPONENT ID. A1CC-MOV-0012 EQCp NO. 4028 This valve and 46 similar valves are located inside either the

  • auxiliary building or the containment and are used to position valves in .

the component cooling water and HVAC systems. All of these valve actuators, with the exception of four (B1CC-MOV-0139, B1CC-MOV-0142, BICC-MOV-0143, and BICC-MOV-0146), are located above flood level.

Justification is presented in the applicant's EQ submittal for not qualifying these four valves for submergence.

The maximum specified conditions for these actuators are:

temperature, 323 F; pressure, 48 psig; radiation, 1.4 x 10 8rads TID; 1 humidity, 100%; chemical spray, 2000-4000 ppm boron with pH = 10.5; with a post-DBA operability time requirement of 30 days.

Similar actuators, as documented in Limitorque Report B0058, Appendix B (Report No. 600378A), were thermally aged (motor only) for 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> at 180 C (356 F), mechanically aged by undergoing a total of 500 cycles, exposed to 4 x 106 rads TIDs, seismically stimulated, exposed to an additional 2 x 10 8rads TID, then exposed to the following set of environmental parameters: temperature, 340 F; pressure,105 psig; humidity, 100%; and chemical spray, not demonstrated. The duration of the test was for 30 days.

1 Because the test that provided the basis for qualification for these actuators did not demonstrate qualification to chemical spray (600376A),

similarity was established between the actuator tested in B00456 in which the tested actuator was subjected to chemical spray with no adverse effects -

resulting from the chemical spray.

Also included in this file was Wyle Report No. 47664-05, " Assessment Report on Limitorque Operators for Use in South Texas Nuclear Power 1

B-2 1

Plant." This report was used to address various Limitorque EQ related issues. The issues addressed in this report, but not limited to, were as follows: thermal and mechanical aging, comparisons of supplemental test reports such as Limitorque's Report No. B0119 which was used to qualify the terminal blocks and crimp connectors used inside the actuators at STP, and

. reduced voltage effects. STP personnel had taken exceptions to some of the issues presented in this Wyle report. One instance was in the establishment of the qualified life of these components. Wyle had recommendu using the number of cycles imposed on the actuator in B00456

(~1200 cycles); however STP personnel opted to use the number of cycles

! imposed on the actuators in 600376A (500 cycles) as the bases for establishing the qualified life. Both the Wyle personnel and STP personnel concurred that the additional cycles imposed on the actuators after the DBA stimulation portion of the test should not be considered. Based on a 50 cycle / year requirement (most limiting), a qualified life of 10 years was established. This was far more limiting than the cualified life established on the thermal degradation of the nonmetallic parts.

l The concerns of IEIN 84-44 were also addressed in this Wyle report.

Although Wyle Test Report No. 58442-3, dated 7/28/80 was'being used in Wyle's assessment report of Limitorque operators at STP, STP was '

referencing EQCP No. 6399 as the file to be used to establish qualification of the Rockbestos cable used in STP's Limitorque operators. This file j (EQCP No. 6399) contained Rockbestos Report No. QR 4890, dated 9/12/84.

The concerns of IEIN 83-72, IEIN 84-78, and IEIN 86-03 were also addressed in the file. As a result of these concerns, all Limitorque operators were upgraded to the "inside containment" service criteria, whether or not the actual predicted environmental parameters dictated such an upgrade. In addition, the greases in all the valve operators in the

, applicant's EQ program were replaced with those recommended by Limitorque.


- Although none of the valve operators in the file reviewed were affected by IEIN 86-02, STP letter ST-YB-HL-13254, dated 8/15/86, was B-3

presented to the NRC audit team which showed the results of the applicant's assessment of the concerns found in'IEIN 86-02. j It can be concluded that the Limitorque actuators are considered qualified for use under the conditions specified at the South Texas Project and documentation is present in the applicant's files to support this.

1 1

1 I



. This switch and five similar switches are located inside containment, j above flood level, and are used in the HVAC system to detect system flow.

These switches are Regulatory Guide 1.97 equipment-items. l Documentation present in EQCP No. 4335 included ITT Barton's l qualification test report No. R3-580A-9. This report described testing of ITT Barton's 580 series differential pressure switches, which include models 580A, 581A, and 583A. Two model 581A DP indicating switches were tested, one of which, as noted in the test anomaly section of the report, i failed in such a manner where the switches failed to set or reset during the 0-100% full scale functional test that was performed after the 85 day portion of the test. Further investigation revealed that the switch set i l

i but failed to reset on the 0-100% full scale functional test performed after the 15 day portion of the test. After discussing the test anomalies with STP personnel, it was concluded, with the STP personnel concurrence, that this test report did not support qualification of these switches for the time and conditions specified at the South Texas Project. This is considered an opei. item and must be resolved prior to fuel load.


B-5 l


This PORV is located inside containment, above flood level and is used as a Reactor Coolant pressure relief valve. ,

The maximum specified peak environmental parameters for this valve 8

is: temperature, 323 F; pressure, 48 psig; radiation 1.2 x 10 rads TID; l humidity, 100%; chemical spray, 2000-4000 ppm with pH = 10.5; and a i post-DBA operability requirement of 1 year.

This is a NSSS supplied equipment item. Documentation to support j qualification is found in WCAP Test Report EQTR-HE-09A, Rev. 1, 1985. The valve tested in this test report was thermally aged, seismically l stimulated, exposed to 2.07 x 10 8rads TID, and subjected to the foilowing peak environmental parameters: temperature, 520 F; pressure 70 psig; humidity,100%; and chemical spray, 2500 ppm boron with pH = 10.5. A 1 year post-DBA operability time was established along with a qualified life of 9.6 years (provided the gaskets and seals are replaced every 2.5 years) by use of the Arrhenius Methodology.

I In conclusion, these PORVs are considered qualified for use under the conditions specified at the South Texas Project and documentation is present in the applicant's files to support this conclusion.

e B-6 1

i 4

RDF CORP. RTD E0CP NO. 4000 (ESE-6) f These well mounted RTDs are located inside containment, above flood level, and are used to sense Reactor Coolant Hot Leg temperature. The

,. audit of this file only consisted of ensuring that the flow rate of air past the RTD head had been taken into consideration when establishing the normal operating temperature of the RTD, which in turn is used to establish the qualified life of the RTD.

As of the time of the audit, the air flow past the RTD head had not I i

been considered in establishing the qualified life of the RTD and is considered to be an open item. Therefore the applicant must measure this ain flow (or assume 0 ft/sec) past the RTD head to determine the qualified life of the RTD.

l l

l 1

l l

e B-7

_____- - __ _ _ a

NOT INTERNATIONAL FLOW SENSORS MODEL 838-1 EQCP NO. 4376 Twenty-three of these flow sensors are used in the South Texas Project Unit 1 plant. Twenty are located just downstream from the Main Steam Safety Valves (MSSVs) with five in each of the four Main Steam Isolation .

Valve Cubicles (MSIVCs). The other three are located just downstream from the pressurizer safety valves in the Reactor Containment Building (RCB)

Room C206. These flow sensors are accelerometer s and provide indication of flow through the safety valves by measuring the vibration of the discharge piping.

The Specification 72539231052 was included in the file and identified the qualification requirements for inside containment as 150 F normal temperature, 195 F abnormal temperature, 323 F accident temperature, 1.6 x 108rads Total Integrated Dose (TID) and 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of chemical spray with pH 8.5 to 10.5. For the MSIVC area the qualification requirements were identified as 104 F normal temperature, 104 F abnormal temperature, 1 335 F accident temperature and 3.5 x 10 5rads TID. The sensors are all located above the flood levels. j Qualification of the sensor was based on Test Report QR-3201-56H Rev. A dated April 21, 1986. A separate Arrhenius calculation by Bechtel Engineering Co. was provided to show 40 year qualified life of 39.92 years at 150 F, 1 hr at 210 F, and one day per year at 195 F. Tha sensors were 8

irradiated to 2.0 x 10 rads total integrated dose. A design basis event was simulated with 338 F peak temperature and 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of chemical spray of pH at 10 to 12. The 338 F provided a 15 margin for the flow sensors inside containment but did not provide a 15 F margin for those located in the MSIVCs based on the required accident temperature given in the -

specification that was included in the file. The System Component Evaluation Worksheets (SCEWs) did not specify a required accident temperature. The need to specify a requir ed accident temperature for the B-8

MSIVCs on the SCEW sheets is addressed in Appendix A of this TER which deals with the discrepancies observed on the SCEW sheets. Resolution of SCEW sheet discrepancies may also resolve this item.

An Arrhenius calculation was included that demonstrate 33 days of

n. post-accident operability time.

During the original test with the South Texas Project Unit 1 temperature envelope and chemical spray, the sensor did not operate properly. A RAYCHEM heat shrink covering was added at the connector and the anomaly was corrected. ,.

I The final assembly included a RAYCHEM heat shrink covering, Model WCSE-M, and a Rockbestos Cable, Model Firewall III RSS-6-104.

Qualification of the covering was based on RAYCHEM Report EDR-5046 and )

qualification of the cable was based on the Rockbestos Report QR-6802.

These two reports were not reviewed during the audit.

In conclusion, these sensors are considered qualified pending satisfactory resolution of the temperature margin for those located in the l MSIVC area as part of the resolution of the SCEW sheet discrepancies. I Documentation in the file with the exception noted above supports the qualification. l l



. l l

l B-9 l

l 1


1 Five of these level indicators are used in the reactor containment 1 buildinga to monitor water level at various locations. These levels are used to determine the appropriate alignment for the safety injection and ,.

radioactive vents and drains' systems. Each level . indicator is composed of 1 a standpipe with sensor buttons and an integral sensor head assembly. The entire assembly is of' welded' construction except for a single electrical j


penetration sealed with a Conax connector.

Specification 5Z149ZS15050 was included in the file aNd it identified 'I the required environmental parameters as 120 F normal temperature, 323 F .

accident temperature,. total irradiation 1.4 x 10 8rads and 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of chemical spray. The System Component Evaluation Worksheet (SCEW) identified the abnormal temperature as 168 F and the required' post-accident operability time as 30 days.  :

Qualification is documented in. Fluid Components Inc. Report No. 708143 supplemented by the Bechtel Calculation E-4374-1. The demonstrated qualification parameters are 135 F normal temperature, 168 F abnormal 8

temperature, 348 F accident temperature, 2 x.10 rads total integrated dose (TID) and chemical spray. The qualification for 40. years at 135 F, an -l abnormal temperature of 168 F and a post-accident operability time of much greater than 30 days-was established using the Arrhenius methodology. Also the required accuracy was demonstrated successfully. Two of'the indicators l 1

l could be submerged but if they are submerged they would not be required to function because several other indicators located above flood level will i i

act as back-up for level monitoring during an accident.

i I


.. i

a. Six of the Model 8-66 Indicators are used in the Fuel Handling Building. Qualification of these indicators for this service was also  !

included in the file but was not reviewed during the audit.

i l B-10


,1 In conclusion, these level indicators are considered qualified for the  !

I conditions specified at the South Texas Project Unit I and documentation is -

l' contained in the applicant's file to support this conclusion. 1 I


1 1


l e



Three of these pumps are used at South Texas Project Unit 1. They are incated in the Reactor Containment Building Rooms C109, C110 and C104 at


elevation -2 ft. These pumps provid'e flow in the three redundant Residual , . ,

Heat Removal (RHR) loops.

The maximum environmental parameters for which these pumps are tc be qualified to operate were identified in the South Texas specifications as-323 F,'48.4 psig, 100% humidity, 1.8 x 108 rads and chemical spray of 2500 ppm boron with a pH of 10.5 at a rate of .5 gpr. The pumps will'not be submerged and the post-accident operating time was specified as 180 days.

Qualification of the pump was based on WCAP-11216. Tests were conducted on formettes of identical Class H insulation and a motor-identical in construction and insulation but with a different horsepower rating and speed. The Arrhenius method was used to demonstrate the thermal aging was equivalent to 40 years at 120 F including the effects of abnormal temperature of 168 F. Irradiation exposure was 2 x 108 rads. A design basis event was simulated with a 350 F peak temperature and 7 days of chemical spray.

Several concerns with' the qualification were identified during the review and were resolved as discussed below.

1. The chemical spray was 5.5 pH rather than the 10.5 pH required.

Additional justification was demonstrate that the insulation, grease and other materials are not susceptible to chemical attack from mild caustic solutions of 10.5 pH and

  • therefore the 7 day spray test at the high spray rate of 20 gpm is a conservative demonstration that spray intrusion will not B-12

1 adversely affect the. operation of the pump. The applicant j reported they intend to add the additional justification .to the. j file, j

2. The motor used as the basis for qualification was not subjected - ]

r to mechanical aging. .A separate motor assembly of similar ]

construction withstood 193,400 plug reversibles before failure ll

' ~

compared to only 2,000 required. Because the wiring and insulating materials are in' the stator they are not affected by- )

the mechanical aging. The'large number of demonstrated reversals- l was considered an adequate demonstration that the structural components including the rotor assembly. are insensitive to 1 reversibles. Therefore, not including mechanical aging in the

. environmental qualifications sequence was considered acceptable.


3. The post-accident simulation was shown by the Arrhenius method to be equivalent to a 150 day post-accident operability period.- The requirement identified on the SCEW sheet and the Design - .

Specification in the file was 180 days. During the audit the l

applicant reviewed this requirement and determined that a 100 day-post-accident operating time was sufficient. An; addendum to the specification including the change was provided at the audit.

l The applicant reported that the design temperature for the bearings currently installed in the motors is 250 F, compared to a design basis maximum temperature of 350"F. The bearings are scheduled for replacement with bearings of appropriate design temperature. To maintain adequate post-accident operating time the maintenance schedule will require replacement of the bearings every 18 months.

. In conclusion, these motors are considered qualified for the revised specified conditions at the South Texas Project Unit 1 and documentation in l'

- the file, as supplemented by the information provided' at the audit, supports the qualification.

i B-13

ROCKBESTOS THERMOCOUPLE EXTENSION CABLES MODELS FIREWALL III IRRADIATION CROSS-LINKED POLYETHYLENE AND FIREWALL III CHEMICALLY CROSS-LINKED POLYETHYLENE EOCP No. 4103 The cable has two.-16 AWG conductors with a 18 AWG ground. The cable has either irradiation or chemical' cross-linked ' polyethylene insulation and ,

,a hypalon jacket. The throughout the plant both.inside and' outside the containment.

The maximum environmental parameters that envelope all uses of the cable are 335 F, 48.4 psig, 100% humidity; 1.6 x 10 '8rads and chemical spray with pH 7.8 to 10.5. The specified qualified life is 40 years' at 150 F ambient temperature. The post-accident operability time.was specified as 30 days. The' cable will not be required to maintain integrity if submerged.

Qualification of the cables are based on the Rockbestos reports QR 5804 for chemically cross-linked and QR 5805 for irradiation cross-linked insulation. The single insulated conductors were thermally aged, irradiated to 2 x 10 8rads and subjected to a simulated design basis event (DBE) of 340 F,117 prig for the irradiation cross-linked and 105 psig for the chemically cross-linked, and exposed to chemical spray of 8.5 to 10.5 pH.

The thermal aging was conducted at a temperature to include simulation of the temperature use due to conducting current and was shown by an Arrhenius calculation to be equivalent to 40 years qualified life with 150 F normal. temperature and 40 days of abnormal temperature of 200 F. A concern was identified because the accelerated thermal aging was conducted without the jacket installed. The applicant provided information that ' '

demonstrated that jacket is not required for the cable to perform its safely related function. Although the testing demonstrated that the cables will be able to perform their safety related function following a DBE without the benefit of a jacket, to address possible synergistic effects, B-14

1 1

,I testing of a complete cable aged to the end point of the jacket was performed to ensure the presence.of.the jacket would not degrade the -

j performance of the insulation.

1 Another concern was identified because.the DBE simulation did not

, provide a 15 F temperature margin. The applicant provided a response from the cable manufacturer indicating they considered adequate margin was l


demonstrated because the DBE simulation test included two repeated l t'mperature e cycles to 340 F each held for 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> while the South Texas project Unit I requirement-is only 6 minutes. .

The data in the file indicated that the leakage current during the DBE may exceed the allowable because the insulation resistance dropped to-

.12 megohms per 1000 ft compared to the stated requirement of .8146 megohms ]

per 1000 ft. The applicant provided a detailed description of their I evaluation of leakage current and explained that cable lengths were limited '

so that the leakage current did not create more than 0.1% of the error allowed in the loop accuracy evaluations. They also provided a Rockbestos i

report which demonstrated that the indicated reduced insulation resistance was a result of the terminal configuration used in the, test. The report ')

presented data from additional tests that demonstrated that the insulation  !

resistance of 340 F with a steam atmosphere was .8146 megohms per 1000 ft.

This number was provided to the instrument loop designs and was used to l establish allowable cable lengths.

In conclusion, the cable is considered qualified for the conditions specified at the South Texas project Unit 1 plant and documentation in the .j file, supplemented by the information provided at the audit, supports the  !


l B-15

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j see iNsf nuctioNs oN tal asvenst

, ,,Ta Amo suivisa a aAve TAN.



, . Auf O.i., June- 1987 M. Trojovsky

  • oar a "**oa ' *u'o


.,. H. L. Magleby "fu"e I- i'987 j 7 f tHFOHMING ORGANt2AliON NAME AND MAILING ADDatss fiareu se te Cassi e PROJEcTitasseWORK WNif Nunsetm NRR & I&E Support Unit k EG&G Idaho, Inc. i P. O. Box 1625 A6413-Idaho Falls, ID 83415 10 SPONSORsNG QMGANs2AflON NAMG NNO MAILeNQ ADDRESS fisecswer to Cases ila TYPE OF REPORY Division of PWR Licensing - A Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulati.on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 li SUPPLEMENT ARY NOf tS IJ ABSTR Act f200 weres er 'eems South Texas Project Unit I was audited to determine the environmental qualification .

of safety-related electrical equipment. Results of the audit are summarized in this report.

i i

. i 14 DOCuMt NT ANakv6*S e E E

  • WWORD5 'OE SC n i'T Oms it avas6A8 skit y STATEMENT Unlimited 16 SECURITY CLAS$17l CAT 104 l

trn., o.a.o )

..o ,a,,,,,,,o. N.No.of..M. Unclassified -

a r. a , ,

Unclassified ir NuMu a o, .. o .

+ it Pascg